#jay is not canon gay to me
icarrymany · 2 months
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i figured id just make this its own post to avoid yappin so much in ppls tags
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notsoevilmagistrate · 2 months
Nick drives me fucking crazy because the first chapter was literally just “Gatsby’s not like other girls :(“ STOP SUCKING HIS DICK HES IN LOVE WITH YOUR COUSIN!!!! HES DOWN SO BAD ITS PATHETIC!!! Nick stop being a funky gay dude challenge IMPOSSIBLE.
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jiejiian · 1 year
he did NOT need to hug Danny like that!! this mf gay as fuck!!!!
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squipedmew · 4 months
Jay I love you but why is your first response to Tim hiding something to fucking. Choke him out.
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
Hiii is there anything we know about the dagger squad backgrounds that’s canon? Other than Jake being from Texas, is the stuff about what they studied/where they’re from headcanon? THANK U MUCH LOV
we don’t really know that much i don’t think but a majority of the background info i’ve found is either vaguely mentioned in the film or the paramount draft script you can find online ! bradley being a poli sci major at UVA and graduating in ‘09 is canon (and also very dear to me bc that was my major too plus i also graduated hs at 17 bc we are both #junebabies :]), jake originally got his call sign because bradley gave it to him and he hated it at first, bradley played baseball as a kid, mickey is a trekkie and also catholic or at least raised catholic (he crosses himself before they launch on the mission in the draft script), harvard and yale were the only duo that came from the same squadron together before the movie, and bradley and jake and natasha were in top gun together at the same time. there’s probably more backstory you could piece together for everyone by looking at their service medals/ribbons they wear but i fear i am not knowledgeable enough about that sort of stuff without a lot more research. they all mostly have the same ones but natasha has a NATO medal, jake has a navy unit commendation ribbon, and reuben has a joint service achievement medal.
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also silly canon details that aren’t background info but i still love: jake wears what i’m pretty sure is a class ring on his right ring finger, he’s also the only trainee i recall seeing actually wear his tags, he likes van halen and foghat and seems to be a classic rock fanatic, natasha wears a plain gold band on her left index finger, mickey, reuben, natasha, and bob all use those multicolor clicky pens, bradley is i think the only one of the main squad who doesn’t have the fingertips cut off his flight gloves, halo’s tank top has her squadron logo on it during the football scene, and those stupid jorts bradley wears were definely just jeans he cut the legs off himself 😭.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
something about billy helping steve with his reading and the book they’re reading in class being gatsby
and them lying on steve’s bed and smoking and steve listening to billy read
and steve grabbing billy’s wrist and being all “haha they’re kinda like us because we’re friends, right hargrove?” about nick and jay
and billy’s just white knuckling his copy of the book
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 3 months
If there is at least one thing I can credit FE for doing better than Tales in localization, it's not trying to actively go out of their way for an entire game to avoid subtext or direct text between two men that is romantic or implied romantic. Funny when it's so present that the attempt doesn't even work; infuriating that it was attempted to begin with.
So as much as I often have issues with some of FE's localizations, at least they have a leg up on loc Tales for that.
#DCB Comments#imagine changing entire sentences and vocal tones just to try to avoid it#if anything I'd say at least in FE the locs just... keep what's there like#they could've toned Soren and Houses Yuri down and they didn't. they just kept their lines or in some cases#especially with Houses Yuri I'd say leaned into them#have to specify bc Houses Yuri got to keep his bi agenda. Vesperia Yuri had the unfortunate issue of#the loc not wanting to keep his gay and trying reeeeally hard to avoid it#including altering entire sentences to avoid any woe is them misunderstandings about men having feelings for each other#meanwhile Houses Yuri is free to call men cute and lo and behold everyone loved that for him#they removed and altered a LOT of Vesperia Yuri's personality traits#(including any ability to express real sadness or fear bc woe is them if he's not a cool edgy man)#but they also really changed his tone toward Flynn PLUS some of what they say to each other#and twisted it to make it sound like Yuri was either angry or wasn't actually emotional abt him#forget the way they brought Grant George in for the DE release and made him sound just completely DEAD with zero personality#like. I can tolerate playing Houses dubbed despite my gripes with it (story based stuff)#it didn't feel like they were trying to alter LBGT+ aspects and they even for some rly leaned into it#basically if you haven't played Vesperia Yuri is... really gay coded. the loc pretended not to notice#in fact he's queer + gay coded bc and doesn't fit male gender norms and the gacha games LOVE that with his hair/outfits#Rays mind you is JP only bc it was shut down very quickly in the west and Vesp Yuri's story in Rays is uh#basically it centers around Flynn he loses his shit to protect Flynn and they do the usual like#don't-admit-it's-gay-outright in fictional media by using the ''Yuri's important person'' shtick#but he activates a special power in the middle of utterly raging to get Flynn back from their enemies#funny thing? that game never made it to that arc. I was told in about five months the western ver would've gotten that#but in some way I'm glad it didn't bc who knows how they would've tried to spin that#It's BAFFLING to me how you can get characters in Tales like JAY but the locs shake in their boots at the idea of queer gays#but given how allergic fictional media is to admitting a male character is gay -gestures to Ike and Vesp Yuri-#I'm not surprised I'm just actually angry that the locs try to censor homosexual relationships as much as possible even when they barely ca#if anyone does know Vesp Yuri and is confused on why I'm calling him gay coded despite what the dub did with Judith feel free to ask#bc I do ship them a little bit myself! but I just recognize that canon wise I really can't see him as anything but gay-demiromantic#but again at least FE locs don't shake in their boots anymore abt same sex pairs including men (side eyes Lucius/Raven)
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suku-nah · 1 year
some of yall really switched back quick to not separating the actor from the character just cause theyre both gay 💀 am i the only one who thinks thats kind of fucked up
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echonvoid · 1 year
Ninja go art dump of shit I didn’t post back in 2022
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Most of these are just character sketches from when I was first trying clip studio out.
Pics in order from top left over:
1) glowy lava arms cole with newly found baby wu. Because I adore children and dad cole and lava cole are both great. So of course I did both
2) slightly pissed lightning Jay, that or he’s happy, I don’t really remember. And fun fact, in this headcanon/au/rewrite, Jay is bigender and/or genderqueer. They’re still figuring this shit out.
3) full body emo genderless lloyd. Has both oni and dragon traits, but they’re apart of their natural physical form. So all the traits you see here are non-optional. Pronouns: they/them
4) lloyd heads! Sweet baby boi! They desperately need therapy. And they unlocked their oni form back in March of the Oni. The purple eye is just something they were born with too. Purple eyes are relatively common among the oni
5) the Lilly Griefstriker family tree. God I love how they handled coles mom and her sickness and badassery. Lilly was goddamn fantastic. Anyway here she was a mixed race kid from between the Geckles and Munce from a small tribe from further down the mines near where the Upply lived. The tribe was killed by a cave in so she fled towards the surface and was met with hostility. So she ran off and was eventually adopted by the dude who’s canonically her dad. She trains and becomes the earth master and goes and frees her people from the dragon. She also helped the only woman there who was kind to her in the beginning while she was giving birth to Gleck (his vibe gave off much younger sibling or cousin vibes). After she killed the dragon she left again because she couldn’t take the hatred between the clans. She would come visit ever couple of months and eventually gave Gleck that locket. And then she has a kid and dies of a horrible chronic sickness that she suffered from for about 10yrs. Oh yeah cole and CJ are there too! Cole definitely takes after his dad but still has a lot of Lilly in him. And CJ is baby Wu. Except he is a full reincarnation/rebirth and so he ages like a normal kid. And totally is, he’s lil Cole Jr. Cole and Jay are his main parents, but everyone else is still around to help out and help guard and protect him. He’s like 7-9ish here.
6) fun sketch dump of all the gender
7) and last but not least, Cole Golems. Cole sustained severe injuries after the fall, to the point the earth completely cocooned him to help the healing process along (which was definitely Lilly’s doing). During which, his consciousness transferred to these handsome rock bois. He had to mime to wear his body was at which nobody got till after MOTO was finished and done. And during clean up someone found his slowly healing/slowly fading body. Fun fact: he has to use mobility aides for the rest of his life! He got real good beating the shit out of people with his crutches. CJ loves wheelchair rides
Well, that was more of an infodump than I thought it was gonna be, but holy fuck my poor thumbs. Carpal tunnel be damned I must share the hyperfixation
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
for no reason in particular i think you'll really like the new riptide episode :)
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cloudy-dayys · 2 years
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@finalfridayss when they first met
click on for better quality!
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 years
watching hsm2 i forgot how I Dont Dance makes me feel
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mikuhats · 1 year
also to talk abt bi kendall cus i Want To i kind of disagree w the take that ken can convince himself hes straight & convince himself his thing with stewy (in kenstewy world) is straight cus i think hes so hyper aware of his masculinity bc of logan and by extension his sexuality that the minute he like first Engaged in anything gay or even had gay thoughts that he was like Its So Over. I Might As Well Just Die. i think hes so hyper aware when hes doing gay shit theres no trying to Convince himself otherwise (keyword is convince). i think there is a active refusal to label and to a lesser degree acknowledge his sexuality. the only way he stays together knowing he sometimes Is Gay is by refusing to admit or acknowledge it out loud. so theres no real actual convincing himself hes straight going on there. thats just how i think abt it. but nothing is that easy either i think its rly messy and complicated too. as in i do agree he calls himself straight & will fight to hell and back to convince people hes straight even when he knows hes not. and i dont think hed ever call himself bisexual bc thats a level of Realness and Acknowledgment i just cant imagine from him. & he would never treat his relationship with stewy as a serious romantic endeavor nor ever label it as such even if they did "date" bc its again a level of Realness and Acknowledgment that kendall would rather Die than reach. idk. anyway. Guy who writes a paragraph about fictional character's sexuality
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j4gm · 9 months
The finale!
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Pawn Swan! This was another character who first appeared in Steve Wolfhard's post-finale loredump about the 1000+ world. I never expected to actually see him in the show.
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Nuts how this is like the third time we've seen Simon's ass. I love how Shermy is just chilling and playing video games while GOLB lets this random old man take a turn at the wheel.
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This establishing shot of Fionnaworld shows that it's very small. By the time it is restored at the end of the episode, this ominous white border is gone and there are more buildings, implying that it became a complete world.
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I can't believe Gary was thirsting after Scarab in this situation.
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There is a shop called Evergree Flowers; likely a reference to the episode Evergreen.
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This shop window advertises that you can learn to kick bugs. Appropriately enough, Cake kicks Scarab through this shop window while in her Godzilla form.
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The Betty statue has become GOLBetty.
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It should be clear by this point that Casper and Nova are a parallel to Simon and Betty, with all of their decisions being made by Casper with little consideration for Nova due to their unbalanced power dynamic. This is why Simon realises that he should have been more considerate of Betty's dreams, rather than single-mindedly chasing the Enchiridion and the crown.
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The credits confirm that genderswapped Ash is named Ashley. I wonder what happened to her after she fell into the void. Probably nothing good.
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Poor Marshall never gets to finish his songs. Truly he is the genderswapped Marceline.
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The name "GOLBetty" is now canon; Simon uses it in this scene.
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I'm not sure what's happening to GOLBetty here. A loose thread to pick up if this story ever gets a continuation, perhaps.
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Simon steps through several different universes, including all the ones we saw during this miniseries. I'm not sure what this world full of tiny bears is meant to be.
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Some kind of industrial capitalist hell universe.
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This is the Water Park Prank artstyle, implying that Water Park Prank takes place in a separate but canon universe. So Water Park Prank is now canonically canonical! (what a ridiculous phrase)
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Some kind of Jake universe.
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A universe featuring Magwood and his volcano lair, from the episode Evergreen.
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The snail! It's not dead after all. And it's a great way of symbolising a return to regular Ooo, as is the reappearance of the smiley butterfly.
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This was a strange selection of characters. I hope Jay hasn't left his younger siblings on their own if their dad is dead. At least baby Finn won't have to grow up in Vampworld, though part of me liked imagining what that would have been like.
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Fionna mentions that his is her top fantasy. The other two of her top three fantasies were Cake being able to talk and a kingdom made of candy.
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She gets a hammer, like she had in the dream sequence at the very beginning of the miniseries.
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Kheirosiphon goes back to working in a teashop, just like he did on The Drift before he was imprisoned by Scarab. Also Marshall's outfit here is incredibly gay, it's great.
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There is an ad here for a daddy issues themed comedy night. Sounds like Marceline's kind of place.
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Prismo's face glitches for a second. Ominous.
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Simon definitely needs to move out. This is probably an even more important realisation than coming to understand his influence over Betty.
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In the credits of this episode, Simon is finally at peace.
And with that, the miniseries is over! Back to the long wait. Will this be it for Adventure Time? Or is there yet more to come...
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I cannot fucking get over how the Pjo fandom depunkified(for lack of a better term)Percy.Keyword being 'how'-Because in canon,Percy is an actual punk.He grew up poor,getting bullied for being neurodivergent and with an abusive stepdad due to his birth dad abandoning him so that lead to him developing an attitude as a coping mechanism and hating rich people and other privilged groups because he knows from experience how awful they are most of the time but another thing it did to him was making him incredibly kind to minorities especially and a Team Parent to the ones younger than him(those being Nico and Hazel in his case).And i know for a fact that if Rick didn't hate Perachel almost as much as the fandom does,he would've written him as also going to protests and doing charity work with Rachel
But the fandom dosen't ONLY pretend that none of those are traits of his but also says he's punk for headcanons that are either not canon or straight up contradicted by it.He dosen't want to be a god and finds the thought actively distressing because he's scared of his powers and hates authority.The only reasons he treated Nico badly in Hoo and wasn't the Team Mom of the Seven instead of Hazel was that Rick retconned how much he loved him as a brother in the og series because he wanted to torment his first gay character and to adultify his first darkskin black fem mc.He's not a stereotypical guy,he thinks hypermasculinity is gross and weird(see his descriptions of and interactions with Ares)and has a deep respect for all the different women in the franchise,which includes gnc ones.He dosen't dress grunge,he barely got outfit descriptions in the books and when he did,they were just normal clothes.And he's not even a skater boy,him skating was mentioned exactly once in the entire saga and it was in Sea of Monsters,when he was 13 and that book came out over ten years ago,and Piper saying he looks like one dosen't count for jackshit because she also thought she was straight at the time and it showed in her ideas of gender as shown by the Jasiper vs Jeyna fiasco
How'd y'all take a canon punk protagonist and throw away the traits that make them punk to go 'No,actually,they're punk because of these things i THINK are what punk is because i've never read up on it's history and headcanon them to have!!!'.It's making me go fucking insane,my Percy stan ass who's been exactly like him since i was a kid should ask y'all for reperatitions over this(Also:When i say fake punk traits,i'm including being a Harry Potter/Marauder's Era fan and a Switfie,that's like the basics of Poser Punk)
@desi-pluto @jelmet @jellyjays @leo-thecactus @moonage-gaydream @insomniac-jay @julieemarine @floof-ghostie @honeypotsworld @cottoncandyteeth @biandbored @mik3stuff
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slices-of-naranja · 7 months
Thinking about just roll with it riptide and my interpretations of it as a work as an aroace person and the commentary of what love is.
I think Chip and Gillion and Jay all care about each other the Same Amount. Because obviously. They’re all co-captains, all a crew. But I think Jay sees them more as the siblings she loves and needs to protect and look out for. Because she loves her sister and in looking to avenge her, she found some more family along the way. If that makes sense.
I think Gillion sees them both as the physical manifestation of the love he never got growing up, outside of his sister. Familial and other things too. Not quite his siblings. But like a pack. Closeness without a name. Love without a label. And that’s scary to him because there’s a part of him that’s more devoted to them than he’d like to be. Maybe more devoted to them than he is to his so-called “destiny.”
And chip. Chip is just looking for someone, I think. Anyone. Yes, he’s looking for Arlin. Of course he is. That’s basically his pirate dad. But he’s also just looking for someone that cares for him as deeply as he needs them to. That will be proud of him and love him. In whatever way possible. Someone that will protect him, as much as he doesn’t want to need protecting. And he found that in them too. Evidenced by how he was going to give up being a pirate, his life long dream, his mission in life, for the sake of his crew.
Their love for each other fucks me up. They’re a crew. They’re captains. Maybe two of them are a little gay. Maybe two of them are siblings. Maybe all three cuddle at night when their dreams get scary. It doesn’t matter. These labels aren’t real. Because the word we’re all (or, at least, I am) looking for is friends.
Friends means whatever the fuck you want it to mean. They kiss, they cuddle, they sing, they fight the world for each other, they bicker, they love. They all see each other differently. They all love each other differently. There’s not gonna be one word for it. One description. I see most people going “yeah I don’t want fnc to be canon” because they don’t need to be!! And they wouldn’t work either!!! Because their devotion to each other, all three of them, goes beyond words and typical labels! They’re friends!!! They’re a crew!!! We don’t need to put other words to justify the deepness behind their friendship!!
They love each other. They know they’d fight the world for each other. I don’t know. I am so exhausted and got up in my aroace feels so let me know if none of this makes sense.
I don’t know. I don’t think we need to get caught up in “these three are all romantically dating” or “these three are all siblings” to justify closeness with each other. Using familial ties (yes, I know I used familial ties for Jay, sue me, family is the most important thing to her so it’s how she labels her love for them) or romantic labels to justify intimacy and love is just kind of silly to me. No offense to anyone who enjoys those headcanons. I personally love fnc and love people comparing chip and Jay to siblings. Do whatever you want, creativity is fun and encouraged! Different interpretations are valid!
But sometimes, as an aroace person, seeing them just being acknowledged as close friends means a lot. Like, yeah. They are. And just calling them “friends” doesn’t diminish how deep their love is. Because that’s what they are. Friends.
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