#janet cardiff
openingadoor · 2 months
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Janet Cardiff
The Telephone Call, 2001/2023
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sculpturegallery · 3 months
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Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
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zurich-snows · 1 year
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Janet Cardiff, Janet Cardiff: The Walk Book, New York, N.Y.: D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2005
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jessieyuckley · 10 months
*smashing laptop* call me janet cardiff cause i’m killing machine
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Janet Cardiff (born March 15, 1957) is a Canadian artist who works chiefly with sound and sound installations, often in collaboration with her husband and partner George Bures Miller. Cardiff first gained international recognition in the art world for her audio walks in 1995. She lives and works in British Columbia, Canada. [From Wikipedia].
I highly recommend taking a listen to her beautiful and immersive 18-minute piece "A Large Slow River." All these pieces have been put on UbuWeb sound for download.
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icouldmakeapun · 1 year
prove me wrong
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thinkingimages · 2 years
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Dreams – Telephone Series | Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller 
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jaigeye · 2 years
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jenny holzer's inflammatory essays / the killing machine by janet cardiff and george bures miller
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bugsoap · 6 months
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Conspiracy Theory (2003) by Janet Cardiff
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openingadoor · 9 months
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JANET CARDIFF (Jena Walk & The Walk Book) — worlds most perfect example of Artist Swag.
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circular-time · 2 years
More The Power of the Doctor tidbits from LI Who panels before I forget.
Major spoilers to some of the big reveals in that story, so I'm gonna cut this, just in case.
The scenes with Ace and Tegan speaking to their hologram-Doctor were a bit complicated: their Doctor(s) weren't there on the day (and at any rate Syl couldn't have climbed up where Sophie was; that bit was a real cave),
Janet was stuck with a PA reading Peter's lines while she acted her heart out to a camera.
But Sophie asked if Barnaby Edwards could crawl out of the Dalek where he's usually ensconced and read Sylvester's lines. So he perched on a rock out of her line of sight and performed the scene with her, and with that she could "see" Sylvester in front of her. As you may know, I'm fond of Barnaby, as apparently is Sophie; so that made me go 🥺
Sophie drove to Cardiff from Birmingham to Cardiff the day Sylvester was recording his parts at his request to read HER lines, although she wasn't recording them. She did that, went back to the trailer, then said, "Hang on... I don't wanna go!" So she went back and asked if she could watch.
The director soon asked her— saying she certainly could refuse! — if she would mind reading some of the other parts. "Rather!" She wound up "Sitting on that rock, being all the Doctors, and Jodie would come in and do her bit!" She said Janet and (I think?) Jemma were there for part of the day as well, so it turned into a sort of Doctor Who convention, especially because a lot of the crew themselves were fans.
Oh right. When she and Janet FIRST arrived... first of all a lot of the crew was too young to have seen them, so they were surprised at the warm welcome. But also, they were invited to enter the TARDIS before anyone else. Because you really do enter it through that door. And so Janet and Sophie went in first and got to play with the console. "You could actually push the buttons!" "When you moved a control, it didn't break off in your hand!" Janet: "I had TARDIS Envy."
A fan asked Janet how Tegan survived the fall, saying that was the one thing she didn't understand in that special. Janet: "The one thing!?"
Sophie's husband knew, but her sons didn't. Except one asked why she was going to Cardiff SO MUCH to film Blu-Ray extras. "You really want me to tell you?" "No, I don't want to know!" The second son almost caught on: "Mom, why is Ace's jacket not in its usual place in your closet?" "I've loaned it to someone." (Not a lie, it was with the costume designer in Cardiff.)
Sophie keeps some bits of Dalek she busted plus the jacket. Also that gorgeous painting from Ghost Light, although she had to find a new frame since the BBC kept that, It's in her guest room, and people assume it's an ancestor!
Janet grumbled at Sophie wanting to be an action hero (she was hoping to rice s motorcycle since she missed out doing it on TV before but was thrilled at the parachute jump). Janet's knees were not happy with running up and down stairs (my arthritis had noticed that). They both had doubles, but Sophie insisted on doing everything; she was having far too much fun.
Both of them were positively gushing about Sacha Dhawan's acting and his Master being "utterly unhinged." A bit of a challenge for them, since they're used to acting with rehearsals, whereas now one just meets the other actors, may do a quick bit of blocking for the camera, then go, and you simply have to respond via improv with no idea what the other actors are planning.He altered his performance slightly every take, giving the director different things to play with.
As I mentioned in another post, Janet was worried because she hadn't acted in 35 years (with Big Finish they have scripts in front of them) and wasn't sure she could memorize. She flubbed the first line, let out "an Australian expletive" and Jodie said "I'm going to like you."
The director kept pushing Janet to make her initial confrontation with the Doctor more angry/cranky. Every time she did it, he'd say "more" and she'd ramp it up a notch. She was a little worried about it, but in the theater Tegan's cranky lines got laughter and applause, which relieved her, because she always thought Tegan was rather funny.
The companion group gathering was a joy. Katy sailed in with carrot cake. Originally there was supposed to be a laptop on the empty chair with some othet companions. Sophie liked fans' suggestion it was for Sarah Jane.
William Russell is really struggling with dementia. His daughter brought him, and the "family" of companions kind of looked after him. He got stuck apologizing over and over after spilling his drink, but John Bishop sat down with him and repeated his lines with him to help him through. (It sounds to me like there may have been another that was cut.)
Jodie didn't have any scenes that day, she just couldn't stay away. (there's a bts group photo with her.)
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Joseph Beuys Wire Tap, 1998
(Thegn Penrose, Digital, 2023)
this is a thing I made recently relating to Joseph Beuys, Shamanism, Alchemy, and some pseudo-spiritual ideas I have about the internet and its origins in telecom in the 1990s. I might make more related to this, but who knows. since I had a deadline for the project it isn't all I wanted it to be, but it allowed me to sperg out about Joseph Beuys to people in my class that didn't care, so that's alright. I'm especially interested in the belief that Terrence Mckenna had in technological singularity and the internet before he died. McKenna believed that a technological singularity would provide the redemption of the spirit through matter prophesied in the hermetic tradition. This belief seems very out of place now, but in the 1990s it was considered perfectly logical.
formally it draws heavily on La Jetee (you absolutely have to check it out if you haven't yet, it's only 30 minutes and available on youtube), and the work of janet cardiff. I'll probably make a post about her some day, because she's a really interesting artist. she mostly makes installations, but they focus a lot on sound and physical spaces, so I was thinking of her a lot when mixing the audio. her work is very creepy and interesting, but honestly, it can only be fully experienced in person.
all that you really need to know is that the text-to-speech program in this video is recounting Joseph Beuys' story of crashing in Crimea during World War II. he had been drafted into the Luftwaffe and ended up crashing, after which, according to him, he was taken in by nomadic Tatars, who nursed him back to life using animal fat and sheets of felt. this story is probably not literally true and was either made up as part of his self-myth or hallucinated. later, after the war was over he became an artist, and like a lot of his german contemporaries was consumed by guilt and an overriding postmodern fear that whatever trauma they had inflicted upon humanity would stifle all meaning in human life. he and other artists like Anselm Kiefer, (who, not at all coincidentally was also interested in alchemy) were terrified of the urge to forget and suppress the memory of the holocaust and believed that without proper healing no actual progress could be achieved.
he is known for his especially pessimistic work in the 1950s and 60s that focused on trauma, the dissolution of humans as living beings and subjects, and a fixation on Auchwitz. following this he leaned more into his belief in alchemy and felt that through his ritualistic practices, much like the tatars healed him, he could heal the large scale trauma in the world around him. his attitude at this time was very sincere and earnest, and was accompanied by a strong involvement in the West German anti-war and anti-nuclear movements. some people would see his early involvement with the Green Party, for instance, as out of character or wacky, but it actually fits beautifully within his belief that great art would accompany meaningful material change in the world.
anyway, I'm rambling. I will not get into my ideas about the early internet yet. some day.
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thomasmartinnutt · 2 months
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Chance Encounters #006
Sarah Rahman, Robert Creeley, Cosmos, Alva Noto & Bryce Dessner, Jana Winderen, Alessandro Bosetti & Annette Krebs, Mathew Herbert and London Contemporary Orchestra feat. Jali Bakary Koneth, Langham Research Centre, David Tudor, Linda Buckley, Laria Ó Lionáird & Crash Ensemble, Benedict Drew, Yara Asmar feat. Majd Chidiac, Lia Kohl, Civilistjävel! feat. Cucina Povera, Flora Yin-Wong, Daniel Bachman, Ernst Karel, Chantal Michelle, Janet Cardiff, Ljerke, Michael Snow, Li Yilei, Gentle Fire, More Eaze, Vladimir Ussachevsky
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slowroadtosantiago · 1 year
Day 26 - Mansilla de las Mulas to Leon
It was another 12 miler and we carried our packs.
I don’t know how Jane did but it was another rubbish night’s sleep for me. My bunk companion was fine and I felt a bit sorry for her with my tossing and turning. The room was very hot and never truly dark as the blinds in the patio door wouldn’t come down and there was a bright orange street light outside. Never mind, we’re Airbnb’ing it tonight, own bedrooms and a quiet area, bliss.
We were up by half 6 and out by 7, we’re getting practiced at this. We knew there was a town about 3 miles up the road and hoped we would find breakfast. As we were leaving Mansilla we went over an old bridge and could see the ancient walls and a pretty river.
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The path yet again followed the road but it wasn’t quite as desolate and boring as the last few days. We saw the moon setting too.
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We almost missed the turning for the cafe as the path didn’t go through the village. It was an odd, scruffy cafe. I didn’t fancy the look of the croissants so asked for tostada which she griddled. We should have sent them back as they tasted of the oil that was last used on the griddle, even when slathered with jam. The coffee was ok though.
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We then stopped at a little place that offered free rest for pilgrims, which had a vending machine. The biscuit thing I got to take the taste of the oil away didn’t really help either as it was pretty foul, so we just carried on.
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The Welsh Cymru am Byth graffiti signs are still there, you would have thought their pen would have run out by now.
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The path began to get a bit more urban running through scrubland between a motorway and a main road but some of the views were still pretty and rural.
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We stopped for a coffee on the outskirts of Leon, then wandered in through the ‘out of town’ area passing a Spanish B&Q.
Then things took a turn for the worse. Jane put her foot in a hole, and took a tumble twisting her ankle badly. After a while she felt OK to continue but was in pain. We went slowly and had our first proper sight of Leon.
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It was a straightforward walk in along the streets on the outskirts. We weren’t due to check in until 2 so made our way to the cathedral square. Jane was in quite a bit of discomfort so went to a nearby restaurant that I knew for some lunch. The wife of the man who owns it was an English teacher who was in a school with one of my friends in the cohort I was teaching in Leon with last year.
We enjoyed our burgers and made our way to the Airbnb. It’s very close to the centre but away from all the bars. Leon is a bit like Cardiff on a Saturday night and there were already young people roaming the streets in fancy dress!
We’ve got a two-bed place in an old courtyard with a full sized bath this time, a TV and a washing machine, don’t need much more!
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Jane put her feet up properly and a wash on while I had a bath. We found a channel showing the rest of the coronation and watched the Buckingham Palace balcony scenes followed by something that is definitely set in Cornwall but overdubbed in Spanish.
At 5:30 I popped out to the shops to get Jane some food to eat and our breakfast for tomorrow.
I left Jane with her foot up then went up to the town to a place I knew which is like Boots as my soap bar is getting a bit thin now. After an abortive first attempt a very lovely girl helped me out. It was really strange being back and it felt odd without the familiar faces of those I was with a year ago.
There’s a rooftop bar we used to go to so I popped by but there was a sign on the door that it was full. I think you can still book a meal so I’ll see how Jane is feeling in the morning and maybe we can go for lunch.
The Camino family had been messaging so met Scott, a new friend of his Catherine from Belgium, Alex and Nicole outside the cathedral at 7. I then led them through the busy narrow streets to the Plaza Mayor which was noisy and chaotic. We sat for a drink and a chat being joined later by Ernest and Janet. I had a good chat with Ernest as he worked in IT for Bank of America.
We were very good and only had the one drink before I made my way back to the Airbnb for an early night.
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riverk1tty · 6 months
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Janet Cardiff site specific audio walks
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nmoli049 · 8 months
1. Appendage: Artist:
Constantin Brancusi, 2. Anish Kapoor, 3. Franz West
2. Appendage: Research
Eyes, 2. Human Heart, 3. Arm, 4. Abstract Sketch
3. Appendage: Process
4. Appendage: Veneer
Veneer Materials
5. Appendage: Final
Video, 2. Pictures
6. Appendage: Organic / Inorganic
Organic Images, 2. Organic Video 1, 3. Organic Video 2, 4. Organic Video 3, 5. Inorganic Video, 6. Inorganic Image
7. Artist Presentation Research
1. Donald Judd, 2. Hermann Nitsch, 3. Lawrence Weiner, 4. Richard Serra, 5. Janet Cardiff
8. de-Table-ization: Table Selfie
9. de-Table-ization: Research
10. de-Table-ization: Process
11. de-Table-ization: Final
Studio Final, 2. Final Test 1, 3. Final Test 2
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