#jar filling machine
drepstatad · 15 days
How to Maintain and Optimize Your Jar Filling Machine?
Maintaining and optimizing your jar-filling machine is crucial for ensuring efficient and consistent production. Regularly clean and inspect the machine to prevent clogs and wear. Lubricate moving parts to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation. Calibrate the filling mechanisms periodically to maintain accuracy. Replace worn-out components promptly to avoid downtime. Implementing a preventive maintenance schedule and training staff on proper usage can significantly enhance the machine's performance and longevity, boosting overall productivity.
Understanding the Importance of Maintenance for Your Jar Filling Machine
Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your jar filling machine running smoothly and efficiently. Neglecting maintenance can lead to decreased performance, increased downtime, and costly repairs. By implementing a proactive maintenance routine, you can prolong the lifespan of your machine, maximize its productivity, and ensure consistent product quality. Kigea, a leading manufacturer of jar filling machines, emphasizes the significance of regular maintenance to optimize machine performance and minimize disruptions in production.
Creating a Maintenance Schedule for Your Jar Filling Machine
Establishing a structured maintenance schedule is the first step in maintaining and optimizing your jar filling machine. This schedule should include routine tasks such as cleaning, lubricating, and inspecting key components. Depending on the frequency of use and the nature of the products being filled, maintenance intervals may vary. Kigea recommends consulting the machine's manual and adhering to manufacturer-recommended maintenance procedures to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Jar Filling Machine
Proper cleaning and sanitization are critical for preventing contamination and ensuring product integrity. Regularly clean all surfaces that come into contact with the product, including filling nozzles, conveyor belts, and hopper assemblies. Use food-grade cleaning solutions and sanitizers recommended by Kigea to effectively remove residue, bacteria, and other contaminants. Implementing a thorough cleaning regimen minimizes the risk of product recalls and maintains compliance with regulatory standards for food safety.
Inspecting and Maintaining Wear Parts on Your Jar Filling Machine
Wear parts such as seals, gaskets, and conveyor belts are prone to deterioration over time and can compromise the performance of your jar filling machine. Regularly inspect these components for signs of wear, damage, or degradation. Replace worn or damaged parts promptly to prevent leaks, jams, and other operational issues. Kigea offers a range of high-quality replacement parts specifically designed for their jar filling machines, ensuring compatibility and reliability.
Lubricating Moving Parts to Ensure Smooth Operation
Proper lubrication is essential for maintaining the smooth operation of moving parts within your jar filling machine. Lubricate bearings, gears, and other mechanical components according to the manufacturer's specifications using lubricants recommended by Kigea. Over-lubrication can attract dust and debris, while under-lubrication can cause excessive friction and premature wear. Follow a regular lubrication schedule to optimize performance, minimize wear, and extend the service life of your machine.
Calibrating and Fine-Tuning Your Jar Filling Machine for Precision
Calibration ensures that your jar filling machine dispenses the correct amount of product with accuracy and precision. Periodically calibrate filling nozzles, pumps, and sensors to maintain consistent fill weights and volumes. Fine-tune machine settings such as filling speed, pressure, and timing to optimize performance for different products and containers. Kigea offers comprehensive calibration services and technical support to help you achieve optimal results and meet your production goals.
Training and Empowering Your Staff to Maintain the Jar Filling Machine
Investing in training and empowering your staff is essential for maintaining and optimizing your jar filling machine. Provide comprehensive training programs that cover machine operation, maintenance procedures, troubleshooting techniques, and safety protocols. Encourage employees to report any issues or abnormalities promptly and provide them with the necessary tools and resources to perform routine maintenance tasks effectively. By fostering a culture of proactive maintenance and accountability, you can ensure the long-term reliability and performance of your jar filling machine.
Maintaining and optimizing your jar filling machine is essential for maximizing productivity, ensuring product quality, and minimizing downtime. By adhering to a proactive maintenance schedule, regularly cleaning and inspecting key components, and investing in staff training, you can prolong the lifespan of your machine and achieve consistent performance. With proper care and attention, your jar filling machine will continue to meet production demands and contribute to the success of your business for years to come.
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meika-kuna · 1 month
How Jar Filling Machine Revolutionize Manufacturing?
The introduction of jar filling machines has ushered in a transformative era in manufacturing. These sophisticated devices streamline production processes, enhancing efficiency and precision while minimizing human error. By automating the filling of jars with speed and accuracy, they optimize workflow, reducing labor costs and increasing overall productivity. Moreover, jar filling machines ensure consistency in product quality, maintaining uniformity across batches. This revolution in manufacturing not only accelerates production but also enables companies to meet rising consumer demands promptly. Additionally, the integration of smart technologies further refines operations, allowing for real-time monitoring and adjustment. Ultimately, the advent of jar filling machines marks a significant leap forward in industrial innovation, empowering businesses to thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
Redefining Production Processes with Jar Filling Machines  
Jar filling machine are revolutionizing manufacturing by optimizing production processes and enhancing efficiency. These innovative machines automate the filling and sealing of jars, drastically reducing manual labor and increasing output. With rapid throughput and precise filling capabilities, jar-filling machines streamline operations, allowing manufacturers to meet growing demands with ease while minimizing production costs.
Maximizing Savings through Jar Filling Machine Implementation  
The integration of jar-filling machines into manufacturing operations leads to substantial cost reductions over time. By minimizing labor expenses and reducing product waste through precise filling, these machines maximize resource utilization and minimize overhead costs. Additionally, their efficient operation and high-speed performance enable manufacturers to achieve economies of scale, further driving down production costs and enhancing profitability.
Ensuring Uniformity and Quality with Jar Filling Machines  
Jar-filling machines play a crucial role in ensuring product consistency and quality across manufacturing processes. Equipped with advanced technology and precise controls, these machines deliver accurate filling measurements, eliminating variations and inconsistencies in product packaging. Whether filling jars with liquids, creams, or granular substances, the reliable performance of jar filling machines ensures that each product maintains its integrity and meets the highest quality standards.
Meeting Diverse Manufacturing Needs with Jar Filling Machines  
Jar filling machines offer unparalleled versatility and adaptability to accommodate a wide range of manufacturing requirements. With customizable settings and flexible configurations, these machines can handle various jar sizes, shapes, and materials with ease. Whether manufacturing cosmetics, food products, or pharmaceuticals, jar filling machines provide the flexibility needed to adapt to evolving market demands and packaging trends.
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance with Jar Filling Machines  
 Compliance with stringent industry regulations and safety standards is paramount in manufacturing operations. Jar filling machines are designed with built-in safety features and regulatory compliance measures to ensure the safe handling and packaging of products. By adhering to industry standards and best practices, manufacturers can mitigate risks, protect consumer safety, and uphold their reputation for quality and reliability.
Streamlining Workflows and Reducing Manual Intervention with Jar Filling Machines  
Jar-filling machines streamline manufacturing workflows by automating repetitive tasks and minimizing the need for manual intervention. By freeing up labor resources from tedious filling processes, these machines enable manufacturers to reallocate manpower to more strategic activities such as quality control, innovation, and customer service. This optimization of labor resources enhances overall productivity and efficiency, driving business growth and competitiveness.
Positioning for Growth with Jar Filling Machine Investments  
Investing in jar-filling machines provides manufacturers with the scalability and flexibility needed to support business growth and expansion. These machines are designed with modular configurations and upgradeable features, allowing manufacturers to easily scale up production capacity to meet increasing demand. Whether expanding product lines or entering new markets, the versatility of jar-filling machines empowers manufacturers to capitalize on growth opportunities and achieve long-term success in the competitive manufacturing landscape.
The advent of jar filling machines has ushered in a transformative era in manufacturing, epitomizing efficiency, precision, and scalability. These innovative machines automate the laborious task of filling jars with unparalleled speed and accuracy, significantly reducing production time and costs. By streamlining the manufacturing process, jar filling machines minimize human error, ensuring consistent product quality and uniformity. Moreover, their versatility allows for seamless adaptation to various jar sizes, shapes, and contents, catering to diverse production needs. This revolution in manufacturing not only enhances productivity but also optimizes resource utilization, fostering sustainability. Ultimately, jar filling machines stand as a testament to technological advancement, empowering industries across sectors to meet growing demands with unparalleled efficiency and precision.
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jan-thony · 7 months
How Jar Filling Machines Revolutionize Manufacturing?
Jar filling machines stand at the forefront of manufacturing revolution, redefining efficiency and precision in packaging processes. These cutting-edge machines have become the cornerstone of streamlined production, seamlessly filling jars with unparalleled accuracy and speed. By automating the filling process, they eliminate the variability associated with manual labor, ensuring uniform product distribution and minimizing waste. Jar filling machines not only enhance productivity but also elevate the quality of the end product, meeting the stringent standards of modern manufacturing. From food and beverage industries to pharmaceuticals, these machines cater to diverse sectors, offering a versatile solution for packaging a wide range of products. Embracing technology, jar filling machines are a testament to the transformative power of automation in reshaping the landscape of manufacturing, delivering consistency and efficiency that were once unimaginable.
Advantage of Automated Jar Filling Machines
Jar filling machines bring an unprecedented level of precision to manufacturing processes. With advanced technology and meticulous engineering, these machines ensure that each jar is filled with the exact quantity of product, eliminating variations that can occur with manual filling. This precision not only meets quality standards but also enhances the overall consistency of the final product. Manufacturers can rely on jar filling machine  to deliver a uniform and precisely measured fill every time, setting a new standard for accuracy in the industry.
Enhancing Efficiency with Jar Filling Automation
In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, time is of the essence. Jar filling machines revolutionize the production line by significantly increasing the speed of the filling process. Automated systems can fill jars at a rate that far surpasses manual labor, allowing manufacturers to meet high-demand requirements without compromising on quality. This increase in efficiency translates to higher output, reduced lead times, and ultimately, a more competitive edge in the market.
Filling Machines to Diverse Industries
One of the key aspects of the revolution brought about by jar filling machines is their adaptability. These machines cater to a wide array of industries, from food and beverages to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The versatility of jar filling machines makes them an indispensable tool for manufacturers producing various products in jars, bottles, or containers of different sizes and shapes. This adaptability streamlines the manufacturing process for a diverse range of products, making jar filling machines a dynamic solution for modern industry needs.
The Green Impact of Automated Jar Filling
Beyond speed and precision, jar filling machines contribute to sustainability by minimizing waste and optimizing resource utilization. Unlike manual filling, automated systems are programmed to dispense the exact amount needed, reducing overfill and spillage. This not only ensures a more eco-friendly manufacturing process but also translates to cost savings for manufacturers by minimizing product wastage and maximizing the efficiency of raw material usage.
Standards with Jar Filling Automation
In industries where hygiene is paramount, such as food and pharmaceuticals, jar filling machines uphold the highest standards. These machines are designed with sanitary considerations in mind, featuring easy-to-clean components and minimizing human contact with the product. This not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements but also enhances the safety and hygiene of the manufacturing environment, addressing a critical aspect of modern production.
Tailoring Jar Filling for Varied Product Specifications
Jar filling machines empower manufacturers to customize the filling process according to the unique specifications of each product. With programmable settings and adjustable parameters, these machines can accommodate a variety of product viscosities, textures, and sizes. This customization at scale is a game-changer, allowing manufacturers to efficiently switch between different products without the need for extensive retooling or downtime. It opens up new possibilities for product innovation and diversification within a single manufacturing line.
Redefining Roles in the Manufacturing Landscape
While jar filling machines automate a significant portion of the manufacturing process, they also redefine the roles of human workers. Instead of manual labor-intensive tasks, workers are freed up to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of production, such as quality control, maintenance, and process optimization. The collaboration between humans and machines creates a symbiotic relationship, leveraging the strengths of both for a more efficient and effective manufacturing landscape.
In conclusion, the revolution brought about by jar filling machines transcends traditional manufacturing boundaries. These automated marvels not only enhance precision, speed, and efficiency but also contribute to sustainability, hygiene, and adaptability. From the integration of smart technologies to the customization at scale, jar filling machines epitomize the transformative power of automation in modern industry. As we embrace a future where manufacturing is defined by collaboration between humans and machines, jar filling machines stand as a symbol of innovation.
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powluna58 · 7 months
Jar Filling Machines 101 a Deep Dive into Automated Packaging Solutions
Embark on a journey into the heart of efficiency with 'jar filling machines 101: a deep dive into automated packaging solutions.' this comprehensive exploration delves into the transformative realm of automated packaging, unraveling the intricate workings of cutting-edge jar filling technology. Discover the seamless precision and speed that these machines bring to the packaging process, revolutionizing industries with their unparalleled efficiency. From streamlining production lines to ensuring consistent fills, this deep dive unveils the art and science behind these automated marvels. Gain insights into how businesses are elevating their packaging game, optimizing resources, and minimizing errors. Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or a curious newcomer, this guide navigates through the essential aspects of jar filling machines, showcasing how innovation meets practicality in the world of automated packaging solutions.
The Evolution of Packaging Technology
Delve into the historical context that paved the way for the rise of jar filling machine. Explore how the need for increased efficiency and precision in packaging led to the development of automated solutions. From manual labor to sophisticated machinery, trace the evolution that has brought us to the cutting-edge technology of today.
How Jar Filling Machines Work?
Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the intricate mechanics powering jar filling machines. Understand the precision engineering and advanced automation that ensures consistent fills, reduces waste, and optimizes production timelines. From conveyors to nozzles, each component plays a crucial role in the seamless orchestration of the packaging process.
Streamlining Production Lines  Enhancing Efficiency
Explore how jar filling machines redefine the concept of efficiency on production lines. Witness how these automated solutions not only increase the speed of packaging but also minimize human errors. Learn about the synchronized dance of technology that allows businesses to meet high-demand scenarios without compromising on quality.
Precision in Every Pour  Ensuring Consistent Fills
Dive into the details of how jar filling machines bring a new level of precision to packaging. Understand the mechanisms that guarantee each jar is filled to the exact specifications, eliminating variations and ensuring a uniform product presentation. Discover the impact of this precision on customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
Optimizing Resources The Economic Advantage
Examine the economic benefits of integrating jar filling machines into packaging processes. From reducing labor costs to minimizing material wastage, discover how automation optimizes resources. Explore case studies showcasing the positive impact on the bottom line and the long-term sustainability of businesses adopting this innovative technology.
The Human Touch in Automated Packaging
Contrary to fears of job displacement, discover how humans remain an integral part of the automated packaging landscape. Explore the roles of skilled operators, maintenance personnel, and quality control experts in ensuring the seamless functioning of jar filling machines. Understand how collaboration between humans and machines results in a harmonious and efficient workflow.
Versatility of Jar Filling Machines
Uncover the versatility of jar filling machines as they seamlessly integrate into various industries. From food and beverage to pharmaceuticals, witness how these automated solutions adapt to different product types, viscosities, and packaging requirements. Explore the customizable features that make jar filling machines a universal asset for diverse manufacturing sectors.
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
No technology is without its challenges. Explore common troubleshooting scenarios and maintenance practices that ensure the continuous and reliable operation of jar filling machines. Understand how businesses can proactively address issues, minimize downtime, and maximize the longevity of their automated packaging investments.
In conclusion,  Jar Filling Machines 101  reveals the transformative impact of automated packaging solutions on industries worldwide. From efficiency gains and precision to economic advantages and versatility, these machines are shaping the future of packaging. As technology continues to advance, businesses embracing jar filling machines find themselves at the forefront of innovation, delivering products with unmatched quality.
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nichromepackaging · 8 months
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nichromein · 15 days
How Choosing the Right Nichrome Jar Filling System for Your Business is Essential
Selecting the right jar filling system is crucial for businesses looking to enhance their production efficiency, maintain product quality, and achieve operational excellence. With a range of options available, including the advanced Nichrome jar filling systems, it's essential to choose the one that aligns perfectly with your production needs and product types. In this blog, let us help you explore why selecting our jar filling system is vital and how to make an informed decision for your business.
Understanding Nichrome Jar Filling Systems
Our jar filling systems are renowned for their precision, reliability, and versatility. Whether you are in the food, pharmaceutical, or cosmetics industry, we offera variety of solutions tailored to specific applications. From powder jar filling machines to ghee jar filling machines, Nichrome’s advanced technology ensures that each fill is accurate and consistent, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
Advantages of Choosing Nichrome's Jar Filling Systems
Investing in the right jar filling system is a critical decision for any business involved in the packaging of products. Nichrome, a leader in packaging solutions, offers state-of-the-art jar filling systems that cater to a wide range of industries. Here are the key advantages of choosing Nichrome’s jar filling systems for your business
Precision and Consistency
Our jar filling systems are designed to deliver high precision and consistency, ensuring that each jar is filled accurately. This is especially important for products that require exact dosages, such as pharmaceuticals and food products. The precision filling reduces product waste and ensures customer satisfaction by maintaining consistent product quality.
2. High Versatility
We offer a variety of jar filling systems like powder jar filling machine and ghee jar filling machine tailored to different types of products. Where a powder jar filling machine is used for dry goods whereas a ghee jar filling machine for viscous products. This versatility makes it easier for businesses to find a single machine that meets their specific product requirements.
3. Enhanced Efficiency
Our jar filling systems are designed for high-speed operations, which significantly boosts production efficiency. We also provide horizontal flow wrap machines that are equipped with advanced automation features that minimize downtime and ensure a smooth, continuous filling process. This efficiency translates to higher output and lower operational costs.
4. Advanced Technology
Nichrome leverages the latest technology in their jar filling systems. Features such as automated controls, real-time monitoring, and precise dosing mechanisms ensure that the filling process is not only efficient but also reliable. The integration of cutting-edge technology helps businesses stay competitive in a fast-paced market
5. Robust Construction
Our jar filling systems are built to last. Constructed from high-quality materials and designed for durability, these machines can withstand the rigors of high-volume production environments. This robustness ensures long-term reliability and reduces maintenance costs.
6. Ease of Use
User-friendly interfaces and straightforward operation are hallmarks of Nichrome’s jar filling systems. These machines are designed with operators in mind, featuring intuitive controls and easy-to-understand instructions. This ease of use reduces training time and minimizes the risk of operational errors.
7. Excellent Support and Service
Nichrome is committed to providing excellent customer support. From initial consultation and installation to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting, Nichrome’s team of experts is available to assist you. Their comprehensive support ensures that your jar filling system operates at peak performance
8. Compliance and Safety
We manufacture top-end jar filling systems are designed to comply with industry standards and regulations. This compliance ensures that your products are safe and meet quality standards. Additionally, the systems incorporate safety features that protect operators and prevent accidents.
Choosing the right jar filling system is essential for optimizing your production process, ensuring product quality, and achieving operational efficiency. By understanding your production needs and evaluating the advanced solutions Nichrome offers, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your business in the long run.
Investing in our jar filling systems, along with integrated secondary packaging solutions like shrink wrapping and horizontal flow wrap machines, will set your business on the path to greater efficiency, reduced waste, and improved product quality. Contact Nichrome today to learn more about how their innovative solutions can meet your specific needs.
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anujgulati · 5 months
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comelyent · 7 months
Revolutionizing Liquid Packaging: The Role of Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd in Unveiling Innovative Solution
In the realm of liquid packaging, the interplay of technology and innovation has paved the way for efficiency and excellence. In recent times, the industry has witnessed a paradigm shift owing to the emergence of cutting-edge solutions that have redefined the standards of packaging. Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd, a pioneering name in the packaging sector, has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the landscape with its exceptional offerings. Let’s delve into the groundbreaking liquid packaging innovations and the transformative role played by Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd.
Liquid Packaging Innovations Redefining the Industry:
Bottle Filling Machines:
Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd has set a new benchmark with its state-of-the-art bottle filling machines. These machines are designed with precision to ensure seamless and efficient filling processes. The incorporation of advanced technologies has enabled these machines to handle a diverse range of liquids with varying viscosities, streamlining the production process for various industries such as beverages, pharmaceuticals, and more.
Shrink Wrapping Machines:
The introduction of shrink wrapping machines by Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd has redefined the concept of product packaging. These machines offer a streamlined approach to packaging, providing a secure and appealing wrap around various products. With customizable options and user-friendly interfaces, these machines have significantly enhanced the efficiency of packaging operations, catering to the evolving demands of the market.
Mineral Water Plants:
Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd’s innovative mineral water plants have revolutionized the production and packaging of purified water. These plants integrate cutting-edge purification technologies with advanced packaging solutions, ensuring the delivery of safe and high-quality mineral water to consumers. The company’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in the energy-efficient and eco-friendly features of these plants, making them an ideal choice for environmentally conscious businesses.
Fully Automatic Jar Filling and Capping Machines:
The fully automatic jar filling and capping machines developed by Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd have streamlined the packaging of various liquid products, including jams, sauces, and more. These machines offer a comprehensive solution, from filling to capping, ensuring airtight packaging and preserving the freshness and quality of the contents. With their high-speed operation and minimal manual intervention, these machines have significantly increased production efficiency and reduced operational costs for businesses.
Automatic Bottle Rinsing Machines:
Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd’s automatic bottle rinsing machines have transformed the cleaning process, ensuring impeccable hygiene standards in the packaging industry. These machines are equipped with advanced rinsing mechanisms that efficiently remove impurities and contaminants from bottles, guaranteeing a clean and sanitized packaging environment. With customizable settings and user-friendly controls, these machines have become an indispensable asset for businesses striving for impeccable product quality and consumer safety.
The Impact of Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd:
With a relentless focus on innovation and customer-centric solutions, Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd has emerged as a trailblazer in the liquid packaging industry. The company’s commitment to excellence, coupled with its dedication to incorporating the latest technologies, has empowered businesses to optimize their production processes and achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and quality.
Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its eco-friendly packaging solutions and energy-efficient machinery, aligning with the growing global demand for environmentally responsible practices. By offering comprehensive support and after-sales services, the company has fostered enduring relationships with its clientele, earning trust and recognition as a reliable partner in the liquid packaging domain.
Looking Ahead:
As the liquid packaging industry continues to evolve, Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd remains steadfast in its pursuit of innovation and excellence. With a focus on anticipating market trends and customer needs, the company is poised to introduce groundbreaking solutions that will shape the future of liquid packaging. By staying true to its core values of quality, innovation, and sustainability, Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd is set to solidify its position as a global leader in the liquid packaging sector.
In the ever-evolving landscape of liquid packaging, Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, driving the industry forward with its groundbreaking solutions. Through its cutting-edge technologies and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, the company has redefined the standards of efficiency, quality, and sustainability in liquid packaging. As the journey continues, Superfil Engineers Pvt Ltd remains dedicated to pioneering transformative solutions that will shape the future of liquid packaging for generations to come.
bottle filling machine
carbonated soft drink plant
carbonator machine
fully automatic jar filling and capping machine
mineral water plant
shrink wrapper machine
shrink wrapping machine
superfil engineers pvt ltd
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Ghee Filling & Packing Machine- Spheretech Packaging
Manufacturing ghee filling & Packing machine where our machines are also exported to various other countries and they are very efficient (022)-2500 5773
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neopuppy · 5 months
Angel Baby (M)
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pairing. alpha Jaemin x pregnant female omega reader
genre. *gasp* and they were neighbors AU, non-traditional ABO, single & pregnant y/n, fluff, smut, M/F
warnings. profanity, alpha/omega dynamics, ‘pup’ instead of ‘baby’, possible inaccuracies(writer has absolutely never been pregnant), pregnancy aches & cravings, smut warnings under cut. minors DNI.
wc. 8000
now playing. angel baby//Troye Sivan
smut warnings. unprotected sex, pregnant sex, lactation, use of ‘mama’ and ‘mommy’, breast fondling, fingering, oral, slick, painful orgasm(for Jaemin), etc
a/n. wanted to title this fic Orgasm Donor sooooooo bad, but tumblr whack these days
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
“You know even though this is my first pregnancy, it’s not that bad.” You proudly nod, dipping another blue cheese filled olive into a cup of hazelnut spread. “I haven’t even been having those weird cravings everyones always going on about.”
Jaemin stops working on setting up his old coffee machine, shifting his gaze to watch you pop another olive coated with sweet cream in your mouth before you struggle to open a jar of pickles. “No weird cravings?”
“Nope.” You shrug, smiling triumphantly only to quickly fall into a frown as you squeeze around the jar more without budge. 
He hums, twisting around to grab the jar from your hands and open it himself, nodding and smiling as he passes it back to you. You thank him, whispering that you could have opened it before continuing to munch and dunk a pickle into the spread and proceed to pour coconut shavings on it. “That’s a good thing. What about that uh, morning sickness?”
“Haven’t really had that either.” You murmur between bites, lifting your hand to cover your mouth, your other reaching to rub your stomach. “Means I’m going to have a very sweet and calm pup.”
“How’s your back feeling today?” He asks, thinking about how you’d hissed and made a pained face yesterday while trying to pick up a basket of laundry. 
“Oh it’s..” putting on a smile, you wave him off. “—It’s fine, the doctor said my last trimester would be the hardest on my body.”
Jaemin turns back around to set the water cartridge in place for the coffee machine. He wants to add that your doctor also recommended staying off your feet, massages since you need to avoid hot water, and while it may be uncomfortable- try to stay off your back while sleeping. You always managed to change the subject whenever he attempted to mention a spa day to pamper yourself, or even offered his own hands to knead your tired feet.
“Offer still stands.” He reminds you, running the machine to clean it out. It’s only fair he sets it up anyway. It’s for him, since he’s been staying at your apartment longer than his own these days. “What about your Gochujang cravings?”
You instantly shy away, hiding your face to your shoulder demurely. The reminder of why and how Jaemin’s become such an integral part of your daily life always makes you feel embarrassed. “The tub I stole from you is nearly empty.”
“I’ll have to get you more next time I go to the store.”
Jaemin, while fond of the memory, also recalls it with embarrassment. It was 3 in the morning when he heard repeated light knocks that quickly escalated to heavier more determined knocks. He stumbled out of bed reaching for a hoodie to throw on and cover up his bare chest, slowly trudging down the hallway from his bedroom to the front door. “Yeah yeah, hold on.”
With half asleep swollen eyes he opened the door to find you frantic, eyes blown wide and your hands clasped together under your stomach smiling at him nervously. “I’m so so so sorry about this.”
He quickly snapped awake upon seeing your panicked expression, standing up straight and rubbing his sleep tired eyes. “It’s fine, seriously. Is it the pup?? Are you okay??”
“No no, pups fine..” you trail off, laughing anxiously. “My grocery order was missing a few items and you see.. I’m eating some apples, a little late night snack..”
Jaemin nods confused, relieved that your water didn’t break early or something. “My delivery person refunded the Gochujang I ordered. I guess they were out at the store.” You explain, feeling silly and terrible at the same time for waking your neighbor over this. You hardly even know him beyond the first run-in you had the day you moved in. “I was just wondering if maybe you have any to spare? If not it’s okay. I’m seriously sorry, I thought about texting you, but I don’t have your number.” 
He perks up at the mention of Gochujang, squinting at the idea of needing chili pepper paste for your apples. “I do have some actually. I just went to the market a few days ago. Here, why don’t you come in for a minute while I grab it.”
“Are you sure? I can just be on my way, and bring you back the container tomorrow..”
“No no, it’s fine.” He yawns, motioning for you to follow him to the kitchen. “So, apples and Gochujang?”
“It’s sooo good, the hint of spice really pairs well with the crunch.” 
“Should you be eating something this spicy, uh, right now?” He questions, wondering if that’s good for a baby, mentally noting to look that up online later.
“Oh, I love a little spice.” You nod, looking him over now under the kitchen light. “Nice sweater..”
Jaemin makes a confused sound, shutting the fridge to look down at himself with a container of Gochujang in hand. “Oh..” he tries to smile when you snort, rubbing his free hand down the large bold black letters reading ‘Orgasm Donor’ on the white hoodie. “It was a joke gift from my friends.. I didn’t uh..”
“Is it true?” You ask coyly, glancing away when he looks at you surprised.
“Is what true?” He retorts, not awake enough to catch the way you grin and shyly bite your thumb nail.
“Are you charitable?”
He’s struck for a minute, blinking slowly in disbelief that the cutest pregnant Omega he’s ever seen is currently standing in his kitchen at 3 in the morning desperate for chili paste to eat with her apples flirting with him? The same Omega he watches waddle through the halls after picking up her mail leaving behind the softest traces of fresh whipped creamy milk? The same one he couldn’t help but notice had no mating mark adorning her long beautiful much too bare neck? 
Peering bewildered from the front of his hood back to you more than a few times, he gapes like a fish, lifting up the tub of Gojuchang. “Yeah, anything you need, I’m always an apartment away. I work from home now too so don’t worry about showing up whenever you want, I’ll give you anything you want.” He says too eagerly, stepping forward with a smile. “Like this chili paste.”
What are the chances you show up at his door like a glowing dream, leaving your warm milky scent behind that softly carries him back to his dreams. Dreams full of you, your smile when he passes by, the cute way you struggle to bend over and frown because your belly has just gotten too big.
He could tell after that you needed more help than you were willing to let on, especially by the number of packages showing up at your doorstep varying from small to way too large for you to be handling on your own.
“Hey, remember when I said you can come to me for anything?” He said approaching you attempting to push a new extra large package through your door. “I meant anything, consider me your new delivery man, alright?”
“Ah, you really don’t have to. I still owe you for the Gojuchang..” the same paste you shamelessly never returned- that Jaemin would never ask you to bring back anyway. 
“You don’t owe me anything.” He always made sure to reassure you with a large smile, removing his shoes as he entered your apartment and asked for directions.
“It’s a new drawer for the baby.” You said, motioning toward the spare bedroom you’d begun to decorate. From that day he refused to let you handle any furniture building on your own, to the point that he felt invasive for barging into your life this way. 
The few comments you made here and there gave him enough hint that you’re on your own. No Omega soon to give birth should be alone, this is one of the most vulnerable times you will ever experience in your life. Besides, he likes helping you. He loves to hear you gasp when he effortlessly picks up the new crib you ordered, loves to hear your comments about how strong he is. Loves to still have your scent swarming around his head when he returns back to his apartment, and he really really loves being around you.
That’s why a coffee machine in your apartment has become necessary. After a quick shower and brushing his teeth, he’s already on the way out, taking a few short steps to your place.
“Good morning.”
It’s become your normal day, sitting around on the couch watching lamaze videos as you practice your breathing. Jaemin’s changed his schedule around to fit your lifestyle. You have no idea how you got lucky enough to move in next door to a not only ridiculously handsome and helpful Alpha, but an extremely polite and giving one at that. 
The nurses at your clinic always blush and giggle while he waits for you, drooling over the good looking built Alpha without a trace of mating mark on his skin. They’ve made a few comments to you, curious about him, curious about your relationship with him.
He’s not your Alpha, even if your Omega has started to believe so. How can you not with his constant concern for your wellbeing? The random gifts he brings to you, trying to pass them off as something he saw on his way home even though you saw the packages waiting at his door. He’s really been there for you, more caring than any Alpha you’ve been with before; including the absent one-night stand you had that wanted nothing to do with you when you contacted him to let him know. 
Sure, the predicament you’ve ended up in isn’t the best, but as you fold new onesies and put away matching pacifiers you can’t find the will to be upset with your decision, even if this isn’t the way you imagined your future to unfold.
“How are you feeling today?”
He’s been repositioning the furniture that’s already set-up in the pups future room, finding where you’d like the crib to be placed before working on building your new items. “Still having trouble sleeping?”
Yes, sleeping has been rather difficult. It’s been months now since your last heat. 9 months to be exact, landing yourself where you are now after the wild excursions your last put you through. Throwing up, swollen feet, random cravings, and an aching back can’t nearly compare to how insanely frustrating it is to lose sleep. The push and pull happening between your thighs to your brain always hits at night. It started after the month you first moved in, the dreams that had you waking up soaked with slick.
Your physician had explained that they would only get worse, seeing as Omegas typically have an Alpha to handle those issues. The pregnancy suppressing your heat in turn makes your hormones 100 times worse. 
And that is where Jaemin comes in, you tried to avoid him and keep your distance, but he’s just too damn nice. Making it impossible to turn down the Alphas unwarranted help, never asking anything of you in return, he simply wants to help.
After that night of craving chili paste, you solemnly patted your way back to your apartment, pathetically frowning at the tub of Gochujang you’d been craving.
Orgasm Donor?!? You could scream! The sexiest Alpha you’ve ever seen right next door in nothing but his boxers and a ridiculous sweater, it took all of the strength you could muster up from the moon Goddess herself to clamp your thighs shut and strain your muscles to not drip slick right there in his kitchen. 
The Alpha had to know by now how dizzy his presence alone makes you. Having to sit down whenever he steps foot inside of your place, you sigh, biting down on your lip to not drool over how tight his shirt is today. Each movement flexing the strong muscles lining his broad back too visible. Even after being bred enough to get pupped you can’t control how crazy your hormones have made you feel these last couple of months. No amount of balancing tea or vitamin in the world can quell the need to get absolutely fucked by the strong Alpha taking up space in your future nursing room.
“Still bad I take it?” He says before you can respond, too lost in your thoughts to realize how long you’ve been staring off fantasizing about all the ways he could take you.
“Does it show?” You ask self consciously, rubbing your stomach to comfort yourself. 
“Huh?” He turns, noticing that you’re playing with your hair, bringing it closer to your face. “Oh no no, you look as cute as ever.” He smiles that same charming toothy smile he always has specifically for you. “I just meant, y’know I worry about you getting enough sleep. I was reading and it’s important you get at least 10 hours minimum.”
“10 hours is wayyy too much..” you laugh, rubbing under your eyes trying to remember how bad your dark circles looked this morning. 
“I can definitely help you fall asleep.” He says casually, not understanding how feral your Omega is. The little voice inside of you growling and lunging forward to escape with a ‘bet you can’. How much longer can you really endure having this Alpha around before you make headlines.
How humiliating. If only he understood your true despair stems from him and how rabidly horny he’s gotten you.
“How does this work? You’ll be sleeping in your bedroom while the pup stays in here, or will you be ruining your back on this chair?”
Jaemin asks nonchalantly, carrying on the conversation you’ve been checking in and out of. Quietly humming to himself as he positions a cushion on the seat of the rocking chair he’s been working on assembling for the last hour. He definitely took longer than what he’d estimated in his mind when you mentioned your new crib and chair arriving today. Not that he’d ever admit that he wanted to scream after 10 minutes of searching for one screw that the instructions called for. He’s sure the crib will take another two hours to set up after this(if he’s lucky), biting back a sigh to not catch your attention the more he thinks about it.
“I think for nap time it’d be best to get the pup used to this room, I’m sure I’ll struggle to not sleep by his side every night at first..” you admit shyly, cupping under your stomach and rubbing over the round exterior. He wants to agree that there’s no way a newborn pup would want to leave your side; not with the way your face lights up whenever kicks beat against your stomach or when he brings you back from your doctor visits listening to all the exciting future plans you have lined up.
“It’s probably not my place to say, but you shouldn’t fall asleep in here much. This chairs not that comfortable..” he frowns, testing out the rocking motion. “I’m sure we can find another crib that could fit in your bedroom..”
“Another crib is a bit out of my budget right now.”
“Don’t worry about that.” He grins, standing up to tap the large cardboard box you’re perched on. “Isn’t that what baby showers are for? I’m sure your family has already stocked up on things to gift you.”
Ah, a baby shower. Of course, how could you fail to mention that neither of your parents have spoken to you since the day you showed up at their doorstep 3 months pregnant, unmated and out of wedlock. “Ah, you—you have a point.” You mumble nervously. “You’ve been at this for a bit, I’ll get the coffee brewing.”
“Coffee sounds great right now.” Jaemin says, helping you stand up without releasing your hands until he deems your ankles steady enough to walk on your own. “You know how I like it.”
“Four shots of espresso over ice?” 
“Exactly.” He winks your way, beginning to unbox the crib you’d shown him a few weeks ago. Some fancy overpriced one imported from Italy, a dream according to what you had said while he sat with you as you browsed through various baby decor online shops.
He really wanted to ask what the hell ever happened to Babies ‘R Us, recalling his days working across the street from one, but you looked too happy smiling wide as you showed him the different canopy designs and various woods used to customize each one.
“It’s perfect for a boy, don’t you think?”
Ah, these are really questions you should be asking your Alpha.. if you had one. His lips draw down, peeling open the cribs manual to divide and separate each piece into small sections to start working out. 
It’s hard to believe an Alpha, any Alpha period could just up and leave their Omega to raise a child alone. Jaemin can’t forget the first day you moved in and struggled to drag your belongings down the hallway corridor creating an unnecessarily noisy ruckus outside of his apartment. He stormed out ready to curse you to hell for waking him up, having come home from the gym late the night prior and hoping to catch a few more Z’s that morning. The shout ready to exit his lips hung in the air upon seeing you nearly tip over and let a bag full of clothes spill onto the floor instead of risking the chance to fall and land on your stomach.
You had to have been only a few months along at the time, barely showing a small bump. You hadn’t spotted him yet as you stood there looking over your neatly folded clothes falling apart and making a big mess to clean up. Stress and exhaustion pulled at your soft glowing face, slowly sliding down to your knees to throw everything back in the bag you’d been carrying.
He contemplated speaking up, opening and shutting his mouth as he watched a tear slip down your cheek, swallowed past the seam of your lips. Anyone with half a brain would be able to read the room and assume you weren’t in the best situation given your state at the time. Still he couldn’t help but take in your pretty skin, glossy eyes batting away more tears from pouring, and the small pout permanently etched on your lips as you gathered your things.
“Here, let me help.” He said, deciding to bend over and grab your bag as you shoved in the last of your clothes. To your surprise, you glanced up, jaw hanging as you started to shake your head. “New neighbor?”
Everything progressed slowly from that moment. Sure, at first it was all a coincidence how often he’d find you having a hard time carrying packages from the mail, out of breath lugging your groceries from your car, cursing loudly whenever you’d burnt dinner and set off your fire alarms. He can’t deny making an effort after your first month next door to check in on you, whether you asked for help or not. Especially after the night you showed up begging for chili paste. Without being too intrusive he picked up on hints, figuring out that the Alpha that got you pregnant was clearly no longer a part of your life.
Instinctively he had to do what any respectable Alpha would willingly want to do. Helping you through these past 5 months has been entertaining to say the least. There’s a bit of charm to your silly nature, to how often you whine and complain about your feet getting wider, your back hurting, the odd cravings that hit in the middle of the night. The ones you still deny are cravings, he snorts thinking about that.
Jaemin’s had more fun getting to know you than he has had with some of his long term relationships, even turning down potential Omegas to spend weekends with you. Someone has to be here to make sure you don’t burn your spaghetti again..
And there’s a possible chance he’s developed some feelings, feelings beyond friendship. Could just be his Alpha viewing you as his mate, watching your stomach grow and expand every week does drive him a little crazy, just a tad. 
“Hmm,” realizing he’s been reading the same paragraph over and over again without registering any instructions, he looks around and sits up. You’ve definitely been gone for longer than 10 minutes by now..
“How’s that coffee coming along?” He asks, jogging down the hall, feet hitting the brakes as soon as he makes it to the end. “Shit.”
“I—I don’t know what happened.” You cry, hands shaking above a broken mug and spilled dark liquid.
“Are you hurt?!” He rushes forward, falling to a squat to reach for your arms, hands pausing mid-air. “Oh my God..”
“I’m—I’m sorry, please don’t look..” you whine, hunching in to hide your breasts. It’s useless to try, completely leaked through your shirt leaving your pert nipples completely visible through the thin soaked material clinging to your ample chest. 
“You’re—“ Jaemin stutters, swallowing a thick wad of saliva, mouth going dry at once as the sweet creamy scent of breast milk swirls around his tonsils. “I need t-to help you.”
“S’ok, I got it..” 
“No no, come on.” He gulps, gently grabbing a firm hold on your waist to bring you back up with him. Against his insane willpower, he has to look. He has to lower his gaze and focus on how your breasts bounce as you find your balance. They’re so full, look painful and ready to burst. He’d read about this.. how Omegas can begin to lactate months prior to giving birth depending on how often they typically go into heat. He thought informing himself of all the possibilities would make everything much less daunting, but there’s no way to deny how fucking good the scent rolling off your warm flesh tastes as it seeps through his senses. 
And when you regain your balance, reaching behind yourself to grab at the kitchen counter ledge, your chest shoves out even more, inadvertently spurting milky liquid from your nipples. He tries to keep his scent calm, tries to look away, tries to stop his fingers from itching to cup and squeeze out more. But fuck everythings hitting at once, spiking his scent, thrumming through his cock until it twitches against the inside of his sweats.
He should be ashamed, ashamed for objectifying this vulnerable moment, for imagining his lips sucking around your leaking buds, dragging the material of your shirt past his mouth to suck it clean.
“Alpha..” you moan, shattering any ounce of guilt he felt. Snapping his gaze to your face he nearly crumbles at your wet parted lips, the tears clinging to your lower lashes. 
“I know Mama.” He agonizes, tightly gripping your waist as he works to take deep breaths through his mouth and blow out slowly, averting his gaze away from your body. “L-let me help you change.”
The last time he can recall feeling this feral had to have been the day before he woke up in his first rut. He’d been at the gym working up a sweat, arms on fire by the time he exited the weight training room and decided to end with cardio. Plans went astray when he neared a treadmill to hop on and looked around only to realize the gym had to have been full of Omegas. Omegas perspiring a damn storm judging by the way the aroma of sweet honey caramel skin and lush petals of Jasmine slapped him across the face. He had to leave after a minute to calm himself, head dizzy and feet off balance as he made his way to the lockers to melt away his perverse thoughts.
Even the hard-on he suffered to jerk off that night could not compare to how painfully his cock aches right now. Throbbing faster than a rapid heartbeat, he even fears his dick could burst if he has to swallow anymore of your scent, if he can’t rip his gaze away from your perky delectable nipples.
“Alpha, I’m hot.”
Fuck. You are. You’re so hot. He nods, unrealizing that he’s agreeing, not even noticing how scorching hot your skin feels through the material of your shirt. “T-think I should l-leave.” He says begrudgingly, feeling like a failure, a coward.
That’s it. That’s all it takes to strip away the last bit of self control he could come up with. It wasn’t much anyway, the mixture of your breast milk and delicious pregnant scent combined could send him straight into an impromptu rut. “A-are you sure?” 
He licks at his plump lips, leaving a film of saliva over his naturally pink pout that makes your thighs squeeze together. Even with shards of broken mug too close to your feet and the pungent smell of coffee wafting between you, all you can think about is how big the Alpha is. He’s so big in front of you right now, bringing your need to feel small and taken care of to light. The independence you’ve convinced yourself of all dissipating with his large hands rubbing up and down your sides, arms flexing from the tense struggle running through his body.
“What should I do mama? Hmm? I need to clean you up.” The fear he had of taking the next giant leap of a step with you quickly exits, furrowing his eyebrows as he takes in your sobbing pretty face. He’s used that nickname a few times before, always sending shivers up your spine, but it’s worse now. The sugary tone he speaks to you in, so cute, striking each nerve as he moves you to the counter to get your bare feet away from the mess.
“Please Alpha, I feel..” thick arms wrap around your waist, laying his forehead gently on yours. 
“Tell me where it hurts.”
It’s too hard to say anything with the tremors his question releases throughout your body, searching for his hand to slide it down past your stomach between your legs where slick has already started to seep through your leggings. “Here.”
“Fuck.” He hisses, biting down on his teeth. “You’re making me crazy, you know that?”
“S-sorry,” you hiccup, squeezing around his hand cupping your middle. “That’s w-where—hurts..”
He tsks, shoving inside your bottoms to drag his fingers through the wad of slick gathered between your folds. It’s so much, leaking out profusely, covering his palm and wrists as he slides in deeper to tease your hole. “Messy, so damn messy mama.”
“Ah, d-don’t!” You croon, eyes welling up with tears from the relief of finally having your pussy touched by someone other than yourself. Harder and harder to reach past your stomach most nights, you succumb to whimpering into your pillow frustrated, fantasizing that your neighbor would hear your distress and gallop in on a horse like your knight in shining armor. “Don’t call me t-that.”
“No?” He frowns, nose brushing yours. “But your pussy tightens up around my fingers so good when I do, mommy.”
“Alpha! Ugh!” Dropping your neck, you let out a long winded cry. Panting short of breath from his thumb working furiously to harden your clit. “S’too—too dirty, p-please!”
“You’re right,” his tongue clicks, echoing around the kitchen. “You are still so so dirty mommy.”
With one arm he manages to lift your butt onto the counter, nodding for you to scoot on with a pat on your hip. He settles between your parted thighs, reaching for the hem of your shirt. “Wait!” You panic, gripping around his wrists. “Don’t..don’t want you to see..”
“What??” Gasping surprised, he blinks confused, rubbing the fabric of your shirt between his fingers.
“My body right now—“ you flush, darting your gaze away ashamed. “Don’t want you to see..
“Nonsense.” He snaps, using a firmer tone with you that you’re not accustomed to hearing. “You think this,” touching your stomach, he glides upward to cup and squeeze your breasts. “And this? Doesn’t make me feel rabid out of my damn mind to fuck you right here, break the laws of humanity and wolf alike, get you pregnant with my pup somehow?”
It’s the angriest he’s ever looked, wrinkled between his nose and eyebrows, glaring at his heavy palms kneading your breasts to make more milk trickle. “Fuck, I’ve tried so hard to know my place, to show you nothing but respect..”
“S-stop,” you gulp, letting go of his wrists to smooth up and squeeze his biceps, clawing your short nails into the muscles. “Disrespect me, please Alpha..”
Big round eyes stare at you full of shock, taking in how you bite on your lip shyly. The trickles of milk so creamy and thick, spilling down his hands to his flexed forearms. “One thing I’ll never do—“ pressing in, he licks at your Cupid’s bow, long eyelashes blinking against your cheek. “Is disrespect you.”
The sound of your shirt ripping open has you gasping, sinking your nails deeper into his muscles. “But since you asked so fucking nicely.”
He gets the message quickly as you reach for the collar of his shirt and pull hard enough to stretch the fabric, quickly stepping back to strip it off and fully display his well built shoulders and chest. The gurgle from your throat that follows pleases him, returning your hands to feel every inch of new muscle you weren’t familiar with. His mouth is too thirsty, salivating as he takes your full breasts again without anything to hide your swollen nipples and admires them for less than a minute. Lapping at his wet lips as he shoves between your cleavage, licking up the remnants of dried and fresh milk with a deep groan.
Fuck. It’s incredible, nothing he’s ever tasted before. Sweet nectar that can only pour from a fertile breedable Omega built to birth healthy pups. Every sense and nerve in his system lights on fire, digging his face between your ample chest despite your cried moans. It’s bliss, more intense and real than anything, shoving his tongue between your tits to fuck the small gap. 
Breast milk won’t stop running down his arms, opening his mouth wide to capture one of your hard nipples. The nub digs against the roof of his mouth, slurping down the cream as your other tit leaks akin to a broken faucet. “So fucking good mommy.” Jaemin says roughly, pulling away to look over your pleasured face. 
His lips swollen pink with a sheen milky layer, completely debauched as he goes in for more and attends to your other nipple. They swell up after many nibbles, gently digging his teeth into your firm buds. Each suck tastes sweeter than the last as your scent spikes and Omegan arousal swirls around him. The strong tones of milk mixing in with yours has his Alpha fanatic, jerking his hips against the kitchen counter for some type of friction on his cock.
“Alpha please, my pussy, please.” You ask too innocently, as if the activity that expanded your stomach out in the first place didn’t prove otherwise. He grunts for you to wait, shoving his face back in-between your bosom, jiggling the fleshy meat against his cheeks. If not for your hips jumping up he’d continue to assault your tits, spend hours playing with them until you have nothing else left to quench his insatiable thirst.
“Bet your pussy tastes just as sweet.” He grumbles, moving down onto his knees to pull off your leggings and panties in one go. “Fucking hell.” 
The amount of slick painted across your thighs and ass could compete with the local community pool, maybe even replenish a tiny village. His cock jump’s fiercely at the sight before him, lavving the residue of breast milk on his lips for a clean taste as he dives in. 
“Jaemin!” You shout, scrambling to grab onto something at the first stroke of the Alphas tongue prodding between your chubbed folds. The sounds he makes only add fuel to the fire, releasing more slick with each deep growl and bated panting breath.  
“Taste so damn good Omega,” he hums, enamored by how syrupy and powerful your scent slaps him across the face from between your thighs. Shuffling forward on his knees, he holds your thighs open to stretch his jaw wide and roll his tongue from your entrance to your clit, jolting your legs to kick the kitchen drawers with his skills.
Everything feels so good, spinning your mind around. The only frustration as you peer down is the sight of your round stomach completely hiding the Alphas lustful gaze and sloppy tongue. “Alpha, pleasepleaseplease!” sobbing, you kick at the drawers again. “Can’t see your face! C-can’t see!”
Jaemin shoots up at the sound of your affliction, eyes blown wide with concern as he reaches for your shoulders to sit you up. “Shh shh, I’m here.” He smiles, a disaster of slick covering his nose, lips and chin. “Look at me pretty mama.”
“Mmm..” reaching for his face, you smear the slick on his lips. “Messy.”
“Messy for you.” He kisses at your thumbs, sucking on the tip of one he captures. “Such a bad mommy, wants to watch her pussy get ate?”
Nodding feebly you move to stroke his neck, squeezing around. “Can’t see you down there..”
“Stay like this okay?” He instructs, pecking you, leaving slick on your chin. “Sit just like that, you’re doing so good for me mama.”
Setting your palms on the counter, he opens your thighs up a little wider, getting down into a squat to keep his head at level with your knees. “Keep your pretty eyes on me. Gonna make you feel good.”
His eyes stay on yours, one palm splayed on your thigh as his other reaches just under your navel. Stretching his neck back into an uncomfortable angle, his tongue hangs out, blinking up at you before diving back in to lap at your clit. Wide firm licks catch your sensitive folds, face rocking back and forth to really let you feel his tongue stroking between each crevice.
Big watery doll eyes stay facing up to watch you fall apart, scratching at the counter desperately to not reach for his hair to slam his face in deeper. Slippery hot stiff pressure teases under your clit, he keeps it there twitching the muscle until your hips start to rock forward and tears erupt from the corners of your eyes. The heat inside of your stomach pools, coiling up to your chest making it harder to breathe. He keeps at it for another minute until your eyebrows scrunch together. 
The lick he delivere to your clit sparks raging nerves up your spine, arching forward and nearly losing your balance on the counter to fuck his face. 
Dipping lower he finally plunges as much of his tongue as he can inside of you, slapping your inner thigh when you shout out in pleasure. The thick fat muscle rubs at your inner walls, sucking down the slick that tries to choke him out. Much like your breasts, he could spend hours just like this between your supple thighs, memorizing the way you fall apart and shake from every lap and stroke of his tongue.
Finally caving, you grip onto his hair, crying out brokenly. “I’m c-cum—“ his tongue disappears before you can complain, moving to stand and shove three fingers inside your cunt. “Ahhh!”
“Look at me mama, be good for Alpha.” He orders throatily, vocals thick and corded with slick. “Squeeze that pretty pussy around my fingers, give it to me.”
“Jaem—Alpha!” The heels of your feet slam against the drawers painfully, reaching for his wrist as he jerks the three digits stretching you open. Bicep rippling from the strength being used to shoot your release out around his relentless working fingers. “S’too—good.”
“God you cum so fucking pretty.” He sighs, gently drawing free to rub your clit while you twitch against him. Lips finding yours to calm your high with tender kisses.
“Come here pretty.” Jaemin says huskily, daring to scoop you up without a hitch, bare round stomach pressed to his smooth abs just enough to not apply pressure. He turns toward your living room, setting you down on the couch to grab a few pillows. “Here baby, let me make it comfortable for you.”
“Alpha..” you whine, still conscious of how big you must look on your back like this. He only smiles, bending in close to kiss your lips. 
“I can’t knot you, don’t want you to stay in this position too long.” He says, sweating through excruciating horny pangs shooting through his dick. 
“Please Jaemin, want you i-inside.” You beg much too prettily, pulling his lips back to bare his teeth. He wants to be gentle with you so badly, wants to focus on you and make you cum to your heart’s content. But God you aren’t making it easy.
“Only for a little, okay?” He says raggedly, hoisting you to sit leaned against the pillows to take pressure off your lower back and still make it easy to get between your legs. “If it’s too much I’ll stop.”
“Won’t be too much Alpha, need you so bad.” You say drowsily, still drunk from the orgasm his fingers and mouth ripped out of you. He nods, tugging on the string holding his sweats up, blushing when he sees the giant wet stain of pre-cum that’s leaked through the cotton fabric. “I should put a condom on.”
“I’m already knocked up.” You giggle, covering your face. “Don’t want anything between us.” 
Fuck. You’ll be the death of him talking like that. Pushing down his sweats, he gasps at how red the tip of his cock is, looking painful to the touch. There’s no way he’ll be able to last long enough to not pop a knot inside of you. 
“Alpha.” You whisper, angled perfectly in a half seated position to see how enraged his dick looks flush against his stomach. He doesn’t even have to stroke it, doesn’t want to out of fear of cumming before he even enters you.
“You sure about this?” He asks once more through gritted teeth, already lining the tip up to your entrance.
“Pl-lease.. haven’t gotten fucked in s-so long.” You hiccup, too excited, bending your neck in to watch his throbbing red cockead nudge against your hole.  
“Fuck! Ahh,” hissing, he gingerly grabs the base of his size, slowly pushing in until your cunt snaps around him. So tight, tight like you haven’t been fucked in months exactly as you just admitted. He’d fuck you so hard, make you take every inch until his dicks coming out of your nose. But now’s not the time, this isn’t about him no matter how hard the veins lining his length throb in disagreement. “Feel g-good?” He asks, licking at the sweat beading on his upper lip.
“M-more, please!”
He can’t do it, can’t push more than the tip in because it’d be too greedy. Even if he gets you off first it’d be too fucking greedy. As painful as it is to ignore the begging cries you let out, he opts to press down on your clit. Thumbing the stiff nub back and forth with short thrusts drawing the fat tip of his cock in and out enough to have a perfect view of your hole stretching around him. “So good, you’re doing so good for me mommy.”
“Alpha!” You twitch, lower back arching up starving for more. “P-please! Deeper!”
He wants to cave, give you everything you want, make you cum on his cock and bloat your stomach out even further with rivers of cum deep inside of you. “C-can’t.” He grits, grabbing onto your hips firmly to stop himself from thrusting in further. “D-don’t make me..”
“Need it! I need it!” You keep pleading, head tossed back with your wet spit slick lips parted open panting. “Fuck me! F-fuck me please! Put another baby in me!”
“Ahh, you c-can’t say that!” He growls in pain, digging the tips of his fingers into your hips hard enough to leave marks. You can’t say that, anything but that. “Mommy wants Alphas cum.” 
“Y-yes,” you whine, stroking down your stomach to direct his gaze beneath your navel. “Wanna feel you h-here, mommy wants it.”
“Shitshit,” that’s it, that’s enough to jerk his hips and push in another inch. How could you ask this of him? How could you act like such a sweet pilant breedable bitch, begging to get fucked and fucked until all you know how to do is get pupped. “Yeah, mommy wants it deep.”
His sack feels heavy as he plunges in the rest of his length inch by inch, slapping against your rim balls deep. “Get you pregnant again, keep you pupped up with my baby.” He rambles, focusing on not slamming his cock in like a wild animal. Having to squeeze his eyes shut to not cum when he sees your milk filled breasts bouncing up high enough to hit under your chin. “Fuckfuckfuck, you’re too much.”
He sounds so desperate, dying to ram into you faster with each rough grip on your hips. Pushing up off his knees, he squats to angle his cock in even deeper, making your lips fall open with a loud shouted moan. “Right t-there mama? Is that it? You want it there?” He asks, raspy and throaty, deep voice coming out from a deep torned place. 
“Alpha!” You stammer, spluttering the same words over and over again mindlessly. 
“Look at me,” he groans, bending in closer to cup your cheek and grind his hips. “W-wanna feel you cum on my cock. Gonna cum for me mama?”
“Fuck, ahh!” His thumb presses against your bottom lip, nodding with you as his other hand slips between your conjoined lower halves. Expert figure eights work more slick out making his cock slide in even easier if possible, wet and messy rivering down his inner thighs. 
“Cum for me, come on.” He growls, thrusting a little faster to chase your release. His balls slapping against the dip of your ass with each push in. The entirety of his length penetrates in and out, skyrocketing your pleasure by pinching your clit. Each flick and rub rushes heat through your stomach and chest, toes curling as you find his wide blown out eyes.
“F-fuck me, breed me full of cum.” You plead between gritted teeth, reaching to hold around his neck, suffocating the scream that rips from your chest. It’s been so long since you last had a release this strong, unable to even arch up with the weight of your stomach holding you down. You kick out and cry against his pouty lips, eyes rolling back.
“That’s it mommy,” he cries, eyes watering up as your walls squeeze the life from this dick and he has to do everything in his power to stop himself. His Alpha screaming at the top of its lungs to knot knot knot! Especially with the way you beg for it, the way your pussy swallows his dick whole and grovels to be knotted.
“Don’t p-pull out, please Alpha.” You sob, opening your hands in search of his. “Inside me, s-stay inside.”
“Ughh!” Jaemin can’t stop himself anymore, shoving his cock in to fill up to the brim with a few more sloppy thrusts. Reaching for your hands, he bends over bridging his upper half above yours. The muscles lining his stomach twitch and clench, sucking in at his navel as he draws his length out to the tip and the base of his cock expands. It’s more painful than he’d expected, his Alpha howling like a beast inside, gnawing through his facade of strength as tears pour down his cheeks. “Fuck. Fuck!”
He sniffles, cockhead still lodged inside your tight hole spurting out sticky cum that seems to satiate you judging by the long sigh you let out.
“Alpha..” you say drowsily, eyes half-lidded with the most serene smile looking back at him. “Sleepy.”
Nodding furiously, he kisses your hands before releasing your hold, quickly wiping his face with the back of his hand. “Pulling out okay? Need to clean you up.”
Jaemin hadn’t considered how difficult it would be to not bend at your will, having to tune out the way you whine for him to stay inside of you. His Alpha shouts and snarls, berating him for not listening to their Omega. 
He’s so fucked, already recognizing you as his mate without considering what you must feel right now, driven by your out of whack hormones and lust.
“Don’t leave me.” You pout, whining so pretty.
“I’m not going anywhere mama.” He reassures, leaning in to kiss your stomach. “But I need to get you cleaned off before you fall asleep, alright?”
He tries to make it quick, scrambling to fill up a bowl of warm water and grab a few washcloths. Can’t be fast enough when he jogs back to the living room to find your eyes fluttering open and shut. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll take you to bed.”
“Nooo,” you continue to whine, huffing petulantly. “Too heavy..”
“I bench 280, don’t doubt me.” He chuckles, shaking his head. Sitting by your side, he slowly cleans the mess of slick and cum that’s dripped down to your thighs and ass, patting the area dry. “How are you feeling?”
He’d squeeze you if he wasn’t so happy to hear that you’re relaxed enough to possibly get a full night of sleep. Proudly smiling to himself as he finishes cleaning you off and bends closer to your face. “Time for bed.”
“Don’t leave me..”
He scoffs playfully, getting up to position you on top of his arms, squatting down to ensure he picks you up properly. “I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Mmm..” true to his word he carries you to your room without much struggle, softly laying you down on your bed and stumbling when you grab onto his arm and pull. “Stay here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Stop asking.”
He sighs, moving to the empty side of your bed, shoulders instantaneously losing the tense concern and worry he’d been holding onto. You can talk about this in the morning, or the afternoon, or at night, or never.
Maybe he can just accept that you both wanted this and more than anything he wants this. He wants to help you with your pup, take care of you after you give birth, help cook and clean, make sure you’re well fed after hours of trying to put your pup to sleep.
It can really be this easy, living here in this moment. In the safe comforting space of your small apartment that’s started to feel more like home than his own. Playing house with you has brought him more relief than hours at the gym.. long nights out partying.
He watches you get comfortable on your side, beginning to breathe in and out more shallowly.
“You’re staring.” You murmur, trying to hide a smile.
“I am.” Scooting in closer, he lightly rests a hand on your stomach. “I’m scared to ask, but this is okay, right?”
A cute growl emits from your chest, laying a hand over his. “I’ll let it slide, you do a real good job around here.”
“It’s okay, you can finally admit that you like me.” Letting out a long sigh, he nestles in closer, cheek resting on your chest. “I like you too.”
“Do you?”
“Is it standard for Alphas to cancel their plans every week to hang out with their pregnant Omega neighbor?” He hums, following your hand to rub your stomach. “Ah, what am I saying? I was all happy to get you to fall asleep and now I’m talking your ear off.”
He’s met with the light sound of breath, lifting his gaze to find you well past counting sheep. Adjusting to cradle your head better, he kisses your forehead. “Night night angel baby.”
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
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jjungkookislife · 5 months
Home for the Holidays Pt. 2 (M)
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pairing: jungkook x f. reader
genre: fake dating au, f2l, christmas au, smut [18+] Put your age in your bio so you don’t get blocked please 💜 this is an 18+ blog
summary: Jungkook is in desperate need to find a girlfriend for Christmas. His mom has nagged and nagged about him bringing someone home for the holidays. Determined, Jungkook recruits his friends in hopes of finding the right girl to take home. In need of a place to stay, and no plans for Christmas, you answer his friend’s ad.
You have 25 days to convince not only his parents but his grandmother that you’re in a real relationship, solid enough to get through Christmas with the Jeons.
wc: 14.3k
warnings: pet names (babe, baby, sweetheart, honey, love, darling, good girl, doll), food/food mention, mention of conning JK's grandmother, mention of a blowup doll, making out, marking (scratching, biting, hickeys), jungkook has a motorcycle but his grandmother forbids him from using it while she's there, mention of jungkook's grandfather's death, one-bed trope, mention of slot machines, mention of a breeding kink, reader is on the pill, mention of being self-conscious (reader), mention of drowning in melting snow due to embarrassment, hair pulling, jungkook is a consent king (and it's hot af, okay?), fingering (f. receiving), handjob (m. receiving), oral sex (f. giving), unprotected sex, spanking, multiple orgasms, creampie
a/n: a HUGE thank you to @btsgotjams27 for allowing me to scream about this JK in her inbox for weeks! and for helping me go over the ending! thank you, thank you, thank you!
read part one here
date: January 12, 2024
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The moment you set foot in Jungkook’s family home, it was like stepping foot in a department store the day after Thanksgiving. 
Holiday decor sits on every inch of the living room wall—there are snowflakes, snowmen, Santas, and jolly words on every bit you see.
A giant Christmas tree takes up a large portion of the living room in a corner far from the fireplace. Large red bows hung from the branches, and a gold star sat on the top. A candle on the coffee table burns, filling the home with its vanilla cookie scent. 
The dining room had an elegant arrangement of candles and ribbons. A glass jar of red and gold ornaments sat in the middle as a centerpiece. 
“Jungkook!” Came an elated greeting from the kitchen. An older woman came rushing toward him, her hands cupping his cheeks as she hugged him tightly. 
Jungkook grunted when he was pulled to her height, swaying side to side as she hugged him. 
“Never leave me,” she nearly sobbed dramatically. You bit back a laugh. 
“Mom,” Jungkook wheezed. “You’re scaring my girlfriend. She doesn’t know you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking,” his mom laughs as she squeezes him one last time before releasing him. 
Jungkook’s mom ignored him as she stepped toward you. 
“Hello,” you wave meekly. You introduce yourself, and she smiles. 
“I’m Aera,” Jungkook’s mom introduces herself as she pulls you into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you! Jungkook said nothing but good things about you. I swear he’s so in love!”
“Mom!” Jungkook hissed as he ran his hand over his face. 
You giggle, linking arms with Aera. “Is that so?”
Jungkook watches as the two of you head toward the kitchen, arm in arm, while he rolls the suitcases further into the house after shutting the front door. 
“Oh, Jungkook,” his mom says as she has you sit at the table. “You’re in Seojun’s old room, and this sweetheart is in yours.”
Jungkook nods as he locks eyes with you, silently asking if you’ll be okay for a few minutes while he takes the luggage upstairs. 
“Here,” Aera hands you a small dessert. “Seojun made these just for you. You’ll meet him tomorrow along with his fiancée, Saraí.” 
“Ooh, chocolate,” you grin as you take the chocolate and take a bite. You moan from how good it tastes, melting right on your tongue. 
Aera claps her hands, turning on her heel as she grabs a few more desserts for you to try. 
By the time Jungkook joins you, you’re on your third dessert. 
“Mom,” he sighs. “Please don’t force-feed my girlfriend. She just got here.”
Aera frowns at her son. “Fine. You open up.”
Jungkook dodges a brownie bite and sits beside you. His mom heads back to the kitchen to grab drinks as the front door opens and shuts. 
“Sorry,” Jungkook apologizes. “I told her to wait at least thirty minutes before she stuffed you full of chocolate and desserts.”
“Hello,” a voice calls. You smile, though nerves still eat at you when you realize Jungkook’s father has arrived home. 
“Dad!” Jungkook rises from his seat to hug his dad tightly. Jungkook looks just like him, though a little taller and broader. 
You rise from your seat, wiping your hands on your pants in a poor attempt to clean them. 
You introduce yourself to Jungkook’s dad, shaking his hand. 
“Nice to meet you, honey. I’m Dae.”
“We’re gonna go get settled in,” Jungkook says as he takes your hand. “We’ll be down for dinner.”
“When am I seeing Jimin, Joon, Tae, Jin, and Yoongi?” Aera asks her son. “It’s bad enough that Hoseok won’t join us this year.”
“He had plans, Mom,” Jungkook explained.
“Love, the kids just got home to their parents. Let them take their shoes off before you host a reunion,” Dae chuckles. Aera nods, going for her house phone to ring up Jimin’s mom across the street to chat about their boys. 
Jungkook uses the distraction to lead you toward the stairs. 
“I’m so sorry,” Jungkook groans as he plops down on the desk chair of his old bedroom. “I thought I had a minute or something before she started feeding you.”
“It’s okay,” you giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Your mom is just excited.”
“I’ll say,” Jungkook grumbles as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Thanks for doing this.”
“No problem! Besides, those brownie bites are delicious!”
Jungkook chuckles. “There’s plenty more downstairs. Lemme show you around.”
Jungkook shows you where the bathroom is. His room is across the hall from yours, while his parents' room is further down the hallway. There’s another stairway upstairs that leads to the entertainment/game room. Downstairs is an office, a guest bathroom, and a laundry room. 
The backyard is through the back door in the kitchen, and the door near the living room leads to the garage. It’s all pretty simple to memorize. You’ll mostly be on the second floor unless you have to use the kitchen or living room. 
By the time you’re back in the kitchen, Jimin’s sitting at one of the chairs with a plate full of brownies and a glass of milk. He gives you a chocolaty smile as Mrs. Jeon sets a plate of cookies beside him. 
“Got enough to share, Jimin?” Jungkook asks as he pulls a chair out for you before he sits beside you. 
“No,” Jimin swallows his bite and downs half a glass of milk. 
“Jimin,” Aera laughs, and Jimin reluctantly pushes the plate of cookies toward you and Jungkook. 
“So,” Dae smiles at you. “How did you and Jungkook meet?”
“Jimin.” You say, cringing at Jungkook’s answer being different from yours. 
His parents look confused for a moment before Jimin speaks up.
“I met her in one of my classes, and we became friends. Then Jungkook stole her from me,” Jimin jokes. 
Jungkook turns red. “I didn’t steal her! You said you were just friends!”
You laugh with his parents. The two men bicker back and forth like children. 
“I always had a crush on Jungkook. The moment I saw him, I knew he was special,” you admit. Jungkook pauses his fake fight to look at you; his eyes are soft, and something sparkles deep within. 
Even Jimin stares silently. He knew you had a crush on Kook the moment you laid eyes on him, but there was no way you were this great of an actress. After all, he had been the one to go with you to audition for Cinderella, and you tanked. Sorry to say so.
“Oh, isn’t that sweet?! True love!” Aera sings as she clasps her hands. 
“Mom!” Jungkook protests, feeling his ears burn from embarrassment. Perhaps he should have prepared you for his over-enthusiastic parents. 
“I hear wedding bells!” Aera continues until Dae grabs her and leads her out of the room. 
“Come on, let’s go get their pajamas.”
The three of you wait until you hear their footsteps disappear up the stairs. 
Jimin exhales dramatically. “You couldn’t even get the first lie correct?”
“We tried!” Jungkook hisses in response.
“Yeah,” you nod vehemently. “We got it right anyhow. We just fumbled a bit. No biggie.”
“The group chat isn’t gonna like this,” Jimin sighs. “Are you sure you can pull this off without us here?”
“It was just a little mishap,” Jungkook waved his hand. “We’ve got this.”
Jimin looks unsure but says nothing else as he gulps his milk down and rises from his seat. 
“Okay, I better get back to my family. I only snuck out for treats.”
You laugh as you hug him after he’s set his glass in the dishwasher. 
“Come around whenever,” Jimin instructs, kissing your forehead before waving to Jungkook. 
“What’s up next?” You ask your boyfriend. 
“Probably Christmas pajamas and a movie, then dinner and bedtime,” Jungkook replies as his parents' footsteps come down the stairs.
“Here they come.”
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The evening flies by after you receive your pajamas. You thank the Jeons profusely as you put them on. 
The couple has gone to bed, leaving you and Jungkook to finish the last two minutes of the movie. 
Jungkook begins to clean up as soon as the credits roll before the two of you head up the stairs. 
Hushed voices greet you as you reach the landing. 
“I don’t know, Dae. Something seems fishy,” Aera said softly. 
“You’re overthinking this, love. Maybe they’re just respectful or shy.” Dae countered. 
“Well, Saraí and Seojun were always kissing and hugging. It just seems a little off.” Aera states. 
Jungkook looks at you, worry evident on his face.
“Maybe they’re not as comfortable with PDA. That’s fine by me,” Dae chuckles as he tells his wife to go to bed. 
Aera does so reluctantly.
Jungkook takes your hand and leads you to the bedroom you are occupying for your stay. He shuts the door as quietly as possible before he sits on the bed and pats the spot beside him. 
Once you’re on the bed sitting beside him, he wrings his hands in his lap. 
“I suppose we need to be more hands-on,” he states nervously.
“How about we wake up early tomorrow and watch a movie in the living room? We can cuddle and kiss a little when we hear them get up,” you suggest. 
Jungkook nods in agreement. 
“Do you need anything before I go?”
You walk Jungkook to the bedroom door. You bite your bottom lip, suddenly feeling shy. He is your fake boyfriend, though.
“A goodnight kiss?”
Jungkook’s cheeks warm at your words, but he gently grips your chin with his fingers before he presses his lips to yours. Your hands grip his shirt, holding him close as the kiss deepens and your lips muffle his moans. 
“Good night,” Jungkook whispers with one last kiss to your lips. 
“Good night,” you whisper as you watch him go. Your heart flutters as you shut the door and press your back against it. You squeal in delight and faintly hear Jungkook chuckle as he heads to his room. 
You ignore the heat that rises to your cheeks before scrambling to get into bed. 
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The next morning, Jungkook shakes you awake gently. “Come on, darling.”
“Mmh,” you whine, swatting at him in your sleep. 
Jungkook dodges the next swipe, capturing your hand and kissing your palm. 
“Baby,” he whispers as he shakes you again. You curse, peering open one eye and then the other. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” you grumble as you sit up. Jungkook grins smugly. “Or I’d bop you on that cute nose of yours.”
Jungkook laughs, shaking his head. “Come on, babe. My parents will be up soon.”
“I’m sleepy,” you huff but get out of bed and follow Jungkook downstairs. He’s already got a movie playing in the background and two mugs of hot chocolate sitting on the coffee table. 
You try not to squeal in excitement when you see he’s poured yours into a snowman mug. 
By the time Jungkook’s parents make their way downstairs, the both of you are cuddling on the couch. Jungkook’s got your head on his shoulder, feeding you pretzels and holding your hand. 
Aera and Dae exchange a look but say nothing other than their morning greetings as they get ready for work. 
Dae is out in ten minutes, promising to be home early, while Aera stops by the living room to kiss each of you on the top of your head on her way out. 
“Seojun and Saraí will be here for dinner,” she calls as she grabs her keys and heads out the door. 
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You spend the day with Jungkook watching movies and playing video games upstairs. Jimin and Joon pop in for a quick visit, but their parents call them home for lunch and they leave you alone with Jungkook again. 
“I think we’re doing pretty well,” you muse as you hold Jungkook’s hand while he waits for the game to load on the TV screen. 
He chuckles. “Seojun might mess it up.”
You giggle, shaking your head. 
“I think we’ve got this,” you state as you kiss his cheek, his jaw, and the mole beneath his lip. Jungkook sighs happily, dropping the controller on the carpet before he cups your face. 
Fake or not, he genuinely enjoyed kissing you. He wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to do so now. 
You moan when he pushes you back onto the couch, your legs on either side of his hips. His lips feel soft against yours as your hands slide under his shirt. 
“Kook,” you moan softly as you move your head to allow him more room, his lips burning in their wake as he trails kisses down to the collar of your shirt. 
Your fingers weave through his long black hair, tugging when his lips nip at your skin. He moans your name softly, groaning when you beg him for more. 
His hand grips your hip, squeezing as his hips rock against you. A curse escapes you as you melt beneath his broad shoulders, your nails dragging down his back. 
“Fuck, baby.” He groans, his lips finding yours as his tongue pushes past the seam of your lips as the kiss deepens. You whine as you feel him press against you, your hands greedy as you pull him impossibly close. 
“Shit!” A voice startles you.
You pull away from Jungkook, face warm as Jungkook gets off you. 
“Sorry, we should have knocked.” A woman apologizes. She’s shorter than Jungkook and the man beside her. Her hair is curly and black, falling in waves down her back. Her beautiful golden skin appears glowing and rivals the brightness of her smile. 
“We did knock,” the man says, looking at her. She jutted him in the ribs with her elbow before turning to Jungkook. 
“We’ll be downstairs,” she announced in a rush as she shoved the man out the door before shutting it. 
Jungkook groans, hiding his cherry-red face in his hands. “That was Seojun and Saraí.”
“Oh!” You exclaim with wide eyes. “Fuck.”
“Well,” Jungkook said, carding a hand through his hair. “At least Seojun will believe us now.”
You laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. You wrap your arms around his waist and kiss the corner of his mouth. 
“To be continued?” You’re not sure where this bout of confidence has come from, but you know what you felt, and Jungkook wanted you just like you did him. 
“Tonight?” He asks in a sultry tone that makes you tighten around nothing. His dark-hooded gaze makes your pulse rise, and it takes everything in you not to push him onto the couch and continue where you left off. 
Jungkook holds your gaze, his tattooed hand resting on your lower back, a little too close to your behind. You bite your bottom lip, and his eyes watch you carefully as you slowly take a step back. Fire builds between you, nearly suffocating you, and you’d gladly let it for another taste of his lips. 
“Tonight,” you whisper as you head for the door. You swallow thickly as you eye him up and down, a hunger pooling deep inside you. 
Jungkook presses his thumb to his bottom lip as he devours you with his gaze, knowing one more lingering look will be all it takes to have you screaming his name as loud as your lungs allow. 
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Ten minutes later, Jungkook and you join Seojun and Saraí in the living room. Jungkook introduced you to the couple as he sat beside you on the loveseat.
“It’s so nice to meet you!” Sarai exclaims. “Seojun thought you were imaginary.”
“Babe,” Seojun protests. 
“¿Que no?” Sarai asks him with a raised brow. “Didn’t you say Kook probably had a blowup doll?”
 Jungkook and Seojun burn brighter than Rudolph’s nose as they sink into the couches. You laugh along with Sarai at the men’s expense. 
“I like you,” you said with a bright smile. “We’re gonna get along just fine.”
Sarai smiled, “We have to stick together.”
“Saraí,” Seojun whines. “We just got here. You can’t recruit my little brother’s girlfriend against me already.”
“Why not?” Saraí asks with a mischievous grin. 
Seojun groans as he shakes his head, but his smile never dims as he looks at his fiancée. You cuddle up to Jungkook, and his arm drapes around you before he kisses the top of your head, almost second nature. 
A few hours later, Saraí and you share the couch upstairs while the Jeon brothers fight over the working controller. 
Saraí follows you on all your socials as she lies beside you. The both of you laugh as you show each other funny TikToks. Despite only knowing her a short amount of time, you’re glad she’s easygoing and loves to talk. It takes the pressure off you having to recall any information from Joon’s PowerPoint and flashcards, though the information is ready to be pulled at any moment should you need it.
“So then he takes me to the very top of the building,” Saraí gushes as she shows you a photo on her Instagram account. “You know, the ones with the glass panes you can stand on to overlook the city? Well, I was busy looking at the city while Seojun was turning green behind me! He’s terrified of heights, but he knew I wanted to go up there since forever, practically!”
“I almost threw up,” Seojun comments as he gives the controller to Jungkook, he’s no longer interested in fighting his younger sibling over the controller that doesn’t stick. 
Saraí laughs. “I turned around to tell him to join me. The view was incredible!”
You hang on her every word as she swipes to another photo. 
“And that’s when I noticed the mariachis and Seojun down on one knee. He even had my family there!” Saraí wipes a stray tear as she recounts her proposal and shows you more photos of the grand event. 
Seojun smiles at Saraí, hearts in his eyes. He turns to Jungkook with a raised brow. “It’ll be you two before you know it.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Jungkook coughs as he looks at you for help. His eyes have tripled in size from panic. 
“Yeah,” you nod, feeling like a bobblehead. “We’ve only been together for a bit.”
“Four months?” Seojun asks.
“Five!” You and Jungkook answer in unison, startling the happy couple. 
You clear your throat. “Almost six.”
“Nowhere near you guys time together,” Jungkook adds as he nervously tweaks the buttons on the controller. 
Saraí waves her hand. “You’ll hear wedding bells before you know it.”
“Yeah,” Seojun chuckles. “Ours.”
The two giggled before you and Jungkook exchanged nervous looks. 
How far would you take this?
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Dinner passes without incident. Aera and Saraí are elbow-deep in wedding plans, scheduling lunch with Saraí’s mom before the evening ends. 
You excuse yourself when your friends show up, and the lot of you head upstairs with a plate of warm cookies accompanied by a tray filled with glasses of milk and mugs of hot chocolate.
Seokjin is on the lookout, watching the door as Joon gets comfortable beside Jimin and Yoongi. 
“How’s it going?” Taehyung asks as he takes Jungkook’s phone to upload a few more pictures to Instagram. 
“Yeah,” Joon says through a mouthful of cookies. “Jimin says you fucked up the first question Momma Jeon asked.”
“Jimin,” Jungkook hisses. 
“The first one?” Seokjin scoffs as he looks over his shoulder at you. “Babe, I would have done better.”
“I’m the one who needed to date someone!” Jungkook hisses louder. 
Seokjin shrugs. “I said what I said.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at his friends and calms down when you grip his arm. 
“His parents thought we weren’t all over each other like Saraí and Seojun. We have to kick it up a little for them,” you state, your lip caught between your teeth. 
“Damn,” Yoongi sighs. “If they see through it, your grandmother won’t fall for it, Kook.”
“Don’t give up now,” Jimin insists while holding a rough sketch. “We’ve worked so hard for this. I already started designing my room in Kook’s new place.”
“Give me that,” Jungkook rips the paper from Jimin’s hands and crumples it. 
“I have copies,” Jimin smirks. 
“Look,” Taehyung speaks up. “We’ve all done our part. We just gotta get through it.” 
Namjoon nods. “Tae’s right. We all did what we said we’d do, even Hobi. He’ll be in town before the new year, and we can’t tell him the plan tanked. We all worked too hard for this. Let’s see it out.”
“I’m in,” Seokjin shrugs, feigning nonchalance by looking at his nails.
“Same,” Yoongi and Jimin add with a firm nod. 
Joon and Tae look at the two of you.
Jungkook looks at you, and you nod. You were already knee-deep in it; might as well make it to the other side. 
“Alright, we’re in,” Jungkook states ruefully. 
“Don’t worry, one of us will try to be around when Grandmother Jeon arrives. It’ll be a piece of cake!” Jimin grins. 
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It was not a piece of cake. 
And if it was, it was a shit cake.
Grandmother Jeon rolled up with enough suitcases to rival a traveling circus. 
“Mother,” Dae gasps as he greets her at the front door. “What’s all this?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had!” Jungkook’s grandmother huffs as Dae and Jungkook help bring in the suitcases. 
Aera dashes to the kitchen for refreshments, and you hurry after her in a panic. 
“First, I misplaced my bingo winnings on the train. Then, they threatened to kick me off because Luna wouldn’t stop barking!” Grandmother Jeon looks at all her bags until Jungkook holds one away from him while he pinches his nose. 
“Oh, there she is! Kook be a dear and take her outside. Rinse her dog carrier for me. These old bones aren’t what they used to be,” she says as Dae helps her to the couch and then shuts the front door. 
“Mother,” Dae said as he sat beside her. “Why didn’t you call?”
“Oh, I didn’t want to be a bother!” She waves her hand about. Her glasses slip down her nose, and her hat is tilted. 
“You’re never a bother, Mom,” Dae states as he helps her out of her shoes and faux fur coat. 
“Good,” Grandmother Jeon states firmly. “Because Luna and I need a place to stay for the holidays.”
Jungkook freezes with Luna, a yapping black and white chihuahua in his arms. “What?”
Dae sends a glare at his son. “Of course, you can stay with us. What happened?”
“Dang cellphone made my reservations for next Christmas,” Grandmother Jeon huffed. “Dang things are called smartphones, more like dumb phones. Scheduled me for the wrong year!”
Dae exchanges a look with Jungkook, but neither says a word as you and Aera walk into the living room with coffee and cookies. 
“Oh, Aera! You look lovely! Keeping my boys in line?” Grandmother Jeon asks with a smile. 
“Always! We're so glad you’re staying with us,” Aera says genuinely, hugging the older woman. 
“Ooh, you know me. I gotta spread a little holiday cheer everywhere I go,” Grandmother Jeon jokes before she spots you. 
“And who is this marvelous woman hiding behind you, Aera?” 
Jungkook opens the back door, puts Luna out, and rushes to your side before you can blink. 
“Grandmother Jeon, this is my girlfriend,” Jungkook tells her your name, and her eyes light up like the fairy lights on the Christmas tree. 
“I’m Grandmother Jeon or Minji, whichever you prefer, dear. Let me look at you,” she coos as she takes your hands and looks you up and down. 
“You’re beautiful,” Minji grins widely. 
“Thank you,” you smile shyly. 
“And you know how to take a compliment. I like that! Confidence and a tough exterior are what you need to wrangle in these boys. They’ll give you more heart attacks than you can handle. Troublesome they are,” Minji shakes her head. 
“What?” Minji raises a brow, daring them to protest further. “Am I lying?”
“No,” Jungkook and his father shake their heads, avoiding eye contact. 
“Thought so,” Minji laughs. “Don’t worry, dear. Jungkook is the least troublesome of them all, though that motorcycle I saw on the driveway is enough to earn a lecture, Jeon Jungkook!”
“Jeon Dae, what did I tell you about my grandbabies riding those!” Minji sighs heavily as she lets you go. 
“Mother,” Dae starts as Minji rises from the couch. “He’s old enough to make his own decisions.”
Minji whirls on Jungkook, a sharp, well-manicured nail poking his broad chest. “You stick to driving while I’m here, sweetie. I don’t think my old heart could take it seeing you riding around town on that motorcycle.”
“I promise,” Jungkook raises his hand, and Minji grins, reaching to pinch his cheek. 
“Good boy,” she states before releasing him. “Now who’s gonna show this old bag of bones and her pup to her room?”  
“Mother, you’re only-” Dae is cut off by a glare so icy it could freeze Hell and all its inhabitants. 
“Get my dog, son. She gets cold without her winter wear,” Minji grumbles as she heads towards the stairs. “She’s your little sister, after all. You should treat her as such.”
“Mother,” Dae sighs heavily, but he knows it’s a losing battle. He opens the back door instead, and Luna walks into the home after wiping her feet on the mat. 
“Jungkook, sweetie, be a doll and get her wipes from the pink bag for me. I have to get her cleaned up before dinner,” Minji says as Dae hands her the little chihuahua. 
“She’s not going to expect Luna to have a seat at the table, is she?” You ask Jungkook’s mom as you watch Dae and Jungkook carry her bags up the stairs. 
Aera says your name with a whimsical smile. “Expect the unexpected.”
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Jungkook knows you’re trying your best not to stare, but you fail miserably.
Dinner is in the dining room with the large dining table that seats twelve, but there are only eight of you tonight. 
Dae sits at the head of the table with his wife on the left and his mother on the right. Beside Aera, Jungkook has taken his spot while you sit beside him. However, you can’t help but look at Luna in her high chair across from him. 
Seojun sits across from you with Saraí on his right. She smiles politely as she tries to muffle a laugh in her napkin. She was as surprised as you the first time Minji rolled into town with her dog and the high chair. 
You’re sure Luna is eating out of a crystal bowl and drinking from a crystal goblet. The only thing that sparkles more than both is the ring sitting on Saraí’s finger.
“So, sweetheart,” Minji starts as she dabs at her mouth. “How did you meet our Kookie?”
“Mother,” Dae shoots an annoyed look her way that she waves off with a perfectly manicured hand. 
“I’m merely curious,” Minji smiles softly, her pearls draped over her bubblegum pink dress. There’s not a silver hair out of place, nor is her lipstick smudged from eating and enjoying a glass of wine with dinner. 
“We met through Jimin,” Jungkook answers for you, but Minji continues to stare at you, awaiting a response. 
“We met through Jimin at school. Jimin and I shared a class and introduced me to Jungkook and his friends. I had a crush on him since the first time I saw him,” you can feel the heat rise in your cheeks as Jungkook takes your hand in his, kissing your knuckles before setting it on the table. 
“So, who broke first?” Seojun asks with interest, ignoring his “aunt” as she chews on her steak. 
“Jungkook,” you giggle as you recite the story Yoongi had concocted. “We went on a walk after dinner one night and he confessed. Asked me out for the next night, and we’ve been dating ever since.”
“We went to the beach for our first date,” Jungkook adds. “Shared a milkshake on the boardwalk.”
“My Kookie finally found someone!” Minji claps her hands, startling the dog beside her. 
“Do you have pictures?” Aera questions as she rises from the table. 
Luna finishes her meal, and Dae takes her outside while Jungkook and Seojun clear the table. You send Jungkook a wary look, but he smiles in reassurance, mouthing, “You’ve got this.”
“Let’s head to the living room for tea and hot chocolate,” Aera said as she dashed to the kitchen to grab drinks and desserts. 
Saraí goes to help her while you help Minji to the couch. 
“I don’t know how to snoop on the phone like Seojun loves to do,” Minji laughs as you take your phone out of your pocket. 
“Ah, there’s my boy,” Minji says as she adjusts her glasses to look at your Lock Screen. A photo of you and Jungkook in matching Christmas sweaters greets her. 
“He looks at you the way his grandfather looked at me before he passed. Love is a magical thing, dear. It can get you through almost anything,” Minji says, full of wonder as she stares off into the distance for a moment before she clears her throat. 
Your heart sinks in your chest. Jungkook hadn’t mentioned his grandfather before and seeing Minji now and going through with this plan was making you feel sick. 
“I hope we didn’t miss anything,” Saraí sings as she sets down a tray of hot drinks. She hands one to Minji before she takes one for herself. 
Aera and Dae join you, while Luna curls up under the Christmas tree on the tree skirt beside the presents. 
“I hope we did,” Jungkook utters, only to be elbowed by his older brother. 
“I saw a few photos on Instagram this week,” Seojun comments as he grabs a cookie. “You both look cute.”
Saraí helps Aera log into her account so she can see the photos on Instagram while you show Minji the pictures on your phone. 
“The two of you are adorable,” Minji coos as you show her another photo. Jungkook watches on from beside his father, the two sharing the couch closest to the fireplace. 
For a moment, Jungkook can pretend that it’s real. That you fit into his family perfectly, just like Saraí does. That they adore you just like he does and that you could possibly love him.
Thirty minutes later, Minji is yawning and calling for Luna. The two head upstairs slowly, yawning and wishing everyone a good night. 
“Oh, dear,” Aera says as she looks at you and Jungkook. “We gave Grandmother Jeon Seojun’s old room.”
You look at Jungkook with wide eyes. 
“You don’t mind sharing Jungkook’s old room, do you?” Aera asked as she and Saraí cleared up the drinks and cookies. “It’ll be just like at home.”
“Um… yeah,” you cough as you look at your feet. “Just like home.”
“Perfect,” Dae says as he helps clean up. “Why don’t the two of you unpack in Jungkook’s room, and we’ll see you in the morning?”
“Sure, Dad,” Jungkook takes your hand, saying goodnight to his family before leading you up the stairs. 
On the landing, you hear his grandmother and Luna snoring already, and you wonder how they could fall asleep so quickly. 
Jungkook leads you into the bedroom and shuts the door, pressing himself against it. 
You’re careful not to trip on his suitcase as you open yours to get your pajamas out. You’ve been following Hoseok’s strict clothing schedule and you’ve sent Hoseok photo confirmation every day so far.
“I’m so sorry,” Jungkook whispers as he walks toward you. “I never thought this would happen.”
“What do we do?” 
“I’ll sleep upstairs in the game room,” Jungkook answers. His back already hurts from imagining a night on the lumpy couch. 
“Your parents will know something’s up,” you hissed in response. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor, then,” Jungkook shrugs. “Problem solved.”
“But it’s your room. Your bed.”
“And I got you into this mess,” Jungkook frowns. “It’s only for a few nights, anyway. No biggie.”
You bite your lip but say nothing as you take your pajamas and step out of the bedroom to go to the bathroom. You change and brush your teeth before going to the room once again.  
Jungkook goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his skincare routine before returning to the room. 
He grabs extra blankets from the closet and a few pillows before he lies down on the floor.  
The two of you stare at the ceiling in silence. 
“Well, this is awkward,” Jungkook chuckles.
You throw a stuffed animal at him. 
“What? You were thinking about it!”
“You didn’t have to say it,” you grumble as you roll on your side to stare at him. You pull the covers over your shoulders, shivering in your oversized tee and pajama shorts. Hoseok dropped the ball with this one outfit, but maybe he didn’t care too much about your sleeping clothes. 
“Goodnight, sweet girlfriend of mine,” Jungkook coos, wiggling his toes in those dreaded toe socks. 
“Goodnight,” you huff, sticking your tongue out at him.
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Wednesday greeted you with Luna’s obnoxious barking. 
You groaned as you placed a pillow over your head, hoping to drown out the sound, but alas, it was no use. 
“Koo,” you whine, throwing a pillow at him. He grunts in response from his makeshift bed on the floor. 
“I hear it too,” he murmurs as he tries to cling to sleep, but it’s useless. 
Cursing, Jungkook sits up. He stretches and yawns for a minute before getting to his feet and folding his makeshift bed of blankets and pillows. His back and neck would be hating him all day. 
With all the excitement of Grandmother Jeon and your new sleeping arrangements, there wasn’t any time for any practice. 
Now you have bedhead and morning breath, and god, you hope you don’t have dried drool on the corner of your mouth. You can’t let Jungkook see you like this!
“Close your eyes!” You hiss as you scramble out of his bed. 
Jungkook's eyes widen in alarm. “What?! Why?!” 
“Just do it! Don’t look at me!” You hiss as you hear the barking move further away. You try to step over your fake boyfriend but trip on a blanket and fall beside him. 
Jungkook grunts when you elbow him in the stomach, and before either of you can move, the door opens, and Jungkook’s mother stands there with wide eyes. 
“Um, breakfast will be ready in a bit,” she says as she shuts the door as quickly as possible. Perhaps next time she’ll remember to knock, but after the commotion, she was worried someone was hurt. 
“Great,” Jungkook sighs as he falls back into his pillows to stare at the ceiling. 
What a great way to start his morning.
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Jungkook’s parents and grandmother are gone for the rest of the day. Something about slot machines and Grandmother Jeon feeling lucky… or did she say she was gonna get lucky?
“Luna Patrice Jeon,” you huff, stomping your foot as you try to get her coat on her, but she wriggles in Jungkook’s beefy arms. 
The two of you were supposed to be outside five minutes ago, and all your friends and their dogs were waiting for you and Jungkook. 
Jungkook had managed to put Luna’s booties on, but she was a squirmy little thing when it came to her coat and earmuffs. Minji had been very thorough with her instructions, and Jungkook promised to watch his aunt. 
His dog-aunt.
“Hi, pretty girl,” Seokjin coos as he lets himself into the Jeon home. 
Luna pants as Seokjin rubs between her ears and easily gets the coat on her. About four inches of snow had fallen overnight, and the dogs were eager to play at the park just down the road. 
“There we go, Luna. That wasn’t so bad, huh?” Seokjin grins as he kisses the dog on the forehead and puts the earmuffs on. 
“God, he’s a dog whisperer,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, but Seokjin ignores him as he sets Luna in the stroller with her blanket and some treats. He zips the stroller shut and carries it out onto the sidewalk. 
“I can’t help it if the ladies love me,” Seokjin smirks as he sends a wink your way. You smile bashfully, giggling when he blows you a kiss. 
“Hey!” Jungkook stomps his foot. His cute bunny nose scrunching. “You’re my girlfriend!”
“Better keep her close, JK!” Jimin teases as he pushes his dog stroller. 
Namjoon and his little dog wear matching coats and booties, leading the group down the road. Taehyung pushes his stroller, where his Pomeranian sleeps wrapped in a fluffy blanket, and Seokjin carries Hoseok’s dog that he may have snatched for this outing. 
“Who knew we’d end up pushing strollers this Christmas break instead of clubbing,” Yoongi chuckles as he meets up with you at the end of the block. In his stroller with the spinning rims sits his dog, Holly.
“Almost seems like we’re growing up,” Taehyung wipes a fake tear from his cheek as the group pushes the strollers on the sidewalk. 
“Who do you think will push one of these with an actual child first?” Namjoon asks as his dog sniffs the snow, his nose freezing at the contact. 
“Jungkook,” the group answers as Jimin and Taehyung push their strollers in a light jog, racing to the first tree they see a few feet away. 
“Pfft, why me? I’m the baby,” Jungkook protests. 
“Aren’t you the one with the breeding kink?” Yoongi smirks as he walks past the two of you.
Jungkook is left flabbergasted. His face rivals a tomato’s as he feels his ears burn just as bright. 
“I told you that in confidence!”
“Whoops!” Yoongi cackles as he joins the race between Tae and Jimin.  
Jungkook wonders if four inches of melting snow would be enough to drown him.
You push the stroller with Luna, giggling as you jog past Jungkook.
“Sucks for you!” You call over your shoulder. “I’m on the pill!”
Jungkook curses Yoongi, running after him as he threatens to end the Min line with him. 
Namjoon smiles as he walks beside Seokjin, enjoying the chaos he created from his question. 
“You’re an evil little man,” Seokjin cackles as Namjoon laughs and follows the group.
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Thursday afternoon is filled with last-minute Christmas shopping. 
Seojun and Saraí have joined you. Seokjin and Jimin tagged along, but it seemed they weren’t as necessary now as they thought they would be. 
Sure, Seokjin still curbed the conversation when you or Jungkook failed to answer a question or two about your relationship, but it wasn’t anything detrimental. The group honestly thought you had this in the bag, and with Christmas only three days away, there wasn’t a whole lot to worry about. 
Jungkook rubs his neck for the fifth time. He can’t seem to get rid of the soreness he’s gotten from sleeping on the floor. 
You pull him away after you lose Jimin and Seokjin in a department store with blasting Christmas music. 
“Sleep with me tonight,” you said as you held Jungkook’s hand in a surprisingly empty aisle. The hustle and bustle of shoppers falls into the background, and all Jungkook can hear is the rapid drumming of his heart.
“W-what?” He stutters with wide eyes. He toys with his lip ring, a nervous habit of his. 
“Sleep with me on the bed tonight, Kook. You’re obviously in a lot of pain, and I feel bad.” You frown as you turn him around to rub his neck and shoulders. 
Jungkook resists the urge to curse, biting his lip to hide a moan as you get into the muscles. Fuck, he really needed to sleep in a proper bed soon. 
“Are you sure?” Jungkook asks as he slowly pulls your hands off him to hold in his.
“It’s only for a few more days,” you shrug. “Grandmother Jeon leaves for her cruise before the new year, so why not?”
Jungkook is reluctant, but as a cramp hits his neck. 
He nods. “If you’re sure.”
“Definitely,” you smile as you lace your fingers with his to lead him out of the aisle. You lead him out of the store and toward the giant Christmas tree in the center of the mall. 
You take your phone out and snap a cute picture of the two of you before looking at it and see mistletoe on one of the branches above your head. 
Jungkook blushes as he pecks your lips, but you pull him back in for another kiss. You fist his jacket in your hand as you pull him close, your lips moving with his perfectly as the cool metal of his lip ring brushes your lips. You moan when he nips at your lip, gently sucking it before releasing it. 
His dark gaze sends tingles down your spine as you wrap your arms around his neck, and he leans in to kiss you again. 
“Tonight,” Jungkook murmured against your lips, the two of you stuck like magnets, unwilling to pull apart. 
“Tonight,” you agree as you kiss him again, your fingers tugging on his lush locks just enough to make him curse against your lips. 
“You’ll pay for that, baby,” he groans when you do it again.  
“I can’t wait, Koo.”
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Your shower takes longer than usual that night. You shave, exfoliate, and lotion every bit of you that Jungkook might touch. 
You’re nervous but excited at the thought of him touching you. Just kissing you nearly sends you over the edge sometimes, and the way he grips your hips as if he must be anchored to you to breathe, well, it’s a nice feeling. 
By the time you’re climbing into bed, the house is silent. Jungkook turns on his mood lamp, and his playlist plays softly in the background. 
He’s made sure to lock the door this time to keep his mother out. 
A purple towel is draped over his shoulders as he plops down on the desk chair. He gives his hair one more rub, but he’s already had the hairdryer on it for a bit. 
You try not to ogle his bare chest, the colorful sleeve of tattoos grabbing your attention almost 
immediately as he sets the towel down.  
“Mind if I sleep without a shirt on? I tend to run hot,” he explains as he tongues his ring. 
“That’s fine,” you squeak as heat rushes to your cheeks. You pull the covers to your chest, wiggling your toes as you avoid meeting his gaze. Though his abs are now in your view, and your thighs press together in response. What you wouldn’t give to kiss every beautiful ridge of his torso, taking your time on his sensitive brown nipples. You wonder if he’d ever get them pierced. 
“Need anything while I’m up, babe?” Jungkook asks as he stretches, his arms raised over his head and you nearly whimper as you feast on his perfect physique. 
You’re nearly salivating by the time he’s finished stretching. He tilts his head as he waits for your answer but you blink owlishly and finally meet his gaze. 
“Hmm?” You ask as you blink again as he laughs. He shakes his head as he crosses the distance between you, moving the blankets out of the way as he gets into bed with you. 
“You’re adorable,” he whispers as he pecks your nose.
You smile, clearing your throat as you lie on the bed. Jungkook turns on his side to face you, and you do the same. His arm drapes over your waist, and you snuggle in closer.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispers, almost as if it were a secret. Perhaps it is with the way he strokes your waist, refusing to make eye contact; afraid of what his words will shift. 
“I’m glad I’m here too, Kook. I don’t want to be anywhere else,” you admit as his gaze meets yours. He studies you for a few moments. His beautiful eyes sparkle like the stars in the night sky, shining brighter and brighter with each passing second until they flutter shut and his lips mold to yours. 
“Jungkook,” his name rolls off your tongue so sweetly. 
“Yeah, baby?” He asks in between kisses, his hands never straying from your hips until you guide them upward to cup your tits. He curses, dark eyes piercing through your soul as you make him squeeze them. 
“Fuck,” you whimper. 
Jungkook kisses you again, swallowing your moans as his thumbs brush your pert nipples. Your hands settle on his broad shoulders, nails digging into his skin as he trails kisses down your neck until he hits that one spot that has you seeing stars behind your lids.  
“Jungkook,” you sigh as you part your legs for him. He settles between them as your nails rake down his broad muscular back. You’d love to kiss every inch of it. Leave your mark behind for all to see. For now, you’ll settle for your scratch marks, storing each of his delicious sounds for later. 
Fiery lips meet yours as his hips rock against you. His hands feel every bit of you, moving when he notes any hesitation.
“Is this okay?” He asks softly, his gaze locked on yours. 
You nod.
“I need words, baby,” he says as he brushes his thumb along your jaw. “I need to hear it.”
“Please,” you swallow thickly, mesmerized by his soft doe eyes. “I want it. Want you.”
Jungkook traces your bottom lip with his thumb, admiring your beauty for a moment before he kisses you again as if it were the last time. 
Time means nothing to you as you melt beneath him. His hands are hot against your flesh, needy where they meet to pull you closer. Your name escapes him between moans and gasps, your hand guiding him between your legs. 
“Please,” you beg as he pushes your shorts to the side, groaning when he feels how wet you are. 
“No panties, darling?” He grins as he kisses your jaw and trails downward. 
“Didn’t think I needed them,” you gasp when his fingers brush your clit. He’s teasing you. He wants to see how far he can take you before you beg him for more, plead and whine until he gives you just what you need. 
Jungkook licks his lips, shaking his long hair out of his eyes before he tongues his lip ring. His breath fans against your heated skin, teeth gently nipping your earlobe as he whispers, “You were right.”
Your thighs shake at the sound of his seductive tone, spreading further for him as he lifts your shirt to bunch above your breasts. 
“Keep that right there, baby. Can you do that for me?” He raises a brow, and you nod. 
“Good girl,” he praises, kissing your lips before making his way down until his fingers are tugging on your flimsy sleep shorts. 
“Can I take these off?” Jungkook asks as he meets your eyes. You nod, feeling fire pool deep in your belly. You want him desperately, almost embarrassingly, with how soaked you are for him already. 
When he doesn’t make a move to take them off, you remember he wants you to be vocal about your consent.
“Yes, please.” 
Jungkook pulls the shorts down your legs at a snail’s pace, giving you enough time to change your mind if you wish to. You encourage him by lifting your hips and kicking the shorts off to be lost on his bedroom floor. 
You don’t get a chance to be self-conscious as he cups your face and kisses you so deeply, that you almost wonder if he’s in love with you. 
The pounding of your heart is deafening as the kiss deepens and his hips press against your cunt. Your name rolls off his tongue, cursing and groaning when his hard cock grinds against you. 
“You’ve soaked my sweatpants,” he laughs breathily, and you clench around nothing. Your face feels like it’s burning, but from lust or embarrassment, you’re not sure. Jungkook kisses your cheeks, your nose, and finally your lips. 
“S-sorry,” you apologized as he rubs your clit, his nimble fingers circling it just to make you whine. Jungkook teases your entrance with his tattooed fingers, loving the way you whimper and beg for more, biting your bottom lip to keep from getting too loud. 
“Fuck, baby,” you moan when he finally sinks two fingers in knuckle-deep. You clench around them as he slowly fucks them into you, his thumb rubbing your clit as he focuses on the rise and fall of your chest.  
Jungkook palms his cock with his other hand, moaning softly when your eyes lock. He smirks as you reach for him and he places your hand on his cock. 
“Can you take them off?” You ask bashfully, and he chuckles before slowly taking his fingers out of you. He sucks them into his mouth, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head as he gets a taste of you. 
Fuck, he’d have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for the rest of his life if you’d let him. 
Your thighs tremble as he steps back, cunt soaked and dripping onto his sheets. You’re the first girl he’s had in his bed like this and he hopes your scent lingers long after you’re back home. 
Jungkook is a vision. An Adonis among men. Michaelangelo himself would have shed a tear upon gazing at the masterpiece that is Jeon Jungkook. 
Speechless, you reach for him as he chuckles. He takes your hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it gently before placing it on his chest. 
“Do as you wish, my love,” Jungkook says as he follows your hand with his hooded gaze. 
Your brain seems to be empty of all thoughts except Jungkook. His name, his body, that sinful smile that tugs at the corner of his lips. He’s eyeing you with mirth, licking his lips as your hand descends until it’s cupping his erection. 
“Fuck,” he breathes as you stroke him, your fingers sliding under his boxers to feel the weight of him in your palm. He groans, whispering your name as you continue to stroke him, pausing only to spit in your hand. He takes the moment to tug his boxers off.
Jungkook kisses you as you touch him again, his fingers finding their home between your thighs as he gets you to nearly sing his name in praise as you tighten around him. 
“Wish you were wrapped around my fat cock, babe. I’d make you scream even louder,” he goads as you muffle your cries in his broad shoulder right beside his little scar. 
“Jungkook, please,” you beg as he kisses you deeply. It’s hot, messy, all teeth and tongues and desperate touches as his cock pressed against your clit. You’re soaking wet, dripping onto the sheets and allowing his cock to glide easily, the fat head bumping against your clit as your legs wrap around him trembling at his sides. 
“Koo!” You whine, biting down on his shoulder. Hasty kisses meet his skin as you soothe the pain of your love bite. Your body becomes overwhelmed with pleasure, arching into him as you orgasm, squeezing his fingers until they’re soaked beyond his wrist. 
Jungkook cries out your name, lips finding yours in a sloppy kiss that swallows his moans and groans as he cums all over your cunt. His hips rock against you until he’s well spent, cock too sensitive to go on. 
“Shit!” He breathes as he lies beside you with his arm over his head. 
You’re warm and sticky beside him, his cum coating your skin generously. Jungkook kisses your cheek as he pulls you to him, using his other hand to fix his boxers. 
He doesn’t like the way they cling to him and he’ll be sure to clean himself up as well as you before you go to sleep. 
Silence fills the space between you as you stare at each other with bashful smiles and gentle touches. Jungkook kisses your lips softly, his fingers caressing your cheek.  
“I really do like you, ya know,” he admits, and it sends your heart soaring into the heavens. 
You bite back a giant grin as you lace your fingers together. “I really like you too.”
Jungkook blushes, kissing you once more before he climbs out of bed to get cleaned up. He assures you he’ll be back in a few minutes and he cleans you up with a warm washcloth and helps you to the bathroom. 
Once you’re both in bed again, he snuggles into you. His fluffy hair splays on your chest as he snores softly. You smile to yourself as you hold back a yawn. 
Jungkook sleeps soundly as you stroke his hair, hoping this can be more than just pretend. 
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Christmas Eve brings a blanket of snow and Seojun and Saraí. 
Though you and Jungkook haven’t done more than fool around that one night, you’ve found it hard to keep your hands to yourself. 
Seojun, Saraí, and Jungkook took you sledding at one of their favorite spots. 
Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi were already there when you arrived, holding hands with Jungkook. 
“Where are Joon and Seokjin?” You ask as you hide your face from the wind on Jungkook's shoulder. He laughs as he tightens your scarf and kisses your head. 
“They went to pick up Hoseok at the train station. Hoseok’s parents are busy prepping for Christmas Eve dinner, and his sister is bringing someone home,” Jimin explains as he hands his sled to Taehyung to take a turn.  
“Sounds serious,” Yoongi comments with a sly grin. 
“My parents keep asking when I’ll bring someone home,” Jimin sighs. “Are you free next Christmas?”
Jungkook scoffs. “As if.”
“Not you.” Jimin rolls his eyes before saying your name. 
Yoongi laughs as Taehyung comes back. 
“I don’t think passing me around as a fake girlfriend is what your parents mean, Min,” you shake your head as you take the sled from Taehyung. 
Jimin shrugs. “Worth a shot.”
Jungkook glares at him before you tug him away to the top of the hill. He helps you onto the sled before he gets on behind you and pushes. You scream and close your eyes as you go down, laughing when you come to a stop moments later. 
“Wanna go again?” Jungkook grins as he helps you up. You shake your head as you pat the snow off your clothing. 
“I’m good,” you laugh. “Once was enough.”
The trek back up the hill is rough as you stomp in the snow to reach your friends. Jungkook hands the sled to Yoongi as he wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. 
Despite admitting to liking each other, you haven’t talked to determine what that means. For one, you kind of like this limbo you’re in where you’re not not together but also not truly faking either. 
At one point or another, you’ll have to have that conversation, but it’s Christmas Eve, and Jungkook looks too cute with his giant snowball. 
Oh, no.
He’s heading toward you and Jimin. This is what happens when you get lost in thought. Jimin grabs your hand and pulls as Yoongi and Taehyung run in the opposite direction.  
Jungkook cackles as he chases after you and Jimin. The snowball rises high in the air as he shouts, “Come get your Christmas gift, Park!”
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Luna herds the family up the stairs later that night when she’s ready for bed.
Jungkook and you wear your matching pajamas. An evening of food, laughter, and photos has drained you as you go up the stairs after Minji and Luna. 
Jungkook keeps his hand on your lower back, guiding your sleepy self up the stairs and down the hall. 
“Goodnight, honey,” Minji kisses Jungkook’s cheek and then yours. 
You smile as you climb into bed with Jungkook beside you. His mood lamp is on, and you’re grateful for the pink stars that light the ceiling. Even at your age, you’re still a little scared of the dark.  
“What’s on your mind?” Jungkook asks as he rolls to his side to face you. 
You face him, your fingers laced with his. 
“I’m just really glad I came to your home for the holidays. It’s been amazing. You, your family, everything has been perfect.” you smile warmly as he brings your knuckles to his lips to kiss gently. 
“I’m glad you came. I know this whole thing has been a little odd, but getting to know you and being here with you has been the best part of this Christmas.” Jungkook pecks you on the lips, unable to control the smile that lights up his face. 
Your gaze holds his, the sparkle in his eyes making you fall for him a little more as they grow brighter with each passing second.
“Kiss me,” you whisper as you lean in closer, and he closes the distance between you with his lips. They’re soft and taste like strawberry chapstick when they brush against your lips. You break apart for a moment, his eyes revealing more than you want to speak of now. 
Instead, you whisper, “Kiss me again.”
Slowly, Jungkook kisses you again. He cups your face while you tug on his shirt, quickly removing it from him. 
His breathy laugh brushes your skin as he noses at your throat. “Eager?”
“Shut up,” you hiss, climbing on top of him as his hands grip your hips. 
Jungkook groans at your words, licking his lips as you take your top off to discard on the bedroom floor. Your fingers make quick work of your bra and soon you’re left topless and horny on top of him. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook curses as he gets an eyeful of your breasts and nearly drools as his hands move upwards to cup them in his hands. You moan his name when his fingers brush the sensitive nipples, making them peak. 
As much as he loves seeing you on top, Jungkook wants to take his time with you. This was a turn of events he wasn’t expecting, otherwise, he would have waited for your first time together to be at his place, in private where you could scream his name as loud as you wanted. 
However, he won’t pass up the chance to have you. You’ve had such a hard time keeping your hands off each other even around your friends. Stealing kisses and sneaking off to make out in dim hallways and busy restaurant alleys. Light touches under tables, lustful looks shared across the room until you could sneak off together and kiss as if your lives depended on it. 
If Jungkook could do this all over again, he would. Only he’d make you his from the get-go. But that’s a thought for another time as your hands glide up his torso, moaning at the sight of him. 
“Jungkook,” his name tumbles so sweetly from your kiss-swollen lips. 
His breath fans across your face as he chuckles. His dark locks create a curtain between you. Slowly, your fingers push his hair out of the way to find his sparkling eyes locked on yours. You melt beneath him as he kisses you. 
Your hands grip his strong shoulders as your legs wrap around his hips to pull him close. Jungkook laughs at your eagerness, teeth nipping your bottom lip before releasing it. 
Jungkook kisses his way down to your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin until his name fills the bedroom. You cover your mouth to muffle your moans, but he’s quick to remove it. 
With lust-filled eyes, you watch as he takes your hand and brings it to his lips, kissing each fingertip until he’s kissing your palm and moving upwards. 
Jungkook wants to take his time with you. Show you his appreciation from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. He knows you’ll only let him do so much before you beg for more, more, more…
Like clockwork, your fingers thread through his hair directing his lips to yours as you kiss him with everything you’ve got. He moans against your lips, cursing when you tug on his bottom lip. 
Your hands move downward across the massive expanse of his back, each muscle rippling beneath your touch as you arch into him. Your hips grind against him, the thin material of your shorts already soaking wet with your arousal. 
Jungkook nearly growls when he feels it, cock throbbing in the next moment. He hikes your leg up higher on his waist, his hand grabbing your ass as his lips feverishly seek yours. 
Gasps and moans fill the space between you in between hot, needy kisses that make your toes curl. Panting, you beg him for more as his hands tug your shorts off to toss on the bedroom floor; forgotten until morning. 
You lay bare beneath him as he sat back on his haunches. His hands lace with yours, a soft bashful smile on his lips. 
“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, his eyes never straying from yours as he leans in for a kiss. 
Jungkook’s had enough teasing. His hands grip your thighs, cursing when he feels your wetness on your skin. He slowly rubs your clit, his dark hooded gaze on yours. 
“Fuck, baby,” he curses as he moves his fingers downward and slowly slides them inside you. He watches you closely; loves the way your eyes flutter shut and your teeth sink into your bottom lip as he curls his fingers and rubs your clit with his thumb. 
“Kook,” you moan when he goes faster, slipping a little deeper just to watch you tremble. “Fuck me.”
You’re tired of waiting. You’ve wanted this since before you shared your first kiss and now being naked in his bed is becoming too much. You’ve dreamed of this time and time again and it’s about to become a reality if Jungkook can stop teasing you and just split you open. 
You’ll beg, plead, and cry if you have to just for a taste of him. Just for a moment of sweet bliss. 
“Please,” you beg as your hands palm over his cock in his pajama pants. You’re quick to tug them downward and Jungkook laughs at your excitement. He gets off the bed to kick them off and your mouth waters at the sight of his thick cock as he wraps his hand around it and strokes it. 
You bite your bottom lip, watching him intently until you’re getting on your knees and crawling to the edge of the bed. 
Jungkook groans when your hand wraps around his length. Your tongue licking the head teasingly. His gaze burns into the top of your head as your lips wrap around him. You relax your jaw as you take him in further, drooling all over yourself as you remind yourself to breathe through your nose. 
He feels heavy on your tongue as you open wider. His hands grip your hair hesitantly before you pull off him. 
“Don’t be scared,” you giggle. “I won’t break.”
“Fuck,” Jungkook groans as you wrap your lips around him once again. He lets you find your pace, not pushing too deep before he’s guiding you. Your hand rolls his balls while the other strokes him. 
“Just like that. Fuck,” Jungkook throws his head back, the mood lamp illuminates the room, accentuating the veins in his neck, and he curses again. You moan around him, slurping as you get messy, bobbing up and down, gagging on his fat cock while Jungkook loses his mind over your pretty lips. 
He pulls on your hair, using it to fuck your mouth until your nose presses to his abdomen. You choke, pulling off him to catch your breath. 
“You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth,” Jungkook tongues his lip ring as he takes you in. You’re breathing heavily trying to catch your breath. Your hair is mussed from him tugging on it, and your lips are smeared with spit and his pre-cum. You look beautiful.
Jungkook leans forward, kissing you. All teeth and tongue, unable to resist how gorgeous you look in that moment. 
It’s not too long before you’re back on the bed with your legs spread wide open for him, begging for his cock once again. 
“So needy,” Jungkook coos as he strokes himself, the fat head of his cock brushing your clit. 
“Please,” you whimper, trying to raise your hips in hopes that he’ll just slide right in. “Fuck.”
Jungkook bites his lip. He’s never seen anyone so desperate for his dick. It makes him throb as he teases your entrance and a whine of his name escapes you, nails digging into his back. 
“Don’t make me find someone else,” you huff. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes as he kisses your jaw, trailing upward to your ear before taking the lobe between his teeth. 
“They can’t fuck you as good as I will,” he laughs cockily. 
You arch into him, lips meeting his in a needy kiss as he slides into you. The stretch is wonderful. Stars illuminate your vision as Jungkook’s lips muffle the moan that threatens to wake the whole house. 
The two of you have managed to keep the noises down to a reasonable level but Jungkook knows his luck might run out if he gets too carried away. Shit, he should have waited until he had you to himself at his apartment or even your dorm. 
“Gotta be quiet, baby. Or I’ll have to stop,” Jungkook whispers as he sinks in further. “You don’t want me to stop, do you?”
“No, please don’t stop. Koo,” you press your lips to his shoulder as he goes deeper, gripping your thighs with his large hands. He settles between your legs perfectly, cursing at the ceiling at how warm and wet you feel wrapped around him. It’s better than he could have ever imagined. 
Jungkook grabs both of your legs, throwing them over his left shoulder as he pummels into you. 
Tears flow down your cheeks. The pleasure is too overwhelming, lighting your body ablaze with each deep thrust that rewards you. 
“So tight,” Jungkook grunts as his hair falls over his eyes. He pushes it back with his tattooed hand before moving it down to grope your breast, his fingers rolling your nipple just to listen to the sweet cries that escape you. 
You tighten around him, soaking his cock as you cover your mouth with your hand. 
Jungkook smiles, fucking you deeper, harder. Your cunt clings to him, thighs shaking as he holds your legs to his chest. His lips press a kiss to your calf before you dig your nails into the sheets beneath you, beyond ruined. 
The creaking of the mattress is louder than Jungkook would like, but you look like you’re about to combust. His name leaves your lips in quick succession, nearly panting as tears roll down your cheeks, leaving behind stains as you bite your hand to keep from screaming his name as you tighten around him when you cum. 
Jungkook fucks you slower, eyes focused on where your bodies connect. He waits for you to calm down, leaning forward to kiss your lips. 
“Can you go for one more?” Jungkook asks in between kisses, your tongue meeting his as he cups your face. 
“Yes,” you answer honestly, wanting more of him. 
Jungkook kisses you one more time, moaning into the kiss as you clench around his cock. He nearly growls when you do it again, moving your hips against his.  
“Let me get you on your hands and knees, darling,” Jungkook says as he pulls out of you and you whine at the loss. 
Jungkook chuckles. “Easy, doll. You’ll have my ego growing bigger.”
You laugh, flipping him off. Jungkook laughs, leaning forward to gently nibble on your finger before you rip it out of his mouth.
Smirking, Jungkook helps you onto your knees as you plant your hands on the bed, arching your back. 
Jungkook runs his tattooed hand over your back, gently slapping your ass just to watch it jiggle. He couldn’t lie, seeing you in jeans made his mouth water and there were a few times he had to excuse himself after staring at it for too long. 
“Kook,” you say his name in a wanton tone that makes him melt. 
Your eyes lock and he smiles as he grabs your ass in both hands, spreading you open for him. Your face grows hot as you turn around, unable to handle the dark lust-filled gaze he rewarded you with. 
Jungkook doesn’t waste any more time as he lines himself up at your entrance, cursing when you welcome him easily. 
His hands grip your hips tightly, almost enough to bruise. His name rolls off your tongue. You nearly drool when he reaches places others have only dreamed of. 
You're so warm, so wet. It nearly drives him insane as he spears you on his cock. You’re soaking him, absolutely drenching him, and ruining him for anyone else. You’re the only one he wants, the only one he could ever want, and as he throws his head back in pleasure, he loses himself to thoughts he’d only shared with Yoongi. 
“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook growls, gripping your ass as he continues to fuck you. He cards his hand through his hair, feeling sweat bead on his brow as you grow restless and fuck yourself on his dick. 
“Just like that, baby. Use me. Use my cock. Fuck,” Jungkook groans as you fuck yourself on him, panting and moaning. He can see you biting down on his pillow, cunt pulsing around him as you scream into the pillow trying to keep quiet. 
Jungkook watches you for another moment or two before he’s slamming into you. You cry out, face buried in his pillow as he grabs handfuls of your hips and ass, unable to decide what to use to anchor himself as he fills you again and again. 
“Fuck, darling. You feel so good wrapped around me,” Jungkook grunts as his eyes flutter shut. His body tingles all over, and your moans are growing in octaves despite the pillow clenched between your teeth soaked with spit and tears. 
The obscene smacking of your coupling is almost too loud but Jungkook can’t be damned to give a single fuck as you clench around him, nearly milking his cock. He moans your name and curses as you tighten around him, moaning incoherently as you orgasm once again. Your poor legs shake as you ride it out, sobbing unintelligibly into the bed as praises you. 
“Want to fuck you full of my cum, baby,” Jungkook can’t help himself as he thrusts in deeper. He’s so close. His lip is caught between his teeth as you fuck yourself weakly on his cock, your body still tingling. 
“Please, do it,” you spur him on as you clench around him, tempting him. 
“Gonna fill you up until you’re dripping. Gonna fuck it all back into you, baby. Make you think of me all day.” Jungkook curses as you meet each of his thrusts, his fingers finding your sensitive clit as you muffle a wail of his name in your hand.
“Come on, love. Just one more for me, pretty girl,” Jungkook encourages as he nears the edge. He curses, losing himself as he fills you, and you tighten around him, soaking him and the sheets. A whimper escapes you as you fall forward on the bed, utterly spent. 
Jungkook exhales deeply as he fills you to the brim before pulling out. He’s tempted to spread your legs and set them on his broad shoulders, lick you clean, and put you to bed. 
But you’re spent, eyes barely open as you reach for him. 
Jungkook kisses you gently. “Gotta clean you up, babe.”
You groan, legs already feeling sore. Jungkook helps you out of bed. He puts a shirt on you and opens his bedroom door as quietly as possible. He peeks into the hallway, making sure the coast is clear before he leads you to the bathroom. 
Jungkook made sure you were steady enough to not fall before he ran to the room to change the sheets and pillowcases. By the time you’re back, he’s in a pair of boxers. 
“Get in bed, babe,” he instructs as he helps you in and tucks you in. “I’ll be right back.”
You watch him go, waiting for him and smiling when he comes back a few minutes later with some water. He lets you drink a bit before he gets into bed beside you. 
You curl into him, still unsure of what all this means, but you don’t care much when he wraps you up in his arms and holds you close. 
“Sleep well, darling.”
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Christmas morning passes in a whirlwind of breakfast and movies. Lots of stories from Jungkook’s childhood; few you heard from the man himself and more from his parents. Jungkook grows embarrassed soon, but nothing beats the flush on his cheeks when his mother pulls out the photo albums. Lunch came and passed with more stories and photos as Jungkook hid his face on your shoulder.
It’s not until after dinner that you’re all gathered in the living room with Minji and the Jeons. 
“Come here, dear,” Minji pats the spot beside her as she holds a large pink photo album in her lap. One she brought for your arrival. 
Jungkook sits on the arm of the couch next to you, curious eyes on the album as Minji opens it and takes out two envelopes. 
One she hands to Jungkook and the other to you. 
You’re confused. The family had exchanged gifts just after dinner with good wishes and warm coffee and cookies. Wrapping paper and gift bags still littered the living room floor. 
“The two of you are so good together,” Minji comments as Jungkook kisses the top of your head. “I had this same talk with Saraí and Seojun when he first brought her home. Same with your father and your mother, and now you.”
Minji places a hand on yours. “I first met Jungkook’s grandfather at the Christmas parade in town. Oh, we couldn’t stand each other one bit!”
Jungkook chuckles as he listens to his grandmother.
“We were assigned the same parade float, and I swear that man was as stubborn as a mule! He wanted goats instead of reindeer, fireworks instead of candles, and he wanted me to be Santa! He said he’d be an elf! He was over six feet tall! An elf!” Minji shakes her head as she points to a photo of her as an elf and who you assume to be Jungkook’s grandfather as Santa. 
“I arm wrestled him for it!” Minji exclaims proudly. “In front of his friends, and I won fair and square! I grew up with three brothers.”
You laugh as she turns the page, and Minji sits with her brothers. They all smile in the photo and make silly faces. 
“I thought he’d be embarrassed that I beat him. But I got my way. I stood my ground and he claimed that’s when he knew I was the one for him,” Minji continues as she flips the page and runs her fingers over her wedding photo. 
Tears pool in your eyes as you look at Jungkook. He looks like he’s about to cry, and guilt fills your chest. 
“That man gave me a wonderful life. Beautiful children and cute grandkids. I miss him every day. Stubborn man he was, but there was nothing we couldn’t get through together.” Minji wipes a stray tear before smiling fondly. 
“Anyway,” she sniffles as she sets the album on the coffee table. 
“I wanted to give you two something special to get you started. I know you haven’t been together for too long, but Jungkook looks at you the way his grandfather looked at me and you the way I looked at him. I know it deep in my soul that you two belong together.” Minji smiles warmly as she takes your hand and Jungkook’s. “Be good to each other.”
You wipe a few tears and look at Jungkook. He opens the envelope, and it holds a photo of a home (not an apartment) with the address written on the back and a small gold key. 
You can’t do this. 
Not anymore.
The Jeons have welcomed you with open arms and all you’ve done is lie to them. Guilt washes over you in waves as you force yourself not to cry. This is wrong. 
You hand the envelope back to Minji before rising to your feet. Your heart pounds in your chest, nearly deafening you as you try (and fail) to steel yourself. 
“We lied,” you state, wringing your hands in front of you. 
Jungkook frowns as he hands his envelope back to Minji. Guilt bubbles deep in his belly, and he knows this has gone too far. He should have never gone on with this scheme. Conning his grandmother? He felt terrible. He should have told the truth from the beginning. 
“We aren’t a couple,” Jungkook admits, feeling the confused stares of his family. “We lied to you all.”
Aera and Dae stare at their youngest son and then at you. 
Minji shakes her head.
“I lied,” Jungkook continues as he takes your hand. “She had nothing to do with it. I begged her to help me. I’m so sorry, Grandmother Jeon.”
Seojun stares with furrowed brows as Saraí places her hand on his shoulder. He couldn’t fathom why his little brother would lie.
“I thought Grandmother Jeon would give me an apartment or something if she thought I was seeing someone seriously like Seojun.” Jungkook hangs his head in shame. “The lie kept growing and growing until I was too embarrassed to tell the truth. I never meant to hurt anyone. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not all his fault, Grandmother Jeon,” you said as you squeezed his hand. “I agreed to help. You’ve all been so welcoming, and I didn’t have a place to go for the holidays, and I agreed. We never intended to harm anyone. We’re both so sorry.”
Minji laughs from her seat, surprising Aera and Dae. 
“I know all about your little scheme,” Minji laughs, shaking her head as if this were the most comical thing she has witnessed. “Jimin’s grandmother hits the slot machines with me, and that boy sure loves to open his mouth. I’ve known since I arrived, honey.”
“Jungkook! Why would you lie? You know you could have told us anything!” Aera crosses her arms as she scolds her son. 
“I just felt pressured,” Jungkook admits, and his mother sinks. “I hadn’t dated in a while, and I know you’d like to see me married like Seojun, but it just seemed like this is what everyone wanted from me.”
“Son,” Dae approaches him, hugging him. “We know we can be a little pushy, and I promise you will no longer feel pressured to settle down. We just got excited over Seojun. We wanted you to have the same happiness and partnership he and Saraí do.”
“Your father’s right,” Aera nods as she hugs Jungkook. “Oh, my baby! I’m so sorry for pressuring you! I just worry about you being alone so far away.”
“I’m fine, mom. I’ve got friends, and now I have her.” Jungkook reaches for you once his parents release him from their hugs.
Aera hugs you. “I’m so sorry for all this. We enjoy having you here. You’ve made our son and family so happy with your presence. It’s been a joy getting to know you and seeing how happy you’ve made our Kookie.”
You smile, hugging her tight before Minji hands Jungkook the envelope again. 
“That’s yours to do as you please,” she states as she hands you your envelope.
You open it and gasp when you see two tickets to a resort you’ve wanted to go to. They’re dated for Spring Break.
“I’ve got a place down there that you’re welcome to visit during your vacation, but Jimin’s grandmother and I will be busy partying.”
“Mother!” Dae exclaims in shock. 
“What? I’m old enough to drink! I’ve been old enough to drink.” she shakes her head with a laugh. 
“I can’t accept this.” you try to return it, but Minji won’t take it. 
“No takebacks!” She grins as she rises from the couch, and Luna follows her, yapping at her ankles. 
“Should we go see the Christmas lights?” Seojun suggests as he rises to his feet and helps Saraí. 
The family heads out to join the rest of the neighborhood on a walk. Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Seokjin join you as you let your families go on ahead without you. 
“How’d it go?” Hoseok asks as he shivers, his ears peeking from his beanie. 
“Yeah,” Seokjin grins. “Did you get the apartment?”
“Did the plan work?” Taehyung questions. 
“Yes,” you say with a wry smile. 
“And no.” Jungkook shakes his head. 
“Huh?” Yoongi furrows his brows. 
“Jimin needs to learn that gossiping with your grandmother can bite you in the butt!” Jungkook hisses as he laces his fingers with yours. 
Jimin pales, turning his head and whistling to appear nonchalant. 
“Yeah, Min!” You agree with a laugh as Jungkook kisses your cheek. 
“I thought she’d forget!” Jimin defends as he gets playfully shoved by his friends. The snow crunches beneath your feet as you continue to walk, the glow of the Christmas lights reflecting on the snow. 
“Oh no,” you giggle. “Jimin’s grandmother told Grandmother Jeon.”
“And she knew the moment she stepped into the house,” Jungkook sighed with a shake of his head. 
“Whoops!” Jimin laughs. 
“So much for ‘Con Jungkook’s Grandma, huh?” Namjoon sighed as a chill ran through him. His scarf fluttered in the light wind as snowflakes fell from the sky. 
“Shut up!” Jungkook laughs as he stops to form a snowball. 
Seokjin laughs, pulling Yoongi with him as they run away from Jungkook. 
Hoseok and Jimin slam into each other in their haste to escape the ricocheting snowball that smacks Namjoon in the chest. 
Namjoon curses, forming a snowball as Taehyung runs away, following Yoongi and Seokjin, begging them to protect him. 
You laugh as you take off, running with Jungkook as Namjoon hurls a snowball in your direction. 
Laughter fills the streets of the neighborhood as more people join the snowball fight while you jog away with Jungkook, holding hands as you hide behind a tree for cover. 
You’re pressed to his chest, peeking to see if you’ve been discovered yet, but being so far away from everyone just means silence surrounds you. 
The evening is quiet as snow continues to fall, and Jungkook wraps his scarf around you to keep you warm. You’re wearing matching coats, hands warm in your gloves as he pulls you closer. 
Everything fades into nothingness as his gaze meets yours. His hand is gentle when he cups your face. His gaze flits to your lips and back to your eyes. 
“You know this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” Jungkook whispers. 
“Me too,” you whisper as you hold his gaze.
“There’s only one thing that would make it better,” Jungkook smiles softly.
“And what’s that?” You ask as you bite your bottom lip.
“If you were mine,” Jungkook said with a dimpled smile. “For real this time.”
“I think I can make that happen,” you tease with a coquette smile. “But only with a kiss.”
Chuckling, Jungkook cups your face. “As you wish, baby.”
Jungkook captures your lips with his own, moaning when your fingers thread in his hair. He kisses you deeply as snowflakes coat your hair and his. 
There’s nothing better than kissing Jungkook, your boyfriend. The word makes your heart skip a beat as he deepens the kiss, soft moans escaping the both of you as your lips move in sync. 
Jungkook can’t help but be elated. His heart flutters as he realizes this is your first Christmas together. The first of many. He can see his future in your eyes—a home, a marriage, and children running down these streets covered in snow and Christmas lights. 
There’s nothing more he could ever want.
When he catches your gaze, a bashful smile appears on your lips as you ask, “What?” 
Jungkook shakes his head slightly, “Nothing. Just thinking about next Christmas.” 
“Oh, will I be back?” You ask cheekily as he pulls you closer, the laughter of your friends ringing in the background as they grow closer. 
“Definitely.” Jungkook seals his promise with a kiss just as your friends arrive, hooting as they circle you.
 “Come on, lovebirds,” Namjoon huffs. “Momma Jeon’s got hot chocolate and cookies waiting for us.” 
You laugh as Jungkook takes your hand, smiling as his friends race down the sidewalk to be the first on Momma Jeon’s porch. You smile, imagining all your Christmases like this, with your friends and Jungkook at your side. 
Before you reach his home, Jungkook stops you just beneath the door frame before pointing up. Mistletoe hangs above your head, and you share a smile. Jungkook gently places his hand on your cheek, his thumb caressing it as he whispers, “Merry Christmas.” before he kisses you.
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<&lt; part one
© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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lalitaprojects · 2 years
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baddywronglegs · 3 months
I don't think I ever used to get "uncanny valley", like things looked either right or wrong and I didn't think there was anything between the two. Things that had that effect on others just looked off enough to me to evoke more disappointment than anything.
Is that an autism thing? It feels like one.
Anyway, that was before AI image generators came along.
You might've seen the post where @galadriel1010 showed how I came to be here, including a screenshot of me using Bing's image creator to show how badly a machine can misunderstand the concept of "centaur". I've toyed with image generation AI since it went public, and had it been done differently, it could have been an amazing tool in an artist's kit. Reference images on demand, content-aware fill so you never have to draw every individual hair or brick again.
That's not the direction they took.
Instead they tried to be art. But they didn't stop to ask what art is. They just shoved as much stolen art as they could in a black box and hoped if they boiled it long enough they could condense art from the vapours.
And now I get uncanny valley.
Because I've never seen a Midjourney or Stable Diffusion output or whatever out on the wider internet and not been struck by the jarring feeling that something is wrong.
I draw things on the line between comedy and body horror. My ideal reaction to anyone looking at my art is for someone to laugh "No!"; I can appreciate Slightly Off done well, and that's not what this is.
It's like playing Where's Wally but Wally is an extra finger, or a strand of hair which at some point becomes the furniture, or the fact that all of their teeth are incisors. The friendliest tooth, for the friendliest smile from a face which doesn't know what either friendliness or a smile is.
You can't get a pose reference from a computer that doesn't understand what your spine is for.
I'm grateful to the Willy Wonka experience for its part in the death spiral of generative AI as "art". Thank you for doing so little to mask the inadequacies and shortcomings of mechanised plagiarism.
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faebaex · 6 months
Tangled in Wonderland - Tall, Tall Tales
author note: Eeeeek this is very, very late! A lot of stuff has happened and yada yada but I’m here and I’m sorry! I’m still going to continue with this and I hope I can get back on track with writing this because I’m really enjoying this event! This instalment follows on directly from the Scarabia one, I hope you all enjoy!
characters: Floyd Leech x GN!Reader
Oh no.
Your whole body froze up in an instant at the sound of that familiar, unhinged voice. Clearly, fate had decided you hadn’t gone through enough punishment today and decided to add a little bit more spice to your day. And by spice, it meant perhaps one of the most chaotic entities you have ever met. You looked around wildly, trying to spot him as quickly as you could so you could run. He was right on the path leading up to the Hall of Mirrors, roguish grin on his face as he waved both his arms at you. Your only choice was to go back inside and escape through one of the mirrors.
“Stay away from me, Leech!” You snapped, not even bothering with your usual faux attempt to be cordial as you turned on your heel, bolting towards the mirrors. If you could just get through the Heartlabyul mirror, you’d be—
“Aha~! Got you.” Breathed a husky voice right by your ear, suddenly tugged straight off your feet and into the air by the lanky arms that coiled around your midsection, your back flush against his chest.
“Shrimpy is so mean, callin’ me by just my last name! Even when I’ve gone through all the effort to give you a lil nickname too!” Floyd mourned, swinging you around the Hall of Mirrors, your legs swinging perilously out in front of you whilst you clutched onto his arms for dear life and let out a small, undignified scream. “Aah, maybe you thought I was Jade? Because I was really far away? Then maybe I can forgive you, Shrimpy…” His sharp teeth were uncomfortable close to your ear as he let out a little laugh, “or maybe I can just keep spinnin’ you around!”
Floyd picked up the speed of his spinning, his manic laughter drowning out your screams and for a moment, you thought this might be how it all ended… But then you remembered, the Leech twins thrive off of fear in their victims, so you sucked it up and started hitting him on his arms to get his attention. If your legs ended up breaking one of the mirrors, you’d never hear the end of it from Crowley…
“P-put me down, Floyd! I am not a toy!” You cried out, and thankfully your repeated hitting of his arms managed to get his attention, for he finally slowed to a stop. The world spun around you, making you semi-grateful for his arms around your waist. They were the only thing holding you up, at this point.
“Eh? Are you sure you’re not a toy? Azul said somethin’ real interesting the other day…”
Uh oh.
“Did he now…” You remarked, feigning disinterest as best as you could as your vision finally began to right itself again.
“Mhmmm~” Floyd mused against your ear, and you just knew this couldn’t be good, “he said you know things. Things that you should have no way of knowing. Kinda like one of those magic 8 ball things.” Floyd continued, before his mouth split into a broad, terrifying grin. “Maybe if I shake you a little, you’ll tell me all sorts of things too.”
“Floyd, don’t—”
It was too late. You clung to Floyd’s arms as he began to shake you erratically, like you were a chocolate bar stuck in a vending machine. Your head collided with his shoulder multiple times, not hard enough to hurt but definitely jarring in its own way as the world once again became dizzying. Floyd seemed to be enjoying himself, his mocking laughter filling the small hall as he watched your rattled expression.
“Oh magic Shrimpy ball, oh magic Shrimpy ball,” he chanted as he continued to shake you, finally beginning to slow down as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “why did you walk out of the Scarabia mirror just a moment ago?”
Ah, of course he saw that.
With as much strength as you could muster in your dizzy state, you threw an elbow back into his chest, feeling some satisfaction when you heard him let out a small ‘oof’. “That’s none of your business,” you grumbled, your lips turned downwards in distaste. “and that isn’t even how a magic 8 ball works! You’re supposed to ask the question first and then shake it… Don’t start shaking me again!” You quickly warned as a follow up, turning your head to give Floyd a glare. He just gave you that little frustrating grin right back.
“It’s not my fault Shrimpy, I have all this pent-up energy ‘cause you’ve been avoiding me. I’ve missed you.” As if to punctuate his words, he started to squeeze you, and you found yourself once again whacking his arms to get him to release you.
“Floyd! There is no need—” You gasped out, feeling some of your joints cracking harmlessly from the pressure but a tightness building near your ribs that promised pain if he didn’t stop soon. You gasped out a breath when he finally eased up his hold, but very nearly choked when you realised he was waltzing right towards the Octavinelle mirror.
“Floyd, put me down!”
“Nah, Shrimpy, don’t feel like it. Let’s hang out!” Floyd responded in his usual lackadaisical manner, stepping through the Octavinelle dormitory mirror without pause. It was odd, feeling the usually surreal feeling of a bubble forming around you as you floated towards the dorm, but on top of that, Floyd was still holding you, back flush against his chest with your legs dangling in front of you. You can’t imagine how ridiculous it looked.
Floyd walked you straight into the Mostro Lounge without a care in the world, heading straight for one of the unoccupied booths.
“Oya,” you heard another terribly familiar voice as you passed the bar, “I see you have acquired a valuable customer, Floyd. Please enjoy your stay.” Jade hummed with a short bow, not even bothering to hide his toothy grin as he observed your plight. You didn’t even get a chance to scowl before Floyd was bundling you into a booth, none too gently either.
“What? You told me to put you down.” Floyd drawled when you shot him a glare, sitting opposite you and spreading himself out on the available space. He leaned his elbows onto the table, propping his head up with one palm as he stared straight at you.
“Ne, Shrimpy… Why don’t you tell me what you said to Azul the other week to make him come back all shaken up?” Floyd hummed, his smile seeming playful, but you could already see the predatory glint in his eye.
You narrowed your eyes slightly, unsure of what Floyd’s motive was here.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You responded demurely, keeping tight lipped. Floyd’s smile widened, sharp teeth on full display as he leaned forward. “Don’t be like that, Shrimpy! You should have seen it, it was hilarious!” Floyd cackled thumping his hand on the table in front of them, “he came rushin’ back to the Lounge, all pale faced and jumpy, and then locked himself in the VIP room.”
A cocktail glass filled with a blue liquid and decorated with a star shaped garnish was elegantly placed in front of you. A similar glass was placed in front of Floyd. “Yes, Azul was very startled when he returned to the Lounge the other week. We were very worried.” Jade confirmed, folding his hands in front of him, faux concern colouring his tone, but the amusement shone through his close eyed smile.
“I didn’t order this.” You responded dryly, as Floyd already pulled his straw to his mouth and took a gulp from his drink. “Aww just try it Shrimpy, it’s my own recipe! It’s good, see!” He stuck his tongue out, revealing his stained bright blue tongue. You pushed your glass away from you. Yeah, you definitely weren’t going to be trying that.
“I’m positively hurt, prefect. I mixed that with care, just for you.” Jade hummed, his eyebrows down turning in a look of fake hurt. You ignored him.
“We could hear Azul muttering to himself in the VIP room. ‘Who are they’, ‘how do they know that’. He got so mad when we used Jade’s key to unlock the door. You should have seen his face, Ahaa~”
“You spied on your own friend? You guys are ruthless.” You commented casually, and Floyd only grinned at you wider, Jade’s expression not changing from his solemn one.
“The VIP room was quite the mess, too. Papers all over the floor. Azul wouldn’t even let me help him clean it all up, it must have taken him hours.” Jade added, his smile looking more and more devious by the minute.
“So tell us what you did, Shrimpy.” Floyd prodded.
“Yes tell us, prefect.” Jade coaxed.
Both of the Leech twins stared you down, razor sharp smiles on their faces as they attempted to intimidate you into revealing what happened between you and Azul in the library that day. You were starting to see now why Azul insisted on referring to them as just colleagues.
You were in a bit of a bind here. You expected the stunt you pulled on Azul to have some backlash, and you really didn’t want to make the Leech twins anymore interested in you than they already were. And for whatever reason, Azul hadn’t divulged what you had said to him to Jade and Floyd, who were his closest confidants. Or, this was some sort of elaborate ruse that they had strategized to wheedle the information out of you. Either way, you thought you should probably tread with caution here…
… But Azul had been bothering you again lately…
You leaned back into your seat, looking sheepishly away from them both and staring at the smooth pearlescent surface of the table. “I don’t know guys, it’s kind of… Embarrassing…” You muttered. You caught Jade and Floyd sharing a look between each other before they leaned in closer, like sharks tasting blood.
“Ne, it’s okay, you can tell us, Shrimpy…”
“It might make you feel better to get it off your chest, prefect…”
Hook, line and sinker.
You glanced up at them, the both of them leaning in uncomfortably close but you masked your distaste by rubbing your arm, as if you were feeling flustered by just thinking about the situation. “Well, um…” You began, pausing for dramatic effect, Floyd leaning in closer in anticipation and Jade nodding gently, as if the comfort you for the difficult story you were about to tell.
“Azul had been visiting me in the library after classes for a few days… We were getting along really well… It was, well… It was nice to have a friend. It’s hard sometimes, being the odd one out…” You sighed softly, really hamming it up for them. They were eating it up, leaning closer as you continued, “but Azul never made me feel like that. He was always so kind, so welcoming.” You smiled for a moment, before you face dropped and your lips pressed together into a tight line. “But then…” You hesitated again, your expression creasing into a distressed frown.
“Did something happen, prefect?”
“Yeah, yeah! Tell us Shrimpy!”
“Well… One day suddenly, he… Asked me on a date… But…” You started, but then you covered your face with your hands and shook your head, “oh I can’t say it, it’s just so… So humiliating!” You cried out, your voice muffled by your hands. Floyd and Jade were watching with rapt attention, Jade not even able to hide his obvious enjoyment at both your perceived distress and the opportunity to get some dirt on Azul, whereas Floyd hadn’t been hiding his excitement in the first place.
“But what, Shrimpy?”
“Please prefect, if you tell us, perhaps we can put your mind at ease…”
Slowly, you uncovered your hands from your face, to see the eager faces of the Leech twins nodding at you encouragingly. You leaned in close, and they followed suit, all three of you huddled together in the booth almost conspiratorially. You looked around nervously, before you continued in a hushed whisper.
“I had to turn him down… He got a little upset, understandably. He couldn’t see why I didn’t like him, why I wouldn’t give him a chance…” Floyd and Jade shared a discreet look at that, because that definitely sounded like the Azul they knew. “I tried to comfort him, to tell him that I thought he was a great guy and it was me not him but he just wouldn’t listen! So I had to tell him the truth…” You winced, wringing your hands together. If Floyd and Jade leaned any closer, you’d all be bumping heads together.
“The truth, prefect?”
“Ne, you can tell us, Shrimpy…”
You swallowed, before looking up at them with your best puppy dog eyes. “Okay, please don’t say anything but… … …”
“… I’m allergic to octopus…”
The table fell silent. Floyd and Jade stared at you, motionless, as you peeked up bashfully at them. Then suddenly, Floyd was roaring with laughter, his loud cackle making several of the customers in the Lounge jump in surprise. His hand thumped the table several times, knocking over his drink and sending the bright blue juice spilling all over the shiny white surface and onto the tile below. Jade effortlessly sidestepped before the mess could hit his shoes, but his shoulders were visibly shaking as his hand tried to hide his laughter
“Oh prefect… I’m so pffft… Ahem… I’m so sorry to hear that.” Jade attempted, hand still propped to his chin as he tried to compose himself, rather unsuccessfully screamed with laughter beside him.
“What is going on here?!”
A voice hissed through the Lounge, but the twins didn’t even flinch. If anything, it just sent Floyd into fresh peals of laughter, flopping down on the booth seat as he held his stomach.
Azul stood a few feet away, obviously brought out by the commotion and chaos that was currently happening in your booth. His eyes widened when he saw you sitting there, but he quickly schooled his face again, a detail that Jade caught, making him unable to resist his own toothy grin.
“Jade, you are supposed to be managing the bar. And Floyd, stop that racket right now and get changed. Your shift started thirty minutes ago! And clean up that mess!” Azul ordered with a stern expression, before his eyes landed on you, his lips pursing together, “and I would appreciate it if you didn’t disturb them when they are working, prefect.”
You held your hands up defensively as you started to shimmy out of the booth. “Actually, I was just leaving.”
Your words breathed some life back into Floyd, who’d finally recovered from his laughing fit to sit up and climb out of the booth himself, a rapturous smile on his face. “I’ll walk Shrimpy to the door~!” He announced, throwing a heavy arm around your shoulders before you could rebuff him.
“Floyd! You’re supposed to be—”
“I’m terribly sorry for my negligence, Azul. I was just trying to comfort our dear customer over their recent romantic distress.” Jade chimed in, and the only way you would be able to describe the grin on his face was feral. Floyd began cackling again, using Jade’s distraction of Azul as an opportunity to whisk you away and get out of work at the same time.
You pondered whether you should feel bad for setting up Azul for at least a week’s worth of ribbing from the Leech twins as Floyd steered you towards the Octavinelle mirror, but then you remembered he put an anemone on your cat. And Ace and Deuce. Suddenly, your shoulders felt a lot lighter. Well, they would, if Floyd’s lanky arm wasn’t still around them.
Floyd kept his arm around you right until you reached the exit of the Octavinelle dorm, but you chalked it up to him being on a good mood high because of what you’d just told him and Jade. But just as you were about to duck out from under his arm, you felt his hot breath against your ear for the second time that day.
“Ne, Shrimpy. Are you allergic to eel too?”
Before you could even react, you were getting sucked up into one of those magical bubbles again as it began carrying you towards the Octavinelle mirror, your expression bewildered as you stared back at Floyd, who sent you off with a cheeky grin.
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nichromepackaging · 8 months
A Sweet Embrace: Unveiling the Athena Tray Sealer for Namkeen & Sweet Packaging
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In the world of sweets, where indulgence is the order of the day, packaging plays an extraordinary role. It's not merely about containing sweet or namkeen delights; it's about preserving the joy within. At Nichrome, we understand the importance of packaging that keeps the taste intact, and that's where the Athena Tray Sealer takes the stage.
Picture a jar filled with exquisite sweets or namkeen delights, a bulk bag filling machine whirring efficiently in the background, and a jar filling machine ensuring each container is a masterpiece. Now, think about the final touch - sealing these delightful treasures with the grace and precision of Athena Tray Sealer. It's not just packaging; it's an emotional experience.
Bulk Bag Filling Machine & Jar Filling Machine by Nichrome
Before we dive into Athena's world, let's set the stage. The bulk bag filling machine ensures that we have a reservoir of sweet & namkeen, ready to be transformed into enchanting packages. Our jar filling machine meticulously fills each container with the utmost care. This is where the journey begins, and Athena is the grand finale.
Athena Tray Sealer: The Symphony of Sealing
But it's Athena who holds the heart of namkeen & sweet packaging. With every seal, it encapsulates not just sweet or namkeen but the emotions your product carries. It's about preserving the nostalgia of grandma's kitchen, the joy of childhood treats, and the love that's shared with each bite.
Athena Tray Sealer Highlights
Ensures the products stay safe and hygienic.
Robust design and easy maintenance
Ideal packaging for small and medium-sized companies.
At Nichrome, we're not just packaging machines. We're creators of moments, guardians of traditions, and protectors of sweetness. Our Athena Tray Sealer, in harmony with the bulk bag filling machine and jar filling machine, ensures that each sweet or namkeen is packaged efficiently.
It's not just packaging; it's a promise. A promise to keep the taste alive, the memories intact, and the joy everlasting.
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