minhosimthings · 1 year
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Blue Days Yellow Nights
Synopsis: Y/N of the Black family of the wizarding world had finally gotten into Hogwarts, the magical school of witchcraft and wizardry, only to find out she had been sorted in a house which the entire world would not accept. And along the path, she meets a cute boy, with a secret behind his collar. And let's just say the secret can be kept, between two people.
Pairings: Hufflepuff!Jake × Ravenclaw!Fem!reader, includes rest of Enha, Wonyoung and Gaeul from Ive, Yunjin from Lessrafim, Sana from Twice, Joshua from Seventeen.
Warnings: Fluff, tiny bit of angst, descriptions of pain, mention of scars, mention of food and alcohol, they're idiots in love your honour, swearing
A/N: YAAS MY BABY IS FINALLY OUT OF THE OVEN LOOK AT HER. SHE'S SO AMAZING. real tho I worked hard on this shit cause it's been in my brain ever since I started writing on Tumblr. As an intense potterhead and engene, combining these two things was heaven to me. And yes all magical facts in this are fact checked by me through the Harry Potter Website. She's my favourite child. I don't care if she doesn't get notes she is MY FAVOURITE CHILD. As always feel free to give feedback!
Song rec!
"Gryffindor!" Oh great, you thought as Danielle, the friend you had made on the train ride to the magnificent castle of magic, ran over to the table of the brave, where the lion roared and the swords never rested. Of course, she had to be in Gryffindor. A house which your family had resented for centuries. The most noble house of Black, that was where you were from.
Your cousin Sirius waved to you from the Gryffindor table. 'Traitor' you thought as he applauded along with everyone else when Danielle sat down at the table. To be a member of the most noble house of Black was to be a member of the most prestigious house of Slytherin. Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda, Regulus, they all waited at the Slytherin table, wearing robes of expensive green and drinking from golden goblets. Waiting for you. For you, the youngest member of The Blacks to get sorted. You crossed your fingers as yet another black haired boy got sorted into Ravenclaw. "Sim, Jake", Professor McGonagall called out. A fit young boy with messy dark brown hair, came out excitedly from the group of scared first years. He was so.... happy? His face was much more uplifting than those surrounding you. While all the other first years looked like they were about to pee their pants, the boy, Jake, looked so happy and excited, like a golden retriever. You resisted the urge to smile, when he jammed the Sorting Hat onto his head, and it slightly fell down, hiding his eyes. He broke you out of your slight hypnotic state of staring the all the people in the Slytherin table, trying to find out your cousins. "Hufflepuff!" The Sorting Hat shouted out, to which Jake slightly jumped up and ran over to the applauding Hufflepuff table, where he was met with smiles and handshakes and a greeting from the Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost. You were so distracted by his happy eyes and his overall positive energy that- "Miss Black, would you consider stepping onto the platform please?" Minerva McGonagall's voice was stern. Oh damn. First moment of school and you already embarrassed yourself. Just like your mother said you would.
You quickly apologised to Professor McGonagall who curtly nodded, and stepped onto the platform, sitting on the stool and gently placing the Hat onto your head, strands of hair coming onto your face. "Oh you're a puzzle aren't you?" The Sorting Hat whispered into your ear. A voice only you could hear. How interesting. "You know deep down who you are don't you?" The Sorting Hat asked you. "Well yes. And no. I don't know Mr hat." You thought, hoping that the Sorting Hat would hear you. You heard a chuckling sound in your ears, a comforting sound, you thought. "I know who everyone really is my dear Black." And with that the Sorting Hat screamed out, "Ravenclaw!". Silence. Eerie silence was what filled the Great Hall. No one clapped like they had done for the other children. You sheepishly took off the Hat and placed it back on the stool, and took off to the Ravenclaw table, where curious eyes awaited you. Awkward, you thought. First day of school and I'm a disappointment. Different thoughts filled your head as you were on the way to the Ravenclaw table. All the thoughts, however broke, when you heard clapping coming from the Hufflepuff table. The Hufflepuffs? Clapping for you? The next child didn't get sorted yet. They were clapping for you. All headed by a fluffy brown haired boy, who was clapping the hardest. He gave you a wide smile as you glanced at him and sat down quickly next to the dark haired boy who had gotten sorted earlier. The clapping subsided after a while as the last two people got sorted into Slytherin and Gryffindor respectively.
"Well students old and new!" Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school had risen from his golden chair at the staff table. "Dig in!". All the students cheered loudly and clapped as food appeared out of thin air and settled comfortably on the golden plates. Oh god the food. It looked delicious. Only problem is that you weren't hungry. Your appetite escaped as soon as you heard the word 'Ravenclaw' coming out of the rip in the Sorting Hat. You stared endlessly at the roast chicken and bread, and instead sipped on your pumpkin juice.
"You gonna eat or not?" The dark haired boy next to you asked you. He had a sharp jaw line and cat like eyes, and a butterfly shaped birthmark on his neck. You were slightly startled by his voice, which snapped you out of your stupor. "Um no thank you I'm full." "Yeah? You're rumbling tummy says otherwise." And that seemed to be the perfect time for your tummy to let out a sound again. The boy chuckled softly and put roast chicken on your plate. You mumbled a thank you to him and started eating, regaining your appetite again, as you threw small glances now and then at the boy.
"Are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you going to introduce yourself?" The boy's husky voice rang in your ear like a sudden siren. "What?" You asked him, scolding yourself for being rude. You lifted your arm slightly to adjust your slipping robes, accidentally knocking over the boy's goblet of pumpkin juice "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Let me clea-" The boy waved his hand at your rambling and put a finger to his lip to shush you, subtly pointing out how the people were staring at both of you. "It's alright. The juice didn't get on these robes so we're good." You smiled warmly at him. This was the first time you had had normal human interaction ever since the train ride, where every person would look at you, as if you were a snake, ready to pounce on them and inject your venom in them. Extending a hand forward to the boy, you introduced yourself. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Black." Firm grip, you thought, as the boy took your hand and shook it. "I'm Jay. Jay Park. It's very nice to mee you Y/N. Would you like to be friends as payment for knocking over my pumpkin juice?" You giggled slightly, amused at Jay's kind manners with you. It surprised you that someone would still want to be the friend of a person who came from one of the most notorious wizarding families of the world. "I would love to be your friend. I also noticed something-" you leaned a bit towards his ear. "Are we both the only Ravenclaw first years?" Jay chuckled a bit at your question and took a bite of his toffee pudding. "It seems so." He replied after a long while of chewing his bite of pudding. "It's weird but not impossible. My great uncle was the only Slytherin in his year too you know." Slytherin? "Wait wait are you the Jay Park of the most famous wizarding family in the world?" He looked at you with an amused expression and smiled. "Well aren't you a member of the famous Black family too? And yes I am." He sighed heavily before continuing. "I am a part of the family whose history is filled with bloodshed and Gryffindors." He glanced over at the Gryffindor table with distaste. "I wonder what my family will think when I tell them I'm a part of the smart house." "Same here. I'm pretty sure I'll be disowned." Both of you laughed at that as your heart lifted gently. Jay was nice to you. And he related to you a lot, what with both of you coming from families who deemed themselves 'pure'. "Should we make a pact? If both of us do get disowned?" You asked Jay, who turned to you with curious cat eyes. Then he picked up a spoon full of pudding and motioned for you to do the same thing, which you did. "Alright , if both of us do get disowned, we are going to steal some money from our home, run away and live somewhere in the countryside, where we'll have umm.... three cats! And a dog. And a dragon." Saying that, you ate your spoon full of pudding, Jay following suit. "Maybe not the dragon and the cat part. I'm allergic to cats."
"Oh are you the only two Ravenclaw first years who got sorted?". Jay and you had gone up to the Ravenclaw prefects when they had shouted out for first years to follow them. The rest of the students, majority of them I'm Gryffindor had already gone up to their towers, while you two were still stuck with the prefects, Sana and Joshua. They were sweet and kind and made you think of springtime for some reason. Jay and you shipped them whenever they turned away. "Alright come on you two." Joshua clapped his hands together. "Sana just went to inquire Professor Flitwick, our Head of House, and it seems, in this rare case, both of you are going to have to be roommates. Usually the girls and the boys are split up, but your dorm room is big enough for the both of you. Is that alright with you?" You both nodded at Joshua's words, which he spoke so gently, that it kind of surprised you. "Alright then follow me!"
Woah. That was both of your reactions when Joshua and Sana had led you up to the Ravenclaw Tower. It was so... ethereal. Gorgeous, stunning, eye catching, every synonym for the word 'beautiful' came to your mind when you saw the interior of the Ravenclaw Tower. It had large windows, perfect for your stargazing, you thought. The moon was out tonight, and through the slightly blue stained windows, it looked like Heaven's sleeping figure. The common room was decorated with stars that actually shone and a big bookshelf, full of volumes, that you would only dream of seeing. There was a door ajar to your left, which you assumed was a painting room, what with the smell of paint and the ruffling of paper coming in from the room. "Do you like it? It's going to be your home now." Sana asked you. "It's- it's gorgeous." You stuttered out to her. She was so pretty, like an incarnation of an angel, with wide eyes and the prettiest red hair you've ever seen. "Alright just going to set some ground rules. You guys can sit down first." Jay and you plopped onto two warm armchairs, made out of oak. They had the words 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure' carved all over them. Carved. Just like how your face will be on the Black tree. "Alright first of all-" Joshua started. "You guys already know most of the basic rules because I assume you were listening when Professor Dumbledore was speaking." You heard Sana mumble something along the lines of 'dude you weren't even paying attention'. "So you know how each dorm has passwords? Well to enter our dorm, we need to answer a riddle, which will be given by the eagle outside. You don't always have to necessarily give the right answer. You just need to use your wit. And if the Eagle thinks you are worthy, you're in!" Jay and you both looked at each other, comprehensive looks decorating your faces. A riddle? You were the worst at riddles. Oh well. Anything to have this beautiful dorm all to yourself. "Second of all-" Sana started "You can bring people from other houses in here. Only if they can answer an additional riddle at the door. Although I highly doubt you two are going to do anything like that, so ignore I even said that." Joshua laughed at that as you and Jay just stared, awkwardly. "Anyway." Joshua said, once he stopped laughing. "The last rule is that you must never abandon each other all right? You two are the only Ravenclaws in your year so you must stick to each other like glue. Yes you should make friends from other houses but you should always have each other's backs got it? Now off to bed chop chop!"
"Soo should we glue ourselves together now? I know a spell or two." Jay suggested as both of you plopped onto your respective beds in your dorm room. The room was just as pretty as the common room, with two oak beds, and a large window, looking out into the Giant Squid's home. You could slightly see the Squid now, tossing about in the water. You made a mental note to give it a piece of toast the next day. "Dude how are going to make friends from other houses? Just walk up to them and say hi and that we would like to be their friends?" You asked Jay, who was wiping his glasses. He shrugged his shoulders and put his glasses on the beside table, before pouring himself a glass of water from the silver goblet. "I guess" he finally responded after downing his water. "I mean let's just stay together until we get more comfortable here. And we can make friends with some of the older Ravenclaws too can't we?" You simply hummed in response to that question. You had seen some of the older Ravenclaws at the table tonight. Some of them stared at you and some of them simply ignored you.
‌"Jay can I tell you something?" Jay looked at you abruptly and nodded slowly. You let out a big sigh as you prepared to tell a boy you met today, your greatest secret. "Alright don't laugh and promise me you'll never tell anyone else." Jay held out his pinky to you and intertwined it with yours, making a pinky promise. "I am an unregistered Animagus." Blink blink. Jay's eyes blinked rapidly as he tried to register what you just said. "Y/N, please tell me you are not kidding right now." Wait what? Most people would usually laugh at you if you told them you could turn into an animal at will. But Jay's face was contorted with seriousness and a bit of excitement. "Y-yeah I'm not joking. I am an Animagus. I can turn into a lynx cat. Wanna see?" "Oh my god Y/N!" Jay jumped from his bed to yours, startling you. Why was he so excited? "Alright you're not gonna believe this. I thought I was the only one! Did your parents turn you into one when you were eight?" "Yeah they did. How in the hell do you know that?" As if to respond to your question, Jay stood up and shook his head. His hair faded and his nose slowly enlarged to form a beak. An eagle! He was an eagle! With mighty wings and the most sleek brown wings and strong, sharp talons. "Now your turn" Jay said, turning back into his normal form. Turning into an Animagus wasn't as painful as the rest of the wizarding community made it out to be. People always assumed that an animagus' skin would tear apart every time they would turn, but that wasn't true. It was more gentle, and calmer. "Woah Y/N. I've never seen a lynx cat before." You lay on the bed in your cat form in front of an amazed Jay who gently scratched your head, providing you with the ultimate pleasure. You were quick to turn back and explain your entire story to Jay, which was eerily similar to his. Both of you had been turned by your familes at the age of eight, against your will. Both of you hated your families so much, always so thirsty for blood purity, like vampires. "So secret kept?" You held out a pinky to him, which he intertwined with his. "Secret kept."
‌"Oh well night then Jay. See you tomorrow." "Night Y/N." As both of you drifted off to excited sleep, your heart lifted from where it had been earlier. Seeing all these people who were nice to you, like Jay, Joshua and Sana and that peculiar Hufflepuff boy, it made you think more about whether or not you were actually hated by the world. Maybe you were hated, by most of the world, but then again you've got to make up your own world now. And the first people in it was going to be all the friends you were determined to make tomorrow.
"Oh my god we have potions first!" You squealed in excitement at the breakfast table. Bacon, eggs and toast layed the Ravenclaw table and as you and Jay peacefully at your toast with jam, you looked over your timetable. "You that excited for potions? Best subject?" Jay asked you curious, with a mouth full of orange juice. You nodded fervently as you picked up some more scrambled eggs to lay on your plate. "My cousin Andromeda used to teach me when I was nine. And plus I like to believe I'm a natural chemist." You flopped your hair over your shoulder as Jay rolled his eyes. "Well I think we'll be doing the more easy ones first." Jay got out his potions book. "So I'm sorry your highness but you won't be able to use your amazing potion expertise." You slapped his arm playfully, before a bell rang and most of the older students started getting up. "Oh there you are you two." Sana called out to you and Jay. "You need to go to the dungeons alright? For Professor Snape's lesson. It's just round the corner. You want me to take you guys?" You felt a bit embarrassed, having to get lead by a prefect to your first class. So you politely declined Sana's offer, to which she smiled and gave you the directions instead.
"God this castle is so beautiful." You commented as Jay and you walked down to the dungeons. The brick walls, painted with red and paintings hanging everywhere on rusty nails. There was a painting of some shamans who screamed at you while a kind lady picking peaches asked you if you wanted some.
"You're late." Snape commented as you and Jay turned up at the doors of the dungeons. "We apologise sir. We lost our way in." You started, but Professor Snape simply waves his hand and directed both of you to come in and sit on the benches. Hufflepuff. You were having a class with Hufflepuff. And that boy was there. He was in his robes, with messier hair than it was the night of the Sorting. You tried not to catch his eyes but apparently the universe is always against you, and as you caught his eye and he gave you a smile, you felt your cheeks burn red. "Dude quit blushing so much." Jay scolded you as both of you got out your ingredients.
"A perfect potion? That's surprising." Snape complemented you as you and Jay gave him your completed potion tubes. "Well I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Miss Black. You are, after all the cousin of my most favourite student, Andromeda. Very well. Five points to Ravenclaw." You would have taken the points very well, if not for the fact that Snape had added in the point that you were a part of the Black family.
"Y/N you alright? You seem a bit peaky and pale and you haven't said a word for like five minutes." Jay slightly nudged your arm. "I'm fine Jay." "It's about your family isn't it?" How did Jay always read your mind so perfectly?
Before you could respond to Jay's question, you felt something hit yoir head sharply. You cried out and fell on your knees. Whatever hit you head was sharp and hard and it probably did more damage than you or the attacker anticipated. "Aww look at the little Black sheep. Get It? Black sheep!" You heard some girls and boys laughing behind you. They were of Gryffindor house and they were in your year. They were coming back- you assumed, from Herbology, as they were covered in dirt and they still had dragon hide gloves on. "Hey are you insane!" Jay shouted at them and helped you get up, your head still dizzy. "Oh what? Can't take a joke Park?" The tallest of the boys said. He was the one who threw something at you and he laughed the loudest. "Hey!" A voice shouted behind you. "Pick in someone your own size!" That boy. That Hufflepuff boy. He charged at the Gryffindor and pinned him against the wall, the latter's head banging against the fading cement. Your head was still spinning so much, and as you leaned against Jay's frame, you could hear the voice of someone older, possibly Joshua and someone else. "Jay- I don't really fee-" Black.
"Oh good you're awake." You were laying in a very big hall, laden with beds everywhere. A hospital wing, you assumed. You also made the assumption that you probably passed out. "Y/N are you alright?" Sana was pressing a cold compress to your head. "What happened Sana?" Sana gave you a pitiful smile, before giving you a glass of pumpkin juice and explaining. "You passed out Y/N. That gryffindor boy is in detention right now, don't worry. Turns out he hit you with a pot. Which is honestly mental. I would have bewitched him right then and there, but unfortunately I am a prefect-" she frowned a bit at that "But that boy got to him before Joshua could. That Hufflepuff boy." That Hufflepuff boy. You sat up so fast that Sana flinched. "The what? Is he here?" You whipped your head around the room, trying to spot a batch of messy brown hair. Sana put an arm around your shoulder and said "Babe, no he's not here. He also got detention unfortunately, even though he did the right thing. Listen hon, I gotta go. It's kind of late and it's a full moon night, Josh and I have our monthly date tonight And I don't wanna be late. Jay got some of your clothes for you." She motioned toward the bedside table where an extra pair of robes lay. "So you can change here and come down in the morning alright? Jay told me he'll bring your bag down to the Hall at breakfast tomorrow. So rest up well hm?" You thanked Sana for her help, and as she left the room and the school matron extinguished the candles in her office, leaving for bed, you couldn't help but not ignore the feeling in your stomach. Some feeling. Do eleven year olds usually feel this? Whatever this was? It wasn't nausea, no you didn't get nauseous that easily. Was it chickenpox? Nope definetly not that. Your period? Yeah no it had just ended. Was it the feeling of finally being defended by someone that you felt like falling in love with a person you don't even know just because you've known loneliness for so long that you pounce on the tiniest bit of attention?....... Yeah it was probably that.
The moon was full tonight. It looked like a cheese wheel, with a rabbit shape carved on it. Faint white light seeped in from the windows, illuminating the dark room, and allowing you to look at all the beds, empty and quiet. Of course. It was the first day of school. No one would get injured on the first day of school. Well, almost no one. "Hello?" You called out in the room, your voice echoing as the vibrations hit every magical brick which was used to build this magnificent chamber. Great. No one is there. Not even the matron. This was perfect, you thought as you slowly removed your sheets and got out of the bed barefoot, careful not to make a sound. This wasn't a crime was it? Only the moon was watching tonight, and you were sure that she wouldn't tattle on you. And I'm very sure she didn't, as she watched you hair start to smoothen and your skin turn blackish-grey, whiskers clinging to the sides of your nose. The Moon silently applauded as she watched you transform into a lynx cat, all smooth and gracious with your careful padded steps. You stretched your body out, groaning internally at how stiff it was, and turned your eyes towards the entrace to the hospital wing. The door was open. Oh could this night get any more luckier? It was dark, midnight, and a lynx cat would roam around this magical school, without the knowledge of anyone. Magical isn't it?
Strutting out the front door, you carefully checked your surroundings, making sure not even an ant was present. No one could ruin your plan of walking through the palace right now. You were amazed at the size of the castle. It was bigger than the universe, you thought as you climbed yet another moving staircase, easily jumping from one to the other with your cat skills. It was good that your animagus was a cat, you thought, as you jumped onto the seventh floor. You could climb into whatever you wanted and easily jump from one structure to the other, making it easy for you to move efficiently and fastly.
Awoo! Wait what was that? You turned your head so fast, that your whiskers made a whoosh sound. You heard something. You heard a howl. A Wolf's howl.
A Wolf's howl? Could it be another Animagus in school? Perhaps and older one? Or maybe it was? No it couldn't be. They would never allow a werewolf into this school. Shaking your head, you continued to walk along the stone path, and leapt onto a pillar, prepared to leap off to the sixth floor, when..... Awoo! The sudden sound made you lose your balance and as you made your way back to the rock hard tiles on the seventh floor, curiosity got the better of you. You made your way to the source of the sound, your excellent ears gently guiding you.
A statue. There was a statue with the inscribed words Barnabas the Barmy. There wasn't a door or anything. But the sound was coming from here. You were certain of it. Your cat ears never failed you once and you trusted them enough to turn back into a human and press your ears to the wall, to make sure what you were hearing wasn't a dream. Nope wasn't a dream,you thought as you kept hearing the sound. You were about to go back to the hospital wing, creeped out the sound , when a sudden memory popped into your mind. The Statue of Barnabas the Barmy on the Seventh floor. Yes Narcissa told you about something on the seventh floor. What was it? You snapped your fingers a few times to try to jog your memory back to when you were ten. The room. The Room of Something.
You remembered what it did. It would only show itself to someone in times of great need. Narcissa had once opened it when she needed to hide from some Malfoy boy. You asked yourself again and again whether or not you should try opening it. What would you think? Would you be able to open it merely by thinking, 'Hey I need this place to open up because I need to know where the source of the sound is coming from'? That would work but it was a risk. What if there was some evil contained inside the room and opening it would make you Pandora from the myth of Pandora's box?
You turned back into a cat, ignoring your heart's protests of having an adventure and trying to open the the mysterious room. There was a werewolf or something there, but you weren't going to risk being stuck inside of a wall for all eternity. Maybe later, but not today, you thought as you strode back to the hospital wing, tail held high in the air and whiskers proudly displayed.
"You did WHAT?" Jay whisper-shouted to you the next day at breakfast. You had told him what you had done the night before, to which he almost spat out his pumpkin juice and out his hands on his hips, like a scolding mother. "Y/N. Please give me a warning before you tell me shit like that. Im gonna go into cardiac arrest if you do shit like that." "Oh please Jay stop being such a mom." You rolled your eyes at him and went on with eating your bacon and eggs, while Jay looked like he was going to explode at any moment. "Still-" he began, picking up his goblet once more. "You shouldn't do that. If you wanna do it, tell me, I'll accompany you alright?" You smiled at Jay's worried face and nodded, assuring him that you would always tell him.
"I wonder where that boy would be. You know the Hufflepuff one?" Both of you were walking to Charms class, after your lunch, and the topic of the Hufflepuff boy came up. Jay was fiddling with the straps of his bag, while you daintily strolled across the corridor, looking at the paintings. "I heard his name is Jake." Jay finally got the straps to be proper. "Sim Jake. Apparently he's already popular. The charms professor adores his quick answers in class. We'll see though. Today we're going to be doing the practical work." You hummed and nodded again, too distracted by a beautiful painting of a wolf and a woman hanging on the wall. The woman had the wolf in her lap, as she slowly stroked it, putting it to sleep. She smiled at you warmly, and you smiled back, admiring her stunning features.
"Im going to pair you all up together for this charm now." The tiny professor, Professor Flitwick, stood across a pile of books to make himself visible. He was apparently the Head of your House, as told to you by Jay. You immediately shifted towards Jay, in order to give Professor Flitwick the hint that you wanted to be paired up with your only friend. Professor Flitwick looked through his list of names, and began pairing people up together. You had a joint class with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff today, since you and Jay both were the only ones in Ravenclaw. Unfortunately he insisted on inter house pairing, so your hopes of getting paired up with Jay went down the drain.
"Miss Black?" He called your name. "Ahh one of my Ravenclaw students! Very well very well." He let iut a tiny cough. "Well I believe you can get paired up with Mr Sim over here! Get your wand and books now. Good girl." Mr what now? You looked over your shoulder to see that Hufflepuff boy, smiling at you and motioning to the empty seat beside him. Your heart internally did backflips and as you went over to his desk, fumbling with your wand, you couldn't help but notice how much this boy smiled. His perfect teeth, displayed in a wide smile with crinkly eyes were all so adorable, as if he was a puppy.
"Hi! Im Jake. Sim Jake." He greeted you excitedly, extending his hand forward. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Black." The grip of his hand was soft, gentle, as if he was gripping something made out of crystals. "Shall we get started then?" He asked you, eyes widened, smile still not leaving his face. You nodded at him, as he prepared his wand to carry out the spell of levitation. With a clear of his throat, he lifted his wand upto a level above his feather, and chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa!", combined with a swish and a flick of his wand. The feather lifted off of the table in an instant fluttering above your feather, as the students in class watched on, mesmerised. Professor Flitwick clapped his hands together excitedly and strode over to your desk. "Excellent Mr Sim. Excellent! Ten points to Hufflepuff!" He turned to you, by the time Jake got his feather down and with a tap on your desk, he said, "Well your turn now Miss Black. Don't you disappoint me!" You took a deep breath and a gulp. Charms were always your worst thing when you used your cousin Andromeda's wand. You glanced over at Jake, who was still looking at, along with all the other students in class. Jake's eyes have you an encouraging look, as if to say 'You can do it!'. You took another breath, raised you wand about the white swan feather, focused your entire existence on it and with a swish and a flick, you chanted the words in your mind. The feather slowly rose above the table, and made its way all around the classroom, eerily floating like a woman in white. Every pair of eyes in the class were on the feather, well almost every pair. Jake was still looking at you, mesmerised by the way you managed to make a silent spell.
"My my." Professor Flitwick said, eyes widened, glasses slipping off of his nose bridge. "You have managed to do a silent spell young lady. We don't teach these until Year Six! Well well, it's good that you are in my House. I simply must tell Minerva this. Yes I wil..." He kept mumbling to himself after class was dismissed and as you made your way out of class, Jay ran to you at full speed, his glasses foggy and his palms all sweaty. "I swear to God if you pull out one more magic trick, I will throw myself to the Giant Squid." "We're in a school for magic Jay." You shot at him. "And I seriously don't know how I did that!" "Some children are born with the ability to perform silent spells." A familiar voice rang behind you. Jake had followed you and Jay out of the classroom, clutching his bag tightly. "I beg your pardon?" Jay asked him, tone cold. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to impude on your conversation. I just wanted to say that maybe Y/N could have been born with this ability to perform silent spells because my older sister also had this thing to perform spells without speaking." The way he talked was so pretty. His voice was melodic, like a Siren's and it enchanted you.
"Oh well maybe I am born with it then. Weird." You laughed it off with an awkward sentence, while Jay wanted to vomit right there and then. "Anyways-" Jake began again, scratching the back of his head. "Um I wanted to ask, if it's not too awkward, whether you'd like to hang out with me? Not in the creepy way! Just in like a platonic friend way." Oh god he was so adorable. You wanted to squish me and protect him from the entire world right there and then. And he wanted to be your friend? Lord, you wanted to ask the Heavens to kill you right there and then, because you were currently exploding out of happiness.
"Jay would you stop staring at Gaeul and move the fuck on with your essay on the stupid sleeping potion?" Jake, Jay, you and your Hufflepuff friends Sunoo, Yunjin and Wonyoung, were currently sitting out in the lawn and completing your homework. It was the Easter holidays and none of you had gone home, since you all were basically the 'We have horrible parents' group, barring Jake, Sunoo and Yunjin. But they still stayed because without both of them all of you would probably be dead in a ditch by now. Jay and you were trying to complete his potions work together, because teamwork makes the dreamwork, but for the past fifteen minutes, Jay had been doing nothing but stare at Gaeul from Gryffindor.
"Dude just ask her out for God's sake. She'll like you back." Jake optimistically said to Jay, who only slouched and deflated on the grass, throwing grass on Jake, which unfortunately landed on Wonyoung. "Jay I swear to God I'll kill you. You ruined my favourite jeans!" Wonyoung rubbed off the grass from her jeans. "And also Jake's right. You've basically been in love with her since first year when you got paired up with her for Charms. And for Pete's sake we're fifth years now! So be a man, get your ass up and ask her out on the next Hogsmeade trip. It does come on Valentine's day."
You were excited for the next Hogsmeade trip, since you heard that some large sugar quills were going to be on sale. You had planned to go with Jay, but looking at your friend look at a girl with the ultimate heart eyes, you decided to let him take his shot. "How do I ask her out though? Just say 'hey Gaeul I'm in love with you please marry me'?" Yunjin slapped Jay's head with her charms book and sighed, mumbling something along the lines of 'boys'.
"Dude just ask her if she would be interested in going with you to Hogsmeade and definetly leave out the marriage part." Sunoo said to the deflated boy on the grass. "You gonna ask Sunghoon out Won?" You asked Wonyoung, who smiled and nodded frantically. "I really do hope he says yes. I mean he's in Slytherin so I don't know how he'll react to a Hufflepuff girl asking him out." "Oh he likes you too." Sunoo, who was casually eating some pudding, said to Wonyoung, who looked like her entire life had made sense at this moment. "I still don't get how you got the title of this school's Gossip Queen. Like how did YOU get it?" Yunjin asked Sunoo, who went on with eating his pudding. He merelu shrugged his shoulders while you smiled, knowing how he charmed everyone to tell him shit. "Oh by the way Y/N-" Sunoo started. "we're doing werewolves in Care of Magical Creatures. Interested?"
Ever since you've told your only friends about that one night that you explored the entire school as a cat and heard a wolf howling, they're entire life had been dedicated to finding out what that noise was. You had told them all of them, barring Jake. You knew it wasn't good to hide something like this from him but you just didn't want to tell him because the voice in your head told you tlnot to. And you always listened to that voice. Your other friends had kept this secret for you, pretending that you had had an interest in werewolves since you were little. You and Jay trusted them enough to tell them who you actually were and they were understanding, especially Wonyoung, whose sister had been turned into an Animagus by force too. She had lived with Yunjin ever since her parents abandoned her for not being in Slytherin and you really wondered how such a sweet girl like her could have ever been born into such a family. Jay still lived with his own family, who surprisingly didn't disown him but they talked to him less and less now. You, on the other hand, were taken in by your maternal uncle and aunt, both of whom had been Gryffindors. They had protected you ever since you were eleven and you loved them more than your own parents.
"What were they teaching about werewolves Sun?" Sunoo gave you that fennec fox smile and crinkled his eyes. "Nothing much, just how to kill them, how to recognise them, what their characteristics are. Apparently you can kill them if you-" "May we change the topic please?" Jake's cold voice ran like ice through your veins. You knew werewolves were always a touchy subject for him. His uncle had been a werewolf, who had almost killed him when he was eight or so. Ever since you had told him about the werewolf incident, he had asked you whether you could not mention it again, the mere word 'werewolf' making his heart run faster. You obliged because you didn't want to make your best friend (read: crush) of five years uncomfortable.
"You know what?" Jay had gotten up from his sleeping position on the grass. "Im gonna ask Gaeul out right now!" "Oh for fucks sake finally." Yunjin sighed and lay her head on Sunoo's shoulder. School was good. School was better now that you had friends. But that thought of the werewolf still never left your mind, especially when you would sneak out every night as a cat, without Jay to look for the howls again. It was half moon night tonight, a point where a werewolf wouldn't be too strong neither too weak. Perfect time for a lynx cat to hunt wasn't it?
Midnight came earlier that night than anticipated and as you silently checked whether Jay's snores were real or not, you felt a bolt of electricity hit you. You were admittedly scared, since this night you were going to try something you had never done before. Being a child who could do silent spells, you were a favourite among most of the teachers who would do anything for you, which included providing you with information. Professor Flitwick had become a victim of your innocent eyes, when you asked him how to open The Room Of Requirement from where you had first heard the howls. After much trepidation, he had finally given you the answer and ever since that day you had been trying to figure out a wormhole to open the room while someone was already occupying it. And after months of your dying brain trying to stay alive, you finally found the loophole.
The walk to the room was eerie. You noticed every touch of wood on your paw and every time your whiskers moved due to the wind. You had never felt so much fear in your life before. What if you actually found the werewolf? What would you do? Just run and hope that the werewolf never finds you? Hope was all that was left in this mundane life, you thought. It was time to spice it up a bit.
You finally arrived in front of the statue of Barnabus the Barmy. You could hear the faint howls cut through the silence of the beautiful night. The wall ahead was plain, an ordinary wall which any person would just pass by not evening noticing how it helped to hold up the foundations of the castle. You prepared yourself and rid your mind of every other thought and focused on your command. Just a little bit more. Just a minute more. You didn't pay heed to the whistling of the wind telling you to not go in or the warning hooting of owls. All you needed now was to get inside that room, to solve a mystery you had been wanting to solve for five years.
Cracks slowly started to appear in the walls. The wall turned brown and a doorknob formed at its right side. It was a handsome door, dark brown and made of oak. You slowly opened your eyes, and your heart almost leapt out of your chest. The door had appeared. You had done it! You had achieved what wizards had tried to achieve for centuries. You had opened the Room of Requirement while someone was in there. The howls got closer and louder now. They sounded more like choked sobs rather than howls. They sounded like a human. Had the werewolf not turned yet? Had it reached that stage where it was half human- half wolf?
You nervously trodded inside the room, taking it it's dark interior, painted in blues and yellows, decorated with a painting of the solar system. It was so beautiful, yet so marred with the choked sobs coming from a corner. A boy? A fluffy brown haired boy sat in the corner, head in his knees, sobbing his eyes out. It was a pathetic sight, his clothes were torn and his hair all messed up. Without thinking, you walked up to him, still in your cat form, meowing and purring softly. You had found that your cat noises always calmed Yunjin and Sunoo down whenever they were about to have a panic attack, so you assumed it would do the same for this boy. The boy looked up to see who was meowing so loudly and your entire world froze.
Jake. It was Jake. Sitting in front you, red eyed, tear stained face, and lips slightly parted. His hair was messier than ever and his pale blue sweater was slipping off of his shoulder. He looked thinner that he did in the morning and his breathing was low. His skin was slightly covered with fur. He held out a shaky hand to you.
"Hey there-" he said in the weakest and softest voice ever. "How did you get in here?" He let out a chuckle as you hesitantly went up to his hand, licking it. You were right. His smile truly never left his face. "You must be one of those magical creatures they told me roam the school aren't you? Or are you just a cat? You're really pretty you know?" You meowed in response to him, slowly going up his lap and sitting there, tail moving around every now and then. You could feel Jake's breathing slow down a bit, and his body stopped shaking. He felt warm, like an autumn breeze whooshing away the fallen leaves. "Well I don't have anyone to talk to right now so I think I'll talk to you. Wanna be my friend? Im Jake. Im-Im a werewolf if you don't mind." How did he manage to stay so happy? Two seconds ago he was bawling his eyes out and shaking like crazy, but suddenly when you came up to him, his face became more illuminated than Apollo. You meowed again in response to him, being the only thing you could do. "Hmm what should I name you? Jay? Nah you don't look like a Jay. You're definetly a female. You know I have a dog named Layla. Maybe I should name you something like that. Should I name you Y/N? She's one of my closest friends and you weirdly look like her." You meowed a bit louder at this, slightly startled at the sound of your name leaving his lips. Did he perhaps know who you were? He couldn't have but suspicions could be true. "I don't think it'll be right to name you after anyone I know. I'll name you something else. Maybe it a trick of the light but you really do look like Y/N. How about.......... Blackberry? It's the colour of your skin and I really like blackberries." Blackberry. It was such an endearing name and unfortunately you were also allergic to blackberries. But you knew Jake loved them, courtesy to that one time Jay argued with him about what the best pie was. You snuggled onto his chest, allowing him to give you head scratches. His hands were so soft, so comforting and it reminded you of fourth year, when you were stressed out of your mind for your exams, and Jake calmed you down so easily. You had finished your History Of Magic exam, and upon finding out that you had written one tiny answer wrong, you ran off to your secret spot, the abode of The Grey Lady, the Ravenclaw Ghost, and cried your heart out. You didn't know how Jake found you so easily but he did and he held your hands and stroked your hair until you stopped crying. The Grey Lady had been watching from behind a pillar, smiling at how adorable both of you were. Now, as you sat on Jake's lap, you knew how he had found you. Werewolves had very strong senses of scent. They could memorise the scent of anyone who used to be with them all the time and they could find said person even if they were a thousand kilometres/miles away. He was also a Hufflepuff wasn't he? And Hufflepuffs were particularly good finders.
You felt Jake suddenly flinch and let out a cry. You leapt off of his lap and faced him, to see that he was shivering again. The fur on his arms was growing and his nose was turning black. You could hear his bones cracking inside of his body. You could feel his pain, as his face contorted to form a face of torture, pain and sadness. Tears were escaping his face fast as he continued to cry out of agony. He was transforming. According to the clock on the wall, it was two pm. In half moon nights, werewolves usually transformed after midnight. And unfortunately for Jake, he was transforming now.
"Go away BlackBerry! Run- ahh- away now! AHHH!" He let out a torturous scream and you bolted for the door, not looking back as you ran all the way, without stopping to the Ravenclaw dormitory, only pausing to take a breather at the Eagle doorknock. "What can be touched but not be seen?" The Eagle's deep voice commanded you to answer the riddle. You clutched onto your chest and knelt down, trying to breathe and get over the image of Jake transforming fully. "I-I don't know." You breathed out, your mind not working from the pace at which you ran across the entire castle. "A heart. The answer is a heart." You felt a chill go through your body, and as you turned back, to see where the voice came from, you understood why. A ghost was currently floating behind you. She was pretty, with long locks of straight black hair, flowy robes, a silver dagger at her hip, and her expression forlorn and longing. The Grey Lady, Ghost of Ravenclaw House. "Helena Ravenclaw?" You whispered to her. She smiled sadly at you, a beautiful smile, you thought. "So you know my name? Interesting creature you are. The answer is a heart by the way." She paused and smiled again, as you picked yourself off of the floor. "A heart can be touched by fear, sadness and love. And you've got to choose which one you let touch yours, little girl." Saying that, she vanished in thin air, leaving you all alone again, in the cold, dark silence, the only source of light being the half moon shining outside of the window.
"Y/N I swear to God one of these days you're going to stab me in the heart." Jay dramatically said as both of you sat near the lake, throwing bread every now and then to the Giant Squid, who accepted it gratefully. It was chilly today, and as Easter holidays finally ended, all of you got busy again. You two were hanging out alone today, courtesy to your Hufflepuff friends having classes at the moment. Jay had finally gotten the courage to ask Gaeul out and she magically said yes. Jay had been celebrating this 'Glorious moment' (his words not mine) when you thought it would be the perfect time to tell him that you had sneaked out last night. You left the part out about Jake being a werewolf, about him being the creature you had been searching for for five years of your life. You didn't want Jay to freak out and go into a state of anxiety where he did nothing but stare forward so you left it out.
"It's not that big of a deal. Plus I didn't even get to open that stupid door anyways." You lied to Jay, who was laying on the grass, with his eyes shut, courtesy to the sunlight shining on his face. "Do we have any joint periods with the Gryffindors today?" Jay asked you, as you checked your timetable. "No we don't Jay." You responded, with a fake stern tone. "If you wanna talk to Gaeul again, just write her a fucking letter or man up and sneak inside her dorm." Jay looked scandalised at your words and was about to fire back, when- "Hey guys." A honey voice rang behind you. It was Jake, Sunoo and Yunjin, accompanied by your Slytherin friend Riki who was a year younger than you guys, but he was cute enough that he hung out with you. He was also an honorary member of the 'We have horrible parents' club. "How's your auntie Riki?" You asked as you ruffled Riki's blonde hair, to which he slapped your hands away and put his head on your shoulder. "Why don't you ask how I am instead? I am dying right now because of all the Transfiguration homework I've just been given. " He grumbled as Sunoo rolled his eyes, muttering something about 'getting into fifth year first'. "Wonyoung asked Sunghoon out by the way." Riki informed you guys, to which you and Sunoo gasped. "What did he say?" Sunoo asked, excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Steal some food from the kitchens with me first and maybe then I'll tell you." Riki shot a mischievous grin at Sunoo, who pulled out his wand, threatening to hex Riki. You, Jay and Yunjin laughed out loud seeing Sunoo chase Riki around the grass, wand in hand, hex ready.
You glanced at Jake, who was silently sitting in the corner, by the tree staring straight at the lake, face emotionless. He had dark circles under his eyes and his body looked frail, just like how it looked the night before. His eyes were closing every few seconds, but snapping open again, as if he was forcing himself to stay awake. Poor thing, you thought. He went through so much last night and he didn't even get to sleep much. You felt terrible even though you had done nothing. You felt hatred towards the entire world, towards the Heavens, for dimming such a sunshine like him, in the worst way possible. It broke you, when you thought about how many days he must have endured all of this alone, still managing to put on a smile at the end of the day.
"Hey Jake?" You gently asked him, scooting towards him and putting your hand on his arm. He flinched slightly at the sudden touch, but he relaxed once more as he put on that smile again. Now that you saw it, the smile was so heartbreaking. It hid his pain, as if his mind and heart were telling him 'don't show your tears!'. His eyes were so pretty, you thought, so brown like chocolate pudding. "What's up Y/Nnie?" He asked you, tone cheerful and laced with sweet honey. "oh nothing." You shook your head. "Just wanted to see if you're alright. How was your Herbology class?" Jake sighed and ran his fingers through his fluffy hair. He looked out at the lake once more, where the Giant Squid was sleeping peacefully. "I don't know why I keep failing at the subject. I lost two points for Hufflepuff because I put the wrong thing in the wrong pod. How am I supposed to know how much fertilizer a plant who bites off your arm requires? Maybe the fertilizer is Jay's simping for Gaeul for all I know." You burst out laughing at his statement, as he chuckled softly. Both of you were terrible at Herbology, which was weird since everyone in your friend group were basically masters at digging soil and taking out antidotes from certain plants. But hey atleast both of you were top of the class in Charms.
That night, you decided to go out once more. Jay said he would stay up all night to watch you, but you knew his ass would fall dead asleep the moment his neck hit the pillow. And you were right, as you crept out of your bed, in your cat form, Jay was snoring loudly, in the most coffin like sleeping position ever.
You once again strolled across to the Room of Requirement, thinking the same thing that you had thought yesterday. You didn't hear the sobs coming today. The room was the same, decorated with the solar system but weirdly enough there was a tiny cat bed and cat toys sitting next to a brown haired boy, who was sitting against the wall on the floor. "Hey there blackberry." Jake spoke softly to you, once again holding out his hand. "I-I thought you'd like this." He motioned towards the cat bed and the toys. They were purple in colour, your favourite shade, of plums. You jumped onto the cat bed and snuggled against the soft fabric, all whilst keeping your eyes fixed on Jake. He looked so fragile, like freshly shaped coloured glass. "Why do you keep looking at me blackberry?" He asked you, smiling at your wide eyes. Idiot, you thought to yourself. How could you be such an idiot? You had to behave like a cat, not a human. You meowed gently at him, as he stroked your fur, with a soft hand.
"You know we should get to know each other." Jake chuckled. "I mean you can't talk, so is it alright if I talk to you? Maybe tell you about me a little? And you can talk too if you want! How's that sound?" You meowed loudly at him, and swished your tail around. God he was so adorable. You had reached a bit early today, so he wasn't anywhere close to turning.
"My name's Jake. Well Sim Jake to be exact. What's yours? Hmm?" He held out an ear to you, pretending to be listening as if you were human. You let out another loud meow. "Blackberry is it? Well what a fine name! Pleasure to meet you." He shook your paw, playfully as you played along. "Well I guess I should tell you why I'm here and why I'm like this." He motioned to his arm, which was slightly beginning to fur up. "Well when I was eight, I got bit by my Uncle Rudy, who's also a werewolf. It was an accident but-" he sighed heavily, as you stared at the tears welling up in his eyes. "My momma died trying to protect me from he. He died two days later when my brother killed him. But I wasn't so lucky. So I ended up transforming into a monster every night the moon is in the sky." Hearing Jake call himself a monster broke your heart so much. Eight years was too young a child to have that horrible of a fate.
"Anyways-" Jake continued, trying to keep his tone calm. "Professor Dumbledore allowed me to attend Hogwarts because apparently there's another werewolf here too. An older one." You smiled to yourself at that. Remus Lupin, your cousin Sirius' best friend. "I still haven't met the other wolf though. I-I come here every moon filled night to transform. It's called The Room Of Requirement. Rumor has it that Helga Hufflepuff herself built this room. And it only opens in times of need. So today I asked the room for this bed and the toys-" he extended a hand towards you, stroking you. "So that you could be comfortable just incase you came I didn't expect you to come again though." The way he talked to you, the way he smiled at you, the way he treated an animal who he met just last night, it was so innocent. You felt that thing in your stomach again, that hatred, that burning feeling for the world. How dare they tell you that a person like Jake be a monster? How dare they tell you that werewolves were even monsters?
"Well enough about me-" Jake scratched your head again. "Tell me about you? What's your favourite colour?" You purred lowly at him, snuggling tighter against the bed. "Oh it's plum? What an interesting choice! Mine's blue. It's the colour of Y/N's house." The colour of Y/N's house? If he knew that the cat whose head he was currently scratching was Y/N herself, he would probably never talk to you again. "Y/N's such a nice girl you know?" He began, leaning back further against the wall. "She's one of my best friends. She's in Ravenclaw and she's really good at charms, just like me. You know she can do silent spells! She's so pretty too. If I had the courage to ask her I would- AHH.
Jake suddenly clutched onto his chest, and let out a painful cry, as black fur began rapidly enveloping his arms. He let go of his chest after a few minutes of what you felt like was pure agony. His face contorted into a grotesque one, eyes crinkled, but not like the way it did when he smiled at you and mouth stuck in the same open position.
"Im sorry Blackberry." He said, once he let go of his chest and began panting after some time. "I-Im not turning yet am I?" You were so bewildered at him. How could he be smiling at you after all of that? After all that agony, how could the smile still not leave his face?
"I was rambling about Y/N wasn't I?" He chuckled slightly. "Do cats also fall in love blackberry?" He asked you, to which you remained silent, choosing to stare ahead at him. "I mean do you ever see another cat and be like 'oh I love that cat'? Does that ever happen? Well it happens to humans, and it happens a lot. I really like Y/N, not just as a friend. Like I want to be with her like Jay wants to be with Gaeul. She's so beautiful inside and out and sometimes she doesn't realise that. I really do want to be with her blackberry, but I don't know how."
That night when you ran back to your dorm, you were distracted. Distracted by the words you had heard come out of Jake's mouth. 'I really like Y/N, not just as friends'. Did he really just confess to a cat about you? Did he really just confess to you about you? It was a weird thing, love. We all know it happens and yet we are so afraid to go after it. Where had God gone wrong with humans, that they would have to reject an essential part of life? An essential thing which our souls needed so desperately? Why were we so quick to turn it away?
You didn't even notice where you were going until you looked up and realised that you had reached the dorm already. Transforming back into your human self, you can in front of the Eagle doorknock, waiting for him to give you your riddle, to get in and wrap yourself in your comfy blankets.
"You're a peculiar child you are." You felt a shiver down your spine as the atmosphere turned cold again. You turned around to see her again. Helena Ravenclaw sitting on the floor. More like floating on the floor, with her ghostly gown spread out evenly. The dark stain on her stomach seemed to shine in the moonlight coming through the windows. "Miss Ravenclaw, what are you doing here so late?" You asked her, trying to ignore the pace of your heart. She merely smiled at you and looked out the window. "The ghosts in Hogwarts can travel anywhere, little girl. I was merely bored so I came to see if you were here again." She paused. "You're an Animagus aren't you? A cat, I presume?" The question as to how on earth she knew that was ignored by your mind. You were currently sinking into her beautiful voice. It was so intoxicating, so beautiful. You could see the melodies of her voice bounce around you.
"You get easily distracted. Did you know that?" She spoke again, breaking you out of your hypnosis. "Oh I-I'm sory Miss Ravenclaw. I didn't mean to-" "Call me Helena. I despise my last name." She responded to your stuttering apologies. "You go to visit that boy don't you? The Hufflepuff werewolf?" She asked you once more, curiously spreading over her face. "Y-yes I do." You answered, sitting down on the floor next to her. It was probably two am in the morning by now, but all that mattered was your conversation with her right now. "You must be wondering-" she cut in. "How I, the ghost of Ravenclaw House can know about a Hufflepuff boy?" She smiled again, and adjusted her skirt, slowly rising from the floor. "Well mysteries should always remain mysteries shouldn't they? I'll leave that up to you to figure out." With that she sped across the corridor and disappeared, once more leaving you cold and dark.
The next few days went in a blur. It was the same routine at night. Turn into a cat at night, open the Room Of Requirement, snuggle into the cat bed as Jake talked to you, and talk to the Grey Lady further into the night. You would think your sleep schedule was fucked up by now, but you were an insomniac from the beginning of time so it alright.
One thing that had changed was that now, you didn't run away when Jake started to turn. You stayed with him, hiding in the corners when he was turning, and once he turned into his wolf form, with black fur and yellow eyes, you would go up to him and pure softly to which he would respond by touching noses with you. He talked about a lot of things to you, his blackberry. He talked about the solar system, and how, one day he would like to invent something that would help him reach Saturn. 'To get a pretty ring for Y/N because she deserves the universe', he would explain, making your heart flutter and burst into a million pieces. He talked about badgers, lions, eagles and snakes and how he thought the Sorting System was a cruel way of separating mere children. He talked about the pretty autumn wind, the crowd which would nest outside his bedroom window, how his brother once turned him into an actual puppy. But most of all, he would talk about you. It melted your heart so much hearing, 'Y/N's favourite pie is pecan' and 'Y/N doesn't like when her bread is not toasted and she hates too much sugar in cakes but she adores those tiny flowers that they make with icing.'
The fact that he actually remembered all that shit about you, all of those things that you brought up which were highly insignificant, it was wonderful. And the Grey Lady noticed. She noticed how you eventually became more talkative. How you would talk to her about riddles and how the houses were misunderstood and how werewolves were such innocent creatures. You rambled to her most about Jake. About how he liked blackberries so much, about how he loved knitting yarn and how he would knit a sweater for his dog Layla every Christmas he was away from her. The Grey Lady laughed internally, at how stupid the youth was. To not realise that love was around the corner.
"I am actually dying right now Y/N I beg you kill me." Jay flopped down on the grass again as all of you sat down for your weekly shit talk session. Moon nights were over now, and you were a bit saddened, that you couldn't spend more time with Jake, although you mentally scolded yourself afterwards, for not realising that now, Jake would finally be out of his pain. You still talked to the Grey Lady, who came to the Eagle doorknock everyday and sat down, each time bringing you a new story of what she did along with Peeves the Poltergeist. She seemed happier now too for some reason unknown.
"Jay it was one date. It's fine. Gaeul still likes you." Wonyoung insisted bracingly to Jay, who was near the verge of tears. "Jay man it's fin-" "NO ITS NOT!" Jay loudly interrupted Jake, who jumped back a bit. "I spilt my butterbeer on her." Jay wept. "What kind of an idiot does that? I'm hopeless." You fought back the urge to laugh as you patted Jay's arm.
"Oh my god stop being so dramatic." Sunoo sighed, as he braided Wonyoung's hair. "She's planning to ask you out again, you idiot." Jay sat up straight at this, whipping his head to Sunoo so fast, you were surprised he didn't get whiplash.
Jake and you chuckled slightly as Jay rounded on Sunoo, interrogating him. "Did you sleep well last night Jake? The dark circles are gone." Yunjin asked Jake, who nodded fervently, setting his Herbology book down. "I think the herbal tea Y/N gave me last week is really helping." He explained, running his hands through his hair, as he usually did. "Thanks for that by the way Y/N. How did you know I've been wanting it for a long time?" Truth be told, he had told you, or technically blackberry about the tea leaves which he had been wanting to buy for a long time. You remembered that your aunt used to grow those leaves, so the next day you immediately wrote to her asking her for some tea bags, saying that it was for a friend.
"A magician never reveals her secret." You jived, making Jake and Yunjin laugh while Wonyoung and Sunoo rolled their eyes (Jay's still crying let him be in his delusions he's Ken). "What about you?" Jake quizzed you. "You've been sleeping well too? Even your dark circles are gone." The bags under your eyes had indeed disappeared after you stopped your daily cat nights. "Yeah. The moon's gone away so I guess I don't need to-" you stopped mid sentence, realising that your dumb brain was just about to give away your secret to the person you secretly visited every night. "You don't need to what?" Wonyoung asked, raising her left brow slightly, as all the attention shifted to you. "Oh um" you stuttered, before spotting someone who could take away the attention from you. "Jay, look! Gaeul's coming this way." You pointed her out to Jay, who immediately began to fix his hair and wipe away the tears on his face. All the attention successfully turned to Jay, who was approached by Gaeul, who asked him for another date on the next Hogsmeade trip. After she left, leaving Jay to be a squashed tomato laying on the grass, everyone took turns to tease him about it. All except for Jake, who you did not even notice was staring at you, not only with bewilderment but also with adored eyes
"Y/N can I talk to you later?" Jake had stopped you in the corridor, while you were walking back from Quidditch practice with Jay. You were a chaser on the team, and Jay usually came with you as moral support even though today he just came for Gaeul. "Yeah sure Jake. When is later specifically?" You joked, to which Jake responded with his signature smile. "Maybe after you change into your something more clean?" He pointed out your mud covered Quidditch robes. "I'll wait for you outside the dorm don't worry."
On the way to your dorm, Jay hadn't stopped giggling like an idiot over your interaction with Jake. He kept making our theories as to why he wanted to talk to you, like a fourteen year old girl which made you laugh a little, seeing your usually serious friend jest around.
"No don't wear that old piece of shit! You wanna look like a sad pathetic octopus who no one would want to date?" Jay was currently raiding your clothes, looking for something which gives, in his words, 'casual date aesthetic'. "I love octopuses for your information." You grumbled. "How much longer Jay?" Jay clicked his tongue like a mom, and pulled out a blue and yellow sweater. The one which Jake had knitted you for Christmas in your third year. It was a special sweater and you often wore it, courtesy to the yarn being cosy and warm.
Fifteen minutes later after you wore the sweater and the trousers which Jay had carefully picked out for you, you went out the common room's door, carrying the good luck given to you by Jay, Joshua and Sana. Jake, as he promised was standing there, hair cleaner than usual and in a dark blue sweater. "Where are we going Jake?" You inquired, curious about why he suddenly asked you. "You'll see." he said with a smirk on his face. You quietly tiptoed and climbed upto the fifth floor. A familiar route to you. It was close to the one you always took to reach him on his moon drunk nights. Actually, it was the exact one you took to reach him. Why was he taking you to The Room Of Requirement? Did he perhaps find out who his beloved blackberry actually was?
"Alright now." Jake stopped in front of the wall, where you knew was the magical room. It was probably nine thirty by now, and all the students would be in bed. "I need you to do something Y/N. Just shut off your brain and don't think if anything. Can you do that for me?" You nodded to his gentle question. You knew what he was doing. Whenever there are two people who required the Room of Requirement, only one of them would be able to open it by thinking about what they needed. You thus obliged to his request and shut your mind off, bringing yourself to think of a white screen with nothing on it.
The wall suddenly contorted to form the same door that it usually formed. The same oak doors, with carvings on them. Jake opened the door without saying a word to you. Your brain was getting fuzzy now. Did he actually find out? And if he did, would he still be your friend? A part of your soul? Your Aman Cara?
"I thought you'd like it." You stepped inside of the room, to find a it roofless, revealing all the pretty stars that shined for love and for rejoicement. The room was no longer blue and yellow like it usually was. It was purple now, and there were pillows everyway, along with some roses, arranged all pretty in a bouquet. "D-do you like it? I know it's weird to ask you out like this in such a creepy way but I can't do it in any other way." Jake nervously said, not noticing your awe struck eyes as you gazed at the stars above. "It-its beautiful." You breathed out, causing Jake to sigh with relief. "Y/N-" he suddenly called out to you. "I-Ive been wanting to tell you for a long time. But I really like you and I want to be more than friends with you. And I understand if you don't feel the same way but I reall-"
The rest of his words got drowned out by you pouncing on him and connecting your lips to his. His lips tasted sweet and smooth, like the leftover cake batter which you would lick and like an old book which you would get out of a bookstore after searching for it for a long time. The kiss tasted like cotton candy, melting in your mouth as soon as it touched your tongue. The dance that your lips performed against each other was amazing, like a female ballerina trusting her male partner to lift her up In the air to create a music drunk dance, which would enchant the audience.
Jake pulled away from the kiss first, a dopey smile on his face, his eyes not leaving yours. "I've been wanting to do that for some time." He finally said, after a few minutes of just smiling at you. "Me too." You confessed, hugging his closer and caressing his hair. "So what do we do now blackberry?"
Your world suddenly stopped hearing the last word coming out of his mouth. He knew? How do he know? "Did the cat really look that much like me?" Jake smiled again and kissed your forehead gently. "I've always told everyone that I never liked tea." He chuckled softly. "So if you really were my friend you'd remember that won't you? But if you were a certain cat, you would know my favourite tea leaves." You mentally slapped yourself for being so stupid and giving away your secret so easily. "Also the Grey Lady told me." "Sim Jake I will hex you, you asshole!" He chuckled slightly as you quizzed him about how he knew the Grey Lady. "She used to talk to me when I used to be alone. Apparently ghosts can enter this amazing room and she would often talk to me about her life. But when she saw a cute little cat coming here every night, she figured out who you were. And let's just say ghosts aren't really good at keeping secrets." Both of you giggled as you stood in the room, gently swaying and holding each other, never to let go ever again. No matter how sad the days would be, how blue they would be, you knew that from now on, your nights would be filled with bright yellow sunshine, and perhaps a bit of moonlight too.
"FINALLY THEY'VE GOTTEN TOGETHER IM DYING HAPPY NOW." Jay screamed at the top of his lungs, as Gaeul sat beside him, covering her ears. There you were again, sitting in your normal place near the lake, feeding the Giant Squid, when you thought this would be the perfect time to tell your friends that Jake was now your boyfriend. Their response was good, well maybe barring Jay crying his eyes out and hugging you, telling you that he was proud, while you looked at Gaeul, wondering how she ever managed to put up with him. You did tell them that Jake was a werewolf, to which they responded quite well, saying that they simply did not care. (Jake shed some tears at that)
Jake and you cherished the moonlit nights now that Jake didn't have to spend them alone. It was peculiar to the beings within the magical paintings in the castle, as to how two creatures, so different in their worlds could ever kiss under the moonlight every day and drink the stars up, intoxicating themselves on each other.
And the Grey Lady smiled again knowing that she had a story to tell every child who would stay up late at the Ravenclaw dorm, lost in their thoughts. The story of the cat and the werewolf, who fell in love, under a drunken moon.
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gyuuberryy · 3 months
love potions (but make it legal)!
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pairing: tutor!jungwon x reader
summary: you had not been too excited about these tutoring sessions your potions professor had dropped on you. but, after meeting your tutor you couldn’t hope but think you both were brewing more than just potions, perhaps even love?
genre: hogwarts au, jungwon is a loser for the reader, initially slightly one sided pining, fluff, angst
warnings: some hogwarts lore references, mentions of failing a class, jealousy, angst, magic stuff, kissing, suggestive(ish)
note: they don’t actually make love potions in this but i liked the sound of it so i used it in the title hehe. i hope you guys enjoy this fic as you had given so much love to the heeseung one.
word count: 4.3kish
if you liked it please reblog or comment to give me your feedback! <3
to the anon who requested a jungwon hogwarts au im sososoo sorry for publishing this like six months later. i had a terrible writer’s block with this one. i’m terribly sorry, this constantly ran through my mind but i couldn’t bring myself to begin. i hope you like this!
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you were so screwed.
you felt like a deflated balloon looking at your mock NEWT results. you were literally failing your potions class. with all the time spent in balancing out your classes, quidditch and sessions at the room of requirement as a part of dumbledore’s army, you had not practised well enough for your classes that were practical based. 
seeing your grades drop from exemplary results to having mediocre grades and failing a class was depressing. so, your potions teacher had made you stay back to have a word with you which is why you stood off to the side. your head hung low in disappointment with yourself. if this continued, it would be hard to apply for an auror’s job, which was your dream. 
you were broken out of your thoughts by the sound of your professor clearing his throat. your head shot up and you looked around to see the room was now empty save for you both. he gestured to the seat next to his table, so you shuffled over.
he looked over the rim of his glasses as he scanned over your report card. you hated the pitiful look that crossed over his face, you were not used to this.
“you are one of my best students, i really wasn’t expecting this from you..”
you grimaced at his words, feeling worse about your situation. great, you were not the only one disappointed by yourself.
your professor must have noticed because his tone immediately became gentle as he gave you a comforting smile. 
“see, the only reason i asked you to stay back was because i know you can do better”, he shuffled through a register seemingly looking for something. “i’m sure you have your reasons as to why your performance went down. i know you can improve again.”
you nodded at his words, already starting to feel better, “yes professor i-”
“which is why i think you should get tutored”, he cut you off.
you froze. tutoring? this was so embarrassing, usually you were the one to provide tutoring to others, and now you have to be the one to receive it? no thank you.
you let out a small chuckle, “i understand professor, but i think i can handle it by myself.”
his brows creased at your words, “i don’t think you have enough time for that, the exams are nearing and you have managed to mess up even the basic things in the exam.”
you sighed at his words, silently accepting your fate because he wasn’t wrong. maybe you should swallow your ego and just get tutored, it was for your own good anyway.
taking a deep breath you put on a fake smile and gritted out, “okay.”
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the rush of your mary jane clad feet filled the hallways of hogwarts with clopping sounds. your feet skidded to a stop in front of the library doors and you placed your hand over your chest, trying to catch your breath from the ten minute long run. you were late for your first tutoring session because your evening nap went a little longer than expected. 
brushing out stray hair strands from your face you opened the doors and stepped in, looking around for your tutor. the only person other than you was a boy with raven hair, sitting on a bench completely surrounded by bookshelves. 
you approached him, assuming he was your tutor. 
“uh hey!”, you called out in an unsure manner. “are you my assigned tutor for po-”
“yes”, he cut you off curtly, not even bothering to spare you a glance. “take a seat.”
you frowned in confusion at his cold behaviour and pulled out a chair to sit next to him. he seemed to be shuffling through some papers and organising them. a few seconds went by with him failing to acknowledge your presence. you cleared your throat awkwardly and introduced yourself, trying to get his attention. 
his head immediately shot up as soon as he heard your name, his eyes widening in what you could tell was surprise. confused at his reaction, you just gave him a small smile. he was silent for a while, giving you enough time to take in his features.
bangs fell over the smooth skin of his forehead and he looked at you through glasses which fit perfectly on his face, adding on to his handsome features. you had seen him around a few times as you shared a few classes with him. he was one of the smartest students, loved by all his teachers.
“uh i’m jungwon”, his voice broke through the awkward silence.
you nodded, “hey. i’ve seen you around.”
his lips pulled up into a smile at that as he let out a small laugh nervously. you raised your eyebrows at his sudden shift in demeanour. just a moment ago he didn’t care about your presence and now he was smiling? whatever.
“professor told me you had been facing some problems with potions”, he looked down and tapped his quill on the table. “what can i help you with?”
you explained how you messed up the practical test for your mocks. he listened intently, never breaking eye contact with you which made you a bit nervous. 
you came to an end of your rant but jungwon still maintained eye contact with you, his chin resting on his hand now. 
you cleared your throat, “so..?”
he still seemed to be staring at you, his eyes out of focus as he dreamily smiled at you.
frowning at his odd behaviour, you waved your hand in front of his face which broke him out of his thoughts. his eyes widened momentarily as he shook his head, a small blush spreading across his cheeks.
“are you sick?”
he chuckled nervously, “no no i was just planning out how i could help you”
he picked up a quill and started writing a plan for you in neat handwriting. once he was done, he passed the sheet over to you.
“we’ll follow this for the next two weeks. meet me in the potions class at four tomorrow.”
you gave a once over at what he had written and smiled at him. “will do, thanks jungwon!”
he nodded and started packing up his things. when he was done he looked at you expectantly, “it’s time for dinner, let’s go to the great hall together.”
you smiled and gathered your things as well.
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it was the first day of your tutoring and you were early today.
or you thought so.
glancing around the potions classroom, you spotted jungwon already there. he was perched on a stool, arranging vials and flasks on the tables. unlike his usual composed demeanour in class, he seemed flustered, his bangs falling over his forehead as he fumbled with a particularly stubborn stopper.
he looked up as he heard you shuffle in, a relieved smile splitting his face.
"ah, there you are! i was starting to think you'd gotten lost."
"lost?" you repeated, a laugh escaping your lips. "in the potions classroom? hardly."
he chuckled, a nervous undertone to it. "right, of course. so, are you ready to tackle some invisibility potion today?"
you straightened your robes, a determined glint in your eyes. "ready as i'll ever be. though," you added, an unsure lilt in your voice, "considering my track record, maybe 'invisible' isn't the best thing to start off with."
jungwon's hummed, his cheeks flushing. "well, that's why we're practising, isn't it? to avoid another...disappearing act?"
you snorted. "exactly. though, to be fair, the professor did say my failed polyjuice potion was rather impressive in its...uniqueness."
he winced. "right. let's just focus on not achieving sentience with our cauldron this time, alright?"
the rest of the afternoon was a whirlwind of chopping netslime and muttering incantations. jungwon was a patient tutor, though his explanations sometimes devolved into nervous rambling when your eyes met. 
by the end of the session, your potion shimmered a faint, almost-invisible blue. not perfect, but a far cry from your previous disasters. jungwon beamed, his earlier awkwardness replaced by genuine pride.
"see? you're a natural! with a little more practice, you'll be brewing like snape in no time."
you laughed. "snape? now that's a terrifying image."
he chuckled, then cleared his throat, his gaze flickering away. "well, i should probably get going. i have herbology first thing tomorrow."
you nodded, gathering your things. "alright, see you then. and jungwon?"
he stopped at the door, his eyes questioning.
"thanks a lot for doing this. i already feel more confident.”
he smiled at that, making you do the same unconsciously.
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the next two weeks flew by in a flurry of potion-making and stolen glances in your sessions, and outside of it whenever you both crossed paths. you had made a new friend and you were grateful for his help. you found yourself approaching the cauldron with newfound determination. your brews were improving steadily, and the playful banter during your sessions only added to the enjoyment.
one particularly chilly evening, you hurried down to the room of requirement, the usual meeting place for your secret DA practice sessions. you entered to find the familiar sight of your fellow students practising disarming spells and dodging jinxes. but amidst the chaos, you spotted an unexpected face – jungwon.
he was facing away from you, expertly deflecting a curse with a flick of his wand. you blinked, momentarily speechless. you never knew jungwon was a part of this! a warmth bloomed in your chest, a mixture of surprise and a strange sense of pride.
"nice one, jungwon!" , you called out, a wide grin on your face. jungwon turned, his eyes meeting yours. a flicker of surprise crossed his features before he broke into a wide grin.
"hey there," he said casually, striding over to you. "didn't expect to see you here."
"me neither," you admitted, a smile playing on your lips. "i guess you're not just a potions prodigy, huh?"
he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "turns out i have a few other hidden talents."
the rest of the evening flew by in a whirlwind of practice. seeing jungwon in this new light – confident, skilled, and fighting for a cause you both believed in – made your heart flutter. he was everything you admired and more.
admire? since when did that happen?
shaking your head to rid yourself of such thoughts, you got back to practising your charm. although, over the duration of the practise, your mind couldn’t help but wander towards jungwon’s recent behaviour. he had been sweet to you since the beginning, always ready to help out. and the way he blushed around you and quipped with you, you couldn’t help but think that maybe he also felt something? 
as the group started dispersing, you lingered near the room's entrance, feigning the need to adjust your cloak.
"hey," jungwon's voice startled you. he was packing his bag, a casual smile playing on his lips. "didn't head out yet?"
"actually," you began, fiddling with the strap of your bag, "there was something i wanted to ask you about."
his smile widened in invitation. "shoot."
you took a deep breath. "it's about dumbledore's army. we've been working on patronus charms lately, and well, i'm struggling a bit." shame tinged your cheeks. you weren't used to needing help with spells.
jungwon's expression softened with understanding. "a patronus charm, huh? tricky business, that. but hey, i might be able to offer some pointers."
relief washed over you. "really? that would be amazing!"
he gestured towards a secluded corner of the room. "come on, then. let's see what you're working with."
you settled onto the dusty floor, explaining your struggles. you could conjure a faint wisp of silvery light, but it was far from the actual form you needed. jungwon listened intently, occasionally asking clarifying questions.
"okay," he said once you finished, "it seems you've got the basic idea down. the key is focusing on a strong, happy memory. something that evokes a feeling of pure joy and warmth."
he saw your hesitant expression and chuckled. "don't worry, it's not a competition to see who has the most embarrassing childhood memory."
you forced a smile. "no, of course not." but your mind struggled to find that perfect memory.
jungwon seemed to sense your frustration. "close your eyes," he instructed gently. 
"take a deep breath and try to visualise a place that makes you feel truly happy. maybe a familiar place from your childhood, a special time with a friend, anything that brings a smile to your face."
you closed your eyes, following his guidance. images flickered through your mind – family picnics, winning a quidditch match, late-night talks with your best friend. but none of them seemed to spark the necessary warmth.
just as you were about to give up, a memory surfaced. a smile bloomed on your face. you opened your eyes and met jungwon's gaze. "i think i have it," you whispered.
he nodded encouragingly. "focus on that feeling. the warmth, the happiness, let it flow through you and into your wand."
you closed your eyes again, picturing the memory that brought you happiness. it was a little hazy as you tried to focus on the touch and sounds from that memory. with a deep breath, you pointed your wand forward and muttered the incantation.
a wisp of silvery light erupted from your wand, growing and solidifying into a shape. it wasn't perfect – the outline of a cat was more suggestion than a form – but it was a patronus. you had finally done it.
a cheer escaped your lips as you realised you had finally done it. you looked at jungwon, your heart brimming with gratitude. "i did it!"
he beamed, genuine pride radiating from him. "see? you're a natural. you just needed a little nudge in the right direction."
his words held a hint of something more, something that sent a shiver down your spine. you wanted to thank him properly, to express just how much his help meant to you. 
"thank you, jungwon," you murmured, your voice barely a whisper. you wished, however, that your patronus could solidify into something more impressive, something that truly reflected the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you.
as if sensing your unspoken desire, jungwon stepped closer. his movements were subtle, almost hesitant. but before you could question it, he reached behind you, his hand gently wrapping around yours, enclosing both your hands and your wand within his hold.
a jolt of electricity shot through you at his touch. the air in the room crackled with a tension you hadn't noticed before. your focus on the patronus wavered momentarily, replaced by a hyper awareness of jungwon's warm torso pressed against your back, his fingers brushing against yours.
his warm breath fanned over your ear as he whispered even though there was no one around to hear you both, “now completely focus on that memory.”
the room seemed to shrink, the air growing thick with unspoken tension. you focused on the memory, it acting as a soothing anchor in the storm brewing inside you. but this time, something was different. the wispy light from your wand pulsed, growing brighter, solidifying. the faint outline of a cat sharpened, taking on a more defined form.
in the heightened focus, you were oblivious to everything except the memory and the warmth radiating from jungwon's hand on yours. the familiar nostalgia from the memory echoed in your mind, a beacon of happiness. with a burst of energy, a fully formed silver cat patronus materialised, leaping and frolicking around the room.
you gasped in awe, forgetting everything else. "it's perfect! it's actually a perfect patronus!" 
you jumped, unknowingly pushing yourself more into jungwon, making him wrap his hands loosely around you as he chuckled lowly. you spun around to share your joy with him.
but as you turned, your breath hitched. you were impossibly close to him, his hand still wrapped around yours, his face mere inches away. his eyes were dark and intense, a mirror of the emotions swirling within you. the air crackled with unspoken desire.
you leaned in, heart pounding a frantic rhythm against your ribs. he tilted his head ever so slightly, his lips hovering a whisper away from yours. his breath hitched ever so slightly, as you both leaned in, the space between your lips closing with each passing second.
just as your lips were about to meet, jungwon pulled back abruptly. 
he cleared his throat, his hand falling away from yours. "that's... that's amazing," he stammered, his eyes flickering away from yours. "a perfect patronus. you really are something else."
his words held a strange distance, and a knot of unease tightened in your stomach. the electric tension that had thrummed in the air moments ago had dissipated, replaced by an awkward silence. you weren't sure what had happened, but embarrassment washed over you in suffocating waves. the joy of your achievement felt strangely hollow now.
your patronus immediately vanished into thin air, leaving a trail of sparkles behind.
the tension in the room receded as quickly as it had risen, leaving a bewildered silence in its wake. you blinked, confused and slightly disappointed. why did he stop?
"i, uh," he stammered, looking at his shoes, "i think it's getting late. maybe we should call it a night?"
did he regret the near kiss? or was there something else at play? 
you opened your mouth to ask, but the words wouldn't come. the magic of the patronus lingered, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.
"yeah," you finally managed, your voice barely a whisper. "it's getting late."
jungwon offered a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes before gathering his things and hurrying towards the exit. you watched him go, a myriad of emotions swirling within you.
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disappointment gnawed at you like a dementor during your potions class the next day. your potions professor, inspecting your bubbling concoction with a delighted smile, declared it "exactly by the book."
he beamed, announcing, "it appears the extra sessions have paid off! perhaps we can consider them concluded, wouldn't you agree?"
a lump formed in your throat. you glanced at jungwon, expecting a playful jab or a celebratory nod. but he simply shrugged, a noncommittal, ‘sounds good to me,’ escaping his lips.
the professor's words should have filled you with relief. you were back on track, independent once more. yet, as the class ended, all you felt was a hollow emptiness. you caught jungwon's eye for a fleeting moment, hoping for a familiar spark or a shared grin. instead, he averted his gaze, muttering a hurried goodbye and hurried out of the classroom.
this became a pattern over the next few days. in the hallways, where you once exchanged playful jibes, jungwon now seemed to melt into the background whenever you approached. shared classes were endured in a tense silence, his friendly demeanour replaced by a distant politeness. 
you replayed the scene in the room of requirement over and over in your head, desperately trying to pinpoint where you'd gone wrong. 
had you misread the tension? had you moved too fast, startled him with your sudden boldness?
one evening, you found yourself lingering outside the room of requirement, the usual meeting place for dumbledore's army. you weren't sure why you were there, perhaps a desperate hope that jungwon would appear. the door creaked open, and your best friend peeked out.
"lost something?" she asked, her brow quirked in concern.
you shook your head, the words refusing to form.
"everything alright?" she pressed gently, her perceptive eyes searching yours.
you sighed, finally blurting out, "it's jungwon. did i…did i do something wrong?"
her knowing smile softened the blow. "ah," she said, pulling you into a hug. "sometimes, the most powerful potions are brewed in silence, simmering with unspoken emotions."
her words offered little comfort, but they planted a seed in your mind. maybe rushing something as delicate as what you felt for jungwon wasn't the way. maybe patience, like the perfect potion, required time and the right balance of ingredients. you resolved to let things cool, to focus on mastering your spells and potions, hoping that maybe, one day, the right opportunity would present itself, and the spark you shared with jungwon wouldn't need words to reignite.
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screw whatever you thought before. you couldn't wait for that ‘one day’ to come as you watched your classmate, a girl with hair like spun sunshine, practically cling to jungwon's arm in herbology. they were bent over, giggling like pixies at a particularly stubborn gillyweed.
fury replaced the embers of hope your friend had ignited. who was this girl? had he moved on that quickly? 
jealousy bubbled in your stomach as you stalked away from the window, hurt settling in your chest. but you were determined to make things right, even if it meant making your friendship(?) with him awkward, you needed to know what went wrong. 
the bell signalling the end of class was your cue. you bolted out, weaving through students, your eyes locked on jungwon. he noticed you coming, a flicker of surprise crossing his face, but before he could react, you were upon him.
he was walking with the sunshine-haired girl, lost in their own conversation, until a breathless, "jungwon!" ripped him from it. he turned, eyes widening further when he saw your determined, (slightly crazed) expression.
"uh, hi?" he stammered, glancing between you and the girl who stood blinking at you both, confused.
"excuse me," you said politely through gritted teeth to the girl, who, thankfully, scurried off with a mumbled ‘see you later, jungwon.’
now, alone with the reason of your anger and surging jealousy, you grabbed his arm and steered him away from the castle grounds. you marched him past the greenhouses until you reached a secluded clearing near the black lake. there, with a flourish that would have earned you points in charms class, you pinned him against a sturdy oak tree.
he stared at you, bewildered, as your chest heaved. "okay," he started cautiously, "what's going on?"
"what's going on?" you sputtered, finally finding your voice. "what's going on is, i thought we had...something!" you gestured wildly towards the castle, where you could still see a flicker of sunshine hair disappear around a corner.
jungwon blinked, then a slow blush crept up his neck. "we...we do! we had potions tutoring sessions, remember?"
you threw your hands up in exasperation. "ugh, not tutoring! this…this unspoken thing we have!"
his blush deepened, and he mumbled something inaudible under his breath.
"what?" you demanded.
he took a deep breath. "look, about that night in the room of requirement..."
"yes?" you leaned in, heart pounding.
he cleared his throat. "maybe i… i overreacted. i wasn't sure what you were feeling, and…"
he trailed off, his gaze dropping to the ground. you gaped at him, realising the truth. you hadn't scared him off, he'd scared himself off! 
but there was more. a flicker of insecurity crossed his eyes. "and to be honest," he admitted sheepishly, "the real reason i've been avoiding you… well, it's because i was trying to figure out how to tell you something...something big."
you blinked. here you were, fuming about a nonexistent threat, while jungwon had been battling his own insecurities. the situation was hilarious, almost. but mostly, it was endearing.
a slow smile spread across your face. "well, spill it, jungwon. don't leave me in suspense."
he fumbled with his words, cheeks burning a fiery red. "it's about...well, ever since the beginning of this year, i’ve looked at you…in a different light."
your heart thrummed erratically now, hoping he was getting to where you wanted him to.
"...and, well, you're not just funny and smart, you're kind and brave, and the way you laugh at my stupid jokes, it just makes me..." his voice trailed off, his eyes pleading with yours. 
his rambling was adorable, but the knot of frustration in your stomach tightened with every nervous stammer. you couldn't take it anymore.
grabbing him by the collar, you silenced him with a kiss. it started desperate, fueled by the need to know his true feelings, but as his lips met yours, it melted into something sweeter. you poured your unspoken emotions into that kiss, the frustration, the longing, the dawning hope. 
suddenly, jungwon spun you around, switching your positions so that you were pushed against the tree now. your breath hitched in surprise at his sudden show of confidence. he dove back into the kiss, his soft lips moving against yours in fervour. the intensity of your kiss increased along with your pulse and you were pretty sure jungwon could feel it with the way he was pressed up against you
when he finally pulled back, breathless and dizzy, a different kind of silence hung in the air.
jungwon stared at you as your cheeks flushed a brilliant crimson, mirroring the sunset bleeding across the lake. finally, a smile bloomed on his face, genuine and relieved. 
"see," he breathed, voice husky, "that was much easier than all that."
you laughed, a genuine sound that echoed through the clearing. relief washed over you, warm and tingly. "i should be the one saying that" you teased.
“yeah well i chickened out”, he scratched his head in embarrassment, “i wanted my confession to be perfect.”
you smirked, “yeah well what you pulled right now was very romantic. i didn’t know you had that in you.”
he rolled his eyes playfully and grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “you liked it though. let’s head back now, it’s almost time for dinner.”
you smiled as you walked in step with him, swinging your intertwined hands back and forth. he squeezed your hand with a cheeky grin on his face.  you returned the squeeze looking up at him in question, when his next words had a blush blooming on your face.
“i hope you’re going to pay me back for those lessons with more of such kisses.”
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˚ · .𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱
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songbirdseung · 1 month
love potion / lee heeseung - requested
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at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Lee Heeseung and you have always been rivals, each determined to outshine the other in every class, duel, and academic challenge. their heated competition has been the talk of the school since their first year, with neither willing to back down or admit any weakness. but when a special project forces them to work together, they begin to see each other in a new light. wc 14k genre hogwarts au, academic rivals au, enemies to lovers warnings im not a potterhead, so if my references or knowledge is off, i apologize thank you anon for the request
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you were calmly making your way through the crowd toward the bulletin board, where the top students in astronomy would soon be announced. head held high with the confidence that your name would remain at the top, you moved forward as the other students stepped aside. you nodded in silent thanks, then waited for the results.
"well, isn't it my best friend, yn." of course, it was him. you looked to your left, offering the tall male a fake smile.
your enemy, your arch-nemesis, your rival—lee heeseung. a gryffindor with a knack for pushing your buttons and getting under your skin. he never missed a chance to challenge you, always eager to knock you off your pedestal.
"my favorite ravenclaw, ready to step down a rank?" he teased, his chuckle following as you rolled your eyes.
"still dreaming?" you nudged him, turning your attention back to the board.
you and heeseung had been the top students in your year since your very first day at hogwarts. your rivalry was as old as your time at the school, with each of you trying to outdo the other in every subject, every exam, and every challenge that came your way. both of you were fiercely competitive, and your battle for the number one spot was legendary among your peers.
yet, despite the constant competition, there was a mutual respect between you—an unspoken acknowledgment of each other's talent and determination. but that didn’t stop either of you from doing whatever it took to come out on top. today was no different, and as the results were about to be revealed, the tension between you was palpable.
"let's see if the results speak for themselves," you muttered, eyes locked on the board as the names started to appear.
"i guess we'll find out," heeseung replied, his tone teasing but with an edge of anticipation.
as you stood there, waiting for the results, your mind drifted back to your first year at hogwarts—back to when this rivalry with heeseung began.
it had all started in your first potions class. you were both twelve, eager to prove yourselves, and it didn’t take long for sparks to fly. professor snape had just finished explaining the day’s assignment, a simple potion to test your skills. you were confident, already preparing your ingredients with precision, when you noticed him glancing your way.
“think you can manage this without blowing up your cauldron?” heeseung had whispered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“worry about your own potion, heeseung,” you shot back, not even bothering to look up. but the challenge in his tone was unmistakable, and you felt a surge of determination to outdo him.
the class had been tense, the air thick with unspoken competition. every movement he made, every precise cut of his ingredients, only fueled your resolve. you’d both finished your potions at nearly the same time, and when professor snape evaluated them, he had given you both identical marks—top scores, of course. neither of you had been satisfied with the tie.
from that day on, it was a constant game of one-upmanship. every assignment, every test, every chance to prove who was the better student was met with the same intensity. your interactions were always tense, filled with sarcastic remarks and thinly veiled insults, but there was something else there too—an undeniable spark that kept you both on your toes.
as the memory faded, you found yourself back in the present, standing next to heeseung once again. the tension between you was still there, just as it had been from the start.
the results began to appear on the board, each name materializing in glowing script. your eyes scanned the list, heart pounding in anticipation. then, you saw it—your name, right at the top where it belonged.
a breath of relief escaped your lips, quickly followed by a triumphant smile. you had done it. again.
right beneath your name, heeseung’s appeared, just a point behind you. so close, yet not close enough.
heeseung’s eyes narrowed as he took in the results, his usual smirk faltering for just a moment. “looks like you’re still holding on,” he said, the edge in his voice impossible to miss.
“just barely,” you replied, unable to resist the dig. “maybe next time, heeseung.”
he let out a short laugh, shaking his head. “we’ll see about that. enjoy it while it lasts.”
you met his gaze, the familiar mix of rivalry and respect sparking between you. there was no need for more words; the scoreboard had spoken. but as you turned to leave, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this battle was far from over. heeseung was nothing if not persistent, and you knew he’d be back, ready to challenge you again.
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the following week, the rivalry between you and heeseung only intensified. it was an unspoken rule now—every class, every moment, was a new battleground.
in defense against the dark arts, professor lupin had just paired you with heeseung for a dueling exercise. as you stood across from each other, wands at the ready, the air was thick with tension. the rest of the class watched in anticipation, fully aware of the competitive history between the two of you.
“expelliarmus!” heeseung was quick, but you were quicker, deflecting his spell with ease before countering with a well-aimed “protego!” the duel was fast-paced, each of you pushing the other to the limit, neither willing to back down. the room buzzed with energy as your classmates murmured, eyes glued to the battle unfolding before them.
it wasn’t just in defense against the dark arts where the competition was fierce. in every class, you and heeseung were neck and neck, always vying for the top spot. whether it was transfiguration, potions, or charms, the two of you were constantly being compared—by your peers, by the professors, and even by yourselves.
“excellent work, miss yn,” professor mcgonagall would say, only to follow it with, “and you too, mr. heeseung, as always.” there was no escaping the constant comparisons, the subtle remarks from professors who couldn’t help but pit you against each other.
your classmates had started to place bets on who would come out on top in the next exam or who would win the next duel. it was as if your rivalry had become a sport, a source of entertainment for the entire school.
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as the duel between you and heeseung reached its peak, a burst of laughter erupted from the back of the room. jay, jake, and ni-ki, heeseung’s closest friends, had been watching the entire time, their eyes glinting with amusement.
“you two are at it again,” jay called out, his tone teasing. “honestly, yn, you’re going to give heeseung a complex if you keep this up.”
jake smirked, leaning against the wall with a casual air. “or maybe it’s the other way around? heeseung, don’t tell me you’re going easy on her.”
heeseung shot them a look, a mix of irritation and amusement flashing in his eyes. “as if. you know i never back down from a challenge.”
ni-ki, the youngest of the group, couldn’t help but add, “this is getting good. professor lupin should just let you two go at it every class. way more interesting than the usual lessons.”
you rolled your eyes at their comments, but couldn’t help the slight grin that tugged at your lips. their banter was all part of the routine now, just like your rivalry with heeseung. still, you weren’t about to let their remarks distract you.
“you might want to focus, heeseung,” you said, your voice dripping with mock sweetness. “i’d hate for your friends to see you lose.”
heeseung’s gaze snapped back to you, the competitive fire in his eyes reigniting. “oh, i’m focused,” he replied, his tone low and determined. “let’s see if you can keep up.”
with that, the duel resumed, your wands clashing with renewed intensity. jay, jake, and ni-ki continued to make their remarks, laughing and egging heeseung on, but you tuned them out. all that mattered was winning—proving that you were still the best, even with the added pressure of an audience.
the room seemed to hold its breath as you and heeseung traded spells, each trying to outmaneuver the other. you could feel the eyes of your classmates on you, the whispers and murmurs growing louder with each passing second.
finally, professor lupin stepped in, raising his wand to separate the two of you. “enough, that’s enough,” he said, though there was a hint of a smile on his face. “excellent dueling, both of you. i think that’s enough excitement for one class.”
you and heeseung lowered your wands, breathing heavily but refusing to break eye contact. jay, jake, and ni-ki applauded, their laughter filling the room as they moved to join heeseung, slapping him on the back and throwing more teasing comments his way.
“nice try, yn,” jay said with a grin. “but you know heeseung’s just getting warmed up.”
“we’ll see about that,” you replied, your competitive spirit as strong as ever. you knew this wasn’t the end—far from it.
class ended, but the tension between you and heeseung lingered like a storm cloud. as the students filed out of the classroom, you gathered your things, feeling a simmering frustration that you couldn't quite shake. heeseung, flanked by jay, jake, and ni-ki, was the last to leave, and you could feel his gaze on you as you shoved your books into your bag.
"you really think you can keep this up forever?" heeseung's voice cut through the air, stopping you in your tracks. you turned to face him, your eyes flashing with anger.
"what’s that supposed to mean?" you snapped, your patience wearing thin.
heeseung stepped closer, his expression hardening. "you act like you're invincible, yn. like no one can touch you. but newsflash: you’re not unbeatable."
you took a step forward, refusing to back down. "and you act like you're the only one who can challenge me. but you’re always just a step behind, aren’t you?"
jay, jake, and ni-ki exchanged glances, sensing the rising tension but staying silent, their eyes flicking between you and heeseung.
"maybe it’s time you realized that being at the top isn’t just about grades," heeseung shot back, his voice low and edged with frustration. "it’s about how you handle the pressure, how you treat the people around you. and from where I’m standing, you’ve got a lot to learn."
the words stung, and you felt your cheeks flush with anger. "and what about you, heeseung? always so smug, always so sure you’re going to knock me down. newsflash: you haven’t succeeded yet."
heeseung’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of something more—something almost vulnerable. but it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the familiar competitive fire.
"we’ll see about that," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "this isn’t over, yn. not by a long shot."
you glared at him, your heart pounding in your chest. "bring it on, heeseung."
with that, you turned on your heel and stormed out of the classroom, leaving heeseung and his friends behind. the echoes of your argument lingered in the hallway, a testament to the fierce rivalry that defined your time at hogwarts.
as you stormed down the corridor, trying to push the argument with heeseung out of your mind, you heard hurried footsteps behind you. before you could turn, sunoo, jungwon, and sunghoon appeared at your side, concern written all over their faces.
“yn, wait up!” sunoo called out, his tone softer than usual. when he caught sight of your expression, his eyes widened. “what happened? you look like you’re about to hex someone.”
jungwon shot a worried glance at sunoo before focusing on you. “was it heeseung again? we saw him talking to you after class.”
you let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair as you tried to calm yourself down. “yeah, it was heeseung. who else would it be?”
sunghoon, always the calm and collected one, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “you can’t let him get to you like this, yn. he’s just trying to mess with your head.”
“i know,” you muttered, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. “it’s just—he gets under my skin so easily. he acts like he’s always just one step away from beating me, and it drives me crazy.”
sunoo, ever the empathetic one, frowned. “but you always come out on top, yn. you know that. heeseung’s just trying to throw you off your game.”
jungwon nodded in agreement. “and we’re here to make sure he doesn’t. you’re better than him, and you know it.”
you couldn’t help but feel a bit of the tension ease at their words. they always knew how to pull you back from the edge, reminding you of your strengths and why you were the top student.
“thanks, guys,” you said, managing a small smile. “i just… i don’t know why he gets to me like this.”
sunghoon gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. “because he’s your rival. it’s natural. but remember, we’re all in this together. we’ve got your back, no matter what.”
sunoo grinned, his usual brightness returning. “and if heeseung gives you any more trouble, we’ll deal with him. right, guys?”
jungwon and sunghoon both nodded, their expressions determined. “absolutely,” jungwon added. “you’re not alone in this, yn.”
their support brought a wave of relief, and you felt the anger start to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of determination. with friends like these by your side, you knew you could handle whatever heeseung—and the rivalry—threw your way.
“thanks,” you said again, this time with more confidence. “i needed that.”
“anytime,” sunghoon replied with a smile. “now, how about we grab something from the kitchens? nothing like a good snack to take your mind off things.”
sunoo’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. “great idea! let’s go.”
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the next morning, you sat in transfiguration, trying to focus as professor mcgonagall addressed the class. but your mind was still replaying the argument with heeseung from the day before, the tension between the two of you lingering like a dark cloud.
“today, we will begin a special project,” professor mcgonagall announced, her stern gaze sweeping across the room. “this project will require you to work in pairs, combining your knowledge and skills to complete a challenging task over the next few weeks.”
the class buzzed with excitement and nervous whispers as students exchanged glances, already wondering who they’d be paired with. you exchanged a quick look with sunoo, who was sitting beside you, silently hoping you’d get paired with one of your friends.
professor mcgonagall continued, her voice cutting through the chatter. “i’ve taken the liberty of assigning the pairs myself. the purpose of this project is not only to test your abilities but also to challenge you to work effectively with others.”
your heart sank at the mention of assigned pairs. you braced yourself, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
“yn,” professor mcgonagall’s voice rang out, and your stomach tightened with anxiety. “you will be paired with… heeseung.”
a collective gasp and a few stifled giggles spread through the classroom as your worst fear was confirmed. your eyes darted to heeseung, who was sitting a few rows away. his expression mirrored your own—shock, followed by a flash of irritation.
sunoo, sitting next to you, shot you a sympathetic look. “i can’t believe this,” he whispered, his voice filled with disbelief.
“there must be some mistake,” you muttered under your breath, but you knew there wasn’t. professor mcgonagall’s decisions were final, and there was no way out of this.
heeseung’s friends, jay, jake, and ni-ki, exchanged amused glances, barely containing their laughter. ni-ki leaned over and whispered something to heeseung, who responded with a roll of his eyes and a barely concealed grimace.
“i expect both of you to put your differences aside and work together,” professor mcgonagall added, her tone leaving no room for argument. “this project is a significant part of your grade, and i trust you’ll take it seriously.”
you swallowed hard, trying to keep your composure as the rest of the pairs were announced. by the time professor mcgonagall finished, your mind was racing with a thousand thoughts, all centered around the fact that you were now stuck working with heeseung.
as class ended, you gathered your things slowly, dreading the inevitable conversation with him. you could already feel the tension building, the animosity between you growing thicker by the second.
heeseung approached you, his expression unreadable. for a moment, the two of you just stared at each other, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the air.
“well,” he finally said, his tone clipped. “looks like we’re stuck together.”
“it’s not like i’m thrilled about this either,” you shot back, your frustration bubbling to the surface. “but i’m not about to let this project tank my grade, so let’s just get it over with.”
heeseung’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded in agreement. “fine. but don’t think for a second that i’m going to go easy on you.”
“i wouldn’t expect you to,” you replied, your voice firm.
despite your protests and the obvious tension between you and heeseung, there was no escaping the inevitable. the project was set in stone, and you both knew there was no way out of it. after class, professor mcgonagall handed each pair a parchment detailing their assigned project. as you and heeseung opened yours, the complexity of the task became immediately clear.
“ancient magical artifacts?” you muttered, scanning the details. “we’re supposed to research, analyze, and present our findings on three different artifacts from the restricted section?”
heeseung frowned, clearly not thrilled either. “and we have to perform a demonstration of how they were used in their time? this is going to be a nightmare.”
“it’s not like we have a choice,” you replied, trying to keep the frustration out of your voice. “we’ll need to go to the restricted section as soon as possible to get started.”
heeseung glanced at you, a mixture of reluctance and resignation in his eyes. “yeah, I guess so. let’s just get this over with.”
the two of you made your way to the library, the tension between you palpable. as you walked in silence, you couldn’t help but reflect on how strange this situation was. after years of rivalry and animosity, you were now forced to work together on one of the most challenging projects either of you had ever faced.
in the library, you approached madam pince, the stern librarian who guarded the restricted section with an iron fist. after showing her your parchment and explaining the project, she reluctantly allowed you both access, though not without a sharp warning to handle the books with care.
once inside the restricted section, you and heeseung began the painstaking process of searching for information on the artifacts. the atmosphere was heavy, the air thick with the scent of old parchment and dust. as you leafed through ancient tomes and scrolls, the silence between you grew more uncomfortable by the minute.
finally, heeseung broke the silence. “look, we need to split this up if we’re going to get anywhere. how about we each take one artifact to research on our own, and then we’ll work on the third together?”
you looked up from the book you were skimming, considering his proposal. “fine,” you agreed, though you couldn’t help the edge in your voice. “but we need to make sure we’re thorough. this project is going to be tough, and i’m not about to let my grade suffer because of sloppy work.”
heeseung shot you a sharp look. “i’m not sloppy, yn. i know how to handle a project like this. just focus on your part, and i’ll focus on mine.”
you sighed, biting back a retort. the last thing you needed was another argument. “fine,” you repeated, turning back to the book in front of you. “let’s just get this done.”
as the hours passed, you and heeseung worked in near silence, occasionally exchanging a terse comment or asking a quick question, but mostly staying in your own worlds. the artifacts you were researching were fascinating—each one held powerful magic and a rich history—but the tension between you and heeseung made it hard to focus.
by the time you’d gathered enough information to start working on your individual parts, the sun had begun to set outside, casting long shadows across the library. you closed your book with a tired sigh, glancing at heeseung, who was still deep in his research.
“we should call it a day,” you said, breaking the silence. “we can start writing up our findings tomorrow.”
heeseung looked up, his expression unreadable. “yeah, we’ll need to if we want to stay on track.”
you both gathered your things, and as you left the library, the weight of the project—and your partnership—settled heavily on your shoulders. it was clear that this collaboration was going to be anything but easy. the animosity between you and heeseung was still there, simmering just beneath the surface, but now it was mixed with something else—an uneasy alliance, born out of necessity rather than choice.
as you walked back to your common room, you couldn’t help but wonder how you were going to survive the next few weeks. the project was complex, the stakes were high, and you were stuck working with the one person who always seemed to bring out the worst in you.
but despite the tension and the challenges ahead, one thing was certain: you weren’t going to let heeseung beat you. not now, not ever.
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the next few days were a blur of bickering, frustration, and barely suppressed anger as you and heeseung tried to navigate the complexities of your project. from the moment you met up in the library each day, the tension between you was almost unbearable, and it didn’t take long for the disagreements to start.
“we need to focus more on the historical context,” you insisted one afternoon, your voice rising in frustration. “the way these artifacts were used is just as important as the magic they contain.”
heeseung rolled his eyes, clearly not in the mood to agree. “we can’t get bogged down in the history, yn. the practical applications of the magic are what really matter. if we don’t demonstrate that, our project is going to fall flat.”
you shot him a glare, feeling your temper flare. “and if we ignore the history, we’ll miss the whole point of why these artifacts are important in the first place. it’s not just about the magic—it’s about the people who used it and how it shaped their lives.”
heeseung crossed his arms, clearly not convinced. “fine, but we can’t spend all our time on that. we need to strike a balance, or we’re going to run out of time.”
“then maybe if you’d actually listen to my ideas instead of dismissing them, we wouldn’t be wasting so much time arguing,” you snapped back, your patience wearing thin.
heeseung’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment, you thought he might argue further. but instead, he took a deep breath and seemed to force himself to calm down. “fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “let’s focus on the history for now, but we’re going to need to move on to the practical demonstrations soon. agreed?”
you hesitated, still feeling the sting of his earlier dismissal, but you knew he was right about the time constraints. “agreed,” you muttered, though your frustration was still simmering just beneath the surface.
the rest of the afternoon continued in much the same way, with the two of you struggling to find common ground. every decision—whether it was about the structure of your presentation, the content of your research, or the approach to your demonstrations—seemed to turn into a battle of wills, with neither of you willing to back down easily.
“i think we should use the hand of glory for our demonstration,” heeseung said during one particularly heated discussion. “it’s one of the most powerful artifacts we’re studying, and it’ll make a big impact.”
you frowned, shaking your head. “it’s too dangerous. we don’t know enough about how it works, and if we make a mistake, we could end up causing real harm. the bezoar stone is a safer option, and it still has a lot of practical applications.”
“safe isn’t going to impress professor mcgonagall,” heeseung shot back, his tone sharp. “we need to take risks if we want to stand out.”
“and what if those risks backfire?” you countered, refusing to budge. “we’re not going to get any points if we end up in the hospital wing because of a careless mistake.”
the argument dragged on, neither of you willing to concede, until finally, heeseung threw up his hands in exasperation. “fine, we’ll go with the bezoar stone, but you’d better make sure it’s impressive.”
you bit back a retort, knowing that continuing to argue would only waste more time. “i will,” you said curtly, turning back to your notes.
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something began to shift as you and heeseung spent more time together. the initial days of your partnership were filled with nothing but tension and stubbornness, but slowly, almost imperceptibly, you started to notice things about him that you hadn’t before.
one evening, while you were both deep in the restricted section of the library, you watched as heeseung meticulously transcribed information from a particularly ancient text. his brow was furrowed in concentration, and there was an intensity in his eyes that you hadn’t seen before. it was clear that he was deeply invested in the project, despite his earlier dismissive attitude.
“you’re really into this, aren’t you?” you found yourself saying, unable to keep the surprise out of your voice.
heeseung looked up, momentarily startled by the lack of sarcasm in your tone. “of course i am,” he replied, a bit defensively. “just because we don’t see eye to eye on everything doesn’t mean i don’t care about this project.”
you nodded slowly, feeling a small flicker of respect for his dedication. “i guess i just didn’t expect you to be so… thorough.”
heeseung shrugged, but there was a hint of pride in his expression. “i take my work seriously. especially when it’s something as challenging as this.”
you didn’t say anything more, but as you turned back to your own research, you couldn’t help but think about how different heeseung was when he wasn’t trying to one-up you. beneath the rivalry and the bravado, there was a serious, determined student who was just as passionate about his studies as you were.
over the next few days, you began to notice other things too—small details that hinted at a side of heeseung you hadn’t seen before. the way he’d quietly stay late in the library, long after you were ready to call it a night, making sure every detail of your project was perfect. the way he’d occasionally offer a rare word of praise when you made a breakthrough, even if it was grudgingly given. and the way his expression would soften, just for a moment, when he thought you weren’t looking, revealing a vulnerability that he usually kept hidden behind his confident exterior.
in turn, you sensed that heeseung was starting to see you in a different light as well. you caught him watching you sometimes, a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he was reevaluating everything he’d thought about you. when you made a particularly strong argument or came up with a clever solution to a problem, there was a flicker of something like admiration in his gaze, though he was careful to hide it most of the time.
one afternoon, while you were both working in a quiet corner of the library, you noticed heeseung struggling with a particularly complicated spell that was central to your project. he was trying to recreate the effects of the spell using a detailed diagram, but no matter how many times he tried, the results weren’t quite right.
“here,” you said, surprising both of you as you reached out to help. “let me see.”
heeseung hesitated for a moment, clearly not used to accepting help from you, but eventually, he handed over the parchment. you studied the diagram for a moment, then adjusted a few key elements, altering the flow of the magical energy.
“try it now,” you suggested, handing the parchment back.
heeseung glanced at you, then at the parchment, before nodding. he carefully followed the adjustments you’d made, and this time, the spell came together perfectly, the magical energy aligning just as it should.
he looked at you, a mix of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. “how did you…?”
“you were overthinking it,” you explained with a small shrug. “sometimes the simplest solution is the best one.”
heeseung stared at you for a moment longer, and you could almost see the gears turning in his mind as he processed what had just happened. then, to your surprise, he offered a small, genuine smile—one that lacked the usual competitive edge.
“thanks,” he said quietly, and for the first time, it felt like he was speaking to you as a person, not just as his rival.
“don’t mention it,” you replied, feeling a strange warmth in your chest at the unexpected moment of connection.
from that point on, the dynamic between you and heeseung began to shift, bit by bit.
it was another late night in the library, the kind that had become all too familiar over the past few weeks. the moonlight filtered through the tall windows, casting long shadows across the room as you and heeseung worked in relative silence. the only sounds were the soft scratching of quills on parchment and the occasional rustle of pages being turned.
you had been at it for hours, piecing together the final sections of your project. exhaustion was beginning to take its toll, but neither of you was willing to call it quits just yet. there was too much at stake, and the deadline was looming ever closer.
“we’re almost there,” heeseung said, his voice low and slightly hoarse from lack of sleep. “just a few more details to iron out.”
you nodded, stifling a yawn as you scribbled down some final notes. “yeah, but we need to make sure everything’s perfect. professor mcgonagall isn’t going to go easy on us.”
heeseung snorted softly. “she never does.”
for a while, you both worked in comfortable silence, the earlier tension between you having dissipated over the course of your collaboration. it was strange how the rivalry that had once defined your interactions had gradually given way to a kind of mutual understanding. you still didn’t always agree, but there was a new level of respect that hadn’t been there before.
as the clock ticked closer to midnight, you leaned back in your chair, rubbing your tired eyes. “i can’t believe we’re actually going to pull this off.”
heeseung glanced up from his work, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “yeah, who would’ve thought?”
you chuckled softly, the sound a little weary but genuine. “certainly not me.”
for a moment, you both just sat there, the weight of the past few weeks settling over you. it had been an intense and challenging journey, one that had pushed both of you to your limits. and now, as the project neared completion, there was a strange sense of camaraderie between you—something that felt almost foreign after years of animosity.
“why do you push yourself so hard, yn?” heeseung’s voice broke the silence, catching you off guard. “i mean, we’ve been competing for so long, but i never really knew why you’re so driven. what’s your reason?”
you blinked, surprised by the question. it wasn’t something you’d ever expected him to ask, let alone something you’d planned to share. but there was something about the quiet intimacy of the moment, the exhaustion and the late hour, that made you feel like maybe—just maybe—you could let your guard down, if only a little.
“it’s… complicated,” you began, your voice hesitant as you searched for the right words. “i guess it all started with my family. they’ve always had high expectations, you know? being a ravenclaw, there’s this constant pressure to be the best, to excel in everything. my parents—they were both top of their class when they were here, and they expect the same from me. i’ve always felt like i had to prove myself, to show them that i’m just as good, if not better.”
heeseung listened quietly, his expression thoughtful as you spoke. you could see a flicker of understanding in his eyes, like he was beginning to piece together parts of you that he hadn’t seen before.
“it’s exhausting,” you admitted, feeling a little vulnerable. “sometimes it feels like no matter what i do, it’s never enough. so i keep pushing myself, hoping that maybe, one day, i’ll finally be able to meet their expectations.”
there was a long pause, the silence between you filled with unspoken emotions. then, to your surprise, heeseung spoke up, his voice unusually soft. “i get it. i mean, it’s different for me, but… i get it.”
you looked at him, curiosity piqued. “what do you mean?”
heeseung hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether or not to share. but then, he sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. “my family’s different. they’re not as focused on academics, but… they’ve always been there for me, supporting me in everything i do. i know how lucky i am to have that, but it also means i don’t want to disappoint them. they’ve sacrificed a lot for me to be here, and i feel like i owe it to them to succeed, to make the most of the opportunities they’ve given me.”
you listened, surprised by the honesty in his words. it was a side of heeseung you hadn’t seen before—one that was driven not just by ambition or competition, but by a deep sense of responsibility and gratitude.
“so that’s why you’re always so determined,” you said quietly, beginning to understand. “it’s not just about beating me or being the best—it’s about making sure your family’s sacrifices weren’t in vain.”
heeseung nodded, his expression serious. “yeah, something like that. and i guess… it’s also about proving to myself that i can do it. that i’m not just coasting on their support, but that i’m actually capable of achieving something on my own.”
you both fell silent again, the weight of your shared stories hanging in the air. it was strange, this newfound understanding between you—like a fragile bridge built over years of rivalry and competition. but as you sat there, side by side in the quiet library, you realized that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t so different after all.
“we’ve both been carrying a lot, haven’t we?” you finally said, your voice soft.
heeseung nodded, a faint smile touching his lips. “yeah, we have. but i guess that’s what makes us who we are.”
“rivals,” you said with a small, rueful laugh.
“and maybe something more,” heeseung added, his tone thoughtful.
you looked at him, a little startled by his words, but there was no teasing or challenge in his expression—just a quiet, genuine honesty that you hadn’t expected.
“maybe,” you agreed, feeling a strange warmth in your chest.
as the days passed, the dynamic between you and heeseung continued to evolve —a subtle undertone of respect that hadn’t been there before.
you found yourselves falling into a rhythm, one that surprised you both. there were moments when you’d catch heeseung watching you as you worked, his expression unreadable, as if he were seeing you in a new light. at times, you’d notice yourself doing the same, observing the way he methodically tackled challenges, his determination unyielding.
it was during one of these moments, late at night when the rest of the castle was asleep, that you first began to acknowledge the shift between you. you were both hunched over the same ancient tome, deciphering the intricate details of a particularly difficult spell. without thinking, you leaned closer to see better, your shoulders brushing against each other.
“here, try adjusting the incantation this way,” heeseung suggested, his voice low and steady as he pointed to a line of text. “it should help stabilize the magical flow.”
you followed his suggestion, altering the incantation slightly before attempting the spell again. to your surprise, it worked perfectly, the magical energy aligning just as it should.
“that actually worked,” you said, looking up at him with a mix of surprise and appreciation. “nice catch, heeseung.”
heeseung gave you a small, almost shy smile—one that lacked the usual competitive edge. “thanks. you know, you’re not half bad at this either, yn.”
the unexpected compliment caught you off guard, and for a moment, you weren’t sure how to respond. eventually, you settled for a simple, “you’re not so bad yourself.”
the exchange was brief, but it marked a turning point in your partnership. there were still disagreements and moments of tension, but they were now balanced by a growing sense of camaraderie. you found yourselves working more smoothly together, each of you beginning to trust the other’s judgment in ways you hadn’t before.
during one particularly challenging task, you even surprised yourself by seeking out heeseung’s advice willingly. you were struggling with a particularly tricky potion that was integral to your project, and after several failed attempts, you finally turned to him.
“i can’t seem to get the consistency right,” you admitted, frustration creeping into your voice. “the potion keeps separating, no matter how carefully i follow the instructions.”
heeseung leaned over to inspect your work, his brow furrowing in concentration. “let me see… i think you might be adding the crushed bezoar too early. try mixing it in after the potion reaches a simmer.”
you followed his suggestion, and sure enough, the potion began to come together perfectly, the ingredients blending smoothly.
“how do you do that?” you asked, a mix of admiration and curiosity in your voice. “you always seem to know exactly what’s going wrong.”
heeseung shrugged, but there was a hint of pride in his expression. “i’ve always been good with potions. i guess i just have a knack for it.”
“well, it’s impressive,” you admitted, feeling a twinge of respect for him. “thanks for the help.”
heeseung nodded, his expression softening slightly. “anytime.”
as the days continued to pass, these moments of mutual respect and understanding became more frequent. you found yourself looking forward to the time spent working together, even if you were still reluctant to fully acknowledge it. there was something comforting about the way you could challenge each other, push each other to be better, without the usual undercurrent of animosity.
but despite the growing bond between you, neither of you was quite ready to admit it out loud. the rivalry that had defined your relationship for so long was still there, lingering in the background, and old habits were hard to break. you were both too stubborn, too proud, to fully let go of the competitive edge that had always driven you.
yet, even as you continued to trade barbs and challenge each other, there was a new undercurrent of something else—something that felt almost like friendship, though neither of you would have dared to call it that. it was still too soon, too uncertain, to fully embrace the change. but the first signs were there, undeniable in the way you worked together, in the way you’d begun to see each other as more than just rivals.
one evening, as you were packing up your things after a long day of work, heeseung hesitated before speaking. “you know, yn… we make a pretty good team.”
you paused, surprised by his words. for a moment, you considered brushing it off with a sarcastic remark, but something in his tone stopped you. instead, you found yourself nodding, a small, reluctant smile tugging at your lips. “yeah, we do.”
heeseung smiled back, and for the first time, it felt like a genuine connection—one that went beyond the rivalry that had defined your relationship for so long.
as you both left the library that night, walking side by side through the quiet halls of hogwarts, you couldn’t help but wonder what the future held for you both. the rivalry was still there, but it was no longer the only thing that defined your relationship.
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one evening, as you were both working late in the deserted classroom you’d claimed as your project base, the air was thick with tension. the amulet lay on the table between you, glowing faintly with an eerie, pulsating light. you had just finished deciphering a particularly complicated series of runes when heeseung spoke up.
“we need to be careful with this next part,” he said, his voice low and serious. “the spell to activate the amulet’s power is extremely sensitive. if we get it wrong, it could backfire.”
you nodded, feeling a knot of anxiety form in your stomach. “i know. but we’ve come this far—we can’t stop now.”
heeseung met your gaze, and for a moment, you saw the same determination mirrored in his eyes. “agreed. let’s do this.”
you both took a deep breath and began the incantation, your voices blending together as you carefully followed the instructions you’d painstakingly translated from the ancient text. the air around you seemed to hum with energy, the light from the amulet growing brighter with each word spoken.
but just as you reached the final phrase, something went wrong. the amulet’s glow intensified suddenly, flaring with a blinding brilliance that made you both flinch. a high-pitched whine filled the room, and before you could react, the amulet exploded with a burst of uncontrolled magic.
you were thrown back by the force of the blast, crashing into the wall behind you. the impact knocked the wind out of you, leaving you gasping for breath as the room spun around you. through the haze of pain and disorientation, you heard heeseung shout your name.
“yn! are you okay?”
you forced yourself to sit up, wincing at the sharp pain in your side. “i’m fine,” you managed to say, though your voice was shaky. “what about you?”
heeseung was already on his feet, his wand drawn as he surveyed the chaotic scene. “i’m okay, but the amulet—” he broke off, his expression darkening as he pointed to where the artifact had been moments before.
the amulet was now hovering in midair, surrounded by a crackling aura of unstable magic. the runes etched into its surface were glowing with a malevolent light, and the energy it was emitting was growing stronger by the second.
“we have to stop it,” heeseung said urgently, his voice tight with fear. “if it releases all that magic at once, it could destroy the whole room—and us with it.”
you nodded, your mind racing as you tried to think of a solution. “we need to contain the magic, redirect it somehow before it builds up too much.”
heeseung’s eyes darted around the room, and you could see the wheels turning in his mind. “i think i can create a barrier around it, but i’ll need your help to stabilize it. can you do that?”
you nodded, pushing yourself to your feet despite the pain. “i’ll do my best.”
working quickly, you and heeseung moved into position, your wands raised as you began casting the necessary spells. heeseung’s barrier started to form around the amulet, a shimmering dome of protective magic, but the unstable energy was resisting, threatening to break through.
“it’s not holding,” heeseung gritted out, sweat beading on his forehead as he fought to maintain the barrier. “i need more power—now!”
you didn’t hesitate, channeling your magic into the spell he was casting. the strain was immense, the pressure of the wild magic pushing against your combined efforts, but you held on, focusing all your energy on keeping the barrier intact.
for a few terrifying moments, it felt like the magic would overwhelm you, like the barrier would shatter and unleash the full force of the amulet’s power. but then, slowly, the chaotic energy began to stabilize, the violent pulses of magic subsiding as your spells took hold.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, the glow of the amulet began to fade, the crackling aura dissipating as the magic was safely contained. you and heeseung maintained the barrier for a few moments longer, just to be sure, before finally allowing it to dissolve.
as the room fell into an exhausted silence, you both stood there, breathing heavily, your hands trembling from the effort. the amulet now lay on the floor, inert and harmless, the danger passed.
“we did it,” you said softly, your voice filled with a mix of relief and disbelief.
heeseung nodded, his expression a mix of exhaustion and something else—something that looked almost like admiration. “yeah, we did. you were incredible, yn. i couldn’t have done it without you.”
you met his gaze, feeling a strange warmth in your chest despite the lingering fear and exhaustion. “we make a good team,” you admitted, the words coming easier now after everything you’d just been through.
heeseung smiled, a genuine, unguarded smile that you rarely saw from him. “yeah, we do.”
the days following the incident were marked by an undeniable shift in the way you and heeseung interacted. the rivalry that had once defined your relationship felt less intense, as if the near-disaster had forced you both to re-evaluate what truly mattered. neither of you brought up the magical mishap directly, but it hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed during those tense moments.
you noticed it first in the way heeseung spoke to you. gone was the sharp edge to his voice, the ever-present hint of competition. instead, his tone was more measured, even respectful. it was as if the experience had softened something in him, allowing a different side to emerge.
one afternoon, as you both sat in the library reviewing notes, you caught him glancing at you out of the corner of your eye. when you looked up, he didn’t immediately look away, instead holding your gaze for a moment longer than usual.
“about what happened,” heeseung began, his voice unusually quiet. “i’ve been thinking… maybe we’ve been going about this all wrong.”
you raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “what do you mean?”
he sighed, running a hand through his hair as he searched for the right words. “we’ve spent so much time trying to outdo each other that we never really stopped to consider what we could accomplish if we actually worked together. i mean, look at what we did the other night. we barely made it out of that mess, but we did it—because we were working as a team.”
you nodded slowly, his words resonating with the thoughts that had been swirling in your mind since the incident. “yeah, you’re right. it’s strange… after all these years of competing, I never really thought about what it would be like to be on the same side. it’s… easier than I expected.”
heeseung smiled faintly, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “easier? coming from you, that’s saying something.”
you rolled your eyes, but there was no real annoyance behind it. “don’t get used to it.”
he chuckled, the sound surprisingly warm, and for a brief moment, the usual tension between you dissolved, replaced by something lighter, almost friendly.
as the days went by, this new dynamic began to take root. you still challenged each other, still pushed each other to be better, but there was a noticeable difference in the way you approached it. the sharp edges of your rivalry had softened, making room for something more collaborative.
one evening, while you were both working late in the library, the conversation drifted away from the project and onto more personal topics. it started innocently enough, with a question about favorite books, but soon, you found yourselves sharing more than just academic preferences.
“you know,” you said, leaning back in your chair, “i always thought you were just this arrogant gryffindor who enjoyed making my life difficult.”
heeseung laughed softly, shaking his head. “and i always thought you were a stuck-up ravenclaw who couldn’t stand to lose. guess we both had the wrong idea.”
“yeah,” you agreed, a small smile tugging at your lips. “it’s funny how things turn out.”
heeseung’s expression grew more serious, and he hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “there’s more to it than that, though. i’ve always felt like i had something to prove, like i had to be the best at everything to… i don’t know, be taken seriously, i guess. and competing with you—well, it made me push myself harder.”
you listened quietly, sensing that this was something he didn’t often talk about. “i get that,” you said after a moment. “i’ve always felt the same way. being the best is a way of proving to myself that i’m worth something. but i think… i think i’ve realized that there’s more to it than just winning.”
heeseung nodded, his gaze meeting yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. “yeah. maybe we don’t have to be rivals all the time. maybe we can just… be.”
the simplicity of his words struck a chord with you, and for the first time in a long while, you felt the walls you’d built up around yourself start to crumble. the rivalry, the constant need to prove yourself—it all seemed less important in the face of the connection you were beginning to forge.
“maybe we can,” you agreed softly, a tentative smile crossing your face.
as the conversation continued, you found yourselves sharing stories, laughing at old memories, and even confiding in each other about your hopes and fears. the change was subtle, but undeniable. you were no longer just rivals, no longer defined solely by your competition. you were two people who had been through a lot together, who were starting to see each other in a new light.
you found yourselves meeting up more frequently, not just in the library or classrooms, but in quieter corners of the castle where you could work without interruption. at first, it was strictly about the project, but gradually, your conversations began to drift into more personal territory.
“i’ve never really asked,” you said one evening, as you both sat by the fire in the ravenclaw common room, books and parchment spread out before you. “why do you push yourself so hard in school? i mean, i get the competition, but it seems like there’s more to it.”
heeseung looked up from his notes, surprised by the question. he was silent for a moment, as if weighing how much to reveal. “i guess it’s because i’ve always felt like i had something to prove,” he admitted, his voice quieter than usual. “being the eldest son in my family comes with a lot of expectations. and at hogwarts, it’s like… it’s my chance to show that i’m capable of more than just living up to the family name. but it’s exhausting sometimes.”
you nodded, understanding all too well. “i know what you mean. for me, it’s about feeling like i belong. growing up, i was always the odd one out, the bookworm who didn’t quite fit in. being at the top here—it’s my way of proving that i’m good enough, that i deserve to be here. but yeah, it can be lonely.”
heeseung looked at you then, his gaze softer, more empathetic than you’d ever seen it. “i never thought about it like that,” he said quietly. “i guess we’re more alike than i realized.”
the shared understanding created a new kind of bond between you, one that extended beyond academic rivalry. over the next few weeks, your study sessions became more frequent, and your conversations grew deeper. you found yourself looking forward to these moments, enjoying his company in a way that surprised you.
the shift in your dynamic didn’t go unnoticed by your fellow students. whispers and sideways glances followed you in the hallways, and more than a few knowing smiles were exchanged when you and heeseung walked into the library together.
“well, well, look who’s finally getting along,” one of your ravenclaw classmates teased as you passed by. “i never thought i’d see the day.”
you rolled your eyes, trying to brush off the comment, but you couldn’t ignore the slight warmth that crept into your cheeks.
heeseung, however, seemed unfazed by the attention. “let them talk,” he said with a shrug as you both settled into your usual spot. “they’ve got nothing better to do.”
but the teasing wasn’t limited to just your house. in gryffindor, heeseung’s friends were just as quick to notice the change.
“so, heeseung,” jay drawled one afternoon as they sat in the common room, “you and yn seem to be spending a lot of time together these days. should we be expecting wedding invitations soon?”
heeseung shot him a withering look, though his friends could see the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “it’s not like that,” he muttered, but the way he avoided their eyes made them exchange amused glances.
“sure, sure,” jake chimed in, grinning. “it’s just a project, right? nothing more.”
“you guys are impossible,” heeseung sighed, shaking his head, but there was no real irritation in his voice. if anything, the teasing felt oddly comforting, a sign that even his friends could see the positive change in him.
over time, the teasing became a constant background noise, something neither of you could completely escape, but you found that it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. if anything, it only highlighted how much things had changed between you and heeseung. you were no longer just rivals locked in a never-ending battle for supremacy. you were… something else, something that neither of you had quite figured out yet.
and as the days went by, you realized that you didn’t mind the change. in fact, you were starting to welcome it.
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as the end of the term approached, hogwarts was abuzz with excitement for the upcoming winter ball. the great hall was already being transformed, adorned with shimmering icicles and twinkling fairy lights that gave the castle a magical, ethereal glow. students chattered eagerly about their outfits, their dates, and the promise of a night filled with music, dancing, and festive cheer.
you, however, hadn’t given much thought to the ball. between your classes, the ongoing project with heeseung, and the unexpected shift in your dynamic, your mind was already occupied with enough complications. the idea of finding a date just seemed like another task on an already overflowing list.
that changed one afternoon when you found yourself alone in the courtyard, enjoying a rare moment of quiet. the crisp winter air nipped at your cheeks as you flipped through the pages of your book, trying to ignore the cold as you immersed yourself in your studies.
“yn?” a voice called, pulling you from your thoughts.
you looked up to see felix, a cheerful hufflepuff with a wide, friendly grin and an air of perpetual optimism. you’d always liked him; his bright energy was infectious, and he had a way of making everyone around him feel at ease.
“hey, felix,” you greeted him, closing your book and offering him a smile.
he seemed a little nervous, shifting from foot to foot as he approached. “um, i hope i’m not interrupting,” he began, glancing down at your book.
“no, not at all,” you replied, curious about what had brought him over. “what’s up?”
felix took a deep breath, as if steeling himself. “well, i was wondering… have you decided who you’re going to the winter ball with yet?”
the question caught you off guard. you hadn’t expected anyone to ask, especially not felix, and for a moment, you just stared at him, trying to process what he was saying.
“i… haven’t really thought about it,” you admitted, feeling a bit flustered.
“well, if you’re not going with anyone yet,” felix said, his grin widening as he took the plunge, “i was hoping you might consider going with me.”
before you could respond, a familiar voice cut through the air, laced with an unmistakable note of possessiveness.
“actually, she’s already going with me.”
you turned to see heeseung standing a few steps away, his expression calm but his eyes flashing with something that looked suspiciously like jealousy. his appearance was so sudden and unexpected that you found yourself momentarily speechless.
felix blinked, clearly surprised by the interruption. “oh… really? i didn’t know you two were—”
“we are,” heeseung interjected smoothly, stepping closer to you and giving you a look that was both challenging and expectant, as if daring you to contradict him.
you opened your mouth to protest, to correct him, but the words didn’t come. instead, you found yourself caught between the two of them, your mind racing to make sense of the situation.
felix, ever the good sport, chuckled awkwardly and raised his hands in surrender. “well, that’s settled then. i guess i’ll have to find someone else to go with,” he said, his tone light, though there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
“thanks for asking, though, felix,” you managed to say, still reeling from the sudden turn of events.
he gave you a good-natured smile. “no worries. see you at the ball, then.” with a final nod, felix turned and walked away, leaving you alone with heeseung.
the silence that followed was thick with unspoken words. you turned to heeseung, who was watching felix’s retreating figure with an unreadable expression.
“what was that about?” you asked, your voice tinged with confusion and more than a little annoyance. “i never agreed to go with you.”
heeseung finally looked at you, and you saw a flicker of something vulnerable beneath his usual confident facade. “i know,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in a rare show of uncertainty. “but i couldn’t just let you go with someone else.”
you frowned, trying to make sense of his words. “why not?”
he hesitated, his gaze dropping to the ground before he spoke again. “because… because i wanted to go with you.”
the simplicity of his confession caught you off guard. for a moment, you didn’t know how to respond. you’d always seen heeseung as your rival, your equal in so many ways, but this was different. this was him, standing before you, stripped of the usual bravado and letting you see a side of him that you hadn’t fully acknowledged before.
“heeseung…” you started, unsure of what to say.
“look, i know it’s sudden,” he continued, his tone softer now. “and i know we’ve had our… issues. but things have been different between us lately, and i just thought—well, maybe we could try being something other than rivals, even if it’s just for one night.”
you studied him for a long moment, searching his face for any sign of the arrogance that usually defined your interactions. but all you saw was sincerity, and something that looked an awful lot like hope.
“okay,” you said finally, your voice quiet but firm. “i’ll go with you.”
his expression brightened, the tension in his shoulders easing as he let out a breath he didn’t seem to realize he’d been holding. “really?”
“really,” you confirmed, a small smile tugging at your lips despite the confusion still swirling in your mind.
heeseung’s answering smile was one of pure relief and genuine happiness. “great. i’ll… i’ll meet you at the entrance hall before the ball?”
you nodded, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. “yeah. sounds good.”
with that, heeseung gave you one last look, a mix of excitement and something else that made your heart flutter unexpectedly, before turning and walking away.
the next weekend, you found yourself in diagon alley, flanked by sunoo and yuna as you wandered through a boutique filled with elegant gowns and robes. the winter ball was fast approaching, and the three of you had decided to make a day of it, searching for the perfect outfits to wear.
as sunoo and yuna enthusiastically pulled dresses off racks, debating colors and styles, you found your thoughts drifting to heeseung. ever since he had asked you to the ball—if you could even call it asking—you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. the way he had looked at you, the way his voice had softened when he spoke… it was all so confusing.
“yn, what do you think of this one?” yuna’s voice broke through your thoughts, and you turned to see her holding up a shimmering navy gown with delicate silver embroidery.
“it’s beautiful,” you replied automatically, though your mind was elsewhere.
“but is it you?” sunoo chimed in, giving you a knowing look. “you’ve been a bit out of it today. something on your mind?”
you hesitated, not sure how to put your jumbled thoughts into words. “it’s nothing,” you said, trying to sound casual as you flipped through a rack of dresses.
“it’s obviously not nothing,” yuna pointed out, setting the dress aside and crossing her arms. “you’ve been spacing out all day. is this about the ball? or maybe… who you’re going with?”
you sighed, realizing there was no point in trying to hide it. sunoo and yuna knew you too well. “it’s heeseung,” you admitted, finally voicing the name that had been circling your mind. “i can’t figure out what’s going on between us. one minute we’re rivals, the next we’re working together, and now… now he’s asked me to the ball. but i don’t even know if he really likes me, or if he’s just messing with me.”
sunoo exchanged a glance with yuna, and they both gave you a sympathetic look. “have you thought about just asking him how he feels?” sunoo suggested gently. “it might clear things up.”
“or maybe you could try to figure out how you feel first,” yuna added, her tone soft. “it sounds like you’re just as confused about your own feelings as you are about his.”
you let out a frustrated breath, running a hand through your hair. “i know, but it’s just… complicated. he’s always been my rival, my competition. i don’t know how to deal with this sudden shift.”
“come on, let’s sit down for a minute,” sunoo said, taking your arm and steering you toward the dressing room area. yuna followed, concern etched on her face.
once inside the small, cozy room, sunoo and yuna guided you to one of the plush benches, sitting on either side of you. the soft lighting and quiet atmosphere provided a much-needed break from the overwhelming swirl of emotions you were feeling.
“yn,” yuna began, her voice soothing, “it’s okay to be confused. you’ve been dealing with a lot lately, and it’s only natural that your feelings might be all over the place. but whatever you’re feeling, it’s valid. you don’t have to have everything figured out right now.”
sunoo nodded in agreement, resting a comforting hand on your shoulder. “and if heeseung really does like you—and it sounds like he might—then he’ll understand that this is new territory for you both. you don’t have to rush into anything. just take it one step at a time.”
you looked between your two friends, their warmth and understanding providing a balm to your frayed nerves. “thanks, guys,” you said quietly, a small smile tugging at your lips. “i guess i just needed to hear that it’s okay to not have all the answers.”
“of course it’s okay,” yuna said, squeezing your hand. “and whatever happens, we’ll be here for you. whether you end up with heeseung or not, we’ve got your back.”
sunoo grinned, his usual playful demeanor shining through. “and hey, if heeseung gives you any trouble, you know we’ll take care of him.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at that, the tension in your chest easing a little. “i’m sure you will.”
the night of the winter ball arrived, and hogwarts was transformed into a winter wonderland. the great hall was adorned with twinkling lights, enchanted snowflakes drifting down from the enchanted ceiling without ever touching the ground. the sound of soft music filled the air, setting the stage for an evening of magic and memories.
you stood in front of the mirror in your dormitory, adjusting the soft, flowing fabric of your dress—the very same navy gown yuna had suggested. its silver embroidery shimmered in the candlelight, complementing the simple yet elegant look you had chosen. despite your earlier doubts, you couldn’t deny that you felt a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in your stomach.
“you look amazing,” yuna said, smiling as she fixed the last few strands of her hair in the mirror beside you. sunoo, dressed in sharp robes, gave you an approving nod.
“heeseung’s not going to know what hit him,” sunoo teased, winking at you.
you rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t help but smile. “let’s just hope he doesn’t trip over his own feet when he sees me.”
with a final deep breath, you made your way to the entrance hall, where students were gathering before entering the great hall. you spotted heeseung almost immediately, standing off to the side, talking with jay, jake, and ni-ki. he looked up as you approached, his gaze locking onto yours, and for a moment, it felt like everything else faded away.
heeseung was dressed in dark, tailored robes that accentuated his tall frame, his hair neatly styled. but what caught your attention most was the way he was looking at you—something warm and appreciative in his eyes that sent a shiver down your spine.
“you look… wow,” heeseung said, his voice almost a whisper as you reached him. he seemed momentarily at a loss for words, a rare sight for someone usually so confident and quick with a remark.
“you don’t look so bad yourself,” you replied, trying to ignore the way your heart was pounding in your chest.
his friends took the opportunity to make themselves scarce, offering you both knowing grins as they wandered off into the crowd. you and heeseung were left standing there, the unspoken tension between you suddenly feeling much more tangible.
“shall we?” heeseung asked, offering you his arm with a slightly awkward but endearing smile.
you hesitated for only a moment before accepting, looping your arm through his. together, you made your way into the great hall, the soft strains of music growing louder as you entered the beautifully decorated room. chandeliers glimmered overhead, casting a warm glow over the assembled students, who were already beginning to pair off and dance.
for a while, the two of you simply walked around the edges of the hall, exchanging polite conversation about anything but the real question hovering between you. you couldn’t help but notice how heeseung’s arm stayed close to yours, how he seemed to be making a conscious effort to stay by your side.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, heeseung stopped and turned to face you, his expression a mix of nervousness and determination. “do you… want to dance?” he asked, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it.
“i’d like that,” you replied, surprising even yourself with how much you meant it.
he led you onto the dance floor, the soft strains of a waltz beginning to play as you found your place among the other couples. heeseung’s hand rested lightly on your waist, his other hand holding yours with a gentleness that contrasted with the fierce competitor you were so used to seeing.
the first few steps were tentative, both of you trying to find your rhythm. it was awkward at first—heeseung’s foot nearly caught on the hem of your dress, and you stumbled slightly as you tried to keep up with the music. but then heeseung let out a quiet laugh, the sound light and warm, and you found yourself laughing too.
“maybe we’re not cut out for ballroom dancing,” you joked, your nerves easing as you looked up at him.
“speak for yourself,” heeseung shot back playfully, his smile widening. “i’m just getting started.”
with that, he spun you gently, and you couldn’t help but smile at the way he seemed to be enjoying himself. the awkwardness began to fade, replaced by a strange but pleasant feeling of comfort. you found your rhythm together, your steps more in sync with each passing moment.
as the music swelled, you felt something shift between you. there was a new understanding, a silent acknowledgment that things were different now. it wasn’t just about competition or rivalry anymore—it was about enjoying each other’s company, about recognizing the connection that had grown between you.
when the song finally ended, you found yourself still in his arms, neither of you making a move to pull away. the applause of the other students was just background noise as you looked up at him, your heart beating a little faster.
“i had fun,” heeseung said softly, his gaze holding yours.
“me too,” you admitted, realizing that you meant it more than you ever thought you would.
for a moment, it seemed like he might say something more, but then the next song started, and you both became aware of the other students around you. with a slightly bashful smile, heeseung stepped back, releasing your hand reluctantly.
“should we get some punch?” he suggested, trying to break the sudden tension.
“yeah, that sounds good,” you agreed, though a part of you missed the closeness already.
as you walked off the dance floor together, you couldn’t help but feel that this night had marked a turning point. the rivalry that had once defined your relationship was beginning to fade, replaced by something new—something that was still unfolding, but felt like the start of something important.
as the night wound down and the last notes of music faded into the background, the students began to filter out of the great hall, their laughter and chatter filling the corridors of hogwarts. you and heeseung lingered near the entrance, neither of you in a rush to return to your respective common rooms. the night had been unexpectedly wonderful, and neither of you seemed ready for it to end.
“want to take the long way back?” heeseung asked, his voice quiet, as if not to disturb the magic of the evening.
you nodded, feeling the same reluctance to let the moment slip away. “sure.”
together, you slipped out of the main entrance and into the cool night air. the grounds were bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, the stars twinkling brightly in the clear sky above. the castle loomed behind you, its silhouette majestic against the night, but your attention was focused on the path ahead and the quiet presence beside you.
for a while, you walked in comfortable silence, the only sounds the gentle rustling of the trees and the distant hooting of an owl. it was peaceful, almost surreal after the bustling energy of the ball.
“tonight was… different,” heeseung finally said, breaking the silence. his voice was thoughtful, as if he were carefully choosing his words.
“yeah, it was,” you agreed, glancing up at him. “but it was nice.”
“it was,” he echoed, a small smile playing on his lips. “i didn’t think we’d end up having fun, to be honest.”
“neither did i,” you admitted with a chuckle. “i guess we’re both full of surprises.”
heeseung laughed softly, the sound carrying in the stillness of the night. “i guess we are. you know, i always thought we’d be stuck as rivals forever, constantly trying to outdo each other.”
“me too,” you said, your tone growing more reflective. “but maybe that’s just how we needed to start. it’s how we pushed each other to be better.”
heeseung nodded, his gaze fixed on the stars above. “and maybe… maybe there’s more to us than just competition.”
you felt your heart skip a beat at his words, the implication hanging in the air between you. “maybe,” you said softly, unsure of what else to say.
you continued walking, the silence between you now filled with unspoken thoughts and questions. there was a new understanding between you, something that felt fragile and new, yet powerful. it was as if the night itself was holding its breath, waiting to see where this newfound connection would lead.
as you approached the point where your paths would diverge—him to gryffindor tower and you to the ravenclaw common room—heeseung slowed his steps, turning to face you.
“i’m glad we did this,” he said, his voice sincere. “i’m glad we… got to know each other a little better.”
“me too,” you replied, meeting his gaze. “it feels like a new beginning.”
heeseung smiled, a genuine, warm smile that reached his eyes. “yeah, it does.”
there was a moment of hesitation, as if both of you were waiting for something more to be said, something that might tip the balance of whatever was happening between you. but then, with a small, almost shy nod, heeseung stepped back.
“goodnight, yn,” he said, his voice gentle.
“goodnight, heeseung,” you replied, a soft smile on your lips.
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The days following the winter ball were a confusing whirlwind of emotions. Your interactions with Heeseung had become charged with an unspoken tension that neither of you dared to address. The rivalry that had once defined your relationship seemed to be fading, replaced by something much more complicated. You found yourself drawn to him in ways you never expected, but the fear of the unknown kept you on edge.
Every time you were together, whether it was working on your project or passing each other in the corridors, there was a lingering sense of anticipation, like something was about to happen. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. The way he looked at you had changed—there was a softness in his gaze that hadn’t been there before, but it was always coupled with an underlying tension that kept you both on guard.
One afternoon, you and Heeseung were in the library, surrounded by stacks of ancient books and parchment. The project was almost complete, and with it, the excuse to spend time together was coming to an end. Heeseung was unusually quiet, his focus seemingly elsewhere as he absently flipped through a dusty tome.
“Are you okay?” you asked, breaking the silence, your voice softer than usual. You’d grown accustomed to his company, and the thought of something being wrong between you gnawed at your insides.
Heeseung didn’t look up. “Just thinking,” he replied, his tone distant.
“About what?” you pressed, sensing that whatever was bothering him, it had to do with more than just the project.
He finally met your eyes, but instead of the warmth you had come to expect, there was a hardness there, something defensive. “About how maybe we’ve been wasting our time on this project. I mean, what’s the point? It’s not like we’re going to change anything.”
His words felt like a slap in the face, cutting through the fragile connection you had been building. You had poured your energy into this project, but more than that, you had opened yourself up to him in ways you hadn’t done with anyone else. And now, it felt like he was dismissing all of it.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, trying to keep the hurt out of your voice. “We’ve been working hard on this—together.”
Heeseung’s expression was unreadable, but his voice was laced with frustration. “Yeah, together,” he repeated. “But maybe we’ve been too focused on this… on us, and not enough on what really matters.”
The implication behind his words stung deeply. It felt like he was saying that everything between you—the late-night study sessions, the shared glances, the subtle shifts in your dynamic—meant nothing to him. Your chest tightened, and you felt a surge of anger rise up, mingling with the hurt.
“So you think this was a mistake? That we were a mistake?” you asked, your voice trembling as you struggled to keep your emotions in check.
“No, that’s not what I—” Heeseung started, but the damage was already done.
You stood up abruptly, your chair scraping loudly against the stone floor, drawing the attention of a few nearby students. “If that’s how you feel, then maybe we should just finish this project and go back to being rivals,” you snapped, the bitterness in your tone making it clear how much his words had affected you. “It’s clearly all we’re good at.”
Heeseung’s face fell, and you could see the regret in his eyes, but your hurt and anger were too strong to let him off the hook that easily. Without another word, you gathered your things and stormed out of the library, leaving him sitting there, looking like he wanted to take back every word he had just said. But it was too late. The fragile connection you had begun to form was shattered.
The days that followed were some of the hardest you’d experienced at Hogwarts. You threw yourself into your studies and Quidditch practice, anything to distract yourself from the gaping hole that had been left by your fight with Heeseung. Sunoo and Yuna noticed the change in you, but they gave you space, sensing that you weren’t ready to talk about what had happened.
But no matter how much you tried to focus on other things, your thoughts kept circling back to him. The hurtful words he had said, the regret in his eyes as you walked away—it all replayed in your mind over and over again. You had never been this affected by someone before, and the realization of just how much Heeseung meant to you was overwhelming.
You missed him. You missed the way he challenged you, the way he made you laugh even when you didn’t want to, the way he looked at you like you were the only person in the room. But more than anything, you missed the way he had started to let you see the real him, the parts of himself that he kept hidden from everyone else.
In Gryffindor Tower, Heeseung was going through his own turmoil. He hadn’t meant to hurt you, but his fear of what he was feeling had driven him to push you away. It had been easier to fall back on the familiar role of rivals than to face the truth: that he cared about you more than he had ever cared about anyone else. But now, with you gone, he was left with nothing but regret.
He replayed your argument in his head, wishing he could take back every word. He missed you, more than he thought possible. The way you challenged him, the way you made him want to be better, the way your presence had become something he looked forward to every day. He couldn’t ignore it any longer. He was in love with you, and the thought of losing you was unbearable.
It took several days of wrestling with his emotions, but eventually, Heeseung knew what he had to do. He couldn’t let things end like this, not when there was still so much left unsaid.
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It was late in the evening when you returned to the Ravenclaw common room after a grueling Quidditch practice. Your muscles ached, and all you wanted was to collapse into bed and forget about the day. But as you stepped through the entrance, you were greeted by an unexpected sight.
Heeseung was standing by the entrance, his posture tense and his eyes locked on you the moment you walked in. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his usual confident demeanor replaced by something much more vulnerable.
“YN, wait,” he said, his voice almost pleading as he took a step towards you.
You hesitated, your heart pounding in your chest. You weren’t sure if you were ready for this conversation, but something in his expression made you pause.
“What do you want, Heeseung?” you asked, your voice guarded. You couldn’t afford to be hurt by him again.
“To apologize,” he said quickly, his voice filled with urgency. “And to explain.”
You crossed your arms, trying to maintain your composure. “Go on.”
Heeseung took a deep breath, as if steeling himself for what he was about to say. “I didn’t mean what I said the other day,” he began, his voice filled with regret. “I was… scared, confused. This whole thing with us, it’s different, and it caught me off guard. I’ve spent so long thinking of you as my rival, as someone I needed to beat, that I didn’t know how to handle it when I started feeling… something more.”
His words hung in the air, and you felt your heart start to race. You had suspected, hoped even, that he might feel the same way, but hearing it out loud was a different matter entirely.
“So you pushed me away,” you said, your voice softer now, the hurt still evident but mixed with something else—understanding.
Heeseung nodded, his expression pained. “Yeah, and that was wrong. I’ve been an idiot, YN. The truth is, I’ve come to care about you—a lot. More than I ever thought I could. And the thought of messing that up scared me, so I tried to pretend like it didn’t matter, like we didn’t matter. But we do. You do.”
You could see the sincerity in his eyes, the vulnerability that he was laying bare before you. Heeseung, who had always been so confident, so sure of himself, was now standing in front of you, admitting his fears and his feelings. It was a side of him you had never seen before, and it made your heart ache with both sadness and hope.
“You really hurt me, you know,” you said, your voice trembling as you let yourself acknowledge the pain he had caused.
“I know,” Heeseung replied, his voice filled with remorse. “And I’m so sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, YN. I want to be with you. Not as rivals, but as… something more. If you’ll give me another chance.”
There was a long pause as you stood there, processing his words. The anger and hurt you had been holding onto for days were slowly melting away, replaced by a warmth that you couldn’t ignore. Heeseung had hurt you, yes, but he was also the person who had challenged you, who had pushed you to be better, who had made you feel things you had never felt before. And as you looked into his eyes, you realized that you didn’t want to go back to the way things were. You wanted to move forward—with him.
Finally, you nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips. “I think I’d like that,” you said, your voice soft but filled with hope.
Relief washed over Heeseung’s face, and he let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. “Thank you,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude.
Before you could respond, he stepped forward and wrapped you in a tight, warm embrace. It was the first time he had ever hugged you, and it felt like everything had finally fallen into place. All the tension, all the rivalry, all the confusion—it all melted away in that moment, leaving only the two of you, standing together under the soft glow of the common room’s enchanted candles.
As you rested your head against his chest, you couldn’t help but smile, knowing that whatever came next, you were ready to face it together. And as Heeseung held you close, you knew he felt the same.
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wnbnny · 5 months
forbidden fruit - nishimura riki
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slytherin!niki x ravenclaw!reader
warnings: hogwarts au, pureblood/muggleborn society, use of slur "mudblood", a lot of angst, betrayal, lots of swearing, fluff, use of third person pov, niki's friends basically being assholes, threats and mentions of death, can get a bit dark at times i guess, idk man idk how to write tws
genre: coming of age, enemies(ok not really but society issues and stuff) to friends to enemies to lovers, hogwarts au
status: coming soon... (taglist open!)
author's note: aaa i'm so excited for this omd >< taglist is open for this fic!
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sneak peek...
"you really think i would make friends with a mudblood?" he sneered, upper lip curling up in disgust as you shrank backwards, his friends smirking at your heartbroken expression.
"filthy mudblood."
two words snarled at you. two words that broke your fragile glass heart as you crumpled, leaving you heartbroken and hurt. two words that completely destroyed whatever friendship the two of you had managed to build up, leaving only ruin in it's wake.
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@capri-cuntz @vixialuvs @enhagvrl @judeduartewannabe @livnmsy @heeseungspookie @ming-h0e @istphanie @soobs-things @kangseulgithegreat @hohohobo @asteria-wood @belowbun @gudkc @hearts4itoshi @saintriots @mora134340 @riksaes @ak-aaa-li @strawberrymilkyum @heart4hees @lovleybahiyyih @yjsunzi @yoonzns @firstclassjaylee @baekxo07 @rk1stars @luminouskalopsia @wonniesverse @starseungs @sleepdeprivedline @soobiary @kpop-fanatic-lover16 
@capri-cuntz @vixialuvs @enhagvrl @judeduartewannabe @livnmsy @heeseungspookie @ming-h0e @istphanie @soobs-things @kangseulgithegreat @hohohobo @asteria-wood @belowbun @gudkc @hearts4itoshi @saintriots @mora134340 @riksaes @ak-aaa-li @strawberrymilkyum @heart4hees @lovleybahiyyih @yjsunzi @yoonzns @firstclassjaylee @baekxo07 @rk1stars @luminouskalopsia @wonniesverse @starseungs @sleepdeprivedline @soobiary @kpop-fanatic-lover16 
(i'm so so sorry if the tags aren't woking, i'm fixing it TT taglist is still open tho!) (some people might get re-tagged multiple times in this but so sorry for the false alarm, i'm just trying to get the tags to work)
883 notes · View notes
nwjws · 1 year
in my head - yjw
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; pairing - jungwon x fem!reader
; synopsis - you’ve hated jungwon ever since you two met on the train to hogwarts back in first year; he’s self-centered, lazy, and always coming out for you. now in your seventh year, you’ve been named head girl (woohoo!). unfortunately, the head boy position was given to the one and only yang jungwon (boohoo…). with no other choice, you’re forced to face the annoyingly attractive boy and work with him for the rest of the year - if you can even last that long.
; tags - fluff, angst, crack, ravenclaw! headboy!jungwon, slytherin! headgirl!reader, rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, hogwarts au (with a modern twist), bc they have tablets and stuff
; warnings - a little bit of swearing, a lot of hostility between yn and jw, lmk if i missed anything!
; wc - 12.9k words (umm.... have fun!)
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everyone’s eyes are on you as you stand up at the front of the great hall while the headmaster - professor bang si hyuk - introduces you as this year’s head girl. looking at all the students staring back up at you, you almost feel proud of yourself (keyword: almost). 
you’d think someone would be overjoyed at being acknowledged and recognised enough to have been given such a high position, but you aren’t. 
instead, you’re silently fuming, just barely keeping your temper in check as you plaster a fake smile on your face. your eye twitches as you hear a low chuckle from-
“the head boy, yang jungwon!” the headmaster announces. cheers erupt from around the room, all clapping for their new heads. 
“i can feel the waves of anger practically radiating off of you,” he murmured quietly.
yang jungwon. 
the boy you despised so much. 
listen, you don’t really hate anyone, but you’re pretty sure that what you feel towards the boy you called ‘yang’ is close enough.
in all your six years at hogwarts, you two have constantly been at each other’s throats. arguments often broke out between you in corridors; fights wherein one would end up stupefied or thrown against the wall; even little sabotages against each other that were subtle enough that teachers could pass off as an accident or your own fault rather than the other’s. 
for example, back in third year, yang had tripped you on your way into the great hall after everyone got off the hogwarts express. you had flashed everyone behind you and scraped your knee when you landed on the ground.
although no one saw him do it, you immediately knew who the culprit was, especially when he smirked down at you over his shoulder as he walked ahead. oh how badly you wanted to slap that smile off his face in the moment.
you retaliated the next week by mixing his white laundry with red clothes, so he was forced to attend his classes with pink uniform until he got new shirts. nothing satisfied you more than the glares he sent your way throughout the first day of his pink week, you could feel him boring holes into the back of your head even when you weren’t looking.
making your way back to the slytherin table, you thought back to when you got that fateful letter a few weeks back.
you slid the window open after spotting an owl from afar flying towards your house.
the bird flew in gracefully, and dropped your letter from hogwarts on the kitchen island counter, accepting the treats offered from your hand.
“y/n, please. close the window, would you? it’s so windy outside - it’s blowing away my papers!” your mother scolded from her seat at the table.
“sorry, my bad! i just got my grades.”
“ah really? let’s see it then.”
you scanned the letter, satisfied to see an O on all your subjects. although they weren’t your final NEWTS grades, they were an indication of how you did throughout sixth year according to teachers’ assessments. 
you’d been nervous at seeing anything below an O, but your friends had told you not to worry all summer.
“you’ve never dropped from the top rank in our year ever since first year, why would you now?”
“hiyyih, it’s only because of how much i’ve studied, but what if the expectations this year are higher? what if it’s not enough? what if i spent too many free periods sitting with you guys by the lake instead of-“
“be for real, you only did that twice! you’re the only person who’s actually spent their free periods studying,” rei said.
“well that’s what they’re supposed to be used for!”
“who actually does that! besides you, of course.”
“rei’s right, even yang jungwon often spends his frees with his friends.”
“that’s why he’s number 2,” you roll your eyes. “maybe if he studied during his frees, he’d finally get that number 1 spot he's been telling me he'd get for years.”
“it’s the fact he doesn’t have to study as hard to easily get second top student in our year. besides, weren’t you just worrying about not being first this time ‘round?”
that set you off into another episode of wailing and worrying about your results.
reading the letter, your eyes zeroed in on a shiny gold badge attached to the bottom.
  dear kim y/n,  we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as head girl for this upcoming academic year. you will be working alongside the head boy, yang jungwon, and all prefects across the four houses. you and the head boy’s duties will be relayed to you after the sorting ceremony. congratulations once again, you are well deserving of the title. sincerely, headmaster bang si hyuk
you still remember your mother questioning you after watching your figure suddenly go from jumping around the kitchen all giddy, to sulkily dragging your feet to the table.
of course, you were honoured to be picked, but did they really have to choose your enemy as your partner? i mean, the whole school knows about your rivalry, and you guys have been told off countless times by teachers! so was this really a smart idea?
when the ceremony ended, one of the professors led you and yang to the head dormitories.
(a “benefit” of being one of the heads was getting your own room, separate from your own house dorms. but you’d still be sharing the common room with yang, so that wasn’t exactly the biggest plus in your books.)
“as you can see, you will have separate private rooms, each with their own bathroom,” the professor pointed at the doors on opposite sides of the common room.
“but you two will share this living space. there’s a little library in the corner as well. 
“now for rules..." he started listing a bunch of obvious rules - like what's allowed in the head dorms and what isn't, when you can bring your friends, etc.
“and last but not least, you aren’t allowed in each other’s private quarters,” he paused before glancing at both students. “although, i don’t think that’ll be a problem.” 
he’s right there, you thought bitterly.
the idea of even sharing the common room with the boy irked you, let alone entering his own room. you could only imagine all the stupid tricks he was planning on you right now - but you were doing the same.
after the whole ordeal, the professor finally left you two alone, but not before telling you that you should start planning out the prefects’ patrolling schedules so that you could meet up with them as soon as possible.
you and yang stared at each other for a moment, apprehension hanging in the air. this is the first time you two have directly looked each other in the eye tonight.
“so… i guess we should get to sorting out those schedules,” he breaks the silence, gesturing to the scroll of names in your hands, which the professor had left with you.
nodding, you followed him to the large table in the middle of the room, where you’d hold a meeting with the prefects tomorrow morning.
“here’s the list of all the prefects, plus their student ID numbers.”
“okay, we can use those to add them all into a group chat on hog-messages and inform them of the meeting tomorrow.”
one of the newer developments at hogwarts in recent years was the addition of electronic tablets given to every student, so they’d be able to communicate faster with each other. it had an app programmed within it called ‘hog-messages’ where students could message each other or their teachers, and create group chats, all activity being monitored by staff.
the tablets also allowed the students to be able to write notes down on it, but most teachers often preferred all homework to be written on paper scrolls anyway. 
all this was provided by yang enterprises.
yup. yang was the son of the wizard who introduced muggle electronic devices into the wizarding world, instantly boosting their family into riches and success.
the world was given to him on a silver platter, so he’s always had it easy. and unfortunately for you, the boy not only grew up snobby and privileged, but was smart too. 
coming from the muggle world, you entered the wizarding world with an open mind. despite this, you hated the ravenclaw almost as soon as you met him. 
his ego was high up through the roof way before he’d even been placed in the house, and he emanated a strong intimidating aura. as soon as yang saw you on that hogwarts train, he turned his nose up at you like you were dirt before you’d even spoken a word to each other.
nonetheless, you managed to work out a schedule together smoothly. but the lack of clashing heads for once put you on edge, you felt like something was just wrong.
“alright, i’ve sent a message to the group,” he said, staring at his screen.
“okay…” you trailed off, unsure what to say. “um, let’s be civil this year, yang,” you say instead, putting a hand out.
the boy looked up at you, before glancing down at your hand then laughed in disbelief. as if you had said you were going to run 100 laps around the castle.
“duh, i knew that when i got the letter. that doesn’t need to be said. are you an idiot?”
now it was you who stared at him in disbelief. there’s the yang you know.
lowering your hand, you scoffed and stormed into your room, which was luckily closer so you didn't have to spend another second looking at his pretty face.
you should have known nothing would ever change. you can’t believe you almost thought that yang had changed. of course he’d never grow up, maybe he was just made this way. 
on the other hand, the return of his ugly personality brought you some comfort. it was just something you were more familiar with. you weren’t used to the driven and focused attitude he had on earlier when sorting out the schedule, and you’d prefer to keep it that way. 
unpacking your bags and showering before changing into pajamas, you set an alarm for 6:30am, so you’d have time for the meeting at 7:30 and can end it before classes began at 8. you went to bed feeling prepared for tomorrow.
the next morning however, you woke up late. 
the sunlight seeped in through the curtains, and after a moment, you checked your phone for the time.
you practically jumped out of bed and began to frantically get ready, pulling on the first shirt and skirt you could grab from your closet.
why hadn’t your alarm woken you up? you set the alarm two hours earlier. had you accidentally typed 630 into the calculator app instead from a tiring day?
however, when you check your alarm clock, you saw that it had been turned off. although, you clearly remember pressing save and checking that it was on before tucking yourself into bed.
you pause as you brush your hair, your thoughts coming to a stop.
it was yang, you realised. 
is this his idea of civil? you wonder what he's on as you slip on your uniform in panic. 
quickly brushing your teeth, you put on your tie as you ran out the room, a chill hits you when you remembered the prefects’ meeting you were supposed to have this morning.
oh my god, they probably think i'm an irresponsible head girl. there’s no doubt the bad impression being late on your first day as head girl would leave on not only the students, but the teachers as well. 
will they revoke your position? will they give the badge to another, more responsible girl? who preferably doesn’t have beef with the head boy? 
you cringed at the thought you might be punished because of something entirely yang’s fault, and he’d get away with it. as he always does. 
you ran down the moving stairs, almost slipping off the edge when it suddenly changed paths, towards your first class as you cursed out the head boy in your mind. 
but soon enough, nervousness took over as you neared the classroom.
there was only about 15 minutes left of the period, so was it even worth it to go? and besides, yang was in this class too. you’d hate to see the gloating smirk on his face when you enter and get scolded by the professor.
before you could decide however, the door opened, revealing the very boy you’d been planning revenge on all morning.
yang didn’t look surprised to see you there, evident by the grin on his face.
he faked a shocked tone though, when he announced your presence to the professor (and the whole class).
it goes without saying that you definitely had a bad morning, being held back in class for another half hour to make up for what you missed that morning. 
thankfully, you had a free period next, so you weren’t missing your next class this time.
although you hated yang jungwon with every fibre of your being, you weren’t a snitch. you wouldn’t dare expose him - mostly because it would be useless. who would really believe you, when you were already messing up so early in the year? and certainly not when it accused the school’s beloved heartthrob. 
so you took your punishment on without a complaint, pointedly ignoring yang the rest of the day, who didn’t even try to hide his smile.
you sighed as you made notes on griffin claw substitutes, all alone in the potions classroom.
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september and october rolled by; even though you and yang continued your little pranks and tricks on each other, you guys managed your head duties just fine. he did his work and never slacked, so you were satisfied.
you had gotten your revenge on yang by charming his wand to vibrate uncontrollably two days later. you remember barely being able to hold in your laugh as you watched him struggle to conjure a flock of birds, an explosion of feathers popping from the tip instead.
from what you heard, he also struggled in his other classes you didn’t share, which delighted you to no end. 
“what are you skipping around all giddy about?” hiyyih asked you sceptically.
“just that yang seems to be struggling in herbology class, according to jang wonyoung.”
“what did you do?” rei eyed suspiciously.
“how could you accuse me of doing something?” you gasped.
“it’s pretty obvious - head boy and student #2 wouldn’t just struggle in a class he’s always done well in,” minji shrugged.
you rolled your eyes at your friends, but then smiled cheekily when you admitted how you’d snuck into his room that morning and cast a charm on his wand with a spell that would only stop after twenty-four hours.
“okay, that’s pretty funny. i’m gonna have to ask wony about it later,” rei laughed. 
your phone buzzed, and upon checking it, you were surprised to see a text from the one and only yang jungwon.
Hog-Messages YANG JUNGWON (ID: 78395) professor kim wants to see us
“speak of the devil,” you tell your friends and show them your screen. 
you watched as the three glanced at each other, equally surprised.
“wow, a text! from yang jungwon! and it’s not some evil curse or cryptic message!” hiyyih remarked, which you nodded to in agreement. 
rei laughed. “you guys act like he’s incapable of simple communication; he’s just relaying a message.”
“sometimes rei, i think he is,” you joked.
YANG JUNGWON ID: 78395 professor kim wants to see us
KIM Y/N ID: 78384 when?
YANG JUNGWON ID: 78395 after classes today at his office
KIM Y/N ID: 78384 ofc it’s at his office, you think he’d want to meet us in the restrooms?
YANG JUNGWON ID: 78395 i hope u fall off your broom on the pitch also come un-charm my wand or something right now.
KIM Y/N ID: 78384 can’t 🤷‍♀️  sux 2 b u
"honestly, if i didn't know better, i'd think you two had a hate-love relationship," minji teased.
"ew, anything above dislike is something i will never feel for yang jungwon," you scrunched your nose in distaste. how could minji even think something like that?
"whatever," she snickered.
arriving in front of the professor’s office door, you opened it to find jungwon already inside and seated on one of the chairs opposite the teacher’s desk. you bowed in greeting before taking the other empty seat.
“so,” professor kim started. “we need to talk about your behaviour as the head students.”
you gulped. had you done something wrong? were those threats to revoke your position on the first day real? 
looking over at your co-partner, his face was unreadable, as always. he looked perfectly calm, which infuriated you.
“as head boy and girl, you two are setting the standard for the rest of the school. you guys are supposed to be role models. but i’m sure you already know this.” professor kim paused and looked at both of you intently before continuing.
“so why is it i’m finding out that you two have not been doing your patrols together?”
oh. so that’s what this is about.
you and yang had completed one patrol session together on the first week of school, and it’s safe to say that it was… horrific. without going into too much detail, you guys had practically argued the whole two hours that night; although it was unlikely, if there were any couples making out or young students causing trouble, they probably heard you two from a mile away and hid before they were caught.
at the end of the night, you both agreed that you’d just swap your schedules and patrol with other prefects - possibly the only thing you two had ever agreed on.
“we weren’t aware that we had to patrol together,” you replied when the head boy was clearly not going to speak up first. what a pussy.
it was a lie; you guys obviously knew that head students were supposed to patrol together. having been prefects in previous years, you knew how things worked. it was why you had done the first patrol together after all. 
but you figured that since it wasn’t a specifically given instruction, you didn’t actually have to do it together.
professor kim stared at you two incredulously for a moment, his expression somewhere between exasperation and disbelief. a pool of anxiousness swirled in your stomach at the way he sighed and pinched his nose bridge frustratedly.
“listen, i don’t know what si-hyuk was thinking when he had chosen you two as the heads, given your history and all. but he chose you. so please show that you’re worthy of the title - let go of your childish rivalry. otherwise, we may actually have to find new head students.”
“you could just let go of her, professor. i’d be able to work with any other girl,” yang finally spoke up. of course the first thing he'd say is an insult.
you gasped and glared at him. 
“clearly, you’re the one who’s childish and immature here. maybe you should be the one to get replaced.”
“enough!” the teacher slammed his hands on the desk. “if you two keep this act up, we will not hesitate to replace you both.”
and so with that, you and yang left the office in uncomfortable silence. not a word was spoken between you until just before you parted ways.
“guess we’ll use the old schedule again,” he said. you nodded.
being the end of the day, you were both too tired to argue. the heavy workload that comes with NEWTS in addition to the responsibilities of your positions, you both left for your own common rooms without sparing another glance.
the dreaded patrol round came sooner than you would have liked, and you found yang waiting by the castle doors. you always seemed to be the later one, as if he’d placed a curse on you with that trick at the start of the year.
he kicked himself off the wall he’d been leaning against when he saw you, and began to walk without so much as a ‘hi’ or ‘let’s go’. you had to quickly jog to catch up to him.
the air between you two as you walked around was silent and tense, so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife.
surprisingly, yang was the first to break the silence.
“i was thinking - we should plan the first hogsmeade trip for this term.”
“mhm,” you hummed in agreement. “i think it’s best to have it after the quidditch match in november.”
“yeah, at the end of the month. and people would be able to go before the winter break.”
you fished your phone out from your pocket and opened the calendar app.
“when should we have it?"
yang leaned over your shoulder to look at your screen. “let’s have it on the twenty-seventh," he says, pointing at the date on the calendar. "it’d be good to have the week between the match and the trip free so we can prepare.”
you nodded as you listened, typing up a reminder to speak with the professors about it. 
“hey!” the head boy suddenly shouted, causing you to jump. “what are you kids doing here?”
you looked up to find he had opened a classroom, in which three students in around 4th or 5th year were standing. they stared up at the pair of you with wide eyes, like a dear in headlights.
“what are you doing?” you asked, regaining your composure. looking at their ties, you realised they were in slytherin, like you.
the students glanced at each other worriedly and slowly backed away from the two of you. you noticed them hiding something behind them on the desk.
pointing your wand at the items behind them, you summoned it nonverbally, yelling ‘accio!’ in your mind. the items flew into your arms.
“you all better go back to your common room. it’s way past your curfew,” yang warned them. “20 points from slytherin.”
the group shuffled out of the room and quickly ran back to the dungeons.
“isn’t 20 too many?” you grumbled. maybe you were a little biased since they were in your house though.
ignoring you, yang sighed as he turned back to look at the contents in your hands.
“what is it?” he asked.
upon closer inspection, it seemed to be the plannings or blueprint of a large snake puppet that moved on its own, the quote ‘slytherin slays’ painted along its body.
you held back a giggle as you read the notes on how to make the snake glare and breathe flames out when faced with a ravenclaw. yang snorted as he read them as well.
“you slytherins are always so immature when it comes to quidditch matches.” you rolled your eyes and glared at him, imagining you were breathing flames like the puppet snake.
“at least we have a strong sense of support for our house. what’re you birdies doing? painting little flying banners that the players won’t be able to read on the pitch?”
“my team doesn’t need to read our house’s support. we’re good enough and know if.”
“sounds like there’s just no house spirit.”
“say that to me when your team loses,” he challenged.
“you’ll be waiting forever then,” you retorted.
“let’s place a bet. 20 galleons that ravenclaw wins.”
“fine! if we wins, i want you to pay my monthly subscription in an online game for a year."
“i need money," you huff, crossing your arms indignantly.
“you need muggle money.”
“well, yes. but i mean, you can convert your wizarding money into muggle money, then pay for my monthly subscription in a game so i get game money.”
“that sounds useless; for a kids’ game? and you called me the childish one?” he raised a questioning eyebrow.
“i wouldn’t need to find peace in an online game if you didn’t bother me all the time, you know," you complain. "you’re like a piece of gum i can’t get off my shoe.”
“you could just cast a spell to get the gum off,” he shrugged.
“you’re right, i’ll just cast a spell on you!” you smile brightly. “stupe-“
“oh my god, okay! i’ll pay for your stupid game - if slytherin wins, which you won’t.”
you smiled to yourself, a skip in your step for the rest of the patrol.
soon, the day of the match arrived; ravenclaw against slytherin (because of course it was). 
the morning of the match was lively as usual, everyone split between green and blue. 
you watched the large snake float above everyone’s heads in the great hall, breathing (harmless) flames into every ravenclaw’s face. 
just at that moment, you bumped into the trio of students who’d been planning the little surprise. you sent them a discreet smile.
“20 points to slytherin,” you awarded for the clever trick, but also to make up for the twenty that yang had taken.
suddenly, you screech when a flock of small origami birds flew and pecked at your hair, ruining the braid you’d put your hair in for the match. 
looking up, you noticed the small paper birds flying about the hall, pecking at every slytherin-supporter. this was definitely ravenclaw’s idea; no doubt yang had gotten inspiration from the those students you two had caught.
“you good, kim?” a familiar voice greets you. you turn to see the devil himself smirking at you, pleased with the mess you are.
“i was, until you got here.”
“maybe it’s a sign that you’ll lose today.”
“maybe it’s a sign you should shut up.”
the match started without a hitch. 
you scored the first 10 points of the match within 6 minutes, and by the first half hour, slytherin was ahead by 30 points. 
you enjoyed the thrill of being a chaser, trying different ways to get the quarrel past the keeper. in fact, you enjoyed flying in general, and being on the pitch.
that is until, you started getting pestered by the other team’s seeker.
you noticed yang seemed to be flying around you after a few laps, and sent him a questioning look.
“what are you doing, yang?”
“looking for the snitch, it’s my job.”
“well, i’m not the snitch. so keep looking!”
“well i’m certainly looking at a similar word.”
it took time to process what he meant, but when you realised, you glared at the boy.
“focus on the game- if you keep your eyes on me, you’ll be paying for my subscription soon!”
yang scoffed and looked away, searching the pitch for the snitch, sending you a glare before zooming away.
the game ended in slytherin’s favour, your team’s seeker barely clutching the golden ball in his hands before the head boy could reach it.
cheers roared across the stadium when it ended with your team’s success, students running onto the pitch in excitement to congratulate you and the other players.
“seriously, the way you threw the quaffle into the hoop while gliding through the air - it was so smooth!” minji gushed as rei nodded in agreement. 
“let’s go, there’s going to be a congratulatory party in the common room!” rei says, taking your hand to drag you.
“can i come?” asked hiyyih excitedly, who was a gryffindor.
you laughed as you followed your three best friends, when you caught sight of a certain person in the corner of your eye.
“wait, i have to do something real quick,” you pause to tell the girls. they stopped as well and looked at you curiously.
“what is it?”
“wait for me. i just need to talk to yang - head stuff,” you tell them off-handedly, before running off to the ravenclaw team.
“it’s definitely not about ‘head stuff’,” hiyyih nudges rei, who nods as they watch you leave.
you make your way to the losing ravenclaw team, even congratulating some of them on a good game. 
when you reach your target, you tap on his shoulder to get his attention, before smiling triumphantly up at him (wow, you never realised how much taller he was than you until now).
“what is it, kim?” he drawled with an eye-roll.
“the bet. i won.” you gloated, the smile never leaving your face, widening instead when he wore a look of disbelief.
“oh, right.” he sighed before scratching the back of his head, looking around thoughtfully. “let’s sort it out tomorrow, at patrol.”
“okay! don’t back down from your end of the bet.” 
“i may hate you, but i’m not a sore loser. see you tomorrow night, kim.”
“with my monthly subscription payment!” you say, waving tauntingly as you ran back to your friends.
“what did you need to talk to him about?” minji asked, putting her hand out to hold yours as you four made your way to the slytherin dungeons.
“we’re making monthly plans to help a student who needs it,” you say smugly.
“sounds like you’re twisting the truth,” rei laughed.
“but it is the truth!” you protested.
you found yourself happily scrolling through the game's catalog, looking to spend your newly-bought robux.
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ever since your deal on the match, you found yourself slowly warming up to yang.
well, not to the point you’d consider each other friends, but you acknowledge each other in passing with a nod or quick wave instead of pointedly looking the other way like usual.
you also argued less, much to the relief of the entire school. however, they were still apprehensive, waiting for something to blow up eventually. it was simply too suspiciously calm and quiet without your voices yelling down the hall or in the corner of a classroom.
as the weeks went on, you two learned to get along better and better everyday, even willingly becoming partners in potions once.
sometimes, you would walk to the great hall together for lunch or dinner after a meeting. you even spent your free periods with yang, which you told your friends was because ‘they didn’t have any frees with you’ so you ‘might as well spend it productively’ with the head boy who coincidentally shared the same free periods schedule.
you did lots of stuff together, as expected of the head girl and head boy.
yet, you always avoided studying together.
others might think it’s because of your rivalry; how one might copy off the other’s or something.
sure, you laugh to yourself. let people think what they want.
but the idea of studying with yang again brings back memories of fifth year.
you didn’t tell anyone about it, not even your own friends. 
at the end of the year, you’d been practically glued to the library for two months, studying for your OWLs.
“mind if i sit here?” 
you turn up to see a familiar face.
“there’s no other free space in the library,” he rolled his eyes, making up an excuse.
looking around, you realised he was right. the only other free spots were next to students that were notoriously weirdos who everyone avoided. maybe he doesn’t want them to copy off his work, you think to yourself.
“um, okay,” you agreed hesitantly while sucking on a sugar quill, moving some of your books to make space for him. those sweets often helped you focus.
yang pulled the seat out and sat down, before beginning to study himself.
you tried to continue as you were, but had lost focus. not even the green apple-flavoured sweet in your mouth could help you concentrate.
you were hyper aware of his presence - the way he hunched over the table with his hair falling over his face. you watched him from the corner of your eye.
why had he chosen to sit with you? were there seriously no better places to go? what about his room? the astronomy tower? the little corner window by the potions classroom downstairs?
“relax. i can feel how tense you are from here.”
“does your oh-so-precious pure-wizard blood give you the ability to sense emotions like a dog?” you scoffed. he looked up sharply and gave you a serious look.
“i just want to revise for my OWLs; let’s keep our disputes outside the library, where we won’t get hexed by madame park over there.”
you rolled your eyes and kept your head down, going back to your own business.
over the course of the month, a routine slowly began wherein you would often study together in the library. 
sometimes it was you joining him instead, and you would just wordlessly take the seat opposite him. even when there were other spaces to sit, you two always chose to sit together in the corner table, hidden from the rest of the school.
a word was never spoken between the two top students. and you never told your friends about the little arrangement either.
his presence quickly became something of a comfort for you - it was easier to focus on your studies when he was there. and if you ever needed help with something, he’d give you a few pointers when you finally begrudgingly asked.
he never asked you for help though, which always reminded you why he was number 2. it infuriated you how you had to work twice as hard than him just to barely surpass the boy.
whenever you heard people talking of him in passing, he was always nicknamed ‘the prodigy boy’. what were you called? ‘the girl that was good for a muggle-born’.
he was your rival, but you weren’t his. and he’s made that clear since the day you met.
and yet, despite all the resentment you held for him, you enjoyed his company. OWLs were stressing the life out of everyone, but it felt like you could get through it with him sitting across you.
maybe it’s because he motivated you to keep working harder, to try more so you could widen the gap between your ranks. seeing him everyday reminded you of why you tried so hard. maybe you wanted to show him (and everyone else) that being muggle-born doesn’t mean you’re any less than those born in this world. 
at least that’s what you told yourself. 
but it doesn’t explain why you began to glance at his lips every time he sat across you. 
it doesn’t explain why butterflies began to flutter in your stomach when you felt the warmth of his body close to yours as he’d lean over your shoulder and point at the book when you asked for help. or why you felt giddy when you’d play with each other’s feet under the table.
until one day, he’d dropped his smart-quill on the floor, and you were quicker to kneel down from your seat to get it. 
“here,” you said, handing him the quill, still on your knees on the floor.
as you faced him, you realised the close proximity only then. 
you stared into his eyes that pulled you in, keeping you locked and unable to escape from his gaze. he stared right back, the quill forgotten in your hand, which now lay on his left knee.
you didn’t even realise the way he slowly leaned down until he cupped your cheek.
his touch was soft; you leaned into it. 
“is this okay?” you could barely hear him whisper over the rapid beating of your heart. all you could do was nod.
your eyes fluttered shut as your lips finally connected. a mix of pretty emotions burst in your stomach, filling you with a giddiness you never knew before.
it might have been just a few seconds, or it could have been hours - you didn’t know. that first kiss was everything you ever imagined it to be.
you pulled away first, finally running out of air. but he chased after your lips, kissing you again. 
the memory of your first kiss will forever be cemented in your memory. you were just two 16 year olds, softly holding onto each other in the corner of a library, hidden from the rest of the world.
you scrunch your nose at the bittersweet memory. who would’ve thought your first kiss would be with the person you hate the most in this world. 
when you returned to school for sixth year that september, yang acted like nothing happened between you two. 
he ignored you for the first month of school, not even bothering to taunt you like he used to. everyone had been stumped, including you, but he eventually went back to his usual tactics, albeit with a noticeable lack of ‘stupid muggleborn who can never be on our level’ comments. soon you two were back to your regular bickering as if he didn’t ignore your existence for the first month of school. 
as if you hadn’t shared a kiss just three months before.
now, your developing friendship scared you. you didn’t want a repeat of last time; his actions had really hurt you back then.  
you remember all the nights you spent in the library, waiting. waiting for him to come, to explain why he was acting like that. waiting for something.
thoughts ran through your mind, trying to reason why he might do this. maybe he realised he didn't feel for you the way you felt for him. maybe he went back to his room that night and wiped all the muggle germs off his face. maybe he realised he was too good for you.
you remember all the times you cried yourself to sleep, eyes puffy for weeks that even your teachers asked if you were okay. if maybe you’d eaten something bad or been cursed. that maybe you should go to the infirmary to fix it.
hiyyih, rei, and minji had no idea how to help you, because you refused to tell them what was wrong. 
and you never did. it’s simply too embarrassing. explaining that you kissed your number one enemy and then he ignored you for month and acted like nothing happened between you two was humiliating. you knew your friends wouldn’t, but surely if other students found out, they’d laugh at you.
yang probably laughed with his friends about it. you were just waiting, dreading to hear the rumours of how you’re a bad kisser and how no one should ever want your muggle-born, good-for-nothing ass. 
every time you walked past him and his friends, you’d walk faster and look everywhere but their direction. you imagined their snickers and smirks as they watched you run by like a pathetic loser.
the rumours never came however. 
no one ever looked at you weirdly, or laughed at you. you ended sixth year with a big sigh of relief, releasing a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding the whole year.
now, you found yourself standing next to the very boy who you had spent the end of your 5th year with, walking a big group of students towards hogsmeade.
you sigh as you think about your astronomy test on monday, which you’d rather spend the weekend studying for.
unfortunately, as the heads, it’s you and yang’s duty to chaperone the students on their trip to the village. 
you sigh and pull on your strap, hiking your heavy bag higher up your back. you think of the long day ahead, studying in the corner of one of the quieter cafés, freezing your toes off. it’s not preferable, but it’ll have to do.
yang watches you, eyeing your heavy bag of books.
“what the hell? don’t tell me you’re spending this trip studying.”
“alright, i won’t,” you roll your eyes at him as you two trudge behind the large crowd of students. it was 9 in the morning, and you were too tired to reply.
“wouldn’t you rather spend your time with your friends? you somehow have those,” he teased.
“well yeah,” you huff, a little irritated at his care-free attitude. “but not everyone can pass an astronomy test without needing to study like you. some of us actually have to work our butts off for good grades.”
yang stopped in his tracks, causing you to follow and look back at him questioningly.
to your surprise, he wore a serious expression, glaring forward and refusing to look at you. you must’ve struck a nerve.
“stop acting like you’re the only one in the world that has to fucking work hard,” he fumed. you’ve never seen him this mad, even in all your arguments throughout the years. 
“you’re always going on about how much you have to study this, how you need to work harder than me that - blah blah blah. 
“why do you always feel the need to undermine my work? always downplaying my accomplishments to ‘mere talent’. what about the tens of hundreds of hours i’ve poured into my own studies? the hours i’ve spent sat by a tutor since i was 6?”
surprised by his outburst in combination with your own irritation and jealousy, you couldn’t help but retort.
“are you serious right now? do you have to make everything about yourself?”
“oh because the world revolves around you? you are so fucking entitled!”
“me? entitled?” you laugh in disbelief. “you’re talking about how i undermine and downplay your work, when you’ve always been the one to yell out to the whole world how i’m a ‘stupid, pathetic muggleborn who’s lacking and can never fit in this world’!” students were beginning to notice your argument and were looking behind as they walked at you two now.
“so that’s what this is about? some shit i said two years ago?” he scoffed.
“some shit you threw at me for 5 years!” you throw your hands up in frustration.
“well maybe you’re proving me right with all your talk about just how much you need to study because you’ll 'never have it as easy as us'!” he yelled right back, mocking you. “you don’t know a thing about me.” 
you stared at him, panting heavily. everyone’s attention was now on you two, people watching instead of walking.
“kim y/n! yang jungwon!” you hear the booming voice of professor kim shout over the crowd. 
he stormed to you two, face red and veins popping out his neck.
“this behaviour is incredibly inappropriate of role model students! you two are supposed to be guiding the students towards the village, is that such a difficult task?” he scolded you and yang in exasperation.
“could you at least keep your feud behind closed doors? it’s incredibly selfish to ruin everyone’s day with your constant fights!”
you looked down ashamedly as your friends took this as their sign to finally drag you from your spot. jungwon’s friend, nishimura riki from 5th year copied their actions.
professor kim looked at the crowd which had now completely stopped to watch the show. 
“keep moving kids!” he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.  
“park gunwook,” he called. the gryffindor jogged towards the teacher. “pham hanni.” the hufflepuff followed. “you two will take over the role of chaperoning the students, since our head students are clearly unsuitable for the job,” he instructed, throwing you a dirty look. 
the two 6th year prefects nodded and began to walk behind everyone, feeling a little awkward at being put on the spot. 
you glared at yang one more time, but was met with a different expression instead.
yang met your stare with concern written on his face, as his tall friend dragged him away. it confused you; just a moment ago, he’d been furious with you, and now he looked worried? what was he worried about? what’s with the switch up?
you couldn’t ponder on it any longer, what with your own friends shuffling you away from the crime scene.
the rest of the day was spent tucked away in a little corner of a small café you found, one people didn’t go to as much.
the girls had tried to convince you to join them on their fun, but let you go when you told them you had star charts to memorise for your upcoming test. they seemed hesitant, but after witnessing your recent fight with the head boy, they reluctantly allowed you to go off on your own with promises of saving you a butterbeer.
you busied yourself with your books, not wanting to think about the weird events this morning. from your first disagreement in a while, to yang’s mood swing - it was better to spend your thoughts on what was more important.
eventually, you woke up in the late afternoon, only realising then that you had fallen asleep. the rays of light from the sunset seeped through the window, waking you up with its blinding brightness. 
how long had you fallen asleep? you could have been revising in the time you dozed off. astronomy was your weakest subject, so you really needed that precious time.
you groan in frustration, sighing as you sit up to straighten your back. but something falls off your shoulders as you do. 
you look behind you and realise it was a jacket, which had been left on your shoulders by someone. but who?
bewildered, you pick up the jacket (which had an oddly familiar scent to it) and turn back to your table of books. but before you can return to your studies, something catches your eye.
there, on top of a pile of textbooks, lay a green sugarquill. 
had my friends stopped by while i slept?
it didn’t particularly make sense though, since you agreed to meet up with them later tonight when you headed back to the castle. 
you picked it up, then noticed the note it had been sitting on.
sorry, i shouldn’t have said any of that earlier.  found you sleeping, don’t beat yourself up. you can do this. i remember sugarquills help you focus, right? don’t worry, it’s not poisoned or anything… goodluck on monday.
your heart squeezed painfully. his short message spoke volumes.
yang jungwon wasn’t one to apologise, seeing as he either never felt bad, or never really did anything wrong (in the eyes of everyone else).
you felt guilty too, seeing as it was your fault as well. you made a mental note to apologise to him in person later.
secondly, this was the first time he ever acknowledged the time you spent together in 5th year. it surprised you, because at this point you wondered if he had forgotten about it, or if it was all some sick dream you had.
heat rushed to your face and you had to put considerable effort into keeping your composure and not kick your feet and screaming right then and there. somehow, he’d remembered such a small detail about the sweet he left for you.
maybe the whole 5th year incident affected him more than he let on. maybe there really was something that happened between you guys.
or maybe you’re just being hopeful again. 
one thing you’re sure about though, is that yang jungwon is most certainly crazy.
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“welcome back everyone!” you greeted.
it’s the first prefect meeting of the term, everyone who left for the winter break having just returned two days prior.
“we have quite a bit to discuss today,” you started, before looking at jungwon to continue.
“let’s start with the more interesting news first.” he paused, looking at everyone before going on.
“me and the head girl have been planning something this winter, and with the approval of the headmaster, we can finally reveal it to you: the spring ball.”
you watched proudly as the prefects began whispering amongst themselves excitedly. you were so hyped up to be able to plan and make the event come to life.
“we wanted to give the students something more exciting to look forward to. you know- before OWLs and NEWTs completely take over our lives,” you joke, pulling chuckles out of everyone in the room.
“the idea is a formal, floral-themed event that’ll take place in the great hall. it’s only for 5th years and up, but younger years may attend if invited as a date.”
“since you guys are prefects, we’re asking for your help setting up the event. let’s talk ideas for decoration,” you say, pulling out your tablet to take notes.
as you wrote down the prefects’ thoughts and input, you were already drafting a schedule in your mind for preparations. that was until, you felt someone lean over your shoulder.
forcing yourself to keep writing, you tried to ignore the way your shoulder brushed against yang’s chest. one hand holding onto the backrest of your chair whilst the other lay on the table, next to your arm as you wrote on autopilot, your mind circuiting at the proximity. straightening your back in an attempt to compose yourself, you only push yourself against the boy more.
you were sure your face was as red as a tomato. your heart was beating so hard you were scared jungwon could hear it.
judging by the way he huffed in amusement, he probably realised the effect he had on you. 
“focus, kim,” he whispered so only you could hear, leaning lower to your level. you could imagine the smirk on his face.
“i am,” you tried to say with as much nonchalance as you could.
honestly, the moment was really reminding you of all those times he’d helped in the library. deja vu was really hitting you hard right now.
the rest of the meeting went smoothly - at least, as smooth as it could be with yang constantly flustering you as he subtly kept grazing your skin. 
now that you think about it, jungwon’s been acting strange lately. more… bold? that’s the best way you could explain it.
you don’t know how it happened, but ever since the hogsmeade trip, you two got closer. after you apologised to him, the incident in question was never spoken of again, never referred to. but it’s clear something shifted in your relationship with the head boy.
gradually, he began to fill up your everyday life, seeing him more often in the day than you used to.
in the mornings, you’d bump into each other in the common room after getting ready, and go down to the great hall for breakfast together. or, if one of you seemed to be running late after breakfast, you’d make sure to save some food and leave it in the common room for the other.
in the day, you two shared free periods, and so spent it lounging in the common room, simply doing work at the coffee table or reading a book on the couch. music would play in the background as you two sat in comfortable silence, basking in each other’s company.
in the evenings, you might come back from a late class to find him napping on the couch. so you’d shake him awake with a “jungwon, let’s go get dinner.”
you could be studying in the library corner of your shared living space, and he’d always remind you to eat. even when it was past any meal time, he’d drag you off the chair for a trip to the kitchens, where he’d get a house elf to make you two a snack. he often asked for eclairs, noticing it was your favourite.
but yang jungwon didn’t just take up your daily activities, he was always on your mind too.
thoughts of how he wouldn’t like the cold dim lights of the slytherin common room, or seeing students that he’s told you he isn’t particularly fond of floated in your mind when you visited your friends.
you even found yourself comparing him to characters in whatever series you absorbed yourself in. you seriously couldn’t stop thinking about him.
the fights stopped completely, but you two continued your flirting friendly banter all the time.
once, you managed to find time in your busy schedule to sit down and watch barbie movies. jungwon (when did you even start calling him that?) had walked in to the common room to find his bag which he had left there, only to see you huddled up in a blanket while watching barbie as the island princess magically projected onto the wall.
“what’s this?” he’d asked.
“muggle movies from my childhood. this girl here grew up on the island when one day, she was found by a prince who was intrigued by her, and brought her back to the city, where she finally learns who she really is,” you explained while keeping your eyes trained on the projection.
“and who is she really?”
“why don’t you sit down and watch, kitty?” you’d always called him by that nickname during your petty fights, since his face reminded you of a cute cat. now though, it became more of an endearing nickname for the boy.
“i have to write 10 inches on the use of the lumos solem spell by tuesday.”
“that’s 5 days away! come on, don’t you wanna know? it’s really good, i promise. we can watch from the start, and i’ll help you with that charms essay, since professor song assigned it to us to, and i already got started on it,” you asked, twisting to face him with the best pleading look you could muster.
“fine, but only because you begged," he relented with a playful smile.
so that’s how you ended up binging barbie movies into the wee hours of the morning, sharing a blanket with your proclaimed enemy on the sofa.
“you honestly look more like serafina,” you tease him.
“what? but she’s a girl! wouldn’t wolfie be a better fit?”
“but serafina has more cat-like eyes! you guys have similar eyes.”
“are you serious right now? they’re both cats!” he gestures to the movie, paused at the last scene.
“but you really look like her!” you insist, using both hands to point at each corner of his eyes, shifting closer to him. “they’re upturned.”
“didn’t realise you knew that about me, babe.” he wrapped his own hands around your wrists, as they hovered above his face. “if i’m serafina, you must be wolfie.”
“why? because we’re partners in crime?” you snorted at his suggestion. “they get married at the end and have a bunch of little kitties too. you want that?”
“if that’s what you’d like,” he shrugged, his lips pulling into a downwards smile.
you stared at him incredulously, heartbeat suddenly pounding as you looked into the growing smug look on his face. his eyes that managed to shine even in the dark never failed to root you on the spot, unable to look away.
what were you feeling? you've looked at jungwon so many times over the past 5 years, but the boy's gaze never made you feel like this way before. like you were floating on air; like you could do anything with him by your side, looking at you like that.
in fact, thinking back to all your years of knowing him, it's funny how much things have changed in the past several months.
you actually giggle a bit, sitting back, further from his warmth. you immediately miss the soft touch of his fingers around your wrists.
"what are you laughing about?" he asks, but he's laughing too.
"you. me; us."
"are we comedians now or something?"
"no, but we're definitely clowns of the circus." jungwon grinned at your statement, an amused huff escaping his lips.
"penny for your thoughts?"
"i was just thinking... how did we go from having wars in the middle of DADA in 3rd year, to watching muggle barbie movies at 2am on a saturday?" you think out loud.
"when you put it like that... we do sound like the comedy act of a show," he admits, scratching the back of his neck.
"at least i do."
"what do you mean?" you ask, shifting your position on the couch to sit up. you move your cold feet so they rest between jungwon's ankles, soaking in their warmth.
"our little feud - you know, the fights, the hexes, all that. it was all because of me."
"what? no it wasn't - i instigated a lot of them too," you say, trying to reassure him. was he feeling guilty and blaming himself?
"but, it was! honestly, if it wasn't for my stupid shallow thinking, we might've been friends way earlier." you looked at him patiently, nodding for him to continue.
"i used to think that muggle-borns were stupid and would fall behind in everything - school, work, just because you had no idea of how our world worked. honestly, i pitied and felt sorry for you guys, because i thought you could never be on our level. i know now how ignorant i was, obviously," he scoffed at himself.
"so when i met you, i thought you were an idiot. you are, don't get me wrong-" he teased you, causing you to roll your eyes, although smiling lightly. "but even though you're muggle-born, you always managed to do better than me.
"you were constantly the best student in our year- no, our school. you were faster at understanding concepts than i was, immediately getting things right on the first try. hell, even when i would go flying on the pitch to relieve my stress and then got recruited into the ravenclaw team in third year, i finally thought i was better than you at something. and then you joined your team in 4th, and was called the 'ace' of slytherin. what a blow all of that to was to my ego."
"i joined the team to annoy you," you shyly admit. "but why did you even think that in the first place?" you asked, not angry. you wanted to hear him out and finally get answers to questions you've asked yourself for so many years. you wanted to understand, and know the boy in front of you.
"well, you know that my father's company is successful. so growing up, i was given the best. my parents hired the best tutors for me, so i'd be ahead of everyone else when i started hogwarts. my teachers said i was their best student, my parents showed me off to their friends as their 'pride and joy' or something dumb like that. other parents compared their kids to me, i was that kid.
"i knew i was privileged though - that i had money and could afford to have this good education. so i made the best of it and constantly told myself that others would be lucky to have my life, so i wanted to prove i was worthy of it by working hard and pushing myself all my life.
"but with that, i developed the mindset that people who don't have money like i do can't have as much knowledge as me since they don't have access to it - and that included muggle-borns. you had zero knowledge of this world, which works incredibly different to yours. we have different moral compasses; notions of common sense; understanding of how things worked.
"so imagine how surprised i was to find that you were doing better than me in school. me, who had sat beside a tutor since i was 6, who was learning OWL content at 12. all this only for a girl who didn't even know magic existed until a month before to top me in school.
"that's why i was always angry; i was angry with my tutors for not teaching me better; at you for being better. but most especially at myself. for deluding myself into thinking that way." you two were silent for a moment.
"what changed?" you asked.
jungwon breathed in, preparing himself.
"5th year. i was finally learning to respect you, so when i walked into the library that was full of students, you seemed like the best option to sit next to."
"really? still hadn't gotten over that 'i'm better than everyone blah blah blah' attitude?" you asked, smugly tilting your head to the side.
"shush," he hid his face. "but... i got to learn how hard you really worked back then. i used to think you just had some gift for learning. but watching you with your head down for hours, i felt like i was discrediting all that with something like 'innate talent'.
"i went back home that summer confused and having a mid-life crisis at 16. my dad talked to me though, knocked some sense into me.
"he said that just because muggles don't know magic, doesn't mean they can't do anything. i mean, the whole idea of smart devices that our company is literally known for was taken from muggles! without you guys, we wouldn't have that in our world either. you created it, we just used magic to expand it.
"i was pretty shaken up after that, and was in a daze when 6th year started. it took me a while to sort my thoughts out and gather myself."
it was silent for a while, now nearing 3am.
jungwon just spilled out his guts to you, in the dim atmosphere of your common room. now you were the one collecting your thoughts.
"i'm sorry too."
"what? you never did anyth-"
"but i basically did the same thing as you. you studied for years and years, and i just always thought you were also naturally smart; that you never needed to study like i did because you already knew it all."
silence enveloped the two of you once again.
"...so i guess we're more similar than we thought, huh?" he smiled softly at you. you felt like you were floating again.
"i guess so."
jungwon unfolded his legs and opened his arms out as a gesture, which you gladly accepted and fell into his embrace.
"so, are we good now?" you asked.
"hmm, i still feel like you owe me something for all those years of endless anger and feeling like shit."
"you mean for enlightening you that we stupid muggles aren't so stupid?" you asked, face still buried in his chest, your voice muffled against his sweatshirt. "shouldn't you owe me? for teaching you a lesson?"
"but i want something," he pouted, pulling on your wrist.
"what is it? as long as its affordable."
"is going to the spring ball with me affordable?"
you turn your head to look up at him, who's looking down at you with shy eyes, waiting for your answer.
"i don't know... how much does it cost?" you play along. you already know your answer anyway.
"it'll cost you about..." he pulled out the calculator app on his phone, pretending to add up a total. "one kiss."
you laughed at him, finally pulling away from his arms.
"was that at the end of 5th year not enough?"
"no," he pouted, eyebrows knitted. so cute, you thought.
"alright then, but is it okay if i pay you that hefty price later at the ball?" jungwon sighed dramatically, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
"i guess... but the price might increase to 10."
"that's okay, i'll give you as many as you want, as long as the first one is special."
"i didn't know you were sentimental like that," he smirked at you, kissing your cheek. you shrugged nonchalantly, smiling at him.
"i didn't know you were so needy for kisses like that."
"touché," he laughed, dragging you in for another hug, cuddling you until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
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since that night, you and jungwon gradually learned to be comfortable each other. and with the ball preparations, there was lots of opportunities to do so.
you realised that - without the hostility between you two, it was much easier to find compromises when you disagreed on something. jungwon did things differently from you, but listened to your thoughts and offered his too.
as the weeks went on, you found yourself looking forward to meetings with him, missing his presence when he wasn’t with you.
something in the way he’d nudge you lightly when you were worried about something, wrap his arm around you and squeeze your shoulder, or simply smile at you brightly with those cat-like eyes of his - they were all comforting.
the change in atmosphere didn’t go unnoticed by your friends either.
"what was that??" rei interrogated you when jungwon pulled you aside for the nth time this week.
"oh, he just wanted to talk about putting up decor later," you answer nonchalantly, taking a bite out of your toast.
"he has the same conversation with you practically every day," minji rolled her eyes.
"yeah, and i'm more surprised that you don't come ranting to us about every interaction you two have," hiyyih agrees, eyeing you suspiciously.
"well, i just grew up and matured," you try to defend yourself.
"if growing up and maturing means developing a crush, then yeah. you sure did." rei pauses before continuing. "is there something you aren't telling us?"
technically, yes. you weren't telling them about the development between you and jungwon - at least not yet. but you didn't exactly have a crush on the boy, in the sense that it was a one-sided thing and you were too shy to confess. but you didn't really want to tell them what was going on between you two, because you didn't know yourself.
were you and jungwon friends(-ish)? yes. but were you dating? no, definitely not. there's no doubt though that your strange, blurry, undefined relationship will develop soon enough, and you'd rather wait until everything's clear before telling your friends.
"she's not saying anything - something is definitely up!" hiyyih gasped excitedly, causing rei and minji to giggle, and you to shake your head.
you had noticed that jungwon seemed to always find reasons to talk to you, even if it's little things you've already discussed before, or silly simple questions like 'how's your day going?' or 'what barbie movie are we watching tonight?'
yeah, you two often found yourselves watching barbie movies late into a friday night.
you also ended up cuddling on the couch almost every evening after a long day of duties, particularly on patrol nights. after your rounds, you two would head back up to the head dormitories, where you'd flop onto the couch, and he'd jump onto you soon after.
the others would go crazy if they ever found out, you laugh to yourself.
the next day would be the night of the ball, so you were pretty wrapped up in helping out throughout the day.
"everything's set up," haerin, a 5th year gryffindor prefect told you.
"it looks really good," you tell her, looking at the great hall. it looked great now, and you were excited for how it would turn out in the dark of the night later.
"did you manage to complete the spell?" she asked curiously.
"i did, but i'm only 89.7% sure it'll work," you say, biting your lip. you hated not being completely sure about something, like an answer, or in this case - a self-made spell.
you turn when you hear a laugh behind you.
"i like how you have a specific percentage even when it comes to feelings," jungwon says through a grin. "your brain works weirdly"
"whatever, kitty," you roll your eyes light heartedly at him.
facing the great hall again, you take a deep breath as you cast the spell on the great hall, chanting the incantation as you wave your wand.
in a moment, the hall was filled with falling petals of different colours, though they didn't litter the ground messily, simply disappearing when they reached the ground. vines reached out from between the tiled floor, wrapping around table legs and growing bright vibrant flowers of their own. small orbs of light flickered throughout the ceiling, like fairies illuminating the scene.
"wow, it looks amazing, y/n!" one of the professors helping around praised.
"it really does," jungwon says, snaking his arm around your waist, his hand clinging onto your side snuggly.
"thank you," you mumble, as you both look up at the pretty scene in front of you.
soon, night falls and you're running down the staircase with your friends, holding up the ends of your dress to avoid stepping on it.
"careful y/n! or you might trip!" you hear hiyyih call out from behind you.
"she's just excited to see her prince charming," minji laughs, but the three of them are also running, holding up their own dresses.
the doors of the great hall open, revealing the breathtakingly decorated room, some guests already having arrived at the scene.
"wow, this is amazing..." rei gasped, enchanted by the way coloured lights perfectly illuminate the hanging wisteria flowers, and butterflies fluttering throughout the room.
"you seriously outdid yourself. how did you even do this?" hiyyih asked.
"only y/n could make a spell as complicated as this," jungwon's voice says, announcing his presence. "you look good, by the way," he adds when you look at him.
a quick one-over of his look tonight does not do him justice. so you find yourself staring unashamedly at his figure.
the way his waistcoat hugs his figure emphasises his broad shoulders, something you didn't even realise you found attractive until you saw it on him. a red tie lazily tucked into the waistcoat plus the rolled-up sleeves - it all made your mind go haywire.
"you would know, having been subjected to all the spells she's made over the years," hiyyih laughs at the memory.
"didn't know you spent so much time thinking about me, kim," he goaded.
"oh trust me, she def-" you cut rei off by covering her mouth with your gloved hand.
"thanks, jungwon," you say quickly, giving him a smile and pushing your friends away.
"he was flirting with you!" rei loudly whispers into your ear.
"and what do you want me to do about it!" you say, making sure your friends couldn't see the deep blush on your face.
"flirt back!" minji huffs out exasperatedly. "i'm sick and tired of whatever has been going on between you two for years!"
"yes, please just end it tonight! whether you get together or never talk about it again," rei rolls her eyes.
"what?" you stop, looking at them.
"rei's right, although i'd prefer for you to finally get together."
"wait wait wait, what do you mean?"
"are you being for real right now? you two have clearly had a thing for each other this whole time!" rei says like it was obvious. "we've known it for years."
"go get your man!" hiyyih sighs, turning you by your shoulders and pushing you away this time.
you try not to dwell on the thought of your friends betting on your relationship with jungwon, and pretend you never heard a word come out of their mouths.
soon, the headmaster calls for everyone's attention.
"welcome students!" his voice echoes throughout the hall, the music quietening for his speech. "first and foremost, i want to thank this year's head girl and boy for organising such an event for us. give it up for kim y/n and yang jungwon!" he shouts, a spot light highlighting your two figures in the room. you quickly turn to look at jungwon, who looks back at you with a smile, as everyone claps loudly, some even whistling supportively.
"and with that, may the spring ball begin - with the spring dance, kicking off with the head boy and girl leading the first dance," professor si-hyuk ends his speech.
everyone cheers and makes way for you two on the dance floor, which magically raises up in the middle of the hall.
music begins to play as you face the head boy, who inches closer to you every second.
time slows as he places his hand on your hips, guiding your hand to his shoulders. all other noise is drowned out by the sound of your heart, pounding so hard it might come out your chest. you don't see anyone but yang jungwon.
and he's looking at you like he sees no one else but you either.
it's crazy, how you're here, dancing, in the arms of the person who you've hated since 1st year - who motivated you to work hard during all these years.
you think back to your first meeting with him.
you could imagine the sparkles in your eyes as you stare at everything in awe, still in disbelief.
last month, a weirdly-dressed person knocked at your front door, and told your parents that you were a witch.
of course, you hadn't believed her at first, until she pointed her wand at a decorative figurine and made it float upside down. you and your family had been absolutely floored and confused. how could something like that even happen?
last month, the weirdly-dressed lady described to you a world that sounded fictional, of magic and creatures you could never even imagine. she explained why you had all these weird happenings growing up, things that were simply unexplainable.
your world was turned upside down in a few moments, and now you were here, on a train, to a magical school.
of course, you were incredibly sad to be away from your family for the first time in your life, but you were assured that you still had many ways to connect with them. and so, you set off into a new world completely alone, but with a lot of excitement.
you walked around the compartments as the train set off, peering and saying hi to other students.
until, you bumped into a boy who had the prettiest eyes you've ever seen, and the cutest little dimple that had 11-year old you's heart melting.
"be careful and look where you're going," he says nonchalantly.
"i'm so sorry! i was just so excited - i mean, aren't you? could you ever believe magic exists? i won't until i try it for myself!" you ramble enthusiastically.
you trail off when you see him looking at you with a mix of pity and boredom.
"oh, so you're a muggle-born, huh?"
"what do you mean?" you ask confusedly.
"well, whatever you think, i'm not like you. i already know what you just learned, and i already know what you still have to learn," he shrugs, picking at his nails like he ha better things to do than talk to you. "sorry, i think you're going to struggle a little bit here," he simply says, and leaves you alone in the middle of the train corridor.
what the hell? you ask yourself.
snobby rich kids isn't something you thought you'd experience in the wizarding world, but i guess somethings are just universal, huh?
something about the way he looked at you; talked to you like you were below him though - it bugged you.
"i'm gonna struggle?" you ask yourself in disbelief. absolutely not, you didn't want him to be right. you'll make sure of it.
and so, you ran back to your own compartment and pulled out your books, making a resolution to study everything and make sure you knew all the content. you wanted to show whoever that kid is that he's wrong, that you're better than him.
and so, the rest of the long ride and even your first night was spent catching up on what you missed out on, making sure you were prepared for whatever this extraordinary world would throw at you.
and most especially, preparing for whatever trouble the boy, who's name you learned was yang jungwon would give you.
gradually, more people join the dance, but you're so entranced by the boy in your arms, you don't notice how he's whisked you away from the main dance floor.
now towards the side of the room, away from all attention, jungwon looks down at you with all the love in his eyes.
it's overwhelming, you can't escape your emotions anymore. you like jungwon, possibly even more. you feel like all these feelings are about to burst out of you, and jungwon's arms are the only thing keeping you together.
"y/n, i think you still owe me something," he whispered, his face dangerously close to yours.
"and what would that be?" you naturally retort, having developed the instinct to talk back when it came to him.
"don't play with me, please let me kiss you."
"i don't think so." you pause teasingly, trying not to giggle at his pout, his dimple coming out. "let me kiss you," you say, finally leaning in, sealing your lips.
it felt just like the one back in 5th year, but better. jungwon held you impossibly closer by the waist, as if fearing you would run away. but you won't, and you never will. because in his arms, you never felt as safe and comfortable in your own skin as you did then.
you finally part for air, but jungwon's eyes never strayed from your face.
"i lied earlier by the way, when i said you looked good." you raise your eyebrows at him questioningly, before he smiles cheekily at you. "you look like the stars that put me to sleep every night."
"i didn't know you were poetic like that," you laughed lightly, leaning your forehead on his chest. "you look like my boyfriend."
"that's because i am," he says pulling you in for another kiss.
you don't think you'll ever get tired of kissing him. it's an unforgettable moment, and an unforgettable night.
you never knew you were missing something until you met jungwon, and you think you can finally breathe with him next to you (and your friends passing riki 20 galleons each two tables away). 
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; author's corner! hii this was inspired by all the jily fics i've read over the years (whew i didn't even realise how long i've been reading fanfiction...) LMAO anyways may irls never find out this acc belongs to me bc my realistic self barfed at what i just wrote but my delulu self was kicking and giggling while editing but i hope you enjoyed!
; taglist @wonuslust @enhacatalog @makiswrld @forjungwons @yebin14 @lovelovelovebts @amanda-archives @beomgyusonlywife @bbinwrld@em-asian @enhamysunshines @ahnneyong @jungwonscafe bold couldn't be tagged!
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lueurjun · 11 months
slytherin boyfriend sunghoon
request: Hi, Can i request a Slytherin Sunghoon x a Ravenclaw reader? Thankss <3 — you certainly can. hope this is alright for you my love. you didn’t specify a trope so i just improvised, i hope that’s okay<3 slytherin bf!sunghoon x ravenclaw!reader. @vickys-witchylife
ps. i apologize for how long this is… i got carried away- no but really this is really long like i didn’t intend on this but it just happened 💀
everybody pause because this makes so much sense
like sunghoon gives off major slytherin vibes
remember his blonde hair? draco malfoy could neverrr
and could you imagine him decked out in green and silver?
lord have mercy im about to faint
anyways before we get into the whole you guys love each other, cutesey vibes
let’s start with how it all came to be
how my man sunghoon managed to pulled YOU
yeah he’s fine but i have 3 galleons in the bank so #rollinindough #icanbeabetterboyfriendthanhim
now we’re not gonna go down the route of ‘all slytherins are bad’ because they’re absolutely not
but sunghoon wasn’t exactly the warmest at first
bro is not 🙅‍♀️ the sun
not in the sense that he bullied you or anything
me and the homies would jump him if he did… the homies being my demons 👹
he just didn’t see the point in befriending you because naturally the two of you were so different
you were just the ravenclaw smarty he was forced to do his prefect duties with
ravenclaw smarty 🤓 my delulu self would be flattered because to me that’s a nickname- you’re half way to marriage already
ah yes you read that right
prefect duties
more specifically: hallway patrol
paw patrol, paw patrol, we’ll be there on the double 💃
so the two of you spent the majority of your evenings together
being a prefect wasn’t a huge deal to sunghoon, it was just another gateway to his parents approval
not him thinking he’s too cool 😎
but you took your role very seriously and that was something that annoyed him about you
because you never allowed him to slack off
him slacking off could get you both in trouble and you weren’t going to let him take you down with him and potentially jeopardise your chance of snatching up the head ( whatever you identify as bae ) position
just because he didn’t want to be head boy didn’t mean you didn’t desire the position
needless to say it was a little frosty between the two of you at first
aimless bickering would echo off the walls as you demanded he stay on task and not stray off to go cause mayhem with his friends
personally i would take on all of his duties just so he could have fun- DON’T look at me like that, you’d be a pick me for him too smh
he wasn’t just put off by the fact that you ruined his fun and actually made him do his job
you’re a ravenclaw, one of the smartest people in your year and naturally, he assumed you wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like him
not bro having a victim complex
but that wasn’t the case at all
you weren’t one to judge, you didn’t care about houses, the only thing that mattered to you was principles
in fact, you were actually looking forward to befriending sunghoon at first
he just pushed you away all too soon and started acting like a rebellious idiot for the sake of his ego
what an idiot
things remained at a stalemate for several weeks
you’d both show up for your perfect duties, he would try to slack off or cause trouble, and you would scold him until the two of you walked side by side in silence
him sulking and you scowling
then, he’d stomp back to his dorm and talk crap about you to his friends
and you’d go to your own friends and express disappointment in the lack of progress made with him
don’t worry bae, you don’t need him. come put your head on my shoulder, mines comfier than his 🤭
things didn’t take a turn until a week before the winter holidays
one evening, sunghoon was over an hour late for prefect duties
you tried not to worry because why should you care? Without him, things would probably be much easier
but alas, something niggled inside of your heart and you found yourself abandoning your responsibilities to find him
you searched high and low, but to no avail. sunghoon was absolutely nowhere to be found
hide and seek in hogwarts is wild
eventually, you headed down to the slytherin common room—perhaps he hadn’t even left his dorm
but when you arrived, a crowd of people stood outside of the door whispering rather loudly
“how do we get him out of there?”
“i don’t know but he can’t afford to step another toe out of line, you heard his dad. one more detention and he’s being yanked out of the school.”
as you cautiously peered around the corner, your eyes settle on a distinctive group you recognize all too well — sunghoon's friends
they remained oblivious to your presence until you muster up your courage and break away from the shadows, facing them head-on
“where’s sunghoon?”
that’s right, you show ‘em who’s boss! hellos and how are yous? never heard of them 💅
“what’s it to you?”
jay fixed his gaze on you, analyzing you with careful scrutiny
“he hasn’t shown up for prefect duties.”
you square your shoulders and cross your arms, exuding an air of forced confidence
not that you were scared, they were hardly anything to fear. it was more the embarrassment of admitting that you were concerned for the safety of sunghoon
‘hardly anything to fear’ NOT YOU VIOLATING UNPROVOKED
lord knows that if it was you who hadn’t turned up, sunghoon would have most definitely thrown a party
this time, heeseung breaks the silence with a deep and weary sigh
“look if you’re here to get him into trouble—“
“who said i wanted to get him into trouble?”
“well—no one but he’s told us all about how you’re on his ass about following the rules. it’s not far fetched to believe that you’d use this as a chance to finally get him out of your hair.”
so he talks about you??? 🤭🤭
you try not to let that hurt your feelings
but it does a little because is that what they really think? is that what sunghoon thinks? that you just want him far away from you?
“look, i don’t want to get him into trouble. if anything i’m ‘on his ass’ to save it from getting kicked off the prefects. i even abandoned my own responsibilities to make sure he was okay, so can you just tell me where he is?”
the group of wizards looked perplexed for a moment, their eyes darting to each other with specific expressions before falling back onto you
and after a silent debate, sunoo spoke up
“he snuck into snape’s office to try and get back jungwon’s special quill. it was a gift from his grandmother, it’s got an unlimited ink charm on it. snape accused him of trying to cheat and confiscated it.”
jake continued next, looking desperate:
“it means a lot to jungwon, so sunghoon snuck in to try and get it but snape entered and now he’s stuck in there. we don’t even know if he’s been caught but he’s in a lot of trouble if he is.”
you eyes land on jungwon, who looks at the ground shamefully
me to snape rn 🤺
the expression on his face caused your heart to ache, but the thought of sunghoon getting into trouble had an even stronger grip on your heartstrings
i sense a crushhhhh 🤭🥰
which is how you find yourself outside of potions classroom, after instructing the boys to stay where they are, you formulate a plan
with your heart racing and your body filled with trepidations, you hurriedly entered the classroom, only to find sunghoon missing and snape seated at his desk
“sir-sir! i was on night duty when a slytherin and hufflepuff got into an altercation. they started hexing each other and i didn’t know how to stop—“
snape was already to his feet, the long black cloak sweeping against the ground as he hurried out of the room to find the ‘altercation’
“feel free to make a run for it!”
you call out, keeping your voice low in hopes that sunghoon can hear you from wherever he’s hiding
and then you follow after snape, leading him aimlessly around until you’re sure sunghoon could have escaped
oh you perfect mastermind you 🤭
“where’s the altercation?”
snape speaks with a snide drawl, his penetrating gaze fixed on you as impatience radiates from his every word
“they must have dispersed. very sorry to bother you, professor.”
you: 😬 snape: 😒
snape snarls, glancing around the dark and empty corridor one last time before turning around to make the gruelling walk back to his classroom to finish his evening work
once he’s out of sight, your shoulders slump in relief and you can only hope that sunghoon had gotten out okay
and you find out the very next evening, when he meets you for the night shift
you’re waiting for him anxiously, when he rounds the corner with such haste that it startles you
he doesn’t slow down until he’s right in front of you, gripping your shoulders
“i know i haven’t been the nicest to you, but what you did for me last night… i can’t thank you enough”
calm down bae they saved you from detention not a burning building 🙄 ( i’m bitter. you should be mine )
prefect duties for the next few days are a lot smoother now the two of you are actually getting along
the silence is replaced with genuine facts about yourselves, or you telling him things you had read and found interesting
every now and then, your fingertips meet in an unbidden caress, but neither of you pull away; instead, both of you savouring the warmth of the moment
it’s giving awkward crushes
finally, winter break approaches and sunghoon meets you on the platform
“i’ll write to you.”
you’re kinda surprised at that, but you beam up at him anyways
“i’ll write back.”
and you do, the two of you write back and forth for the entire of winter
friendly letters turning into awkwardly cute confessions that neither of you are brave enough to say in person
that’s actually adorable shut upppp
by the time term starts up again, the letters have transformed everything between the two of you
you’re no longer ‘just prefect buddies’, nor are you friends… but something more
sunghoon’s last letter highlighted that for you
‘i’ve never been the best with words, especially not in person. i find it much easier to hide behind a piece of parchment and confess that i’ve always found you rather endearing…perhaps when we return to school we could explore the spark between us?… man that was cringe, sorry.’
and explore you do
awkward hand brushes on prefect duty turns into gentle hand holding with matching rouge cheeks
if you see me on the road tonight, mind your business
sunghoon pushing your head away affectionately when you peer over his shoulder at the book he’s reading to pass time
the two of you avoiding your friends at all costs because they all do that annoying thing where they wiggle their eyebrows and make hearts with their hands
horrible flirting attempts
“you have really nice earlobes.”
“thanks? i like your knees…”
me tryna flirt ^
you still have to stop him from slacking off, but you’re less irritated by it and more amused
because everything sunghoon does amuses you
you’re all surprised at how loud he can be
he always seemed quite reserved, like the normal one in his friend group but you come to realize that he’s just as mental—if not worse than most of them
and your first kiss is just so… you guys
sunghoon had tried to kiss you three times and every single time, you accidentally moved away
the embarrassment- i cannot 💀
it finally happened on the fourth time
the two of you had just finished up for the evening, and sunghoon insisted on walking you back to your common room
things weren’t verbally official yet, but it was an unspoken agreement that you were basically together
you paused at the door, ready to turn and bid your farewells when you were suddenly met with his face mere inches away
taken aback, your immediate reaction was to...
headbut him
even the portraits were absolutely mortified because that could not have gone worse
me and the portraits rn: 🫣
sunghoon recoiled, hand reflexively covering his face in shock. you couldn't help but gasp in surprise, one hand instinctively flying to your mouth
“oh my gosh—i’m so sorry. are you okay?”
his ego wasn’t the only thing bruised, now his head too
“yep. fine. don’t worry about me, though a simple ‘please back away’ would have sufficed”
“i didn’t realize you were going to kiss me! i’m so sorry, sunghoon…”
it takes several moments for everyone to recover
but eventually, the portraits stop hiding behind their hands and sunghoon can finally face you again
the way this would keep me up at night
“i’m really sorry…”
“no it’s totally fine. i should have asked permission first.”
you nervously clasped your hands together in front of you, your gaze drawn to the tender spot on his head where a bruise was already beginning to form
the guilt consumes you and you don’t know how else to make up for it
“i mean…you do have my permission now, if you still want to kiss me that is”
sunghoon looks unsure at first but takes an attentive step towards you
he hesitantly rests his quivering fingers against your delicate jawline, one thumb tenderly pressed against your rosy cheek whilst the other gently wraps around your hand
sunghoon leaned in until he was but a whisper away from your lips, his gentle breath grazing your face and making you close your eyes in anticipation
“you’re not gonna like punch me are yo—“
overcome with impatience, you closed the gap between you and sunghoon, capturing him in a timeless kiss.
those damn portraits are whistling, causing the two of you to pull away shyly
“well go on, make it official.”
“didn’t you see that kiss? that sealed the deal! i would’ve swooned had they not given the poor boy a concussion first.”
“personally i think they should’ve ended up with lueurjun” oh would you look at that! the portraits hey ship us too 😌
this is so long but anyways onto the actual relationship vibes
you have a habit of fixing sunghoon’s tie and robe whenever you see him
and he responds by fixing your hair for you
don’t ask why but sunghoon gives off ear scratches vibes like i just feel like he would like them
so you scratch behind his ear lot and he relishes in it
once the two of you get more comfortable with each other, he sees how unhinged you actually are
and he loves it
biting his lip during makeout sessions
now that is scandalous 🤭
his parents adore you because you keep him on track
you tying his laces because he’s prone to just letting them hang loose and almost tripping himself up
sunghoon getting cuteness aggression over your existence and just having to squeeze your cheeks
bickering like there’s no tomorrow
“i didn’t say i hate you, you just annoy me”
“next time, i’ll let you rot in snape’s office”
harmless shoving of each other
though it wasn’t harmless once ‘cause sunghoon miscalculated his strength and accidentally shoved you into a random classroom
this happened to me once but it wasn’t romantic-
he then ran off and left you to deal with the awkward conversation with your professor
you being more lenient and sneaking down to the kitchens 15 minutes before your duties end to feed each other snacks
which then turns into a mini food fight
drinking each others drinks when you go to the three broomsticks
like you both have your own drinks but end up drinking each others
listen that probably didn’t make sense, i’ve been writing this for days AND IM EXHAUSTED
you helping him study
studying usually ends in makeout sessions in the library
you putting little notes in his books to remind him that you’re thinking of him
and him drawing a penis on yours
he’s so real for that
overall, the two of you are a pair of awkward cuties who can’t get enough of each other and i love it so much
even tho you should be with me but i’ll allow it 🙄
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forjongseong · 1 year
pine-fresh // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: slytherin!jay x gryffindor!fem!reader
genre: hogwarts!au, somewhat rivals to lovers, smut (minors dni)
warning: profanity, a lot of making out, fingering // word count: ~4k
summary: a dash of bickering and a whole lot of miscommunication in Potions class landed you and Slytherin's Park Jongseong in detention. did you ask for it? no. did you regret it? also, no.
author's note: at last, the Slytherin!Jay of my imagination has now, sort of, come to life...
ever since I came across that edit you see on the header, I've thought about him A LOT. now that his hair is actually silver, I have thought about him MORE. especially when @jaylaxies made this, which I thought about ALSO a lot... let's just say that Slytherin!Jay has been occupying my mind a lot more than I expected.
my knowledge on the HP universe is quite limited, so please excuse if some scenes don't seem too believable (like Snape somewhat being less strict here, or detention being scrubbing the bathroom). the title of this fic refers to the password that is needed to enter the Prefects' bathroom.
now, I know I say when I post oneshots I intend for them to be standalone fics, meaning that I most likely won't write a part two. but for this one??? if a lot of you like it, and a lot of you ask for it, I might be open to writing a sequel (once I conduct a lengthy research on Hogwarts grounds)
anyway, I hope you enjoy this little treat! I'm trying to shake off my writer's block, so please expect secretary!Jay to return soon.
taglist: @jaylaxies @excusememissiloveyou @thots4hee @end-hyphen @nyanggk @maggstar @bucketofhiros @shinkenprincess-oh @mydarlingjay @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy @strawberrification12 @xiaoderrrr
permanent taglist is open! send an ask or DM if you want to be tagged.
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As your House’s Prefect and one of the smartest students at school, you thought it would be impossible to dislike a class. Getting good grades in almost every subject seemed to prove that you liked learning everything, but by God, you hated Potions. Other than the fact that the lessons took place in a literal dungeon, which made it colder than any of the classrooms above, you always had to deal with the unpleasant smell of whatever was brewing in the room. Add the inconvenient detail that half of the class consisted of Slytherin students, which was more than you could tolerate.
You did not know when it started, maybe since the Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor or when you witnessed one of your classmates getting teased by a Slytherin, but you had a strong aversion to anything related to that house. It became so bad to the point that whenever you got paired with a Slytherin for an assignment, all you wanted to do was to get the job done quickly for the both of you so you could leave the class as soon as possible.
“Miss L/N,” called Professor Snape. Your head snapped up and you locked eyes with him, somehow convincing him that you had been listening to all his instructions despite staring into the empty vials on your table. “Today you’ll be working with Park Jongseong.”
You nodded softly and once Snape turned his head towards another student, you made an audible groan and leaned back on your chair.
“You don’t sound so happy to be paired with me.”
Jay took the now unoccupied seat beside you and sat with a force that made his robe flutter. The flash of green caught your eye, and you hesitantly pulled your books to your side, making room for his on the table.
“I’ll handle the mixing,” you replied, completely unrelated to his remark.
Jay frowned before letting out a soft chuckle. “Wow, I guess you really aren’t in the mood today.”
You turned your head only slightly enough to shoot daggers at him with your eyes, and his response was just a huff to his face, messing up the silver bangs on his forehead. The sound of Professor Snape’s voice caught your attention, so you straightened up and listened intently, but also noticed how Jay was mimicking you. Once you were all instructed to begin, Jay grabbed his quill and started making notes for the recipe.
For the first couple of minutes, the process went well. You were mixing and adding stuff according to Jay’s dictation. However, after he misread the measurements for a certain ingredient, causing your brew to bubble uncontrollably, you began scolding him and blaming him for everything.
“What’s distracting you? How could you have misread that?” You half-shouted, a handkerchief in your hand as you attempted to clean up your surroundings.
“Maybe if you weren’t shaking so much when you’re holding the vials then I could have paid more attention,” Jay retorted, snatching a vial from your other hand to prevent more spills. “We should switch. You tell me what to do and I’ll redo everything.”
“That will take us even longer, and everyone else is already halfway done,” you complained as you looked around the class. You saw Professor Snape eyeing your table.
“Do you have another solution?” Jay asked, staring back at you.
You reluctantly agreed to switch tasks, but it turned out that Jay was worse than you. He kept spilling liquid, pouring more than needed, and overall causing more chaos than when he was just giving you instructions. Your grunts and groans were starting to gain the attention of the whole classroom, and by the time you were almost done, the bell rang.
The sound of your quill hitting your book was silenced by the footsteps of the other students exiting the classroom. They had finished their potions, and your table was literally the only one in the room that was still messy, with a mixture that looked too suspicious to be called a potion.
“I have been patient enough to let you two bicker the whole time, but for you to not finish making your potions,” Professor Snape said as he walked back to his desk, his cape almost floating behind him.
“Great, he’s gonna put us in detention,” you muttered to yourself.
“That is correct, Miss L/N,” Professor Snape continued. “Once you’re both done cleaning up your table, meet me in my office.”
The frown you wore on your face was so bad that anybody who saw you could easily tell that you were pissed, but between gathering the books and papers and wiping off spills with a cloth, you could have sworn you saw Jay smirking to himself.
As you placed a bucket of water in the middle of the Prefects’ bathroom, you sighed at the exhaustion that you felt despite not having even started your detention. You and Jay were both assigned to clean up the bathroom, which, despite only being restricted to use by the school Prefects, Head Boys, Head Girls, and Quidditch captains, was in an alarmingly grimy state.
You purposefully steered away from the side of the room with the toilet stalls and stood by the large, swimming pool-like tub sunken into the ground with bath taps surrounding it. The tub was drained, and you much preferred scrubbing it to cleaning all the toilets.
Jay was standing by the bath supplies on one side of the pool, staring at the different kinds of soap, bath oils, bath salts, shampoo, and conditioner. It took a while for him to realize you were glaring at him, basically waiting for him to start working already.
“Damn, it would be worth becoming a Prefect just to be able to use this bathroom,” Jay muttered, placing a small bottle of bath oil back in its place. “You must take baths all the time.”
You snorted, audible enough to make it echo throughout the whole room. “I don’t have time for baths.”
“Really? What a shame,” Jay sighed, rolling up his sleeves. “How long do you think it would take for us to finish?”
“If you keep using your mouth instead of your hands, probably a lot longer than I expect,” you replied without a pause, sounding annoyed.
Your snarky remarks did not bother Jay at all. In fact, it amused him, and the way he was laughing softly was not helping at all. He walked over to the stalls and finally began to work only minutes after you started.
“Today is really not your day, huh?” Jay’s voice echoed behind the stalls.
“Thanks to you, it’s not,” you answered, polishing one of the hundred golden bath taps that surrounded the tub.
“You know,” Jay started, only to pause to flush the toilet so he wouldn’t have to compete with the sound. “I have a feeling that you don’t like me.”
You rolled your eyes and moved your bucket to polish the other bath taps. Jay cleared his throat as he waited for your reply.
“Is it because I’m a Slytherin?” He asked. “I mean, it’s kinda unfair that just because I’m in this House, you automatically hate me—”
“I don’t hate you,” you finally responded. “Hate is a strong word.”
“Alright then,” Jay walked out of one stall and looked in your direction before entering the next stall. “So, what’s the story?”
You let out a heavy sigh and wrung out the cloth you were holding. It was a long story, you thought to yourself. You came from a family of Slytherins—both your parents and your older brother were—but since you were old enough to understand and remember things, you had always been the odd one out in your family. They would excel academically and go on to achieve things you never even dreamed of. Your interests were always different, and what got you far at school was thanks to your personality and smart work.
It was still a vivid memory to you, the moment you sat down and let the Sorting Hat analyze you. You thought you would hear a confident ‘Slytherin!’ from the Hat, but after a couple of seconds of deciding, it placed you in Gryffindor. Switching houses was never a thing, so you did what you could and made good friends, studied hard enough to make the professors notice you, and eventually, you earned the title of Prefect as you entered the fifth year.
Despite that, throughout the years in Hogwarts, you kept hearing and witnessing stories about Slytherins, how they always happen to achieve so much but at the same time are notoriously problematic. The house you once dreamed of being a part of quickly became one that you were relieved to be excluded from, but somehow, the longing remains.
Around your third year in Hogwarts, you began hearing chatter about Park Jongseong. He became popular, it seemed, after he was assigned to be the Keeper of Slytherin’s Quidditch team, and also after he had an insane glow-up. You then noticed that he was the quiet nerd who used to bury his nose in whatever book he was reading in a dark corner in the library, but since then, he had ditched his glasses and styled his luscious silver locks in a way that—
“Y/N, are you okay?”
Jay’s voice woke you up from your extensive daydreaming, and it made you realize you were polishing one bath tap for way too long.
“How long were you polishing that tap?” Jay asked, tilting his chin towards your hand.
His question spooked you, and you were beginning to think he might have heard your thoughts. You cleared your throat before moving to the next tap. “Not long, why?”
“Because I’m done with all the toilet stalls, and I noticed you haven’t moved an inch.”
Well, that’s embarrassing, you thought. How long exactly did you zone out for?
“Should I start cleaning the pool’s floor then?” He asked, fixing his folded sleeves before squatting down and then jumping into the empty pool.
“Sure,” you said, immediately picking up your pace and trying your best not to steal any more glances in his direction.
“Listen,” Jay began, both his hands firmly holding a mop. “You got really silent after I asked a question, so I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable. We can continue to work in silence if that’s what you prefer.”
You smiled as you moved on to the next tap. “It’s fine. I was just tired.”
You refocused on your own task, determined to leave the bathroom spotless, but after a moment, you noticed Jay moving oddly around the pool floor, dragging his mop in a way that was not normal. When you lifted your head to look at him, you saw that he was singing, no, lip-syncing a song and using the mop as a mic stand, completely immersed in his imagination but being considerate not to bother you with noise.
At this sight, you burst out laughing. Jay stood up straight and turned his heel to face you, looking surprised.
“Please,” you said after you contained yourself, “do continue.”
“Miss Prefect,” Jay sighed, “this bathroom is way too huge for only two of us to clean. Do you think we can sneak out and get our wands from Snape’s office?”
You shook your head. “The door is locked with a password.”
“But you’re Miss Prefect,” Jay said, matter-of-factly. “Don’t you know the password?”
“He literally changed it after leaving us here with these cleaning supplies, Jay. I don’t know the new password.”
Jay paused and for a moment you thought he was figuring out a way to escape, when in reality, his stomach just did a backflip from the way his name rolled off your tongue.
“So, what you’re saying is there is literally no way to get out of this bathroom unless we finish cleaning it?” Jay asked.
“That is the point of detention, yes,” you replied, shrugging.
Jay groaned and turned around, pushing his mop and reluctantly continuing to clean the pool floor. You were almost halfway done with polishing all the bath taps, and you sighed as you looked at all the mirrors waiting to be scrubbed clean too.
After a while, Jay finished scrubbing the floors, and you began to wonder if you should have taken his work instead since the bath taps seemed like a never-ending task to complete. He loosened the tie around his neck and undid the first few buttons on his shirt, making you quickly look away.
“Should I help you with the bath taps or start doing the mirrors?” Jay walked over to your side before pushing himself up the edge and then standing up, towering over you.
“Mirrors, please,” you answered, this time tilting your chin to point at the direction of the sinks.
“Really? Because you seem like you’re taking your sweet time polishing all those taps,” Jay said, tilting his head to one side.
You looked up at him and he had this teasing, lop-sided smirk. Meanwhile, the unintentional doe eyes you were giving him made him almost choke on his own saliva.
“Just do the mirrors, Jay.”
You saw him smile the second you finished your sentence, and when he turned his back to you, it somehow looked like his shoulders were happy. He stood in front of the sink and did a quick count on the number of mirrors he had to clean. You saw him start from the far left, where one of the mirrors was cracked on the edge.
“Be careful with that one. Ravenclaw’s Head Girl almost—”
You heard Jay groan as he stumbled a few steps back, wincing in pain and shaking his left hand.
“Jay,” you sighed, standing up and throwing the cloth you were holding to the floor. “I didn’t even finish my sentence.”
You walked up to him and stood before him with your hand out. He looked at you questionably before lifting his left hand for you to take a look.
“Is it bad?” He asked, slightly looking away. “I don’t like the sight of blood.”
“That explains a lot,” you muttered, placing your hand carefully over his. “Oh, my God.”
“What? What is it?” Jay asked, his right hand shaking in panic.
“Your fingers are so thick and stubby, like cocktail sausages.”
Jay snorted before pulling his hand away and you giggled.
“It’s just a scratch,” you said in an attempt to calm him down. “You can carry on.”
“Well, do you have something I can use to treat it?” Jay asked.
You were already sitting by the edge of the pool to continue with your polishing. “Do I look like a walking first aid kit to you? Just spit on it and move on.”
Jay looked at you, unsure of your advice. He then turned around and decided to wash his hands with soap. The suds obviously stung, so he was flinching and wincing quietly, but he could see you giggling silently from your reflection in the mirror in front of him.
“Do you really mean it?” Jay spoke, looking at you through the mirror.
“Mean what?”
“That I have stubby fingers,” Jay clarified.
You were unsure what to make of his tone. He sounded curious but also hurt, or maybe…
“So what if you do?” You asked back, not paying attention to him.
The strands of your hair were becoming loose and covering your eyes, and you were dying to fix the scrunchie on your ponytail, but both your hands were wet and occupied with polishing. You kept huffing and puffing and even attempting to move your hair using the movements of your shoulders until Jay sneaked up behind you and tapped you on your arm.
“Here, allow me,” Jay said calmly, tugging on your scrunchie.
You sat up straight and let him pull your scrunchie off, letting your hair cascade to your back. He began brushing your hair with his fingers before gently bunching it into a ponytail. He skillfully tied your hair up into a bun that was less messy than before. You were about to thank him, but he moved from behind you and jumped back into the empty pool, standing in front of you and tucking the loose strands of hair behind both your ears.
His fingers brushed against your ear, and for a moment, you were lost in his eyes. The next thing you felt was his hand behind your neck, pulling you closer as he stood in between your legs, his lips crashing against yours. You sighed as you let yourself be enveloped in his warmth—his tongue tugging yours, his lips devouring yours, his palms pushing against your back, and his breath mixing up with yours.
You felt his hand travel lower down your back, settling on your ass before he pushed you closer to him, earning a soft yelp from between your lips. His mouth detached from yours only to give you a sly smirk before he dove back into you. Your hands rested comfortably on his shoulders as you gave into his every move, and when you felt one of his hands grazing the exposed skin of your thigh from the gap between your skirt and your knee-high socks, you gasped.
“Wanna see what these fingers can do?” Jay asked, speaking right against your lips.
Your eyes searched for his before you nodded a little too eagerly. He chuckled before sliding his hand between your legs and under your skirt. His fingers easily found their place on your clothed cunt, and despite his gentle moves, you could not hold in your moans.
“Jay,” you whimpered, hands bunching up his shirt.
“Oh, I like it when you say my name like that,” he teased, leaving a wet peck on your chin. “Can you say it again?”
He pressed his thumb on your clit before sliding it down your folds, and he could already tell that you were soaked. You were biting your lip, and he chuckled, bringing the same hand that was caressing you up and towards your chin.
“Come on, now,” Jay cooed. “Prefects are usually good students. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
His thumb slid upon your bottom lip, and you could almost sniff the scent of your own arousal. You were trembling at this point, desperate to feel more of him, so all you could give as a response was a nod.
“Say my name.”
Your voice was muffled as he slid in a finger when you opened your mouth. You instinctively sucked on it before he entered another one, and then he hurriedly placed his hand back between your legs, pushing your panties to the side before easily sliding those two fingers inside of you.
“Jay!” You moaned loudly, spreading your legs wider so he could do whatever he wanted to do to you comfortably. Your fingers reached for the back of his head, pulling on his silver locks before you pushed his head to your neck. He began licking the soft skin under your chin before placing wet kisses down your neck. With one hand, you unbuttoned your top and pulled your collar open, giving him more access to your skin. He sucked on your collarbone softly and, at the same time, curled his fingers inside of you.
You repeatedly moaned into his ear, and at some point, you thought you sounded way too pathetic, but the way Jay was thrusting his fingers in and out of you and the way the squelching sound was echoing throughout the whole bathroom made you believe that the sounds you were making were actually quite tame.
“Jay,” you sighed. “Oh, my God.”
Jay lifted his head from your neck and flashed you a proud smirk before leaning in to kiss you again. You whined at the contact, and as your hands found his face, you began to caress him, pull him, and do whatever was necessary to send the message that you wanted him bad.
You felt the increasing pace of his fingers between your legs, and you began to feel the ache in your ass for sitting on the edge of the pool for too long. Jay pressed his thumb on your clit, and you threw your head back in pleasure, grabbing onto his biceps for support. When your moans started to sound higher and more in sync with the movements of his fingers, Jay leaned in and pressed his cheek onto yours before speaking right into your ear.
“Cum for me, will you?”
The deep tone and gentle vibration of his voice sent shivers down your spine, and with that, you finally reached your high. Your legs were shaking, and to soothe you, Jay began kissing your cheek softly. He kept kissing you and moving towards your lips, giving you a long peck before moving down to your chin and neck. He kissed the parts of your skin that were beginning to turn purple, and once he heard your leveled breathing, he pulled away to take a good look at you.
“Good girl,” he said right to your face.
You playfully, and very gently, slapped his face. He let out a wholehearted chuckle before pulling his hand from between your legs. Just seconds later, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching the bathroom door. Your eyes widened, and Jay quickly registered the situation. He fixed your collar for you to button up before he sprinted back to the mirror he was supposed to be polishing while you frantically searched for the abandoned cloth that you had been using the whole time.
“Why am I not surprised that you haven’t finished cleaning the bathroom?” Professor Snape stated after scanning the area. “It’s almost curfew, so wrap up and continue cleaning tomorrow. I’ll consider your detention done once this place is spotless.”
You stood up and observed as Professor Snape reached into the pocket in his robe and took out your wands. After he handed them over to you and Jay, he turned around without further question and left the bathroom. Jay looked at you, and you sighed in relief, almost collapsing to the floor because of your weak knees, if not for Jay holding you up by your elbows.
“That was too damn close,” you commented, standing uncomfortably since your panties were not fixed the right way.
“I’d say it was exciting,” Jay said, leaning into you and sniffing your neck.
“Jay, stop it,” you said, placing your palm firmly on his chest.
“That’s not what you wanted me to do when I had these stubby fingers inside you,” he teased, raising his hand and wriggling his fingers in front of your face.
You smacked his hand away, and he cackled, almost making the room shake from the echo.
“We still need to come back tomorrow and whose fault is that?” You asked, your back turned to him as you were tidying up the supplies.
“Fault?” Jay tilted his head. “No, favor. You’re missing the point. We get to come back here tomorrow.”
You stood up straight before turning to face Jay. He boldly took a couple of steps towards you, closing the distance and pulling you by your waist to press your body against his.
“Are you honestly telling me you’re not looking forward to it?”
With Jay’s arm firmly around your waist, the heat of his body against yours, his eyes boring into yours, and his silver hair messy from the way you were pulling on it earlier, there was no way you could lie to his face.
“Okay, I am looking forward to it,” you said after gaining enough courage. “Maybe instead of your stubby fingers, you can show me something else.”
Jay’s eyes twinkled at your daring tone, and you both chuckled before letting each other go, nagging at him as he collected your supplies while shamelessly ogling your body.
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© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved dividers by @cafekitsune
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!!! do NOT copy, translate, or repost any of my work to your blog or ANY other platform.
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zeroseuniverse · 9 months
Every Slytherin
wc: 1.2K
warnings: none
pairing: jungwon x reader
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The room was frozen, everyone watching with a bated breath as they took in the scene before them. Tonight was supposed to be the most memorable night of the year, everybody was dressed in their finest gowns and suits, looking their best. Well, except for her… She was clad in the prettiest dress in the whole ball, only it was now covered in butter beer, courtesy of Ni-ki who was now cowering behind Jungwon. It was almost comedic seeing the young giant trying to hide behind the shortest member of his group. Jungwon stood with a grimace as he watched his chances with the girl disappear into thin air, he was hoping to confess his feelings towards her. As she opened her mouth Jungwon was expecting the worst, after all, her dress was ruined and all the witches and wizards had their attention on them. 
This had all started because of Ni-ki, no not the spilling of the drink but the ball. He had spent too long inside the archives one day and sprung the idea of reigniting the balls that Hogwarts used to throw so often. Coming to the group one day at lunch excitedly boasting about his idea and all of the ideas he could throw together. He was convinced that this would be the best night of the year. 
“Guys! Guys!” The 6 seated heard their youngest shouting across the cafeteria, since the war the school had been trying to integrate bonds between all the houses rather than building the school based off of rivalry. 
“Oh Please, Riki, I cannot handle another detention in your place.” Jake said exasperated, looking up at their maknae with tired eyes.
“What no, I didn't do anything this time, do you really think so low of me?’
“Yes.” The 6 answered in unison, before a couple moved to high five each other. 
“Whatever, I found an old yearbook in the library and back then they had these huge balls thrown in the great hall” he exclaimed excitedly, however the others were dumbfounded. 
“So what about it?” Jay didn’t understand why this was of importance right now, all he cared about was his meal that waited to be eaten. 
“We should throw a ball!”
The group of 6 seated froze for a moment,they shared a quick look before bursting out into laughter. “No offense Riki but that has to be the stupidest idea you’ve had in a long time, how could we possibly manage that?” Sunoo cackled, he wasn’t wrong the 7 were in short losers. It wasn’t like they wanted to be popular though, they could’ve easily become the most popular group if they chose to open up to the school but they kept to themselves happily not trusting many. Except one…in Riki’s case at least.
The sound of laughter broke Jungwon from his thoughts, such a beautiful laugh that he couldn’t have been more happy to hear after the tension had appeared. His head snapped to his right, turning to face the ice princess of the school with wide eyes wondering if she had lost her mind all of a sudden, why was she laughing after just being drenched in butter beer publicly? 
“Oh I am so getting you in trouble for ruining the dress mom made me Riki!” She giggled, moving to grab a napkin Sunoo had rushed to grab for her and began patting down the wet patches.
“Wait no please don’t tell mom I’ll do anything!” Niki screeched, jumping from around Jungwon in a panic rushing to grab more napkins and begin trying to fix his mess. 
“Mom?” Sunghoon, Jake, and Jay asked together tilting their heads in confusion at the same time. 
“You never told your friends that we were siblings?” She wondered looking up at her little brother in amusement.
“And have them all try to date you? No thanks.” 
“I will help under the condition that Jungwon is my date.”
“What?!? Jungwon?!?!? Why not Sunghoon or even Heeseung?” Riki asked knowing of both her crush on the boy and his crush on his sister, more like obsession with his fellow prefect. Jungwon, despite being a Hufflepuff, was beyond obsessed with the prefect of Slytherin, reciprocated of course but he didn’t need to know that.
It took a few more negotiations to get Riki to agree to talk to Jungwon for her but finally it was done, and here they were the duo had gotten unbelievably closer throughout the planning process of the ball, having used any chance to partner up and get to know each other better, despite Riki’s protests. Sunoo has been a big help in making sure the two had time alone together by dragging her brother to do other tasks even as he kicked and screeched. 
“So… How’d you manage to make all of this happen so seamlessly?” Jungwon wondered, kicking his shoe tip at a rock as he walked her back to the Slytherin Dungeon.
“Hmm, with your help of course.” She answered coyly, running a hand through her hair to begin pulling out all of the pins that were beginning to cause a headache. 
Noticing the reluctance to answer he instead switched to a different route, “Why me? You could have any guy or girl in the school?” He wondered, twiddling his thumbs to relinquish some of his nerves. He wasn’t wrong, she was top of her class, most beautiful in the school and excelled in a lot of extracurriculars so why did she choose one of the biggest losers in the school to be her date to the biggest night of the year. 
“I like you, is that so hard to believe?”
“Well believe it. I’ve noticed you many times throughout the years, the first year you pranked the professor because he made Sunoo upset in front of the whole class. Second year you cast a spell on Riki to turn him into a mouse because he was too hyper that day, very thankful for that by the way, quietest day ever. Third Year you tripped Yunho after he made me uncomfortable. Yes I knew it was on purpose I saw your cute little smirk. And Fourth year is when I really fell for you, you fiercely protected Riki from his bullies despite them bullying you too. You have heart Jugwon, and I happen to have really liked you for a really long time.” She rambled, not noticing the boy frozen behind her as she continued to walk ahead. When she shivered from the lack of body heat she snapped her head to the side trying to find the boy, and when she turned around she spotted the boy 5 feet away, almost trembling with emotion. He had been seen. He’d been noticed for years and he never knew.
“Won?” She questioned, looking at him worriedly almost flinching when  his head snapped up at the sound of her voice and he made quick pace to meet her, gently grabbing her wrist and bringing it up to his jaw, turning his head to press a kiss at her pulse point before looking up at her with pleading eyes since she is currently wearing heels. 
“If you mean that, Prove it.” He begged, lips pursing into a slight pout as he tried not to let the overwhelming emotions drive him insane.
And as her lips collided with his, he felt like it was his first breath of fresh air after years in a dusty room. 
“Be my Hufflepuff,” She asked after pulling away despite his chasing lips.
“Who am I to deny a Slytherin the perfect Hufflepuff for her.”
beta read by: @adorawritesalot and also written with @explorewithd's help
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icysab · 2 years
sunghoon boyfie hcs ✫彡
tags: fluff, gn reader
a/n: i cannot explain but hoon has the BIGGEST kdrama boyfriend energy in existence
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- not a big pda guy but he’ll put his arm around your shoulder
- teases you RELENTLESSLY
- sometimes he makes you want to strangle him
- but he’s cute so it’s okay
- will do anything and i mean anything to make you smile
- stupidest jokes and pick up lines
- before you started dating he acted super confident towards you but when he finally asked you out, he was all shy and cute (blushy hoon <3)
- if it’s been a super super long day and you’re just too tired to, he’d do your skincare and brush your teeth for you
- has a really goofy side that he doesn’t tend to let people see except for you (and the boys too, let’s be honest with ourselves)
- “you have something on your shirt” *points* *quickly taps your nose* “HAHA GOTCHA”
- lowkey clingy but you better take this secret of his to the GRAVE because he will never hear the end of it if the boys (esp the 02z) find out
- he does get jealous sometimes but does a very good job of not letting it show
- if someone comes up to you and blatantly flirts with you it’ll piss him the hell off but he’s not going to be a prick about it nor take it out on you
- duh obvious one but takes you ice skating to show off
- and it works
- he likes cafe dates though too
- oddly specific but i feel like sunoo got him into astrology somehow but he keeps it a secret and tells everyone he thinks it’s some stupid made-up pseudo-science but actually it’s 1am and he’s putting your names into an astrological compatibility calculator
- really enjoys watching movies with you at home
- netflix and chill except it’s ACTUALLY just chill
- your parents LOVE him oh my god
- your boyfriend but also your best friend :)
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wooniy · 2 years
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> SUMMARY: After one whole year of crushing over your house's prefect, the universe seems to have listened to your prayers since the headmistress decided to choose you as the new prefect. A perfect opportunity to get closer to your crush, right? What you didn't expect was finding out that, maybe, the prefect Yang Jungwon wasn't just as perfect as you thought he was.
> PAIRING: ravenclaw ! prefect ! jungwon × ravenclaw ! prefect ! fem!reader
> GENRE: modern hogwarts au! // smau! // more tba
> WARNINGS: cursing, tba
> STATUS: coming soon! ( 19th December ! ! ! )
> TAGLIST: open! [ send an ask to be added :) ]
ria's note: instead of studying for my tomorrow's latin exam, I did this 'cause the idea just popped into my head and I thought it was good :) as I said, I will not post the first chapter until I finish writing it completely on drafts!! which is why it won't be released until mid december. anyways, I hope you like this smau idea, tell me what you think!! ily, bye!!
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PORFILES ONE ! Dumbledamn's army | PORFILES ONEPT.2 ! Dumbledamn's army privs | PORFILES TWO ! Marauders wannabes | PORFILES TWOPT.2 ! Marauders wannabes privs
TAGLIST: @syupakingcowbaby @nabiii-byeolll @enha-writes @3chae @boopiny @asunova @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @mutlishipperfangirl @yenqa @hanniluvi @ilvsoup @wonieleles @ahnneyong @starcubes @kohakun @thesiriusmap @forever-in-the-sky2 @bobariki @dreamenvi @dimplewonie @jiawji @thesassy-mia @soobywon
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gyuuberryy · 10 months
mischief (definitely not) managed!
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pairing: enemy!heeseung x reader
summary: you stumble upon heeseung in a late night adventure through the halls of hogwarts. what follows next is completely unexpected, but maybe not unwanted.
genre: hogwarts au, e2l?, angst, fluff
warnings: making out(kinda), flirty heeseung, simping, magic stuff ig
note: i literally rushed through this fic so i could make up for the time it’s taking to write jungwon fic. besides, i’ve seen way too many heeseung edits on tt and can’t stop thinking about him. i hope you like this!
word count: 2kish
If you liked it please reblog or comment to give me your feedback! <3
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it was a regular day. you woke up, had a basic breakfast, and went to classes where nothing special happened—just the usual tasks and lectures. the evening was ordinary too, with a simple dinner and some time spent with friends before it was curfew for all the students. nothing stood out; it was just a plain, ordinary day.
you lay in bed, staring blankly at the cream coloured ceiling above you. it had been three hours since you had laid down to sleep, but unfortunately you found no success in succumbing to it. groaning, you sat up and clutched your head due to sleep deprivation. looking around the room you noticed that all of your roommates were sound asleep. huffing in slight envy, you shuffled out of bed and poured yourself a glass of water.
gulping down the cool liquid, you looked outside the room’s window. soft streaks of moonlight cast the grounds in an ethereal glow. by the shuffling of leaves on the nearby trees you could tell that it was breezy as well. maybe you should go out for a little bit? it will definitely be relaxing.
you knew it wasn’t allowed but you were too exhausted to care. if you didn’t manage to get at least five hours of sleep, you wouldn’t be able to function the next day. making up your mind, you slid on your slippers, grabbed your wand and silently opened the door to your room and slipped out. 
you were just leaving your dorm’s entrance when something swished past you with remarkable speed. your eyes widened as you stopped in your tracks and looked around. there was no one in the dimly lit corridor except for you. frowning, you resumed your walk towards the open grounds. a few moments later, a loud whooshing sound on your right made you look there questioningly. slowly, you took baby steps in that direction, your eyes widened when you heard a low growl. 
curiosity took over you as you wondered what was happening. determined, you quietly walked into the direction where the sound was coming from. you were just about to peek into a classroom, when you were suddenly pulled behind the wall next to it. your back hit a sturdy chest and you were just about to scream before a warm hand covered your mouth.
a voice rasped softly into your ear, their warm breath hitting your nape “what are you doing here?”
you could recognise that voice from a mile away. it was none other than lee heeseung, the bane of your existence. your biggest rival. the handsome boy was always around you, never giving you a second to breathe peacefully, always annoying you and making fun of you. of course, you always quipped right back at him, never letting him win. it definitely is very hard to get him off of your back, because he was here with you also, the time where he was supposed to be sleeping in his dorm.
you were slowly becoming aware of the arm wrapped tightly around your waist. cheeks heating up at the proximity, you whacked his arm and pushed him away from yourself. 
“that’s none of your business lee”, you hissed.
unimpressed, he just raised an eyebrow at you. looking you up and down, he smirked.
“nice outfit.”
you mentally groaned as you realised you were still in your nightwear which consisted of an old baggy t-shirt and shorts. you frowned when you noticed that heeseung was in his school robes. stupid heeseung, he always has to be the best at everything doesn’t he.
ignoring his comment, you whispered in a frustrated tone, “what are you doing here? it’s not like you’re supposed to be here either”. 
“the same thing you are here for.”
a serious expression took over your face as you stepped closer to him. “you heard those noises too?”
he nodded and looked at the wall beside him as if he could see what was going on in the classroom behind it. 
you only shook your head at him and turned away, ready to walk out, “well, i don’t know why you pulled me here, but i’m going to check out what’s happening in there.”
before you could move, he grabbed your arm once again.
“are you mental? you can’t just walk in there!”
you frowned at his foolishness, “i’m not going to walk in there genius.” you pressed your lips, “i’m going to secretly watch them.”
shaking his hand off your arm, you went to do exactly what you had just said. situating yourself right next to the doorway of the classroom, you listened for the voices. it seemed like they were facing the other way, making your hideout spot perfect to not be seen.
once you felt it safe, you slightly peeked through the crack of the door. it was very dark but you vaguely made out two silhouettes standing at the corner of the class. suddenly, a shadow loomed over you and you rolled your eyes in annoyance as you realised the taller boy had followed you and was now doing what you were.
a few minutes passed as you watched what the two shadowy figures did inside the room. they were muttering some sort of a spell which created a small glowing ball of red light that hovered in the air before them. it made weird gurgling noises and let out occasional growls. it was quite creepy to be honest.
“whoa, that’s definitely illegal”, heeseung mumbled from above you.
you remained silent, trying to figure out what they were trying to do. you vaguely remember reading something about a spell which created that glowy thing. you were lost in your thoughts, when suddenly the ball burst and expanded into a red glow across the room. 
in shock, heeseung clutched onto your arm and dug his nails into it. you groaned and whipped your head to your side to look up at him.
“can you stop being such a weakling.”
“i just got startled okay!” he frowned, “why are you being so grumpy today?”
“that’s because you’re everywhere i go!” you snapped meanly, “i wanted to do this by myself, but no, you just had to be here as well.”
a moment of silence passed between you two, you growing uncomfortable by the second at the way heeseung was looking at you. there’s no way he felt hurt by your words right? you both do this all the time.
before you could say or do anything, he narrowed his eyes at you and spoke in a low tone, “fine then, i’ll get out of your business.”
he was turning around to walk away, but he tripped over your foot because of the way he was positioned behind you. he fell on the smooth marble floor with a loud thud, making you gasp and drop your wand at the sudden sound. 
you both looked at each other in fear as you heard sounds of shuffling come from the classroom behind you. they had  heard the commotion.
you quickly grabbed your wand and extended a hand out towards heeseung, “we have to hide, now!”
immediately, he grabbed your hand and pulled you behind the same wall as he had done earlier. your eyes widened in fear at his actions.
“this is not a good place you dimwit-”
“trust me”, he whispered to you, “we don’t have enough time to-”
just as the sound of the classroom door being opened was heard, heeseung pinned you to the wall and smashed his lips against yours. your eyes momentarily widened before you realised what he was doing. playing along, you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to you.
his lips moved against yours furiously and in a rushed manner as he seemed to take out all the pent up frustration on you. you kissed him back with similar intensity, your legs feeling like jelly when he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. he immediately wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you, making you both impossibly closer. this was just supposed to be pretence, why is he literally making out with you?
suddenly, a voice whispered ‘lumos’ right next to you both, making you pull apart from each other in a haste. you gasped for breath as you looked at heeseung’s appearance; his blonde hair was sticking out in every direction (he looked really cute), his lips were shiny and swollen, cheeks flushed a deep colour of cherry. you were sure you looked something similar, making your cheeks heat up even more.
“what are you both doing here!”, the person next to you angrily spoke out.
you turned to look at the culprit who was none other than your professor for defence against the dark arts. you weren’t very surprised, he always gave off weird and evil vibes. he was definitely doing something shady.
neither of you said a word, waiting for him to make the next move.
the professor walked closer to you both and snarled, “you’re committing acts of public display of affection, during curfew that too!”
heeseung smiled at him sweetly as he said the next words, “but sir there’s no public here is there?”
you could literally see smoke coming out of the professor’s ears as his breathing grew heavy. you elbowed heeseung in the ribs and glared at him in warning but he just grinned back at you playfully. you sighed and turned back towards the man in front of you.
“we’re extremely sorry professor, this won’t happen aga-”
“back to your dorms, both of you” he yelled, interrupting you, “and fifty points from both of your houses!”
you grabbed heeseung’s hand and immediately scurried off, no longer wanting to stand in the presence of the angry professor. while on your run away from him, you almost stopped at the sight of a silhouette of a boy covered in school robes in one of the corridors. you frowned at that. that must be the second person from the room. 
slowing down to a stop once you got far enough, you tried removing your hand from his, but he didn’t let you and tightened his grasp instead. you looked up at him in question to see his doe eyes staring back at you in worry.
“are you okay love?”
you were sure you were going to combust on the spot from the endearing nickname he used for you. since when did that start?
“i’m fine”, you cleared your throat and looked anywhere but his eyes, your eyes unwantedly dropping down to his lips that were still a deep shade of pink from making out the kiss.
you immediately looked away, but it was too late. he had already noticed that. he smirked and walked towards you, making you back up till your back hit the wall behind you. he put up an arm beside your head and leaned down till he was towering over you only by a little. 
“you’re a good kisser, you know that?”
you gulped in nervousness as you stared back up at him. the close proximity was really not helping you hide it. he lowly chuckled at the change in your behaviour from your usual confident attitude. the low tone of his voice reached your ears, making your stomach do flips. in a feeble attempt to hide your attraction, you looked to your left where his arm was caging you in and almost drooled at the sight of veins bulging out from it. why is lee heeseung so unbelievably hot?
your eyes widened at his next words as he continued from the compliment.
“wanna do it again?”
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𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ©𝗴𝘆𝘂𝘂𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆𝘆 on Tumblr
˚ · .𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱
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shadowyricecake · 7 months
Exploding butterfly shrooms
⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ⊹ ۪ ゚。⋆☾ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ。⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ⊹ ۪ ゚。⋆☾ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ。⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫
Hogwarts au ⋆⭒˚。⋆ Jay x reader SNEAK : Rivals Y/n & Jay? Detention = torture. But a forbidden forest adventure & a hungry Bugbear spark something unexpected... maybe even love? WARNING: This story contains mentions of bugbears, blood sucking creatures, and close calls in the Forbidden Forest. Proceed with caution...or a Patronus Charm at the ready ━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
Part 1 | Part 2 (coming soon)
‎‧₊˚✧["So It's Now Or Never, Isn't It?"]✧˚₊‧
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"Merlin's beard! That pitch!" I hollered, practically sprinting towards the Quidditch field with my team trailing behind. A week of wrangling with the booking gnomes, and finally, the pitch was ours... or so I thought! Those slimy Slytherins, of course, occupying the pitch at our precious time slot!
"PARK JONGSEONG!" I bellowed, my voice reaching octaves previously unknown. The smug git himself, with his signature infuriating smirk, sauntered over.
"Well, well, well," I began, frustration bubbling like a cauldron on high heat. "Isn't this a surprise? Our appointed hour, and here you Slytherins are, playing house on our pitch!"
Park just chuckled, that annoying, arrogant sound that could curdle milk. "Not anymore, it seems, Gryffindor."
"Not anymore? What d'you mean, 'not anymore'? I booked this pitch ages ago! Get your broomsticks and yourselves off this turf, or Madam Hooch will be hearing all about it!"
Park feigned a dramatic gasp, clutching his robes. "Oh no, please, Gryffindor, don't tell Madam Hooch! Whatever will become of me?" he whimpered in a sickeningly sarcastic voice. His little team, of course, erupted in laughter, the sound like hyenas feasting on a particularly juicy Crumple-Horned Snorkack.
Frustration bubbled over. This weasel wasn't stealing our pitch without a fight. "Tarantallegra!" I shouted, aiming for Jay's kneecaps. But the weasel dodged like a greased ferret. The next thing I knew, spells were flying faster than a rogue bludger in a crowded match. Let's just say Park puts up a decent fight.
Our little(not-so-little) duel attracted quite the crowd – students, ghosts (probably Peeves, placing bets), even a couple of professors with that "not this again" look on their faces – even Professor McGonagall materialized out of thin air, looking like she'd just swallowed a lemon.
"ENOUGH!" she roared, her voice cracking like a whip. We both froze, wands sputtering. "Detention! Three weeks! No arguments!" she declared before turning to the gawking crowd. "Don't you all have classes to be in ? Shoo!" ”Now both of you, off to my office before I take anymore points from your precious houses!”
We stood there, glaring at each other like grumpy pixies guarding their treasure, detention looming over our heads like a Dementor's kiss
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━-----━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
(In Professor McGonagall's office)
"He started it!" I protested, the injustice burning a hole in my pocket.
"You jinxed me first!" Park countered, a pout forming on his face.
"Only because you stole our pitch!" I retorted, my voice rising.
"Well, I wouldn't have had to if—"
"Enough!" Professor McGonagall interjected, her voice like nails on a chalkboard.
"You two cause more mayhem than a pack of pixies on sugar quills! Settle this like civilized witches and wizards, or I'll be stripping you both of your precious Quidditch captaincies !”
That escalated quickly. Looks like I had a choice to make – swallow my pride and work with Park, or say goodbye to leading the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory. We slunk out of the office. Park opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
"Look, I don't have time for this, and I definitely don't want to lose my captaincy."
"Neither do I," Park grumbled.
"So, truce?" I sighed, extending a hand towards him.
Park stared at it for a moment, then shook it… but not before shooting a stinging hex at my palm with a smirk. "Did you not hear Professor McGonagall, Potter? Dimwitted as ever, I see.”
Jay, the rotten scoundrel, just grinned. Looks like this whole "working together" thing was going to be a real laugh riot.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━-----━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
Three days into our shared detention purgatory, and I already wanted to shove a Snitch up Park's nose. Professor McGonagall, in a cruel twist of fate, decided to make our schedules identical for "maximum cooperation." Joy. That meant I was stuck with his pointy-haired self from sunrise to curfew. I'm stuck with Jay for the entirety of every day, from Herbology to bloody History of Magic (turns out Park's idea of polite is asking if I want my fingernails clipped… with his wand).
So here I am, chilling in the Hidden Garden (well, not exactly hidden, but most students are oblivious) . Mealtimes are the only escape from Park's annoyingly perfect presence. As I lie here contemplating the wonders of the cosmos (and how much I loathe jay), it dawns on me – this all started in second year, when we were both Seekers with a competitive streak a mile long. Ever since then, it's been non-stop bickering.
Maybe it's because he's got it all – looks, quidditch skills, top grades (the git). Me? Well, at least I'm good at Quidditch and jinxing self-important Slytherins. The rest is, well, a work in progress.
As I drifted off under the warm sun, an object landed on my chest. A… sandwich? I looked up to see ………..Jay ? , his expression unreadable.
"Last time you offered me food, I ended up in the hospital wing," I said, eyeing the sandwich with suspicion. "Not falling for that again, Park."
"Relax, I didn’t do anything to it. It's just a sandwich. We need to be able to tell Flobberworms from decent ones for detention, remember? Besides, if you faint from hunger, I'll have to do all the work."
"Why would you care?" I scoffed.
"Care about you? Don't be ridiculous , if you faint from hunger, I'll have to do all the work. This is purely out of self-preservation." ”Sure, Park. Whatever you say”
But maybe, just maybe, there was a hint of something… not-completely-unpleasant in his eyes. Nah. Must be the fumes from the greenhouses or maybe the Hungarian Horntail droppings they made us clean up.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━-----━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
Detention with in the forbidden forest? Sign me up! This time, we weren't stuck weeding Herbology greenhouses or scraping Flobberworm mucus off toadstools (although, knowing our luck, that was probably next). I practically skipped alongside Hagrid, a giddy smile plastered on my face to snag some Exploding Shrumpheads – those funky fungi used in Fire-Protection Charms. Meanwhile, Jay shuffled behind us like a lost Puffskew.
"Alright, you lot," Hagrid boomed, his voice somehow even louder than usual in the eerie silence of the forest. "Remember, stick close, and those Burst-Caps you're after? Grab 'em quick and careful. Nasty little buggers can give you a right singin' in the ears if you don't handle 'em proper."
Jay, raised an eyebrow. "But Hagrid, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to, you know, supervise us or somethin ?"
Hagrid scratched his beard, a thoughtful look on his massive face. "Well, now, there's a bit of a... situation with Fang and a particularly plump Hippogriff down by the lake. Shouldn't take long, though! You lot just be good and I'll be back before you can say 'Flibbertigibbet!'" With that, he vanished into the oppressive darkness of the forest, leaving us bathed in an unsettling silence .
"Let's just get this over with," Jay grumbled, carefully plucking a mushroom.
He clearly wasn't thrilled. A smug smile played on my lips. "Scared, are you?"
He shot me an irritated look before returning to his task. We worked in eerie silence, broken only by the hooting of owls and the rustle of unseen creatures. As I approached a tree brimming with mushrooms, a sudden yank pulled me back. A hand clamped over my mouth, stifling my scream. Panic jolted through me, but a familiar cologne told me it was Jay.
"Don't move," he whispered urgently in my ear. "Blood-sucking Bugbear."
Peeking through the leaves, I saw it – a hulking monstrosity with razor-sharp claws tearing into a deer antler. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen in a textbook. Pure terror locked my legs in place.
Jay grabbed me, leading us away with silent urgency, but with a sickening crunch, one of us stepped on a Bursting Mushroom. The resulting explosion covered us with burns and spores ,echoed through the trees, and the Bugbear whipped its head towards us, glowing red eyes fixated on its new prey. We were trapped, the forest alive with a new kind of fear. Run. That was the only thought in our heads. We sprinted through the dense undergrowth, dodging rocks and branches, the Bugbear's roar a terrifying symphony of hunger close behind.
Suddenly, Jay scooped me up and hurled us both onto a thick branch high above the forest floor. We clung to the tree , gasping for breath, as the Bugbear lumbered below, searching for us with its glowing red eyes. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in my gut. Our breaths came in ragged gasps as we hear the Bugbear's frustrated roars echoing around us. Some time passed as we tried to settle our racing hearts and ragged breathing .
I registered our position. I was pressed against Jay's chest, his arm wrapped protectively around me. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against his, his own racing beneath my cheek. The terror had morphed into something else – a strange awareness of him, of the warmth radiating from his body… But that could wait. Right now, all that mattered was escaping the hungry beast below.
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╰─ - ̗̀ entry will update soon… ░༄ quote. 🥡
┆🥘┆🍙 ┆🍮 ✧─── ・ 。゚★: .✦ . :★. ───✧ ☆ "quote"
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aclowntiny · 1 year
🔮Enhypen as Hogwarts Students🪄
Hope you enjoy! Just like the others, these will be the bases for the Hogwarts AUs I’m sure to write >:3
(I love these boys look at them 🥺)
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☆ "You're a humble one, aren't you?" "Er, yes sir?" Jungwon smiles sheepishly at the possible compliment, answering the Sorting Hat with respect. "Hardworking, too," the talking garment continues, "and you don't seem to care about obstacles as long as you get the job done. You're a Hufflepuff!" Jungwon thanks the hat as he leaps off the stool, feeling a sense of joy and accomplishment that the hat saw those qualities in him.
☆ He’s a Muggleborn, or so he thinks until he’s taken in by his Squib grandmother, who reveals his parents were just hesitant about talking about magic to him. He grows up mostly in the non-magical world, but his grandma does teach him how to cultivate some of the magical plants she’s sneaked into her garden 👀
☆ Because of his time spent with his grandma, he goes to Hogwarts loving Herbology immediately, becoming a quick favorite of Professor Sprout 😌 It's not his best subject, but he also enjoys Potions because even if it's hard, it has the funniest mistakes!
☆ There isn't a subject he really hates, but History of Magic is notoriously the most exhausting subject for a lot of students, so it's not exactly Jungwon's favorite.
☆ Jungwon is an avid Frog Choir member, but he also tries out for Quidditch and becomes a Chaser! He's a swift boy, known for darting out of the way of Bludgers and other players just in time 😌
☆ He’s overjoyed as he imagines a time when he was happiest and how happy he’ll feel if he summons a guardian in the form of a corporeal Patronus charm. As Jungwon casts the spell, he can see it taking shape, his heart filling as the image of a tuxedo cat bursts forth and into his arms.
☆ "Oh, a clever one!" The Sorting Hat comments as it touches Heeseung's head. "You've got a unique mind. A thinker, this one. Likes to discuss things. Good with a puzzle too. Must be Ravenclaw!" Isn't Ravenclaw the smart house? Well, that's something for Heeseung to live up to! He's excited to do his house proud.
☆ Heeseung is a Half-Blood, coming from a magical family but just not entirely upholding all the full blooded wizard stuff over the years. He literally could not care less about all that stuff, though, like hey, we all have the same powers 🤷🏻‍♀️
☆ One of the weirdos who actually likes Arithmancy lol Heeseung is just good at it and solving sequences is so satisfying! He also enjoys Defense Against the Dark Arts because it's the perfect combo of active and intellectual, one of few classes where students can actually be allowed to run around a bit, but it still keeps the wits sharp.
☆ Divination isn't bad, but it lowkey feels like a waste of time to him 💀 rather than hate it, though, he uses it as goof-off time hehe
☆ Quidditch all-star right here! Eventually becomes captain, in fact, and leads Ravenclaw to victory many a time. He's a Chaser, in charge of scoring and swift flying, and he tends to be in the central position.
☆ He doesn’t have a certain animal in mind, really. Heeseung tells himself he’d be happy with anything…but what if it’s a tiny mouse? Or something silly like a monkey? Shaking his head, he snaps out of it before reciting the spell, focusing his greatest joy into the shape that emerged. As the beautiful Clydesdale horse stands before him, all the nerves fade away into elation.
☆ “Cunning? Check. Ambition? Check. Goals? Check. You care what others think, don’t you?” Jay just sheepishly, almost imperceptibly, nods. “I try not to, but-” “This one’s a Slytherin!” Jay nods, too, not entirely surprised to be sorted into his father’s house. He admires its traits, though, feeling like being a Slytherin can shape a cool go-getter.
☆ The Parks are an old wizarding family for sure. Jay doesn’t want that privilege to carry him through everything, trying to keep that down in favor of his own hard work. It’s nice being well off in life, but he wants to be known as a strong person, not just another strong name being thrown around. If he’s offered the easy way, he’ll never take it.
☆ Potions star! Jay’s the only one of his friends who’s really good at that class at all tbh 😅 so he’s the de facto tutor. He also really enjoys Defense Against the Dark Arts, a class where he can have duels, be a dashing hero, & really show what he’s made of! Facing down fears is right up his alley.
☆ Ever since his watch got taken to use as a demonstration and he wasn't sure what it was getting turned into, Transfiguration sort of became Jay's least favorite class, at least in jest.
☆ Ends up taking one of Slytherin's Beater positions, daring to face Bludgers and fly up close and personal with all of Quidditch's threats! It gives him a rush, even if he's had a lot of near-misses the others still talk about. It’s a tight scheduling fit what with him joining Ghoul Studies, but worth every moment of it!
☆ Elbows and jokes abound as Jay gears up to try his hand at a Patronus, jests on all sorts of ridiculous animals getting tossed out. Ignoring the mirth, Jay goes zen, honing in on a memory as he shouts “Expecto Patronum!” A massive wingspan emerges as the eagle soars from his wand, earning looks of awe from Jay’s classmates and pride from the caster himself. He can’t help but reach for his Patronus in wonder, amazed himself that he created such an awesome creature.
☆ “Can be a bit headstrong,” the Sorting Hat mutters. “Really?” “Don’t act so surprised,” it chuckles, “you’re smart, kid. Got a daring side, though. Use that. That and your curiosity.” So what does this all mean? Jake thinks. “Alright,” the hat responds to his thought, “that clinches it! Ravenclaw!” Surprise fills Jake’s face as he was trying to predict what the hat would say.
☆ The Sims are Pure-Bloods, but Jake literally doesn’t find that out until he’s at Hogwarts because his parents don’t want any kids of theirs to feel like they’re any different just because their whole family tree has magic.
☆ Jake quite enjoys Astronomy, taking in the beauty of nature and recording it, but what he really enjoys is Care of Magical Creatures because he’s a pet owner and even the odd creatures (or, well, most of them) have him soft 🥺
☆ Jake prefers more natural and straightforward subjects, and Divination doesn't really seem real to him. Even a lot of witches and wizards don't believe in it, and it puzzles Jake a bit that there's no clear answers or basis to anything. He's more along the maths and sciences side, so to speak.
☆ Loves Quidditch! Tries out and joins Gryffindor’s team as a Chaser, which he adores because he gets to be part of a little mini team and support the others with his actions. Plus scoring is such a rush!
☆ Jake can’t help but think of his family, think of Layla, as he is asked to embody happiness in his life. Those thoughts guide him as he holds his wand up in anticipation, grinning at the light sliding from his wand. A golden retriever runs out to greet Jake, and he can’t help but grin. Maybe he thought of Layla more than he realized!
☆ “Hm, bravery isn’t your strongest suit…” “Hey!” “You are focused on your goals. You know what you want in life.” “Yes.” “And you want some recognition for it?” “Y-yes, sometimes it is nice to have a-” “That settles it! Slytherin!” Sunghoon’s still a little salty that the hat kinda roasted him, but intrigued by his house enough to let it go and just join the others.
☆ Like Jake, comes from a big fat “blood traitor” Pure-Blood family we love to see it 😌 thinks it’s all so stupid he plays a love for Muggles and their culture up just out of spite honestly.
☆ Takes Muggle Studies for the bit and actually enjoys remembering the names of all those appliances and things, even if it's difficult to remember so many new words. A lot of the Slytherins are shook because the Sunghoon is writing a paper on telephones??? Dork Sunghoon excels at Charms, quick but precise and elegant casting that requires specific motions. He sees the intricacies in charms more than the average student, and his casting always looks fluid and flawless.
☆ Flying is not his friend- being that high up and feeling out of control scares him. Sunghoon will take the ground, thanks!
☆ Quite obviously, he does not try out for Quidditch, just attending all the games he can and focusing on other extracurriculars like music!
☆ He has plenty of happy memories to go off of, but Sunghoon isn’t sure if he’ll really be able to pull of a corporeal Patronus. He wants to more than anything, though, so he puts his whole heart into it, calling out the spell… only to summon forth a beautiful swan that captures his attention immediately as it gracefully skates in the air around him.
☆ “Could be Gryffindor…” The Sorting Hat ponders. Not Hufflepuff? Sunoo thinks, considering how he wants to be in the nice house. “I can hear you, you know. You are quite innocent. Very loyal, too. Very well- Hufflepuff!” Grinning, Sunoo skips to his table.
☆ He has Squib parents, so he grew up an odd mix of living like a Muggleborn and yet having total awareness of the wizarding world from other family members. Both his sister and he inherited powers, so he also hears about Hogwarts a few years before he goes.
☆ Enjoys Divination because it’s a fun and creative class. They get to drink tea! They get to talk about dreams they have! They get to make stuff up sometimes, frankly. It feels more fanciful and less pressuring than other classes. He also likes Care of Magical Creatures because not only does he love living things, but the presentations are enjoyable too!
☆ He loves looking at the sky, but Astronomy is a bit of a tough one because Sunoo is more of a creative mind than scientific. Calculating the positions of the stars is hard, why can't he just take pictures and appreciate the constellations?
☆ Thinks Quidditch looks really fun, so he tries out and that’s where they discover that Kim Sunoo is basically the perfect Seeker. Boy is a pro at finding stuff so he sees that snitch well before anyone else does. Straight up wins Hufflepuff games by points alone.
☆ Happiness is easy for Sunoo to find; it’s a short mental distance to reach as he has a positive attitude and more importantly lots of loved ones. His friends, his sister, truly his happy place is with his people. Thoughts of his people spur on the little light emerging from his wand, fading in favor of cheering and laughter at the adorable glowing quokka that rolls out.
☆ “You’d do well in Slytherin,” the Sorting Hat muses upon Nishimura Riki’s head, “if you want something, you go get it. Brave, though, and quite a tease. You enjoy life. I’d say… this one had better go to Gryffindor!” Riki feels like the Hat gave him lowkey whiplash, but he feels proud to be joining the house of lionhearts! It suits his adventure-seeking side for sure.
☆ He’s a Half-Blood, both of his parents having magic, but his mom is a Muggleborn so he gets the best of both worlds! Adores spending time with his Muggle grandparents and sometimes envies their simpler life even though he wants to become an amazing wizard.
☆ Takes Ancient Runes so he can write secret codes with his friends, but actually gets really invested in solving and deciphering all the questions and scripts he's given. Flying is another favorite of his, just the feeling of freedom and the wind in his hair is the most magical thing of all for Riki!
☆ Don't sit with Riki in Potions though unless you want things to splash and explode on you 💀 he's a bit of a wreck trying to brew potions and it's not even from intentional mischief like a lot of other things are!
☆ Bro best flyer??? Of course he’s going for a position on Slytherin’s team! And he gets it, landing Seeker because his choreography skills lend well to flying in complicated patterns just like his lil gold friend 😌
☆ Riki is beyond determined to cast a Patronus, to have the strength of mind and magic combined to produce his guardian. Digging his heels in, he brings forth a memory, smiling and laughing into the spell despite his moments-prior seriousness. As he calls out “Expecto Patronum!”, a fox leaps around, every bit as cunning, mischievous, and charming as its caster.
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nwjws · 10 months
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; SYNOPSIS - after gryffindor’s victorious quidditch match earlier in the day, celebrations ensue in the common room that night, and you find yourself dragged into a game of magical truth or dare. when you make eye contact with lee heeseung, your best friend since diapers, the smirk on his face has you dreading whatever question or dare he sends your way. 
"do you want to kiss me?"
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; PAIRING - heeseung x gn!reader
; WC - 2.8k
; TAGS - one-shot, fluff, barely any angst, hogwarts au, childhood best friends to lovers, gryffindor!heeseung, griffindor!r, truth or dare/spin the bottle trope ; WARNINGS - underage drinking (Plz don’t do this !!!!), kissing
; AUTHOR'S CORNER! i don’t really have anything to say lol
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the best thing about being a gryffindor?
the parties.
granted, students will always celebrate a win, no matter what house they belong to. but gryffindor was known to host the best post-match parties. (but maybe you're a little biased.)
gryffindor had won the quidditch match against ravenclaw earlier today by a landslide. that's the fifth time in a row that your house has won in a match - all thanks to heeseung, the team's captain; your childhood best friend since you were eight.
oh, and your crush of five years.
once the match ended, you wasted no time running down to the pitch to congratulate your friend. when heeseung caught sight of you approaching, his face broke into an achingly wide grin, one that sent your heart into overdrive. he spread his arms wide and enveloped you in a hug before spinning you around as you tucked your nose into the nook between his neck and shoulder. he smelled of grass and dirt and was coated in sweat, but it didn't matter to you.
"gross," jake's voice ruins the moment.
looking over heeseung's shoulder, you find jake scrunching his nose at you two.
"couldn't you save the PDA for when you're in private?"
you pulled away from heeseung's embrace and cross your arms across yourself in embarrassment. you missed his warmth immediately. he groans as you retreat from his arms.
somewhere along the journey of growing up, innocent hugs with your best friend gained more implications to their meanings.
"always ruining things," heeseung mutters as he turns to his teammate.
"suddenly, i can't hear," jake smiles with mock-sweetness. he turns to you and nods in acknowledgement. "see you at the party later, y/n?"
"this one over here would never let me miss one," you roll your eyes playfully, nudging heeseung in the side.
by the time you came down from your dorm to the common room, the festivities were in full-blast. half the students looked either tipsy or well on their way to being full-out drunk. you could see people from other houses trickling into the red and gold of the gryffindor common room, streamers and balloons decorating the walls.
"y/n!" you looked to find jay, one of heeseung's friends, had called you over.
"hey," you greeted. pointing at his cup, you asked, "what's that?"
"well, it was originally a non-alcoholic cocktail, but someone had added a full bottle of firewhiskey to the mix."
"ah, so that explains the situation..." you nod in in understanding.
jay pursed his lips. "yeah, and since no one here really drinks much, you can imagine how low the tolerance around here is," he says as he gestures to the common room filled with stumbling and giddy teenagers.
you cringe as you see someone crash into a table, causing the game of wizarding chess another student had been playing on it to fall to the ground. yep, there'll be quite a mess after tonight.
"where's heeseung?" you asked the slytherin, looking around curiously.
"he's gone back upstairs to get something." jay looked at you as he sipped from his drink. "why, is my presence more boring than your boyfriend's?"
"he's not my boyfriend!" you denied, shaking your head so hard it started to hurt.
jay chuckled at your flushed reaction. "relax, i'm just teasing."
"i know," you deflate, pointedly looking away.
it's at that moment you spot jake walking up to you two.
"guys! come here, let's play a game."
"what game?"
"truth or dare." then, he grinned mischievously. "with a twist."
"i don't like the sound of this," you say immediately.
"c'mon, don't you want to play?"
"not really, no thanks."
"everyone's joining, let's go!"
and with that, you were left with no choice but to follow as jay and jake all but dragged you by your wrists.
you all sat around the fire place, with ten or more other students joining in on the fun.
heeseung finally joined just before it started, sitting just opposite you in the circle. you two share a secret smile, one that has you almost forgetting there were other people with you in the moment.
he wore a simple black button up, with the last few left open, allowing the world to see the smooth skin of his collarbones. paired with his black undercut, it was honestly a very simple outfit. it's the little details that made him all the more attractive, and it brought your attention to his pink lips. soft and light in contrast to his dark appearance.
the corners tug upwards into a smile, and you realise he's noticed you looking. you turn away ashamedly and pointedly engage beomgyu in a conversation, ignoring the burning gaze set on you.
jake summons cups full of the (now alcoholic) cocktail in front of everyone, before placing an empty bottle of firewhiskey in the center of the circle. you get a trickle of suspicion that he's the cause behind all of this, but you shrug it off.
"okay. so, as per the rules of the game, whoever spins the bottle is the one asking a question or giving a dare. the person the bottle lands on is on the receiving end of it. if you absolutely can't answer the question or do the dare, then take a swig from the cup." jake then shrugs, stating, "be a pussy and test your alcohol-tolerance, or grow some balls and stay sober."
"you said there was a twist," you remind him. these were all rules of a typical truth or dare game, everyone knew them.
"right you are, y/n!" he smiled brightly, clicking his fingers at you. with a swirl of his wand, he summons a familiar vial labelled 'veritaserum'.
a chill goes down your spine.
"truth serum? wait, isn't it like- illegal to misuse it like this? aren't we breaking some rule about students not being allowed to use veritaserum?"
"it's only breaking the rules if you get caught," he winks. "so, if you choose truth, you have to take three drops of this. that way, we'll know you're definitely not lying, seeing as you can't lie with this in your system." you begin to wonder how many rules jake's broken in the name of fun.
and the games started.
an hour into truth or dare, your cup was half empty.
by this point, jake had half of his left eyebrow singed off, yunjin had become a human magnet, and beomgyu’s mouth and nose had been transfigured into a duck beak. you yourself had half your hair jinxed to a red so bright it hurt everyone’s eyes, but that’s a story for another day.
everyone agreed not to take more than three drops of the truth serum, since no one was really interested in finding out what might happen if they overdosed. besides, the effect lasts up ‘til the morning, so there wasn't really any need to take more every time you chose truth.
not that you chose that option, anyway. the bottle had landed on you a grand total of five times, and you’d chosen dare each time.
it’s not like you had anything to hide, you tell yourself. you just like a bit of challenge, right? right.
after heeseung admitted to having used felix felicis at least once during his games (a little luck never hurt anyone, especially when they won those games), it was his turn to spin the bottle.
heeseung reached for the bottle; you waited with baited breath as it spun around.
every spin that cursed bottle took, you could hear your heart pounding louder and louder in your ears. please not you.
please not you pleasenotyou please-
you lean back and look up to whatever being out there decided to play with you today, because of course it stopped, nose pointed at you.
one look at heeseung’s face doesn’t quelm the uneasiness you’re feeling.
the corner of his lips are quirked up into a subtle smirk, one you can only see because you’ve known him for so long; memorised his behaviour patterns. not even the buzz from the alcohol could stop you from noticing that he’s planning something.
“go nice on me, hee. dare.”
“c’mon, y/n. that’s the fourth dare. are you hiding something from us?” a relatively sober jake asks with a raised eyebrow.
“no, it’s just more fun to complete dares,” you defend yourself.
“it’s fun to tell the truth, too,” heeseung remarks. his intense stare sets a fire in your stomach ablaze. there’s a mix of curiosity and challenge in his eyes.
"just give me a dare," you sigh.
heeseung shakes his head. "i won't ask anything too bad," he says, but you want to accuse him of lying. his questions this game have been the most brutal. and his insistence on getting a truth hints to you that there's a question he really wants to ask.
"please? i'll buy you that one bag you wanted."
"are you talking about the dragonskin one? i only mentioned that once," you say, surprised. your best friend just shrugged and waited for your answer.
if he still planned to hang out with you after this question, then maybe he really didn't plan to ask about your feelings, not in front of all these people, at least. but if you said no, you know heeseung would never pressure you into choosing the truth.
maybe you should have done all the dares you were given, if only so you would have been in the right mind.
otherwise, you would never have asked jake for the vial of veritaserum, which had everyone (who wasn't flat out drunk and were still following the game) cheering loudly.
"truth," you stared heeseung in the eye, gathering fake confidence after your three drops of veritaserum. heeseung grinned that pretty smile of his.
"do you want to kiss me?"
yeah, no. you were a liar (at least, before you took the truth serum). that fake confidence fell away instantly. had you really been looking at his lips that much the whole evening?
"dare." just because you took the serum doesn't mean you can't choose to not answer.
heeseung's smile widened, as if he'd already gotten his answer. he leans in, closer to the center. closer to you.
"i dare you to kiss me."
'oouuhh's and whistles echoes throughout the room, and people who hadn't joined the game turned towards the circle curiously.
you slapped your hands to your mouth in shock, you hadn't expected him to be so upfront. he sat and waited, whether for you to answer his question, or act on his dare.
you don't know if it was the firewhiskey, the chants of everyone saying 'kiss! kiss! kiss!', or maybe the electricity in the air between you two. maybe it was all three, plus the feelings you harboured over these last few years. whatever the case was didn't matter though - not when you went in for it anyway.
in a swift moment, you captured his lips in a kiss, which he reciprocated in pulling you closer, his hands firm on your shoulders. all of your feelings and thoughts pour into the action, setting aside all of the hesitation and doubt to immerse yourself just for a moment.
you couldn't break away, and neither did he. his lips were soft, but so full of life and emotion, fueling you to kiss him harder. a flickering thought that maybe, he felt the same. a small hope that your feelings for him weren't so unrequited. it was exhilarating, treading on that fine line between friends and lovers.
you'll probably realise it was a mistake later on, a kiss that never should have happened between two friends. because friends don't kiss, and yet, you can't seem to pull away.
when you finally did though, heeseung kept you in place, his arm draped around your waist.
"wait," he huffed, panting and trying to catch his breath. you could tell he was trying to gather his thoughts.
you'd been avoiding this, because you had an inkling feeling about the words words he wanted to say, but couldn't. you were honestly scared of what they were: rejection? saying he knew you liked him, but didn't feel the same? pity? disgust?
if he didn't like you back, you would never recover. the end of your friendship - a ten year one all ruined in the blink of an eye. all of the effort you'd put in to it, only to be destroyed by a stupid stupid stupid kiss.
for a long while now, friendly conversations on a winter evening by the fireplace and innocent letters you'd owl to each other's dorm every night no longer seemed to suffice. but you had to accept it, knowing you'd never have a chance with him. so instead, you just avoided that topic whenever the conversation headed in that direction, veering it away to a lighter one.
after all, if you just ran away from the problem, you'd never have to confront it, right? over time, your (five year old) crush will definitely dissipate, right?
and now, you were stuck in an awkward position.
"sorry, can we speak in private?" he looks to jake for permission, who nods with a sparkle in his eye, a smile barely hidden.
heeseung got up from the floor, and dragged you up by your wrist. you tried to ignore all the murmurs, but you couldn't stop yourself from hiding behind your hands. your face was certainly red, and definitely not from the alcohol. you were much more sober now.
when he brought you to a secluded place, heeseung pulled your hands away, and looked at you with concern.
"are you okay? i'm sorry if you felt pressured back there. i shouldn't have done that."
dread filled you, the blood draining from your body and a cool shiver took over.
"you shouldn't have done what? we shouldn't have kissed?" you asked, holding back tears. this was going exactly the way you always imagined.
"what? no!" his eyes widened, speechless for a moment. "y/n, that kiss was everything to me. you don't know how long i've wanted to do that."
you gaped at him, confused. it was your turn to be speechless.
"what do you mean...?"
heeseung leaned back, retreating into himself. he couldn't look at you as he confessed, "i was waiting for the right time to say this, but then i'd be waiting forever.
"i like you, possibly even love you. i don't know when these feelings started, but i realised when jay asked you out last year. i've liked you for way longer before that though.
"i suddenly became aware of how, when everyone cheered for me in my games, it was only ever your voice that mattered. or how much i missed holding your hand in my sleep like we used to as kids. and then you kept looking at me with those eyes earlier, and i just needed to know how your lips felt right then. time feels like it stops when i look at you, i think i'm going a little crazy."
your heart raced, you couldn't believe your ears.
"wait, because i've felt this way for you since we were thirteen. have you really liked me back all this time?"
heeseung turned to you, a meaningful look in his eyes.
"i wouldn't have asked for a kiss if i didn't think about you like that. you're the world to me, and i didn't want to lose you because of how i felt. i don't know where that surge of confidence from earlier came from."
you start to laugh. "you don't know how long i've wanted to do that either," you say simply, relief filling your veins.
"longer than just tonight, i hope?"
"way longer before that," you parroted.
heeseung grinned, and pulled out a gift bag from his back pocket, charmed to hold bigger items.
you gasped. "this is the bag!" you look up at him. "you already bought it?"
it hit you then that this was the 'thing' he'd been getting earlier, back when you spoke with jay.
"i did," he smiled, handing it over to you.
"so when you said that earlier..."
"i planned to give it anyway, whether or not your accepted my dare or not."
"so you're saying i could have avoided all that anyway? i hate you," you folded your arms and rolled your eyes playfully.
"i didn't know you could still lie under veritaserum!" he gasped, with equally as much playfulness in his tone.
"some are less affected," you shrugged.
he laughed before wrapping his arms around you, hanging on the small of your back. you hugged him back, placing a soft kiss on his jaw.
"y/n, please. can i be yours?" he murmured into your neck.
"you always have been."
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; TAGLIST - perm . @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii @haechansbbg @gweoriz @maoyueze @manooffline @chocwo @yizhoutv @isawritesss networks . @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels
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sweetheart-sunghoon · 2 years
Hi I read your slytherin seeker jay thought and now i cannot sleep
don't worry babe, slytherin!jay will help you fall asleep <3
jay overhears you telling your friend about your recent insomnia and late night walks, and decides to join you. he waits around the corner, hidden in the shadows, as you sneak out of your common room. you don't even notice him, walking straight past him on as you begin your routine midnight stroll. at this point, you've memorised filch's routes and navigated your own away from his.
then suddenly, a pair of strong arms are wrapping around your waist and pulling you back. jay's expensive and faintly jasminey scent dominates the air around you, his massive presence engulfing all of your senses.
you gasp. "jay."
"hey, princess," he whispers into your ear. "can't sleep?"
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forjongseong · 1 year
Sadly the Hogwarts fics have been deleted or put to private
if you mean the ones by user cloudninescenes (who is now @gureumz), then no, it's not deleted or put to private, but her old account is archived. what you need to do is to just add "-archived" behind her old username in every link to the Hogwarts fic, and then you can open it
since I am a jobless boob, here, I'll do it for ya:
heeseung fic - similar? jay fic - it's a date jake fic - no questions asked sunghoon fic - in a million years sunoo fic - curious jungwon fic - sweet company ni-ki fic - thanks for the...
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