hollyand-writes · 7 years
Title: To Rule Over Him Rating: Explicit Fandom: Dragon Age 2 Pairings: M!Hawke/Anders  Word count: 1,867  Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Sex Magic, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Januanders, Fluff and Smut, Porn Without Plot
“Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him”    — Transfigurations 1:1-5. 
Porn without plot. Anders dominates Garrett Hawke in bed with magic. 
Also Toppy!Anders, because there can never be enough Toppy!Anders IMO. 
Written for @justhanderspositive‘s Januanders takeback. Sorry it’s late.
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timesorceror · 7 years
Day 20 (January 26th) - Bi the Way (Anders edition)
Anders’ sexuality is the theme of this day.
For @justhanderspositive‘s challenge: [HERE].
It takes me a bit to get to the actual bisexual bit of the prompt, and even then it’s not the focus so much as it is a device that Anders uses to help Hawke understand that he knows what it’s like for others to assume one thing just because of how another thing appears.
I still enjoy this piece, even if it’s not as prompt-centric as I hoped. Sometimes that’s just how the keystrokes click, if you know what I mean. ;)
Anders remembered the day that Hayden stumbled into his clinic, clutching a pair of worn yet pretty looking robes. Hayden glanced around, almost as though they hoped that Anders wasn't there, and yet... their eyes eventually spotted him, darning a couple of socks in the far corner nearest to the light of the high windows.
"Oh, Anders! Hello... um. Good afternoon."
Hayden ducked their head and shuffled forward a bit, still glancing around and holding their arms close to their sides. Clearly, they were uncomfortable about something. Anders put down his socks and thread and stood up, meeting Hayden halfway to hover over them, concerned.
"Afternoon, Hawke," he greeted them, smiling softly. "Are you alright? You seem tense."
Hayden frowned. "I thought I told you to call me Hayden," they grumbled. Anders laughed.
"So you did. Sorry, I'll not forget again. But, really, is something bothering you? Perhaps I can help." Anders looked down at the robes Hayden was still clutching tightly.
"Do you need help with those?" he asked, pointing to the robes. Hayden nodded.
"I-If you don't mind. But... that's not really what I came here to talk to you about." Hayden sighed and ran a hand through their hair, now more frustrated than uncomfortable. "I think... I... can, can we sit? Or maybe... do this while you're helping me with... these?" Hayden held out the robes, which Anders took from them gingerly. "Why don't you start by stripping down to your smalls first? I'll lock up the clinic for a bit so we can have some privacy."
Hayden nodded, and began to remove the armor, tunic, and trousers they were currently wearing while Anders briefly blew out the lantern and locked the door, coming back to find Hayden shifting in just their underthings next to one of the cots.
"Why is it so chilly down here?" Hayden complained idly, rubbing at their arms insistently. "It's nearly the height of spring, isn't it?"
Anders shrugged. "It gets much warmer later in the year. But come here and I'll help you get into these robes to warm you up. Do you want the trousers they come with, or...?"
Hayden debated with themselves for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I'll wear them for now."
Anders handed them to Hayden. "Then put these on first and we'll get started."
He watched as Hayden put them on, accessing them with a healer's gaze. Hayden was one of the more muscular mages he'd met outside of a Circle, though he supposed it came from growing up a farmer, like Anders had once upon a time. Hayden's muscles were slimmer, though, more densely packed from fighting with the staff they used to fight off the bandits and various creatures they came across on the odd jobs they completed around Kirkwall.
Hayden wasn't heavily muscled by any means, and likely wouldn't be unless they worked at it; they were more like Anders, tall and gangly with not much bulk and a little on the skinny side. Eventually, they finished putting on the trousers, socks, and boots, and Anders helped them into the silvery blue patchwork affair that was the robe they'd brought. It had a shoulder section lined in white fur, just like the hood that was attached to it and it hugged their frame nicely.
Anders then showed Hayden how to slide the belts through the proper holes and attach their belt pouches to them. Anders was just finishing up with the belt at the waist when Hayden grasped his hand.
"Wait. Is there... a way we can make it... tighter? But not, like... I don't know. Ugh.” They ran a hand through their hair again; frustrated. "I don't want to have a particular... look to it. Does that make any sense?"
Anders' eyebrows rose, and suddenly he understood. "Well, they're robes. They do a pretty good job of obscuring things like that on their own, depending on the cut. I can certainly show you the safest length you can tighten the belts to, but you also need to be able to breathe... and besides, I don't think clothing can necessarily help with what I think is troubling you. Why don't we sit in the back? I've got some tea going, a bit of bread and cheese..."
Hayden stared at him for a few moments, the tension in their shoulders slowly leaving them.
"You... you know what's wrong with me?" Hayden asked timidly.
Now it was Anders' turn to stare and sigh. "Oh, Hayden. There's nothing wrong with you... come on. Let's sit." Anders linked his arm with Hayden's and gently guided him to the back room he used as his sleeping quarters. The two of them sat down on the rug in the center of the floor while Anders poured them some tea and they made some small sandwiches from the small selection of bread, meat, and cheese that Anders had somehow not given away yet.
"So..." Hayden began after a while in an attempt to get the inevitable conversation started, "...so you know what's bothering me then? I don't think I meant to use the word "wrong"... I know it's not... not necessarily wrong." Hayden grasped their mug of tea with both hands and stared into the inky darkness of its contents.
"My father was sort of... the first to notice that I was... different. I didn't like being referred to as a boy, though I didn't know why it bothered me so. It became more obvious when the twins were growing up –especially Carver– my mother told me that older boys needed to look out for the younger ones. Father took me aside and asked me if I'd prefer to be a girl instead, but that... that wasn't right, either. I just wanted to be... me."
Anders nodded as Hayden continued, the words coming in a steady stream after the first few sentences were out of them.
"He told me that it was okay not to want to be either a boy or a girl. But sometimes Mother would still refer to me as her "oldest son" to the people in the village, and... well. I suppose, technically it's true." Hayden shrugged, gesturing to their physical self before they clutched the mug again and shook their head.
"I don't think that's what she meant. But Father always made sure that I was comfortable with who I was, and even after he passed, it was easy to remember his words and take comfort in them. Still, even though I knew I didn't want to be referred to as a she or a he... I needed to be referred to as something. So it's just been "he" for as long as I can remember, and it still chafes when my family forgets. Like, most people I meet are going to assume I'm a man, and I'm fine with that. But, like... when it's my friends and family who don't bother?"
Another shurg, and this time Anders nodded with understanding.
"I understand. It's like when people assume that I prefer men because pretty much all of my lasting relationships with people that I really cared about were men. But I do like women. I like women a lot. I spent a lot of my stint at the Pearl in Denerim with several women. Sometimes more than one at once. But it's like I said before, I believe that when a person falls in love, they fall in love with the entire person. It just so happens that the people I've dared to fall in love with were mostly men. 
“Now, that sort of thing is a little different from your situation, but it's the same... idea. The frustration that comes from having to deal with the fact that not everyone will always understand or even respect who you are.
"But, I digress. I've met people like you in the Circle who didn't prefer one set of pronouns over the other. It might help to tell people to refer to you with something... neutral like "they" or "them". These are words people already know and are comfortable with, and they're easy to remember. There are other neutral pronoun sets out in the world, though I can't recall any off the top of my head... Isabela might know a few."
Hayden shrugged. "Oh, no need to go to such trouble for me. I think I like those myself. Like you said, they're simple to remember, and people already use them in their regular speech."
They grinned, and for the first time since they'd walked into the clinic, Anders watched Hayden truly relax. "After all, you really can't avoid saying "they" or "them" in a sentence very often, can you? Yes, I like those words very much." They laughed, seeming quite pleased with themselves. Anders couldn't help but chuckle a bit in return.
"I'm glad I could help you sort this out. Just know that if you want to talk about anything else, feel free to come by and ask, and maybe I'll know a thing or two that can help."
"I actually kind of want to know more about you, actually. Like... what you got up to at the Pearl? Isabela won't shut up about you when I take her anywhere, you know." Anders nearly choked on the bite of sandwich he'd been chewing and had to wash it down with a bit of his tea. He felt his face flush, and it must've been pretty bad because the mirth sparkling in Hayden's eyes was unmistakeable.
"You're asking about... like, sexuality now?"
"Yours, in particular." Hayden replied, gently digging one elbow into their knee as they propped their chin in one hand, still grinning like the cat that'd caught the cream. Anders tittered.
"I just told you that I'm attracted to both men and woman."
"And me," they added. "Yes," Anders replied without thinking, "and you."
Then Anders realized what he'd just said and Hayden had to set down their mug before rolling over with laughter. "I can't believe I got you to say that!" They descended into giggles for a moment or two before laying back on the rug and turning their head to look at him.
"What happened to the flirty Anders who I spoke to when we first met? I liked that version of you." Anders shrugged. "Old habits die hard," was all he said on the matter. "And, speaking of habits... would you like to tell everyone during our next card night about what we've discussed? Or at least tell them your preferred pronouns. They don't need every sordid detail... especially Isabela."
Hayden sat up and was suddenly sober for a moment as they thought about it.
"Yes... I think I'd like that. I might... might need your help with it. The telling of it. You know?"
"Whatever you need, Hayden," Anders promised.
"Thank you, Anders. For... all of this. And the robes. I mean, I could've asked my mother, but... I wanted to talk to you. I figured that you might understand."
"Do you want me to help tell your family as well?"
Hayden shrugged. "I suppose? If it gets you to eat a proper meal, sure. It's mostly Mother that I need to tell. Like, Carver's always been pretty decent about it, and even Gamlen sort of understands. If he's referred to me as a man to others, it hasn't been within my hearing."
"Hmm. I'd never say no to a free meal," Anders purred, and Hayden grinned triumphantly. "Then it's a date! You'll come tonight."
"Hayden..." Anders groaned. "It's not a date."
"Yes it is. Now do I have to stick around and help you out in the clinic to make sure you come, or..."
"Well, I never say no to a second pair of hands. I've got some potions that need brewing." "Will you show me how to make them? It's probably cheaper than ordering, isn't it?"
"Of course," Anders replied as he walked back into the clinic proper, unlocking the door and relighting the lantern outside. "And yes, sometimes. It is."
And so they worked side by side for the remainder of the day, Hayden unable to help keep themselves from smiling as they worked. They looked good in the robes, too; silvery blue was a nice color on them. Brought out their eyes. Eyes that sparkled and did things to Anders' insides that reminded him of how Karl had sometimes stared at him like Anders was some sort of amusing secret that only he'd known.
Anders wondered, briefly, if that was how Hayden thought of him. Then he shook his head and went back to his work; he had socks to darn later and he wanted to finish them in time to leave for that free meal he’d been promised.
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thejourneymaninn · 7 years
Januanders Day 4 (Anders and Karl) and Day 25 (Anders and Happiness)
Anders x Karl (angst with a happy ending, fluff; warnings for brief mentions of death and blood, mentions of tranquility and implied past abuse/non-con)
Anders and Karl get their happy ending. 
Read on AO3
For @selfmadeelf. 
The first light of the day falls upon his face, tickling his nose. He opens his eyes to furniture, modest yet comfortable, shelves of books, flowers on the windowsill. The room is filled with life. With warmth. Sometimes, he grins as he sees the clothes haphazardly strewn across the floor, with fire. Not quite so often, after all this years and with so many more grey streaks, but with no less force.
He is alone, sprawled over the full width of the bed, but the pillow next to his is still warm. His lips slope into a soft curve, lazy like the rest of his body. Of course he got up first. Anders can hear him, faintly, bustling around in the kitchen, floorboards creaking under his feet. His smile gains force. Even as a boy, Karl was never good at sneaking.
The clanking of cupboards, the rustling of tea leaves. The hiss of boiling water, so much like that shocked, desperate breath when he plunged the knife into his lover’s body. When he listened to his pleas to kill him, and lost him for good.
Or at least, for too many years.
The loss, the wound, it never healed. Gaping at first, it closed, but festered, oozing, constantly, through mourning, through new friendships, through battles and victories, through hope - and its destruction. He pushed it down. There was no other choice; he was always just one fatal memory away from drowning. The years went by, and he thought he had forgotten.
Until he stormed through the Gallows, his friends at his side and at his feet, the corpses of and mages alike. Hawke had not abandoned him, had not abandoned his kind. But the Templars were fast, and without mercy. Cries of despair and death ringing in his ears, he was looking for someone, anyone, he could safe. He tore open a door to the Templar’s quarters – and froze, all colour draining from his face, leaving him ashen in the middle of cold stone and drying blood.
“It…it cannot be…”
“Anders? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Karl. Calmly sitting on a bed with his hands folded in his lap. And on his forehead, the sunburst brand, in all its horror and finality.
“A demon,” Fenris hissed behind him, and Anders felt his face grow hot with fury.
But he didn’t get the chance to argue. It only took Merrill a few seconds to examine the living shadow in front of them and shake her head.
“No. He’s real. There’s no trace of a demon…or…magic.”
Anders struggled for words, for anything to cling to.
“Karl, I…I don’t understand. Is it really you? How…how can you be here?”
A short pause as Karl cocked his head just the tiniest fraction, his expression the same eerie blankness as before.
“Of course. I recall that I asked you to kill me, and that you did as I asked. You left my body lying on the floor and fled before the other Templars came. You cannot know. I fell, but I did not die.”
“I saw the knife. His aim was correct. Impressively so, in fact, for someone not used to handling a blade. You should have been dead within minutes.” Fenris sounded calmer, yet no more convinced than before.
“Shortly before you arrived, a Templar gave me a potion. He said Ser Alrik had ordered it. I did not know what it was, but I suspect it is the explanation you’re looking for. I sustained injuries, but the Templars got to me in time. I am glad they did. My talents are valuable. I was not allowed outside to sell my wares, yet I have been told they are popular.”
“Sounds like a Lifeward potion to me,” Varric supplied, an unusually grim touch to his voice.    
“Ser Alrik….He must have known I wouldn’t leave Karl in this state, so he…Maker, how much of a sadist do you have to be to….” He stood there, in tears, shaking with ten years of locked-away rage and despair.
Next to him, Hawke’s voice, inquiring with so much gentleness it hurt, “What happened to you after…they brought you back here?”
“I became Ser Alrik’s assistant. When he died, Ser Thrask claimed my services, although he rarely made use of them. He told me what they had done to me was a crime, and that he wasn’t certain Ser Alrik had done me a kindness in saving my life. I am not sure what he meant by that. Surely it is better to be alive? Last month, he died too. I have not yet been given a new assignment.”
“How…how did I not hear about this? The mage underground…I had contacts…Why did no one tell me Karl…”Anders still didn’t manage more than broken, helpless stammering.
“They call me Elrin, now. Ser Alrik said you would be pleased to hear that when they brought you in, Anders.”
“No! No, you’re Karl.”
“I remember that name. And I recall that you used to smile when you said it, although I can’t remember why. If you wish, you may call me that. They are both only words. One is not better than the other.”
He stood staring, silent, aware of the trails of tears on his cheeks, the pitiful noises in the back of his throat. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be.  
“Anders…I…I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through right now, but we have to keep moving. Every second we wait may cost more mages their lives. Whatever you decide to do…it has to be now.”
He recognized the truth of Hawke’s words, of course he did. This was his fight; it was more important than anything else.
Yet he could not move.
“I…I can’t. I cannot kill him, not again, I can’t…I can’t go on like this…I…”
“I would prefer not to die. I can still be of use.”
That monotone voice, the lack of expression on his face, it should have been enough to set him into motion. But he was still frozen to the spot.
“If you do not wish to do it yourself, I can make it quick. He will not suffer.”
Fenris’ offer, the heated snap Anders hurled at his face, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” and the reply, somewhere between resignation and acidity.
“It may surprise you, but no.”
And still Anders was standing there, unable to move…or make a decision.
“I can do it, sweet thing if you want the last thing he sees to be a friendly face.”
He still recalls the softness in Isabela’s voice, the hand on his shoulder, her light squeeze, the smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
He could not take her up on it. Not after the explosion, after He had done what needed to be done. Hawke had assured him of that. And, much to Anders’ surprise, so had Isabela. He knew it was true but…he could not do it again. Even though it was what he owed Karl, even if though it was what the man he had once been would have wanted…Anders could not take another life. Not that day.
Nor any other day, as it turned out.
He took Karl with him, through the fight and into the mountains, and as Karl walked past carnage and coast with exactly the same look on his face, Anders silently begged for forgiveness.
And he kept doing so, every day, for almost two years, as he fled through all of Thedas with a man who never complained and never felt joy.
He couldn’t do it, not even after that first, horrifying night, when Karl, without the slightest change in expression, asked whether he wished for him to share his bed.
Not even then, when they lay on separate bedrolls and Anders sobbed himself to sleep, did he have the strength to keep his promise. Now, he knows it was for the best, thanks the Maker every single day for this blessing. Then, he felt nothing but weak, a cruel coward forcing the love of life to exist as a shell, because he could not bear to lose him again.
Justice had become quieter, after the explosion. Their work was not done, but he seemed to understand that from now on, their part in the fight would have to be much smaller. They had set the wheels into motion. Someone else would have to steer their course. But sometimes, when everything became too much, Justice would still surge through him, light up his veins, his eyes. And for a few seconds, Karl would be back. And beg Anders for mercy, for release from this prison of nothingness. And every time, he would take it back as soon as the effect had faded. It didn’t matter. Anders didn’t have the strength to grant him his wish, and there was no longer anyone at their side to offer help. They were alone.
The thud of mugs being placed on the counter, a lot like the knock on the door to the little hut they eventually had settled in.
Not Templars, as he had feared. Not Hawke, as he had hoped.
He ushered him inside, led him into the kitchen, anxiously sat down, silence and his rickety table between them. The elf took in the room around him, his expression revealing nothing.
“Is your friend still with you?”
“Yes,” Anders said with more force than he had intended, “he is. I was too weak to kill him, alright? Happy now?”
He couldn’t have said what kind of a reaction he had expected – but it was definitely not the small smile that played around the elf’s lips.
“As a matter of fact, I am.”
Trying to mask his confusion with an exaggerated sigh, he asked, “Why are you here?”
“Varric suggested sending you a letter but…I thought you should hear it in person,  from a…from someone you know.”
“Fenris, what happened? Maker, no, tell me Hawke isn’t…”
“Hawke is fine. Held up at Weishaupt and definitely in trouble once I get there, but fine.”
“Then wh …?”
“Mage,” Fenris cut in, “there is a cure for tranquillity. The inquisition found it. Or rather, they discovered that it had existed all along, hidden for centuries by those in power.”
Once again, Anders was left staring, ice in his veins as his heart hammered in his ears.
“From what I have been told, there are side effects. And there is no guarantee he will be able to handle his emotions when they return. But it is a chance. Varric spoke to the Inquisitor, on your behalf. She is willing to send two of her people to help with the necessary ritual, as you cannot visit the inquisition headquarters for…obvious reasons. She cannot spare them for long, so we have to act soon. Should you decide to go through with it, I shall send them a message tonight.”
He can still feel the shock as clearly as he felt it in that moment. Its residue has never left his soul.
“I…I am not sure I…it has been so long. And in the Gallows…what Ser Alrik did to him…if it all comes back…what if it breaks him…I…I don’t know what to do I…”
“A small chance is better than none. There is nothing to lose that you haven’t already lost.”
Anders remembers, with more than a little shame, how his eyes narrowed at that, how he leaned in and accused. Dangling over the abyss of hope, all he could do was lash out. At least it was the last time he did it.
“Where’s the catch, heh? Are they coming to capture me and you’re just paving the way? Why would you want to help me? Did Varric even send you? Or are you both in on it? Tell me what’s going on or I swear…!”
Fenris did not seem surprised, did not even flinch as he quietly said. “I…did not believe happy endings were possible. I did not even know such a concept existed. Until I got mine. I know we haven’t always been friends, but…you should have yours.”
There was a long moment of silence. And then, unexpected, there was grin tugging at the corners of Anders’ mouth.
“As long as it is not with Hawke?”
Fenris mirrored his expression. “Exactly.”
Anders looked at him across the small table. His hair longer, a few more lines around the eyes…and yet he seemed younger, somehow. Content, relaxed even. That was the thing about him and Hawke -  they were good for each other, understood each other in a way Anders had never had access to. He had envied them, bitter in the knowledge that they shared what had been ripped away from him.
And there they were, going out of their way to help him get it back.
“Fenris, I am…” he cleared his throat, the words making their way across his lips in a hesitant crawl, “sorry for the way I treated you when…Hawke rejected me for you. I did not…take that well.”
There was a slight twitch to Fenris mouth, yet nothing else changed in his expression as he said, “Do not sell yourself short mage. You did not need Hawke to hate me.”
“You…have a fair point. But well…you weren’t exactly my biggest fan either….”
Another twitch, bigger this time, a slight crinkling around the eyes. “That is also true.”
“Still…I’m sorry.
“As am I. It is in the past, mage. Let it rest.”
He nodded, and they felt silent. Everything had been said, but Anders couldn’t keep himself from trying to fill the room with words, trying to delay his departure and the moment when he would be alone with his thoughts.
“So, eh, how is everyone? I…haven’t exactly heard much lately.”
“Varric is still with the Inquisition, although the why is beyond me. Aveline is trying to keep Kirkwall from falling apart. A pointless endeavour, as we both know. She and Donnic seem to be happy. Last thing I heard, they adopted a couple of mabaris. Isabela and the witch are still at sea. I am not certain as to which sea, but their letters never fail to entertain. Sebastian is still in Starkhaven.” The name made Anders’ stomach clench, threats and hatred ringing in his ears. “He has given up his hunt for you.”
“I find that hard to believe,” Anders huffed. There were few things more powerful than grief. He would know.  
“Hawke sent someone to discreetly keep an eye on him.”
“Yes,” Fenris nodded. “Some warden we had to save from the fade to…repay a debt. He was raised by the Chantry, just like Sebastian, but their opinion on it couldn’t be more different. His mouth curved upwards ever so slightly. “The only thing they seem to agree on is not wanting to be king. They have a similar temperament, however, and he seems to have been a good influence. You would like him. He talks a lot. And apparently Sebastian is capable of listening. He seemed…calmer, the last time I saw him…”
“You saw him?” Anders asked, fighting a wave of alarm.
“Yes. And to answer your question: No. As far as he is concerned, I have no idea where you are. And neither does Hawke, of course, having publicly decried your actions…The dwarf is a competent liar. Listening to him, nobody would believe he is your friend,” Fenris added with a smirk as he pushed back his chair. “I should move on. The letter needs to be sent today.”
Anders got up as well, and walked him to the door. Their Goodbye was no less awkward than their greeting.
“Fenris? Thank you…”
A curt nod before the elf disappeared into the woods. “Do not waste this chance. You have fought enough. We all have.”
Anders couldn’t have agreed more.
He pulls the blanket up to his chin with a groan, stomach lured into song by the smell of bacon sizzling in a pan. His appetite isn’t lessened by the sound of eggs cracking.
That bald know-it-all elf… No. Anders owes him gratitude. Say what you will about him, he made it possible, found a way to perform the ritual even with the veil torn and the world in flames. Apparently there’s a “plot twist” about him, but Varric said that would have to wait until they could meet in person. This time, his smile is a sad one. How many years has it been; how many more will it be? Kirkwall isn’t a place where he can safely show his face.
But whatever the “twist”, it doesn’t really matter. Solas helped them. He was even…understanding, albeit in a pompous-arse way. Anders owes him. Karl would still be an empty shell if it wasn’t for him, and the boy that is and isn’t a boy.
A spirit of compassion. But he preferred to be called Cole.
He had come to ease Karl’s pain, yet he could not take all of it.
“They will erase what I feel; they will steal who I am. I mustn’t forget; it hurts; it hurts. I am only real if it hurts…I can’t make him forget. He is scared. I do not steal. I am not a demon.”
Limited as the help he could offer was, his presence seemed to calm Justice even more. A single touch of his hand communicated more than twelve years of shared thoughts had been able to. As Mr. Shinyhead put it, “Justice and Compassion are at their best when they work together.”
Perhaps he was right. They both reached out to Karl, and together, they managed to soothe Karl’s mind, to heal the worst of it.
But what remained was still bad enough to make Anders regret his choice.  
The sound of a mug bursting on the floor, like all those times after Karl had been cured, when he hurled everything in reach across the room, only to collapse onto the floor in a boneless, sobbing heap a minute later. Twelve years of feelings all at once, the memories of the Gallows, of Ser Alrik…In the end, it had been his sadism that brought Karl back to him, yet the irony still taste like ashes after all those years, entwined as it is with the cries and tears, the blood as his head hit the walls, his wails when emotion overwhelmed him, when there was but one target for all his fury and accusations, and Anders was sure he couldn’t bear it.
He had not send for them, but they came anyway, trying to help bring him back to life. Hawke and Fenris. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but Hawke didn’t find the right words to say to the broken man in front of them. Fenris, however, did. Or rather, he found the right silences. A quiet, never-wavering calmness that Karl could rage against until there were no screams left.
When they left, Merrill and Isabela were already at the door. And Isabela, the last person Anders would ever have expected to understand, turned out to be the one who managed to reach Karl. With a quiet tenderness Anders had never known she possessed, she spent whole nights at his side, an arm around his shoulder and words whispered into his ear. Words that his lover has, to this day, not shared with him.
Months turned into a year, but eventually, Karl became calmer. And a few months later still, he became…Karl. The man he had known. No. Not the same man. The years had changed him. But it didn’t matter. They had changed Anders too. And for all the changes, even if he was older, more scarred, more scared, beneath all that – it was still him. The only one Anders had ever truly loved. A love that had never stopped, not even when he had been pining for Hawke, when they shared that one kiss, right before the warrior’s love for Fenris won over, and Anders was sent away with tears and apologies.
As it seemed now, sent to wait for what had always been meant for him.
It wasn’t an easy path. They fought; they struggled; they had to find each other again and sometimes, Anders was certain they would not make it.
But they did. The roots of all they had shared were still there. Once they started watering them with more than tears, nothing could have kept love from blooming again.
And Anders…Anders was forgiven.
For the blade he had sunk into his flesh.
I asked you to. We all thought it was irreversible. You did it to save me.
For the years of servitude, locked away in the Gallows.
You had no way of knowing. And it was you who killed Ser Alrik. Yet another thing for which I owe you gratitude.
For all his failures. For a whole world hunting them.
I am proud of you. I remember all those nights in the dormitories, when we whispered about fighting back. Most apprentices did. Yet you didn’t stop at whispers. You changed the world, love. It’s a slow process, but now that it has begun, there will be no stopping it. And no matter what happens - we are together. We are free. That is all that matters.
He couldn’t believe it, at first. But Karl was still Karl. And Karl had always known him better than he knew himself, and he kept telling him, every day, ending each reassurance with a kiss, until Anders finally believed him.
Some days, he still forgets he believes him.
Then Karl reminds him.
Other days, the demons they thought beaten return, knock the air out of Karl’s lungs and his feet off the ground.
Then Anders takes his hand. And they fight them together.
In their tiny hut, that small piece of the world that is theirs alone, Anders sits up in his bed. He strokes his fingers over the letter on the nightstand. Just a short note in Hawke’s broad, careless strokes.
What they found looks promising. As soon as I hear more, I’ll let you know.
That last curse tainting their happiness. A whispered promise of more years ringing in his ears. He knows it is a foolish hope.
But foolish hope is what got them here.
Footsteps in the hallway, Karl’s head poking around the corner.
“Awake yet, love? Breakfast’s ready - and you promised me a walk through the snow afterwards.”
Still so handsome, so strong and calm. Still that same smile on his face, the one that was his anchor, his lifeline to cling to in the quiet terror of the Circle. Sometimes, he still can’t believe he got it back, has to pinch himself to make sure he’s real, and here. With Karl. Who loves him. Every part of him, even the ones that are Justice. He feels moisture gathering in the corners of his eyes, and he hastens to blink it away. Apparently, it’s one of those mornings…this happiness, that feeling of home and love and safety, is almost too much to bear.
As Anders stares wordlessly, his lover looks back at him with that gentle, steady smile. More lines around the edges of his mouth, a little heavier around the middle, but the spark in Karl’s eyes is still that of a 17-year-old boy as he cocks his head and asks, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
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chaifootsteps · 7 years
Day 17 (January 23rd) - Anders and Sadness
Anders ages the way the bulrushes age. 
Greyer certainly -- the years have turned all his golds to silver, leaving only his eyes to remember them by -- but softer in the places where he’s begun to fray. He’s the personification of a warm autumn afternoon, and the fading light does miraculous things when it shines on him.
Oh, how he shines.
It could be so much worse than it is, and even on the hardest of days, that fact doesn’t escape them. Decades have passed since Divine Victoria ordered an official end to the Circles…a few less since the Hero of Ferelden brought about a cure for the darkspawn Taint that loomed over their shoulders for so much of their lives. Through there will always be mages in agreement that no man was ever less deserving of a quiet retirement among the Antivan hills, each month sees a few travelers who want nothing more than to shake his hand and offer their thanks.
They bring gifts, sometimes. Blankets, books, little trinkets carved or forged or sewn with feathers. Faded notes from when they or their parents lived behind stone walls, counting the wasted years; things Anders gently insists they keep. The really savvy ones bring food.
(“We’re going to be poisoned one of these days,” he once mused aloud, selecting another custard roll. Ain had scoffed gently.
“If they do, I hope it’s another butter cake. I wouldn’t have objected to dying on that butter cake.”)
But Anders is not a healthy man, and hasn’t been since the day they found each other in the Nevarran backcountry. Before Justice took his leave, he regretfully contemplated that perhaps humans only came into the world with so much strength. Perhaps he had pushed Anders into exhausting all of his years before his time. Anders had replied that Justice never expressly forbade him from stopping for a sandwich now and again, and that the blame was as much his as anyone else’s.
He’ll be seventy-eight in Ferventis. He still doesn’t stop for sandwiches.
The cough does not mark the beginning, nor does it mark the end.
Rather, it’s a milestone of sorts; the first time Ain has to run from the house in the dead of night and bruise his knuckles on the healer’s door. He holds his partner’s hand by lamplight, whispering comforting nonsense as the old elven woman slips a needle between the hard, visible rises of his ribs and drains the fluid into a glass jug.
(Until his dying day, Ain will recall that it looked exactly like bad ale, complete with foam head.)
Once upon a time, Anders had taken a pragmatic approach to the passage of time; optimistic in a way he hadn’t been about anything since their earliest days together at Vigil’s Keep. The way he’s chosen to see it, as long as he’s capable of getting out into the forest for his daily walk and feeding the cats in the morning, he's far from being old. After that long night passes, life goes on as usual -- rising too early, drinking their tea together, complaining bitterly about the price of grain this year -- but marked by a series of small, insistent reminders. 
When Anders’ feet grow cold, and when he picks up a stray cut or bruise, how long it takes to heal. 
When the list of draughts and bitter powders the healer prescribed grows ever longer, filling up the cabinets and resting on windowsills. 
When the small aches and pains that have plagued him for years suddenly grow fangs, and neither of them can explain why.
When Ain finds him on the ground by the woodline, last winter’s fallen leaves in his cloak, and spends the next day and a half stroking his hair, wondering if this is how the inevitable finds them.
When he wakes, and admits that maybe, today, the porch will do.
The last time they ever make love, it’s a snowy evening in late Frumentum; fire stoked high as it will go, surrounded on all sides by a copious amount of propped up pillows, and set against the backdrop of knowledge that they’re both going to ache tomorrow. Somehow, despite all of this, it remains one of the few things that can truly make the years fall away.
“Andraste’s gaudy bonnet,” Anders pants, hair falling in his eyes. Ain slips his arms around him, circling fingertips around the bite mark forming on his upper thigh.
“Andraste says to stop invoking her name. It forces her to check in on us and then she just feels greasy.” 
“You’re greasy.”
"Well, not anymore.”
Anders laughs a throaty, satisfied laugh, turns over to look at him, and Ain’s heart stumbles a little, because there will never come a time when Anders isn’t beautiful to him. When he doesn’t want to kiss every inch of his body and devour him until someone complains about the noise. 
They get three glorious minutes in the thick of the afterglow. Three minutes before Anders turns sharply, swiftly, and doubles over. 
The cough that nearly killed him those three years ago never really left. With frantic hands, he grabs the deep, dark medicine bottle from the bedside cabinet -- the one meant to warm his lungs and clear his airway. Three drops on a cloth pad, and he inhales it with wet, uneven breaths for what seems an agonizingly long time. The oil itself smells of Antivan cooking, spicy and sweet, like dipping bread in pungent sauce as they traveled the back roads to reach the sea. It smells like a lifetime away.
Finally, mercifully, it goes to work. Anders spits a final time into the basin, then breathes easy at last.
“Incidentally...thank you for not running when I started coughing up suspicious colors.”
Ain shifts the blankets higher on their cooling bodies. “You tolerate my aching hip. We’re square.”
They lie together in the undemanding quiet, draped around one another, hands roaming without direction. Little by little, their menagerie settles back on the bed...Trifle and Mouse and Ser Stripeknickers, daughter of Ser Wyvernface, daughter of Ser Marmalade the Fat, son of Ser Perchbiter, son of the great and glorious Ser Pounce-a-Lot.
“The healer’s going to snipe at you, you know. She says the loose hair is going to aggravate your breathing.”
“Hm. Time to look for another healer.”
Ain watches him let one cat onto his bare stomach and scratch another between the ears. After a time, he kisses his shoulder, the borderline of his beard, and finally his lips. “I love you. Gods, how I love you...”
“I love you too,” Anders replies, exactly as he always has. As if the words are precious, clumsily stolen, and he wants to taste them before someone inevitably snatches them back. But Ain must be more transparent than usual tonight, because he doesn’t stay wistful for long. “And don’t give me those sorrowful eyes, Fearless Leader. I’ve told you before, you say it plenty.”
Three days after the end of Satinalia, Anders’ health takes a hard, sharp turn for the worst. Like he was waiting for one last unabashedly happy day...or just one last mug of that warm end-of-the-year wine he loves so dearly.
“Would you believe me if I told you this was alright?” he asks, when the act of walking to and from the bed tires him. “When I was an apprentice, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would live to see thirty years. The gallows, the sword, the rite...instead, I’m an old, awful wreck, and there are children who will have to be taught what a Circle was. I couldn’t begin to tell you how any of that happened.”
It’s meant for his comfort, Ain knows. For Anders’ sake alone, he can pretend it succeeds.
He sleeps most of the day away now, eats very little. Whenever he’s awake, however, he makes it a point to sit up and write. As his own failing body robs him of a little more each week, he’s managed to hold tight to this.
Years ago, he drafted a brief adieu to the mages who, for reasons he’s never quite understood, pen songs about him in taverns.  He takes it out now, revisits it often.
Now and again, smooths his hands over the words.
Never forget that the mage rebellion took place in a thousand small battles, most of them shrouded in shadow. Before Kirkwall, before the White Spire, before the Conclave. For every whisper you raise in memory of me, raise ten for the apostates who made a life for their children in secret corners of the world, for the women who camped outside of dungeon cells to defend one another against their jailers, and for the apprentices who chose a tower window over the templar brand. 
Freedom was never a privilege to be seized, but a profound and natural rightness that was always meant to be. The Maker's greatest gift to the mages was always themselves...the indomitable strength displayed by our people simply that fact, in its very purest of forms, holding constant and true.
I have been blessed to see it.
Live gloriously.
A beautiful day in late Eluviesta, the last of the filthy sheets of ice melting to the tentative grass beneath. Ain reads quietly by the window, contemplating making something with the leeks growing in the woods behind their home. Potato soup, maybe, or something with fish. When Anders calls him, his only thought is mild surprise that his partner has woken before noon.
Somehow, he never even considers. Not when he enters the room, and the air feels heavy...not when Anders takes his hand and kisses each knuckle, soothing rough ridges on scarred hands. Hilltops leapt. Horizons jumped.
“...I think I’m ready, love.”
In all their time together, Anders has never called him “love.” Not unless things are serious.
“...Are you sure? You really do look much better today. Do you want me to run for the healer? It could very well be the last of the cold weather wearing you down, I get it terribly myself --” 
Anders’ slow, patient palm on his cheek. An indulgent smile that turns his chest to ice. 
Ain exhales in slow, slow increments, hoping this will keep his voice steady. It does not. “I suppose...this is the part where I tell you I’ll be alright.”
“I wouldn’t make you do that. I doubt I could if this were the other way around...” Ain tries not to hear the way he breathes, the staggering effort. “Just...promise me you’ll get out into the sun? Feed the cats for me?”
When that, of all things, sets his eyes burning, Anders’ thumb stops tracing the curve of his tattoo and sets to swiping them as dry as can be hoped for. Ain swallows down the part of him that longs to shatter, and will. “...If the Countess gives me any lip, I’ll tell her Papa wouldn’t approve.”
“There you go.”
“I’ll tell her you’ll know. That you check in on us sometimes. ”
“I will be.” Ain thinks back to the look he’d carried about him when the False Calling had hit them, and all the times the melancholy had stolen the light from his eyes...that exhausted, battered, broken resignation. If nothing else, thank the gods that that look isn’t with him today. “...It was an odd one, but it was a good one. Wasn’t it? You and I, the whole ride...”
“The very best.”
When Anders settles back against the pillow with a deep, deep sigh of contentment -- as though it’s cold and raining outside, and he’s just learned he has nowhere to be -- Ain chances a moment of selfish, ugly hope. But the minutes drag on like the rises and falls of his chest that come slower and fewer between, and turn into hours. The sweet smelling spring breezes will turn cool with evening, and the shadows will lengthen and turn blue. When Anders speaks again, it will scarcely be a mutter, coming to him from miles away.  
“...Mmm...your hands are warm...”
There are a lifetime of things left to say between them, but that will do. Lips pressed to his palms, hoping the warmth will find him. The irony and the kindness of it won’t settle on Ain until much later.
For the second and last time, Anders leaves without saying goodbye. 
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fenheck · 7 years
Day 8 (January 14th) - Anders and the Warden
(Does this a day late because I love the friendship between my main warden and Anders and it’s where my FREAKING USERNAME COMES FROM!!) Anders remembers her, vaguely, from the Ferelden Circle. She was that tiny little mageling that bit the templar that brought her in from the Denerim alienage and refused to speak to anyone. At least, until Karl’s bleeding heart sent him over with a cup of cocoa and that calming voice he was so good at. He had her smiling in no time at all... Anders felt a kinship to her, in a way, from that alone. So it didn’t bother him much when he ran into her a few weeks later in the libraries. “Do you think I could get this window open?” she asked, poking at one of the glass panels softly. “I just... it’s so musty in here. Some air would be nice.” “I’ve tried already. They’re nailed down. Plus, the drop is too far to make it out.” She glanced at him and he replied with a knowing little smile before sitting down across from her. “What’s your name, anyhow?” he asked, leaning on his elbow and watching her straighten up in her seat to look at him. “Aberdeen.” “That’s a long one.” he drawled. Aberdeen just shrugged. “It’s my name. I’ve never had any trouble getting people to call me it until I got here.” Anders could imagine how the templars would stumble over the name. They hadn’t even bothered to remember his... But it suited him well enough. No sense in letting them know any more about him than they already did. “It’s a good name.” he said, “Like a breath of fresh air.” Aberdeen laughed faintly and shrugged. “Well,” she said, “glad you can get one somewhere.” Later, much later, he sat in front of her carved oak desk and watched the Warden-Commander pry the window of her office open and shove it roughly to the very top of the frame. Crisp spring air filtered in, fluttering her papers, and she turned to face him with a bold grin. “There,” she hummed, moving to her seat again. “that’s better.” Anders laughed faintly. “Some things never change, eh?” Aberdeen shrugged, shoulders sagging dramatically, and beamed at him. “Guess so.” she said, “But, well, at least now I can open the window, right?” They both laughed, Anders kicking back in his chair, and lapsed into a slow silence. After a moment, he tossed her a grin. “I’m glad it’s you. You know, in charge of this.” he said. “Why?” “You know, yeah? Like... how everything is.” he moved his hands around in the air uselessly. “It’s just, uh, it’s refreshing. To have someone who understands pointing me towards the next goal.” “Mm, I’m glad you’re here too, Anders.” Aberdeen replied, humming. “It’s nice seeing a semi-familiar face after so long.” “Like a breath of fresh air?” Anders quipped. Aberdeen laughed, a full laugh--not one like she was afraid to be heard, and nodded. “Yes,” she said, “like that.”
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youremindmeoftheelf · 7 years
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#januanders day 6: Anders and Fenris
We could fill pages with our thoughts on these two, so maybe have a pic instead.
Bioware - in it’s needless wish to have a constant fight between two characters - made these two antagonists, but we’re quite sure that they were far too similar and both too intelligent and rational to bicker for almost ten years. To us it seemed far more likely to result in mutual understanding, friendship or maybe even more.
In our case, we definitely ship them! (as you might have noticed, if you’ve been following this blog for a while)
Fenris @ebonyblacksgoblinbox
Anders: @selfmadecosplay
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carabas · 7 years
(for Januanders day three: “Anders and Justice.”)
Stepping out of Arianni’s house, the light seems too bright, not quite the right color, and Anders puts up his hand to block it out. He takes a deep breath of air filled with the slightly sour scent of the alienage, focuses on that. The Fade never does manage to get the scents right.
“Hey.” Hawke nudges his shoulder. “You all right?”
Is he? He’s not sure.
The rest of the household is already asleep when Anders makes his way down to the kitchen that night, fills the kettle with water and wraps it in warmth with a touch of his hands until it starts to boil. Finding the herbs that’ll send him into dreamless sleep requires digging through the cabinets, and he still feels a little strange about doing that, still trying to figure out exactly where the lines lie.
It’s your home too, Hawke keeps telling him.
His own things are mostly still in the clinic, and he’s wrapped in a red robe that’s too loose and that smells like Hawke, and he’s been tiptoeing around trying not to wake anyone. But the nightly routine is familiar, and there’s a mug that’s become his, and he finds he’s smiling to himself.
There’s no magic in the herbs he uses, and a tea for dreamless sleep can’t keep demons away forever; he’d warned Arianni about that when he gave her the recipe. But it’s good for a couple hours of restful sleep, good for apprentices with a bad habit of setting their bunks on fire, and in his case, good for avoiding the occasional nights of memories that aren’t exactly his.
Or rather, avoiding the mornings afterward, when he hasn’t quite woken up yet and the sky looks wrong and he’s not sure which he he is. The dreams themselves aren’t so bad, really.
He leans against the kitchen wall and closes his eyes, breathing in the scent of steeping herbs.
Three years of being so careful to stay out of the Fade, being careful even with his dreams, and then he’d gone and volunteered to walk right in, for Andraste’s sake. And it had been fine. It had been all right. Disturbing, letting Justice take over, thinking Justice’s thoughts, speaking with Justice’s voice—but that was all.
He rubs at the back of his neck, remembering the warmth of Hawke’s hand in the Fade, reaching out for him, for Justice, for whoever Hawke had seen in him in that moment.
He opens his eyes again, watches the steam rise from his nightly cup of tea to keep the Justice dreams away. And then he pours it down the drain. Maybe he can do without it tonight.
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vonuberwald · 7 years
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The Cat Man
If you tell me the man has less than four cats, you are wrong
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ddragontales · 7 years
Day 5 of Januanders take back, Hawke and Anders!
They talk about what mage rights mean to them.
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Anders and Healing
So, I feel like I need to talk about why Anders is important to me for the first day of Januanders. Or, the first one I’m actively celebrating.
Trigger warning will be in the tags.
I was going through a difficult time when I got into Dragon Age. My dad was going through organ failure, and I had to quit college to stay home and take care of him. The reason why he was going through organ failure was because of a genetic illness he has called Polycystic Kidney Disease. He passed it on to me, and it was just a really scary time, since I had no other choice but to evaluate my own mortality.
At the same time, I was working as a nanny for my neighbor’s daughter. I wasn’t getting paid much, but it was something in order to help pay the bills. Dad couldn’t work for part of this time, so we needed all the money we could get.
My older sister during this was…unsupportive at the very best. She practically abandoned her mentally ill son, who is also on the autism spectrum, on me so that she could go out and have fun.
I was a suicide risk. I didn’t talk about my suicidal thoughts with anyone, but they came. Almost every day. I had attempted suicide twice in the past, and both times, I was shoved to the side and disregarded and left without the proper treatment to help me get to a better state. I was told that I just wanted attention. That I wanted people to feel bad about me. I figured that mentioning that I wanted to kill myself while my dad was going through organ failure was ultimately selfish and childish.
Pretty much all I did during that time was play video games. Because if I was playing a video game, I could at least pretend to be in a better state for a little while.
My dad, luckily, got the organ transplant that saved his life in October, but it didn’t do much for what I was going through. Money was tight. We were going without some basic essentials for a while. Suicidal thoughts came even more frequently.
I’m not going to go into the whole story of my dad getting me Dragon Age Origins for Christmas. Sufficed to say, he did, and I loved it. I played through the whole game and all the DLC in under a week. I quickly pegged Anders as one of my favorite characters due to his light-hearted nature in Awakening and his love for cats, which I shared.
II had come out earlier that year, so as soon as I was done with Origins, I bought II and played through it. As much as I loved Anders in Awakening, I loved him more in II. I had to have played through II about four times in a row, one right after another. Each time romancing Anders. I sometimes think that playing through II in order to see Anders was the only thing keeping me alive back then.
My suicidal thoughts are rare now, and I’m able to differentiate them as illness. But, I still feel like Anders helped me through that.
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ao3feed-nanders · 7 years
This Rule I Will Most Cherish Breaking
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jUV6mM
by TimeSorceror
A collection of 25 drabbles written for @justhanderspositive's #Januanderstakeback challenge on Tumblr. Features my custom Hawke, Hayden and their cousin Rashia Amell as the Hero of Ferelden.
Words: 3100, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age II, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Anders (Dragon Age), Fenris (Dragon Age), Hawke (Dragon Age), Karl Thekla, Female Mage Warden, Sebastian Vael, Nathaniel Howe
Relationships: Anders/Fenris/Hawke, Anders/Fenris, Anders/Hawke, Anders/Karl Thekla, Anders/Nathaniel Howe, Anders/Sebastian Vael
Additional Tags: Non-Binary Hawke - Freeform, Custom Hawke, Canon-Typical Violence
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jUV6mM
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ao3feed-fenders · 7 years
This Rule I Will Most Cherish Breaking
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jUV6mM
by TimeSorceror
A collection of 25 drabbles written for @justhanderspositive's #Januanderstakeback challenge on Tumblr. Features my custom Hawke, Hayden and their cousin Rashia Amell as the Hero of Ferelden.
Words: 1375, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age II, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Anders (Dragon Age), Fenris (Dragon Age), Hawke (Dragon Age), Karl Thekla, Female Mage Warden, Sebastian Vael, Nathaniel Howe
Relationships: Anders/Fenris/Hawke, Anders/Fenris, Anders/Hawke, Anders/Karl Thekla, Anders/Nathaniel Howe, Anders/Sebastian Vael
Additional Tags: Non-Binary Hawke - Freeform, Custom Hawke
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jUV6mM
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thejourneymaninn · 7 years
What he deserves (Januanders Day 5 – Anders and Hawke)
Anders x Male Hawke  (angst, fluff, happy ending) 
In the mountains just outside of Kirkwall, right after the Chantry explosion, Anders and Hawke discuss what happened – and their future.
Read on AO3
No matter how hard he tried, Anders couldn’t tear his eyes away from Hawke’s beard. It was full of dirt. Maker knows that was nothing unusual, Anders had lost count of how many hours he had spent picking the remnants of their dinner out of this bushy affront to hygiene, but this time, it was different. This time, it was his fault. The ashes and gore in Hawke’s beard, the wounds on his arms, the exhaustion on his face. All of it – his fault.
“I am so sorry,” he began to – what, beg for forgiveness? For mercy? For love, knowing full well he should count himself lucky if even a single scrap of affection had survived? There were no words to make up for what he’d done, but he stumbled through them anyway, clumsily, hauling himself up his mountain of guilt in the desperate hope that there might still be a future at the top. “I…I can’t believe you let me stay with you. And…stayed with me. After I destroyed everything you cared about… I know I don’t deserve it, but I swear…”
The way Hawke said his name, slowly, with that stress on the “An” and his jaw setting, Anders knew he was in for a stern lecture. He had feared those for so long, dreading the moment Hawke would finally realize how much of a burden he really was. It had taken him almost three years to finally understand that they were meant to console, not crush, that his lover never challenged who – or what – he was, but the way he doubted himself. This one would be different. This time, it would hurt. Reprimands. Hate. From the one person who had always supported him. Whose trust Anders had betrayed. He deserved it, every piercing word and insult. If Hawke hit him, that too, would be warranted.
But that wouldn’t make it hurt any less.
“The people I love are the only thing I ‘care about’, and you didn’t destroy them. Our friends are here, safe, sleeping peacefully in that cave over there. My sister is with them. Free. You saved her life. She would be dead if it weren’t for you. What you deserve is more than I can give you in a lifetime. But that is not why I stayed with you. I stayed because I love you.”  It was stated calmly, his voice not raised, his hands folded in his lap. And in his eyes, a flame that should have been snuffed by Anders’ deception. Still burning, with steady warmth. Still seeing him.
He had no right to hide the ugliness. Not after everything, not anymore. In the Gallows, he had been selfish, high on Hawke’s support, on the fact that he was still alive. Hawke, this man who had surprised him yet again, deserved more than that.
“Sebastian was right when he warned you I was selfish. I cannot rest until mages are free. I will never abandon my cause for you.”
“Good. You shouldn’t.”
“Hawke, I’m serious. I know I dragged you into this, but you don’t have to…”
He didn’t get to finish the sentence.
“You didn’t drag me into this, Anders. You helped me out of a hopeless situation. You know perfectly well Meredith called for the Rite of Annulment weeks ago.”
“I…I didn’t think you heard…” Anders stumbled through the words in little more than a whisper, all air knocked out of him by the revelation that Hawke had known.
“Of course I fucking heard, sneaking up and listening in on people are what I do. I would have thought you knew that, by now.”
“You didn’t say anything.” He wasn’t in the position to, but he couldn’t help sounding defensive. When Hawke had accused him of having the mages’ blood on his hands, he had known…
“Well, yes, because I was hoping I could fix this without you throwing yourself right into the line of lightning. Seems neither of us has learned much in the last three years.” Hawke sighed, his exhaustion clearly visible beneath the wry smile he sent his way. “I thought with my influence…people would listen. Turns out being the Champion doesn’t mean that much after all. I asked the Grand Cleric to intervene, to send word to the Divine, tell her what a dangerous zealot Meredith was. She refused to get involved. She didn’t care, Anders, not one bit. She wouldn’t go so far as to sanction it herself, but she would have let the whole Circle be slaughtered without batting an eyelid. That’s who she really was. I do feel sorry for Sebastian; I know she was like a mother to him, but I certainly won’t be mourning her. So you see, you didn’t drag me into this. I was right in the centre of this mess, sitting on my arse, pondering what to do while my sister’s life was at stake. If you hadn’t done something…”
A few pebbles came lose as Hawke drove his foot sharply into the ground. They bounced off the ledge, clattering into the abyss behind them. In the screaming silence that followed, Hawke met his eyes. “Why do you think Meredith ordered the tower searched ‘top to bottom’? You know as well as I do that she was looking for a reason. If she had found anything – a papercut, a handkerchief from a bloody nose - she would have annulled the Circle right there. Without anyone around to know or help them. You didn’t condemn them. You saved them. You saved her.” Hawke’s face lost its resolve, his eyes leaving Anders’ to stare at the ground. “I am sorry I didn’t make that quite so clear right when it…happened. In that moment, it was…a shock.” He lifted his gaze back up to his. “But now that the shock has faded, I am not sad to see the Chantry burn. It made my father hate himself. All those years of being free, and he was still a slave to the Circle’s teachings. He drilled them into Bethany, made her afraid of her magic, made her feel guilty for who she was. Two good people, and the Chantry filled them with nothing but fear and self-loathing.” There was a sad smile on his face as he cradled Anders’ face in his palm. “Three good people. Until one of them, the strongest one, the one I will gladly tell the world I love, decided it was finally time to do something.”
Everything he had ever dreamt of hearing, but it wasn’t all there was to it. He furiously tried to blink away his tears, tried to steady his choked-up voice.
“That ‘good man’ just started a war.”
Hawke didn’t let go of his face, didn’t waver. He just nodded, one curt, determined movement. “Sometimes, that is necessary. Not all that long ago, I was in an army that marched right into one. I’ve never heard anyone say that was wrong.”
“That’s not the same; the Darkspawn would have crushed us otherwise…”
“As the Chantry has crushed mages for a 1000 years. It was about time you fought back…we fought back,” he corrected himself. “It’s also about bloody time the rest of us finally stood up for you.”
“It’s not your fight,” Anders protested weakly. He had to give him one last out; he owed it to him.
Hawke heaved an exaggerated sigh. “You really need to work on your listening comprehension. As I said about thirty seconds ago, it is my fight. And as I said about ten minutes ago, I would come with you even if it wasn’t. My happiness was never in Kirkwall. It was always with you. All I need is your stubbly face, my dog and, if you insist, a cat….And well, my sister. I’m sorry, but there’s no way we can keep her from tagging along. She’s a Hawke; we are immune to no.” His gaze turned inward, a warm small playing about his lips. “My sister, the rebel. Finally telling the Chantry just where they can stick it. I must say, I like the sound of that.”
Anders found himself smiling back. “I don’t mind if she comes with us. I like Bethany. She always tried to understand me, to understand everyone…And she said I reminded her of your father.”
Hawke blinked at him, slowly, silently. And blinked again. And again. And ten more times.
“That’s…an image I did not need…Like my father…does that mean I…No,” he shook his head with a fierceness that resembled that of his smelly Voidbeast of a pet, “not going there. Let’s just…get some rest and forget you ever said that. We have a long way ahead of us.”
Anders bit his lip. He had to ask one last time.
Dirty or not, Hawke’s beard tickled the way it always did when he kissed him.
“Together. Always.”
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chaifootsteps · 7 years
Day 20 (January 26th) - Bi the Way (Anders edition)
Anders’ sexuality is the theme of this day.
Anders’ first love was the lady in the house with the yellow door; the one who kept spotty red and white cows, and called him young man, and sold blackberries and blackberry tarts. On the way home that afternoon, he tucked his chubby little hand into his mother’s, licked blackberry seeds from the webbing between his fingers, and announced that he was going to marry that lady someday. His mother, in all her kindness, did not let him see her laugh.
His second love was his elder cousin’s new wife, whom he knew for all of a single day. Honestly, he tries his best not to think about that one.
His third was Danor, who rode horses better than anyone he knew, and whose father had been called away to the king’s court on account of he was the only one in Ferelden who knew how to fix a horse’s broken leg. Danor was part elf, with soft, round eyes that grew softer whenever he shared breath with the geldings in the paddock. Anders wondered if his eyes might grow soft if he kissed him. He thought about telling him this, but never did.
Despite his efforts not to speak or acknowledge anyone within those stone walls, somehow, Anders’ fourth love was Rosemary -- the elder apprentice who coaxed him into caring about potions. She smelled of elfroot and clean linens and the memory of sunshine, but -- oddly enough -- seldom of rosemary. One morning in autumn, she went quietly to her Harrowing, and he never saw her again. A reminder that there was always something left to lose.
If asked, Anders’ first love will always be Karl. Karl was the first to see him cry, and the first to promise to forget the name he’d come in with. The first to teach him that magic was a gift rather than a curse and the first to share in his hatred of the templars. Years later, Karl was the first to slide his hands down his bare back and kiss the nape of his neck, soothing his pleas for something he could scarcely name. Karl was the one who never failed to be there in the morning, right up until the day he wasn’t.
Anders knew better than to love Dulcinea, the first woman he ever went to bed with outside of the Circle. She charged him 50 silvers, which was a very fair price, and he knew better than to be one of those customers. But he loved the warmth of her hands like a dying man loves a drink; loved the memory of the rain on her window, how it had washed him clean as he ran, and how she sounded almost sincere when she told him he had gentle eyes. Who knows? Perhaps she was.
Anders makes it a hard, bitter point not to think about the Warden-Commander, let alone acknowledge him as his second great love. It’s a pretty idea, of course, but it was pretty ideas that sucked them down, shot their judgement, and doomed Karl to the brand as they sat around kissing in the sun. If for no other reason than respect due to the dead, he did not think of the way Commander Ain Caron used to hold biscuits between his teeth as he read. How the droplets of sweat would follow his muscles after they were done. The way he laughed, like a colt kicking up its heels.
The young man with the broken wrist is not Anders’ seventh love, largely because Anders is not that wretched of a human being. But it’s no small thing to be someone’s first anything, so he listens to the stumbling attempt at a confession without laughing or cutting him off. Tells him it’s a courageous thing, spilling your heart out, but he can do better than a raggedy abomination who just took his first bath in a month. Still, he spends the rest of the night listening to that boy sob into the straw of his pillow, because walls are thin and small wrist bones heal swifter than hearts. If he doesn’t picture him ten years down the line, a loving husband and a house full of loyal dogs, he’ll feel like a goblin. 
Hawke -- who kisses him only once and Fenris a thousand times -- is the seventh, and there’s something to be said about lucky numbers. True, Hawke is the one Justice disapproves of for reasons Anders knows are valid; the one who watches him sit with Fenris, Merrill, Sebastian, and Isabela, everyone sipping boiled coffee water tersely, and wonders if they might find some common ground in their preferences, if nowhere else. And because it bears repeating, the one who’s kissing Fenris. Anders forgives him all of it.
Because Hawke is the seventh.
Because Hawke is the last.
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fenheck · 7 years
Day 3 (January 9th) - Anders and Justice
(x) Spirits are bogeymen among the Circle and Chantry teachings. Blessed creatures, yes, but obviously one would never choose such a filthy creature as a mage to befriend without some demonic purpose behind it. Justice, quite promptly, overturns the very idea of this. “Why do you not fight for the freedom of your peers?” It’s a question Anders has heard a few times from the spirit but this time, for some reason, it hit home harder than others. He sighed loudly and waved his hand, leaning against the dining hall table. “I’m a coward, don’t you remember?” “You are not.” Justice replied, firm. Anders looked up to find the warden-corpse body it inhabited with the most fatherly look he’d ever seen. It was... laughable, honestly. “How’s that?” he drawled, raising a brow. “You and I have followed the commander into many situations that would scare off a lesser man, Anders.” Anders considered this but simply shrugged. “She needs me.” he said, “I’m not going to turn her down just because I’m scared of a few darkspawn. It’s my job now, right?” “Those people need you.” Justice pressed, “Their needs are no less your job than the Wardens.” “Surana knows how to ask nicely. She takes us out for drinks after, not runs while a templar knocks my head against the nearest wall.” Justice looked solemn, nodding. “There are those who must run.” it said, “And there are those that will stand with you, like Surana.” Anders just laughed, a note of bitterness, and waved the spirit off. “I doubt it.” he said, “But it’s a nice thought.” Years later, Hawke wedged themselves between Anders and Meredith and steeled themselves with knuckles white around their staff. Even after all this time, it surprised him a bit. “Was that a threat, Knight-Commander?” they asked, voice harsh. Meredith waved them off. “I know the company you keep, Hawke. I know you.” she said, “That is all you need know, as well.” Anders couldn’t even see her face, Hawke having moved full-body in front of him and leaving Fenris and Varric to loom threateningly at their sides, but he knew that tone. The hint of caution no one else seemed able to pull from the Knight-Commander. It’s... thrilling? In his chest, deep down where it stays, Justice stirred. 'And here you thought no one would stand with you.’ Anders smiled faintly, watching Meredith leave, and placed a hand on Hawke’s shoulder. The mage tossed him a tired smile before addressing their next task. ‘You just love being right, don’t you?’ he hummed internally. He felt the spirit spark with something--excitement, maybe. ‘I aim only for what is right, Anders.’ Sometimes, Anders regretted teaching Justice the concept of word puns...
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ao3feed-handers · 7 years
Anders and Terisin's Kitten Re-Homing Service
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iY1Gf2
by CaptainDemetrios
Anders can't say no to his new son and ends up adopting several cats.
Words: 1458, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Cuddle Squad
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age II
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Anders (Dragon Age), Fenris (Dragon Age), Male Hawke, Male Mage Hawke, Mage Hawke, Original Male Character(s), Varric Tethras, Cassandra Pentaghast, Cullen Rutherford, Josephine Montilyet, Leliana (Dragon Age), Original Hawke Child(ren), Terisin
Relationships: Anders/Fenris/Male Hawke/Original Male Character(s), Anders/Fenris/Male Hawke/Justice, Anders/Fenris/Male Hawke, Justice!Anders/Fenris, Anders/Fenris, Anders/Male Hawke, Anders/Original Character, Fenris/Male Hawke/Original Female Character(s), Fenris/Male Hawke, Fenris/Original Character, Male Hawke/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Adopted Child, Child, Lots of Cats!, Januanders, januanderstakeback, Anders Positive
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iY1Gf2
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