#jay info
daddiel-ish · 1 month
Tiny announcement!
Since I'm tired of restraining myself from spamming here (cause i have this weird conception of keeping this blog mostly like a portfolio of mine -i failed, but let's pretend i'm trying-) , i created this side blog @jaysideblog for spamming and stuff, if you would like to keep up with my madness it's your chance to do so! (I think I'll start to put there my fanfictions too, so if someone is following "we're going down" i'm gonna post stuff there!)
(I think somewhere in the future I'll do a new pinned post too)
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redjaybird · 5 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name(s): Yams Mun pronouns: She/her/they/them, but also don't mind whatever OOC Contact: DMs or D.isco (mutuals/people I vibe with only ask for my d.isco)
Who the heck are my muses anyway:
He's a little shit that causes problems and pisses people off for the heck of it. A bit of an edgelord (is that an understatement?), rude, vulgar, and extremely tough to crack if you want him in friendlier stages. Good luck. He's not going to make it easy for you.
Points of interest:
He has various verses, some things may change depending on what verse things are in. Details in his design are important and have stories behind them. In his main verses, he has extra strengthened abilities and a little extra chaotic surprise, sometimes. He has a lot of anger issues and is really shit at dealing with other emotions, often turning them into anger, too, because he doesn't know how else to handle things. He likes to think of himself as a villain, but really he's more like an anti-hero. And he's got a whole revenge case he's trying to deal out. He's got some emotional issues that he refuses to talk about, and others he will just spill because he likes to talk about himself. And he's got trust issues.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Well, this varies for people and verses. Things won't be following the same paths for everyone he interacts with. In in his main f.c5 verse, he somehow got himself in a position where he's gotta help protect the Seeds, because of the relationship he ended up in with Jacob. Everything in the B.L verses kinda got put on hold, but these days its after his Arena fell. A vampire verse, in the f.c5 land, has been distressing him. Bloody City (original) verse is getting more developments lately (yeehaw). Depends on what version you wanna deal with, really.
Where to find them:
In general modern times, usually Chicago. In the borderlands, usually Pandora. In F.C3, on Rook Islands, hanging with the pirates. In F.C5, Hope County, usually in Jacob's region. Frontier, the pirate is in Montreal in the company of Mr. Grant and Mr. Pond.
Current plans:
Plans? What are plans? We'll have to see what unfolds. Anything could happen.
Desired interactions:
Enemies to awkward found family member, enemies/rivals, slow burns of any kind of relationship (because its almost always a slow burn with him), helping him learn to cook maybe? (his whole fear of stoves and fire issue man), dad bird dad bird dad bird dad bird (has an accidentally adopted daughter in some verses btw), etc.
Offered interactions:
Uh, do you like problematic little shits? Do you like conflict? Stories are boring without conflict, after all. And it makes the good times so much more worth it, you know? If you for some reason want him to work with you, however, the price is gonna be a little different. Because he doesn't care about money.
Current open post/s:
Keep an eye out for random IC posts, they happen a lot, and are generally open to anyone if they don't have a tag. (I don't always tag ic posts but I do always tag any trigger warnings when I think they need it.) Some will have specific verse tags, sometimes, just so you know where things will be focused on but yeah, generally most things are open unless someone specifically gets @'d on.
Anything else?:
[I'm not super great at writing, and am especially bad at describing things in words, but Jay will make up for a lot in dialogue because he loves talking. Interactions can inspire art, lots of drawing going on here. Also things never stop developing. I've been running this character for 12+ years now and I'm still developing him.]
Tagging: whoev's wants to do this thing go for it, i tried
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kutakunagasblog · 2 months
Late jrwi posting
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I’m sorry if the feet ?? Height doesn’t make sense I have no idea how feet work and also that’s the most idiotic way to measure something .
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tcustodisart · 2 months
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When your best spell happens to take the form of your boyfriend's special interest.
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ahalliance · 1 year
[In French] Doigby, Presenter: “But who is this person?
[In French] Étoiles: So the story’s a bit mad, because you have to know that Baghera joined a Minecraft server that she said practically changed her life, which is the QSMP. And basically, the CEO, or the person who made the QSMP, who is a superstar in Mexico, took a plane from Mexico to come here in order to support Baghera. And I find that incredible, it’s Quackity.
[In English] Étoiles: Quackity — how do you feel? Like, it’s amazing, you come all the way from Mexico to come there?
Quackity: Well, I— I flew from Los Angeles, it was a thirteen hour flight, but I’m here to see this incredible event, the French community is amazing. This is an incredible event. And I’m here to uh, root for Baghera and Horty!
[In French] Étoiles: He says that he’s completely— that he finds it impressive just how incredible the event is, that he flew more than thirteen hours by plane to come here, and to, well, to support Baghera and Horty, and that, well, he’s having a wonderful time—“
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buboloboogie · 5 months
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INTRODUCING THE ALBISUCKERS!!! aka just if you put the riptide characters into Vampire The Masquerade setting -- I have thought a lot about this. BUT ANYWAY!! this is my piece for @foxhoarder13 for the @jrwi-art-exchange !!!!!!! was super fun to work on it, this is my first event so I am excited to do more !! :DD Hope you like it as much as I had fun working on it :33 posting a speed paint of this soon btw!! just gotta edit it eehehe
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
so do you imagine that when the ninja and other characters have an outburst their voice starts reverberating or they gain any other type of voice effect during it
Kai's voice gets higher-pitched, and his words break/his voice cracks a lot
Jay's voice gains a crackling, static effect (his laughter has a reverb, though)
Cole's voice gets lower-pitched and grumbly, to the point it can be hard to understand unless he's yelling with his chest
Zane's voice become devoid of any effects/emotion; Post-Titanium his voice gets doubly robotic
Nya's voice sounds warbly, like she's speaking underwater
Lloyd has the reverberation
Jesse's voice has the echo effect
Skylor's voice has a delay to it
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nonsense-at-2am · 5 months
what do yall think happened to libber/jays mum?
i rlly wanna hear ppls ideas
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The Mailbox is wide open!
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rockhousejai · 5 months
Friend gave me a new sketchbook so I wanted to test it out :)
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
What changed Ice Prince Finn back to normal & where did he get a crown from?
Was Finn stealing a baby what ended up changing him as a person in the Farmworld universe? Similar to how Marceline kept Simon prime grounded & humane for a while.
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Maybe Jay Mertens (I think that was his name, the eldest son) reminded him of his little brother too.
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As for how the crown came back into the Farmworld reality, that would be because of whatever wacky effects are happening from Fionna & Cake going through the multiverse. Scarab was also messing with the multiversal TV's insides.
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Going back to Farmworld Finn's little brother, maybe he was the one who broke the crown since I doubt a coward like the destiny gang leader would have been able to do it (or there's some sort of timeline loop going on with a bunch of the crowns that'll get shown later). This is assuming the little brother is alive, but we don't even know that for sure. There is just a lot we don't know.
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edit: I see what y'all are saying about the old episode, seems like Prismo didn't wipe anyone's memories, he only made it so the crown would be destroyed. People still remember The Snow Man AKA Ice Prince Finn & what he did with all of that magical power. I also still think Jay Mertens could be the baby at the end of the flashback at the start of the episode.
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redjaybird · 5 months
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So Jay's generally not used to being the source of anyone's happiness. He's often been told he's more of a source of misery or pain (well), a mistake, etc.
But when he has an SO, its a joy to him when he's able to make them smile or laugh. Actually being the source of someone's happiness, for once.
Of course, he's still a jerk to the general public, because he still fears closeness. He only does it for the people that actually mean something to him.
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villruu · 5 months
Fake amnesia with Alex and Jay?
send me a reverse trope and MH characters & I'll write something for it
On AO3
At first struggled w this one (couldn't decide between who was the fake amnesiac) and then this came to mind and i may do another oneshot about this lmao?
Alex woke up, for once, not wanting to die.
It was a novel feeling, to be honest. Waking up without having that deep dread rooted inside him, eating him from the inside out, without feeling like he was being observed, like he was about to become prey. Waking up and just feeling… nice.
He could hear the sound of someone in his kitchen, the sound of pots being moved and the old fridge being opened and closed and opened and closed. And, while usually, that would be enough to make him grab the gun he hid underneath his pillow, today, it just merely made him snort fondly and get up, pausing to even yawn and stretch.
How could he be worried, when he knew exactly who was inside his house? He had been the one to invite him yesterday.
The mere memory of yesterday was enough to make Alex smile, feeling giddy and happy in a way he hadn’t felt in ages.
This was the perfect opportunity, the perfect chance to at least make sure nothing bad happened, to at least keep one person alive. He just had to make sure the other didn’t find his computer or where he had been staying, and it would be okay. With no clues, the other would have no other option but to leave.
When Alex entered the kitchen, he couldn’t help the amused snort upon seeing Jay startled and fumble with something at his appearance, probably a pan or a mug knowing how clumsy Jay was.
“You slept okay?” He asked, leaning against the counter.
“Oh! Uh, yeah,” Jay nodded nervously, turning around to pour himself some coffee, “Thanks, by the way, for letting me stay. I, uh, I didn’t know where I would have gone.”
“Of course you could stay,” Alex said, grabbing a mug to pour himself coffee too, “Didn’t have any luck with your phone?”
“Uh, no, not really,” Jay mumbled, fidgeting with the shirt Alex had loaned him, frowning nervously at his shoes.
“Damn, that’s a shame dude,” Alex commented mildly, like he hadn’t been the one to crack open the phone and carefully pry away parts of the hardware so it wouldn’t work, “Was the chip okay, at least?”
“I don’t, I don’t think so,” Jay grimaced, clutching tightly his mug, “I, um, I have no idea why. Maybe I broke it, um, broke it before you found me?”
“Probably,” Alex said, satisfied as a smug cat internally, “Guess you’ll have to get a new one.”
“I, um, I guess so.” Jay frowned even more.
He looked pale under the white light of his kitchen, eyes sunken and bruised with eyebags.
But, Alex thought to himself, if he were in Jay’s situation he doubts he would have been any better.
…Actually, when it had been him, it hadn’t been any better, to be honest. Alex shuddered as he remembered how it had been almost a year ago, waking up one day without a single idea as to what had happened, to where he was, where was Am—
Alex shook his head, and tried to focus on Jay, who now looked at him with some strange expression.
“Any idea what you will do?” He asked, taking a sip of his coffee, “Since you, um, don’t remember the last…?”
“Four years,” Jay reminded him quietly, fidgeting, looking unnerved, “And, um, I don’t know? I thought maybe, um, walking around and trying to find clues? As to why, um, why am I here?”
No, that would be far too… dangerous. The probabilities of Jay remembering something would be too high. No. That wouldn’t do.
“Maybe you should try contacting your family?” Alex suggested gently, carefully laying a hand on Jay’s shoulder, “Maybe they have an idea as to what you’ve been up to.”
“I… Uhm. I hadn’t, uh, I hadn’t thought of, of that,” Jay stuttered, looking uncomfortable, “I…”
“From what I remember you used to call your parents every weekend back in college,” Alex said, “They probably have an idea. I doubt you have changed much since then.”
“I…um, I’ll think about it,” Jay promised him, avoiding his eyes.
The sooner he got Jay out of here, the better for everyone. 
If Jay left, then Tim would forget as well. And everything would be just fine.
And if not… Well, it would be easier to catch Jay off guard if he didn’t remember the last time they had seen each other.
Alex left the kitchen, and did not notice the knowing and weary look Jay pinned on his retreating back.
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kunshokunsho · 8 months
ok so we saw how the administration dealt with foreign objects like the dragons cores, but i wonder what they would’ve done with ninjagos(& other realms) mythical objects like the realm crystal, the sword of sanctuary, teapot of tyran,,,,, would they have destroyed them as well or kept them locked away for a later use?? anywho this is how i lead into my headcanon of administration jay having the sword of souls and the only reason he works for them is bc he’s in debt to the administrator for giving him the sword, he doesn’t understand why he wanted the sword so badly but he knows it’s something from his past life.
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sunfloralchaos · 15 days
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I'm now on Vgen!
Moving all my comm options over there and will be on the road to get verified ✨️(follows help with this even if you won't be comm'ing me immediately)
Hoping the platform treats me well and that it'll be easier to manage than using Google forms 🫡
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