#jack me into the matrix!!
blueberryspyder · 2 months
I need Mr. Ceiling to download the entirety of RQG into my brain because I physically cannot handle not being able to look at fan art/fan fic of these beautiful fools, I’m going fucking INSANE
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beansricejc · 3 months
Headcanon: Keanu Reeves's characters as University Students.
what an amazing prompt omfg! CW: cursing, implied homophobia, vulgar descriptions of drug use
JOHN CONSTANTINE - Religious Studies / Parapsychology. His parents would roll their eyes and friends would laugh at such a degree to work towards. “You’re kidding.” John’s dad would grumble, scoffing as his swigs a beer. “You might as well just become a priest and swear off chasin’ tail. What the fuck even is… parapsycholo-“
“I’d be studying psychic or paranormal phenomena, for your information.” John would groan, snatching his dad’s cigarette box from the porch table and lighting one up. His father, an even more cynical asshole (if you can believe it) than him, laughed in disbelief.
“You’re seriously wasting your prime years on bein’ a ghostbuster?” His dad snickered, then calling John an unsavory, homophobic slur, as per usual. These talks he has with his father always end up with one of them getting a bloody nose and their ass kicked. This time, it’s his drunk of a father.
Who knew that would end up helping him in the long run, with casting demons out of little girls and helping twins in the afterlife?
KEVIN LOMAX - Law/Finance. Of course this big shot lawyer is going to have a law degree, duh. But I also envision something else. I can picture Kevin pulling a Jordan Belfort, scamming rich fools into investing into shitty companies. Money laundering, tax evasion, snorting cocaine out of a hired woman’s ass, all at the top of a sky scraper in the financial district in the Big Apple. He definitely skipped class to sleep in or recover from a previous night’s partying. It didn’t matter though, Kevin is stupidly smart and hardly needs to study to pass any sort of exam.
NEO - Computer Programming. Do I even have to explain this one? Late nights, redbull, he’s gotta pass somehow, and these classes are making Neo work for it.
JACK TRAVEN/JOHNNY UTAH - Criminal Justice. These boys in blue were at the top of their class at their respective programs, Utah for the FBI, and Traven for the LAPD police academy. It always helps to have a bit of book smarts to go along with their pretty faces.
JOHN WICK - Our favorite Russian assassin didn’t go to college, we already know this. However, if he did, I can see our man going in for a History or English degree. Years pass and he graduates, getting a job at some middle school out of state to get far away from his past life as he can. Mr. Wick is a fantastic teacher, the boys think he’s cool as hell and the girls think he’s scary but unfortunately he knows what he’s doing. Mr. Wick has already promised himself never to mix personal life with his job, just like he did in the past when he did hits for a living. That is until parent-teacher conferences happen at the end of the semester. When one of his favorite kiddos brings in their single mom, and he can barely hold it together in front of her.
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
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1×01 the name of the game
The Boys (2019 - present)
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jonathanarcher · 1 year
Really good selection of movies on tubi this month every time I get a little bored with what I’m seeing she pulls me back in
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molluscoid · 2 years
i do not understand keymashing and i find it just... deeply humiliating. i think it's funny when other people do it but i fuckin cannot. how do i simulate a grand mal seizure but in a visually pleasing qwerty middle row way. how do i convince myself i'm having enough fun to lose control of my limbs. how do i think about keymashing without thinking about the degradation of my mental faculties and how this is a skill, a social skill, this is something i could have learned easily a few years ago. how do i create the appearance of a loss of control in a controlled manner knowing that i live in a world where anything approximating a true loss of control when the modern directive is to carefully curate every aspect of your outward appearance and demeanor while also maintaining dedication to my own moral code. how do i reconcile the frenetic presentation of a keymash with my impression of it as a tool to alter one's own image in the eyes of others. how do i keymash without it agitating a million little judgements i've absorbed about myself as a gay person and rendering them all flotsam. how do i live without apology. how do i fishtail in earnest.
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a-passing-storm · 4 months
Okay... I will admit, some of Smith's lines are kind of funny in this movie.
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hx4x4enthusiast · 3 months
Papa Prime Headcanons 2
After a tough mission or when Bumblebee gets backlashes from particular disturbing events of the war, Optimus will tell him old stories. And he extend his ERM field to further comfort Bee and only leaves once Bee is in full power down. That is also one of the few moments that Optimus fully relaxes and let's his emotions out.
Whenever Arcee starts to pull back from everyone and her past regrets come back Optimus spaars with her or just silently drives next to her on patrol. He just let's her vent without giving advice if she doesn't ask for it.
After Smokescreens arrival he and Optimus had a long talk about Alpha Trion and Cybertron in its war days. At the end Smokescreen broke down and Optimus hugged him and wrapped him up in his ERM field until he calmed down again.
Knockout and Optimus once got trapped in a mine collaps due to stray blaster fire. Instead of facing of against each other, Optimus witnessed Knockout curled to a ball in a corner hyperventilating. He slowly got closer and gently extended his ERM field to calm Knockout down. He talked to him in hushed tones until they where freed. Knockout never forgot that day and after he joined the autobots he thanked Optimus, who just regarded him with the same gentle smile he held all those years ago on that same day.
Optimus has in his cabin a photo of the entire team that miko took, raf edited and jack printed out to robot size. It is his most treasured possession and his good luck charm. So whenever he feels unsure or doubt he touches his chassis to remind himself who he is fighting for. The team doesn't know that and think he touches his chassis because the matrix lies there.
June once witnessed Optimus reprimanding the children for putting themselves in danger yet again. As she leaned back she commented more to herself. "He is such a dad." To which Ratchet answered. "Oh you have no idea". The entire team except for the children and Optimus himself realized that, Optimus sees the children as his own sparklings. And noone is gonna mentioned it. Mostly because there is an ongoing betting pool for when Optimus is going to realize that his sire protocols are running.
~Hi apparently you all liked the first part I made of this so here is another one. Do let me know if you want more of this, Scenarios, Headcanons with the kids, the bots both just TFP or other contuienies.~
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Pedro boys colour matrix
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• Masterlist •
This has been on my to-do list for ages and it’s taken even longer to make. I’m so happy with how it turned out! Which is your favourite colour on our Pedro boys? Any look you would've put in the matrix instead?
Commentary below the cut.
Related posts:
Pedro boys fashion matrix
Pedro boys hair matrix
Pedro boys facial hair matrix
Javier, Bro Pedro, Mr. Ben, Javi G, Mario
Three of the red looks came from SNL, and I'm not complaining. I am especially feral for Mr. Ben's red sweater look, he looks broad AF in it. Javier of course rocks several red shirts in the series, but this one with the arms crossed is iconic.
Oberyn, Javi G, Javier, Frankie
Personally, yellow is probably my favourite colour on P. He just carries it so gorgeously - the marigold yellow on Javi G and Oberyn's sun robes are literally the golden standard.
Javier, Dieter, Dave, Joel
We need more green in P's wardrobe! His emerald green velvet suit on Jimmy Fallon took my breath away, and I lament the fact that we don't see this colour often enough on him. I hope Joel's green plaid shirt is just the beginning.
Javi G, Jack, Dave, Mr. Ben, Marcus Moreno
Wardrobe loves putting this man in a blue office shirt. For something different, I adore Javi G's pale blue suit, and of course - Jack's iconic snowsuit.
Pink and purple
Meemaw, Javier, Frankie, Dieter
We 👏🏼 need 👏🏼 more of these two colours on P! While he’s worn quite a lot of pink IRL, his characters are a bit behind the curve. This man owns these colours, fingers crossed we’ll be blessed with more pinks and purples soon!
Charlie, Max Lord, Javier, Marcus Pike
I was a bit annoyed to find out that we didn't actually get a frontal shot of P in the white t-shirt in the Sia music video, so had to improvise with a two Javier looks (yet again). I do love this man in a white shirt without a tie almost as much as in a simple white t-shirt. And also hospital scrubs.
Veracruz, Din, Frankie, Marcus Pike, Zach
I know, I know, Din's beskar is silver but it had to go somewhere. I do love this man in a gray round neck t-shirt, we get him in three!
Dave, Dio, Nico, Javier, Marcus Moreno
Ngl, Dave's assassin look sends me... this man looks so sleek in black. As bizarre as Nico is, the black turtleneck is such a classic and he looks so good in it!
P.S. We need more purple on P! There was unfortunately not enough material for one row and my OCD didn’t let me put in an incomplete row 🤷🏻‍♀️ Shoutout to Javier's violet shirt and Dieter's washed out purple tshirt!
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cycat4077 · 5 months
Gator's room: foreshadowing & clues
I went back to take a look at the scene of Gator in his room. While the "flag", girly posters, blaring heavy metal and handcuffs were an immediate stand out to all of us, I wanted to have a look to see if there were any other clues to who Gator is.
First up, here's his room:
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Let's look a little closer at the obvious foreshadowing.
Based on the previews and the Instagram post from the makeup artist (along with the subtle nods to Oedipus), it appears Ole Munch is going to torture Gator. We see him holding a knife to his eyes, and in the original trailer, Gator is bloody and blindfolded while being led by a noose.
Gator's own posters, decor, and drawings seem to depict this fate.
#1 The poster immediately behind his shoulder depicts a man with no eyes - potentially gouged out.
#2 The drawing below it has the eyes blocked out in colours that suggest necrotic (dead) tissue.
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#3 The animal skull on his wall obviously has no eyes.
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The Oedipus parallel and removal of his peepers were foreshadowed right in Gator's room from episode 3.
Linda's fate (mommy issues)
We learned in the last episode that Linda is dead. Roy tells Dot that he can burry Dot right next to Linda. When Dot confronts Gator and tries to win him over via his mother, Gator gets visibly emotional and shaken. We see hope and heartache run through him simultaneously. I think Gator knows instinctively that his mother is dead, but some small part of him hopes she is still out there.
I also think Gator's drawings depict his mother.
#1 This drawing not only depicts a person with eyes blacked out, but the drawing is clearly of a woman - possibly a corpse. She has breasts and long hair but is drawn in purples, reds, and blues; colours that represent bruises, blood, and dying flesh.
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#2 The other drawing with missing eyes is also of a woman. This drawing once again has long hair, but she is smiling.
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Perhaps Gator accidentally saw his mother's dead body. He has a drawing that represents a scary corpse (reality) and one that represents an almost comical one. Maybe the smile is how he tries to remember Linda - dead but somehow still smiling for him.
Other little things
#1 Robbed of childhood innocence. Gator's room is filled with "tough boy" items: swimsuit model photos, car photos, alcohol, heavy metal posters, etc. But he also has children's toy cars. The hot rod photos are in direct contrast to the toy cars on his shelf. The boy trapped inside the man. A boy robbed of his childhood by abuse and traumatic events.
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#2 Jack Skellington. I'm probably one of the only people on the planet who have not yet watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, but the Jack Skellington parallels go beyond just the mask Gator wore. To me, it looks like he also drew Jack - and yet another reference to death. The skull's mouth is sewn shut too, just like Gator is sworn to obey his father and not speak the truths about what Roy has done.
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#3 Red or Blue Pill? Again, I have failed to watch yet another classic film: the Matrix. But this poster seems to be a clear reference to it, I think.
According to Google, "The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill."
And if there's anyone with the last name of Tillman who will be forced to see reality (and potentially change), it is Gator. Gator will likely be forced this "red pill" by Ole Munch, either finally seeing the reality of his father's ways, or by becoming the next sin eater.
Whatever the outcome, the poster must have some sort of meaning!
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That's all for now 😊 But I really love all the subtleties in this show! It's fantastically written and acted, and Joe is doing such an exceptional job playing this mutli-layered and morally ambiguous character of Gator!
A post by @familyfriendlyhoho got me thinking about the drawing on Gator's wall. I was thinking that his drawings represent his dead mother, Linda and that he may have accidentally seen her corpse. The post theorizes that:
"I feel like Gator knew Linda was dead. but worst, I feel like Roy showed it to him."
And I think that this is the most-likely scenario. Roy is sinister enough to do something like that to his own son. I can imaging Roy telling Gator to stop being a loser and become a winner and, to drive the point home, he could have led Gator to Linda's corpse warning "this is what happens to losers".
If so, Gator's drawings would depict the corpse he witnessed. Even here, before Gator gives himself the "I'm a winner" pep talk, we see him glance towards the drawing - a reminder of what happens to losers. He then feels the need to convince himself that he is not one, despite what his father says.
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in1-nutshell · 12 days
Optimus and team's reaction to Maximum Prime.  Like say Optimus survived however he lost the matrix and was now chillin as orion pax.  I want to see his reaction when he regained a part of himself but lost a part of his daughter.  I want to see the team’s reaction when they realize how much the matrix actually takes.  Miko tries to reach her through the power of rock music and gets met with a blank stare
This will take place in the scenario were Optimus gets amnesia and Maxima takes the mantle.
Hope you enjoy!
Maxima taking on the Matrix of Leadership
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight angst, Cybertronian reader
The team doesn’t know where Optimus had gone and is slowly falling apart without him.
Maxima is trying to keep the order in the team the best she can.
Jack mentions the key thing that Optimus gave him before everything went down.
Maxima nearly has a spark attack seeing it.
The Key to Vector Sigma.
Maxima goes with Jack to Cybertron to reactivate it.
She refuses to have Jack go to their dead world without some protection.
The plan was simple.
Power the key, get Orion back from Megatron, (maybe spend some time with him), restore his memory with the key, and take a nap.
But since when do plans ever go right?
Instead of powering the key fully, Vector Sigma produced a new matrix.
Jack is confused when he sees Maxima go the robot equivalent of pale.
Even more when she refuses to have him near the object as it followed them back home.
Everyone at the base is surprised to see a new Matrix of Leadership floating around, specifically following Maxima.
Maxima wants nothing to do with that thing and is very open about it.
It soon starts nudging her plating and chassis, as if wanting to get inside.
Maxima running through the base.
Bulkhead holding her shoulder.
“Maxima what’s wrong? What—”--Bulkhead
The Matrix turns the corner and starts floating to Maxima.
“Sorry Bulk!”--Maxima
Maxima elbows him hard in the faceplate, making him drop her to hold his face.
Maxima makes a break for it as the Matrix continues to follow her.
“Man, she really doesn’t like that thing.”--Miko
She knows what it’s doing, and she is not going let that happen.
But looks at her team and her spark tightens.
They are lost.
They need a leader.
They need a Prime.
Especially with everyone nudging her to take the matrix until Orion came back.
Maxima had a feeling it was not going to be that simple.
Finally, she relents.
“It’s only a temporary position Maxima. The Matrix will go back to Optimus once he is back.”--Ratchet
Maxima bites back a response.
“Beep! Boop bep boop bop? (Yeah! It can’t be that bad, can’t it?)”--Bumblebee
Maxima sighs shakingly.
“I’ll do it.”--Maxima
The Matrix nudges her shoulder.
She begins to walk to the hallway before stopping.
Maxima turns on her heels and crashes into Ratchet, hugging him tightly.
Ratchet doesn’t have time to react before she lets go and runs to the Matrix and follows it to another room.
Suddenly the lights and power started flickering.
“Is that normal?!”--Raf
“I believe the merging is happening and that’s why—”--Ratchet
The lights return back to normal and heavier pedestep come closer.
The team looks at the hallway to see a much taller, robust Maxima.
Miko runs up to Maxima’s pedes.
“Maxima! You’re so much taller and bigger and—”--Miko
“And your voices is deeper and—”
Miko stops talking as the bot takes a knee to look at her.
She holds out her much larger servo, Miko hops on as she stands up and places Miko back on the balcony.
She turns to the team.
“My name is not Maxima. My name is Maximum Prime.”--Maximum
The team welcomes this new Prime in.
They learn quickly that there is a stark difference between Maximum and Maxima.
The Prime behavior shows in Maximum.
A near replica of Optimus but in a different way.
Miko and the kids are weirded out by this new Prime.
What happened to their friend?
Once Orion’s signature is found, Maximum is readying everyone for battle, inheriting the same talent of speech her father had.
The cons didn’t know what hit them.
Mainly because of this large monster semi-truck ramming into the troops.
Everyone thinks the bots have a new recruit.
Finally, team prime has reached Orion, Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream and a few others.
Orion sees Maximum and feels like he knows her.
This robust bot had many features his daughter had.
Maybe they knew each other.
Megatron and Soundwave felt everything come to a screeching halt.
Their energetic niece had taken the mantle of the Prime.
She was someone else.
Soundwave knows that this isn’t going to work and starts preparing the groundbrigdes for the remaining troops.
He isn’t happy that his niece has taken this burden.
Megatron is enraged.
How could they let a sparkling take on the Matrix?!
Megatron quickly masks his fury and gives her a smug smile.
“It looks like Team Prime has gotten so desperate that they had to rely on a sparkling to—”--Megatron
“Let Orion Pax go now.”--Maximum
“Oh? And if I don—"--Megatron
No one was expecting Maximum to kick him in the face.
And that didn’t stop there.
The blasting, punching and kicking continued.
Maximum gave him one warning and one warning only.
Megatron is lucky to have made it out of there with most of his army.
What just happened?
What happened to Maxima?
Maxima is gentle to take in Orion.
Orion gets the news from Ratchet.
He is floored by everything.
That scary bot that dropkicked Megatron was his daughter?
He really doesn’t believe it.
Orion tries to reach her but gets nothing in return.
Everyone wants Maxima back.
“All right Orion, all you need to do is open your chassis like so.”--Maximum
Maximum opens her chassis, showing the glowing Matrix.
Orion opens his chassis.
“Now it should float into your chassis and turn you back into Optimus Prime.”--Maximum
Everyone is waiting for the transformation.
Nothing happens.
Ratchet gets some pliers out.
“I’m going to take that out myself!”--Ratchet
The pliers break on impact.
Everyone is silent.
Maximum silently closes her chassis.
“I need a moment to communicate with the Matrix.”--Maximum
Maximum begins to walk away.
But stops when a loud guitar strung shakes the ground.
Maximum turns and looks at Miko holding an electric guitar.
Maximum shakes her helm sadly.
“I am sorry Miko, but my name is still Maximum Prime.”--Maximum
The new Prime walks to her habsuite leaving everyone in the main room.
For now, Maxima was no more.
Long Live Maximum Prime.
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pedgito · 5 months
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Here it is, the PPCU Creator Masterlist (Part One)! For those without context, this is something I threw together for my 15k celebration and am doing as a way to promote both writers and creators within the community that pertain to Pedro in any form. Now, I know there are so many creators out there both old and new (if you'd like to be added to this last at any time, send me an ask/submit in the format below to be added) so, these posts will never be deleted. I highly recommend supporting creators on the platform through reblogs and interactions, but mostly importantly, just a follow! Please respect the guidelines/boundaries these blogs have set and more importantly, be kind. Lastly, thank you for all the support over the last year and half on this blog and I hope 2024 is amazing for all of you!
(A through M is listed below, N through Z can be found in part two.)
@604to647 — writer
Javier Pena
Din Djarin
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: BigMac1383
@agentjackdaniels — writer
Dieter Bravo
Javi Gutierrez
Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels
Recommended place to start: Series AO3: CallieCadence
@amanitacowboy — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Masterlist AO3: amanitacowboy
@avastrasposts — writer
Dieter Bravo
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: Avastras_imagination
@beskarandblasters — writer
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist
@bluestar22x — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Javi Gutierrez
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: BlueStar22
@burntheedges — writer
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Recommened place to start: Masterlist AO3: burntheedges
@cavillscurls — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Oberyn Martell
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: cavillscurls
@chaotic-mystery — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Recommended place to start: Fic
@cool-iguana — writer/original art
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Din Djarin
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: cool_iguana
@dark-scape — writer
Joel Miller
Recommended place to start: Masterlist AO3: unlikelydarling
@decembermidnight — writer
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: December_Moon
@elvenmother – writer
Marcus Pike
Din Djarin
Marcus Moreno
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: ElvenMother
@familyvideostevie — writer
Joel Miller
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: wmthackeray
@flightlessangelwings — writer/graphics
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: FlightlessAngelWings
@frenchiereading — writer
Joel Miller
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: mellyb6
@fuckyeahpaperco — shop owner
Pedro Pascal
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Recommended place to start: Shop
@fuckyeahpedropascal — gifmaker/polls & analyses
Pedro Pascal
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Recommended place to start: Pedro Boys color matrix
@ghostofaboy — writer
Frankie Morales
Maxwell Lord
Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: Ghost_Of_A_Boy
@goodwithcheese — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: goodwithcheese
@gracieheartspedro — writer
Pedro Pascal
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Recommended place to start: Fic
@i-love-movies — gifmaker
Pedro Pascal
Javi Gutierrez
Ezra (Prospect)
Recommended place to start: Masterlist
@ilovepedro — writer
Javier Pena
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Fic
@ishabull — writer & art/drawings
Pedro Pascal
Marcus Pike
Din Djarin
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: ishabull
@itsbrandy — writer
Dieter Bravo
Recommended place to start: Masterlist AO3: agentbrandy
@janaispunk — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Dave York
Recommended place to start: Fic
@javierpena-inatacvest — writer
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Places to start: Series Masterlist
@joelalorian — writer
Joel Miller
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: Joelalorian (Lauri_Adores_Barba)
@joelscurls — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Fic
@joels-shitty-puns — writer
Pedro Pascal
Joel Miller
Dieter Bravo
Recommended place to start: Masterlist
@julesonrecord — writer
Din Djarin
Ezra (Prospect)
Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist
@katiexpunk — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: katiexpunk
@kiwisbell — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: kiwisbell
@kteague — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: FFanon
@ladamedusoif — writer
Javier Pena
Dieter Bravo
Din Djarin
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: ladamedusoif
@linzels-blog – writer
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: linzelcodesincplusplus
@loliwrites — writer
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Recommended place to start: Fic
@maggiemayhemnj — writer
Joel Miller
Marcus Pike
Ezra (Prospect)
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist
@magpiepills — writer
Recommended place to start: Masterlist AO3: magpiepills
@max--phillips — writer
Din Djarin
Max Phillips
Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels
Recommended place to start: Fic AO3: spacegayofficial
@mermaidgirl30 — writer
Pedro Pascal
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Recommended place to start: Masterlist AO3: mermaidgirl30
@miguelo-hara — gifmaker
Pedro Pascal
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Recommended place to start: Gifset
@morallyinept — writer
Joel Miller
Dieter Bravo
Frankie Morales
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist
@morning-star-joy — writer
Joel Miller
Recommended place to start: Series Masterlist AO3: MorningStarJoy
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
Pedro boys facial hair matrix
Happy 2023 ❤️ Starting the year as I intend it to continue - filled with Pedro boys! This one has been in the works for ages - I’m a bit of a compulsive organizer, so this was naturally always going to be a project I would take on.
Paging sideburns anon 🪒 who’s been sending in great asks which I’ve tagged fuckyeahmensgrooming if you’re interested in more posts on this topic!
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Commentary below the cut (for once):
Barely There
Dave York, Max Lord, Max Phillips, Marcus Pike
This used to be my least favourite Pedro boys look, but Dave York changed my mind. Because it's almost always moustached, there's something almost sensual about being able to see the bare skin above his lips and below the nose. Also, I'm not a Marcus P girl, but dang, he looks good with this look.
Stache Only
Jack Daniels, Javier Pena seasons one to three
This is my favourite Pedro boys look - the clean shaven jaw does things to me, especially with the fluffy sideburns. I know I cheated using Javi’s from all seasons, but this look is so iconically Javier, I guess that's why we don't see often. It's so intrinsically linked to this character.
Half Fuzz
Din Djarin, Pero Tovar, Frankie Morales, Ezra
Trimmed close to the skin and quite low on the jawline, this is the most understated look out of the categories in my opinion.
Fully Bearded
Dieter Bravo, The Thief, Javi Gutierrez, Joel Miller
We are definitely in Pedro's bearded era, with the upper line of the beard sitting higher on the cheek, and he wears it so well. Joel's beard with the grays in particular drives me wild.
Wrap Around
Commandante Veracruz, Oberyn Martell, Marcus Moreno, Pietro Alvarez
Definitely the most transformative look on Pedro since it’s not how he normally grows his facial hair, and personally it's not my favourite look. Having said that, I do think it's a dramatic variation to add to his portfolio of looks.
That was a fun round-up! Thoughts and discourse welcome as always. I also have a hair matrix in the pipeline, stay tuned!
Compilations Masterlist
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iovesia · 5 days
HI JOSIE!!! I’ve been quite quiet so uhm small request with neo, no. 33? If im not wrong it’s mind control, anyways I have so many ideas… rubs hands evil-y 😶‍🌫️
HI POOKIE!!! hehe i laurv me some fucked up neo 😞 again .. um... got really dark here.. mb.. p.s i still have no clue how matrix science works— bear with me.
neo + mind control.
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"neo.. don't—" you beg weakly, chapped lower lip trembling. the leather restraints on your wrist having left friction burns on your skin. the metalic chair you're tied to, along with the flashing of codes on the computer screen dizzy your eyes that are already teary. "please— i can't—"
neo's eyes are filled with pity, but his hands tell a different story as he sets up the data probe cable. for the last few minutes.. hours.. days even? (you lost count)— you had been strapped to the uncomfortable chair in the isolated network room of the nebuchadnezzar.
"shh.." he whispers, pressing a slow kiss to your sweaty temple.
neo's latest fantasy program was set in several situations you'd find a real couple in (which neo was desperately trying to convince you you were in). somehow, under tank's radar, he was able to turn what's supposed to be a training center— into a borderline psychological torture chamber.
with each jacking in of your headjack, and each minute spent in the program, neo slowly wore you down. your memories eventually blurred; your mind feeling like it was collapsing in on itself. all you could initially see was neo's deranged grin, but now.. it was almost warm.. and comforting?
he was the independent variable of this twisted experiment.
"you alright, honey?" his honeyed voice snaps you out the brief haze. you sluggishly bat your eyes, like a mind disconnected from a body, and you focus your attention on neo. the sunlight warmed your skin, and the grass tickled under your skin.
"where.. where are we—"
you're interrupted by the feeling of soft lips on yours, swallowing your weak protests. in the real world, you would've rebuked every attempt at affection.. but here— in neo's world, you were wholly and truly his.
even if he had to... tweak your mind a bit.
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evilscientist3 · 12 hours
you dont wanna fuck with me man, i, uhh.. (frantically trying to remember what the phrase you say when you're closely connected to a system is) i jacked off to the matrix!!
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Hi!! I absolutely adore your kids as sparklings series!! and just wondered since Jack tend to be one of my favourite if you could do a interact of him and Dad Optimus, he needs more love since he such a quiet bean XD
I will gladly produce more lovely bonding fuel for you dear anon! After writing about Miko and Raf, I intended to do Jack anyway.
Little Medic
After all the chaos with Miko and Rafael growing and rapidly gaining themselves Decepticon secondary Caretakers, Optimus had more time to focus on the eldest of his three humans-turned-sparklings. It had been eating at him for months having to work himself half to death to deal with being Prime and his sparklings. He had wanted to spent more time with his neglected eldest for the entirety of the time he had the sparklings under his care. But now that the workload was more evenly distributed, he finally had the opportunity to bond with Jack.
As such Optimus's lessons in history and culture with Jack grew more frequent and at the same time he rapidly found himself wrapped up in games of medic. While he had hoped somewhere deep in his spark that his eldest sparkling (excluding Bumblebee) would have a desire to be an archivist as Optimus once was, he was still proud of his little one. Jack had shown great interest in becoming a medic, contrary to his warframe build, and Optimus was incredibly happy for him. So when Jack began putting stickers that were modeled after welds onto Optimus's armor where he had scratches on his paint, he smiled and let it happen.
It didn't end there though. As Jack began taking simple lessons from Ratchet, he also expressed an even greater desire to play medic and stickers just didn't cut it for him anymore. And so using the new free time Optimus had on his servos, he pulled up some old knowledge from the Matrix and some of the tricks he had acquired over the years to make a little gift. With Ratchet's help and permission to take a few small tools, Optimus put together a mini medical kit for his sparkling. It had just about everything, with small (thankfully dulled) tools, mesh wraps for bleeding, thicker weld stickers (the novelty of which kept Jack enthralled for days), and small vials of glowing liquid not too dissimilar from energon in fake syringes. Then to top it all off, Optimus commissioned a field medic's battle-mask from Wheeljack. The wrecker of course did not hesitate the make the mask and even went out of his way to make an attachable surgical blade like Ratchet (which was promptly confiscated and turned offline before being given to Jack).
When everything was prepared Optimus gathered the team and knelt before Jack with the gift held behind his back. The team rapidly took photos as Optimus presented his gift and watched Jack's reaction go from confused, shocked, to overjoyed in less than ten seconds. Jack did not hesitate to accept the gift, reverently putting it on the ground before leaping into Optimus's arms in gratitude. He ended up crying from how happy he was with the gift, temporarily leaving Optimus and the team to worry that something was wrong.
The very next day Jack was outfitted with his new mask, his blade (which remained dulled and offline but still usable), and his kit. He marched directly up to Optimus after he returned from patrol and in his best doctor voice proclaimed his Sire needed a checkup, to which the rest of the team nearly perished from cuteness overload.
Jack: Sire! You need to get a checkup!
Optimus: Is that the doctor's order?
Jack: Yes! I will be your attending physician today!
Optimus: Very well doctor, please, tell me what to do.
Jack: Go sit over there please! We need to run scans!
Before anyone could really process the adorableness, Jack began giving orders to Ratchet and had Optimus lay down for a checkup. Not wanting to waste energon, Ratchet gave up his pride for a moment and made fake scanning noises while pulling up some old scans for Jack to use during his "checkup". The sparkling did not suspect a thing and accepted the comparatively huge datapad with as much grace as his small frame could afford him. He then looked down at the datapad knowingly and made some thoughtful hums before putting it down and pulling out his new medical kit.
He immediately pulled out a little scanner designed to only pick up basic vitals and looked at the results with the most adorable look of concentration both Optimus and Ratchet had every seen. Then once complete he nodded to himself and grabbed his tiny sander and other dulled tools. Jack's tools were made to only damage paint when used, so when the sparkling began powering up his itty bitty sander, Optimus merely chuckled quietly and endured the slight tickle that came as Jack clambered around on his frame using the tool on all his biggest scratches.
Optimus looked like a blotchy mess when Jack finished, a bit like a spotted leopard if he was being entirely honest considering the varying spots around his frame where his paint had been stripped away. But he did not stop Jack as the sparkling seemed so proud of himself for "fixing" the scratches. He kept a smile on his face as Jack then went about slapping weld stickers on the sanded parts of his frame to make it "all better". Then when Jack was completely content with his work he patted Optimus on the cheek and passed him an absolutely miniscule energon lollypop that Ratchet had provided. Being a good sport and not wanting to foul Jack's mood, Optimus accepted the lollypop as Jack began listing off what he had fixed and what his orders were.
Jack: I fixed up all your broken bits, so now you need to get lots and lots of rest.
Optimus: Of course doctor.
Jack: AND you need lots of cuddle time to help the pain go away too!
Optimus: Oh really?
Jack: Yeah! Lots of cuddles and hugs and kisses to make all the ouches better!
Optimus: *struggling to stay composed* If that is your order head medic.
Ratchet: *dying of cuteness quietly in the background* How many cuddles should he be prescribed doctor?
Jack: At least fifteen! But the more cuddles, the faster the ouches will go away!
Optimus obeyed his personal medic's orders and gave Jack lots of cuddles throughout the next few days. Jack was ecstatic and quickly took to having Optimus lay down for "check-ups" every time he began to feel lonely or had something to talk about. It was his way of stealing time away just for him and Optimus, and the Prime did not begrudge him that. Jack was always such a mild and well-mannered sparkling, so he did not object at all whenever Jack called him over and did his little diagnostic before prescribing Optimus anything from cuddles (to help with ouches), game time (to help with stiff cables, obviously), to story time (for memory retaining purposes of course).
Whatever he was prescribed, Optimus took the time to fulfill. If Jack ordered him to have cuddles, Optimus would spend at least an hour with just him and Jack in their little nest at the end of the day. When Jack ordered him to play, Optimus would sit with Jack and his siblings and play a little game of ball or blocks with them until the younger ones got tired. And of course when Jack prescribed stories, Optimus would take Jack aside and tell him tales of Cybertron and the old days with as much skill as he could work into his glyphs.
Jack also took time to do little "check-ups" with the rest of the team when he wanted something as well. It quickly became obvious who he liked best by how often he summoned them for medical exams. Optimus, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Ratchet, and Arcee were favorites by far, often being prescribed any of the things previously listed. Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus got called every now and then, usually being prescribed something like "you need to find X in order to handle your mental stress" or something of the like as a way for Jack to get items from the outside. They never objected despite being made into effective messenger boys at best and fetch quest receivers at worst. The visiting Decepticons in Soundwave and Starscream didn't get "check-ups" as a general rule. But every now and then Jack would slap a weld sticker on a scratch on their legs and pass them a lollypop as a form of appreciation when they aided Optimus in handling his siblings.
As for Miko and Rafael? Jack didn't give them "check-ups" due to them not holding still long enough. Not that it stopped him from trying.
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tfp as reaction posts i found and loved
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optimus to megatron after he went absolutely ballistic and decided to start a massive war
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ratchet the millisecond he got to earth
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wheeljack to ultra magnus
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knock out and starscream when their horrible idea to create a terrocon proved to be horrible
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miko, waiting for the bots to notice she snuck along
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optimus when faced with the consequence of his actions by putting the all spark in the matrix
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me the moment any bot comes on screen
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