ssaalexblake · 3 years
Your ear post brought up a question I’ve had since the beginning and I’m curious what you think. Where did the ear cuff come from???? If 13 got her new clothes at a thrift store, is that where she got the ear cuff too? That seems too personal to 13 to find second hand though. So where else could she have gotten it?? Help me figure this out 🙏
I feel like there’s a lot of logical answer material here to point out that charity shops aren’t allowed to sell underwear and that she clearly gets herself a sports bra, so i Imagine Yaz took her to another store to buy one b/c she realised, in abject horror, that not only did this strange alien lady jump from one crane to another like 200ft in the air with no sense of self preservation at all... But that she did it with a Serious and painful case of no-bra-bouncy-boobs. If i found that out about somebody, I’d buy them a bra on the spot. Ow.  So it's reasonable to conclude she'd been to another store before that scene.
I headcanon Yaz bought her a pity bra. Or if we want to make it more canon compliant considering 13 only says she has no money in the charity shop, that Yaz gave 13 one of her own. In a surprising moment of actual genuine truth i haven’t spent enough time staring at either of their chests to wonder if they’d pull off the same bra size, but some sports bras don’t come in proper bra sizing anyway and there’s more wiggle room so it’d probably work. 
In which case, though... The ear cuff is actual decent jewelry, looks like real silver. I happen to know it’s a reasonably expensive piece of ear gear b/c i looked at the price once from the jeweler that made them aaaages ago.
So, you know. 
She Absolutely stole it.
She had a whole week with nothing to do but mooch off a grieving grandad and grandson with no possessions but a sonic screwdriver and a mutilated old suit. She needed Something to do. Since when does the doctor do down time well? Sheffield has a sudden week long crime spree and the culprit was never caught. Yaz pretends not to see. 
It’s like that throwaway line in the ghost monument, ppl are always crying murder that if she doesn’t have her tardis how did she have the shades that belonged to that famous person, but that’s not what she says!!! she says that those shades Reminded her of those other ones she once had, not that they’re the same ones. People heard the line wrong.
She stole those too. From that charity shop. Because the doctor is a thief and they reminded her of those old shades. Absolutely would not give a damn stealing in front of Yaz. 
I actually feel like the most pertinent question here is actually How she got her ear pierced tbh... Did she walk past claires with yaz on that fateful bra shopping trip (where, frankly, she embarrassed the hell out of yaz lbr, she’d say Weird things on a crowded shop floor/bra fitting) and jump up and down like an excited puppy saying she wanted her ear done b/c yaz’s looks so good and go creep out the poor person doing the piercing? 
Did she get it done only for it to heal Immediately b/c -regeneration energy- and said claires employee to get Exceptionally freaked out by this woman’s orange glowing ears that heal immediately only for 13 to cheerfully be like ‘oh... still not done cooking, i’ll come back in a few days’!!!!!! 
or u know... curve ball... if she can regenerate with clearly bottle blonde hair, maybe this body came with pre-made piercings. time lords have done weirder crap that that, lbr. 
i... maybe didn’t need to go that deep into this fjfddkdflfd
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yukipri · 5 years
jahloveangel reblogged your photoset and added:
Your future!verse is my all time fave YOI storyline because of the way Yuuri just… accidently keeps collecting husbands and growing his family. Like he doesn’t set out to date or seduce anyone. He’s just being Yuuri. But everyone is drawn into his orbit over time and they can’t help but falling in love (even Chris, one of my fave moments was you describing him realizing he’d domesticated himself without knowing it). And the best part is that Yuuri had grown over the course of events depicted in the original series and the ones unique to the AU to reach a point where he was able to accept that love and believe that he deserved it. So the lonely and depressed Yuuri that thinks he’s nothing special becomes the Yuuri with 6 adoring spouses and 6 amazing children and the center and source of all this life and love that has changed the lives of so many people for the better. It makes my heart ache in the best way
LMAOOO whelp u ain’t wrong, they do just sorta accumulate ^ ^; Bc all the husbands are connected, and while the family is Yuuri-centric, they’re still all an interconnected web <3 I like imagining them slowly growing up and their mutual support being part of that, and the family being a result of all of them. Thank you so much for commenting!!! <3
Thanks so much for your comment on your reblog of my Giveaway, your chances have been doubled! ❀(´▽`)❀
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jenroses · 6 years
jahloveangel replied to your post: lifehack for nausea
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I almost always get nausea with my headaches/migraines and medicine will take care of the pain but not the nausea. I’m going to try some of these next time!
med nausea is awful awful. Oh, b-vitamins, too. B-right from Jarrow is one I like because the vitamins are in an easy-to-absorb form.
Anyway, also seeing if you can find your migraine triggers. LIke for me, most of my migraines are allergy triggered. Wheat, mold (including on soft cheese), wine, and pollution are near guaranteed migraine triggers. So I'm religiously gluten free, don't eat the triggery cheese, go for sulfite-free wine and if I take off my CPAP in the morning and immediately get a headache, the N95 mask goes on and the headache evaporates.
Lots of migraine triggers are out there, everyone's pretty different on what their triggers are. It's worth finding out though.
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yoimafiazine · 6 years
Where will these be on sale? I checked the previous links and everything is still closed. I don’t want to miss out again! D:
They’re still closed because the shop will not be open until it’s 6PM PST! Opening the store would mean allowing sales, so it would be alarming if the store was open!
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 years
Imitate me: “Well I *could* make a 100% historically accurate ball gown that is an accurate representation of what the average young lady wore to such an event.... OR I could take advantage of modern suppliers and make a bitchin’ gown in the most fabulously goth style (that is still historically accurate!) that will break wlw hearts everywhere I go... my gown my rules option B it is!”
This is among the most amazing things anyone has ever said to me. Thank you so much. I want this framed on my wall.
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inprogresspokemon · 5 years
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Mytheon (Fairy/Dragon)
#??? - On rare occasion, an Eevee can be affected by more than one environmental factor, and reacts to grow into a new, rare evolution. Fairy/Dragon Eeveelutions are an unusual sight in the wild, created when Dragon and Fairy-types - natural enemies - join together to raise an Eevee. These Eeveelutions, named Mytheon for their rareness, possess thick, armor-like scales around their chest that protect their vital organs from the brunt of any attacks. Their transparent, chitinous wings are stronger than they look, allowing these Pokemon to traverse their large territory with ease. Mytheon have a habit of 'adopting' weak or injured Pokemon and taking them under their wing, protecting them against larger threats. Able to affect the emotions of those around them, they exude a aura that can either induce deep calm or an intimidating fear. Usually preferring to avoid a battle, Mytheon are fierce fighters if provoked and have a tendency to be territorial. You can easily get in their good graces by offering them anything sweet or shiny to add to their collection of goods.
Other dual-type Eeveelutions
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kevystel · 7 years
jahloveangel replied to your post: are there jj boys as well as jj girls or do mlm...
Considering all the guys with heart eyes in that very first 'remove sunglasses and wink' scene, Victor is totally a gay icon
very true!
kixboxer replied to your post: are there jj boys as well as jj girls or do mlm...
prob most of them flock to viktor but at least the canadian ones who betray their boy are very sorry about it
and then we have yuuri, who is unaware of his Power
dadvans replied to your post: are there jj boys as well as jj girls or do mlm...
i’m sure there are some trust fund, yacht party, pastel short-wearing gays who affectionately call each other “bro” who rally behind JJ–they’re not really into figure skating, but they watch the olympics with a couple racks of PBR between them and the highlight reels that show off JJ’s ass in tight spandex are like seeing god
god bless you
can we also discuss the legions of detroit hockey players who got into figure skating for the sake of supporting the quiet japanese boy from way back who unknowingly stole their hearts
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yuurivoice · 7 years
jahloveangel replied to your post “senpai, talk to us about one of your kinks or fetishes ♡”
ONLY girls in maid outfits? What about boy maids? Or girls dressed as boys in maid outfits? ;)
I should clarify, virtually anyone in a maid outfit is fine with me. Highkey love boys in any kind of frilly dressy clothing. Boys in lingerie/stockings/etc. is what totally shook me out of being convinced I was straight many years ago. Love at first sight tbh.
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fara-arts · 7 years
I absolutely LOVE your otayuri comic! The way you draw Yuri is so expressive and true to character. Like Yuri (in the way you draw him) is just beautiful, when he's still you just kinda stare, but his emotions are so extreme and his body language/facial expressions really show that. And Otabek is so dashing but so cute when he's with Yuri. But!!! Please don't overwork yourself! Get plenty of rest, don't forget to put yourself first, kay? :)
HHHHHH GOOD I did my best to keep everyone in character visually and vocally, so hearing that is really great~ Thanks frien 🤗
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ssaalexblake · 4 years
How tf do you think they’re keeping the pting in that prison when it eats Everything?
I’ve been trying to think of a funny answer to this since you sent it, since i can’t think of an actual way but honestly???
I hope it’s not a pting and is just like... a really fluffy Pomeranian dog that has inexplicably been jailed along side the doctor and they never explain Why it’s there.
This dog committed war crimes. Guess how.
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ohmythatoikawaboy · 7 years
jahloveangel replied to your post: I see two scenarios: Oikawa with either the...
I don’t know these characters but I can guarantee the tiny dog would run the house. From experience. Big dogs are such pushovers they don’t want ppl to argue just pets, snuggles for everyone…
Good to know!
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yukipri · 5 years
I was gonna send a big gushing “OMG YOU’RE BACK PRAISE YE GODZ” message but on second though that seems too much/kind of awkward (but that is totally the feeling in my heart) - So instead I’ll ask a question based on your answer to a tag meme: IYO what’s the difference between noodles and pasta? :3
I’ve been back for a few months actually! and have been more or less active again ^ ^; If you’re referring to my completely blank 2 months during which I was terminated, I explain what happened here (warning, Dark af).
(and don’t worry about being awkward, i appreciate the thought
And as for the difference between noodles and pasta? Pasta is a kind of noodle, but there are many kinds of noodles that are not pasta, noodles is the bigger category of foodstuffs
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jenroses · 6 years
This about that ‘7 ways the police..’ post that you commented on. You suggested that if they threatened to detain you for 72 hours, call a lawyer. Should you have the name of a lawyer already picked out then? What if you can’t afford to hire your own lawyer?
If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you. There’s an application. You just say, “I want a lawyer, I can’t afford one” and they start the process. If you don’t fall below the income guidelines, you may have to pay for one yourself, but in that case, in almost every POSSIBLE instance, it will be cheaper to pay for a lawyer even if you have to take out a loan, than it will to end up staying in jail, going unrepresented, etc. 
There’s a decent synopsis here.
Note that court appointed attorneys do vary in quality, but the best way to get the most out of your court appointed attorney is to treat them with respect, be as clear as you can, as honest as you can with them, and to follow their instructions, with the caveat that if you have a severe issue with how they’re handling your case, it is not unheard of to request a new attorney.
It is not reasonable to expect a court appointed attorney to call you every day. It is reasonable to expect them to talk to you several times, for them to ask you questions about who might help your side of the story, and for them to be on your side and present your options and their recommendations clearly.
Court appointed attorneys know the DA’s and the judges and the cops, and who the judge and DA assigned to your case are may influence their recommendations. They will have conversations with the DA about your case, this does not mean they are on the DA’s side. 
If your case falls into a special interest area, such as a victim of domestic violence fighting back, racial justice, LBGT issues, hot political items, etc... you may well be able to get an attorney through a nonprofit. If it’s a civil case, you can’t get a court appointed attorney, but these kinds of resources may be able to help you. For example, copyright cases brought by original content creators involving transformative fanworks might be able to get the defendant support from OTW, homeschoolers have their own organization, the ACLU is there for violations of civil liberties, and there are a legion of noble defenders doing pro bono immigration law. If a case involves an issue like abortion or some such, there are HUGE national organizations that might get involved.Most cases aren’t like that. Most people end up in the courts over traffic shit, “crimes of poverty” and drug related stuff, or due to business disputes/personal injury/etc. If your case isn’t the sort that you can get a court appointed lawyer for (YOU MUST ASK FOR ONE TO GET ONE!) and it’s not a criminal matter, many states will have bar referral programs where you can get a discounted initial consult with an attorney. There are also clinics at law schools and in some areas “legal aid” which will provide free or low cost support, but if there are two parties in the dispute, they will only represent one party due to conflicts of interest. 
For a cost comparison in a non-criminal matter, someone I know was presented with a divorce settlement and signed it without ever consulting an attorney, and ended up paying $400 per month in spousal support that NEVER would have been awarded for a marriage that short in which the other spouse had been the one working, for something like 10 years. That’s $48,000... and in order to limit it to 10 years, he had to hire a lawyer ANYWAY for something like 5 grand. He probably could have ended up with $1000-3000 in lawyer fees and NO spousal support if he had simply hired an attorney to go over the divorce settlement, file a rebuttal, etc.. Possibly less (no custody issues, short marriage, nothing weird). 
A high interest credit card would have cost less in the long run.
Hiring a lawyer costs money. NOT hiring a lawyer when you need one is far, far more expensive. People count on you not hiring an attorney and not knowing the law.
But if something comes up, if you get served with something, you get help ASAP. Don’t think, “Oh, I’ve got 30 days to respond” and then start looking for lawyers on day 29. They hate that and can’t give you their best work. 
And if you don’t respond to a civil lawsuit? They can get a default judgement. Sometimes all it takes to win one of those is to just be the person to show up with a lawyer. 
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thealogie · 4 years
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@jahloveangel I feel like these days my life is just *log on* *make posts* *accidentally inform people that dr James wilson impliedly dies in the hits FOX TV show House MD*
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marzipanandminutiae · 7 years
For the lesbian asks: #3, 17, 24, and 25? :3
3. Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
On me, leather jackets (though I don’t have one at the moment, sadly). On others, no preference.
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Is “Schloss Neuschwanstein but also I instantly speak fluent German” an option? If there’s no linguistic magic going on and I still speak just English and conversational Spanish like now...honestly, I really love it here in Boston. Maybe upgrade to a Back Bay brownstone, one that hasn’t been gut-renovated so it still has all the beautiful old details inside.
If language magic is an option, Schloss Neuschwanstein but also I instantly speak fluent German. Don’t want to live in a place where I can’t communicate.
(That being said, I also feel like I haven’t seen enough of the world to really decide. Most of the eastern US, Toronto, parts of France, Chicago, and Spokane are only a tiny fraction of the options.)
23. If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
With the caveat that there’s no surefire way to woo anyone because women are so different that the same thing might not work for different people...hm. This is a tricky one.
I’d say write a really good fic in one of my fandoms. I’m a massive sucker for eloquence; if I liked a fic and the author’s URL is on their profile, there’s a 99% chance I’ve gone on Tumblr to see if they were female, single, monogamous, close to my age, etc. I’m not sure that’s wooing, but it’s among the best ways to catch my attention.
In terms of once my attention has been caught, showing interest and playing along with my banter are huge pluses. Also I’m a hopeless romantic, so. Make of that what you will.
Oh, and one concrete thing: go to a ball with me. Carmilla wasn’t exaggerating when she said waltzing can be intense; you aren’t actually chest-to-chest, but take it from me, waltzing with a pretty girl can make one go quite weak in the knees.
25. Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
That I don’t have to make hets’ mistakes or follow hets’ models for how my life should be. Yes, I want a wife and children, but I get to decide for myself what that path looks like without being hemmed in on all sides by expectations and stereotypes (”the old ball and chain,” etc.).
Also girls. I get to kiss girls. And girls are amazing.
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inprogresspokemon · 4 years
So, I can't find if the Dragon Eeveelution was a commission or not and the Fairy/Dragon eeveelution doesn't say that was a commission either so I have a question about eeveelutions. If the Fairy/Dragon wasn't commissioned do you plan on making dual-type eeveelutions with Dragon as the second type for all known eeveelutions? Or will you only do it if somebody commissions it? PS: I love your work. I'm trying to save up to ask for a commission.
They both were commissioned (the commission info is in the tags!). Drakeon was commissioned by @midnight-mod and Mytheon by @jahloveangel. Adding Dragon-type to the dual-type Eeveelution roster is something I'm considering going forward (after discussions with @young-avenger) but I haven't committed yet. And thank you for your support :)
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