#japanese pickled radish
sergioguymanproust · 1 year
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Lunchtime continues the serving now is of Japanese porridge and pickled veggies,daikon,kiuri and umeboshi.Radish,cucumber and pickled plum. Words and pic by Sergio GuymanProust.
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morethansalad · 3 months
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Eggplant Katsu Curry with Pickled Radishes (Vegan)
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atmeal012 · 1 year
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ぼく、シマエナガ。@daily_simaenaga いぶりがっことクリームチーズでブッシュドノエルをつくりました。辛党なあなたへ。
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hidemiwoods · 1 year
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Happy New Year! A #Japanese traditional #newyear #meal called #osechi, in my own style. #Japan #kamaboko #fishcake #ham #olive #radish #pickles #walnut https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm6ZbLrhEtt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kookoofufu · 6 months
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Every illustration by Oda for One Piece Magazine's fan-request section, "The Drawing Of Your Dreams!"
Most of these are what-if scenarios. Yamato as an oiran is stunning but my favorite has to be Croc and Doffy starting a clothing brand together (oda comments that it would be evil and expensive)
These are all super high quality because they're scans straight from the magazines, courtesy of @xbloodywhalex's google drive. Below is the making-of process of the illustrations, the requests themselves, and more comments from Oda ↓
These are my very rough translations that I either found online or ran through google translate and tried to make sense of lol. Tell me if the translation is off, I'll fix it!
Magazine Vol 4 Request: Katakuri and Captain Luffy meet again at a certain place! They have merienda together
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Magazine Vol 5 Request: I would like Oda to draw an illustration of Ace, Sabo and Luffy joining the marines and being trained under Garp
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Magazine Vol 6 Request: Zoro ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi, but he has trouble controlling his power, which Rayleigh finds amusing.
Oda's comment: Zoro has the gum-gum ability! I wanted to draw this in a funny way, but when I actually drew it, instead of the comical scene requested, I drew Zoro using it without a problem, now no one’s able to laugh at him. I think this is fine!!
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Magazine Vol 7 Request: if Crocodile were to join forces with Doflamingo... ~entering the fashion industry~
(note: I didn't add the tilde, it was in the request!)
Oda's comment: Certainly, these two are stylish. It's not just evil, it's super evil. C & F. I guess it's expensive.
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Magazine Vol 8 Request: Chopper and Hiriluk cherry blossom-viewing eating pickled radish
Comment: I have decided that this corner will never be used in the main story of the manga! I have been playing with digital, and now I really want to draw pictures without lines. I had a perfect request: a heartwarming cherry blossom viewing experience!
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Magazine Vol 9 Request: Ace and Sabo's version of Wano country!
Comment: I'm in a kimono mood right now! I was thinking about drawing Wano country versions of various characters in color for this magazine, but it would be extremely difficult to hand-draw kimono patterns, so I didn't have the time. Look at Ace and Sabo!
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Magazine Vol 10 Request: If Vivi were a Japanese warlord from the Sengoku period
Comment: If Vivi was a Sengoku warlord...!? Interesting! I want to draw it!! I'll include Karoo too!! I'm sure the samurai would risk their lives for this!!
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Magazine Vol 11 Request: What if... Hancock, user of the Goro Goro no Mi, used X Million Volts: Beautiful Power on Luffy, who's immune to lightning?
Oda's comment: In this scenario, Hancock has become an undefeatable queen. Because her lightning is simply too powerful, no one dares approach her. But then, one day, before her appeared..!! You know, no matter what the scenario is, Hancock ends up falling for Luffy anyway.
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Magazine Vol 13 Request: What if... Nami was a Three Sword Style swordswoman?
[I haven't found a making-of yet]
Magazine Vol 14 Request: What if Luffy had the power of the Fude Fude no Mi?
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Magazine Vol 16 Request: What if Yamato was Wano Country's best oiran?
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najia-cooks · 4 months
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[ID: First photo shows a mixed seaweed salad topped with toasted sesame seeds; in the background are bowls of pickled daikon and kake udon. Second photo is a close-up showing light shining through the seaweed. End ID]
わかめと昆布サラダ / Wakame to konbu sarada (Seaweed and kelp salad)
A wide variety of seaweed-based salads are made by Japanese home cooks. They may contain only a mix of seaweeds and a dressing, but may also feature vegetables including cucumber, carrots, lotus root (レンコン / はす), daikon (だいこん), corn, edamame (枝豆), or onion. Dressings are as varied as cooks, and may be based around sesame oil (ごま油), rice vinegar (米酢), miso paste (みそ / 味噌), ponzu sauce (ポン酢), or mayonnaise (マヨ).
This recipe is a good way to use up reconstituted kombu and wakame that were steeped to make soup stock. It includes instructions for two dressings: one based on rice vinegar and sesame oil, and another with a sesame-mayo base.
"わかめ" or "ワカメ" ("wakame") is likely from "若" ("waka," "young") +‎ "海布" ("me," "seaweed"); it is a particular species of edible seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) that is farmed in Japan, Korea, and China. It is sometimes called "sea mustard" in English. Without further specification, "wakame" in a culinary context is taken to mean the leaves of the seaweed; these are the same leaves that are eaten in miso soup (みそ汁).
The etymology of "昆布" ("kombu" or "konbu") is unknown. It may be a phonetic Japanese reading of the Middle Chinese "昆布" (Mandarin: "kūnbù") (itself from "綸布" "*krūn pās," "green ribbon" + "cloth"), used to refer to various types of kelp and seaweed. In Japanese, the term refers to any of a few species of edible kelp from the Laminariaceae family.
Dried kombu is steeped to make one type of dashi ("出汁" / "だし"), a stock that is used in various soups and sauces. Once reconstituted, it may be steeped again to make 二番だし ("niban dashi," "second dashi"), sliced and simmered as one ingredient in a 煮物 ("nimono," simmered dish), or roasted and combined with other seaweeds and spices to make 振り掛け ("furikake").
"サラダ" ("sarada") is probably derived from the English "salad."
Note that the "seaweed salad" served at Japanese restaurants in the U.S. is not commonly eaten in Japan. It is shipped out to restaurants and stores pre-packaged, and is made with colored オゴノリ ("ogonori"; "agar" on ingredients lists), きくらげ ("kikurage"; "wood ear mushroom" or "fungus" on ingredients lists), and byproducts of wakame including 茎わかめ ("kukiwakame," wakame stem) and メカブ ("mekabu," wakame sprouts; both listed as "wakame" or "seaweed" on ingredients lists). You may be able to find this salad in the freezer section of your local Asian grocery store. If you want to approximate the texture of this salad at home, try buying some mixture of ogonori, kikurage, kukiwakame, mekabu, モズク ("mokuzu"), and/or ひじき ("hijiki"). Instructions for the dressing are below.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the salad:
2 cups total reconstituted kombu, wakame, hijiki, or other kelp or seaweed
Vegetable additions to seaweed salads are possible and common. Try adding some cucumber, julienned carrots, sliced lotus root, sliked daikon radish, corn, edamame, or sliced onion that's been soaked in plum vinegar for 15 minutes.
If you're including cucumbers, slice them, salt them, allow them to drain in a colander for about 10 minutes, then gently squeeze them of excess liquid, to avoid making your salad watery.
For dressing 1:
1 Tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil (煎りごま油)
1/2 kosher salt
1/2 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
1/2 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds (いりごま)
To make U.S. restuarant-style seaweed salad, omit the soy sauce; replace the sugar with high fructose corn syrup; and add a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp of onion powder or yeast extract, and a pinch of MSG.
For dressing 2:
2 Tbsp vegan mayonnaise
1/2 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1/4 tsp dried ground shiitake mushroom, or vegetarian dashi powder
1/4 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
Drop of djion mustard
Pinch kosher salt
1 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
Drizzle of mirin (みりん)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds, ground in a mortar and pestle or spice mill
If you eat eggs, you can replace the first five ingredients with 2 Tbsp Kewpie mayo (キューピーマヨ).
For a halal version, replace the mirin with an extra pinch of sugar.
For the salad:
1. Slice kombu into very thin strips. Slice wakame into thin strips, or leave as-is, as desired. Slice other flat dried seaweed into thin strips or bite-sized pieces.
For dressing 1:
1. Whisk all ingredients except sesame seeds together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Top with sesame seeds and serve cold.
For dressing 2:
1. Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Serve cold.
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entamesubs · 2 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episodes 100 + 101 Sub Release
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Please make sure to read the FAQ if you have any questions.
There are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead.
Episode 100 was translated and proofread jointly by angelthinktank (Yona) and batsugeemu (Tessa). I only reworded some minor sentences, did the onion joke, and tightened up word choice to flow better.
A big thanks to the two of them for picking up this episode for me, as I couldn't be available to work on it.
"A radish side." "I'm more of a pickled onion person myself!"
This is a reference to some obscure beef between Japanese curry enthusiasts on which side dish is better with the curry.
There's fukujinzuke, which is basically the side dish that looks like a bunch of red bits that you get everywhere — ie, radish. There's also rakkyou, a lesser-known side dish that consists of pickled Chinese green onions (scallions), which you don't normally get.
Anyway, there's a lot of fighting online about which is the better side dish to eat curry with. It's a very passionate topic for people who are invested.
Personally, I also enjoy rakkyou more.
それはラッキー "That's layered."
Yes, Rovian is saying "that's lucky" here.
However, it's also supposed to be a joke/pun on the word rakkyou sounding like rakki (lucky). So, to make the joke fit the previous line better in English, we make the Shrek joke.
Episode 101 is back to normal staffing!
だってキミもこれから… "After all, you'll also become..."
More accurately, Yuuga says "after all, from now on you'll..." and it gets cut off.
The implication here is that Yuuga means Zwijo won't stop him because he knows Zwijo will also become Yuudias' "enemy" shortly, as this conversation takes place right before the events of episode 98. Zwijo's responses afterword commenting on the fact that Yuuga is alone as he undertakes his mission cements this.
Therefore, I tried to make it more obvious by adding "you'll also become" with the implication that the missing word is "an enemy".
Yuamu's dialogue
"Is it supposed to be that vague—" Yes.
I tried to translate it as close-sounding to the original Japanese as possible, with all the random stops and weird cut-offs. If her sentences sound weirdly unfocused and the English reads a little too vague, know that it was on purpose.
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foodffs · 2 years
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Takuan - Japanese Yellow Pickled Radish
Yellow pickled radish is the cutest and crunchiest snack in Japan. With just 2 minutes prep time, make your own tasty takuan slices ready to pop into your homemade sushi rolls or eat after a big meal.
Full recipe: https://www.wandercooks.com/takuan-yellow-pickled-radish/
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Welp that was a failed ask on the thicc y/n, soooo.
What is the favorite instant noodles of every character (like Goo favorite is instant Yakisoba with Korean BBQ)
Hi anon! I'm so sorry I did have a think and I literally googled what ara ara means and I still don't know.
Oh my, this is specific though. I can't believe reading Lookism led me to researching ramen.
Before we jump into this.. erm why TF does Crystal need to calorie count and restrict for her second body but Daniel can eat whatever he wants with his second body and it stays the same!!
Lookism Fave... Ramen
Daniel: something like shin noodles with eggs. It reminds him of his momma cooking for him.
Jay: I know it's super popular in South Korea... But instant ramen? Sorry what's that? I always gets mine freshly prepared. But Daniel what instant ramen are you eating? Can I take a bite? (Waits for Daniel to feed him)
Zack: something with stronger flavours like cheese so he can mix in protein powder and it'll help to mask it. Man that sounds gross.
Vasco: this guy has the vibes of trying to cook and burning the house down so something as easy as possible. Instant tteokbokki in a cup.
Brekdak introduces him to some Thai flavours though, and he enjoys Tom Yum.
Johan: beggars can't be choosers. Whatever is on clearance
Crystal: The ottogi low calorie ramen for second body, full army stew in her original body
Mira: not really instant but she loves rose noodles
Zoe: one of those fancier nissin tonkotsu noodles type (piggy ♥️... Wait)
Vin Jin: he tells everyone that it's the 3x buldak noodle.. "yeah I like them... Bit bland though". This is a lie. He can't take heat at all
Mary Kim: legit the 3x buldak noodle with extra chillies on top
Jake: he hates noodles. He doesn't eat them all the time because he likes them, it's cheap and hits his calorie needs so it means more money for Big Deal. Bibimmen/cold noodles if he really has to pick though (cos the man's too hooooot ba-dum-tss)
Jerry: can't take spice at all either. Something like teriyaki soba with some fried eggs
Sinu: jjajangmyeon! With extra pickled radish
Samuel: also jjajangmyeon but he'll only eat it when he's feeling extra nostalgic and willing to open those floodgates
Gun: the fancy Japanese ones that are developed by Michelin star chefs - Nakiryu Dan Dan
Goo: keeping the instant yakisoba with Korean BBQ, this guy is obnoxious as fuck though. Yeah you're supposed to slurp your noodles, but he is the loudest messiest guy ever. Noodles flicking everywhere, soup or sauce getting all over his glasses and anyone within splattering range (Gun. It's always Gun)
Eugene: kimchi shin. He gives me huge kimchi vibes, not sure why. Eats more ramen than you'd expect with his crazy busy work
Eli: he didn't used to like these as much but something like instant tempura udon, non spicy cos Yenna would always want a bite. Otherwise he prefers to make a proper japchae so she will eat her veggies
DG: sorry but this man is soggy no flavoured noodles in room temperature water to me ☠️
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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My Japanese lunch.Oyako Don which consist of a bowl with a bead of hot steaming white rice with chicken breast and soft scrambled eggs topped with dry seaweed. For dessert warabi moshi sprinkled with green tea powder and sweeten soy flour. Some pickled yellow radish and a cup of green tea.Words and pic by Sergio Guyman.
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Spicy Magnolia Salad Cups (Vegan)
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follyhodger · 4 months
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I'm enjoying reading Shangri-La Frontier for a number of reasons, but I'm especially liking the snippets of trash talk. Here the birdman Sunraku is berating a robo-zombie samurai he just disarmed: "A swordsman without a sword is the same as curry with no roux! You're pathetic, you white rice bastard! Get back to me with a pickled plum or some radishes!" The veggies (umeboshi and takuan) are like, the bare minimum when it comes to rice toppings. If I were to transliterate the insult, I might go with "You're pathetic, you bread sandwich! Get back to me with some lettuce and tomato!"
The story seems to be somewhat preoccupied with some imperialistic strain of Japanese nationalism though, so stripping away cultural signifiers would probably be thematically inconsiderate. Still! Fun to consider.
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foodandfolklore · 7 months
The Wonderful Tea-Kettle
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Tea and teapots are a big part of Kitchen Witchcraft, and just Witchcraft in general. Tea Pots are one of those gadgets that can easily hold all four base elements. The material they're made can help heighten their properties. A keeping a metal tea pot, such as one made of iron or brass, can help protect your home. Brass is especially good at harnessing solar energy. A ceramic tea pot may help conversations. They can also be more easily decorated, and thus the symbols on them can have their own meaning to the owner.
Tea Pots are also chock full of prosperity and cooperation. You can have a friend over to chat over a cup of tea, and a small amount of tea leaves can make a lot of tea. But tea pots are also symbols of calm and solidarity. Sometimes you just need a bit of time to yourself to relax. And, I don't know why, but when my Kitchen Starts to get chaotic and messy; once I clean out my used tea pot and put it back where it's supposed to be, I feel less overwhelmed about cleaning the rest.
The following is a western retelling of a Japanese folktale about a shape shifting tea pot. In the original story, the creature the tea pot shape shifts into is a Tanuki; a kind of raccoon dog. But this retelling by William Elliot Griffis in 1908 refers to the creature as a badger. Because, at the time, that was closest thing they had to translate.
A long time ago there was an old priest who lived in a temple and was very devout. He was also very poor. He cooked his own rice, boiled his own tea, swept his own floor, and lived frugally as an honest priest should do.
One day the kettle in which he boiled water for his tea got broken, and he did not know what to do, as he had no money to buy a new one. But the next morning, behold! a shiny brass tea-kettle was sitting outside his door. Overjoyed he returned thanks, and built a fire in the square fireplace in the middle of the floor. A rope and chain to hold the rice-pot and tea-kettle hung down from the covered hole in the ceiling which did duty as a chimney. A pair of brass tongs was stuck in the ashes, and soon the fire blazed merrily. At the side of the fireplace, on the floor, was his tray filled with tiny teacups, a pewter tea-caddy, a bamboo tea-stirrer, and a little dipper. The priest having finished sweeping the ashes off the edges of the hearth with a little whisk-broom made of hawk's feathers, was just about to put on the tea when "suzz, suzz," sang the shiny tea-kettle spout; and then "pattari—pattari!" said the lid, as it flapped up and down, and the kettle swung backward and forward.
"What does this mean?" said the old priest with a start; for, wonder of wonders, the spout of the kettle had turned into a badger's nose with its big whiskers, while from the other side sprouted out a long bushy tail!
"Ho, ho!" cried the priest, with a long string of Japanese words which would sound strange to you. And in terror he dropped the tea-caddy, spilling the green tea all over the matting, as four hairy legs appeared under the kettle, and the strange compound, half badger and half kettle, jumped off the fire, and began running around the room. To the priest's horror it leaped on a shelf, puffed out its belly and began to beat a tune with its fore-paws as if it were a drum. The old priest's pupils, hearing the racket, rushed in, and after a lively chase, upsetting piles of books and breaking some of the teacups, secured the badger, and squeezed him into a keg used for storing pickled radishes. They fastened down the lid with a heavy stone, and felt sure that the strong odor of the radishes would kill the beast, for no man could possibly survive such a smell, and it was not likely a badger could.
The next morning the tinker of the village called in and the priest told him about his strange visitor. Wishing to show him the animal, he cautiously lifted the lid of the cask, lest the badger might, after all, be still alive, in spite of the strong vinegar pickles, when lo! there was nothing but the shiny brass tea-kettle. Fearing that the utensil might play the same prank again, the priest was glad to sell it to the tinker, who on his part secretly thought the priest had been dreaming, and was glad to give another kettle in exchange for it, and some cash to boot. He carried it proudly to his junk shop, though he thought it felt unusually heavy.
The tinker went to bed as usual that night with his tiny paper shaded lamp just back of his head. About midnight, hearing a strange noise like the flapping up and down of a pot-lid, he sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, and there was the bewitched tea-kettle covered with fur and sprouting out legs. In short, it was turning into a hairy beast.
"Don't beat me or shut me in a vinegar keg," it said, "for I am really kind-hearted and wish you well."
"What can I do for you?" asked the tinker.
"Feed me a little rice now and then, and don't put me on the fire as that stupid priest did. Look here."
Going over to a corner of the room and taking a fan from the rack, the badger climbed up on the frame of the lamp, and began to dance on its one hind leg, waving the fan with its fore-paw. It played many other tricks, until the man started up, and then the badger turned into a tea-kettle again.
"I declare," said the tinker as he woke up next morning, and talked the matter over with his wife. "I'll just 'raise a mountain' on this kettle. It certainly is a very highly accomplished tea-kettle. I'll call it by some high-sounding name and exhibit it to the public."
"You've been dreaming," scoffed his wife; "that's only an ordinary brass tea-kettle."
"Just watch it and see," replied the tinker.
So they watched the next night, and sure enough it turned into a badger again.
The delighted tinker hired a professional showman for his business agent, and built a little theatre and stage. Then he gave an order to a friend of his, an artist, to paint scenery, with the sacred mountain Fuji yama in the background and cranes flying through the air, a crimson sun shining through the bamboo, a red moon rising over the waves, with golden clouds and tortoises and such like. Then he stretched a tight rope of rice-straw across the stage, and the handbills being stuck up in all the barber shops in town, and wooden tickets branded with "Accomplished and Lucky Tea-Kettle Performance, Admit One,"—the show was opened. The house was speedily filled, the people coming in parties, bringing their teapots full of tea and picnic boxes full of rice, and eggs, and dumplings made of millet meal, sugared roast-pea cakes, and other refreshments; because they came to stay all day. Mothers brought their babies with them, for the children enjoyed it most of all.
Then the tinker, dressed up in his wide ceremonial clothes, with a big fan in his hand, came out on the platform, made his politest bow and set the wonderful tea-kettle on the stage. At a wave of his fan, the kettle ran around on four legs, half badger and half kettle, clanking its lid and wagging its tail. How the children shouted; and so should you and I if we could only have been there! Next it turned into a badger, swelled out its body and beat a tune on it like a drum. It danced a jig on the tight rope, and walked the slack rope, holding a fan, or an umbrella in its paw, stood on its head, and finally at a flourish of its master's fan became a cold brass tea-kettle again. The audience were wild with delight, and as the fame of the wonderful tea-kettle spread, many people came from great distances to see it perform.
Year after year the tinker exhibited the wonder until he grew immensely rich. Then he retired from the show business, and out of gratitude took the old kettle to the temple again and deposited it there as a precious relic. The old priest was given a goodly sum of money to do nothing else but take care of it; and all his life it had all the rice and dumplings it wanted. After his death it turned into an ordinary kettle, and has stayed so ever since. If you don't believe it, you can go to the temple some day and see it for yourself.
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
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“Wanna go stargazing? I heard the sky is full of them tonight!” “Isn’t the sky always full of stars Hoshiko?”
Character Playlists / Character Inspirations
Full Name(s): Hikari Itsuki & Hoshiko Itsuki
Nicknames: Star Kids (Kisumi by @windbornearchon ) Koko & Kar (also by Kisumi) the fun twins (Neige)
V/A: Kakihara Tetsuya (Japanese) Patrick Pedraza (English) Ueda Kana (Japanese) Jenny Yokobori (English)
!Twisted from the Little Twin Stars!
Age: 17
Birthday: June 7th
Horoscope: Gemini
Species: Human
Gender: Male (Hikari) Female (Hoshiko)
Pronouns: He/they (Hikari) She/they (Hoshiko)
Height: 168 cm (Hikari) 169 cm (Hoshiko)
Hair Color: Baby Blue (Hikari) Baby Pink (Hoshiko)
Eye Color: Baby Pink (Hikari) Baby Blue (Hoshiko)
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Homeland: Shaftlands
Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Unnamed Aunt, Unnamed Cousins
Dominant Hand: Right (Hikari) Left (Hoshiko)
Dormitory: Sanwaii (belongs to @twsted-princess )
School Year: 2nd Year
Class: 2-C (No.12 & No.14)
Best Class(es): Astrology, Flying, Animal Linguistics,
Worst Class(es): Magical History, Swimming
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Favorite Food(s): Konpeitō, Grapes, Cherries
Least Favorite Food(s): Radishes, Pickled Cabbage
Hobbies: Fishing, Reading, Robotics (Hikari) Drawing, Writing Poetry, Printmaking (Hoshiko)
Dislikes: Fog, Starless Nights, Sand (Hoshiko) Waking up early, Cobwebs, Dust (Hikari)
Talent(s): Sketching, Cooking, Telling Jokes (Hoshiko) Inventing things, Listening, Writing Jokes (Hikari)
Sexuality: Bisexual
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Personalities: Inseparable from birth, Hoshiko and Hikari are always seen together no matter the circumstances! Hoshiko tends to act more shy and timid around people she doesn’t know but after a bit, she warms up to others to show off a bubbly and positive personality! Hikaru tends to be more stoic and serious than his sister but deep down, he’s just as energetic and positive as his sister! Hoshiko is a complete dreamer while Hikari tends to be the more realistic one but does have his moments of dreaming. People tend to see Hoshiko as the more chaotic of the two but this is a lie! Both of them are equally chaotic, Hoshiko just doesn’t see a need to hide it! The twins are both major pranksters and enjoy playfully messing with others! Both of the twins are friendly to all, including their enemies! They both just wish for people they love to be happy at the end of the day!
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Backstory: Hikari and Hoshiko were born in a small town in the Shaftlands to two loving parents. Both of their parents were astronomers and so from an early age, the twins were exposed to the world of space and stars! As kids, the twins were quite shy and mostly hung out with one another, a trait that was carried on throughout their childhood. A bit later on in their childhood, the twins tried to not be as clingy to each other and to branch out from one another. Thought it took a while, the twins started to be seen as two separate people instead of a set! Though there still are times where they’re in perfect sync, they have their own hopes, dreams, and quirks! Later on in life, the both of them were accepted into RSA and sorted into Sanwaii.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
You can never find one twin without the other! They seem to be inseparable!
Hikari is typically the one who writes the jokes while Hoshiko is the one to deliver them!
The twins came to hate radishes after their mother made a large stew made of radishes and they had to eat it for an entire month
The matching earrings they wear were a gift from their parents on their 14th birthday!
They’ve been best friends with fellow dorm mate Kisumi since day one at RSA!
Hikari typically acts as the distraction while Hoshiko is the one who pulls off a prank!
Hoshiko always seems to have a permanent grin while Hikari seems to have a permanent frown
Both of them don’t have a unique magic yet but they are working on discovering one!
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While i was in the bathroom, i disgorged about twenty five large chunks of cobaltite, which completely demolished the (thankfully clean) bowl and tank of the toilet, and left a rivulet of greywater flowing out under the door to soak into the floorboards. I left the poisonous and dodecahedral rocks to their own business, alongside the toilet's ballcock, laying pathetically on the floor, and headed to the dining room.
I was starving after a long night with no snacks to speak of (apart from a couple of oranges and a mouthful of brass), so i sat down on a wooden chair near the end of one of the tables. Though, as soon as i sat down, my tail erupted in pain from touching the back of the chair, so i was forced to sit on the chair side-saddle, hiding my tail under the tablecloth so nobody touches it. My entire torso hurt from the fight with the automatons.
A silver call-bell was waiting for me. I rang it, and a small charcuterie board floated over to my position on the table. I consumed its minature yet vast arrangement of hard cheeses, hams, sausages, pastrami, forcemeats, mushrooms, prawns, savory pies, bread, crackers, grapes, olives, lettuce, peppers, radishes, carrots, cucumber, and celery, though i shunned the miniature pickles. Small dishes of vinaigrette, caviar, blue cheese, and honey were provided alongside the starter.
The next course of the meal was a most abhorrent combination. Which was, according to the little plaque that came with it, the meat of a lobster and a whole Kobe steak together with Pule, Stilton, Parmigiano Reggiano, Västerbotten, and Halloumi cheeses, tuna, black truffles, seaweed, jalapeño, ghost pepper, guineafowl, pheasant, alligator, quail eggs, beef tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, lettuce, banana, saffron, foie gras, vanilla, rice, fugu pufferfish, and a most unpleasant concoction of sauces i can't all remember, all stuffed between the buns of a burger, sous vide, baked into a pastry shell, deep fried, and finally bathed in a different seething mixture of liquids.
The other people near me at the table glanced with concern as i choked down the Ozymandian ex-Soviet apartment complex of the "Four Elements sandwich", one thin and inesculent slice at a time. Serbian cheese and Japanese fish waged total war upon French duck and Vietnamese shrimp paste. None of the flavours mixed well, the fillings spilled in every direction once i broke through the bomb-proof exterior with my woefully non-vorpal knife, and if i couldn't get the "horrible safari-themed barbecue inside the Deepwater Horizon" taste out of my mouth, i feared that i might have developed a fatal case of Reggae Reggae Sores. My bleeding nose was not helping the situation, and it peppered the aftertaste with a generous hint of sweaty pennies.
My face was covered in various sauces after eating that crude obelisk dedicated to the pharoh of conspicuous consumption, so i made haste and re-entered the bathroom to wash it all off. The dessert was a pleasant variety of chocolates with strawberry ice cream.
After the meal, we all walked outside into the gardens, and down the main path towards a small french-style pavilion building. Behind the building was a wonderful view, as the treeline was short, and the Blue Moon was finally visible. I took a picture on my camera, of course. We were then seated on wooden benches facing the river, and the fireworks were set off. The display went on for ten minutes, but i was in too much pain to really care about it.
Those were my fifth and sixth logs of the Blue Moon Ball. Everything hurts. I'm tired. I want to go home.
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kangamommynow · 11 months
The bags and bags of raw veggies are slowly giving way to cooked, frozen, or prepared. Roasted a chicken with fennel, carrots, kohlrabi, garlic, lemon, celery, and onion. Shredded the rest of the salad turnips, carrot, radishes, purple onion, cabbage- packed tight in mason jars and covered with a vinegar solution for quick fridge pickled veggies. Sliced up the cucumber with dill flower and made cucumber salad. And made the biggest freakin batch of mixed veggie and sausage soup. We’ll have frozen batches of soup for months.
Still need to deal with beets (can be cooked and frozen), zucchini, and that dang Japanese eggplant. Oh, and more peas to turn into minted pea soup with coconut milk.
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Proud of my chicken!
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