#jane + the dragon too
snoopyisbisexual · 2 years
for anyone who needs this, treehouse TV (who created most nick jr. + pbs programming from the mid to late 2000s) has most of their shows in YouTube for free :)
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elwelle · 9 months
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not the first time this has happened
(thank you incorrectjane-andthedragon for the quote inspiration!!)
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crownomancer · 8 months
Temeraire characters as D&D classes (part 1/?)
Because why not?
Laurence: This man is so Paladin coded it’s not even funny. He supports the party, everything comes back to his ideals and moral compass. He’s probably an oathbreaker who eventually finds a stronger purpose to swear himself to.
Granby: Ranger. Favored enemy reflavored as his hyperfixation on all things dragon.
Berkeley: Bard. Loud and lovable, makes friends easy. Is he blunt rather than eloquent? Yes, but you can’t help loving him and that’s the key.
Roland: Big sorcerer energy. Sorcerers use Charisma as their spell casting modifier to “project their will onto the world” and by god, she will.
Harcourt: I think she’s our fighter. Skilled, practical, good under duress, will pour hot coffee on you for being a dick. I also love a fighter with a soft side.
Under cut is a bonus concept sketch of paladin Laurence, the real reason I did this.
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just-some-random-girl · 3 months
Hot take :
Female characters can be abusive and awful people, and making them irredeemable is not misogyny. It's just an acknowledgment that not all people who treat others poorly have a good reason for doing so, and that includes women.
Can it be bad writing? Sure. Is it always, though? Not really. Especially if the toxic female character was always a bitch from the start and it's obvious that the writers have no intention of redeeming her and never intended for her to be sympathetic. (Looking at you, Stella Goetia stans.)
Though it's even worse when the female character in question isn't even acknowledged as a bad person by the narrative, let alone her fans. *cough* Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball *cough* MCU Captain Marvel *cough* Sam Raimi's version of Mary Jane *cough*
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think that Nettles needs saving from Daemon. I won’t lie and say that the age gap(she’s 17 and he’s 49) isn’t disconcerting, because it is. Or that him being the Prince Consort and her being a likely non-Valyrian bastard girl who comes from nothing doesn’t put them on unequal footing, because it does, but Daemon clearly loves Nettles.
Regardless of whether you agree if it’s romantic love(it is, but that’s a conversation for another day) or not, he clearly loves her. He literally dotes upon with seemingly no ulterior motives, other than to provide her with simple comforts she’s so long gone without. He only wants to take care of her.
Daemon loves her enough to give up his life to defend and save hers. The man who ordered Blood & Cheese, has a reputation for misusing young girls, and commits countless war crimes, is willing to give his life up for a lowborn girl.
Nettles in all honesty wouldn’t be missed if she was murdered, but Daemon saves her. He could have easily let Lord Mooton’s men execute Rhaenyra, his wife the queen’s orders. I mean this is the Rouge Prince that we are talking about here. He murdered his own great nephew among other family members. It would have cost him nothing to hand Nettles over, but he did not. Instead he was going to fight through Lord Mooton’s men and die for her. If Nettles needs saving from that then I know nothing.
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zombiejette · 3 months
so they really just made a movie out of halsey’s the tradition?
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shartfinz · 1 year
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redraw of something I made in 2020 (the og is very bland and not worth posting)
(also vote on my ship poll :3)
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captainlaurence · 1 year
Oh dearest Temeraire… I know you don’t want to break the news to Laurence that there might be a draconic coup because he looks so happy and he’s laughing with real joy again…
But it’s not because he’s made post as Admiral.
It’s because he just got laid for the first time in five years.
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pharawee · 2 years
I need to stop making Big Dragon gifs for a sec to make another random review. Episode 3 was seriously so good 
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On a side note: I need these shoes so bad. I have a similar pair but these are so much better and 🤩
Okay, so we’re starting where we left off last week and now I kind of regret posting book spoilers because as it turns out Yai did get rid of Mangkorn’s phone and did steal his undies.
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Only, Mangkorn’s right. He’s being really stupid and creepy about it (I know this and I love him)
But what else is new.
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I loved the bit where Mangkorn calls him out again for his behaviour and Yai actually apologises. It doesn’t really count for all that much since it’s nothing more than a vague “I’m sorry” but this is Yai and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t apologise very often. It’s a start.
Plus, it leads to this:
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I honestly can’t believe they went there. Somehow they’ve taken my favourite scene (from a very questionable book I might add so it doesn’t really count for all that much) and made it so much better. Mangkorn had the upper hand but Yai chose this.
I won’t pretend that I have any idea about D/s dynamics (and I’m actually really curious what @lutawolf​ might think about this scene and/or dynamic. Hi! 😊) but I found it so well done 🫠
So did Yai, I guess, but then Mangkorn changed his priorities and took him to his favourite spot and favourite restaurant to propose (friendship).
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And I loved the way the short convo about marriage equality was interwoven with Yai’s more personal fear of abandonment.
I wonder if - BOOK SPOILERS AHEAD - Mangkorn is still the one who fell first (and before the events of the series) but Yai is definitely the one to fall harder.
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I mean. Look at this. This is adorable (and probably way more sensible than the box of sex toys he gifts Yai in the book - although I suppose there’s still 5 episodes left to include them - not that Yai necessarily needs them because...)
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I wonder what made them switch Mangkorn’s and Yai’s preferences (in the book it’s Mangkorn who “likes to play with great sadism” - and that’s really all we ever learn about it) and then dial it up to 11. I just hope Yai’s dad doesn’t check his son’s credit card expenses too closely.
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And then Big Dragon the Series turns supernatural for 5 seconds and I’m ?? ???
If this had happened in Kinnporsche Porsche would be dead. Or a forest monk.
But negl this is brilliant. Yai’s two bodyguards are living in an entirely different reality but at least they’re sharing couple phonecases and that’s adorable.
And next week Big will finally show up and no offence to Mangkorn BUT LOOK AT HIM 🥰
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I too want to give special thanks to Star Hunter 🙏
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wormspoodle · 2 years
i havent seen anyone else mention qubo :> i actually was talking about jane and the dragon like yesterday!! what were ur fave shows…
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i was a mysteries of alfred hedgehog fan
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cartoonkitten · 1 year
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jane and the dragon cat/kinda-sorta warriors au! (though it’s sorta changed to just a simple cat au cause cats r awesome) , if you remember the original art and concepts n stuff here!!
SO ESSENTIALLY the au is sorta being molded from a warriors au into a simple cat au which idk how to explain. I’m planning on drawing more about the designs and backgrounds but it’s all pretty much the same as the show/books but slightly different ya know. ITS COMPLICATED. IDK WHAT IM DOING I just had a vision HAA. I’ll elaborate when I decide any finalization. but like, it’s literally just for fun basically I just wanted to draw the sillies as cats lol
BUUTT if you’re taking into account it’s original warrior cats lore I sorta came up with before, here’s the had ideas I had for that already:
Sunpaw (Jane): was born very small and weak, everybody thought she wouldn’t make it but she did, only she wasn’t very good at fighting and stalking prey. she didn’t want to get stuck picking fleas off the elders for the rest of her life so she trained herself really hard in secret, and when the ‘dragon’ (cougar) took beetlekit away as a joke, she was brave enough to go after him first. Opening up to the dragon after realizing he’s not a threat, she befriended him and returned the leader’s kit home, everybody saw her potential at last and she was given the honor to become an apprentice and the mountain lion to make up for his mistakes and stick around
Dragon: he’s a mountain lion! he lives up in the mountain and comes to the clan camp to hang out with his best friend Sunpaw!! also, probably intentional, but I honestly always saw him as quite young in the show (young in dragon standards ofc) considering the way he acts lol, (and that’s why he gets along with Jane/Sunpaw so well haha) so I gave him those baby cougar spots lol. every other lion has left the region so he’s the only one in this area, he’s grown a bit bitter considering he’s never met another big cat like him and longs for a relationship with his father that left him the runes in his cave.
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janeaudron · 1 year
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Completed commission for a friend. A Tabaxi warlock whose patron is the Chaos God™️, Cat in the Hat. Spreads joy and fun chaos where ever he goes
Sprung forth from a joke when they shared worthikids Cat in the Hat art that had the description "a specter of death and famine".
Have to edit the process video later.
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elwelle · 1 year
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You really cannot go on like this.
Read the fic here.
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What Your Favorite JATD Ship Says About You
(Inspired by Eldena Doubleca5t’s hilarious YouTube videos.) (I joined the fandom...not that long ago) (As of posting this, Chapter 12 is the most recent chapter of Dragonblade) (I made up some of these ship names myself) (Please don’t take this too seriously) 
Gwendoc (Queen Gwendoline X King Caradoc): You’re a sucker for background characters that seem rather one-dimensional on the surface but have rich inner lives. You think this ship has it all: wholesome family fluff, and buried nuances that you could speculate on for days. 
Ivoline (Sir Ivon X Queen Gwendoline): ‘Opposites attract’ is your favorite trope, especially when there’s spice thrown in.  
Ivonodore (Sir Ivon X Sir Theodore): You just want to f*ck dads. 
Janster: There are two options for this, Pre- and Post- Dragonblade’s release. Pre-Dragonblade: Friends to lovers is your bread and butter! Post-Dragonblade, you’re putting that butter on your popcorn to eat while you watch wherever the heck this novel is going. 
Janther (I’ve also seen the much less common Junther) (Jane X Gunther): You are a firm believer in the inherent romance of swordfighting, during scenes of which you will pause the show to write an essay about the relationship that would make an English teacher rejoice. You are holding onto this ship with the strength of a pitbull. 
Peprake (Alt. Peprika) (Pepper X Rake): Your main interests are keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome. 
Jepper (Jane X Pepper): You’re a sucker for character development.
Smithy X Jane: You think Smithy deserves more love and Jane deserves more stability. 
Jesther (Jester X Smithy): You think Smithy deserves more love and Jester deserves more stability. 
Smunther (Gunther X Smithy): You think Smithy deserves more love and Gunther deserves more stability. 
Jesinia (Jester X Aged Up! Lavinia): You love two dorks being dorks together.
Gunthinia (Gunther X Aged Up! Lavinia): You’re always a sucker for an arranged marriage trope and slow burns. 
Jansther (Jane X Jester X Gunther): You just want everybody to be happy!
Jesthane (Jane X Gunther X Jester X Smithy): You really just want everybody to be happy!
Drane (Dragon X Jane): You also really like friends to lovers, but the other ships were just missing something, that certain je ne sais quoi. You refuse to let anything limit your imagination. 
Robane (Robert X Jane): You…are Martin Banyton.
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damn-daemon · 2 years
He likened her to a cat some days, unwilling to move unless roused by a lack of warmth. 'Were I a cat, you'd be very cross,' she would tease back with a smile daughters reserved for their fathers. 'You'd have no one left in the household to speak with.'
In the Wake of Dragons, Chapter One
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absolutely fascinated by the fact that there doesn't seem to be a fandom for "tooth and claw"
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