#jacko challenge
mintimilk · 2 years
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I got this YCH done from Momodesugart !!
You should totally check out her work!!
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teakip · 3 months
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“I’m a helpless little girl and I set the building on fire on accident! Tooootally on accident.”
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citrus-seed · 26 days
Henry doing the funnies
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small-spark-of-light · 11 months
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day 15 was to draw 3 action scenes each with unique compositions!!!
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necrophatic · 1 year
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Made these when Twitter was having their whole 'Jacko Pose Challenge' thing, will Quiggs sack get me ShadowBanned(tm)?
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cxsmic-hxrrxrs · 2 years
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by Jun [x]
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pinchan · 1 year
which ggst character would the jjk characters main go
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sleepysoren · 1 year
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My WoL, Soren, Doing the Jack-O pose
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chaotic-creat1ons · 2 years
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did you expect any less from a demigoddess?
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d13t0rt10n · 2 months
Also! Cooking is just chemistry. I have ‘the big book of cooking science’. I could see him sucking at cooking at first, with levels of distractability and unique taste added to the mix. But I also see him doubling down stubbornly to get things right. Remakes macarons for hours cause they DIDNT FORM A PERFECT DOME. PITCHED GIFTED-KID-SYNDROME PERFECTIONIST SCREAM. (Relatable). But also, Simple Recipe enjoyer (banana pudding just empty a pudding cup into a bowl with biscuits and banana,,, works for Jacko!)
He's also so smart so i think he'd really enjoy the challenge of something that is both physical and mental that he actually needs to work at to succeed. (well after a while i think at first he would be pissed he is not instantly good at something- especially if the instructor tells him its just science)
It could become a form of therapy where getting something wrong only leads to burnt cookies and not his parents being mad/exploding robots/social humiliation. I think he would be good at baking but probably make things in weird flavours lol or like dramatic exploding cookies XD
And then his parents aren't home to try his 'Family Meal' and suddenly its no longer a good coping mechanism, its another sign he is failure/his parents don't care. 😭😭😭
But he's gotta eat so he still cooks just doesn't care about it the same way he did before
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kwisatzworld · 10 months
MotoGP mutterings: life ‘inside the goldfish bowl’
by Mat Oxley, November 2005
It’s not easy being Valentino Rossi. Imagine: you’re trying to get on with your day-to-day job of being the world’s greatest-ever motorcycle racer and you’ve got Ferrari’s F1 bosses all over you like an expensive Italian suit and the Italian media all over you like a bad case of the pox. (And not only that, between races you’ve got to work out how to blow your annual earnings of 15 million quid.)
Rossi’s life has been out of control for years, hounded wherever he goes by a pack of media sharks, but since the Ferrari F1 rumours shifted into top gear, his life in “the goldfish bowl” (as he calls it) has gone from uncomfortable to intolerable. The bike racer who courted fame like no other and whose stardom has eclipsed all others now finds himself embroiled in a guerrilla war with several Italian journalists whom he’s banned from his media conferences for writing stuff he doesn’t like. This is dangerous territory, so is everyone’s favourite bike racer commencing his descent into paranoid megalomania or Jacko-style meltdown?
Rossi has always insisted that he understands the nature of the Faustian pact he’s made with fame and fortune. But if he’s getting upset by what he reads in the papers, he’s obviously forgotten what it means. (And if he thinks he’s got a media witch hunt on his ass he should have a chat with the great Pete Doherty.) To remind him, the Faustian deal for 21st century celebrities goes something like this: you become unimaginably rich from a new kind of global fame which beams you into hundred of millions of homes around the world, day after day, week after week. You are a product with perhaps half a billion customers who all own a little piece of you, whether they’ve bought your T-shirt, drank the beer promoted during a MotoGP ad break or smoked the cigarettes advertised on the side of your motorcycle. It’s not pretty but that’s why you’re so filthy rich. If you don’t like it, there’s a really easy way out of this particular hell hole.
Apparently Rossi fell out with those Italian journalists because they’d written stuff about his private life – revealing details of his night-time shenanigans, questioning his status as a bona fide Italian tax exile, calling his family a bunch of gypsies and so on. Not nice, but that’s the nature of 21st century media, it’s a beast, as another Italian superstar knows all too well: “When a journalist write about the positive, he write five lines,” says opera legend Pavarotti. “When he write about the negative he become a poet.”
If Rossi is to maintain his sanity he’s got to stop reading the papers, whatever they’re saying about him, he’s got to ignore the media bullshit and get on with his life. And if the media give him a hard time for shagging girls, getting drunk or whatever, fuck ‘em. He is a motorcycle racer, after all, and that’s what racers are meant to do – live fast and loose. As someone once said of Rossi’s idol, Hollywood rebel and half-tasty dirt racer Steve McQueen: “Steve loved anything with wheels or tits, probably in that order,”. No reason why Valentino should be any different...
And from now on it seems that either two wheels or four will do for Rossi. Years back he hated F1 because he reckoned it was all about money but more recently he’s been seduced, either by the Ferrari gold or by the challenge of becoming only the second man in history after gentleman John Surtees to win world titles in both bikes and cars. Either way, he’s welcome to it. F1 is a stinking world of repugnant decadence and ostentation, full of money-grabbing, tax-dodging ego-maniacs and obsessive-compulsives with small penises. (I know this for a fact because I used to go out with a girl who once shagged one of F1’s more famous bosses, who failed to impress her despite having popped a Viagra after dinner. Charming, I know, but you get my drift.)
And as for the now relentlessly asked question – will Rossi be able to rule in F1 – two observations: one, who cares, it’s cars not bikes, two, of course he will win. Even former bike racer Damon Hill managed to win the F1 world title, and, hell, I used to beat Daisy (as he was called in the rough, tough club racing paddocks of the early Eighties) when we raced Yamaha LCs around Snetterton. So it really can’t be that hard, can it?
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necromcom · 2 years
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ID: screenshots of characters from AMC's The Terror with text posts pasted over them.
1) Edward Little with a post by katebushdressedasabat that says "any one else in here a man of constant sorrow" 2) John and Jane Franklin with Jacko, with a post by oniongarlic that says "his wife has filled his house with chimps" 3) Thomas Jopson with a post by jsuh that says "we jumped, we popped, and oh boy (nostalgic chuckle) did we jop" 4) Billy Orren's body floating under the surface of the water with a text post by memorycycle that says "octopus 2022 wrapped / this year you disguised yourself as: coral 10023 times / ocean floor 8064 times / coconut shell 244 times / various fish 196 times / scuba divers long lost wife 12 times" 5) Henry Collins in the sickbay with a text post by moveslikekeithrichards that says "when i was a kid my Getting To Sleep technique was visualizing a child-sized shriveled up mummy with big piercing eyes that would stand silhouetted in the doorway & stare at me & probably attack if i so much as opened my eyes after getting into bed & this technique caused me to develop a lifelong nighttime-induced paranoia & it still takes me 2 hours to fall asleep. so i wouldnt recommend that"
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doing my own october challenge where instead of drawing literally anything i make text post memes only with posts found that day on my dashboard or on my main from before the month started. here's day 1-5
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feral-shfiting-stuff · 3 months
I’m probably gonna just be doing what I usually do at the beach,building sandcastles while going into the ocean every once in a while!
Denji would probably fighting with crabs most of the time lol,taking a break to sometimes play volleyball or eat food lol.
Power would probably join Denji in on the fighting,but she would also be just causing general chaos,challenging people to sand castle building companions only to wreck the sand castle to whoever she loses too,stealing beach stuff from other people etc.
Aki would mostly just relax near the cooler to fend it off from seagulls,letting Denji and power do whatever tomfoolery they get up to. Probably even having a book to read
Roxas would probably be playing vollyball with either Sora and Kairi or some random people,he would probably try surfing cuz he thinks it would be “just like skateboarding on water” Xion would join in with him as well and they both would wipe out.
After that wipeout,Xion would spent the rest of the day away from the water lol,she would look around for seashells, letting me take some to use on my sandcastle.
Miles would be spending the day doing as much beach stuff as he can probably,swimming in the oceans,making sand sculptures the whole shebang!
Anne would probably be mostly just playing volleyball with her friends and stuff.
Sonic would just be running around the beach,taking pictures and taking it in, he would stay FAR away from the water tho.
Like I said earlier,Sora would probably be play volleyball most of the time with his friends, or just swimming in the ocean
Ko would mostly stick with his family but would join me to build sandcastles.
This is really hard to say so I guess Sol and Jacko? They probably the people I go to the most for advice on shit.
Ask game in link :3
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aotsukiyoru · 2 years
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That one weird jacko challenge that was going on twitter
I need a Yoga teacher!MuQing fic NOW ,
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ok so im only semi-sorry if you find this creepy(thats the point of the design) but heres day 6!! i had to draw a character based on a generated description.
the description was: the Misguided but honorable person that has mysterious ties to the protagonist
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mildh4nn · 2 years
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Just some good ol guys doing the Jacko Challenge meme
Athos leave Hades alone, he's trying his best
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