#jang dong-yoon
rosethorn108 · 6 months
my man is cupid
always touching her man
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the entire station can see it
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his family can see it
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kaipanzero · 4 months
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Project Wolf Hunting
늑대사냥 (2022)
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withlittletrust · 3 months
an ode to "Daily Dose of Sunshine"
trigger warning: mentions of suicide, depression, other mental health illnesses and spoilers to “Daily Dose of Sunshine”.
some time ago, i told myself that i wanted to finally share some highlights from last year. why now - almost a quarter of the way through the new year - you may ask. well, no reason in particular. i’ve wanted to do it for a while; i just haven’t gotten around to taking some time to sit down and organize my thoughts until recently. i figured, what better time than now?
the first highlight i’d like to share is probably something unexpected. it is not a place, it is not a moment in time, but it is a piece of art that i discovered sometime last year. shortly after my last birthday, i went on a trip with my beloved sister to strasbourg. she was feeling a bit unwell at that time, so instead of exploring the city until late, we decided it was best to return to the hotel and get some rest.
i turned on netflix because i had nothing else to do, and there it was: a new korean drama, titled “Daily Dose of Sunshine”.
having seen the trailers in passing before, this work was something that i had been looking forward to — albeit not in an overly excited kind of way. in my defense, how was i supposed to know it’s a heartwarming story, when the director made the trailer into some kind of m. night shyamalan situation?
well, i’ve never been more glad to be proven wrong.
this is something i would like to recommend to anyone interested in gaining insight into mental health issues and/or illnesses. it is suitable both as a first point of contact with these topics, and as a deeper, more insightful and eye-opening experience for those already somewhat familiar with them.
this story begins by introducing us to our main protagonist, nurse jung da-eun. she had just transferred from internal medicine, and we got to experience the station through her eyes. ones, that were somewhat unfamiliar with mental illnesses, that is.
now, as a medical student who did a 1,5-month internship in psychiatry, i already somewhat knew what to expect. nurse da-eun, however, understandably felt like she was thrown into cold water. from her first patient who slapped her before proceeding to (while running around naked) urinate in the corridor, causing nurse da-eun to fall and get soaked in (what i presume must have been still lukewarm) smelly kind of human secrete, all the way to being accused of theft and terrorized by a patient dealing with her own trauma, nurse da-eun was overwhelmed.
but all of that did not last too long, because the next moment we see her, she had already found her footing. it wasn’t all too difficult, because she was, at her core, a nurse who loved her job so much and cared deeply about her patients.
maybe, if i’d believed it were a thing, i would have said that she cared a bit too deeply. :-(
it all came crashing down when one of her patients committed suicide. it was a patient whom she had built a great rapport, who was discharged on her (through extensions) recommendations — adding to the guilt she felt. the cherry on top was the fact that this guy called her and asked her to meet up directly before he committed the act — a final request she was unable to fulfil.
depression hit hard.
at first, nurse da-eun tried to bury herself in her work. then, it was days of sleeping and nothing else. ultimately, she was forcefully committed to a psych ward after attempting to run into active traffic, because the pain she felt was so great, she couldn’t feel anything else.
in the psych ward, the first thing she felt was overwhelming anger. toward her mother, the doctor, other nurses, everyone. she was in complete denial - no, she was not depressed. no, other nurses shouldn’t treat her like a patient - she was also a nurse! a psychiatric nurse, goddamnit!
the resolution came slowly, not rushed. not in a, suddenly, everything’s good again, kind of way. not that now she’s happy again, problem solved, kind of way. she had to learn to slowly and painstakingly love herself, to see herself in a kinder way. she made the decision to choose happiness and was willing to put in the work every day, every step of the way.
now, WHO estimates that globally 1 out of every 4 people will be impacted by mental illness at some point in their lives. 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. if you’re lucky enough to have made it through life unscathed so far — well good for you, but there is absolutely no guarantee that it will not happen to you or people closest to you in the future.
i think it’s important to recognize that being healthy is a privilege. while mental illnesses might not be as visible as physical illnesses, they are, as the name suggests, illnesses. just as you need to see a doctor when you get a cold, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often require treatment. the least we can do to help people that are affected is to destigmatize mental illness and promote access to mental healthcare. it is our responsibility as a society to recognize that everyone deserves the opportunity to attain and maintain good health, and it is our responsibility as fellow human beings to fight against the inequalities and disparities associated with having mental illnesses.
obviously, it can sound overwhelming at first. and no one person should bear these burdens alone. i guess what i hope you can takeaway from all of these are the simple things: educate, listen, validate, encourage treatment, and provide emotional support. be decent human beings. call me naïve, but i feel like the world could be a better place if we all followed these principles. <3.
alexa, play imagine by the beatles. :-)
bonus part: the juicy stuff
this work also features what is probably my favorite love story of all time. the other half of the pair is made up by one mr. dong go-yoon, a colorectal surgeon who fell for nurse da-eun. he was sweet to her while being a dependable, emotionally stable figure throughout the series. he always seemed to know exactly what to do and what to say, to support her just to be her.
now i have to admit, i initially thought he was somewhat of a weirdo. he received consultation for his ocd, because he couldn’t stop cracking his fingers so much, they became callous. he also seemed kind of like a stalker when regularly hid and waited for her at bus stops. but the later we got into the story, the more admirable and adorable i found him to be.
dr. dong go-yoon was the reason nurse da-eun got the help that she needed.
i mean, i’d like to believe that it probably would’ve happened nonetheless, sooner or later. but he was the actual reason she made a successful recovery. i feel he was a kind person, truly. he always seemed to know how to help, but not in an overbearing kind of way. he always gave her space. he let her figure things out at her own pace.
he also has a love rival in one song yu-chan, but instead of overstepping his boundaries with the childhood best friend of his crush, he deals with it like an (awesome!) adult. he even manages to be a big brother figure for the latter. he has such a kind heart and such wisdom, it leads his brain to be able to reach places i couldn’t even fathom existed.
to conclude, this guy really had the perfect response at all times. he could understand she was still hurting, he didn’t preach even though he probably knew better. he got a black eye getting into a fight with demonstrators who wanted nurse da-eun to be fired for having been admitted into a psych ward. he went out of his way and gets up early to take her on morning walks, because some days, she still stood on the border between depression and hope. but to her, he was someone who visits her before depression ever does (even though he might fall asleep during breakfast time).
it was so heartwarming to see nurse da-eun found someone like him to rely on.
tonight, i wish for everyone find love and companionship as solid as what they had. calm and unbothered, with roots so strong, the storms never stood a chance.
feel free to strike up a conversation with me regarding this topic! i’m always interested in broadening my knowledge and listening to stories from other people!
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khuantru · 4 months
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This show is surprisingly good!! It's got a lot of heart.
I binged episode 1 - 11. I think episode 12 is the last after seeing the teaser trailer for it.
Episode 10 is my favourite, the end scene where all friends are reunited again cracked me up. "Du sik is the daughter of a legendary fighter.. but she's not a girl.. she's ugly" - HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
K show: Like Flowers in Sand
Platform: netflix
Lee Joo-myung (이주명) Jang Dong-yoon (장동윤)
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k-star-holic · 7 months
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Park Bo-young X Jang Dong-yoon, shocking 'during' visual .. Uniform in the thirties Digestion
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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olivierdemangeon · 1 year
      Les forces de police coréennes rapatrient, un groupe de dangereux criminels sur un cargo spécialement affrété et conditionné. Malgré la sécurité accrue, ceux-ci parviennent à s’échapper et massacrent les forces de l’ordre ainsi que les membres de l’équipage. Toutefois, un mal bien plus profond se libère également de la soute du bateau…     “Project Wolf Hunting” est un thriller d’action…
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cinemaronin · 2 years
Beautiful Days (2018)
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뷰티풀 데이즈 Beautiful Days (2018)  directed by Jéro Yun cinematography by  Kim Jong-sun
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moviesandmania · 2 years
PROJECT WOLF HUNTING (2022) Korean sci-fi crime thriller - trailers and release news
PROJECT WOLF HUNTING (2022) Korean sci-fi crime thriller – trailers and release news
Project Wolf Hunting is a 2022 Korean sci-fi thriller about criminals on a cargo ship who attempt to escape and unleash a sinister force. Written and directed by Kim Hong-sun (The Age of Blood). The movie stars Seo In-guk, Jang Dong-yoon, Jeong So-min and Sung Dong-il. Plot synopsis: A group of dangerous criminals is being transported by sea from the Philippines to South Korea. After a…
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movienized-com · 27 days
The Sand Flower
The Sand Flower (Serie 2023) #JangDongyoon #LeeJumyoung #YunJongseok #KimBora #LeeJaejoon #LeeJuseung Mehr auf:
Serie / 沙之花也有春天 / Like Flowers in Sand Jahr: 2023- (Dezember) Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romantik Hauptrollen: Jang Dong-yoon, Lee Ju-myoung, Yun Jong-seok, Kim Bo-ra, Lee Jae-joon, Lee Ju-seung … Serienbeschreibung: Kim Baek Doo (Jang Dong-yoon) geht schon immer seiner großen Leidenschaft nach – dem traditionellen koreanischen Wrestling Sireum. Als jüngstes Familienmitglied einer berühmten…
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mofartumb · 6 months
Sinopsis My Man Is Cupid (2023)
My Man Is Cupid (2023) adalah serial drama Korea yang dibintangi oleh Jang Dong-yoon, Nana, dan Park Ki-woong. Serial sepanjang 16 episode ini ditayangkan Amazon Prime Video. Berikut review dan sinopsis drama Korea My Man Is Cupid (2023) Plot sinopsis Alkisah, seorang peri terkena panah yang ditembakkannya sendiri. Dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang wanita. Cheon Sang-Hyuk (Jang Dong-Yoon) adalah…
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,8 Benim Puanım: 7
Drama: The Tale of Nokdu (English title) / The Joseon Romantic-Comedy Tale of Nok-Du (literal title)
Hangul: 조선로코 녹두전
Director: Kim Dong-Whee
Writer: Hye Jin Yang (webcomic), Im Ye-Jin, Baek So-Yeon
Date: 2019
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Jang Dong-Yoon, Kim So-Hyun, Kang Tae-Oh, Jung Joon-Ho, Kim Tae-Woo
 2019 KBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2019
Excellent Actor (Jang Dong-Yoon)
Excellent Actress (Kim So-Hyun)
Best New Actor (Kang Tae-Oh)
Best Youth Actress (Park Da-Yeon)
Best Couple Award (Jang Dong-Yoon & Kim So-Hyun)
 Hazır dönem dizisi olan Love in the Moonlight ‘ı yeni bitirmişken, yine adem elmasının ne olduğunun keşfedilmediği başka bir dönem dizinden devam ettim. Denk mi geldi bilmiyorum Love in the Moonlight dizisinde bir kızın erkek kılığında saraya girmesi konu edilirken burada tam tersi bir erkeğin kadın kılığında saraya girmesi konu edilmiş. Dizi yine bir webtoon uyarlaması ama dizi senaristi senaryolaştırma kısmında yardımcı olmuş. Konusuna gelecek olursak;
Jeon Nok-Du (Jang Dong-Yoon) ailesi ile gözden uzak küçük bir köyde yaşarken bir grup tarafından saldırıya uğruyorlar. Saldıranları savuştursa da o sırada abisi yaralanıyor. Nok-du da saldırganların kim olduğunu öğrenmek için peşlerine düşüyor. Uzun bir kovalamaca sonrasında saldıranlar gizli bir yerden geçip gözden kaybolunca Nok-du da peşlerinden giriyor. Ancak girdiği yer bir dul köyü olunca, orada işin aslını çözebilmek için kadın kılığına girmek zorunda kalıyor. Jang Dong-Yoon o kadar güzel bir yüze sahip ki gerçekten kadın olduğunu düşündürtmüştü. Bunun yanı sıra erkek olarak karşımıza çıktığında ise onu da hakkıyla yapıyordu.
Köyde beraber aynı odada kaldığı Dong Dong-Ju(Kim So-Hyun) bile onun erkek olduğunu çok geç fark ediyordu. Bu durum aslında oyuncunun çok güzel kadın rolü yapmasından dolayı hiç iğreti durmadı. Tek eksik dediğim gibi adem elması ile yaşadıkları imtihan olabilir. Bir şekilde dizi başlıyor. Konu, Nok-du’nun gerçekten kim olduğu, Dong-Ju ile aralarındaki iletişim, aile geçmişleri gibi karışık mevzular etrafında şekilleniyor.
Love in the Moonlight dizisine nazaran konu biraz daha ağır ilerliyordu. Diziyi karakterlerin çekiciliği ayakta tutuyordu diyebilirim. İkinci adam krizi burada da vardı. Saray mutfağında yemek yapmayı seven prens Cha Yool-Moo(Kang Tae-Oh), oyuncu olarak çok başarılı olsa da karakteri alelacele yazılmış gibiydi. Dizi başlarında kendisine çok yükseldik, hatta kız ile onun olmasını istedik falan ama tam bu sırada aslında kötü adam olduğu çıktı. Karakter gelişimi yok denebilecek kadar azdı. Buna rağmen Kang Tae-Oh aynı karakterin iki farklı ruh halini de çok güzel canlandırmıştı.
Nok-du’nun dövüş hocasının küçük kızı Aengdoo (Park Da-Yeon) rolünde oynayan çocuk oyuncu ise hepsine taş çıkartıyordu diyebilirim. Karakter olarak olsun, mimikleri olsun çok tatlıydı. Nok-du’ya aşık olan ve ona sürekli kocacım diye hitap eden bu ufaklık mutfakta prens Cha Yool-Moo ile karşılaşınca midesine yenik düşüyordu. Ve aşkını ona çeviriyordu. Sürekli yemek için peşinde dolaşması dizinin eğlenceli kısımlarından biriydi. Bir diğer eğlenceli sahne ise Jang Dong-Yoon ve Kang Tae-Oh’nun öpüşmek zorunda kaldıkları çekimlerdi. Bu sahnenin kamera arkasına denk geldim. Sahneyi normal seyrinde izlediğimdeki etkisinden daha çok kamera arkasına güldüğümü söylemeliyim. İki yakışıklı adamın öpüşmeye çalışması gerçekten komikti.
Baş roller arasındaki tripler, sır saklamalar çok sinir bozucuydu. Aynı amaç için kendi başlarına plan yapmaları olsun, kendi doğruları için sürekli bir küs bir barışıyor olmaları olsun gerçekten izleyiciyi bunaltan durumlardı. Bir diğer saçma şey ise kraldı. Kral başlı başına tam bir saçmalıktı. Kendi dünyasında bir şeylere takılmış, hırslarına yenik düşmüş, kendi öz evladını doğar doğmaz yerime geçecek diye öldürtmüş. Herkese korku salan, vicdanı acıması olmayan bir karakter yaratılmış. Ama bu adam kılık değiştirip, kılık dediğime bakmayın, kıyafet değiştirip halk arasında tonton bir amca gibi dolaşıyor. Sözde halkı dinliyormuş. Üstelik hem Nok-du hem de Dong-Ju krala düşmanken, onunla karşılaşıp yakın arkadaş olmaları da çok yapmacıktı. Çünkü kralın yüzü gizli değildi. Onun kral olduğunu anlamamaları için hiçbir bahaneleri yoktu.
Finale gelecek olursak, son bölümlerde “ben ne izliyorum” dedim. Tam aksiyonun zirvelere çıktığı sahneleri izlerken bir anda bambaşka bir hal aldı. Hani güzel sonlara göre bile fazla toz pembe bir sondu. Güzel miydi? Kesinlikle değildi. Sonda yapılan twist bir nebze beni tatmin etti ama Nok-du ya yazılan son inanılmazdı. Pamuklara sarıp sen burada otur demişler gibiydi. İlk defa bir dizinin mutlu sonu beni mutlu etmedi diyebilirim.
Raven Melus
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xiaolanhua · 6 months
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My Man Is Cupid 내 남자는 큐피드 (2023) Dir. Nam Tae Jin – Ep. 8
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uppoompat · 7 months
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Happiness isn't complicated. Being free to do what you like, that's happiness.
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yesdramas · 5 months
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MY MAN IS CUPID 내 남자는 큐피드 — 2023, dir. Myung Hyun Woo, Nam Tae Jin
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baeinhyuks · 5 months
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What kind of first kiss did you want?
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Jang Dong-yoon "Actor=Office workers, not stocking on Subway"
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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