#jealous!Midoriya x reader
missyaess · 6 months
Maybe Meant to be - Fake Dating pt.6
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
divider credit :@muruffin
tag list 🏷️: @jasmixs @cybertimetravelstranger @tenmaabnesti @luleck @lovra974 @just-your-emo-sensei @lookingforlia @cinnamonroll4ever @just-some-random-simp-lol @chrissyfishywissy @aizawasgirl @jonggunismysneakylink @liaaa-1 @velvet-spider @4evahevah @chixkadee @haleyms @katsuberries @laurenzitaa @chaoticstrawberryland
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-Hi Midoriya.No,not really.
As Midoriya sat down next to you,you sighed.You felt relieved all of a sudden,at this moment you wouldn’t want to be around anyone else.You didn’t know why.
-What happened between you two,if you don’t mind me asking?
You explained everything to him and how you felt,as you got to the end you didn’t notice tears coming out of your eyes.
-Hey Y/N,sshh.
He hushed you and laid your head on his shoulders,calming you down.
-I get how you feel.But I just have to ask you,do you think Kacchan is the right person for you?
-I don’t know anymore Midoriya…I thought he was but I am just so tired.
-I get that.I’m sorry you have to feel this way.You are an amazing person,and you’re the only one I could trust with something like this.Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
He smiled at you and it warmed your heart.You were glad he was your friend.
After you two sat there for some time you decided to go back to your dorm rooms.Midoriya walked you to your dorm room where Mina was waiting for you.
-Alright I can leave now.Goodnight Y/N.
As you two waved at each other Mina looked between the both of you with suspicious eyes.
You turned back to Mina and saw everybody has already left.Mina noticed your looks into your room so she explained.
-I sent everybody away so that we could talk.
You stepped into your room and Mina followed you.You sat down on your bed looking at your feet.Mina sat on the floor,facing you.
-What’s going on between you two?
You rolled you eyes at this.
-It wasn’t what it looked like,Bakugo was just being a hater to Midoriya,he doesn’t like me.So,nothing is going on between us.
-No I don’t mean him!I mean Midoriya!
You stood up by the shock of what she was asking you.
-Look,I just noticed how you two act together and it might be more than a fake relationship for you.
-Literally what made you think that?
-The way Midoriya got worried today after you and Bakugo went out the room,so much so that he went after you two immediately! How you look at him has changed and I can see that as your best friend.
-He’s my friend,and he knows what an ass Bakugo can be,that’s probably why!And also nothing has changed with the way I look at him.
Mina sighed as you looked at her like she was crazy.
-Look,all I’m saying is be careful,okay?I don’t want you get hurt because of another boy again.
-I assure you there’s nothing to worry about.
-Whatever you say,goodnight Y/N.
After Mina left you were alone with your thoughts.
Could it be possible it was more for him,for you?
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A few weeks has passed since the last time you spoke with Bakugo.He would stare at you in class but you wouldn’t look back.You had spent the last weeks with Midoriya,still going on with the plan even if it hadn’t worked out for you,it was going to work out for Midoriya and Uraraka.
As you were at the lunch table ,laughing at something Midoriya had said,Uraraka came over.
-Deku,can we talk in private?
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-I like you!
You knew you shouldn’t have but you and Mina were watching afar from where uraraka was confessing to Midoriya.
-What did she say??(M)
-SSH I can’t hear them with you screaming !
You two were hiding in a bush,not too far away from the two.If Mina kept on whisper screaming you were sure they would hear you.So with one hand you closed her mouth and continued to listen.
-I have liked you for a long time actually…And after seeing you with Y/N,I just had to let you know.(U)
You couldn’t quite understand yourself right now.It made you so mad she was confessing to him.I mean,she knew Midoriya was your boyfriend.Even if it wasn’t actually real and a plan,it still made you mad.
Uraraka got closer to Midoriya and reached out for his hand.
-Please say something.
You couldn’t help the jealousy you were feeling.Why were you jealous of Midoriya?
Mina started biting your hand so you let her go.
-Ouch!What are you doing?!
-SSH,be quiet!(M)
You rolled your eyes at this and continued watching them as the uncomfortable feeling took you over.You just wanted to go over there and…
-I’m sorry,I love Y/N.
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izuku-stuff · 2 years
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✘ izuku’s jealousy ✘
You were liked by everyone that met you. You were smart, kind, pretty. Really what’s not to like? And Izuku loved that about you. Knowing that you had so many who cared about you and your wellbeing was great especially since he’s a pro hero.
Yet there were some moments where Izuku didn’t want anyone, more specifically, men around you. He would notice the little things. How a guy would quickly glance at your breast or butt. Things that belonged to him.
Knowing this it irritated him to a point were he wanted to quit being a hero and be by your side just to be close to you telling the world you were taken by a man who could easily beat them up. Yet he wasn’t going to quit he loved his job as a hero. So what he did was the next best thing he proposed. You and him were engaged and everyone knew it.
Izuku sighed as he sat in the living room bored out of his mind. It was his day off and he had nothing to do. The house was clean, no dirty clothes that needed washing, his friends were on the job or on missions, and you were at work.
He eventually decided to go for a walk. As he walked through the city he saw your favorite bakery. And a sweet idea came to mind. He bought you your favorite sweets and a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and headed to your workplace. He was going to surprise you.
As he walked in and had gotten a visitors pass he went up to the floor level you worked at. Once he got there he walked out of the elevator and stood there his eyes wandering around trying to find you. He heard laughter and he looked and there you were.
You were holding a coffee mug laughing along with a fellow coworker, but it was a male coworker. Izuku glared his eyes at the man and noticed it quickly he was looking at your breast instead of looking at your face.
Izuku dropped the flowers and the bag of sweets and walked over to you. Strong arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a hard chest, coffee mug now broken on the floor. You knew the scent of this person all to well, the arms and hard chest. You looked up, your eyes wide not believing Izuku was here.
“Get the hell away from her!” His beautiful green eyes dark and his voice deep and warning.
“And who are you supposed to be?” Your coworker, who was brand new, asked.
“I’m her lover. So back the fuck off.”
A shiver went down your spine and your legs couldn’t help but close themselves at hearing the possessive words coming from Izuku. Izuku was definitely going to be rewarded later tonight.
“Baby.” You called for Izuku’s attention. Yet he didn’t budge keeping his dark eyes on your fellow coworker. “What?”
“He’s new. He doesn’t know that I’m taken.”
Izuku spun you around, “He must have seen the engagement ring you have on.” Izuku looked down at you.
“I actually don���t have it on today. I was in a rush and forgot to put it on.” You lifted your hand to show that you were saying the truth. “Sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I love when you get jealous. So protective. So mean. I love you so much Izuku Midoriya.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss. “My sweet cute jealous hero.”
Izuku picked you up bride style. “You’re getting off early today.”
“You can’t just decide that. So put me down.”
“Skipping a day won’t hurt besides I highly doubt your boss would say no to me.”
You laughed and nodded your head. “Ok you big jealous baby, you win. Let’s go home.”
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truly-glasixx · 1 year
Jealous! ProHero Deku who loves his job solely because he gets to see you on a daily basis. Your enthralling personality and alluring looks to match have him absolutely smitten.
Jealous! ProHero Deku whose heart suffers from palpitations every time you smile at him, and he's vowed to protect it till the day he dies.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's been pinning after you since your first year at U.A., but never had the courage to confess to you. Being Japan's number-one hero doesn't make it any easier.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's been your best friend instead of your boyfriend, because he knows you're dating Bakugo. It started off rocky, but you two somehow managed to persevere through high school, and that irks him.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who notices your signature sweet smile somewhat falter at any mention of Pro Hero Dynamight. But you're quick to hide it in front of others, so he doesn't mention it.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who, for the past few weeks, has been the ear of multiple rants regarding your boyfriend's lackluster attitude toward your relationship.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who hears about how you used stay up for hours on end waiting for Katsuki to walk through the door, but would pass out around 1. And how you've had to get used to going to sleep at a decent time without a warm body laying next to you.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's told about all of your meaningless attempts at conversation with the blond, and how every time he blows you off, you can't decide whether to get mad and yell, continue to pester him, cry, or give up altogether.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who brings up the idea of you 'taking a break'. He's secretly hoping your troubles continue so he can finally get the chance to give you everything his explosive rival couldn't.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who notices you fidget and squirm around in your seat as you do everything possible to avoid eye contact. He wants to pry more, but you don't give him the chance. "We're just going through a rough patch, I promise."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who knows the smile you're giving him isn't genuine. He’s seen you give that smile meant to fool others since your first year together and made sure to take note of it in his personal journal of you. There's something you're not telling him, but he'll find out on his own time.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who finds himself in the position of your sole advisor when you attempt to mend what's long been damaged. He refrains from asking why, but his face says it all, so you elaborate and mention how he once told the class about their childhood friendship. "I figured since you've known him for so long, you'd be able to help me most," you sheepishly explain.
Jealous! ProHero Deku Who's irritated at first, but realizes he can use this to his advantage.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives you the vaguest advice and tells you to take it one day at a time. Try to reason with your boyfriend, he says, knowing damn well Bakugo wouldn't bat an eye to your pleas.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gets into Katsuki's head by making sly comments every time they work together. He holds his number 1 ranking over the blond in the most passive-aggressive way possible.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who knows that his taunting and surge of media attention are the only reasons why Katsuki uses up any and all free time to be at his job or training, leaving you unloved at home.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's secretly elated when you come into his office during your lunchtime the following week to report that, of the three days you were able to catch your boyfriend at home, Katsuki never listened to your attempts to reason with him.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives you a pity smile—one he's practiced many times just for you—and tells you to sit so you can rant his ear off. He finds out that when Bakugo came home, it was around 11. He was weary, but still had enough energy to eat the dinner you were going to put away.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who notices your slight smile and starts to get fed up with that hopeful attitude toward fixing your relationship, but reminds himself that, within due time, you'd realize what he could see clear as day.
Jealous! ProHero Deku that can only say "I'm happy for you,"
Jealous! ProHero Deku that asks after a moment, "But are you sure he's the one you want a future with?" in the most innocent voice known to man. It catches you off guard. Was he insinuating something? Why did he seem so adamant?
Jealous! ProHero Deku knows you can't argue with him because all the proof is laid out before you, bare on the table. You find it difficult to make such a big decision, but he feels it should be the easiest one you'll make in your life.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who goes back to his supportive friend facade after realizing you won't do it. Not now, at least. You still need persuading.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who starts inviting you out on nights he knows Bakugo isn't coming home. The two of you have eaten out and seen countless movies at this point. He savors every minute of it.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's on cloud 9 during patrol nearly every morning after you thank him endlessly for taking you out the night prior.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who switches it up after a few months and invites you to high-end restaurants 'as friends.' He compliments your outfit choices every time and gives you his full attention. You start finding it hard to deny that spending time with the number one pro hero has been more enjoyable than the rare occasions of seeing your boyfriend's face.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who plans nights out at bars and private Heroes-Only clubs on weekends you can afford to get drunk.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who drives you to his place one night while slowed music plays through the speakers, only to turn it down when he notices you passed out in the passenger's seat.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who takes off your shoes and carries you to his king-sized bed, tucking you under his duvet covers. Some of his clothes are placed beside you for the next morning
Jealous! ProHero Deku who unknowingly murmurs his love to your sleeping form before collecting a few blankets and setting up in the guest room on the first floor.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's up at 7am, making breakfast. He's been brushing up on his culinary skills every now and then and hopes the morning meal is to your liking.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives a bright smile when he sees you padding down the steps once the smell of waffles and pancakes starts wafting through the house.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who makes sure your needs are met before he sits beside you and eats as well.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's suddenly more confident now that you're in his house, comfortable, and enjoying the food he had prepared; lessons from his mother as a teen really paid off.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's observant and notices you leaning into him more when you talk. "Last night was the warmest I've been in a while," you trail off, subconsciously moving your head towards his broad shoulder. He's so close to winning you over...
Jealous! ProHero Deku who gives a light chuckle when you ask why he hasn't gone to work yet. "It's actually my day off, just like you."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who suggests you two spend the day together since you both have nothing else planned
Jealous! ProHero Deku who masks his disappointment with a slight chuckle when you say you'd rather go home because today was Katsuki's supposed day off too.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's entire world stops when you mention what he said to you last night. He doesn't even remember confessing his love, much less muttering it under his breath.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who changes the subject after hearing your rejection. "I'm sorry...but It wouldn't feel right to do that to Katsuki. He's been through so much stress and I'm sure he'll be home today to rest. I'd like to comfort him in any way I can."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who sees you off after you've properly showered and gathered your things. His spirits are low, but you insisted on taking his clothes and washing them at your place as a form of thanks for his kindness.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who goes back to the drawing board once you're gone, trying to understand why, despite everything that's happened, you're still grasping at straws.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who overworks himself for the next four hours fueled by his frustration alone. What did he do wrong? Why couldn't he win?
Jealous! ProHero Deku who spends the rest of his Saturday afternoon passed out on the ground after over-exerting himself. Adrenaline sure had its side effects.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's woken up late in the evening by a phone call. He lets it ring twice before pulling himself off the ground to answer. It's you. You're crying.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who knows Bakugo had something to do with it, but acts oblivious. "Y/N? What happened? What's wrong?" you sniffle a few times while trying to find your voice. "W...we had a f...fight. And...I kinda, really need a place to stay tonight," you stutter out in between sniffles.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who can hear you rummaging around and wonders if you somehow hurt yourself. You tell him you're packing some clothes because you can't stay home tonight.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who accepts when you ask to stay with him. He comforts you over the phone as you're getting into your car and straightens out his home once you've hung up
Jealous! ProHero Deku who waits for you at the door and holds you tight to his chest when you run into his arms; face buried into his pecks and angry tears soaking through his t-shirt. You're too shattered to notice his heart skip a beat upon embrace.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who, by now has already pieced things together, but he asks anyway: “...Are you alright?" you're silent for a moment. "No," you respond, voice cracking. "We broke up. I'm so stupid for thinking we'd work out."
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's unsure how to feel now that Bakugou has finally broken you and you've run to him to help pick up the pieces. "Let's go inside, alright?" he says, letting you go to bring your bag inside the house.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who tells you to take a shower and freshen up. Take as long as you want and he'll prepare your comfort drink and meal.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's lovestruck when you confess how he makes you feel more loved than your now-ex. He lets you cling to him for the rest of the night, vowing to make sure you're treated like nothing less than royalty.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who succumbs to the temptation of cupping your face and kissing you after he's received a peck on the cheek. The rest of the night is spent making sure you're loved and know your worth.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who's later admiring your passed out form sleeping soundly beside him. Your messy hair and light sheen of sweat makes him swell with pride knowing he was able to provide you such bliss.
Jealous! ProHero Deku who holds you in his arms and realizes that he's finally won.
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frickingnerd · 3 months
dating katsuki bakugou
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, petnames, mentions of the bakusquad, clingy & overprotective katsuki
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katsuki didn't have any dating experience before he started dating you, yet he likes to pretend he had tons of partners before you and has the know-how to be the best boyfriend ever!
katsuki fell in love with you fairly quickly, but it took him months of denial and pinning, before he could admit to himself that he liked you!
katsuki is awful at expressing his feelings, which results in him either becoming quiet and flustered or straight up bullying you! he only works in extremes
he would probably be even more of an asshole to you, just to not seem soft and make others realize he is in love with you
but he'd also be very protective! he'd always be ready to protect you, whether it's during combat or in your everyday life
katsuki would literally die for you in a heartbeat! he's a reckless hothead and cares much more about you than he cares about himself!
despite not showing it, katsuki thinks you might be too good for him! whenever he allows himself to be soft with you, he wonders how he even deserved someone as precious as you!
katsuki is secretly really clingy! he tries to be around you at all times, but will act as if he's not doing it on purpose! only when you're truly alone does he allow himself to literally cling to you, arms wrapped around you and cuddling with you whenever he gets the chance
his clinginess also shows when katsuki gets jealous! he's a jealous person, so he quickly gets over protective and possessive when someone flirts with you, putting an arm around you and holding you close to show who you belong to!
it's especially bad when it's someone like midoriya or shoto, who he already sees as a rival! to those two, he'll brag about you all the time, trying to make them jealous, as he suspects they might be jealous of him already, for dating someone as great as you!
katsuki loves to give you nicknames! they range from derogatory ones like “dumbass” or “idiot” to sweet ones like “babe”, “prince/ss” or “teddy bear”! but he'll only use those sweet nicknames when you two are alone, as he has his tough guy image to keep up!
katsuki's friends love you a lot and have been rooting for the two of you to get together for a while! after you start dating, they immediately want to become friends with you and always drag you along to movie nights or training sessions with the guys!
as for dates with bakugou, he likes to cook for you or take you out to dinner! he's a simple guy and likes to treat you to good food! he might even teach you how to cook, if he finds out you're not good at it!
as for katsuki's mother mitsuki, she absolutely loves you as well! she can see that you ground katsuki and make him a better person, while genuinely caring about him and she's just waiting for katsuki to finally put a ring on you!
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hitoshiyoshi · 3 months
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synopsis ↬ the mha boys reactions when learning you have a secret admirer
pairing ↬ gender neutral!reader x mha
characters ↬ izuku, bakugou, shouto, kirishima, shinsou, sero
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+ MIDORIYA IZUKU will become a nervous little broccoli. He'll probably realize that you have a secret admirer way before you even notice; his detective skills are strong. He's not afraid to confront this person if they're making you uncomfortable because if it is a problem for you, it is also a problem for him as well. Terrified that you would actually leave him for this person and can't help but feel insecure. He'll compare all of his attributes with them and will probably easily feel inferior. Of course, you reassure him that you would never leave him and give him a huge confidence boost please reassure him. If you don't, imagine him being extremely anxious and shaky every time he sees that person around. Will politely tell that person to leave you alone if they are bothering you too much since he doesn't want to be rude.
+ TODOROKI SHOUTO pretends to be unbothered but is actually really bothered and insecure as well. He won't tell you too much about how he feels about it, he's mostly concerned whether you are uncomfortable with it. Like Izuku, he would find the identity of this person pretty quickly. Neglects his own personal thoughts on this person which probably causes him to spiral into a battle with his self-image and confidence. Although he's very pissed off about this, he silently tells this person that you're taken by being close to you all the time. Does a few death glares in their direction if he notices that person staring at you. He probably isn't too big on PDA and you quickly take notice of his changes. Unhappy and very sulky every time he sees this person around you. He'll eventually spill his feelings to you and apologize like he always does for keeping his emotions inside.
+ BAKUGOU KATSUKI would be the most bothered out of all of them. He probably isn't too obvious that you two are dating, people naturally put two and two together. When he finds out that you have a secret admirer, he's highkey offended. Wasn't it obvious that you two were dating? Well, no... Now, he goes out of his way to make sure everyone knows that you're in a relationship. Sticking to your hip, his arm around your shoulder, holding hands, eyeing up anyone that steps too close, and other things until people know. It would get annoying to others after some time, but he doesn't care. Somehow manages to track down your admirer and curses them out until they leave you alone. Destroys all the gifts and useless stuff that they've given you.
+ KIRISHIMA EIJIROU also acts unbothered but seriously hates it deep down. Instead of acting nonchalant, he would convince himself that it isn't a big deal and you won't leave him. Unfortunately, doing this is harder than he imagined. He also has an unwavering feeling that you would leave him for this person because he wasn't good enough or couldn't take care of you. Competes with this person for your affection and will do the most chivalrous manly acts to prove his love for you. Gets so uncomfortable when he sees the gifts or other presents this person gives. He probably won't go out of his way to confront them, but if he catches them leaving notes or gifts for you he'll just announce himself as your boyfriend and proceed to ask them to leave you alone.
+ SHINSOU HITOSHI observes and watches your interactions with this person very carefully. He's so wary that this person has other motives with you, more concerned about your wellbeing than anything else. He doesn't seem like the type that would be jealous but rather looks at things rationally. Randomly stumbles across them leaving love notes and gifts for you and gets so uncomfortable just from watching. He is not afraid to brainwash this person if they bother you too much; doesn't care if that sounds bad. If brainwashing doesn't work, he would just intimidate them into stopping. And if that doesn't work, he would bluntly tell them to leave you alone in the harshest way possible.
+ HANTA SERO is the king of being unbothered and actually IS unbothered. It's not that he doesn't care, but he trusts you enough to know that you won't leave him for someone else. He has no reason to be worried about this person unless he's given one. Communicates his feelings very well, doesn't hide anything. In fact, he's pretty blunt about how he feels about it even if it sounds harsh. He also doesn't actively try and figure out who you're admirer is because he could care less about that person. Only values your opinion and offers to help once he realizes it's going too far. Proudly displays himself as your partner until this person finally understands that you're taken and stops.
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writeriguess · 2 days
katsuki x reader where they are THE it couple of ua
The school buzzed with chatter as you walked down the hall, all eyes drawn to you and Bakugo Katsuki. It was a routine now, this attention. You were UA’s “it” couple, known for being both powerful and perfectly matched. Katsuki, with his explosive temper and unmatched combat skills, and you, with your sharp wit and quirks that perfectly complemented his own. Together, you were unstoppable — both on and off the battlefield.
As you reached the classroom, Katsuki walked beside you, his usual scowl plastered on his face. Yet, there was a certain calmness in his stride when you were around. His hand found yours for a brief second, a small gesture that many wouldn’t have even noticed, but you felt it. It was how he was, never overtly soft, but his little actions always spoke volumes to you.
Inside the classroom, your friends were already at their desks, Midoriya waving cheerfully while Uraraka greeted you with a bright smile. You smiled back, greeting them warmly, but you felt the heat of Katsuki’s hand press lightly against your lower back as if telling you to focus on him.
“Katsuki, you’re too possessive,” you teased, glancing at him. He clicked his tongue, the corner of his mouth quirking up.
“Tch, I ain’t possessive. Just don’t like people staring too much,” he muttered. He shot a glare to a few first-years who were peeking from outside the door. “Idiots.”
You chuckled, finding it amusing how easily jealous Katsuki could get, even though he would never admit it. Sitting down beside him, you leaned over, resting your chin on your hand as you watched him. He was busy setting up his notebook, his brow furrowed in concentration. His attention to detail was something that never failed to amaze you.
“Do you need help studying?” you asked playfully. “I could tutor you if you’re struggling.”
He shot you a sharp look, but the faint pink dusting his cheeks told you he wasn’t actually mad.
“I don’t need help,” he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at you. “I’m not some damn Deku.”
“I know,” you said, voice softening. “You’re amazing, Katsuki.”
The words seemed to catch him off guard, and for a second, his eyes softened as he looked at you. That vulnerability in him was something he only ever showed you, and it made your heart swell.
“Damn right I am,” he muttered, leaning closer to you so that his lips ghosted near your ear. “And you better remember that you’re mine, too.”
His voice was low, possessive, but there was a tenderness in his tone that made your cheeks warm. Despite his brashness, Katsuki cared deeply for you, more than he’d ever admit out loud to anyone else.
“I could never forget,” you whispered back, a smile tugging at your lips.
Just then, Kirishima leaned over from his desk, a wide grin on his face. “Man, you two are goals. Seriously, how do you make being in a relationship look so badass?”
Katsuki growled, glaring at Kirishima. “Shut the hell up, shitty hair.”
But you just laughed, brushing a hand over Katsuki’s arm to calm him down. “Thanks, Kirishima. It’s not that hard when you’ve got someone who’s always pushing you to be better.”
Katsuki shot you a sideways glance, his expression softening for just a second before he turned back to his usual scowl. “Damn right. If you’re not getting stronger, what’s the point?”
As class went on, you couldn’t help but feel proud. Not just of yourself or your relationship, but of Katsuki too. People often misunderstood him, saw him only for his temper and aggression. But you saw the real Katsuki — the one who, despite his rough edges, was fiercely protective, incredibly driven, and cared for you in a way that made you feel like the most important person in the world.
When the bell rang and class ended, Katsuki stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He turned to you, his eyes scanning your face before he reached out, grabbing your hand.
“Come on, let’s get lunch,” he said, his voice softer than before.
You smiled, squeezing his hand. “Lead the way, Katsuki.”
As you walked through the halls of UA, hand in hand with Bakugo, you couldn’t help but feel on top of the world. There was something powerful about the way you two fit together, like a perfect team both in life and battle. And as long as you had him by your side, you knew that nothing could stand in your way. You were the power couple of UA, and nothing could change that.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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chateaaa · 5 months
☆ kismet - K. Bakugo
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synopsis: Katsuki Bakugo as your Boyfriend!
pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader
warnings: just fluff!
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• Katsuki Bakugo would be the type who would show his love through his actions
• would be the type to have the love language of acts of service
• Katsuki would be the type to buy small trinkets that looks just like you and secretly place it inside your doem
• He looks mean on the outside, but on the inside he's very vulnerable and shows this side to you
• would literally worship you
• would listen to all your yaps and random stories, he would look annoyed but he is listening attentively
• would be so jealous when you talk to a boy, especially midoriya (poor izuku)
• everytime you both go to a date, he always pays
• would always carry you bridal style
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Happy Birthday Katsuki!!! (made this cuz today is his birthday loll)
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felinecyan · 2 months
Trust Issues
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[Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Some friendly advice: don’t ever go to the rival of your spar partner for help.
WC: 4893
Category: Fluff, Slight Angst,
This blog is a MHA fan page at this point HAHAHA
But since you guys REALLY liked the first oneshot of him, I felt inclined to write another one. So, here you go! 💞
You didn’t think it would come to this.
In all honesty, you had never intended to hurt your friend.
All you had wanted was a fair fight. After all, that was why you were training, wasn't it?
So you could become a hero?
Now, granted, it was not a secret that Izuku Midoriya had always been on the… opposing end of Katsuki Bakugo's wrath ever since childhood. The boy was a spitfire; you had known that from the moment he had first stepped into class.
The Sports Festival only proved it. He was strong, powerful, and unafraid to let anyone who stood in his way know. It was that sort of determination that you had hoped to one day achieve, the will to succeed and not allow anything to hold you back.
It wasn't that you were star-struck or even jealous when he had been crowned first place at the festival. It was just inspiring, in a sense. He had fought tooth and nail to win, and in the end, he had come out on top.
However, his victory did not mean he could rest easy.
After the Sports Festival, Bakugo had taken a sort of… interest in you. You supposed he liked the way he fought against you, or maybe it was because he saw potential in you as a rival, but when class was over the next day, and the blonde had approached you, telling you to meet him out back, you were overjoyed.
Until he started to beat the ever-living crap out of you, that is.
And he still was, even now.
Every time you believe to be gaining more and more strength, he only proves to have become stronger. It was quite disheartening, actually.
Still, you did your best to keep up with him. It was no surprise to you, though, that he was better at you in almost everything.
That's why it seemed like a great idea for you to start sparring with Deku, right? Maybe the green-haired could teach you a few things and help you gain a bit of an advantage over the hothead.
But, as pure intentions would have it, the choice you made that day had landed you here.
You were at your locker, picking up books for Aizawa’s lesson when a hand rested atop the door of your locker. He didn’t close it, only using it as a resting place for his arm, so you didn't immediately look up to see him, instead pretending that you hadn't noticed him.
Not a voice you were familiar with. You glanced around the area before looking over at the source—a tall boy with short black hair and dark brown eyes.
You blinked a couple of times. "Hi…?"
He flashed a grin and leaned a bit closer to you, his voice dropping low. "Nice weather we're having, don't you think?"
"Uhm… sure, I guess." The confusion was obvious on your face, and he laughed at your expression. "It's nice, yeah."
"Well, the weather seems a lot nicer on the roof, I think." His words were slow, and his smile was growing a bit too much for you to be comfortable with. "I could take you there, show you the view. What do you—"
He was caught off by the large hand that suddenly slammed down on the top of your locker, shutting it. You were about to tell the person that the door had hit your head when you looked up at those glaring crimson eyes and felt your stomach drop.
Katsuki Bakugo.
"Hey, what the hell?!" The boy exclaimed. "What's the big deal?!"
Bakugo didn't seem to acknowledge the other, simply glaring down at you only. You were frozen in place. You had never seen the boy this angry, not even at the USJ attack.
"You." His voice was quiet, unnervingly calm, but the undertone was filled with enough venom to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "You lied."
"Uh—" You began but were cut off.
"You told me you had to bail yesterday. That you had homework to do." He was staring right through you, and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine.
You swallowed, and his eyes flickered to your throat for a split second. "I did, though."
"You didn't," He hissed, teeth gritting together. "You were with him."
"With who—"
You had no chance to react before he slammed his fist against the lockers again, right beside your face, and the boy who had been trying to talk to you only watched as you were cornered.
"Don't lie to me, damnit!" He was snarling, eyes alight with fury. His hand moved from the lockers and back to his side. "You were with that shitty nerd. Don't you fucking deny it."
"I—" You tried, but your voice was shaking, and he interrupted you before you could say anything.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" He leaned down to your level, his red eyes burning into yours. "Do you really think I wouldn't find out about your little play date with Deku?"
"Play date?" Your eyebrows furrowed. "I was just training, Bakugo. It's not that big a deal."
He scoffed, pulling his hands into his pockets. The rage was still in his eyes, but he didn't appear to want to act on it, instead turning his head to the side.
And despite it not being a good time, the dude beside you was still here, and he had a comment.
"Hey, I was here first, dude." He said, stepping forward. "It’s clear you two have a problem, but this chick isn’t yours. Beat it."
You were honestly expecting Bakugo to explode on him, maybe even punch the guy. He was always so aggressive.
Instead, he simply stared at him for a long moment, blinking at his audacity, only to roll his eyes and turn back to you.
"If you think Deku can help you, then go ahead." He shrugged, taking a step back. "We’ll see how good his teaching is if it can get you to stand a chance against me."
"You think—"
He interrupted you, not even giving you the chance to finish.
"Five o’clock, gymnasium." He smirked, but his eyes were hard. "Don't make me wait."
"But, you said—"
He had already turned his back and began to walk away, the other boy watching him with a dumbfounded expression.
Bakugo only nudged him aside with his shoulder, not giving him a glance as he left the hallway. He might’ve called over his shoulder, calling the kid an extra.
You weren't sure, and frankly, you didn't care. The only thing you cared about at that moment was what just happened, what was going to happen, and kicking the ever-loving shit out of the tattletale who just ruined everything.
The guy was still staring at the hallway Bakugo had disappeared in, his eyebrows scrunched together.
"Did he just—"
"Don’t." You held up a hand, and his mouth shut immediately. "Just don't."
The boy didn't say anything after that. You left him as he was, not caring if he was confused or not. He shouldn't have interrupted in the first place.
You walked to the classroom, immediately hunting down the other blonde, who happened to be your betrayer. He was sitting down, talking to Sero and Kirishima, but you didn't hesitate to grab him by the ear and drag him away.
"Hey!" He cried out, struggling to escape. "What the hell?! Lemme go!"
"Why'd you do that?!" You demanded, turning to him and letting him go. "You ratted me out!"
He blinked, not understanding. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, Denks!" You pointed at him accusingly, glaring at him. "You told Bakugo that I was training with Midoriya."
"I… was under a lot of pressure, okay?" He raised his hands defensively, leaning back. "Bakugo came to me after school and demanded where you were. He threatened to blow my face off!"
"Oh, yeah, real mature." You rolled your eyes. "Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me?! He’s going to actually blow my face off."
"He didn't seem that mad," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe it'll be okay."
"He talked like a regular person," You crossed your arms. "He was terrifyingly calm, Kaminari! And now he wants to meet me in the gym at five o'clock."
"Dude,” Sero extended the vowel, sitting forward in his seat as he had heard the conversation. "You’re so screwed."
You couldn’t help the glare you threw at him.
"You're not helping."
Kirishima also turned, frowning. "No, dude, he's right. You are screwed. I mean, you were sparring with Midobro behind his back." He shook his head. "He probably wouldn’t have cared much if it was me or anyone else, but—"
"You picked his mortal enemy." Sero finished, raising an eyebrow. "Like, seriously, dude. What did you expect?"
"Kaminari not to snitch on me?" You threw a look at the yellow-haired boy. "So much for being friends, huh?"
"Hey, I warned you," Kaminari huffed, crossing his arms. "But no, you wanted to hang out with his rival. If I didn’t tell him, I'm pretty sure he would've killed me. Like, literally, he would've killed me. No doubt."
"But you're fine with me dying?" You asked, a teasing smile pulling at your lips. "I see how it is."
"I thought I would have until after lunch to warn you," He defended himself, shrugging. "Guess he warned you instead, huh?"
You sighed, shaking your head.
"You guys aren't helping," You turned, running a hand through your hair. "I'm dead. So dead. Oh my god."
"Alright, who pissed off the chihuahua?"
You spun around at the sound of Mina's voice, seeing her, Jiro, and Hagakure all standing together.
How wonderful. The gang's all here.
"What are you talking about, Ashido?" Kirishima questioned, tilting his head.
"Bakugo's pissed," Jiro explained, pointing a thumb in his direction. "He’s storming through the hallways like someone just took a dump in his cereal."
"And it's not like he was in a good mood this morning, either," Hagakure added, bouncing on her toes. "Did something happen?"
You groaned and flopped down into a chair, hiding your face in your hands.
"Idiocy happened," Sero answered, shrugging. "That's what happened."
"Shut it, Tape Boy."
"You should probably tell us," Mina advised, sitting down next to you. She pulled you into a side hug, patting your shoulder. "What's up? Talk to me."
"Bakugo found out that I've been training with Midoriya," You mumbled, and the three girls nodded. "I’m dead. Aizawa can’t even save me."
"Aw, c'mon, it's not that bad." Jiro rolled her eyes, walking over to join the group. "Bakugo's all bark and no bite."
"He's not… all bark." You muttered, not meeting her eyes.
"I can vouch for that." Kaminari grinned, but the glare you shot him made him falter. "But uh, no, yeah, he's definitely more bite than bark."
"Oh, you poor baby." Hagakure cooed, leaning forward to ruffle your hair. You couldn't see her face, obviously, but you had a feeling she was smiling. "You can do it, though. It can't be that bad."
"You know what you should do?" Kirishima suggested a bright smile on his face. "Talk to him."
"I think that would make things worse, dude." You rubbed your eyes, sighing.
"I mean, tell him why you were doing it." He shrugged. "He’s feeling all types of betrayed right now, I bet. If you just explain your reasoning, he might let it slide."
"But it's worth a shot, isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow, his smile still intact. "Plus, you’d be showing him that you aren't afraid to take the initiative. Maybe he'll be a bit nicer."
"Do it at lunch so that if he tries to kill you, there'll be teachers nearby." Sero grinned.
"You're really not helping." You glared at him, but the group just laughed, leaving you to your sulking.
Mina was about to say something when the door to the classroom opened, and the very loved and grumpy Aizawa walked in. He didn't say a word; instead, he just shot a look at the group before sitting down to wait for the last few minutes before class started.
As much as you wanted to believe it, the only thing the group's conversation managed to do was make you more worried. You spent the entire class staring off into space, staring at the blonde boy who sat two seats in front of you.
His shoulders were tense, and his pencil was practically snapping in half as he scribbled notes on the paper. Every once in a while, his eyes would flicker back and forth, his teeth gritted, and his pencil would move a bit faster.
You couldn’t focus on what Aizawa was saying, too distracted by the blonde's behavior.
The class seemed to go on forever, but eventually, the bell rang, and the class began to shuffle out, chatting and laughing with their friends.
"Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima walked over to the hothead, who had stayed behind to pack up his things. "You okay, man?"
He was a real one, that Kirishima.
"Peachy." He replied, throwing his bag over his shoulder. His tone was dry, and his eyes were tired, but there was a hint of anger in them.
"You sure? You seem a bit—"
"I'm fine, Shitty Hair." He hissed, his patience wearing thin. "Back off."
The redhead only nodded and backed away, holding his hands up. "Alright, man. Whatever you say."
He looked over at you, his eyes flickering between you and Bakugo.
He didn't need to say a word. You understood. You slowly approached the blonde, your heart in your throat.
"Uhm," You started, your voice cracking. You cleared your throat, trying to seem as unthreatening as possible. "Can we talk? I'll buy lunch."
He glanced at you, his jaw clenching. His eyes flickered down to the floor before meeting yours again.
"What makes you think I need you to buy me lunch?" He huffed, his grip on his bag tightening.
"It's an offer, dude," You shrugged, trying to sound more casual than you felt. It didn’t work. "I just want to talk, okay?"
He stared at you for a long moment, the gears in his head working. He looked over at Kirishima and Kaminari, who had been watching, before rolling his eyes and huffing.
"Fine. Whatever."
He pushed past you and made his way to the door, not bothering to check if you were following. You gave the other two a small, awkward smile and hurried after him, following close behind as he stomped his way through the hall.
You kept a bit of distance but stayed close enough so that he knew you were still there. He didn't speak, didn't even look at you, and his shoulders were still tense.
This was not going to end well.
But he hadn’t said no, so maybe there was a chance.
"So," You began, breaking the silence. "I—"
"Why?" He cut you off, not slowing his pace. His eyes were forward. "I already know your damn reasoning, so don't give me some bullshit excuse. Just tell me the truth."
He had stopped walking, now turning to face you. There were students milling about the hallway, and a couple were giving the two of you strange looks. You tried to ignore them.
You focused on the blonde's gaze.
"You're strong," You confessed, your voice wavering. "I want to be stronger."
His eyes narrowed at that.
"You could've asked," He growled. "You didn't have to sneak around and hide shit."
"Asked to… what? To kick my ass harder during our spars?" You huffed. "Because, as much as I hate to say it, I'm not winning in those."
He paused, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Is that what this is about?" He asked. "You wanted me to go easier on you? Are you kidding me?"
"No, that's not—"
"If you think villains are gonna hold back," He cut you off again, and the volume of his voice was getting higher. "You're out of your damn mind. You can't always depend on some shitty extra to bail your ass out."
"That's not—"
"Then what the fuck do you want from me, huh?!" He demanded, throwing his hands up. "You want me to hold your hand through heroics?! Is that what it is?!"
"I'm not asking you to do anything," You defended yourself, glaring. "All I wanted was a different perspective, damn."
"Yeah, what a nice perspective you got." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Get perspective off the kid who can’t even use his quirk without breaking his fucking body. What a brilliant idea."
"Oh, come on!" You crossed your arms. "There is no reason for you to be so petty. I did this for you, and for me. What's the problem?"
"For me? " He echoed, his eyes widening. "The hell do you mean, 'for me'? Going behind my back and training with the nerd is not doing something for me."
"I did it to be a better opponent to you!" You raised your voice, ignoring the stares of your classmates. "I'm tired of losing all the time! You're my friend, and I don't want to constantly have my ass handed to me!"
"We're not friends," He hissed. "Friends don't do this kind of shit."
You faltered, taken aback.
"I'm— You're—"
"Save it," He snapped, not meeting your gaze. "I'm done. Fuck this. Fuck you. Go find someone else to train with."
He pushed past you, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stomped away. You stood there, gaping, unable to understand what just happened.
"Bakugo," You tried, your voice cracking. You didn't turn, too busy staring at the tile floor.
"Fuck off, idiot." He spat, not bothering to look back. "You can forget about the sparring later."
He didn't wait for you to respond. Instead, he shoved his way past the crowd, disappearing from sight.
You were still frozen, and you couldn't tell if the tears welling up in your eyes were from frustration or sadness.
The students rushing around you began to slow, staring at you with pity, confusion, or both.
But you didn’t have time to care because, at that moment, you couldn’t think of anything else.
Your stomach twisted. Your head throbbed. Your heart broke.
And you felt like you were going to throw up.
"Dude," Kaminari said, appearing next to you. "That was rough."
You didn't reply. You couldn't.
"Shut up, man," Kirishima said, placing a hand on your shoulder. He was frowning, his eyes full of worry. "She doesn't need that right now."
"This is some B-lister movie shit right here," Sero commented, shaking his head. "Seriously, what a drama queen."
Bakugo… he was… hurt. You could see it in his eyes. He was angry, obviously, but there was something else. Something that you had never seen before.
"An idiot?" Sero guessed.
"A jerk?" Kaminari added.
"Emotionally constipated?"
At that, Kirishima punched Sero in the shoulder, causing him to groan and rub the spot.
"Ow, what was that for?!"
"He's just mad," Kirishima ignored the question, turning to face you. "Just give him some space. He'll come around."
"This is different," You argued, your throat burning. "I've never seen him like that. Never. It’s like he’s— I don't know."
"He's an asshole," Kaminari muttered, glaring down the hallway. "Don't waste your time on him."
"You didn't see the look in his eyes," You shook your head. "It was so different. He was almost… dejected."
"Hurt?" Sero repeated, raising an eyebrow. "The guy didn't look like he was in pain. He looked pissed."
"I… did this," You said, and the three boys frowned. "He said we weren't friends because I went behind his back. I didn’t realize he saw us as friends, and I— I ruined it."
"Hey, man, you didn't ruin anything." Kirishima shook his head, his voice firm. "He’ll realize the things he said and—"
You needed to apologize. You needed to go to him, and apologize, and explain in a way that doesn’t leave room for questions.
"I'm sorry," You spoke, interrupting the redhead. "I just— I gotta— I'm gonna go."
"Wait, I wouldn’t—"
But it was too late. You were already pushing your way through the crowd, not caring about the future consequences.
You were on a mission, and you were going to get shit done.
It was easy enough to find him. The Pomeranian hair was a dead giveaway. He never made it to the cafeteria and was instead standing off to the side, staring out the window.
He didn’t look up when you approached him, but you could see the tension in his shoulders.
"I'm sorry."
You didn’t beat around the bush or try to ease him into the conversation. You just came out and said it because there was no point in hiding it.
"Just…" He sighed, not bothering to look at you. "Just leave me alone, alright? We're done."
"Look, I didn’t—"
"Why can't you just listen?!" He yelled, whipping around to glare at you. Despite his angry expression, though, you could see the hesitation.
He wasn't as confident as usual.
"You're not listening to me," You argued. "I'm apologizing. Why can't you—"
"Because I don't need you to apologize," He snarled, his eyes narrowing. "I don't want your fucking apologies. You did what you did, and I'm over it."
"It's obvious that you aren't over it."
"What, and you are?"
"No, not at all," You shrugged, trying not to flinch. "I’m trying to fix the problem."
"Well, don't." He huffed, turning back towards the window. "There is no problem."
"You were going to take your anger out on me," You said, not daring to step any closer. "How the hell is there no problem?"
"I told you," He turned to face you. "I don't care. I don't give a shit anymore. I'm not going to spar with you. Not anymore."
"You can't—"
"I can't, or I won't?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Neither," You said. "I didn't— I didn't train with Midoriya because I didn't trust you."
He laughed. Actually, genuinely laughed, his eyes crinkling in amusement. You thought the most terrifying moment of his was when he spoke calmly, but that?
That, right there?
That was the scariest moment of your life.
"Are you joking?" He snorted, the smile disappearing just as fast as it had come. "You think that’s why I'm pissed?"
"It's— it's part of it, right?"
"Oh, no," He shook his head. "No, you don't get it, do you? Do I have to spell it out for you, dumbass? Do you want me to fucking say it?"
You hesitated, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up.
"Say what?"
He sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
"I was fine with the spars," He explained, his voice quiet. "I was fine with the competition. It was fun. You were a good match, and it made me a better fighter. I liked it."
He stopped, taking a deep breath.
"But when you went behind my back," He continued, his voice tight. "And when you didn't bother to tell me and instead told Dunce Face? Of all people?! That's where I had a problem."
"What does—"
"It means you're a coward."
You felt as if you'd been punched in the stomach, the air being knocked out of your lungs.
"You couldn't even look me in the eye and tell me, so instead, you went behind my back." He continued, and the volume of his voice was increasing. "You were too scared to face me, and you ran off and hid like a child."
"That's not true—"
"It is," He growled. "You know it, I know it, and the rest of the class knows it."
"So, you're telling me you're pissed because I'm a coward?" You asked, trying to keep the quiver from your voice.
"Partly," He replied, and the look in his eyes made you flinch.
"Partly," You repeated, your eyebrows furrowing. "So, what's the other part?"
"That I trusted you."
The words stung. They burned through your skin and pierced through your heart, making you feel as if you were the one with the explosion quirk.
He didn’t let you respond and instead walked up to you, his eyes dark.
"I trusted you," He repeated, his voice low. "I trusted you to come to me if you needed something, and I trusted that you would be honest with me. I thought we were at least close enough for that, but it turns out I was wrong."
"You— you weren't wrong—"
"If I was wrong, then why the hell did I go to Deku?! Why not me?! Why did you not trust me?!"
"I did trust you!" You cried, your eyes stinging.
"You went to the one person who could break his body with every punch," He snapped, his hands curling into fists. "You went to the kid who can’t control his damn quirk, and you went to the one person that I—"
He stopped himself, his face twisting in anger.
"What?" You pressed, taking a small step forward. "What were you going to say?"
"Nothing." He spat, turning his head. "Forget it. It's none of your damn business."
"Tell me."
"Bakugo," You pressed, trying to sound more demanding.
"Fuck off."
He didn't answer and, instead, began to walk away.
"Damn it," You hissed, running up and grabbing his arm.
"Let go." He warned, not meeting your gaze.
"I'm sorry." You pleaded. "Okay? I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you already said that."
"I do trust you," You said. "You're an ass, and you're annoying, and you can be a bit too hardheaded, but I still trust you."
He paused, not looking at you.
"Then why didn't you go to me first?" He asked, his voice wavering. "You were my damn partner, and yet you—"
"I didn’t want you to make me feel bad," You answered. "I wanted to surprise you and prove myself. I know I can do it. I'm strong, and I'm fast, and I can be better than what I am now, and I wanted to show you that."
He was silent, but he still didn’t pull his arm from your grasp.
"I couldn’t ask for your help," You continued. "Because I didn’t want you to treat me any differently. I wanted you to see what I could do without any outside influence."
"What a stupid reason."
"You don't have to agree," You muttered. "But it was my reasoning, nonetheless."
He didn't say anything, and you sighed, letting go of his arm.
"I'm sorry," You apologized again, trying not to cringe. "I should have told you sooner, and I should have come to you. I should have trusted the way you'd react and not predicted how you would act. I was being selfish, and I should have considered you."
He turned his head, his eyes still narrowed. But it wasn't angry. No, it wasn't anger at all anymore. It was pure curiosity.
"What were you trying to prove?"
"To me," He said, his eyebrows furrowing. "If you were training with me, then what were you trying to prove?"
You bit the inside of your cheek.
"I'm not sure." You answered, not daring to meet his gaze. "I guess I just wanted to impress you."
"Impress me?" He scoffed again, rolling his eyes. "You really are an idiot."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"It means I don't need to be impressed," He explained, his voice softer than before. "I don't give a shit about being impressed. I just want you to be stronger."
"So you can still kick my ass? But be more proud of it?" You guessed, smiling.
"Something like that," He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I want to be able to fight you without holding back."
"Oh, come on," You complained, rolling your eyes. "That's a load of crap, and you know it. You wouldn't have to hold back against me."
"Oh, yeah?" He asked, his voice lowering. "An hour with the nerd, and you think you're on my level now? You're delusional."
"You underestimate me."
"I'm not underestimating shit." He scoffed, leaning down slightly. "I can tell you, right here, right now, two minutes. I'd give it two minutes, tops, and then your ass would be on the floor."
"Really," He nodded, smirking. "Two minutes. That's it."
"Five o'clock?"
"Tch, fine," He agreed, taking a step back. "Don't be late, idiot."
"I won't." You assured, turning to leave. "I'll see you then, Bakugo."
"You'll see my foot up your ass."
And, just like that, the two of you were back to normal.
Did you win? Hell no. But your plan with Deku did come in handy, and you were able to put up a pretty good fight.
He did still beat you, of course, and the time was 4:57 when he finally got you on the floor.
But, it wasn't as humiliating as the previous spars, and you weren't nearly as embarrassed.
Instead, he just grinned, pulling you up by your hand and offering some tips.
And, honestly, they were better than the ones Midoriya had given you.
So, maybe going to the firecracker wasn't a terrible idea after all.
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ickyblickyy · 3 months
pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
sypnosis: upon losing feelings for your boyfriend monoma, you start developing a new attraction towards the football team's quarterback. the only problem is, you two have never met. but that's where your bestest friends come in.
five | series m.list | seven
SIX. good idea
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9:23 PM
you immediately get accustomed to the loud blare of the music in your ear and the reek of alcohol and sex within the house. your friends, with the exception of shinsou, briefly scrunched their faces up in disgust at the change of atmosphere upon entering the house.
you were used to parties like this by now. monoma would always drag you and shinsou to frat parties back in high school despite you voicing your distaste for them. but eventually, you took a liking to them. you found them to be an escape from most of your problems.
before you and shinsou could make a beeline for the kitchen, midoriya warned you both about the amount of alcohol you planned on consuming that night. you assured him that you two wouldn’t drink too much, which midoriya knew was a lie, but sent you two off nonetheless.
as soon as you made it to the kitchen, you started looking through the alcohol already sat on the counter. you picked up two beers, handing one to shinsou. you sighed before opening the can and leaning against the counter beside shinsou, taking a sip of your drink.
“y’know i used to hate frat parties when neito- i mean monoma always took us to them,” you said, looking out into the crowd of people.
shinsou glanced at you before following your gaze, taking a sip of his drink as well. “yeah, you never wanted to go. i didn’t mind them all that much, though.”
“yeah, ‘cause you liked getting wasted,” you chuckled, poking your best friend’s rib.
shinsou swatted your hand away, playfully rolling his eyes before retorting, “oh, please. you were worse than me.”
from afar, bakugou watched you two conversate with furrowed eyebrows. truth be told, bakugou’s real reason for coming to the party was the idea that you would probably be there, which kirishima brought up. he wanted to talk to you, get to know you. and there you were, except you were talking to shinsou and not him.
kaminari noticed bakugou staring at you and shinsou, a smirk making it’s way onto his face. he walked up to bakugou, throwing his arm around his shoulders and watching you and shinsou as well.
“why don’t you go talk to her, man?” kaminari questioned, causing bakugou to shove the blond’s arm off of him.
“what the fuck are you talking about?” bakugou grumbled, turning away so that he was no longer facing you.
“y’know what i’m talking about,” kaminari deadpanned. “just admit it, you want her so bad.”
bakugou rolled his eyes. how could he want you? he doesn’t even know you. yet he feels so weird when he sees you with shinsou. almost as if he was jealous.
“hah? jealous? as fucking if,” bakugou mumbled to himself, seemingly battling with his thoughts.
“aw, look! she’s getting away,” kaminari said, pointing at you and shinsou walking away. “better go find her before i get to her first.”
“oh, fuck off,” bakugou said as he watched you and shinsou walk out of the back door. bakugou grabbed his unopened can of beer before taking one look at his friends and walking off to look for you.
as soon as he stepped outside, he sighed. he didn’t realize how humid it was in the house until he inhaled the fresh air of the backyard. he scanned the people outside as he opened his drink. there were people conversing, some were basking in the fresh air, and others were smoking.
bakugou started scanning the backyard for you, but he spotted shinsou first. the purple-haired male was talking to a few of the baseball players, you nowhere to be found. he took a sip of his beer before looking around for you again, and soon enough he found you.
you were sitting in a chair while scrolling through your phone and drinking from a red solo cup. as bakugou started to approach you, he saw midoriya suddenly walking up to you. he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“hey, y/n,” midoriya said, approaching you with a bottle of water in his hand.
“hey, ‘zuku,” you grinned, taking a sip of your new drink.
“how much did you drink?” the green-haired boy asked.
“this is my second drink,” you replied, sloshing it around for emphasis.
midoriya handed you the water bottle in which you accepted it, smiling gratefully at him.
“drink water throughout the night. don’t want you getting too wasted,” midoriya said, taking a seat next to you.
“thanks, izuku,” you chuckled before shinsou approached you both with an eyebrow raised.
“so, none of you noticed bakugou standing there and staring at you creepily?” shinsou said, tilting his head to the side briefly to point the ash-blond out.
you turned to the direction that shinsou tilted his head towards and immediately locked eyes with bakugou. you felt your face heat up as you held eye contact with him before he looked away. you then looked at your cup before downing the rest of your drink and standing up.
“i’m gonna go talk to—“
“he’s leaving,” shinsou interrupted.
“wha—“ you turned to look at bakugou once again only to find him walking back into the house.
you frowned as midoriya stood up to pat your back. “you’ll get ‘em next time.”
“i’m gonna need more alcohol in my system for this,” you said before walking away to enter the house. shinsou and midoriya looked at each other with amused expressions before following behind you.
you walked up to a random table before grabbing a cup and pouring whatever drink you could find in it. you took a large gulp before pausing and downing the rest. midoriya looked at you with a concerned expression on his face before shoving the water bottle you forgot outside in your face.
you grabbed the water bottle and opened it, drinking it feverishly. shinsou tapped you on the shoulder before pointing at bakugou who was leaning against a wall. “he’s right there.” you nodded before finishing the water and leaving the empty bottle on the table.
“wish me luck, guys,” you said, looking at your two friends.
they gave you a thumbs up and you smiled before turning around to walk towards bakugou. as you were approaching him, you noticed he was looking at his feet, seemingly lost in thought. you brushed it off as you reached him, leaning against the wall next to him.
“hey,” you smiled softly.
he turned to look at you, his eyes widening a bit before going back to normal. he definitely wasn’t expecting you to be next to him. he looked forward, taking a sip of his drink.
“hey,” bakugou replied.
“uhhh, thanks for the money. even though you totally didn’t have to give it to me. i don’t want to seem stingy or anything y—“ you started rambling before bakugou cut you off.
“it’s fine, dumbass. i gave it to ya because i wanted to,” bakugou said, glancing at you.
“you sure?” you asked tilting your head to the side.
“mention the money again and i might take that shit back from you,” bakugou said, looking at you with an unamused face.
“noted,” you said, doing a zipping motion against your lips.
it then went silent between you two but you couldn’t tell if it was awkward or comfortable. you didn’t know what to say and you weren’t sure if bakugou wanted you in his presence either.
“let me get your number,” bakugou said, breaking the silence.
you looked at him with a confused expression on your face, trying to register what he just said. he stared back you, slowly starting to doubt his choice of words the longer you didn’t answer.
“sure!” you finally smiled, holding your hand out for his phone. he mentally sighed in relief, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
he handed it to you and you typed your number out, saving your contact as ‘l/n :P’. you wanted to save it as your first name but you knew you two weren’t on that level yet.
as you were handing his phone back to him, kirishima walked up to you both with a nervous look on his face, knowing he was interrupting you two.
kirishima waved at you and you happily waved back before the redhead started talking. “uh, kats.”
“what the fuck happened now?” bakugou grunted, knowing that at least one of his friends did something dumb. it happens everytime they go to a party.
“kaminari got a bit too drunk and he’s crying about a romance movie he watched two years ago,” kirishima said, rubbing the back of his neck. “i think we should start heading back to the dorms.”
“why the hell is that my problem?” bakugou questioned, rolling his eyes.
“bakugou,” you started, the said male quickly turning to look at you. “it’s getting late, go take your poor friend back to his dorm,” you chuckled.
bakugou groaned, dragging his hand down his face before looking towards kirishima then back to you. “fine.”
before the two left, you bid your goodbyes and reminded bakugou to text you. you watched them walk away with a big smile on your face and as soon as they disappeared from your vision, you squealed loudly.
“i knew coming to this party was a good idea,” you sighed happily.
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tag list: @chrofeisnightmaregf @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @blamemef0rit @iridescentrays @archer-fb @bakugouswh0r3 @singingcherri6 @parker-webs @polarbvnny @lupinandout @thebestrouge @blubearxy @itgetzweird08 @bakunianadecorazon @poemzcheng @nottherealslimshady @nnnniei3 @themultifandomgirl @123150448 @kara062284-blog @jazzypop--qq @neoclb @hellokittyfeenie @iheartamora @morganadorodo @k1tk4tkatsuki @d34ly @heyits-zedo @iwa-chan-akaashi-san @first-time-fanfic-writer @corvid007 @spooky-cupid @enzstr @centerhabit @xdyledz @aliisinwonderland @kovu-bunnbunn @bakutreats @perrywinklefairy @oneiratxxia10 @vitanicheney666 @itsdragonius @penesauce @sixxze
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© ickyblickyy 2024 please do not steal, copy, or repost my work onto other platforms.
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Making Porn With The Number One Pro Hero
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi (All Might/Skinny Might) x Fem! Pro-Hero! Reader.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Jealous sex (?), Mirror sex, Oral sex (fem receiving), Secret ((established)) relationship, Recording sex (so y'all make porn), Minor hair pulling, Semi-public sex, Intercourse (P in V), Daddy Kink, you two are almost caught in the act, mention of you two previously being caught in the act, I finally used a condom!! (I usually write about creampies but this time I didn't), Some bitch tries to touch our All Might but fails, We accidentally punch her in the face, Toshi is pussy whipped.
Summary: You have a sex dream about your boyfriend which leads to a fantasy, All Might wants to achieve that fantasy with you after you punch another All Might slut in the face. The fantasy doesn't TOTALLY go to planned.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 2.
Writing Time: 7 hours (with no breaks, longest amount of time I've ever spent on a fic).
Word Count: 3,308.
Day 2 of Kinktober! Enjoy!
The introduction is ridiculously fucking long, idk why but skip to the first —-//— if you're like me and only interested in the sex. I hate the beginning part anyway and it's very obvious my writing has suffered from my hiatus, but oh well. It will get better.Technically you get railed by Skinny All Might in his Silver Age suit, hope that's ok.I have to give this thing a part 2 at some point, this is way too hot and I'm so proud of it.
I kept writing then deleting then rewriting this shit (which is why it took 7 hours) so y'all better let me know if you like it :)
Here is the masterlist for all my Kinktober 2023 works.
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Being in an secret relationship with the Number 1 Hero was difficult to say the least.
Having to sneak around everyone was fun and slightly erotic at first, but slowly became annoying and a bit painful at times.
You had recently told Toshinori about a sexy fantasy you had of him. To have him fuck you in his dressing room right before an interview, ideally from behind in front of a mirror whilst you record, you two had made porn before (for only you two's eyes, no one else's!!) so recording sex wasn't new to you guys.
Toshinori had giggled like a little schoolboy and covered his growing erection when you told him about your little fantasy, and said it sounded very hot. But after you kissed him and gave him a handy right then and there, he calmed down a bit and explained to you how unlikely it was to happen, he feared someone would walk in and catch you both (one person had before) and possibly tell someone.
Sadly your lover had made it clear countless times before he didn't want a public relationship for the sake of protecting you and others. You understood completely and was happy Toshinori valued protecting you over everything, but that didn't mean you didn't long to hold his hand in public.
Very few knew about you two; Young Midoriya, David Shield, Sir Nighteye (RIP) and Aizawa (Aizawa finding out was an accident, he had caught you two in a compromising position in Toshinori's classroom after school hours). But you both was content with those who knew about you two, you trusted all of them, and didn't plan on adding anyone else to the list.
Early on into your pro-hero career, you were introduced to one journalist and news reporter who you honestly couldn't remember the name of. She was young and very attractive, no doubt becoming the face of her news station because of her pretty face and impressive figure. She was well known to interview pro heroes and flirt with them, and unsurprisingly lot of them would flirt back.
She had interviewed All Might a few times and like usual she would flirt a lot. He'd see straight through her and politely respond in a professional way, so you had no problems with her because you trusted your boyfriend to shut down her advances. She wouldn't be the first girl to throw themselves at the Number 1 Hero and definitely wouldn't be the last, so you were used to seeing Toshinori be placed in uncomfortable situations which made you feel bad for him but due to your relationship being a secret you didn't feel like it was your place to cut in. But Toshinori always handled it well.
One interview you didn't see coming though.
It was a standard scheduled interview on set of a news station, like Good Morning America or something. Several pro heroes were in to be interviewed, including both you and All Might. With All Might becoming weaker and weaker by the day and unable to hold his form for long periods of time, this was his last scheduled interview. And you were so happy you could be there with him.
You were lucky enough to be able to be interviewed with your boyfriend.
"So, Mr All Might, I'd love to go over some of your best fights of your career..." The news anchor smiled and batted her eyelashes at him.
"Of course! I'd love to!" All Might grinned.
For the millionth time? Really? You rolled your eyes.
"BUT before we do that, I'd like to talk about your more personal life first..." She grinned back, moving closer to him on the long couch you were all sharing.
You moved uncomfortably in your seat and looked around, not really knowing what to do with yourself.
"Ok, sadly I can't promise I can all questions about my personal life but you can absolutely ask." All Might smiled.
"Great! So... you have had quite a long career as a pro hero who is very much so in the public eye, I imagine forming and keeping relationships in your personal life can be difficult?" She asked.
All Might moved his head to both sides as if he agreed and disagreed with her assumption, "Well it's definitely not easy forming them, but keeping the ones I have been lucky enough to form is easy. I'm very lucky to be surrounded by friends and family who I know care about me both as All Might and Toshinori."
The reporter nodded, "Right. As you mentioned family, are you planning on starting a family?"
You raised an eyebrow, feeling although the question was a bit strange.
All Might laughed, his laugh boomed loudly in your poor ears, "HA HA! Oh no Dear, I don't so. I am an old man now, I unfortunately missed the opportunity for a family years ago."
You and Toshinori had only briefly discussed children, you desperately wanting a child later on in your career and Toshinori feel although being Number 1 Hero made having kids not an option and that by the time he retired he was too old. It wasn't really a conversation you two had managed to find a conclusion to, so you were a little annoyed All Might was talking as if it had been decided.
"Well a lot of young ladies like older men, Sir. I know I sure do. And a lot of young ladies would be more than willing to bear The All Might's children." The reporter giggled and moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
She had never actually touched him before.
All Might chuckled uncomfortably and carefully leaned back to make her hand fall off him, but her hand stayed put. Without really thinking, you leaned over and picked up the foreign hand on your boyfriend's shoulder, and threw it back into the reporter's face. She almost punched herself in the face with her own hand.
You gasped and stood up, "Oh I'm sorry!"
You really didn't mean to do that. You were only trying to get her hands off your man. You hadn't meant you almost punch her.
She quickly fixed her hair and glasses and glared at you for only a split second, before laughing nervously and looking into the camera in front of all of you, "Oh Dear! No worries! We can edit that out, this isn't live."
The cameraman nodded at her and three of you continued your now incredibly awkward interview. All Might breathed a small sigh and grabbed your hand, you couldn't tell what the sigh was for.
Backstage you were sat at your vanity table with your head down on the desk, sighing sadly. You felt so embarrassed, you should of just left Toshinori handle her unnecessary touching. The interview went terribly after that and the reporter remained cold to you until the end.
You were also concerned about people questioning your actions, why were you so concerned about some girl touching All Might? It was such a obvious sign of jealously. Oh Well... at least she didn't touch him again.
A small knock was pressed against your dressing room door and without a response it was opened, "Darling?"
All Might.
He stepped into your room and closer the door behind him as you turned to face him. He immediately deflated in front of you, leaving his skinny scrawny figure in place.
"Hi Love." You sighed and walked over to him.
He quickly wrapped his long arms around you, pulled you close and began kissing your neck.
You blinked in shock, "Toshi?"
"Oh my Love. I never thought I'd ever see you jealous." He whispered against you before biting down on you skin.
You moaned in delight, "S-So you're not mad?"
"Why would I ever be mad Princess?" He laughed a bit, in his Skinny form his laugh sounded so good and didn't burst your eardrum.
Toshinori carefully walked you back over to your vanity table and placed you down in your vanity chair and stared down at you. You looked up at your lover with nothing but love and lust and crossing your legs, feeling yourself get hot down there.
With you sitting down and him standing in front of you, you could see the massive bulge in his pants. Whilst shamelessly staring at his covered dick, you hiked up your legs and pulled everything covering your lower half off and happily showed your lover your wet pussy. You felt no shame (he had seen it all before anyway), only the desire to be fucked. Finally, your filthy fantasy was coming true.
"Oh my Love..." Toshinori sighed again at the completely lewd sight of you and dropped to his knees.
He grabbed your thighs in his massive hands and gave your pussy a sweet kitten lick. You threw your head back and moaned again. He started kissing and licking you slowly before sucking.
God, his tongue felt good. You were going to lose yourself to it.
"Oh baby I want you so much..." Toshinori whispered in between eating you out, whilst pulling you closer and closer to his hungry mouth, scaring you for a brief second into thinking you'd fall out of the chair.
It was dangerous but Toshi wouldn't let you fall, ever.
You pulled his head up from your heat and he whined, "Toshi... I'm so empty now...you need to just fuck me..."
Your lewd expression and hushed tone only made him strain against his suit. Without thinking much, Toshinori stood up and ripped a hole into the crotch area of his Silver Age suit.
You gasped, "Toshi! Your suit!"
"This suit can be fixed, Dear. But later I'll need you to go to my dressing room and bring back something to wear when we're done." He smiled softly while pulling you up and out of the chair.
Toshinori picked up the chair by the armrests and placed it against the door, locking you both in. He turned back to you and smiled again.
You smiled back before turning against and bending over against the vanity table, giving your lover another nice view of your ass and pussycat. You watched him in the mirror grin at your behind and give you a nice loving smack. You bit your lip from the harsh contact and moved your legs further apart for him.
"Fuck..." Toshinori whispered, he was incredibly turned on by the sight of you bent over showing him everything you had to offer.
He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a Trojan, ripping the wrapper off with his teeth and pulling it down his proud length. You could tell by his fast movements, he was just as eager to get inside of you as you was.
Toshinori then rubbed your aching entrance with his great throbbing cock. You whined for him to just put it in and he was happy to appease you.
Toshinori always started with slow gentle strokes only with the tip but that wasn't good enough for you now, he had already worked you up from eating you out just a few seconds earlier and the idea of your fantasy had you too desperate now. So you whined again and tried to fuck yourself on his cock at the pace you need. Toshinori caught on pretty quickly and grabbed your hips and pulled you fully around him.
Both of you groaned from the sudden action. Toshinori began moving again, this time fast and rough. You managed to pick up your phone that you had left on the table, turn on the camera, point it at the mirror in front of you and hit record.
The sight was beyond erotic. The Number 1 Hero drilling his secret lover from behind in dressing room on set of a news station. God, it made you so wet. The grin on your face with your moans made it evident.
Because of the mirror, both of you were able to see each other's faces. Toshinori's brow full of sweat and mouth covered in your cum and his own salvia was godly. Not to mention his look of determination as he continued pounding you brought you closer and closer to edge.
"All Might!" You cried, not really hearing yourself over the sound of his balls slapping your cheeks.
But he heard you (and possibly some others in the building) and he groaned in your ear, "Princess! Oh my good little girl!"
He knew calling you 'little girl' made you crazy.
"Oh All Might please!" You begged.
You knew you sounded like a bad pornstar, but you didn't care. You knew Toshi loved it and was about to give into your begging.
But before he could, the worst thing you could imagine happened next. A loud knock on the door.
Both you and Toshinori froze and stared at each other in the mirror in fear and shook.
"Y-Yes?!" You answered.
"Miss, your driver is here waiting for you. They are outside." It was likely one of the crew members of the station. They turned the door handle, shooting fear through you so bad you could scream, but it didn't open.
The chair Toshinori had put against the door temporarily saved you two. Realising this, he slowly began moving inside of you again. You moaned softly at the feeling and quickly covered your mouth with your free hand (hand not holding up your phone that was still recording).
The crew member must of wondered why the door wasn't opening, considering none of the dressing room doors had locks on them for safety reasons, but didn't ask why or for you to open the door and instead just let go of the handle.
"Oh o-okay...t-thank you. Out in a miiintue!" You quickly choked out.
"Great. Do you happen to know where Mr. All Might is? His car arrived first but he isn't in his dressing room."
"Nooo!" You whined.
You could see the see the evil smile on your boyfriend's face in the mirror. No question, you were going to (try to) kick his ass after this.
"Ok, no worries. Thank you for coming Miss!"
Footsteps were heard leaving the door, presumably to go find your man. Toshinori laughed slightly and pulled your head back by your hair and started moving at the same fast pace he was before.
You groaned at the small pain and glared up at your soulmate, "You like torturing me, asshole?"
"Maybe a little." He smiled.
"Oh please just make me cum, Toshinori." You sighed, giving him your best doe eyed desperate-for-sex expression.
Your lover was more than happy to fulfil your request. This was definitely by far would be the best sex tape you two ever made.
Later on the two of you were getting ready for better, you had finally finished your night skin care routine and was headed back to you and Toshinori's shared bedroom. He was still up reading a book in bed like usual, he looked and smiled when you walked into the room.
"Toshi," You began as you got comfortable in the bed, "What changed your mind today?"
"About what, Love?" He asked and put his book away to pull you closer to him.
"When I told you about my sex dream, you said it wouldn't happen." You pouted at him.
Toshinori's cheeks darkened, "Well, you got me all hot and bothered during the interview."
"How?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I like to see you handle touchy women for me." Toshinori smiled shyly now.
"Oh really?" You giggled, "You like having a jealous girlfriend?"
"A bit, yes." He admitted.
"Aw... maybe I should set them straight more often." You grinned and kissed his neck.
Toshinori shivered, both from the idea and the attention you was suddenly showing his neck, "Yes please...good girl."
You felt your heat burn at his words as well as his erection grow under the duvet and you eagerly wanted to head down under the duvet. But you both still had something to say.
"I'm sorry love, I was just a little scared about people finding out about us, and being intimate outside our home has got us caught before...and I feel like we already take a big risk with recording our moments together." Toshinori sighed.
"So you don't want to record anymore?" You looked heartbroken.
"Oh no, Princess! Of course not!" He pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist (you could feel his lover's boner, which you wonder if he forgot about), "I love have something to remind myself of our best moments."
"We don't have to record anymore if you're worried it could get out." You replied, still looking sad.
"Honey, that's not what I was saying.." Toshinori kissed your head, "I love you and I love how excited you get by the camera. And I love watching our little videos."
You looked up at him, "I love you Toshi. And I just want you to be comfortable."
"I am comfortable, I'm always comfortable when I'm alone with you." Toshinori smiled.
You turned to look at him and kissed one of his sunken cheeks, "Ok... so if I keep your female fans in line... what will you do for me?"
"What do you want love?" Toshinori asked.
"I want a reward, All Might." You grinned and slowly stroked your lover's excited friend.
He shivered again. Mustering up all his strength, Toshinori transformed into All Might. His erection underneath you went from poking you ass to almost straight up penetrating you. A loud moan came from your throat, the ending of it was muffled from All Might gently pushing you off his lap and all the way down till you were face down onto the end of the bed and ass up.
The muscular blonde Silver Fox gently rubbed your ass with one hand whilst the other fought off this sweat pants (that did absolutely nothing to hide his lower reigns). Once his pants were off and his length was fully exposed, All Might picked up his phone from his nightstand, pointed the camera down at you and hit record.
"Little Princess... do you think my cock at full size is a good enough reward for being such a good girl for me?"
The camera got a very lovely shot of your wetness soaking through your sweatpants just from his words. You felt your cunt clench around nothing and you looked back at your lover.
"Yes please Daddy."
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missyaess · 2 years
Maybe Meant To Be - Fake Dating - pt.1
pt.2 pt.3
Katsuki bakugo x Jealous Reader x Midoriya Izuku
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You were all training together when the familiar uncomfortable feeling made its way in your stomach.Uraraka was a great friend of yours,always has been.Still,you couldn’t help but get angry at the way she was standing so close to your crush during sparring.Especially with the way you knew she used to have a crush on him for a few months at the start of the year.You knew it was childish so you never said it out loud,but you didn’t need to with the way you were staring daggers at the poor girl.Noticing this,Mina put a hand on your shoulder.
-Uh oh, we might find a certain floaty girl murdered tonight in her bed.
At this you scoffed and removed her hand from your shoulder.
-Stop it.
You weren’t mad at Mina,she was just trying to help.But you were so on edge you could just blow up any minute.You’ve been staring too long that Uraraka noticed you and she smiled nervously with a hand on her neck.You smiled back but dropped it instantly as she removed her gaze from yours.You honestly felt horrible but still couldn’t help it.
-I honestly don’t get you two.
Mina said as she gestured between you and Bakugo who was uncharacteristically laughing at something Uraraka said.You huffed and averted your gaze to Mina.
-What do you mean?
She laughed and pulled you closer as you two started walking away from the scene to somewhere more secluded.
-You two are always competing yet somehow you have a soft spot for each other.
You blushed and smiled at her comment.That was true and you loved your relationship the way it was.You both challenged and brought out the best in each other.You studied and fought harder just to beat Bakugo.
You were smiling to yourself when you heard a laughter and you found yourself brought back to reality.Uraraka was laughing at something Bakugo said like he was the funniest guy alive.A scowl started to form on your face.
-Hey Y/N!
You didn’t even notice Midoriya approach you two.He waved a hand in front of your face to break you out of your trance and smiled kindly.That’s what you loved about Izuku Midoriya,he had the kindest smile.
-Hi Izuku.You done for the day?
-Yeah, i was wondering if you guys wanted to study together for the test coming up.
As you talked about the upcoming tests and exams and more school stuff,you forgot all about Bakugo and Uraraka.You were thankful to Midoriya for the distraction.
-Okay,I’ll see you later then.
As Midoriya left with that,Aizawa announced that the training session was over.You all went to your dorms and after you took a shower you lied down on your bed,scrolling through your phone.That’s when you saw it.
Uraraka had posted a picture of your crush with the caption ‘best teammate!!’and he was smiling in the picture.He was smiling?He didn’t usually smile to his friends.You couldn’t help the growing feeling of jealousy in your stomach.Your heart dropped when you saw Bakugo liked it.This was it.They were going to date and you would die alone.Oh god,why was this happening to you?Tears started forming in your eyes but you blinked them away.You weren’t going to cry because of something like this.You just needed a distraction.As you were about to call Mina she called you first.
-Yeah I did,don’t remind me please.
-Girl are you okay?I can come over if you want.
-Actually that would be great,thanks.
You hung up and as you waited for Mina,you opened up the post again.Were they dating?Did Uraraka confess and he returned his feelings?You hoped this was just their way of showing their friendship and nothing more.As you were lost in thought someone knocked on your door.Thank god Mina’s finally here.
You jumped out your bed and went to open the door.When you opened the door it was not who you were expecting.
-Midoriya?What are you doing here?
The shy boy scratched his neck.
-I needed to talk to you.
-Oh,is there something wrong?
He mumbled something’s to himself while you invited him by stepping away.Sitting on your bed you invited him near you.
-Look,I kinda noticed the way you look at and act around Kacchan and I think you like him.
You were full on panicking mode.If the most oblivious boy ever knew,everybody could figure it out!Were you that obvious?
-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t-
-It’s fine!I like Uraraka-chan.
He cut you off uncharacteristically.You were shocked at his confession.Of course you noticed,but why was he saying these things to you?
-Oh…I’m confused Midoriya.
-I’m sure you saw the post she posted…With Kacchan.
-Yeah…Are you okay?
-Same as you I guess…No.
You both stayed in awkward silence for a while before there was another knock on your door.
-Oh,were you expecting someone?
-It’s just Mina.You can stay if you want.
-If it’s not a problem I’d like to stay.
He smiled and your heart warmed at his smile.He was such a sweet boy.
As you both filled Mina in on everything,she had this mischievous smirk on her face.
-Why are you so happy about our tragedy again?
You asked as Mina put her arm around you.
-Because, my dear friend, I have an idea.That involves the both of you,Uraraka-Chan And Bakugo.
Midoriya and you looked at each other before looking back at Mina.
-What is it?
-You two should date each other.
You both said in unison,Midoriya getting redder by the second.You were not much better.
-Not like that dummies!Fake dating,to get Bakugo and Uraraka jealous!
-But…would that work?
Midoriya’s question surprised you.Was he really willing to do this?Then again,weren’t you?What did you have to lose?
-Look,I think they both have a thing for you but I don’t know what’s going on between them either.Let’s try this and find out,plus wouldn’t it be fun?
You talked about the plan for an hour before Mina decided it was time for her to leave and you were left alone with Midoriya.
-So…we’re really doing this huh?
You asked to break the silence.
-Yeah…You want to right?
-Of course!Even if it fails we won’t lose anything.Right?
-Yes,of course.
Midoriya got up slowly clearing his throat.
-I better leave too.See you tomorrow.
-Yeah,see you.
You knew what Midoriya said meant more than I’ll see you tomorrow in class.It meant we’ll be dating from now on.And you were really excited to see how things would play out.
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megumishotgf · 11 months
more jjk + mha fic recs !! ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ
in my unemployed era so i have hours to scroll on this damn app... here are more fics that i loved!! featuring: megumi, satoru, nanami, toji, yuuji, yuuta, katsuki, izuku, shouto (whew there's a lot of them today. your girl has been READING) credits to all these talented writers!! pls check them out!! masterlist more fic recs pt. i pt. iii
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: ̗̀➛ megumi fushiguro x reader
you and gumi bond over books (he reads a book you're interested in just so you have someone to discuss it with. bawling)
multiple-part enemies to lovers smau!! (this is SO FUNNY. i cried from laughter more than once)
more enemies to lovers (lengthier fic, so so good + smutty)
you give megumi valentines day chocolates (so so cute he just loves u so much)
secret relationship trope + poor yuuji walks in on you making out (poor baby is traumatised)
more secret relationship + getting caught (i love this one so much)
your silly tired bf just wants kisses
it's late, you're wandering in your ducky slippers and see megumi patching himself up
megumi falls in love with milf! reader (omfg... i love this sm. i've never considered being a cougar until now)
friends to lovers with megumi (high school a.u + gumi buys reader sanrio)
thinking about megumi's hands (i js know they are pretty. thinking of all the unspeakable things they can do)
comforting insecure megumi (my poor baby. a lil angst but dw there's a happy ending)
: ̗̀➛ kento nanami x reader
kento comes home early (so cute and precious. im crying i need him to be real so bad)
he gets hurt bad and you can't stop crying (angsty but also fluffy don't worry this doesn't end like shibuya)
: ̗̀➛ toji fushiguro x reader
riding toji until he whimpers omfg (he gets embarrassed and teaches you a lesson ahhh)
your fiancee toji finally gets freed from prison (they finally freed my man anyway you suck him off while he drives omfg)
sex as payback for your noisy ass neighbours (im losing it)
really cute dating headcanons
more on toji being a simp for you (HES SOOO)
: ̗̀➛ satoru gojo x reader
"my girl is mad at me i hope i die" that's it
y/n + satoru being stupidly in love (now this one has a kick to it.i'm crying)
satoru is obsessed with you but you're oblivious (pining satoru)
boyfriend texts w/ satoru
fucking satoru in the prison realm (AHHHH)
satoru begs to fuck you at some high profile event (u js look so cunty in that outfit and it drives him crazy)
car sex with satoru AHHH
satoru lets u try on his blindfold (hes such so :( so so adorable)
you get hurt and satoru is worried (wow this is so well written. happy ending + gojo centric)
: ̗̀➛ yuuji itadori x reader
fucking ur friend yuuji in a club bathroom (this is so so good)
"if we had a baby would it be mine or sukuna's" (this is hilarious)
yuuji comforts his gf who's not his 'usual type' (its me im the short gf with a big chest) (i’ve been coming back to reread this daily)
: ̗̀➛ yuuta okkotsu x reader
blowing ur big dick bf yuuta (canon)
really really romantic sex w/ yuuta (straight up making love)
: ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo x reader
domestic headcanons (i love them and i love him. help)
more cute relationship headcanons
katsuki is obsessed with gossiping and eavesdropping when you and your friends spill the tea (this is so funny i love it sm)
dragging katsuki to the club bathroom because u love him (this is so wholesome im crying)
kiri notices how whipped katsuki is for you
guard dog katsuki is jealous
: ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya x reader
mating press with izuku (this actually drives me crazy. written so well and in character)
izuku is just so fucking precious (i can't take it anymore)
: ̗̀➛ shouto todoroki x reader
shouto gets halved by a quirk but not like gojo, there's js two of him (there is one obvious thing to do now)
dr. todoroki promises to breed you properly (i'm convulsing)
you're insecure after giving birth and shouto comforts you (with loving words and his dick)
resolving an argument w/ ur bf shouto (so cute!!)
eating u out in the kitchen (omfg)
there is an overwhelming amount of smut i'm sorry this is kind of embarrassing i'm just super horny lmao
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 8 months
Main Masterlist
BNHA Masterlist
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya x GN! Reader.
Warnings: Somewhat suggestive themes.
Summary: After keeping your feelings quiet for so long for the sake of others, a breaking point is finally found.
W/C: 2.1k+
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“The thing is, recently, my heart’s been all stirred up about something.” You hear an all too familiar voice say as you exit the kitchen with your bottle of water in hand. “It’s love!” Another of your classmates yells, having you stopping in your tracks with your eyes setting on the sight taking place in the living room of the dorms. “WHAT DID YOU SAY?! GLOVE?! SHOVE?! DOVE?! I’VE NEVER SEEN ONE, WHAT’S THAT?!” Uraraka shouts while waving her hands frantically.
“Who is it? Midoriya or Iida? You’re always hanging out with those two boys.” Mina continues to press all while you clench your teeth. “You’ve got it all wrong!” Uraraka denies while covering her face with her hands, resulting in her accidentally activating her quirk on herself and floating to the ceiling with what little of her cheeks she’s unable to cover being overly red, the sight having you knitting your brows in frustration.
This isn’t the first time her crush on Izuku was called out, nor is it the first time that you’re forced to swallow your words, having them burning at your throat like bile threatening to rise. You can’t even recall the last time you actually felt comfortable in your group of so called friends, having been put through too many conversations encouraging Uraraka with her crush on the sunshine classmate yet none to you.
They’ve all been too busy lending their support to her crush that she’s not even willing to admit yet is still willing to get possessive and jealous over, too busy to notice you looking at him similarly, too busy to notice that you were the first one to actually like him and get close to him. But it doesn’t matter that you’ve liked him for longer, because they’ve only known of Uraraka’s crush on Izuku, so if you were to say anything of your own crush of him…
So instead, you’re stuck unable to act on your feelings for him as to not have your ‘friends’ glare daggers at you, and have to leave it to someone who doesn’t even have the guts to admit her crush to her friends, let alone to the one she likes. You grip the bottle in your shaky hand and walk to the entrance of the dorms, wanting to leave the building for some fresh air instead. After shutting the door behind you, your ears fill with the sound of crickets instead, soon followed by a long sigh slowly leaving your mouth.
You move to sit at the steps that lead to the entrance while you unscrew the cap of the bottle, bringing it to your parted lips just as you’re about to sit only to once again stop in your tracks. “That’s not it, Iida looked different; bent his back I think. He’s so flexible, I can see his shape in my head…” Your eyes trail to Izuku on his knees bent over some of his notes and take notice of the thin layer of sweat coating him, no doubt having been practicing his moves.
“Hey.” You call out to him with your arm stretched towards him, offering him your water. His face immediately brightens from the neutral expression as soon as he sees you and stands on his feet to rush over to you and take the bottle. “Thank you so much.” He smiles at you with rosy cheeks, probably from the workout, and then downing almost the entire bottle, unknowingly giving you a show in a perfect side angle of his adam’s apple smoothly bobbing up and down.
Izuku finally brings the bottle back down and takes in a deep breath followed by a small awkward chuckle at how you just witnessed him almost choking by depriving himself of air in favor of water. “Sorry about that.” He apologizes with his blush deepening a few shades. “It’s okay, don’t-” You clear your throat. “Don’t worry about it.” You assure, averting your eyes to try and compose yourself after the front row seat of the show he just gave you.
“Oh, are you thirsty? There’s still some left.” He offers you back the bottle with innocent eyes, the blush on his cheeks fading away. “No- it’s okay, I just… thought you were thirsty, so I gave you the water.” You wave your hand dismissively. “It was… yours?” He asks. “Yea- don’t think about it too hard, I can just go get another one.” You try to assure him with a smile, starting to turn around. “No!” He blurts out, startling you.
“I mean, this was your bottle first and there’s still some left.” He looks away almost shyly while offering you back the bottle with about a quarter of water left as his cheeks start to feel warm again. You stare at the bottle briefly and look back at Izuku and take in his nervous form, seeing how he averts his eyes with pink cheeks, fiddles with his shirt with his empty hand and ever so slightly traces his shoe along the ground and suddenly, something buried deep beneath you finally takes hold.
You grab the bottle with confidence, something that has Izuku looking at you again, and bring it to your lips, tilting your head back with the same side angle he gave you and stare him down for a few seconds as you drink the water before closing your eyes and drinking the last of the water, taking in the taste of the last thing he ate, the piece of mint chocolate he had after dinner; the same mint he’s been having every day for the past few days now leaving a fresh taste on your tongue.
Finally, you bring the bottle back down and forward it to him with your face in a neutral expression aside from the way one of your brows is lightly raised with the corner of your lips ever so slightly turned upwards as if daring him to take it back. Izuku looks at you with his eyes faintly widened, a look in the emerald irises that you can’t quite recognize. “Do you…” He pauses in a low voice that contrasts his usually higher-pitched and softer voice.
“Want to… drink more water?” He suggests, his voice remaining low in an alluring tone, his half-lidded eyes staring deeply into yours, and if it weren’t for how warm you felt inside, you’d find his supposed double-meaning line funny rather than arousing. “Yeah…” The word leaves you in a breathy manner. “Wait, you have some…” His hand slowly reaches forward and holds the side of your face, his thumb touching the corner of your lips and smearing a drop of water along your skin before wiping it off.
He leaves his hand on your cheek and then slowly brings his other one to your other cheek, holding your face gently in his rough hands without breaking his gaze from you. “Don’t move.” He whispers, his face closing in on yours. You stare back at his eyes which seem darker than usual and let him lean in closer until his nose touches yours, your eyes barely open, and until he pulls you in with his hands to press his lips deeply into yours.
You breathe out a startled gasp at what you thought would be a soft gentle kiss instead being a deep one filled with an underlying passion heavier than you initially thought. While Izuku’s eyes easily fall shut into the kiss, yours get blown wide open at the unexpected roughness of the kiss, one of your hands reaching to the front of his shoulder to push lightly away only for one of his hands to immediately leave your face and grip at your wrist firmly, keeping you from pushing him away.
As if understanding the reason behind your startled reaction, he slows down the kiss but remains on the same level of passion as he continues to press his lips as deeply into yours, only slowing his movements enough for you to keep up. The slower pace helps lull you to a sense of comfort and eases you enough to have your eyes fluttering shut and start to move your lips along his, your softer movements contrasting his rougher ones, his own seeming almost desperate.
The hand holding at your wrist loosens its grip and slowly drags yours up to his face with you starting to catch up to his pace, your other hand rushing to wrap your arm around the expanse of his shoulders and pull him deeper in the kiss with your hand on the side of his jaw. Instinctively, his own hands waste no time rearranging themselves with one setting at the back of your head and his other arm wrapping around you, forearm pressed along the length of your back with his hand pressed against your upper back.
While he pulls your entire body into his, he fails to fight the urge to grip the back of your shirt in his rough hand, desperately wanting to feel the skin hiding beneath the cloth. As your lips continue to mesh together, you return the same desperate feeling by gripping at the back of his shoulder, feeling the strong muscles under the shirt urging you to further explore him.
You give in to the temptation and let your hand travel back along his shoulders, the back of his neck, and then over his front as you kiss, at this point both of you are breathing heavily into the kiss against each other, not wanting to break apart even to steady your breaths. With your hand pressed on his chest, feeling the muscle hiding under his shirt, the warmth in his chest reaches a scalding temperature that spreads throughout his body until it grows too scorching to handle.
The hand on your back leaves to your arm that keeps your hand pressed on his chest, pleased to feel your body remaining close to his of its own free will. You feel his hand give your arm a small squeeze before releasing it and following its length with his fingers just barely brushing along your skin, the feather-light grazing giving you goosebumps until his hand reaches your wrist once again, taking hold of it much more gently than last time in a silent cue to signal your departure.
Izuku finally breaks the kiss with a moan and pulls back, only enough to still have his lips skimming against yours as you rest your foreheads against each other. Your eyes open to gaze into one another briefly before closing again, instead focusing on catching your breaths, feeling your hot breaths colliding in small pants with his thumb tracing small patterns along the underside of your wrist, tenderly pressing over your fast pulse and giving a reassuring squeeze as if to help gently bring you back down from the kiss.
Your eyes part open to find his own already staring at you with half-lidded eyes and seeing someone other than the shy skittish boy you’d grown used to seeing, instead, seeing a confident young man staring back at you. “Where did you learn how to kiss like that?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper to which he lets out a small breathy chuckle. “You know me… I just study a lot.” He smiles, the dark look in his eyes having faded away to a more tender one.
You smile at him in amusement with an airy chuckle of your own leaving you, not knowing if to assume him having read up on how to kiss or having seen others do so. “I haven’t kissed anyone else, if that’s what your wondering…” He says in a somewhat hopeful manner, unbeknownst to you how he hoped you having wanted to be his first kiss, and how he hopes to have been your first as well. “I…” You speak while pulling away enough to look at him properly, the smile on your face suddenly fading away.
Izuku’s smile falters after yours, taking in your line of sight set on something off to the side behind him and turning around to follow it, his eyes falling on the group of girls staring through the window with horror in their eyes as if offended at what just took place. His gaze shifts over to Mina holding a teary Uraraka and the way he feels you rip away from his hands pulls him back to reality.
Turning back around to you, he barely has time to register you running away from him. “No! Wait!” He shouts for you, voice back in his higher pitched tone and arms instinctively reaching out for you, seeing you disappear in the trees that surround the dorms, his body freezing in place with his arms staying open for you. “Please.” He utters, his vision starting to water with his hand trembling.
“Don’t leave me.”
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solaarbeeam · 2 months
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HIGHER — midoriya i. x black fem reader
syn — reader is a hair stylist, how does this play into your relationship with midoriya?
type — headcanons
a/n:: aaaaaaa curly hair midoriya brainrot thoughts have struck once more. for small context, mido has 3c/4a hair
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He will never wash his hair again unless you’re the one who’s doing it.
Your hands just feel a certain type of way, that makes his scalp feel good and makes him feel better about his hair in general.
Now, if we’re going to be honest, this boy doesn’t know how to properly take care of his hair. Not even just because of hero course stress, but because he never really learned.
He meets you, and is immediately embarrassed about his lack of hair care. How has he never paid attention?
His hair is absolutely dehydrated, his shit is DRY I’m sorry.
Now, let it be known that you attend the Business Course at UA, so you see him quite often with his class after training.
He’s enamored by your hair. It looks so beautiful, he wants to touch it sometimes but he knows you’d be upset if he did and that’s the very last thing he wants.
Shared wash days!! Wash Days are annoying but when the two of you are together, it’s not that bad. It’s enjoyable even.
Poor boy almost rips out his hair with the wide tooth comb, please help him :(
You do teach him how to properly take care of his hair though. He brings out his notebook and starts taking notes and everything, he’s so cute.
You try your best to find products with scents that fit him and ones with scents that he likes. Trust and believe he has bottles of oils, conditioners, shampoo, hair masks, you name it? He’s got it, most are from you.
Likes to help out with styles you do with your hair, but he’s often scared to do it because his hands aren’t as steady as yours and he doesn’t want to mess it up.
Mina is absolutely jealous by the way. She wants good products like that too!
At this point, you’re an honorary member of Class 1-A with how much he talks about you and how much you’re around. You’re in the groupchat and everything.
He teaches you hand to hand combat sometimes as a way to repay you for helping him with his hair.
You two are like, that one couple that people think are just made for each other.
When I tell you, the both of you smell so good together. Of course, you both smell good individually, but together? It’s almost heavenly.
Wears matching bonnets with you.
Pays for your hair when you want to get it done if he has the cash.
When he becomes the #1 hero, he absolutely models for your hair care lines. He did it when the two of you were UA students as well.
Kisses your hands after you finish helping him wash his hair.
Please tell him he did a good job when he kept up with the routine when you were gone for a while. He was so proud of himself.
All in all, this greenie loves you with everything he has in him, and thanks you all the time with tears for all you do for him.
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© solaarbeeam 2024.
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killsaki · 2 years
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final girl. ☆ surely all the girls being murdered in your town having something that fits your own description is a coincidence… right?
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izuku midoriya x female!reader
4k words | part 2 (tbp)
cw/tw : yandere!izu, quirkless/loserboy!izu, stuttering, stalking, drugging, thighfucking, facial, male masturbation, noncon, somnophilia (kinda), alcohol, oc side character, kidnapping, murder (mentions).
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“you’re not seriously going out, are you?” comes from your doorway, you turn towards the voice in just enough time to catch sight of your roommate inviting himself into your room, as he always does, before plopping himself down on your mattress.
you sigh before answering, knowing he’s about to spout some of his repetitive nonsense.
“of course i am, fuzen.” he blinks at you with his usual unamused expression, heterochromatic eyebrows slightly raised in a way that you’ve come to learn is a signal for you to ask more about what he’s saying. you take the bait. “but, why do you ask?”
“you’re the target of that serial killer.” you purse your lips at his immediate and dramatic response to stop yourself from laughing, you really shouldn't entertain him all the time. he’s mentioned a few things that could probably cost him his job for disclosing the, in his words, eerie similarities, that you have had with all the victims of recent murders.
it started with things like how they all had your eye color, or that they were all described to have your height and build. you passed those off as generic things, but fuzen didn’t. it spiraled into things as specific as one of them having your hair. well, their hair, but it was the same length as yours, the same color, and her body was found with it styled with the same way that you’d fallen in loved with and wore repeatedly that week. one girl was found with copies of the jewelry that you frequently wore, another even had her nails done almost exactly like your new set.
the longer it went on, the more insistent your roommate became about you listening to what he had to say. but you always changed the subject, figuring that the less you know the easier it’ll be to shake off the cold feeling on your back you sometimes get after leaving the apartment.
“i thought you were a stealth sidekick,” you laugh him off, yet again. ”when did you get demoted to a detective?”
“why does your room feel weird?” he asks suddenly, adjusting his sitting position like he’s been made uncomfortable while he looks around your space. “has someone been in here?”
“uh, yeah, me.” you suck your teeth at him before turning back to your vanity and get back to finishing getting ready.
“why don’t you believe me?” he asks, you can tell he’s a little irritated and it makes you feel bad for always brushing him off.
“‘zen… i know you care about me, i’m sorry.” you meet his gaze in the mirror, finding him already looking back at you. “maybe you’re just overthinking because you care about me?”
he nods slowly, before cracking a grin and shaking his head, “nah, i’m probably just jealous because i don’t have a stalker.” he rolls his neck and you wonder how much truth is in his words. “though i’d probably prefer it without the murder.”
“i don’t have a stalker.” you retort while he chuckles to himself before standing.
“you know,” he stretches his arms, fingertips touching the ceiling as the hem of his shirt lifts to reveal his toned stomach, something you quickly look away from. “that habit of immediately denying stuff that you’re anxious about is gonna bite you in the ass one day.”
his mouth is good at keeping you from being attracted to the rest of him.
“but not today,” you speak matter of fact, “because i do not have a stalker.”
“right, yeah.” he sniggers, clearly not believing a word from you. “didn’t you say you felt like you were being followed home the other night? you should think harder on the description—”
“anyways!” you cut him off, knowing that he’s not going to stop talking unless you make him. sometimes you’re not sure if he actually likes having conversations with you or just the sound of his own voice. “shouldn’t you get back to tying some red thread between the pictures and articles hung up on your wall mr. detective.”
“fuck off.” he flips you off from where he’s now lurking by your dresser, leaning against it as he’s focused on checking his phone. “i know you think i’m joking, but they put me on the west end so i’ll be patrolling over by the party if you–”
“oh! my rides here,” you lie, jumping up to slip past him and out of the conversation. “so, i’ll text you when i make it back home since you’ll be on patrol and i won’t see you again tonight, right?”
“wait!” he calls after you, annoyed by your sudden escape, as you slip on your shoes. “text me if something happens with your ride and i’ll walk you back!”
“bye, fuzen!” you yell back, walking out the door. “love you!”
/// /// ///
maybe… fuzen wasn’t just talking to hear his voice. maybe, there’s a small possibility that you do have a stalker.
you could chalk it all up to your roommate giving you anxiety about the whole situation, or that you’ve had a few too many already. but you can’t deny the fact that from the moment you stepped out of your apartment building until you climbed into your ride’s car, you felt something watching you.
it was a hot gaze, a familiar one. it could’ve been a neighbor, you reasoned to yourself as you waited for kirishima to arrive, and that theory sounded best as you repeated it to yourself at the party, laughing with him and his friends and downing drink after drink. until the chill on the back of your neck reappeared, despite how warm your blood is from the alchol. and no matter how much you looked over your shoulder to try and find some kind of source for it, there just wasn’t anyone there.
“you good?” sero asks when you fail to reply to your name being called.
“huh?” you turn to him to find the whole group looking at you with concern, your face flushes at how ridiculous you must look, being so skittish. “oh, i’m fine,” you force a laugh, hoping it seems genuine. “think i just had a little bit too much.”
“no sweat.” kirishima nods towards the glass door behind him and you try to ignore how sero and denki exchange glances. “let’s go get some air.”
“yeah, okay.” you hope the earth swallows you whole as you follow behind him.
you regret coming, regret not shutting your door while getting ready, regret letting fuzen talk his mouth off at you for so long about it. you’ll chew him out about it tomorrow.
you take a deep breath as you walk out the glass door, kirishima’s large palm rubbing soothingly on your back helps settle the nerves. there’s a comforting warmth that takes over the anxious heat as you lean into him.
“sorry i’m being weird.” you mumble as he guides you into his chest, melting into him and the sound of his steady heart beat.
“you’re fine,” you feel the arm holding his cup raise, the pause between his words meaning his downing the rest of his drink that smells way too strong. “don’t worry about it.”
the two of you sway for a bit, his arms around you and your head on his chest with the muffled music as ambiance.
it could be blamed on the alcohol but in this moment, you’re thankful you have kirishima. thankful for how it took absolutely no time at all for you to get comfortable with him, how it felt like an instant connection when he silently prompted the two of you to play tictactoe in the margine of your notes. something that quickly snowballed from passing messages to walking you back to your dorm, and then hang outs as his frat house.
he’s always offered himself as a stress relief for you, making sure you’re comfortable while you’re with him and pressing you about it any time that you seemed tense. there’s been a few awkward moments where you thought he’d tried making a pass at you but he’s always been quick to clarify. plus he’s so warm, like… really warm. his arms feel like a blanket around you. god, how is someone so big and bulky also so soft? you could probably fall asleep like this, surrounded by him.
“hey.” you’re pulled from your thoughts, and from where you were tucked into him. “you knocking out on me?”
“sorry.” you giggle, at his ever playful expression. “you’re just so comfortable.”
the smirk on his face is a harmless one, you think. and it’s awfully pretty.
“bakugou needs me at the beer pong table.”
“i don’t need you, fucker.” you hear the blonde shout from where he stands at the door. did he yell at him before too? “they just don’t want me to embarrass them by beating their asses by myself.”
kirishima laughs. ”you stayin’ out here?” you hesitate, but nod. you feel better, but the thought of facing his friends again so fast is a little too intimidating. “i wont let anyone come out here and fuck with you.” he squeezes your hip before chasing his friend inside. “come watch me when you’re ready!” the redhead calls to you from where he now hangs out the door, his toothy grin clear as day even from this distance.
you only wave back, your dizziness telling you it’s not a good idea to raise your voice right now.
you let yourself stumble back against the wall before pulling your phone out. you try three times to call fuzen and it immediately cancels before you realize you have no service where you’re standing. you curse under your breath as you push off the bricks and force your legs to carry you around the corner of the house. finally a full bar of service, you have to focus on the blurry phone icon while your thumb finds its way there.
why is everything so hard?
you manage to fumble your phone before you’re able to start the call. it feels like there’s a brick in your skull with how heavy your head becomes as you bend over to reach for the device. just as your finger tips touch your screen, there’s big, rough ones which grab at your hips. you don’t have time to scream before your arm is wound behind your back and used to press you against the brick of the house. you lose any hope of grabbing your phone and yelp as your chest and cheek sting at the harsh contact. your vision spins as you blink in the dim light, you can’t even make out the shape of the person behind you.
”don’t scream.” the stranger speaks in your ear, though slightly muffled, it still makes you freeze all the same. the adrenaline delays the recognition of the cold blade at your back, a knife. how were those girls killed again? you immediately nod, further scraping yours skin against the jagged edges of the brick. fear courses through your veins as he takes hold of your free arm and brings it back with the other, wrapping a large hand around both to keep them in place.
you try to plead with him when his knife moves from your back, the threat of it gone, or maybe all the alcohol making you bold enough to speak.
“i haven’t seen your face.” you whisper, hoping it was low enough for him to allow it. “you don’t have to kill me, you could just let me go.”
“let you go?” he asks, surely it’s your intoxicated mind, but he sounds genuinely confused, almost hurt by your words. “i can’t,” he mutters and you whine as your heart hammers in your chest. “i f-finally have you.” you hear the man sigh behind you before he presses his face into your neck, you can hear the echo in whatever metal he has wrapped over his face as he inhales deep against your skin and your body instantly reacts with chills shooting up your spine. “you smell so good.” he begins to pant as his free hand gropes at your body. “so m-much better than any of them did.”
“please… don’t,” you beg when he reaches your breast, where he squeezes it just enough to hurt before clumsily rubbing his fingers over your nipples through the cloth.
“but i knew you would.” he continues as if you didn’t speak, as if your words don’t matter. “you’re the b-best, the only good one, only you.”
his hand drags from your chest down to your waist where he starts to struggle with your bottoms. and your eyes begin to feel with tears at the inevitable.
“please just let me go.” you try again, hoping for just an ounce of pity. “i really won’t tell anyone.”
“i’m sorry.” his body pressed up against you, shoving you farther into the hard wall, ”i’m sorry, angel,” you finally realize just how much bigger the man is than you. “im just–i can’t stop. i need you.” his grip on your arms disappears as he opts to use his large stature to keep you pinned, with both of his hands to work your bottoms down to your knees before he’s humping against your ass. “i wanted to wait– wanted our first to be special.”
the deadweight feeling at the back of your mind aches to takeover, the dizziness, the fear, the effor it takes for you to just breathe right now it far too much, so you succumb to it all– making you completely helpless. all you can do is stand there and hope he’ll let you go once he’s had his fill. not that it’s easy, there’s bile churning in your stomach when you hear the click of his belt, feel the shuffle of him tugging his own pants down.
you have to bite your cheek to stop yourself from crying when you feel the heat of what has to be his cock prodding between your thighs. the only thing keeping any distance between its heat and your most vulnerable parts is the underwear holding the last bit of your dignity together. but once he wraps his arms around you—which squeeze you so tight you think you’ll burst— and he angles you so your hips stick back enough for him to rub between your thighs while pressing up against your cunt, you’re sure you’ll throw up regardless.
he, however, groans at the contact. “s-so warm.” you can hear him begin to pant as his hips start rhythmically pressing into yours, the force alone enough to jolt your body against the wall. “f-feel so good.” you can taste blood as you hold back your sobs. it feels like an eternity passes, each groan and inhale against your nape makes you more nauseous until your body has had enough.
being pushed too far from the fear, the drinks, and the pain, it causes you to collapse on yourself. everything seems like it fades as you fall slack in the stranger's arms. maybe if you die while unconscious, it’ll be okay. at least you won’t feel the pain.
sounds come in and out like you have bad radio service, your eyes too heavy and body too weak to get a good sense of what’s happening, but you hear—
“t-this? my girlfriend drank too much s-so i’m j-just—“ comes from somewhere around you, somewhere close.
“awww!” you hear, whiney and dragged out from some girl who definitely had more than you tonight. “you’re such a good boyfriend for babysitting.” your heart aches when you try to fight, to move, to scream and you’re far from successful.
“i wish my boyfriend let me drink that much.” if you could just tell one person what’s happening, if you could just show even a little bit of struggle, someone could save you. “you’re even carrying her! so cute!” if someone could just see your face, maybe they’d see that this is not who you arrived with, someone could tell kirishima. “you guys get home safe~!”
you feel like a boulder is set on your chest, the weight of your failure weight bearing on you when everything’s quiet again.
/// /// ///
you don’t know how much time passes before you’re able to bring yourself out of your useless state until you’re finally able to blink your eyes open and take in your surroundings. it’s all blurry at first, but the furniture in your line of sight slowly starts to resemble that of the setup you have in your room. there’s your vanity, your nightstand, this is your comforter, a weak smile works its way onto your lips.
you could cry from the relief. whatever happened, whether it was all a dream or something you won’t be able to remember, you don’t care. you’re home.
you toss your head back into your pillow, taking in a deep breath, catching the smell of what's likely your own sweat before you try to stretch your arms out, the needles stabbing into your hands making you feel the need to shake them to fix your blood flow. but they don’t budge, and the sound of metal clanking makes you shoot your eyes open and then you feel it.
your grogginess to blame for you not being able to the cuffs that encase them before. nor the sinking weight that kneels beside you, a large figure looming over you looking that much more daunting with the light behind him illuminating only his towering figure as he hunches over you, huffing and whining with his cock only inches from your face.
your lips tremble when the false sense of safety washed away and you look up past the movement of his hand, slowly taking in the dark green mess of hair that falls around his face, the chunky metallic mask that causes each of his heavy breaths to be echoed before you meet his eyes, the wide, terrifying green gaze that burns back at you makes you wish you were still unconscious.
“o-oh.” he’s so loud as he shoots out his load across your face and the bare parts of your chest, thick and hot where it lands. you cringe as your name is chanted off his lips and you squeeze your eyes and mouth closed, not wanting to let yourself be any more violated than you already feel. your head pounds as you feel the urge to cry, but you can’t seem to force yourself to.
“i didn’t—i didn’t finish earlier,” you hear him mutter above you, “and it hurt—looking at you,” a hand smoothes along your hairline, making you jump at the contact, and he retracts. “s-sorry… you’re just… so pretty.”
“can i…” he starts and you’re not sure if you’ll be able to answer if he actually asks you a question. “can i take a picture? it’ll only be for me, i promise.”
“please…” your voice is weak and you have to try and gather some spit to swallow to allow yourself any more volume. “don’t…” your request is sure to be ignored, he’s seemed to do whatever else he’s liked.
“you’re r-right,” you feel the mattress rise once he disappears from beside you, “another time.”
you try to test your voice again, you’re not sure how long it’s been since what you can last remember, but if fuzen wasn’t on patrol, he’d be in bed. if only you could scream.
“i’ll clean you up, is that o-okay?” you don’t reply, only tense when the warm cloth wipes at your skin. “sorry, again. i feel like such a pervert.”
you open your eyes again once they’re clean, and staring at your curtains, you try to think. you can’t even speak, can’t move, can’t fight. how long are you going to be so helpless?
“are you okay? i know i probably scared you…” you wish you could scoff. “could you at least look at me?”
you don’t move to face him, not wanting to look into those horrifying eyes again. just the thought of him, next to you now, staring at you with them makes you shudder with fear.
“look at me.” he grips your jaw, reminding you how big his hands are as he forces you to turn towards him. you avoid meeting his gaze. not wanting to know if it’s just as piercing as before, instead, you take in the green mess of curls, how they stick about and fall into his face. you can see him staring at you, but still, skip over making eye contact and make out the freckles at peek out from behind the metallic mask that seems to be slipping, making you close your eyes again.
if there was any small chance of you getting out of here alive, there’s no way you can see his face.
“your mask,” you whisper, and his grip loosens as soon as you speak.
“oh,” he mumbles back. you can hear what you guess is him toying with it, but you realize as you peek up, was him removing it. “guess i don’t need this.”
with his face fully revealed, you can feel yourself sinking into acceptance of your fate.
“you’re staring…” you can visibly see him swallow, his eyes darting between yours and the floor. “am i attractive?” a soft smile grows on his lips at him complimenting himself as if you’d really said it. “i’m happy you think so.”
“i have a roommate,” you speak, voice cracking.
“what?” his eyebrows drawn together, face set in a scowl before he pushes himself from your bed. “you need some water.”
“he’s a hero.” you try again, even as he walks away and you’re sure you’re out of earshot. “a strong one, and he’ll be home soon.” you pick your head up to watch him throw the door open, and all of your hope for your roommate saving you drains as you stare down a hallway that doesn’t belong in your apartment; you’re not home…
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if you saw any typos, no you didn’t !!<;33
reblogs + asks + feedback appreciated !
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mischieveousmayhem · 5 months
Hiiii I was wondering if I could request a Deku x reader and jealous ochako??
It goes where reader and deku are childhood besties like pinky promised to marry each other when they get older besties but reader had to move away to another country due to being accepted into one of the most prestigious quirk schools in the world (besides UA) and she ends up coming back to Japan during the UA sports festival and her and deku have a sweet reunion but ochako seems to be a bit jealous of reader and tries to make it obvious abt how she feels abt deku but in the end ultimately decides her jealousy isn’t worth losing her friendship over and deku and reader end up together :3
"Until we meet again.."
a/n: ok this took me a minute to figure out what i wanted to do but please enjoy! i did see the other part anon , where you requested what the quirk is, i just spiced it up a little! also please request guys im so uninspired till i see requests.
pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Fem! Reader , one sided Izuku Midoriya x Ochako
Warnings: Jealousy, Cursing, Making Ochako act slightly fannon and annoying, Reader moves to Getmaly
Genre: Fluff , maybe slightly angsty?
Synopsis: Y/N L/N finally returns to Japan where she can finally see her bestest friend. However, someone (Ochako) has a crush on her best friend, Izuku. When Ochako sees the two super close she tries to steal all of Izuku's attention away from the reader. But is it worth the loss of making her crush, but friend hate her?
Readers Quirk: Energy Absorbtation. User can absorb energy around them (ex. electricity, heat, etc.) and release powerful bolts of pink bolts. User also has laser eyes and can absorb enough energy to fly . (Basically Starfires powers but using energy to create the power). However the user must be super careful! Absorbing too much energy can make them have too much adrenaline and lose control and go manic!
"HEY!" A small voice boomed across the playground.
The ash blonde and his friends turned to see to see who was yelling at them. The green haired boy sunk more thinking it was just another person who would treat him the same as the ash blonde, Kastuki Bakugou and his friends were.
"Leave him alone! He didn't do anything to you."
Looking at the figure it was a girl, she had H/C pigtails and beautiful S/C toned skin. This made Bakugou smirk. Really? A girl tryna challenge the great Katsuki.
"Ooohhh I'm so scared , what is a little weak girl gonna do." He sarcastically remarked.
She smiled, "Weak? You call this weak?" There are pink bolts forming around her hand.
"Wowww so your a night light?" One of the ash blondes friends say.
"Hmm, no." She takes the bolts and pulverizes a nearby petite plant. The ash blonde and the rest of the bullies eyes widened, "Could be you next by the way." She said knowing that the plant was only turned to ashes for two reasons, it was a small plant and secondly, she didn't really know how to use her quirk that well so she absorbed a powerful bit.
Bakugou snaps out of it, "Yeah whatever, I'm not scared of you. We're just gonna leave cause we don't hang around useless nerds." Bakugou leaves while his "posse" follows behind him.
The girl walks up to the green-headed boy on the ground and reaches out a hand. He immediately takes it.
"Thanks for that..." He spoke shyly not knowing the girl who was seen as a stranger.
"No problem! Whats your name by the way?" She smiled.
"Izuku Midoriya."
"Cool name! I'm Y/N L/N"
"Nice to meet you L/N"
"Please just call me Y/N!"
From then on the two hung out more and more each day and they grew closer and closer. To the point where one day when they were playing house in Y/N's backyard a conversation came up.
Currently the two had stuffed animals and dolls as kids and Y/N smiled "I can't wait to have a life this growing up! It's so fun being married to you too!"
"Yeah it is fun. I want to have a life like this when I grow up to! Being a hero and having kids that look up to me would be a great life" Izuku smiled at her agreement.
"I have an idea, when we grow up, let's get married!" She exclaimed.
"Okay!" He says giving her a hug.
Once the hug breaks she holds out her pinky.
"Pinky promise?"
Their fingers lock.
"Pinky promise."
The two were super estatic to grow up and marry each other. However they ran into a road bump.
"Izuku..I'm sorry but I have to leave the country. I got an offer to go to a better school than U.A."
Those words rang into Izuku's ears everyday even to the present day. Everyday he missed her , everyday he wanted to see her face to face instead of just texting her or calling her. He missed her dearly. Y/N was like Izuku's oxygen. He felt it hard to breathe without her. However her going away didn't set him back from his journey to becoming number one hero. In fact, it pushed him harder.
This takes us to present day, the day Y/N gets to come home. Although it is not permanent, Izuku is very happy she is coming back home even if it's just for the festival. Sure all his friends were nice at U.A. Especially Ochako. She considered Izuku her best friend, but he didn't consider his. Y/N would always be his best friend no matter what.
They haven't been separated that long either it's been like what? A year? Maybe a little less? Either way he was just happy he was going to her again. And again was today.
Waiting at the bus stop for her to get off, Ochako stood next to him, more like against him, she gave him like zero personal space. They were gonna walk with Y/N to U.A since she must not be familiar with Japan anymore.
"Soo who are we waiting for?" Ochako started conversation.
"My childhood best friend." Izuku says.
Ochako questions, "Oh really? Did they not pass the exam go get into U.A?"
"Actually that's not it at all. She got an offer to take an exam at a much more prestigious school and she passed. She is one of the top students in her class." Izuku explains.
She? His best friend was a she? This made Ochakos stomach turn into knots. She has had a crush on Izuku for a while but he knew his so called childhood best friend longer. What if he liked his childhood best friend instead of Ochako? Is that why he ignores all her small hints? Or maybe the boy is just oblivious as hell.
Snapping her out of her thoughts, the bus pulled up and there came a beautiful S/C toned girl who stepped off smiling as wide as possible.
Izuku didn't even almost notice her! She had changed so much. Her hair had pink highlights, the same shade as her energy bolts along with puberty hitting her like a bus, and not just her body, but her face matured. The only thing that made Izuku sure it was her was that wide smile and her glimmering E/C eyes.
"Izuku!" She jumped and embraced him. Before he could even embrace her back they started flying in the air in circles. After 5 seconds of spinning Y/N made sure both their feet touched the ground.
Ochako just stood there awkwardly watching this entire interaction. However her awkward stance is what was hiding that boiling feeling inside her.
"You can fly now?!" Izuku exclaimed at Y/N.
"Yeah! Training really does help you explore what else you can do with your powers." She smiled. "I can't wait to see your awesome quirk today at the festival."
She knew Izuku got a quirk , however she didn't know the backstory on how or why he got it so late. She didn't even bother to ask because the boy was happy and she wouldn't dare ask unless he offered to tell her.
"I'm gonna try my best to win." He says before turning to the awkward Ochako.
"Oh Uraraka, this is my best friend I was telling you about! This is Y/N and Y/N, this is Uraraka." He introduced the two.
Y/N stuck out her hand in front of Uraraka to shake it, "Nice to meet you, by the way you're like soo pretty."
Ochako shook Y/N's hand, "Nice to meet you too, and thanks." She said, but you could hear the slight bitterness in Ochako's voice.
The three walked to U.A together, mainly Izuku and Y/N talking and laughing while Ochako trailed behind them, like a third wheel. This wasn't fair. When Y/N wasn't here Izuku would be talking and laughing with her not Y/N. She would just have to get Izuku's attention some way.
Before the festival started Izuku and Y/N shared on more conversation.
"Woww , it must be fun to be able to compete! In Germany we can't compete in festivals till we're second years." Y/N explained.
"I wish so too, I would love to try to compete against you so I can show you how I can beat you with my quirk." He said pumping a fist up.
"And may she might, young students!" All Might appeared out of no where behind the two. The voice startled Y/N but when she turned around she saw All Might.
"Oh my stars! It's All Might!! Wait what do you mean?" She titled her head.
"I have heard about you , L/N. You and your fellow students were in a magazine a while ago." He explained, while Y/N's eyes lit up. "I can speak and have it arranged for you to join us in our festival. I want to see you at work."
"Oh my stars! Really?! Like really , really?!" Y/N was so happy right now she looked like she was gonna pee herself.
"I can try. Now wait for me outside in the hall while I speak to this young student." All Might says as Y/N obeys and closes the door on the way out.
All Might shrinks back down to regular old Toshi. He coughs before speaking.
"Does she know?"
"No, I didn't tell her."
"Good , I was afraid you would tell her especially since she doesn't go here." Toshi says, weakness in his voice. "I'm going to go take her to talk to the other pros in charge to see if we can get her to join the festival. I know you will do good Midoriya." He places a hand on Izuku's shoulder before going back to being All Might.
Before leaving he turns around and says, "Good luck."
Y/N hummed as she changed in the locker room. Ochako so happened to be there getting prepared. When Ochako spots her she immediately tries to avoid Y/N however Y/N's attention was somewhere else. She was just too excited for this opportunity.
When Ochako realized Y/N wasn't paying attention she stared at Y/N. Damn, she wouldn't blame Izuku if he did like Y/N. Y/N was beautiful and she looked so much better in the gym uniform then Ochako.
Y/N wore a sports bra only under the uniform because she wasn't prepared for this. Ochako saw this and thought she should do the same so Ochako took off her tank top and left her sports bra on with just the gym uniform on top.
Y/N turns, "Oh Uraraka! Guess what they're letting me compete in the festival." She smiled.
"Oh. I am happy for you. I hope you do well."
"You too! May the best one win." Y/N smiles friendly before leaving.
"Yeah may the best one win.." Ochako mutters knowing that she didn't want to just win the festival she also wanted to win Izuku's love and attention.
The festival contained of many challenges.
The first one was the obstacle course. Y/N ended up passing at number 15. That was only because she didn't use flight for it. She used her pure skills.
Next was the calvary battle. Y/N ended up being placed on team Todoroki. She was having so much fun she barely noticed it was a challenge.
Finally , it was one on ones. Y/N won her first round against Mina and she was super pleased by it. She didn't think she was that good with her quirk. But she had an advantage against Mina's acid. Acid is a chemical, and chemicals have energy.
It was time for Uraraka and Bakugou to fight and Uraraka was nevous before she went on so she went to Izuku.
But before she did she unzipped her uniform to show off her sports bra and then confronted him unfortunately Y/N was there.
"Oh Midoriya!" She exclaimed interrupting what Y/N and Izuku were talking about. "I have to fight Bakugou and I'm so gonna lose" She said almost in an almost too dramatic way.
"Let me help you come up with a pla–" Izuku tried to speak.
"I don't need your help with winning, I want to do this on my own. I know I can do it." Ochako say, "I'm just so nervous, can I have a hug before I go on?" She asks with pleading eyes.
Izuku and Ochako embrace for a solid 10 seconds before Y/N joins in. Then the unwanted group hug only lasts about 5 seconds.
"You're gonna do great Ochako! Bakugou just has a bigggggggg ego since forever. You're gonna win." Y/N smiled.
"Yeah, you are Ochako!" Izuku agrees.
"Thanks guys..." The "guy" thats came out her mouth was super bitter and she stared daggers at Y/N while she said it. However Y/N thought it was on accident so she smiled.
That almost frustrated Ochako past her limits. But made her think why is Y/N being so nice? Why can't Y/N back off OCHAKOS Izuku? Whatever it didn't matter.
Ochako hugged Izuku one more time before going to her battle. As she walked off she thought that if she did well it would impress Izuku and he will fall in love. Maybe she's being delusional but she won't give up on him.
Y/N and Izuku watched the painful battle of Ochako vs Bakugou. They were both putting on a strong fight but Bakugou was obviously winning.
"She needs to forfeit or she's gonna get seriously injured, Izuku."
"She's gonn—" He's cut off when Ochako hits the ground.
Y/N gasps and Izuku's eyes widen.
Midnight declares Ochako is unconscious, however leading Y/N and Izuku rushing down to recovery girl.
A few moments later Ochako's eyes fluttered open. She saw Y/N and Izuku next to her.
"Shes awake!" Y/N exclaimed. "Are you okay?"
Ochako stared blankly. Why was Y/N here? But she knew Izuku was here so she put on a little act, "Oh my..I'm in so much pain right now." She wasn't seriously lying, Recovery Girl can't fully help Ochako recover.
"You put on a good fight Uraraka! It's nice to see you awake however, I have to prepare to fight Todoroki in a little. I'll catch you guys later!" Izuku hugged Ochako and she became slightly flustered before he left the room.
Sitting down in a chair next to Uraraka, Y/N speaks, "That fight was so impressive! I could see your strategy. I wish you won it would have been so badass for you to beat Bakugou."
While Y/N kept complimenting Ochako and talking about the fight. Ochako realized something. Ever since Y/N came back she's just been jealous of her. When in reality she shouldn't have. Y/N has no bad intentions towards her, she just wants to be her friend. Imagine if Izuku knew what she thought of Y/N? He would hate her guts.
"And the way you used your jacket for a—" Y/N was cut off by Ochako,
"Do you like Midoriya?" Ochako asks.
"Yes, he's my best—"
"I mean do you like him?" She exaggerates the like this time.
Y/N stops and thinks before answering.
"... It doesn't matter, I don't think he feels the same." The answer came out her mouth almost too quietly, but Ochako heard it.
"L/N," Ochako sat up, wincing from the little pain she had left and grabbing Y/N's hand. "The way he looks at you, the way he interacts with you, every time he interacts with you it's different from others. He doesn't just like you, I'm sure he loves you. You're the love of his life, you should tell him."
Y/N is speechless, "But don't you like him?"
"How'd you know?!?" Ochako becomes flustered.
"It's obvious."
"Then it's also obvious he doesn't like me back."
Y/N got up and helped Ochako get up. "I know you like him, but I don't want to get with him if you lik—"
"Please, who cares if I like him, I want him to be happy and he's obviously happy with you. So let's go watch him kick ass." Ochako smiled hooking her arms with Y/N's as they went to go watch Midoriya vs Todoroki.
"Aww you did so well , though." Ochako spoke, where Ochako, Y/N, and Izuku were all back with Recovery Girl.
"I agree." Y/N smiled.
"Thanks guys, I'm disappointed though."
"Next year, you're going to beat him for sure." Ochako says.
"Same goes for you beating Bakugou."
"Speaking of Bakugou," Y/N chimes in, "I'll avenge you right now. Cause guess who has to fight him."
The two stared at Y/N.
"He's super strong though." Midoriya spoke up.
"He may be strong but I'm sure I'm stronger." Y/N smiled.
"You got this girlie! If anyone can beat him it's you." Ochako smiled optimistically, and this time there was no bitterness.
Y/N stood in the ring across from Bakugou.
"We meet again Katsuki." Y/N smiles.
"Don't call me that."
"Hmm, I'll call you whatever I want after I beat you." Y/N smiles.
"The hell? You'll never beat me."
"Wanna bet?"
"Damn right, I do."
Y/N giggles, "I'll go easyy.."
Bakugou had enough of the talk he sent the first explosion towards her. Using acrobatic skills, she flipped out the way dodging the attack.
"Damn, thats all you got?"
"Fuck no."
Y/N flew up throwing bolts at Bakugou.
The two were fighting for a good 15 minutes. The area was smoky from not only Bakugou's explosions but Y/N's bolts and laser eyes.
Unfortunately, Y/N was beat by Katsuki by default because she absorbed too much energy and went manic.
When everyone recovered and everyone recovered it was time for Y/N to go home. Izuku was sad and so was Y/N. They didn't know the next time they would see each other and this made them both upset.
It was rainy, and they both stood under an umbrella waiting for the bus to take Y/N to the airport.
"You did awesome at the festival." She broke the silence.
"So did you." He spoke , but there was sadness in his voice.
"You know, I'm really proud of you and your quirk is amazing. I can't wait to see how hard you train and how good you are next time I see you." She smiled almost sadly, "And then I'll fight your that time."
He chuckles, "I hope you don't think you're gonna win."
"Trust me, I will."
The bus pulled up and the two looked even more sad.
"I guess this is it for who knows how long." Izuku turns and faces her.
"Don't be sad, Izuku. Our separation is only temporary. Remember, I'll come back and we will get married?" She cuffs his cheek.
He lit up a little, not thinking she remembered the promise. He melted into the touch of her hand while nodding.
They shared one last embrace,
"Goodbye, Y/N."
"Until we meet again, Izu."
The embrace broke but Y/N didn't walk off yet. What did was totally unexpected. She pecked his lips and ran on to the bus, "Call me later!"
Those were the last words he heard her say before he stood there flustered.
They wouldn't just marry each other in the future because they were best friends.
Izuku Midoriya found his true love, his soulmate, and he can't wait to see her again.
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