#jadean prince
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
Hello, aqua! May I please have chevalier and "cupping his cheeks and calling him cute"? I want to see his reaction :)
Hi anon - thank you for this request. I am always happy to write my favorite
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The Exchange
A/N: Part of my Naughty or Nice event Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader Prompt: cupping his cheeks and calling him cute Word count: 1071 Tags: fluff
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It was just another day in the office of the foreign affairs faction – Chevalier was seated regally at his desk, quill in hand, while Nokto, who was seated nearby, was reviewing trade agreements. Clavis was off somewhere, presumably the garden with Cyran digging traps. Luke was likely napping in the gardens, a menagerie gathering on his sleeping body.
You had just returned after visiting Sariel’s office, arms ladened with papers the king needed to sign. Chevalier looked up, his gaze softening upon seeing you, his smile gentle as you approached his desk. His eyes never left yours as you placed the stack of papers on his desk, waiting for you to take your seat next to him at his desk.
You worked seamlessly as a pair, barely a word needed as you pointed with a fingertip where he needed to sign. He quickly scanned the documents placed before him, pleased with your diligence in reviewing them. He’d then silently pass the documents back to you, his gloved thumb barely grazing the back of your hand.
“King Highness, the Jadean delegation will be here in a few days. Prince Keith will be arriving with them.”
“I’m aware,” Chevalier replied, his gaze fixed on the paperwork before him. Nokto sauntered over, winking at you as he leaned against his brother’s desk. 
“Then you know they will be looking for…”
“Yes, I know,” he said with a sigh, setting down his quill. His eyes flicked up, blue meeting red. “If they want me to entertain their demands…” he added with a wicked smirk.
“How’s three?” Nokto asked with a tilt of his head.
For all his frivolity, Nokto was quite adept not only at his job but handling Chevalier. While the king of Rhodolite was notoriously stubborn, known for not doing a single thing he didn’t want to, it was a poorly kept secret that he could be bribed – with books – to do those things he didn’t particularly want to do.
You watched your love, waiting with bated breath for his reaction.
“Four,” he replied, his gaze averted. “They still owe me one from the last time Prince Keith was here.”
A few days later….
It was already dark when there was a knock at the door to the office. You glanced at Chevalier, the only other person in the room with you, wondering who it could be at this hour.
Rising from your seat, you walked around the desk and opened the heavy door. “Prince Keith, what a pleasant surprise,” you greeted, inviting him to enter.
The tall man bowed his head. “Forgive the intrusion, Your Majesty,” Keith said, “but I just ran into Prince Nokto who reminded me of something.”
“Yes?” Chevalier asked, resting his chin in his hand.
Keith approached his desk, his long legs swiftly taking him there; the moment Chevalier saw the books Keith was carrying, a soft smile spread on his lips as his gaze lingered on the treasure Keith was holding.
Leaning against the wall, you quietly observed Chevalier, your gaze never leaving his.
“On behalf of Jade, I’d like to request an audience with Your Majesty…” Keith stood tall before the king, a slight tremor in his hands as he gently held the books. 
Chevalier waved a hand, his gaze fixed on the leather-bound volumes cradled in Keith’s hands.
“There’s five,” the king said softly.
“My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty. I brought an extra since I was so delinquent in getting you that book you requested on my last visit here. I am so sorry,” Keith replied. “May I?” he asked, seeking permission to place the books on the desk. Chevalier nodded, his gaze still on the books. “This one,” Keith said, proudly pointing to the book on top, “was recommended to me by my friend, Maeve. I hope you like it as much as we did.”
Chevalier steepled his fingers, silent in thought. “The others, they’re all by the same author.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Sonia is my friend, she is quite the popular author in Jade and I thought –.”
“Your friend?” Chevalier interrupted, eyes widening.
“Yes, I feel like I’ve known Sonia forever. She’s always wanted to visit Rhodolite. If she ever does get to travel here, I could arrange for you to meet her.” Keith stopped, and shook his head. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I’m being far too presumptive…”
“I’d like that,” Chevalier said simply. “I’ll meet with you and your delegation tomorrow afternoon.”
“Thank you,” Keith mumbled while bowing his head, somewhat stunned things worked out as easily as Nokto had told him. “Thank you again for your graciousness.” Keith, head still bowed, bumped into a chair behind him. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered to the chair before escorting himself from the office.
As soon as the door closed, and with a bright smile, you made your way over to Chevalier’s desk. You didn’t wait to be invited; you took it upon yourself to sit on the king’s lap. Cupping his cheeks, you tilted his face towards yours.
“You’re so cute when you get excited. Like when you see books.”
Chevalier scoffed,  his eyes gleaming with mischief. “I get excited with you.”
Your cheeks flushed with warmth. “That’s not the same,” you said softly, slowly stroking his cheek with the pad of your thumb. “ It’s different when you see new books. Your eyes sparkle and your face lights up like a child on Christmas morning.” 
“It’s a rare joy I don’t often see you express,” you continued, tracing his lips with your fingertip, “but one that I carve into my heart every time I bear witness to it.”
“Are you done yet?” he asked with a laugh. The corners of his lips twitched, curling into a smile, while his gaze drifted towards the pile of books lying on his desk. Your hands fell from his face and settled on his shoulders, his quickened pulse easily felt by your fingertips grazing his neck. 
Leaning closer, you tilted your face so you could whisper into his ear. “I know you’re itching to read those books. Let’s retire to your room.”
Your words – or perhaps it was your warm breath on his skin – caught his attention. He wrapped a clumsy hand in your hair, pulling you close for a kiss. 
“After I’ve had my fill of my books,” he whispered between kisses, “I’m devouring you next.”
His ice blue eyes warming as he gazed into your eyes. 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @keithsandwich @lunaaka
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen
@nightghoul381 @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra
@melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage
@portrait-ninja @sh0jun @ikesenwritings @kalims-pessimist-bestie
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Tanzanite - Spoilers/What we know (?)/Random Facts
This will also be a working list, but a part from Azel here are some things I’ve learned so far in Licht’s route.
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The Tanzanites have a statue of Azel - their god.
The moon used to represent the gods until the current living gods came along. 
Only silver-haired children are born to the royal family in Tanzanite alone.
The Tanzanites are polygamous, hence the large royal family. 254 members. And many princes and princesses have been known to run away from Tanzanite palace.
It takes about 6 months to travel to Tanzanite one way. It could take Licht 6 months or longer in Tanzanite. That’s why Licht has Emma travel with him. He doesn’t want to be a part for that long.
You can get to Tanzanite via ship from Benitoite or via a Jadean route. 
There is more than one court in Tanzanite- the main capital and a ruined temple that is personally used by Azel. He has the right and power to ordain a palm tree of as the royal court if he wanted to. This ruined temple was ordained in the same manner.
The current King is Ennis. He is quite young too. (I’m not quite sure yet, but I believe this is Azel’s older brother). However, even he is subject to Azel due to his godship status.
Many songs in Tanzanite are still sung in the original ancient language of Tanzanite as they were originally songs for the gods. The lullaby Licht’s mother used to sing to him was from an ancient language. He believes it’s from Tanzanite.
The king has political authority, but the high priest has exalted authority and thereby is above the king.
It is not uncommon for false diviners to be beaten in the streets by the people if their readings aren’t accurate.  _____________________________________________
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askthekeiths · 2 months
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Prince Keith
I have this photograph candid illustration of you underage drinking ???
Huh? Jadean citizens are allowed to purchase alcohol at the age of 14, but I look really young here...
I don't remember that at all. It must have been Him.
Hah! Yeah, that was me.
Taglist: @floydsteeth @littlewitty @the12thnightproject @bubblesthegreat3 @anonymousnamedhera @5mary5 @otomedad @solacedeer @sh0jun @yvies-whore @ludivineikewolf
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lorei-writes · 4 months
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Keith's Route; Chapter 7
Keith's route just keeps on giving. A part of me wants to take screenshots -- another part doesn't know which moments to even choose to highlight.
But this. This hand to be preserved 😂 Something, something, morning wood seems especially fitting for a Jadean Prince 🪵 (No 🪓 anywhere near that forest.)
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ikeromantic · 8 days
Nanny Belle and the Midnight Princes pt2
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Nanny Belle does her best to keep her favorite little princes entertained, while welcoming the kids from Jade, Benitoite, and Obsidian too. Diplomatic crises, chaos, and cuteness everywhere! Approx. 2800 words
“Can I help you?” Nanny Belle put herself between the dangerous looking Obsidianite and the princes, wondering how he got past the nursery guards. She didn’t know who he was or what he wanted, but she wasn’t letting just anyone stroll in.
“I need to check the room. Out of the way.” 
“I’m afraid I can’t let you past. You aren’t on the guest list.” Belle stood her ground, trying to see behind him so she could signal a guard. 
The man’s hand brushed his hip as if he was used to carrying a weapon. “Move, or -”
“Don’t be such a bully. The Rhodolitian princes aren’t going to murder me. I’m in less danger here than home.” A small, pale boy stepped past the man, and surveyed the room. His eye lit on Chevalier and a smile spread across his lips. “There you are.”
“Not you again,” Chev groaned. 
Nanny Belle knew who he must be. The younger Obsidian prince, Gilbert. He wore an eyepatch, and carried a small, worn plush bunny rabbit. “Prince Gilbert. Be welcome.”
The little boy’s one uncovered eye scanned her as if she were a page in a picture book. It felt as if he peeled back her polite smile and proper manners, to see right inside her to the real person underneath. It was unnerving. “Thanks! I’m gonna go play with my best friend.”
Behind her, she heard Chevalier sigh. “That’s wonderful.” Belle wasn’t sure what kind of play Gilbert meant. Chev didn’t like children’s games, but she hoped whatever he wanted to do, the two of them would have fun. It would be good to have someone that could pull the quiet blonde prince from his shell.
Prince Gilbert plopped himself down beside Chevalier and pulled out a book of his own. “Have you read this one?” 
Belle didn’t get to hear Chevalier’s reply as the Obsidian serving man took her attention again.
“I will be here, by the door. Watching.” The man’s grim voice felt out of place in the brightly decorated room, with the laughter of children as counterpoint. “Should anything happen -”
“Walter, leave the nanny alone.” Prince Gilbert’s voice was anything but childlike as he addressed his servant, one bright scarlet eye fixing the man from across the room. 
Walter, the servant, bowed low and gave Nanny Belle a nod. Then he stepped to the side, just in time for Clavis to come barrelling through the door with a young girl in close pursuit. 
“Stop right there! Stop! Someone stop him!” The little girl skidded to a halt just past the doorway as Clavis tucked himself behind Nanny Belle’s skirt. 
“Princess Mirielle, why are you chasing Prince Clavis?” Nanny Belle knew who the girl was the moment she opened her mouth. The slight Jadean accent combined with her fine clothes and imperious manner left just the one option.
“I can answer that.” Sariel followed a little ways behind the girl. He had another child with him. A small boy, about Luke’s age, with the Jadean royal look about him. Golden eyes and light, olive toned hair. He had some bright colored goo around his mouth, as if he’d tried to eat a particularly vibrant crayon.
Princess Mirielle stomped her foot. “That - that monster tried to poison my baby brother!”
Sariel’s lips curved up in a tiny smile before he caught them and forced his expression back to one of severe neutrality. “Prince Clavis, is this correct?”
Clavis, hanging tightly to Belle’s skirt, peeked around her to look at the councillor. “No! I just made him a snack. But the cookies we found were boring, so - so I added some stuff. But it’s not poisonous!”
“And what did you add to make the cookies . . . not boring?” Sariel’s left brow rose a fraction.
“Umm . . . some rhubarb custard because it was such a nice color pink, and a dollop of caviar, and a pickled herring! I was going to put a strawberry on top but I couldn’t find any.” Clavis smiled brightly, clearly proud of his efforts. “It was the most funnest thing I ever tasted!”
Nanny Belle kept a sigh on the inside. “I see. Thank you for telling us Prince Clavis. But next time you want to share a special snack with a new friend, you need to check with me, ok? Prince Tio might not like the same foods you do, or he might be allergic.”
Mirielle stomped her little foot again. “It was disgusting! I demand he be punished!”
Sariel didn’t miss a beat. “You have my word that there will be consequences, princess. I will see to it myself. But for tonight, please let bygones be bygones.”
She looked as if she might argue, but Prince Keith stepped in, a gentle smile on his face. “Come on, sis. Tio is just fine. Right, Tio?” He ruffled his brother’s hair affectionately. 
Prince Tio laughed and hugged his big brother. “Yep!” 
Mirielle relented, though she still gave Clavis a suspicious glare as she walked past him to the toy chest in the corner. 
Belle shared a look with Sariel. This was going to be a challenging evening. She was intensely glad for the servants helping out through the room, but it was up to her to keep all these little royal kidlings entertained until the party ended. 
“You’re doing wonderfully,” Sariel mouthed silently, his gaze warm. Aloud he said, “I trust you have it from here. I will be back later to check in.” He gave her a slight bow, and hurried out, back to his duties.
Nanny Belle turned to take in the scattered children. Leon was still on the balcony, looking wistfully toward the ballroom. The lights and music from the celebration carried all the way across the palace grounds. Luke was sitting and munching happily on a honey roll, while Gilbert chattered to Chevalier in the corner. 
Prince Keith was showing his siblings the telescope on the balcony under the suspicious gaze of Licht. Nokto was smiling at Princess Mirielle, while Yves played quietly with a set of toy soldiers at a table. Jin was drawing in his sketch pad, glancing up occasionally to check on his brothers. And Clavis - where was Clavis? He’d been right behind her.
Just as Belle was about to panic over a lost prince, one of the guards came in with the missing boy tucked under his arm. “My lady, this one was trying to follow Sariel out. Where should I set him down?”
“On the bench there, where I can see him.” Nanny Belle gave the prince a sharp look. “Prince Clavis, you know you are meant to stay here at our party.”
He gave a heavy sigh, shoulders falling. “I just wanted to go help Sariel. He said he’s real busy tonight.”
Belle could tell he was genuine in his desire, even though Clavis’ help often made more work than it ever resolved. Still . . . “I see. Well . . . would you be willing to help me tonight instead? I’m quite overwhelmed with all these foreign dignitaries here.”
Clavis studied her with his bright gold gaze, then grinned broadly. “I will be the best helper ever!”
“Wonderful.” Nanny Belle ruffled his hair. “Since nearly everyone is here, I think we should play a fun game. Would you help me set up a place for duck-duck-goose?”
“Yes!” Clavis clapped his hands together. “I’ll get some cushions!” 
Belle watched him race off to get started. She intended to keep a close eye on him, but just then one of the maids brought Rio in from his nap. The little blonde moppet looked every part a little prince, in a blue velvet onesie with an adorable light blue sash and fancy cufflinks. 
Rio smiled when he saw the nanny and held out his arms to her. 
“Aren’t you just a cutie?” Nanny Belle took him from the maid, listening as she gave a quick update on him. She thanked the maid and then turned back to check on Clavis. The cushions were all laid out and ready for duck-duck-goose. She didn’t see anything obviously suspicious about them either, but went to check anyway. 
Clavis hurried to her, stepping right in front of the arranged cushions. “Did I do a good job, Nanny?”
“It looks great.” She eyed the little prince, trying not to look suspicious. “Why don’t you let everyone know it’s time to play a game, hm?”
“Yes!” Clavis raced off, shouting at the top of his lungs, “Time for duck-duck-goose!”
Belle leaned down and lifted one of the cushions, checking it for the usual. Itching powder, sticky jam, dye . . . it seemed completely clear. She set it down, mildly surprised. “Alright. I guess he really did just set these out like I asked. Hm.” She put Rio down on the one she checked as the other kids came over. 
“I heard you the first time,” Jin sighed, as he came strolling over. 
“Yeah. First time,” Luke echoed, putting a little, sticky fist on his hip. 
Prince Keith came over, with Mirielle and Tio in tow. Mirielle went for the fanciest cushion on the floor. It was light green, with delicate lace stitched across the cover in a floral pattern. The moment she sat down, a loud toot sounded from beneath her. 
Mirielle jumped up, her cheeks stained bright red. “That wasn’t me!”
Keith was looking at her with raised eyebrows, unsure how to react, while Tio giggled. Jin was struggling to keep his expression neutral, but Luke wasn’t old enough to understand and he was laughing too.
Belle didn’t need to guess what happened. She could see Clavis’ grin from across the room. She hurried over and knelt down to pull a leather sack from under the pillow. It was supposed to be used as a bed warmer, with hot water, but someone had filled it with air and left the valve open just enough to make noise when it was squeezed. “Ah! I was looking for that. I am so sorry Princess Mirielle. I don’t know how it found its way under your pillow.”
The princess crossed her arms. She clearly wanted more, but was struggling with her emotions. 
Keith came to her rescue. He grabbed the bed warmer from Belle’s hand and stuck it under his pillow, then sat down hard to expel the last of the air from it in a loud, obnoxious honk. This set Tio to laughing even harder, and even the other princes cracked a smile. “Oh! Now I’ve done it too!”
Mirielle looked at him, and then at the other princes. She seemed to consider whether or not she should stay angry, then sighed and sat down carefully. “Fine. But I don’t forgive whoever did that.”
“Yes. Whoever that might be,” Chevalier commented from his reading spot. 
“Aren’t you going to come play,” Leon asked.
“Absolutely not. I have no interest in such a ridiculous game.” Chev looked back down at his book.
Gilbert stood up from beside him. “I’d like to play.” 
At this, his servant Walter took a step forward. “I can’t allow that. This game -”
“Can’t allow?” Gilbert’s red gaze fixed on his servant. Some silent struggle continued between the two of them. Nothing was said, just a long, intense look. 
Walter’s face went red, staining him from eartip to eartip. He bowed his head, looking down. 
Gilbert said nothing for several tense moments, then sat again. “I’d rather read with Chevalier anyway. I’m too old for duck-duck-goose.”
His servant didn’t respond, but his posture evinced a deep relief. 
Belle wasn’t sure what was going on between them, or why it should matter if the little Obsidian prince played the game or not. Despite Gilbert’s dismissive tone, she had a feeling he really did want to play and decided she would find a game for him tonight, one way or another.
Once everyone but Chevalier and Gilbert were seated in the circle, Jin agreed to be the first goose. He stalked around the other children, a big smile on his face. “Duck . . . duck . . . duck . . .” When he got to Emidio, he tapped him and shouted, “GOOSE!”
Emidio leapt up and chased him around the circle, just a hair too slow to catch the first prince before Jin slid into his seat. “I almost had you!”
“Almost,” Jin agreed.”
Yves snorted. “Almost doesn’t count in duck-duck-goose.”
“Almost doesn’t count in anything,” Nokto added.
“Let’s all be kind while we play our games, hm?” Belle intervened before the boys could get out of hand. 
It was clear that Emidio’s pride was stung, but there was nothing to do for it now. Belle watched as he made his way around the circle, tapping each person. “Duck. Duck. Duck.” When he got to Rio, he poked a little harder than necessary and shouted “Goose!”
Poor Rio, barely old enough to understand the game, struggled to his feet. He rubbed the back of his head, lower lip trembling. Just as Belle was about to step in, he lurched after Emidio. Of course, he had no chance to catch the older boy. Emidio plopped down in Rio’s spot a moment later, leaving the toddler to continue the game.
Belle wasn’t sure if he quite understood, but Rio surprised her with a gap-toothed grin. Then he started his own walk around. “Du-du-duh-”
“Duck, ya moron,” Silvio snapped. “D-u-c-k. Duck. Why’re we letting this idiot pup play anyway?”
Rio slapped the back of Silvio’s head and shouted, “Goose!” Then ran pell-mell around the circle, practically falling into Silvio’s spot as the Benitiotian prince reacted with surprise. 
It was the first time Belle ever saw Rio do something . . . mean. He’d been careful tapping the other kids, but the slap to Silvio’s head was definitely not accidental. She couldn’t exactly blame him though. Silvio was quite rude. 
“That - snot nosed little - I demand he be punished! Ya can’t just slap a prince!” Silvio’s voice was shrill and his jewelry jangled as he gesticulated at the toddler who now sat smugly in his spot in the circle. 
Belle curtsied. “I’m sorry, Prince Silvio, on behalf of Rio. He’s still growing and isn’t always very coordinated.”
Silvio looked like he might say more, but all the other royalty were looking at him. After a moment, he deflated, grumbling under his breath. Then he started around the circle. 
Nanny Belle was a little worried he would try to revenge himself on Rio, but instead he tagged Leon, who gamely went for Keith. Keith grinned when he was declared goose.
“I’m not very good at these kinds of games, but let’s see . . .” Keith went around the circle twice, pretending to ignore his little brother who obviously wanted to be tagged next. When he ‘goosed’ Tio, the little prince leapt up with a happy grin and chased his older brother around the circle, just a hair too slow to catch him even though it was clear that Keith wasn’t really trying to escape. 
Tio giggled when Keith plopped down in his spot. “Oh no! Now I get . . . umm . . .” Tio’s eyes went wide as he realized his predicament. He could pick his sister, Luke, Licht, or Nokto. Mirielle arched an expectant brow, but Tio went around her with a quiet ‘duck’, and passed Licht and Nokto as well. He got to Luke and the two little ones exchanged a wide, expectant grin. “Goots!” 
Luke wobbled to his feet and the two of them chased each other around the room, running wide of the circle on their chubby toddler feet. 
“Hey! That’s not fair! That’s cheating!” Emidio glared at the two little ones. 
Licht sighed and shook his head. “It’s not cheating unless it gives an advantage. They just aren’t playing the game right.”
Belle shooed the two back toward the circle, but their flight around the room effectively ended the game. Thankfully, it was dark enough outside to guide them out to the balcony, where they could take turns on the telescope. 
Even Chevalier and Gilbert joined the group for this event, excited to get to see the stars through the refractory lenses. Nanny Belle watched them with a cautious eye, making sure everyone got a turn, adjusting the telescope as needed while the stars marched across the velvet black sky. 
The party in the ballroom was still going strong. Music echoed from the open windows, and the sound of laughter. Belle was glad she didn’t need to attend such events. The bickering nobles and the moody king held no allure for her. She knew it wouldn’t be long before Jin and Chevalier would be required to attend. And where Chevalier went, Clavis would follow.
Her eyes darted around the balcony. He wasn’t waiting to look through the telescope. When had he . . . then she remembered. Just as everyone else sat down to play, where he’d positioned the pillows well away from the door, Clavis had slipped away.
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ikeprinces-stuff · 6 months
𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗰 :
"𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 ... 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬."
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤, 𝘖𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 𝘎𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯
✨𝖵𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝖬ü𝗋𝗋𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗁(?)✨
✼ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴʀᴀɴᴋᴇᴅ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴏғ ʀʜᴏᴅᴏʟɪᴛᴇ✼
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Name : Vernard, Verny, Vern, White, Dear Vernard, stick-in-the-mud and so much more...
Age : Same as Leon
Hair colour : Snow-white
Eye colour : Jadean green
Height : 182 cm
Blood type : O
Crest : Lynx (White Eurasian)
“Without my status as a chess piece in someone's scheme, I would not have evolved into the person that I am at present.”
Upon your arrival at the palace, he took on the role of a guardian, and prioritizing your safety, well-being and your progress to choose the next king became one of his most important duties. A complex and multi-dimensional personality, you constantly discover new aspects of him, making him more intriguing and sparking your desire to delve deeper. His self-sufficiency, refusal to be associated with any particular faction, and commitment to fulfilling his duties to the best of his abilities mask a dark and painful past that haunts him like a ghost. The shadow of his birth, the darkness that has always controlled him, rears its head, representing him as a mere pawn, and only...one decision from you will set him free.
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❥ 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 :
One could say that Vernard's existence was the result of a mistake made by not only his mother, but also Rhodolite's previous king. His mother, driven by the need to survive, worked as a prostitute, while the former king (The Fallen Beast) sought solace and validation in the arms of various women. It was their intersection that ultimately brought Vernard into this world.
Attempts were made to make Vernard's mother abandon her unborn child, but her inexplicable connection to the fetus led her to resist this decision. Rather than kill her unborn child and live with the guilt, she decided to take her own life by slitting her veins with a broken glass shard.
Desperate to save both her life and her unborn child by orders of a certain someone, the physicians worked to deliver the baby prematurely. However, the toll on her already fragile body was too great, and she sadly passed away shortly after giving birth, due to complications from the premature delivery and the attempt at suicide.
❥ 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 :
Due to a forbidden interaction, Vernard faced harsh criticism, disapproval, and shame from the royal court. However, his status as a pawn helped shield him from complete rejection, allowing him to be recognized as a prince, if only in the minds of some. He's the only prince who wasn't granted a rank, as the court deemed him unworthy due to his mother's disgraceful past. Even from the outset, giving Vernard the title of prince was a difficult pill for the court to swallow.
Whenever Vernard makes a small error or oversight, he's judged and his actions are linked to his mother's past as a prostitute, causing him to isolate himself and fear making mistakes again, and closeness to one of the princes used to keep him in check, preventing criticism or judgment, but something happened, widening the distance between them.
Because of his mother's shameful past, it was believed that Vernard lacked a proper lineage and was unworthy of one, so his "fake" caretaker intervened and the "Mürrisch" name was given to him, from that day on, the prince stuck to this name even after he reached puberty.
❥ 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 :
The princes were confused by Vernard's varied and strange behaviors. They used the word "eccentric" to describe his mysterious personality, which can be open and active or closed and dull, depending on the situation. He can be obedient at times and rebellious at others, but all of this is connected to the circumstances he's in.
Vernard adamantly refused to affiliate with a faction, but he handled faction business smoothly as if he was a recognized member, because he believed that joining a faction would limit his duties and restrictions would go against his belief that he could maintain multiple ventures.
✦"𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑡, 𝑎𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠. 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒, 𝐼 𝑎𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟... 𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑚𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑠?"✦
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violettduchess · 1 year
Please can I have 16 with Keith sorry if it is late thank uou and congratulations for the milestone you deserve them all 🎉🎊🤗🙏
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A/N: Hi @queengiuliettafirstlady and thank you for the request! This also fulfills an anon request for breathless kiss with Leonardo or Silvio (I did both!)
WC: 1335
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Your horses' hooves churn the earth of the field underfoot as it flies through the tall grass like a skiff on the water. The wind tugs at your hair, your clothing, caresses your skin with cool fingers. The Jadean countryside rolls by in a blur of emerald green and sky blue. You and your steed move as one, racing towards your goal: the small pond on the edge of the palace grounds. Keith’s voice travels the wind to reach you and a breathless laugh escapes your chest as you hear him begging his horse to hurry up.
But he’s too slow. The pond comes into view and you leap triumphantly down from your swift mare just seconds before Keith pulls the reins of his snow-colored stallion. “I won!” you manage to say, your breath staccato as you struggle to catch it. He slides off his mount, giving it a gentle pat on the neck. “Good try, boy,” he murmurs. The horse joins its friend, drinking mouthfuls of cool, refreshing water. The Jade Prince approaches you, golden eyes alight with admiration. “I believe the winner traditionally gets a prize.”
Your poor heart has no chance, its quickened rhythm only increasing as Keith removes his pristine white gloves, tucking them into the pocket of his forest green coat. He steps towards you, cupping your face in his bare hands, framing it with his strong fingers. You meet his gaze, naked yearning painted in sunrise across your face. This gives the usually shy prince the boost of confidence he needs as he leans down to kiss you.
He is sweeter than iced cream on a hot day, gentler than the twilight when it cradles the day-worn earth. He kisses you like it is an honor, a privilege. His hands stroke your skin, almost trembling in disbelief that you would allow this, as if worried that you may disappear at any moment like a burst of dandelion seeds in a summer breeze. 
You have imagined this moment a thousand times since meeting him, and yet nothing you have ever dreamed comes close. When you part, he is as breathless as you are.
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You’re sitting in one of the most beautiful concert halls in the world. Golden, ornamental lamps, plush red velvet and mahogany seating, balconies with intricate designs carved from the most expensive wood. It is the incarnation of everything lush and elegant. But even its majestic beauty isn’t what has you breathlessly on the edge of your seat. The story told through the grace of the ballet playing out on the gigantic stage before you has captured your imagination completely. 
You watch, hand over heart, as the heroine dances her way through the dark forest, intent on saving the man she loves. The lead dancer, in her glittering white, leaps and twirls her way through the dozens of others dressed as black shadows. You gasp when they hold her, lift her and spin, menacing despite their beauty.
Leonardo reaches over, covering your hand with his. You offer him a quick squeeze in acknowledgement but don’t look away. While you’re spell-bound by the ballet, he is spell-bound by you. Your face is flushed with emotion, your hand pressed against your heart as if keeping it inside your chest. You look radiant, bathed in the dim, wavering light of the concert hall. The heroine defeats the shadows, reaching her prince only to have to battle the devil himself. What follows is a gravity-defying duel, a dance between good and evil, innocence and sin.
It is only when the heroine defeats the prince of darkness and leaps into her lover’s arms that you tear your gaze away from the stage to look at Leonardo. “Isn’t it beautiful?” All he sees is your face, your eyes bright with unshed tears, your heart racing with the adrenaline of the show, dusting your skin with warmth. And he can’t help it. He leans forward, capturing your lips with his. A moment passes where you are still, the emotion of the story ebbing to let in this new flood of emotion sparked by his kiss.
And then you’re melting into him, the tension that had held you on the edge of your seat dissipating. The heroine embraces her rescued prince and you wrap your arms around Leonardo, kissing him back with the full-force of your racing heart.
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You have to win. The waves roll over your head as you swim beneath their pull, racing your way to the shore. Your heart hammering steadily in your chest, a coxswain giving the muscles of your legs and arms the rhythm they need to keep up a steady pace. But Silvio is right behind you. You can sense it. You can feel his nearness, the force of his determination to win, conducted through the water like electricity. 
You were shocked when he took the bet. The swim out to the buoy had been relaxing, both you enjoying the cold water and warm sun. But then he had gotten cocky, telling you what a fantastic swimmer he is, “the best. No one fucking faster.” And his bragging had needled you so much, you opened your mouth, claiming you could beat him. Sure your swimming was limited to rivers and ponds, but it couldn’t be that much harder out in the ocean. Could it? Those brilliant blue eyes had flashed at the challenge. “What’s it gonna cost you when I win?” “A truth. No matter what I ask, you have to answer honestly.” He regarded you for a moment, body swaying with the rhythm of the waves, one hand on the red and white buoy. “It works both ways,” he finally said. “You gotta tell the truth when I win. Which I will.”
You don’t even know what you will ask him but it doesn’t matter now as you propel yourself through the salty water. You just want to win. To see that smug smile on those damned beautiful lips disappear. So you swim as you have never swum before, willing yourself forward towards the beach. But try as you might, Silvio is a child of Benitoite, raised by the wind and the waves. He cuts through the water like Poseidon just as the sandy beach comes into view. By the time you reach the fine white sand, he’s already sitting there, breathing hard as the ocean’s foam tugs at his legs. You collapse on your back into the sand beside him, breathless as you look up at the endless expanse of blue sky.
“I won. So I get to ask a question.” He turns, looking down at where you’re laying, cheeks flushed with exertion, chest rising and falling as you claim control over your lungs. You can only nod, feeling the way the sand softly cushions the back of your head. He leans down, silver hair dark with sea water, eyes sapphire-bright. “Do you wanna kiss me?” What an unfair question. Because you have to answer it honestly and you’re not sure you are ready for that. But your bet has you staring up at him, his face and shoulders glistening with water droplets, and your heart bounces off the ropes like a boxer ready to go another round of frantic beating.
“Yes.” The word is so small but it  feels like it could change your world. Silvio grins slowly. “Knew it.” And he leans back. You blink. He’s not making a move to kiss you and a very irritated part of you realizes he only wanted the admission. Not today, sir. Like a cresting wave, you surge upwards and pull him down, kissing him passionately. He goes stiff with shock. But then his body takes over before his mind can ruin anything and he lowers himself down, the length of him pressed against you. As the cool ocean breaks around your entwined bodies, as his mouth returns your kisses with a heat that feels it may burn you alive, you realize you were right. This moment will change the world as you know it. For the better.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @bubblexly
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ythmir-writes · 1 year
a moment for prince keith in silvio's route -
Or what if you were the palace guard assigned to prince keith and belle at That Moment
he just really went up and grabbed MC by the scruff of their neck and squeezed huh. not even kidding in the slightest. no simple i have my hand around your neck in a friendly (only slightly suspicious) manner because this isnt really a threat more of a warning type and i do not want to alert you. Nope. He just got up there and placed a forefinger and thumb where it wouldn't leave a mark, no one would be the wiser, but it will hurt. If he squeezed, it will be very painful.
Keith. Soft-spoken, well-mannered, seemingly unsure and recluse Jadean First Prince, went up to MC, grabbed their neck and said with the seriousness of His Title, the crown soon to be on his head, the weight of the entire Jade kingdom, the wrath of a man who does not like being manipulated, and asked MC if they were an Obsidian spy
can you just imagine being one of the guards during this scene? you've probably had some experience with nobles and their little jokes-gone-horribly-wrong. you're handpicked by no less than the devil minister, so you're trusted to be able to handle, to a degree, situations that can quickly escalate and leave one body unconscious. Or several.
So you're thinking as you receive your orders, your luck is turning up. Escort undercover Belle and the Prince around town? This is practically a day off. You've had guarding duties before and despite what most people think, it's a chore. Absolutely (sometimes literally) back-breaking if you're paired with a noble that can't sit still for five minutes. But this is Belle, you think, and Prince Keith. You've seen him around, especially with Prince Yves and Prince Licht. Aside from his imposing height, there was nothing to be afraid of. Not really. Not in any way that you think would put Belle under mortal danger.
So when Prince Keith moved closer towards Belle, you did what any good, obedient, discrete Rhodolitian palace guard would do and shifted your eyes away to give them some semblance of privacy.
There was no warning of any sort. No obvious shift in the mood that would have indicated Prince Keith as displeased enough to wrap a hand around Belle's neck. You moved too, body reacting reflexively on its own at the sign of danger to your charge, hand on the hilt of your sword, asking the Prince to let go and step away.
"It's a game." Prince Keith says. "We're just playing."
Everything in you tells you it isn't. "Prince Keith -"
"Don't." Gone is the reclusive demeanor, the gentle cloud you've seen on him. He looks at you and it is a physical force that stops you and the rest of the guards in their tracks. Your throat goes dry as you see the sheen of sweat on Belle's face, at the slight tension on their neck and the way Keith's hand was poised so accurately it was practically textbook. You look at the other guards, equally uncertain as to where they should stand. Duty tells them to obey a Prince. Duty tells them to avoid anything that would cause diplomatic issues. But doesn't duty also tell them to save one of their own?
You call out to Belle, ask them if they need assistance. All you needed was one word, even just a whimper asking for help. No matter Prince Keith's rank, Minister Sariel's orders were absolute.
"It's fine." They say, hand wrapped around Keith's wrist. "I'm fine." Their eyes were trained on Keith despite everything else of them seemingly trying to strain away. You want to ignore their reassurance because you know when someone is seized by terror
and Belle was petrified.
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scorchieart · 1 year
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Stuck in Traffic Jam
Genre: Comedy
Characters: Clavis Lelouch & the foreign affairs faction
Wordcount: 600
Prompt: Stuck in a traffic jam
A/N: My gift for the 2023 Ikemen Exchange over on @flash-exchange for @spoopy-fish-writes! The request was for Clavis, but I think we can all agree his stories are infinitely more entertaining with the squad in tow.
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The carriage lurched left, knocking Clavis’s arm from its perch on the windowsill and jerking him awake. He stifled a yawn and rubbed his eyes, blocking out the sunlight while taking in the familiar scene before him. Over the years he had grown accustomed to road trips passed without words, although those were typically the consequence of indifference among his faction members. But today’s was a stillness Clavis did not often experience in the company of Noble Beasts. 
The shaking disturbed Luke’s slumber for a moment, but whatever the boy was dreaming of proved superior to the aftershock of a bumpy road as he shook his head drowsily and muttered something about a legendary beehive before resting his head against Clavis’s shoulder and resuming his snoring. Nokto slept soundlessly across from the pair completely undisturbed by the wobbly ride, his arms and legs folded so tightly against himself he resembled a hibernating hedgehog. But it didn’t take long to discover why Nokto had squished himself to take as little space as possible as directly beside him sat several miniature towers of books, the steadfast arm of Chevalier wrapped protectively around them. Chevalier’s other arm was preoccupied with keeping the book he was reading steady as the carriage traversed through the rough terrain, and the sight made Clavis heckle on dried saliva as he cleared his throat in disdain.
“We’re not there yet?” Clavis asked, his voice grainy with sleep. Without waiting for the reply Chevalier certainly would never give, Clavis carefully lowered Luke’s head onto the seat beside him and stuck his head out the window. 
With all the jerking and jostling the carriage was making, Clavis was sure their snoozing squad had stumbled upon some obscure mountain path on their way to the Jadean Royal Gala, but one look outside showed flatlands as far as the eye could see. Puzzled, he looked at the ground and watched the thin wheels of the carriage violently rise and fall as they rolled over hundreds of randomly-shaped chunks of wood scattered across the road, each one battered and chipped as if a tree had been ripped apart. The carriage bucked and jolted as it crossed each piece, and as Clavis turned his head to ask the driver why they were taking this path he spotted dozens more carriages lined up in front of them slowly bumbling over the woody route in turn. 
“Apologies, Your Highness!” the driver called when he noticed Clavis’s top half dangling outside the window. “A herd of sheep have broken out of their pen and are blocking the path ahead. This is the quickest route to Jade, I’m afraid, so we’ll have to wait until they settle.”
“How obscene!” Clavis yelled, crawling back into the carriage and frantically poking Luke’s arm. “Get up! No, I don’t have any honey, but this is no time to eat! I bet exclusive selling rights of my next entry in the Lelouch Trap Series on us getting there before Prince Silvio— Nokto! Up, up!”
“How come Chevie doesn’t hafta go?” Luke whined blearily as Clavis latched onto his and Nokto’s wrists.
“He’s not complaining,” Clavis said, forcing open the carriage door with a sharp kick. The carriage lilted at a snail’s pace, but that didn’t stop Clavis from leaping out with boundless flourish and bolting towards the Jadean palace. Onlookers from within carriages watched with awe at the manic prince dragging two half-asleep men in his wake, but in all the commotion Chevalier merely sighed, laid his books out more evenly on the now-emptied seats, and casually flipped to the next page.
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I admire and envy anyone with the superpower to read books in a moving vehicle. I nearly vomit when I so much as read a text on my phone.
Tagging: @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus @thewitchofbooks @leonscape @rhodolitesrose @venti-tangents @dear-sciaphilia @ikesenwritings @myonlyjknight @ladyofcrowsx @otomefoxystar @my-day6
If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message.
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ohtomatotome · 11 months
Getting There is Half the Fun
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Word count: 6.8k 
Recipient: @violettduchess as part of the Ikemen Prince Gift Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen
Characters: IkePri Keith Howell and MC (Emma), established relationship
Prompt: Something fluffy and lighthearted, maybe a trip together. It would be fun to see something not go according to plan and how they handle it. SFW, a little bit of spice.
Triggers: N/A
Content Warnings: Alter!Keith makes a couple of appearances, young children, kissing, depression, mention of sex (not depicted), mention of marriage. It is all fairly tame; just heaps of fluffiness.
Author's Notes are at the end of the story
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“Isn’t this the most whimsical thing you’ve ever seen? What a vivid imagination this artist has!” 
Emma’s delighted tone caught Keith’s attention immediately. He came over to see the painting she was admiring. The couple were browsing decor in a shop situated near the crossroads of Rhodolite and Benitoite, filled with fine exports from sea-faring merchants. The framed piece in front of Emma was done by an artist who hailed from the border between Obsidian and Achroite.
Keith came to stand beside her and pointed at the painter’s signature, explaining, “I’m a little familiar with this man’s works. He doesn’t depict make-believe or fantasy. All his paintings are based in nature, and he paints them on site. This … oh, this piece is certainly not imagined…” 
His voice trailed off in a wistful sigh. She gave him a questioning look. She had never seen him go all gooey over art before. Stars and herbology, yes. But a painting? There was something special here, she could tell she was about to uncover another secret treasure buried in Keith’s heart. Emma nodded, encouraging him to continue.
The glimmer in his golden eyes sparkled brighter as he explained the natural phenomenon known as the Aurora. Astronomers theorized the shimmering ripples of bright green are waves of light bouncing off the particles in the sky, or maybe they are chemical reactions happening at the cosmic scale. 
“How I wish I could glimpse it with my own eyes, even if just for a moment.” The enthusiasm that had fueled his explanation soon was replaced by a tone full of yearning, his dreamy gaze on the painting once more.
“But why can’t you?” 
“The lights are only visible near the north and south poles of the planet. I would have to go many days worth of travel just to see even a smidge of them. And even if I was in the right place, I’ve heard the conditions have to be just right: low humidity, no clouds whatsoever, no wind, a crescent moon is best… in short, unless one lives in the perfect area and searches the sky every night of their life, seeing an Aurora in one’s lifetime is not likely. It’s like trying to hunt the rare and elusive white stag of Jadean legend.”
Emma waited until Keith was exiting the shop to secretly purchase the painting with her own money and arrange to have it shipped to the palace in Jade. Few things had ever made her lover’s eyes fill with the hungering ache she just witnessed. Even if he would never see the sight with his own eyes, this artwork would have to suffice.
Then she began to wonder: Why couldn’t he plan to see it in the future? What’s stopping him? What if she were to put the plan in motion herself, and surprise him?
An invitation arrived for the royal family of Jade, requesting a representative of the governing body to attend a special conference hosted by Achroite in the north.  As soon as Keith offered to go, Emma saw this as her opportunity to enact her plan. Skillfully, deceitfully, and delicately, she plied various tactics and reasoning for letting her accompany him. 
Keith didn't quite understand the motivation behind Emma's attempts at joining his journey north.  However, he wasn't going to deny her when there was such bold determination in her warm eyes. He was never any good at telling her 'no'.
Triumphant at her victory, Emma packed her trunk and bags with thoughts of dancing green lights in her head, only to be outshone by the spark in her prince's eyes when his wish was granted.
The fastest travel route was straight north through Obsidian. That also made it the most dangerous. Keith wasn't about to put Emma's life in danger to save a few days of travel time.  He planned a route northeast by carriage to the sea port in Benitoite, sailing north on a luxury cruiser, and then west by carriage through the mountain pass to Achroite.  
He looked over his map and itinerary one last time, a soft smile hiding the growing confidence he felt each time he examined his plans. It would be their first time traveling so far, and would be a test to how well they can bear the burdens of a long journey with limited resources. Keith had decided this trip would be the perfect opportunity to prove to Emma that he was capable, reliable, and could take care of everything.
His usual companions of gloom and self-doubt had been visiting more often during this year of peace. The period of calm also meant there was less necessity for Alter!Keith to make an appearance and save the day. However, that absence made it all the more poignant when Emma would cajole him out simply because she wanted to spend time with him. 
With lots of time on his hands, the anxious voices in Keith’s head ran rampant without an exterior distraction to keep them silent. But now? Traveling to the conference was just the thing to challenge himself and keep the depressing thoughts at bay.
He patted the side of the carriage before climbing aboard with a smile, "Easy travel, good roads, and plenty of time to relax along the way. Why, we could almost treat this like a vacation!"
Famous. Last. Words.
'Vacation' would have been the absolute last word to describe the comedy of errors hounding every leg of their journey. 
The first thing to go wrong was one of the carriage wheels broke as it hit a deep run left by the late summer rains. It happened right inside the Jadean border before stepping over to Benitoite. The only living souls around were all busy in the rye fields. After convincing one of them to put down his scythe long enough to talk, Keith discovered with dismay the small group of people he was looking at was the entire village. It was a very isolated place that relied on every able body to help with the harvest. That group included the wheelwright: Keith and Emma's only hope of getting back on the road before dark.
Keith offered to take the wheelwright's place in the field. The hardy villagers barely held their skepticism behind polite faces. 
"The wright can thresh twice as many sheaves of rye as anyone else.  You'd be taking one of our hardest workers. Besides, t’is no time to be gabbing about.  Lookit those rain clouds headin’ this way. Our work’ll have been wasted if we can’t get the rest in the barn before the drops fall. Beggin' yer pardon, but a prince ain’t no replacement for the wright."
Keith wasn’t about to take ‘no’ for an answer. Spurred on by necessity and the desire to impress Emma – and perhaps the bruised pride of being passed over without even a chance to prove his worth – he picked up a scythe and jogged to the row needing mowing. 
He shrugged off his coat and went right to work, speaking over his shoulder to the wheelwright, "I'll do your share here if you fix the wheel. And I'll pay you triple the usual amount. Do we have a deal?"
He never broke his rhythm as he talked, taking a broad arcing swing, smoothly slicing the stalks in front of him,  and moving forward with a quick grace rarely shown by the first prince of Jade. Muscles rippled across his back as each successive swing gave him more confidence. The villagers were shocked into silence.
"Y-Yes, your highness. Thank you!" The wheelwright touched the brim of his hat in courtesy, amazement on his face. Emma glanced sidelong as the villagers who now all raced to pick up their scythes and attempt to keep up with the prince. 
Tales of Keith's kindness and willingness to help commoners with even the most mundane tasks had spread across his kingdom long before this. However, the additional detail of how strong and muscular he was never accompanied the rumors. 'He sure showed them! Well, that ought to fuel their gossip through the winter," she thought giddily to herself as she headed towards the end of the field to help with tying the sheaves. Emma was pleased and vindicated on her prince's behalf, proud that his people had found new respect for him. 
After that encounter, it was supposed to be smooth sailing. Quite literally. Only … the mishap with the wheel and then the afternoon’s rain muddying up the roads put them far behind schedule. They missed the luxury cruiser. It disembarked from Benitoite the day before they reached the docks. 
With a sullen face, Keith booked their fare on a north-bound merchant ship. Emma knew that face too well: it meant he was disparaging and beating himself up inside. She knew it would do no good to convince him right this second that he couldn't control the weather.  She'd wait until they had a quiet moment together to soothe his nerves.
The trouble with that plan was that peace and quiet were impossible to find on that busy ship, not to mention privacy. They shared sleeping quarters with the crew’s family, swinging in hammocks at night and sitting elbow-to-elbow with eight noisy people below decks during the day. 
There was one moment of peace, though. It occurred above deck at night when the sea was glassy smooth and the crew wasn’t throwing mouthfuls of curses at one another. Keith hugged Emma from behind, whispering just a tad louder than the wind whistling past them, “I don’t know how I’d get through this ordeal without you. But at the same time I feel like the worst person alive for bringing you on such a doomed voyage. I'm sorry you’re with a jinx like me.”
She leaned into him, turning her head so the breeze wouldn’t snatch her words away, “Darling. There’s no such thing as bad luck. Where you go, I go.  And that’s that. I love being with you, no matter where it is or what is happening.”
Finally having landed just east of the mountains bordering Achroite, Emma thought they could relax at last. A coach was hired easily, and they were well on their way through the mountain pass. That's when they heard a series of muffled THUMPS behind them. 
Alarmed, Keith had the coachman stop the horses as he took a look at what made the noise. Almost every one of Emma's bags were on the dusty road, clothes strewn about.
"Wha….what happened?? How….?!" She felt like crumbling onto the rocks and crying.  How could this trip get any worse? She bit her lip to stop the wobbly tremble that threatened to bring tears to her eyes. 
The coachman came over and looked at the shredded leather casings of her bags, nodding, "Oh yah, this is old leather. It's no surprise that the salt air on your sea trip had weathered it and made it too brittle to withstand much more abuse. S'too bad, it is. But there's an expert leather worker just ahead."
They wearily gathered up her belongings and did their best to stuff it into Keith's luggage. His was supple, well-treated leather that showed no signs of damage from the sea voyage. Emma inner thoughts were cruel for the ride to the village, reminding of the gulf between their backgrounds, status, and financial situation. Feelings of inadequacy crawled angrily across her heart. 'Of course. Of course the poor little orphan girl has crap for baggage – why would someone like me ever need to travel? No one expects someone like me to ever go beyond her front door.’
Fortunately, the leatherworker was home. Unfortunately, he was forced to watch his young children because his wife was recuperating from a severe illness at her sister’s. He met them at the door bouncing a screaming baby in his arms while a toddler on unsteady feet clutched his pants leg. His face was apologetic, “I’m awful sorry, I am. But with the missus gone, I can’t leave the house. I tried keeping ‘em in the workshop with me one day to see if I could get any work done, and it was a disaster, heh.”
Clenching her fists in frustration, Emma took a deep breath while trying not to despair. “If you can’t repair my pieces, do you have any luggage completed that I can buy right now?”
He shook his head, “Nah, I don’t do my business like that, makin’ stuff that might sell ‘someday’, I only take on jobs that will pay me when the work is done.”
Both Keith’s and Emma’s faces were crestfallen. They knew they could buy luggage once they get to the capitol city, but it was still a long ways to go and her belongings were getting dustier and dirtier by the mile. They muttered their thanks, turning to go, when the leatherworker suddenly made a sound like he just remembered something. “By any chance is what yer needin’ is just the fastenings? Like the straps around the bags and such? Because I do have those ready-made.”
“Yes! Yes, that’s what broke. That’s all I need replacing!” Hope filled Emma’s voice and face and she stepped up the stairs again towards the little cottage. Emboldened by this promising possibility, she brushed up her prettiest smile and offered, “How’s this? I’ll watch your little ones while you repair my baggage, and we’ll pay you twice the going price.”
The man blinked, glanced past her to where Keith was still waiting by the coach, as if to silently ask ‘Are you okay with this arrangement, buddy?’ 
She turned around and gave him an optimistic ‘thumb’s up’ gesture with a big nod to encourage him t agree, “Right, my dear?”
Keith was gazing at his beloved with open admiration. He nodded, “Absolutely. That’s a wonderful idea.”
They sent the coachman off with enough gold to ensure he’d come back to get them later than evening. While the leatherworker took the ruined luggage into his workshop, Emma introduced herself to the children.  Besides the baby and the toddler she had seen at the door, there was also a 5 year old inside. Hours went by as the couple played games, told stories, and fed dinner to the kids. Both of them had wildly giddy sweet thoughts running through their heads of how capable and adorable the other one looked in this parenting mode.  It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say ‘baby fever’ had taken root that very day. From this moment on, Keith in particular was prone to falling into daydreaming about their future family.
At long last they reached the Achroite castle without further mishap. As they unpacked, weariness settled in. The long journey and many unforeseen hardships were at last taking a toll on the young couple. Keith took a seat on the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He patted the space on that mattress next to him, gently calling “Emma? Come take a rest.”
“But I’m only halfway done with putting away my things…” is what she said, but her heart wasn’t in it. She was in the middle of pulling out another sweater from her bag when she felt warm hands glide from the top of her arms, down to her hands, freeing the fabric from her grasp. Keith set the garment on top of the luggage just as Emma’s shoulders slumped. She turned to face him and sagged against him with a sigh, while he bent his head to place a kiss against her hair. She gave no resistance when he led her to the bed.
The sky darkened as they lay on top of the crisp sheets, snuggled together in a drowsy heap. “We can’t fall asleep…” her drowsy voice was muffled against his shirt, “...or be late to dinner.”
“...we won’t…but, hmmm…” Keith’s lethargic murmur turned almost sour, “what if …  would it be the worst thing in the world … if we just stayed in bed?”
Emma squinted a bleary eye at his face, trying to discern if, in fact, Keith had already dozed off for a second and allowed Alter!Keith to slip into consciousness now. That reply sounded an awful lot like something the other one would say. Oh, what did it matter? She was too tired to really care which one was beside her at the moment; she loved them both equally. 
However … it would be rude of them to be absent at the first gathering of the conference. And then they’d have to make apologies to their host, which was not an attractive prospect. Prince Matthias didn’t seem the sort to forgive easily, no matter how small the slight. She didn’t want to be the cause of an international incident right at the beginning of their stay. 
“Nnghh… no,” She struggled to rouse herself into a sitting position, and jostled his shoulder in an attempt to keep him awake. “We have to get ready.”
Moody citrine eyes opened to give her a scathing look. Well, that made it clear who was at the forefront now. “Don’t ya think he’s earned a rest?”
Emma expected any sort of objection from Alter!Keith, but not this tactic. His words gave her heart a warm squeeze, just as they did any time he showed consideration for his other side. She also realized he knew about this weakness of hers. Was he trying to exploit it for the sake of a nap? She rolled away off the bed and went to one of her open trunks for a fresh gown.
“Tch. That’s sweet of you to show concern. But it’ll mean more trouble for us later if we don’t get moving now. Decide which one of you is going to be on the surface for this meal. It will be lots of socializing and politics.”
Suddenly deja vu from mere moments ago danced over her memories as a warm presence moved behind her and hands slid down her arms. This time, however, they belonged to a very handsy prince. His words gusted hotly over her ear, “Mmm, I’ll stick around long enough to help you undress. He really oughtta be present for the boring – I mean, important stuff.”
As much as they yearned for one another’s intimacy through the week, the conference schedule kept Keith busy all day, and social obligations kept the pair busy in the evenings. By the time they were alone and could have enjoyed one another in private, exhaustion demanded it was time to sleep. 
A few times Keith had asked Emma how she had kept herself occupied during the day, and received very predictable answers such as; visiting the town market, strolling in the conservatory and greenhouse, socializing with the other noble ladies. And reading, of course. She never went into detail of any of the sights she had visited or conversations she had had. Usually Emma was full of chatter about the things that had filled her day. Keith decided not to pry and merely attributed her quietude to the demanding schedule rather than her being evasive on purpose.
What Emma was actually doing was reserving a cabin rental and preparing for the most romantic and memorable viewing of the Northern Lights ever! The cabin would have the groceries stocked and firewood ready by the time they arrived. All they needed to do is show up and enjoy a few days' rest away from the hustle and bustle of the conference. This was the real reason Emma had begged to come along on the journey in the first place. 
After that hellish trip north, they needed a relaxing break now more than ever. Her chest warmed at the thought of being able to give her beloved prince a special memory like this. If only nature and the heavens would cooperate to give them a once-in-a-lifetime show, that would make it truly perfect.
The night before the conference ended, Keith heaved a sigh as he began to fold clothes to go back into the bags. 
“Darling? That was a rather heavy sigh. Is anything the matter?” Emma’s sweet inquiry washed away the layer of fatigue that had covered his soul. He paused to look over at the bed where she was flipping through a cookbook of traditional Achroite foods. With a book; in her natural habitat. Keith’s soft smile was full of adoration at this comforting sight. He often wondered how it was possible for the simple act of looking upon her in repose was enough to give him his own sense of calm. 
It reminded him of the first time he had encountered the odd phenomenon, on her first visit to the kingdom of Jade:
As he showed her around the palace, she asked to see his personal chambers. Worried had plagued him, thinking it would be awkward beyond measure and she’d find fault with everything. However, when he watched her step among his belongings, inquisitive fingers trailing over the spines filling his many bookshelves, eyes lighting up at seeing the keepsakes decorating his bedside table, he realized with surprise that his anxiety had been utterly unfounded. In fact, the sight of her in his room, among his things, gave him a deep sense of peace. 
A warm blanket of contentment and resolve settled around him in that moment, as if he was being told ‘this is right, this is good’. It felt so very natural to have Emma there at all hours of the day and night. Having her near was a balm like no other. He had mused on the mystery of it: If he was struggling with a letter at his desk or fretting about an upcoming meeting with bureaucrats, all it took was to look up for the fraction it took to see her with a book perched at his window seat or sitting on the couch. His heart was eased instantly. Her presence was a wonder drug to his perpetual paranoia. Wherever Emma was, that was ‘home’ for him.
He floundered without her presence. His soul required her like a tree needed sunlight. 
Alter!Keith was in the same situation, though for different reasons. He needed Emma to stick around because her deciding to stay sent the message that he was worthy of notice, of love. That he deserved to exist.
Neither side of him could never admit this to her, though. His reliance on her would only highlight his ignomy and patheticness. How utterly weak would he appear to her if he confessed he needed her just to get through a day without a panic attack? 
Her miraculous effect was the reason he hadn’t required much persuading to allow her to join him on this trip. Prince Matthias was an imposing figure whose presence in a room was nearly as oppressive as Prince Chevalier’s. Keith was glad to have his own personal ball of sunshine to help him survive the stressful conference. Without her warm kisses in the morning and her sweet voice at night, he was sure his nerves would have been frayed beyond measure before he returned to Jade. 
He basked in her soothing oasis a moment before answering her question, “It feels as though there hasn’t been a moment of true rest during this excursion. I realize it wasn’t intended to be a relaxing getaway, but it would have been nice to just have a day to spend with you. To sleep in and enjoy breakfast in bed, or stay up late trying to glimpse the Aurora, or have the leisure to browse their castle’s extensive library. And now we have to be back on the road tomorrow. At the risk of sounding petulant … it isn’t fair. I’m bone-weary, Emma.”
By the time her name was on his lips, she had gotten up and moved to stand beside him, small arms around his thick torso, forehead pressed to his broad shoulder. He soaked in her serenity for a few heartbeats, nearly crumbling under the immense gratitude he felt for her love and support. 
She broke the harmonious silence first, “Isn’t it a good thing, then, that we don’t have to go home just yet? We can extend our trip a little longer.” There was a playful lilt to her words, obviously inviting him to inquire into her meaning. 
Keith turned within the circle of her embrace to face her with a quizzical lift of his thick eyebrows, “Did the royal family invite us to stay past tonight? I hadn’t heard of this.”
She shook her head and pressed her lips together in a smile that was eager to burst forth with the news. Emma was determined to keep the surprise until the last moment when they arrived at the cabin tomorrow. Then she realized his anxiety might burrow needlessly under whatever cute evasions she gave now with a smiley ‘Just you wait! You’re going to love it!’. Wouldn’t it be less cruel to tell him now instead of risking him worrying himself into a fit? Why not give him the choice: divulge the secret, or be left in the dark?
She grinned impishly up at him, “Oh, we are staying in Achroite for a little while longer, but not as Their Majesties’ guests. Would you like to be surprised? Or shall I tell you all about it now-o-OHH!”
Keith had picked her bodily off the floor in a bear hug, squeezing her last syllable into an excited squeak as her feet left the floor. He laughed heartily as he spun her around with ease. “Emma! Give me all the details. Packing can wait!” 
Energy recharged as he held his beloved ray of light within his arms. He could hardly believe his amazing luck. Had she really planned something to help him relax before they started the arduous trek back home? He lowered her to the bed, brawny arms pressing down the mattress on either side of her, face bearing down on her with a smile sanguine and imploring.
She giggled at his lack of princely composure and laced her hands around his neck, drawing him down for a quick kiss, “You know the days I've been going into the market and village? That was to prepare for three days of relaxing at a cozy little cabin just an hour’s ride north of the castle. It’s stocked with food and firewood and everything we need. And the best part?” She paused to land a little peck on the tip of his nose. “It’s the perfect place to watch the Aurora.”
Emma paused, holding her breath for his reaction.
She finally had to exhale because he was silent for so long. “Darling? Keith? Are you not excited for the trip?’ A moment ago she was ready to dissolve into happy giggles, but his reaction now had her nibbling her lip.
“...You planned all this? By yourself? For me?” His questions were hushed, awestruck. 
With a slow nod, Emma resumed her smile, “Not just for you. For us. I’m going to be there as well, silly!” 
She finally giggled as she watched his face change from surprise to delight. The grin on his handsome face was dazzling, but she only glimpsed it a moment before he leaned down for a kiss, which she gladly returned. He trailed little kisses down her jawline, and she continued answering his questions between happy sighs. “And … you know, it wasn’t too much trouble to prepare. After all, I should get some practice, don’t you think? I’ll need to know how to plan much greater events … at some point in the future…” 
Keith caught her hint squarely in the chest, and was glad to have his face hidden in her neck so the blaze upon his cheeks would be unseen. Inwardly he berated himself for the thousandth time for not having the guts to clear the way for Emma, a commoner from Rhodolite, to become his wife and Queen of Jade. He couldn’t propose until he knew the path would be easy for her. Yet he wasn’t going to start the official process until he was sure that was what she wanted – that he was what she wanted. It was a catch-22 that was a sure way to spiral into despair if he thought about it too long.
Of course the two of them were madly in love, and they spoke in terms of ‘always’ and ‘forever’ when expressing their feelings. 
But they hadn’t ever sat down and plainly discussed the future. 
What Emma just said now was the closest either of them had ever come to a proclamation of their intentions for marriage. He couldn’t swallow the fact that he had been too feckless to say something before Emma. Now that she had been brave enough to be the first one to break the ice, he couldn’t hesitate any longer. But oh, how he loathed for her to see his face like this: sweaty, nervous, pathetic!
He moved his lips to her ear, giving it a quick kiss before whispering with a tone that flowed with love and hope, “It’s my dearest wish to put you in that position, Emma my beloved. I didn’t want to come across as presumptuous. Or … maybe I simply lacked the courage to speak to you about it before. Or … or –”
He was interrupted by her hands dragging his face up and her lips seeking his. She kissed him long and hard, not letting go until several seconds had passed, then huffed out, “Keith. I’ve felt you wanted to marry me. I could tell in every action, every look, every touch. But hearing you say this? Hearing that you want it just as much as I do, just as much as I always thought you did? It puts my heart at ease to know, with certainty, that you feel the same as I do.” 
She held his cheeks firmly as he tried to look away, forcing him to return her gaze. He saw nothing but kindness swimming in her eyes. She waited a beat longer, holding his gaze before continuing, “And that’s enough for now. You don’t need to rush into … well, anything. The wheels of monarchy creak along slowly. You don’t need to do it alone, though. I’m here to help, to support, in whatever way you need. And that’s all there is to it. Alright?”
The corner of his mouth quirked up in chagrin, already finding another fault in himself no doubt. But he nodded regardless because he believed her. A feeling of triumph and pride soon overtook his usual shame. This conversation was a true breakthrough! She wanted to marry him! He wanted to marry her! With elation, he leaned in to kiss her deeply, eliciting a moan from Emma. As his lips left hers and he began to nibble down her neck, he asked, “This cabin, you said it quite a ways from here? Does that mean it’s isolated? Not in a village? No neighbors?”
Fingers roved through his sandy hair as she gasped at his adventurous kisses plunging down her collar. She endeavored to think and answer at the same time, “Mm-hmm. I think so. I didn’t – hmm ah! – didn’t see any other buildings around.” 
She was about to follow up by asking why he wanted to talk about this now, when there were obviously other things the two were thinking about. But suddenly she felt Keith smiling against her cleavage, and he glanced up at her with a devastatingly hungry look, saying, “Good, then there will be no one close enough to hear us. We can be as loud as we want.”
Their first evening at the cabin was full of excitement. The snug little building was cute and clean, if a bit sparse. There was a distinct sensation of ‘playing house’ for the couple as they went about getting the bedroom ready, cooking dinner, and getting the hearthfire going. 
While they ate, they talked over all the misfortunes the trip had entailed: Broken wheel, missed ship, horrible sea voyage, ruined luggage, lost time, and extra expenses. Yet when they remunerated all the bad things, they were able to point out good things that came out of each predicament. The rye was harvested in record time, Keith’s good reputation was solidly implanted in that village, the wheelwright was able to afford much-needed upgrades due to Keith’s generous payment, Emma’s baggage was now better than ever, the leatherworker was able to afford the expensive medicine his wife needed. 
There wasn’t anything positive they could come up with to say about the merchant ship, until Emma suddenly remembered, “There was that night you held me from behind, keeping me warm and whispering the sweetest things in my ear. Remember? On the deck? The night sky was full of stars. The steady sound of the prow sloughing through the sea will stay in my head forever, just as that memory will. I remember thinking: ‘It doesn’t matter if I’m on a floating palace or a rickety fishing boat. As long as Keith is with me, I’m content and I’m where I need to. All I need to be happy is Keith.’ And I don’t think I would have encountered such strong, resolute determination if I hadn’t been in that situation. The foul odiousness of that ship contrasted so starkly against the purity and strength of having you next to me.”
Keith wanted to cover his face with his hands to hide his blush. He really couldn’t stand the way she heaped compliments upon him, and had the audacity to say it with such a sincere smile! He quickly turned the conversation back to reflect on her merits. “You were amazing with those children. I would never have thought to strike a bargain like that, nor could I have done that all by myself. You’re a natural. I loved watching you holding the baby…” he cleared his throat and barreled on, switching the subject, “That just goes to show that you are the one who cares about helping people, and are resourceful, and reliable, and kind, and capable. And everything I wish I was.” 
With a self-deprecating smile, he reached across the table to hold her hand. She squeezed his, ready with a rebuttal to help buoy his self-esteem, “Darling. You are all those things. Hasn’t this trip shown that? Together, we can overcome anything. I couldn’t have done any of this on my own.”
Keith had to admit that he was only able to jump into action when the wheel cracked because he was intent on keeping his Emma safe. In fact, the desire to prove himself capable in her eyes was the driving motivation for enduring all the mishaps on the trip. If he had been by himself, there’s no telling how well he would have fared. But with Emma there to support him and be the reason he needed to ‘man up’, he knew her words were true: together they could overcome anything.
They had decided to go to bed early and wake up a little after midnight because the locals had said that was the best time to view the Aurora.  Due to the odd hour, it was Alter!Keith who unexpectedly awoke in the middle of the night. He walked to the door that led to the balcony and looked through the window at the sky. Grumbling, he let the curtain fall closed again and climbed back into bed. Emma stirred awake at the movement, sleepily calling out, “Keith? Is it time to go outside?”
“It’s me, not him. And no, there’s nothin’ worth looking at. Whole damn sky is covered with clouds. If it had been the right conditions, I woulda let him switch over because I know he wouldn’t want to miss it. But ...” He moved closer and wrapped an arm around her hips to pull her flush against him as he continued in that gravely sleep-soaked voice, “I think I’ll let him sleep a little longer. You, though, aren’t gonna get much sleep tonight, sweet cheeks.”
Long after the sun had risen, the couple slept late to thoroughly enjoy the laid-back schedule. Keith was first to arise; he noticed the new pink marks the other man had left on her skin in last night’s pleasures. He sighed regretfully, more for having missed the chance to enjoy her himself than for missing the Aurora.
That night they resumed the same pattern as before, with going to bed early and planning to wake up after midnight in hopes of seeing the dancing lights. Luck was on their side that night! The humidity and wind were just right, the sky was clear of a single cloud, the moon was just a tiny sliver. Keith excitedly woke Emma, then wrapped themselves in thick boots, hooded cloaks and then in more blankets before settling on the bench outside on the balcony. The mountains were visible on either side, and the broad flat valley and its bubbling river spread out before them, creating the perfect stage for the heavens to put on an unforgettable performance. 
“Oh. My. Word. It shimmers like a magic trick!” Emma breathed the words, mesmerized.
The couple sat transfixed, silent for nearly twenty minutes as the bright green glow warped into misty shapes, faded, and lit up again as vertical shards of light wavered across the sky. 
She snuck a peak at Ketih’s face, which was awash in the verdant hue of the Aurora. His eyes sparkled, a childlike look of wonder writ across his features. He noticed her staring, and looked her way at last with a wry smirk, “You’re supposed to be watching the lights, my dearest. Not me.”
“I’ve got two eyes. I can keep one of them on you while I take in this amazing sight.” She grinned and snuggled closer to him, to which he responded by wrapping an arm around her waist to impart more body heat.
“It would be a shame to waste even one of your precious eyes on me. You can look at me any time. But this rare phenomenon is something you may never see again.”
Her cheek nuzzled his shoulder as she gazed skyward once more, letting out a contented hum, “We could always come back here? This would make a cozy spot for our honeymoon.”
Keith’s hand flexed tightly around her hip at the word ‘honeymoon’, mirroring the way his heart was squeezing. He softly muttered, “Or sooner than that,” as his thoughts drifted to the little jewelry box stowed away in one of the shelves of his dresser back in Jade. 
It contained his great grandparents’ rings. They were originally part of the collection of family heirlooms, but had never been treated like the great ornate pieces of the crown jewels because they were not that impressive. There were modest gold bands with a few small green gems. Their unassuming beauty and elegance reminded him of Emma. His grandparents had had a fairytale romance full of joy and love, a rarity for royals.  Ever since he had decided he needed Emma in his life, he had hunted them out of the collection, tucking them away for the eventual proposal.  Keith hoped that maybe just by wearing them, his grandparents’ legendary luck in love would rub off on him and Emma. He pictured himself sitting out on this balcony in the near future, with a ring in his pocket, waiting for that perfect moment. 
He had been a standstill for too long, fettered by indecision.
Soon it would be time for him to finally take action.
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(This is the daytime view the couple would have had from their balcony in Achroite)
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Author’s Note: This story was partly inspired by my own recent failed attempts to watch the Northern Lights with my husband, lol. With Keith’s love of astronomy I thought a rare cosmic phenomenon would be on his bucket list, especially being situated so far away from either of the globe’s poles. I had the entire story outlined and was well on my way with the narrative before Keith’s route was released. Of course I started reading it the say it was out, but I was only on chapter 20 at the time I finished writing this, so if anything is wildly OOC for him or Alter!Keith, I apologize. However, it is very satisfying to see that as I got that far in his route, most of the inner thoughts and outer reactions I wrote for him were things I later on saw in his route. Yay! It’s so nice when that happens. I really hope @violettduchess like this. Thank you for asking for Keith; he is a true treasure. I had so much fun taking on this assignment for the exchange.
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bakersgrief · 9 months
Late birthday gift for @ndoandou
Happy birthday! Have a little Keef shenanigans.
Jadean springs were characterized by warm sun and a breeze that could, at times, carry a hint of winter's chill. The current weather nearly perfectly encapsulated such a description, yet the early spring winds did little to bother the budding life in the royal greenhouse. The small green sprouts of new plants were poking up in places, while the hardier trees and shrubs kept the place from looking too barren.
Seated within the house of gentle warmth and stillness was the oddest pair of friends, of brothers, and of twins one would ever lay eyes on. Despite matching hair and eyes, similar bulky physiques, and even a shared name, the two men were quite visibly opposites. The gentler of the two sat at the little round table in the greenhouse with his ankles politely crossed at he shoveled pastries into his mouth with obvious relish. Despite being dressed down, he kept his undershirt buttoned up to his neck, maintaining the appearance of a gentleman, whether purposefully or not. His fluffy, unkempt bangs hung low over his wide, doe-like eyes like a shield from the world. Kind Keith kept his posture upright and proper, looking every bit as princely as the first prince of Jade should as he reached for yet another scone with his right hand.
His unlikely companion, however, was quite the rogue in appearance. Side-swept bangs framed the corners of sharp, dark eyes, while a dashing undercut displayed the darker roots of the Keiths' shared silvery-olive hair. The more abrasive of the two sat sprawled in his chair, delighting in the warm sunlight shining through the glass panes of the greenhouse roof. He had discarded his usual cravat when dressing down and, in contrast to the Nice Keith, had unbuttoned the top of his shirt, leaving his firm, broad chest bared to the crisp air and spring sunshine. A half-eaten tea sandwich flopped onto Mean Keith's plate from his left hand as he turned his attention to his timid twin, who had just gotten his attention with a soft noise.
The second prince of Jade peered dispassionately across the small table at his brother, but not uncaringly. Never uncaringly. Despite being the younger of the two (by four minutes), Mean Keith often found himself looking out for his little bitch of a- sensitive twin brother. It was mere days ago that he had come across him in the palace halls looking more worried than usual. Mean Keith wondered vaguely if his Kind counterpart was forced to worry for the both of them at times.
When pressed, he had admitted to overhearing evidence of a certain noble embezzling funds from their medicinal plants and herbs research program. Although Nice Keith had ordered an investigation on the matter, while there was no shortage of suspicious activity that pointed toward (and more or less proved, in both Keiths' opinions) the noble's guilt, there was not enough evidence to persecute him based on Jadean law.
The eldest prince was angered at his inability to do anything, especially when the crime was harmful to the citizens of their kingdom. The research program was meant to advance knowledge in the field of medicine throughout all of Jade. It was especially important for those in the northern part of the country, which experienced rather frigid winters while having less fertile soil as the land neared the border of Obsidian. The second prince was angry as well, of course. These kinds of people were nothing more than trash, harming others to get ahead. They were slippery, too. And he knew how to deal with them.
Mean Keith pulled his distressed twin in for a hug when he noticed he was clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides, trembling with frustration. Nice Keith leaned his head against his brother's shoulder, trying not to lose his composure at the helplessness he felt. After a few moments, the younger spoke.
"Lemme deal with this one."
Nice Keith quickly pulled away. "You can't just walk in and start stabbing people, you know! You could get in a lot of trouble!"
Mean Keith frowned. "Is that what ya think of me? I ain't that dumb, ya know. I'll think of somethin', so you just keep focusing on your plants."
The first prince of Jade huffed in exasperation and gratitude towards his sibling. "Thanks. Sorry for pushing the hard work on you."
"Ya didn't. "
Nice Keith smiled gently... then gasped in horror. "I'm late! I was on my way to a meeting! With the researchers!"
He took off running down the hall (which was rather uncouth, but the Kind prince would rather die than be rude by making people wait on him), shouting behind him. "Sorry, I've got to go!"
At present, Mean Keith had to stop himself from grinning as he recalled the other's clumsiness. He returned his attention to his overly-polite sibling across the table, who was sweating and beginning to nervously press his fingers together. It was obvious he wanted to ask something, contemplating his words.
"Spit it out."
Nice Keith relaxed a bit at his brother's usual brusque demeanor. His eyes trailed hesitantly over the younger's casual attire. (It should be noted that Mean Keith wore outfits with his boobs out more often than not, like today.)
"...Does your chest not get cold?"
Silence met his timid question.
"What typa question is that...?"
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articdelilah · 9 months
Hello may I request a scenario about the princes reaction after being pranked by their s/o. it can be with anyone(if you're planning that there would be multiple suitors) but please add Keith ehehehe
✮ Pranked and Fooled ✮
CW: Emma and Silvio are naked, implied smut?
Hi Anon! Thank you for the request and so sorry about the delay!! I’ve been so busy and I’ve been struggling to keep up with requests but I’m hoping to get all of them done this weekend🕊️🌙
Keith and Silvio
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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Within Jade, there was a very bored Princess. The old Belle was so used to all the drama within Rhodolite and teaming up with Clavis that the tranquility of the Jadean Palace was strange. She missed those times of chaos but she never regretted moving to Jade with Keith.
Keith only has a sister who isn’t very social; therefore it was quiet, calm and peaceful. Not like Emma minded but sometimes she needed to cause a bit of mischief.
She then thought of a prank, a prank taught to her by dear old Clavis. It was harmless but the reactions were always priceless (especially Yves’), she couldn’t help but wonder how Keith would react.
Later that day she sat with Keith, his large hand gently holding hers. “Keith,” She said with a smile on her face “Would you like to have a tea party with me?”. The question was random and the offer spontaneous but Keith thought nothing of it, agreeing right away.
The next day Emma couldn’t stay focused as she prepared everything for her prank. She had spent practically the whole day trying to remember everything and Clavis had taught her. She set out the tea party outside under a large tree, waiting for her Prince to arrive.
After a whole 10 minutes, Keith had arrived with flowers in his hands for Emma and a bright smile. She almost felt guilty but nevertheless she offered Keith to try a new recipe she had made. He loved everything and anything sweet, how could he skip on an offer such as that one?
He took the one of the golden brown cupcakes in his hand and took a big bite..
His tawny eyes widened as the taste of the cupcake and horseradish hit his taste buds, the look of disgust on his face was evident even when he tried to smile. The Princess couldn’t help but let a giggle escape as she watched him swallow and smile crookedly at her. The girl had burst into laughter a few seconds prior, small clear tears of joy spilling down her face like raindrops. Her manicured finger lifted to wipe some of the water crystals from her face, only to quickly clutch onto her tummy instead. “Happy April Fools!” She said between fits of laughter yet Keith was too busy drinking the honey tea to answer right away. The taste stuck to his tongue like fur on clothes, “It’s not the 4th” He smiled at last. After all, this was the girl he fell in love with.
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Silvio was already suspicious when Emma came to him with a sickly sweet smile on her face, voice as melodic as a bird song as she had requested to shower with him.
Showering with Silvio wasn’t that uncommon, but something about Emma’s act told him she had something planned. Nevertheless, he agreed and waited til night.
When the stars were up in the sky, Emma was already waiting for her fiancé in their shared bathroom. Her naked body sat at the edge on the bathtub, small giggles left her lips as she thought of Silvio’s reaction.
Silvio eventually came, raising a brow at the excited woman before taking off his clothes and stepping into the shower after Emma. Silvio washed Emma’s hair first then her body before letting her lather soap on her hands to wash him.
Emma talked about her boring day, her hands gliding through his hair to wash it. He relaxed as she spoke after the most boring things on earth, completely forgetting about Emma’s smug grin when he stepped inside the shower first.
The water steamed resulting in all the mirrors being foggy. Silvio didn’t particularly have time to look into at any mirror as he was attacked with Emma’s hungry kisses. She had dragged him to bed almost immediately.
Emma was still in bed, the morning breeze blowing through the open windows allowing the sounds of waves crashing against the rocks below. Her [H/C] hair wild and messy and eyes wrinkled as her bubbly giggles filled the large bedroom. Silvio stood infront of the large vanity mirror he bought for Emma when she first moved into the palace, his face a mix of shock, anger and grief. Large veiny hands tangled within light blonde hair a perfect match of Rio’s, even his brows were dyed the atrocious colour. They furrowed deeply at the sound of Emma’s laughter. “Shudd up woman” he grumbled, rolling his ocean blue eyes. “You look very handsome you Tyrant” She spoke at last, getting out of the plush bed and wrapping her hands around his waist.
If you like my work, feel free to request🕊️
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annaliessse · 11 months
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Kind of want to write something short and sweet for my first love, Prince Chevalier. I miss him so much these days.
Also, this is me convincing myself that Chev is still my number one prince when a whole-ass Keith Howell is right there. I honestly did not expect to like our Jadean prince's route that much.
𝕹𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖉
word count: 483
There is nothing in the world that Chevalier cannot understand. He was a genius after all, the type to be found once in a million years. So, when Clavis gifted him a romance book, his curiosity was aroused. For once, there is something he cannot understand.
Love. The books described it as an emotion, a fluttering and exciting feeling in one’s chest. It was inspiration, the muse of songs, and the subject of art. It was power, the kind that made manipulation easy. It was destruction, the fall of kings, and the end of empires. It was complicated, and despite the countless books he had read to try and make sense of it, Chevalier never really understood what love was.
Perhaps it is because he is the brutal beast that he can never know the true meaning of the word. He had no heart, and thus he had no instrument to feel this love he had wanted to comprehend. As such, he gave up, for there is no point working for something you know is impossible to have. Nevertheless, Chevalier’s interest in romance books never stopped, partly because he wanted to know how he could use it as a weapon; and partly out of his secret fascination with an emotion he can never feel.
And then, there came you. Smart. Persistent. Brave. You were the first to meet his gaze directly. He had seen your fear, and yet, you did not falter. You shared his love for reading, and there was a quiet fire in your eyes when you disagreed with an opinion of his. You were everything he expected, and yet you were nothing like he expected. He knew you were made of purity and kindness. You were Belle, after all. But what he did not see coming was the way your heart worked. Even now, he still does not understand. How you were able to hold his gaze, firmly. Defiantly. And with those sincere eyes, you spoke the words he never thought he would ever hear from anyone.
“I love you, Prince Chevalier.”
He chuckled as you muttered the same words in your sleep. At present, you were in his arms, tired after another ball you organized. You were a natural at it now, and Chevalier knew that it was because of the love you felt for him.
He pulled you closer, affectionately pressing a kiss on your forehead. His hands awkwardly brushed through your curls, and Chevalier felt a small smile gracing your lips. He understood now, what love truly is. It is indescribable. It is both peace and excitement. Greed and selflessness. Destruction and salvation.
Love is what he found in you.
Chevalier closed his eyes, lulled by the gentle warmth of your breath against his skin. And in the darkness of the night, he found himself whispering the same three words.
“I love you as well, my simpleton.”
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐲, 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝
↬ 🤍 Keith Howell offers a very special gift to the prince and princess of Rhodolite, who share a birthday - himself.
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Keith Howell x Original Female Character x Luke Randolph; Luke x OC; Keith x OC; Luke Randolph x Keith Howell • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Threesome - F/M/M; Birthday Sex; Kink Negotiation; Biting; Marking; Blow Jobs; Resolved Sexual Tension; Doggy Style; Spitroasting; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Dirty Talk; Cunnilingus; Riding; Lap Sex; Creampie; Kissing; Come Eating; Size Difference; Size Kink • wordcount: 2,305 • masterlist
a/n: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING @queengiuliettafirstlady AND TO HER BOY LUKE! 🎉🎉🎉 My dying laptop got in the way of me posting this one time and I'm sorry about that. Here too, I want to say that I love you so much Julie, keep being the awesome and lovely you ❤
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"My prince… where are you taking me? Wouldn't your brothers be upset if we leave the banquet so early in the evening?"
"Don't think about them, Julie…this is our day. Follow me, you'll see soon."
Luke's big hand gently squeezes hers, and in a flash the conflict written across Julie's face morphs into joy that reaches to her sparkling eyes. He's right; today is their shared birthday - even if celebrations are held for them, they've already stayed at the salon plenty: it surely would be enough! The food was great, especially the cake which looked to be more suited at a royal wedding, with its multiple tiers… truly, a day to remember. Though, the day is far from over, and Julie can barely hide her excitement as she runs together with Luke, gathering her formal dress in her glove-clad hands in order not to trip on it.
"We told the servants to leave the presents in our room… I was just informed about the delivery of a big one."
A big one? What could it be? Curiosity peaking in the moment Luke pushes the bedchambers' doors open, Julie's eyes dart through the slit as it widens.
And she gasps.
In her and Luke's shared king-sized bed, there is a… big present.
"H-Happy birthday, Prince Luke, happy birthday, Princess Julie."
Luke finds Julie's free hand, the other busy covering a wide-open mouth as his lover stares at the naked Prince Keith Howell in their bed.
Well, he's not naked, he's practically fully dressed in red ribbon, from neck to toe, wrapped like the present he is.
The gentle caress returns Julie to Earth, and she notices both men looking at her - once Luke successfully steals her attention, he beings explaining.
"We talked about this with Keith, remember? He wrote me a letter where he said he's ready and willing to…join us… It couldn't be a birthday surprise for both of us, but we tried to at least save it for you. Julie, if you don't want to right now…"
"I want it!"
Both the rhodolitian and the jadean princes widen their eyes in surprise at Julie's enthusiasm, but judging by the way she remains with her eyes tightly shut, she might as well be surprised by her own reaction, as well.
Luke's lazy laughter is like a gentle breeze on a scorching hot summer night, and Keith's nervous chuckle feels like rolling on the cool sheets on the other side of the bed. She must be thinking these things because her dress starts to feel a little too much in contrast to Keith's stark nakedness as he nervously slides a knee on the silky bedcovers.
"Prince Luke… don't forget that- ah- this is s-supposed to be a birthday gift for both of you…"
"Mmm…" Luke tilts his head a little, adjusting his angle as he looks for another enticing spot on Keith's neck. He settles on the conjunction of his nape and shoulder, and traces the outline of his lips with his wet tongue before kissing the chosen spot. Of course, it's not any innocent kiss; it's an open mouthed one that quickly reshapes into suckling teeth-first into the flesh.
Luke has caught himself spacing off a lot in those tea parties with Keith; not because of what he conversates about being uninteresting, but rather because the stag-crested prince has one too many pretty attributes in his person. One such attribute is his beautiful skin; specked with miniature freckles there and there - much alike Luke's own sweetheart, Princess Julie - and also there's that patch of blankness of one side of the neck, as if to entice hunger. Or at least, that's what Luke has been thinking, on those tea parties, snapping out of it only when the prince bashfully rubs that same spot on his neck, asking if he's boring him. Luke has been shrugging it off with the conclusion he must be craving honey - the hunger is the same, no? Admiring an attractive person is a given sometimes, and he knows for a fact he only ever has eyes for Julie. It's only when she shared out of the blue one day how pretty Prince Keith is, that Luke realized their observations match.
Prince Keith was a good friend of theirs, holding nothing but utter respect and warm feelings since the beginning. With the exchange of compliments prompted by the Randolphs, Keith has been quick to blush but also quick to offer a compliment in return. With neither of the three being the type to say things as they are - where is Prince Jin in such moments? - it took a bit to get to the point, but Keith's expression has been priceless once they got there. It wasn't a negative reaction either, quite the opposite.
Now, Luke might not be realizing how the ends of his sunset-colored locks are tickling Keith's skin. He's so concentrated on savoring him, like a bear that finally got its paws on the honeycomb. He's latched onto his beautiful neck, giving Keith hickey after hickey. He expected to be refused to mark him, for understandable reasons, but Keith simply said he was very into high-collared outfits lately.
Now, that's not the only reason for the wanton moans to fall from his mouth, else he'd find himself in a very embarrassing spot indeed. Having his member embraced by the hot cavern of the princess' mouth as she hollows out her cheeks is a delight few can live to talk about, Keith imagines. The rhodolitian prince is one of these few; the tent in his white trousers is perhaps born by the reminder of it. Gentleman to gentleman, Keith reaches a hand to help him out, seeing that he neglects his pleasure. The curiosity to see what the auburn-haired giant sports is half at fault, though, and he gets that curiosity sated quicker than he'd rush to undo his own confines. They were kind enough to unwrap him and cast the ribbon aside, so who can blame him if his hands get into a bit of mischief?
The size pleases him greatly, to his own surprise - it's not because his own domineers, he's pretty sure it doesn't, in fact - he's not quite sure why. It's a tool of pleasure, that's what his lust-hazed brain tells him, as embarrassing as that would be to admit.
"It's supposed to be a birthday gift for both of you." He repeats his lastly-spoken words, hands gripping and releasing the bedsheets, lamenting at the loss of movement coming from the princess' wicked tongue as she halts to listen. He picks up his speech again.
"I want to bring both of you pleasure… but first, I want to see how you, Prince Luke, bring pleasure to Princess Julie. I want to see how she wants to be loved. And I want to see how you take that pleasure from her. I want to learn how to please both of you."
It was a lot to confess on a single breath, and luckily he gets away with being breathless. Julie keeps her firm grip on his cock, looking at Luke as if to communicate the situation wordlessly with him, all while tapping Keith's tip on her bottom lip, smearing his precome on it.
Luke makes a small noise of approval, the corners of his mouth outstretched in a smile. The way he's lazily pumping his own cock, it's an offer he can't refuse, and in just another second Keith gets to see exactly what kind of offer it is.
"Julie loves being taken from behind, like this…"
Straight to the point, Luke pushes himself off the mattress, arriving behind his lover in a second. Keith can't follow his hand where it disappears behind the curve of her rear, but he guesses by the noises alone how willing the lady is for this, and for all that follows. Once he positions his long limbs in preparation, those forest green eyes bore into his - it's a seemingly bored gaze, half-lidded; a lot like his usual look, but also, unmistakably heavy with lust. He explains something borderline vulgar about teasing his beloved's entrance before piercing it, but the way he holds Keith's gaze as if actually teaching him and making sure he pays attention, it's pure erotism. And Keith never thought himself the voyeur type, especially not in the situation where his two friends welcomed him in their bedroom to have their eyes glued to his every movement as he makes love with them.
It sounds like that felt nice, Keith thinks, hearing the moan that announces the beginning of Julie's trip to pound town.
"Oh, this is hard to do at the same time…!" The attempts to revive her ministrations on Keith's cock are initially unsuccessful, but by the time Keith considers sparing her the hardship, she gets the hang of it, taking him inside her mouth further with every thrust of Luke.
Keith would gladly erase any of those widely talked about spectacular jadean landscapes from his memory reel in exchange for this sight burned into his pupils.
Luke's trusts are nice and long, presumably hitting the depths of his lover, and she makes delightful sounds in return. Like a good student, Keith takes mental notes, hoping to do good when it gets his turn - if he doesn't completely surrender to Julie's mouth by then. It would be a sweet surrender, for one. She seems to be enjoying herself a lot bobbing her head on his cock, he's grateful for the little pauses she makes or else the pair would remember him by an embarrassing lack of self-control.
"I love being the filling to your sandwich..."
Luke sucks on a breath with this hearty confession coming from Julie, pleasantly surprised by her naughtiness. Looking at it now, her state is exactly as she said, bent over the jadean prince's long legs, pleasured from behind and pleasuring at her front.
"Hmm… would you also love it if we're the cream to your pie?" Breaking his steady pace to completely cover her with his body and lean in near, Luke puts a strand of hair behind her ear, craving a glimpse of her expression.
"I-I thought you preferred honey pies, my darling…"
The low grunt resonating deep within Luke's throat serves as a warning to his ignited appetite, and he playfully bites her ear.
"I do, Julieee… you know it already. But I want to eat you right now."
Pulling out from her wet tightness, Luke sinks to his knees and spreads Julie's cheeks apart with his large hands, diving in for a long lick across her freshly-fucked slit. Juices gush from her hole, and Luke catches them with his tongue unashamed of the noises that fill the room.
"I can't- Take it anymore…-"
Snapping out from the cycle of pleasure the moment she hears Keith's warning, Julie lets his cock fall from her lips, a thin line of drool connecting them still. She nods at Keith, and reaches a hand behind her to lightly tap Luke's shoulder. He ends up needing more than a gentle tap to stop, the glutton that he is, but he finally complies.
Despite the teachings, Julie hops right into Keith's lap, where he wouldn't be able to show all of what he learned. The mountain of pillows behind him is comfortable, but the comfort that truly renders him immobile comes with the plush hotness that wraps tightly around his aching cock. The princess doesn't stop descending until she has him fully hilted inside, and Keith can only exclaim something to the heavens above, overly polite, true to his style, but dirty in the context of what is happening. He lets Julie bounce on his cock and take what she wants from him, finding it hard to recognize himself as someone so glad to serve as a naughty birthday present to be enjoyed. Though, he has to check if it's not actually his birthday today, for a chance.
"Princess Julie, I'm afraid if you don't slow down-"
"Do it, Keith. We have the whole night ahead of us."
Carding his fingers through his ashy hair, Keith exhales vocally, muscles tensing. It's a little funny to have reservations about wrapping his arms around the princess' waist when he's already buried all the way inside her, but he still feels like asking for permission.
Once they start dancing that dangerous dance, there is no turning back, and Keith's composure crumbles. He moves the princess up and down his length, searching for his peak in her depths - and in a flash, finding it with a wave of liquid pleasure. He rocks the lady on his cock and lets her milk him of all he has, experiencing one of his best orgasms so far. The pleasant sensations continue to linger even after she rises up, letting the sticky aftermath of their coupling to drip down between their bodies.
"You're not making me wait for my snack any longer, Julie."
The girly shriek that pierces the air is lidden with fun, as Julie giggles at being manhandled to laying on her back, legs held high in the air in Luke's strong grip.
"I like this kind of pie too…" Is all Luke says before resuming his earlier activity of snacking on her, running his tongue on her folds for his own enjoyment in that lazy and charming way of his, and even the small shocks of overstimulation are worth it.
Keith feels himself growing hard watching them.
He jumps from his defeated, thoroughly-ridden position with new strength, hastily leaning down to smash his lips against Julie's. There are more kisses he's willing to gift tonight, but not everyone got their lips unoccupied at the current moment.
There is no rush. We have the whole night ahead of us, Julie said.
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askyves · 6 months
Hi Yves!
I just wanted to talk about tea with you. What's your favorite kind? What do you usually serve at tea parties? Is there a tea that goes exceptionally well with chocolate cake?
Can I be 🍵 anon? Thanks!
Hello, 🍵 anon.
So, you enjoy tea with your sweets? That's refreshing, considering I have to deal with my ravenous brothers who would swallow a slice of cake whole if they could. Leon and Jin, mainly.
Now, to answer your questions:
My favorite tea would have to be rose tea. I know it seems like an obvious answer, but there's something to be said about the delicate, floral flavor. I find it to be very nostalgic, it's one of the most popular teas in Rhodolite after all. A nice cup of warm rose tea in the morning is one of life's greatest comforts for me and many Rhodolitians.
The tea I serve at tea parties tends to vary depending on who is attending, what food is being served, and the time of year. For example, if it was wintertime and we were enjoying some orange and cranberry scones, I would choose a nice raspberry tea to accompany them. In the summer, however, delicate white and herbal teas are a must, especially if they are to be served hot! Hot black tea on a midsummer day would be much too heavy.
Some of my go-to teas for tea parties are rose tea, since it's popular in Rhodolite, and earl gray. Earl gray is popular in Jade and is generally well-liked while having a mostly inoffensive flavor. I typically serve it when we have a tea party with Prince Keith, but he also enjoys Rhodolitian rose tea as a change of pace sometimes.
Now, as for teas that pair well with chocolate, that depends on what type of chocolate you have. Since dark chocolate and milk chocolate have different flavor profiles, the teas that complement them are different. However, both pair well with earl gray. As I said, it has an inoffensive flavor! If your chocolate cake has other flavors in it, such as raspberry, that can make things tricky. Any type of black tea is usually a good palate cleanser and will complement the taste of chocolate very well. Try Ceylon or Jadean breakfast tea.
If you are a person who likes the flavor combination, I would also recommend mint tea. The taste of mint doesn't linger too much, but it gives a refreshing taste that goes well with chocolate if you like those flavors together.
Jin is telling me I must include this, so I shall.
If you are a person who enjoys "death by chocolate", so to speak, you may want to try a chocolate black tea blend. I have some that I typically enjoy on its own as a dessert tea, but Jin likes to drink it with his chocolate cake. It makes me want to gag.
Ah! I mean- it's not my preference, but others are allowed to enjoy whatever pairings they please.
I hope this was helpful to you, 🍵 anon. Drop by again for some tea talk any time.
-Yves Kloss
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