#jamie delgado
bluespring864 · 5 months
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Grigor Dimitrov defeats Holger Rune 7-6 (5), 6-4 to win the Brisbane International 2024
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doorstovenus · 4 months
i love you musical stings in doctor who
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giddyaunt425 · 2 months
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I have found something I like and I can't stop.
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mothmans-cumrag · 2 months
Should I write a three/delgado!master fanfiction in which I explain why the master is a cat to me?
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sarahwatchesthings · 1 year
A few more random screenshots from Fury from the Deep:
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A very dignified shot of Jamie.
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The Doctor and Victoria.
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I just like this interior.
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I'm not sure what my favorite part of the background poster is: the fact that it shows up well before the Master's first appearance, the face that it gives no information about what the Master is wanted for or by whom, or the fact that the Master looks so happy.
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Just Victoria having to physically restrain Jamie from laying his bare hands on a substance that has already immobilized the woman in front of them and that the Doctor just said not to touch mere minutes ago.
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
Not me making a blog that explores who the Master is from Doctor Who, starting with Classic Who, fumbling through the Extended Universe, and then running through Modern Who.
Go follow if you’re a Master fan, or just wanna hear my rambles on obscure tidbits of DW lore @whoisthemaster
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lovecharged · 10 months
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kingvamps · 2 years
i love when the narratives foil
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companion-showdown · 3 months
Who is the best companion to get intoxicated with?
this tournament was suggested anonymously
Ace McShane vs Donna Noble
Ace McShane vs Wilfred Mott
Jack Harkness vs Donna Noble
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Ace McShane vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Iris Wildthyme
previous rounds under the cut
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Ace McShane vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Liz Shaw
Dan Lewis vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs The TARDIS
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Ace McShane vs River Song
Charley Pollard vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Dodo Chaplet
Rose Tyler vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Wilfred Mott
Romana II vs Liz Shaw
Barbara Wright vs Dan Lewis
Frobisher vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Martha Jones
Polly Wright vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Koschei
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Bernice Summerfield
Clara Oswald vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Romana I
The TARDIS vs Tegan Jovanka
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Day 2
Jack Harkness vs Liv Chenka
Martha Jones vs Alan Turing
Polly Wright vs Mel Bush
Chris Cwej vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jason Kane
Koschei vs McQueen!Master
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Narvin
Ruth Leonidus vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Vislor Turlough
Bernice Summerfield vs Steven Taylor
Wolsey vs Clara Oswald
Clarence the Angel vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Karra
Romana I vs Romana III
Compassion vs The TARDIS
Hebe Harrison vs Tegan Jovanka
Day 1
Ace McShane vs God the Computer
Evelyn Smythe vs River Song
Sabalom Glitz vs Charley Pollard
Miranda Who vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Hex Schofield
Dodo Chaplet vs Panna
Vicki Pallister vs Rose Tyler
Peri Brown vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Fitz Kreiner
Wilfred Mott vs Leela
The Brigadier vs Romana II
Liz Shaw vs The Black Dalek Leader
Barbara Wright vs Nyssa
Lucie Miller vs Dan Lewis
Father Kreiner vs Frobisher
Amy Pond vs Bill Potts
(too many links for the post to work but all matches under the tag intoxication: round 1)
Day 1
Ace McShane vs Adric
Tegan Jovanka vs Victoria Waterfield
Delgado!Master vs Aris
Jo Grant vs Sutekh
Jamie McCrimmon vs Kamelion
Barbara Wright vs Harry Sullivan
The Black Dalek Leader vs Mother Francesca
Irving Braxiatel vs Elspeth (Where Angels Fear)
Iris Wildthym vs Peter Summerfield
C'rizz vs God the Computer
Romana III vs Carmen Yeh
McQueen!Master vs Mr Crofton
Wolsey vs Sam Bishop
Jack Harkness vs Rory Williams
Bill Potts vs Mickey Smith
Donna Noble vs Ryan Sinclair
Day 2
K9 vs Grace Holloway
Sabalom Glitz vs Sara Kingdom
Polly Wright vs Mike Yates
The Brigadier vs Morbius
Panna vs Varsh
Vicki Pallister vs Karuna
Father Kreiner vs Cousin Anastasia
Alan Turing vs Captain Magenta
Compassion vs Jack McSpringheel
Evelyn Smythe vs Renée Thalia
Frobisher vs Sabbath Dei
Narvin vs Lola Denison
Ruby Sunday vs Ianto Jones
Missy vs Yasmin Khan
Madam Vastra vs Sally Sparrow
Dan Lewis vs Graham O'Brien
Day 3
Steven Taylor vs Ben Jackson
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Zoe Heriot
Leela vs Ian Chesterton
Soldeed vs Vislor Turlough
Tremas vs Peri Brown
Dodo Chaplet vs Duggan
Bernice Summerfield vs Pandora
Koschei vs Valarie Lockwood
Lucie Miller vs The War King
Charley Pollard vs Joseph (The Doomsday Manuscript)
Miranda Who vs Eliza
Chris Cwej vs Adrian Wall
Death's Head vs Hebe Harrison
Jane Austen vs Amy Pond
River Song vs Gwen Cooper
The TARDIS vs Beep the Meep
Day 4
Romana II vs Chang Lee
The Three Who Rule vs Liz Shaw
The Kandyman vs Nyssa
Sergeant Benton vs Karra
Mel Bush vs Susan Foreman
Romana I vs Erato
Jason Kane vs V.M.McCrimmon
Clarence the Angel vs Scarlette
Hex Schofield vs Cousin Justine
John (Another Girl, Another Planet) vs Liv Chenka
Ruth Leonidus vs D'Eon
Fitz Kreiner vs The Original Golden Dalek Emperor
Martha Jones vs Bannakaffalatta
Wilfred Mott vs Toshiko Sato
Rose Tyler vs Vincent van Gogh
Clara Oswald vs Nardole
links to previous tournaments
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
Do you have any recommendations on Dr. Who books/audio format things? I haven't watched the show in a bit because Moffat wasn't my thing and I can't seem to find the old stuff. (If you have any advice on where to find that too I would be very grateful) Following your blog has been a nice reminder of why I liked the show so much. Hope you have a good day!
Aw thank you! Depending on your location, you can find classic who episodes either on BBC iPlayer or Tubi (with ads).
As for books/audios, I'll try to keep this brief as I could write an essay on this.
For books, my favorite author is Kate Orman. Orman writes wonderfully, and my personal favorite is The Year of the Intelligent Tigers. I also really liked Goth Opera, Camera Obscure, History 101, Autumn Mist, Lungbarrow, Divided Loyalties, Somewhere Never etc etc etc etc (so many more but I'm forcing myself to stop here). You can often find free versions of basically every novel (at least all I've looked for) on the internet either as pdfs or epubs or whatever. The Internet Archive is particularly useful. Some examples:
And now for the audios! I personally have sold my soul to Big Finish. I have literally hundreds of recommendations. They do have some audios for free, such as those that came from the Paul Spragg Memorial Competition. You can also find a lot of them (up until Zagreus I think) for free on Spotify. There is also almost always a killer sale going on on the website on top of that too.
As for my recommendations, it's pretty dependent on what Doctor or companion you want to listen to. They even have series centered on UNIT, Romana's Gallifrey, Benny Summerfield, and a ton of other things (including a Masterful special that just had a bunch of Masters fucking around and finding out). I'll put in some of my favorites, one for each Doctor, from what I own (which is far from everything, but I do my best).
One: The Sontarans. It was the first time the Doctor had ever encountered the Sontarans, so he was unfamiliar with them. It takes place during Dalek Master Plan, so Steven and Sara are there.
Two: Lords of the Red Planet! It's a good Ice Warrior origin story and has Jamie and Zoe in it. :)
Three: Terror of the Master. I had pre-ordered it as soon as I heard about it. Three....Delgado Master....what more do you want from an audio? It's narrated by Jon Culshaw.
Four: The Wrath of the Iceni. It was a brilliant historical with Four and Leela and Boudica. Leela gets quite a lesson in this one, first being mad at Four for not helping Boudica and then at Boudica for being cruel.
Okay now we are getting into my favorite Doctors (5-8), so these decisions are going to get difficult.
Five: The Kingmaker! Shakespeare spikes Five's drink to get him absolutely wasted to sneak on the TARDIS, the TARDIS gets hiccups as a result, leading to Peri and Erimem being separated from the Doctor. Shenanigans ensue.
Six: Doctor Who and the Pirates. Six and Evelyn have a really meaningful discussion with one of her depressed students. The third part is a musical!
Seven: The Shadow of the Scourge. Benny Ace and Seven against 8th dimensional eldritch abominations. Seven gets turned into one of these insectoids, and body horror ensues.
Eight: Oh dear I can't choose. At the moment, probably the Great War from Dark Eyes 1. Eight meets Molly and is still grieving here. He is very much doomed by the narrative.
War: The Neverwhen. Lots of the War Doctor is good if you like Time War horror, but this one has a lot of time-as-a-weapon and is well written.
Nine: Battle Scars. A nice short story about that one family Nine saved from the Titanic mentioned in the episode Rose. Has a really fantastic girl in it and a Nine dripping in PTSD.
Ten: The Time Reaver. Ten and Donna! There's this gun that basically slows down time for a single person, so that a few minutes for everyone else is centuries for them. Ten is a self sacrificing dope.
Eleven: The Geronimo boxset is the best in my opinion, but I haven't been able to listen to many of these yet.
Twelve: Another one I haven't managed to buy a lot of yet, but Dead Media is amazing. It's written to sound like a podcast with adverts and everything and is set during his time at St. Luke's. And I cried at the end.
Anyway, I'll shut up now. This was so much fun! Thank you!
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rookandstorm · 9 months
Right. I'm gonna need whoever has the tapes of Fury from the Deep to get them back to the BBC yesterday. I just watched the animation and I really, really, really need to see this shit in live action. The trio having a seafoam fight on the beach? The Doctor throwing Jamie through a overhead vent for no reason while Victoria opened the door with her hairpin? Living seaweed effects from 1968? The first appearance of the sonic screwdriver? A woman straight up walking into the ocean? Oak and Quill being the creepiest creeps who ever creeped? Seaweed!Robson? The Doctor flying a helicopter through a seaweed obstacle course? I need it, okay. This serial is absolute bananas and yet, also kind of soft? I freaking love it. I have zero money to give you, but I can be exceptionally irritating when I put my mind to it. Did I mention the evil seaweed; all the seaweed scenes.
Also: Shoutout to whoever put the Wanted posters of Delgado!Master in the animation b/c it's apparently supposed to be set in 1973. I was extremely amused.
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third-doctor · 2 months
Hey gang! You can call me Koschei.
Host of the Skeletal System, current frequent fronters are John Constantine, Jamie McCrimmon, the Doctor, and Jim Hawkins.
Hi @delgado-master love you <3
I’m a broke disabled transmasc and I’m currently absolutely fucking terrified about rent, if you want to help out with that I’m at leapingintodisaster on paypal and venmo.
Ao3 is here, I get sad and give all the sad thoughts to fictional characters: https://archiveofourown.org/users/skeletonnoises
Radically inclusive, pro-endo, and transandrophobia is real. I also do not give a shit about what other people ship and antis fucking scare me.
I’m back on my Doctor Who bullshit it’s my comfort show it’s my favorite thing and I will forever be having emotions over Charley Pollard. I’m also a massive anthropology nerd and I love to crochet and embroider.
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giddyaunt425 · 3 months
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This was silly
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Doctor Who Shipping Statistics: Because I'm Bored and I Like This Sort of Thing
So, I decided to see which Doctor Who ships were the most popular in the fandom, not because it matters, but because shipping is fun.
This probably isn't an accurate ranking of which ships are the most popular though, because it's just the amount of fics on Ao3. I'm only going off Ao3 because it's the only fic site where statistics are easy to find, because pairings are tagged and the number of fics with a tag can be counted.
If there's a really popular ship that people don't write fic for, for some reason, it won't show up on my radar, which is fine because this isn't exactly Science. It's fucking around with lists out of curiosity.
So, let's get started!
I started off with just finding the top 10 ships for Doctor Who in general. To no one's surprise, it was completely dominated by New Series pairings. The New Series tends to encourage more shipping and is ongoing, so more people are paying attention to it. Therefore, more fic.
Metacrisis 10/Rose (That's the human clone of 10 btw)
Doctor (in general)/Rose
Doctor (in general)/River
Doctor (in general)/Master
Only Doctor/Master could be a pairing without any New Series characters, because that would include Classic!Doctor/Classic!Master.
Also, you might notice a lot of Rose. Get used to that. She's inescapable.
Anyway, I decided to filter the search to only E-Rated fics to see if there was a major difference when smut was involved. This didn't actually change very much:
Doctor/Master (the Master comes up a lot more on the smut list lol)
Metacrisis 10/Rose
10/Jack (of course he'd show up more on the smut list)
What this reveals is that people are more interested in Doctor/Master smut than Doctor/Master romance, which honestly makes a lot of sense. The smut list is also slightly less het than the overall list. Slash fans appear to be the horniest of shippers. As a slash smut writer/enthusiast, I can't really protest.
But, what about Classic Who? I was more interested in Classic than New, so I looked at fics tagged Doctor Who (1963) specifically, instead of Doctor Who in general. Most Classic Who fics are tagged this way, so you'll find more Classic Who there. Here's the results:
10/Rose (Yes, there's still new stuff in hear and of course it's Rose)
4/Sarah Jane
7 and Ace (Notice the and. Platonic relationships get tagged too)
And I did an E-Rated Only list for Doctor Who (1963) as well:
6/Peri (They seem to be more popular as smut than anything else)
5/Tegan (I see a lot of fics for this ship and feel strangely jealous...)
10/Simm!Master (A new series ship that isn't 10/Rose?!)
7/Ace (No and this time. They get shipped sometimes.)
Once again, Doctor/Master gets a lot of smut. Also, I think this is the first list to not include 10/Rose :)
Look, I don't hate 10/Rose. I'm pretty indifferent towards 10/Rose. Rose is nowhere near my favorite companion, but nowhere near my least favorite either. I just get a bit tired of seeing her absolutely everywhere.
I think decided to check for fics tagged with each Classic Doctor to see who they get paired with the most. I'll list every character who they're shipped with in the top 10.
First Doctor: Rose
There are at least 3 separate fics about Rose fucking every incarnation of the Doctor. If it was River or Jack, I probably wouldn't care, but Rose is not the Doctor's One True Love. And least River can claim dibs on having married an incarnation and Jack is Jack. This is what I mean about seeing her everywhere. Rose is often treated like the most important companion in the history of the show when she's just as important as any other companion. There's probably reason for this mindset that I could go into, but I'd like to finish my list first.
I did the E-Rated Only thing for each Doctor as well. Yes, for all of them. I'm curious and I fear no smut.
First Doctor (E): Rose, Barbara (there are at least 2 1/Barbara fics)
Second Doctor: Jamie
E-Rated Only doesn't change that. Fics tagged with the Second Doctor still contain a lot of Rose Ships, but 2 isn't emphasized quite as much. 2/Jamie is basically THE Second Doctor ship.
Third Doctor: Delgado!Master, Brigadier, Jo, Sarah Jane
E-Rated Only is the same characters in a different order
Third Doctor (E): Delgado!Master, Jo, Brigadier, Sarah Jane
Jo gets more smut than the Brig.
Fourth Doctor: Sarah Jane, Romana II, Sarah Jane/Harry, Rose, Ainley!Master
The Rose Fucks Everyone fics strike again! Also, we get our first OT3 with 4/Sarah Jane/Harry.
Fourth Doctor (E): Sarah Jane, Leela, Rose
Of course Leela would get more smut. I'm surprised with the lack of Romana though. Both Romanas are gorgeous and 4/Romana is the closest to a canon Doctor/Companion ship we get in Classic Who. Maybe it's a Time Lord Thing.
Okay, on to the Fifth.
Fifth Doctor: Ainley!Master, Tegan, Turlough, Nyssa, Rose
Yes, 5/Tegan is more popular than 5/Turlough right now. I'm fine really. 5/Master being at the top of the list is kind of what I'd expected though.
Fifth Doctor (E): Ainley!Master, Tegan, Turlough, Nyssa, Simm!Master, 6
Unlike most Classic Doctors, 5 is Young and Pretty, so he reminds people of 10 and gets porn with 10's Master. Also, Tegan is still ahead of Turlough.
Shipping wars are mostly bad, especially when people try to claim a moral high ground for their ship. I don't want to get involved in any hostilities just because my ship isn't as popular as another ship.
However, maybe encouraging some friendly competition by saying "more 5/Turlough fic should be written" wouldn't be going too far. If you ship 5/Turlough and write fanfiction, write a 5/Turlough fic because winning is fun.
Anyway, how about the Sixth Doctor?
Sixth Doctor: Peri, Ainley!Master, Rose
Sixth Doctor (E): Peri, Ainley!Master, Mel, 5, Charley, Rose
Our first Big Finish companion! Also, I was so distracted by shipping jealousy with 5 that I forgot to mention the selfcest. I think one person wrote a bunch of 5/6 smut fics.
Seventh Doctor: Ace, Ainley!Master
Ace was 7's definitive companion, so if people want to ship him with someone, I'm guessing she's the obvious choice. I personally see 7 as the one incarnation I just can't pair with anyone, but People Can Do Whatever They Want Forever.
That includes writing smut! The E-Rated Only round is the same two pairings in the same order.
Lastly, we get the Eighth Doctor. He's always interesting in terms of fandom because his televised run was one movie. Anyone who's familiar with him has had to see out audios and novels. The audios and the novels each of their own Definitive Eighth Doctor Companion.
But they somehow all lose to fucking Rose again!
Eighth Doctor: Rose, Charley, Fitz, Grace
The three Not Roses can all be explained. Charley is the Definitive BF Eighth Doctor Companion and the Big Finish audios are the most popular Eighth Doctor stories, especially since they're still ongoing in some form. The EDA novels ended around the time the new series began, so Fitz isn't as well-known as Charley. But, in the book version of the Eighth Doctor's adventures, Fitz is basically 8's Jamie. He's a guy who stays with him forever and is more prominent than the female companions of the era.
As for Grace, she's the only onscreen Eighth Doctor companion and they kiss.
The Eighth Doctor was the first Doctor to really be portrayed romantically. 1 got a one-shot love interest and the first four classic Doctors were allowed to flirt with someone from time to time. The Doctor wasn't a traditional male lead and he didn't have long-term love interests because no one writing him was really into that. It wasn't until the 1980s that Doctor romances were flat out banned. They made JNT nervous.
This led to a period of time where not only did the Doctor not get love interests, but it had to be emphasized that Doctor Who Has Never Fucked Ever. Not even for reproduction. The 20th anniversary came with a Radio Times short story establishing that Susan was adopted. Along with that, when filming The Five Doctors, Carol Ann Ford was told not to call the Doctor "grandfather", because that might make people think the Doctor had sex at some point. Ford laughed at the whole thing and was allowed, for continuity's sake, to call the Doctor "grandfather" anyway.
There's nothing inherently wrong with interpreting the Doctor as aroace, or Not Having Fucked Ever and Susan being adopted. It just shouldn't be something treated as Sacred Lore That the Americans Ruined With Their Stupid Movie. The rule against the Doctor having love interests was made by a producer that the same fans who claim that this rule is sacred usually fucking hate.
Doctor Who fucks however much you want him to.
But, because 8 was allowed to have love interests, 8/Charley, 8/Fitz, and 8/Grace are all varying levels of canon. I haven't listened to much of 8's BF stuff yet, but from what I can tell, 8/Charley was mostly one-sided, but might've not been. 8/Fitz wasn't as directly discussed in-universe and came across as Canon in All But Name.
We got sidetracked. Here's the E-Rated Only thing:
Eighth Doctor (E): Rose, Charley, Fitz, Roberts!Master, Jacobi!Master
Of course there's Master smut. This is an established pattern.
Since we've already gotten sidetracked, I'd also like to say a bit more about Rose.
I think that for fans that got into the show at any time other than right as the new series began, it's hard to see why Rose is not only super popular, but still dominant in fandom, appearing in more Ao3 fics than any incarnation of the Doctor. The thing is, Rose was the first companion for a lot of people and her introduction worked differently than similar first companions.
If you started watching the classic or new series at any point but the very beginning, someone had probably already told you that companions come and go. No individual companion is a vital component of the show. You might get really attached to Sarah Jane, but she leaves and the show continues without her. This will happen to every companion.
The only exceptions to this were people starting at the beginning of a series, before any companions had left yet. This makes Susan/Ian/Barbara as a team similar to Rose as existing before the show could exist without them. But, there's three of them and only one Rose.
There's also the way their introductions are set up. Both An Unearthly Child and Rose (the episode) start with the companions and introduce the Doctor through their eyes. They're normal people in present day London who walk into something strange. But, there's a certain even distribution between characters in An Unearthly Child. The entire show is named for the Doctor, the first episode is named for Susan, but Ian and Barbara are the real main characters.
But, though Doctor Who is still named after the Doctor, the first story is called Rose and is about Rose. To someone unfamiliar with the classic series, the show has established Rose as the main character of Doctor Who, the center of the show's universe. The idea that there could be Doctor Who without Rose doesn't seem to add up.
In Series 2, School Reunion is the point where Rose (and the new audience along with her) learns that the Doctor traveled with humans before her. She's traveled with Jack, so she knows that other companions can happen, but she thought she was the first, the special human the Doctor bonded with. She's special, but only because all of the Doctor's companions are special. She's part of a group of special people.
While the classic series audience would've recognized Sarah Jane and enjoyed seeing her again, the new audience would've learned that the Doctor had companions before Rose at all. You could swap Sarah Jane with a completely original character that the Doctor recognizes as a former companion, and the same point would be made.
So, School Reunion attempted to do some damage control. Rose was leaving at the end of the season and establishing that she wasn't the first companion would make it clear that this would be a normal part of the show. Doctor Who would go on without Rose.
But, the show was incapable of leaving it there. After a Big Dramatic Exit, Rose haunted the show longer than any companion had before, new series companions included. Until Jack returns in Utopia, the Doctor doesn't seem that upset over losing him. The show moved on. But, Series 3 has the Doctor still not over Rose, causing him to be a dick to Martha. Audience members that warmed up to Martha will be mad at the Doctor now and audience members still upset over Rose will turn on Martha because the Doctor does.
Series 4 brings Rose back and gives her a second send-off, once again establishing that the show can't let Rose go. It wasn't until the change of showrunner that Rose was allowed to be just another companion.
This was sort of the same thing that happened when 10 regenerated. The show wouldn't let the characters go, so audiences that'd grown attached refused to let go either, screwing over the next in line. Rose is treated as the Most Important Companion because the show wouldn't let her go, when the show normally lets companions go.
So, that's why Rose is shipped with every Doctor and is inescapable. Once again, I don't dislike Rose. I just find it annoying when she's given special treatment, though from everything I've just said, I know why. I started watching Doctor Who right before the 50th anniversary, almost exactly a decade ago, so when I starting watching the show on Netflix, I saw how many seasons there were and knew that things changed a lot. When my friends talked about the show, it was all 11th Doctor stuff, but I already knew that he was on his way out. I consider 12 to be My Doctor because he was the first Doctor I experienced live, basically. He showed up around the same time I did.
Watching the 1st Doctor's episodes for the first time while overhearing multiple hissy fits over the new Doctor being "too old" was an experience.
Okay, I've rambled this thing to death. Hope we all learned something.
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
Okay, but I was at my local Barnes & Noble today and saw the Doctor Who Magazine that covers “The Power of the Doctor” episode. Inside it had some cool pics of Sacha in suspenders, like in a photoshoot for the Master. And yet, for the life of me, I can’t find this photoshoot online. Plus I can’t afford the magazine at this time.
It was nice though. <3
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roleplayfinder · 3 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double.
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
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