#japt cast
vgilantee · 2 years
I just watched it for the first time today and when I tell you I SOBBED. I’m in such a brain rot for it.
ETHAN IS SO LUKE I LOVE YOUR BRAIN SM ILY Chad is 1000% Reggie and Mindy is Alex and Tara is Flynn and obvi reader is Julie. I’m dead rn.
IM SO DEVASTATED THEY ONLY GAVE US ONE SEASON. I swear if another streaming service doesn’t pick it up eventually 🥲🖕
Honestly you and I should write a season two cause wtf we would nail it
*cough* japt masterlist link. there is only four but... i wrote
i watched it when it first came out because a moot was reblogging gifs and i've had a crush on jeremy shada since i was a kid and first watched adventure time lmao
YES!! YES YES! although in the scene where luke sings to reggie the kisses his fingers and presses them to reggie's mouth is so "chad sings to ethan and eth has a bisexual panic and coughs out 'girls am i right" aldskfjasdflaj
the problem is that if they pick up a season 2 now, the cast (esp julie's younger bother) are so much older :((( i need a novelisation of the whole thing, because charlie, owen and jeremy would definitely rope madison into doing dramatic readings on insta live (i miss their chaos lives :((()
you, me, and @websterss are greenlighting the next seasons and writing them rn rn rn
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peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages Pt. 2
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Pairing: Luke Patterson x reader
Summary: Pt.2 to Luke asking you what Love Languages are
Warnings: talk of drinking and cheating but that’s it
Word Count: 1.6k
Here is part two that you all have been asking for! I deeply apologize for how long it took me to get this up, school is really kicking my butt. I have a bunch of people asking to be on my taglist and I’m currently in the works of making one so comment or reblog or something telling me you want to be on my taglist! Make sure you specifiy for my series or for small blurbs/oneshots like this or both! 
Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! I love the comments and y’all are so amazing! 
I’m not sure if this will have a part 3?? but let me know if you want one haha. I won’t be tagging anyone in this because my tags got lost in my notifications, so if you want to be tagged again, make sure you read above! :)
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You didn’t mean to avoid Luke, it just kind of happened. Junior Year was no joke and it felt like every night and every weekend you had piles of homework to get done, so you sort of drifted from going to Julie’s house everyday. She didn’t mind, she understood just as much and kept you updated on how the band was doing. However, you still felt guilty for avoiding the boys. You were worried that Luke would think he scared you away by touching you, but you were feeling the exact opposite. You wanted to explore more and find out more but here you were, in your room at 12am trying to finish this nagging essay that was due in 8 hours. 
You felt your eyelids growing heavy but you shook your head, trying to keep yourself awake. The 3 monster drinks on your nightstand said enough about how much you were trying to keep yourself awake. You had 2 paragraphs left but you knew you were at a losing battle with yourself. The way your eyes were just glazing over at this point and rereading the same sentence over and over was becoming a very evident indication that you needed sleep. Before you could even think about quitting for the night, there was a noise from the side of your room and a grunt. Your eyes quickly darted over to where the noise came from and there stood Luke with that magenta pull over that you really liked. 
“Luke?” His eyes quickly darted over to you, clearly surprised to still see you awake.
“Y/n..hey..” He started and you pushed your laptop away to give him your full attention. 
“What are you..doing here?..” You weren’t really sure why he was here and you felt a small bit of tension in the room from avoiding him for the past few weeks. 
“I uh..came to see you..” His voice was small and you pushed your eyebrows together in confusion. 
“At 12 in the morning?..” You knew ghosts didn’t really sleep but it was still a strange sight to see Luke in your bedroom this late at night. 
“Yup..” He trails off and pushes his glance down to the floor. You raised your eyebrow, knowing he wasn’t telling you the whole truth. You two were still best friends after all, so you could read him like an open book. 
“Luke, seriously. What are you doing here?” You ask trying to push an answer out of him. He finally meets your gaze again and you see his small expression on his face.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” 
You blinked a few times at his bluntness. This time you were the one to avoid his gaze. You picked at your fingernails slightly, knowing Luke was watching you and waiting for an answer. 
“I don't mean too.. School’s been tough and stuff.” You say cringing at how lame that sounded even though it was true. Luke stayed silent for a moment, trying to decide if you were lying to him or not. You avoided his eyes and kept your glance locked on the floor. 
“Did I do something wrong? Did I overstep by touching you? I didn’t mean to scare you or anything..” Luke trails off and you frown. You quickly shake your head to tell him no.
“No, no, no. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve just been really swamped with homework..” You grimace to yourself for coming back to your really lame excuse. You watch as Luke steps a little closer, testing the waters. When you don’t object to him moving closer, he takes a slow seat on your bed beside you. 
“You look tired..” He points out, gently reaching to touch your cheek. It warms both of your bodies as your skin makes contact. His hands were..warm..and comforting. You weren’t sure what you expected but it definitely wasn't this. Who knew ghosts were warm? 
“I told you I’ve been swamped with homework.” You chuckle and this time Luke chuckles along with you. He gently pulls his hand away and folds them into his lap. You stare down at your feet for a few moments trying to figure out what to say next. This felt like completely new territory the two of you were exploring and by the energy and growing tension in the room; this was a little bit scary. 
“Do you think you know..why we can..touch?” You ask hesitantly. Julie was filling you in here and there at school, but it wasn’t much and they didn’t seem to come up with anything as to why you had the “powers” too. 
“No..it’s still all confusing. We think Julie’s mom has something to do with us being connected to Julie but we don’t know about you.” Luke says, side eyeing you and you weren’t sure if that was a hint for you to talk about your past or not.  
You didn’t really open up about your past. No one had ever really asked so you never really talked. Julie knew a little bit, she knew that your mom and dad fought a lot and you didn’t like being at home that much, but that was about it. You didn’t talk about it further than that, so when you could feel Luke trying to dig into your past more, you shrugged. 
“My parents don’t talk much about stuff. I don’t know.” You say, keeping it short and simple. Luke frowns a little at your answer, but he knows not to push so he doesn’t. The two of you sit in more silence beside one another. You picked at your finger nails while Luke’s eyes travelled around your room. 
“I ran out on my mom. She didn’t believe in my dream and though dropping out of high school was the worst possible idea. We got into a fight and I ran out. That was the last time I saw her face to face. I died before I could make amends with her.” You glance at Luke, surprised at his openness. Even though you guys were best friends, talking about stuff like this was kind of off limits. The memory hurt too much so you never talked about at home, parent problems. 
“Wow..I’m sorry. That must have been hard on both of you.” You admit and Luke nods.
“It was, but Julie helped me make amends with them last year.” Luke smiles a little and you smile too. You knew his little story was a play to get you to start talking so you took in a little breath. 
“My dad cheated on my mom a few years ago with..a few other women. My mom keeps trying to make excuses for him to keep him around. They fight a lot because my dad doesn’t want to stay but my mom keeps pushing it. They’re both pretty heavy drinkers, too. It’s not a very good mix.” You explain. It felt weird to say it out loud, but it also felt nice to talk about it with someone.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. I can’t imagine how difficult that is.” Luke empathizes but you only shrug. 
“It’s a good thing Julie let’s me come over so much. She’s been there for me for it all and I really love her for that.” You say, smiling at the thought of Julie’s friendship. You really couldn’t ask for a better best friend to get through it all. 
“Yeah, Julie’s really great. She does it all.” Luke laughs and you nod in agreement. More silence fills in between you two but it was comfortable silence. This time you lean your head on Luke’s shoulder and he pulls his arm around you to bring you closer. You could feel the tension slowly fading away. Sometimes all it took was one meaningful conversation to break the barrier. 
“Oh yeah, I saw these on my way over here and I thought you might like them.” Luke smiles and you watch as he digs into his pocket before pulling out a small bouquet of those pretty Aster flowers. You sit up a little, instantly recognizing them. They were your grandma’s favorite before she passed away when you were little. 
“Asters?” You ask and Luke glances at you a little surprised.
“Is that what they’re called? They’re really pretty.” Luke smiles and hands them to you. You smile, smelling them and instantly getting that fresh scent of your grandma’s house. 
“They are very pretty. Thank you.” You smile warmly and Luke smiles again. 
“Yeah, you’re welcome. They just reminded me of you.” Luke says and you chuckle. That was something your grandma had said to you a lot. 
“You should probably get going. It’s getting late and the boys are probably wondering where you are.” You chuckle, glancing at how much later it had gotten and you still had to wake up for school the next morning. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll see you at Julie’s tomorrow?” Luke stands up and sends you a hopeful glance. You chuckle and nod a yes. 
“Yeah, see you there, Patterson.” Luke smiles at your response. You watch as he hesitates to leave for a moment and you’re about to question him when in one quick motion he plants a kiss on your cheek before poofing out. 
You sit there, a little stunned, before allowing a small blush to creep its way onto your cheeks. You got up to put your flowers in your little vase on your desk. It added a nice touch to your room. If Luke hadn’t come in to make you more alert, you would have missed it. On your desk by the vase was a small piece of paper with writing on it. Upon examining it further, it was one of the last notes your grandma had written to you before she passed away. You thought you had lost that somewhere in your numerous papers, but there it was, front and center on your desk. 
I will be with you, today, tomorrow, and forever. You just have to look for the signs - Grandma 
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Will you be my Valentine?- Charlie Gillespie
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A/n- Happy Late Valentine’s Day everyone. I hope you all had an amazing Valentines day. I decided to write this imagine about Charlie asking the reader to be his Valentine.
Your POV
I was in my room listening to some y/f/s while painting my nails red, when I heard my phone ring. I carefully pushed the answer button and put the phone on speaker. 
“ Hello” I said
“ Hey girl, what’s up.” I heard Madison say
I let out a little giggle before answering “ I’m not doing much really just painting my nails, what's up with you Mads.” 
She then started to explain to me about her new game she just started playing. While I was listening to her talk I continued painting my nails. 
“ Alright Y/n/n, has anyone asked you to be their valentine yet.” She asked me 
I sighed while cleaning up after my nails dried.
“ I’m going to take that as a no. I thought Charlie would have asked you?”
I made a confused face and said...
“ Why would Charlie ask me?” 
Her line went really quiet, so I grew a little concerned. 
“ Mads? Are you okay?” 
“ Yeah, sorry.” 
“ So about that questioned I asked you Mads.” 
She sighed “ Y/n/n?”
“ Yes?” I asked confused 
“ I, uh got to go. bye!” She shouted 
I sighed in disappointment because I was hoping she would tell me if he was planning on asking me if he was planning on asking me. I got out of my bed and headed out to my kitchen. Once I got to my kitchen I went over to my pantry to grab a quick snack. After I got my snack I headed into the living room and started watching a random show. 
‘Time Skip’
I ended up waking up to hearing knocking on my door. I got up and slowly made it over to the door and found Owen on the other side. He gave me a huge smile. 
“ Good evening sleeping beauty.” He said 
I rolled my eyes at him, but I let him in. 
“ What do you want Mr. Joyner.” 
I heard him let out a small chuckle from behind me. 
“ Well if you must know, I need you to get all fancy and follow me.” 
I turned around to face him and opened my mouth, but Owen beat me to it. 
“ No, questions. I was told to tell you and there will no further questions.”
I sighed and walked to my room to find a perfect dress to wear. 
Owen’s POV
I was waiting for Y/n to hurry up getting ready so I could drive us to the second place Charlie wanted us to go to. I was in the middle of responding to a text from Jeremy when I heard something coming from Y/n’s room. I carefully walked over to her room and knocked on the door. 
“ Come in” She said 
I opened the door slowly. Once I walked in my jaw dropped. 
“ It looked like a tornado came through your room.” I said 
I felt her glaring at me “ Sorry, but any way, what seems to be the problem.” 
She let out a groan and gave me a small pout. “I can’t find anything to wear!” She whined 
I let out a chuckle “ Honey, sit down, let me look.” 
She sighed, but did as I told her. I went over the options that she had and picked out a maroon long sleeve dress and paired it with some black heels. 
“ Here change and I would curl your hair. Also do light/dark natural make up, but a dark red lipstick.” 
She smiled at me and took her outfit out of my hand to change, but gave me a quick hug first. 
“ Go hurry!” I chuckled while giving her a small push
‘Time Jump’
Y/n and I finally got to our next destination. I secretly texted Jeremy that we were here so he could get ready. I walked up to his apartment with Y/n behind me. I knocked on the door and heard footsteps coming up to it so I gently grabbed Y/n’s wrist and pulled her closer to the door. 
“ Hey guys” Jeremy said 
Your POV
I gave Jeremy a small smile before he opened his mouth again. 
“ Okay, so Y/n/n I was told to give you these y/f/f and this note. You can read the note in the car because we need to make one last stop before your big surprise.” 
I nodded and grabbed the flowers and note out of his hands. All three of us made our way back to Owen’s car. Once we were back on the road again I opened up my note that Jeremy gave me. 
‘Dear my dearest angel, 
I have the best surprise for you, but right now I hope you love your flowers. I can’t wait to see you gorgeous, you are probably blushing right now. Any way see you real soon.’
I could still feel myself blushing and I looked up to find Jeremy recording me. I quickly covered my face and let out a groan of annoyance 
“ Jeremy stop recording me!” I whined 
I could hear Owen and Jeremy laughing up front, so I let out another groan which only made them laugh more. 
‘Time Jump’
Both of the boys got out of the car and Owen opened the back door for me to climb out. I saw that we were at another apartment building. 
“ Guys who we getting now?” I asked confused 
Jeremy turned around “ Where getting Mads.” 
I smiled and nodded.
After the long elevator ride we made it to the door. Owen knocked on the door and we heard a squeal of excitement. 
“ Madison!” I shouted 
She hugged me in excitement. I could hear the boys chuckling at our actions. We pulled away and she said...
“ I have something for you!” 
I giggled and held my hands out for her to put it in my hand. She put it in my hand and when I looked down it was a heart shaped chocolate box. 
“ Thank you Mads.” 
She giggled “ You’re welcome, but it was from your secret admirer.” 
I smiled and Owen shouted...
Before we left Mads said bye to her dad. Once we got back to the car Owen drove us all to our last stop. 
I was chilling on my phone when I felt the car stop. I looked up to find that we were at a beautiful park. I heard Madison squeal so I looked over at her. 
“ You okay there?” I asked 
She looked at me and said..
“ Sorry just really excited to see your reaction.” 
I let out a small giggle. I was getting out of the car when I heard Madison yell out.
“ Boys record this moment please.” 
I then saw both of them grab their phones out of their pockets since Mads already had hers out. 
“ Okay were do I need to go.” I questioned 
They all pointed to a path with roses petals and some candles. I smiled and started making my way to the path. When I got closer I saw some other cast members each holding my favorite flower. I got to Savannah first and we smiled at each other. I went through that with Booboo, Sacha, Jadah, and Tori. I felt my eyes well up with tears seeing Kenny at the very last pit stop of the path. 
“ You have someone very special.” He said 
He then gave me a small hug before I got to the special person. 
Charlie’s POV
I was standing in my nice tux nervously waiting for Y/n/n and everyone else. I looked up when I heard footsteps getting closer. I then saw her and smiled. She was finally standing a couple inches in front of me, I could see tears in her eyes. 
“ Y/n/n will you be my special Valentine this year?” I asked 
She let a tear fall and nodded her head. I grabbed her and gave her a long meaningful kiss. I could hear everyone cheering. I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her. I then pulled her into a huge hug. I saw everyone either crying or trying their best not to cry. I felt something wet on my shirt. 
“ Hey don’t cry beautiful.” I whispered 
I heard her slowly calming down, so I pulled her away from me a little. 
“ Sorry for messing up your shirt.” 
I looked down to see drops of her make up mixed with her tears. I then grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. 
“ Don’t worry about it. Let’s just go back to mine and Owen’s apartment to cuddle.” 
She smiled and nodded. Everyone then helped me pick things up so we could head back to our places. 
Your POV
While heading back to the parking lot I grabbed Charlie and pecked his lips. 
“ What was that for?” he questioned 
I shrugged “ I just love you so much.” 
He smiled and pecked my lips. “ I love you too.” 
Sorry for the late Valentine post, but hopefully is super cute. I kind of got flustered a little while writing some of it. Feel free to comment, or request. 
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Can't stop loving the cast!!!!
Charlie doing his own concert (goshhh his ENERGY) while having an interview ASHSGDKDJDHLDH!!!
Can't wait for Covid to end so that concerts will return. Sooo plssss!!!
So f*ckin' talented 👻👻👻
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queerlilacroses · 4 years
Charlie Gillespie I love youuuuuu
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gloomyhearts · 4 years
Mellillla || Owen P. Joyner
Chapter one~ I'll be dead
High school sweethearts as their friends called them but they were never in a relationship. Several years passed them when their life moved on. Will their paths meet again?
AN: Hey guys.. so here's my first Owen Joyner x fem!OC. Hope you enjoy it :)
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The brunette girl hurried through the hallways to her next class, many other students stood by their lockers chattering with one another. Her flow was interrupted as someone grabber her arm making her stop.
"Why are you running, Dahl?" A breath of relief escaped her lips when she saw Lilith.
"We have a class in like two minutes," she argues.
Lilith let out a chuckle. "We have lunch you idiot" her chuckle grow into a loud laughter.
"What really?" Dahlia turns her left wrist to see the watch.
"What the.."
"You're hilarious," her hand resting on her abdomen from laughing.
"That's not funny," Dahlia's index pushed her glasses further on her nose.
"Come on, let's get you some food," the red haired girl grabbed her wrist pulling her to the cafeteria.
When they arrived there her graze felt on her group of friends sitting on one of the tables near the wall as always.
"You made it, D. Finally," Samuel raises his hand for her to high five it.
She came to a halt and her hand met a wet one.
"Why.. what was that," she groans bringing her hand up to her nose. It didn't smell at all.
"Chill it was just water" he holds his bottle up.
Dahlia rolled her eyes while sitting down.
"So what's your plan for the weekend?" Chloe asks.
"Well, I have volleyball on Saturday and Sunday there's this school play where the bands playing," Dahlia explains as she steals some carrots from Lilith.
"And after that?"
"Serious? After that I'm dead" she knitted one of her brows.
"There's a campfire at Josh's," Jacob suggests.
"Feel free to go" she gestures with her hand.
"Not without you D." He states.
"I'm not coming"
"Please Dahl," Emma had her puppy eyes as she pleaded.
"Guys.. fine, maybe" Dahlia grabs her backpack.
"Where you're going?"
"The break is over in a few. I'm just eluding the big crowd." She winked at them and made her way over to the door.
"She really left. What a girl" every single one at the table began to laugh.
After her last class the brunette had her last rehearsal for the show on Sunday. Her feet steps into the room and her eyes laid abruptly on this special person.
His cap was turned around and held most of his hair back yet single strands of his blonde hair were falling into his face as he played enthusiastic the drums.
She walked over to the piano and took a seat. Her finger run softly over the ivories. A shy small smile suited her lips, deep in her thoughts. Dahlia didn't noticed that someone walked over to her, she shrieks slightly as the shadow laid over her.
"Hey gurl," the familiar voice spoke.
"Val," Dahlia was on her feet again throwing her arms around her.
"I thought you wouldn't come"
"I can't miss this. You know" she rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips.
"Didn't saw you during break" she points.
"I came just for this" the blonde explains.
"Cause I couldn't do this without you"
"We're just rehearsing," Valerie laughs.
"I couldn't do it either," she retorts.
"I know."
"Please take your seats," the teacher shouts.
"We begin with song 3 cause y'all suck at it."
Dahlia was the first to play in this, she nervously let her fingers fly over the keys again. Then the drummer began quietly, giving it all a rhythm and then the rest. Their teacher was somewhat disgusted but also kinda hopeful that her class could do it just good.
"Dahlia, a little louder please," the named girl hit the keys a little harder and her teacher send her a thumb up.
The chords of the last song echoed through the room and the students as well as their teacher seemed pleased.
"Great guys. Go home and get some rest before sunday," the teacher suggests suggests as the music stops.
All the students gathered around the drums giving the person behind various compliments. Dahlia herself moved to the door already out of the room as her teacher calls after her.
"What's wrong?" She arrived at the table.
"You sure about the scholarship?" He questions.
"Yeah, I think I suck too much. I wouldn't make it in the business," Dahlia insists.
"Whatever you say sweetie. I don't wanna push you into something," he states.
Her graze falling on her hands.
"But it'd be a loss," Dahlia's view rose up.
"Thanks but.. I really don't know," she shrugged her shoulders.
"It's okay, Dahlia, really," he gave her a resuring smile. Dahlia nodds and waved to her as she made her way out.
"What did he wanted?" Valerie throws her arm around her shoulder guiding her to the exit.
"Just the scholarship thing"
"Just? Are you serious? Are you stupid? Actually don't answer. I thought we'd have a girl night. At 7 at mine?"
Dahlia nodds as an answer and went to her mother's car.
"See you baby," Valerie shouts after her, Dahlia just winked at her.
"Hi mom," she opens the passenger door and threw her backpack in, following it shortly after.
"Hey hun."
"Can I sleep over at Val's?"
"Yeah of course but don't forget your game tomorrow"
"She'll drive me there."
Actually Valerie is a senior like most of the people in the band but Dahlia is allowed, due to her outstanding grades and well playing, to be in the band. At first her parents were suspicious because the kids were all two til three years older than her innocent Dahlia.
But surprisingly the others hadn't a problem with her joining the band they were even keen. Mostly all of them.
"Can you maybe bring me to her?"
"Your sister said she's going to a friend too, she'll drop you there," she explains.
"Great," she comments. Well since Dahlia joined the band at the end of her freshman year, her sister hears her name more often from her friends having no spare time of her.
"I don't know where your problem is"
"Well since I joined her some of her friends in the band she hates me."
"She doesn't mean it like this. I think she's scared you're stealing her friends."
"That was a year ago and I haven't, not even one. Just Val," and that was the point.
Valerie and Serena were friends, best friends until high school started for them but Valerie and Dahlia became friends after two years off their "break up".
It wasn't pretty , it was filthy to be honest but it was Serena's fault mostly but that's yesterday's news.
"You're breaking the news to her," the young girl says as she exits the car.
When Dahlia entered her room the first thing she does is to put her glasses into its case, the second thing is to pack her suitcase for the weekend, during the drive home she clarified that she'd stay the whole weekend at her friend's house.
"I'm not driving you there," her sister rushes into the room.
"Well good afternoon to you too, sister," she comments.
"But it's literally on your way. You're even driving her road," dahlia adds.
"But I have to stop right in front of her home," Serena argues.
"I'd jump out the car," the brunette suggests.
"That's a great idea," she turns around and leaves as fast as she got in.
She's so dump Dahlia thought.
"I'm leaving on 6.30" Serena shouted through the door and a smile creeped on Dahlia's lips. She continues to push her things into the suitcase.
"You're moving out?" Her younger brother questions as she wandered to the stairs.
"Shut up."
"Just that you know. Mom says if you blow up the house she puts you up for adoption," she announced as her feet steps on the first stair.
"You ready?" Dahlia nodds and followed her sister behind.
The car ride was covered with silence, neither of them said a single word until they arrived at the front of Valerie's house.
"Thanks for driving me Serena," Dahlia gave her a weak smile as she grabs her suitcase and moved the way to the front.
"You're finally here," Valerie throws the door open and pulled her inside.
"Had Serena really droped you here?" Dahlia nodds, waving Val's parents as they walked past them.
"Hello dear. Nice to see you again," her mother greeted the brunette.
"You'll find us upstairs," she tells them.
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All our clowning paid off 😂😂😂 I'm literally so happy rn :))))
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stitchislovely · 4 years
I saw a post that seemed like a indirect response to my previous post about Jeremy and the Twitter fandom’s toxicity specifically. The claim is that the “people coming to his defense”(being reasonable) are just being delusionally ride or die. And that may be true for some people(not that I’ve actually seen it) but that is not true for the vast majority of people. All we want is for people to treat the cast with basic human decency. There is also the claim that they’re simply holding them accountable. Bullshit, calling for accountability means addressing the issue in order for them to recognize their wrong and rectify their mistakes or prevent it from happening again. It does not mean constantly calling the cast members ugly, dumb, secretly closeted, untalented, evil, amongst many other cruel things I have seen repeatedly stated by multiple accounts/people. Like I said before, you want someone to be a villain so you make them the villain. Jeremy and his ill timed song promotion is not a legitimate reason to bully him. It’s speculation and more so reaching( to fit a previously established false narrative) that he intentionally promoted his song despite knowing about Bernard’s execution. Realistically that was nowhere near what was going on in his head. But again even that’s not something we can confirm unless he releases a statement. But onto this lack of accountability claim, specifically about Hawaii. We’re all going to have different views on the trip and most are valid. But a lot of people had something to say about that trip, there was no silence in fans part. They went to Hawaii during a pandemic, but Hawaii also has strict regulations for visitors and rules were mostly followed. Was it a choice I would personally make? No. Did I feel some type of way about it? Yes. Did I let that be a reason for me to lose all human decency and my moral compass so that I can bully them? No. Twitter is being called out for it’s toxicity because it genuinely is toxic, it wasn’t given its reputation, it earned it. The Japt fandom has filled Jeremy’s mentions specifically with half truths and false claims along with cruel comments. All one has to do is search up his name -10/11 of the tweets will be negative. Again this isn’t accountability. Accountability would be recognizing how far past light teasing or rightful criticism, a lot of the fandom has gone. Also, please for the sake of psychology do not use terms you don’t actually understand. It’s not gaslighting to respond to something with a different viewpoint. People disagreeing with you is not gaslighting. I lost my point again but stop with this weird placing of yourself on a moral high ground. More so, don’t say we don’t know them or their intentions and then act like you do 2 seconds later. I don’t know them personally but I’m fairly good at reading people so I can confidently say the cast doesn’t deserve 98% of the shitty things thrown at them. And I’m mostly mentioning Jeremy because he’s getting the brunt of it, not because he’s the only one being disrespected.
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emachinescat · 3 years
Let's Save Our Shows - The Ultimate MacGyver/JATP Team-Up!
This post is for fans of my two current favorite shows, both of which are in some kind of danger of not being renewed.  Both shows have petitions for renewal, and both shows, though different thematically, are full of amazing representation, have a passionate and talented cast who wants to keep going, and are backed by insanely loyal fans.  These shows are, of course, MacGyver and Julie and the Phantoms. Please, please, if you sign one - or both - of these petitions, or if you already have, REBLOG. Liking does nothing. The only way we will be able to get the word out and save our shows is by reblogging, sharing with others!
For my MacGyver peeps!
If you're not familiar with Julie and the Phantoms, let me catch you up!  This show, a Netflix original, is based on a Brazilian TV show called Julia y Los Fantasmos.  It's about a teenage girl, Julie, who quits music after her mom's death, but when she accidentally summons the ghosts of a band from 1995, these boys - Luke, Alex, and Reggie - help her find her love for music again.  It's crazy, it's sweet, it's romantic, it’s heartbreaking, it’s funny, it's musical, and it has so much heart.  But it also has so. much. representation.  And you know how much we MacGyver fans love representation!
So Julie is played by the gorgeous and stupidly talented Madison Reyes, a Puerto Rican-American teenager whose voice could level mountains.  But not only do we get a Latinx lead, but we also get to see her family - her amazing papá, her brother Carlos, and her tía! Another of the main characters, Alex (the purest and most relatable character on the show IMO) is not only gay, but he gets an actual love interest and he and Willie make the CUTEST INTERRACIAL GAY COUPLE I’ve ever seen!  Plus, Julie’s best friend Flynn is black, and the background characters are super diverse as well.
And the other characters - Luke, Reggie, Carrie, Bobby, Nick, Caleb - are all so colorful and interesting, too!  It’s just.. perfection.  And, well, season 1 premiered 8 months ago and still no peep of a renewal, never mind the fact that the show blew up and also won the Rotten Tomatoes Golden Tomato Award.  JATP fans have started a petition to have the show renewed.  Please, MacGyver friends, take a couple of seconds out of your day to sign this petition, even if you don't watch the show yourself, it would mean the world to us! Heck, why not sign and then watch the show? It's so worth it! :)
For my Julie and the Phantoms friends!
If you're not familiar with MacGyver, it's a reboot of the campy 80s action show by the same name. It's about a young man named Angus MacGyver who can make anything out of practically nothing, and has also worked as an expert EOD tech disarming bombs for the army. He now works for a clandestine organization called the Phoenix Foundation, saving the world one gadget at a time with his amazing team of fellow spies! I've bragged about how diverse JATP is - now it's time for me to brag about MacGyver!
To give you a bit of background, recently, one of the lead actors, Lucas Till, who plays MacGyver (you might recognize him from The Hannah Montana Movie), risked his career reporting an abusive showrunner to CBS. The showrunner was fired (though only after Till reported him several times), and the show just THIS SEASON replaced him with a woman of color showrunner, very rare in the television industry, especially in networks like CBS. That's a HUGE step. The show also just cast a black trans woman as a recurring character (a badass one at that)! CBS gave this black showrunner and black trans woman not even a full season to shine before canceling the show. That does not sit well with us.
So we've got Monica, our WOC showrunner. Then in our cast we have Parker, the super smart black trans agent with a master's degree. There's Riley, whose actress Tristin Mayes is black, Native American, and Creole, who is a super smart and badass hacker. Then there's Bozer, Mac's black best friend and biggest supporter - and an amazing character in his own right. There's Matty, the no-nonsense "mom" of the Team who runs the ops, kicks ass, and takes names, and who also has dwarfism. There's Desi, a Vietnamese-American badass (I know I keep using that word, but it's so true!) who protects the team and beats up bad guys. Russ is British, but he's got Peruvian and Scottish ancestry, which the show plays into!
And this show speaks out about major, important social issues including environmentalism, BLM, and more. And Mac himself is a cinnamon roll of an individual, and his best friend/partner for the first 3.5 seasons, Jack, is one of the most entertaining characters in media. There's also been a host of other characters on the show, but I went over the main ones. This show is DIVERSE.
Like I said, CBS canceled this show despite its high ratings, many viewers, and passionate fans and cast. CBS is also actively ignoring any campaigns to save the show. So if you would please take a moment, even if you don't watch the show, to sign this petition, it would mean the world to us MacGyver fans who are so ardently fighting the uphill battle to save our show!
Okay, so, can we do this? Can MacGyver fans take less than a minute out of their day and sign the JATP petition? And can JATP fans take less than a minute out of their day and sign the MacGyver petition? Last I checked, the JAPT petition had over 80k signatures, and the MacGyver petition had nearly 18.5k. Can we band together to save our shows? https://www.change.org/p/cbs-save-macgyver
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peachhcs · 4 years
masterlist → peachhcs
Love Languages
Luke asks the reader what love languages are
Love Languages Pt. 2
Part 2 to Luke asking the reader what love languages are 
It Was All Yellow 
Blaire knew she was going in too deep when she met Luke Patterson and fell hard for him.
Far From This
a collection of stories following peter parker & saimi stark as they navigate their way together being superheroes and somewhat normal teenagers — oh and throw some feelings into the mix
Neteyam x fem!oc (we fight for our people)
Lo’ak x fem!oc, part 2 (the sky people war)
Neteyam x fem!reader (the 5 times neteyam loved you & the 1 time he said it)
Neteyam x fem!reader (Neteyam & you are fighting, but you makeup after his siblings get kidnapped.)
hughes!sister x will smith au masterlist
childhood best friends to lovers
700 celly masterlist!
so high school au masterlist
hockey player meets top of her class (emma grace x gabe perreault)
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Candy Cake-Charlie Gillespie
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A/N- This was one of Charlie's instagram lives he did. I loved this live so much. I didn't put a lot of the live talk in it but I put enough information about it.
Your POV
I was in my bedroom reading a book I had to read for University when I got a call from my boyfriend. I grabbed my phone and answered. His face came up on the screen.
" Hey Y/n/n!"
" Hi Charlie! What you need?"
" Well I got a package and I wanted you to come over so we can open it."
" You want me to come over to watch you open your package?" I asked confused
He chuckled " Y/n/n, just come over I miss you."
I let out a small giggle. " Alright, I guess I can come over. I miss you to dork."
" See you soon. I love you!"
" Love ya too."
I got up to throw on my converses and then put a hoodie on. I then grab some other things before making my way to Charlie's house.
'Time Skip'
I knocked on the door and Jeanette opened the door. She greeted me with a hug.
" Hi sweetie. How have you been?" she asked while letting me in. I smiled and responded with...
" I've been good. Just trying to survive University."
She nodded and told me...
" Well, Charlie's outside talking to his fans."
I smiled and gave her another hug before making my way outside to Charlie. I saw him talking about something, so I decided to sneak up on him, I was so close to getting to him when he turned his head.
" Y/n/n!" He yelled while jumping up off the couch
I was picked up and twirled around. I let out a laugh. When he put me down I pecked his lips. He smiled at me, then pulled me over to his phone. I sat next to him and started taking off my shoes.
" Guy's look who's here with me!" he yelled
I giggled and waved at the camera. Charlie continued talking to his fans while I lied my head on his shoulder. " We'll guys I got this box from the crew of Julie and the Phantoms. I  wanted to open it with you guys. He grabbed his knife that he keeps in his pocket. I watched him pull the knife toward him and panicked.
" CHARLIE GILLESPIE" I yelled while taking the knife away from him.
" What?" he asked confused
" Give me the box mister." I asked
" Why?" He questioned
" Just hand it to me." I stated
He looked at the camera while giving it to me. I opened it while I overheard Charlie say...
" Guys she's so mean to me."
I looked at him.
" No, I'm not Charlie. I was just helping you not kill yourself."
He rolled his eyes, but looked at the box. He smiled at the item inside. I handed the box and his pocket knife back to him. I then watched him get the box out.
" Babe hurry up!" I shouted
I heard his mom laugh which made Charlie laugh and turn to me. He gave me a small quick peck before continuing getting the box out. Once the box was out Charlie lifted the lid to find a confetti popper.
" Oh, I think. this is confetti." He then hit it and confetti went everywhere. I laughed at the mess it made.
" Aw, I'm going to have to clean that up."
" I'll help you Bub." I said
He smiled and grabbed the letter and started reading it.
'Time Skip'
After Charlie finished reading the letter he pulled out what looked like a drum. He started explaining about the drum until he asked...
" Is this cake?"
I shrugged my shoulders in response while his mom just laughed.
" Well it smells like chocolate, but..." he pauses and takes a bit
I look at it with wide eyes.
" Charlie, I want some." I whined
He chuckled and held it in front of my face to take a bit. Once we were done with the candy cake Charlie left me to go get his gutter.
" Guys lets all out something in the chat." I decided on them saying 'ow Charlie that really hurt' (If you know what this is from, I am proud of you for knowing.)
I counted down and winked at the camera right when he came. He gave me a confused glance before looking at the screen.
" Babe, what's going on with the comments?" He asked me confused
I laughed instead of replying to his questioned. He then connected the dots. He looked at me with wide eyes.
" You did that. You are a little sneak." He tickled my sides which caused me to let out some giggles
" Look Owen's on!" I shouted
Charlie looked at his phone and told Owen to request to be in it. Once we got Owen on I yelled...
" Why?" He asked confused
Charlie's POV
I looked at the both of them.
" Because Charlie's being annoying." She responded
Owen let out a laugh " When is he not!"
" OWEN!" I shouted
We all then started laughing more. I started playing my guitar. I felt weight on my shoulder and looked to find Y/n leaning on it. I looked at the comments then back at Owen.
" Well Charlie I'm going back to working out it was nice talking."
When he left I just continued singing until I saw Madison join. I tried getting Madison to join the live. Madison and I talked, but when she noticed Y/n she said...
" I miss you so much girl."
All Mads got was a small snore. I looked at her and gently picked her head off my shoulder to my lap.
" Aww! Thats so cute!" Mads gushed over
I chuckled softly. Mads and I continued to talk until I decided to end the livestream. I gently rubbed her back so she could wake up. I saw her eyes open.
" Hi honey." I said softly
She smiled then sat up, then she cuddled up to my side. I picked her up and moved us to the couch in my living room. I put her down and told her.
" Be right back."
She whined for me to come back, I walked over to her and kissed her softly. I pulled away and headed back to the back yard to grab everything. I then made my way back to Y/n. I lied down next to her and wrapped a blanket around us. She cuddled into me and fell back to sleep while I just chilled on my phone. I occasionally would look down at the beautiful girl on me. I kissed the top of her head and went back to my phone. I spent the rest of the day cuddled up to my girl.
Enjoy this lovely fluffy Charlie. I have much more ideas for him so watched out for those.
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pluto-the-planet1 · 4 years
idk if im suppose to do these here but fuck it
my ask is asking you to convince me to watch japt
i dare u
- kem
ooh ok!! here are my reasons you should watch jatp!
(also im definitely going to miss some stuff so anyone feel free to add on!)
1. great representation!!
julie and the phantoms has numerous BIPOC characters as well as openly LGBTQ+ characters, none of which (to my knowledge) portray any harmful stereotypes.
they’re all well rounded characters who have their own plots, instead of their existence revolving around their straight, white friends (which unfortunately is a pattern in a lot of tv shows now)
2. healthy relationships !!
jatp does an amazing job of showing healthy romantic, platonic and family dynamics
here are some of my favourites
julie and flynn! they’ve been friends for years and their support for eachother is unwavering, they love eachother deeply and are textbook platonic soulmates (or romantic, up for your interpretation)
the molina family!!
who doesn’t love a family who relies on trust and communication? we know from the very start that julie’s mother has passed away in the last year, and that obviously effects julie deeply (especially when it comes to her love of music). Ray (julie and carlos’ dad) would do anything for his kids, and puts their well-being and happiness above all else. (also fun sibling dynamic between julie and carlos!)
the boys! (reggie, luke and alex)
once again, more ride or die besties!! these guys are not only hilarious, but caring and supportive of eachother no matter what, because they’ve been through a lot. there’s definitely a lack of healthy male friendships in media, so these guys are a nice breath of fresh air. they’re not afraid to talk openly about their feelings, support eachother through means of touch, and flirt with one another
3. the songs!
i’m going to be honest, originally i thought i wouldn’t like the music (i thought it would be too immature is smth) but i was pleasantly proven wrong! the music is catchy and upbeat (for the most part), and all around super fun! the cast, especially madison reyes, have incredible voices, as well as great stage presence for when they’re performing! watching them play is so entertaining, and bound to put anyone in a good mood
4. the concept!
ghosts?? in a band?? from the 90s??
not only is the plot entertaining and intriguing, but since there’s only one season so far (renew jatp you cowards), it leaves room for tons of theories about the characters, relationships and overall plot!
(also the characters are great and it’s funny and heartwarming!)
that concludes my reasoning, once again feel free for anyone to add on!
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Japt Season 2 Wishlist
1. More Juke
2. More Willex
3. More songs
4.Songs like unsaid emily for the other boys
5. More Alex being the king he is
6.More puppy Luke
7. More Ray and Reggie convos
10. Finding out more about Alex and Reggie’s past
11.More haunting bobby
12.Caleb Covington
14.The boys helping Julie get into and out of trouble
15. Sassy Alex
16.Carlos the ghost toaster
17.Reggie gets a girl (or boy i don’t mind either)
19. Carrie’s past
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queerlilacroses · 4 years
I've had a massive glass of gin and I wanna yell about charlie gillespie
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tellthemhowihope · 4 years
japt and spn are the same universe. after bobby gets famous he gets cast in the lead role of a medical drama called dr. sexy 😔
(could you be persuaded to temporarily change your url to THE CANON URL DR-SEXY for a short period of time no pressure of course)
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