#ray japt
peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages Pt. 2
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Pairing: Luke Patterson x reader
Summary: Pt.2 to Luke asking you what Love Languages are
Warnings: talk of drinking and cheating but that’s it
Word Count: 1.6k
Here is part two that you all have been asking for! I deeply apologize for how long it took me to get this up, school is really kicking my butt. I have a bunch of people asking to be on my taglist and I’m currently in the works of making one so comment or reblog or something telling me you want to be on my taglist! Make sure you specifiy for my series or for small blurbs/oneshots like this or both! 
Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! I love the comments and y’all are so amazing! 
I’m not sure if this will have a part 3?? but let me know if you want one haha. I won’t be tagging anyone in this because my tags got lost in my notifications, so if you want to be tagged again, make sure you read above! :)
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You didn’t mean to avoid Luke, it just kind of happened. Junior Year was no joke and it felt like every night and every weekend you had piles of homework to get done, so you sort of drifted from going to Julie’s house everyday. She didn’t mind, she understood just as much and kept you updated on how the band was doing. However, you still felt guilty for avoiding the boys. You were worried that Luke would think he scared you away by touching you, but you were feeling the exact opposite. You wanted to explore more and find out more but here you were, in your room at 12am trying to finish this nagging essay that was due in 8 hours. 
You felt your eyelids growing heavy but you shook your head, trying to keep yourself awake. The 3 monster drinks on your nightstand said enough about how much you were trying to keep yourself awake. You had 2 paragraphs left but you knew you were at a losing battle with yourself. The way your eyes were just glazing over at this point and rereading the same sentence over and over was becoming a very evident indication that you needed sleep. Before you could even think about quitting for the night, there was a noise from the side of your room and a grunt. Your eyes quickly darted over to where the noise came from and there stood Luke with that magenta pull over that you really liked. 
“Luke?” His eyes quickly darted over to you, clearly surprised to still see you awake.
“Y/n..hey..” He started and you pushed your laptop away to give him your full attention. 
“What are you..doing here?..” You weren’t really sure why he was here and you felt a small bit of tension in the room from avoiding him for the past few weeks. 
“I uh..came to see you..” His voice was small and you pushed your eyebrows together in confusion. 
“At 12 in the morning?..” You knew ghosts didn’t really sleep but it was still a strange sight to see Luke in your bedroom this late at night. 
“Yup..” He trails off and pushes his glance down to the floor. You raised your eyebrow, knowing he wasn’t telling you the whole truth. You two were still best friends after all, so you could read him like an open book. 
“Luke, seriously. What are you doing here?” You ask trying to push an answer out of him. He finally meets your gaze again and you see his small expression on his face.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” 
You blinked a few times at his bluntness. This time you were the one to avoid his gaze. You picked at your fingernails slightly, knowing Luke was watching you and waiting for an answer. 
“I don't mean too.. School’s been tough and stuff.” You say cringing at how lame that sounded even though it was true. Luke stayed silent for a moment, trying to decide if you were lying to him or not. You avoided his eyes and kept your glance locked on the floor. 
“Did I do something wrong? Did I overstep by touching you? I didn’t mean to scare you or anything..” Luke trails off and you frown. You quickly shake your head to tell him no.
“No, no, no. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve just been really swamped with homework..” You grimace to yourself for coming back to your really lame excuse. You watch as Luke steps a little closer, testing the waters. When you don’t object to him moving closer, he takes a slow seat on your bed beside you. 
“You look tired..” He points out, gently reaching to touch your cheek. It warms both of your bodies as your skin makes contact. His hands were..warm..and comforting. You weren’t sure what you expected but it definitely wasn't this. Who knew ghosts were warm? 
“I told you I’ve been swamped with homework.” You chuckle and this time Luke chuckles along with you. He gently pulls his hand away and folds them into his lap. You stare down at your feet for a few moments trying to figure out what to say next. This felt like completely new territory the two of you were exploring and by the energy and growing tension in the room; this was a little bit scary. 
“Do you think you know..why we can..touch?” You ask hesitantly. Julie was filling you in here and there at school, but it wasn’t much and they didn’t seem to come up with anything as to why you had the “powers” too. 
“No..it’s still all confusing. We think Julie’s mom has something to do with us being connected to Julie but we don’t know about you.” Luke says, side eyeing you and you weren’t sure if that was a hint for you to talk about your past or not.  
You didn’t really open up about your past. No one had ever really asked so you never really talked. Julie knew a little bit, she knew that your mom and dad fought a lot and you didn’t like being at home that much, but that was about it. You didn’t talk about it further than that, so when you could feel Luke trying to dig into your past more, you shrugged. 
“My parents don’t talk much about stuff. I don’t know.” You say, keeping it short and simple. Luke frowns a little at your answer, but he knows not to push so he doesn’t. The two of you sit in more silence beside one another. You picked at your finger nails while Luke’s eyes travelled around your room. 
“I ran out on my mom. She didn’t believe in my dream and though dropping out of high school was the worst possible idea. We got into a fight and I ran out. That was the last time I saw her face to face. I died before I could make amends with her.” You glance at Luke, surprised at his openness. Even though you guys were best friends, talking about stuff like this was kind of off limits. The memory hurt too much so you never talked about at home, parent problems. 
“Wow..I’m sorry. That must have been hard on both of you.” You admit and Luke nods.
“It was, but Julie helped me make amends with them last year.” Luke smiles a little and you smile too. You knew his little story was a play to get you to start talking so you took in a little breath. 
“My dad cheated on my mom a few years ago with..a few other women. My mom keeps trying to make excuses for him to keep him around. They fight a lot because my dad doesn’t want to stay but my mom keeps pushing it. They’re both pretty heavy drinkers, too. It’s not a very good mix.” You explain. It felt weird to say it out loud, but it also felt nice to talk about it with someone.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. I can’t imagine how difficult that is.” Luke empathizes but you only shrug. 
“It’s a good thing Julie let’s me come over so much. She’s been there for me for it all and I really love her for that.” You say, smiling at the thought of Julie’s friendship. You really couldn’t ask for a better best friend to get through it all. 
“Yeah, Julie’s really great. She does it all.” Luke laughs and you nod in agreement. More silence fills in between you two but it was comfortable silence. This time you lean your head on Luke’s shoulder and he pulls his arm around you to bring you closer. You could feel the tension slowly fading away. Sometimes all it took was one meaningful conversation to break the barrier. 
“Oh yeah, I saw these on my way over here and I thought you might like them.” Luke smiles and you watch as he digs into his pocket before pulling out a small bouquet of those pretty Aster flowers. You sit up a little, instantly recognizing them. They were your grandma’s favorite before she passed away when you were little. 
“Asters?” You ask and Luke glances at you a little surprised.
“Is that what they’re called? They’re really pretty.” Luke smiles and hands them to you. You smile, smelling them and instantly getting that fresh scent of your grandma’s house. 
“They are very pretty. Thank you.” You smile warmly and Luke smiles again. 
“Yeah, you’re welcome. They just reminded me of you.” Luke says and you chuckle. That was something your grandma had said to you a lot. 
“You should probably get going. It’s getting late and the boys are probably wondering where you are.” You chuckle, glancing at how much later it had gotten and you still had to wake up for school the next morning. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll see you at Julie’s tomorrow?” Luke stands up and sends you a hopeful glance. You chuckle and nod a yes. 
“Yeah, see you there, Patterson.” Luke smiles at your response. You watch as he hesitates to leave for a moment and you’re about to question him when in one quick motion he plants a kiss on your cheek before poofing out. 
You sit there, a little stunned, before allowing a small blush to creep its way onto your cheeks. You got up to put your flowers in your little vase on your desk. It added a nice touch to your room. If Luke hadn’t come in to make you more alert, you would have missed it. On your desk by the vase was a small piece of paper with writing on it. Upon examining it further, it was one of the last notes your grandma had written to you before she passed away. You thought you had lost that somewhere in your numerous papers, but there it was, front and center on your desk. 
I will be with you, today, tomorrow, and forever. You just have to look for the signs - Grandma 
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kavya-narula-o-o · 4 years
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we all know that this is true :D
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hello lgbtq+ community
this is my new jatp side blog! my main is @im-lululemon
but yeah, this is mostly where i’ll rb stuff from jatp gifmakers and editors
who knows, maybe i’ll make my own shitposts and such 👀
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lauradwrites · 2 years
Gang, I have so many thoughts on #japt. Okay so if Carrie and Julie and "Trevor" used to talk about music back in the day (this is confirmed by Julie), you know this was before Rose passed away. Are you telling me Rose didn't know Trevor/Bobby?! How would he have been able to steal the guys' music without her knowing about it? I don't buy it. They ended up in the same area of LA. Coincidence? Probably not. Rose and Ray moved into the garage where Sunset Curve practiced. The timing of this STILL keeps me up at night! How is that possible without Rose knowing the guys?! Figure they were close in age (maybe) back in the 90s.
Ugh. There are just so many things we still need to know about the timeline and overlapping of these people's lives. I know it's because we don't have missing pieces/answers, not due to sloppy writing. This show paid attention to the little things and was NOT sloppily written.
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Anyone else wracking their brain on all this?
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pluto-the-planet1 · 4 years
idk if im suppose to do these here but fuck it
my ask is asking you to convince me to watch japt
i dare u
- kem
ooh ok!! here are my reasons you should watch jatp!
(also im definitely going to miss some stuff so anyone feel free to add on!)
1. great representation!!
julie and the phantoms has numerous BIPOC characters as well as openly LGBTQ+ characters, none of which (to my knowledge) portray any harmful stereotypes.
they’re all well rounded characters who have their own plots, instead of their existence revolving around their straight, white friends (which unfortunately is a pattern in a lot of tv shows now)
2. healthy relationships !!
jatp does an amazing job of showing healthy romantic, platonic and family dynamics
here are some of my favourites
julie and flynn! they’ve been friends for years and their support for eachother is unwavering, they love eachother deeply and are textbook platonic soulmates (or romantic, up for your interpretation)
the molina family!!
who doesn’t love a family who relies on trust and communication? we know from the very start that julie’s mother has passed away in the last year, and that obviously effects julie deeply (especially when it comes to her love of music). Ray (julie and carlos’ dad) would do anything for his kids, and puts their well-being and happiness above all else. (also fun sibling dynamic between julie and carlos!)
the boys! (reggie, luke and alex)
once again, more ride or die besties!! these guys are not only hilarious, but caring and supportive of eachother no matter what, because they’ve been through a lot. there’s definitely a lack of healthy male friendships in media, so these guys are a nice breath of fresh air. they’re not afraid to talk openly about their feelings, support eachother through means of touch, and flirt with one another
3. the songs!
i’m going to be honest, originally i thought i wouldn’t like the music (i thought it would be too immature is smth) but i was pleasantly proven wrong! the music is catchy and upbeat (for the most part), and all around super fun! the cast, especially madison reyes, have incredible voices, as well as great stage presence for when they’re performing! watching them play is so entertaining, and bound to put anyone in a good mood
4. the concept!
ghosts?? in a band?? from the 90s??
not only is the plot entertaining and intriguing, but since there’s only one season so far (renew jatp you cowards), it leaves room for tons of theories about the characters, relationships and overall plot!
(also the characters are great and it’s funny and heartwarming!)
that concludes my reasoning, once again feel free for anyone to add on!
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thesevenumbrellas · 4 years
like how would it work? would ray (the absolute king of my soul🥰) go to the future with allison and in trying to catch up with modern culture finds an old sunset curve demo that, idk klaus or someone, had and basically become the julie of the situation? is that what’s happening? like please i need details speak up i’m already so invested in king ray fathering these soft himbos
Yes yes yes
He’s trying to catch up on music and he finds their demo and plays it!?!?
And he’s like well now I guess I have sons
I need this so bad
He supports their band... and -
Wait wait wait wait wait
What if it’s Claire who is Julie in this scenario!?!?
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Japt Season 2 Wishlist
1. More Juke
2. More Willex
3. More songs
4.Songs like unsaid emily for the other boys
5. More Alex being the king he is
6.More puppy Luke
7. More Ray and Reggie convos
10. Finding out more about Alex and Reggie’s past
11.More haunting bobby
12.Caleb Covington
14.The boys helping Julie get into and out of trouble
15. Sassy Alex
16.Carlos the ghost toaster
17.Reggie gets a girl (or boy i don’t mind either)
19. Carrie’s past
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