#japt luke
enfernalinferno · 2 years
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Kicking the new year off by returning to my japt hyperfixation
Click for better quality | my ask box is open for requests
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vgilantee · 2 years
I just watched it for the first time today and when I tell you I SOBBED. I’m in such a brain rot for it.
ETHAN IS SO LUKE I LOVE YOUR BRAIN SM ILY Chad is 1000% Reggie and Mindy is Alex and Tara is Flynn and obvi reader is Julie. I’m dead rn.
IM SO DEVASTATED THEY ONLY GAVE US ONE SEASON. I swear if another streaming service doesn’t pick it up eventually 🥲🖕
Honestly you and I should write a season two cause wtf we would nail it
*cough* japt masterlist link. there is only four but... i wrote
i watched it when it first came out because a moot was reblogging gifs and i've had a crush on jeremy shada since i was a kid and first watched adventure time lmao
YES!! YES YES! although in the scene where luke sings to reggie the kisses his fingers and presses them to reggie's mouth is so "chad sings to ethan and eth has a bisexual panic and coughs out 'girls am i right" aldskfjasdflaj
the problem is that if they pick up a season 2 now, the cast (esp julie's younger bother) are so much older :((( i need a novelisation of the whole thing, because charlie, owen and jeremy would definitely rope madison into doing dramatic readings on insta live (i miss their chaos lives :((()
you, me, and @websterss are greenlighting the next seasons and writing them rn rn rn
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websterss · 5 months
@ghostlyloversworld ELEANOR so I read JAPT second novel “Whatever Happens” and OMFG in season 2 we would’ve had more flashback episodes with the boys in 1995 😭😭😭
Luke has a chapter where he and the boys went to a football game fighters concert and when they were leaving Luke saw a turquoise volvo station wagon, thinking it was his mom, and his from her, and now I want to write more like fics, and a potential one where Luke is with reader and hides everything he sees a turquoise car 😂 ALSO there was a vender across from the concert, and in the book luke said he missed Sam N Ella’s hotdogs because it left behind a rusty taste 💀😭😭😭 my poor baby and the boys were already filled with food poisoning, and the last stop at Sam N Ella’s effected them enough to kill them.
Also: in the second novel Luke was sleeping in the studio that they rent for band practice (it didn’t belong to any of the boys, they only rented it) and he tried to rent an apartment for himself but they don’t let minors rent so he’d couch hop, Luke also worked at a diner bussing to afford food and guitar strings. He said in the book how his feet would hurt from leaning over his bussing station.
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peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages
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Pairings Luke Patterson x reader
Summary Luke asks the reader what love languages are. 
Warnings none but fluff :)
Word Count 1.8k (short I know but I'm working on it)
I haven’t really written on Tumblr before so don’t judge too harshly because there’s some insanely talented people on here who might judge hahaha. (hopefully not though) I don't know what the boy’s love languages are so I kind of just assumed based off of what we saw but I did see somewhere that someone said Luke’s was touch so I just went with it. 
Gif is not mine so credit to the owner! I don’t know if anyone has done this idea before but I kind of like it because it popped into my head last night. Anyways, enjoy!! :) p.s. I sort of left this on a cliff hanger but idk if i’m going to continue it or not hahaha
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You were seated peacefully on the couch as you worked away on your laptop while listening to Julie and the guys practice a few songs for this weekend’s upcoming gig. You always loved listening to them practice, they sounded like absolute angels and you would never get tired of listening to them. However, Luke thought you should be doing your homework somewhere else because he didn’t want them to be distracting to you but truthfully, you really didn’t mind. If you were being honest, it actually helped you focus and the music didn’t let your brain wander. 
You glanced up at the group after realizing they had stopped playing. Julie met your eyes with a warm smile, already reading your mind,
“We’re just taking a break. I got to catch up on some homework.” Julie explained to her best friend. You nodded in response, smiling slightly as she went back to work. The boys were talking amongst themselves over by the piano, using hushed voices so whatever they were talking about you or Julie couldn’t hear. 
By some weird magical notion, you were able to see the boys even when they weren’t playing like Julie could. They haven’t been able to figure out why yet, though. Why you could see the guys but their other best friend, Flynn, couldn’t. Or why Luke’s parents couldn’t see him either but you still could. It was all just one big mystery they were all still unravelling. They had a theory that it had something to do with their unfinished business and the connections they all shared with one another, but that was yet to be explored with you and the boys. Julie and the boys sort of figured out how they were connected, but they hadn’t gotten that far with you yet. 
Julie made an attempt one time to suggest that maybe it was because you were so close with Luke ever since you guys met, the connection just helped you see all of them, but you chose to deny that theory. Especially when Julie threw the word feelings into the mix. Julie knew all too well about your “little”crush on the lead guitarist. There was no doubt that she caught on to it right away when the pair first met and hit off right away. From there, she proceeded to question you about it once they went back to her room. Of course you denied, denied, denied, but after awhile you finally gave in and agreed to your best friend’s observation. Julie saw all the looks that you two exchanged and she knew very well about the boys talking about you here and there. It was just a matter of time until one of you finally broke and admitted your stupid feelings for one another.
“Hey..Y/n?” The cautious voice made you glance up from your computer, first looking at Julie thinking it was her who called your name but then turning your head to the boys who were glancing at you with quizzical looks. 
“Yeah?” You ask glancing at Luke since he was the one who spoke up. You watch as the boys exchange a glance with one another and you push your eyebrow up in confusion. You meet eyes with Julie for a moment who was now looking between the boys and you just as confused as you were. 
“We have a question.” 
“Well, Luke does, but we’re curious too.” Alex cut in before you could respond. You chuckle slightly at their visible nervousness about what they wanted to ask. 
“Okay, shoot.” You gave them your full attention, pushing your computer screen down and a small smile sat content on your lips. Julie also gave them her full attention too, because she was equally as curious as to what they could possibly be asking you.
“What..what does love languages mean? We heard you and Julie talking about it yesterday..” Luke’s asks softly. Oh. That was what they were asking..Your face goes a little red at the thought of them hearing your conversation yesterday since it started out as band schedule and then led into your crush per usual. You glanced to Julie for help who only shook her head with a quick shrug.
“They asked you, not me. Take it away, sister.” Julie laughed and your face went even redder. It wasn’t an inappropriate question or anything, you just didn’t really know how to describe it. Or because it meant talking about feelings and relationships which was something you didn't really want to get into with them, especially Luke. 
“Uhh.. well.. I guess it’s a certain way somebody likes to express their love for someone. There’s different types of love languages like um, touch, words, gifts, spending time with that person, and doing nice things I guess..” You trail off slightly while scratching the back of your head, feeling a little flustered. 
“What do you think my love language is?” Alex asks excitedly, not really to you but just to anyone who would answer him. 
“I see yours being affirming words or something like spending time with them. You always love it when someone compliments you and reassures you if you’re having too much anxiety about something.” Julie cuts in with a smile and Alex points to her to say she was correct. Julie chuckles and you do too. 
“Reggie, yours would definitely be gifts or like spending time with people. You always like to hang around Ray and stuff.” You say glancing at Reggie who smiles warmly at your statement. 
“What about me?” You met eyes with Luke who was softly looking at you. You avoided Julie’s burning gaze into your head and Alex and Reggie’s small smirks as they waited for you to answer. You flushed again, looking to Julie for help who only shrugged. They both knew you knew the answer, that was what you guys had been talking about yesterday. 
“I’m..I’m not really sure..” You lied and you hated the small hint of disappointment in Luke’s eyes. You quickly looked away and started to reopen your laptop.
“Hey, I’m hungry, I’m gonna grab some snacks. Y/n do you wanna come with?” Julie asks making an escape for you to avoid the now awkward tension in the room.
“Yeah. Yeah.” You were quickly nodding your head and jumping up from your laptop. You didn’t even wait for Julie as you made a beeline for the garage doors and pushed them open, hurrying up the pathway to Julie’s house. 
Julie exchanged a knowing glance with the boys, reading Alex and Reggie’s glances before following after you saying you’d be back in a minute. You were pacing around on the patio when Julie finally got to you. She raised her eyebrows slightly trying to read your thoughts. 
“Y/n, why did you lie? That could have been the perfect opportunity to tell him how you feel.” Julie says and you shoot her a small glare. 
“Julie, he doesn’t like me like that. I just didn't want to embarrass myself but I guess I embarrassed myself even more by saying nothing.” You admit, slowing your pacing to look Julie in the eye. She lets out a small laugh.
“I don’t think you embarrassed yourself. You were just flustered which is understandable, but I say go for it. You never know what can happen. The Y/n I know doesn’t back down from a challenge either.” Julie puts a comforting arm on your shoulder and you were thankful for it. You squeeze her hand in response.
“Thanks. I don’t know, I guess I’ve just never felt this way about someone before..” You trail off and Julie squeezes your shoulder even tighter,
“Look, I get it, it’s scary, but you can do it. Think of this as me encouraging you to talk to him like you did for me and Nick. Just go for it. Have some confidence.” Julie winked at you and you chuckle at her actions. 
“There’s the Y/n I know. Now come on, we still need to get snacks. I gotta make my lie somewhat believable.” Julie nudged your side before making her way inside as you followed after he with a laugh. 
The two of you walk back into the garage a few moments later where the boys met your glances. Luke was now moved onto your spot on the couch while Alex and Reggie hung around by the piano still. You rolled your eyes that Luke took your spot but at least he was gracious enough to move your computer. You walked over to him where he smirked as you made an attempt to move him out of the way. 
“Get out of my spot.” You tease trying to move Luke out of the way again but he didn’t budge and instead kept holding that smirk on his lips. You rolled your eyes so you instead took a seat beside him and grabbed your laptop from the coffee table. 
“I’ll move if you tell me what you think my love language is.” Luke says and you quickly met his eyes. You glanced at Alex, Reggie, and Julie for a moment where they only shrugged. You huffed under her breath knowing you had no way out of this now. 
“I don’t know.” You say simply trying to get off of the topic but Luke kept pushing. He leaned in closer towards you and you could feel his breath on your neck. 
“I think you do..” Luke says and you meet his gaze again. You purse your lips together before glancing back at your computer for a moment. 
“Touch.” You say plainly and simply. You refused to meet Luke’s eyes as you furthered your answer, “I always noticing you touching Alex or Reggie in one way or another. Whether it’s something small or a hug or just a reason to touch them. It’s sweet.” You finish a small smile on your lips as you opened the tab you had been working on previously. A comfortable silence filled the room and you felt pretty content with your answer. It wasn't as bad or as embarrassing as you thought it would be. Luke was silent beside you and you were afraid to look at him so you just kept her gaze on your computer. 
You didn’t actually know if you could touch the boys, you just assumed you couldn’t because Julie was the only one with the real special powers. You had just been randomly gifted parts of them somehow. You all just walked around each other because the guys found it slightly weird to just walk through people they knew. Luke stared at you beside him and he wanted to at least try. If anything, his hand would just fall through like it did with everyone, so slowly and carefully, Luke reached out to turn your chin so you would look at him. The guys raised his eyebrow at his movements and then, he touched you. 
You felt his hand under your chin and you both did a double take. Luke quickly pulled his hand away in surprise that you actually felt that. The two of you exchanged a wondering and surprised glance. 
“We just touched..” 
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Sometimes I think about Bobby crossing paths with Alex's parents when they come to pick up his things and him losing it on them. Telling them not to pretend they cared because Alex knew that they hated him and he was the only person it should have matter knowing they cared. I think about Alex's mom crying and Alex's dad screaming. Telling Bobby he better never see him again. I think of Alex's mom taking it to heart, eventually taking their daughter and leaving his dad. I think about her throwing her life into LGBT organizations to make sure no kid ever felt like Alex did because of her
I think about Alex finding out and crying because she was always capable of that empathy it just took his death for her to realize
I think about Reggies "one fight away from divorce" parents finally getting that divorce and going on to live full lives beyond it but never quite being whole again. Reggies mom having another son and telling him of his big brother he would never meet. Reggies dad remarrying to a woman with 2 daughters he treats as his own and thinking Reggie would have loved you so often he sometimes has to step away because the hole where his son should be won't stop aching.
I think about Reggie learning this and breaking down because his parents loved him. Even when they didn't love each other
I think about Bobby going to Luke's funeral, after Reggies before Alex's, and hiding in the back, unable to handle the anger from the Pattersons. But Mitch sees him before the funeral even starts and pulls him to the front to stand beside them because he was your family too son. I think about that being the thing that pushes Bobby Shaw over the edge. Bobby Shaw who probably had a shaky relationship with his biological family. Bobby Shaw who just lost his brothers. I think about him breaking down and fracturing apart with Mitch and Emily doing the same beside him and none of them able to make it better because they're gone and they're not coming back.
I think about that being what breaks Bobby Shaw the most and becomes the final straw to leave Bobby Shaw behind. I think about a Bobby trying to go to Alex's funeral the next day and getting kicked out by one or his uncles. I think about a record producer finding him shaking on the steps to the funeral home and saying hey aren't you that kid who's band mates all just up and died? I think about Bobby telling him to fuck off and concider driving his fist into his face when he doesn't.
But Bobby isn't a violent person and he's given a deal, a chance, to leave all this behind. To become Trevor Wilson and never have to think about Bobby Shaw or grieve like Bobby Shaw or remember every day Bobby Shaw was the only one who was allowed to live. Trevor Wilson doesn't have to think about any of that and Bobby is really tired of being himself. He doesn't realize how deep the hole he's dug is until the contract is signed and there's no backing out.
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purplemagpie · 4 years
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desmond-is-our-king · 4 years
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Let’s let Netflix know we want a season 2 by requesting it! It only takes a few minutes!
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malice-kingdom · 2 years
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ghost-band · 4 years
Reginald Peters, Alexander Mercer and Lucas Patterson finally a complete set of himbos
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bi4bisamjess · 3 years
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i will draw this when it is not almost midnight. also does this make sense??? idk im a little unhinged atm 
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pinkcdraws · 4 years
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been watching teen wolf with a friend and this scene was perfect for them
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
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i'll say it with petals (you'll ink it in my skin)
julie works at her families flower shop and luke works in the tattoo parlour next door. one time he plays his music a little too loud, one time julie decides to have a word.
it just a lil flower shop / tattoo artist au
juke | word count: 11,088 | complete | ao3
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raeandwhatnot · 3 years
Lucky Charm – Luke Patterson
Summary: Luke is reminiscing about his relationship with you in the past. 
Warnings: it’s a bit sad and angst… but also fluff
Words: 4.3k
A/N: (Y/D/J)= your dream job. This is 3rd person unlike my other imagines where I do it in 1st person. Might make a part two to this if y’all want it! I will be getting to y’alls requests ASAP! I’m so excited to write them! Also, italicized is flashback! 
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It’s been 25 years since Luke, Alex, and Reggie have died. The first thing that Luke thought of when he died wasn’t just his family, he thought of (Y/N). He thought of how he just left her. They were supposed to be together forever, but that forever was cut short from tainted hot dogs out of a car. The boys have been in the band with Julie for a while now, but Luke couldn’t help but think something was missing while he performed. (Y/N) was that missing puzzle piece. He always called her his lucky charm because he would always perform his best when she was in the crowd.
“Are you going to come to the dance tonight, (Y/N/N)?” Alex asks as the Sunset Curve group walks with the girl to their shared class.
“Hmmm,” (Y/N) hums. “I’m not sure. I have a lot of homework I need to catch up on.”
Luke groans and rolls his eyes at the girl’s excuse. “Oh come on, (Y/N)!” he exclaims, walking in front of her, making him walk backwards. “You have got to live a little every once in a while! All you do is worry about school work. You need to come to the dance. The best band is going to play at the dance!”
(Y/N) tilts her head, “Oh yeah? What band?”
“Sunset Curve, duh!” Reggie says. (Y/N) giggled as she already knew the answer to her question.
“Please?” Bobby pouts. “It’s going to be a lot of fun!”
The group stops outside of the classroom door and she looks at the boys. They all had pleading looks on their faces.
“(Y/N), please!” Luke begs, grabbing her shoulders. “I need my lucky charm tonight. I promise tonight will be worth it!”
(Y/N) looks down at the charm bracelet the boys got her for her 17th birthday. The boys collectively got a charm for her bracelet that meant something to them. Luke got her a clover as she is his lucky charm. She looks back up at the green eyes staring at her waiting for her to answer.
“Fine,” (Y/N) sighed. “I will go to the dance, but you have to promise me that you guys will dance with me!” Luke smiles and pulls her into a quick hug. The rest boys cheered and high fived one another.
Luke wished he could go back to that night. It was a few months before they started dating. He and (Y/N) slow danced together which made him realize that he that had feelings for the girl in the first place. He realized why she was his lucky charm, why his heart would always skip a beat when she laughed, why his palms would get sweaty when she held his hand, why he would always want to be around her because she made him feel safe. He couldn’t stop thinking about her even in the afterlife. He would wonder where she is. Did she get married and have a family? Did she follow her dreams to become a(n) (Y/D/J)? Did she live her life to the fullest? Did she-
Luke’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling out to him, “Hey, Luke!” His eyes tore away from his journal he zoned out on. He saw Alex and Reggie standing in front of him.
“Hm?” Luke hummed, sitting up from leaning against the piano.
Alex took a step closer and asks, “Are you okay?”
Luke tosses his journal on the couch and takes off the acoustic guitar that was wrapped around his chest. “Yeah! Just thinking about a new song!” Luke said. Alex tucks his hands into his jacket’s pockets as he doesn’t believe that Luke is okay. He has been spacing out a lot recently.
“Cool! What is it about?” Reggie questions.
“Uh, I’m not sure yet,” Luke answers. “I was just brainstorming. Trying to think of a meaning to it.” Alex turns his attention to the journal. Luke had doodled clovers around the edges of the paper. Alex taps Reggie with his shoulder and tilts his head at the journal. Reggie analyzes the book, realizing what Luke has been thinking about.
“You making another song about (Y/N)?” Reggie wonders, still looking at the song book.
Luke glances at what Reggie was looking. “I don’t know. She’s just been on my mind recently,” he sighs and looks at the floor. Alex and Reggie nod in agreement as they too have been thinking about their friend.
Alex takes another step towards Luke, “Do you want to talk about it?” Luke kept his eyes glued to the ground. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk about her. He didn’t know if it would make him feel better, or if he would just burst into tears.
His thoughts were interrupted once more as Julie skips into the room. “Ready to rehearse, guys?” Julie smiles.
Luke puts on a happy face, “Hell, yeah! Let’s rock out!”
Alex and Reggie look at one another, concerned for their best friend who seems to be hurting. The group walks to their respective spots in the studio.
“What song should we start with?” Luke asks as he plugs his electric guitar into the amp.
Julie flipped her song book. “Should we warm up with Finally Free? We haven’t done that song in a while,” Julie suggest.
Luke look at the boys who were nodding their heads in agreement. “Sounds good to us!” he answers for the group.
Julie starts off the song with her intro, and the rest of the band joined in. As they were performing, Luke messed up here and there, but not enough to notice. At least Julie didn’t notice as she was rocking out with the boys. When they finished Finally Free, they decided to do a new song Julie had started writing. They hadn’t settled on a title just yet which was okay because it was still in the works. They started to practice the first verse going into the chorus, but Luke wasn’t 100% focused. He kept playing the wrong chords.
Because he messed up, he let out a load, frustrated groan. The rest of the band halted their actions to look at Luke. “Woah, you good?” Julie asks concerned.
Luke shakes his vigorously to try to get his mind straight, “Yeah! I’m just not used to the pattern yet. Let’s try again.”
Julie looks at Alex and Reggie. They both shrug their shoulders, and they start the song again. However, this time Luke could barely get past the intro without messing up. He tried to continue, but he couldn’t do it.
“Damn it!” Luke shouts, dropping his guitar to hover over his chest as he roughly runs his hands through his hair.
Julie stands up from his keyboard. “Luke?” she softly says. Luke could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.
“I-uh,” Luke stutters as he takes off his guitar. “I need s-some air.” Luke suddenly then poofs out without another word.
Julie looks at the empty space where Luke was standing. She couldn’t figure out why Luke wasn’t in the right head space. He was always focused on the band, or at least he always seems to be. Julie takes her eyes from the dead space to Alex and Reggie who had sad looks on their faces. Reggie takes his bass off and sets it next to Luke’s guitar.
Julie steps off to the side of her keyboard. “What’s up with him?” she asks Alex and Reggie. They glance at each other before Alex steps away from his drums to standing next to Reggie.
“We’ve been thinking about an old friend from back in the 90’s,” Alex confesses.
Julie shrugs her shoulder, “Who? Bobby?”
Reggie shakes his head. “Gosh, no. I wouldn’t want to spend my spare time thinking about that song stealing dummy,” Reggie says in disgust.
“She wasn’t part of Sunset Curve. At least she didn’t perform with us. Her name was (Y/N),” Alex states, ignoring what Reggie said about Bobby.
“(Y/N)? How come I’ve never heard you guys talk about her?” Julie wonders. Both Alex and Reggie shrug their shoulders, unsure why they never talk about one of their best friends. “Well, who was she then?”
A slight smile grew on Alex and Reggie as they thought of (Y/N). Alex started to reminisce the memories of his old friend, “She was one of the most important people in our lives. She helped us with our struggles, helped us study, came to almost all of our gigs, helped us get gigs… she was just the glue of Sunset Curve. We wouldn’t hardly function as a band if it wasn’t for her. She was even the one who got us the gig at the Orpheum…”
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and Sunset Curve was writing a new song for their new demo. They wanted to make new songs as they always perform the same songs at every gig. “Hey boys,” Luke calls out. Bobby was playing random notes on his guitar, Alex was trying balance his drumstick on his index finger, and Reggie was catching dust. They all turned to Luke who had written some stuff in his song book. “How does this sound? When all the days felt black and white those were the best shades of my life!” Luke sings.
“Dang, Luke!” Bobby exclaimed. “That’s really good! How did you come up with that?”
“I don’t know. It just came to me!” Luke smirks. “I’m also half way done with the song!”
“It’s been, what, 30 minutes and you’re already half way done?!” Alex says. Luke nods his head as he writes down more in his journal. Next thing they know, they hear clicking heels coming from the driveway. They all look up to see (Y/N) with a huge smile on her face.
“Uh, oh. Here comes trouble,” Luke teases. “What’s got you all smiley, babes?”
(Y/N) stops at the entry way of the studio. “Well, I have some pretty big news to tell you boys!” she says, shifting her weight from the balls of her feet to her feels.
“What? You got the best SAT’s scores of the school?” Bobby asks.
“You’re graduating a semester early?” then asks Alex.
“No! You got us a puppy?!” Reggie asks excitedly. The boys looked at Reggie as if he asked the most absurd question ever.
(Y/N) giggled, “As much as I would love to give you a puppy, Reggie, you are incorrect. All of you are incorrect. I just did the best thing that is ever going to happen to Sunset Curve!”
Luke raised an eyebrow, curious at what his girlfriend could have done. “What did you do?” The group slowly walks towards (Y/N). Her smile thinned out as she took a pause for dramatic effect. However, the boys were anticipatingly waiting for her to say something. “WHAT?!” they outburst.
(Y/N) chuckled at the band, and she took out a piece of paper from her back pocket. She cleared her throat dramatically before readings out loud, “Dear Miss (Y/L/N). Thank you for sending us Sunset Curve’s demo and sharing their amazing talent. We would like to offer them the chance of a lifetime. On July 22nd, we would like to invite Sunset Curve to perform here at the…” (Y/N) looks up at the guys who got even closer to her and each other.
“Perform where?!” Reggie shouts.
(Y/N) smiles even wider than ever before she throws her arms in the air and shouts, “TO PERFORM AT THE ORPHEUM BABY!” All four boy’s eyes widened and screamed out happy cheers. Luke tackles (Y/N) in the biggest hug. She wraps her legs around his waist as he ran to the drive way to spin her around.
“This is amazing!” Luke exclaimed, putting his girlfriend down. “You really are our lucky charm!” (Y/N) blushes at the compliment. Luke then presses his lips to hers to give her a sweet kiss. She smiles in the kiss as she is the happiest she has ever been.
“Hey, Patterson. Let us give (Y/N/N) some lovin’!” Bobby tugged on Luke’s shoulders which makes the couple pull away from each other. Alex, Bobby, and Reggie then take their chance to hug (Y/N). Luke joined in by hugging her from behind. They boys thanked the girl over and over again as they were in their group hug.
“Guys!” (Y/N)’s voice muffled from the inside of the hug. “One of you guys need to put on deodorant. Plus, I can’t breathe in here!” They all laughed at her and pulled away from the hug, but Luke kept his arms wrapped around the girl from behind.
“What would we do without you?” Alex smiles.
(Y/N) let out a playful sigh, “I don’t know. Never be able to play anywhere?” She giggled at her own joke. Luke sneaks in a kiss on the cheek. “Alright boys, you need to start rehearsing now that you have this mega-important life changing gig! I will order some pizza and soda so we can celebrate even more tonight!”
“You’re the best (Y/N)!” Bobby says before walking back into the studio with Alex and Reggie.
“You really are the best,” Luke whispers in (Y/N) ear. She turns around and gives him a peck on the lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too”
Julie felt her heart drop at the thought of Luke hurting even more for leaving behind two of the most important women in is life. Luke is not that open about his past life. Julie couldn’t imagine the pain he has been going through. Alex and Reggie had tears welling up in their eyes as they finished telling the story of how they booked the Orpheum gig. Her mind wandered to a song that she saw when she was flipping through Luke’s song book when Luke wanted to show her Sunset Curve songs. She remembered walking to the studio to hear Luke singing a song she never heard before, but she recognized some of the lyrics from his song book. “She sounds amazing. Do you guys have an old photo of her at all?” Julie questions.
Reggie looks at Alex, knowing he has a picture. “Yeah, I do actually. However, Luke doesn’t know, so please don’t tell him we have this,” Alex says, walking over to his fanny pack that was near his drums.
Julie tilts her head to the side in confusion, “Why doesn’t he know about you having a picture of her?”
Alex grabs his fanny pack and unzips it. “Luke’s been pretty happy recently, but I know that thinking about (Y/N) makes him a little sad. I would hate to show him a picture that brings back all these happy memories to make him sad that they didn’t get to have more of a life together,” Alex explains. Julie slowly nods her head.
Alex reaches in his back and grabs the polaroid picture. He walks back to Julie and hands her the photo. She slightly smiles at the picture. It was of (Y/N) and Luke. (Y/N) had a big smile on her face as Luke was giving her a kiss on the cheek. You could see the pure happiness radiating from the photograph. “Wow, she’s really pretty. Luke was a lucky guy!” Julie compliments. “You know, I’m sure Luke would love to have this picture. I think it’s time you guys should give it to him.”
Julie hands the picture back to Alex. Reggie started to play with his fingers nervously. Alex analyzes the picture in his hand and puts it in his back pocket. “We should probably go look for him,” Alex says quietly. Reggie nods his head and stands closer to Alex. Julie gives the boys a slight smile before they poofed out of the studio.
Luke was sitting at the beach, the water hitting his feet when it came to shore. He watched the sunset which was helping him calm down. Him and (Y/N) liked to come to the beach and watch the sunrise, the sunset, and star gaze all the time! This was their spot when they wanted to get away from everyone and have a bit of privacy with just them two. They would invite the band sometimes to have bonfires and eat s’mores after a gig. Luke watched the lifers around him playing in the water and having fun at the beach. He wished he could join the teenagers jamming in a big circle across the beach.
Suddenly, he hears a poof behind him. He turns around to see Alex and Reggie. “Well, you guys found me,” Luke quietly says, turning back to face the sunset. In his peripheral vision, he saw his friends sit on both sides of him, Alex on his right and Reggie on his left.
“I figured you would be here. You are kind of predicable sometimes,” Alex says. Luke nods his head slightly, agreeing with Alex. “What’s up, Luke?”
Luke lets out a heavy sigh. He takes a handful of sun and lets it fall in-between his fingers. “I just..” he starts. “I just wish I could see her again. I wish I could hold her. I want to know how she’s doing. I wish I knew where she was, so I could see her one last time…”
Reggie patted Luke’s back to try to comfort him, “It’s okay, buddy. I know we all wish we could see her again.”
Luke shakes his head, angry tears forming in his eyes. “Sometimes I wish we didn’t die when we did. There was so much we wanted to do as a band, and there was so much I wanted to do with (Y/N),” Luke exclaims.
Luke shifts his weight to the left to reach in his front pocket. What he takes out of his pocket shocks Alex and Reggie. Luke is holding their best friends charm bracelet. “Wait, you’ve had this this whole time?” Alex asks. Luke nods his head, a tear finally falling on his cheek. Luke turns the bracelet to have the clover charm facing him.
“I found it at my parent’s house. When I first went there to visit them, I went to look at my room to see if anything changed. I found it on my bed with some of my flannels she stole. I don’t know why she would give it back. Maybe because looking at it gave her so much pain. I can’t imagine the pain she went through,” Luke explains.
Alex glances at Reggie who had tears brewing in his eyes as well. He suddenly became anxious as he wasn’t sure how Luke was about to react with what Alex was about to give him. He nervously fidgets before he speaks, “I actually have something to show you.”
Luke turns his gaze to Alex. Alex opens his fanny pack to reach for the photograph. Luke looks at his friend’s hand to see the polaroid picture. He hesitantly grabs the photo. He lets out a sad chuckle. It was the picture of (Y/N) and Luke. “Where did you find this?” Luke asks.
“I found it when I found our stuff upstairs in the loft. I’m sorry I didn’t give this to you earlier,” Alex apologizes.
Luke shakes his head to dismiss Alex’s apology. He studies the picture of the two of them. He remembered this day vividly. It was him and (Y/N)’s first date. He had taken her to a drive-in movie and ice cream. The picture was taken right before the movie had started. (Y/N) had always taken polaroid pictures for the memories. She had given this to Luke because she wanted him to remember that day, but how could he forget? He would never forget her or the memories they shared.  
(Y/N) and Luke were setting up the back of his truck before the movie. Luke was spreading out the blanket and pillows while (Y/N) was grabbing the snacks from the front. Once they finished, they jumped in the trunk and started to get comfortable. “Are you excided?” Luke asks (Y/N).
She pulls the blanket to her lap, “Yes! I’ve always wanted to go to a drive-in movie!” Luke smiles at her excitedness.
“I know!” Luke says. (Y/N) slightly smiles and looks down at her lap, blushing. “Which snack would you like to eat first, m’lady?” he asks in a dramatic British accent.
(Y/N) giggles. “Hmmm, why sir pass me the sour gummy worms!” she replies too in a silly British accent.
Luke chuckles, grabs the snack, and hands it to her. She opens the bag and takes out a blue and red gummy worm. She eats the blue side first and looks at Luke who was watching her the whole time. She could feel her cheeks getting warmer. She flicks her wrist to give the red side of the gummy worm to Luke. He looks at the gummy worm before grabbing it and taking a bite. “This is crazy, you know?” (Y/N) admits.
Luke sits up a bit and furrows his brows. “How?” he questions.
She shrugs. “I don’t know,” she mumbles. “Sitting here.. on a date.. with one of my best friends who I’ve had a crush on for forever. I never thought it would actually happen.”
She kept her gaze on her lap, playing with a gummy worm. Luke cocks his head to the side to try to get her to look at him. However, she continues to look down. He takes his hand and pushes her chin gently to face her towards him. She looks into his green eyes. “Well, you better believe it because I wouldn’t want to be on a date with anyone else,” he says. He tilts her head down and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
(Y/N) then remembered that she had her camera in her bag. “Wait!” she exclaims. Luke moves to the side a bit as she reaches for her bag that is behind them. She unzips her bag to grab her polaroid camera. “I want to take a picture!”
“How come you always bring that where ever you go?” Luke wonders.
She fidgets the camera in her hands. “I want to create memories. I want to remember my adventures and experiences. I want to remember it all, so I take pictures,” she says, checking to see if she has enough film.
Luke smiles, “That’s amazing!”
(Y/N) scoots closer to Luke and angles the camera up to get them both in frame. They smile, getting ready to take the picture. He then had an idea for a great picture. Right as she pushes the button, he kisses her cheek. (Y/N) smiles even wider and lets out a slight giggle. The film shoots out and she grabs the photo. She looks at Luke who was smiling like a kid in a candy store. You could see the love and adore in his eyes. Luke flicks his eyes to her lips for a second, but it was enough for her to notice. He leans in, but she stops him. “I thought you weren’t supposed to kiss until after the date. Or even on the first date at all?” (Y/N) jokes.
“We can be different,” Luke smirks before giving her a kiss. As his lips touch her, she takes in a large breath and leans forward in the kiss. He takes his hand and places it on her cheek to deepen the kiss. Butterflies were flying around in their stomachs. (Y/N) pulls away slowly.
Luke opens his eyes to see her cheeks were bright red. “The movies about to start,” (Y/N) says. He chuckles and pecks her lips one more time. They shift around to where they were laying down, resting on the pillows behind them. (Y/N)’s head rested on Luke’s shoulder. She grabs the bag of sour gummy worms and takes a handful out. “Gummy worms?” she asks Luke.
Luke looks down to see her handing him some gummy worms. “Don’t mind if I do,” he says and takes the candy out of her hand to place it on his chest. As the movie starts, Luke smiles to himself. He’s on one of many dates him and (Y/N) will be on, and he couldn’t wait.
Luke didn’t notice that he was full on sobbing when he was reminiscing on the past. He suddenly felt a hand rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. He looks to see Reggie comforting him. Luke pats Reggie on the back to thank him. “It’s okay to be sad, Luke,” Alex says. Luke looks at Alex and nods. “You don’t have to be strong all the time.”
Luke thins his lip in a sad smile. Luke puts the photo and the bracelet back in his front pocket. He wipes his wet face and sniffs the snot that his slightly falling out of his nose. “Let’s get back to the studio. Even though we don’t sleep, I need a nap,” Luke says, getting up and wiping the sand off of his pants.
Luke looks around the beach once more to see the lifers having fun. Alex and Reggie follow Luke’s actions and stand up as well. Luke walks towards the teenagers still playing their guitars and singing around the fire. He watches them smile and laugh with one another. Alex places his hand on Luke’s shoulder to signal that they should leave.
Before they poofed back to the studio, Luke noticed someone in the distance. He saw someone watching the group of teenagers like he was. He noticed the (Y/H/C) girl wiping away a tear from her eye. Then, their eyes connected. He recognized those (Y/E/C) eyes. He squints and walks closer to get a better look. He halted as he got a little closer. His heart beat quickened at the sight of her.
“(Y/N)?” he whispered before the girl poofed away. Luke’s breath started to quicken as he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Luke?” Reggie called out. Luke turned around. “What’s wrong?”
“I think I just saw (Y/N)!”
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peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages Pt. 2
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Pairing: Luke Patterson x reader
Summary: Pt.2 to Luke asking you what Love Languages are
Warnings: talk of drinking and cheating but that’s it
Word Count: 1.6k
Here is part two that you all have been asking for! I deeply apologize for how long it took me to get this up, school is really kicking my butt. I have a bunch of people asking to be on my taglist and I’m currently in the works of making one so comment or reblog or something telling me you want to be on my taglist! Make sure you specifiy for my series or for small blurbs/oneshots like this or both! 
Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! I love the comments and y’all are so amazing! 
I’m not sure if this will have a part 3?? but let me know if you want one haha. I won’t be tagging anyone in this because my tags got lost in my notifications, so if you want to be tagged again, make sure you read above! :)
* * *
You didn’t mean to avoid Luke, it just kind of happened. Junior Year was no joke and it felt like every night and every weekend you had piles of homework to get done, so you sort of drifted from going to Julie’s house everyday. She didn’t mind, she understood just as much and kept you updated on how the band was doing. However, you still felt guilty for avoiding the boys. You were worried that Luke would think he scared you away by touching you, but you were feeling the exact opposite. You wanted to explore more and find out more but here you were, in your room at 12am trying to finish this nagging essay that was due in 8 hours. 
You felt your eyelids growing heavy but you shook your head, trying to keep yourself awake. The 3 monster drinks on your nightstand said enough about how much you were trying to keep yourself awake. You had 2 paragraphs left but you knew you were at a losing battle with yourself. The way your eyes were just glazing over at this point and rereading the same sentence over and over was becoming a very evident indication that you needed sleep. Before you could even think about quitting for the night, there was a noise from the side of your room and a grunt. Your eyes quickly darted over to where the noise came from and there stood Luke with that magenta pull over that you really liked. 
“Luke?” His eyes quickly darted over to you, clearly surprised to still see you awake.
“Y/n..hey..” He started and you pushed your laptop away to give him your full attention. 
“What are you..doing here?..” You weren’t really sure why he was here and you felt a small bit of tension in the room from avoiding him for the past few weeks. 
“I uh..came to see you..” His voice was small and you pushed your eyebrows together in confusion. 
“At 12 in the morning?..” You knew ghosts didn’t really sleep but it was still a strange sight to see Luke in your bedroom this late at night. 
“Yup..” He trails off and pushes his glance down to the floor. You raised your eyebrow, knowing he wasn’t telling you the whole truth. You two were still best friends after all, so you could read him like an open book. 
“Luke, seriously. What are you doing here?” You ask trying to push an answer out of him. He finally meets your gaze again and you see his small expression on his face.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” 
You blinked a few times at his bluntness. This time you were the one to avoid his gaze. You picked at your fingernails slightly, knowing Luke was watching you and waiting for an answer. 
“I don't mean too.. School’s been tough and stuff.” You say cringing at how lame that sounded even though it was true. Luke stayed silent for a moment, trying to decide if you were lying to him or not. You avoided his eyes and kept your glance locked on the floor. 
“Did I do something wrong? Did I overstep by touching you? I didn’t mean to scare you or anything..” Luke trails off and you frown. You quickly shake your head to tell him no.
“No, no, no. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve just been really swamped with homework..” You grimace to yourself for coming back to your really lame excuse. You watch as Luke steps a little closer, testing the waters. When you don’t object to him moving closer, he takes a slow seat on your bed beside you. 
“You look tired..” He points out, gently reaching to touch your cheek. It warms both of your bodies as your skin makes contact. His hands were..warm..and comforting. You weren’t sure what you expected but it definitely wasn't this. Who knew ghosts were warm? 
“I told you I’ve been swamped with homework.” You chuckle and this time Luke chuckles along with you. He gently pulls his hand away and folds them into his lap. You stare down at your feet for a few moments trying to figure out what to say next. This felt like completely new territory the two of you were exploring and by the energy and growing tension in the room; this was a little bit scary. 
“Do you think you know..why we can..touch?” You ask hesitantly. Julie was filling you in here and there at school, but it wasn’t much and they didn’t seem to come up with anything as to why you had the “powers” too. 
“No..it’s still all confusing. We think Julie’s mom has something to do with us being connected to Julie but we don’t know about you.” Luke says, side eyeing you and you weren’t sure if that was a hint for you to talk about your past or not.  
You didn’t really open up about your past. No one had ever really asked so you never really talked. Julie knew a little bit, she knew that your mom and dad fought a lot and you didn’t like being at home that much, but that was about it. You didn’t talk about it further than that, so when you could feel Luke trying to dig into your past more, you shrugged. 
“My parents don’t talk much about stuff. I don’t know.” You say, keeping it short and simple. Luke frowns a little at your answer, but he knows not to push so he doesn’t. The two of you sit in more silence beside one another. You picked at your finger nails while Luke’s eyes travelled around your room. 
“I ran out on my mom. She didn’t believe in my dream and though dropping out of high school was the worst possible idea. We got into a fight and I ran out. That was the last time I saw her face to face. I died before I could make amends with her.” You glance at Luke, surprised at his openness. Even though you guys were best friends, talking about stuff like this was kind of off limits. The memory hurt too much so you never talked about at home, parent problems. 
“Wow..I’m sorry. That must have been hard on both of you.” You admit and Luke nods.
“It was, but Julie helped me make amends with them last year.” Luke smiles a little and you smile too. You knew his little story was a play to get you to start talking so you took in a little breath. 
“My dad cheated on my mom a few years ago with..a few other women. My mom keeps trying to make excuses for him to keep him around. They fight a lot because my dad doesn’t want to stay but my mom keeps pushing it. They’re both pretty heavy drinkers, too. It’s not a very good mix.” You explain. It felt weird to say it out loud, but it also felt nice to talk about it with someone.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. I can’t imagine how difficult that is.” Luke empathizes but you only shrug. 
“It’s a good thing Julie let’s me come over so much. She’s been there for me for it all and I really love her for that.” You say, smiling at the thought of Julie’s friendship. You really couldn’t ask for a better best friend to get through it all. 
“Yeah, Julie’s really great. She does it all.” Luke laughs and you nod in agreement. More silence fills in between you two but it was comfortable silence. This time you lean your head on Luke’s shoulder and he pulls his arm around you to bring you closer. You could feel the tension slowly fading away. Sometimes all it took was one meaningful conversation to break the barrier. 
“Oh yeah, I saw these on my way over here and I thought you might like them.” Luke smiles and you watch as he digs into his pocket before pulling out a small bouquet of those pretty Aster flowers. You sit up a little, instantly recognizing them. They were your grandma’s favorite before she passed away when you were little. 
“Asters?” You ask and Luke glances at you a little surprised.
“Is that what they’re called? They’re really pretty.” Luke smiles and hands them to you. You smile, smelling them and instantly getting that fresh scent of your grandma’s house. 
“They are very pretty. Thank you.” You smile warmly and Luke smiles again. 
“Yeah, you’re welcome. They just reminded me of you.” Luke says and you chuckle. That was something your grandma had said to you a lot. 
“You should probably get going. It’s getting late and the boys are probably wondering where you are.” You chuckle, glancing at how much later it had gotten and you still had to wake up for school the next morning. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll see you at Julie’s tomorrow?” Luke stands up and sends you a hopeful glance. You chuckle and nod a yes. 
“Yeah, see you there, Patterson.” Luke smiles at your response. You watch as he hesitates to leave for a moment and you’re about to question him when in one quick motion he plants a kiss on your cheek before poofing out. 
You sit there, a little stunned, before allowing a small blush to creep its way onto your cheeks. You got up to put your flowers in your little vase on your desk. It added a nice touch to your room. If Luke hadn’t come in to make you more alert, you would have missed it. On your desk by the vase was a small piece of paper with writing on it. Upon examining it further, it was one of the last notes your grandma had written to you before she passed away. You thought you had lost that somewhere in your numerous papers, but there it was, front and center on your desk. 
I will be with you, today, tomorrow, and forever. You just have to look for the signs - Grandma 
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daisiesmakingchains · 4 years
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Julie and The Phantoms (tell your friends)
(pls like/reblog if you use!)
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Through a Fog
Authors Note: This is a fic based on how sometimes minor things upset me on bad ADHD days when I’m overwhelmed (also what they do at the end is totally Alex trying to get Reggie to stim even if neither of them actually know that’s what they’re doing) @random-nerd-3 asked to be tagged when this was done!
It’s just a bad day. Reggie can feel it under his skin when he wakes up, his whole face is buzzing and when he gets downstairs the silence is stifling in the way he knows mean his parents just finished a fight and are still in the after phase where they aren’t talking. He’d woken up late and can’t stand being in the house longer than necessary so he walks out without eating breakfast.
He gets to school and realizes he left his math homework in his room so he has to sit through a lecture on how he could be so smart if he just applied himself. He doesn’t know how to communicate to his teacher that he is applying himself he’s trying so hard he doesn’t want to forget this stuff he just does. She threatens to call his parents but he manages to talk her down with a promise to never do it again they both know he won’t keep.
By the time lunch comes around he is practically vibrating. He feels like his head is full of cotton and any time he tries to focus his mind wanders and his vision swims out. He hates days like this, hates that he’s broken in a way no one else seems to be. Then when he gets to the lunch room, he remembers he was out of lunch money and hadn’t had time to ask his parents for more. In his rush to get out the door this morning he had forgot to bring anything so when he slumps into the bench where he eats lunch with Alex, Bobby and Luke have different period, he’s exhausted. Alex seems to be fine keeping up the conversation and Reggie is thankful for that. He already has to spend the entirety of lunch psyching himself to have to focus in the rest of his classes and he knows having to keep up a conversation would make that harder than it already was.
The second half of the day goes somehow worse the first half. He gets to gym it’s tennis which he is awful at and he doesn’t even get why they have to learn it. It also does nothing to calm the buzzing under his skin that physical activity normally does. He goes from gym to English where they are supposed to be reading Macbeth and writing an analysis of the effect the witches have on Macbeth’s fate but he can barely focus enough to read the page let alone process any of what is being said or write a paper on it. By the bell rings he gives it up as a lost cause and shoves the book into his bag.
Finally, he is released from school and he’s so glad to get to go to practice. Playing always makes him feel better, the ability to get lost in the feeling in his chest as the bass reverberates or the way the strings feel under his hands always calms him. He meets Luke, Bobby, and Alex at one of the benches outside. Luke and Bobby are talking up in front but Alex hangs back.
“hey man,” Alex says, softly bumping their shoulders, “You okay? You seem a little off today. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Reggie says with a nod, “I’m just,” he pauses, “Spacey I guess is the best word to describe it.” He shakes his head. “I’ll be fine once practice starts.” Alex nods. “I understand. I’m here if you wanna talk though.”
“I know,” Reggie says, giving him a small smile that seems to make him feel a little better.
When they get to practice is when everything really goes to shit. All because he can’t tune his guitar right. He thinks he has it but it sounds off when they start playing.
“Wait sorry,” Reggie says, “I think somethings wrong with my guitar it sounds weird?”
“Just try tuning it again,” Luke says, “Maybe we distracted you while you were tuning so you just didn’t notice.”
Reggie nods and makes some adjustments and when its where he thinks its good, he says, “okay that should be better.”
They start to play again but it still sounds wrong. “Wait I’m sorry,” He mutters, stopping play, “It still sounds wrong.” And against everything he can feel frustrated tears swell in his eyes and god why is he so upset.
“Reggie your guitar sounds fine,” Luke says and Reggie can hear the agitation creeping into his voice but it just sounds wrong and he needs it to sound okay.
“I’m sorry,” He say’s his voice cracking. He starts to tune his guitar again with a frantic kind of urgency. He vaguely notices Alex get up from his drum set and circle to the table in front of Reggie to pick up a glass of water.
“Reggie man it’s fine,” Luke snaps.
Reggie doesn’t respond just tries to fix it faster but now he’s messing up and Luke is upset and his vision is blurring. This is such a stupid thing to cry over why is he crying over it?
“Reggie are you crying?” Alex asks and his voice is so soft but all Reggie can hear is anger, that sounds so much like his dad, and so he panics.
“No,” He snaps, turning away and frantically scrubbing his face.
“Reggie what’s wrong?” Alex says stepping into his line of sight again.
“Nothing. ‘m fine,” He insists but his whole body feels hot and he knows his face is flush.
“Reggie did something happen with your parents,” Bobby whispers from beside him.
“Nothing happened! Nothings wrong!” Reggie snaps stepping back.
“Okay,” Bobby says, putting his hands up and taking a step back to give Reggie space.
“It’s stupid I’m being stupid. Let’s just go back to practice,” He snaps.
“Okay,” Luke says, nodding, “Let’s just get back to practice.”
They start and Reggie’s guitar still sounds bad and he doesn’t know what to do. He tries to keep playing but he feels like his skin crawling and he can hear it how can’t they hear it he’s going to scream he hates it why is no one else saying anything. “Jesus!” Reggie yells, “Can you not hear that?”
“Your guitar is fine!” Luke snaps.
“It sounds bad! Something is wrong,” Reggie’s voice cracks, “I can’t tune it right. Why can’t I tune it right?”
“Reggie really it sounds fine to us,” Alex says, “Are you sure something isn’t wrong?”
“I said everything was fine!” He yells, ripping off his guitar and storming out of the garage. The minute he’s out of the garage he begins to pace. He just feels so restless. He is buzzing and no amount of pacing is making it go away. He doesn’t know how long he does that before Alex comes out.
“Hey man,” Alex says.
“Hey. I’m really sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong. I mean nothings wrong and that’s worse. I shouldn’t have snapped and I’m so so sorry,” Reggie says, pausing his pacing but now that he’s been in movement, he’s unable to stop so he bounces on his toes.
“It’s okay,” Alex says, “We all have bad days. I shouldn’t have pushed.”
“You were just trying to help,” Reggie says, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair.
“Hey so sometimes when I get anxious, I do this thing,” Alex says, eyes flicking to where Reggie has begun to pick his nails. “It helps me if you wanna try it.”
“Yeah sure,” Reggie says, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“Okay,” Alex says, nodding, “Just do what I do.” When Reggie nods Alex starts jumping up and down and shaking his hands.
“What are you doing?” Reggie says, “I’m not doing that.”
“Come on Reginald,” Alex says, bouncing over and grabbing him as he jumps.
Reggie scoffs and rolls his eyes but grabs Alex’s arms and starts bouncing with him.
“Great!” Alex says, “Now shake!” he starts aggressively head banging and waving his arms.
Reggie laughs and copies him. When they finally stop, they’re light headed, laughing, and practically leaning on each other to remain standing. They stumble to sit on the step outside the garage. Reggie is surprised to find that the edge is gone. He still feels a little foggy but his skin no longer feels like it’s buzzing and he doesn’t feel like he’s seconds from snapping at the nearest thing to inconvenience him.
“Thanks man,” Reggie says, “that really helped.” He wraps his arm around Alex’s shoulder.
“Any time,” Alex says leaning his head on Reggie’s, “I’m just glad I could help.”
“Is Luke mad?” Reggie asks.
“Luke is being Luke,” Alex says, “Don’t worry about him.”
“It stresses him out when we can’t practice enough,” Reggie says.
“Yeah but you’re more important than practice,” Alex says.
Reggie rolls his eyes and shoves Alex’s head. “I know but we should probably go back in there.”
“Ready when you are,” Alex says, jumping up and holding his arm out to pull Reggie up.
“Let’s go,” he says, pulling open the doors to the garage.
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