#j Bree
taymartiart · 5 months
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they were made for this meme like they were made for each other
From The Bonds That Tie series
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daughterofadeadman · 1 year
The Bonds That Tie:
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Head cannons 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+
Bc there is literally no fucking content for this book series and I love the fucking characters so much. Some of the head cannons are horny some are just really sad. Spoilers for sure but if you don’t know what I’m talking about it might not spoil anything.
The Bonds That Tie by J Bree
He loves the idea that everyone knows his bond wants him.
If he could get away with it he would 100% show everyone in town just how much his bond wants him iykyk
He LITERALLY asked if he could eat Oli out on the back of his motorcycle 😭😭 he doesn’t care if it’s in public
I also think he loves when Oli wants to fuck more than one of them at a time. It’s like a competition in his brain.
He wants to be the one to fuck her the best. He wants her to crave him just as he craves her.
I also think it hurt him the most when Oli disappeared. Everyone else already had some type of trauma before that but Gabe didn’t. He literally had a full on break down when he found out she was gone. Plus he was only 14 when it happened.
Gabe didn’t know what it was like NOT to be loved. Everyone loved him so why was it that his bond, the one person who would love him above all else didn’t want him? That broke him.
It feels out of character for me that Atlas is covered in tattoos. He comes from a very wealthy family. And he is like indestructible. So I think they were a form of self harm for him.
Like he’s this self assured asshole rich kid that can do or say whatever he wants bc there will never be any consequences. Except he doesn’t think anyone really loves him.
It’s not until he understands what his mother did for him does he understand and she loved him in the only way she could.
When Oli disappeared I think it solidified in his mind that no one would ever really love him. And that’s when I think he found a way to start getting tattoos. And that shit would have to hurt like hell bc, like I said indestructible. So a little needle isn’t gonna do it.
Gryphon fucks. That’s not even a head cannon that’s just fucking cannon.
This man. This man I stg.
While I know Gryphon knows Oli doesn’t belong to him, I also know that when he is fucking her he wants her to forget that.
This is a man who asks her who her pussy belongs to and if she answers wrong he makes her regret it.
Also he is into her leaving marks. He wants the rest of the bond group to know just how much she likes fucking him. And he does know bc he can literally read her mind.
Plus I think when she was still living in the dorms, even though he trusted Gabe to walk her home and keep her safe, he sat out in the parking lot or hung out on the first floor with the security guard to keep her safe.
Okay not just to keep her safe he was also so fucking scared she would run away again and he couldn’t live with himself knowing she was out in the world and didn’t want him as much as he wanted her.
The reason North is so mean to her when she first got back is because she hurt Nox. Not because she left him. He can deal with people being mean to him, hating him, but his brother doesn’t deserve that no matter how big of an asshole he might be sometimes.
The reason he thinks she’s a gold digger is bc the only women who would look past the monster of his bond were women who wanted his money. Why would his bonded be any different?
The night they went to the dinner party together he let himself pretend that it wasn’t fake. That he could kiss her whenever he wanted to. That he could hold her hand and she wouldn’t pull away. That she wasn’t acting. That every night she could be his and love him like he couldn’t love himself. That they could be a normal bonded. But when she looked at him with hate in her eyes he was reminded that she wanted to run away again and wouldn’t tell him why. That is the reason when she asked for them to stop at a store he ignored her. If she couldn’t love him then he wouldn’t love her.
But it was so hard. He loved everything about her. He used all of his resources to find out her favorite drink and food. He had contacted every school she had ever went to, every friend she had ever made and asked countless questions in hopes of finding her when she left. If there was anything to know about Oleander Fallows, he knew it. But it didn’t help him get her back.
Nox didn’t want a bonded. After what had happened in his childhood he didn’t need one at all. He didn’t want one to mirror his parents either. Maybe if he didn’t have to share a bonded with North like his mother and her sister (North’s mother) had he could have given it a try.
But when they got the results back that his brother shared his bonded with him, his heart sunk. Would history repeat itself? Would they be doomed to the same cycle of torture?
Nox wanted to run. He wanted to get as far away from the news as he could. So when he heard that Oli had run the first thing he felt was relief. The second? Sadness. Regret. Longing. And then he settled in anger.
How dare she not want him? How dare she be bonded to him and not want him. Nox felt abandoned. He felt the terror and trauma from his childhood come creeping right back in. So he decided to hate her just like he hated his mother.
He replaced his hatred of one bonded for another.
After a few years of hating Oli and being glad she was gone, she came back. He watched as it destroyed his family once again and he decided that they would all be better if she was gone again. He wished she would just disappear. So instead of being sad that she didn’t love him, that she didn’t want him, that she didn’t care about him, he was angry. So angry he couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t eat. Couldn’t breath. That’s why he started drinking. To be drunk was to be numb. To be numb was to be safe. With her back he knew he would never be safe again.
I think Oli’s first kiss was with Nox in the hallway after the tacteam scene and it makes me so mad for her. I hate that scene with Nox so much it made me hate him.
When Oli got away from Davies i think she made up scenarios about each of her bonds. She saw their pictures when she was in the hospital at 14 and their ages so she made up whole lives for all of them. At 16 she decided what Gifts she thought suited them best and what nicknames they might give her. She loved them so much without ever meeting them.
Oli was sure she would die without ever meeting her bonds and she was okay with that as long as it meant they would always be safe.
When she was 14 she was most excited about meeting Gabe and Atlas when she found out they were to be her bonded bc they were the same age as her. Then Nox and Gryphon because 19 isn’t that old but she wasn’t excited about meeting North because he was 24 years old. And that was just gross. What would they even have in common?
When the tacteam found her in the cafe she was excited to see her bonds for the first time but also so fucking scared she couldn’t breath. She never wanted to hurt them.
The first night in her dorm room she cried. She cried so hard she ended up passing out. She cried for all the time she wasted on the run bc what was it for if they were in danger again? She cried for her parents and she cried for herself because she could never have them. She could never love them the way she wanted to because she had to leave them again. She cried so hard and for so long she almost didn’t wake up for class. Her eyes were swollen and her nose was runny.
Oli had a diary where she wrote down all of their last names with hers just to test them out. Oleander Draven? Oleander Shore? Oleander Bassinger? Oleander Ardern? She decided that they would just have to take her last name because she was the central bond. Oleander Fallows sounded best after all.
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elriell · 1 year
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“If you insist on keeping me alive and here, then I’ll play my part, but she’s not mine. She never will be.”
It should come as no surprise to see Oli & Nox + Brutus on my page given how much I love them and the series so much! I couldn’t recommend it more, these two tugged on every heart strings 🥹 Would love to do a series of these with the other bonds🤔
Thank you so so much @gessueter for creating such a perfect rendition, I adore them 💙
These sensational charaters are from The Bonds That Tie by @jbreeauthor 💙
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calming-chaos · 1 year
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yazthebookish · 2 years
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Too obsessed with this I had to repost it 🖤
The Bonds That Tie art by giannyfili
Characters featured: Oli, Gryphon, Nox, North, Gabe, Atlas.
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whatisamettafor · 11 months
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I'm reading these books right now.
Would you like to read books where the mc gets railed by 5 guys? Bonus, two of those guys have shadow puppies that are her little buddies?
you might like them
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artbydree · 1 year
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Atlas Bassinger and Gryphon Shore from The Binds that Tie Series by J. Bree
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la-libreria-chula · 5 months
Has anyone read these?!!?
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I literally finished all three in a week! While I was a little disappointed in the novellas (The Sword and the Scepter) because I was hoping to see more of Rooke's time in the Northern Lands, still glad to have read them.
But The Crown of Oaths and Curses?? I loved it! At first, I thought it was going to be straight up romantasy (because of those two novellas and the whole fated mates thing) but now it's just a fantasy to me with the aspect of romance not being the central thing (or least I hope so). I can't wait for the second book. I know there has been something going on where it's been delayed, but I'm waiting for the paperback version anyway.
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katrinegrey · 1 year
I'm loving The Bonds That Tie series, don't get me wrong. I just had to mention the hilarity I find in J. Bree having her own word that she repeats into oblivion.
Sarah J Maas is infamous for her 'vulgar gestures'and 'watery bowels'.
Jennifer L Armentrout has 'honeydew' and 'I have a question'.
As for J. Bree, if one more of these characters 'scoffs' I'm going to (lovingly) lose my mind.
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bookishfae · 1 year
enemies to lovers shouldnt include sexual assault. enemies to lovers shouldnt include sexual assault. enemies to lovers shouldnt include sexual assault. enemies to lovers shouldnt include sexual assault. enemie—
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emiliamildner · 1 year
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Quick portrait of Oleander Fallows from Broken Bonds by J. Bree. I included her purple hair moment and the black eyes (I don't think they're mentioned in book one but I saw fanart).
Have you read Broken Bonds? What do you think about the book?
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hidingdemons · 1 year
"..Recovery isn't about wiping the board clean. Recovery is learning how to function around all of the scars and open wounds inside of us."
Tragic bonds ~ j bree
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audsthoughts · 1 year
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The Bonds that Tie series playlist 🖤🐾
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wondereads · 3 months
Weekly Reading Update (06/10/24)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Forced Bonds by J. Bree (9/10)
I think this is my favorite of the series so far. The majority of this book was par for the course, but there were a few major things that really brought it to another level for me. One is the reveal about the main characters' bonds, which I'm very interested to see a resolution to, and another is the ending, which I never expected from this kind of series. I have my doubts that that development will actually hold, but it still took me by surprise!
Toward an Aesthetic of Reception by Hans Robert Jauss (5/10)
This is a literary theory book that is highly useful to some research I'm doing. It is also incredibly opaque and miserable to read. I feel like I retained about 40% of what I read, even if I did get some useful quotes and ideas.
The Once and Future King by T. H. White (8/10)
I went into this one with a certain idea of what it would be like, and I was completely blindsided. Despite being a fantasy classic from the mid 1900s, it was quite accessibly written and a good bit of the humor holds up. I think what I liked most about this version of Arthurian legend was its portrayal of Arthur, Lancelot, and Guenever (that's how her name is spelled in this book). White did a great job getting across the nuance of the conversation and not villainizing any of them, even if they did act horrendously stupid at some points. There are certainly things I did not like about this book, major ones being how White is so obviously a white English man and how Freud's theories must have still been popular when he was writing, but it was overall an enjoyable read and a very obvious inspiration for a lot of modern medieval and Arthurian fantasy.
Haikyuu!! Vol. 34 by Haruichi Furudate (8/10)
It's a bit tough for me to rate manga volumes since they go by so quickly, but I think I would be hard-pressed to find a Haikyuu!! volume I don't like. While I've watched the anime many, many times, I'm finally committing to finishing the story through the manga. This volume in particular was quite good, focused on a highly anticipated match. There were some moments that got a little repetitive, but I expect that's the point since part of this arc is the Karasuno team's frustration at being unable to break through.
Haikyuu!! Vol. 35 by Haruichi Furudate (9/10)
There was a bit of a shake-up in this volume, and I think it's a great one for showing how Hinata has developed over the course of the story. The fact that he's being targeted for receives to keep him out of the game instead of because he's shit at them is a huge amount of growth in the first place! I liked the problem-solving displayed by him and the rest of the team, and the Hinata/Kenma dynamic is really starting to take off. I kept this at a 9 instead of a 10 because while the ending got me excited, I don't see yet how it's supposed to disrupt Nekoma's strategy.
The Dark Secret by Tui T. Sutherland (86%)
Starflight's character development through this book is really quite good. He's always been a nervous worrier, and I think the way he moves through the plot allows him to come into his own and find courage without abandoning his intelligence and conscientiousness. A good balance is struck, giving him character growth that doesn't overshadow or completely change his core personality. Looking forward to finishing this book and reading the final one in this arc of the series!
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain (15%)
The first isekai? I have so much to say about this book, but it's just going to end up being five paragraphs of nonsense, so I'll just say this for now: Hank is an annoying hypocrite and perhaps the first isekai power fantasy character. Do with that what you will.
Haikyuu!! Vol. 36 by Haruichi Furudate (33%)
So far I'm really liking this volume, and I just got some backstory for Kuroo and Kenma! They're so cute as children! I honestly can't tell who's going to win this match. My preference, of course, is for Karasuno since they're the main characters, but Furudate does such an amazing job of making the reader root for both sides. I'll be working through these next few volumes quickly since I want to go see the new movie this week!
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus (1%)
I've barely started this book, but I'm a little uncertain. I am not one for historical fiction usually, and I'm really only reading this for my book club. So far the main character seems a little too perfect to me; clever, driven, beautiful. I hope she becomes a more well-rounded character as the story progresses.
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calming-chaos · 1 year
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darlingrxby · 4 months
loveeee how so far the throne of honor and blood has been everyone finally understanding that rooke's everything and he's just soren
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