#jaxx asks
jaxxartbox · 1 year
your illustrations in kingdom come are breathtaking. I love every detail and I always take the time to zoom in on everything
Thank you so much!! 🥹
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Request time
I have no requirement except I want the reader to be optimus wife.
I was a fluffy one shot with ur every character in it.. a day to day life of a sheriff's wife in town as she meets and greets people while delivering Lunch to her workaholic husband.
I am leaving the rest in ur reliable writing skill.
It was a beautiful day, the sun still low in the early morning sky meant it wasn't too hot. A soft breeze shook the leaves to make a peaceful sound. You were outside doing your morning laundry chore, when arms wrapped themselves around your waist. Lips pecking at your cheek. You giggled and leant back into the warm body behind you.
"I have to go. I hope you have a pleasant day." Optimus kissed your cheeks a few more times, before spinning you around and placing a kiss on your lips.
"Be safe, I'll see you when you get home." You kissed him once more, then waved him off as he headed into town.
You finished washing the clothes and hung them up to dry. Heading inside to start the rest of the daily chores. Then you spotted Optimus' lunch still on the table. You shook your head and tutted. Your husband was so eager to get to work he often forgot to grab his lunch. Although, you also wondered if he did it purposefully, knowing full well you would bring it to him.
You grabbed his lunch and made your way into town. You never minded the trip, it gave you an excuse to see your husband and to see other townsfolk as well.
You spotted Arcee and Elita first, they were leading a herd of horses past the outskirts of the town. They spotted you and waved, you smiled and waved back. You stood for a few minutes watching as the beautiful creatures trotted by you. You always enjoyed watching them work, and thought back to the time Arcee taught you how to ride a horse. Once the herd had passed, you continued walking.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack where carrying a fresh supply of Energon into the saloon, Jazz was watching them carefully ensuring they didn't drop any of the supply.
"Good morning." You called out. Jazz waved, but the others just greeted you, their full hands preventing them from returning a wave.
"Watch out." Wheelie zoomed under Bulkheads legs. Bulkhead almost tripped but managed to regain his step, and managed to keep hold of the Energon. You giggled and kept moving towards the Sherrif's office.
Croshairs and Cliffjumper rode past you, tipping their hats as they greeted you. You tipped a pretend hat in return.
"Mornin' miss." Jetfire greeted you, his cane slightly shaking from his weight. He was crossing the road towards the general stores location.
"Morning Jetfire."
"I see he forgot his lunch again." Jetfire tutted.
"He did." You replied. "Honestly if it wasn't for me he probably wouldn't eat."
"You're probably right about that. Take care now." Jetfire hobbled past you.
You spotted Hound and Sideswipe talking outside Hound's armory, most likely about weapons. They spotted you and waved, you returned the gesture. Though it was still quite early, mostly everyone was out and about. You were happy to see them all.
You finally arrived to the Sherrif's. Hot Rod and Bumblebee were talking outside. They were signing, and though you knew a little sign language, Hot Rod and Bee's hand movements were in a pace you couldn't keep up with. You caught a few words such as 'escape' and 'cattle'. But not much else.
"Morning gentlemen." You greeted.
"Good Morning madame." Hot Rod tipped his hat to you. Bee did as well then signed Good Morning.
"Everything well for you Hot Rod?" You asked.
"Yes, thank you. I was telling Bee that I found a hole in my fence, though it is fixed now I had two rogue cattle this morning." Hot Rod explained.
"Have they been caught?"
"Oui, Crosshairs and I got them pretty quickly."
"I'm glad. Now, I must get this to the Sheriff." The two parted allowing you to enter the building.
Ironhide was inside leaning against one of the prison cells bars. He was leering inside at it's occupants. Leadfoot and Roadbuster were inside. Leadfoot was holding his head while Roadbuster was still sleeping on the bed.
"Feeling better?" Ironhide asked.
"I will after some Energon and some good hard work." Leadfoot grumbled. He smacked Roadbuster, waking him. Roadbuster sat up a little startled by the smack, but soon came to his senses.
"You gonna keep us in here all morning or can we get to work?" Roadbuster groaned.
"If you didn't get into so many brawls you wouldn't end up in here. Now come on, out of my cell." Ironhide opened the cell door and let the two out. They shuffled out of the door.
Ironhide turned to you.
"Sherrif's out right now. He's doing his rounds but he'll be back soon." Ironhide explained.
"That's alright, do you mind if I wait here?" You asked. Ironhide shrugged and sauntered over to his desk to fill out paperwork.
You made your way to Optimus' desk and sat down in his chair, placing his lunch on the table. Your eyes glazed over some of the paper neatly stacked on his desk. Neat handwriting written across them.
Before you had any time to see what was written the door opened, catching your attention. Your husband sauntered through, taking off his hat as he did. He spotted you and grinned, his eyes sparkling in adoration for you.
"My love, this is a pleasant surprise." He greeted, grabbing your hands and helping lift you from the chair. He embraced you, giving you a soft kiss.
"Is it a surprise when you once again forgot your lunch?" You giggled.
"Ah, I did, I am forgetful sometimes. Thank you for bringing it." He said, not confirming nor denying if it was intentional. You combed his hair with your hand and brushed some dust from his clothes.
"I can't let you go hungry. But I should be going now."
"Could you stay a little while? Perhaps we could take a walk?" He asked.
"Aren't you busy?"
"I can always make time for you, especially since you made your way down here. Ironhide can cover, and Bee is close by as well." Optimus explained.
"Well if you insist." You linked your arm with your husbands and let him guide you outside.
Though the day was later and the sun was higher in the sky it was still a pleasant day. The breeze keeping you cool. You and Optimus took a stroll through the town, watching the townsfolk as they worked. You gently rubbed Optimus's arm as you walked, enjoying the closeness. You enjoyed every second you got with your husband.
"Anything troublesome happening lately?" You asked.
"Not of late my dear. All is quiet in our little town." Optimus stated.
"Is it quiet?" You raised a brow. Just as you spoke Skids and Mudflap burst through the general store's door. Daytrader following behind, berating them for making a mess in his store.
"Well, perhaps not quiet. But not any louder than normal." Optimus quipped. You giggled. Optimus unlinked from your arm and headed towards the disturbance.
You watched him work as he calmed Daytrader and scolded the twins. After the situation was handled he came back to you, offering you his arm once more.
"Perhaps I should get back to work. But I will walk you to the outskirts before I say farewell." Optimus suggested. You rested your head against his shoulder as you walked to the edge of the town, enjoying his presence.
Though it was a short walk, you still enjoyed your time with your husband. You parted once at the edge of town. Optimus cupped your cheek with his hand and leant down to capture your lips. The two of you sharing soft kisses for a minute.
Optimus was the first to pull away, brushing your cheek with his thumb. You leant into his touch, not wanting him to let go.
"I hope the rest of your day is quiet and easy." Optimus hummed.
"I think I should be saying that to you." You countered. Optimus chuckled.
"Let's hope we both have a good day. I will see you upon my return home later. Farwell for now my love." Optimus captured you lips for one final kiss before he started walking back into the town.
You watched him walk away for a few seconds, before turning and heading back to your home, your lips missing Optimus' touch.
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messy-jello · 3 months
Syrus and Jaden in matching PJs because they're bros :3
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torchflies · 19 days
(In the Tommy AU) Do you think the first time Ice sees Maverick, he freaks out a bit because he might’ve just found Stacee Jaxx’s lovechild?
AHHHH STACEE JAXX 😂😂😂 Oh no, it’s actually soooo much worse. He and Stacee had a thing. Hence the matching pistol tattoos 👀 Mav looking like Stacee is because Ice has a type, 😂😂😂
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black-and-yellow · 10 months
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There's something happening
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ask-larry-johnson · 27 days
i eated soap
uh what? Was this jaxx who sent this?
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If you could have any pictures of Noel as posters, which pictures would you pick?
Some examples:
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The pics that I'm using for the ages in my devices
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My first device was IPod 6 looked like small IPad with camera. And this pics were the first that were used as my wallpapers
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This pic is a legend! I've got IMac and there was an episode with John Hannah as a host. And the first episode when I found out about James Acaster and he become my favourite (before he told shit about Noel as I told before) And I love this episode. I'm using it above 9-10 years! And then 7-8 years on IPad!
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This one was temporery on my IPad. Also my favourite episode! But I didn't used this one as wallpaper. Somewhere 2-3 years, then restored a pic with Acaster.
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This one is on my blog appearance since Noel debuted on QI and I'm still not going to change it.
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This was one of the first my IPhone's wallpapers
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This pics were my temporary wallpapers in different periods
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This one was a part of my blog design above 3 years
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This one is a part of my blog design nowadays and it's also wallpaper to my Google design.
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This one is my IPhone's wallpaper nowadays
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This one is a main wallpaper of my laptop.
Thanks for asking. It was a pleasure to share you what I like. Don't shy to ask anything again ;)
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izztreme-art-n-stuff · 8 months
Don't mind me
Just posting this totally not inconspicuous guy here
Boi looking like Max G for real (Intentionally)
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
💕What does your Heart look like?
Rules: take this UQuiz for your V/OC!
💕Tagged by: @timaeusterrored Andrew my beloved, thank you x3💕
✨️No pressure tags: @oceanlilo, @crimsonixx, @katsigian {apologizes if you've already done this.💕}
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For Jaxx
🔥molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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For Vinessa Matthews
❄️iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
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For Vincent/Dean Matthews
🐦a bird struggling to get loose
Your heart can never hold still. It pounds against your chest frantically, always turning your sights to one thing after the next. When was the last time you were certain? The last time your life was stable? Maybe this is how you prefer things. On the move constantly, not tied down to one person or place. You chase one goal after the next. Can you ever really feel complete without a place to land? Shouldn’t you build yourself a nest?
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
i thought u just had a dog. today i learn new things about my tumblr mutuals. tell ur cats i love them :3
haha yes tumblr mutual u are learning about my furbabies! i have two cats and a geriatric dog and they are all incredibly annoying and i love them <33
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jaxxartbox · 2 years
I just read the latest chapter of Kingdom Come. You and @inadaze22 are absolutely amazing at telling a story and bringing it to life!
After reading the latest chapter, all I could see was a the scene from the first How to Train Your Dragon movie where Hiccup and Toothless take Astrid for a fly, but it was Kaida, Draco and Hermione
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Another scene that popped into my mind is Warrior Queen Hermione riding Kaida like the badass queen we know she is, kinda like Dany (before they did her dirty) from Game of Thrones.
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Idk if we'll get these scenes in the story or even like little one shots but if you ever draw them and if @inadaze22 writes them, I know that they'd trun out amazing!!
Ahhh thank you so much!! 💜
There are so many scene within each chapter that I wish I had time to illustrate and it’s always hard to pick and choose. Ultimately I’m always hoping that the art does the fic justice because adsjdbakdjdfb without spoiling anything: we’re all in for a wild ride 😆
I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who is reading, reviewing and/or leaving kudos. This story really started off as just an idea between friends that was really just born out of self indulgence lol so the ridiculous amount of support and interest that KC has received baffles @inadaze22 and I every day! You guys are amazing and make this entire experience incredible xx
Ps. Specifically about Kaida and flying and whatnot: in the wise words of Ina, “more on that later” 😂
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sincerely-jaxx · 1 year
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messy-jello · 3 months
Draw some Naoto Shirogane
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Singular Naoto
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
Jaxx: Mind helping me wrap up some Christmas presents~?
Vax: Of course~♡
Vax: ?!?!?
Jaxx: *has Vax tied up like this* >:3
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God Damnit they are too hot for their own good
Vax would be a beautiful present
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puzzlevision · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶
I have listen to too much music and I have many of them but I'm going to list random musics that are stuck in my brain sometimes
Wake up your Heart by KENN and the NaB's (it's an anime ending)
Murder in My Mind by Kordhell
Moestep by Moe Shop
Nimbasa Core by plasterbrain
Where's Your Head At by Basement Jaxx
There are also many of them that are also stuck in my brain as well but I'm not going to list them here because you said 5
Also, I don't think I can send this to my "favorite" followers since I don't have any (and most of them are hecking sex bots which is scary to see in a blog full of SFW 😭)
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gothicwidowsworld · 2 years
Hey I love your page , wondering if you’d ever write anymore stories for rock of ages Stacee jaxx ? As I’m a massive massive fan of him
Yes of course I would as long as people wanted it.
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