#jacaerys valeryon x oc
Lone Wolf
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Part One ✦✦✦ Wolf Meeting Dragon ✦✦✦
pairing: Fanon!Jacaerys Valeryon x Female!Stark OC
summary: Amarylis Snow, bastard daughter of Lord Rickon Stark, younger sister of Lord Cregan Stark and twin sister of Sara Snow
Word count: 2,1K
Warnings: Nothing, fluff? Not during any of the events in the show, a time where the Blacks win the war with no much destruction
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Amara clasped her fur coat over her shoulder securing it, it was too heavy for her to only secure it around her neck, otherwise she would choke herself to death. Her brother insisted she and Sara wear their best clothes to welcome Prince Jacaerys Targaryen to the north after the war had ended and peace had befallen Westeros again. Amarylis or as she liked to be called Amara saw no reason for such measures, he was not going to be seeing their dresses from under the thick furs protecting them from the harsh cold.
"Make haste Amara, we are going to be late" Sara's voice was muffled by the door separating the twins from one another. Amara opened the door with a huff at how dramatic her sister was being.
"I am ready, no need for shouting" Amara lead the way down the corridor filled with the maids she had kicked out of her room, they were all panicking and ruining her hair instead of fixing it so she ordered them to leave her, even her most trusted handmaiden, Maecy Parge, she was from a lower house, one of the few girls whose parents allowed to serve the bastards of house Stark. Amara was proud that despite being bastards her and Sara had more privileges than normal bastards do, their father and brother treated them as if they were true Starks.
"Cregan will grow angry with us if we were to be late" Sara spoke, quickening her steps to match those of her sister. Amara chuckled shaking her head showing her flowing black locks, Maecy gasped horrified at the sight of the style Amara had chosen for her hair.
"Hush you, there is nothing wrong with my hair" Amara snapped softly at her confidant. Sara groaned annoyed pausing just before they reached the door leading to the court yard.
"Gods save me" She forcefully turned Amara with the help of Maecy. She pulled back half of her hair and tied it with an extra ribbon she had pocketed earlier in case her were to fall.
"Do I have to do everything myself" Sara glared halfheartedly at Amara who smiled sheepishly.
"Apologise?" Amara joked shrugging. Sara pushed her to resume walking trying to hide a smile of her own. Amara giggled as they walked over to Cregan.
"If I were you I would not come" He joked at the sight of the two girls. Sara rolled her eyes muttering under her breathe something no one could hear.
"My mistake, brother" Amara moved to stand beside him being the eldest of the twins. Cregan chuckled shaking his head. His face looked sullen still after having lost yet another wife to childbirth and this time it seemed he was adamant on not having anymore wives with the excuse of already having an heir, his son Rickon and four daughters, Sarra, Alys, Raya and the youngest Mariah.
The sound of movement in the sky made everyone look up in excitement awaiting the sight of a dragon. Sara grabbed Amara's hand in a death grip hopping on her feat excitedly waiting like everyone else. Neither have seen Prince Jacaerys or his dragon before, Amara had insisted that her and Sara leave for Essos when the Dance began in fear of harm being her sister's fate and Sara refused to leave without Amara.
The green of Vermax appeared, the dragon let out a roar shaking his wings in what Amara guessed discomfort, a creature of fire was not meant for the cold of the north. Amara felt fur brush against her other hand and averted her eyes from the huge creature ascending on some hill some feat away from the people.
"Oh Jewels, what are you doing here" Amara chuckled opening her fingers letting her wolf rub her head against her palm. Jewels let out a small purr moving to stand in front of Amara protectively. Amara was shocked that neither Frost, Sara's wolf, or Storm, Cregan's wolf, were not following Jewels as usual.
"Prince Jacaerys of House Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne and Prince of Dragonstone" A voice announced. Amara straightened her back letting her eyes wander to the gates. Jewels laid down on the ground ignoring the small hiss Amara let out "Get up". The wolf was stubborn and Amara feared how the she wolf would act around the heir.
The brown haired prince walked in through the gates alone, expected as no one from his guards were able to keep up with his dragon. He had a huge smile on his face as he approached Cregan, old friends reuniting. A brotherhood of sorts formed between the two during the war especially after Cregan put his life in danger during the Battle of the Gullet to save prince Jacaerys.
"Cregan" The prince greeted with open arms. Cregan chuckled opening his arm as well welcoming the prince with a hug.
"How have you been, my friend" Amara felt pride fill her chest at the way the prince addressed her brother, an honour to be considered a friend of the heir.
"If I may, I would like to introduce you to my sisters" Cregan was the first to pull away from the brotherly embrace. The prince's eyes wandered over to where Amara and Sara stood side by side.
"Of course" The prince's eyes trailed down to Jewels staring at him tensely as he approached Amara.
"Apologies my prince, she is very protective of my sister" Cregan chuckled. He crouched down to touch the smokey grey fur of Jewels. She huffed against his palm pushing it slightly away but not entirely while keeping her focus on the prince.
"An act I am sure many pets tend to do when meeting a stranger" The prince answered. Vermax let out a growl from the top of the hill loud enough to be heard by everyone in the yard, reminding them of his presence to protect his rider.
"My prince, the elder twin, Amarylis but don't you dare call her that, she will claw your face off" Cregan introduced, standing back up on his feet. The prince's eyes raised from the wolf and to Amara who gave a curtsy while glaring at her brother.
"An honour my prince, my brother exaggerates, you may call me whatever you prefer" Amara turned her gaze to meet his brown eyes. The prince chuckled at the lighthearted sibling spat.
"What do you prefer to be called, my lady" The prince held out his hand. Amara placed her hand into his shivering when their palms met. Jewels let out a warning growl at the touch but otherwise stayed put.
"Amara" She responded. The prince raised her hand up to place the most delicate kiss on her knuckles. His eyes lingered on her own a second or two too much but she did not seem to notice, lost in his chocolate coloured eyes.
"Lady Amara, I am gladdened to make your acquaintance" The prince muttered against her skin. He let go of her hand gently. Jewels relaxed and laid her head on her paws sensing no danger from the intruder.
"My sister, Sara Snow, the younger twin" Cregan moved to Sara. She had a bright smile on her face, a usual reaction of hers, she was the more welcoming host between the two.
"My prince" She curtsied. The prince took her hand and kissed her knuckles as he did Amara's.
"A pleasure my lady" Sara smiled and nodded her head with a light blush on her cheeks, always the sensitive one.
"We are no ladies my prince, we are Snows" Sara corrected. Her hand grasped Amara's for support, despite their brother's treatment not everyone in the north liked the twins, many treated them like dirt especially lords like Norrey, Blackwood and Manderly and many more.
Arra Norrey who was Cregan's first wife was very nice to Sara and Amara, she was raised alongside them and Cregan which resulted in the pair falling in love and marrying however the birth of Rickon was very hard on her and she passed of it. The same cannot be said about Alysanne Blacwood, Cregan's second wife and more to his four daughters, she loathed the pair and whenever Cregan was away hunting or on a diplomatic trip she would force them with the threat of her sword a ser Amara did not remember his name, and force them to tend to her as if they were maids.
"Nonsense, a person should be judged by his or her actions not their status" The prince shook Sara's words off. Amara chuckled at the surprised look on her sister's face.
"If you'll excuse me my prince, brother but it is time for the girls' meal" Amara pulled her hand away from Sara's who had a small glare on her face now, she did not want to be left alone with the prince and at the same time she did not want to spend her afternoon with her spoiled nieces.
"Girls?" The prince questioned confused, Amara looked too young to be a mother, maybe she was around his age. Amara and Sara had taken the four girls with them to Essos along with Alysanne who had died their during the war, hence why the prince did not know of them.
"My daughters" Cregan explained.
"They have maids sister, no need for you to tend to them today" Cregan denied her request. Amara nodded halfheartedly, she loved her niece dearly and wished not to leave them to the maids' mercy, sometimes they could be cruel, only days past she caught one of the maids refusing to refill the plate of Sarra, the namesake of her sister, saying she will grow fat and no one would want to marry her then, the girl is merely seven of age.
"As you wish brother" Amara leaned down to touch Jewel's fur as a signal to get up and the lazy she wolf huffed annoyed as if she was just having the best nap in her life and was disturbed but got off the floor anyways.
"Let us break fast together my prince" Cregan suggested, gesturing to their home.
"Perfect timing, I am famished" The prince joked. The two men chuckled and proceeded to walk in the front.
"He is quite handsome" Sara whispered as the two followed the men.
"Mhm" Was all Amara awarded her sister back. Sara let out a dramatic gasp of shock alerting the two men who looked over.
"Are you alright, Sara?" Cregan worried. He was the best brother they could ask for really.
"Stepped on a rock, tis all" Sara easily lied. Cregan nodded and resumed his conversation with the prince.
"You agreeing on a matter involving men, is a miracle, the gods are smiling on us today" Sara joked. Amara rolled her eyes but could not hold back a small smile from breaking through her lips.
"I do no hate men, tis you who spread such a rumour, I just find some of them dimwitted and only think with what is in their trousers" Amara shrugged. She sighed in relief when warmth engulfed them the second they stepped in.
"I spread no such rumours, tis was Alysanne so you would not get betrothed" Sara corrected. The pair gave each other a disgusted look to each other at the mention of the woman. Amara felt guilty when she was relieved at Alysanne's death from a fever.
"She wanted us to be maids forever" Amara nodded in agreement. She unclasped her fur and handed it to one of the maids by the door showing the fancy dress she wore. She did not plan that she would break fast with the prince but it seems her brother was smart enough to conclude so. Sara did the same sighing when the weight was off her shoulders. Rickon was already waiting for them with a maester, the twelve years old cleaned up beautiful unlike his usual muddy clothes from sword training with the banermen.
"Rickon, you have grown since I last saw you" The prince ruffled the brown curls of Rickon's hair. The young boy turned a deep shade of red bowing his head.
"An honour my prince" Rickon's voice was still holding a childish squeak to it.
"Please call me Jace, all of you, my prince makes me feel like some seventy years old" The prince had humour, a quality not many royals had.
The table was filled with all sorts of food and even some winter fruits that Amara liked. If breaking fast looked like this she only wandered what her brother had up his sleeve for the feast tonight in the prince's honour. She could hear the clatter of the servants preparing the ballroom some corridors down, cleaning and preparing. Amara was ashamed to admit she could not wait to spend more time with the brunette Targaryen prince.
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
So, say I was making a HOTD story with the following pairings.
[R] = Romantic
[F] = Familial
[P] = Platonic
Daemon x Fem!OC [R/F]
Jacaerys x Fem!OC [R/F]
Aemond x Fem!OC [R/F]
Aegon x Fem!OC [R/F]
Possible Helaena x Fem!OC [R/F]
Possible Rhaenyra x Fem!OC [R/F]
Fem!OC x M!OC [P/F]
Fem!OC x M!OC [R]
Fem!OC x Fem!OC [P/Past R/F]
Fem!OC x M!OC [P/F]
Fem!OC x Fem!OC [P/F]
What would your thoughts be on it? [It may change to an “x Reader” which is why the reader tags are there]
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icarusignite · 1 month
An Eye for an Eye Masterlist
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem! Velaryon!OC
Lucerys Velaryon was a coward who did not wish to die, but die he did, with all the bravery his young heart could muster.
A true dragon rider's death.
With his death, the war of ravens and envoys came to an end, and the war of fire and blood began in earnest.
Daenys Velaryon no longer knew the difference between sacrifice and self-slaughter, nor where the violence against oneself ended. A Kinslayer, a rabid dog; such creatures had no use in a world of peace. Such creatures did not deserve peace. She was a tall child with no lap to crawl into, for who would wish to hold a thing like her, shame clotting in her blood like a curdling sickness. She, with the incessant need to apologize to everyone who ever knew her, for the inconvenience she caused them by making her existence known, walking into a room and searching for an empty seat so no one had to go through the painful act of sitting with her. Velaryons were supposed to be of the sea, but she was a burning ship, a vicinity one had to always flee. If anyone deserved to extinguish themselves in a kamikaze blaze, it was her, the one who would be missed least of all, who was needed least of all when the realm finally knew peace.
Aemond Targaryen was not the same person he used to be. He couldn't possibly be, and yet a part of his very being still belonged to his wife, as it always would. Though he had been absent too long, and the graveyard of old bones and lost kin that spanned between them was far too vast, he still held onto the memory of her, cutting into what he meant to only hold. He was a hunter whose trap had mangled the wrong creature, but it was the law of the world, for a knife and a wound to seek each other out, because they spoke in a language of damage no one else did, and now he owed her a debt. 
An eye for an eye. 
A brother for a brother.
An Eye for an Eye: ao3/wattpad
Before the Sky Falls (prequel): ao3/wattpad
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Fanart 1
Daenys Velaryon fanart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
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A/N: I posted this fic for the very first time here on tumblr, and now that it's almost complete (46 chapters have been posted on ao3/wp) I decided I should probably repost it on here because it has been given a complete rewrite since the first version yall saw. I will try to have all the parts posted on here eventually.
This fic has a prequel that explores Aemond&Daenys's childhood together and it is fully complete on ao3/wp.
If you wanna be added to the taglist, feel free to let me know!
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daemontargaryenwhore · 8 months
The fact that syrax is looking for arrax too
Two grieving mothers looking for their babies :(((
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aurorasilverthorne · 2 months
Blood & Fire AU ___________________
Characters #2:
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Laenor Velaryon
Only son of Corlys Velaryon & Rhaenys Targaryen. Brother of Laena Velaryon. Husband & friend to Rhaenyra Targaryen. Father to Jacaerys & Lucerys. Rider of the Dragon Seasmoke, a male with silver-gray scales & green eyes.
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Rhaenyra Targaryen
Only living child and daughter of Viserys Targaryen & Aemma Arryn. Wife & friend of Laenor Velaryon. Mother of Jacaerys & Lucerys. Rider of Syrax, a she-dragon with yellow scales & green eyes.
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Jacaerys Velaryon
The elder son of Rhaenyra Targaryen & Laenor Velaryon. Brother to Lucerys. Cousin & betrothed to Elaena Targaryen. Hheir to Driftmark & its driftwood throne. The rider of Caraxes, a male dragon with red scales called the Blood Wyrm. Tends to be stern, brooding & slow to trust & to forgive. Resents the fact that his mother stepped down as the heir after the birth of his uncles and aunt.
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Lucerys Velaryon
The younger son of Rhaenyra & Laenor. Brother to Jacaerys. Rider of the young dragon Moondancer, a female dragon with light green scales & white highlights on her crest & horns. Is reserved, uncertain, worries constantly & is wary of strangers.
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Jaehaerys Targaryen
The only child & son of Aegon Targaryen & Rhaena Targaryen. Grandson of Laena Velaryon & Daemon Targaryen. Fostered at Driftmark with his cousins, Jacaerys & Lucerys. Mentored by his paternal great grandparents Corlys & Princess Rhaenys.
Rider of the dragon Stormcloud, a young male with dark grey scales. Known for being a hard worker & quick thinker. Oft plays a peacemaker if & when bickering occurs amongst the Targaryen-Velaryon family members.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own House of the Dragon or any of its characters.
Note: The images of Jacaerys, Lucerys, & Jaehaerys all belong to me. Images were created using Bing Image Creator. If you use them in fanart or fanfiction, please do remember to credit both Bing & me as the image creators. Thank you.
Part #1: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758175401181872128/characters?source=share
Part #3: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758217659182645248/fire-blood-au-characters?source=share
Part #4: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758227678086283264/blood-fire-au-characters?source=share
Part #5: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758449181436362752/fire-blood-au-characters?source=share
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wyaelkora · 1 year
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Digital Art by Mexi for “Nothing Else Matters” by Nerium Oleander,translated by Fecit and wyael_kora on ao3.
“Since childhood, Visenya Targaryen knew she had been promised to her uncle by her grandfather's will. Everyone was talking about it, from the servants who made her bed to her sisters and brothers who spoke ill of her future husband.
Since childhood, Aemond Targaryen knew he was merely a second son of the sovereign and did not dare to hope either for his favor, or for the throne, or for the sister, whom he honored much more than a lawful spouse.
The hearts and souls of dragons from time immemorial long for freedom, but legacy calls for obedience.”
First chapter is already on ao3!
The link:
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crimxonwrites · 2 years
Blood-painted kisses | Aemond Targaryen x female!OC | Masterlist
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☽➛ Summary: Nothing satietes Maehrys Velaryon's hunger as well as revenge. Growing up at the Red Keep as the bastard of Rhaenyra Targaryen did not come trouble-free. Her childhood consisted of bitter words and repulsive looks from nearly everybody in the castle. As she grew older, Maehrys grew meaner. Once the Velaryons return to King's Landing to defend Luke's claim as Lord of Driftmark, Maehrys decides that it is time for the people who hurt her in the past to pay.
☽➛ Warnings: heavy mentions of self-harm, mentions of attempted suicide, bullying, mentions of blood, overall 18+!!!!
☽➛ Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x female!OC (slowburn enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again?? romance is a subplot)
Chapter 1➛ ❝Scars and bruises❞
Chapter 2➛ ❝the Wild Dragon❞
Chapter 3➛ ❝Lord of the Tides❞
Chapter 4➛ ❝Cruel and Vile❞
Chapter 5➛ ❝Happy name day❞
Chapter 6➛ ❝A small victory❞
Chapter 7➛ ❝The Edge of the Storm❞
Chapter 8➛ ❝of Dragons and Despair❞
Also read on: AO3 |
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chimerathewriter · 2 years
I have an urge to....
I have an urge to make a Barbie princess charmed school (without the barbie magic) House of the dragon with Aemond , Jace, Luke Baela and Rhaena  fanfic where there are other kingdoms all over the world, and for peace diplomacy the heirs of many houses go to the same school in one specific kingdom. And maybe to heal the kids relationship after two years after the accident. 
Just wholesome gangasta kids (because how they were all unhinged in that episode), healing, fluff, birth of long frienship and writer having the power to change literally anything because is a fanfiction
And I would like to put as many cultures but now I don’t have a lot of other ethnic names and surnames (male female), from south east asian, east asian, middle eat, balkan, West, East and Northern European, Arab, African (From North to South, East and West) Polyneasian, Latin America, Caribbean anything I will try to make some research from clothing, religion language and advice is always accepted.
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phasesofhermoon · 2 years
Dance of the Dragonlings
As the bastard daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen, Rhaelyse Waters must navigate the political scheming and deceit within her family. In the midst of a civil war set to tear House Targaryen apart, Rhaelyse finds her heart torn in three places - between the freedom of muddled blood, her allegiance and admiration for her father, and her love for a prince. Will she choose to side with the Blacks or the Greens?
Eight Chapters are live on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net!
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reignovertheskies · 2 years
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“But no matter how vivid they are, dreams are not reality, the wise know that.”
Read Chapter 1 of Our Dream of Spring on Ao3
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Rhaenyra’s daughter!OC
Summary: Daenys Velaryon was a dreamer, but not in the Valyrian sense. While her namesake dreamt of futures better left unknown and past secrets buried in time, she dreamt of adventures beyond the oceans and glittering cities at the edge of the world. Born into the game of thrones, Daenys bore the burden of keeping her family safe and her heart intact. An impossible task, for her blood called out for loyalty while her soul yearned for an enemy. It was inevitable. After all, he was the sun and she was the moon, both were destined to reign over the clouds, yet, doomed to never exist beside one another.
A/N: New fic incoming! It will be posted to Tumblr shortly, for now, it is only available on Ao3. 
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Valaenatargaryensdragon Kinktober 2023-2024
(This year I made the list for the kinktober fics, I decided to do this as a way for everyone to know what I am comfortable writing and what I can write and for a way for you all to see my writing style however next year I will be holding requests for Kinktober)
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1. Santorini Serenity: Fingering/ Handjob, Dry humping- Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
2. Whispers of Desire: Orgasm Denial/ Control, Daddy Kink- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
3. Love Flames: Speech/ Movement Restriction, Body Worship- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
4. The Stag and The Dragon: Dirty Talking, Cunnilingus/ Blowjob- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
5. Mommy’s Baby Girl: Sex Toys/ Strap-On, Overstimulation- Rhaenyra Targaryen x f!Reader
6. The Queen’s Gambit: Breeding/ Impregnation, Hair pulling- Viserys Targaryen x f!Reader
7. Pregnancy Sex, Lactation Kink- Cregan Stark x f!Reader
8. Mutual Masturbation, Anal penetration- Aegon Targaryen x m!Reader
9. Anonymous Sex, Cumshot/ Squirting- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
10. Wrist/Arm Restraints, Face Sitting- Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
11. Group Sex, Sex Toys/ Strap On- Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
12. Sex Pollen, Triple penetration- Aegon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen & Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
13. Threesome, Leash and Collar- Aegon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
14. Prostitution/Camming/Sex-for-Service, Degrading- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
15. Cockwarming, Pet Play, Crying- Maegor Targaryen x f!Reader
16. Pegging, Orgasm Denial, Mommy Kink- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
17. Double Penetration, Shower Sex, Chocking- Jacaerys Valeryon & Cregan Stark x f!Reader
18. Forced Orgasms, Face sitting, Fingering- Helaena Targaryen x f!Reader
19. Titjob, Thigh Riding, Spanking- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
20. Caught Masturbating, Whipping, Master Kink- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
21. Bloodplay, Biting, Overstimulation- Vampire!Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
22. Public Sex, Sex Toy, Degrading- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
23. Praise, Size Kink, Cunnilingus- Helaena Targaryen x f!Reader
24. Double Penetration, Dry Humping, Lactation Kink- Viserys Targaryen & Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
25. Guided/Mutual Masturbation, Fisting, Stockings- Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
26. Mirror Sex, Praise, Somnophilia- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
27. Car Sex, Hate Sex, Breeding/Impregnating Kink- Cregan Stark x f!Reader
28. Phone Sex, Mutual Masturbating, Anal Fingering- Aemond Targaryen x m!Reader
29. Knife Play, Blood, Threesome- Daemon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen x m!Reader
30. Virginity Loss, Office Sex, Against the Wall- Viserys Targaryen x f!Reader
31. Reverse Roles, Voice Kink, Bondage, Mommy Kink, Cumshot/Squirting- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
Additional Fics:
32. Fingering, Caught, Breeding/ Impregnating Kink- Viserys Targaryen & Alicent Hightower x f!reader
33. Wet Dream, Dry Humping- Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
34. Rough Sex, Hair Pulling- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
35. Quickie, Public Sex- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
36. Size Kink, Daddy Kink- Aemond Targaryen x m!Reader
37. Body Worship, Sex Toys- Aegon Targaryen x m!Reader
38. Sixty-Nine, Thigh Riding- Rhaenyra Targaryen x f!Reader
39. Degrading, Fingering- Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
40. Group Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Several Penetrations, Daddy/Mommy/Master/Mistress Kink, Bondage, Gagging, Blowjob, Fingering, Cunnilingus- Aegon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen & Jacaerys Valeryon & Baela Targaryen & Cregan Stark x f!&m!Readers
41. Rough Sex, Overstimulation, Orgasm Control, Sex Toys- Daemon Targaryen & Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
(Requests for Kinktober are always welcome and will be written even after October, the Kinktober requests will be closed at 31st October but will all be written even after)
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intheheartoftheking · 3 months
Higher, Faster, Further (Birds of Prey)
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Jacaerys Velaryon x Aunt!Targaryen oc x Aemond Targaryen
strangers to lovers, implied sexual content but no smut (yet), targcest (reader is aunt), semi angst(?), aemond being aemond, diplomat!Jace (but Jace knows how to fight), no betrothal and lucerys is alive
summary: After Aegon seized the throne, Jacaerys and Aemond were dispatched to ensure the loyalty of House Arryn and the Vale. However, their mission took an unexpected turn when they encountered Lady Jane Arryn's ward, leading to a tangled web of lies, deceit, and power struggles.
word count: 1,450
a/n: I had this idea for the longest time and I was so nervous to publish because this fandom has some of the best writers. I hope you enjoy my brainrot and please leave comments and suggestions to add in future chapters. this is a short ish story (I think.) let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! ill also be adding a playlist soon! xoxo p.s. thanks @damewritesalot for hyping this up
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Daella squinted as the light peering in from outside hit her face, awoken by the sounds of grumbling dragons. She felt a body shift beside her as she realized she was trapped in the embrace of Aemond Targaryen, and to her right was Jacaerys Valeryon sleeping peacefully. She sighed as she realized what she had done. "How did I get here?" she thought, combing through her memories. 
It was a quiet day in the Vale with no real issues aside from petty squabbles of livestock. Daella had been sent by her aunt, Lady Arryn, to handle these minor issues, much to Daella's protest. Ultimately, Daella would always please her Lady aunt; she was the closest thing she had to a mother after her own passed away and her father abandoned her. Although Daella was born in a marriage, her father regarded her as a bastard. She was always making sure to ignore her exitance in favor of his silver-haired children. 
For this reason, Daella made it her life purpose to make herself deadly. She promised never to marry and become the most fearsome warrior in the Vale. And Daella was precisely that. The only thing that could make her the ultimate killer would be a dragon, and her lady aunt was more than grateful that Daemon never returned to claim the girl or bring her a dragon egg. 
But Daella and her lady aunt could not be prepared to watch two dragons enter the Vale. Daella raced to catch up with the beast in the sky, abandoning all duties. Her dark hair was wild in the wind as her ties came undone, allowing the silver highlights to shine through. 
As she made her way to Runestone, she watched the first rider land. Her aunt, Lady Arryn, made her way outside and beckoned Daella to her. The young woman dismounted her horse, passing it off to a stable hand. "Oh, Daella, what am I going to do with you." her aunt frowned, eyeing her disheveled appearance. "I believe my appearance is the least of our worries, aunt. If there are dragons in the Vale," she glared for a second. A much more giant dragon landed, dismounting down with much ease.
"Prince Jacearys Valeryon," her aunt spoke as the first rider approached her, removing his gloves and extending a slight bow to her aunt. "Lady Arryn, I have come to ask your support of my mother's claim." Daella and her aunt looked confused at one another; your house had already pled fealty for Rhaenyra many years ago.  "The false queen," another voice chuckled. "King Aegon resides on the throne," he growled. 
Her aunt frowned. "Prince Aemond, it is a pleasure that you have finally made your way to the Vale. It seems that you both seek the support of House Arryn and the noble houses of the Vale." she shook her head. "I will invite you both to stay; the weather is turning; we must discuss much. News reaches the Vale ever so slowly," she said ever the diplomat. The two princes nodded, following behind her aunt, the distrust of one another thick in the air. 
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Later that evening, Lady Arryn decided a feast would be most appropriate for welcoming the princes to the Vale for the first time. 
Daella shifted uncomfortably in her dark blue dress, her chestnut and silver hair adorned with silver stars and moons. "You look beautiful, my lady," a maid remarked as she adjusted her cuff. "I don't feel beautiful; I feel uncomfortable," Daella grumbled. 
A soft knock on her door alerted her maids, "My lady, the prince is here to escort you." 
She raised a brow. "The prince? Which one?" she questioned her maid 
"Both of them," the maid answered, a blush creeping on her cheeks. 
Daella scowled, "Shut the door; the princes can wait." She shouted loud enough for them to hear as the maid shut the heavy door on them, leaving both princes stunned by her boldness. 
"Escorting me." she huffed. "Who do they think they are coming to escort me." As she approached the door, she could hear them both arguing. 
"There is no need to be upset; I'm sure she knows you're a STRONG prince." She could hear Aemonds voice tease Jacearys. Her eyes widened. She knew of the rumors of his parentage. 
However, she had never believed that his family would be so bold as to mock him. 
She threw her doors open, interrupting the constant mocking. "I will be escorting myself," Daella said matter of factly, pushing past the two. 
Walking down the hall, she heard their footsteps behind her. 
"Please, my lady," Jacearys pleaded. "Lady Arryn has requested that we accompany you, and we don't wish to upset her."  
Daella turned, narrowing her eyes at Jacearys. "You do not wish to upset my lady aunt, or WE do not wish to upset her?" Jacearys shifted uncomfortably under her gaze while Aemond stared on smugly. "Because truthfully, I don't quite care about my lady aunts' opinions this evening." She whispered loud enough for both princes to hear before turning down the corridor, leaving a dumbfounded Jacearys and a very intrigued Aemond.
"Perhaps whoever secures the vale might secure more than they bargained for." He thought to himself. 
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The feast had already begun in the great hall, and the noise of the bards and revelry were celebrating the visit of the two young princes, ignoring the grim circumstances that led them to the Vale in the first place. 
As Daella entered, a hush fell over the room. The men of the high houses, ogling her youth and beauty, examined her like a prize for their unmarried sons or even themselves. 
Her Lady Aunt stood. "My beautiful niece Daella, how pleasant of you to join us." She spoke softly, but Daella could see the disappointment in her eyes as she noticed the lack of princes at her side. 
Her face soon turned to concern as she looked up to see that Prince Aemond was walking to stand beside her niece. 
Prince Aemond reminded Lady Arryn of someone—Daemon, a man she hoped would never return to Daella's life, especially after her mother's death. If this prince inherited any of Daemon's traits, as she feared, it would only spell destruction and heartbreak for her dear niece. 
As he opened his mouth to speak, Jacearys cut him off. "Lady Arryn, Lady Daella, if you would do me the kindness of granting me the first dance of the evening." 
Daella groaned internally as her aunt accepted the invitation on her behalf. A sense of uncertainty loomed as she took his hand. 
Meanwhile, Jacearys stared down Aemond smugly as he led her away. 
"You seem incredibly close with your Lady Aunt," he questioned as they danced, hoping to learn something from her to use to his advantage. 
"She's raised me since I was a babe; I'm her ward." He nodded slowly. And what of your mother? Or your father?" he prodded. 
Daella scowled at him, unsure if she wanted to reveal the truth about her parentage to him or change the subject. "My mother died in childbirth, and my father was a soldier." She lied. If Daemon didn't see it necessary to tell his stepson of his legitimate child from his first wife, she didn't feel the need to add more confusion. 
He hummed, accepting the answer but knowing there seemed to be more. As he spun Daella, they could feel Aemonds gaze peering into them. Jacearys couldn't tell if it was jealousy or annoyance since they were both working to attain House Arryn and the Vale. 
Daella and Jacearys chatted for three dances, learning superficial things about one another. 
If he had to marry her to secure the alliance, it seemed as if they could be happy together. 
Throughout the night, gentlemen began to cut into their dances, wishing to spend time with the future Lady of the Vale. 
Daella's feet began to ache, and her patience began to wear thin as different lords and their sons twisted and twirled her, all while interrogating her. She felt like an insect inspected under a magnifying glass. 
Suddenly, a voice broke through the room. "A toast!" He shouted, "To the jewel of House Arryn, whose beauty shines brighter than the stars themselves." Aemond raised his chalice toward Daella, a smirk appearing as he heard the chants of agreement, turning to face Jacearys in a silent challenge. 
As Daella studied their subtle interactions, she realized the power she held. 
Daella Targaryen has bewitched the heir and the spare, and what they don't know is that she is prepared to devour them both; after all, she is her father's daughter and they are birds of prey.
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witchofhimring · 7 months
Aemond Targaryen x Reader HOTD AU (what if women had the same rights as men?)
In this AU women have the same rights as men which changes the history of Westeros. In this story the reader comes from an island off Westeros and marries into the Targaryen family.
I do not know if I will make a book of this concept by I will make headcanons and one shots. Certain aspects will be changed from the books.
This list includes OC's. The next post about this AU will cover Reader's children and grandchildren.
Visenya the Conqueror
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Parents: Aerion Targaryen and Valaena Velayon
Spouce(s): Aegon Targaryen
Children: Maegor Targaryen
Reign: 1 AC-44 AC
Birth: 29 AC
Death: 44 AC
Canon changes: Rules in her own right and rides Balerion instead of Vaeghar.
Maegor the Strong
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Parents: Visenya Targaryen and Aegon Targaryen
Spouce(s): not decided (I will chose at a further date)
Children: none
Reign: 44 AC- undecided (TBA)
Birth: 12 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is the heir to the Iron Throne. No wars with the faith or nephews. This changes the political landscape of Westeros.
Rhaena the Black Queen
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Parents: Aenys Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon
Spouce(s): Aegon Targaryen, Androw Farman
Children: Aerea Targaryen, Rhaella Targaryen
Reign: TBA
Birth: 23 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen in her own right, is Maegor's successor.
Jaehaerys the Old King
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Parents: Aenys Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon
Spouce(s): Alysanne Targaryen
Children: Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Aemon Targaryen, Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen, Maegelle Targaryen, Vaegon Targaryen, Daella Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Viserra Targaryen, Gaemon Targaryen, Vaelerion Targaryen, Gael Targaryen
Reign: TBA-103 AC
Birth: 34 AC
Death: 103 AC
Canon changes: Succeeds his elder sister. Makes Rhaenys his heir.
Rhaenys the First
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Parents: Aemon Targaryen, Jocelyn Baratheon
Spouce(s): Corlys Valeryon
Children: Laenor Velaryon, Laena Velaryon
Reign: TBA
Birth: 74 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen
Laenor the Lazy
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Parents: Rhaenys Targaryen
Spouce(s): Rhaenyra Targaryen
Children: Jacaerys Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Jeoffrey Velarion
Reign: TBA- 120 AC
Birth: 93 AC
Death: 120 AC (presumably)
Canon changes: Becomes King. In the books Laenor is born in 94 AC however as he is the elder sibling in the show I moved up his date of birth to be older than Laena.
Rhaenyra the Dragon
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Parents: Viserys Targaryen, Aemma Arryn
Spouce(s): Laenor Valeryon, Daemon Targaryen
Children: Jacaerys Targaryen, Lucerys Targaryen, Jeoffrey Velaryon, Aegon Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen
Reign: 120 AC- TBA
Birth: 97 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen by succeeding her husband.
Daemon the Black
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Parents: Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen
Spouce(s): Laena Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen
Children: Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen
Birth: 81 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is consort of Laena and ruling with his wife.
Jacaerys the First & Baela the Just
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Parents: Laenor Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen
Spouce(s): Baela Targaryen, Agatha Hedrow (OC)
Children: Viserys Targaryen, Vaeserion Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Aelyanna Targaryen, Amara Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Edwin Targaryen (all are OC'S)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: 144 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes King, co-rules with Baela. Marries a second time to Agatha Hedrow (OC).
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Parents: Daemon Targaryen, Laena Targaryen
Spouce(s): Jacaerys Targaryen
Children: Viserys Targaryen, Vaeserion Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen (all are OC'S)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: 116 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen
Viserys the First (OC)
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Parents: Jacaerys Targaryen, Baela Targaryen
Spouce(s): Daenerys Targaryen
Children: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Targaryen, Baela Targaryen (all OC's)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Daenerys the Golden Queen (OC)
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Parents: Aemond Targaryen, Y/n Blackhalt
Spouce(s): Viserys the Second
Children: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Targaryen, Baela Targaryen (all OC's)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Daenerys the Golden Queen
Rhaenyra the Second
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Parents: Viserys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen
Spouce(s): TBA
Children: A son (more children may be added)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Female heirs:
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Y/n of Blackhalt (the reader)
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Parents: TBA
Spouce(s): Aemond Targaryen
Children: Daenerys Targaryen, Vaella Targaryen, Jaehaerys Targaryen ,Elarion Targaryen, Hardin Targaryen, Elara Targaryen, Vissera Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Alice Targaryen
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Alys Strong
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Parents: Lyonel Strong (mother unknown)
Spouce(s): none
Children: Aelon Strong (OC)
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Cassandra Baratheon
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Parents: Borros Baratheon, Elenda Caron
Spouce(s): TBA
Children: TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is Lady of Storm's End.
Laena Velaryon
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Parents: Corlys Velaryon, Rhaenys Targaryen
Spouce(s): Daemon Targaryen
Children: Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen
Birth: 94 AC
Death: 120 AC
Canon changes: Is Lady of the Tides
Baela Targaryen
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Profile above. Baela was made Lady of the tides after her mothers death and the title was passed on to her second son.
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Aegon and Rhaenys
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Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is consort instead of ruler.
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Parents: Aerion Targaryen and Valaena Velayon
Spouce(s): Aegon Targaryen
Children: Aenys Targaryen
Birth: 25 BC
Death: 10 AC
Maegor's Queen has yet to be decided
Androw Farman
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Parents: Marq Farman
Spouce(s): Rhaenys Targaryen
Children: none
Birth: 32 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is consort to the Queen.
Alysanne Targaryen
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Parents: Aenys Targaryen, Alyssa Velaryon
Spouce(s): Jaehaerys Targaryen
Children: Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Aemon Targaryen, Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen, Maegelle Targaryen, Vaegon Targaryen, Daella Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Viserra Targaryen, Gaemon Targaryen, Vaelerion Targaryen, Gael Targaryen
Birth: 36 AC
Death: 100 AC
Corlys Velaryon
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Parents: Corwyn Valeryon (mother unnamed)
Spouce(s): Rhaenys Targaryen
Children: Laenor Velaryon, Laena Velaryon
Birth: 53 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is the Queens consort.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
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View profile above. Rhaenyra served as consort for several years before becoming Queen Regnant.
Agatha Hedrow (OC)
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Parents: TBA
Spouce(s): Jacaerys Targaryen
Children: Aelyanna Targaryen, Amara Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Edwin Targaryen (all are OC'S)
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Daenerys Targaryen
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View profile above. Daenerys served as consort for several years before becoming Queen Regnant.
Rhaenyra the Seconds consort is not yet decided
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lovebaela · 2 years
Ice & Fire ༄ Pt. 2
Bran Stark x Targaryen oc fanfic
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Chapter 2 ⋇ The Tower ⋇
Tsireya’s POV
It was time to feast. Jon and I usually sat with the Starks, but not today. Lord Stark wanted me to be safe when Lady Stark thought it would be dishonorable for Jon to sit with them before a King. We sat at the side on a bench with the younger squires. Jon poured himself some summer wine and drank. “Did you want some?” He asked, noticing my curiosity.
“Sure,” I reply. He gave me his cup to take a sip. When I took a sip I stuck my tongue out in disgust. “I don’t like it!” I spat.
Jon chuckled, “Maybe you’ll like it better when you’re older.”
We all watched as the Stark family entered the the great hall one by one after the King and Queen. A few of them walked in with the King’s children. Robb with Princess Marcella, Sansa with Prince Joffrey, and Arya with Prince Tommen. The feast finally began.
Arya waves at me to watch her. What is she up to? She places a piece of her pigeon pie on her fork and flicks it at Sansa. “Arya!” Sansa cried. “She always does this!” Everyone in the hall laughed as Robb picked up Arya to take her to bed, from the order of their mother of course.
Music began to play and a few people got out of their seats to dance.
Bran’s POV
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Everyone started to ask each other to dance. I glance over at Tsireya, I wish she could have sat with us, Jon too. Robb places his hand on my shoulder and whispers to me.
“Bran, you should ask her for a dance,” he said grinning. “I noticed you were staring at her.” My cheeks began to get warm.
“I-I wasn’t staring at her!” I try to argue.
“It’s okay to admit you like her brother,” He said. “Everyone knows that you do.”
“No I don’t!” I cry. I hate it when he, Theon, and Jon teased at me about Tsireya. I look down, “We are just friends. That’s all we will ever be!”
Robb noticed me looking down at feet and then chuckled, “…whatever you say Bran. You should still ask her for a dance. She would be very happy.” I look back at her as Robb leaves to ask a girl for a dance. He’s so lucky. Every girl wants him. The perfect, handsome son of Ned Stark. I take a deep breath and get up from my chair.
Tsireya’s POV
As I am petting Ghost, Jon’s direwolf pup, Bran walks up to me and reaches his hand out to me.
“gaomagon jaelā naejot lilagon?” Bran asked me quietly.
I look at Jon. He reassured me, “I’ll be fine! Ghost will keep me company.”
I look up at Bran and take his hand, “kessa.” I answer.
Bran’s hand gently caressed my hand as he held it with his as we walked to the dance floor. “Gaoman daor gīmigon skorkydoso naejot lilagon (I don’t know how to dance),” I confess. At least not the Northern Westeroi way. “It’s okay,” Bran replied. “I still don’t completely know how either.” We look at how everyone else danced and followed their lead.
Before going to bed, Bran, Arya, and I wanted to hear a story from Old Nan. We liked hearing one before sleeping. She still needed to finish the dance of dragons. I liked learning about my family history.
“Where did I leave off?” Old Nan asked.
“The part where Jacaerys Valeryon went to Winterfell!” Arya answered.
“Ah yes,” she remembered. “Queen Rhaenyra needed more allies on her side so her son Jacaerys volunteered to go to Winterfell, where he met Lord Cregan Stark. He gave him a warm welcome and they quickly grew to be like brothers swearing an oath by blood-.”
“The pact of Ice & Fire.” A voice said. We all look at the door to see Lord Stark. “A pact through marriage, Jacaerys’ first-born daughter was to be sent to Winterfell to be fostered and marry the heir of Cregan Stark.”
“But then he died during the war,” Bran stated.
“That he did,” Lord Stark said. “Since then, we still never fulfilled that pact.”
“Do you think that would ever happen?” I asked him.
“I do not know,” he answered. “Now, you all should go to bed.”
We all go back to our bedchambers saying goodnight.
Before reaching my room, Maester Luwin gave me a letter. It must be from Daenerys! I thanked him and went in my room to read it. Maester Luwin and Lord Stark were the only people who knew about the letters.
Dear Tsireya, I hope you are doing well my cousin. I’m afraid I have some news. I am getting married off in trade for a Dothraki army. I’m about to meet my future husband in a bit. I don’t want to marry him, or anyone. I just want to go home. To finally see you! Sometimes when I get scared…I say that I am the blood of the dragon. Dragon’s are fearless and brave which is what I should be. You are the only person in this world that brings me happiness. Love, Daenerys.
In the morning, it was time for stitching. I was getting better at it, but Arya’s was still crooked. Princess Mrycella also joined us. The whole time Sansa was whispering with her friends, Jeyne and Beth.
“What are you all whispering about?” Arya asked suddenly. They all continue to giggle and Sansa whispers, “the Prince.”
“He told her she was beautiful.” The two girls said. “They are going to get married you’ll see!”
“Oh him,” Arya says. “Jon said he looks like a girl.”
“He’s just jealous because he’s a bastard.” Sansa said. Arya and I gasp.
“He’s our brother!” Arya said standing up.
“Half-brother,” Sansa corrected her.
“Ugh I hate you,” Arya hissed, she took my hand. “Let’s go see what Bran is doing.”
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We go outside and see the boys drilling. Bran was heavily padded with a wooden sword, Prince Tommen as well. There were tons of specters watching. We walk up to Bran.
“Hey Bran!” We tell him. “Did we miss the fight?”
“No, it’s about to start!” He responds.
We wish him good luck and go back in the crowd standing next to Robb. The boys are watched closely by Ser Rodrick in case something bad would happen. The boys start to circle each other and then began to swing. Everyone encourages them, Robb was definitely the loudest. Bran was winning by a long shot.
“Do you think I could by as good as Bran?” Arya asks me.
“Totally! Takes a lot of practice, but it’s all worth it in the end.”
We both jump at the loud cheering of the crowd. We look and see Tommen roll on the ground, struggling to get up. Bran stood over him with his sword in the air. The fight is over! Arya and I run up to Bran.
“You did so good!” I said hugging him.
“Thank you.” Bran replied, looking flustered.
I look over at Tommen and say, “And you my Prince did well.” I help him up.
“T-Thank you.” Tommen replied, his face was completely red.
I notice the King giving us the side eye and quickly let go of his hand. Now, it was time for Joffrey and Robb to fight.
After the fight, the King wanted to go on a hunt with Lord Stark. They mount their horses and head out. Bran and I wave them goodbye.
“One day, that’s going to be me,” Bran said. “A brave, strong knight!”
“I’m sure you will be,” I respond.
“Father is hand of the king now,” he told me. “We will live in the red castle in King’s Landing.”
“I’m kind of scared,” I confess. “I don’t know if it’s safe for me.”
“Rytsa, kesi mīsagon ao (hey, we will protect you),” Bran tells me. “I promise.”
I smile at him, “Kirimvose (thank you).”
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Summer sneaks up from behind us and bites at Bran’s shoes. He looks at me and smirks, “do you wanna go climbing?”
“Bran, we shouldn’t your mother-.”
“She isn’t around come on let’s go!”
“Well, okay.”
Bran looks down at Summer, “come on you!”
We both run off.
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We find an abandoned tower. “Hey let’s climb this!” Bran says.
“I don’t know Bran…I think I’ll just watch from down here with Summer.”
“Okay, I’ll go all the way to the top!”
Summer and I watch as Bran climbs higher and higher up. I start to get nervous, “Be careful!”
Just before Bran gets to a window, he pauses making a confused face. Then I see him look through the window and tilt his head like a curious pup.
“Bran what do you see-.”
Bran gets yanked by a hand.
I can’t hear anything they are saying! Just in case, I get ready to catch him. I began to calm down once I see the hand let go of him. But to my horror, Bran gets pushed. I freak out, “No!” Not knowing what else to do I open my arms to catch him. I catch him but it was a rough fall. We both black out.
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Shhh No One Has to Know
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pairing: Fanon!Jacaerys Valeryon x Female OC
summary: Daena Waters, bastared daughter of Daemon Targaryen but no one knew except him and Rhaenyra, she was give another name in public, Dana.
Word count: 4,5K
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, a little bit of attacking, incest, blacks won, soft dad Daemon, protective dad Daemon
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Daena had a soft smile on her face as she helped the cooks with whatever they needed. Of course they all knew her as Dana but she did not mind, she was quit content with her life, it was much better than Flea Bottom where her mother tried to turn her into a whore like herself.
The reminder made her body shiver with disgust. The same day her mother suggested the idea on Daena's thirteenth name day she escaped and made her way to the palace seeking Prince Daemon her father, at the time he did not know but she did and her proof was the streaks of platinum blonde in her hair that she now covered with the help of a loyal handmaiden of Queen Rhaenyra who welcomed her and offered her refugee in the palace.
"Dana, can you please take these to the royal family, her majesty quit likes these after luncheon" The head cook handed Daena a plate filled to the brim with pastries. She nodded and moved out of the kitchens minding her steps so she won't drop the pastries. She dodged Princess Aegon and Viserys as they ran out of the room followed by their nanny.
Daena walked into the room silently and made her way over to the table. She placed the pastries on the table earning the attention of the Queen and her father. The two of them gave her smiles which she returned before she moved back.
"Dana, can you bring me some wine" Daemon called to his daughter before she could leave the room. Daena noticed the empty pitchers with the other servants.
"Of course, your grace" Daena curtsied to her father before leaving. She may have been in the palace for several years now but she still did not know her way around perfectly.
Daena was never a coward in her life, she faced her father upon his dragon without flinching once even when the dragon roared in her face but now as the minutes ticked and she could not find her way to the cellar or back to the kitchens, even back to the dinning room panic started consuming her.
"What are you doing here?" Daena jumped and turned to face the brunette heir to the throne. She sighed almost relieved that she was not alone anymore and panic started simmering out of her body.
"I got lost, my prince" Daena responded giving a sheepish shrug. Jacaerys did not seem amused with her answer, he even looked suspicious of her.
"Who are you?" Jacaerys took a step closer to her. Daena noticed the look he was giving her and she almost feared him, the Queen warned her on not telling anyone her secret especially her own children. Daena glanced subtly at her hair to make sure that her blonde streaks were hidden well under the hair dye the Queen insisted she placed on her hair, she even took extra measures and styled her hair in a ways that the streaks were not visible much.
"I am Dana, my prince" Daena answered. She gulped when he took another threatening step in her direction.
"Can you please point me in the right direction to the kitchens, my prince?" Daena asked before he could resume interrogating her. Jacaerys stayed silent for a second before pointing to the corridor on the right. She bowed and scrambled in that way without a thank you. Her heart was hammering in her chest from fear, she had to tell her father that Jacaerys was in some way on her.
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Daena did not waste time when the head cook dismissed everyone for the night. She made her way to the royal courters where the Queen and her consort husband resided. She knew that she had to come up with a lie for the guards who were surely going to question her appearance so late in the night.
"Inform her majesty that Dana is here to see her, she sent after me" Daena informed the guards. The two looked at each other before one of them stepped into the room. Daena's hands were sweaty and clammy, she did not know what rose the prince's suspicions, she rarely saw him anyways, the Queen assigned her to the kitchens and beside she was strict about wanting her near her children.
"Go in" The guard nodded his head when he stepped back out. Daena gave him a small smile before stepping into the room where Rhaenyra and Daemon were waiting for her by the fireplace still in their morning clothes. She did not know how to approach the situation and stood like in idiot silent.
"You never returned with my wine" Daemon was the one to break the silence first. Daena's eyes widened when she realised that she had completely forgotten about her father's wine. She found the title father funny, she was raised without one until she discovered that he was a prince at eight when her mother was drunk and slipped. She was still hurt at the fact that Daemon gave her mother money to get rid of Daena when she informed him of her pregnancy but she understood, he was a prince and it would be scandalous for people to hear of a bastard.
"Apologies your grace, I was a little occupied" Daena bowed her head. She was not entirely lying.
"Doing what?" Daemon teased stepping closer to her. The man she met at thirteen was nothing like the man that stood in front of her today. And besides he seemed to have warmed up to her over the years and he ceased being hard and mean to her and chose the way of teasing, she was glad that he never punished her like the other servants whens he would do some mistakes and usually faked a punishment for her, he was still her father after all.
"Being lost and then interrogated by Prince Jacaerys" She answered. Rhaenyra's head perked up at the mention of her eldest son. She stood up from the sofa and moved to stand beside Daemon.
"Jace?" The Queen questioned. Daena could only hope that they won't punish her for real this time.
"He found me after I had gotten lost and he seemed like he was suspicious of me and had many questions, your grace" Daena responded. Daemon wrapped an arm around Rhaenyra which Daena figured to calm her down and that only made Daena even more scared.
"He must have grew suspicious when you sent him after Daena" Rhaenyra looked up at her husband. Daena felt shocked that her father would send the heir to the throne after her when she was late.
"You sent him after me?" Daena questioned. Daemon looked over at his daughter and saw the puzzled look on her father. His heart broke almost as much as the days she came over to him just after a dragon ride begging him for help so her mother doesn't turn her into a whore. He remembered the disappointment he felt when he saw the bruises on her body when she took off her cloak, he did not protect his own child, yea he wished she were dead when he heard of the pregnancy but now that she was born and alive many years later he wished he had protected her better.
"You were gone for too long and I grew worried" Daemon answered. A new kind of warmth filled Daena at his words, she felt some kind of love for the first time in her life. Her mother tended to ignore her ever since she could walk and talk on her own, she did not even feed her and she had to go to the other whores who would take care of her while her mother was 'preoccupied'.
"You should stay from Jace from now on, try staying in the kitchens at all time" Rhaenyra ordered. Daena felt sadness creep into her at the order, she would not be able to see her father for a while.
"As you wish, your grace" Daena bowed her head and opted to not look up again as a way to start her training of not seeing her father as a father in the presence of other.
"You may leave" With that said Daena left the room with heavy sadness sitting on her chest knowing she will miss her father over the course of the next couple of weeks.
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The Queen's plan did not seem to be working, over the next two weeks Daena bumped into the prince almost every day and one day she did not leave the kitchens at all and whenever she received orders to do some duties outside she would find an excuse to throw the task on someone else, that day Jacaerys himself made his way down to the kitchens faking a need for pastries just to see what Daena was doing, he hand an inkling that she was hiding something and he wanted to know what it was, what if she was loyal to the greens still and wanted to harm his mother?
One day she was dusting the old books in the library, she smiled as she mumbled the names of each book she passed by, she did not know how to read when she first came to the palace but Daemon sent a maester in the dead of the night to teach her and then took it upon himself to teach her high Valyrian until she perfected it.
"I have never seen a servant who could read before" She jumped at the sound of Jacaerys' voice. She turned to face him wide eyed and panting.
"My prince" Daena curtsied to the heir. She kept her head down and eyes down cast, she did not know that with her attempt to avoid him she merely made him even more suspicious.
"Who taught you how to read?" Jacaerys took a step closer trying to corner her so she won't run away like the previous time he was able to question her.
"My father, your grace" She answered, still refusing to face him. Jacaerys placed a hand under her chin and raised her head up to face him. Her eyes were a deep shade of blue just like her mother's thankfully but he did not know that.
"What are you hiding?" Jacaerys asked with accusation lacing his words.
"Nothing, my prince" The lie slipped easily through her lips having trained for many years, whenever someone pointed out her close relationship to the Queen and her consort, she would utter the exact same words, ' There is nothing between me and them'.
"I do not believe that" Jacaerys hissed glaring down at her. She gulped as he used his grip on her chin to push her back against the bookshelves trapping her between it and his body. His hand slid down to wrap around her neck, not quit blocking her airway but making it hard to breath.
"Do not lie to me" His voice was biting and it made the fear in Daena grow much more, making her weak in the knees along with a different feeling she did not know, some kind of heat filled her belly.
"I am not lying" Her voice was strained from the pressure he was applying to her neck.
"Jacaerys!" Jacaerys snapped away from Daena letting her go and putting some distance between them. Daena's hand flew to her neck massaging the hurt skin there as she took small gasps of air. Jacaerys glared at his step father who was the one to interrupt the questioning happening.
"Let the poor girl go" Daemon ordered. Daena gave her father a grateful look, she did not know what Daemon was doing here but she thanked the gods for bringing him here. Daemon's gaze softened when he saw the state Daena was in.
"Go back to the kitchens, Dana" Daemon ordered nodding in the direction of the door. Daena scrambled out of the room hearing now muffled voices as the Prince consort and the heir argued in the library.
That night Jacaerys sent after her and that made her even more afraid but her father assured her that the prince probably wanted to apologies, thats all. She begged him to come with her and he agreed to come through the secret passage way.
She took a deep breath before stepping into the room. Jacaerys was sitting at the edge of the bed with a book in hand, he was wearing a black tunic and pants, not quit for bed but also not for outside of the privacy of his room.
"My prince, you asked for me" Daena was the one to break the silence. She glanced at the wall noticing that the hole in it was still dark meaning her father was still not here with his bright candle to comfort her. Jacaerys placed his book beside him on the bed giving her all his attention.
"Come closer" Jacaerys ordered voice strict. Daena took two steps closer but Jacaerys used his pointer and middle finger to urge her to come closer with an icy expression on his face. She paused when their knees were almost touching, her on her feet and him sitting on the bed.
"If you tell me your secret I give you my word to not harm or punish you" She should have known that the young man would not let go of the subject.
"I have nothing to share, my prince" Daena said stoically, maybe if her reaction was not fear he would let her go, she cannot make him even more suspicious.
"Liar" Jacaerys hissed. He stood up from the bed towering over her. Daena did the stupidest thing and looked up at him and into the eyes showing him that she was not only afraid but nervous. His eyes trialed to her forehead where drops of sweat were forming ready to fall any second now.
"You are a liar, tell me what treason you are planning?" Jacaerys took a step closer to her but she took a couple of steps back putting even more space between their bodies.
"I would not dare" Daena hissed back feeling anger take root instead of her fear. She had enough of this spoiled brat thinking he had right to her personal life, he was as much a bastard as her yet he lived a life of luxury while she was left to the rats and even when she found out she had royal blood in her veins she was pushed to be a servant.
"Liar, you want to take my mother's life, do you not?" Jacaerys stalked over until Daena's back was against the wall. Daena heard the roar of Vermax in the distance masking his rider's emotions, she had no dragon to be proud of, to threaten people with, she was not worthy of one.
"I would never harm the Queen after she showed me kindness" Daena insisted. Jacaerys slammed his hand on the wall beside her head frustrated with her stubbornness, why won't she just confess.
"I do not believe you" Jacaerys glared harder down at her. She noticed the anger in his eyes and that sparked the fear back up into her, there was no one here to save her if he were to harm her or kill her.
"Get away from my daughter. Jacaerys" Daemon's calm voice broke the two apart. Daena sighed in relief seeing not only her father but the Queen as well.
"Your daughter?" Jacaerys was shocked at the new information. Daena used that opportunity, to escape the prince and scramble over to her father who surprisingly wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his side as if he was trying to comfort her, this was one of the few times the had any type of physical touch and the first time so intimate.
"She is of my blood" Daemon confirmed nodding his head. Jacaerys looked at his mother who nodded her head to show that she knew of this.
"Why did you not tell us?" Jacaerys asked.
"Leave Daena" The Queen ordered wanting privacy with her eldest. Daena curtsied and left the room feeling her anger very much still alive. That night she did not sleep a wink at all as she let her anger out through reading the books her father had gifted her and she hid under the bed from the other maids' curious eyes. She did not know how things will turn out but she could only hope she won't be kicked out of the palace.
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"Daena" She jumped at the sound of her real name and turned to face a now amused Jacaerys, he must think she feared him when she jumped like that. It had been a couple of days since the incident and she had not seen anyone except the servants, even her father she had not seen.
"What?" She asked confused. She had almost forgotten that that was her real name whenever she was in public and after not hearing it for so many years.
"That is your name is it not?" Jacaerys teased. He walked over to a bench and sat down. He patted the space beside him for her to take a seat. She placed the watering can down and moved to sit beside him tense.
"I wanted to apologise to you, my action were not princely at all" Jacaerys' voice was softer than before when he used to speak with her. She was shocked, she did not know how to respond so she stayed silent.
"I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me" He continued leaning forward to see her reaction to his words.
"I admire you for what you did" Daena admitted after a couple of seconds of silence except for the sound of birds and leafs swaying in the summer air.
"You do?" Jacaerys was shocked by her words, he thought she would resent him for being so rude.
"You were protecting your Queen and mother, you faced danger with no fear and that is admirable, if I had actually been a traitor I could have killed you for being suspicious" Daerna finally dared to look at him. Jacaerys smiled a little and nodded his head accepting her compliments.
"I did my duty" Jacaerys shrugged. They both turned at the sound of children's laughter to find Lucaerys running after their brothers Aegon and Viserys while Rhaenyra and Daemon walked side by side watching them with smiles.
"You are lucky you know" Daena whispered feeling tears fill her eyes so she looked away to not show them to the Prince. She had never once played as a child or laughed like this, she never had a relationship with a parent or a sibling before.
"For what?" Jacaerys asked cocking up an eyebrow at her change in demeanour.
"To have a family, I never had that at all. My mother never cared and I never knew my father" Daena wiped under her eyes to rid of the tears. She took a small breath and turned to face him with a small and fake smile.
"Excuse me, my prince" She curtsied and hurried away from the gardens before he could stop her. He reached to grab her hand but she was too fast and left his hand hanging in the air and frown on his face.
Daena decided to fake a sickness and remained the rest of the day in her room. She knew that she overshared and she felt guilty for inflicting such things upon the prince. She could not help herself but feel a little jealous of him, he spent more time with her own father than she did. He had a loving mother dotting on him while her mother viewed her as mere filth under her nails, she did not even go searching for her when Daena ran away. She knew because she visited her to check up on her, she was still her mother after all and found her laughing with a wine cup in her hand while half naked in between some random man's arms. She remembered that day like the back of her hand, she cried for days and that was when Daemon showed her some sympathy and comforted her in her bed with a hand on her back, no more.
Her mother never hugged her or showed her any affection, her father's first hug or whatever it was in Jacaerys' room was merely because she was being attacked and he never came to check on her after, if she was okay or harmed. He was a dutiful father to his other children and even his step children, why couldn't he show her the same love? Of course she would never ask in public but in private when they were alone, without even the Queen there.
Daena buried her head in her pillow to muffle her sobs and cries. She was a horrible person for feeling like this, she should not feel jealousy, even they were bastards they were still royalty, she had no royal title, no lands, she was an almosy whore in Flea Bottom and a current servant, a mere slave in this huge palace.
The next day Daena had dark circles under her eyes and red eyes that she blamed on her allergies. She remained in the library cleaning not wanting to be in anyone's presence, even the servants who she had befriended over the years.
"Are you okay?" Daena tensed at the sound of Daemon's voice. She almost believed that the worry in his voice was fake but when she turned to face him and saw his expression it seemed real.
"Yes, your grace" Daena answered. Daemon frowned at the coldness in her voice. He walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.
"I am your father, you can tell me anything" Daemon assured her with a soft smile on his usually rough expression. Daena stepped out of his hold and moved to the other side of the shelves and resumed her cleaning.
"You sure act like it" She rolled her eyes as the sarcastic words leave her mouth. She pulled a huge book from the shelf and wiped the dust off with a damp rag.
"Have I upset you, daughter?" Daemon asked following close behind her.
"Do not call me that" Daena hissed turning to glare at him. She tightened her grip on the rag almost ripping it in half.
"What? Daughter? But that is what you are to me" Daemon furrowed his brows and tried reaching for hands but she pulled away from him.
"I am a mere servant and do not soil your hands with my dirty ones" She moved to leave the library as tears build up in her eyes. Daemon was shocked, she had never been like this before, she has never showed the need for affection and accepted his offer to stay in the palace as a servant so he gave her space that he thought she needed even when it stretched for years. He was quick in grabbing her arm, faster than Jacaerys was and held her in my place.
"What is bothering you?" Daemon questioned. He froze at the sight of the tears in her eyes.
"To feel loved by my parents for once in my life, to have a family and not be mere dirt for people to step on" Daena answered. Jacaerys had hurt her more than she thought he did, if she had been revealed as the bastard of Prince Daemon, no one would question her loyalty ever.
"You are loved by me" Daemon whispered. He pulled her close hugging her to his chest. He felt guilty for letting her get to this point of longing.
"No you do not, you love your real family more" Daena sobbed against his chest. She still held him tight wanting to stay there, to keep feeling the comfort in his arms.
"That is not true, I love you just as much, I may not have been there from the beginning nor was I the best father but I love you still. When you revealed your hair that day I realised my mistake of wanting you dead. You are one of the prettiest girls my eyes have landed on and I am so sorry for letting you feel so unloved" Daemon pulled away half way through his speech and wiped her tears but that did not stop them from gushing down her cheeks.
"All I wanted was your love, I want no last name or lands all i wanted was you" Daena whispered. Daemon leaned his forehead onto hers. It was so unlike him to show emotions or so much of it.
"And you have it, all of it" Daemon whispered. Daena wrapped him in a second hug having not had enough of his comfort, his heat and love. the pair stood there for what felt like hours in each others arms.
That night Daena prepared herself for bed with a smile on her face in her brand new room given to her on the orders of Daemon. It was much bigger than the one she shared with the other servants. A knock on the door broke her train of thoughts and she looked at the door through the mirror she sat in front of.
"Come in" She called. She stood up from the chair and turned to face the door with her robe tightly covering her body and sleeping dress. She was surprised when the brunette prince walked in with a small smile.
"My prince" She curtsied when their eyes met. He stepped over to, he was so close she could almost feel his body.
"Do you like your new room?" He asked looking around them at the room. The bed was to the right almost against the wall with only a small bedside table there to separate the bed from the window overlooking King's Landing. There was a fireplace with a sitting area around it and table if she wished to eat in her room along with a small library and desk.
"Very much, my prince" Daena answered smiling brightly at him. This was the first time he had seen her smile like this.
"Jace" He whispered. His flickered over both of hers then down to her lips and back up again leaving her breathless.
"What?" She tilted her head to the side confused on why he would say his own name.
"Call me Jace" He explained, voice soft and hand reach fore her own. He raised there intertwined hands up to his lips and kissed her knuckles making her gasp, in the eyes of everyone else she was still a servant and if someone were to walk in on them there would be only trouble for the both of them.
"Forgive me, My lady, I have wronged you so many times before" He whispered against the skin of her knuckles.
"All is forgiven ,Jace" She whispered. her heart was beating faster than she thought possible. He could not hold back himself anymore and leaned down capturing her lips with her own. She wrapped her free arm around his neck letting her fingers play with the hair at the back of his head making him sigh against her lips softly. His arm wrapped around her waist pulling her into him as he deepened the kiss while their fingers stayed intertwined.
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Jacerys Valeryon: Daena Waters
Daena Waters aesthetic 2 3
One Shots:
Shhh No One Has to Know
I’ve Got You
My King
Targaryen Hearts Entwined: The Princess and The Pauper
Lone Wolf:
Part One: Wolf Meeting Dragon
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