#jack mcloughlin
saturns-emotes · 20 days
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I live laugh love their friendship <3
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dancing-heart-pony · 1 year
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It my birthday! 🥳
Sometimes I remember that I can draw things for myself! ❤️
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nerdhappenings · 2 years
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(Born February 7, 1990)
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docheros · 18 days
as we were learning about Fernando Pessoa, i jokingly told my friend "is there a Fernando Pessoa fandom? will I have to take upon the duty of writing Álvaro Campos and Ricardo Reis fanfic?" and he told me "you'll write Fernando Pessoa kissing himself?"
so, haha, about that...
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
I wonder if Jameson is Echo. We've never heard his voice, only seen it transcribed to us. Maybe his voice echoes from where he originates in the distant past, still unheard to us but not to Chase, who's already sensitive to these things.
(Or maybe Character Jack is Echo, as in an echo of his consciousness from within the coma? But less likely, because why wouldn’t Chase recognize his voice? Hmm)
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batsylamancha · 2 years
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For nostalgic purposes, here's a throwback to one of Anti's first moments that I drew. I can't remember which video, it was pretty old and the first time I had seen Anti (Even if he wasn't Anti at the time, lol) Congratulations on Iris, ya little monster.
Bonus: Two Marvins
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tinydumpsterfire · 2 years
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Try not to get anxious
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marsandmightymakes · 2 years
Some Jack stuff 👀
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how im currently feeling in life rn
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dumbassdadfriend · 2 years
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I made Marvin! I really like this one! I had fun with it! Hope you like it too! :D
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eekahchu · 2 years
Come hang out and help raise some money for World Central Kitchen!! Even just $1 will make a big impact! If you can't donate please share the stream with #Thankmas to spread the word!
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alleycryptid · 2 years
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The Urban Rescue Ranch with Uncle Ben
Jack Black vs. Jacksepticeye
Spiffing Brit
Tom Cardy (Animation: Gabriella Antali)
Steve Martin on SNL (Father of the Bride Parody Skit)
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moon--meeks · 2 years
It is now the time of the year where I single handedly try to get thankmas trending on tumblr because I do not have the spare money to donate
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The Prophecies - Part 2
Episode Recap #54: The Prophecies - Part 2 Original Airdate: October 7, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Fritz Weaver as Asteroth Marie-France Lambert as Sister Adele Jean Brousseau as Father Decroux Steve Monarque as Johnny Ventura (as Steven Monarque) Tara Meyer as Chris Davis Madeleine Pageau as Sister Francis Lee J. Campbell as Mr. Burt Davis Nathaniel Moreau as Young Ryan Robert Desroches as Mr. Thorez (as Robert Des Roches) Jacques Tourangeau as Lieutenant Marceau (credit only) Jill Frappier as Elizabeth Dallion Guy Provencher as Blind Beggar Joshua Labelle as Jimmy Dallion Huguette Oligny as Housekeeper / Theresa
Written by Tom McLoughlin Directed by Tom McLoughlin
Part 2 picks up with a recap of Part 1. Then we are back in the streets of Marie-Mere, with Micki finally finding Ryan, who seems dazed. He said he tried to get the book but was knocked out. Micki is worried, since it has been over an hour. He insists he is fine. She says they should check on Jack. Ryan wants to see Adele, but Micki says they will after seeing Jack.
Asteroth goes to a cemetery crypt. He breaks in the stone door via magic. Inside, it is a huge space. He breaks open more crypts, exposing skeletons. He tells Lucifer the place of his return awaits and laughs.
At the church. Christine and her father sit and pray. She's worried, asks him to pray for her.
Micki has been going through Jack's papers about the Book of Lucifer. She gets frustrated by Ryan just staring out the window. He says it is a waste of time, he needs to see Sister Adele. Micki says no one can see her. Ryan acts weird and then leaves.
Later, Ryan is outside the church as Asteroth reads the next prophecy. Ryan heads forward. He gets inside, upsetting the other nuns with his insistence on seeing Adele. She says it is okay, he's a friend. Ryan says he has to speak to her in private. Uneasily, Adele takes him to her room. Ryan tells her he met Asteroth. Adele knows Ryan is under Asteroth's hold and tries talking to him, then grabs her crucifix and begins praying. Decroux and the other nuns try getting into the room as the possessed Ryan attacks Adele. Asteroth speaks and laughs through Ryan, opens the door and tells Decroux that Adele is dying for her faith. Then he runs off. Decroux and the nuns find Adele and pray to God.
In an alley, Ryan is lamenting what he just did under Asteroth's control and finds the 666 on his chest. He screams.
At the hotel, Micki calls Johnny who's at Curious Goods, worried about Ryan's odd behavior. Ryan's mother shows up at the store. Johnny tries to calm Micki, who asks him to come to France. He agrees, then tells Mrs. Dallion it will be okay.
Cops bang on Micki's hotel room door, then barge inside, looking for Ryan. They take Micki with them.
Johnny talks to Ryan's mom, who is worried about him, thinking he must hate her. Johnny says Ryan loves her, and everyone deserves a second chance. She says she can't lose another son.
Ryan slips into the hospital and goes to see Jack. He begs his friend to wake up, telling he killed Adele and doesn't know why. He begins to cry, thinking his life is over now. Jack lays unconscious, Ryan asks why he couldn't help him this time. And tells Jack he needs him as he continues to sob.
Asteroth is chanting his evil prayers over a skeleton, and Ryan is again possessed, leaping out the hospital window as nurses rush in. He runs off into the night.
Next day, Micki is still being interrogated by the police. They don't believe her claims of strange events and she doesn't believe their claim that Ryan killed Adele. They won't let her leave or make a phone call.
Asteroth continue his work in the crypt, with Ryan at his mercy. He makes an upside cross on Ryan's forehead and says a child of God will be Lucifer's vessel.
That night, at a candlelight prayer vigil, Adele's body is carried through the streets. Johnny arrives via taxi and goes to the hotel, where he finds out Micki was arrested.
Ryan watches the prayer from the streets.
Johnny demands they let Micki go if they aren't charging her, and is shocked with the allegations against Ryan. He tells the detective they are leaving to look for Ryan, and they head out.
Ryan spots Christine and her father in the prayer group, and takes the girl, her father rushing after him.
Decroux begins a prayer over the body of Adele for all of those present. He tells them Satanic powers are at work to destroy their faith.
Ryan rushes with a protesting Christine as Micki and Johnny search frantically. Christine's father tries to stop Ryan, but Asteroth possesses Ryan, who tosses the man to the pavement.
Decroux continues to pray, saying Adele was killed because she was a symbol of good. He tells them they should have faith and pray. As they do, Jack has memories of what happened, what Adele had told him about her faith, and finally awakens, saying "The child."
Ryan brings Christine to Asteroth in the cemetery crypt.
Micki and Johnny still search, then go to see Jack, who is gone from the hospital.
Asteroth continues to read from his book, as Christine prays on her own. Asteroth tells her Lucifer is the true ruler, but she is brave and keeps praying. Asteroth uses his magic to heal her legs for Lucifer's arrival.
Jack finds Christine's injured father, who tells him Ryan took Christine. Micki and Johnny come upon the men, thrilled to see Jack. Micki fills Jack in on what she read, and Jack realizes the place of the dead mentioned must be the cemetery. Before dying, her dad asks them to save Christine.
Asteroth continues his plan to bring Lucifer to Earth. Asteroth has Ryan pull Christine to her feet, to show her what his faith in Lucifer has done for her. She can now stand on her own and walk. Christine listens to Asteroth, but refuses to praise Lucifer, so Asteroth makes her legs give out.
Decroux and the crowd continue to pray, as wind begins to blow.
Ryan is forced to hold Christine down as Asteroth works to use the Book to bring forth his master. He picks up a sharp skeleton bone, and says since she won't accept Lucifer, he will kill her and Lucifer will be resurrected in her body. He lifts the bone over her.
Jack, Micki and Johnny race through the cemetery looking for Asteroth and Ryan.
Christine appeals to Ryan, trying to get through to him. He looks at her and is flooded with memories of his late brother. Just as Asteroth brings the bone down, Ryan screams and puts his body between it and Christine, Asteroth stabbing him in the back. Micki, Jack and Johnny arrive at the same moment. Ryan, out of Asteroth's control, asks Christine to pray for him before falling to the ground.
His body is wracked in pain and transforms into young Ryan. Asteroth says the prophecy has been fulfilled, thinking Ryan will be the vessel for Lucifer.
At the funeral vigil, wind blows and a bright light appears in the sky. All are in awe.
The light even reaches the crypt, worrying Asteroth, who is burned reaching for the Book after struggling with Johnny. Christine stands in the light. Jack rushes to her. Asteroth stumbles to avoid the light. Jack finds the unconscious boy on the ground and picks him up. Micki is confused. Asteroth again tries for the book but it bursts into flames, then he does as well. He thrashes about before turning into his demon form and exploding. Micki holds the boy, and Christine says they must get him to the shrine.
They get to the shrine, still bathed in the bright light. Ryan begins to thrash about. Decroux prays over him, hoping to rid him of the influence of Satan. Christine kneels and prays to the Blessed Mother, asking them to return Ryan to what is God's will. A visage of a woman appears, the light becomes blinding and Ryan screams.
The light dims and fades away, and the boy lies calm. Jack talks to Ryan, who asks who he is. Ryan remembers Jack as a friend of Uncle Lewis. Christine introduces herself, but Ryan doesn't recall her. She thanks him. Ryan asks where his mother is. Christine tells Decroux that the Blessed Mother wants her to stay, and the Shrine waters flow again. Ryan asks if Micki is okay. She tries to get him to remember her, but all he can recall is a cousin named Micki, with red hair. They hug.
Back in the airport in the US, they all arrive home. Ryan runs off, Jack says he didn't say anything to Mrs. Dallion because it would be hard to explain. She is there, waving at them. Ryan comes up to her, calling her mom, but at first she thinks he's looking for someone else. Then she recognizes the boy her son used to be. Ryan says she looks different. She is shocked and Jack tells her this is Ryan, as hard as it is to believe. Micki tells Ryan she recognizes him, but he looks a little different. He says she is still the prettiest mom in the world, and them embrace, as Jack, Micki and Johnny look on.
My thoughts:
As I said last week, this is written and directed by Tom McLoughlin, who was the man behind Friday the 13th: Part VI - Jason Lives!, one of my favorite in the film series. He did a great job in opening the third season, while finding a creative way to write out - but not kill off - Ryan. I commend and thank him for that.
I remember the first time I watched this episode. I had graduated high school around the same time as the season two finale. Was working nights now, and was harder for me to be there each late Saturday night. I recorded this and watched it a few days - maybe weeks? - after it had aired. Like I said, no pre-information. It was, to me, just the season three opener. Little did I know.
Ryan becoming possessed and killing Adele is so much. But, as it was with weekly shows, you assume they will somehow over come this. Ryan won't be sent to prison! Then he sacrifices himself for Christine, and you think this will either wound him and also redeem him or kill him. But he's back for season three, they won't kill him off.
Imagine my - and other fans - shock. Ryan is turned back in to a child… and stays that way! Yeah, he isn't killed off. But LeMay is gone? What does all this mean? I was stunned. Ryan and Micki were so big to me as a lonely, awkward teen. How could Ryan be gone from this group?
We had no answers this week. Just this ambiguous end. I remember after watching this, going to let my dog out and just standing, looking out at the bare trees and feeling the end of something. Like I said, I'd graduated and was working. I'd begun to miss episodes of the show and had to play catch up. It all just felt like an end had begun for something that had been so special and important to me. And I had no clue what the future held, for Ryan, for Micki and Jack, and in my life, for me. A weird, very personal, nexus point of life, I guess.
Johnny, as we know now, took over the younger male lead role. They play Johnny here a little different than before. Less harsh and horny, and more friendly and helpful. I don't mind Johnny, but Ryan was irreplaceable.
The religious motifs here are huge, and it makes sense. The show always focused on the demonic and Satanic, so it was interesting to see the flipside of that. But, I have to wonder if this big season opener, with God, and prayer, and nuns and Lucifer combined with airing in more prime time slots, opened the door for more tight ass religious zealots to see and condemn the show. Is it a coincidence that this ended up being the final season?
All in all, a great big movie of a season opener, with the show's status quo truly shaken up. Glad Ryan was left alive, for a possible return. Never happened, unfortunately. Only in my fanfic. Maybe I'll share that one day, if anyone would care to read it.
Good-bye, Ryan.
Next week: Demon Hunter
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theleondude · 1 year
How to play as Jacksepticeye in Brain-Jack
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As you know, or would at least assume if you’re familiar with my previous blog posts, there is an Easter egg in the ‘Safe For YouTube’ mode that allows you to play as Jacksepticeye. There was even a quick tutorial in the June 2023 Progress Report video that I uploaded to my YouTube channel last week but not many people watched that vid so I’m just gonna post a quick step-by-step guide right here on how to play as Jacksepticeye in Brain-Jack.
BTW, the demo for Brain-Jack is available on GameJolt:
And the petition to have Jacksepticeye himself play the game can be found here:
Step 1:
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When booting up the game, pick the ‘Safe For YouTube’ mode option.
Step 2:
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Walk over to this drawer right here and interact with it.
Step 3:
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Replace Jack’s name with Jacksepticeye’s real name, Sean McLoughlin.
Step 4:
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When Jacksepticeye asks you if you’re the real Jacksepticeye, respond with “Yep. Top of the morning to ya!”. And even if you aren’t the real Jacksepticeye, just do it anyway.
After that, he will ask you a question that he believes only the real Jacksepticeye would know. Unless you do a quick Google search for the answer, of course. ;)
And what is this mysterious question, I hear you ask? Play the game to find out.
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