#Stowaway Mer AU
raventroll80 · 5 months
I don't actually know, like, anything about your oc's. Give me a primer on 'em so I can start forming silly little headcanons about them?
Thank you so much for the ask!
I have a few ocs from a couple different things so I’m gonna organize them by the thing they’re connected to. (This is going to be a really long post, sorry)
The Troll Doomguy Au
(honestly I need to think of a proper name for this lol)
Things are a little messy and all over the place time wise as I didn’t originally plan for this to become a full on fic.
Slayer (the aforementioned troll Doomguy)
Roughly 15 feet of angry troll who also has a habit of eating the demons.
Cropped his ears at some point to make them look vaguely human, almost docked his tail but chose not to after seeing some now probably extinct species of demon use their tail as a weapon.
From the events of 2016 and prior he had the Meathook on his tail but put it on his shotgun after the attachment was ripped off by a certain grudge holding Cyberdemon.
In the events of Eternal it’s been replaced with a mace and has a more limited range.
He’s pretty smart despite what most people think, it’s just that a lot of his problems can genuinely be solved with Incredible Violence.
Has a very hazy recollection of the events of Doom 1993 and anything before that is even more hazy due to him repressing those memories.
He did have a wife and kid (stepson) who he loved dearly but lost them during an “accident”
Despite all this he’s actually pretty chill!
He tends to get easily attached to people who aren’t as easily afraid of him.
Considers Valen as family despite Valen himself not really knowing.
Mim Digsby
In the events of A Beast on Mars, Mim is the last human alive in the Mars Facility.
5,4 gremlin of a person who likes to take apart machinery in their spare time.
They’re a miner and mechanic who usually works with excavation equipment, and has clearance to work with mining gloves.
Started the trend of saying thank you to VEGA whenever one of the drones did something helpful or brought supplies. (This is also what got them their mechanic training after VEGA did some light string pulling)
Has punched a foreman for trying to make people continue mining in an unstable tunnel.
Used to be in a relationship with an Elite Guard prior to their “promotion” but things didn’t really work out after, but the two are still friends.
Is on Mars as part of a “criminal rehabilitation program”. Their license expired on their way moving back to Massachusetts and got arrested after getting into a fight with some rich dude at a bar.
VEGA (my take on Vega at least)
Plant enthusiast, he thinks they’re neat. Slayer was more than happy to give him a section of the greenhouses for his own personal garden.
Didn’t like Slayer at first due to how aggressive he seemed to be towards the equipment of the facility and was worried he’d end up harming any possible survivors.
Quickly found out he truly means best for the survivors of the invasion and also feels sympathetic towards Slayer after finding out the little bits of memory he does have regarding the UAC.
He’s pretty sure if he was capable of getting headaches he’d be getting them daily from Slayer trying to do something stupid i.e trying to fist fight a demon twice his size.
Keeps a list of all the things he’s caught Slayer eating that he probably shouldn’t be.
This list includes: excessive amounts of demons, Gore Nest remains, garbage from a cafeteria, an unidentified Argenta plant, dirt, Hellgrowth, and “mystery meat”.
Derrin Willams (Troll au Intern)
Used to own rats, but they passed away prior to the invasion.
Tech support for the ARC but also just helped out wherever needed.
Liked reading about the Slayer and Argent D’Nur and found him fascinating and was genuinely ecstatic to meet him. (He really wants to see a withrin)
Still gets spooked by Slayer from time to time, but has managed to spook him back.
Surprisingly good with a gun and can at least hold his own against zombies and like a singular imp scout
(Not really a personality fact but his last name comes from my blind ass mistaking the numbers on his uniform as the word William or Willams)
There are other characters and ocs I plan to appear in the au but I haven’t gotten there and burnout is making things hard in general, oof. I’ll probably do up a bigger one of these specifically for the troll au in the future.
Stowaway Mer au
I’m doing the Mer au version of Stowaway mostly because there’s significantly more stuff for it (see nearly 30 drawings and like 6 chapters for one au). But honestly it’s pretty far removed from Doom and I might rework it into its own thing… which means redesigning nearly 30 sea demons….
Em Barbatus
5,3, Former Canadian
Loves horror movies and practical effects.
Lived with her “aunty” Nihm in an apartment in Port Murlow prior to moving into the Old Taggart house with Flynn.
Works at a bait shop and Mr. Grimmar’s Occult Shop.
Training to be a mortician at the mortuary the Mr. Silas Grimmar owns.
Owns some homemade ghost hunting equipment and occasionally mucks about old abandoned places with her friends looking for ghosts.
Occasionally helps out at the local theatre’s costume department
Has committed the third least amount of crimes out of the main cast of the mer au
Hobby of beach combing and diving for junk in Taggart Bay.
Seth (technical Seth Willams in regular Stowaway)
The token mer of the mer au lol
Looks like a mix of leopard and Port Jackson shark and is from the Indo Pacific and southern Pacific Ocean (he is very fucking lost)
Needs glasses but can’t exactly get any as he’s a fish man.
Has a fear of the open ocean and orcas and does not enjoy long travels between the reefs an kelp
Has a fascination with human technology and history and enjoys exploring shipwrecks with his siblings. Though after a bad experience with some humans he is somewhat distrustful of them.
Has no clue how the hell he ended up in the Atlantic.
Has committed the least amount of crimes… so far
Flynn Taggart
Looks intimidating but is actually pretty chill
Moved to Port Murlow following his discharge from the military for various reasons.
Has many fond memories of his visits there when his grandfather lived in it, though he still doesn’t like the basement even now that he’s older.
Starting to show signs of selective mutism and is learning sign language because of it. He also isn’t a fan of eye contact anymore after the mountain incident.
Has a picture of Daisy in his wallet and is looking into getting her certified as an emotional support animal.
Recently gotten a job on a fishing boat and already doesn’t like his boss.
He inherited the house from his now missing grandfather Keen.
Doesn’t like being alone in the house
Tied with Vega for the second most crimes committed in the au (this wasn’t intentional I realized how many of the characters have committed crimes in this like halfway through the month)
Speaking of Vega
Vega Triton
Has a degree in marine biology and is currently studying a newly discovered species of bioluminescent algae he named Vegastella scriptorseintillais
Vega is the second oldest person living in the Old Taggart house.
Used to work with Dr. Hayden and Pierce but after an accident that left many researchers including Olivia dead Vega and Samuel had a dispute which left the two very bitter with each other.
He blames himself for the aforementioned accident.
Vega moved into the old Taggart house after realizing that living on a cave connected to another cave containing hallucinogenic algae is not good for his mental and physical health.
Nihm Barbatus
Freelance security guard and one Em’s mentors.
Met Em during one of her contacts on a cargo ship that had left Canada.
Made friends with Flynn when he was briefly a freelance security guard, and was the one who told Em that Flynn was looking for roommates.
Friend of the Grimmar couple.
She also has a large extended family and plans to bring Em with her to the next family reunion.
Silas Grimmar
Port Murlow’s goth grandpa
7,3 and build like a coffin
Been happily married to his husband Hiram for many, many years.
Runs the local mortuary and an Occult shop
A jovial old man who often volunteers at the local theatre.
Graduated with a degree in mortuary science and occult studies from Miskatonic University.
Tea drinker
Hiram Grimmar
Silas’ husband and owner of the antique store across the street from Silas’ occult shop.
Has an archeology degree and is a retired archeologist.
Met Silas when his team needed to consult someone on some artifacts they had dug up.
Coffee drinker.
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The Little Smiling Mermaid (Chapter 6)
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🌊 THANK YOU to all my 150 followers! Sorry, I didn’t get to draw an illustration this week BUT the wonderful @oskidontle had blessed me with this lovely fanart of Mer!Pim (thank you again), Please follow them and check out their own awesome Smiling Mermaids AU!✨
Charlie and Mipnessa got along swimmingly enough for two people who just met each other that day…unless, Charlie pondered, if they just-so happen to have already met! Charlie took note of how Mipnessa vaguely resembled the mystery person of whom he recalled rescuing him that morning…and while he wasn’t quite sure at first, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to try and potentially refresh her memory; He also had a string gut feeling that it wouldn’t be wise to potentially out her as one of the elusive merfolk out of politeness….if not being proven wrong and labeled as a silly-hearted daydream-believer. Charlie ran back to his quarters to swipe the green cloak that was left behind to gently fold it up, then he started rummaging through his closet for a perfectly-sized decorative shoebox to place inside of as a grandiose gesture to Mipnessa before running back to bequeath the gift. “Y’know I have a funny hunch that this is something you’d totally look great in.” The flattered Mipnessa giggled in response: “Showering me with gifts already? You must take a fancy to me.” Feeling overwhelmed with butterflies in his stomach, Charlie blushed with a nervous grin. Mipnessa opened the box and held up the cloak, while she admired the deep emerald green shade, she couldn’t exactly pinpoint what fabric was used for it or could she figure out why it smelled like the brine of clam chowder. “It’s beautiful, and it matches my dress way better than the shawl I’m wearing too.” Charlie replied with a fairly obvious double-meaning: “A match made in heaven.” as he held her hand and proposed: “Perfect for an atmospheric afternoon-to-evening stroll, lemme show you to the outskirts of the palace, the sunset views are amazing out there!”
Meanwhile, Alan had just caught up with the rest of the party as an eagerly-lovestruck Pim alongside a curious Glep followed Graham Nelly to the crisp shore nearby Prince Charlie’s castle. “I can’t wait to see his cute face again!” Pim squealed in delight while fidgeting his hands, Alan sternly reminded him with a business-like tone to mask his anxiety: “We’re here to fetch back your cloak, so that nobody could recognize you and drag you back to that toxic, discourse-infested mess of a palace; We also really shouldn’t stay up here for too long lest we want to be some crazed stowaway’s four-course meal.” Pim’s glee briefly turned into annoyance as he was tempted to roll his eyes at his paranoid friend’s repetitive jargon had it not been for the fact that unlike his family, Alan’s “survival mode”-demeanor was out of genuine concern and love rather than blind bigotry over land folk. When the group made it to their destination, they would come to find that much to their surprise, Charlie was indeed out-and-about, bringing an unexpected guest with him for a neat little walk by the sparkling sapphire waves. While the party of sea critters hid behind the conveniently large rock while observing the scene from a far, they all quickly took notice that the lady accompanying Charlie was wearing an accessory all too familiar to Pim, who shook his head in disbelief before taking another look to find that Charlie was clearly flirting with with her as well. While Alan started discussing a plan to swipe the cloak with Graham, Glep took notice how his buddy Pim was doing. “My cloak…” Pim quietly uttered while overwhelmed with a flurry of mixed emotions, flashing between shock, confusion, hurt feelings and jealously all boiling down into unbridled fury. Glep never saw Pim this angry since that time he was just a teenager and his sister Amy tore the lock on his diary and blurted out all his secrets, including who he was crushing on at the time. Something REALLY must have struck a cord with the usually understanding and compassionate mercritter…
Graham proposed: “We could, like, wrangle a bunch of dolphins together to create a huuuuge wave and splash it right on her so that Prince guy can offer to hang it up for her and when they leave we can snag it from a clothes line, concrete plan!” Alan argued in a snippy-yet-monotone inflection: “Yeah but there’s no clothes line anywhere near water, besides, it would take us all night to achieve that plan anyways.” Graham then got another bright idea: “I know JUST the thing, dude. I have in my collection and it’s this neat tool called a grappling hook! It’s what land folks use to retrieve items from far-away.“ Alan rolled his eyes with an exasperated yawn. “Oh really? Go off I guess.” Graham happily explained: “It’s this long-ass stick with a string attached and at the end of the string it’s a hook! and you toss it far enough and the hook catches-“ he was cut off by a loud, panicked gasp from the horrified Alan, who furiously chided Graham while using his claws as gestures to express his disgust: “You keep a literal weapon used for catching and eating our kind?!! What in Davy Jones’ locker is the matter with you?!” Graham casually shrugged, replying: “I’ve only ever seen something like this being used to catch fish only to throw them back, like they kept catching fish but it’s obvious that she was trying to retrieve something she lost down there.” Alan stood there dumbfounded with his left eye twitching for a few seconds, until he broke silence with a sigh with one claw on his face, “Look, It would just be easier for one of us to sneak up to that lady and quietly snag the cloak away from her.” Graham cheered: “That’s it!” Alan realized exactly what he had in mind and groaned: “Alright, I understand now that I have to put my big-boy shell on.” Glep piped up: “Eskewazebewaboyo!”, Pim’s face perked up at the suggestion. Graham agreed: “Hell yeah! They’ll be too distracted to notice Alan, they’ll be all like: Oh, where is that heavenly sound coming from? Ha! It’ll be a synch!” Alan gulped, “Well, here goes nothing.”
During the conversions Charlie ignited while subtly prying for clues, he had realized that Mipnessa wasn’t the mystery critter. First off, she knew how to swim but preferred to go sailing over swimming. Second she does sing but her voice was rather different from what he had in mind BUT she did play the lute well. Lastly and most glaringly obvious of all was that she had just embarked on Eustace’s ship at the same time the rescue took place and was still miles away from Gremblonia. That being said, Charlie was perfectly content with having Mipnessa as a bride, she may have not been an exotic dream girl but she was a charmingly meek and proper lady whose lute could harmonize well with his ocarina! “You know Mipnessa, I could take you sailing on our ship and go on one of my wild adventures out at sea, maybe we’ll take on a kraken or get into a gang fight with pirates.” Charlie proposed in a suave tone, in response Mipnessa sheepishly loosened up the green cloak ‘round her shoulders, replying: “…y’know, maybe I would like that.” for a brief moment that felt like forever, the two locked eyes and gazed at each other’s presence for what felt like forever. As the sunset started melting into nighttime, the most angelic voice made it’s way to the couple’s eardrums, snapping them out of their trance. Charlie started running around frantically looking for the sound as Mipnessa’s curiosity peaked, joining him as she didn’t pay any mind to Alan’s pincer clinging onto the cloak slipping off of her shoulders. Once the cloak was freed from Mipnessa’s grasp, Alan scurried back fast he could before they’d notice. Meanwhile back behind “home base”, Pim peaking behind as he vocalized his feelings with a warm, sweet a capella with a noticeable tang of seductive amour and just a hint of bitter jealousy; This was Pim’s subtly, classy way of saying out-loud: “That boy is MINE, you got nothing on me you basic bitch!!”. Just as Alan made it to just inches away from water, the lobster tripped on a pebble and got tangled up in the shawl and tried to wriggle his way out. Pim took notice, stopped what he was doing and immediately swam to the scene to finish the job.
Just then Mipnessa realized something was missing. “Oh dear, my cloak!” Charlie blushed upon seeing Mipnessa’s curvy frame accentuated by her sleeveless dress, but quickly snapped out of it. “D-don’t worry, it’s probably back where we left off.” Charlie stumbled back to where he and Mipnessa where viewing the sunset, what he discovered was more than just the cloak itself: it was none other than the mystery critter who rescued him, half-submerged in water while clad in a seashell bra, freeing what looked like a lobster that somehow got trapped inside before taking back what was rightfully theirs. Charlie stood there and froze in shock, asking himself if he was just seeing things or he was trapped in some sort of dream, as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, the mystery critter already vanished. A tinge of guilt filled Charlie’s heart, as he wished he could have apologized for giving her cloak away, but his thoughts broke as Mipnessa was calling for him to return. Charlie ran back and tried to explain what happened but all that came out was nervous gibberish that Mipnessa initially assumed was Spammish, until he blurted: “Damn lobster made off with the cloak!!” while shaking his fist. Mipnessa giggled: “Duke Eustace was right, you are a washed-up mess of a boy!” Charlie once again froze, embarrassed, until she nudged him a with a smile and reassurance: “At least you’re not some stuck-up old prune.”
~ Damien (and the rest of the search party) spent two days looking for Pim with a nagging conscience, he swore to Neptune if he found his littlest sibling, he’d work hard on being a better brother overall. Ironically, he found a patch of sea flowers to rest upon for the night, just as he was about to lie down he saw a short, cloaked figure picking the flowers, presumably for herbal use. “Pimberly, is that you?!” All he got in response was the laughter belonging to an elderly-sounding sea critter. “Oh deary, I’m afraid I’m not the lost Princess, I’m just an old botanist making medicine.” Damien’s heart sank, his pink skin turning grey at the reveal. “But, I have seen Princess Pimberly ‘round these corners.” Damien’s eyes widened with relief, begging: “Please, tell me where!” The old wisenheimer gave a concerning hint: “I’ve seen the Princess swimming in-and-out of this grotto hauling a satchel full of the most WORTHLESS crap!” Damien pressed for more answers: “So, where is this grotto?”
Chapter 7 Coming August 9th
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Stowaway - Meb ROCK
Stowaway – Meb ROCK
Je suis perdu ici, dans un bateau de fortune,Au milieu de la mer, sous mon manteau…Je ne suis pas seul, les autres s’accumulentTous comme moi sans espoir ils abandonnent Cela fait des heures que j’ai quitté ce paysQue je me suis offert aux vagues en colère…Le bateau déchire les vagues, vers le crépusculeMa destination est incertaine, comme l’obscurité. J avance vers l inconnu comme dans un…
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autobotmedic · 3 years
5+ hcs for an au
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Ratch is partially endothermic rather than entirely poikilothermic, which means he produces a certain amount of his own body heat, and it can be maintained to an extent by his body fat. Results of this fact? He is nice to hug and he can blush (whether in anger or for other reasons). Additional note: I didn’t just make this concept up there are fish that are Like This.
I’m be real honest this is going to have other hcs rather than being entirely focused on Ratch because I have already talked about SEVERAL things here, plus my verse page summary. I want to say New things.
So, telepathy! That’s a thing for mers, but not in the mind-reading, complex conversations in your head sense. It is a less intricate replacement for EMFs, a way to express emotions and basic sentiments without language, and because they are not robots, it is something humans and other creatures can feel too. The strength and complexity of their telepathy varies between different mers, and the Caminus Shoal is the most common origin of those who have seriously honed the ability.
Rather than having a single, primarily military spokesman as their only communication with surface governments, an underwater facility was constructed to allow linguistic scholars and scientists to remain for extended periods in an effort to bridge a severe language barrier (because mers are not robots and they can’t just download information from the internet). One section of this facility houses a large, open floored area that allows mers to visit and discuss without being entirely out of the water, or visibly exposed on the surface of the ocean. Helps with secrecy.
The Iacon Shoal contains the most mers that are willing to have anything to do with humanity (aggression by some Shoals not included), and even they do not trust easily. I wouldn’t trust a species that dumped so much trash and waste and left mines and otherwise from wars with one another in my ocean home either, can you really blame them?
At some point a handful of children somehow end up on a submarine that happened to be going to this facility (not originating in Jasper, obviously, it would be from an ocean-bordering state hfskjdh). Ratch’s biological sonar results in his awareness of their otherwise hidden presence before the submarine has even docked, and he appears in the indoor/outdoor linking pool area shortly afterward wanting to know when did you decide to bring a few of your young down here.
A stowaway children hunt ensues, which results in attempted stealth and hiding/fleeing around the base because WE ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE HERE THIS IS SECRET GOVERNMENT STUFF WHAT IF THEY JUST MAKE US DISAPPEAR AHHHH. Several mers join Ratch in the indoor pool, entertained or concerned by the chaos going on elsewhere in the base because wow humans aren’t very good at keeping track of their minnows, and eventually the youngins find them. Which results in frozen shock and awe, and now they know about them, even if they are finally cornered.
Due to the fact that it’s in and under the ocean, not just somewhere you can drive to in the desert, base visiting is not something that’s easily repeated without appropriate equipment and permissions. But curiosity is contagious, and despite warnings, certain mers end up venturing closer inland to see certain stowaways while they are out on a normal boat.
Unfortunately, it makes secrecy harder to maintain, and eventually leads to awareness of their existence by less pleasant individuals.
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amonthofwhump · 4 years
A Month of Whump - May 2020 Challenge
May’s month of whump is water/mer-themed! Bring on your mer characters, your mer or pirate/sailor aus, and all your watery whumpy imaginings!
This month’s challenge tag is #WaterWhump2020. The individual prompt tags will be #ww-no.1, #ww-no.2, etc.
Caught in a Net
Low Tide
Put in a Tank
Tied to the Mast
Freshwater vs. Saltwater
Caught in a Storm
Underwater Predators
Collared or Chained
Tied to a Figurehead
Escape Attempt
Forced to Hunt/Sing/Perform
Needing to to Swim/Can't Swim
Fascination Gone Wrong
Hunted for Sport
Nautical Justice
Kept as a Trophy
Trapped in Shallow Water
Side-Effects of Food/Medicine
Treasure Hunt Gone Wrong
A Day Without Pain
See the FAQ Page , then hit up our ask box if you still have questions. We can’t wait to see what you create!
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themculibrary · 3 years
Pirate AU Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 4th, 2024
part two
Captain Rogers and the Iron Man of La Rochelle (ao3) - Muccamukk steve/tony T, 15k
Summary: Privateer Captain Steve Rogers' suspicions are raised when the notorious Iron Man hires his ship for a desperate mission to the besieged city of La Rochelle, and that's before he begins to make the connection to a French spy, and the extremely irritating Anthony Stark, Earl of Richford.
Drifting Ain't so Bad (ao3) - MountainRose steve/tony T, 8k
Summary: Something washes up on the beach of Tony's pirate stronghold, fortunately, he knows exactly how to handle this particular piece of flotsam.
Indeed, they've washed up together before; at least this time one of them starts off dry.
i walked with you (once upon a dream) (ao3) - hawksonfire bucky/clint G, 16k
Summary: Five times Clint saved Bucky, plus one time Bucky saved Clint.
just another (drop in the ocean) (ao3) - lincesque steve/tony, clint/phil T, 17k
Summary: Captain Steven Rogers of the Imperial Navy had one mission: to locate the notorious pirate ship, the Ironheart, and capture her mysterious captain, a man known only as ‘Tony’.
Pirates Heart (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/steve/tony E, 267k
Summary: The 1700s, the Golden Age of Piracy, and Captain Steve Rogers has all he wants: a ship, a loyal crew, Bucky at his side, and the horizon offering a new adventure everyday. But an impulsive kiss gone wrong leads to a marriage between Steve and Tony Stark, and now Steve doesn't know what to do about ANYTHING. Steve loves Bucky, but something about Tony draws him in. Tony is too innocent for this life, but he picks up a sword anyway. Bucky is Steve's, but when he offers his hand to Tony and now the three of them are something new. When the truth about Steve's mission to ruin the Stark name comes out, Tony runs away, leaving Steve and Bucky behind in search of answers to the secrets hidden from him his whole life-- about his company, about Uncle Obie, about his parents death.
Steve and Bucky cant abandon their mission against Stane and Tony cant deal with the answers he finds in New York. Is this the end? Is Tony gone forever? Or will he leave his old life and return to the sea and the Pirates that hold his heart?
Sail Away With Me (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony M, 14k
Summary: Loki was the feared and dreaded pirate captain of The Liesmith. His ship was infamous and his reputation well earned. It was why he was completely baffled to find a stowaway on his ship.
Of course, it didn't mean he couldn't take advantage of making the talented and handsome Anthony Stark a member of his crew.
Saltwater for the Soul (ao3) - AustinB steve/bucky M, 
Summary: Steve is a Captain in the Navy, but finds something is missing from his life.
Captain Barnes commands The Winter Soldier, the most notorious pirate ship of the last century.
Secrets of the Sea (ao3) - Summer_Sunflower steve/bucky G, 5k
Summary: Steve thinks he's going to die. No Mer has ever been dragged on board of a ship, and lived to tell the tale. Humans were bad, humans were mean. Humans... freed him?Being dragged aboard a ship sends Steve's head on a spin, especially since their Captain is not as bad as Steve had believed humans to be.
Strange Seas (ao3) - 27dragons, tisfan tony/stephen E, 74k
Summary: Defeating the Mandarin had come at the cost of the Ancient One’s life, and while Stephen Strange was trying to save her, the Mandarin’s ten rings of power slipped away in search of new bearers. Now he and his faithful (if dour) companion, Wong, must try to recover them before a new Mandarin can emerge to terrorize the world. Stephen is prepared for fell magics and formidable warriors -- but Tony Stark catches him entirely unawares.
Tony Stark was sailing to London to take possession of his father’s offices and factories there when his ship was beset by pirates. Now he’s a prisoner with a magical and semi-sentient artifact buried in his chest, tasked with the impossible and his life on the line. The appearance of a pair of sorcerers seeking the ring that keeps him alive is the very last thing he needs.
Tell No Tales (ao3) - NamelesslyNightlock loki/tony T, 4k
Summary: Whilst preparing for battle against the most feared pirate crew in the world, Tony cowardly and treasonously hopes that the pirates will escape– but it’s not himself that he’s scared for.
The Captain (ao3) - lordelannette steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Faced with the repercussions of his father's wrongdoings, Bucky finds himself held for ransom by the Captain of the notorious pirate ship, The Fallen Eagle.
(Pirate AU-- Pirate Captain Steve/ Ransom & Prisoner Bucky)
The North Star (ao3) - littleblackfox steve/bucky E, 61k
Summary: “I heard rumour that William Fly is swinging from a gibbet in Boston harbour. They say the age of piracy is ending,” Steve utters softly, rubbing the tip of his thumb across his lower lip. Sam glances at him. “You got plans to retire, Cap? Find a nice little beach in the Indies and a good supply of rum? Couple of pretty girls in grass skirts to dance for you.” “Sam,” Steve mumbles, covering his face with his hand. “I’m sorry, a couple of pretty boys?” Sam grins wickedly. “Sam!” Steve looks scandalised, which gets him nothing but laughter from his Quartermaster. “You’re fired. Go throw yourself overboard this instant.”
The Pillars of Hercules (ao3) - valtyr steve/tony, bucky/natasha M, 5k
Summary: In 1584, Don Antonio Stark de Cerrara sets sail from Cadiz. But as they approach the Straits of Gibraltar, they're intercepted by the English privateer Sir Stephen Rogers, who has his sights set not on their cargo - but on Don Antonio himself.
The World Turned Upside Down (ao3) - Morgan Steelgrave (m_steelgrave) steve/tony T, 14k
Summary: Captain Steve Rogers of the Continental Army is sent to secure the help of Iron Man, notorious privateer. Yes, this means pirates...sort of.
Wind in the Sails (ao3) - Rabentochter loki/tony T, 6k
Summary: Tony Stark doesn't want many things from life. What he wants is to end the terror reign of pirate Thor Odinson and his crew, use the reward to start a new life with his bladesmith. But Serrure isn't happy when he hears who Tony is hunting down – and Tony gets the feeling that something will go wrong the moment he gets onboard.
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vylequinnewriting · 3 years
pirate AU!!
I was actually thinking about a short pirate WIP so this is great!! And surprisingly well timed. I’ll use Making a Killing as a base for this!
Zastüd is now a city sized galleon. Imagine Carnival Cruiselines and all the horrors that accompany that, but with muskets and cannons. Keeping with the floorplan of Duhl, different floors can only be accessed by different ranks. 
Shiloh’s now a stowaway looking to cause mutiny. Why not have a little bit of mutiny in a pirate AU, as a treat. Her rope power could also be pirate themed, maybe fishing line/hook? That sounds fun.
Frank would still definitely be a zombie, but Exchange based this time, so soggy and blue instead of dry and green. It would be cool if he had a contract like Davey Jones from the Pirates of the Carribeans. It would be cooler if he had a pet octopus. A gag I’d definitely use would be the octopus sleeping inside of him like an undead aquarium. Maybe with one of those little toy treasure chests, too.
Mer-Thaes! (concept I have but don’t use in MaK. Is this cheating? Still cool so I’m gonna use it here.) If Thaes are magical goat people, Mer-Thaes are magical sea goat people. Mermaids but with hooves. They’re all Capicorns, wink.
Instead of everyone wearing different fabrics to represent factions like in MaK, every faction has their own skull-n-bones. Shiloh would def wear a ripped up Jolly Roger like the edgelord she is deep down.
Thanks a lot, Ash!
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Boys Who Cry Pearl and Sea: Flying Dutchman AU
Fandoms: Sanders sides and technically the lore behind the Flying Dutchman.
Characters: Virgil, Roman, Remus
Relationships:  Roman/Virgil
Additional tags: Mer AU, Pirate AU, Human AU, Siren!Roman, Sailor!Virgil
Word count: 3263
Summary:  Virgil Tempesta was born at sea.  Perhaps that is why he has never felt like he belonged on land.
Notes: I wrote a sea shanty for this! (x)  I hope you enjoy!
Virgil Tempesta was born at sea.
His English mother was traveling from her home in London to join her merchant husband in Cuba, but by the time that she arrived, her son was nearly a month old, and strange, with storm grey eyes that seldom blinked.  He grew up mostly indoors, there not really being any other children his age that his family would let him socialize with.
Virgil himself was an odd child, quiet, and when he turned ten, his father sent him to another sea captain for an apprenticeship.
The Windborne was a young ship, not even five years old, and the captain was quick to shove the pale boy belowdecks, for a child has no place among a crew of men.  Virgil spent his first year feeling like an outcast, a stowaway on a ship he was technically part of.  
That was of course until they found out that Virgil could squeeze himself into small spaces, and climb faster than anyone else on ship.  He also seemed to need less sleep, so they started to put him on the night watch as months passed.
Virgil didn’t mind.  At least it gave him an excuse to hum the shanties that the others sang as he stared at the dark water that was reflected with stars.
He was fifteen when something interesting finally happened during one of his watches.
“There was a boy, Icarus~”   The haunting melody stretched over the water in the secluded cove that they were anchored in and Virgil leaned a bit more over the side of the ship as he strained to hear the song.
“You pronounced Icarus wrong.”  Virgil called out and the song stopped.
“How do you pronounce it then?”
Virgil pursed his lips before answering.  “It’s not I-Car-Us, it’s all one beat, kinda like: ǐːkaros.”
“Oh.”  The voice seemed confused.  “There was a boy, Icarus, who flew too close to the sun-”
“That’s better.”  Virgil smirked as the voice sputtered in annoyance.
“His wings were made of brass and wax-”
Virgil listened as the voice sang about the greek myth, before abruptly hopping topics to sing about a sailor’s myth, the Dutchman.  Virgil wasn’t one to believe in silly legends, but the voice was nice and it made him feel lightheaded in a good way, so he continued to listen as the second chorus faded out and the voice switched verses again.
“There is a simple sailor boy,
Not wanted by land nor sky-”
Virgil stood up from his spot and looked over the water.  “Woah, wait.”
“What?”  The voice was definitely irritated now.
“Simple?  That’s all you can think of to describe me?”  Virgil teased as some of his hair fell into his face.
“Uh... to be honest, I thought you’d be drowned by now.”
“Yeah, the shanty only has two verses, I’ve been making the rest up.”  The voice said sheepishly and Virgil heard a splash of something going into water.   He watched as the dark water below rippled and a moment later, a red and gold blur shot out and landed on the deck next to him.
Virgil fell back onto his ass in shock.  “Mermaid.”
The creature flashed him a grin.  “Close, I’m a siren and I am a male by your kind’s definition., so not a mer-maid either way.”
Virgil took in the red and gold tail, the dark skin as he slowly looked the siren in the eyes.
“You’re gorgeous.”  He breathed out reverently and the siren’s fins on the side of it’s head flared in surprise.
“You are very pale and small.”  He responded back, which broke Virgil from his reprise as he scrambled back up to his feet.
“Thanks, I get that a lot.”  
“Oh.  I thought for sure you’d be taller standing.  Hmm, okay.”  The siren balanced himself on the railing better, looking at Virgil with curious eyes.
Virgil blushed, ducked his head and then looked back up.  “So, how am I not dead?”
“Excellent question.  I have no fucking idea.”  The siren shrugged and Virgil nodded.
“Alright then.”
“Can I get your name pale one?”  The siren asked as he leaned forward and Virgil leaned back.  
“Me giving you my name doesn’t do any weird shit- like I sell my soul to you, right?”
“No, why would it do that?  Is that some weird human thing no one told me about?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “It’s a fae thing, I thought that since sirens are real, maybe they were.  Anyway, I’m Virgil.”
The siren’s eyes widened.  “You have a siren name.”
“I’m Roman.”
“That’s an odd name.”
“Says the one who literally didn't know that my kind existed, despite having a siren name.”  Roman shot back with a sharp grin.
Virgil smirked and gently shoved at the siren, who wobbled nervously.
“You should go.”
“Why?” “My watch is almost over.  I want to go to sleep.”  Virgil yawned and the siren shrugged.
“Alright.  I’ll get you one of these times.”  Roman said as he fell back, disappearing into the water.
Virgil didn’t see him for another year.  The Windborne traveled to many different locations and so it was rare for them to pass through the siren’s waters, and when they did, they didn’t stay the night.
So he wasn’t surprised when the song started across the water.
“I’ll sing you a song of ravens and stone--”   Roman’s voice definitely had some bite to it and Virgil could feel himself slipping as he struggled to keep his mind clear.
“With the temper of a storm!”
Virgil jumped into the water, fully intending on beating up Roman for being so fucking annoying.
What he wasn’t expecting was for arms to wrap around him and start dragging him down.
Virgil tried to elbow the person, mer(?)  behind him, but the singing just intensified and his head felt like it was full of cotton….
Roman couldn’t believe that Andy had managed to snag Virgil the second the teen had jumped in.
His half brother was a force to be reckoned with though, and Roman watched as the lithe siren dragged the sailor out of the water and tested for a pulse.
“Aw, he’s still alive.”
“I asked for him to still be alive An.”  Roman muttered as he looked at his human.
“I don’t know why you’re attracted to him.  He’s awfully pale.  And when there’s so many other options up there on that ship..”  Andy trailed off once he saw the look in Roman’s eyes.  “Oh, you see the pale on as a mate?  You’re a mess, sing once you get your life together Ro.”
With that, he left with a snap of a jet black tail slapping water.  
Virgil sat straight up and vomited,  coughing as seawater exited his lungs and he shivered on the rock that he was somehow on.
“Are you okay?”
Virgil threw up again and shook his head as someone gathered him up, pressing a hand against his chest.
“I’m sorry, I got worried because you stopped breathing.”
Virgil’s mind had cleared enough for him to look up through lidded eyes to see Roman looking at him with concern.
“What?”  Virgil croaked out, voice absolutely ruined by the seawater that he had ingested.
“Uh, you jumped overboard, my half sibling brought you here and then I pulled the life back into you.”
Virgil vaguely remembered jumping over, but after that…
He passed out again.
Roman was not expecting humans to be so fragile.   Virgil had indeed become unresponsive after throwing up, but now he was asleep again, with no warning at all.
At least the sun was coming up, so it would be a bit warmer.  
He just had to hope that Virgil’s ship wasn’t leaving, or else Roman wasn’t sure what he’d do.  This was supposed to be a fun interaction, not him watching an almost corpse.
Unfortunately for him, the sun rose, The Windborne left the cove, and Virgil slept.
Roman wasn’t sure how he was going to admit to his human that his only way back home was gone.
Turns out, Virgil was fucked.
He woke up and realized almost immediately that his ship had left and the first thing he did was try to sneak off the rock that Roman had stuck him on, so that he could swim to the shore and try to work out his life then.
He didn’t notice that Roman was on the rock also, until the siren grabbed his shoulder.
“Where are you going, the ship is gone.”
Virgil hissed and recoiled, falling into the water before surfacing to curse at Roman.  “What the fuck?”
“Sorry!  I assumed that humans could hear when someone is coming up on them!”
Virgil hissed again and scrambled back onto the rock.  “I wasn’t paying attention, and yes I know that the ship is gone, it’ll be another few months before they anchor back here.”
“A few months?”
“Yep.  We had planned a few routes over the next year that come this way…  I just have to wait out the storm, and I’m not doing it on this tiny ass rock.”  Virgil went to slip into the water when Roman stopped him again.
“Let me swim you over, it’ll be faster.”
“Thanks I guess.”
Virgil watched as Roman slipped into the water and then swam around the rock to wink at him.
“Ready my raven?”
“Oh, stars no.  No pet names.”  Virgil grumbled as he got in and wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck as directed.
“You won’t drown me, right?”
“Of course not!”
“Okay, let’s go.”
Roman swam slowly, but still, it was faster than Virgil could’ve gone, so it was nice to hitch a ride in a sense as they made their way to the beach.
They finally made it to where Virgil’s feet could touch, and he quickly let go, wading through the water to collapse on wet sand.
“Are you okay?”  Roman called from his spot in the water and Virgil stuck his head up.
“Oh yeah.  I’ve been kidnapped by a siren, threw up my body weight in saltwater, haven’t eaten since almost two days ago, and now I’m here for a good long time, all alone!  Don’t forget that if I don’t get some actual water soon, I’ll be a rotting corpse on this beach!”
Roman was by his side faster than Virgil could comprehend, eyes flashing nervously.  “Water?”
“What about it?”
“You can’t drink seawater?”
Virgil groaned and buried his face in his hands.
This was going to be a long three months.
Assuming he could survive for that long.
The first week was the worst.  Roman had to watch as Virgil disappeared into the treeline, leaving for long hours, even though he had offered to provide for any of the sailor’s needs, after all, it was his fault that Virgil was stuck.
All the human had asked for was a knife though.
He built an odd structure on the shore, and Roman watched as he (unsuccessfully) fished, and got sick from being in the sun for too long the second day.
By day eight, Virgil was screaming at the sky to just hit him with some lightning.
Roman was impressed that his human had even made it that long.
By night nine, he finally had the courage to go back on shore.  Virgil was laying on the ground, staring at the stars, seemingly distracted, but his eyes did flit over to Roman as the siren adjusted his tail and also lay back.
“Are you okay?”
“No.  I miss people.”
They lay there in silence, and it wasn’t until Roman looked over and he saw the streaks of silver running down the other’s face that he realized something was wrong.  He sat up and scooted closer to Virgil, gently wiping at the strange stuff.
“What is this?”
Virgil blankly looked at him, still not moving.  “Tears.”
Roman brought the ‘tears’ to his face.  “Weird.  They look… wrong.”
Virgil sniffed and sat up, wiping at his face with a torn sleeve.  “Why is that fish?”
Roman looked at the ‘tear’ again.  “It is a liquid.”
“Are you implying that tears aren’t made of saltwater?”  
Roman sniffed the tear and realized that Virgil was right.  It smelt like ocean. 
“You cry the sea when you are sad?”
“I guess.”  Virgil sniffed again and Roman sighed before putting a finger to the corner of his own eye, quietly shedding a pearl as he cried.
“I do too.  Perhaps we are not as different as we like to say.”
The dynamic changed after that.  Roman started to bring fish, which was a godsend in Virgil’s opinion, and in exchange, he’d tell the siren about something from his world, or he’d teach him a new shanty to sing.
And as much as he denied it, Virgil fell in love.
It wasn’t a major revelation in a sense.  It was about a month into his stay and he looked up and remembered that it was his birthday.
Hurray, seventeen years on this earth.  He hadn’t told the siren, who didn’t understand the concept of age, and even though Roman certainly acted like he was Virgil’s age, he had told him once about the first time his pod had moved, and it was because the first merchants were sailing into the area.
So yeah, his siren, wait, when did he start considering Roman as his siren?  Virgil shook his head, trying to clear it of the traitorous thoughts as Roman came in with the gentle waves, grinning.
“Hello my stormy night!”
“No nicknames!”
Roman was in love.
Deepy, irrevocably, in love.
He was screwed.
Sirens only choose one mate, and it is always the first one that you fall in love with.  No take back, so changing in the future.
The only problem was that he knew that Virgil didn’t love him back.
The different specie? Not a problem, many sirens fell in love with humans, and they could change their mate to be like them with a simple draw of blood.  The fact that Roman was immortal and Virgil wasn’t.  Fixed when turned into a siren.
Literally everything had a solution.
Except when your love didn’t feel the same way.
They were both on a rock one night, Roman and helped Virgil swim out, although the young sailor was surprisingly good, despite most at the time who couldn’t swim, and Roman had been caught up in the way that the moonlight framed Virgil’s face to notice that the human was addressing him.
“Oh sorry, what?”
Virgil laughed before suddenly looking serious.  “The ship will be arriving any day now.”
Roman deflated and looked away.  “I know.”
“I have to leave.”
“I understand.”
“Part of me doesn’t want to, you know?  Stay here for the rest of my short and pathetic life… but I don’t want to watch you watch me die..”  Virgil trailed off and Roman saw that he was crying again, oddly reminiscent of their first night like this.
“What if you didn’t have to die?”
Virgil looked at him sadly.  “I’m not like you Roman.”
Roman gulped.  “I know, but you can be.  There’s just one problem.”
“You’d have to be my mate.”
Virgil’s eyes widened and a blush spread across his face as he ducked his head to hide behind his longer hair.  “Oh?”
Roman nodded.  “I know, it’s something that we take very seriously and I understand that you wouldn’t want to do it and--”
“No, I want to.  Maybe not now, but in a few years?  Yeah, it sounds amazing.  All of it.  Being with you… mates.”
Roman blinked at Virgil.  “Really?”
Roman surged forward and kissed Virgil, wrapping his arms around the human’s waist, sparks flashing across his vision as Virgil kissed him back, all passion and quiet love.
It was his first kiss and Roman could feel it clear as day that the human was meant to be his.
When they pulled away, with Virgil gasping for air and Roman trailing kisses along his mate to be’s jaw, nipping at the skin.
“Seas below, I love you.”  Roman whispered as he pulled away, looking into Virgil’s dark eyes.
“I love you too.”  Virgil kissed him again and this time they didn’t break away for quite some time.
Virgil stands at the edge of the ocean.
The Windborne came into the cove about a week after he and Roman had claimed each other, the siren later marking him with a bite that scarred silver against the still pale skin.
Hell, Virgil really wished he could get tan.
Roman had also given him a gold coin, one that he was supposed to give away when he was ready to return, and then they would be ready.
Roman had promised to come back for him.
When Virgil boards the ship later, they’re overjoyed to see him alive.  When they anchor for the night, he collapses in the barracks below decks, grateful to be sleeping in an actual hammock, rather than on sand or on stones.
When they sail out of the cove the next day, only he can hear the song that Roman sings in mourning of his mate.
Only he wants to jump back.
Years pass, three to be exact, before they sail by that cove again.  Virgil meets Remus, a younger sailor that he teaches everything, despite sometimes wishing that the younger would just shut up and give him a peace of mind.
Remus is bold though, and he believes in mer.  Virgil tells him about Roman, one day when they’re both in the crow’s nest and he doesn’t think that he sees anyone look so excited.
Of course, that is before he hears the song as they are sailing by, not stopping as night falls.
“I’ll sing you a song of ravens and stone--
With the temper of a storm!
With those who sail the waters deep,
Calling the entire sea their home!”
Virgil doesn’t realize that Remus is allured by the song until he snaps out of his funk and drags them both below decks, defying his heart.
He gets sick.
Remus nurses him back to health.
A month later, he insists on being alone for night watch, and luckily they are anchored just outside the cove.
Roman still has that wild smirk and he still kisses with a passion that makes Virgil dizzy as his mate cuts their palms and presses them together, mixing human and siren blood.
Transformation doesn’t hurt.
Virgil lets Roman pull them both overboard and the first time he breathes in saltwater properly, he cries, his tears still made of sea.
“You haven’t changed a bit my love.”
Virgil laughs, his voice carrying the unrestrained power of a new siren.  “Oh darling, but I have.”
His song is wild, just like a storm on the sea, free.  It melds with Roman’s perfectly as the two harmonize, voices weaving sea shanties and siren lullabies as easily as a fisherman mends a net.
Virgil wonders if Remus can still hear a siren’s song.  He may regret leaving the young boy behind, but he can take care of himself, after all, Virgil did as well.
Virgil Tempesta was born at sea.
Maybe that’s why he never felt comfortable in his own skin, why he was quiet for a child, taking in everything he saw.  Maybe it was the siren name that his mother gave him, for she believed in the beautiful creatures that dripped with song.  
Perhaps it was like in Roman’s shanty:
Not wanted by land nor sky...
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
HiddenDreamer67′s MasterPost
G/t-  aka, these stories contain extreme size differences, which often means some of the characters are borrowers, fairies, giants, etc. Could also include things like characters shrinking or growing.
AO3- Archive Of Our Own, a popular Fanfiction site.
In Progress- I intend to continue this work, although sometimes I forget about all of these wips and reminders are welcome. Some have listed scheduled updates. 
On Hiatus- It’s been a long time since I’ve updated this work and I’m open to coming back to them if somebody asks for more but I don’t plan to write more on my own volition right now.
All of the works are being placed beneath a Read More link for organizational purposes. There are many of them. Enjoy. :)
G/t works- 
Choose Your Tiny- A short choose-your-own-adventure written for an old contest. Linked Here
A Little Lie Couldn’t Hurt- When Patton finds a tiny little guy in the back room of a pet store, he's determined to help. But when he has to continually lie to keep the guy safe, is he really doing more good than harm?Aka, Deceit Sanders is a manipulative lil' tiny who gets what he wants and makes Patton feel terrible. (on Hiatus)
AO3 Link | Part 1  | Part 2  |  Part 3  | Part 4
Infinitesimal!Fins-"So, a mermen AU with the SidesOnly they’re all smol and goldfish-sizedAnd one day they’re captured and placed in a pet storeWithin separate fish tanksUnable to touch one anotherOnly able to watch and witnessAs one by one, they’re sold off to terrifying giant strangers..." Inspired by a prompt by @secretglittersauce (in progress)
AO3 Link | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |Part 7|Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Borrower Analogical-  Two borrowers, Virgil and Logan, have been living together for quite some time when Logan has the unfortunate luck to get caught. Now only time can tell what's in store for our intrepid heroes as Virgil attempts to save his companion. Meanwhile, Roman and Patton cannot get over the joy of finding such a cute mystical creature, and with every day their curiosity only grows. (in progress, updates Mondays)
AO3 Link |  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Dragged From the Depths- Dr. Picani, Captain Deceit, and Interns Thomas and Remy aren't sure what to make of the strange violet-colored creature that is brought into the lab one day...but perhaps some things are better off untouched.Furious about the disappearance of their brother Virgil, mers Roman, Logan, and Patton are quick to try to jump to his rescue and get their family back together again. (in progress)
AO3 Link |  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The Injured Fairy-  Summary: Roman the butterfly catcher stumbles upon the most beautiful pair of violet wings he’s ever seen…until he realizes, that’s no butterfly. (complete, sequel coming) 
Read it here
Amanda’s Discovery-  A college student who’s always been enchanted by the idea of tiny people is in for a surprise when she discovers four have been living in her dorm room walls. Borrowers Roman, Logan, Virgil, and Patton have been acting as a less-than-functional family ever since their parents left the picture. Featuring youngest brother Patton who cannot wait to go borrowing, Second youngest Virgil who is banned from borrowing ever since his anxiety attacks nearly got them caught, second eldest Logan who questions every rule he has ever been taught, and eldest brother Roman who is just doing his best to keep his brothers in line without murdering them in the process. (in progress, turned into an ask blog)
G/t Prompt universes 
Note: All of these universes are based upon prompts that people have sent in. Asks and prompts are always welcome for any of these universes, even if so far the world only consists of one prompt. 
borrower!Thomas in Human!Roman’s apartment-
Pizza Therapy- (complete) Part 1 | Part 2
Human!Virgil on an alien spaceship team- 
An Old Friend
Human!Patton and his borrower!Virgil son- 
You’re Freezing
Humans Virgil and Patton own pet borrowers Logan and Roman (who aren’t happy about it)-
 Logan’s Escape
Shrinking Sides- Is Roman shrinking or Logan growing?…or both? It seems that when the sides get overwhelmed by emotions, these feelings can get the best of them and cause the sides to change size.
Main Story (in progress)- Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Punk!Logan is a Giant teen who befriends the teen human!Virgil-
Origin Story (complete): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Logan’s House (in progress): Part 1 | Part 2 
Future Drabble:  Can I sleepover?
Human!Logan is friends with a borrower!Roman-
Patton hears noises in his walls and discovers a borrower!Virgil-
Main Story (in progress)- Part 1 | Part 2
Patton is imprisoned by Giants after climbing a beanstalk-
Sing me a Song (oneshot)
Logan and Roman are borrowers who live willingly with humans Patton and Virgil-
Practice makes Perfect (complete)- Part 1 | Part 2
Kitchen Intervention (oneshot)
Patton comforts a Giant by the name of Virgil sulking in the woods-
Origins (complete)- Part 1 | Part 2
Giant!Roman is friends with a human!Virgil-
The Party (complete)- Part 1 | Part 2
Let’s Go Somewhere
Giant!Patton lives out in the woods and is friends with a human!Virgil (who in turn is friends with an unsuspecting human!Logan)-
Virgil’s Absence
Borrower!Logan is kept in a cage by Human!Patton-
Borrower!Logan lives in an apartment building where the other three (Patton, Virgil, and Roman) are humans-
Clever Borrower (Logan escapes his captors)
Comforting Roman (Logan comforts a drunk Roman)
Human!Roman is friends (best friends?) with borrower!Virgil-
Before the Party 
After the Party
Virgil and the Beanstalk- Virgil ends up at the top of the beanstalk where he is kidnapped by Giants Roman, Patton and Logan. Why do they hate humans so much? Will Virgil ever be able to escape? And why did that mysterious snakelike figure give him the beans in the first place?
Main Story (in progress): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Borrower!Patton is the honorary father of three college students: Roman, Virgil, and Logan-
Logan’s Presentation
Virgil is in a photography class, and he lives with borrowers-
Roman on Camera
Virgil is a human who’s friends with borrower Logan. Little does he know Logan has a twin-
Meet Roman
Roman is a kid who has a ‘pet’ (friend?) tiny named Logan-
School Stowaway
Borrowers Roman and Patton are friends with their humans Virgil and Logan-
Roman’s Birthday (oneshot)
Remy lives in a house where in borrower brothers Logan, Roman, Patton, and Virgil also live-
Discovery (oneshot)
Logan and Patton are giants that adopt a human child named Virgil-
Sick day (oneshot)
Borrowers Deceit and Virgil get caught by a human Patton after Deceit is injured in a lawnmower incident-
Main Story (in progress)- Part 1 
Scientist Roman and his tiny lab rat Logan-
Passing the Burden
Scientists Logan and Virgil observe the new giant captive at their facility-
Thrash All You Want
The Creativitwins, Roman and Remus, are kids who discover a group of fairies (Patton, Logan, Virgil, Deceit) and do not know how to be gentle with their toys-
Play Time
Borrower Roman discovered by a startled Human Logan-
The Coffee Pot Incident
Human Thomas and Giants Roman, Patton, Virgil, Logan in a world where Giants never get colds-
Thomas Gets Sick
Giant!Deceit and Tiny!Remus do not get along-
Flip You Off
Remus is an imp living in Thomas’ house-
Virgil Eavesdrops
Remus is a tiny used as a lab rat in Roman and Logan’s lab-
Eager Subject
Non-G/t works-
Roman’s World Turned Upside Down-  Roman Sanders was used to being in the spotlight, so when the nerdy class president swoops in and steals the lead in "Hamilton" senior year, Roman's world gets turned upside down. Suddenly everyone in the school is fawning over Logan, including Roman's best friend Patton. Roman can’t seem to understand where it all went so wrong, or why the techie Virgil seems to get such a kick out of Roman’s dethroning. (on Hiatus)
AO3 Link | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Left Sides of the Brain-  In the left brain hallway, Logan lived alone. Which was fine, he supposed. Of course, all that changed when Anxiety moved in. Analogical.
Left Brain (complete, right side on hiatus)
The Sanders Games- In the 75th Hunger Games, only one male* tribute is chosen from each of the twelve districts. Watch these twelve children as alliances are formed, bonds are broken, angst ensues, and one by one they all fall at the cruel hands of their peers.After all, there can only be one victor. (in progress, updates Fridays)
AO3 link | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Two Boyfriends in One- Roman and Remus share a body. During the day, Roman has control, and at night Remus comes out to play. The only trouble is, they both have different tastes in which Sanders brother to date, and one night when Roman stays over a little too late Virgil becomes the last to know about this situation. 
Virgil Finds Out
To check out a whole bunch of Sanders Sides G/t stories titled “Perspective Series” that I co-write with @arc852​, go to the following blog: @perspective-series​ 
For more of my writings, you can follow my writing blog: @hiddendreamerwriting
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ereri-fanfic-recs · 5 years
Mer! AUs
Halocline by Shulkie
A lousy vacation puts Eren's life at jeopardy when he goes for a midnight surf and gets caught in a storm only to be saved by a mysterious creature. Eren tries to communicate with his new friend but it's hard when you don't speak fish.
I Think I’ll Stay by Lopey1996
Eren has been dealing with the pain in his heart since his parents died for sometime. He wants to leave this small town, but something is keeping him here, stopping from going every time.
He might've found the reason why, in the small, secluded and very secret cove.
Your hint:
It has fins.
30 by A26
Levi is a cursed albino merman with a bad temper and a ticking time limit to his thirty year lifespan which is drawing dangerously close to its end. The remedy for his curse? True Love.
No one thus far has captured the salty creature's heart, that is until he lays eyes on a certain brown haired young man who is tasked with the impossible... Cleaning his tank.
Stowaway by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Levi is the Captain of The Captain's Killer, the most dreaded pirate ship in all the Caribbean, which hunts its bounty with ruthless efficiency. For years Captain Levi has dodged the Navy's most decorated Commander, Erwin, and his attempts at sinking Levi's ship and coercing him into sailing under the Navy's banner. It seems that Levi will continue sailing the seas as he pleases, answering to no one but the mood of the winds, until a stowaway with a few secrets of his own ends up on his ship and throws everything in disarray.
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raventroll80 · 5 months
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So it appears I will be working on the mer au somewhat this year…
Btw which looks better left (normal) or right (symmetrical)?
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stylinsonlibrary · 7 years
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The Hero's Return (1k)
The Roman Empire was divided into two parts by pomerium, the sacred boundary of the city. Outside of the city was militia, the area of war and conquest. Within was domus, the area of home. But Louis’ home was not the city. It was not the battlefields. It was not marching down the streets to cheering crowds, or a grand villa, or a warm bed and good food. Louis’ home was green eyes and long brown hair and a smile that dimpled.
Or, Louis is a Roman general returning from a grand victory. Harry is his home.
These words will be written on my stone (1k)
In which Louis is Hades and Harry is Persephone and there's also a giant, three-headed dog involved somewhere.
could be immortals (series; 3 works; 8k)
AU in which Louis is probably (read: definitely) not human, and Harry's trying to figure him out.
Like A Drum (Baby, Don't Stop Beating) (9k)
They walk through the camp together hand in hand, past the big house where Chiron waves happily at them, past the strawberry field where Louis first kissed Harry, past the lake where Louis first met Zayn and Liam, past the dinning hall where Niall sat down next to Louis before he knew he shouldn’t, and to Harry’s cabin.
Or, they're all sons of Greek gods at a summer camp for demigods.
not even the gods above (can separate the two of us) (20k)
Harry is a reckless god of war, Louis is a muse unspoken of, and their love might not be written in the stars.
My Heart Lies With You (31k)
For being the God of Death, Niall has a habit of acting on ideas without thinking them through. It's probably why Harry ends up with an unexpected but entirely welcome visitor in his bed the day after a Mount Olympus party.
How Far We've Come (32k)
“This is Harry Styles,” Chiron offers.
He’s beautiful. His eyes are a stunning green, the color of new foliage. The new kid’s limbs are long and lanky—he looks extremely uncomfortable and uncoordinated. Louis internally smirks to himself, guessing the kid probably won’t be too skilled with a sword, or a bow, or anything sharp, most likely. His hair falls to his shoulders in sets of loose, brown curls. The color is rich and luscious, resembling soil so much that it looks like flowers could sprout from his hairline at any moment. But Louis’ eyes are stuck on his soft looking lips, pink as flower petals and slightly parted as his eyes scan the horizon of the camp.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Harry.”
Cupid's Chokehold (35k)
But - naively, stupidly, blindly - Harry holds out hope for a love that’s written across the stars. He can’t give up the feeling that there’s someone out there, waiting for him.
He’s just going to have to wait for them, too.
Or: Louis is a Cupid who tries to match up Niall and Harry. It doesn't work out as planned.
Take Care Down By The Water (37k)
Louis has spent his summers at his Granny's in the Isle of Barra for almost as long as he could remember.
This summer wasn't supposed to be any different, but the little Scottish island turned out to be harbouring more than just the gorgeous white beaches, the clear waters, and the town drunk scaremongering the foreign tourists.
These Hands Not Fit For Holding (46k)
“You should be grateful,” Harry tells him, leaning in so he’s almost whispering in Louis’ ear. Louis stands as still as a statue, trying not to react when Harry’s low voice caresses his cheek. “I’m offering you something better: a chance to join my crew. I’ll pay you to work as a carpenter on my ship.”
“I’m not a fucking pirate,” Louis says, anger flaring. He steals little trinkets occasionally, if he thinks they’ll make his sisters happy. He’s not a proper thief, or a murderer, though, and certainly not on the level of Captain Styles and his crew.
Or, Harry is the captain of a pirate ship, and Louis is an accidental stowaway.
Olympus (47k)
Louis is a god that is actually a goddess named Aphrodite. Louis is also technically married to the ugly god himself, Hephaestus. Harry is his lover, who is also known as Mars and the two of them happen to be in love. Throw in Niall and Hermes one of Louis’ best friends as well as Liam who is Poseidon, and Zayn, god of the underworld known as Hades. Add Hera being a bitch and you have my take on a Greek mythology alternate universe staring one direction.
Your Wounds and My Sutures (53k)
Louis is a harpy who lives in Nog and has never seen the outside world. He is content living with his clan and his unusual childhood best friend, Niall, a Baunny. Yet somewhere deep within his soul, there’s an emptiness he feels during the night sky. He meets Harry, a beautiful merman one night.
Mer-creatures are the devils of the sea or so they say according to the stories but Louis’ never been one to resist his curiosity and Niall’s got the youth and joy of a fawn that he finds fascination just as wonderful as Louis but he’s more cautious.
Along their journey of love, friendship, trials and tribulations, two creatures of the wild find their souls blending into one and five friends learn to have each other’s backs.
I Hunger For Your Beautiful Embrace (57k)
Legatus Harry is governor of Capua and Dominus of his estate. He governs with a firm and harsh rule and has never been known to be soft. That is until Louis comes into his life. A beautiful slave who creeps into Harry’s house and heart.
But in the times of Ancient Rome, when sex, wars, and death are the entertainment of the times, life and love are rare commodities.
Grief is Mine (70k)
His silver wings glinted in the moonlight as though the moon shared his grief, his protective haze slipping away as his small body shook with a pain and sadness he had not yet become accustomed too. He would grow to know it though, would learn to bear this grief like it was his own identity, and, with time, it would be his identity. For an angel of death cannot long remain anything other than itself.
Harry is an angel of death, and Louis is a boy who was not prepared.
Anyplace, Anyhow, Anytime (90k) (temporary MCD)
Harry's going to audition for The X-Factor in a few days, he really can't use this persistent tickle in his throat. What's even worse is when the tickle turns into a full blown cough, and the cough makes him pass out only for Harry to wake up in a different world. And then another one, and another one, and another one. The only other person who seems to be as affected as he is, is a boy with blue eyes who keeps showing up in every single one of these worlds.
Runaway Land (103k)
Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually.
Modern Greek mythology AU.
Say Hallelujah, Say Goodnight (110k)
Louis is an angel who is just a little too bad to be good, Harry is a demon who is just a little too good to be bad, and they're both a little too in love to be impartial when angels and demons go to war.
Louis has been alive since life was a mere concept; he watched the summoning of Man into existence, he was there when Eve took the apple. He’s seen seas break the world into separate pieces, he’s watched empires crumble into dust. He’s seen wildfire consume cities, he’s seen the world painted white with snow. He has known the most beautiful humans to walk the planet, he has watched the most powerful mortals gather their riches and influence around them and then die just like the poorest, weakest humans do. He’s met humans whose motives defy explanation, people who use their lives as battering rams, as tools, as weapons, as chess pieces.
None of that stopped Louis in his tracks.
But Harry did.
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snekthing · 6 years
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Ha, got something posted in time before Mer-May ends. For those wondering (not that you would, don’t kid yourselves), this is basically a different Sketchy AU thingy from Sketchy/Saffron, those two are still my main headcanon thing. So yeh. Enjoy! :3
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   The odd stallion Sketchy Dupe was delivering some mail outside of Equestria one peculiar day, getting himself into the rugged city of Klugetown miles away from the beautiful pony kingdom and had to run from the city folk from being sold off. The stallion tossed the mail package to a feline with blue hair as he trotted away, hiding into a crate near some boarding bay at the edge of town. Smothered in sheets and ropes, Sketchy falls out of the crate, being spotted by some of the ship’s birds as their gorgeous captain commands tossing the stowaway overboard. The falling Sketchy yelled, waiting for his demise hitting the rough dirt, but he didn’t know that when he was in the crate and shuffled around, one of the sheets and ropes hid into his hat and pockets. With that, the official Storm King blanket extended out, the ends tied to the stallion’s hooves as he hovered down to the beach just a few feet away safely. That was, until Sketchy got too far from the sand and into the water. The sheet and ropes tangled upon his body, limiting any means of swimming. The confused and tied up pony struggled with the ropes and sheet, being covered as he floated in the water. The pony was now feets away from air, leaving himself to nearly drown.
  That was when he saw a faint glow approaching him as his eyes started to lower due to lack of air. Sketchy swore he then saw a cute seapony emerge from the glow, using some pearl necklace to do some kind of spell. The pony gasped when he breathed again, seeing his head shielded by a magic bubble casted by the underwater mare. He was relieved to be breathing again, wanting to see this seapony that saved him. He was shocked to see her swim away and tell him to go home, but he followed, wanting to thank her and repay her for saving his life when he thought he’d die out there. The seapony, not wanting to leave the stallion stranded as he was far from his city, decided to bring him home, introducing herself as Princess Skystar. The two swam to a beautiful and majestic undersea kingdom, filled with seaponies as Skystar brought Sketchy to her mother Queen Novo.
   Though irritated that Skystar brought an outsider to their secret abode, and a boy no less for obvious reasons, she was convinced by her daughter to have Sketchy stay for a bit. After sighing, Novo summoned a larger pearl from above, using its magic to turn the once troubled stallion into a seapony like the others. Sketchy swam for a bit, trying to get used to his new form as Novo allowed him to remain as such until he needed to go home. Spending his time there, Skystar snatched him away to show him the watery kingdom, a little excited getting to know him as she was admittedly curious about the land and what it had. Sketchy told her everything he could about the land above, what cities there were, the kinds of ponies and creatures, the foods to eat, everything the lovely princess wanted to know. Skystar was fascinated by his tales, telling about her world below in return, which also fascinated the stallion. The pony and princess spent some good time together, getting to know so much and actually started to grow a liking with each other. Skystar smiled in blushes as she glances at the silly seapony, though saddened that he would have to leave soon. She was left in worry, but a quick look at her pearl gave her an idea, grabbing Sketchy while he was playing with bubble fish and taking him away from the kingdom.
  Sketchy was wondering what Skystar wanted, telling her that as much as it pained him to do so, he would need to leave and try to head back to Equestria. The princess then admitted that she doesn’t want him to leave, showing she had a fun idea of having him stay with her. She didn’t want to be alone again and figured that Sketchy was too far from home, making his efforts difficult if he were to try. The stallion thought it through only to have a hard time deciding. He cared deeply for Skystar and never wants to be out of her sight, but he still had stuff and a job in Ponyville. Before he would numb his brain any further, he stopped when he heard beautiful and soothing humming and singing, looking around to find who was singing such a splendid tune, only to see it was Skystar was she was a great singer. Her humming felt so relaxing, almost hypnotic as Sketchy wanted to hear more from the princess. Skystar enjoyed singing and felt appreciated that the stallion loved it and was intrigued by him finding it hypnotic. Using the pearl, Skystar’s tail extended as she soon sang and hummed, the tune entrancing Sketchy even further.
   Skystar explained that thanks to the small magic pearl, she had enough magic to grant herself siren-like abilities, extending her tail to wrap around the seapony and massage him with her soft and sweet grasp. The dazed Sketchy wanted to listen to the beautiful princess, being consensually hypnotized by her singing as he swam to her, feeling her silky and smooth lower body circle and bind him. Skystar giggled feeling his soft body being lovingly hugged by her, enjoying having the cute pony closer to her. It was only a few loops to fully wrap the seapony except for his tail and fins, but he never dared to use them as he wanted to remain in Skystar’s hug. The princess cupped his cheeks, singing to him upfront as her gift was treasured by the stallion. Sketchy liked the seapony princess, but knowing how much she wanted him to stay and was being eased by her siren-inspired singing and her graceful coiling, he knew he needed to stay with her. Telling Skystar that he agrees to remain in the seapony kingdom, the princess squeed as she snuggles and kisses the stallion, happy to hear such words from him.
  With the near sleepy stallion wrapped in her tail, Skystar hugs Sketchy in pure joy as she swam back to her mother, wanting to announce the kingdom’s new resident. Novo was confused about Sketchy’s change of mind, but went along with it as she can make some room for a new seapony to live in her undersea kingdom. Novo sighed sheepishly as she saw her daughter lovingly snuggle the seapony stallion, knowing that at least Skystar will be happy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Princess Skystar-Hasbro Sketchy Dupe- @snekthing
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Meb ROCK - Stowaway
Meb ROCK – Stowaway
Au milieu de la mer, sous mon manteau…Je ne suis pas seul, les autres s’accumulentTous comme moi sans espoir ils abandonnentCela fait des heures que j’ai quitté ce paysQue je me suis offert aux vagues en colère…Le bateau déchire les vagues, vers le crépuscule.Ma destination est incertaine, comme l’obscurité.J avance vers l’inconnu comme dans un rêveEt je me sens en moi comme un cri d’enfantCoincé…
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throughoutthestars · 7 years
Some McHanzo fic recs cause yknow... i like ‘em. There’s a lot and they’re in no particular order.
Your Cheatin’ Heart by SleepySkies
Summary: “A stowaway, a wager, a deck of cards. Sex on a riverboat.”
Historical AU, completed, Explicit
Words: 6,829
A faithful companion by kaijuborn
Summary: “Hanzo is a wanderer, always on the move after leaving his home and his duties. However, when winter comes and he finds himself in an abandoned town, he decides to stay for a while. A large, three-legged wolf accompanies him, though the animal appears to be more than what first meets the eye.”
McWerewolf AU, completed, Teen and Up
Words: 10,195
Continued under Read More
Three times is a pattern by kaijuborn
Summary: “Three times Hanzo meets Jesse during their lives; three times there is a puppy involved; three times Hanzo wants nothing more than to see Jesse again.”
Completed, Dogs~, Teen and Up
Words: 6,935
Keep You On My Side by maskedhero, radiantsaber
Summary: “Hanzo Shimada has loved Jesse McCree for years. And for years, he remained silent.”
Completed, ‘two best friends raise a kid’ AU, General Audience
Words: 11,438
Magic McCree by Cawaiiey
Summary: “Hanzo Shimada does not want to be here, he does not like strip clubs and never has. And Genji is wrong, he does not need to 'get laid', no matter how long this dry spell has lasted. He knows he'll regret being here tonight, and he needs a drink. And the tall glass of water clad in plaid that just bumped into him could be what cures his thirst.”
Completed, Stripper!McCree or club AU, Explicit
Words: 15,125
Catch & Release by CaptainCorgi
Summary: “Jesse came to a full stop. This wasn't a whale or some unfortunate dolphin. The top half of the creature exposed itself as a man.“Shit.”Jesse felt his hand go to the revolver at his side, brushing the handle and approached the seemingly unconscious creature. Mers were not something he had experience with. They were a menace to sailors. Jesse had never seen one - much less one washed up on a lonely stretch of beach looking like it had been run through a shredder.”
Completed, Mermaid AU (Hanzo), Teen and Up
Words: 15,470
For all the Marbles by Kalikuks
Summary: “McCree spoils the Noodle Dragons.”
Completed, Noodle Dragons AU with Established Relationship, General Audiences
Words: 1,052
Drop Dead Gorgeous by kembrelu
Summary: “Hanzo buys and moves into a ranch in the south-western US. Why wasn't he forewarned of the angry cowboy that haunts it?”
In Progress, Ghost AU (McCree), Ghost sex (love me some ghost sex tbh), Explicit
Words: 21,463 (so far)
Who Taught You How to Hate by Valpur
Summary: “He’d always known it was going to happen. There weren’t many ways to go for a rogue like him, but all in all he would have much preferred a clean hole in his skull rather than being hanged for robbery and murder. Especially because this one single, fucking time he was not guilty.    McCree is having the worst time of his life and an outlander happens to save his sorry ass. Things go awfully weird after that - and he enjoys it all too much.”
Complete, Western AU, Mature
Words: 46593
Look Up and Wonder by MarieJacquelyn
Summary: “Jesse McCree gets a job offer to rescue one H. Shimada at 3:23 AM. He accepts it at 3:54 AM. It does not go according to plan. (An Overwatch/Firefly AU)”
In Progress, so good honestly i want to consume this story if it was cake, im not joking im a sucker for this story, Firefly AU, Explicit
Words: 75,796
Body In Electric Blue by saltsoldier
Summary: ““I am inside of you.” Hanzo blurted, disbelief prevalent in the look of pure, unadulterated shock he wore.“I’ve dreamed about you saying that darlin’, but in my head it was a lot sexier.” McCree shot back, quick as a whip. A glitch in the respawn system causes McCree and Hanzo to switch bodies.”
In Progress, Body Swap AU, Teen and Up
Words: 33,721 (so far)
Bend, Bow, Break by teeterss
Summary: “Jesse McCree can't sleep and somehow meeting Hanzo Shimada makes everything a lot worse.”
In Progress, Hurt/Comfort, Explicit
Words: 23,822 (so far)
Against All Odds by CommonNonsense
Summary: “From the moment McCree meets him, he knows Hanzo is a prideful man. If there's one thing a prideful man can't turn down, it's a good old-fashioned bet. And McCree would know, because he's the exact same way.”
In Progress, Medium Burn, Teen and Up
Words: 23,338 (so far)
four days by starscry
Summary: ““I have an embarrassin’ favor to ask of you,” Jesse says.       Hanzo stares at him expectantly, a single brow arched. “And what is that?” he asks.     “Y’see, my family might currently be under the impression that I’m bringin’ home a date for a few days next week. And, the thing is, I don’t really have one. So, I’m currently S-O-L and would really, really appreciate it if you came home with me for a few days and, uh. Pretended. To be my boyfriend.”         He stares down at his plate and jabs a fry into the enormous puddle of ketchup gathered in the center of it. If only the fry could be his hypothetical four-day boyfriend, he thinks; it would save him an enormous amount of embarrassment. It would be tastier, too.          [ Or - McCree desperately needs a fake date to bring home to his family, and Hanzo never does anything half-assed. ]
Complete, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Mature
Words: 23,887
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by vandoodle
Summary: “Hanzo Shimada regrets ever joining Overwatch after he is paired with Jesse McCree, known cowboy enthusiast, and dropped off in the middle of American suburbia. Forced to blend in with the environment, endure neighborhood cookouts, and share his new living space with his so-called 'Husband', the two prepare to preform the ultimate sting operation: taking down the Vishkar corporation once and for all. He can't help but think this will all go horribly wrong.    Or, alternatively titled: the undercover fake-marriage fic that every fandom deserves.”
Complete, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teen and Up
Words: 75,467
Hanzo’s Moving Castle by MarieJacquelyn
Summary: “In the land of Ingary, where such things as spells and dragons really exist, it is quite a misfortune to end up on the wrong side of a magical curse. Everyone knows that wizards and witches are much better at putting curses on people than they are at breaking them. If you do end up cursed, it is quite an undertaking to find another person proficient enough, and willing, to break the spell. Jesse McCree had been cursed and considered himself quite luckless for the experience.”
In Progress, Howl’s Moving Castle AU, Explicit
Words: 10,257 (so far)
hearts of glass, souls of steel by DangerDuchess, TheHiddenPassenger
Summary: “Jesse McCree and Hanzo Shimada are just friends. They're very GOOD friends, of course, but there's really nothing more than that between them... A dispute about hygiene plants the seeds of something for which neither of them is prepared and with sake to water it, the blossom blooms just a BIT too quickly.”
In Progress, shower, they’re in the shower and theyre Just Bros (tm), Friends to Lovers, Explicit
Words: 18,926 (so far)
Lost In Translation by BenevolentErrancy
Summary: “There are things you never need to hear your brother say and among that list is anything pertaining to him blatantly and shamelessly flirting with a good friend. Especially when said brother is flirting exclusive in a language said friend doesn't understand. If Hanzo doesn't get over himself and just straight out ask to kiss McCree in English Genji is going to personally kill them both, he shouldn't be forced to be in the middle of this.”
Complete, Pining, Teen and Up
Words: 36,968
Overwatch Lane by FrostysaurusRekt
Summary: “When Jesse McCree moved to Overwatch Lane to give his kids a better life, he'd never expected to have a neighbor who glared at him from his window as often as possible. Little did he know he'd be tangled up in the life of one Hanzo Shimada more than he ever thought possible. And who would have guessed he'd soon love every minute of it?       Tags and rating will be updated as the story progresses.    Modern-ish AU”
In Progress, Modern AU, Mature
Words: 34,164 (so far)
Popcorn Redemption by wyntera
Summary: “They say life isn't like the movies.   Well, partner, they ain't never worked for Overwatch.”
In Progress, they watch movies and fall in love its great, also really long i never noticed, Not Rated
Words: 179,288
Spring Onion and the Silver Bullet Blitz by Byacolate, mywordsflyup
Summary: “Jesse McCree bares his throat for no man. For a dragon, though...”
Complete, Werewolf McCree and Weredragon Hanzo, this is so good i would also eat this if it was cake, Explicit
Words: 66,990
The Familiar of Hanzo by Jakallx
Summary: “He hadn’t seen the hat in the dim light of the hallways, but now he looked down at it in horror. Not only had he summoned a human, an American human, he had summoned a cowboy as well.High school sucks for Hanzo Shimada. Things get a whole lot worse when he accidentally summons Jesse McCree as his familiar. It's a Witch School AU with animal companion familiars. Basically, Overwatch, Harry Potter, and Familiar of Zero throw a party on Halloween. There's ghosts and teenage romance.”
Complete, Magic AU, General Audiences
Words: 47,597
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raventroll80 · 10 months
I need to design the layout for the Old House for the Mer au for Stowaway.
This house’s floor plan is gonna be an absolute nightmare
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