#jacob sheep skull
pacificremains · 1 year
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as-above-is-moving · 11 months
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Move your body when the sunlight dies.
Everybody, hide your body from the scarecrow.
Everybody, hide...
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furby-trash · 1 year
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gojigochi · 2 years
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For this year's October ink challenge, I've decided to push myself and tackle two prompt lists at once. Other then the offical Inktober prompt list, I went with @faunwoods'
They're a phenomenal artist, and the prompts they chose are equally as fun! Already behind, so I'm starting off with yesterday's prompt which was "jacob sheep".
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I've officially designed myself a fursona! ^w^ They're a skull-headed baphomet type creature (right), but sometimes it disguises itself as a jacob sheep (left).
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as-above-rp · 8 months
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I almost forgot to post these--but I finally got Hymn and Kairi's field uniforms finished! These are the uniforms they'd wear on raids and such in the kingdom with Mack.
I'll include some notes and explanations for design choices below the cut, and add these to their muse pages when I get home from work 👍
All employees under Mackentire sport animal skull masks; the Fleshlings have horse skull masks (modified to have sharp canines for the intimidation factor), while the Labrats have rat skull masks. (These masks are obviously not taken from the animals of the same names, but custom made and fit to the head of the individual wearing it).
Anyone who does fieldwork with Mack is required to wear additional armor. All of the fleshlings have matching uniforms which include the following; a skull mask, and chest armor, pelvic armor, shoulder pauldrons, and gauntlets over the forearms and shins, all with a navy blue color scheme and orange accents.
However, 'elite' members are allowed to tweak and customize their fits, so long as there is adequate coverage to keep vital organs safe. They may also select their own animal for their skull mask to be modeled after.
Now that we've gotten all of tghat out of the way, let's get into Hymn and Kairi's individual uniforms!
Hymn Nikolaou, alias "The Siren"
Hymn has modified his uniform to be slightly more streamlined and lightweight to accommodate his fighting style, and possible combat in water. His bodysuit has mesh cutouts around his gills for easy breathing when under water. In addition to using his voice and bare hands for combat, his gauntlets have long blades attached for slashing attacks.
His mask is modeled off of the Dunkleosteus, an extinct genus of large arthrodire (jointed neck) fish that existed during the Late Devonian period. He chose this creature for it's reputation as one of the first marine apex predators, and stories told to him by his mother growing up of ancient sirens who hunted them and used their bones for armor and weapons.
Hymn is the only member who does not have any additional covering over his mouth.
Kairi M. Scott, alias "The Scarecrow".
Kairi modified her uniform to allow for more range of motion to accommodate her mixed martial arts style of fighting, which relies mostly on quick punches and powerful kicks. She wears additional wrapping and plating on her hands with bone protrusions below her knuckles, for extra protection when punching and for pin-point damage. She wears a belt with two harnesses attached; Around her waist are various mixtures and powders that she makes herself within the lab, with the following intentions; Green serum for health/quick healing, blue powder for paralysis, red serum for a temporary boost to all 'stats', and a purple powder for poison. On either thigh she has holsters for her handheld weapon of choice, two switchblade scythes.
Her mask is modeled off of a Jacob's sheep skull, a piebald and often polycerate (multi-horned) domestic breed. She chose this animal for it's unique horns, and a reclamation of being called 'the black sheep' of her family by her mother growing up. Despite the association with 'sheep' being 'followers' at the mercy of their shepherds, she sees herself less of a follower keeping her head down and doing as she is told and more of a wolf wearing a sheep's skin to protect the flock from within. This further plays into her choice of alias 'scarecrow', which was taken from the name of decoys made by farmers in the shape of a man and often stuffed with hay or straw to scare away birds and wildlife from their crops, thus watching over or 'protecting' the fields.
Kairi additionally wears a black hood over her bodysuit which attaches to her mask to hide her blonde hair, which could lead someone to discovering her true identity.
Individual images:
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thepachy · 4 months
A group of 5 men from the resistance tried to attack a cult outpost or what they thought was one, not even knowing the mistake they made.
They were all standing there in front of the building inside the walls, surrounded by Jacob’s elite hunters, any move and they were shot straight in the head. They could see the chosen with some judges and far away the prisoners in their mediocre cages where they will end if they were lucky enough, and right in front of them, him.
The oldest brother, smirking at them. they knew they were done and how stupid their idea was, they were gonna die or forced to join, both were bad endings.
After a long silence, Seed finally stopped his little grin and spoke: "only a little group of 3 men from the whitetails militia to come here ?" they all looked surprised. They were 5 not 3, why would he say that ? As they stayed fixing the Soldier closely, Jacob glanced at one of the young men and as he started another devilish grin, in an instant the young man took his knife and slit the throat of the other man in front of him.
5 - 2, 3, just like he said, it was so quick that they didn’t even had the time to understand that all this had already been planned. The 3 men turned to their traitor, they were so taken by surprise that they were like frozen after the terrible act.
"You’re weak, he said, and so easy to lure" the man then took his shirt off and walked towards Jacob, revealing his sins carved on his skin, he was one of them. They couldn’t believe the one they trusted and had helped planned this for weeks was one of them. A hunter brought back a leather jacket and gave it to the man, on the back was painted this damn cross and a deer skull.
Seeing this, one of the men thought of some rumors concerning a member of the cult, discreet and rarely seen by outside members, his nickname sounded something like "the deer", was it him ?
"Wh- why ?! One of them shouted at this betrayal
-I led the little herd of sheep into the wolf's trap" said the man with a grin mimicking Jacob’s one and adding with a little chuckle like if all this was nothing more than a joke "that my purpose".
They knew it was the end after that masquerade, they just put their weapons on the ground and knelt down. Again the Soldier won and showed that he had the control over everything and everyone. They were trapped in the claws of the wolves. How could have they been fooled so easily ?
How could they have known that the frail-looking deer among them was actually hiding wolf teeth ?
Jacob watched the despair in their eyes as the chosen pushed them to the ground, keeping them for later…
The deer lured the herd, as it was his purpose
Ok so ! Sorry it took me ages because of school but I’ve been tagged by @la-grosse-patate and @cassietrn for some wips but i wasn’t feeling like sharing my little sketches and it’s technically the first time i put something out of my mind and i wanted to just write like a little introduction for Eric
Also sorry i had to ask some friends to correct it but i hope you stil liked
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codythecheshirecat · 8 months
ghoul headcanon (Phantom)
concept: Phantom with 2 sets of horns (like Jacob sheep)
One set coming from his forehead/the top of his head. Theyre tall and thin, resembling antennae
The second set starts just above where the top of his skull meets his jawbone, and come down and forward along his jaw like mandibles
Bug Phantom
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
not taxidermy anon but i have a carrion crow skull and had a fox skull i sadly lost while moving and still hope to luckily refind with all its teeth. i want my next taxidermy purchase from a local taxidermist/artist that makes obscure taxidermy pieces, spefically their double butt headles duckling (as awesome as the double headed ones are and make me want to draw siamese twin ducklings the butt one is cuter/funnier to me while also being cheaper) and/or maybe a bug piece because I think they are amazing. if it had to be anytthing else itd just be another skull of an animal that i enjoy so i dont have to google my faves and also just look at it.
Very cool! I know my cousins have a Jacob sheep and a rattlesnake in a jar and I've always been slightly jealous of those.
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raventroll80 · 1 year
Stowaway Mer AU
Part 5: Mr. Grimmar’s Occult Shop
Em goes to Mr. Grimmar’s to pick up her stuff and wait for Nimh and Flynn and has a conversation with the local goth.
The door jingled as Em walked into the occult shop. The thick smell of old books and wood filled her nose and she smiled a little.
“Hello Em! How are you this fine day?” Mr. Grimmar said boisterously from behind the counter.
“Howdy Mr. Grimmar! I’m doing good, Marco told me someone dropped my bag off here do you have it?” She asked.
“Why of course my dear! He was a nice fellow magnificent mutton chops,” Mr. Grimmar replied and put her bag on the counter.
Mr. Grimmar was Em’s other boss, he ran the occult shop in Port Murlow while his husband Hiram ran the antiques shop directly across the street. He was an easily recognizable man given the fact he was 7 feet tall and dressed like a vampire most of the time. He had grey slicked back hair, and a large bushy beard with vibrant green eyes. On top of the occult shop he also ran the town’s mortuary/funeral home.
“How’s the new house? Any ghost?” He continued before disappearing into the back room. Em followed after grabbing her bag.
“It’s very nice, it could do for some work. My roommate Flynn doesn’t trust the bridge though,”
“Yea he grips the steering wheel like it’s gonna take off,” she continued.
“This Flynn fellow, does he drive a pickup truck?” Mr. Grimmar asked as he poured some tea for the two of them.
“Yeah, why” Em asked as she sat down in the break room.
“I do believe him and the man who returned you back almost had a very unfortunate meeting about two days ago.”
“Yes, I would have almost met the man at the mortuary if he didn’t stop,”
“Oh shit! Really?” Em exclaimed, a look of surprise covering her face.
“Yes, luckily he was able to stop and the fellow didn’t seem to mind apparently… though I still gave him an earful for not looking before crossing.”
“Speaking of the man, who did return my bag anyways?” Em asked after taking a sip of tea.
“I do believe it was the town’s cryptid of a scientist, Dr. Vega Triton I believe. Nice fellow, a little odd at times but I’m not complaining. Brings more, character to the town don’t you think?” He said before taking a sip of his own.
“He is very nice, I’ve seen him at the bait shop a few times,” Em replied, “I’ll have to thank him the next time I see him,”
Not long after that statement the ringing of a bell came from the storefront, signifying that a customer had come in. Mr. Grimmar and Em left the back to see who had come in and were greeted by Nimh and Flynn.
Flynn had a look somewhere between intrigue and unease as he walked through the store. His eyes were drawn to a large horned skull mounted on the wall behind the counter. He wasn’t sure if he should be concerned by its prominence in the store, or amused by the fact that someone had put googly eyes on the thing.
“I see my skull has caught your eye my good sir!” A booming voice said. Flynn was surprised to see the owner of said voice stood almost a head taller than himself.
“No need to worry, I’m not a satanist. A friend of mine has some jacob sheep and gifted me the skull after one of his largest rams died. The googly eyes are there to try and make it less… unsettling,” The man continued.
Flynn was still staring at the large man, still trying to comprehend that there was someone taller than him. Nimh gave a small chuckle of amusement when she noticed.
“Oh, I apologize, I haven’t even introduced myself yet. I’m Silas Grimmar, I own this establishment. Em here is one of my best employees!”
“Aren’t I your only employee besides Hiram,” Em said still holding her tea.
“Flynn Taggart, nice to meet you Mr. Grimmar.” Flynn replied shaking Mr. Grimmar’s hand.
“Now that introductions are out of the way…” Mr. Grimmar said, “I do believe you almost gave me a surprise shift at the morgue the other night, when you almost hit that pedestrian,”
A wave of guilt washed over Flynn as he remembered the other night. His face fell and he opened and closed his mouth a few times before speaking.
“Sorry, it was late, I should’ve been paying attention. Is the other person alright?” Flynn apologized. “I meant to go and apologize but it’s been a rough three days since I got here. It’s been… hard to sleep in the house,”
“Yes, he’s quite alright, in fact he seemed more worried about your wellbeing then his own. Though I doubt you’ll be finding him anytime soon, Dr. Triton doesn’t appear to be living in town as far as anyone knows,” Mr. Grimmar said, a look of concern covered his face.
“So, how was town central?” Em asked, wanting to redirect the conversation.
“Good, we’ll be getting power and heating back soon, and I found someone to check the house for damage ‘n stuff,” Flynn replied. “Have to go the bank tomorrow to pick up my inheritance, gonna be needing it for any repairs to the house.”
Em’s face lit up as she remembered about her other discovery.
“Oh! I just remembered! Mr. Grimmar I found some wine in the bay the other day,”
“Oh?” Mr. Grimmar hummed as he went to get more tea.
It’s still sealed and was in a box labeled Embalming Fluid, I marked it with a bottle buoy,” She continued.
“Embalming Fluid you say? Mr. Taggart, I do believe our families are about to be working together again for the first time in a long while,” Mr. Grimmar announced handing Nimh and Flynn their own cups.
“Hmm?” Flynn hummed as he drifted back to the conversation.
“Yes, though I doubt you want to hear the full story so I’ll give you the cliff notes version,” Silas said,
“Back in 20’s, your family, and the rest of Port Murlow disagreed with the prohibition laws. So, you family decided to open a speakeasy in one of the many sea caves. My family agreed to help yours by keeping their stock at the mortuary, and help deliver it in exchange for a reduced price at the speakeasy.” He finished, his cup of tea also done.
Flynn had a look of surprise on his face. He didn’t know this about his family, he was also surprised that his grandfather never told him either.
“Hmm… I never knew that,” he said,
The bell jingled again, this time a shorter man walked in. He had soft brown eyes and dusty grey brown hair. His face was worn but kind and he wore a soft smile on his face as he looked at Silas.
“Hiram my beloved, how was work?” Mr. Grimmar said as he walked towards the man, a broad warm smile on his face as well.
“Lovely dear, how are you doing Em?” Hiram asked after hugging Silas.
“Good, we were just talking about the crate of wine I found in the bay,” she replied.
“Oh?” Hiram said intrigued,
“Yeah, I’m gonna get the boat out tomorrow and pick it up,” Nimh said.
“It’s getting late. We should get going.” Flynn said after looking at his watch.
Silas checked his pocket watch before saying, “Why it’s only 3:15, what’s the rush?”
“Takes ‘bout a half hour to get there, don’t trust that bridge either,” Flynn mumbled.
“And I was planning on cook’n up some fish for dinner,” Em quickly added, holding up the neon orange bucket.
“I see, I guess we’ll be seeing you later then, farewell and safe travels,” Mr. Grimmar said as he walked to the door.
“Bye, Mr. and Mr. Grimmar!” Em said as she briskly walked to the door.
“See ya around Hiram,” Nimh added.
“Bye, sirs.” Flynn said before giving a small salute and walking out the door.
The three got in the truck and drove off.
“He seemed nice,” Hiram said placing his arm on Silas’.
“Indeed, I believe I may have been too harsh on him earlier.” Silas mumbled.
“I wonder if he knows Valen?” Hiram added.
“I believe he does my dear,” Silas said before bending down and giving Hiram a peck on the cheek.
They then walked to the door and locked up the shop before going home as well. A cold breeze blowing over the town.
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pacificremains · 1 year
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Mystery dog skull. Ruled out boxer and English bulldog (which it was labeled*). Possibly American bulldog or pocket bully? Maybe a bit too big for the latter, and doesn't match pictures I've seen of the former all that well. Opinions?
*Do not trust dog skull breeds on Skulls Unlimited. They're frequently wrong, and I suspect they're guessed and/or mixes. Heck, they've been getting species labels wrong recently.
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Phillip is such an oddball of a New God. It’s even acknowledged in Far Cry The Reverend’s Rule that the other New Gods (like the Voice) view him as the black sheep amongst them. They often wonder why he would rather be human, and find him weird for even investing in the “meatbags” lives (they (especially the Voice) usually just use humans as a punching bag, meanwhile Phillip doesn’t like exerting his power like that unless he’s forced to, usually under threat of death by the Orchestrator).
Anyway, here are some of his lines:
[TW: Swearing]
To Joseph
"Do you know what this means, Joseph? ... Well you should, you caused it."
"...I think John's trying to drown our Little Boa again."
"Yes, Joseph? ... No? If I had anything more to tell you Joseph, do you think I wouldn't inform you about it? ... Good, now be quiet, and just enjoy the silence while we still can."
"Joseph, we've been over this, the current Faith is absolute. Stop looking out for anymore "potentials". That's Jacob's job."
"I feel... nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe you need a nap, have you ever considered that, Joseph?"
"No. ... No! Whatever it is you want to do, it goes against my "will" and that's final."
(About Joseph) "After all these years, he still continues to misinterpret my visions and words. Truly, I have made a severe misjudgement of character."
"Well, you see Joseph, the thing is, and-and now don't take this personally or anything but... like, I kind of hate you. ... Yeah. I’m not apologising for your redundancy."
To the Curse
"Pardon my cluelessness, but who are you again? ... Oh right, my bad, I just couldn't recognise you from the amount of rot on that poor deer's skull."
"...Truly. You are the voice of your eon."
"Now how was I supposed to know that? ... I can observe and talk to weird hipsters, I can't control the damn weather. That was Zeus' job and he's dead. ... Yeah, the mob got him. ... He'd probably still be here if he hadn't forced himself on everyone's wives and actually bothered being a husband to Hera. Dumb bastard."
"Well forgive me for being a little late. You have no idea how many hours it takes until Joseph says anything remotely useful in his fucking early morning sermons!"
(About Silva and the Curse “bonding”) “You're getting along? No? Well, I consider that progress. I'll leave you two to it then. Have fun!"
About The Voice
"Of course, I will not be late to another Gathering again, I promise. I shall also take on all responsibility of our little universe of traumatised heathens while you are gone. Have fun on your exploration!" (whispers underneath) "...Dick."
"His sadism knows no bounds."
"What did I do?! ... Fucking WHAT?! That's WHY you dislike me?! ... You are one petty bitch."
Silva Omar
"Oh my ME! She's grown up so much! I think I'm going to cry."
"You remember my name? You remembered my name!" *Squeals*
"Shh, shh, shh, it's okay. I'm here, Phillip's right here. ... That's right, your best and old friend is going to take good care of you. ... No one will hurt you while you have me. I promise."
"Oh? The Curse is acting up again? Well, you did insult their Bliss Cheese. ... I know it's weird and chunky but it's good for your health."
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zhakyria · 1 year
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Some skull studies I worked on last year. I'm really happy with the progress I made from the first one (the ram skull) to the newest one (the water buffalo skull).
I did toy with the idea that these would be magical, probably cursed, items for my Pathfinder game.
TL: Cape Buffalo TR: Jacobs Sheep Mid: Moose BL: Ram BR: Water Buffalo
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answrs · 1 year
Is the young Jacob's sheep skull already taken?
apologies, been at the osteology museum the whole day and didn't see the messages I got about it.
I've had one person with interest who I'm letting have a hold for 48 hours and if that doesn't go through then it's available! ^^
feel free to pm me so I have your name if you're interested! :D
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as-above-rp · 9 months
Kairi M. Scott
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Full Name: -Kairi Morgan Scott
Age: -28yrs
DOB: -July 27th
Height: -5'7" (170cm)
Weight: -Approx. 200lbs
Blood Type: -O- (Universal Donor)
Occupation: -Biomedical Engineer & Plant Specialist 
Gender: -Cis Female (She/Her)
Orientation: -Bisexual, no preference 
Personality: -Maternal, sweet, loyal, work oriented, foodie, open minded, soft spoken.
Conditions and Disorders: -C-PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD
Inventory [Leather satchel + Pockets]:
First Aid Kit
Super-Protein Bars (x4)
Numbing agent
Health Regen serum (x2)
Folding Scythe (x2)
Crossbow + 20 bolts
Jacob's sheep skull mask
Spiral Notebook + 2 pens, 1 pencil, 1 eraser
Hand lotion
Special Abilities/Powers: -Go here >> Slot A OC Mutations and stuff
A bio-engineer and botanist, Kairi specializes in breeding new species of plants and making medicines from them, although in villain circles she is most well known for her potent poisons and sentient plant life.
Presently, she works for Mack and Rachael’s villain empire as a scientist and farmhand by day, and polycule datemate off hours.
She and Kaien Alabaster are half-siblings, through their mother.
Past History under the Read More =>>
Kairi grew up in a fairly well off, privileged family. Her father was a well known and well respected Bio-Engineer and Chemist, while her mother handled Real Estate for many years.
Her mother was mostly absent in her life, unless she had the day off or she was forcing Kairi to go shopping with her and participate in beauty pageants/modeling. Kairi didn’t enjoy them, but it was the only time her mother interacted with her, so she tried to make the best of it.
Even at a young age, Kairi preferred reading, science and mathematics. Her father was insistent on facilitating this love of learning, and put a lot of time and effort into making sure she had good tutors and a conducive learning environment. Kairi spent a lot of time with her father in the family green house, learning about plants and plant sciences.
When her father fell ill with a rare heart disease which he had been trying to manufacture a treatment for over the years, Kairi picked up his work where he left off. She insisted that she do her schooling at home until he recovered, and since Kairi’s mother was out of the house more often than ever, her father agreed as long as her grades didn’t suffer.
Kairi took care of him for most of that time, while in secret, her mother was having an affair with another rich man. As his physical health declined, the more time she spent out of the house with the affair partner.
On one particularly late night return, Kairi’s mother walked in on Kairi administering the treatment that she and her father had been working on.
Accusing her daughter of trying to kill him so she alone could reap all his financial and material benefit, she attacked her to put a stop to it. That was the night Kairi got the large scar on the back of her head from it being busted open and needing stitching, and the night that her mother set their family greenhouse aflame; all of their plants and important research towards curing the hereditary heart disease were lost, and Kairi’s father passed away while she was recovering in the hospital.
Unbeknownst to Kairi, her father had found out about her mother’s affair before his passing. A divorce was filed, and he contacted a lawyer to change his will so that most of the financial benefits went to Kairi, while her mother got the deed to the house and ownership of the material benefits.
In addition to always “competing” for her husband’s attention with her own daughter and her own insecurities, Kairi’s mother held a deep grudge against her. She became increasingly emotionally abusive, eventually escalating to physical abuse as well. It was Kairi’s mother who set her hands ablaze with her fire magic, resulting in the burn scars on both of her hands.
With the help of her high-school friend and their mother, Kairi was able to temporarily move out of her home away from her mother, and become legally emancipated without losing any of the benefits left to her by her father. However around this same time, she too was diagnosed with the same heart disease that took her father’s life. After graduating and turning 18, most of the money left to her by her father was put towards her higher education and medical expenses. She lived out of her truck to save on expenses. 
Kairi was able to get a job working for a reputable and famous lab in the kingdom after earning her masters in Bio-Engineering. Using the technology and resources available thanks to her new position, she was able to fill in the missing gaps in her and her father’s hypothetical cure to reverse their heart disease. It was too late for her father, but Kairi had successfully cured herself of the disease.
However, when higher ups and authorities discovered she had been using company equipment and resources to experiment on herself and alter herself on a cellular level, she was subsequently fired. She avoided a criminal trial to keep the incident out of the press and the news, and after agreeing that her research would be seized and she would lose credit for her work. However, a kind soul in charge of the credits did leave her father’s name as one of those who found the cure and treatment.
Kairi continued living out of her truck, traveling around nearby cities doing odd-jobs to get by. Occasionally, she’d have commissions from villains/organizations for her bio-engineering skills to draft and create new plants, poisons, and medical grade machines. 
While working as a clerk/cashier at a gas station, a patron came in and struck up a conversation with her. Learning about her extensive talents, he offered her a job working for him instead. It was soon after, that Kairi began working for Mackentire and Rachael Donahue-Mulder, the two most notorious villains in Macro Kingdom.
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roadkillandcrows · 3 years
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Jacobs ram skull.
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