#jamie adams
ybon-paramoux · 2 years
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Jamie Adams  - Two Friends Niagara Lounge
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honeyxmonkey · 5 months
Jamie Adams, son of Skrael
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My skrunkly little ice prince bebe
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naked-atelier · 2 years
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Jamie Adams, 2009
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dearly · 5 months
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SHE IS LOVE (2022)
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dev-solovey · 9 months
what kind of homeland security threat did the mythbusters accidentally discover????
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widgenstain · 8 months
Literally a day after I said that Lucas looks like Luca Marinelli and James had made a hot French baby. Noice!
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genderflu1dwh0r · 3 months
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blairpfaff · 4 months
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thepeoplesmovies · 2 years
Old Flames Reignited In UK Trailer For She Is Love
Old Flames Reignited In UK Trailer For She Is Love #LIFF2022 #SheIsLove #JamieAdams #HayleyBennett #SamReilly @SignatureEntUK
Former lovers reconnect in Jamie Adams romantic indie drama She Is Love. Ahead of it’s World Premiere this week, Signature Entertainment release the UK Trailer. Love is  tender, funny, beautiful, unfair, painful and reckless for Hayley Bennett and Sam Reilly. Sometimes those unexpected ‘bumping into’ old partners are worth it. Other times they are awkward like in this film when Patricia (Bennett)…
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unpretty · 8 months
the actual best episode of mythbusters was the one where an elephant was actually scared of a mouse and a bull in a china shop didn't break a goddamn thing
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
Jamie... because I don't draw him enough
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I love him so much
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martiny0rk · 4 months
The ways they show affection
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Lukas Dostal
-wakes you up with coffee
->come into your guys shared room.
->place a few kisses on your head helping you sit up handing you coffee either from your favorite place or some made at home if you are up when he’s getting ready for practice
-giving you all of his attention
->always loves to hear about your day or any new gossip you have learned
->would never tell you that he loves hearing the gossip but just loves seeing your eyes light up as you tell him all that’s going on at work
-always orders food if you say no
->He always makes sure to get extra food so you can have some too and that you never getting hungry and not have some food at home
-takes you to skate
->he loves skating with you as it’s his to favorite things and you both can just enjoy being on the ice together and can talk about things
-always text you reminds about things
->oh you’ve got a doctor appointment? He’s already texted you remind you. Have you drink any water today? Did you take your medicine? I love you.
->thoses are some of the things he would text you
Jamie Drysdale
- wearing a simple bracelet around his wrist for when you get nervous
->he’d notice how you would play with his fingers or like play with his arm hair when you are nervous so started wearing a bracelet around his wrist so you could play with it.
-always stands up for you
-whether it be you getting uncomfortable in a conversation or not wanting to face conflict. He’d get out of his way and push past his own anxiety to help you.
-deep conversations
->he loves when you both can just sit on the porch drinking a new bottle of wine he had gotten and talk about the future of your relationship or how you both are feeling mentally
-always does something out of the blue
->writing little letter to you,sending little voice messages about how much he loves you or taking you out on a random date
-complimenting you
->he always makes sure to compliment you everyday to make sure you know you are loved and special to him
Cole Caufield
-lets you wear his shoes when your heels get uncomfortable
->you both would be walking out of a club or something and he’d notice that your feet would start to bother you so he kindly offers you his shoes to which he has to insist on
->he would carry your heels and walk barefoot with you back to the car happy that you aren’t in pain
->he never would say no to traded shoes as he just wants you to be comfortable
-wears a bracelet you made him around his wrist
->he nearly cried when he found out you made him a little bracelet out of some of your old beads you had
->never takes it off as it’s a good luck charm now and always kisses it before putting it back on his wrist to go play a game
-always buys you alittle something every where he goes
->if he’s playing an away game he’d go and buy you something like a charm or something in the city that reminds you of the city he went to
-always reassuring you
->if you ever feel insecure? He’s your hype man
->always makes sure that your smiling around him and always tries to keep that frown upside down
-always tries to keep things positive around you
->he’s your sunshine. if you ever down he tries to pick you back up and wipe you off. Always makes sure your happy wither it’s cracking a joke or making a fool of himself always tries to keep a smile on your face
Adam Fantilli
-keeping a pad/tampon in his wallet for you
->always has one of him if you ever need it. he keeps both in there as he never remembers what you use but just keeps it on him
-spraying his cologne on your teddy bear when he has to leave
->he had gotten you a teddy bear with a umich shirt on it and he sprays it so you can cuddle it and know he loves you
->it even has a button on it that you can press and it says “I love you princess”
-wears a dog tag around his neck that has “I love you” engraved in your hand writing on it
->never takes it off and always wears it. You had gotten it for his 19th birthday and now calls it his lucky charm
-has a playlist made for you
->he had a made a playlist of songs that would remind you of him and that remind you that he’s all ways there for you and loves you.
-lets you rant
->he even if he has something big coming up would stay up with you after a game to listen to all of the stuff that is bothering you or is coming up.
Luca Fantilli
-kissing you every time you pout
->he’d jokely say no to something like going to get ice cream and you’d put on a fake pout to which he’d kiss and say “I’m just kidding baby”
->every time he sees even a small pout on your lips he’d kiss it
-love letters to the max
->he’d leave small letters in your car,backpack,your sports bag and dorm
->he just wants you to have something that you can take with you to remind you that he loves you and sometimes it’s just even a small smiley face saying “thinking of you”
-smacking your butt
->if you watch out for booty man.
->in a loving way if your walking up the stairs or in front of him he’d give your butt a squish to remind you that he’s there
-putting his head on your boobs
->He started doing it more when you got pregnant with your guys first kid and would always keep his head on your chest and a hand on your bump rubbing it.
-keeping a hair tie around his wrist
->he always has one around his wrist which comes in handy sometimes if you ever need your hair pulled back
Nico Hischier
-keeps eyes on you at all times
->wether you are cooking or out in public he always keeps an eye on you in a protective way making sure nothing happens to you.
->as he knows the dangers of Newark and the area of the city and he also doesn’t want you to silp up and accidentally cut yourself without him knowing
-braiding your hair
->he started doing it by himself but was worried he would tangle your hair so he asked you to teach him
->now anytime your sick or need your hair up he would braid it. Also has started watching YouTube videos on more ways to braid it
-puts his beanie on your head
->if he notices your ears even getting a hint of red in color he’s will take his beanie off his head putting it on yours and says “shush just wear it”
-writes your initial on his stick
->always after you both started getting serious he started putting your first and last letter on his stick with a heart as he thinks it would bring him more good luck
-always checks up on you
->wether it’s a small message or a 10 minute call every day he makes sure you are okay and doing okay
Jack Hughes
-covering corners when you lean over
->he’s like a slient protector. If you ask him about it he wouldn’t know what your talking about but he would always cover corners so you wouldn’t hit your head
-warms up a towel for you
->anytime your about to shower or in the shower he always makes sure to throw your towel in the dryer so it’s nice and warm when you come out.
-cooks for you
->from the articles it’s says that Jack is a good cook so he takes his chief abilities and makes you dinner when ever he can
->learns how to cook your favorite meal and cooks it for you every now and then
-being your cheerleader
-> he always has someone shouting for him including you but he wanted to be shouter for once and always cheers you on in anything you do whether it’s your job or just working out
-always sending you good morning and good night text
-if he’s not home he always makes sure to tell you good morning and night with a heart and I love you with it
Luke Hughes
-always has your favorite snacks at his place (Jack’s)
->literally has a sticky note on the snacks that say “don’t touch theses are for y/n”
->always makes sure you are fed and happy
-showers you with compliments
->he always reminds you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you
->always is holding you close and just keeping you close
->is strong cuddler and just knowing you are right by him gives him peace of mine
-compromising with you
->is always open to hearing your side before barking down the bush with you and never wants to upset you with arguing
-scratching your back
->every night before you fall asleep you always fell him start to scratch your back to help you fall asleep
Quinn Hughes
- definitely a play fighter
->you both would be cuddling then he’d start tickling you which would turn into you both play fighting and him just loving at you with loving eyes.
-always tries to make time with you
->he’s a busy man with being captain and everything so he always try to find ways to spend time with you
-reading with you
->would let you lay your head in his lap as he read the new book he had bought to you
-buys you different rings from stores he goes to
->he buys a ring for you in all the different places he goes so it would be like you went there with him
-has a keychain of your initials on his keys
->it’s a small way of him showing you that you have his heart
Maveric Lamoureux
-leans down to hear you
-> he’s a tall dude
->so he has to lean down to hear you which makes you blushy which he finds cute but he also thinks communication is important so to him leaning down to hear you is a way of showing he love you
-buys you new flowers every week
->always likes to get you fresh flowers. It’s a little thing he started when you both got serious and he’s continues to do it. It has now became a tradition
-rest his elbow on your head
->he does this to annoy you because he loves seeing the way your face goes and also a way of showing he is by your side
-translate different items or conversations
->if you are around him when he is talking to someone in French he would take his time to translate it all for you or if your in a all French grocery store he would translate the items for you
-leaves cute little sticky note affirmations on your stuffs
->leaves sticky notes everywhere so you know how beautiful and special you are
Mason Mctavish
-remembers the small things
->he reminds when you both first met and the place where you met. When he first asked you out.
-sitting with you in the mornings
-> his mornings are usually pretty busy but always tries to find time with you in the morning just to go over what you both are doing that day
-sleeps by the door
->always tries to make sure you are safe and makes sure you know that he will protect you and one the ways he shows you that is by sleeping near the door
-kisses you every time you walk by
->every time he sees you or goes near you he will kiss you on the lips with a big smile
-gives you space when you need it
->always can tell if something going on and you need space
Fraser Minten
-holding hands
->would kiss your knuckles one by one looking up at you with a soft smile before he starts driving
->while driving or walking around he’d subconsciously rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
-talking with you at late nights when you can’t sleep
->he’d always stay up with you talking random things or tell you how the game went if your still up and can’t sleep at night
->he’d tell you random stories or memories he had as a kid
-putting a blanket over when he finds you asleep
->he’d come back home from a late game to find you sleeping on the couch and would put a blanket over you
->anytime he finds you sleeping on the couch he’d put a blanket over you
-feeding you
->if you are sick or tired and had eating anything he’d sit there and feed you every last bite of what you have to eat as he doesn’t want you to get sick or sicker from not eating
-wears a chain around his neck that has your lucky number
->the number reminds him of you and the necklace has now became his lucky charm and it always reminds him he has you to come home to.
Juraj Slafkovsky
-patting your head
->if your shorter than him he likes to just pat you on the head when he sees you doing something like homework and cooking dinner instead of wrapping his arms around your waist
-washing your hair
->he enjoys washing your hair especially when he knows it relaxes you and gently scratches your scalp too.
-teaching you sovak
->He noticed how you were trying to learn it on your own so you could talk with him more so he started to teach you.
->he would say something in sovak and then make you point at what he meant
-sitting with you and telling you stories
->he tells you about his hometown and how he’d love for one day that he could bring you there
-late night ice cream
->once you both moved in together is when you both started to have a late night ice cream run definitely when he is home
Jeremy Swayman
-cleans with you
->if he ever comes home to you cleaning he would throw on some music and start helping you clean
-always has a hand or arm on you or around you
->he always keeps a arm around you to keep you safe when you both are in public and even when not in public always has his arms around you
-gives you hugs and kisses through out the day
->if he doesn’t get his morning kiss from you he’s a grumpy man
->always loves giving you Hugs and kisses
-gives you his full attention
->will sit there and listen to your day and just nods his head until you want him to speak
-always says thank you to you
->wether it be you cooking dinner or just telling you how much you appreciate him he always says thank you
Trevor Zegras
-has a nighttime routine with you
->whenever it’s a home game and he can come back to you you both have a routine you both do together.
->a shower together then skin care and then you both talk about eachother days together
-will pull you into his lap and tell you he loves you
->he would do it right in front of the boys and not afraid to show affection to you even when around the boys
-Surprise you With a Fun Activity he doesnt Normally Do
->would bring you to a movie theater out of nowhere or go to the park and plays on the playground with you like little kids
-always randomly squishing your face
->when you pout your face gets squish. when you just smile at him? Your face gets squished.
-has his favorite picture of you in his wallet
->the picture is from your guys first date and he keeps it on him to remind him how lucky he is to have you
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diorsluv · 4 months
feather , part 32
“ you miss me? ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 237,966 others
yourusername hughes appreciation post has come! (they wouldn’t leave me alone until i swore i would do it)
tagged: jackhughes, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes
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mackie.samo when did luke let you put flowers in his hair??
→ yourusername senior year 🙏🙏
→ lhughes_06 IT WAS FOR PROM OKAY
→ mackie.samo awww were you each others’ prom date??
→ yourusername yes 🙄
→ edwards.73 YOU OWE ME $50 mackie.samo
→ lhughes_06 you guys bet on us going to prom together??? a year after prom??
→ markestapa yes
username44 luke’s second pic 🥰
username98 OH MY GOD QUINNN
→ yourusername THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING
markestapa that pasta was fire esp with the cheese on top
→ yourusername mark.. we don’t have cheese
→ trevorzegras LMFAOOOO
→ jackhughes I DON’T HAVE DANDRUFF
→ colecaufield explain the “cheese” 🤨 jackhughes
→ jackhughes no further comment.
_quinnhughes hey wait my pics aren’t bad
→ yourusername EXACTLY I’M NOT THAT MEAN
→ yourusername i mean i still like the canadiens better but I’M NOT MEAN 🙏
→ _quinnhughes oh 😒
→ colecaufield WOOOOO
→ yourusername GO HABS 😈😈
rutgermcgroarty i’m surprised jack was able to carry you
→ jackhughes are you calling me weak
→ yourusername are you calling me hard to carry
→ rutgermcgroarty wait no i was just saying yk bc i had to carry you and i was struggling but only a bit and not because you’re hard to carry or anything 😰😰
→ adamfantilli bro can’t stop yapping
→ jackhughes maybe you’re just weak
→ yourusername maybe you’re the one that just can’t carry me
→ rutgermcgroarty stop teaming up on me 😕
lhughes_06 i’m looking pretty cute here
→ dylanduke25 yes you are 😘
→ markestapa cutest hughes brother 🙌
→ mackie.samo such a pretty princess 🥰
→ edwards.73 my little cutie patootie 😻
→ lhughes_06 oh mackie.samo edwards.73
→ yourusername even tho ur my bsf i’m gonna have to say my bf is cuter
→ lhughes_06 sad to say you’re not wrong 😔
username31 girl i need to know and i need to know now
_alexturcotte now that i think about it you only have quinn and jack’s jerseys
→ yourusername i have luke’s michigan jersey 😔
→ lhughes_06 WHAT i thought i sent you mine already
→ yourusername it’s okay lukey you’re fine if i just wear quinn’s right 😁
→ trevorzegras damn lil drizz i see you (you’re not slick i know what you’re doing)
→ lhughes_06 i wanna see my name and number on your back yourusername
→ yourusername i mean.. technically it is your name and number on my back 🤗🤗
→ lhughes_06 stfu 🙄🙄
→ yourusername shutting the fuck up 😕
→ lhughes_06 i better see you wearing a DEVILS jersey with my name before the next game
→ yourusername yes sir 🫡
→ _alexturcotte what the hell did i just do 😨
luca.fantilli fantilli appreciation post??
→ yourusername OH MY GOD LEAVE ME ALONE
→ adamfantilli do you not appreciate us ☹️
→ yourusername yes i appreciate you adam
→ luca.fantilli how much
→ yourusername very much
→ luca.fantilli enough to dedicate a whole post to us?
→ yourusername enough for you to not need a post that tells you how much i appreciate you 🙄
→ jackhughes stop stealing the spotlight guys
→ lhughes_06 fr she never appreciates us
→ _quinnhughes exactly
→ mackie.samo could never be us 🥱
→ maddy.samo say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️
→ msamoskevich she loves us more than all of you
→ colecaufield why are 3 families fighting over her
→ dylanduke25 CAN WE JOIN
→ tyler___duke5 IM READY TO FIGHT
→ trevorzegras dude come here griffinzegras
→ yourusername what the actual fuck
username74 all of them won the gene race wtf
colecaufield jack isn’t really doing it for me in that 2nd photo…
→ yourusername when is he ever doing it for you
→ colecaufield you’re right
→ jackhughes HEY this is supposed to be an appreciation post not a “let’s bully jack” post
→ _alexturcotte let’s bully jack
username90 pretty prettier and prettiest
username55 i have a hunch she’s doing this to throw us off even more
→ username36 i have a hunch she’s been doing this for way longer
trevorzegras why is luke’s kind of…
→ yourusername right 🤭
→ trevorzegras i meant in a bad way
→ yourusername oh
→ lhughes_06 how did you manage to turn this post into a weapon against us 😡
→ adamfantilli someone help luke’s talking like a fanfiction writer again
→ lhughes_06 I AM NOT
adamfantilli drysdale siblings try not to neglect us challenge go!
→ yourusername WHAT i don’t neglect you
→ luca.fantilli YES YOU DO
→ jamie.drysdale why did you have to rope me into this 😒
username11 fun fact guys it’s luke 😍😍
→ username79 wbk
→ username60 tell us something we don’t know
username23 they all look so ethereal
dylanduke25 won’t your bf be jealous that you keep posting these hotties
→ yourusername no bc they’re not hotties 🥰
→ _quinnhughes rude yourusername
→ lhughes_06 exactly i can’t believe he hasn’t gone insane yet
→ jackhughes we’re too 🔥
mackie.samo i heard from a little birdie that you’re not slick ‼️
→ yourusername i’m the slickest wym
→ yourusername they can’t sniff me out 🗣️🗣️
→ mackie.samo stfu ur so obvious
→ markestapa like you’re really obvious it’s embarrassing
→ dylanduke25 fr
→ edwards.73 stop lying to yourself
→ adamfantilli we could tell wayyyyy before you even started dating
→ yourusername 😔
username35 what are they saying in mackie’s replies 🤯
username47 i could bet anyone 1k IN CASH that they’re dating and i know i would win
username81 waiting for the day she posts bad luke pics
→ yourusername not possible!
username1 yall i swear to god i saw her on a date with him yesterday
jamie.drysdale i can’t believe you appreciate them more than you appreciate me
→ yourusername NOT TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale YES TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale THAT’S NOT ENOUGH
→ yourusername you’re so needy 😒
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, colecaufield, and 200,219 others
yourusername HELLO KITTY ☺️
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rutgermcgroarty i thought you were done with all your food posts
→ yourusername would you rather have me post my “lovesick” posts again
→ rutgermcgroarty i mean technically he’s still in the post
→ yourusername uh huh keep talking i dare you
→ yourusername mhm 🤨
username25 THE PIZZA???
_quinnhughes i was really hoping your hello kitty obsession fully died down
→ yourusername NEVERRR
jackhughes you haven’t posted ONE post without a picture of your bf since you got together
→ yourusername YES I HAVE
→ colecaufield no tf you haven’t
→ yourusername i’m sorry i love him too much 😞
→ luca.fantilli ick yourusername
→ markestapa DUKER STOP
→ lhughes_06 aw that’s cute yourusername
username77 if jack said she hasn’t posted without a pic of her bf and last post ONLY had him and his brothers…….
→ username68 waiting for the day y’all stop acting like we all don’t know it’s lukey pooks
dylanduke25 when did he learn how to braid
→ yourusername when we were younger and i forced him to learn how to do my hair 🤗🤗
→ dylanduke25 AND I JUST FOUND THIS OUT?
→ _alexturcotte you’re late bro
→ jackhughes i’ve walked into his room one too many times and seen him braiding her hair
→ _quinnhughes you’re not helping his case 😭
edwards.73 your hair is so greasy
→ yourusername no it’s not yours is
→ edwards.73 if you stepped out into the sun rn you would be able to hear your hair sizzling
→ yourusername i could cook a whole five course meal from the amount of grease in your hair
→ yourusername he can’t think of a better comeback 🥱🥱
liked by yourusername
username91 hello kitty x dominos collab when 😱
username4 my foodie twinnem
lhughes_06 did you buy the pizzas?
→ yourusername no i baked them with my boyfriend 🥰
→ lhughes_06 he must be a REALLY good cook then
→ yourusername no actually he sucks ass and he almost burnt the kitchen down ‼️‼️
→ lhughes_06 oh 😐
colecaufield donuts 🤤🤤
→ yourusername is that all you got from this post
→ colecaufield DONUTS 🙂
_alexturcotte pizza 🤤🤤
→ yourusername did you two copy and paste your comments
→ _alexturcotte PIZZA 🙂
trevorzegras luke 🤤🤤
this comment has been deleted
trevorzegras your bf 🤤🤤
→ yourusername ZEGRAS I SWEAR
→ trevorzegras YOUR BF 🙂
→ yourusername next time i see you it’s on sight
luca.fantilli tell your little boyfriend that he needs to stop letting you steal him from us when you’re around
→ yourusername let’s be so honest i’ve always stolen him from you when i was around 🙄🙄
→ luca.fantilli EXACTLY SO TELL HIM
→ yourusername tell him yourself 🤬
→ lhughes_06 luca if i didn’t know any better i’d say you’re jealous
→ luca.fantilli i take it all back
jamie.drysdale you said you stopped liking hello kitty when you were 9 😐😐
→ jamie.drysdale you know when.
→ yourusername no i don’t?????
→ jamie.drysdale YES YOU DO
username41 we’ve been stuck in soft launch era for TOO LONG
username26 girl i love you but PLEASE JUST GIVE US CONFIRMATION
→ yourusername mark babe there’s a lot of shirts
→ yourusername NO??
→ markestapa IT’S SO FUNNY
→ yourusername you’re the type of guy to laugh at a hello titty shirt 😐
maddysamo i miss you 😞
→ mackie.samo BACK TF UP
→ yourusername I MISS YOU MORE
→ jackhughes oh my god get away
→ lhughes_06 you’re so defensive jack
→ dylanduke25 you’re one to talk lhughes_06
adamfantilli the frosting on the donuts kind of look like glue
→ yourusername throwback to your glue eating era ⁉️
→ yourusername high school sophomore eating liquid glue 😱😱
→ adamfantilli LITERALLY SHUT UP
→ lhughes_06 LMAOOO
→ yourusername don’t act like you didn’t eat glue all of your elementary school career luke
→ lhughes_06 oh 🙃
username21 hard launch when 🙁🙁
→ username59 apparently fucking never
username77 by the time they hard launch they’ll already be married with three kids and another one in the oven
liked by yourusername
→ username44 OMG SHE LIKED IT??
mackie.samo TECHNICALLY he forgot to braid and i taught him how to do it again
→ yourusername no go ahead take all the credit 🙄
→ lhughes_06 🫤🫤
→ rutgermcgroarty 🤓
→ markestapa ACKSHUALLY
→ edwards.73 nerd alerttttt 🚨🚨🚨
→ mackie.samo okay hate on me then 😒
next chapter notes ) i’ve gotten to the point where i’m posting once in a blue moon but at the same time i’ve literally been procastinating in every aspect of my life (i just spent 3 hours on one class’ assignments) anyways THE HARD LAUNCH IS COMING SOON 🫢🫢 not proofread ‼️
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys@loveforaugust@cstads-blog@h0e4fictionalme-n
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking of demon! Adam going through development and reaching the point of like,, doing something nice without anyone telling him to do it, purely for the sake of doing it. Something he never would have done before. Even if it’s something as small as sitting down with you while you’re watching your favorite movie or show and not shitting on it the whole time, just to keep you company. Or something like that. I dunno. I’m just a sucker for slow burn subtextual romance.
THAT, and the reader seeing his face beneath the mask, looking him the eyes, and smiling a little. Even if they say nothing. I feel like that would stick with him.
Exactly. Demon!Adam lives in my head rent free now. I know this weren't a request of sorts but I kinda wrote something for this
random ficlet below
Demon!Adam x GN!reader (Fluff)
DemonSinner!Adam is something that plays on my mind a lot. He still doesn’t believe in the whole redemption shit that Charlie is laying down but if it gets him a glimpse of seeing heaven again he is willing to try.
Adam was bored and needed something to do that would put off the inevitable “therapy” session with Lucifer’s brat later. So that must be why he finds himself outside your room. He knocks lightly on your door. You didn’t answer, he knocked again louder this time. Still no answer. So he opens the door and peers in.
“Hey errr (Y/n) Charlie asked me to check on you.” A blatant lie but he won’t tell you that.
He sees you’re watching TV.
“Huh? What no shitty nickname this time?” You mumbled around a mouthful of popcorn. Adam walks over and flops down on the couch next to you.
“Oh yeah, nah I didn’t really feel like it.” He grabs a handful of your popcorn.
You quirk a brow.
“Also Charlie said nooo giving nicknames to people that demean them and also who don’t want it and people were given names to be used blah blah blah.” He shoves the popcorn into his mouth. “So what are we watchin?”
“I'm watching a movie I really like so if you're staying either shut up or fuck off.” You sink back into your blanket cocoon.
*10 minutes later*
“What the fuck! This guy clearly likes her but she goes for the other bozo. Is she blind . . . . as well as ya know hot.”
You choke on your drink. You didn’t think that this would be his kinda thing but here he was emotionally invested in the film you had picked. You had really wanted to just wallow in your depression by binge watching trashy romcoms but what was really making you feel better was watching the ‘dickmaster’ himself rooting for the underdog to open up about his feelings to the lead woman.
You go to grab some popcorn but see the bowl is empty.
“Gotta pause.” You go to stand but he stops you.
“I got this.” He hides the good deed by quickly saying “And I need to piss anyway.” You pass him the bowl.
“Not in the popcorn I hope.” You rearrange yourself back in your blanket burrito.
“HAA, You nasty but don’t watch without me. Coz that is a dick move.”
“You know all about those.” You mutter into the blanket. But Adam had gone to the hotel kitchen to make popcorn.
You chose to scroll on your phone until he got back. There were a few messages but you didn’t really feel like answering them. You flop on your side. You can always move when he came back.
While you waited in silence for Adam. You think back on how he really was getting better. After seeing him slowly open up to Charlie’s ideas and seeing that he can be a good guy when it suits him. You smile to yourself.
Your door slams open.
“Okay I’m back bitch.”
Nevermind looks like he has thrown up his walls again.
He lays out the armful of snacks and the bowl of popcorn that looks way bigger than the bowl he left with. He sees you on your side.
“You comfy down there?”
You groan and slowly sit up again. He sits back down but wraps an arm around you and hugs you into his side and nothing more.
“Okay we can continue now.” He grabs the popcorn and rests it on his lap.
You set the movie going again and snuggle just a little bit closer. For popcorn reasons of course not that Adam was nice and warm and you felt safe next to him.
“Clearly she don’t know a good thing when she sees it.” You pipe up after about three minutes into the film again. You had seen this film so many times but there was one scene that always brought out annoyance in you.
“Right!! She needs to open her eyes this guy clearly loves her for who they are and not some fake ass bs that other . . . what?” Adam stops mid-sentence looking down at you resting against his chest.
You blink a few times before realising you are staring “Huh oh nothing.”
You focus back on the screen in front of you.
The climatic end of the film was approaching and the main lead were confessing their love and as the credits role you can here someone crying. You glance up and see Adam wiping away tears.
“You okay.” You sit up and reach for the tissues on the table to hand them to him.
“What!!! I’m fine. Of course I’m fiiiine. Shut up bitch.” He grabs the tissue box from you.
“If it helps I cried the first time I watched this movie.” You wrap the blankets tighter around yourself.
“I . . . ah . . shit.” He saw you curling further in on yourself. He feels guilt crawling into his stomach. “Sorry, I’m . . .Ugh. Look I’m bad at these feel your feelings crap that Charlie spouts. But it was a good film and yeah I cried but . . .”
“It don’t make you any less of a man.”
“Yeeeah I know. Of course I know. I’m the first man.”
“Huh back to that are we.” You bump shoulders with him, making him laugh.
He pulls you back into his side “So what are we watching now?”
I really didn't mean for this to be as long as it was. I'm sorry
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