#jake hogwarts au
minhosimthings · 1 year
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Blue Days Yellow Nights
Synopsis: Y/N of the Black family of the wizarding world had finally gotten into Hogwarts, the magical school of witchcraft and wizardry, only to find out she had been sorted in a house which the entire world would not accept. And along the path, she meets a cute boy, with a secret behind his collar. And let's just say the secret can be kept, between two people.
Pairings: Hufflepuff!Jake × Ravenclaw!Fem!reader, includes rest of Enha, Wonyoung and Gaeul from Ive, Yunjin from Lessrafim, Sana from Twice, Joshua from Seventeen.
Warnings: Fluff, tiny bit of angst, descriptions of pain, mention of scars, mention of food and alcohol, they're idiots in love your honour, swearing
A/N: YAAS MY BABY IS FINALLY OUT OF THE OVEN LOOK AT HER. SHE'S SO AMAZING. real tho I worked hard on this shit cause it's been in my brain ever since I started writing on Tumblr. As an intense potterhead and engene, combining these two things was heaven to me. And yes all magical facts in this are fact checked by me through the Harry Potter Website. She's my favourite child. I don't care if she doesn't get notes she is MY FAVOURITE CHILD. As always feel free to give feedback!
Song rec!
"Gryffindor!" Oh great, you thought as Danielle, the friend you had made on the train ride to the magnificent castle of magic, ran over to the table of the brave, where the lion roared and the swords never rested. Of course, she had to be in Gryffindor. A house which your family had resented for centuries. The most noble house of Black, that was where you were from.
Your cousin Sirius waved to you from the Gryffindor table. 'Traitor' you thought as he applauded along with everyone else when Danielle sat down at the table. To be a member of the most noble house of Black was to be a member of the most prestigious house of Slytherin. Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda, Regulus, they all waited at the Slytherin table, wearing robes of expensive green and drinking from golden goblets. Waiting for you. For you, the youngest member of The Blacks to get sorted. You crossed your fingers as yet another black haired boy got sorted into Ravenclaw. "Sim, Jake", Professor McGonagall called out. A fit young boy with messy dark brown hair, came out excitedly from the group of scared first years. He was so.... happy? His face was much more uplifting than those surrounding you. While all the other first years looked like they were about to pee their pants, the boy, Jake, looked so happy and excited, like a golden retriever. You resisted the urge to smile, when he jammed the Sorting Hat onto his head, and it slightly fell down, hiding his eyes. He broke you out of your slight hypnotic state of staring the all the people in the Slytherin table, trying to find out your cousins. "Hufflepuff!" The Sorting Hat shouted out, to which Jake slightly jumped up and ran over to the applauding Hufflepuff table, where he was met with smiles and handshakes and a greeting from the Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost. You were so distracted by his happy eyes and his overall positive energy that- "Miss Black, would you consider stepping onto the platform please?" Minerva McGonagall's voice was stern. Oh damn. First moment of school and you already embarrassed yourself. Just like your mother said you would.
You quickly apologised to Professor McGonagall who curtly nodded, and stepped onto the platform, sitting on the stool and gently placing the Hat onto your head, strands of hair coming onto your face. "Oh you're a puzzle aren't you?" The Sorting Hat whispered into your ear. A voice only you could hear. How interesting. "You know deep down who you are don't you?" The Sorting Hat asked you. "Well yes. And no. I don't know Mr hat." You thought, hoping that the Sorting Hat would hear you. You heard a chuckling sound in your ears, a comforting sound, you thought. "I know who everyone really is my dear Black." And with that the Sorting Hat screamed out, "Ravenclaw!". Silence. Eerie silence was what filled the Great Hall. No one clapped like they had done for the other children. You sheepishly took off the Hat and placed it back on the stool, and took off to the Ravenclaw table, where curious eyes awaited you. Awkward, you thought. First day of school and I'm a disappointment. Different thoughts filled your head as you were on the way to the Ravenclaw table. All the thoughts, however broke, when you heard clapping coming from the Hufflepuff table. The Hufflepuffs? Clapping for you? The next child didn't get sorted yet. They were clapping for you. All headed by a fluffy brown haired boy, who was clapping the hardest. He gave you a wide smile as you glanced at him and sat down quickly next to the dark haired boy who had gotten sorted earlier. The clapping subsided after a while as the last two people got sorted into Slytherin and Gryffindor respectively.
"Well students old and new!" Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school had risen from his golden chair at the staff table. "Dig in!". All the students cheered loudly and clapped as food appeared out of thin air and settled comfortably on the golden plates. Oh god the food. It looked delicious. Only problem is that you weren't hungry. Your appetite escaped as soon as you heard the word 'Ravenclaw' coming out of the rip in the Sorting Hat. You stared endlessly at the roast chicken and bread, and instead sipped on your pumpkin juice.
"You gonna eat or not?" The dark haired boy next to you asked you. He had a sharp jaw line and cat like eyes, and a butterfly shaped birthmark on his neck. You were slightly startled by his voice, which snapped you out of your stupor. "Um no thank you I'm full." "Yeah? You're rumbling tummy says otherwise." And that seemed to be the perfect time for your tummy to let out a sound again. The boy chuckled softly and put roast chicken on your plate. You mumbled a thank you to him and started eating, regaining your appetite again, as you threw small glances now and then at the boy.
"Are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you going to introduce yourself?" The boy's husky voice rang in your ear like a sudden siren. "What?" You asked him, scolding yourself for being rude. You lifted your arm slightly to adjust your slipping robes, accidentally knocking over the boy's goblet of pumpkin juice "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Let me clea-" The boy waved his hand at your rambling and put a finger to his lip to shush you, subtly pointing out how the people were staring at both of you. "It's alright. The juice didn't get on these robes so we're good." You smiled warmly at him. This was the first time you had had normal human interaction ever since the train ride, where every person would look at you, as if you were a snake, ready to pounce on them and inject your venom in them. Extending a hand forward to the boy, you introduced yourself. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Black." Firm grip, you thought, as the boy took your hand and shook it. "I'm Jay. Jay Park. It's very nice to mee you Y/N. Would you like to be friends as payment for knocking over my pumpkin juice?" You giggled slightly, amused at Jay's kind manners with you. It surprised you that someone would still want to be the friend of a person who came from one of the most notorious wizarding families of the world. "I would love to be your friend. I also noticed something-" you leaned a bit towards his ear. "Are we both the only Ravenclaw first years?" Jay chuckled a bit at your question and took a bite of his toffee pudding. "It seems so." He replied after a long while of chewing his bite of pudding. "It's weird but not impossible. My great uncle was the only Slytherin in his year too you know." Slytherin? "Wait wait are you the Jay Park of the most famous wizarding family in the world?" He looked at you with an amused expression and smiled. "Well aren't you a member of the famous Black family too? And yes I am." He sighed heavily before continuing. "I am a part of the family whose history is filled with bloodshed and Gryffindors." He glanced over at the Gryffindor table with distaste. "I wonder what my family will think when I tell them I'm a part of the smart house." "Same here. I'm pretty sure I'll be disowned." Both of you laughed at that as your heart lifted gently. Jay was nice to you. And he related to you a lot, what with both of you coming from families who deemed themselves 'pure'. "Should we make a pact? If both of us do get disowned?" You asked Jay, who turned to you with curious cat eyes. Then he picked up a spoon full of pudding and motioned for you to do the same thing, which you did. "Alright , if both of us do get disowned, we are going to steal some money from our home, run away and live somewhere in the countryside, where we'll have umm.... three cats! And a dog. And a dragon." Saying that, you ate your spoon full of pudding, Jay following suit. "Maybe not the dragon and the cat part. I'm allergic to cats."
"Oh are you the only two Ravenclaw first years who got sorted?". Jay and you had gone up to the Ravenclaw prefects when they had shouted out for first years to follow them. The rest of the students, majority of them I'm Gryffindor had already gone up to their towers, while you two were still stuck with the prefects, Sana and Joshua. They were sweet and kind and made you think of springtime for some reason. Jay and you shipped them whenever they turned away. "Alright come on you two." Joshua clapped his hands together. "Sana just went to inquire Professor Flitwick, our Head of House, and it seems, in this rare case, both of you are going to have to be roommates. Usually the girls and the boys are split up, but your dorm room is big enough for the both of you. Is that alright with you?" You both nodded at Joshua's words, which he spoke so gently, that it kind of surprised you. "Alright then follow me!"
Woah. That was both of your reactions when Joshua and Sana had led you up to the Ravenclaw Tower. It was so... ethereal. Gorgeous, stunning, eye catching, every synonym for the word 'beautiful' came to your mind when you saw the interior of the Ravenclaw Tower. It had large windows, perfect for your stargazing, you thought. The moon was out tonight, and through the slightly blue stained windows, it looked like Heaven's sleeping figure. The common room was decorated with stars that actually shone and a big bookshelf, full of volumes, that you would only dream of seeing. There was a door ajar to your left, which you assumed was a painting room, what with the smell of paint and the ruffling of paper coming in from the room. "Do you like it? It's going to be your home now." Sana asked you. "It's- it's gorgeous." You stuttered out to her. She was so pretty, like an incarnation of an angel, with wide eyes and the prettiest red hair you've ever seen. "Alright just going to set some ground rules. You guys can sit down first." Jay and you plopped onto two warm armchairs, made out of oak. They had the words 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure' carved all over them. Carved. Just like how your face will be on the Black tree. "Alright first of all-" Joshua started. "You guys already know most of the basic rules because I assume you were listening when Professor Dumbledore was speaking." You heard Sana mumble something along the lines of 'dude you weren't even paying attention'. "So you know how each dorm has passwords? Well to enter our dorm, we need to answer a riddle, which will be given by the eagle outside. You don't always have to necessarily give the right answer. You just need to use your wit. And if the Eagle thinks you are worthy, you're in!" Jay and you both looked at each other, comprehensive looks decorating your faces. A riddle? You were the worst at riddles. Oh well. Anything to have this beautiful dorm all to yourself. "Second of all-" Sana started "You can bring people from other houses in here. Only if they can answer an additional riddle at the door. Although I highly doubt you two are going to do anything like that, so ignore I even said that." Joshua laughed at that as you and Jay just stared, awkwardly. "Anyway." Joshua said, once he stopped laughing. "The last rule is that you must never abandon each other all right? You two are the only Ravenclaws in your year so you must stick to each other like glue. Yes you should make friends from other houses but you should always have each other's backs got it? Now off to bed chop chop!"
"Soo should we glue ourselves together now? I know a spell or two." Jay suggested as both of you plopped onto your respective beds in your dorm room. The room was just as pretty as the common room, with two oak beds, and a large window, looking out into the Giant Squid's home. You could slightly see the Squid now, tossing about in the water. You made a mental note to give it a piece of toast the next day. "Dude how are going to make friends from other houses? Just walk up to them and say hi and that we would like to be their friends?" You asked Jay, who was wiping his glasses. He shrugged his shoulders and put his glasses on the beside table, before pouring himself a glass of water from the silver goblet. "I guess" he finally responded after downing his water. "I mean let's just stay together until we get more comfortable here. And we can make friends with some of the older Ravenclaws too can't we?" You simply hummed in response to that question. You had seen some of the older Ravenclaws at the table tonight. Some of them stared at you and some of them simply ignored you.
‌"Jay can I tell you something?" Jay looked at you abruptly and nodded slowly. You let out a big sigh as you prepared to tell a boy you met today, your greatest secret. "Alright don't laugh and promise me you'll never tell anyone else." Jay held out his pinky to you and intertwined it with yours, making a pinky promise. "I am an unregistered Animagus." Blink blink. Jay's eyes blinked rapidly as he tried to register what you just said. "Y/N, please tell me you are not kidding right now." Wait what? Most people would usually laugh at you if you told them you could turn into an animal at will. But Jay's face was contorted with seriousness and a bit of excitement. "Y-yeah I'm not joking. I am an Animagus. I can turn into a lynx cat. Wanna see?" "Oh my god Y/N!" Jay jumped from his bed to yours, startling you. Why was he so excited? "Alright you're not gonna believe this. I thought I was the only one! Did your parents turn you into one when you were eight?" "Yeah they did. How in the hell do you know that?" As if to respond to your question, Jay stood up and shook his head. His hair faded and his nose slowly enlarged to form a beak. An eagle! He was an eagle! With mighty wings and the most sleek brown wings and strong, sharp talons. "Now your turn" Jay said, turning back into his normal form. Turning into an Animagus wasn't as painful as the rest of the wizarding community made it out to be. People always assumed that an animagus' skin would tear apart every time they would turn, but that wasn't true. It was more gentle, and calmer. "Woah Y/N. I've never seen a lynx cat before." You lay on the bed in your cat form in front of an amazed Jay who gently scratched your head, providing you with the ultimate pleasure. You were quick to turn back and explain your entire story to Jay, which was eerily similar to his. Both of you had been turned by your familes at the age of eight, against your will. Both of you hated your families so much, always so thirsty for blood purity, like vampires. "So secret kept?" You held out a pinky to him, which he intertwined with his. "Secret kept."
‌"Oh well night then Jay. See you tomorrow." "Night Y/N." As both of you drifted off to excited sleep, your heart lifted from where it had been earlier. Seeing all these people who were nice to you, like Jay, Joshua and Sana and that peculiar Hufflepuff boy, it made you think more about whether or not you were actually hated by the world. Maybe you were hated, by most of the world, but then again you've got to make up your own world now. And the first people in it was going to be all the friends you were determined to make tomorrow.
"Oh my god we have potions first!" You squealed in excitement at the breakfast table. Bacon, eggs and toast layed the Ravenclaw table and as you and Jay peacefully at your toast with jam, you looked over your timetable. "You that excited for potions? Best subject?" Jay asked you curious, with a mouth full of orange juice. You nodded fervently as you picked up some more scrambled eggs to lay on your plate. "My cousin Andromeda used to teach me when I was nine. And plus I like to believe I'm a natural chemist." You flopped your hair over your shoulder as Jay rolled his eyes. "Well I think we'll be doing the more easy ones first." Jay got out his potions book. "So I'm sorry your highness but you won't be able to use your amazing potion expertise." You slapped his arm playfully, before a bell rang and most of the older students started getting up. "Oh there you are you two." Sana called out to you and Jay. "You need to go to the dungeons alright? For Professor Snape's lesson. It's just round the corner. You want me to take you guys?" You felt a bit embarrassed, having to get lead by a prefect to your first class. So you politely declined Sana's offer, to which she smiled and gave you the directions instead.
"God this castle is so beautiful." You commented as Jay and you walked down to the dungeons. The brick walls, painted with red and paintings hanging everywhere on rusty nails. There was a painting of some shamans who screamed at you while a kind lady picking peaches asked you if you wanted some.
"You're late." Snape commented as you and Jay turned up at the doors of the dungeons. "We apologise sir. We lost our way in." You started, but Professor Snape simply waves his hand and directed both of you to come in and sit on the benches. Hufflepuff. You were having a class with Hufflepuff. And that boy was there. He was in his robes, with messier hair than it was the night of the Sorting. You tried not to catch his eyes but apparently the universe is always against you, and as you caught his eye and he gave you a smile, you felt your cheeks burn red. "Dude quit blushing so much." Jay scolded you as both of you got out your ingredients.
"A perfect potion? That's surprising." Snape complemented you as you and Jay gave him your completed potion tubes. "Well I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Miss Black. You are, after all the cousin of my most favourite student, Andromeda. Very well. Five points to Ravenclaw." You would have taken the points very well, if not for the fact that Snape had added in the point that you were a part of the Black family.
"Y/N you alright? You seem a bit peaky and pale and you haven't said a word for like five minutes." Jay slightly nudged your arm. "I'm fine Jay." "It's about your family isn't it?" How did Jay always read your mind so perfectly?
Before you could respond to Jay's question, you felt something hit yoir head sharply. You cried out and fell on your knees. Whatever hit you head was sharp and hard and it probably did more damage than you or the attacker anticipated. "Aww look at the little Black sheep. Get It? Black sheep!" You heard some girls and boys laughing behind you. They were of Gryffindor house and they were in your year. They were coming back- you assumed, from Herbology, as they were covered in dirt and they still had dragon hide gloves on. "Hey are you insane!" Jay shouted at them and helped you get up, your head still dizzy. "Oh what? Can't take a joke Park?" The tallest of the boys said. He was the one who threw something at you and he laughed the loudest. "Hey!" A voice shouted behind you. "Pick in someone your own size!" That boy. That Hufflepuff boy. He charged at the Gryffindor and pinned him against the wall, the latter's head banging against the fading cement. Your head was still spinning so much, and as you leaned against Jay's frame, you could hear the voice of someone older, possibly Joshua and someone else. "Jay- I don't really fee-" Black.
"Oh good you're awake." You were laying in a very big hall, laden with beds everywhere. A hospital wing, you assumed. You also made the assumption that you probably passed out. "Y/N are you alright?" Sana was pressing a cold compress to your head. "What happened Sana?" Sana gave you a pitiful smile, before giving you a glass of pumpkin juice and explaining. "You passed out Y/N. That gryffindor boy is in detention right now, don't worry. Turns out he hit you with a pot. Which is honestly mental. I would have bewitched him right then and there, but unfortunately I am a prefect-" she frowned a bit at that "But that boy got to him before Joshua could. That Hufflepuff boy." That Hufflepuff boy. You sat up so fast that Sana flinched. "The what? Is he here?" You whipped your head around the room, trying to spot a batch of messy brown hair. Sana put an arm around your shoulder and said "Babe, no he's not here. He also got detention unfortunately, even though he did the right thing. Listen hon, I gotta go. It's kind of late and it's a full moon night, Josh and I have our monthly date tonight And I don't wanna be late. Jay got some of your clothes for you." She motioned toward the bedside table where an extra pair of robes lay. "So you can change here and come down in the morning alright? Jay told me he'll bring your bag down to the Hall at breakfast tomorrow. So rest up well hm?" You thanked Sana for her help, and as she left the room and the school matron extinguished the candles in her office, leaving for bed, you couldn't help but not ignore the feeling in your stomach. Some feeling. Do eleven year olds usually feel this? Whatever this was? It wasn't nausea, no you didn't get nauseous that easily. Was it chickenpox? Nope definetly not that. Your period? Yeah no it had just ended. Was it the feeling of finally being defended by someone that you felt like falling in love with a person you don't even know just because you've known loneliness for so long that you pounce on the tiniest bit of attention?....... Yeah it was probably that.
The moon was full tonight. It looked like a cheese wheel, with a rabbit shape carved on it. Faint white light seeped in from the windows, illuminating the dark room, and allowing you to look at all the beds, empty and quiet. Of course. It was the first day of school. No one would get injured on the first day of school. Well, almost no one. "Hello?" You called out in the room, your voice echoing as the vibrations hit every magical brick which was used to build this magnificent chamber. Great. No one is there. Not even the matron. This was perfect, you thought as you slowly removed your sheets and got out of the bed barefoot, careful not to make a sound. This wasn't a crime was it? Only the moon was watching tonight, and you were sure that she wouldn't tattle on you. And I'm very sure she didn't, as she watched you hair start to smoothen and your skin turn blackish-grey, whiskers clinging to the sides of your nose. The Moon silently applauded as she watched you transform into a lynx cat, all smooth and gracious with your careful padded steps. You stretched your body out, groaning internally at how stiff it was, and turned your eyes towards the entrace to the hospital wing. The door was open. Oh could this night get any more luckier? It was dark, midnight, and a lynx cat would roam around this magical school, without the knowledge of anyone. Magical isn't it?
Strutting out the front door, you carefully checked your surroundings, making sure not even an ant was present. No one could ruin your plan of walking through the palace right now. You were amazed at the size of the castle. It was bigger than the universe, you thought as you climbed yet another moving staircase, easily jumping from one to the other with your cat skills. It was good that your animagus was a cat, you thought, as you jumped onto the seventh floor. You could climb into whatever you wanted and easily jump from one structure to the other, making it easy for you to move efficiently and fastly.
Awoo! Wait what was that? You turned your head so fast, that your whiskers made a whoosh sound. You heard something. You heard a howl. A Wolf's howl.
A Wolf's howl? Could it be another Animagus in school? Perhaps and older one? Or maybe it was? No it couldn't be. They would never allow a werewolf into this school. Shaking your head, you continued to walk along the stone path, and leapt onto a pillar, prepared to leap off to the sixth floor, when..... Awoo! The sudden sound made you lose your balance and as you made your way back to the rock hard tiles on the seventh floor, curiosity got the better of you. You made your way to the source of the sound, your excellent ears gently guiding you.
A statue. There was a statue with the inscribed words Barnabas the Barmy. There wasn't a door or anything. But the sound was coming from here. You were certain of it. Your cat ears never failed you once and you trusted them enough to turn back into a human and press your ears to the wall, to make sure what you were hearing wasn't a dream. Nope wasn't a dream,you thought as you kept hearing the sound. You were about to go back to the hospital wing, creeped out the sound , when a sudden memory popped into your mind. The Statue of Barnabas the Barmy on the Seventh floor. Yes Narcissa told you about something on the seventh floor. What was it? You snapped your fingers a few times to try to jog your memory back to when you were ten. The room. The Room of Something.
You remembered what it did. It would only show itself to someone in times of great need. Narcissa had once opened it when she needed to hide from some Malfoy boy. You asked yourself again and again whether or not you should try opening it. What would you think? Would you be able to open it merely by thinking, 'Hey I need this place to open up because I need to know where the source of the sound is coming from'? That would work but it was a risk. What if there was some evil contained inside the room and opening it would make you Pandora from the myth of Pandora's box?
You turned back into a cat, ignoring your heart's protests of having an adventure and trying to open the the mysterious room. There was a werewolf or something there, but you weren't going to risk being stuck inside of a wall for all eternity. Maybe later, but not today, you thought as you strode back to the hospital wing, tail held high in the air and whiskers proudly displayed.
"You did WHAT?" Jay whisper-shouted to you the next day at breakfast. You had told him what you had done the night before, to which he almost spat out his pumpkin juice and out his hands on his hips, like a scolding mother. "Y/N. Please give me a warning before you tell me shit like that. Im gonna go into cardiac arrest if you do shit like that." "Oh please Jay stop being such a mom." You rolled your eyes at him and went on with eating your bacon and eggs, while Jay looked like he was going to explode at any moment. "Still-" he began, picking up his goblet once more. "You shouldn't do that. If you wanna do it, tell me, I'll accompany you alright?" You smiled at Jay's worried face and nodded, assuring him that you would always tell him.
"I wonder where that boy would be. You know the Hufflepuff one?" Both of you were walking to Charms class, after your lunch, and the topic of the Hufflepuff boy came up. Jay was fiddling with the straps of his bag, while you daintily strolled across the corridor, looking at the paintings. "I heard his name is Jake." Jay finally got the straps to be proper. "Sim Jake. Apparently he's already popular. The charms professor adores his quick answers in class. We'll see though. Today we're going to be doing the practical work." You hummed and nodded again, too distracted by a beautiful painting of a wolf and a woman hanging on the wall. The woman had the wolf in her lap, as she slowly stroked it, putting it to sleep. She smiled at you warmly, and you smiled back, admiring her stunning features.
"Im going to pair you all up together for this charm now." The tiny professor, Professor Flitwick, stood across a pile of books to make himself visible. He was apparently the Head of your House, as told to you by Jay. You immediately shifted towards Jay, in order to give Professor Flitwick the hint that you wanted to be paired up with your only friend. Professor Flitwick looked through his list of names, and began pairing people up together. You had a joint class with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff today, since you and Jay both were the only ones in Ravenclaw. Unfortunately he insisted on inter house pairing, so your hopes of getting paired up with Jay went down the drain.
"Miss Black?" He called your name. "Ahh one of my Ravenclaw students! Very well very well." He let iut a tiny cough. "Well I believe you can get paired up with Mr Sim over here! Get your wand and books now. Good girl." Mr what now? You looked over your shoulder to see that Hufflepuff boy, smiling at you and motioning to the empty seat beside him. Your heart internally did backflips and as you went over to his desk, fumbling with your wand, you couldn't help but notice how much this boy smiled. His perfect teeth, displayed in a wide smile with crinkly eyes were all so adorable, as if he was a puppy.
"Hi! Im Jake. Sim Jake." He greeted you excitedly, extending his hand forward. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Black." The grip of his hand was soft, gentle, as if he was gripping something made out of crystals. "Shall we get started then?" He asked you, eyes widened, smile still not leaving his face. You nodded at him, as he prepared his wand to carry out the spell of levitation. With a clear of his throat, he lifted his wand upto a level above his feather, and chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa!", combined with a swish and a flick of his wand. The feather lifted off of the table in an instant fluttering above your feather, as the students in class watched on, mesmerised. Professor Flitwick clapped his hands together excitedly and strode over to your desk. "Excellent Mr Sim. Excellent! Ten points to Hufflepuff!" He turned to you, by the time Jake got his feather down and with a tap on your desk, he said, "Well your turn now Miss Black. Don't you disappoint me!" You took a deep breath and a gulp. Charms were always your worst thing when you used your cousin Andromeda's wand. You glanced over at Jake, who was still looking at, along with all the other students in class. Jake's eyes have you an encouraging look, as if to say 'You can do it!'. You took another breath, raised you wand about the white swan feather, focused your entire existence on it and with a swish and a flick, you chanted the words in your mind. The feather slowly rose above the table, and made its way all around the classroom, eerily floating like a woman in white. Every pair of eyes in the class were on the feather, well almost every pair. Jake was still looking at you, mesmerised by the way you managed to make a silent spell.
"My my." Professor Flitwick said, eyes widened, glasses slipping off of his nose bridge. "You have managed to do a silent spell young lady. We don't teach these until Year Six! Well well, it's good that you are in my House. I simply must tell Minerva this. Yes I wil..." He kept mumbling to himself after class was dismissed and as you made your way out of class, Jay ran to you at full speed, his glasses foggy and his palms all sweaty. "I swear to God if you pull out one more magic trick, I will throw myself to the Giant Squid." "We're in a school for magic Jay." You shot at him. "And I seriously don't know how I did that!" "Some children are born with the ability to perform silent spells." A familiar voice rang behind you. Jake had followed you and Jay out of the classroom, clutching his bag tightly. "I beg your pardon?" Jay asked him, tone cold. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to impude on your conversation. I just wanted to say that maybe Y/N could have been born with this ability to perform silent spells because my older sister also had this thing to perform spells without speaking." The way he talked was so pretty. His voice was melodic, like a Siren's and it enchanted you.
"Oh well maybe I am born with it then. Weird." You laughed it off with an awkward sentence, while Jay wanted to vomit right there and then. "Anyways-" Jake began again, scratching the back of his head. "Um I wanted to ask, if it's not too awkward, whether you'd like to hang out with me? Not in the creepy way! Just in like a platonic friend way." Oh god he was so adorable. You wanted to squish me and protect him from the entire world right there and then. And he wanted to be your friend? Lord, you wanted to ask the Heavens to kill you right there and then, because you were currently exploding out of happiness.
"Jay would you stop staring at Gaeul and move the fuck on with your essay on the stupid sleeping potion?" Jake, Jay, you and your Hufflepuff friends Sunoo, Yunjin and Wonyoung, were currently sitting out in the lawn and completing your homework. It was the Easter holidays and none of you had gone home, since you all were basically the 'We have horrible parents' group, barring Jake, Sunoo and Yunjin. But they still stayed because without both of them all of you would probably be dead in a ditch by now. Jay and you were trying to complete his potions work together, because teamwork makes the dreamwork, but for the past fifteen minutes, Jay had been doing nothing but stare at Gaeul from Gryffindor.
"Dude just ask her out for God's sake. She'll like you back." Jake optimistically said to Jay, who only slouched and deflated on the grass, throwing grass on Jake, which unfortunately landed on Wonyoung. "Jay I swear to God I'll kill you. You ruined my favourite jeans!" Wonyoung rubbed off the grass from her jeans. "And also Jake's right. You've basically been in love with her since first year when you got paired up with her for Charms. And for Pete's sake we're fifth years now! So be a man, get your ass up and ask her out on the next Hogsmeade trip. It does come on Valentine's day."
You were excited for the next Hogsmeade trip, since you heard that some large sugar quills were going to be on sale. You had planned to go with Jay, but looking at your friend look at a girl with the ultimate heart eyes, you decided to let him take his shot. "How do I ask her out though? Just say 'hey Gaeul I'm in love with you please marry me'?" Yunjin slapped Jay's head with her charms book and sighed, mumbling something along the lines of 'boys'.
"Dude just ask her if she would be interested in going with you to Hogsmeade and definetly leave out the marriage part." Sunoo said to the deflated boy on the grass. "You gonna ask Sunghoon out Won?" You asked Wonyoung, who smiled and nodded frantically. "I really do hope he says yes. I mean he's in Slytherin so I don't know how he'll react to a Hufflepuff girl asking him out." "Oh he likes you too." Sunoo, who was casually eating some pudding, said to Wonyoung, who looked like her entire life had made sense at this moment. "I still don't get how you got the title of this school's Gossip Queen. Like how did YOU get it?" Yunjin asked Sunoo, who went on with eating his pudding. He merelu shrugged his shoulders while you smiled, knowing how he charmed everyone to tell him shit. "Oh by the way Y/N-" Sunoo started. "we're doing werewolves in Care of Magical Creatures. Interested?"
Ever since you've told your only friends about that one night that you explored the entire school as a cat and heard a wolf howling, they're entire life had been dedicated to finding out what that noise was. You had told them all of them, barring Jake. You knew it wasn't good to hide something like this from him but you just didn't want to tell him because the voice in your head told you tlnot to. And you always listened to that voice. Your other friends had kept this secret for you, pretending that you had had an interest in werewolves since you were little. You and Jay trusted them enough to tell them who you actually were and they were understanding, especially Wonyoung, whose sister had been turned into an Animagus by force too. She had lived with Yunjin ever since her parents abandoned her for not being in Slytherin and you really wondered how such a sweet girl like her could have ever been born into such a family. Jay still lived with his own family, who surprisingly didn't disown him but they talked to him less and less now. You, on the other hand, were taken in by your maternal uncle and aunt, both of whom had been Gryffindors. They had protected you ever since you were eleven and you loved them more than your own parents.
"What were they teaching about werewolves Sun?" Sunoo gave you that fennec fox smile and crinkled his eyes. "Nothing much, just how to kill them, how to recognise them, what their characteristics are. Apparently you can kill them if you-" "May we change the topic please?" Jake's cold voice ran like ice through your veins. You knew werewolves were always a touchy subject for him. His uncle had been a werewolf, who had almost killed him when he was eight or so. Ever since you had told him about the werewolf incident, he had asked you whether you could not mention it again, the mere word 'werewolf' making his heart run faster. You obliged because you didn't want to make your best friend (read: crush) of five years uncomfortable.
"You know what?" Jay had gotten up from his sleeping position on the grass. "Im gonna ask Gaeul out right now!" "Oh for fucks sake finally." Yunjin sighed and lay her head on Sunoo's shoulder. School was good. School was better now that you had friends. But that thought of the werewolf still never left your mind, especially when you would sneak out every night as a cat, without Jay to look for the howls again. It was half moon night tonight, a point where a werewolf wouldn't be too strong neither too weak. Perfect time for a lynx cat to hunt wasn't it?
Midnight came earlier that night than anticipated and as you silently checked whether Jay's snores were real or not, you felt a bolt of electricity hit you. You were admittedly scared, since this night you were going to try something you had never done before. Being a child who could do silent spells, you were a favourite among most of the teachers who would do anything for you, which included providing you with information. Professor Flitwick had become a victim of your innocent eyes, when you asked him how to open The Room Of Requirement from where you had first heard the howls. After much trepidation, he had finally given you the answer and ever since that day you had been trying to figure out a wormhole to open the room while someone was already occupying it. And after months of your dying brain trying to stay alive, you finally found the loophole.
The walk to the room was eerie. You noticed every touch of wood on your paw and every time your whiskers moved due to the wind. You had never felt so much fear in your life before. What if you actually found the werewolf? What would you do? Just run and hope that the werewolf never finds you? Hope was all that was left in this mundane life, you thought. It was time to spice it up a bit.
You finally arrived in front of the statue of Barnabus the Barmy. You could hear the faint howls cut through the silence of the beautiful night. The wall ahead was plain, an ordinary wall which any person would just pass by not evening noticing how it helped to hold up the foundations of the castle. You prepared yourself and rid your mind of every other thought and focused on your command. Just a little bit more. Just a minute more. You didn't pay heed to the whistling of the wind telling you to not go in or the warning hooting of owls. All you needed now was to get inside that room, to solve a mystery you had been wanting to solve for five years.
Cracks slowly started to appear in the walls. The wall turned brown and a doorknob formed at its right side. It was a handsome door, dark brown and made of oak. You slowly opened your eyes, and your heart almost leapt out of your chest. The door had appeared. You had done it! You had achieved what wizards had tried to achieve for centuries. You had opened the Room of Requirement while someone was in there. The howls got closer and louder now. They sounded more like choked sobs rather than howls. They sounded like a human. Had the werewolf not turned yet? Had it reached that stage where it was half human- half wolf?
You nervously trodded inside the room, taking it it's dark interior, painted in blues and yellows, decorated with a painting of the solar system. It was so beautiful, yet so marred with the choked sobs coming from a corner. A boy? A fluffy brown haired boy sat in the corner, head in his knees, sobbing his eyes out. It was a pathetic sight, his clothes were torn and his hair all messed up. Without thinking, you walked up to him, still in your cat form, meowing and purring softly. You had found that your cat noises always calmed Yunjin and Sunoo down whenever they were about to have a panic attack, so you assumed it would do the same for this boy. The boy looked up to see who was meowing so loudly and your entire world froze.
Jake. It was Jake. Sitting in front you, red eyed, tear stained face, and lips slightly parted. His hair was messier than ever and his pale blue sweater was slipping off of his shoulder. He looked thinner that he did in the morning and his breathing was low. His skin was slightly covered with fur. He held out a shaky hand to you.
"Hey there-" he said in the weakest and softest voice ever. "How did you get in here?" He let out a chuckle as you hesitantly went up to his hand, licking it. You were right. His smile truly never left his face. "You must be one of those magical creatures they told me roam the school aren't you? Or are you just a cat? You're really pretty you know?" You meowed in response to him, slowly going up his lap and sitting there, tail moving around every now and then. You could feel Jake's breathing slow down a bit, and his body stopped shaking. He felt warm, like an autumn breeze whooshing away the fallen leaves. "Well I don't have anyone to talk to right now so I think I'll talk to you. Wanna be my friend? Im Jake. Im-Im a werewolf if you don't mind." How did he manage to stay so happy? Two seconds ago he was bawling his eyes out and shaking like crazy, but suddenly when you came up to him, his face became more illuminated than Apollo. You meowed again in response to him, being the only thing you could do. "Hmm what should I name you? Jay? Nah you don't look like a Jay. You're definetly a female. You know I have a dog named Layla. Maybe I should name you something like that. Should I name you Y/N? She's one of my closest friends and you weirdly look like her." You meowed a bit louder at this, slightly startled at the sound of your name leaving his lips. Did he perhaps know who you were? He couldn't have but suspicions could be true. "I don't think it'll be right to name you after anyone I know. I'll name you something else. Maybe it a trick of the light but you really do look like Y/N. How about.......... Blackberry? It's the colour of your skin and I really like blackberries." Blackberry. It was such an endearing name and unfortunately you were also allergic to blackberries. But you knew Jake loved them, courtesy to that one time Jay argued with him about what the best pie was. You snuggled onto his chest, allowing him to give you head scratches. His hands were so soft, so comforting and it reminded you of fourth year, when you were stressed out of your mind for your exams, and Jake calmed you down so easily. You had finished your History Of Magic exam, and upon finding out that you had written one tiny answer wrong, you ran off to your secret spot, the abode of The Grey Lady, the Ravenclaw Ghost, and cried your heart out. You didn't know how Jake found you so easily but he did and he held your hands and stroked your hair until you stopped crying. The Grey Lady had been watching from behind a pillar, smiling at how adorable both of you were. Now, as you sat on Jake's lap, you knew how he had found you. Werewolves had very strong senses of scent. They could memorise the scent of anyone who used to be with them all the time and they could find said person even if they were a thousand kilometres/miles away. He was also a Hufflepuff wasn't he? And Hufflepuffs were particularly good finders.
You felt Jake suddenly flinch and let out a cry. You leapt off of his lap and faced him, to see that he was shivering again. The fur on his arms was growing and his nose was turning black. You could hear his bones cracking inside of his body. You could feel his pain, as his face contorted to form a face of torture, pain and sadness. Tears were escaping his face fast as he continued to cry out of agony. He was transforming. According to the clock on the wall, it was two pm. In half moon nights, werewolves usually transformed after midnight. And unfortunately for Jake, he was transforming now.
"Go away BlackBerry! Run- ahh- away now! AHHH!" He let out a torturous scream and you bolted for the door, not looking back as you ran all the way, without stopping to the Ravenclaw dormitory, only pausing to take a breather at the Eagle doorknock. "What can be touched but not be seen?" The Eagle's deep voice commanded you to answer the riddle. You clutched onto your chest and knelt down, trying to breathe and get over the image of Jake transforming fully. "I-I don't know." You breathed out, your mind not working from the pace at which you ran across the entire castle. "A heart. The answer is a heart." You felt a chill go through your body, and as you turned back, to see where the voice came from, you understood why. A ghost was currently floating behind you. She was pretty, with long locks of straight black hair, flowy robes, a silver dagger at her hip, and her expression forlorn and longing. The Grey Lady, Ghost of Ravenclaw House. "Helena Ravenclaw?" You whispered to her. She smiled sadly at you, a beautiful smile, you thought. "So you know my name? Interesting creature you are. The answer is a heart by the way." She paused and smiled again, as you picked yourself off of the floor. "A heart can be touched by fear, sadness and love. And you've got to choose which one you let touch yours, little girl." Saying that, she vanished in thin air, leaving you all alone again, in the cold, dark silence, the only source of light being the half moon shining outside of the window.
"Y/N I swear to God one of these days you're going to stab me in the heart." Jay dramatically said as both of you sat near the lake, throwing bread every now and then to the Giant Squid, who accepted it gratefully. It was chilly today, and as Easter holidays finally ended, all of you got busy again. You two were hanging out alone today, courtesy to your Hufflepuff friends having classes at the moment. Jay had finally gotten the courage to ask Gaeul out and she magically said yes. Jay had been celebrating this 'Glorious moment' (his words not mine) when you thought it would be the perfect time to tell him that you had sneaked out last night. You left the part out about Jake being a werewolf, about him being the creature you had been searching for for five years of your life. You didn't want Jay to freak out and go into a state of anxiety where he did nothing but stare forward so you left it out.
"It's not that big of a deal. Plus I didn't even get to open that stupid door anyways." You lied to Jay, who was laying on the grass, with his eyes shut, courtesy to the sunlight shining on his face. "Do we have any joint periods with the Gryffindors today?" Jay asked you, as you checked your timetable. "No we don't Jay." You responded, with a fake stern tone. "If you wanna talk to Gaeul again, just write her a fucking letter or man up and sneak inside her dorm." Jay looked scandalised at your words and was about to fire back, when- "Hey guys." A honey voice rang behind you. It was Jake, Sunoo and Yunjin, accompanied by your Slytherin friend Riki who was a year younger than you guys, but he was cute enough that he hung out with you. He was also an honorary member of the 'We have horrible parents' club. "How's your auntie Riki?" You asked as you ruffled Riki's blonde hair, to which he slapped your hands away and put his head on your shoulder. "Why don't you ask how I am instead? I am dying right now because of all the Transfiguration homework I've just been given. " He grumbled as Sunoo rolled his eyes, muttering something about 'getting into fifth year first'. "Wonyoung asked Sunghoon out by the way." Riki informed you guys, to which you and Sunoo gasped. "What did he say?" Sunoo asked, excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Steal some food from the kitchens with me first and maybe then I'll tell you." Riki shot a mischievous grin at Sunoo, who pulled out his wand, threatening to hex Riki. You, Jay and Yunjin laughed out loud seeing Sunoo chase Riki around the grass, wand in hand, hex ready.
You glanced at Jake, who was silently sitting in the corner, by the tree staring straight at the lake, face emotionless. He had dark circles under his eyes and his body looked frail, just like how it looked the night before. His eyes were closing every few seconds, but snapping open again, as if he was forcing himself to stay awake. Poor thing, you thought. He went through so much last night and he didn't even get to sleep much. You felt terrible even though you had done nothing. You felt hatred towards the entire world, towards the Heavens, for dimming such a sunshine like him, in the worst way possible. It broke you, when you thought about how many days he must have endured all of this alone, still managing to put on a smile at the end of the day.
"Hey Jake?" You gently asked him, scooting towards him and putting your hand on his arm. He flinched slightly at the sudden touch, but he relaxed once more as he put on that smile again. Now that you saw it, the smile was so heartbreaking. It hid his pain, as if his mind and heart were telling him 'don't show your tears!'. His eyes were so pretty, you thought, so brown like chocolate pudding. "What's up Y/Nnie?" He asked you, tone cheerful and laced with sweet honey. "oh nothing." You shook your head. "Just wanted to see if you're alright. How was your Herbology class?" Jake sighed and ran his fingers through his fluffy hair. He looked out at the lake once more, where the Giant Squid was sleeping peacefully. "I don't know why I keep failing at the subject. I lost two points for Hufflepuff because I put the wrong thing in the wrong pod. How am I supposed to know how much fertilizer a plant who bites off your arm requires? Maybe the fertilizer is Jay's simping for Gaeul for all I know." You burst out laughing at his statement, as he chuckled softly. Both of you were terrible at Herbology, which was weird since everyone in your friend group were basically masters at digging soil and taking out antidotes from certain plants. But hey atleast both of you were top of the class in Charms.
That night, you decided to go out once more. Jay said he would stay up all night to watch you, but you knew his ass would fall dead asleep the moment his neck hit the pillow. And you were right, as you crept out of your bed, in your cat form, Jay was snoring loudly, in the most coffin like sleeping position ever.
You once again strolled across to the Room of Requirement, thinking the same thing that you had thought yesterday. You didn't hear the sobs coming today. The room was the same, decorated with the solar system but weirdly enough there was a tiny cat bed and cat toys sitting next to a brown haired boy, who was sitting against the wall on the floor. "Hey there blackberry." Jake spoke softly to you, once again holding out his hand. "I-I thought you'd like this." He motioned towards the cat bed and the toys. They were purple in colour, your favourite shade, of plums. You jumped onto the cat bed and snuggled against the soft fabric, all whilst keeping your eyes fixed on Jake. He looked so fragile, like freshly shaped coloured glass. "Why do you keep looking at me blackberry?" He asked you, smiling at your wide eyes. Idiot, you thought to yourself. How could you be such an idiot? You had to behave like a cat, not a human. You meowed gently at him, as he stroked your fur, with a soft hand.
"You know we should get to know each other." Jake chuckled. "I mean you can't talk, so is it alright if I talk to you? Maybe tell you about me a little? And you can talk too if you want! How's that sound?" You meowed loudly at him, and swished your tail around. God he was so adorable. You had reached a bit early today, so he wasn't anywhere close to turning.
"My name's Jake. Well Sim Jake to be exact. What's yours? Hmm?" He held out an ear to you, pretending to be listening as if you were human. You let out another loud meow. "Blackberry is it? Well what a fine name! Pleasure to meet you." He shook your paw, playfully as you played along. "Well I guess I should tell you why I'm here and why I'm like this." He motioned to his arm, which was slightly beginning to fur up. "Well when I was eight, I got bit by my Uncle Rudy, who's also a werewolf. It was an accident but-" he sighed heavily, as you stared at the tears welling up in his eyes. "My momma died trying to protect me from he. He died two days later when my brother killed him. But I wasn't so lucky. So I ended up transforming into a monster every night the moon is in the sky." Hearing Jake call himself a monster broke your heart so much. Eight years was too young a child to have that horrible of a fate.
"Anyways-" Jake continued, trying to keep his tone calm. "Professor Dumbledore allowed me to attend Hogwarts because apparently there's another werewolf here too. An older one." You smiled to yourself at that. Remus Lupin, your cousin Sirius' best friend. "I still haven't met the other wolf though. I-I come here every moon filled night to transform. It's called The Room Of Requirement. Rumor has it that Helga Hufflepuff herself built this room. And it only opens in times of need. So today I asked the room for this bed and the toys-" he extended a hand towards you, stroking you. "So that you could be comfortable just incase you came I didn't expect you to come again though." The way he talked to you, the way he smiled at you, the way he treated an animal who he met just last night, it was so innocent. You felt that thing in your stomach again, that hatred, that burning feeling for the world. How dare they tell you that a person like Jake be a monster? How dare they tell you that werewolves were even monsters?
"Well enough about me-" Jake scratched your head again. "Tell me about you? What's your favourite colour?" You purred lowly at him, snuggling tighter against the bed. "Oh it's plum? What an interesting choice! Mine's blue. It's the colour of Y/N's house." The colour of Y/N's house? If he knew that the cat whose head he was currently scratching was Y/N herself, he would probably never talk to you again. "Y/N's such a nice girl you know?" He began, leaning back further against the wall. "She's one of my best friends. She's in Ravenclaw and she's really good at charms, just like me. You know she can do silent spells! She's so pretty too. If I had the courage to ask her I would- AHH.
Jake suddenly clutched onto his chest, and let out a painful cry, as black fur began rapidly enveloping his arms. He let go of his chest after a few minutes of what you felt like was pure agony. His face contorted into a grotesque one, eyes crinkled, but not like the way it did when he smiled at you and mouth stuck in the same open position.
"Im sorry Blackberry." He said, once he let go of his chest and began panting after some time. "I-Im not turning yet am I?" You were so bewildered at him. How could he be smiling at you after all of that? After all that agony, how could the smile still not leave his face?
"I was rambling about Y/N wasn't I?" He chuckled slightly. "Do cats also fall in love blackberry?" He asked you, to which you remained silent, choosing to stare ahead at him. "I mean do you ever see another cat and be like 'oh I love that cat'? Does that ever happen? Well it happens to humans, and it happens a lot. I really like Y/N, not just as a friend. Like I want to be with her like Jay wants to be with Gaeul. She's so beautiful inside and out and sometimes she doesn't realise that. I really do want to be with her blackberry, but I don't know how."
That night when you ran back to your dorm, you were distracted. Distracted by the words you had heard come out of Jake's mouth. 'I really like Y/N, not just as friends'. Did he really just confess to a cat about you? Did he really just confess to you about you? It was a weird thing, love. We all know it happens and yet we are so afraid to go after it. Where had God gone wrong with humans, that they would have to reject an essential part of life? An essential thing which our souls needed so desperately? Why were we so quick to turn it away?
You didn't even notice where you were going until you looked up and realised that you had reached the dorm already. Transforming back into your human self, you can in front of the Eagle doorknock, waiting for him to give you your riddle, to get in and wrap yourself in your comfy blankets.
"You're a peculiar child you are." You felt a shiver down your spine as the atmosphere turned cold again. You turned around to see her again. Helena Ravenclaw sitting on the floor. More like floating on the floor, with her ghostly gown spread out evenly. The dark stain on her stomach seemed to shine in the moonlight coming through the windows. "Miss Ravenclaw, what are you doing here so late?" You asked her, trying to ignore the pace of your heart. She merely smiled at you and looked out the window. "The ghosts in Hogwarts can travel anywhere, little girl. I was merely bored so I came to see if you were here again." She paused. "You're an Animagus aren't you? A cat, I presume?" The question as to how on earth she knew that was ignored by your mind. You were currently sinking into her beautiful voice. It was so intoxicating, so beautiful. You could see the melodies of her voice bounce around you.
"You get easily distracted. Did you know that?" She spoke again, breaking you out of your hypnosis. "Oh I-I'm sory Miss Ravenclaw. I didn't mean to-" "Call me Helena. I despise my last name." She responded to your stuttering apologies. "You go to visit that boy don't you? The Hufflepuff werewolf?" She asked you once more, curiously spreading over her face. "Y-yes I do." You answered, sitting down on the floor next to her. It was probably two am in the morning by now, but all that mattered was your conversation with her right now. "You must be wondering-" she cut in. "How I, the ghost of Ravenclaw House can know about a Hufflepuff boy?" She smiled again, and adjusted her skirt, slowly rising from the floor. "Well mysteries should always remain mysteries shouldn't they? I'll leave that up to you to figure out." With that she sped across the corridor and disappeared, once more leaving you cold and dark.
The next few days went in a blur. It was the same routine at night. Turn into a cat at night, open the Room Of Requirement, snuggle into the cat bed as Jake talked to you, and talk to the Grey Lady further into the night. You would think your sleep schedule was fucked up by now, but you were an insomniac from the beginning of time so it alright.
One thing that had changed was that now, you didn't run away when Jake started to turn. You stayed with him, hiding in the corners when he was turning, and once he turned into his wolf form, with black fur and yellow eyes, you would go up to him and pure softly to which he would respond by touching noses with you. He talked about a lot of things to you, his blackberry. He talked about the solar system, and how, one day he would like to invent something that would help him reach Saturn. 'To get a pretty ring for Y/N because she deserves the universe', he would explain, making your heart flutter and burst into a million pieces. He talked about badgers, lions, eagles and snakes and how he thought the Sorting System was a cruel way of separating mere children. He talked about the pretty autumn wind, the crowd which would nest outside his bedroom window, how his brother once turned him into an actual puppy. But most of all, he would talk about you. It melted your heart so much hearing, 'Y/N's favourite pie is pecan' and 'Y/N doesn't like when her bread is not toasted and she hates too much sugar in cakes but she adores those tiny flowers that they make with icing.'
The fact that he actually remembered all that shit about you, all of those things that you brought up which were highly insignificant, it was wonderful. And the Grey Lady noticed. She noticed how you eventually became more talkative. How you would talk to her about riddles and how the houses were misunderstood and how werewolves were such innocent creatures. You rambled to her most about Jake. About how he liked blackberries so much, about how he loved knitting yarn and how he would knit a sweater for his dog Layla every Christmas he was away from her. The Grey Lady laughed internally, at how stupid the youth was. To not realise that love was around the corner.
"I am actually dying right now Y/N I beg you kill me." Jay flopped down on the grass again as all of you sat down for your weekly shit talk session. Moon nights were over now, and you were a bit saddened, that you couldn't spend more time with Jake, although you mentally scolded yourself afterwards, for not realising that now, Jake would finally be out of his pain. You still talked to the Grey Lady, who came to the Eagle doorknock everyday and sat down, each time bringing you a new story of what she did along with Peeves the Poltergeist. She seemed happier now too for some reason unknown.
"Jay it was one date. It's fine. Gaeul still likes you." Wonyoung insisted bracingly to Jay, who was near the verge of tears. "Jay man it's fin-" "NO ITS NOT!" Jay loudly interrupted Jake, who jumped back a bit. "I spilt my butterbeer on her." Jay wept. "What kind of an idiot does that? I'm hopeless." You fought back the urge to laugh as you patted Jay's arm.
"Oh my god stop being so dramatic." Sunoo sighed, as he braided Wonyoung's hair. "She's planning to ask you out again, you idiot." Jay sat up straight at this, whipping his head to Sunoo so fast, you were surprised he didn't get whiplash.
Jake and you chuckled slightly as Jay rounded on Sunoo, interrogating him. "Did you sleep well last night Jake? The dark circles are gone." Yunjin asked Jake, who nodded fervently, setting his Herbology book down. "I think the herbal tea Y/N gave me last week is really helping." He explained, running his hands through his hair, as he usually did. "Thanks for that by the way Y/N. How did you know I've been wanting it for a long time?" Truth be told, he had told you, or technically blackberry about the tea leaves which he had been wanting to buy for a long time. You remembered that your aunt used to grow those leaves, so the next day you immediately wrote to her asking her for some tea bags, saying that it was for a friend.
"A magician never reveals her secret." You jived, making Jake and Yunjin laugh while Wonyoung and Sunoo rolled their eyes (Jay's still crying let him be in his delusions he's Ken). "What about you?" Jake quizzed you. "You've been sleeping well too? Even your dark circles are gone." The bags under your eyes had indeed disappeared after you stopped your daily cat nights. "Yeah. The moon's gone away so I guess I don't need to-" you stopped mid sentence, realising that your dumb brain was just about to give away your secret to the person you secretly visited every night. "You don't need to what?" Wonyoung asked, raising her left brow slightly, as all the attention shifted to you. "Oh um" you stuttered, before spotting someone who could take away the attention from you. "Jay, look! Gaeul's coming this way." You pointed her out to Jay, who immediately began to fix his hair and wipe away the tears on his face. All the attention successfully turned to Jay, who was approached by Gaeul, who asked him for another date on the next Hogsmeade trip. After she left, leaving Jay to be a squashed tomato laying on the grass, everyone took turns to tease him about it. All except for Jake, who you did not even notice was staring at you, not only with bewilderment but also with adored eyes
"Y/N can I talk to you later?" Jake had stopped you in the corridor, while you were walking back from Quidditch practice with Jay. You were a chaser on the team, and Jay usually came with you as moral support even though today he just came for Gaeul. "Yeah sure Jake. When is later specifically?" You joked, to which Jake responded with his signature smile. "Maybe after you change into your something more clean?" He pointed out your mud covered Quidditch robes. "I'll wait for you outside the dorm don't worry."
On the way to your dorm, Jay hadn't stopped giggling like an idiot over your interaction with Jake. He kept making our theories as to why he wanted to talk to you, like a fourteen year old girl which made you laugh a little, seeing your usually serious friend jest around.
"No don't wear that old piece of shit! You wanna look like a sad pathetic octopus who no one would want to date?" Jay was currently raiding your clothes, looking for something which gives, in his words, 'casual date aesthetic'. "I love octopuses for your information." You grumbled. "How much longer Jay?" Jay clicked his tongue like a mom, and pulled out a blue and yellow sweater. The one which Jake had knitted you for Christmas in your third year. It was a special sweater and you often wore it, courtesy to the yarn being cosy and warm.
Fifteen minutes later after you wore the sweater and the trousers which Jay had carefully picked out for you, you went out the common room's door, carrying the good luck given to you by Jay, Joshua and Sana. Jake, as he promised was standing there, hair cleaner than usual and in a dark blue sweater. "Where are we going Jake?" You inquired, curious about why he suddenly asked you. "You'll see." he said with a smirk on his face. You quietly tiptoed and climbed upto the fifth floor. A familiar route to you. It was close to the one you always took to reach him on his moon drunk nights. Actually, it was the exact one you took to reach him. Why was he taking you to The Room Of Requirement? Did he perhaps find out who his beloved blackberry actually was?
"Alright now." Jake stopped in front of the wall, where you knew was the magical room. It was probably nine thirty by now, and all the students would be in bed. "I need you to do something Y/N. Just shut off your brain and don't think if anything. Can you do that for me?" You nodded to his gentle question. You knew what he was doing. Whenever there are two people who required the Room of Requirement, only one of them would be able to open it by thinking about what they needed. You thus obliged to his request and shut your mind off, bringing yourself to think of a white screen with nothing on it.
The wall suddenly contorted to form the same door that it usually formed. The same oak doors, with carvings on them. Jake opened the door without saying a word to you. Your brain was getting fuzzy now. Did he actually find out? And if he did, would he still be your friend? A part of your soul? Your Aman Cara?
"I thought you'd like it." You stepped inside of the room, to find a it roofless, revealing all the pretty stars that shined for love and for rejoicement. The room was no longer blue and yellow like it usually was. It was purple now, and there were pillows everyway, along with some roses, arranged all pretty in a bouquet. "D-do you like it? I know it's weird to ask you out like this in such a creepy way but I can't do it in any other way." Jake nervously said, not noticing your awe struck eyes as you gazed at the stars above. "It-its beautiful." You breathed out, causing Jake to sigh with relief. "Y/N-" he suddenly called out to you. "I-Ive been wanting to tell you for a long time. But I really like you and I want to be more than friends with you. And I understand if you don't feel the same way but I reall-"
The rest of his words got drowned out by you pouncing on him and connecting your lips to his. His lips tasted sweet and smooth, like the leftover cake batter which you would lick and like an old book which you would get out of a bookstore after searching for it for a long time. The kiss tasted like cotton candy, melting in your mouth as soon as it touched your tongue. The dance that your lips performed against each other was amazing, like a female ballerina trusting her male partner to lift her up In the air to create a music drunk dance, which would enchant the audience.
Jake pulled away from the kiss first, a dopey smile on his face, his eyes not leaving yours. "I've been wanting to do that for some time." He finally said, after a few minutes of just smiling at you. "Me too." You confessed, hugging his closer and caressing his hair. "So what do we do now blackberry?"
Your world suddenly stopped hearing the last word coming out of his mouth. He knew? How do he know? "Did the cat really look that much like me?" Jake smiled again and kissed your forehead gently. "I've always told everyone that I never liked tea." He chuckled softly. "So if you really were my friend you'd remember that won't you? But if you were a certain cat, you would know my favourite tea leaves." You mentally slapped yourself for being so stupid and giving away your secret so easily. "Also the Grey Lady told me." "Sim Jake I will hex you, you asshole!" He chuckled slightly as you quizzed him about how he knew the Grey Lady. "She used to talk to me when I used to be alone. Apparently ghosts can enter this amazing room and she would often talk to me about her life. But when she saw a cute little cat coming here every night, she figured out who you were. And let's just say ghosts aren't really good at keeping secrets." Both of you giggled as you stood in the room, gently swaying and holding each other, never to let go ever again. No matter how sad the days would be, how blue they would be, you knew that from now on, your nights would be filled with bright yellow sunshine, and perhaps a bit of moonlight too.
"FINALLY THEY'VE GOTTEN TOGETHER IM DYING HAPPY NOW." Jay screamed at the top of his lungs, as Gaeul sat beside him, covering her ears. There you were again, sitting in your normal place near the lake, feeding the Giant Squid, when you thought this would be the perfect time to tell your friends that Jake was now your boyfriend. Their response was good, well maybe barring Jay crying his eyes out and hugging you, telling you that he was proud, while you looked at Gaeul, wondering how she ever managed to put up with him. You did tell them that Jake was a werewolf, to which they responded quite well, saying that they simply did not care. (Jake shed some tears at that)
Jake and you cherished the moonlit nights now that Jake didn't have to spend them alone. It was peculiar to the beings within the magical paintings in the castle, as to how two creatures, so different in their worlds could ever kiss under the moonlight every day and drink the stars up, intoxicating themselves on each other.
And the Grey Lady smiled again knowing that she had a story to tell every child who would stay up late at the Ravenclaw dorm, lost in their thoughts. The story of the cat and the werewolf, who fell in love, under a drunken moon.
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daegutowns · 6 months
your enhypen hogwarts boyfriend 
tags: hogwarts au, gn!reader, this is the grind rn
gryffindor: heeseung, niki 
heeseung: quidditch team chaser 
secretly (not so secretly) an attention seeker
please expect to hype him up and fawn over him on quidditch match days -- especially on matches with slytherin (he always has a bet with jay) 
“babe i need you to boo jay if he ever comes near you.” 
and he is so serious about this 
mcgonagall claims she doesn’t like him but he’s just lucky that he’s actually really good at quidditch (bc his transfiguration grades are not sexy) 
excels in defense against the dark arts AND potions but snape hates him 
he swears up and down he didn’t do anything this time to get detention but you know better. and he’s always begging the captain to not kick him off
“please, you know snape wants my left buttcheek!” 
talks shit before the match (especially to jay) and then feigns innocence if he’s asked about it 
this is the result of years of watching quidditch matches with his dad (their favorite team is the montrose magpies -- and he WILL badmouth puddlemere united if that team is mentioned) 
likes to sleep next to you in the library after practice while you study 
riki: quidditch team beater  
rebellious, passionate, and playful -- riki is a gryffindor through and through
always getting caught up in pranks. denies ever being inside zonko’s even though that’s the first place he goes in hogsmeade 
like okay ????
claims mrs. norris (filch’s cat) is best friends with him, but he has no real way of proving this 
shy about pda because of his friends, so he likes meeting up with you in secret and passing you notes in class 
…until he gets caught and has to read them out loud
then he decides that fuck it! it’s better to just air it out anyways. not his problem what they find disgusting! 
straight up livin’ that thug life y’all #getrekt
lowkey getting brainwashed by heeseung (go magpies!) 
makes up all his dreams for his divination dream journal but always makes it about you so he can pretend to be offended if someone says it’s fake
hufflepuff: sunghoon, jungwon 
sunghoon: prefect (head boy) 
this hard-working and kind-hearted boy is a true hufflepuff through and through
everyone thought by his looks that he’d either be in slytherin or ravenclaw, but it’s more obvious when he opens his mouth 
he’s kind of like cedric diggory -- super well-liked, popular, good-looking, and smart
he’s got all the hufflepuff girls and gays giggling around him n shit 
“first years follow me to the common room” and the new hufflepuffs are tripping over their feet trying to ask him questions 
it’s okay because he only has eyes for you <3 
haha jk sometimes he’ll tease you and say “are you jealous? you look jealous~” and then backtrack and say nevermind that he’s sorry and he doesn’t actually know what other people look like. in fact he only knows one name and it’s yours. 
he doesn’t really need to be doing all that but it’s fun messing with him 
goes around humbly (not so humbly) bragging about you until he gets smacked by snape for messing around during (but that doesn’t stop him) 
he likes taking you to cheesy date spots, like madam puddifoot’s tea shop or the covered walkway near spintwitches sporting needs where everyone else had their first kisses 
jungwon: quidditch team seeker   
well-rounded, responsible, and dependable -- these are all traits of a hufflepuff that describe jungwon perfectly 
to be honest, he’s really just here for the vibes
his favorite pastime is collecting chocolate frog cards 
(he is specifically looking for the gold and silver albus dumbledore cards that have been out of circulation for years)
he’s a very talented seeker, but everyone else’s praise doesnt mean anything. he needs YOUR praise specifically and will pretend to not like it just so he can hear it more (but you know better!) 
please help him study… he is definitely getting that quidditch scouting from a professional team but jungwon said he might get a T (troll) in history of magic 
he has a black cat named dooly that terrorizes him before he sleeps
you like dragging him to the kitchens to eat chocolate snacks with him before bed, but he gets nervous sneaking out sometimes
likes sitting underneath the big willow tree near the black lake with his head in your lap. please run your hands through his hair! 
ravenclaw: jake 
jake: quidditch team beater  
everyone really would’ve expected that he would’ve been in either gryffindor or hufflepuff just based on personality alone 
the sorting gave him a choice, and he just went with the house that had more of his friends that he made on the train 
he loves it when you show up to practice because now it’s even more awesome! now even more of his favorite people are in the same place
“babe look at this!” while he does a flip ??? 
if he falls off, now both you AND the rest of his team can laugh at him 
loves it even more if you show up to his games fully decked out (beyond his imagination) in his house colors, even if that’s not your house
he never expects this from you but he’s soooo happy when it happens that it motivates you to keep doing it 
self-declared next quidditch captain (and flitwick will give it to him) 
he’ll even tutor you in transfigurations (his best subject) for kisses, because despite being an athlete, he’s also got good grades???? sometimes god has favorites 
“if you think i’m a cool boyfriend, give me a kiss” 
his favorite type of date is sneaking out to the kitchens with you and sharing a pudding cake
slytherin: jay, sunoo
jay: quidditch team keeper  
unsurprisingly, jay comes from a long line of other slytherins
he’s pretty laidback compared to the rest of his family, but always insists that you go with him to family functions (because “baby they’re too boring without you!”) 
you two always end up at the snacks table gossiping with his cool cousins anyways 
flexes by buying you all your snacks on the train + of course covers all the dates 
pretty popular within slytherin house, but only because he’s good at quidditch and also has pretty good grades (in everything except herbology) 
hates the keeper pickup lines and jokes but likes 
lined up to be the next captain! 
claims he wants to work for the ministry of magic’s department of mysteries
“i got an image to keep”
whatever you say babygirl ^^
expects to be holding hands whenever you’re walking the halls with him
requires a good luck kiss before every quidditch match
sunoo: prefect 
a lot of people expected sunoo to get into hufflepuff! he defies expectations 
seriously, he made a name for himself within the house
with as ambitious as he is, it’s not that surprising to see that someone has confident and charming as him is in slytherin 
he’s someone with friends in every house, probably in every year too
he’s got an “in” with every club on hogwarts campus, so take your pick bae. the world’s your oyster! 
he flexes like jay, but instead of galleons, he takes you to restricted areas of campus using his prefect badge 
would actually help you break the rules if you wanted to
“you want to break in where?! okay, wait, let me get--” 
likes it when you compliment his thoughtfulness or talent in these areas 
his best subject is charms ;) 
his favorite pastime is watching quidditch practices with you, but all you do is yap together
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aclowntiny · 1 year
🔮Enhypen as Hogwarts Students🪄
Hope you enjoy! Just like the others, these will be the bases for the Hogwarts AUs I’m sure to write >:3
(I love these boys look at them 🥺)
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☆ "You're a humble one, aren't you?" "Er, yes sir?" Jungwon smiles sheepishly at the possible compliment, answering the Sorting Hat with respect. "Hardworking, too," the talking garment continues, "and you don't seem to care about obstacles as long as you get the job done. You're a Hufflepuff!" Jungwon thanks the hat as he leaps off the stool, feeling a sense of joy and accomplishment that the hat saw those qualities in him.
☆ He’s a Muggleborn, or so he thinks until he’s taken in by his Squib grandmother, who reveals his parents were just hesitant about talking about magic to him. He grows up mostly in the non-magical world, but his grandma does teach him how to cultivate some of the magical plants she’s sneaked into her garden 👀
☆ Because of his time spent with his grandma, he goes to Hogwarts loving Herbology immediately, becoming a quick favorite of Professor Sprout 😌 It's not his best subject, but he also enjoys Potions because even if it's hard, it has the funniest mistakes!
☆ There isn't a subject he really hates, but History of Magic is notoriously the most exhausting subject for a lot of students, so it's not exactly Jungwon's favorite.
☆ Jungwon is an avid Frog Choir member, but he also tries out for Quidditch and becomes a Chaser! He's a swift boy, known for darting out of the way of Bludgers and other players just in time 😌
☆ He’s overjoyed as he imagines a time when he was happiest and how happy he’ll feel if he summons a guardian in the form of a corporeal Patronus charm. As Jungwon casts the spell, he can see it taking shape, his heart filling as the image of a tuxedo cat bursts forth and into his arms.
☆ "Oh, a clever one!" The Sorting Hat comments as it touches Heeseung's head. "You've got a unique mind. A thinker, this one. Likes to discuss things. Good with a puzzle too. Must be Ravenclaw!" Isn't Ravenclaw the smart house? Well, that's something for Heeseung to live up to! He's excited to do his house proud.
☆ Heeseung is a Half-Blood, coming from a magical family but just not entirely upholding all the full blooded wizard stuff over the years. He literally could not care less about all that stuff, though, like hey, we all have the same powers 🤷🏻‍♀️
☆ One of the weirdos who actually likes Arithmancy lol Heeseung is just good at it and solving sequences is so satisfying! He also enjoys Defense Against the Dark Arts because it's the perfect combo of active and intellectual, one of few classes where students can actually be allowed to run around a bit, but it still keeps the wits sharp.
☆ Divination isn't bad, but it lowkey feels like a waste of time to him 💀 rather than hate it, though, he uses it as goof-off time hehe
☆ Quidditch all-star right here! Eventually becomes captain, in fact, and leads Ravenclaw to victory many a time. He's a Chaser, in charge of scoring and swift flying, and he tends to be in the central position.
☆ He doesn’t have a certain animal in mind, really. Heeseung tells himself he’d be happy with anything…but what if it’s a tiny mouse? Or something silly like a monkey? Shaking his head, he snaps out of it before reciting the spell, focusing his greatest joy into the shape that emerged. As the beautiful Clydesdale horse stands before him, all the nerves fade away into elation.
☆ “Cunning? Check. Ambition? Check. Goals? Check. You care what others think, don’t you?” Jay just sheepishly, almost imperceptibly, nods. “I try not to, but-” “This one’s a Slytherin!” Jay nods, too, not entirely surprised to be sorted into his father’s house. He admires its traits, though, feeling like being a Slytherin can shape a cool go-getter.
☆ The Parks are an old wizarding family for sure. Jay doesn’t want that privilege to carry him through everything, trying to keep that down in favor of his own hard work. It’s nice being well off in life, but he wants to be known as a strong person, not just another strong name being thrown around. If he’s offered the easy way, he’ll never take it.
☆ Potions star! Jay’s the only one of his friends who’s really good at that class at all tbh 😅 so he’s the de facto tutor. He also really enjoys Defense Against the Dark Arts, a class where he can have duels, be a dashing hero, & really show what he’s made of! Facing down fears is right up his alley.
☆ Ever since his watch got taken to use as a demonstration and he wasn't sure what it was getting turned into, Transfiguration sort of became Jay's least favorite class, at least in jest.
☆ Ends up taking one of Slytherin's Beater positions, daring to face Bludgers and fly up close and personal with all of Quidditch's threats! It gives him a rush, even if he's had a lot of near-misses the others still talk about. It’s a tight scheduling fit what with him joining Ghoul Studies, but worth every moment of it!
☆ Elbows and jokes abound as Jay gears up to try his hand at a Patronus, jests on all sorts of ridiculous animals getting tossed out. Ignoring the mirth, Jay goes zen, honing in on a memory as he shouts “Expecto Patronum!” A massive wingspan emerges as the eagle soars from his wand, earning looks of awe from Jay’s classmates and pride from the caster himself. He can’t help but reach for his Patronus in wonder, amazed himself that he created such an awesome creature.
☆ “Can be a bit headstrong,” the Sorting Hat mutters. “Really?” “Don’t act so surprised,” it chuckles, “you’re smart, kid. Got a daring side, though. Use that. That and your curiosity.” So what does this all mean? Jake thinks. “Alright,” the hat responds to his thought, “that clinches it! Ravenclaw!” Surprise fills Jake’s face as he was trying to predict what the hat would say.
☆ The Sims are Pure-Bloods, but Jake literally doesn’t find that out until he’s at Hogwarts because his parents don’t want any kids of theirs to feel like they’re any different just because their whole family tree has magic.
☆ Jake quite enjoys Astronomy, taking in the beauty of nature and recording it, but what he really enjoys is Care of Magical Creatures because he’s a pet owner and even the odd creatures (or, well, most of them) have him soft 🥺
☆ Jake prefers more natural and straightforward subjects, and Divination doesn't really seem real to him. Even a lot of witches and wizards don't believe in it, and it puzzles Jake a bit that there's no clear answers or basis to anything. He's more along the maths and sciences side, so to speak.
☆ Loves Quidditch! Tries out and joins Gryffindor’s team as a Chaser, which he adores because he gets to be part of a little mini team and support the others with his actions. Plus scoring is such a rush!
☆ Jake can’t help but think of his family, think of Layla, as he is asked to embody happiness in his life. Those thoughts guide him as he holds his wand up in anticipation, grinning at the light sliding from his wand. A golden retriever runs out to greet Jake, and he can’t help but grin. Maybe he thought of Layla more than he realized!
☆ “Hm, bravery isn’t your strongest suit…” “Hey!” “You are focused on your goals. You know what you want in life.” “Yes.” “And you want some recognition for it?” “Y-yes, sometimes it is nice to have a-” “That settles it! Slytherin!” Sunghoon’s still a little salty that the hat kinda roasted him, but intrigued by his house enough to let it go and just join the others.
☆ Like Jake, comes from a big fat “blood traitor” Pure-Blood family we love to see it 😌 thinks it’s all so stupid he plays a love for Muggles and their culture up just out of spite honestly.
☆ Takes Muggle Studies for the bit and actually enjoys remembering the names of all those appliances and things, even if it's difficult to remember so many new words. A lot of the Slytherins are shook because the Sunghoon is writing a paper on telephones??? Dork Sunghoon excels at Charms, quick but precise and elegant casting that requires specific motions. He sees the intricacies in charms more than the average student, and his casting always looks fluid and flawless.
☆ Flying is not his friend- being that high up and feeling out of control scares him. Sunghoon will take the ground, thanks!
☆ Quite obviously, he does not try out for Quidditch, just attending all the games he can and focusing on other extracurriculars like music!
☆ He has plenty of happy memories to go off of, but Sunghoon isn’t sure if he’ll really be able to pull of a corporeal Patronus. He wants to more than anything, though, so he puts his whole heart into it, calling out the spell… only to summon forth a beautiful swan that captures his attention immediately as it gracefully skates in the air around him.
☆ “Could be Gryffindor…” The Sorting Hat ponders. Not Hufflepuff? Sunoo thinks, considering how he wants to be in the nice house. “I can hear you, you know. You are quite innocent. Very loyal, too. Very well- Hufflepuff!” Grinning, Sunoo skips to his table.
☆ He has Squib parents, so he grew up an odd mix of living like a Muggleborn and yet having total awareness of the wizarding world from other family members. Both his sister and he inherited powers, so he also hears about Hogwarts a few years before he goes.
☆ Enjoys Divination because it’s a fun and creative class. They get to drink tea! They get to talk about dreams they have! They get to make stuff up sometimes, frankly. It feels more fanciful and less pressuring than other classes. He also likes Care of Magical Creatures because not only does he love living things, but the presentations are enjoyable too!
☆ He loves looking at the sky, but Astronomy is a bit of a tough one because Sunoo is more of a creative mind than scientific. Calculating the positions of the stars is hard, why can't he just take pictures and appreciate the constellations?
☆ Thinks Quidditch looks really fun, so he tries out and that’s where they discover that Kim Sunoo is basically the perfect Seeker. Boy is a pro at finding stuff so he sees that snitch well before anyone else does. Straight up wins Hufflepuff games by points alone.
☆ Happiness is easy for Sunoo to find; it’s a short mental distance to reach as he has a positive attitude and more importantly lots of loved ones. His friends, his sister, truly his happy place is with his people. Thoughts of his people spur on the little light emerging from his wand, fading in favor of cheering and laughter at the adorable glowing quokka that rolls out.
☆ “You’d do well in Slytherin,” the Sorting Hat muses upon Nishimura Riki’s head, “if you want something, you go get it. Brave, though, and quite a tease. You enjoy life. I’d say… this one had better go to Gryffindor!” Riki feels like the Hat gave him lowkey whiplash, but he feels proud to be joining the house of lionhearts! It suits his adventure-seeking side for sure.
☆ He’s a Half-Blood, both of his parents having magic, but his mom is a Muggleborn so he gets the best of both worlds! Adores spending time with his Muggle grandparents and sometimes envies their simpler life even though he wants to become an amazing wizard.
☆ Takes Ancient Runes so he can write secret codes with his friends, but actually gets really invested in solving and deciphering all the questions and scripts he's given. Flying is another favorite of his, just the feeling of freedom and the wind in his hair is the most magical thing of all for Riki!
☆ Don't sit with Riki in Potions though unless you want things to splash and explode on you 💀 he's a bit of a wreck trying to brew potions and it's not even from intentional mischief like a lot of other things are!
☆ Bro best flyer??? Of course he’s going for a position on Slytherin’s team! And he gets it, landing Seeker because his choreography skills lend well to flying in complicated patterns just like his lil gold friend 😌
☆ Riki is beyond determined to cast a Patronus, to have the strength of mind and magic combined to produce his guardian. Digging his heels in, he brings forth a memory, smiling and laughing into the spell despite his moments-prior seriousness. As he calls out “Expecto Patronum!”, a fox leaps around, every bit as cunning, mischievous, and charming as its caster.
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naavispider · 1 year
Hii, do you have any thoughts, ideas for Avatar Harry Potter au?
Oooo okay so first off, obviously condemning the author's views on transgender people, and since her opinions have come out, the franchise has changed a lot in my eyes and it doesn't mean the same thing to me that it used to. That being said, here we go:
Neteyam is a prefect, and gunning for Head Boy, obviously. A bit like Percy, but less overbearing and far more likeable. He is also captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
Lo'ak, Spider and Kiri form the Golden Trio. I feel like they'd all be different houses but they're so close it doesn't matter - they're always in each others common rooms or sneaking off to the room of requirement together to hang out. (recap I think Spider = Hufflepuff, Lo'ak = Slytherin and Kiri = Ravenclaw). They've already known each other for a long time, because Spider and Kiri's parents were killed during the first wizarding war, so the Sullys kind of took them both under their wing.
Jake and Neytiri both work high up in the ministry of magic, earning enough money to keep them all stable, and having a bit of power in certain decision making processes. Maybe Neytiri is part of the Wizengamot and Jake works in the department of magical law enforcement.
Spider, Lo'ak and Kiri are always getting into trouble at Hogwarts. They're so bad for each other in the best way. One time they snuck onto the roof of the Hogwarts Express (like in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child), and were very nearly expelled.
After that, they get up to all sorts of mischief; sneaking around at night to go smoke some gillyweed, hanging out with Hagrid, stealing away to the kitchens late in the evening to befriend the elves and enjoy late night snacks.
Kiri is obviously the most talented of them at magic, and her blood status is unknown due to the absence of a biological father. Even before Grace was killed by the death eaters, nobody knew who Kiri's dad was (imagine the plot twist if it ended up being a death eater or somebody evil that they have to face off against).
Tuk is essentially Ginny, only a few years below them rather than the year below. She is in Gryffindor like Neteyam.
Lo'ak and Spider both tried out for their respective Quidditch teams, but realised they didn't want the drama of being rivals, so decided to drop it. They both love playing, but not enough to get aggy against their brother over.
Norm is defence against the dark arts teacher, and all the kids love him. Grace used to have this job before she was killed.
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mymxnfgh · 2 years
some of my lookism favs x reader x hogwarts AU HCs
Alright so once again these are only my HCs and they may or may not be how you see a character and that’s totally fine ~
it’s my first time writing character x reader stuff so i hope it’s alright~
Johan Seong
So i’m actually not sure where to put him
either gryffindor or slytherin no in between though I imagine him to be more of a slytherin
Genius, aces all his tests
Favorite classes: Defense against the dark arts, Care of magical creatures (later)
stays at hogwarts almost every holiday
doesn’t have a lot of friends
captain of quidditch team
rarely talks to others but always tries to find opportunities to talk to you
was actually the one to ask you out to the yule ball first
gives you his scarf when you’re cold even though it’s obvious that he’s cold too
his patronus is a dog (oh yeah i know really creative)
you’re wary of him at first since he is a slytherin but you get along well with him later
he’s always had his eyes on you 👀
Jake Kim
jokes a lot
he doesn’t have any favorite classes
does quidditch occasionally
he’s a pure blood but doesn’t really care
always play around but stops when he notices that you’re around
clingy… really clingy
always stands up for himself and his friends
has many friends but disliked by the professors
always buys you snacks (a very caring and sweet bf indeed)
patronus would be a lion 🦁
Gun Park
Slytherin..no actually straight up hell
Pure blood doesn’t care but brings it up occasionally to mock other people
favorite classes? this man is interested in dark arts and all that stuff
loves to tease you but takes it too far sometimes
hated by both students and professors
actually he’s even feared by students
creepy af sometimes
annoyingly possessive
refuses to leave your dorm room even though he should
patronus is a snake 🐍 or something
Goo Kim
Actually really nice to everyone so they wonder why he’s in slytherin
Always goofs around
Guns only friend
He has a lot of friends though
Takes your side when Gun teases/mocks you but then proceeds to make fun of you himself
Gives you little kisses
Doesn’t have any favorite classes since he fools around in every single class
teachers hate him the students love him
His patronus would be something like a monkey 🙊 or something
Daniel Park
He likes all subjects
He’s muggle born but not ashamed of it
very popular
teachers love him and students adore him as well
pure boy must be protected at all costs
eyes light up whenever he sees you
wishes to visit you in the muggle world as well
you’re his world
holds your hands all the time
forehead kisses!!!!!
his patronus would be something like maybe a chipmunk 🐿 (???)
Alright so that’s it maybe i’ll think of a few more later but really it’s been so long since i last read harry potter (i used to be such a big fan) so
I may have gotten some things wrong please forgive me if i did haha
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wonjns · 2 years
ughhhh utterly in love im so pissed they’re so pretty,, me and jake same house </3
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even tho they claim this is their houses i am fully on the sunghoon slytherin agenda idc idc
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softanddreamyhours · 5 months
🌷 enhypen fic recommendations 🌷
okay i didn't add word counts !! sorry !! i only realized rn and i'm way to lazy to go and add them oops, some are long and some are short (it can be a nice surprise when you open the links)
lee heeseung strawberries and cigarettes - @chaconnenha heeseung x fem!reader, fluff, kinda suggestive (they kiss), badboy!heeseung ?? (he smokes) goodgirl!reader ?? (she doesn't smoke) this one gave me butterflies haha, super cute
nevertheless - @palajae idol!heeseung x gn!reader, fluff, crack maybe? (i thought it was funny) idk man this made me laugh out loud and it was also super cute
i don't want to be your roommate, i want to kiss your neck - @taeghi heeseung x fem!reader, fluff, angst (only a little), smut, best friends brother. yup i love lee heeseung and this made me go slightly feral
park jongseong no limits - @yeonzzzn jay x fem!reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, smut. i loved this so much, like it felt real yk i can picture dear jay owning a restaurant.
teddy bear - @okwonyo jay x fem!reader, fluff, established relationship. this one made me feel so warm i just want someone to call me princess and take care of me
sim jaeyun act now, think later - @sankyeom jake x fem!reader, fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, down bad jake. guys this was so cute i was giggling and shit
erotic empathy - @simpjaes jake x fem!reader, fluff (maybe lol), smut, strangers to ?? jakes a virgin and reader makes him one no longer, idk i love loser boys
park sunghoon unsteady - @yeonzzzn sunghoon x fem!reader, exes to ?? angst, fluff, cheating? (not sunghoon tho) this was a bit sad but ended happy :)
ceo sunghoon - @hottestvirgin ceo!sunghoon x fem!collegestudent reader, fluff, smut, age gap. loved this so much, i would do literally anything for this man
kim sunoo mint choco hater - @sanrikis sunoo x fem!reader, strangers (?) to lovers (?), fluff. i actually love mint chocolate as a flavor so i cannot relate to this, but it was still so cute
misfit - @palajae sunoo x gn!reader, hogwarts au, hufflepuff!sunoo, slytherin!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers. i love harry potter and i love enhypen so yeah i loved this
yang jangwon kiss and no makeup - @soov jangwon x fem!reader, fluff, established relationship. jungwon is so cute and this is so cute and fluffy
kiss cam - @jaeyunverse jangwon x fem!reader, fluff, soooo much fluff, enemies(?) to lovers. um this was so cute and yes i know i say that for every fic but this was so cute :(
nishimura riki best friends can kiss, right? - @riki-dazed niki x reader, fluff, friends to lovers, there are 2 parts to this and in the second part they kiss a lot, so maybe suggestive? this was super cute, i'm such a sucker for friends to lovers tho
heart defender - @seosracha niki x fem!reader, fluff, enemies to lovers, fake dating, nikis kinda mean. i live laugh love high school aus so this was lovely
multiple members the perilla leaf debate - @jjunberry hyung line x reader, fluff, established relationships. this one made me happy bc i can be a little jealous sometimes oops
against the wall - @goldenhypen ot7 x reader, established relationships, fluff ? suggestive ?? just making out with enhypen basically
when their s/o calls them bro - @heeliopheelia ot7 x reader, fluff, suggestive for some?, established relationships. i never call anyone bro but this was still funny and cute
hugs in specific scenarios - @thejakeslayla ot7 x gn!reader, fluff, angst for some, established relationships physical touch is so my love language so this was great bc i love hugs
hot things they do - @atrirose ot7 x fem!reader, fluff, established relationships. these also had me giggling and kicking my feet
more than just friends - @atrirose ot7 x fem!reader, fluff, friends that are more than friends, established relationships?? friends to lovers is always a win in my eyes
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leaderwonim · 6 months
pairing. slytherin!jake x hufflepuff!fem!reader
summary. although sim jaeyun constantly surrounds himself with douchebags and looks like he could stomp all over a girl’s heart; you knew the real him that was deep inside. but did you really?
genre. hogwarts!au, ANGST, bits of fluff, right person wrong circumstances, forbidden/secret love
warnings. jake can be a bit of an asshole, the insult “mudblood” is used, slytherin gets shitted on as a house (dw, i’m a slytherin 😭)
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Sim Jaeyun, or everybody knew him as Jake, the sixth year Slytherin, seeker of his house’s Quidditch team, and nevertheless, charming to every girl that has stepped foot in his proximity.
Half of your friends would disagree—that he was not charming but rather just another slithering snake in the worst possible house at Hogwarts.
Jake’s friend group consisted of three people: Draco Malfoy, Blaise, and Pansy Parkinson. They just so happen to be an insufferable lot, maybe except Blaise who minded his own business half of the time.
“Today you will be working in pairs.” Professor McGonagall states, fixing her glasses as she holds a stroll of paper. “I’ve already decided them, absolutely no changes.”
There’s groans that fill the room, one of whom you recognize as no other than Jake.
“Seriously? I wanted to pair up with Blaise!” He whines, earning a glare from Draco. “What? C’mon Dray, we both know you and I don’t get anything done.”
“Alright,” Professor McGonagall clears her throat. “Blaise Zabini with Nancy Drumswell, Aidan Callaghan with Hermione Granger, Harry Potter with Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy with Pansy Parkinson, and finally, Jaeyun Sim with Y/N L/N.”
You don’t blink when you realize who your partner is. Rather, you just sigh a bit in defeat, coming to the conclusion that you cannot do anything to convince McGonagall to change partners.
“Hey.” Jake plops himself down on the seat next to you, laughing as Draco gives him a shove on the way to his own table.
“Hi.” You murmur, suddenly finding your yellow robe more interesting than him.
“I’ve never been paired with a Hufflepuff before.” He grins, the shit eating grin that weirdly captives your senses. “Are you guys as nice as you claim to be?”
“I don’t know Jaeyun, you tell me.”
Jake’s eyes widen before he lets out a giggle. “Jaeyun? No one ever calls me that anymore.”
You shrug, sliding him the piece of paper with the instructions to your project. “You can stop by the Hufflepuff dormitories at 8, I’ll be done with dinner by then and I’ll open it for you.”
“Sounds like a plan sweetheart.”
You cringe at his words, the obvious disdain on your face makes him laugh even harder.
“I’ll see you then.” He whispers, and just like a movie, stands up as soon as McGonagall dismisses the class, merging into one with his friends.
Just as the clock struck eight, you heard a knock. Your books, pens, and parchment were spread out in front of you, eagerly waiting to be used.
As you slowly get up to open the door, you’re met face to face with Jake, who entered the room with a confident stride
"Hey there, Y/N," Jake greeted, flashing you a charming smile as he took a seat across from your side of the table.
"Hey," you politely turn his smile. "Ready to tackle this project?"
"Absolutely," he affirmed, pulling out his own notes and spreading them out on the table. "I've got some ideas already. How about you?"
You nodded, slightly impressed by Jake's readiness to dive into the work. "I've been brainstorming as well. Maybe we can combine our ideas and come up with something great."
As the two of you began discussing your approaches to the project, youcouldn't help but notice how articulate and intelligent Jake was when he wasn't surrounded by his usual group of friends. His confidence shone through, but it was paired with a genuine interest in the subject matter that caught you off guard.
"You sure sound different when you’re not around Draco," You remarked.
Jake only chuckled, a hint of self-deprecation in his voice. "Yeah, well, I guess I don't always show this side of me around my friends. They have a different idea of what's cool."
You can only nod in understanding, realizing that Jake was more complex than you had initially assumed.
As you continued working, you couldn’t help but find yourself paying closer attention to the small details about him—the way his brow furrowed in concentration, the soft lilt in his voice when he explained a concept, the way his eyes sparkled with passion for the project.
"Thanks for coming, Jake," you say, offering him a genuine smile. "I really enjoyed working with you."
Jake returned your smile, his eyes meeting yours with a warmth that sent a sudden flutter through your heart. "Anytime, Y/N. I had a great time too."
As you bid each other goodnight, you couldn’t help but suddenly miss his presence, something you didn’t expect to happen with just one session with him.
In your second studying session, you and Jake found yourselves engrossed in their project once again. This time, you two decided to move to a quiet corner of the library, away from prying eyes and distractions. The Hufflepuff dorms were too crowded, and you knew you’d rather die than step into the Slytherin dormitory as a Hufflepuff.
As you discussed your research findings, you couldn't help but notice how Jake's demeanor had softened since your last meeting. He seemed more relaxed, more open, as if he felt comfortable letting his guard down around you.
Jake suddenly reached across the table to grab a book, his hand brushing against yours in the process. It was a simple gesture, but it sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins, leaving you quite literally breathless for a moment. “Here Y/N, I heard this book was good for this particular topic.”
Your eyes met briefly, and you felt your cheeks flush with warmth.
“Thanks,” you murmur, looking down slightly.
Jake smiled back at you, seemingly oblivious to the effect his touch had on you. For a person who charms so much girls, you’d think he know how much his advances affected others.
“No problem, seems like we got a lot done within these 2 days huh?”
"Yeah, it seems so," you reply softly.
Even though it had only been 2 nights, in those quiet moments, away from the prying eyes of their classmates, you had realized just how much you actually enjoyed Jake's company. He wasn't just the annoying Slytherin she had initially pegged him to be—he was kind, intelligent, and surprisingly easy to talk to.
"I guess that's it for tonight," Jake said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. “Can’t believe they only allow Prefects in the library past ten.”
"Yeah," you groan, feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of saying goodbye. "But we'll see each other again soon, right?"
Jake nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Definitely. Let’s just hope Malfoy doesn’t ruin it.”
As you made your way through the corridors of Hogwarts with Hermione, you spotted Jake surrounded by his Slytherin friends, including Draco and Pansy. Suddenly feeling the wave of confidence at the sight of him, you decided to muster up the courage to approach him.
But as you drew nearer, you noticed a subtle shift in Jake's demeanor. His usual friendly expression hardened, and a smirk spread across his lips as he turned to face you and Hermione.
"Look who it is, boys," Draco says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Little Miss Hufflepuff herself."
Jake and Pansy chuckled, exchanging knowing glances with Draco as if they were in on some inside joke. Your smile faltered, confusion and hurt swirling in your chest as you struggled to make sense of Jake's sudden change in attitude.
"Um, hi, Jaeyun," you replied, voice barely above a whisper as you fought to keep her composure.
"Seriously? Jaeyun? That’s hysterical.” Pansy laughs, as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
“What's the matter, Y/N? Can't find anyone from your own house so you bother our Jake here?” Draco continues to taunt you, his words like daggers aimed straight at your heart. “Or should I say Jaeyun?”
You felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment as the laughter of Jake's friends echoed in your ears. You had never felt so small, so insignificant to the group in front of you.
“I was hoping to discuss our project.” You say quietly, looking at anyone but Jake.
Hermione could sense your hostility, pulling you close to her side as she gave Draco a snarl.
“Listen Y/N,” Jake says, “all that crap you Hufflepuffs preach about loving each other and expressing feelings is a lie. No one really cares about what you have to say.”
“Alright, that’s enough!” Hermione says, shielding you by putting herself in front of your frame. “What has gotten into you?”
But Jake just shrugged her off, his smirk widening into a sneer. "Mind your own business, mudblood. This doesn't concern you."
Feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill from your eyes, you quickly turn on your heel and fled down the corridor, desperate to escape the humiliation of Jake's cruel words.
Had you really been so stupid to place your trust in Sim Jaeyun knowing full well his reputation? By the looks of it, all answers pointed to yes.
By 7pm, the sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the surface of the Black Lake just in front of the Slytherin Common Rooms.
“Y/N?” Almost as if he knew exactly where you were, Jake shows up in front of you, making you give him a glare.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice tinged with remorse as he avoided your gaze. He takes a seat next to you on the grass, his fingers tracing patterns across them in nervousness. "I messed up back there. I let my pride get the best of me, and I hurt you in the process. I should have stood up for you."
You sighed, your heart heavy with disappointment but softened by Jake's sincerity.
“I don’t get it,” you say. “One moment you’re all kind and sincere around me, and the next, you say all these things like I’m worth nothing.”
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the air filled with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant calls of birds. Then, Jake spoke again, his voice hesitant but earnest. "I guess my friends just have an influence on me that I can’t control. I’m sorry for what I said earlier, you’re one of the kindest people I've ever met, Y/N. I admire that about you."
You slightly smiled, a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. "Thank you, Jake. That means a lot to me."
As the sky darkened and stars began to twinkle overhead, the two of you continued to talk, laughter mingling with the night air.
The next night was one of the more important nights at Hogwarts. Everybody had finished their exams—and the Ravenclaws decided to throw a party at their Commons.
The music throbbed as you entered with Ron Weasley, who, at the sight of his twin brothers, ran towards them. You roll your eyes at his behavior, and start pulsing through the crowded room, a plastic smile plastered on your face.
You notice Jake in the corner, sipping on what looked like a bottle of beer. He exchanged nods and greetings with those around him, his eyes scanning the room for something—someone.
But before you could gawk at him any longer, Draco cut in smoothly, his tone laced with mockery. "Oh, look who decided to show up. Did you bring your Hufflepuff friend to the party, Jake? How charming."
Pansy giggled, her eyes glittering with malice as she looked at you up and down. "I didn't know us Slytherins were into charity work."
“Guys, seriously? Cut it out,” Jake gulps, eyes directly meeting yours.
“He’s right,” Blaise says, and you swear it’s the most you’ve ever heard out of him. “Don’t ruin the party.”
“Whatever.” Pansy throws her hand in mock surrender. “Wouldn’t want to make the Hufflepuff cry.”
Hermione comes to your rescue right after Pansy throws you a glare.
“Piss off.” She says, interlocking her arms with yours.
“Thanks ‘Mione.” You thank her softly as you’re lead away from the lot. “For saving me back there.”
“Always,” she smiles. “Now cmon, I heard Ron’s already drunk!”
You two giggle at that, you letting Hermione lead the way into the crowd of people.
It’s about 2 hours later and the Ravenclaw party is still loud as ever, filled with with laughter and music.
Despite the Weasley twins making a full ruckus of themselves, your eyes were drawn to a figure slumped in a corner. It was Jake, only this time, he looked uncharacteristically vulnerable, his face pale and contorted with some type of emotion you hadn’t seen before.
Concern etched onto your features, and your body felt itself navigating through the crowd of people until you’re knelt beside him. "Jake? Are you alright? Where’s Draco?”
He lifted his head, and you swore you felt your heart clenched at the sight of his glassy eyes and trembling lips. "I'm fine," he mumbled, but his voice betrayed the lie.
"No, you're not," you reply softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
Jake swallowed hard, his gaze flickering with a mix of emotions. "It's... it's nothing," he slurred, but his words lacked conviction.
You stayed silent, sensing he needed to unburden himself. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice raw with emotion. "Do you think I’m good for nothing?”
"What?" You asked gently, your heart sinking as you watched him struggle to form his thoughts.
"I mean look at this, look at me," Jake gestured vaguely, gesturing to the party around the two of you. "This charade I constantly put on. Pretending to be someone I'm not."
Your brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I mean..." Jake trailed off, his breath hitching. "Was it all worth the six years of be pretending to be who I wasn’t? Pretending to be the egoistic charming Slytherin everyone claims to know so well?”
Jake pauses before looking up at you, his eyes swimming with unshed tears. "You know I care about you a lot, right? I like you, a lot.”
“You do?” You say quietly, brushing a few loose strands of hair out of his eyes.
“But we just can’t.”
“Why not?”
"Because,” Jake's voice cracked, and he looked away. "Because I wish you were in Slytherin."
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces at his words. You almost knew it then, with a painful realization that you could never compete with the loyalty he felt towards his house and the expectations placed upon him by his housemates.
Tears stung your eyes as you realized there was nothing she could do to change his mind. With a heavy heart, you rose to your feet.
“Well I’m sorry then, Jake.” You say, turning around so he wouldn’t see your tears.
And as you walked away, the echoes of his confession lingered in your mind, haunting your thoughts with the bitter realization that sometimes, love simply wasn't enough.
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jayflrt · 7 months
the misfortunes and misconceptions of lee heeseung
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❝ i'll let you in on a little secret: wanting nothing to do with y/n starts with actually wanting nothing to do with her. ❞
PAIRING ▸ slytherin!heeseung x hufflepuff!fem!reader
GENRES ▸ fluff, crack, hogwarts au, idiots to lovers au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, the classic amortentia trope because what screams valentine's day like love potions, heeseung is down horrendous, sunghoon missing half an eyebrow, jake is babygirl, lots of catastrophizing, minor bending of canon for plot convenience, and a kiss scene of course
SUMMARY ▸ by no means does lee heeseung hold any romantic feelings toward you. the mere possibility is jarring, considering his luck seems to take a turn for the worst whenever he’s around you. from getting hit with a bludger during quidditch to getting into trouble with filch for setting off dungbombs in his office, heeseung starts to think you’re some sort of bad omen. he’s prepared for disaster when you two become partners in potions, but why does the amortentia smell like you?
WORD COUNT ▸ 13,497 words
PLAYLIST ▸ lavender kiss by the licks
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ this is jayflrt's valentine for you ♡
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When he, Slytherin’s prized Seeker, got knocked off his broom by a bludger, there was only one potential suspect he could narrow the crime down to in his head. 
In your hand was the very bat that sent the bludger in his way, hitting his miserable self square in the gut. 
This seemed to be a pattern between the two of you, where it was mostly Heeseung experiencing great misfortune because of the Hufflepuff’s mere existence. His best friend, Park Jongseong, told him that he had probably wronged you in a past life for him to suffer this much around you. While Heeseung initially brushed it off as a joke, he couldn’t help but start to question if it was actually true.
Back in his first year, Heeseung met you during the Sorting Hat ceremony, where you accidentally tripped him right before he walked up to get sorted. Everyone in the Grand Hall laughed at him, which was not his idea of a welcoming initiation into Slytherin, so he glared holes into the back of your head for the rest of the year. 
In his third year, you ran into him at King’s Cross station, causing all of his trunks to go flying. While you were helping him repack everything, you two realized that the Hogwarts Express was long gone, and neither of you could even access the magical entryway to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Heeseung cried into his hands at the train station until a professor Apparated to pick them both up, and then you teased him about his tears for what felt like forever. 
In a similar sense, Heeseung had somehow always managed to get into trouble when he was around you. Now, he had naturally grown out of disliking you for causing him so much suffering (mostly because he was far more popular now and everyone had forgotten about how you sent him flying during a duel, unfortunately revealing his strawberry-patterned boxers to an entire room of second and third years), but Heeseung was still wary about the adversity that seemed to follow you.
Were you a friend? Heeseung couldn’t tell for sure. You two spent an awfully long amount of time together, but you both also had your separate friend groups that hardly intermingled. Heeseung supposed you were more of a thorn in his side that hurt more when he tried to yank it out.
Now, there was nothing left for him to do now but clutch his stomach in pain and pray that he didn’t need to spend another night in the infirmary because of you. (Madam Pomfrey started to keep a tally; “Oh, Miss L/N didn’t injure you again, did she? Have a toffee, sweetheart,” was what he was expecting to hear from the school nurse.)
“Heeseung! Are you okay?” you asked, running up to him with your other hand clutching your broom. Thankfully, Heeseung had managed to grip his broom with one hand on the way down until he had safely landed, so there were no damages to his Moontrimmer. “Who did this to you?!”
“I know you’re holding the bat behind your back, Y/N,” he got out through gritted teeth.
He watched as you let your arm fall defeatedly to your side, revealing the Beater’s bat that violated practically every safety protocol.
“Oh, how embarrassing,” Kim Minjeong, the Chaser for the Slytherin team, said with a giggle from behind her palm. She was still floating a few feet from the ground, witnessing the damage done from her broom. Heeseung glared up at her. “Not a good look for you, Captain.”
Normally, he would shut Minjeong up with his usual threat that went something along the lines of putting a curse on her bloodline. This time, however, Heeseung was in far too much pain and humiliation to come up with a witty comeback.
Madam Hooch came running across the field to see what happened to her star Quidditch player. On the bright side, Heeseung knew that you wouldn’t get in trouble because game was game; you were just doing what you needed to ensure your victory, even though Slytherin still had a huge lead on Hufflepuff. After momentary deliberation, however, Heeseung realized that the bright side should have been the fact that he was still alive. Why was he thinking about you, anyway? He would pay galleons to see you get in trouble—but not too much trouble (and Merlin’s beard, he was far too soft).
“He needs to be taken to the infirmary,” Madam Hooch said. She spared you a glance before making a shooing motion with her gloved hand. By this time, his friends (Park Sunghoon, a sixth year who Heeseung ‘adopted’ in his second year, and Yang Jungwon, a broody fourth year with a penchant for rule-breaking) had come running down the stands and across the field. “You can visit him after you finish the match, Y/N. Madam Pomfrey can handle this.”
“Yes, of course,” you murmured, turning to Heeseung again and muttering a pathetic apology, to which he cracked a grin at. Maybe he shouldn’t have been grinning since you nearly cracked his skull open, or maybe he had really lost it this time. 
“It’s only been a week since you’ve managed to nearly get me killed.” Heeseung shuddered at the memory of you accidentally setting his cloak on fire last week with a Blasting Charm. “Don’t worry. I knew something was gonna happen sooner or later.”
Words of affirmation weren’t exactly his strong suit. 
But upon seeing the awkward grin on your face, like a blast of light that hit him all at once, Heeseung was suddenly painfully aware of everything—the awfully pleasant scent of lavender wafting from you, the searing ache from his injury, the way your hair framed your face, and the cool metal balled in his fist. 
Before he was about to be carried out in a not-so-dignified manner, Heeseung raised his arm to open his palm, revealing the Golden Snitch that sat obediently, fanning its wings out once before closing again. A gasp rose from the crowd, and then the shocked looks from both teams followed. Minjeong nearly fell off her broom. The Slytherin house all but exploded in cheers after Madam Hooch gaped at the sight, fumbled for her whistle, blew it loudly, and then announced Slytherin’s victory over Hufflepuff. 
Heeseung sighed in relief and fully collapsed onto the ground, looking up at the clear sky with contentment lifting the anguish from his brows. And now that he knew the verdict of the match, the pain finally hit him all at once, and he hoped Madam Pomfrey could fix him up before his house started celebrating their triumph. 
“Heeseung! That was an incredible play!” Nishimura Riki, a fourth year Gryffindor, cried as he came running from the stands. If by incredible, he was referring to Heeseung getting bludgeoned to the ground, then sure, incredible—outstanding, even. The flash of Riki’s camera went off, capturing a pathetic-looking Heeseung lying limp on the springy turf. “This’ll definitely make the front page!”
Ever since the Nishimura kid got an internship at the Daily Prophet, the Slytherin team had been worried about appearing on the news unprompted—most likely in unflattering angles, too. It had even gotten to the point of Song Eunseok pinning up a poster of Riki to a corkboard in the locker room, as if he was a wanted criminal at large.
“Er, could we retake—”
“You grab his legs,” a voice from behind him ordered. It was Sunghoon, who had come running with Jungwon to carry him out of the field. “I’ll take his arms.”
Heeseung balked. “Guys, wait!”
But it was no use. He was already in the air, and Jungwon and Sunghoon were both ignoring his protests.
As if he was a rather sad sack of potatoes, Heeseung was carried out, body dangling and his eyes screwed shut as he heard more flashes of Riki’s camera going off. Most of all, he wondered if you caught sight of how pitiful he was. Surely, you found it hilarious, didn’t you? He was certain he would get teased endlessly in Charms next week. 
“Nice game, champ,” Jungwon commented oh-so-casually, and Heeseung’s blood started boiling. 
“Can you put me down already?! We have magic for a reason!” he blurted out, but his two friends ignored him all the same. 
“I saw Sunoo being carried out like this the other day outside of the Dueling Club meeting room,” Sunghoon mused, and Heeseung imagined the poor Slytherin also being hauled to the infirmary like a ragdoll. “I heard he got hit with a nasty Disarming Charm. Someone nearly blasted the poor guy right into the Clock Tower’s pendulum.”
“I know. He’s better at dodging than I thought,” Jungwon replied unsympathetically. “What a shame. I’ll get him next time.”
Heeseung blanched. Poor Kim Sunoo.
But then he remembered his current state and thought Sunoo was better off than him. At least Sunoo wasn’t carried out in front of the entire school. 
Really, the reason why Heeseung was so agitated was because being Slytherin’s Seeker meant that he had an important role. It was a responsibility that clearly set him apart, and it surely had to look impressive to others—for example, you—but here he was, being carried out of the Quidditch pitch like an idiot. It put all of his hard work and countless hours of practice to shame. 
Thankfully, although his failing jock status might have damaged his ego to the point of no return, Madam Pomfrey didn’t seem to think his injuries were too severe this time. After a few healing charms, which made him feel back to normal in no time, Heeseung was ready to leave the infirmary. 
Sunghoon and Jungwon ended up leaving right after dropping him off, claiming that they had to go celebrate their win in the Slytherin common room. Heeseung found it completely disrespectful to ditch the very person who brought them to victory. 
To his surprise, you were waiting outside the door, twiddling your thumbs and doing that annoyingly cute habit of yours where you chewed on the inside of your cheek whenever you were in trouble (which, frankly, happened a lot of the time). He made a great deal of effort to adjust his cape before walking over to you with raised eyebrows, wondering if an apology was coming his way. 
“I just wanted to say,” you started, voice uncharacteristically small and wavering, but then you followed up with an incomprehensible mumble that Heeseung could hardly decipher.
“Uh,” you raised your voice this time, keeping it steadier with extra effort, “on the way here—funny story, really—I was telling Jake about how you set off a Dungbomb in Filch’s office the other week. Honest to God, I didn’t even see Mrs. Norris!”
Although you didn’t provide a solid conclusion, he was able to connect the dots and figure out what you were getting at. He almost wished he stayed oblivious because how was this happening to him twice in a day?
Heeseung’s face fell. “You’ve got to be joking.”
“Filch is looking for you,” you finished with a guilty look drawn across your face. 
It happened to be your second guilty look of the day, actually. Two too many for Heeseung to handle. 
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There was one thing Lee Heeseung was quite sure of, and it was that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with you from now on. 
The aftermath of his scolding from Filch resulted in him receiving evening detentions for the rest of the week. All you brought him was terrible luck wherever he went, and despite how nice you smelled and how shiny your hair was, he didn’t need your misfortune clinging to him like it would be the last breath he’d take. 
Honestly, any longer around you and he was pretty sure he would be taking his last breath soon.
But it was honestly ridiculous how hard Heeseung had to restrain himself from going near you. He would pass by your unbothered self in the Courtyard, hoping to get some verbal recognition from you that would change his mind about his whole ignoring thing, but you simply just paid more attention to stupid Jake Sim from Hufflepuff. 
Who cared about Jake Sim, anyway? Surely not the several girls in his year that threw themselves at him. There was nothing redeeming about him, not even with his perfect smile and perfect grades and perfect robes. Honestly, where did he get those robes? Heeseung bought his at Madam Malkin’s, like virtually every other student, but they weren’t as perfectly trimmed and fitted as Jake Sim’s perfect robes.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Park Jongseong, a sixth year Ravenclaw, sneered once he saw the glower across Heeseung’s face. “Wanting nothing to do with Y/N starts with actually wanting nothing to do with her.”
“Who said I didn’t not want anything to do with her?” Heeseung fired back, but even he was confused about his response, taking a few extra seconds to process what nonsense had just spewed out of his mouth. “Okay, look, just pretend I said the funniest thing you’ve ever heard when she walks by us.”
“Actually, that was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Heeseung gave him an exasperated look. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I mean, you’re not that funny to begin with. Kind of hilarious that you think you’d be able to tell me the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“You literally just told me I said the funniest thing ever.”
“Funny because it was such a pathetic thing to say. There’s a difference.”
“You’re a stupid git, you know that?”
“Am I now?”
“The stupidest of stupid gits.”
In truth, Jake was the stupid git. Jongseong could tease Heeseung all he wanted, but Jake Sim was the one grinning down at you with a stupid sparkle in his eyes, taunting the Slytherin with those evil, perfect corners of his lips. Didn’t he have better things to do? Like not taking up the oxygen in a place where he was clearly unwanted?
Also, to set the record straight, Heeseung needed to make it perfectly clear (to himself, too, because this was clearly confusing for him and everybody around him) that he was not into you. 
Sure, he felt a smidge of fondness because you two had gotten into life-threatening situations before (all your fault, by the way), so there was probably some semblance of friendship that was only due to the fact that shared trauma often brought people together. But that was all it was. Heeseung’s feelings did not extend into anything remotely romantic; he even shuddered at the very thought. 
That was right. He was your friend, and that was all he wanted to be. Heeseung most definitely did not think about anything like holding your hand, or plucking flowers to braid into your hair, or kissing you in hidden corners of the castle. That would be ridiculous and completely unlike him.
And then you really did walk past him and Jongseong, so Heeseung took it upon himself to punch his friend’s shoulder hard and burst into forced laughter. He tried extremely hard to convince himself that this was a very normal thing to do, but soon after the act, he wanted to lay on the floor of the Owlery until the owls collectively decided to fly his body out somewhere far away—hopefully another country.
“Idiot, I’m the one who’s supposed to laugh,” Jongseong reminded him once you were out of sight. (You did not pay attention to his charade, Heeseung was sad to note.) With a scoff, he added, “You should probably hit the books ‘cause acting’s clearly not up your alley.”
Heeseung let out a retired sigh and stood up from the stone bench they had been sitting on. “I’m going to Potions.”
“Oh, you attend class now? Shocking.” 
“I prefer not spending my evenings in detention.”
“Alright. I’ll update you later on the Jake-and-Y/N show.”
“You do that, and I’ll show you how good I’ve gotten at the hair loss curse,” he spat. “I’d start investing in some hats.”
“Is that why Sunghoon’s missing half an eyebrow?”
Heeseung didn’t answer. Honestly, Sunghoon’s predicament had nothing to do with him, but he left it up to Jongseong’s imagination for the sake of intimidation.
As he stormed away (well, more of a brisk walk; Heeseung wasn’t one to storm), he realized that his friends had all sorts of misconceptions about him. He couldn’t wrap his head around why Jongseong would possibly think he was concerned about you and Jake Sim. Sure, he spent a good portion of the morning glaring daggers at Jake Sim, but there was no way that meant Heeseung was that concerned about the Hufflepuff. 
What was there to be concerned about, anyway? Heeseung was the Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team, scored five O.W.L.s last year, and he was the top duelist at Hogwarts. Jake Sim was just another pretty boy who Heeseung could crush under the sole of his shoe if he wanted to. 
His mind wandered to thoughts of you and Jake Sim walking back to the Hufflepuff common room together. Your melodic laugh echoing through the halls because of a joke he told; your fingers entwined with his as he carried your books for you; and your eyes practically glowing with admiration as you watched him intently. 
The thought made Heeseung sick to his stomach. Not because he liked you or anything disgusting like that, but because Jake Sim didn’t deserve to receive that much attention—not even in a hypothetical scenario that played out in Heeseung’s wild, almost sadistic imagination.
One thought comforted him, though: You had Potions with Heeseung, meaning you had to pry yourself from Jake’s side to attend Slughorn’s class. 
As he was about to approach the classroom door, Heeseung realized he had forgotten his Potions textbook. He debated whether to go in without it or run to his dormitory to fetch it, and he eventually went with the latter to avoid being clueless if today required brewing a potion. This resulted in him being about ten minutes late to class, which he decided was your fault somehow. 
Immediately upon entering the room, the pungent scent of lavender filled his nostrils, and it was all he could smell. He later recognized that there were a few other smells mixed in—the smell of butterbeer and the smell of fresh ink. The lavender, however, was so intense that it overwhelmed his senses.
It smelled like you.
Before Heeseung was about to blurt out and ask why you doused the entire classroom in your perfume, Professor Slughorn turned to look at him with brows raised in pleasant surprise.
“Ah, Mr. Lee,” he greeted. “You’re early today.”
He was ten minutes late.
“Uh, just forgot my textbook,” he said, holding up the Potions textbook he walked several, brutal flights of stairs to retrieve. 
“If you’re ready to join us, I was just going over Amortentia.” 
If Heeseung’s memory served him correctly, that was either the potion that boosted one’s memory or the potion that induced laughter. He hadn’t exactly been doing his reading over the summer, which was probably not an intelligent decision on his part considering he was in N.E.W.T. level Potions.
Either way, he was a little too preoccupied mentally replaying how his eyes met yours briefly. Heeseung walked over to stand next to you—for research purposes, of course—because he needed to know if you had really drenched yourself in lavender perfume, or if he had just gone crazy.
He nudged you with his elbow and muttered, “You reek.” 
Okay, that was definitely not a chivalrous way of putting it.
“Excuse me?” Your unnaturally high-pitched voice was hardly a whisper, but Heeseung could detect… panic?
“No, I mean your perfume,” he corrected quickly. “It’s everywhere.”
“Is it that strong?” You lifted your sleeve to sniff at it. 
“Yeah? It’s—”
“—the most powerful love potion known to wizardkind,” Heeseung heard Slughorn say as he redirected his focus to the actual lecture. “Amortentia’s said to smell different to each person, according to what attracts them.”
So it turned out that his memory didn’t serve him correctly at all.
Heeseung had his fair share of near-death experiences—probably a few more than the average Hogwarts student.
Never had he wanted so badly to combust into flames on the spot like a phoenix. Except he didn’t want to rise from the ashes; he was perfectly content with staying dead and buried without ever having to relive the last couple minutes of his life, which he was sure would scar him forever. 
Immediately, Heeseung stopped focusing on Slughorn’s lecture to conjure up some lame excuse in his head. Maybe he could tell everyone that his Muggle-born father owned a lavender farm back in the day, thus his love for lavender scents bloomed. But, Merlin’s beard, that didn’t even make sense! Just because he loved the smell of lavender didn’t mean he was in love with it. The smell was always attached to the person—the very object of his desires.
And, of course, it all pointed back to you.
Heeseung should not have had the realization that he was in love with you in the middle of Potions, of all classes. Astronomy? Sure. He thought it would be romantic to come to terms with his feelings whilst observing the celestial bodies in the sky. Divination? Even better. Gazing into a crystal ball for answers made complete sense. 
But Potions? Seriously? This was probably the least romantic place in Hogwarts aside from the haunted bathroom in the South Wing. 
No, on second thought, Heeseung saw some potential in the haunted bathroom. Something about the complete isolation of the facility made it all the more exciting.
Potions, on the other hand, was simply downright dreadful. 
“Amortentia, as you all know, is extremely dangerous. I only have it out here for educational purposes, so do not even think about touching that cauldron,” Slughorn warned. “Instead, for today’s lesson, I want you all to partner up and brew something… more lighthearted—say, Elixir for Inducing Euphoria. You can find it in your Potions books in chapter eight.”
After his lecture, Slughorn made everyone write down what Amortentia smelled like for them, warning his class about the dangers of the love potion being slipped into someone’s food or drink. Heeseung hastily wrote his down on a scrap of parchment before pocketing it where he would surely forget it existed.
He had been hoping Potion-making was going to be individual work today. He despised partner work, especially when that meant Heeseung would potentially be working with you, which didn’t prove too successful for his heart or his grades. 
More importantly, Heeseung did not, by any means, want to work alongside you after accidentally admitting that the Amortentia smelled like lavender to him.
Not to mention you were atrocious when it came to Potions. Heeseung needed more than two hands to count all the times your cauldron blew up in your face this year. Even when Heeseung took the reins and stirred the ingredients himself, you would somehow manage to expertly worsen the situation.
Thankfully, Kim Sunoo also took Potions, so as soon as Heeseung spotted the Slytherin, he grabbed his robes by the nape. 
“You’re working with me.” 
It came off more as an order than a request, but Heeseung needed to be firm to emphasize the gravity of the situation he was in. What if he died working with you? Did Sunoo want him dead? 
“No way,” Sunoo refused. “I already told Sohee I’d work with him. Plus, you never bring the right ingredients.”
Well, that was that; Sunoo hated Heeseung and wanted him dead. 
“Are you serious? Sohee?” Heeseung asked, acting as if Sohee wasn’t one of the top students in Potions. “You’re turning your best friend down?”
“No, I’m turning you down.”
“Okay, ouch.”
“Sunoo, d’you have any Sopophorous beans on you?” Lee Sohee asked as he approached the two, reading off his Potions book. “I have Worm—oh, hey, Heeseung!”
With little enthusiasm, he greeted, “Hi, Sohee.”
“Heeseung needs a partner,” Sunoo explained.
“Oh, really?” Before Heeseung could stop him, Sohee turned his head and cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling, “Y/N! Heeseung needs a partner, too!”
“Sohee!” Heeseung hissed, suddenly wishing Sohee’s head was a Quaffle he could launch into oblivion. He lowered his voice to mutter, “Have you considered that maybe I’m asking Sunoo because I don’t wanna partner with Y/N?”
He shrugged in response. “How was I supposed to know that?”
Oh, this was horrible. Not only did Sunoo hate Heeseung and want him dead, but Sohee had joined in on the cause, too. They were both clearly plotting something wicked against him.
But now he had no other choice. It wasn’t like he could turn you down after Sohee had blatantly lied about Heeseung’s intentions. This was the worst outcome yet; he was probably going to fail Potions because of you, and then he would have to write a make-up paper on the stupid elixir they were supposed to brew.
“No one wants to partner with me!” you complained, shoulders sagging and lips forming a pout when you walked over to the Slytherin. “I can always count on you, though, Hee.”
Heeseung couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
No one wanted to partner with you? What had the wizarding world come to? Where was the comradery? 
He was almost infuriated by how spineless the rest of his classmates were. Sure, Heeseung was complaining about working with you seconds prior, but you said it yourself: you could always count on him. At the end of the day, failing today’s class and writing a make-up paper was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Heeseung would always extend a helpful hand to those who needed it, or someone he was potentially crushing on.
Get a grip, Heeseung, he scolded himself. You do not have a crush on her. She’s just a good friend, that’s all. A perfectly normal, platonic friend of yours who gets on your nerves sometimes… and smells rather nice… and sort of looks extremely pretty when she has her hair tied up… and—
Okay, this was getting ridiculous.
“Yeah,” he got out in an embarrassingly choked voice. “You were my first choice, anyway—well, after Sunoo turned me down.”
There often came a time when a man had to put himself through tough situations to overcome adversity. As Heeseung approached their table, his shiny cauldron gleaming under the lamp light, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
Make sure you didn’t lay a finger on his bloody cauldron.
Sunoo and Sohee were working at the same table, standing at the bench across from them. Heeseung quickly sifted through his bag, and, as Sunoo predicted, he didn’t bring any of the ingredients necessary for the elixir. What the hell was he going to do with Fluxweed and rose oil?
“I have porcupine quills,” you said, pulling a glass jar out of your bag.
“Uh, okay, so I need you to get a Shrivelfig and Wormwood from Slughorn’s closet,” he instructed you, giving you a thumbs-up once you nodded. “I’m gonna beg Sunoo for his Sopophorous beans.”
After you walked off, Heeseung leaned over the table and muttered, “Sunoo, please give me some of your beans.”
“No,” the prick replied. 
“Please,” Heeseung begged. “Eunseok’s table took the last of them from Slughorn’s closet.”
“Maybe, but I want something in return.”
“What do you want?”
A sly grin spread across Kim Sunoo’s face. “Tell me what the Amortentia smelled like for you.”
Honestly, Heeseung was perfectly content with writing another twenty inches to make up for a failed potion. He would even take detention, if needed. Anything to get himself out of this sick and twisted situation. 
In his head, he imagined Sunoo getting what he deserved, and that was his ass getting properly kicked during Dueling Club. He envisioned Jungwon flourishing his wand and blasting Sunoo square in the gut, knocking him straight into the fountain in the middle of the courtyard.
He gave his friend a reproachful look. “I wish Jungwon’s spell hit you.”
Sunoo chuckled darkly and held up his jar of Sopophorous beans, waving them teasingly in the air. This was almost too much for Heeseung, but he committed to working with you, so he couldn’t let you down while you were off getting the rest of the ingredients.
“Lavender,” he admitted through gritted teeth. “The Amortentia smelled like lavender.”
His eyebrows raised in mock surprise. “Hear that, Sohee? Heeseung smelled lavender. You know who else usually smells like lavender?”
At that moment, you returned with the rest of the ingredients. You showed Heeseung the jars and bottles you brought over, but he was too distracted to properly examine them. His gaze remained fixed on Sunoo, eyes burning with resentment. He prayed to Salazar that Sunoo wouldn’t slip up in front of you.
Sohee, who clearly had no idea who Sunoo was referring to, blinked slowly. “Uh, Professor Longbottom? He probably smells like it—you know, with all the time he spends in the Greenhouse.”
“Yes, Sohee, I’m in love with Professor Longbottom,” Heeseung deadpanned. “Thank you for your wonderful insight.”
You made a face. “You’re in love with who?” 
“No one,” Heeseung replied quickly once Sunoo finally handed him his desired ingredients. He lit the fire under the cauldron, dropping a sprig of peppermint inside to counterbalance the possible side-effects. “Just peel the Shrivelfig and chop the porcupine quills while I stir.”
The potion-making seemed to be going smoothly for the first few steps. However, when you were chopping the porcupine quills, Heeseung’s chest leaped when he heard an ouch come from you. He forgot about his cauldron immediately and looked over to see your finger bleeding.
“What happened?” He grabbed hold of your hand, inspecting the blood oozing from your cut. “Did you slice your finger?”
“M-my hand just slipped.”
This was bad. If Heeseung didn’t disinfect and bandage the wound, then it could possibly get infected and you’d die. (Merlin’s Beard, Heeseung, it’s hardly a flesh wound, his thoughts annoyingly cut in.) He needed to get you to Madam Pomfrey before—
“Heeseung!” Sunoo yelled from over the table. 
He whirled around to see that elixir had turned a deep purple hue, bubbling up to the rim. That was strange; it was supposed to be a bright yellow color by now. Considering he was handling the cauldron the entire time, nothing should have gone badly wrong. Time seemed to slow down as Heeseung speculated what in Salazar’s name he managed to screw up.
That was when he noticed the green bottle next to the cauldron—the Infusion of Wormwood he poured in earlier. Except it wasn’t Wormwood; the brown tag hanging from the neck of the bottle read Flobberworm Mucus.
Before he could curse himself for not reading the label properly beforehand, the failed elixir rose all the way to the top and shot out of the cauldron, spewing purple liquid all over their table and burning a hole through the wood. Slughorn’s head turned sharply in their direction, and he crossed the classroom to see what mess you and Heeseung had caused. 
“Evanesco!” the Potions teacher shouted, making the substance vanish in an instant. Slughorn looked mostly unsurprised as he turned to face you and Heeseung, letting a retired sigh slip. “Five points from Slytherin and Hufflepuff—and twenty inches on the properties of Amortentia by next class.”
“Twenty?” you cried, nearly gasping from the shock. “But, Sir, we have so much work from our other N.E.W.T. classes already!”
“And we have the Hogsmede trip after class,” Heeseung chimed in. 
And, bless his heart, Slughorn was far too kind of a soul to be too strict with either of you. He typically had high expectations for those he taught, especially the ones he sought out for his reputable ‘Slug Club,’ but he had a soft spot for his N.E.W.T. students.
“Alright then, well… you and Mr. Lee can write twenty inches together and bring it to me,” he decided in his bumbling voice. 
When he walked away, Heeseung let his shoulders sag. He couldn’t believe he had to write a paper over this—and with you, no less. He should’ve known that he was cursed to stumble upon misfortune again, but, at the same time, he just couldn’t find a way to blame you. Sure, you were the one who took the wrong bottle from the Potions cabinet, but Heeseung really should’ve double-checked the label before he poured it into the cauldron.
“Oh, well,” Sunoo simpered, wearing a proud smirk, “writing about Amortentia shouldn’t be hard for you, huh?”
Heeseung demonstrated his hair loss curse on Sunoo after class.
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“I might get a D on my N.E.W.T. for Potions, Hee,” you complained to him later when you both had snuck away to the lakefront to work on your remedial paper. There was a nice patch of grass that Heeseung liked to sit on and contemplate his miserable life, so he figured that he’d share the location with you. “Or maybe even a T—oh, Godric’s Heart.”
“Hey, failing with distinction would be much more impressive than just downright failing,” he tried. 
“Not helping.”
Heeseung had a total of four words written on his parchment so far, which happened to be both of your first and last names. He wasn’t sure how he would get to twenty inches without delving into the smells of Amortentia, which he already figured he would need to use a personal anecdote for. He was trying his best to avoid that since it would lead to a rather awkward conversation. 
However, everyone was leaving for Hogsmede shortly, so Heeseung was hoping that you would decide to set aside the rest of the paper for later. 
As if the universe was rubbing Heeseung’s misery in his face, Jake Sim came strutting over in his stupid, perfect robes. (Except it was quite a normal walk; no strutting whatsoever, actually.)
“Just got out of Arithmancy?” you asked him with a gut-wrenching, brilliant smile on your face.
“Yeah, Seunghan and I were heading to Hogsmede with everyone else,” Jake answered before his gaze drifted to Heeseung. Something seemed to light up in his eyes and he started reaching into his robes. “Hey, nice game yesterday! Did you see that, uh… where did I put it…” After some rummaging through his pockets, Jake pulled out a piece of parchment which seemed to be a clipping from the school newspaper. “You made the front page!” 
Heeseung peered to see a moving picture of himself laying on the Quidditch pitch, half-conscious as the Golden Snitch rested in the palm of his hand. Next to him, Sunghoon and Jungwon gave the camera a thumbs-up and feigned shock at the sight of the Seeker on the ground. 
He was definitely going to be sending Riki a Howler. 
“Lovely,” he replied half-heartedly, fighting down a scowl when he realized that Jake wanted him to keep the clipping. “I’ll hang it up with the rest of my collection.”
Jake laughed, even though Heeseung was dead serious. He had an archive of mortifying photographs of him that Riki had taken ever since he stepped onto Hogwarts grounds. Collecting them was intentional, of course; Heeseung needed evidence for the Wizangamot if he planned to sue Nishimura Riki for defamation one day. If Heeseung had known how much of a nuisance the Gryffindor would be, he would’ve plotted for the kid to be sent back home right after his Sorting Ceremony. 
“We have a remedial paper to write,” you told Jake glumly, “so I don’t think we’ll be going to Hogsmede today.”
Jake shrugged. “I’ll see you in the common room later, then.”
Once Jake walked off to find his friend, Heeseung shot you a dark look. There might have been something warm and soupy in his chest whenever he even looked in your general direction, but he wouldn’t let this slide. 
“I’m not skipping the Hogsmede trip.”
“But we have to finish—”
“But Hogsmede,” he whined. “Can’t we meet in the library after and work on it?”
“I have a Transfiguration quiz I need to study for.” You sounded distressed for a moment, but you quickly brightened up. “Who are you meeting in Hogsmede?”
“Uh, well, no one in particular. Just wanted to check out some stores.”
“Then how about we go together?” you suggested. “We can work on our paper in The Three Broomsticks.”
“Oh.” Heat suddenly rose to Heeseung’s cheeks, and although he desperately tried to convince himself that your proposal did not sound like a date, he couldn’t shake how excited he was to spend some one-on-one time with you. “That works for me.”
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On Salazar’s name, Heeseung was going to murder Sunghoon and Jungwon in cold blood.
While you and Heeseung had gotten cozy in an empty booth, brushing shoulders as you two looked over the first paragraph you started, his two dear friends decided to show up where they were clearly unwelcome. Apparently, mouthing get the fuck out of here wasn’t sending the message across.
Sunghoon was on some long tangent about how he barely scraped by on his O.W.L.s, but Slughorn finally gave him the green light to take Alchemy. For some odd reason, Alchemy was only available as a N.E.W.T. class, so Sunghoon had been anxious the whole summer over whether his O.W.L. results would be enough. 
“Didn’t you get five O.W.L.s?” Jungwon asked, bored.
“Six—A in Herbology,” Sunghoon corrected. “I hate plants.”
“Longbottom let you in with an Acceptable?” Heeseung raised his brows with mild interest, but he quickly steeled his expression. He was not entertaining their company, no. He started practicing the fine art of Legilimency to send a message to Sunghoon: go away, go away, go away, go away.
“He said he was especially impressed that I got into his N.E.W.T. class.”
“Oh, yeah,” you spoke up, pointing at Sunghoon. “Yizhuo told me she had no idea you were in her class until you showed up for exams.”
“I also didn’t realize she was in my class until you mentioned that.”
“How’d you even pass?” Heeseung asked.
“No clue,” Sunghoon replied honestly. “The exam was fine, but I thought the practical would be the end for me. Turns out I’m a natural. They even clapped after I ripped the leaves off a Venomous Tentacula. Like, big deal, it’s a plant.” 
Everyone at the table froze. Heeseung practically jumped seconds later, hitting his leg against the underside of the table. He had long abandoned his goal of kicking Sunghoon and Jungwon out of The Three Broomsticks. You choked on your butterbeer, wiping some of the foam off your chin. Jungwon’s eyebrows raised in disbelief. Heeseung’s knee hit the underside of the table, suppressing a groan. There was a shuffle below.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed you ducking under the table for a moment. However, he was too astounded by Sunghoon’s story to divert the topic. 
Heeseung set his butterbeer down and asked, “You just walked over and used your bare hands?”
“I suppose not showing up to class has its upsides,” Jungwon said. “Ignorance is bliss.”
“Sunghoon, do you even know what a Venomous Tentacula does?” you asked.
“What? Photosynthesis?” 
“Well, other than the snapping jaws that can either stun or kill you, and the vines reaching out to strangle you when you’re least expecting it,” Jungwon started (which didn't sound like a very pleasant start, to be honest), “there's also the venom that shoots out from its sprouts—oh, and the thorns that can kill you if you prick your finger.”
Sunghoon looked disturbed before muttering to Heeseung, “And they call Hogwarts the safest school on Earth. What a joke.”
You excused yourself shortly after the conversation came to an end, claiming that you spotted a friend a few tables over. Heeseung pretended to listen to Sunghoon and Jungwon trying to guess how old Professor Binns was, but really he was keeping an eye on you. Minjeong was whispering something to you, paused when you wrapped your arms around her, and then turned her neck to say something with sudden enthusiasm. 
Heeseung wondered how it would feel if he was sitting in that seat instead of Kim Minjeong, if your arms were draped around his shoulders like that. He thought of your hair falling into his face, how he’d brush it away and turn his head to kiss you—
Dangerous waters, he warned himself. Do not go there.
“Every time I ask him—and, mind you, it was only a couple of times—he falls asleep before he can even give me an answer!” Sunghoon complained, bringing Heeseung’s attention back to the topic of the ancient History of Magic professor. “Heeseung, has he ever told your class how old he is?”
“Couple hundred years probably,” he answered. “Can you guys leave now?”
They gawked at him, offended. 
Now Heeseung had realized he had driven himself into a corner. He couldn’t tell them the real reason why he wanted them to leave. If his friends found out that he wanted to spend time with you alone, then they would misconstrue the situation into something involving feelings—something which Lee Heeseung might have had but refused to admit out loud or to himself. 
“You two have been distracting us from finishing our paper,” he said instead, pointing at their unfinished essay. “Twenty inches! And we hardly have two.”
Jungwon, who saw right through him, asked, “You just wanna spend time with Y/N, don’t you?”
Heeseung coughed loudly, as if that would cover up whatever the Slytherin just said. “What?”
“It’s so obvious,” Sunghoon said. “Would we really be your best friends if we couldn’t pick up on who you’re into?”
“I am not into—” Heeseung paused to weigh his words. His recent revelation brought him to the point of no return; he couldn’t just lie about how he felt now. He threw an anxious look over his shoulder to make sure you were still preoccupied with Minjeong. “We have a paper to write.”
Sunghoon threw his head back to laugh. “See? You can’t even deny it.”
“It doesn’t even matter; she’s into Jake.”
They went silent. Glanced at each other out of the corner of their eyes. 
“Jake Sim?” Jungwon asked. “And Y/N?”
“Jake Sim… and Y/N.”
“Yes,” Heeseung repeated with impatience seeping past his teeth. 
“What makes you think she’s into Jake?”
“Uh…” Heeseung was now irritated that he was being put on the spot because nothing was coming to mind. He just thought of you and Jake laughing together in the courtyard and jealousy wrapped tight around his heart. “I saw them together.”
“I saw you in Filch’s office the other day,” Sunghoon said. “Are you two a thing?”
Heeseung scowled at him, but before he could fire back at his friend, Jungwon said, “Just tell us you want us to leave so you can spend time with Y/N, and we’ll go.” A sly grin spread across his face, and he scarily resembled Kim Sunoo at that very moment. “You should probably make up your mind before she gets back.”
Struggling for a way out of this situation, Heeseung gave them both dirty looks. He had no choice but to give Jungwon and Sunghoon what they wanted. You were going to wrap your conversation up with Minjeong any minute now, so he had to act now before his friends terrorized him for the rest of their Hogsmede trip. 
“Fine,” he said sharply. “I wanna spend time with Y/N alone, so leave.”
Right on command, the two boys made a big scene about having to leave, throwing their hands up in exasperation and getting to their feet slowly. Sunghoon shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck as if it was a pain for them to be ordered around. Heeseung sank back into his seat in embarrassment. 
“Alright, alright, we’ll go,” Sunghoon drawled, “but you better tell us all the details after.”
Heeseung gave them his word, even though he was sure the update would simply be finishing their essay. Once Jungwon and Sunghoon strode out of the pub, he turned his gaze back to Minjeong’s table. For a moment, he just watched how your hair shone under the warm lighting. Heeseung had to avert his eyes when you turned around again to walk back to his table. There was a strange look on your face, like you were trying to work through a puzzle in your head. 
“Where’d the others go?”
For the entirety of their Hogsmede excursion, Heeseung had been trying his hardest not to look at you when you were so close to him. Now, though, with his friends gone, it was just you and him sitting almost shoulder-to-shoulder. 
He realized he was staring at your lips instead of answering your question. He licked his lips involuntarily and looked away. 
“Uh, went to check out some stores, I think,” he lied. “Should we get back to work?”
Slightly distracted, you replied, “Yes, let’s.”
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The remedial paper was finally at an impressive twenty inches by the time you and Heeseung thought it would be best to start walking back to the school.
There weren’t many students around anymore as most people didn’t want to miss dinner in the Great Hall. Heeseung felt like something was off. You were focused on the paper the entire time, hardly engaging in any side conversation or recalling some fun memory. When you two ran out of things to write about Amortentia and stumbled upon the topic of describing its scent, Heeseung managed to steer away from writing about how the potion smelled for him. Instead, you two went for a more informational route with zero personal anecdotes.
The walk back to the castle was long, but Heeseung really hadn’t expected you to bring up the topic of Amortentia again. He thought hours of writing a paper on the potion would put you off of it for a long period of time. 
“So, you remember Slughorn showing us the love potion in class, right?” you started timidly while the two of you were crossing a bridge in Hogsmede. You didn’t even let Heeseung get to the trail to Hogwarts before you started your interrogation. “What’d it smell like for you?”
Why was everyone so interested in what the Amortentia smelled like for him? It wasn’t supposed to be some groundbreaking piece of information, and it wasn’t a big deal that it smelled like your signature scent! There were far more interesting things to converse about, like how nicely the leaves were arranged on the trees, or how interesting of a shade the sky was. 
But there was no way for him to avoid this question—not when you were staring at him so adamantly—so he resorted to lying. A white lie never hurt anyone, after all. Or, well, anyone important. 
“Like… books,” he answered, trying to keep his voice as level as possible. 
“Maybe you and the librarian are meant to be,” you teased.
“I guess sneaking into the restricted section makes the heart grow fond.” 
You laughed, and, Merlin’s beard, what a melody. Heeseung could listen to your voice all day. Preferably on a warm day while he was stretched out on some grass with your head on his lap, or maybe he’d like to be laying on your lap. Either way, he would be perfectly content just listening to you talk his ear off until—
“Y’know, that’s funny ‘cause… well, you wrote lavender here,” you said, chewing on the inside of your cheek and holding the very scrap of parchment that was supposed to be tucked away in Heeseung’s pocket.
Suddenly, he felt the urge to shut himself in the Slytherin common room and never hear you speak to him again.
In the couple of seconds he was malfunctioning for, many thoughts raced through Heeseung’s head.
First, he wondered if there was still time left to request a Ministry-issued Time-Turner under the guise that he would use it for his classes. Instead, its intended purpose would be to reverse time until Heeseung had somehow gotten himself out of this situation or destroyed that stupid piece of parchment.
The second revelation that struck him was that he must have dropped the paper in The Three Broomsticks. It must have fallen out of his pocket when he hit his knee under the table. There was a moment when he noticed you picking something up from the floor, but he hadn’t dwelled on it, expecting it to have just been a napkin. 
Lastly, he had gone extremely still—to the point of halting in his tracks and staring at you, wide-eyed. His body had completely seized up to the point where he almost thought he was shaking. Shaking—but he was shaking. He was shaking all over. Or maybe he wasn’t. He couldn’t tell. Heeseung clenched a fist to make sure he had control over his body. 
You stopped walking, too, looking at him curiously. For a moment, it looked like you were going to apologize for reading what he wrote down, but you looked down at it again.
“Did the love potion smell like lavender?” you asked in a soft voice. Looking visibly flustered, you said in a rush, “I’m just asking because Minjeong said I always, uh… smell like lavender, and I just thought…” 
He needed to run. He needed to get out of here. He needed to disappear.
Heeseung felt like his blood was rushing through his ears, pumping so loud that he couldn’t hear anything but his heartbeat for a moment. You were saying something, but he couldn’t even make out the words your lips framed. The world had slowed down, and Heeseung wasn’t quite sure if his feet were planted firmly on the ground. 
He would have rather been anywhere else—maybe at Sunghoon’s house where his mother’s baked goods wafted from her kitchen window. He could envision the meadow right behind their house and how he spent the summer in the grass, practicing Quidditch with Sunghoon and his little sister. Jongseong would arrive days later to complain about his O.W.L.s for three hours straight until Sunghoon and Heeseung felt the life oozing out of their bodies. 
But here, with your eyes sparkling with determination, Heeseung felt like he was about to melt into a puddle. He was consumed with the ungodly urge to grab ahold of you and kiss you until his blood felt like electricity in his veins. Yes, he needed to be anywhere but here—anywhere where his feelings weren’t worn on his sleeve for the world to see. 
You started again, “Heeseung—”
Before you could get anything else out, Heeseung, who was overcome with the will to escape, felt something pulling him from behind. In a flash, he was whisked out of thin air with a tug behind his navel, leaving you gobsmacked and stranded in Hogsmede. 
He felt like he was being pushed through a thin vortex, squeezed by the fabric of reality tearing and reshaping itself around him. It took him some gasping breaths to get lungfuls of air into his body, but once he could breathe right again, he realized he was definitely not in Hogsmede.
“Excuse me?” Heeseung asked a nearby townsperson who was walking past him. He must have looked ridiculous in his Hogwarts robes, body awkwardly sprawled over two bales of hay. “Where am I?”
“Feldcroft,” the wizard answered.
He Apparated to Sunghoon’s hometown.
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Not only did Heeseung spend thirty minutes trying to Apparate back to Hogsmede, but he was late for dinner. You were long gone, of course, but it seemed like you hadn’t exactly abandoned Heeseung. When he arrived on school grounds, Slughorn and McGonagall were waiting for him at the gate. This was definitely going to earn him a detention or two. 
Apparently, you ran back to school to tell McGonagall about what happened. The headmistress also noted that you were sobbing because you were convinced that it was your fault somehow. You happened to be under the belief that Heeseung wouldn’t know how to get back, which he couldn’t argue with because he considered himself lucky to Apparate back without splinching himself. 
After receiving a lecture from both professors about the dangers of Apparating unsupervised, Heeseung received two punishments: one week of detention and he wasn’t allowed to go on the next Hogsmede trip. However, he also received a pat on the back from Slughorn and a congratulations from McGonagall for a successful Apparition. 
When he recounted the story to Sunghoon, Jungwon, and Sunoo in the common room the following morning, they were howling with laughter. He had to pause approximately four times for them to catch their breaths.
“It’s not that funny,” Heeseung deadpanned.
Sunoo, who was wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, replied, “It’s kinda funny.”
Sunoo was also missing several patches of hair, which Heeseung generously didn’t point out. 
“Did my mom give you anything to bring back?” Sunghoon inquired. “I’ve been craving her tarts.”
“I didn’t exactly have time to drop by your mom’s and pick up some tarts! I was trying to Apparate back to Hogsmede, if that wasn’t already clear!”
“On the bright side,” Jungwon said, “you’ll probably pass your Apparition exam now. Sunghoon lost half an eyebrow while he was practicing yesterday.”
Sunghoon, with one and a half eyebrows, grimaced.
“So, you left Y/N hanging and she had to walk back alone?” Sunoo asked, tutting lightly as he shook his head. “Now you stand no chance of asking her out.”
Heeseung tried to cover up how taken aback he was by coughing into his arm, expertly hiding his reddening cheeks from his friends. “It’s not like that.”
“Uh-huh,” Jungwon said. “So, you’d be perfectly fine with Y/N going out with Jake?”
Heeseung’s face turned sour as he turned to look at the Slytherin. “She’s going out with who?” 
“It’s a hypothetical question.”
“Well… who she goes out with is none of my business.”
Sunghoon barked out a laugh. “Then why’d you get so worked up?”
“I’m not getting worked up,” Heeseung replied firmly, huffing as he got to his feet. “I simply don’t think she and Jake Sim are compatible, but my opinion’s got nothing to do with her.”
“Yeah?” A ghost of a smirk was plastered across Sunoo’s face. “Why don’t you think they’re compatible?”
There was a fire in the center of Heeseung’s chest, blazing and scorching his heart. He felt as if he would pass out from the immense pressure in his chest, but then his body felt so hot that everything seemed to slip away. He thought of you and Jake again, thinking about how you smiled up at him in a way Heeseung had never seen you smile at him.
The fire in his chest raged. 
“Because I exist,” he answered loudly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class to attend.”
Whether they were awestruck or dumbfounded, Heeseung’s friends watched him leave the common room with crooked grins on their faces. He was extremely satisfied that he managed to get his two cents in without his voice cracking or wavering.
After Sunghoon was left in the common room with Sunoo and Jungwon, he slumped back in his seat and asked, “Since when did he go to class?”
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Defense Against the Dark Arts was Heeseung’s favorite class. Not because he particularly enjoyed dueling or any violence of the sort, but because Professor Weasley was the only teacher who didn’t assign papers every other day. He preferred a more hands-on teaching method, which usually involved partnering up and practicing spells on fellow classmates.
Plus, when Heeseung was in moods like these—moods where he felt like he was going to burst into flames much like a phoenix would—he looked forward to blasting someone across the room. Someone preferably like Jung Sungchan, who didn’t take it personally when he conjured columns of fire in rapid succession. 
Because he was so hot with unexplained anger and unrestrained emotion, Heeseung had to set the record straight (evidently for himself, too) that he most definitely harbored romantic feelings for you.
Admittedly, this was clear after he smelled the Amortentia, but Heseung refused to allow Potions to be the class that made him aware that he was in love. He could almost envision Slughorn taking credit for his future wedding, and the very thought made him shudder. 
The fire in Heeseung’s chest grew into more of a wildfire tearing through his body once he saw Jake Sim in Defense Against the Dark Arts.
He completely forgot that Jake took this class, too. The cherry on top was that Jake and Seunghan decided to sit at the desk right behind Heeseung and Sungchan, so he could hardly focus on Sungchan rattling on about Trelawny giving him detention when he was trying his hardest to eavesdrop on Jake’s conversation.
Right when Heeseung heard Jake talking about something potentially dark and dangerous (buying a Pygmy Puff), Professor Weasley raised his wand to signal that he was starting class. 
He started discussing familial curses, which Heeseung found especially interesting because he had almost considered a career path as a Curse-Breaker. It was a dangerous line of work, according to Professor Weasley, who used to be one himself before the second wizarding war, but Heeseung thought it was an honorable job to help remove dangerous curses.
Professor Weasley decided to stray from his usual ‘partner up with the person next to you’ and instead asked everyone to practice the Shield Charm with another student who was sitting around them. This, in turn, made Heeseung’s heart drop to his stomach.
If Sungchan wasn’t an option, then Heeseung was hoping he could partner with Seunghan. He quite liked the Hufflepuff, despite him being friends with the public enemy named Jake Sim. Seunghan had always been fun to talk to, and they became closer in fifth year when they were both sent to the infirmary and had beds next to each other. Madam Pomfrey was eventually tired of the two boys practicing jinxes on each other. 
Sungchan and Seunghan partnered up almost immediately, and then the girl sitting in front of Heeseung had run off to her friend as soon as the words slipped from Professor Weasley’s mouth. There was no one else for him to turn to—no one but Jake.
“Do you have a partner yet?” Jake asked shyly, and Heeseung had to fight down a bitter retort; obviously he didn’t have a partner, or he would’ve gotten up by now. “We can practice together, if you want.”
Heeseung reluctantly got to his feet. “Sure.”
They were an odd pairing, for sure. Heeseung couldn’t help but feel awkward around Jake, and it seemed as if Jake felt the same way, even though he did his best to be overly-friendly. 
Jake decided to be the one defending himself first, so Heeseung was graced with the opportunity to cast offensive spells at him all he wanted. He was having far too much fun casting Expelliarmus and Stupefy at Jake and watching the Hufflepuff draw his wand up just in time to shield himself. 
“You’re really good at this!” Jake said, eyes wide with what Heeseung assumed was fear. “Do you duel often?”
“Not really,” he answered. “I just have good aim.”
“Quidditch.” He made the connection quickly with a far too happy look on his face. “I’ve seen you fly. You’re really good.”
Quit playing nice! Heeseung was yelling at him in his head. It was proving quite difficult to viciously attack the Hufflepuff while receiving compliments in return.
“Yeah?” Heeseung gritted his teeth. “Do you watch Y/N—Stupefy!—play?”
“Y/N?” Jake looked confused for a moment, but his smile never faltered. “Yeah, of course! I always support Hufflepuff.”
Oh, right. They were in the same house. Logically, this was where Heeseung should’ve backed off, but jealousy seized him by the throat and made his head go funny.
He sent another streak of orange light flying in Jake’s direction, aiming right for his perfect hair. Jake deflected it. 
“Anyway,” Jake continued as he started to get the hang of performing wandless magic, “you guys are playing against Gryffindor next, right? I really think Slytherin’s gonna win. I mean, you guys have such a strong team, and…” 
As he kept droning on about how great the Slytherin Quidditch team was, Heeseung couldn't help but feel a bit confused. He was here to intimidate the Hufflepuff, but now he felt like he was at some sort of meet and greet. Why was Jake so bent on praising the Slytherin team? Heeseung assumed that the whole incentive for Quidditch games was for house pride, but Jake seemed to be taking it way too seriously. 
Come to think of it, Heeseung did find it strange that Jake had that defamatory newspaper clipping of Heeseung injured on the ground. Why would he specifically go looking for an article of the Slytherin team’s victory?
Heeseung lowered his wand when he heard a yelp to his right. Hong Seunghan had his wand raised over his head, a nearly-invisible shield circling his body that Heeseung could vaguely make out under the lamp light. 
“Watch it! This isn’t target practice, Heeseung!” Seunghan cried, looking absolutely distressed as he hastily adjusted his yellow-trimmed robes.
Heeseung’s Stunning Spell would’ve hit Seunghan if he hadn’t reacted in time. On one hand, he felt bad; on the other hand, he really thought Seunghan should’ve been patting himself on the back for his quick reaction time instead.
“My bad,” Heeseung mumbled. So much for his so-called good aim.
“And you,” Seunghan said—to Jake, this time, “stop distracting him with all your Quidditch talk!” 
Yeah, you tell him, Seunghan, thought Heeseung, who actually quite enjoyed talking about Quidditch.
To his surprise, Jake’s face started to flush pink. “I-I’m not trying to distract him or anything… I was just making conversation.” 
Seunghan threw him a lazy smirk before turning back to Heeseung and rolling his eyes playfully. “Put him out of his misery and set him up with your friend, will you?” 
“What?” Heeseung couldn’t stop himself from fuming at Seunghan’s words. The fire in his chest ignited once more, blazing with the heat of a thousand suns. 
Sungchan, who had been waiting patiently to attack Seunghan, rubbed the back of his neck. “Er—can we get back to—”
“Seunghan, drop it already,” Jake pleaded, his voice growing smaller and smaller. “It’s not happening.”
Seunghan shrugged and returned to blocking Sungchan’s attacks. The two of them seemed to be having fun with the exercise, at least. Heeseung and Jake were a disaster; Heeseung was far too vexed to think straight, and Jake was as bashful as a first year.
“You can ask her yourself, you know,” Heeseung said coldly, shooting a jet of red light in Jake’s direction. Jake barely managed to cast his shield in time to deflect Heeseung’s spell.
“I can’t,” Jake replied, all meek and timid again, which made Heeseung’s blood boil. 
He saw how comfortable Jake was around you, so why was he acting like this now? He was comfortable enough to walk up to you while you were with another guy; he was comfortable enough to keep eye contact while you smiled so radiantly at him; and he was comfortable enough to ask you to go to Hogsmede with him, so why was this such a big deal? 
Heeseung felt sick to his stomach. He wanted this class to be over so that he could go to his dormitory and wallow in his miserable state.
Jake sighed wistfully. “She probably has no idea I even exist.”
Heeseung blanked. 
He tossed around Jake’s words in his head a couple of times, trying to make sense of what he was saying. Heeseung perfectly understood being shy around a crush, but wasn’t this a bit much? From what he had observed, you most definitely knew of Jake’s existence.
Still confused, Heeseung replied, “I’m pretty sure she does.”
“Really?” Jake’s voice was louder, more hopeful. “She does? I mean, I guess she has to know I exist since we’re in the same class and all, but has she… has she ever mentioned me?”
Heeseung wondered if he should just stun Jake and leave class early.
Deciding against it for the sake of not receiving another week of detention, he answered, “Well, yeah, a couple of times.”
“Really? What did she say?”
“Uh…” Heeseung scratched his head as he tried to remember. “Something about telling you how I set off Dungbombs in Filch’s office.”
It was Jake’s turn to look confused. 
“That was Y/N,” he said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Wait, did you think I was talking about Y/N this whole time?”
Heeseung had to duck this time when his spell rebounded off of Jake’s shield and went flying in his direction. He stood up straight again, this time with his eyebrows furrowed and his ears bright red from realizing that he was about to embarrass himself yet again. 
“You’re not?” he asked.
“Then who are you talking about?” 
“M-Minjeong,” Jake stammered out. “Kim Minjeong.”
Heeseung stared at him. For a moment, he wasn’t even sure if this was reality; this could have all been some hyper-realistic dream—one of those absurd ones that hardly made sense but left him gasping for air when he woke up. 
But Heeseung’s feet were planted firmly on the ground and he had all ten of his fingers, so this couldn’t be a dream. Yet, when he drew in a shuddering breath, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was very wrong about this whole thing. Had he really been wrong about Jake Sim this entire time?
Also Minjeong? When he was friends with you? Heeseung wasn’t one to judge people’s tastes, but he’d swim oceans for you yet hardly cross a puddle for Minjeong. (Perhaps that was just because he resented the Slytherin girl for always making fun of his Quidditch screw-ups.)
So that was why Jake had been overly-invested in the Slytherin team. He wasn’t a Quidditch-fanatic whose house pride flew out the window; he was just harboring a crush this whole time! Heeseung was so relieved that the inferno in his chest had quelled. 
In fact, he was so relieved that he let out a shaky laugh without having half the mind to hold it in. Jake must have thought Heeseung was making fun of his crush, but Heeseung couldn’t help but laugh and laugh about how pathetic he had been this whole time. He had lost sleep over Jake Sim, only for him to like someone completely different. 
How ridiculous.
Heeseung crossed the distance between them and patted him firmly on the back, taking the Hufflepuff by surprise. “Minjeong, huh? I’ll introduce you.”
Jake’s eyes shone. “You will?”
“Of course I will. Now, tell me,” Heeseung started, his voice taking on a serious edge as he slung an arm around Jake’s shoulders, “where did you get your robes?”
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It was such a lovely day outside; the grass was greener, the skies were bluer, and there wasn’t a single cloud in sight—perfect weather to fly. Heeseung could even hear the birds singing as he strode down the hallway, trying very, very hard to keep himself from skipping. 
He wasn’t even trying to eavesdrop, but he picked up on the conversation a couple of fifth years were having nearby.
"—heard they both had to go to the infirmary!” one of them whispered to the other. “It was that bad!”
“Over a silly game?” The other girl, who Heeseung named Girl Two in his head, scoffed. “I’ll never understand Quidditch.”
Girl One shook her head. “Not over the game. It was over Lee Heeseung.”
Heeseung, who was slowly realizing that he was the Lee Heeseung they were gossiping about, suddenly felt very engaged in this conversation that he wasn’t part of. His guilty pleasure happened to be listening in on all of the scandalous happenings at Hogwarts. For him to be indirectly involved was even more exciting.
“Lee Heeseung?” Girl Two frowned. “Why would Y/N pick a fight over Lee Heeseung?”
He nearly tripped over his own feet. Heeseung had to scurry behind a pillar before anyone saw him blushing like a madman, but now he was worried about how strange it looked for him to be spying on a couple of fifth years from behind a pillar. 
Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. You fought someone? And you were in the infirmary? His sick happiness was quickly replaced with dreadful worry. 
(But he also wasn’t too worried; you could clearly handle your own.)
“No clue,” Girl One said. “I suppose they’re dating.”
Heeseung couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping his lips. He clamped a hand over his mouth as soon as it slipped out, and Girl One and Girl Two looked around suspiciously. 
“Who was that?” Girl Two asked sharply. 
“Must be that Ravenclaw girl,” Girl One replied bitterly, taking her wand out of her robes.
Heeseung had no idea who ‘that Ravenclaw girl’ was referring to, but he knew that he was no longer safe in their vicinity. After casting a Disillusionment Charm on himself, he fled the scene immediately, only removing the charm once he was safely down the hall. 
He hadn’t even realized his heart was racing faster than it ever had in his life until he found himself sprinting in the direction of the infirmary. 
“Mr. Lee, no running in the halls!” Professor Longbottom cried over his shoulder, gripping the pot of a Mandrake tightly. “That’ll be five points from—oh, forget it.”
Madam Pomfrey looked unsurprised to see Heeseung walking in, all sweaty and panting. She simply pointed in the direction of where your bed was and walked off to tend to some second year who, judging by the twigs in his hair, decided to test his luck with the Whomping Willow.
You were sulking in bed, turned on your side so that your back was facing Heeseung. It looked like you were mostly unscathed, but when Heeseung rounded the corner of your bed, all he could see was red when he noticed the cut on your lip and gash on your cheek. 
“Heeseung!” you gasped, sitting up straight so that you could swing your legs off the bed. “How’d you know—”
“Who did this?” he asked angrily, drawing out his wand and looking around the infirmary. He remembered Girl One saying that both parties were sent to the infirmary, so they must have still been around. “Who hurt you?”
“It’s not that bad, I just—”
“Not that bad?” he repeated louder. “You’re hurt!”
“It’s not that bad,” you said again, quieter. You held onto Heeseung’s bicep with gentle hands, which happened to immediately calm him down. “Sit.”
Heeseung sighed and sat down on the edge of your bed. He had felt remarkably happier after finding out that Jake did not, in fact, have a thing for you, but now he was riled up again. He wondered what you thought about Jake, but then Heeseung wondered why you were picking fights over him.
“It was the Seeker from the Gryffindor team,” you told him in an oddly calm voice, although he couldn’t help but notice how you were fiddling with your fingers too much. “She was talking down on you during class, so I picked an argument with her after class. That’s how I got these.” You pointed at the cuts on your lower lip and cheek. 
“But you don’t need to worry about her; she’s worse off than I am. I got her with a knee-reversal hex,” you said with a sheepish grin. “Let’s see how she flies after this.”
Heeseung stared at you. “You’re insane.”
“I believe the words you’re looking for are thank—”
“I love you.”
He believed he said it very, very softly, but his words echoed in his head so loudly that Heeseung couldn’t be completely sure that he hadn’t yelled it for the infirmary to hear. If it weren’t for the second year complaining loudly about how unsafe it was to have a murderous tree on school grounds, then Heeseung was sure the room would have been dead silent following his confession. 
You didn’t move. The worst was happening right now; Heeseung had boldly blurted out his feelings just for you to not answer him and soon hate him for the rest of your life. It was fine. You two would graduate soon. He would no longer have to see you again, even though the smell of lavender would be a constant reminder of his first love and first heartbreak. He would die alone now. Oh, and he’d have to tell his parents with deep regret that they would not have grandchildren. 
“Heeseung,” you whispered, and your lips started framing soundless words that you couldn’t get out.
The cat was out of the bag, so all Heeseung could do was stand up and own up to his words.
“You were right,” he said. “My Amortentia did smell like lavender—like you.”
He grabbed the rag on the table next to your bed, soaking it in water and wringing it out. Normally, Heeseung would have been shaking like a leaf, but he was oddly calm as he delicately held your chin, tilting your head to the side enough to get a good look at you. 
“I must’ve fallen in love with you years ago—maybe even from the first time you tripped me at the Sorting Hat Ceremony,” he said softly as he dabbed at your fresh cut, and although your eyes were wide and glossy, you hardly even flinched. Heeseung was pretty sure he had never even admitted what he said out loud to himself. When he was done and set the rag aside, he said, “So… glad I got that out before I kept it to myself for the rest of my life. I’ll get going now and hopefully not kill myself on the way.”
He hurried past Madam Pomfrey, making eye contact with no one except the Gryffindor Seeker, whose knees were bent at an awkward angle. She leered at him, to which Heeseung paid no attention because he had far bigger things to worry about, like the fact that his life was over.
Before he got all the way down the hall, though, he heard footsteps getting louder and louder. When he turned to see you speeding after him, Heeseung panicked and started running himself. 
“Why are you running?!” you cried.
“Why are you chasing me?!” he yelled back. 
“Stop running! Get over here, Lee Heeseung!”
“No!” He was very embarrassed to note that his voice did indeed crack. “I’m scared!”
It was like he had rammed right into a wall. Heeseung felt like his shoes were glued to the floor, and, with a grunt, he ended up falling forward and landing on his face when they wouldn’t budge. If only you had waited to hex him after he reached the grassy outdoors instead of the hard, stone flooring of the breezeway. 
“You hexed me!” He turned to look at you, exasperated. “How could you hex me after hexing someone for me?!”
“Now stay there.”
“No.” Stubborn, Heeseung started walking ahead—right down to the Great Lake so that he could wallow in embarrassment in that particularly nice patch of grass. He abandoned his shoes and trudged ahead in his socks. “And don’t follow me!”
“Heeseung,” you warned. 
He groaned and turned on you just before he was looking forward to sitting down on the grass, pointing an accusatory finger at you. “You—you’re terrible luck, you know that? Sheer bad luck. You know I’ve lived eleven years of my life perfectly fine until you showed up? Suddenly, everything goes wrong when I’m around you! And it’s not just missing the Hogwarts Express or blowing up a potion, it’s everything else!”
You calmly listened to him as he continued in his wild craze, “I can hardly breathe when I’m around you! I can’t even look at you for too long, or else I’ll probably combust. You make it so impossible for me to stay away from you, even though the very thing I need for the sake of my sanity is to stay away from you!”
“Are you done now?” you asked calmly, not quite breathing as hard as he was, but your chest was still rising and falling as if you were winded from running. 
“Yes,” he said, “so I’ll go drown myself in the—”
Before he could finish the rest of his sentence, you grabbed Heeseung by the front of his robes and pulled him down to kiss him senseless. He thought he had been hit with a Stunning Spell from how still he was, but when he realized that this was real life and you were indeed kissing him, his hand made its way to cradle your jaw as he kissed you back with searing passion.
He was ashamed to say that he had dreamt about this scenario many times, charted all of his next moves in great detail, and fantasized about doing much more than he’d like to admit. Heeseung felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest, but he kept his lips pressed to yours like it was the only thing keeping him tethered to reality. 
This was everything and more than he ever expected. He was certain he could never grow tired of the taste of your lips, and he was honestly scolding himself for not having done this sooner. 
Your arms naturally found their way around his neck, and Heeseung took that as his cue to drop his to your waist. Still locked in a tight embrace, you pulled away to catch your breath, leaving Heeseung to chase after your lips.
“—Great Lake,” he finished his sentence in a breath, “and hopefully get eaten by the Giant Squid—”
“Oh, shut up,” you cut him off to kiss him again. 
Heeseung had no further objections. He supposed this meant that he had the shiny new title of being your boyfriend, which he considered a higher honor than Quidditch Captain. This was saying a lot because Quidditch Captains got to use the really nice bathrooms.
Your kiss was slower this time, as if you both realized you had all the time in the world. And when you both finally broke apart, Heeseung let his fingers trace the outline of your lips to commit its shape to memory. 
This time when you smiled, it was far brighter than any Patronus Charm he had ever seen.
“I love you, too,” you told him with a shy grin. “Always have.” 
“Since our first year. Tripping you was by accident, of course. I just thought you were cute.” 
Heeseung was pretty sure the average wizard's heart couldn’t handle this overload of emotions. In a few seconds, he was sure he would need to be admitted to the infirmary himself. 
Then, you punched his shoulder. Hard.
“If you didn’t Disapparate on the spot back in Hogsmede, then maybe I could've told you sooner!” 
“It’s not like I wanted to Apparate away, but… but you put me on the spot!” he exclaimed. Heeseung let his shoulders sag. “Either way, I thought you liked Jake.”
“Jake?” You looked confused before you burst into laughter. “What made you think I liked Jake? He’s so clearly into Minjeong!”
It seemed to be that everyone thought the notion of Jake and you liking each other was absolutely ridiculous. If it wasn’t too late, Heeseung was up for pitching himself in the depths of the Great Lake.
Girl One and Girl Two would surely get a kick out of this. 
“Okay, I get it. I’m stupid,” he said, but you wouldn't stop laughing. Heeseung sighed heavily as you wiped tears from the corners of your eyes. “Alright, that’s it, you’re so getting it.”
This time, he grabbed hold of your face (gently, of course, because he didn't want to add pressure to your gash), and he peppered kisses all over your face. You scrunched up your nose, giggling as Heeseung kissed your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, and then finally your lips. 
And this—this moment he had been anticipating for seven years—was loads better than letting the Giant Squid eat him.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE ▸ the next morning, heeseung wakes up and basks in the afterglow of finally confessing to the girl of his dreams!! jay hands him the paper during breakfast and a picture of his shoes glued to the floor is on the front cover. anyways i hope you liked this fic!! so fun to write because i'm deep in a harry potter phase (how did this happen??) but happy valentine's day & thank you for reading &lt;3
FIC TAG LIST ▸ @jakeslvt @520studio @jlheon @enha-stars @leep0ems @velvtcherie @woninluv @jaeyunluvr @hotsforikeu @skzenhalove @baevsxii @alyssajavenss @lovialy @loljaeyunz
PERMANENT TAG LIST ▸ @mmsriza @changmin-wrlds @13isacoolnumber @from-xero @acciomylove @nyujjan @goldenhypen @bbanggami @notmangojuice @cb97curls @ily-cuz-i @jakeyuni @soobisms @rikibae @soobin-chois @sjyuniverse @outrologist @nabinthegardnn @viagumi @qolaroidlove @kpoplover718 @duolingofanaccount @jjongsha @teawithbucky @baekhyunstruly @mykalon @heelariously @ja4hyvn @candidupped @shmooooo @pr0dbeomgyu @heeyunkist @sunshine-skz @baekhyuns-lipchain @y4wnjunz
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amazzwon · 9 months
my go-to ENHYPEN (hyung line) fics
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°˖➴ Fiancé for Hire
smut, angst, fluff, non idol au, rich!Heeseung x broke!reader, contract au
°˖➴ Cherry
°˖➴ Cherry II
°˖➴ Cherry III
°˖➴ Cherry Epilogue
rich kid au, 80s au, smut, angst, fluff
°˖➴ Stitch me up
underground fighter!heeseung x nurse!reader, smut, angst , fluff
°˖➴ Rile Me Up
pwp, 6.1k
7.3k, smut, fluff, angst
he fell first but she fell harder, childhood friends to a married couple, fluff, 5.1k+
°˖➴ WANT
angst, smut.
strangers to friends to eventual lovers
°˖➴ NDA
idol!heeseung, fem!fangirl!reader, smut
smut, fluff, 9.3k
fluff, 0.2k
°˖➴ Dances Avec Les Etoiles
Prince!Heeseung × Princess!fem!reader, arranged marriage, smut
°˖➴ as long as you'll let me
smut, badgirl!reader x virgin!heeseung, college au, 15k
°˖➴ your lips, my lips, apocalypse
angst, suggestive, implied college! au, 2.0k
°˖➴ hopeless
fluff, high school! au, non-idol! au, 10.8k
lovers to exes, angst, 7.6k
skinship, swearing
romance, comedy, fluff, high school, written series
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virgin Jay, crude words, smut, reader works in a strip club
°˖➴ Carmesi
ceo!reader x secretary!jay, smut, suggestive, angst, fluff
°˖➴ Stars and Raindrops
highschool au, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, fluff, angst, crack, 23k
°˖➴ A La Folie
King!Jay × healer!fem!reader
crying, angsty, hooking up/sex, weed, 7.9k
°˖➴ you, my fate come and kiss me :
fluff-angst, soulmate au, 0.4k
°˖➴ touch me, feel me
Ceo!jay x Model!reader, smut, fluff
°˖➴ situationship!texts
angst, toxic relationship
°˖➴ just for you
established relationship au, romance, fluff, 2k
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°˖➴ Cherry Chapstick
fluff at the beginning, smut with plot
°˖➴ Good boy
coworker!Jake x fem!reader, smut
°˖➴ Birthday Sex
°˖➴ LUCK
°˖➴ kiwi and layla
high school au, f2l, fluff, angst, 26.3k
°˖➴ Royal Sacrifice
prince!jake x maid!fem reader, 7.1k, smut, angst
fluff, 0.5k, classmates to lovers
°˖➴ cherries
fluff, est rshp, 211
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°˖➴ Heartbeat
Friends with Benefits, smut
lyrics theme — "Ayo Fuck this, are we dating? Are we fucking? Are we best friends? Are we something?"
°˖➴ forbidden attraction
hogwarts, wizard!sunghoon x witch!reader, smut, fluff
°˖➴ star-crossed
prince!sunghoon/fem!reader, fluff, smut, greek mythology, angst, 6.8k
°˖➴ Relaxing
smut, 4k
playboy! sunghoon x fem reader, exes to lovers, fake dating, mutual pining, fluff, angst, 9.5k
°˖➴ will you let me
smut MDNI, angst
°˖➴ overtime
office au, fluff, 0.3k
°˖➴ Sparks
angst, 1.8k
°˖➴ BED
fiance!sunghoon x fem!reader, 7.8k
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡ Headcanons
Enha when their idol!partner has a wardrobe malfunction
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
music bank hosts: idol!enha x idol! reader
the moments that make everyone think you’re dating (all eyes on you)
Enha hyung line reaction to you being bratty
Reaction to you asking them Ass or Tits
JAY tattoos the hickeys you leave
JAY spitting in your mouth
enhypen falling in love with you during hybe game caterers
their "oh" moment (the moment they realise they're in love)
when you play with their hair
when you call them ‘babe’
calling them “husband” trend.
texting them "please don't leave me"
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dvrk-moon · 6 months
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— requested: yes!
— synopsis: running into your rival house’s quidditch captain with your friends at hogsmeade wasn’t exactly the way you planned to hard launch your relationship. 
— word count: 2k
— genre: harry potter au, fluff, a bit of angst sorry i love angst
— pairing: gryffindor!heeseung x fem!slytherin!reader
— featuring: jake, sunghoon, jay, aespa yizhuo (ningning) and minjeong (winter), loona/loossemble yeojin and hyeju, txt huening kai
— warnings: cursing
— taglist: @llvrhee @lovelycassy
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It was cold, to put things lightly.
It was the second week of December, about a week before the fall term at Hogwarts ended, and the winter season decided to make its presence known well this year with the chilly winds and white snow covering every surface imaginable. You were donned in a sweater, jeans, boots, a puffy coat, and a green scarf to accentuate your Slytherin pride. You weren’t wearing gloves, and the frostbite that would soon be eating away at your hands was making you regret not deciding to wear a better outfit to Hogsmeade.
You were currently stood outside of Three Broomsticks with one of your best friends who’s also the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team: Park Sunghoon. The two of you were waiting for some other close friends to join you at the tavern for some Butterbeer and unloading stress after the packed term.
Sunghoon watched you shove your hands into your pockets after trying to warm them up for the third time in the past minute; he laughed at your once-again failed attempt, rubbing his own (gloved) hands together, “You really should’ve brought gloves, Y/N.”
“You really should mind your business.” You retorted, giving him a sour look. You looked at your watch, “What’s taking them so long, anyway?”
“I dunno, you know how Hyeju and Yizhuo get when Jay is running late,” he sighed, “because what I bet is that they left without him, like usual, and then they felt bad and went back for him, like usual.”
“You’re definitely right,” you paused, “but that doesn’t mean we need to suffer in the cold for them. Can’t we go inside?”
“No,” Sunghoon laughed, “they’ll be pissed and you know that.”
Your friend group, comprised solely of Slytherins, seemed to always have situations like these happen to it. Especially those consisting of Hyeju and Jay.
As if on cue, the echoes of the voices of the aforementioned Yizhuo, Hyeju, and Jay were heard in the distance. You playfully rolled your eyes at the three as they made their ways into your field of vision.
Hyeju ran ahead of the other two, clad in a puffy coat and fuzzy hat that made her look like a second year rather than a seventh year. Even running late, she was dressed more appropriately than you were.
“There you guys are,” you huffed when they got closer, “we’ve been waiting for like ten minutes. It’s freezing.”
“Maybe you should’ve dressed warmer,” Jay said, shrugging, “just an idea. Wanna go inside?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
The five of you entered the tavern, immediately met with a wave of warmth and the chatter and laughter of the fellow tavern-goers. The scent of Butterbeer and Rum enveloped your nose and made you smile without realizing. The warm lighting welcomed you into a table around the middle of the room.  
A waiter soon found his way to your table, “Good evening, everyone. Do you all know what you want or should I give you a few minutes and then come back?”
“I think it’ll just be a round full of Butterbeer, so long as that’s okay with you.” Sunghoon motioned to the whole table, smiling at the waiter.
“On it. I’ll be right back with those for you.”
Talk about school and classmates flowered easily into the conversation, mostly about Quidditch and your recent loss to Gryffindor’s team a weekend prior. Sunghoon wasn’t pleased about the situation, and he especially made his disdain towards the Gryffindor Quidditch team captain, Jake Sim, known.
“It’s bloody stupid,” he nagged, “Sim caught the Snitch at the worst time. We were up 20, and then of course the ‘Golden Boy’ had to sweep in and get the victory. God, I hate Gryffindor.”
Your friends all agreed with Sunghoon, but you kept quiet. 
You were secretly dating Lee Heeseung, one of the Chasers on the Gryffindor team, and none of your friends knew. You had shown up to the match with them, clad in your Slytherin attire, cheering on Sunghoon. In the middle of the match, however, you feigned sickness, and told your friends you were going back to your room to rest. You roomed with Yizhuo, so you had to make sure that whenever you were done with fibbing to them, you had to beat her back to the housing.
What you were really doing was going back to the Slytherin common rooms to change into Gryffindor attire so you could cheer on your boyfriend. Luckily, the entire house was attending the match, so you had no worries about being caught in the Gryffindor wear. You snuck back to the match and found yourself with a few of Heeseung’s friends, Kai, Minjeong, and Yeojin.
Your friends still had no idea (you hoped) about what happened that day, and you intended to keep it that way. So, instead of speaking against their badmouthing, you just sat there in silence.
The waiter returned with your drinks and you wasted no time getting started on yours.
As if on cue, a voice cut through the noise that you would be able to recognize anywhere; it was Heeseung, accompanied by Jake, Yeojin, and Minjeong, who had just also walked into Three Broomsticks.
“Speak of the Devil.” Sunghoon snarled at the presence of the four.
“Ironic,” Hyeju laughed, “that’s bloody ironic.”
The four Gryffindors sat themselves at a table not far from where you and your friends were sat, close enough to be in earshot despite the chatter of the tavern.
You knew Sunghoon was a lightweight, but you didn’t think he’d be drunk (or ballsy) enough to already start conflict with the Gryffindors.
“Aye, Sim,” he called, to which Jake whipped his head around to spot the voice. At the sight of Sunghoon, he rolled his eyes.
Heeseung had also turned his head, quickly scanning the group to look for you. His gaze softened when you locked eyes, but he quickly sent a glare to Sunghoon.
“What do you want, Park?” Jake asked, turning his body around to face your table. He laughed, “Not still caught on that Quidditch match, are you?”
“Oh, yes, I am, actually. Some bloody sense of luck you’ve got, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d cheated to win.” 
Jake rolled his eyes again, “Maybe we’re just better, Park. Ever think of that?”
“No,” Sunghoon glared, “it has never been a thought in my mind, and it never will be. Because it’s just not true.”
“You really think so? Because, if I recall correctly, one of your friends even came to cheer on Gryffindor. Some loyal housemates you have,” Jake said, “won’t even cheer on their own team because they know we’re better.”
Jake’s eyes flashed towards your own for a split second, making you widen your eyes in an attempt to get him to stop talking. 
“As if,” Sunghoon commented. He looked at all of you, “because I saw them all there cheering for Slytherin.”
“Clearly you weren’t looking close enough.”
You saw Sunghoon furrow his eyebrows, to which he glanced back around the table. You swallowed briefly, hoping that he wouldn’t notice your nervous look. You again widened your eyes at Jake, urging him to stop.
“What’s going on…?” Sunghoon looked confused, and a bit hurt.
Yeojin grabbed Jake’s shoulder, letting him know that he should probably let up and not let his pride get the best of him.
“Can someone please just explain what’s going on?” 
The desperation in Sunghoon’s voice caused you to look over at Heeseung, who gave you a reassuring smile, almost telling you, ‘It’s okay, let them know if you want to’.
You sighed and grabbed Sunghoon’s arm, forcing his attention towards you. His look melted from one of hurt and confusion to another of something indescribable.
“I’m sorry for keeping this a secret,” you started, “but now that you know, I can’t lie anymore.”
“Did you really go cheer on our rivals, Y/N?” Hyeju asked, looking at you with a hint of betrayal.
“I did. But I had a reason to,” you clarified, “because otherwise I would have never cheered on Gryffindor. No offense, Jake.”
Yizhuo stifled a laugh at the look that Jake gave you which was one of shock. It seemed like out of all your friends, she cared the least about the situation at hand. Jay and Sunghoon stayed quiet.
You stood up from your spot and walked over to behind Heeseung and placed a hand on his shoulder. You sent your best friends a slightly apologetic look, but started, “I cheered on Gryffindor because I…”
You trailed off. This was a lot harder than you’d anticipated. You started again, “I’m dating Lee Heeseung. He’s a Chaser, and I’d gone to every other match to cheer him on. Sunghoon, I’m really sorry about lying. It wasn’t fair to you guys.”
“You have a boyfriend?” Jay questioned, finally breaking his silence. He laughed, “God, I thought you were going to die alone. This is great news, actually.”
Yizhuo and Hyeju laughed, and the tension seemed to ease at the joke. Even Jake cracked a smile. 
But Sunghoon still didn’t say anything.
You returned to your seat which was next to him. He barely acknowledged your presence.
“Do you wanna talk?” You asked. You looked at him, “We can go outside.”
Sunghoon vaguely nodded and stood up to lead you outside into the cold. Once outside, he sighed.
“I’m really sorry, Sunghoon. I should’ve been there to cheer you on,” you said, “I wasn’t being a very good friend.”
“It’s not even about that, Y/N.” He spoke, frustrated, yet seemingly more calm than earlier, “Why did it have to be a Gryffindor of all houses? Our rival house? Really?”
“I know, I’m sorry…” you apologized, “but it just kind of happened. Honestly, I am sorry for lying to you all for so long. But I’m the happiest I’ve been.”
“When did you start seeing him?”
Heeseung stepped out of the door right before Sunghoon started his sentence, and answered the question for you:
“We’ve been together since April.”
“April? Y/N, that’s a long time.” Sunghoon said exasperated.
“I know,” you said, watching Heeseung make his way to stand behind you. You brought your attention back to Sunghoon, “but you always talk so lowly of Gryffindors. I didn’t want you to feel betrayed.”
“I’m more upset that you felt the need to lie to us for so long, Y/N,” he huffed, “I’m really happy that you’re happy. But we’re your best friends, why didn’t you feel like you could trust us with knowing this?”
Heeseung wrapped his arms around your shoulders to preserve heat. Sunghoon’s gaze softened at your smile towards Heeseung.
“I’m happy for you,” Sunghoon said, “I really am. I’m sorry we had to find out like this, my pride got the better of me during the argument.”
“I forgive you, and I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“It’s okay, we know now, and that’s what matters,” Sunghoon replied, “at least you’re not dating Sim. That’s what really matters.”
You laughed at him.
“I’m gonna go back inside,” he told you, “and maybe try to make friends so that things aren’t weird,” he stopped, looking at Heeseung, “but you better treat her well. I have no problem being anti-Gryffindor again.”
Heeseung laughed nervously as Sunghoon entered the tavern again. You turned around in his embrace, craning your neck to look at him. 
“So,” you started.
“So?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at you and breaking into a smile.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry, angel? You did nothing wrong. It’s better that they found out eventually, but I should be sorry for not keeping Jake in check.”
“You’re okay,” you reassured, wrapping your arms around him. You pressed your cheek against his chest, “I’m happy they know. Sunghoon will get over the loss.”
You looked up to notice the snowfall that had started falling on Heeseung’s brown locks. You pressed yourself closer to him for warmth.
“Maybe they could even become friends.” You suggested.
“I hope they can become friends: Jake and Sunghoon. I feel like they’d click.”
Peeking into the window of the tavern, you noticed how your friends and Heeseung’s had conjoined into one table. 
You let your face break out into a relaxed smile, “Maybe.”
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a/n : this was so fun to write i can’t wait to get to other reqs
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nwjws · 10 months
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; SYNOPSIS - after gryffindor’s victorious quidditch match earlier in the day, celebrations ensue in the common room that night, and you find yourself dragged into a game of magical truth or dare. when you make eye contact with lee heeseung, your best friend since diapers, the smirk on his face has you dreading whatever question or dare he sends your way. 
"do you want to kiss me?"
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; PAIRING - heeseung x gn!reader
; WC - 2.8k
; TAGS - one-shot, fluff, barely any angst, hogwarts au, childhood best friends to lovers, gryffindor!heeseung, griffindor!r, truth or dare/spin the bottle trope ; WARNINGS - underage drinking (Plz don’t do this !!!!), kissing
; AUTHOR'S CORNER! i don’t really have anything to say lol
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the best thing about being a gryffindor?
the parties.
granted, students will always celebrate a win, no matter what house they belong to. but gryffindor was known to host the best post-match parties. (but maybe you're a little biased.)
gryffindor had won the quidditch match against ravenclaw earlier today by a landslide. that's the fifth time in a row that your house has won in a match - all thanks to heeseung, the team's captain; your childhood best friend since you were eight.
oh, and your crush of five years.
once the match ended, you wasted no time running down to the pitch to congratulate your friend. when heeseung caught sight of you approaching, his face broke into an achingly wide grin, one that sent your heart into overdrive. he spread his arms wide and enveloped you in a hug before spinning you around as you tucked your nose into the nook between his neck and shoulder. he smelled of grass and dirt and was coated in sweat, but it didn't matter to you.
"gross," jake's voice ruins the moment.
looking over heeseung's shoulder, you find jake scrunching his nose at you two.
"couldn't you save the PDA for when you're in private?"
you pulled away from heeseung's embrace and cross your arms across yourself in embarrassment. you missed his warmth immediately. he groans as you retreat from his arms.
somewhere along the journey of growing up, innocent hugs with your best friend gained more implications to their meanings.
"always ruining things," heeseung mutters as he turns to his teammate.
"suddenly, i can't hear," jake smiles with mock-sweetness. he turns to you and nods in acknowledgement. "see you at the party later, y/n?"
"this one over here would never let me miss one," you roll your eyes playfully, nudging heeseung in the side.
by the time you came down from your dorm to the common room, the festivities were in full-blast. half the students looked either tipsy or well on their way to being full-out drunk. you could see people from other houses trickling into the red and gold of the gryffindor common room, streamers and balloons decorating the walls.
"y/n!" you looked to find jay, one of heeseung's friends, had called you over.
"hey," you greeted. pointing at his cup, you asked, "what's that?"
"well, it was originally a non-alcoholic cocktail, but someone had added a full bottle of firewhiskey to the mix."
"ah, so that explains the situation..." you nod in in understanding.
jay pursed his lips. "yeah, and since no one here really drinks much, you can imagine how low the tolerance around here is," he says as he gestures to the common room filled with stumbling and giddy teenagers.
you cringe as you see someone crash into a table, causing the game of wizarding chess another student had been playing on it to fall to the ground. yep, there'll be quite a mess after tonight.
"where's heeseung?" you asked the slytherin, looking around curiously.
"he's gone back upstairs to get something." jay looked at you as he sipped from his drink. "why, is my presence more boring than your boyfriend's?"
"he's not my boyfriend!" you denied, shaking your head so hard it started to hurt.
jay chuckled at your flushed reaction. "relax, i'm just teasing."
"i know," you deflate, pointedly looking away.
it's at that moment you spot jake walking up to you two.
"guys! come here, let's play a game."
"what game?"
"truth or dare." then, he grinned mischievously. "with a twist."
"i don't like the sound of this," you say immediately.
"c'mon, don't you want to play?"
"not really, no thanks."
"everyone's joining, let's go!"
and with that, you were left with no choice but to follow as jay and jake all but dragged you by your wrists.
you all sat around the fire place, with ten or more other students joining in on the fun.
heeseung finally joined just before it started, sitting just opposite you in the circle. you two share a secret smile, one that has you almost forgetting there were other people with you in the moment.
he wore a simple black button up, with the last few left open, allowing the world to see the smooth skin of his collarbones. paired with his black undercut, it was honestly a very simple outfit. it's the little details that made him all the more attractive, and it brought your attention to his pink lips. soft and light in contrast to his dark appearance.
the corners tug upwards into a smile, and you realise he's noticed you looking. you turn away ashamedly and pointedly engage beomgyu in a conversation, ignoring the burning gaze set on you.
jake summons cups full of the (now alcoholic) cocktail in front of everyone, before placing an empty bottle of firewhiskey in the center of the circle. you get a trickle of suspicion that he's the cause behind all of this, but you shrug it off.
"okay. so, as per the rules of the game, whoever spins the bottle is the one asking a question or giving a dare. the person the bottle lands on is on the receiving end of it. if you absolutely can't answer the question or do the dare, then take a swig from the cup." jake then shrugs, stating, "be a pussy and test your alcohol-tolerance, or grow some balls and stay sober."
"you said there was a twist," you remind him. these were all rules of a typical truth or dare game, everyone knew them.
"right you are, y/n!" he smiled brightly, clicking his fingers at you. with a swirl of his wand, he summons a familiar vial labelled 'veritaserum'.
a chill goes down your spine.
"truth serum? wait, isn't it like- illegal to misuse it like this? aren't we breaking some rule about students not being allowed to use veritaserum?"
"it's only breaking the rules if you get caught," he winks. "so, if you choose truth, you have to take three drops of this. that way, we'll know you're definitely not lying, seeing as you can't lie with this in your system." you begin to wonder how many rules jake's broken in the name of fun.
and the games started.
an hour into truth or dare, your cup was half empty.
by this point, jake had half of his left eyebrow singed off, yunjin had become a human magnet, and beomgyu’s mouth and nose had been transfigured into a duck beak. you yourself had half your hair jinxed to a red so bright it hurt everyone’s eyes, but that’s a story for another day.
everyone agreed not to take more than three drops of the truth serum, since no one was really interested in finding out what might happen if they overdosed. besides, the effect lasts up ‘til the morning, so there wasn't really any need to take more every time you chose truth.
not that you chose that option, anyway. the bottle had landed on you a grand total of five times, and you’d chosen dare each time.
it’s not like you had anything to hide, you tell yourself. you just like a bit of challenge, right? right.
after heeseung admitted to having used felix felicis at least once during his games (a little luck never hurt anyone, especially when they won those games), it was his turn to spin the bottle.
heeseung reached for the bottle; you waited with baited breath as it spun around.
every spin that cursed bottle took, you could hear your heart pounding louder and louder in your ears. please not you.
please not you pleasenotyou please-
you lean back and look up to whatever being out there decided to play with you today, because of course it stopped, nose pointed at you.
one look at heeseung’s face doesn’t quelm the uneasiness you’re feeling.
the corner of his lips are quirked up into a subtle smirk, one you can only see because you’ve known him for so long; memorised his behaviour patterns. not even the buzz from the alcohol could stop you from noticing that he’s planning something.
“go nice on me, hee. dare.”
“c’mon, y/n. that’s the fourth dare. are you hiding something from us?” a relatively sober jake asks with a raised eyebrow.
“no, it’s just more fun to complete dares,” you defend yourself.
“it’s fun to tell the truth, too,” heeseung remarks. his intense stare sets a fire in your stomach ablaze. there’s a mix of curiosity and challenge in his eyes.
"just give me a dare," you sigh.
heeseung shakes his head. "i won't ask anything too bad," he says, but you want to accuse him of lying. his questions this game have been the most brutal. and his insistence on getting a truth hints to you that there's a question he really wants to ask.
"please? i'll buy you that one bag you wanted."
"are you talking about the dragonskin one? i only mentioned that once," you say, surprised. your best friend just shrugged and waited for your answer.
if he still planned to hang out with you after this question, then maybe he really didn't plan to ask about your feelings, not in front of all these people, at least. but if you said no, you know heeseung would never pressure you into choosing the truth.
maybe you should have done all the dares you were given, if only so you would have been in the right mind.
otherwise, you would never have asked jake for the vial of veritaserum, which had everyone (who wasn't flat out drunk and were still following the game) cheering loudly.
"truth," you stared heeseung in the eye, gathering fake confidence after your three drops of veritaserum. heeseung grinned that pretty smile of his.
"do you want to kiss me?"
yeah, no. you were a liar (at least, before you took the truth serum). that fake confidence fell away instantly. had you really been looking at his lips that much the whole evening?
"dare." just because you took the serum doesn't mean you can't choose to not answer.
heeseung's smile widened, as if he'd already gotten his answer. he leans in, closer to the center. closer to you.
"i dare you to kiss me."
'oouuhh's and whistles echoes throughout the room, and people who hadn't joined the game turned towards the circle curiously.
you slapped your hands to your mouth in shock, you hadn't expected him to be so upfront. he sat and waited, whether for you to answer his question, or act on his dare.
you don't know if it was the firewhiskey, the chants of everyone saying 'kiss! kiss! kiss!', or maybe the electricity in the air between you two. maybe it was all three, plus the feelings you harboured over these last few years. whatever the case was didn't matter though - not when you went in for it anyway.
in a swift moment, you captured his lips in a kiss, which he reciprocated in pulling you closer, his hands firm on your shoulders. all of your feelings and thoughts pour into the action, setting aside all of the hesitation and doubt to immerse yourself just for a moment.
you couldn't break away, and neither did he. his lips were soft, but so full of life and emotion, fueling you to kiss him harder. a flickering thought that maybe, he felt the same. a small hope that your feelings for him weren't so unrequited. it was exhilarating, treading on that fine line between friends and lovers.
you'll probably realise it was a mistake later on, a kiss that never should have happened between two friends. because friends don't kiss, and yet, you can't seem to pull away.
when you finally did though, heeseung kept you in place, his arm draped around your waist.
"wait," he huffed, panting and trying to catch his breath. you could tell he was trying to gather his thoughts.
you'd been avoiding this, because you had an inkling feeling about the words words he wanted to say, but couldn't. you were honestly scared of what they were: rejection? saying he knew you liked him, but didn't feel the same? pity? disgust?
if he didn't like you back, you would never recover. the end of your friendship - a ten year one all ruined in the blink of an eye. all of the effort you'd put in to it, only to be destroyed by a stupid stupid stupid kiss.
for a long while now, friendly conversations on a winter evening by the fireplace and innocent letters you'd owl to each other's dorm every night no longer seemed to suffice. but you had to accept it, knowing you'd never have a chance with him. so instead, you just avoided that topic whenever the conversation headed in that direction, veering it away to a lighter one.
after all, if you just ran away from the problem, you'd never have to confront it, right? over time, your (five year old) crush will definitely dissipate, right?
and now, you were stuck in an awkward position.
"sorry, can we speak in private?" he looks to jake for permission, who nods with a sparkle in his eye, a smile barely hidden.
heeseung got up from the floor, and dragged you up by your wrist. you tried to ignore all the murmurs, but you couldn't stop yourself from hiding behind your hands. your face was certainly red, and definitely not from the alcohol. you were much more sober now.
when he brought you to a secluded place, heeseung pulled your hands away, and looked at you with concern.
"are you okay? i'm sorry if you felt pressured back there. i shouldn't have done that."
dread filled you, the blood draining from your body and a cool shiver took over.
"you shouldn't have done what? we shouldn't have kissed?" you asked, holding back tears. this was going exactly the way you always imagined.
"what? no!" his eyes widened, speechless for a moment. "y/n, that kiss was everything to me. you don't know how long i've wanted to do that."
you gaped at him, confused. it was your turn to be speechless.
"what do you mean...?"
heeseung leaned back, retreating into himself. he couldn't look at you as he confessed, "i was waiting for the right time to say this, but then i'd be waiting forever.
"i like you, possibly even love you. i don't know when these feelings started, but i realised when jay asked you out last year. i've liked you for way longer before that though.
"i suddenly became aware of how, when everyone cheered for me in my games, it was only ever your voice that mattered. or how much i missed holding your hand in my sleep like we used to as kids. and then you kept looking at me with those eyes earlier, and i just needed to know how your lips felt right then. time feels like it stops when i look at you, i think i'm going a little crazy."
your heart raced, you couldn't believe your ears.
"wait, because i've felt this way for you since we were thirteen. have you really liked me back all this time?"
heeseung turned to you, a meaningful look in his eyes.
"i wouldn't have asked for a kiss if i didn't think about you like that. you're the world to me, and i didn't want to lose you because of how i felt. i don't know where that surge of confidence from earlier came from."
you start to laugh. "you don't know how long i've wanted to do that either," you say simply, relief filling your veins.
"longer than just tonight, i hope?"
"way longer before that," you parroted.
heeseung grinned, and pulled out a gift bag from his back pocket, charmed to hold bigger items.
you gasped. "this is the bag!" you look up at him. "you already bought it?"
it hit you then that this was the 'thing' he'd been getting earlier, back when you spoke with jay.
"i did," he smiled, handing it over to you.
"so when you said that earlier..."
"i planned to give it anyway, whether or not your accepted my dare or not."
"so you're saying i could have avoided all that anyway? i hate you," you folded your arms and rolled your eyes playfully.
"i didn't know you could still lie under veritaserum!" he gasped, with equally as much playfulness in his tone.
"some are less affected," you shrugged.
he laughed before wrapping his arms around you, hanging on the small of your back. you hugged him back, placing a soft kiss on his jaw.
"y/n, please. can i be yours?" he murmured into your neck.
"you always have been."
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; TAGLIST - perm . @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii @haechansbbg @gweoriz @maoyueze @manooffline @chocwo @yizhoutv @isawritesss networks . @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels
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ashtxrie · 6 months
plot twist! (sunoo)
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PAIR. hogwarts student! sunoo x gn! hogwarts student! reader GENRE. hogwarts au, best friends to lovers, fluff, idiots in love, sunghoon is a real one (no house specifications mentioned!) WORD COUNT. 1.2k WARNINGS. none :) NOTES. everyone needs a sunghoon in their lives… + can you tell that i love the best friends to lovers trope with sunoo IN WHICH: you were trying to get kim sunoo to reveal who he liked while brewing amortentia, yet somehow sunghoon tricks you into revealing your feelings instead. what a jerk.
sunoo stares solemnly at the potion bubbling in his cauldron, fiddling with his fingers. the opalescent sheen of amortentia reflects in his eyes, and he turns to look at you, shrugging helplessly.
“just smell it,” you offer helpfully. “what could go wrong?”
sunoo looks at you mildly. you can already tell he’s beginning to think of everything that has gone wrong every single time you say something like this.
“right.” he cracks a smile. “like when you convinced me to eat two sugar hexes in one go?”
“that was once –”
“and when you told me to walk through the bloody baron?”
“i was in first year–”
sunoo laughs. “just wow. that’s horrible advice.” he leans backwards from the cauldron, his fingers still pinching his nose.  “but like sunghoon said,” he begins melodramatically, swiping a hand across his forehead, “amortentia makes lovesick fools of us all.”
you raise an eyebrow. “yeah, i doubt he’s ever said that.”
sunoo scowls, though not really meaning it, continuing to stare intently at the amortentia. “shut up,” he says, now resorting to waving the wisps of spiraling steam away from his face. “let me have my moment.”
“yeah, which you’ll have if you just smell the potion for once,” you say with a gleam in your eye. “what, are you afraid that it’ll be mint choco or something?” 
“i will not smell mint choco oh my god–”
“oh you definitely will.”
“i love mint choco but not like that– what is wrong with you how are we friends–”
“then what are you so afraid of?” 
your question catches him off guard, and he stays silent for a moment. he opens his mouth, about to say something, then closes it again. he shakes his head, eyes darting to look at something behind you. “i– i don’t know.” 
the seconds of silence that follow are broken as sunoo stands up too quickly, apothecary vials jittering. every eye lands on him, and he flushes, saying a quick “sorry!” before he turns back to you. “i’m just going to go and,” he gestures vaguely. “get more ingredients for the potion.” he sticks his hands in the pockets of his robes and makes for the cupboard, until sunghoon park stretches out his hand and pulls sunoo into the seat beside him.
the class snickers, rolling their eyes, and resumes their creation of the potion.  somewhere near the stained glass windows, the professor reprimands jake for attempting to slip a bit of his amortentia into a small vial after a dare niki gave him.  
sunoo and sunghoon whisper furiously at the desk near yours, and you can hear a little bit of what they’re saying.  
sunoo holds his face in his hands, shaking his head repeatedly as he groans. “i can’t!”
sunghoon whispers something back, rolling his eyes. he looks up to meet your gaze, then shakes sunoo, and leans down to whisper something.
sunoo peeks at you from behind his fingers, then abruptly shuts his eyes again and slams his head against the table.
you frown, tapping on jungwon’s shoulder. “watch my amortentia for me, will you?”
the boy nods, shrugging, as you get up and sit across from sunghoon and sunoo.
their conversation cuts off immediately. sunghoon looks immensely pleased.
“why are you acting so weird?” you reach to fix an apothecary bottle that lies skewed on the desk.  
sunghoon nudges sunoo. “why’re you acting so weird, sunoo?”
sunoo laughs quickly. “weird? i’m not weird, never!” he flushes, pulling at his hair. “nevermind, don’t answer that. i am weird. the weirdest.”
meanwhile the color from sunghoon’s face drains, and he widens his eyes in exasperation. “shut up,” he hisses.
sunoo nods while sending sunghoon a look, trying to stop his hands from quivering. “okay yeah you’re right.”
sunghoon looks at you dryly, pushing the cauldron of amortentia toward you. “what do you smell?”
you waft the potion towards you, smirking. “the real question is what sunoo smells. he ran away before i could get him to tell me.”
sunoo stiffens.
“i personally think he’ll smell mint choco,” you offer, nudging his shoe with your foot.
“oh really?” sunghoon smirks, his eyes boring into you. “that’s interesting. very interesting, actually.”
“you don’t think he will?”
“definitely not.” sunghoon folds his hands on the table and devilishly stares at you and sunoo. “oh, this is golden.”
you roll your eyes, beginning to rattle off all the things you smell. then you pause. “there’s something else too, it’s sort of odd.”
sunoo looks up curiously, his hands stilling. “what is it?”
you frown. “it’s like citrus, freshly washed clothes and–”
“–white peach?” sunghoon inserts casually, his voice a little too light, a little too innocent.
you brighten. “yeah. you’re right, actually.” you look at him curiously, tilting your head. “how’d you–”
recognition ticks in the back of your brain and you freeze. “shit.”
you don’t notice the way sunoo’s face turns a bright shade of pink, the smallest smile beginning to flutter at the edges of his lips. 
instead, you stand up from the table and return to your desk, frantically stirring your amortentia.
sunoo walks by your seat after a while, standing near your desk. “um,” he says.
you shake your head and glare at your potion. “go away.”
“okay.” and then, “sorry.”
you watch out the corner of your eye as he returns to sunghoon, who facepalms.
the clocktower chimes and you rush out of the classroom.  
you spend the rest of the week avoiding them until one day, sunoo taps on your shoulder.  there’s no one else in the corridor.
he looks down at his feet, his hands shaky. “i think you know why i want to talk to you.”
you shrug. “just forget it.”
sunoo leans back, eyes hurt. “forget it?”
“yeah. i don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“what if i don’t want to forget?” he looks up at you, his eyes soft. “would that be so bad?”
you stare at him, something happy bubbling inside.
“i didn’t tell you what my amortentia smells like because i already knew.” he smiles. “like foggy days in the astronomy tower.” he stares at you hopefully. “and trying new skincare while talking about anything into the night in the common room. and eating mint choco ice cream in hogsmeade– so, i mean, in a way, you were right, i kinda of did smell mint choco too…” 
realization dawns on your face. “you should’ve just told me!”
sunoo gives you a teasing look. “you should’ve just told me!”
you smile happily. “take me to hogsmeade next weekend.”
“of course.” sunoo wraps you in a hug, resting his head in the crook of your neck and smiling against your skin. “i really, really like you. i always have.”
you nod, breathing in the lingering scent of white peach. “me too.”
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soobnny · 2 years
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this obviously isn’t complete but these struck out to me a lot while i was making this list! i’ll update this or maybe make another one with additional fic recs when i find the time :)
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☆ heeseung
familiar stranger — @bambisgirl
i rly liked the plot for this one. i found it funny the whole wanting him to take a picture of U, not like .. taking a pic together :( i just think that’s a rly charming point of the fic n i enjoyed following the scenario n just seeing how the both of them r reacting to the situation
we’re dating! (not really) — @jayflrt
one of my fav tropes ever. and one of my fav fics on here too! it’s just written so adorably and idk i love this so much. do u see like to the point i’m actually SPEECHLESS. just read this for a fun time n if u want to be smiling from ear to ear the whooooole time 🤭
☆ sunghoon
for the first time — @yaehao
perhaps my most favorite sunghoon fic (maybe even favorite fic in general) on tumblr. u do not understand how this story made me feel + i think it’s one of the reasons i got into writing for enhypen in the first place. it honestly expanded my passion for writing becos i wanted to be as good as op one day
12:08 pm | sticky notes — @luv4jun
this one’s a short read but it did stick out to me while i was reading it. honestly felt so realistic? everything felt vivid and real to me like it’s so sweet and it’s such a perfect read to remember before going to sleep
man of the hour — @sung5oon
i am a big actor!sunghoon enthusiast so this fed me WELL. fueled my silly little brain and i just … i love this. i love the trope and the au it’s playing in like !! i wish there was more actor!enha writings :”) i love it! definitely should read this one!
☆ jay
crushes & crashes — @restlessmaknae
this was such a good read. i remember just having the time of my life when i was reading this and just having a smile on my face the whole time :)
falling for you, i can’t keep you away — @ddeonuism
i just love hogwarts and harry potter au cos it’s the first book series i’ve ever read so anything in this alternate universe will make me scream. even more when it’s friends to lovers.
☆ jake
to all my firsts with you — @jayflrt
the silly thing is i have not read this fic yet but i KNOW it’s good. my friend recommended it to me and i enjoyed another fic written by op n love the way everything is written so i know this one’s golden too!
☆ sunoo
i’m gonna be real. i do not see much written for sunoo >:( let me know if u have a good fic rec aaaa i’d love to read more for him truly.
☆ jungwon
6:43 am — @iovnyu
this one fueled my daydreaming. u don’t understand how short and sweet this was like i could read it over and over again esp when i need a smile! will never fail to make u giggle
unrequited — @enhas-bestie
i honestly love how real this one felt. it’s the type that leaves your heart feeling heavy which is always a good feature when you’re reading angst!
lost cause — @yeongwonie
one of my most favorite jungwon fics of all time. it was written so beautifully and the flow is so easy to follow. just everything about this fic screams beauty and the plot is honestly just .. it’s so fun to read n just aaaaa. i can’t even express how much i love this fic
closer — @palajae
i read this one slowly becos i wanted to cherish every single moment and scene in the fic. this was one of the cutest things ive ever read like actual tooth-aching fluff. i remember just going back to this a lot and rereading it becos it gave me a new feeling every time i read it again.
blue birthday — @amakumos
drum roll please to my favorite jungwon fic on this app. i will never shut up about blue birthday and i will never stop coming back to this fic. the plot was something i’ve never read before and i just .. find myself rooting for everyone in the fic. it’s crazy how much i love this fic (btw this will be dethroned by kiss and cry also by yun i am gonna add it here as soon as it is released)
☆ ni-ki
sucks to be you, sleepyhead — @cloudninescenes
let’s talk about this one. the characterization and the flow of the story is so so pretty. i smiled the whole time with this one too :( i just love how riki is the teasing but down bad type. i love that trope so much. i cannot stress enough how much i enjoyed the plot too
lucky charm — @amakumos
one of my favorite — if not even my favorite ni-ki fic on here. i was giggling and laughing multiple times. honestly, you can count on yun for writing something you’ve never read before. her writing will always be my favorite. i remember talking about the original story with yun for this one so i feel #special
20th century girl — @delcakoo
guys i’m sorry but i was just giggling like a little school girl the whole time i was reading this. the characterization fits him SO much like i can imagine it so vividly and so clearly. like this is riki u are so right. and JUST!!! just read it and u will understand why i love it so much 🫶 i cannot wait to read the rest of op’s works when i have the time!
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gabbytheplatypus · 2 months
Can't believe no one wrote a Hogwarts Hangster AU yet because: Imagine Jake (Slytherin or Ravenclaw) teasing Bradley that he doesn't belong in Gryffindor because of how he is and both of them falling in love while they got their banter going on in class. For example while doing potions or something and then there is this basilisk and one of them gets petrified and omg I need that so bad please
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minhosimthings · 1 year
Mona's Enha Masterlist!
Ot5 (I do not write for the two maknaes)
The Symphony Smut Series (contains Stray kids also)
The French Quotes Series
Lucifer - 02z (smut series)
The Japanese Quotes Series soon to come
Headcannons/ imagines
Enha as quotes I found on Pinterest!
Enha as boba flavours I've tried
Threesomes with Enha (only hyung line) - Smut, MINORS DNI
How the Enha hyung line tells you they want to fuck you (requested)
Exhibitionism with Enha hyung line (requested)
Enha reaction to you dominating them (requested)
Enha hyung line reaction to you being bratty (requested)
Enha hyung line reaction to calling them "just a friend" (smut, requested)
Enha hyung reaction to the members getting touchy with you (smut, requested)
Enha reaction to when you’re doing it at their parents house but you can’t stay silent (smut, requested)
Enha's favourite sex positions (requested)
Pervert Enha hyung line (requested)
Sex with Enha songs (hyung line, requested)
Makeup sex with hyung line (requested)
Girl dad Enha headcannons
Enha's eyes are pretty like..(hyung line)
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Wanna be yours
Good girl (smut)
Your eyes are filled with questions, but all my answers lead to tears (smut, fluff and angst)
Prideful (smut, college au)
Brooklyn Baby (smut, with Jay)
Cherries (smut)
Dances Avec Les Etoiles Part 1 || Part 2 || The wedding
All my loving (smut)
Heeseung hard thought 1 (requested)
Heeseung gynaecologist thoughts (smut, requested)
Love Wins All (hurt/comfort)
Both (smut, with Jake)
Bewitched (fluff)
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Je Te Veux: A Jay fic: discontinued
Feral!Jay thoughts (smut)
Purple rain
Call him up he's comes into my bedroom (smut)
Hold Me Without Hurting Me: A Jay series (finished)
What are we? - friends with benefits to lovers thought (contains smut)
Brooklyn Baby (smut, with Heeseung)
How Jay tells you he wants sex (requested)
Angels in Tibet (smut)
A La Folie Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Gilded Skin (smut)
The Fallen one (from the Lucifer series)
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Gummy bears please? (Fluff)
Blue Days, Yellow nights - A Hogwarts au Fic
Chocolate Sauce (smut)
Cherry Chapstick (Smut ,fluff, wedding au)
You Belong to me (smut)
You get me so High (smut)
Birthday sex with Jake (requested)
Overstimulating Jake with oral (request)
Puppy Hybrid!Jake and kitty hybrid!Sunghoon thoughts (smut)
Me Quedo Mirandote (smut, requested)
The Elysian Angel (from the Lucifer series)
Both (smut, with Heeseung)
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Soft!dom Sunghoon thoughts (smut)
Sunghoon degradation thoughts (smut)
Sunghoon × Dark skinned reader (requested, headcanon)
Saturday Adventures (smut)
Dangerously (smut)
Agora Hills (smut)
In love with a stripper (smut, requested)
Sample Session (smut)
Puppy Hybrid!Jake and kitty hybrid!Sunghoon thoughts (smut)
The Demon of Destruction (from the Lucifer series)
Dirty dirty girl (smut, 18+)
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D!ck (smut)
How Sunoo tells you he wants to fuck you (requested)
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