#jamming? no; {rockon}
smolcuriouskitten · 7 months
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"God you are so annoying! You always do this!" Penny's voice rang out in the living room, Leonard huffing as he made an exaggerated motion. "Here you go again! I just said it was a bad idea for your ex to come over for friendsgiving but Im suddenly the bad guy!" He argues back, stepping closer to Penny.
"Oh thats rich, coming from the guy who slept with his coworker and I had to find out from Sheldon!"
"What the-?! Sheldon tell her that-" Leonard went to motion to his friend sitting on the couch but he left, the apartment door closing before he could finish his statement. "Not again!" They both said in unison, going back to arguing about the issue at hand.
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Rockelle was knitting in her apartment, listening to Sade when she heard the yelling. She never understood how the two got together but chose not to question it. She was still single herself after all, then again so was Sheldon. Speaking of him, he should be coming down in 3...2...1..
Knock, Knock, Knock. "Rockelle." Knock, Knock, Knock. "Rockelle." Knock, Knock, Knock. "Rockelle!"
With that, she gets up from her couch, tying her silk robe tightly around her to make sure she doesnt expose herself. "Coming dear." She calls back, setting her knitting supplies on the coffee table, unlocking the door and opening it. "Everything ok? I heard-" She starts and Sheldon interrupts. "Can I hug you?" He asks and the question threw her off. Not in a bad way, no no.
Up until this point, she didnt think Sheldon was okay with people touching him. She knew of his adversity to touching so him asking surprised her. "Of...Of course you can." She stutters, opening her arms. "That didnt sound confident. Are you sure? We can-" Sheldon began to ramble and Rockelle just wrapped her arms around him.
He stopped, slowly returning the touch. "I am always up for a hug. It surprised me that you asked is all." Rockelle gently corrects, rubbing his back with a soft sigh. "You smell nice. Did you change perfumes? You usually use smells that are remnant of chocolate. You smell like coconuts now." He comments and she giggles. "Its my body wash and hair products you are smelling dear." She answers, looking up at him, watching his facial expressions.
"I do not care for change but this is one I dont mind." He replies, as she chuckles, nodding. "I will keep that in mind. Did you come down for a bit to escape the lovers quarrel for a bit? I heard them upstairs." And with that Sheldon nods, pulling back from the hug. "Yes. I dont like arguing or arguments." He answers and now the arguing could be heard from the stairwell, which Sheldon immediately ducks away into Rockelles apartment.
She waves at the two, mouthing that Sheldon was in there with her and he was okay. The pair then go back upstairs and leave Rockelle and him alone, she closes her door to see Sheldon sitting on his spot. "Their relationship is crashing and meeting an inevitable end yet they keep trying. I dont understand relationships at all, all they do is argue and talk about how much better life would be if they were apart." He scrunches his nose and she joins him after locking the door, sitting next to him.
A pause before Rockelle spoke, feeling bad that this was his viewpoint on relationships and how they work. "Well not every relationship is like that. There are some where they strive to bring each other peace and happiness. Some couples bicker but it doesnt mean they love each other any less. Think about it love, dont you and your friends argue from time to time?" She retorts and Sheldon takes a moment to think, then looks over at her. "Well my friends and I dont argue about exes or friends with benefits or even sleeping with other people behind each others back. We argue about what quantum theory is historically accurate or even which game protagonist can be a double meaning for Medieval tropes." He answers and Rockelle shakes her head.
"Thats a relationship! Its something that comes with arguments and disagreements, even if it isnt romantic. Im sorry that they argued with you there though, given how triggering it can be." She chirps and Sheldon thought about it, nodding. "I suppose it can be the same. I still think their relationship will meet a timely end at this rate." He picks up her knitting supplies and looks over at her. "Were you knitting pants before I joined you? This stitch is completely wrong, it isnt meant to be used for that. This stitch is used for blankets, quits, and other kinds of comfort items." As he inspects her tools, she chuckles and shakes her head. "Well the stitch is correct since I am making a blanket. My sister and her husband are having a little one, so I wanted to knit the baby a blanket." She winks at him and he looks over the tv.
"Well knitting isnt a task we can do together." He comments and Rockelle pauses, tilting her head. "Are you hinting at us doing something to get your mind off things?" She asks, smiling as she gets up to grab a flower Lego set. "Yes, that is what I said." He responds and Rockelle chuckles, setting the box down on the table, moving her knitting supplies to the end table on her side. "We can build this together and you can take this with you, so you have something to remember me by." She advises and Sheldon raises a brow. "Why would I forget you? I have eidetic memory so our interactions will never go forgotten." He boasts and Rockelle raises a brow with him.
"What color was I wearing when I first met you?"
"White. You wore a jogger suit with a hoodie and heels."
"What kind of chocolate do I like?"
"Dark chocolate. You hate milk chocolate due to you having an 'adult palette' in preferring the bitter aftertaste. Will there be a quiz on this?"
Rockelle was stunned in his memory and how it managed to be correct. A few confused blinks before she looked over at him with a confused expression. Here she thought his constant rambles amid their conversations meant he was ignoring her words.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Yes but why would you give me a hug after stating umf-"
He was interrupted by the rather tight hug she gave him. Resting her head on his chest, he slowly went to reciprocate it.
"I am just happy you remembered these things about me. No one usually does. God I can kiss you right now!"
"Why dont you?"
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thyele · 1 year
Rockon Social Clubさん「/ 7/14(金)19時〜 文化放送「WILD KNIGHTS」が限定復活! \ #成田昭次 #高橋和也 #岡本健一 #寺岡呼人 出演! ▼詳細 https://t.co/Mhtna559NI 番組名:文化放送「WILD KNIGHT 成田です」 番組メール:[email protected] 推奨ハッシュタグ:#ワイルドナイト #男闘呼組 #RockonSocialClub」https://twitter.com/rockonsocialclu/status/1671032523357585408
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「Focus of DEZERT #2 メンバーソロフォーカスライブビデオ 続々完成してきてる〜(いつもギリギリ 06.22 20:00から続々と出るよ〜 https://t.co/2tufeOgcuh」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1670982813330599936
WOWOW MUSICさん「╋━━━━━  明日放送&配信‼️     ━━━━━╋ 『BUCK-TICK Live 2019「ロクス・ソルスの獣たち」』 6/20(火)午後8:00~ ▶https://t.co/rVSfWQXQpW #BUCKTICK が2019年に行なった初の幕張メッセ単独ライブの模様をお届け✨ 必見です😍 #WOWOW @BUCKTICK_INFO https://t.co/fRR2jJHFCC」https://twitter.com/wowow_mj/status/1670725648984449025
Petit Brabanconさん「Tour 2023「INDENTED BITE MARK」 開催地の街頭ビジョンにて昨日まで 放映された「孤動」MV ティザー ご覧いただけましたでしょうか🐶❓ 残念ながら見られなかった皆さんへ 渋谷で放映された様子をフルVer.でお届け🎥 次はツアーでお会いしましょう💫 チケット一般発売中 https://t.co/ODgQ8YgK4P https://t.co/WLeouMuWoc」https://twitter.com/PetitBra_staff/status/1670740708691509248
hitokiさん「新曲できた! https://t.co/tyggEQtAOb」https://twitter.com/hitokill/status/1670951967064215552
enon kawataniさん「朝起きたらindigo la Endの新曲ミックス上がってた。良い曲過ぎたかもしれません。」https://twitter.com/indigolaEnd/status/1670971432246054914
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「ダークでイカつめなテイストのアクセを今回は使用したくNil:GRAVEで今回は全て統一しました〜 ニルさんあざっす!」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1670800430002057216
りょんりょんさん「ヴィジュアル系ロックバンドのボーカリストのレッスンを沢山担当していたのだけど、最近になって再び戻って来てくれた二人が、今日、私に焼肉をご馳走してくれました✨ お互いのかつてを深く知る三人焼肉は…もう…最高でした😉 左)アリス九號. Vo.将  右)exViViD 現在Solo Vo. SHIN #感謝 https://t.co/bxhUGFEbu0」https://twitter.com/ryon2sensei/status/1670779440790659074
ハルア 8月5日今治 JAM SOUNDSさん「ApesがCD発売するんだ😭」https://twitter.com/haruaxxlllla/status/1670776664081711110
玲王那さん「6/17のIndustrial Apesライブ映像 観ました⭐︎ライブ前に妖迦さんが今日はヒデトの命日なんだよ。って言ってた。 作詞作曲したヒデト君のハイターハイターママレモンしっかりギターかき鳴らさせてもらいました⭐︎ 7/29に発売はするIndustrial Apes のCDに収録されてるから是非聴いてほしいな⭐︎ https://t.co/12jghvWBLP」https://twitter.com/reona_gt0117/status/1670749808993386496
grace periodさん「grace period Radio 第8回が公開されました📻 今回の内容は一体何かな🤔 🎙️是非ご視聴お願いします🎙️ https://t.co/iyo4LTztz1」https://twitter.com/graceperiod_jp/status/1670765021390057472
WildSideTokyoさん「【緊急決定】 これぞ華麗なる激情! 毒だからこそ美しくあれ! 2023/7/21(金) OPEN 18:30 CHARGE ¥4100(D代込み) TAKANAGER CRUE ザ・ヒーナキャット B.B チケットは6/18(日)10:00販売開始! https://t.co/pMaMSTI5FS https://t.co/OQZRaN2yXq」https://twitter.com/WildSideTokyo/status/1668558900369711106
LIVE HOUSE CRESCENDOさん「7/23(日)【チケ好評発売中!】 17:00-① PAPILIO EFFECTUS 17:55-② MARY RUE 18:50-③ Yan x Yan 19:45-④ ユキSESSION 20:40-⑤ ARESZ ◆来場 https://t.co/ealmpetbP1 ◆配信 https://t.co/mbqdBtyZG1 ◆投げ銭(※6/24~受付) https://t.co/yMw46Y0F8g お楽しみに! https://t.co/oExEaYYBwo」https://twitter.com/crescendo_jp/status/1670027369288179712
響 / Hibiki【摩天楼オペラ】さん「恵比寿リキッドルームありがとう!! XANVALAとの2マンかましすぎました🔥 知哉さんとのドラマーショット😊 📸 : @a_kwsk_1985 https://t.co/9jhxtEZOxv」https://twitter.com/HibikiShiraishi/status/1670787802378772480
eclipse.✩⃝ STRAY INDIVIDUALITY GROUPさん「コンプレックス・イマージュ ☪·̩͙ お嬢 @ojo_pnd ▶https://t.co/pLjrGblizP Illust みつのこ 様 @mitunoko0630 Move amyu 様 @Amyu_1201 MIX イマジン @99qqkuku #歌い手さんMIX師さん動画師さん絵師さんPさんと繋がりたい #いいねで気になった人お迎え #拡散希望RTお願い致します #月蝕主義 https://t.co/d6hdbbFH8V」https://twitter.com/eclipse01429/status/1670739626036969472
アリス九號.OFFICIALさん「本日開催! #ALICENINE. VS SERIES 「#Singularity02」 vs vistlip @vistlipofficial #新宿BLAZE @shinjuku_blaze OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 *マスク着用/声出し可 ◎当日券:https://t.co/HAML4nOUpC ◎グッズ:15:30~ ◎ロッカー:入場後利用可 ◎クローク:無し #アリス九號. https://t.co/3rVgpHJa5F」https://twitter.com/alicenine_jp/status/1670989856384643073
がる真 (GALMA)さん「👼 COVER 👼 Tenshi(Artist:Gouryella) https://t.co/ivVb8Gixoy #サイバートランス (avex) シリーズからのカバーです 今回は初の、Cubaseを用いての新作となります! まだまだ不慣れなため点が多いですが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします🙇 #DTM #カバー曲 #CyberTrance #trance https://t.co/YP8GxKu7oT」https://twitter.com/betabeta_compre/status/1669298715683692544
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『おはよう0620ψ(`∇´)ψ』 #アメブロ https://t.co/BBSng2NA0Q いろいろ🩵 絶賛予約受付中! [email protected] https://t.co/kpqvY6L1Oj」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1670962228949032961
Drum 篤人さん「【今日は】 2023年6月20日(火) 巣鴨獅子王 ・タイトル imawano kotoba 1st Live 「 混 ぜ ろ よ 危 険 」 https://t.co/GKekTpHu6f」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1671011540487770112
aieさん「遂に今夜、gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy3年振りの新曲リリースツアーファイナル・・・。 下北沢Shelter、19時30分開幕・・・。 https://t.co/yGi5qSzTc4 https://t.co/IeuQVMQUgP」https://twitter.com/THEGOD_aie/status/1671016080507285509
横山企画室さん「@ryo_dalli いいおもひで✨」https://twitter.com/yokodile01/status/1671022332411011073
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「グリムの新音源「 Silent Forest」各サブスクでの配信始まりました (°_°) https://t.co/wIdcN47XEg」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1671027539798786049
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「いってきまーっす✨朝は涼しかったから喜んでたら、なんか暑くなってる💦すでに汗だくだぜぃ。。。ホットヨガするようになったら、代謝良くなったんか、汗かきやすくなった😅 MARY RUE、浦和ナルシス、19:50から❣️ https://t.co/A6wVo7kd4B」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1671029547603730434
[email protected] Marilyn Marathonさん「【現在のスケジュール】 7.9(日) マリリン・マラソン 7.29(土) NEiN 8.11(金) grace period 8.29(火) NEiN ※写真は一部 https://t.co/rfBWPA0BCd」https://twitter.com/eisuke_gp/status/1671037640379101184
MAKE MY DAY 8/26 SCREAM OUT LOUD FESTさん「🔥今年も開催決定🔥 🌐SCREAM OUT LOUD FEST 2023🌐 8/26 渋谷CYCLONE/宇田川GARRET More info coming soon… https://t.co/H5WUVsAeX9」https://twitter.com/MAKEMYDAYjp/status/1670989878845382657
Hydeさん「#HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #声出し解禁 #ZeppHaneda https://t.co/OTXfxZkPob」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1671041332851408896
SUGIZOさん「今日6/20は世界難民の日。現在、紛争や迫害、人権侵害などの理由で強制移動を強いられた人は1億840万人。シリア、ウクライナ、アフガニスタンを中心に、残念ながら悪化の一途を辿る状況だ。彼らの幸福を心から願う。彼らをサポートし続けて行きたい。いつか全員が安堵の生活を手に入れられるまで。SGZ https://t.co/AkUQVYMjxl」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1671048176768528385
SUGIZOさん「I sincerely wish for their happiness. I want to continue to support them until they all can have a life of peace and security. SGZ https://t.co/hTHQoubI2M」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1671048534395858946
SUGIZOさん「Today,June 20th is World Refugee Day. Currently, there are 108.4 million people who have been forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, and human rights violations, mainly in Syria, Ukraine, and Afghanistan, in a sadly deteriorating situation. https://t.co/YvUAIlGuE3」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1671048411431460865
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「Phobia/abyssの集い https://t.co/RRZhiQfqUy」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1671345206581678087
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「明日も福ちゃんと一緒に🎤 https://t.co/hnZLsZIMJh」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1671315758478135296
がる真 (GALMA)さん「【お知らせ】 Soundcloudの方でこれまで上げておりました、カバー曲の方を 急遽全て削除させていただきました 恥ずかしながら、SoundcloudとJASRACは包括提携が行われていない事を今まで見落とし 昨今の情勢を機に知り 今回削除させていただきました 恐れ入りますが、よろしくお願い申し上げます」https://twitter.com/betabeta_compre/status/1671291026257117186
中島卓偉STAFFさん「<TAKUI NAKAJIMA LIVE 2023 ANOTHER OF GREATEST SONGS> & <TAKUI NAKAJIMA 25TH ANNIVERSARY Volume.1TAKUI SONGS ONLY 1999~2005 TAKUI THE BEST> 本日よりファンクラブ先行チケット入金期間です。 チケットの当落確認、よろしくお願いいたします。 #中島卓偉 #Team卓偉 @takuinakajima https://t.co/EpxaWLvQyt」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1671035153139789828
takuma.さん「NEiNメンバーさんとのツーショット! 健太さんともツーショットを、、、 と思ったのですがそれはもうNEiNとの対バンがない限り難しいのでプライベートでツーショット撮ろう笑 https://t.co/mu3tvGgGzc」https://twitter.com/takuma_official/status/1671048413276946432
gibkiy gibkiy gibkiyさん「【本日の公演】 2023年6月20日(火) avantgarde,barbarian.「反吐」 ツアーファイナル 東京・下北沢 SHELTER OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 先行物販 18:00-18:30 当日券販売あり https://t.co/mp0xeLv4JF https://t.co/uSezrbPUlJ」https://twitter.com/gibkiy_official/status/1671062311380058112
Hydeさん「scream towards them now 321! #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #HYDEPARK2023 #HYDEチェキレター https://t.co/RDdxMw5iKR」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1671065310387138561
kazuさん「gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy 今夜はavantgarde,barbarian.「反吐」ツアーファイナル。 下北沢SHELTERでお待ちしています。 https://t.co/yHb313lyA5 https://t.co/fyz08X1BmF」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1671066423861575680
seekさん「Psycho le Cemu 今週末の京都、大阪、神戸に向けてリハーサル。 今回のセットリストはなかなか面白いラインナップになっていると思います。 みっちり練習してきましたんで楽しみにしていてください。 今月はLidaさんプロデュースのグッズもあるよ。 https://t.co/TukhP68yG8」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1671069955482329088
seekさん「今年のサイコルシェイムのツアーは毎月、各メンバーのキャラがモチーフになったグッズが展開されています ちなみに7月の水戸、柏、山梨は僕担当 グッズはデザインを手掛け既に入稿済 個性の強いグッズにしてしまったので 買う人は買ってくれるし 買わない人は絶対買わないと思います 買ってください」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1671075338590490624
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「UNCLOCK LOVER最新曲 -手紙- ちょこっとだけ歌ってみた🙋‍♀️ https://t.co/CaokLmlUNO」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1671075784973516801
LUNA SEAさん「【SLAVE先行受付は明日18時締切!!】 LUNA SEA DUAL ARENA TOUR 2023 MOTHER OF LOVE, MOTHER OF HATE UN ENDING STYLE 横浜,福岡,仙台,名古屋,大阪 指定席受付期間:6/21(水)18時まで 本日中にWEBにてご入会完了の方はお申し込み可能です! 是非お見逃しなく!! 詳細はこちら https://t.co/qQ7quh2Y6A https://t.co/AdEFiplXs7」https://twitter.com/LUNASEAOFFICIAL/status/1671080455460855814
ぴあ 音楽編集部さん「Like-an-Angel 1stLIVE夢の一夜をレポート「やるって言ったら大概のことはなんとかなるから!」(独占カット全6枚) https://t.co/bfFNIz8Ldn @_LikeanAngel #LikeanAngel #LArcenCiel https://t.co/4tW1nrCAKQ」https://twitter.com/OngakuPia/status/1671080449874235392
源 依織さん「今日の物販で少しだけチェキ売ります。 ご報告までに!」https://twitter.com/prin_guitarist/status/1671080620351709184
鳥を見た toriwomita 公式さん「ご予約絶賛受付中です! 7/13 (木) 鳥を見たpresents 【サボテンだらけの部屋】 荻窪club Doctor 出演: ◎鳥を見た ◎ほたるたち ◎komori & yusa(from 壊れかけのテープレコーダーズ) OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 adv ¥2500 door ¥2800 予約 https://t.co/qluTMEA5vz https://t.co/HHqlfd1xB5」https://twitter.com/toriwomita/status/1671075593637756928
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raveonthedole · 6 years
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Been jamming a fair amount this week. After celebrating our album release! Starting to get the hang of our new pedals using the Boss RC 300 for Sam's guitar and the RC 30 for launching bass clips! Hopefully giving our sound a bit of depth live! NEW ALBUM IS OUT NOW Head to www.raveonthedole.co.uk for links to everything! #gibsonsg #guitarist #guitaristsofinstagram #studio #unsignedartist #norwichunsigned #spotifyartist #spotify #deezer #tidal #amazonmusic #napster #itunesartist #applemusicartist #itunes #loop #jamming #uk #experimentalmusic #rockon #marshall #rc300 #rc30 #boss #goodtimes (at Norwich, Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQrBMFjFP4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wm5y314am2lo
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spiritbombs · 7 years
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The Violent Sleep of Reason @meshuggahband 🎸🥁🎸#Socal #artists #music #musicians #guitarist #jamming #perform #performers photographer @california_skyline #performance #performing #performingarts #live #livemusic #guitar #guitarlove #drums #bass #instrumental #rockon #rock #amazing #rhythm #grooves #groovy #djent #djentlemen #primal #madnessofmany #violentsleepofreason @strandbergguitars @officialibanezguitars (at The Novo DTLA)
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Okay Bae's!!! 😍 Just write a casual banger why don't you?!?! Haha, yeaaasss! 🙌🙏😎🤘🍾 @feli_ferraro @diamondkwhite @trakmatik Check out "Empty Cup" wherever fine music is sold! ;) #emptycup #diamondwhite #diamond #bigthings #2018 #yas #rockon #jam #newnew #love (at Los Angeles, California)
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fredymetalshow17 · 3 years
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06 de agosto de 1996. Los Ramones ofrece su último concierto oficial en el Palace de Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos. Horas antes del evento el cantante de Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder, filmó para la posteridad el momento en que todos los miembros del grupo plantaron sus manos en el Hollywood Rock Walk of Fame. Constituida en 1974, en Nueva York, The Ramones fue una de las bandas más importantes de la historia del punk-rock estadounidense. Su legado al frente de la mítica formación recoge canciones como Judy is a punk, Habana affair, Outsider , Beat on the brat o Do you remember rock n’ roll radio. El grupo desapareció como tal en 1996 tras la publicación del disco Adios amigos (1995). #efemeridesdelrockmetal #TalDiaComoHoy #OnThisDay #guitar #guitarplayer #bass #punkrock #metalcore #metalband #metalhead #postgrunge #rock #rocknroll #classicrock #instarock #heavymetal #heavy #rockon #metal https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPkpKwpmH8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pixiiebug · 7 years
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thedanneary · 4 years
Jamming to some Clapton - Bad Love on this #gibsunday 🎸✌🏻 . @gibsunday @gibsonguitar . . #guitarvideo #guitar #guitarist #guitarplayer #guitarcover #guitarsolo #badlove #clapton #ericclapton #guitars #danneary #love #slowhand #lespaul #gibson #rocker #rocknroll #bluesguitar #guitaristsofinstagram #rockon #followme #likeforlikes #l4l #followtrain #influencers #dailyguitar #studio #tribute #nashville (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjzM2nnpf4/?igshid=18ryotupj5y9x
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lazyazzninja · 7 years
Some live music by @thehubcapstealers . Awesome! #lasvegas #sincity #lasvegasstrip #thehubcapstealers #music #livemusic #rock #rockmusic #jamming #rockon #shitisee (at Las Vegas Strip)
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tompogsonmusic · 5 years
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Get a kit eventually, 🥁 Just trying this on breaks. It's fun! 😊 #yyjmusic #drummer First time I've dared use that hashtag! 😂 #practicepad #yyjmusicians #drumsticks #stickpractice #practice #alwayslearning #metronome (Time Guru is my jam) #victoriabc #rolls #paradiddles #vancouverisland #rockon #musician #musiciansofinstagram 🎼 (at Victoria, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxEUiERBNMH/?igshid=1lrueg6bi2742
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laughingpuffin · 6 years
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The boys are back in town! 🎶🎶🎶 Well, boys and one girl. Anyway! Proud to say we completed our first gig in years! It went great! Had a fantastic time jamming out with Kappa Psi at the Downtown U of A campus! Love these boys!! #loaded #loadedtheband #loadedphxband #backinblack #boysarebackintown #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #musicians #rockon (at University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtVfwOjHLKK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qo8cdt9wgnii
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chasercoleman · 6 years
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Come check out our #acoustic jam session at #TVDNash on #SaturdayNight 2/9 before the #Concert! New songs to share with everyone that you can only hear there! Tix: https://tinyurl.com/y8brnf94 @MicahJoeParker @MercyModeBand #TVDNashville #RockOn #FuckYeahFridays #FuckYeahFriday #FuckYeah #MercyModeBand #MercyMode FridayFunday #TGIF #FanFriday (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEHi63nbDI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eiwmkmazhpqw
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heraberra2 · 4 years
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@ixneedxmore 🖤💗 •• #heraplaysguitar #guitar #music #electricguitar #femaleguitarist #girlswhoplayguitar #blues #rock #rocknroll #metal #guitarcenter #samash #nyc #newyork #manhattan #shred #girlswhoshred #womeninmusic #rockon #jam (at Hell's Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiGsbpn0uJ/?igshid=2y065cfcm8hp
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fleetwood-mac-news · 6 years
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#Repost @soundcheck_with_gentry ・・・ On this day in Rock music history (Sept. 3rd, 1971)......Fleetwood Mac released their 5th studio album 'Future Games'. It was their first album with American guitarist Bob Welch and the first to feature Christine McVie as a full member. The album peaked Number 91 on the Billboard 200 and is Certified Gold by the RIAA in the US. After the band completed the album and turned it in, the record label said that it would not release an album with only seven songs, and demanded that they record an eighth. "What a Shame" was recorded hastily as a jam to fulfill this request. A heavily edited version of "Sands of Time" was an unsuccessful single in the United States and some other territories. However, the album did get airplay on FM radio. The title track "Future Games" was later re-recorded by Bob Welch for his 1979 solo album The Other One. Future Games is featured in the 2000 movie Almost Famous. #soundcheckwithgentry #fleetwoodmac #rock #futuregames #rocknroll #rockmusic #hardrock #bluesrock #classicrock #rockon #rockrageradio #rockmusicmatters #turnitup @rockrageradio @fleetwoodmacc @fleetwoodmacfanclub @fleetwoodmacnews @_fleetwoodmac https://www.instagram.com/p/BnSBPCDl5T4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dttrixg4scwi
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spiritbombs · 6 years
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That’s jazz! @gsguitar @pasadenanow #artists #music #musicians #musicians #guitarist #jamming #perform #performers #performance #performing #performingarts #live #livemusic #guitar #guitarlove #acoustic #drums #bass #vocals #saxophone #singing #rockon #heavy #rock #rhythm #grooves #original #tunes #buildup (at Pasadena, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtH2iH9j57W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=itz6bxv7fm5q
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fredymetalshow17 · 3 years
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10 de agosto de 2006. La banda Iron Maiden publica en su sitio web oficial el single llamado ''Different World''. Es la primera canción del álbum A Matter of Life and Death (2006). Fue publicada como segundo sencillo del álbum el 14 de noviembre de 2006 en los Estados Unidos, y el 26 de diciembre en Europa. Según la banda, esta canción es un tributo a la banda irlandesa Thin Lizzy debido al modo vocal de Bruce Dickinson, que se asemeja al de Phil Lynott. La portada del sencillo representa a Eddie con el mundo atrapado en su mano. Se publicaron dos vídeos diferentes de la canción. Uno es un corto animado por ordenador en el que aparece Dickinson robando una pócima que le convierte en un Eddie gigante, lo que le anima a destruir la ciudad. En el segundo aparece la banda tocando el tema en el estudio. Different World aparece en el videojuego Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam. 👉https://youtu.be/jvnfCfWnybY #efemeridesdelrockmetal #TalDiaComoHoy #OnThisDay #guitar #guitarplayer #bass #punkrock #metalcore #metalband #metalhead #postgrunge #rock #rocknroll #classicrock #instarock #heavymetal #heavy #rockon #metal https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZ3M6QJ0zJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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