#james spader imagine
myveryownfanfiction · 15 days
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prompt from: @lostbetweenvampiresandmusic
prompt: “sorry it’s just — I thought you could use an umbrella”
requested by @illiana-mystery
tags: @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @lilyevans1
warnings: swearing
"Great." I groaned as I stood under the overhang of the hotel. "Just my luck." Rain was pouring down outside and I had read the wrong weather report. I had to be across town to meet with linguist in an hour. If the rain kept up, I wouldn't make it in time. I walked back over to the front desk and smiled at the receptionist. "Hi. I'm sorry. How much longer is it supposed to rain?" I asked.
"Oh. According to the report, it's supposed to keep up for most of the day." she said, smiling sadly at me. "I could call you a cab if you'd like." I shook my head and thanked her anyway.
"Damn." I breathed out as I drew my jacket tighter around me. I looked out at the bustling New York traffic as I thought about what I could do. I originally planned to take the subway but getting there was out of the question now. I didn't have the money to take a cab all the way there either. As I did the mental math to figure out if I would be able to afford a cab ride to the subway, a man in a hoodie and a windbreaker stepped up next to me. He pushed his blond hair out of his face and sighed as he looked out at the storm. I stepped out to hail a cab, shivering as the rain hit me. I sighed as each cab passed me by. Either they were already full or the driver didn't want to stop. An umbrella appeared above me and I squeaked when I turned around to see the man from before.
"Sorry. It's just -- I thought you could use an umbrella." He said softly, pushing his glasses back up. I wrapped my arms around me and nodded.
"Thanks." I said, teeth chattering softly. "Can't get a cab." I shrugged, looking over my shoulder as traffic slowed to a standstill. My body sagged as I realized even if I could get a cab, it would take twice as long to get to my destination now.
"Where are you headed?" The man asked as he shoved his free hand in his pocket.
"Cross town. I needed to get to Brooklyn." I said, eyeing the man slightly nervously. "I have a meeting with a colleague. He's supposed to translate something for me." The man nodded.
"I'm headed to my office in Brooklyn." He said. "It actually is just a few blocks over. Do you have the address?"
"Yeah." I said as I dug the letter out of my pocket and handed it to him. The man started laughing, holding it back out. "What? What's so funny?"
"Pleasure to meet you in person Dr. (Y/L/N)." He held out his free hand. "Dr. Daniel Jackson at your service. Your lecture on cross referencing texts was truly enlightening." My eyes went wide and I shook his hand.
"You're Daniel Jackson?" I asked in awe. Daniel nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. I was in your lecture earlier. About the pyramids..." Daniel gave me a small smile.
"Ah. Yes. That...lecture..." He shrugged before nodding towards the side. "Uh let's head over to my office. Well I say office..." He started walking and I moved closer to him to stay under the umbrella. "More like my apartment. That address I gave you was at the university. They uh fired me. Two days ago. I tried to send you something but I guess you were already here for the conference..." I nodded.
"I got here a week ago." I admitted. "I needed to meet with someone else. A Catherine Langford. She had a proposition about an artifact she wanted me to take a look at." Daniel chuckled.
"Me too. She caught me yesterday at the conference." He said. "What did you tell her?"
"I said I'd think about it." I said, moving closer as the people of New York darted past us to get out of the rain. Daniel noticed and offered me his arm. I took it and pressed as close as I dared to him. "What about you?"
"I said yes." He said. I stared at him in awe.
"On so little information about the artifact?" I asked. Daniel nodded. "Really?"
"What do I have left to lose?" He said with a sad smile. "I lost my job. I lost my grants. I'm about to lose my apartment. I have no reputation." Daniel chuckled. "Well I do have a reputation but it isn't a good one. So...yeah. I took the job without fully knowing what I got myself into."
"Wow." I breathed out. "I wish I was so brave." Daniel tugged me closer as a woman with a dog walked by.
"I wouldn't say brave." He said. "Brave is coming out here to New York just for me to translate something for a paper you are writing." I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at his words. "Brave is telling Catherine you would think about it before taking a jump that could potentially ruin your career. I'm most likely stupid."
"I wouldn't say that." I said, smiling softly at him as he led me into his apartment building. We parted as Daniel closed his umbrella. "I think there's something up there in that pretty head of yours that made you think this was a good idea." Daniel blushed at my words.
"Pretty?" He asked, smile growing as he took off his glasses to wipe the rain off them.
"Yeah." I nodded, shifting as I waited for him to lead me up to his apartment.
"Well I think you're pretty too." He said, cheeks turning even more pink. "Maybe once our professional relationship is over today, we could start on a more personal one?" I smiled as he offered me his hand.
"Sure." I said, taking it and following him upstairs. "I'd like that. Very much."
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jtspaderstills · 2 months
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so me ↓ ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ
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jimmyspades · 7 months
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James Spader as Raymond Reddington in a Rolex ad during the 2024 Oscars
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naughtydogg · 1 month
🥹we love a mocap king
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ace-of-spaders · 1 year
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When I was young, I loved fairy tales. I was always partial to shapeshifters, who seemed good and sweet, but they were full of unimaginable darkness.
+ bonus (because adorable Red is adorable)
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profeyandere · 3 months
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Click if you want to go to the main Masterlist
ꜱᴛᴇꜰꜰ ᴍᴄᴋᴇᴇ │ •➤ ᴍᴜᴛᴇ │ •➤ ꜱᴛʀɪᴋᴇ [coming soon] │ •➤ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʟᴜᴄᴋ, ʙᴀʙᴇ [coming soon] ╰─────────────
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spadesofspader · 6 months
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wuthering heights but in a like 80s early 90s goth way im conjuring it
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alicent-boleyn · 1 month
Uncle Dearest
WORD COUNT: 902 words
SUMMARY: Berenice's last conversation with her uncle Viserys, 172 AC.
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Her uncle Viserys was a man of strikingly little personal religion. Of course, he kept with the Faith publicly, Westeros would not tolerate a king who didn't, but save the occasional visit on holidays and state occasions, Berenice has never seen her uncle cross the threshold of the Great Sept since Baelor died. This is all to say that when he knelt down in front of the Stranger's altar next to her the day after Visenya died, Berenice was surprised.
She doesn't know how to feel about her uncle. Visenya despised him, in that way you only despise someone you care for dearly. She ranted and raved about him when they fought, spitting venomous curses one moment and crying tender tears the next. He has betrayed me, she would say, though she could not (or would not) tell her daughter exactly how. In addition to this, Berenice couldn't forgive the marriage of Naerys and Aegon. That is the one thing she knew for certain about her feelings. Despite all of that, he was charming - and handsome, too. When you looked at Viserys, it was so easy to forget all your grievances and simply talk with him.
Berenice gave him a slight nod and a whispered greeting of, “Your Highness.”
“Please, niece, no need for formality with me.” Glancing up, he added, “Especially not before the great collector of souls we must all face one day.” He said this with a certain amount of dry humor, like he was saying something absurd to entertain a lady at dinner.
“I shall endeavor to remember that, Uncle.” She bit out the last word.
Viserys grabbed one of the provided tapers and lit it, placing it at the statue’s sandaled foot. He shifted a bit, placing his elbows on the arm rest just a hair's breadth away from hers. “Your mother's passing is a real loss to the royal family.” Berenice just barely restrained herself. You don't care about my mother. You didn't care while she was alive and you don't care now that she's gone. You fucking hypocrite.
“Thank you for your condolences, though perhaps they would be more welcome if any care was given to her while she yet lived.”
His face did not seem bothered by her words, though there was a faint tightening of his body language that betrayed him. “She was a difficult woman to love-”
“And you are a difficult man to hate, but she found the strength to do that anyway.” Mayhaps my mother was better than you that way.
Viserys shook his head, all of a sudden looking every one of his forty-nine years. After several heartbeats, he said, “Did you know I offered to marry you? To get you out of Baelor's prison?” Berenice kept her eyes trained on the candle flame in front of her. She had not known this, though that was not surprising; she was sure her mother hadn't told her many things.
“You had just turned six and ten, or maybe you were about to, I can't quite remember. Either way, I went to your mother and asked for your hand. Do you know what she did?” It was Berenice's turn to shake her head. “She spat at me, literally. Hocked a big gob of phlegm like a foot soldier, landed it right on my shoe. ‘That is what I think of you as a master for my daughter.’”
Berenice could hear her mother's voice in those words; she could hear it so clearly it brought tears to her eyes. She refused to let those tears fall in front of Viserys. “You're lucky then, uncle. She could have pulled a knife on you, like she did with my father.”
He laughed a hollow, ugly laugh at that. “It seems to me I was lucky, too, to avoid your unchecked mouth, niece. Such a quality does not suit a king's wife.”
“Good thing I am simply your niece, then.”
“Look at me, girl.” She refused. “Look. At. Me.” He flexed his hand, though it looked more like a spasm, like he wanted to grab her by the jaw and- and what? He wouldn't kiss her or hit her right in front of the gods, so what would he do with that hand? Viserys settled for tapping his fingers. Berenice turned her head to look him in the eye. “I'd like to renew the offer.”
She heard a crude, cackling laugh crack through the silence of the Sept, and it was several moments before she realized it was she who was making the noise. It just bubbled up from inside her like blood from a gushing wound. “Are you mad?” she choked out. “Ahhhg, what fucking dreamwine have you been drinking to make you think that I would ever - ever - take you as a husband!”
Her uncle had a far-off look to him, heavy and bitter. “You are too much like your mother, you know that? You are both cruel fucking cunts with more pride than sense.” She could barely hear him over her own laughter. What a fucking hypocrite. Viserys stood up suddenly, or as suddenly as an old man could. As he walked off, he called to a Kingsguard, “I'm afraid my niece is mad with grief. Please make sure she makes it back to her chambers, Ser Staedmon.”
Left alone with the Stranger, Berenice continued to laugh, and laugh, and cry.
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chrrywvea · 2 months
okay i definitely need this
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requested by @icehooligan
Hello there!
It's been a while since my last request, which I still reread from time to time to be honest, with a warm heart! But I'd like to make a new one right now. It's also a bit of a specific thing. I think Steff would be a suitable character, just like last time. I was thinking of something where the Reader just finally got out of an emotionally draining, unstable relationship, and Steff, as a best friend who assisted through it all, steps up into a potential new partner while providing comfort. This would mean a lot to me. Thank you forward!
tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: mention of bad relationship, swearing
tapping my foot, I waited for steff to open the door. I looked at my watch and pressed the buzzer again.
“steff I know you’re in there. It’s me. Please let me in.” I said through the intercom. Eventually the door buzzed and I pushed into the house. I looked up the staircase and saw steff standing at the top of the stairs “hey. We need to talk.” Steff nodded and waved me up to him.
“What’s up?” He asked as I hugged him tightly instead. “What’s wrong?”
“it’s over.” I whispered. “It’s finally over. Officially. Forever.” Steff tangled his hand in my hair and leaned his head against mine.
“damn.” Steff breathed out. “Are we upset about this or…” I buried my face in steffs neck and he nodded. “Right. Little bit of both. Got it.” Prying me away from him, steff ushered me into his bedroom. “Folks will be home soon. Might as well stay out of the office.” I nodded and sat down on the bed.
“you know part of me can’t believe it’s over. Like after everything I went through, it doesn’t feel normal to come out the other side.” Steff adjusted the television set and looked at me over his shoulder.
“it probably won’t for a while.” He offered. I nodded, eyes focusing on the cartoons that started playing. I rolled my eyes.
“I thought you only watched this shit when you were high or drunk.” I teased. Steff flipped me off before climbing on the bed next to me. “To answer your question…I think I’m happy it’s over.” I said after a while of sitting shoulder to shoulder with him. “No more wondering how it’s going to go. If it’s a bad day or a good day. Trying to people please and make sure that I’m keeping the mood calm. The break ups the get back together. All that crap.” Steff looked over at me.
“you know I always supported you. No matter what.” He said. I nodded. “But can I finally be honest?” I nodded again. “You could do a hell of a lot better. And you deserve better too. Someone who won’t put you through that day in and day out. Someone stable. Or as stable as can be.”
“and where am I supposed to find someone like that?” I asked, tilting my head back against his headboard. Steff shuffled next to me and his face came into view.
“right here?” He offered. I stared at him for a second before laughing.
“really?” I asked, smiling up at him. Steff nodded slowly, disappointment clear on his face. He started to sit back when I grabbed his arm. “How long steff?” He shrugged.
“a few years now.” Steff muttered. “But hey that doesn’t matter. Clearly you don’t feel the same.” I tugged his arm and made him turn back towards me.
“I never said that.” I cocked my head at him. “I just never thought you would have a crush on me.” Steff breathed out a sigh. “You’ve always been there for me steff. And I appreciate that. Somewhere in all that happened, I think you became more than a friend. Without me knowing.” Steff smiled at me.
“So you’re saying there’s a chance?” He asked, tone turned playful again. I laughed again and leans against his shoulder.
“yeah. Eventually.” Steff leaned his head against mine and sighed happily. “I just need some time to mourn the good times I had. When I’m ready, I’ll let you know.” Steff leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a chaste kiss.
“take all the time you need. I’ll be here for you. No matter what.” Steff promised when he pulled away. He cupped my cheeks and rubbed his thumb across my cheekbone. “Even if you decide I’m not what you need. You’re stuck with me.” I laughed and pulled steff into another kiss.
“good. Because you’re stuck with me.” I assured him. “Thank you steff. You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for. And I’m sure you’re an even better boyfriend.” Steff blushed before pulling me into his chest while the door opened below us.
“only one way to find out babe.” He teased as we settled in to watch tv.
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saveferris · 2 years
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jezebel in hell
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jimmyspades · 7 months
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allmyandroids · 5 months
🖤 🩶 Mr. Carbon Black 🩶 🖤
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profeyandere · 1 month
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ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ↪ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴊᴀᴍᴇꜱ ꜱᴘᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ
ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏꜱ ↪ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.6ᴋ ↪ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ꜱᴛᴇꜰꜰ ᴍᴄᴋᴇᴇ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ↪ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴅɪꜱᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ, ᴍᴜᴛɪꜱᴍ
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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"I still do not understand."
That murmur coming from Steff caught the attention of Blane, his proclaimed best friend. When the second named stopped speaking due to the interruption of the first, while telling him about what he had done during the previous afternoon, he couldn't help but frown at the lack of respect, quickly calming down when he saw that Steff's eyes seemed fixed at a specific point, as if he was completely lost in his own world, then following the blonde's blue and lost gaze among the entire crowd in the courtyard, most of whom were around them to have a little of Steff's attention, causing him not to be able to recognize the person the blonde was looking at and who had caught his attention until his gaze met that charming young woman in baggy pants, that girl in his class who never raised her voice and never responded to no one's questions or to the sarcastic comments of some of her friends, who laughed at that moment and nodded at whatever her friend was telling her; From their place in the shade, near the stairs that led into the building, it was impossible for them to hear what you and your friend were talking or commenting on, but curiosity did not stop sparkling in the way a certain boy looked at you. In some way that Steff and Blane didn't understand, you had managed to catch the attention of the school's king out of all the girls he had ever met or were around him. It wasn't because you were an ugly or unpleasant girl that the surprise came up, but because you had never really been noticed, not even Blane, much less Steff, but you always seemed to be there, whether it was in history class, in the cafeteria eating your sandwich or in the library using one of the computers to finish some specific work; Much to their dismay, the reality was that they never noticed you, mainly because you had never spoken, at least while they were present. You were just another person, worldly and surrounded by a small bubble that kept you completely immersed in your world from which the only person who was next to you used to take you out. You also had a fairly normative beauty that didn't attract too much attention and, even so, you managed to steal the breath of the most popular boy in school by doing nothing; It was the honest truth, you had done nothing to get his attention and it was impressive.
"If it's any consolation, I don't understand it either," Blane said in response, looking back at his friend, noticing how he was frowning softly while moving his jaw slightly, a reflex action he did when he was thinking about something. "You could talk to her, you know? Girls don't bite you."
A small sly smile appeared on his face at the brunette's last statement. In reality, the girls literally bit him, but he knew that Blane was speaking figuratively at that moment.
"They don't usually leave a mark, so I'm not worried," Steff pointed out, causing Blane to frown at her suggestion. Do not look at me like that. "Besides, she should be the one approaching me, not the other way around. I'm Steff McKee, for God's sake. I'm not just any guy, I'm the most popular boy in the entire school, and I shouldn't be the one who approaches; I do not beg anyone."
Blane sighed again as he listened to him and saw how he pushed his chest forward as if he wanted to show his superiority and masculinity, but actually looked like a complete idiot by expecting others to be the ones who had to approach him to get attention. His friend was too proud to give in, even more so when it was a girl. Although, in reality, he had never seen him approach one directly or without any intention, that is true, they were always the ones who approached him and not the other way around and, when he approached them, they usually returned to him to have a little of "the McKee essence", as the blonde liked to call it. That situation was relatively strange but, as soon as Blane had thought about it for a few seconds, he quickly looked at him in surprise when he realized that he had already taken the step before.
"You've already talked to her before, that's why you're waiting for her to come to you," the brunette finally indicated, remaining speechless when he realized the reality that was enveloping them at that moment, being able to see how Steff finally looked away from you so you could focus on him as a way of telling him to shut up. "Go, talk to her, what are you going to lose?"
"I'm going to lose her pride if I get closer to her," the blonde responded instantly, shaking his head while a mocking and sly smile appeared on his face. "I refuse to make this any more embarrassing than it already is. I talked to her last week and do you know what she did? Ignore me. She looked at me, didn't say a single word, and then walked away as if nothing had happened. She did some strange things with her hands and vanished."
Blane frowned as he heard about his friend's experience with you. Actually, it was a little strange to approach someone and have them just gesture at you and then walk away without saying anything, but the more he thought about your attitude, the more strange and curious it seemed to him. They had never met someone like you, he had to give you some credit for that. You never talked to anyone, but you did make people laugh about something you did or said. You were more observant, you seemed to listen to people before doing anything else and, above all, you held their gaze for much longer, although you showed your mood in the way you -. Oh. Right. How had they not been able to see it before? Blane managed to capture it during a couple of minutes of reflection. Of course, you didn't talk, possibly you would never do it no matter how much people forced you to do so and you probably wouldn't accept or want to approach Steff because of some strange face he had made when you 'talked' to him.
"Steff, my goodness, what did she do when you approached her to talk to her?" The brunette asked, getting up from the step, shaking the dust off his light pants and adjusting the hem of his bottom while he felt like the most intelligent boy in the universe.
The aforementioned shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know," Steff responded with slight exhaustion, running a hand through his blonde hair in an exasperated manner. "I approached her, greeted her, told her how she was doing and then she started moving her hands and arms, she even gave me strange faces as if she were making fun of me. What do you want me to do? I was shocked, I thought something was happening to her, like a heart attack, and, when she stopped, she didn't do anything else, she just looked into my eyes as if she wanted to destroy me or something with a laser beam."
Steff's exaggeration did not take the brunette by surprise.
"Her friend wasn't with her, right?" Blane questioned again, receiving a quick denial from his friend, causing him to sigh. "Of course, you weren't going to understand it. Not you, not me, not anyone who doesn't know what he has or understand what he does. She gets up, let's go greet her, you'll see how now you understand her."
Steff, who was about to refuse to get up to continue the plan his friend had planned in just a few seconds, felt Blane's hand on his arm to lift him up, forcing him to do so with a strong tug before pushing him, and causing small stumbles, towards where you were with your friend on the other side of the basketball court under the shade provided by one of the pine trees in the patio. Luckily, Blane didn't have to try very hard to bring him with you because people were moving out of his way when they saw the king of the school emerge from the shadows to mingle with the crowd and because Steff's feet were moving quickly to meet you as if he truly had the illusion of being able to take him to the girl who had caught his attention so much.
You, on the other hand, were not aware of the approach of your two classmates, because you continued looking at your friend while she explained to you in detail everything that had happened, what she had experienced in her last chemistry class, mentioning how one the floor had fallen from the flasks because of some students who, laughing, had begun to push each other and one of them had caused the other's flask to fall; Due to clumsiness and poor use of chemical utensils in the laboratory, both were forced to pay an amount of money that they could not complain about. It was embarrassing enough to start arguing with the professor after the scandal they caused, so they didn't feed him and simply agreed to pay.
"Just by chance, have you pissed off Steff McKee?" Your friend asked, interrupting her own story, to which you could only frown before gently shaking your head, confused by her question. "Don't be alarmed, don't turn around abruptly, but he's coming this way and he doesn't seem to have a good face."
As the obedient woman that you were, for the sake of your friend's reputation, you slowly turned your head to see how, indeed, Steff McKee and Blane McDonagh were approaching you, the latter being the one who showed you a soft smile that he usually gave to everyone who approached him, while the first one kept his face serious, with the same grimace with which he looked at you the first and only time he spoke to you; It's not that it made you feel bad that he looked at you that way, far from it, you were already used to scaring people away or receiving looks like his.
"Good morning, girls." Blane greeted when they finally stopped, in front of you and your friend, standing next to each other, where the sun was shining on them. You gently tilted your head and then moved your hands with agility to return the greeting in the same way that your friend later did. "Is that how you say it? Good morning is it with those gestures?"
His question caught you by surprise and you couldn't help but nod your head softly.
"What?" Steff said, looking between Blane and you. "That's what she did to me the other time, those gestures. Why don't you speak? Don't make gestures, I didn't understand you and I don't understand you now."
The brown-haired boy looked at his friend and then sighed.
"Excuse him, he still doesn't know about your condition, your… Disability? Is it okay if I name it that way?" The boy questioned, causing you to nod again. Subsequently, the boy's blue gaze was placed on his friend again. "She's mute, Steff. She can't speak and, if she does, at least her sounds are not understandable."
Your gaze quickly met your friend's as a smile appeared on your face, you both already knew what you were referring to with that look. People, in general, used to look for the right words to explain your disability so as not to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad or displaced, but it only made you funnier when they tried to talk to you, even more, so a person like Steff or Blane.
"You understand my language?"
Steff's sudden question caused his friend's face to turn white and red with embarrassment, while you and your friend began to laugh loudly, even if yours wasn't a conventional laugh. Your friend's laugh was worth both of us, while you kept your hand over her mouth while you made similar, guttural noises that resembled a laugh. Steff, on the other hand, was confused and didn't understand anything.
"Of course, she understands our language, Steff," your friend murmured as she tried to catch her breath. "She is mute, not a foreigner," she continued, looking at you later when she saw that you started moving your hands again. "And she says that she finds you very funny, although she already had that impression the first time she saw you."
The blonde's face reddened gently and, as if it were a small child, he looked away before adjusting his hair, sighing later to look at you again with a slightly lopsided smile.
"Tell your friend that I didn't know about her… Lack of speech on her part," she commented with slight seriousness, although you didn't take him seriously when you saw him place his hands on his waist. "I thought that she was making fun of me or that she wanted to kill me with her eyes."
"She is mute, not deaf, she listens to you well." Your friend intervened again, now acting as an interpreter when she saw you move your hands towards Steff again, wanting to communicate with him, in some way. "That day she greeted you, introduced herself and asked you how you were, but since you didn't answer and you looked at her in that strange way, she decided to leave so as not to make you uncomfortable."
"Oh…" The blonde murmured, shrugging his shoulders as if he truly hadn't understood her, as was the real case with her. For a moment he was speechless as he realized a little of the reality of him, even if he didn't understand the disability you had. "It's just that I wanted to talk to you, nothing more."
Your friend, upon hearing his words, couldn't help but smile and she gave you a gentle pat on the back as encouragement while Blane, on the other hand, did the same with Steff. They were going to leave you alone and, no matter how much the blonde begged his friend with his eyes for him to stay or for your friend to be your interpreter, nothing helped. Steff wouldn't understand you no matter how much you moved your hands or your arms or made funny faces, or at least that's what I thought. You were aware of how hard it was for people to understand you, some didn't make much effort to learn sign language, but you wanted to give Steff a chance, so you took out a little notebook from your backpack and started writing in it.
"Don't worry, Steff, you're covered." You wrote in your notebook, smiling softly at him. You could see him move closer to you to read what you had written and, for a moment, you could see an attempt at a smile.
"Thank you, otherwise I wouldn't know how to talk to you or what to tell you," he said, ignoring how your friends had moved away to give you some privacy. Steff continued to watch you write something in your notebook, and when you pointed to the word and then to yourself, he realized it was your name. "I like it, it goes very well with you."
Even though you were a mute person, and there were several barriers between you, at that moment you felt that for the first time, there was someone who had broken them down. It didn't matter at that moment why he had wanted to approach you, all you knew was that it felt good to have someone else by your side to talk to.
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darby-rowe · 9 months
ok girl idk if you’re into age gap. but likeeee…. 18/19 year old reader fresh out of the academy and 29/30 year old, politician!coryo 🤭 hes experienced and SEXAYYYYY😫hes rougher than reader has ever had before with her little academy boyfriends and he LIVES for it. “none of your little flings could fuck you like this, could they?” and “you like it like this, don’t you? pretty little slut” 😩😩😩 i’m giggling so hard
OK OK OK OK WOW THIS IS SO HOT I LOVE A GOOD AGE GAP YUUUMMMM. kinda unrelated but my favorite age gap relationship to insert myself into is with bruce banner bc oh my god young lab intern x certified dilf bruce banner oh my goddddjfkdktgm im drooling
BUT ANYWAYS OK I HAVE A THOUGHT. idk if anyone here has seen the movie Secretary (2002) but it’s one of my fave movies of all time FRRR. think of it as like fifty shades of grey but A MILLION TIMES BETTER. maggie gyllenhaal and james spader are in it and they’re both so hot in it. but now im imagining lawyer!coryo and secretary!reader in this dom/sub relationship where he spanks her while she reads his letters and makes her deliver his mail to her while crawling on all fours BITCCHHH IM BLUSHINGNGNGNGNGMGKGKG
but to anyone who’s planning on watching this movie pls read any content warnings bc it does contain graphic scenes and mentions of self harm!
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girl-drink-drunk · 26 days
i'll watch the blacklist from time to very rare time and it's only for james spader and imagining raymond reddington running his criminal empire while looking like james spader at different points in his life. red looking like robert california. red looking like edward gray. red looking like james ballard. red as a young guy looking like steff from pretty in pink
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