#james spader fanfic
myveryownfanfiction · 16 days
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prompt from: @lostbetweenvampiresandmusic
prompt: “sorry it’s just — I thought you could use an umbrella”
requested by @illiana-mystery
tags: @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @lilyevans1
warnings: swearing
"Great." I groaned as I stood under the overhang of the hotel. "Just my luck." Rain was pouring down outside and I had read the wrong weather report. I had to be across town to meet with linguist in an hour. If the rain kept up, I wouldn't make it in time. I walked back over to the front desk and smiled at the receptionist. "Hi. I'm sorry. How much longer is it supposed to rain?" I asked.
"Oh. According to the report, it's supposed to keep up for most of the day." she said, smiling sadly at me. "I could call you a cab if you'd like." I shook my head and thanked her anyway.
"Damn." I breathed out as I drew my jacket tighter around me. I looked out at the bustling New York traffic as I thought about what I could do. I originally planned to take the subway but getting there was out of the question now. I didn't have the money to take a cab all the way there either. As I did the mental math to figure out if I would be able to afford a cab ride to the subway, a man in a hoodie and a windbreaker stepped up next to me. He pushed his blond hair out of his face and sighed as he looked out at the storm. I stepped out to hail a cab, shivering as the rain hit me. I sighed as each cab passed me by. Either they were already full or the driver didn't want to stop. An umbrella appeared above me and I squeaked when I turned around to see the man from before.
"Sorry. It's just -- I thought you could use an umbrella." He said softly, pushing his glasses back up. I wrapped my arms around me and nodded.
"Thanks." I said, teeth chattering softly. "Can't get a cab." I shrugged, looking over my shoulder as traffic slowed to a standstill. My body sagged as I realized even if I could get a cab, it would take twice as long to get to my destination now.
"Where are you headed?" The man asked as he shoved his free hand in his pocket.
"Cross town. I needed to get to Brooklyn." I said, eyeing the man slightly nervously. "I have a meeting with a colleague. He's supposed to translate something for me." The man nodded.
"I'm headed to my office in Brooklyn." He said. "It actually is just a few blocks over. Do you have the address?"
"Yeah." I said as I dug the letter out of my pocket and handed it to him. The man started laughing, holding it back out. "What? What's so funny?"
"Pleasure to meet you in person Dr. (Y/L/N)." He held out his free hand. "Dr. Daniel Jackson at your service. Your lecture on cross referencing texts was truly enlightening." My eyes went wide and I shook his hand.
"You're Daniel Jackson?" I asked in awe. Daniel nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. I was in your lecture earlier. About the pyramids..." Daniel gave me a small smile.
"Ah. Yes. That...lecture..." He shrugged before nodding towards the side. "Uh let's head over to my office. Well I say office..." He started walking and I moved closer to him to stay under the umbrella. "More like my apartment. That address I gave you was at the university. They uh fired me. Two days ago. I tried to send you something but I guess you were already here for the conference..." I nodded.
"I got here a week ago." I admitted. "I needed to meet with someone else. A Catherine Langford. She had a proposition about an artifact she wanted me to take a look at." Daniel chuckled.
"Me too. She caught me yesterday at the conference." He said. "What did you tell her?"
"I said I'd think about it." I said, moving closer as the people of New York darted past us to get out of the rain. Daniel noticed and offered me his arm. I took it and pressed as close as I dared to him. "What about you?"
"I said yes." He said. I stared at him in awe.
"On so little information about the artifact?" I asked. Daniel nodded. "Really?"
"What do I have left to lose?" He said with a sad smile. "I lost my job. I lost my grants. I'm about to lose my apartment. I have no reputation." Daniel chuckled. "Well I do have a reputation but it isn't a good one. So...yeah. I took the job without fully knowing what I got myself into."
"Wow." I breathed out. "I wish I was so brave." Daniel tugged me closer as a woman with a dog walked by.
"I wouldn't say brave." He said. "Brave is coming out here to New York just for me to translate something for a paper you are writing." I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at his words. "Brave is telling Catherine you would think about it before taking a jump that could potentially ruin your career. I'm most likely stupid."
"I wouldn't say that." I said, smiling softly at him as he led me into his apartment building. We parted as Daniel closed his umbrella. "I think there's something up there in that pretty head of yours that made you think this was a good idea." Daniel blushed at my words.
"Pretty?" He asked, smile growing as he took off his glasses to wipe the rain off them.
"Yeah." I nodded, shifting as I waited for him to lead me up to his apartment.
"Well I think you're pretty too." He said, cheeks turning even more pink. "Maybe once our professional relationship is over today, we could start on a more personal one?" I smiled as he offered me his hand.
"Sure." I said, taking it and following him upstairs. "I'd like that. Very much."
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robertismyboyfriend · 2 months
Sometimes I ask myself: Does James Spader know how many people are thirsty for him? Has he ever seen a sexy edit or read a fanfic?What would that be like?
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trishxtrix · 8 months
Just thought of something....idk if there are fics of this already (if there are can you pls give me the links). White Collar and The Blacklist crossovers or Hannibal (2013) and The Blacklist crossovers. Like the story is somewhat similar and I just want to see how Red would handle a very energetic and giddy Neal.
Or an au where instead of Neal having Adler, he was cultivated by Reddington
I also can’t think of a universe where Red doesn’t know about Hannibal. Hell I would even think that they’d make good friends.
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allmyandroids · 3 months
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he is soo sexy but also so very cute with his lil' halloween drink thihihi💞
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ash-eats-film · 5 months
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Didn’t read it, but the description is everything.
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doraminatook · 3 months
Uneasy is the Head (a fanfic)
Specifically, a Marvel fanfic.
Wanda is on the run AGAIN. Following the destruction at Kamar-Taj and Mount Wundagore, she is doing her best to just remain alive in the safety of anonymity. That is until an old enemy walks back into her life with a proposition.
Words: 7,735
Rating: Teen and up
Wanda knew what it was like to be on the run; if it wasn’t one form of government, it was another.  In many ways, this was nothing new to The Scarlet Witch, but the game had admittedly gotten significantly more difficult.  The longer she lived, the more enemies she seemed to amass and so with each year, her very existence became more and more precarious.  Where at first she was simply running from the corrupt politicians controlling Sokovia, now she had the added attention of the US government and the Masters of the Mystics Arts.  Of course, the latter was under the assumption that she was dead, and she wanted to keep it that way.  If they found out she had survived the collapse at Mount Wundagore, they would certainly make her death a reality.  And, truthfully, Wanda couldn’t really blame them.  
She wasn’t entirely sure what this new part of her life would look like; she’d burned so many bridges and had very few places to go.  It would have been easy for her to give into despair, and many times she did.  More than once, the pain had overtaken her again and she’d just laid down in the middle of the street, weeping uncontrollably.  Luckily, for her, Barcelona was a massive city with more displaced people than anywhere else in Europe.  When people saw a random woman lying in the streets, especially in the back alleys, they paid little attention.  Someone might attempt to rob her, but they only got as far as putting their hands on her before some strange magic came over them and they shuddered in silent pain.  The smart ones let go, but the idiots held on and soon joined Wanda on the ground.  Unlike The Scarlet Witch, however, they never got up again.  
After months of just wandering across Spain and Portugal, living off the charity of others and only occasionally stealing, Wanda had finally collected enough money to secure a tiny flat in the darkest corner of Barcelona.  It was a quiet, anonymous existence that included a part-time job as a waitress (where she went by the name Isla), trying desperately to learn Spanish as quickly as possible, and dyeing her infamous red hair a mousy brown every two weeks or so.  Once in a while Wanda would stick her neck out in order to break up a few human trafficking rings or surreptitiously send the abusive husband of her manager into a shark tank at Aquàrium Barcelona where he promptly drowned.  
Wanda had worried that Abril would be sad over the loss of her husband, as many victims of abusive relationships and Stockholm syndrome occasionally are, but time and a hefty life insurance policy in Daniel’s name proved to be good medicine for an aching heart.  Seeing her friend walk around with a newfound lease on life was almost enough to make Wanda forget…about everything.  Perhaps it was best if she did just forget; it wouldn’t have been the first time she’d attempted to leave Wanda Maximoff behind in favor of someone else: someone more normal and less complicated.  
But even if she had genuinely wanted to let it all go, the Darkhold’s stain across her hands were a constant reminder of who she was and what she had done.  She wore flesh-colored gloves whenever she was out in public and told elaborate stories about how she’d been burned in a car accident.  The gloves made her job at the diner difficult at times, but Abril and the rest of the staff had always been so courteous and accommodating towards “Isla” and her fictitious injury.  They were all so kind, and none of them had no idea what kind of monster she was.  
The only souvenir of her past life, save the blackened fingers, was a single photo: a precious relic that she only took out in her darkest of hours.  She hadn’t the foggiest idea of how, after everything, it had stayed both in one piece and in her possession, but she was grateful nonetheless.  While living on the street, Wanda had treated it like a holy grail, the single flame that kept her going merely because it reminded her of a simpler time when she had been truly happy.  Between The Blip, the Hex, and the Darkhold, it was sometimes difficult to sort out what was real and what had been magic, but the photo grounded her in many ways.  That had been real.  
It was taken in Prague: one of the many locations Steve had moved her to during Team Captain America ’s time as fugitives.  But the location was hardly the important aspect of the photo.  Yes, Charles Bridge was clearly featured in the background, but the focus was the bright-eyed and beaming Wanda with an arm wrapped around the torso of a tall, blonde-haired man who, in turn, had his willowy arm draped across her shoulder.  She was smiling winningly at the camera, held by a random stranger the pair had flagged down, but Vision’s gaze was entirely on Wanda.  It was one of those small moments one sees in movies: Vision sneaking an adoring look at the woman he loved.  To Wanda, they had just been posing beside some pretty bridge, but the man beside her had no interest in architecture.  The most beautiful thing in the world was Wanda, and he was unable to look away.  
Today, she needed to see the picture.  The night before had been plagued with the same old terrible nightmares and specters, and Wanda’s mental health necessitated a trip down memory lane.  She pulled open the drawer on her nightstand and dug a bit until she found the worn manilla envelope that served as the photo’s home.  She sighed with relief as she took in the image and ran a finger adoringly over Vision’s face.  It wasn’t just the fact that the print featured him but also that Wanda could clearly see the unaltered happiness in herself.  It all seemed like several lifetimes ago.  
This lifetime, however, would not wait.  She glanced at the clock on the wall and knew she had to go; Isla had work and Wanda had to be put aside for now.  
Want to read more? Check out my Archive of Our Own page at the link below
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thatnerdliv · 8 months
Okay yall here me out… if anyone out there that is reading this and writes fanfiction I need some of this!!! James Spader in the movie wolf as Stewart Swinton also it’s a really good movie if you haven’t seen it I recommend it 💯♥️♥️ thank you 😊 plus I feel like some spicy fics would work with this sexy man
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delulugirlisblogging · 4 months
I want a fangirl friend who writes fanfiction♡♡♡
we will talk about movies, series, books, favorite characters, our celebrity crushs (or real life crushs) favorite topics, our current obsessions and stuff like that.
Please text me if u interest♡
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alicent-boleyn · 1 month
Uncle Dearest
WORD COUNT: 902 words
SUMMARY: Berenice's last conversation with her uncle Viserys, 172 AC.
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Her uncle Viserys was a man of strikingly little personal religion. Of course, he kept with the Faith publicly, Westeros would not tolerate a king who didn't, but save the occasional visit on holidays and state occasions, Berenice has never seen her uncle cross the threshold of the Great Sept since Baelor died. This is all to say that when he knelt down in front of the Stranger's altar next to her the day after Visenya died, Berenice was surprised.
She doesn't know how to feel about her uncle. Visenya despised him, in that way you only despise someone you care for dearly. She ranted and raved about him when they fought, spitting venomous curses one moment and crying tender tears the next. He has betrayed me, she would say, though she could not (or would not) tell her daughter exactly how. In addition to this, Berenice couldn't forgive the marriage of Naerys and Aegon. That is the one thing she knew for certain about her feelings. Despite all of that, he was charming - and handsome, too. When you looked at Viserys, it was so easy to forget all your grievances and simply talk with him.
Berenice gave him a slight nod and a whispered greeting of, “Your Highness.”
“Please, niece, no need for formality with me.” Glancing up, he added, “Especially not before the great collector of souls we must all face one day.” He said this with a certain amount of dry humor, like he was saying something absurd to entertain a lady at dinner.
“I shall endeavor to remember that, Uncle.” She bit out the last word.
Viserys grabbed one of the provided tapers and lit it, placing it at the statue’s sandaled foot. He shifted a bit, placing his elbows on the arm rest just a hair's breadth away from hers. “Your mother's passing is a real loss to the royal family.” Berenice just barely restrained herself. You don't care about my mother. You didn't care while she was alive and you don't care now that she's gone. You fucking hypocrite.
“Thank you for your condolences, though perhaps they would be more welcome if any care was given to her while she yet lived.”
His face did not seem bothered by her words, though there was a faint tightening of his body language that betrayed him. “She was a difficult woman to love-”
“And you are a difficult man to hate, but she found the strength to do that anyway.” Mayhaps my mother was better than you that way.
Viserys shook his head, all of a sudden looking every one of his forty-nine years. After several heartbeats, he said, “Did you know I offered to marry you? To get you out of Baelor's prison?” Berenice kept her eyes trained on the candle flame in front of her. She had not known this, though that was not surprising; she was sure her mother hadn't told her many things.
“You had just turned six and ten, or maybe you were about to, I can't quite remember. Either way, I went to your mother and asked for your hand. Do you know what she did?” It was Berenice's turn to shake her head. “She spat at me, literally. Hocked a big gob of phlegm like a foot soldier, landed it right on my shoe. ‘That is what I think of you as a master for my daughter.’”
Berenice could hear her mother's voice in those words; she could hear it so clearly it brought tears to her eyes. She refused to let those tears fall in front of Viserys. “You're lucky then, uncle. She could have pulled a knife on you, like she did with my father.”
He laughed a hollow, ugly laugh at that. “It seems to me I was lucky, too, to avoid your unchecked mouth, niece. Such a quality does not suit a king's wife.”
“Good thing I am simply your niece, then.”
“Look at me, girl.” She refused. “Look. At. Me.” He flexed his hand, though it looked more like a spasm, like he wanted to grab her by the jaw and- and what? He wouldn't kiss her or hit her right in front of the gods, so what would he do with that hand? Viserys settled for tapping his fingers. Berenice turned her head to look him in the eye. “I'd like to renew the offer.”
She heard a crude, cackling laugh crack through the silence of the Sept, and it was several moments before she realized it was she who was making the noise. It just bubbled up from inside her like blood from a gushing wound. “Are you mad?” she choked out. “Ahhhg, what fucking dreamwine have you been drinking to make you think that I would ever - ever - take you as a husband!”
Her uncle had a far-off look to him, heavy and bitter. “You are too much like your mother, you know that? You are both cruel fucking cunts with more pride than sense.” She could barely hear him over her own laughter. What a fucking hypocrite. Viserys stood up suddenly, or as suddenly as an old man could. As he walked off, he called to a Kingsguard, “I'm afraid my niece is mad with grief. Please make sure she makes it back to her chambers, Ser Staedmon.”
Left alone with the Stranger, Berenice continued to laugh, and laugh, and cry.
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kafkaesquedyke · 8 months
actual fanfic I wrote for an honestly mediocre movie
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requested by @icehooligan
Hello there!
It's been a while since my last request, which I still reread from time to time to be honest, with a warm heart! But I'd like to make a new one right now. It's also a bit of a specific thing. I think Steff would be a suitable character, just like last time. I was thinking of something where the Reader just finally got out of an emotionally draining, unstable relationship, and Steff, as a best friend who assisted through it all, steps up into a potential new partner while providing comfort. This would mean a lot to me. Thank you forward!
tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: mention of bad relationship, swearing
tapping my foot, I waited for steff to open the door. I looked at my watch and pressed the buzzer again.
“steff I know you’re in there. It’s me. Please let me in.” I said through the intercom. Eventually the door buzzed and I pushed into the house. I looked up the staircase and saw steff standing at the top of the stairs “hey. We need to talk.” Steff nodded and waved me up to him.
“What’s up?” He asked as I hugged him tightly instead. “What’s wrong?”
“it’s over.” I whispered. “It’s finally over. Officially. Forever.” Steff tangled his hand in my hair and leaned his head against mine.
“damn.” Steff breathed out. “Are we upset about this or…” I buried my face in steffs neck and he nodded. “Right. Little bit of both. Got it.” Prying me away from him, steff ushered me into his bedroom. “Folks will be home soon. Might as well stay out of the office.” I nodded and sat down on the bed.
“you know part of me can’t believe it’s over. Like after everything I went through, it doesn’t feel normal to come out the other side.” Steff adjusted the television set and looked at me over his shoulder.
“it probably won’t for a while.” He offered. I nodded, eyes focusing on the cartoons that started playing. I rolled my eyes.
“I thought you only watched this shit when you were high or drunk.” I teased. Steff flipped me off before climbing on the bed next to me. “To answer your question…I think I’m happy it’s over.” I said after a while of sitting shoulder to shoulder with him. “No more wondering how it’s going to go. If it’s a bad day or a good day. Trying to people please and make sure that I’m keeping the mood calm. The break ups the get back together. All that crap.” Steff looked over at me.
“you know I always supported you. No matter what.” He said. I nodded. “But can I finally be honest?” I nodded again. “You could do a hell of a lot better. And you deserve better too. Someone who won’t put you through that day in and day out. Someone stable. Or as stable as can be.”
“and where am I supposed to find someone like that?” I asked, tilting my head back against his headboard. Steff shuffled next to me and his face came into view.
“right here?” He offered. I stared at him for a second before laughing.
“really?” I asked, smiling up at him. Steff nodded slowly, disappointment clear on his face. He started to sit back when I grabbed his arm. “How long steff?” He shrugged.
“a few years now.” Steff muttered. “But hey that doesn’t matter. Clearly you don’t feel the same.” I tugged his arm and made him turn back towards me.
“I never said that.” I cocked my head at him. “I just never thought you would have a crush on me.” Steff breathed out a sigh. “You’ve always been there for me steff. And I appreciate that. Somewhere in all that happened, I think you became more than a friend. Without me knowing.” Steff smiled at me.
“So you’re saying there’s a chance?” He asked, tone turned playful again. I laughed again and leans against his shoulder.
“yeah. Eventually.” Steff leaned his head against mine and sighed happily. “I just need some time to mourn the good times I had. When I’m ready, I’ll let you know.” Steff leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a chaste kiss.
“take all the time you need. I’ll be here for you. No matter what.” Steff promised when he pulled away. He cupped my cheeks and rubbed his thumb across my cheekbone. “Even if you decide I’m not what you need. You’re stuck with me.” I laughed and pulled steff into another kiss.
“good. Because you’re stuck with me.” I assured him. “Thank you steff. You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for. And I’m sure you’re an even better boyfriend.” Steff blushed before pulling me into his chest while the door opened below us.
“only one way to find out babe.” He teased as we settled in to watch tv.
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hoyalovesmeokno · 1 year
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rosncrntz · 2 years
Steff McKee, a pair of red panties, and the whole damn mess.
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shinobicyrus · 2 months
Old Bad Movies I Enjoyed Recently (And So Can You!)
TUFF TURF (1985) I am torn about Tuff Turf, because this short movie is confused in tone, bouncing between badly written romance, teen shenanigans like crashing the buffet tables of country clubs, rad rock concerts, and...oh... intimate partner violence and attempted murder. James Spader is a bicycle vigilante rocker who gets on the bad side of his new school's local bully/gang leader. Things do not improve when Spader also decides that he simply must charm said gang leader's girlfriend. What tension!
Honestly, the only reason this movie sticks with me is the presence of a young Robert Downey Jr, who is, I apologize to say, fucking hot. He plays the drums at a rock concert shirtless using handcuffs as belts for his leather pants. Look it up. Rather than the main romance, the more interesting chemistry is the friendship of RDJ's and Spader's characters (insert Ultron fanfic joke here), which borders on the intensely homoerotic. Really, Tuff Turf makes me yearn for a more interesting film that would have removed the "fighting over a girl" element of the story and just had RDJ and Spader as rad rocker/vigilante boyfriends partners.
IRON EAGLE (1986) This movie about fighter jets actually predates Top Gun by a few months - only instead of Tom Cruise and very heterosexual volleyball matches it's about a group of military brats living on a US Military base. The main character's dad is a pilot who was shot down over a non-specific (but definitely evil) Middle Eastern country, but since the mean adults don't want to do anything, it's up to the kids to steal an F-16 fighter jet and rescue him! This film is only the Purest 80s Reagan Americana where you get to see classic Teen Movie shenanigans evolve into "and then the main character committed war crimes."
A ridiculous, awful film. Did this movie change my life? Possibly.
AMERICA 3000 (1986) A strange, weird, absurd film set in the post apocalypse, where nuclear war has set humans back to the stone age and Amazon women rule over (mostly) intellectually inferior men. My friends and I couldn't decide whether the slang they invented and used copiously in this film was annoying or not. Hilariously, it being in the 80s, the dumbest thing about this whole film is that despite the tyrannical Amazons hating men and only reluctantly using them for breeding, this film also stubbornly refuses to acknowledge even a hint of the existence of homosexuality. Which is probably a blessing, to be honest.
I found it tolerably bizarre enough to watch. Once. Your results may vary.
HACKERS (1995) We now jump into the 90s, and have you heard of these new-fangled things called computers? Standing out as one of Angelie Jolie's earliest movies and a real breakout role for her (it's also where she meets her future ex-husband, Johnny Lee Miller - who most people on this site will recognize as Sherlock Holmes in Elementary). The movie is essentially about a group of high-school hackers with ridiculous handles who run afoul of a corporate conspiracy, are framed, and must dodge the Secret Service while trying to clear their names. But the plot doesn't really matter all that much. What makes this movie shine is the dialogue, the characters, the costumes, and the✨ vibes ✨. This movie is a cult classic for a reason, and the queer coding of all the hackers is undeniable to a modern audience.
It's not a good movie, but its imperfections are what make it so strange, hilarious, and unique. I felt the oddest sense of nostalgia watching this movie, despite the fact that the bizarre pseudo-futuristic world it depicts never actually existed. It made such an impression that I instantly acquired a physical copy of Hackers after my first viewing of it. Hack the Planet!
Space Truckers (1996) To round us off we have Dennis Hopper starring in this film with surprisingly good production values (for the time) failing utterly at everything it attempts to do. Ostensibly about down-to-earth (ha) blue collar space truckers just trying to make an honest living hauling goods across a solar system being increasingly corporatized and hostile to independent workers.
Throw in an evil corporation, space pirates, and a plot to overthrow earth's government with night-unstoppable killer robots, and you have all the elements for what could be a decent movie, but none of them really mesh and are soured by some pretty uncomfortable "romance" elements that have not aged well.
It's a movie that fails in so many ways, but it is at least interesting in its attempt. The people who made Space Truckers took a risk, and in this age of constant sequels and reboots even a failure like this feels...refreshing.
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scuddish · 2 years
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forever in my benicio del toro & norman reedus brain rot eras. vampires, werewolves, too many slashers, the color green, sweet & dark scents, psychological horror & crime films, people who reblog posts & talk in the tags (ferally, i hope)!!!
DISCLAIMER: multifandom. i have new hyperfixations/favs very often. i talk in the tags of my posts on tumblr. i’m inactive sometimes (most of the time). i love chatting with others but may quiet down often, dm me here on tumblr if my responses are slow or i don't respond lmao. i tend to block blank blogs & prefer to only be followed by 18+ due to mature content i may post/reblog!
REGULARLY FIXATED ON: daniel brühl, tim roth, boyd holbrook, garrett hedlund, owen teague, sam riley, norman reedus, alan cumming, & cary elwes.
TAG ME IN: anything vampires, werewolves, horror, slashers, any of the men above, caleb landry jones, eamon farren, adam rodriguez, timothy olyphant, jeremy sisto, tommy flanagan, willem dafoe, donald glover, will poulter, lou diamond phillips, domhnall gleeson, nicholas cirillo, scott speedman, michael shannon, mads mikkelsen, james spader, kiefer sutherland, daniel-day lewis & or anyone you see me reblog about lmao. i love women too i swear...
TRACKING: #USERSCUDDISH, feel free to tag me in edits, gifsets, fanfics, etc. even if we aren’t mutuals! you can also tag me on instagram if you post edits/fancams there!
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kelleah-meah · 1 year
How I spent my 2023 Summer Solstice celebration
As expected, my plans for celebrating midsummer didn't pan out as I thought they might. But that doesn't mean that I didn't have a good summer solstice.
I'm technically still celebrating, but I have to balance it with a substantial to-do list over the next 3 days. Sooooo ... business as usual. 😉
On a slightly serious note, part of my physical recovery journey has been to learn to let go and let things flow as they may. So if my plans don't develop as I hoped, I've learned that they will develop at a pace that is meant for me. #slowliving
Anyway, back to what I got up to for June 21st:
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Now to be fair, this photo was from Tuesday, when I made honey cakes for the holiday. The cakes didn't turn out as sweet as I would've liked, but it was still nice to take a moment and bake something from scratch.
So I made the honey cakes the day before, which left my schedule open a bit for Wednesday morning. With that in mind, I was lucky enough to catch the sunrise on the East Coast at 5:25am. And it was glorious! Seriously, my photos don't do it any justice.
After I finished oohing and aahing, I took my butt back to bed since I'm still on short-term medical leave and I didn't have to go into work this week.
That extra hour or two of sleep coupled with the hour or so of reading fanfiction (it was Leverage fanfic, in case you were wondering), gave me a wonderfully even tempered morning that I really appreciated. Then, it was off to getting ready for the day, chatting with my mom on the phone, and preparing for a work-related Zoom call.
Before my call, I managed to have just enough time to cook a mushroom omelette to pair with my toast and morning tea. After the call, I gave myself the space to sit down, meditate, read from the Tao, and do an annual Summer Solstice tarot reading. I thought the messaging was quite honest.
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Here's what it told me:
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What should I leave in the darkness with this solstice? 7 of Wands
What new beginning is waiting for me this summer? Page of Cups
What can I find joy in this season? 4 of Cups
What is the general theme of this season for me? The Hermit
How can I celebrate and enjoy this solstice? Temperance
A message from my guides and mother earth. 7 of Cups
Afterwards, I did a little housecleaning and took care of a few bills, because getting my finances and house more in order were a part of my new year's resolutions.
Then came lunch ...
It was nothing fancy, but I liked it and it was homemade.
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I enjoyed a fresh spinach salad with tomatoes and mushrooms, pasta with basil and diced tomatoes, a honey cake, and fresh lavender lemonade.
Afterwards, I took a much-needed nap. And followed that up with a walk to the park as the sun was slowly setting.
Then came cooking dinner and watching a much-maligned film while I ate it. The film was Supernova starring James Spader and Angela Bassett. And yes, it was indeed ... not good. Solid cast though. Robert Forster, Lou Diamond Phillips, Wilson Cruz and Robin Tunney. But yeah, it wasn't good. James Spader looked really hot though. And of course, Ms. Bassett looked amazing.
Anyway, for dessert, I also enjoyed another honey cake, but this time I mixed it with chopped pineapple to help sweeten the confection. I think it turned out pretty well. Or at least, it's how I'm going to eat the rest of them going forward.
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The pineapple also corresponds with the colors of the solstice, I think. So yay me for staying on theme. 🤗
By then, I was pretty tired and decided to call it a night. I didn't have the energy to read, dance or paint, but that's ok. As I said before, let it go and let it flow.
And that's how I celebrated the summer solstice. 🌻
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