#jeanie buss
90ssmut2 · 2 months
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The Ultimate Laker Girl Jeanie Buss, getting a lift from Lakers Vlade Divac and Anthony Peeler in 1995. Today she is majority owner and president of the team.
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Dear John | Unsayable Things
Masters of the Air Fanfiction
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I banged this out in an hour or two, past midnight, deep in my feels, half chatting with my baby @stylespresleyhearted who put in the initial request for this series and who is now owed a few choice lines herein. If you wanna stew in the pain of Friday’s episode- this is the angst fest for you. With a tiny bit of hope at the end. Tiny. But it’s there.
Summary: months after one drunken letter of horny (and gentlemanly) admiration was sent off by one John Egan to Miss Lana Tierney of Hollywood fame, a written rapport has formed between them, based on a refreshing freedom to be perfectly frank and even trivial in their letters -a tone set by his inarguably appaling initial correspondence. But until today, he’s never dared make use of the number she gave him to dial when he needs to say unspeakable things.
Warnings: angsty as hell? morose and possibly suicidal thought processes? it’s Egan after THAT phone call so, I imagine you can envision that it’s not exactly a stable mentality portrayed here-in.
Date: October 1943
The hotel lobby is as chilled as an ice box with those front doors constantly revolving, letting in gusts of autumn air that’s suddenly turned harsher than he recalled when he stepped out into the daylight this morning. His ride back to East Anglia won’t be here for another two hours and no amount of charm or haggling can get him the petrol to make the journey on his own. It’s a carpool sort of life now, every man, woman and child in Britain knows that but every minute he stays in the great metropolis feels like a betrayal to those boys who just got-
-he will get back in time.
He vowed it, he arranged it, now all there’s left to do is wait until it can be enacted. John was never good at waiting but now all the activities and pastimes he’d once relied upon to fill a slow hour seem intolerable. Imbibe any more booz and he’ll be unfit to fly, seeing the sites could get him more sights than he’d like, polite conversation makes him want to scream in the face of the next passer by that he’s lost something precious today -don’t they know? -and it would be just his luck today of all days to get answered by someone who did know, some parent with a dead child, pulverized to bits while he fucked his demons out.
So John keeps his mouth shut in a stern line and stares venomously ahead at the charming little Renoir hung in the lounge. No one has troubled him yet and by the spooked face of the desk clerk who offered him a menu, he dares to think he won’t be in future.
He is sick to death of it all, of the death itself and the brave faces and the lack of bravery he suddenly feels now and the necessity of it all. He hardly recognizes the hollowed out sinner he’s become with a head full of too many griefs to even formulate a prayer.
He was close to catatonic, eyeball deep in his self abhorrence, when he realized he was spinning round the little lacquered card she had enclosed three letters ago.
“If you ever need to say those unsayables, here’s a private line. Don’t call it if you don’t want me to answer, only you, my mama and my hair stylist have it. Xoxo, Jeanie.” 💋
The unsayable would be to call one of the most successful, desirable and busy women in the world only to admit John Egan has run outta words. But with the mounting desire to do something stupidly productive, and without the kind fist of a friend to dissuade him -he knew walking in front of busses wouldn’t get him any closer to Thorpe Abbots- a starlet’s withering rejection just might do the trick. Just might hurt enough to slice through the fog. His fingers were sweating as he spun the rotary, thumbnail tracing the underside of her extension.
God knows it would be unlikely to get through even the first connection, much less get overseas, much less find her at her home. What time of day was it back there anyway? And this entire conversation would get bugged to hell, he’d have to be careful and this was a terrible idea to start with and-
“Hello you,” the airiest voice he’s ever heard warbles over the static, teasing and warm, “I’ll admit it, that lilac did nothing for my color last night. You win, I’ve got the front page of the Whisper to confirm, please, don’t rub it in.”
John stares out of his little alcove in the lounge with watery eyes, mouthing a silent -what the fuck- to himself before recalling the obvious: only her mother, her hairstylist and him. With this line, Jeanie -or should he call her Lana on the phone?- didn’t expect a stranger. This was an anticipated call and he about hangs up in mortification at not being what she expected.
But then, the hollow idea of one and a half hours of waiting for the ride catches up and John recalls that he had in fact phoned in order to be humiliated and he was a rare sort of chump to take so poorly to a plan gone off to so dazzling a start.
“Can’t imagine a shade that wouldn’t suit you.” he finds himself saying smoothly, the flirtation on autopilot.
He can hear an audible gasp on the other end of the line and a breathy sputter and what might be sheets rustling, or perhaps it’s a dress or paper or-
“JOHNNY?” she all but squeals and he winces at the blare of the receiver in his ear, the flinching crinkle of his blue eyes not without some pleased merriment at her unabashed excitement. “This you? Finally you used it, you silly old thing! Oh gosh, oh gosh say something again, your voice is divine! Oh, I can’t believe I’m finally talking to you. I thought you were my mother! Oh say something! You’re there, aren’t you? Johnny?”
She sounds so pleased he finds his eyes smarting and suddenly this feels like the worst idea in the world. He needed her to be harsh, to fit with every other disillusionment that’s rained down on him this past month, instead he’s met with -care. His stomach roils and not even the mean suspicion that she’s putting on an act can make it calm. “Well, I’m finally somewhere I don’t have to share a line with the whole group.”
“Where’s that, Johnny?” She sounds as eager as if he’s got a lot of options.
“Oh!” There’s a waiver to her voice, he’s not sure why, but either way she sounds unsure if she should be merry or sober. “Business or pleasure?” she inquires levelly and it’s got all the sultry teasing he’s read into her scrawled writing hundreds of times, John finds himself flushing despite the morose sentiment that comes up right behind it.
“That, well, uh, that uh“ he picks at the sleek paint on the phone base and questions whether he’s going to use precious time on the phone with the hottest dame on planet earth to throw a pity party, “-I think the intention was a rehabilitation for the nerves. Ironically the guy who suggested it is now toast.”
“Oh John.” she sounds wounded and he bites his lip in savage pleasure at hearing what he wishes he could feel. “Was it -was it someone close?”
“A couple hundred, more like.” he sulks, his jaw ticking so hard he might break a molar if he keeps on. “But yeah. Yeah today was-“ he tries to think of the censors and that makes him laugh at the thought of all their previous filthy correspondence making it through but some slip of the tongue about a dead friend could land them in the hot spot, his following laugh is snotty and he could gag at himself for it.
“Johnny, darling man, are you-“ she shifts course and he holds his breath, depending on her for something, he doesn’t even what, “-does this happen to have something to do with our duet’s harshest critic?”
He smiles at her cleverness, she’s not a complete airhead then. And she recalls Buck. Of course she does, she hasn’t stopped sending him kisses via Egan’s letters even though she didn’t recall meeting either, not even when John had sent back photographs of the both of them to jog it. The flow of correspondence hadn't stalled despite this strike out and neither had the morale boosting glamor shots of certain of her assets which John kept locked in the false bottom of his footlocker and one small one folded in in the hollowed heel of his boot.
_“keeping it handy for the emergency tug off?” Gale had scorned him but Egan liked having her with him._
“Yeah, Shirley Temple- he’s been uh, he’s been traded, ya see.” Egan manages the metaphor once more and winces at the truth it hides.
He hears Je-Lana?-Jeanie?- suck in a breath on the other end. “Gosh. John. Any sign of, of-“ she begins to stammer, “of chut-“
-chutes, she’s going to say. John coughs loudly into the reviver and her voice trails off in recognition of his warning. “This was a mistake.” he decides, “I just -you can see why- I just thought I’d like to hear a-a-a voice, a-“
“A friend!” she replies eagerly, “I’m here, I’m here don’t go, not yet, not unless you have to, Major. Are you waiting? You’ll be wanting to get back, no? Or will you be staying on? In London?”
“I’m not staying.”
“Of course.” she whispers, “I’m so terribly, terribly sorry.”
His grip on the receiver has turned white. “No,” he decides, “I’m the one who’s sorry. Bringing this up, never even talked to you before and I go and make it this the call. Pretty girl like you doesn’t need this.”
“I told you to call.” she reminds him gently, “And Johnny, I’m ever so happy to hear your voice, I’ve imagined it a million times rereading your letters and looking at your photographs. I can concede that my imagination failed.”
“You reread them?” he is amused.
“Yes. Don’t you reread mine?”
“Mhmm you bet.”
“Gosh your voice gives me shivers.” she whispers into the phone and he feels an odd rising of the hair on the back of his neck. “Are you having to beat the London women off with a baseball bat?”
“I just let ‘em swarm.” he admits and she makes a noise of intrigue, “I was with a widow last night.” He blurts. “Polish. We watched the bombs from my hotel room.”
“How relaxing.” Without missing a beat Jeanie’s soft tease comes through, “Did the one balance the other for the nerves?”
“I’m dehydrated and hungover.”
“And grieving.” she adds.
That’s an unsayable. “I just needed to talk to someone.” he decides.
“Did she not speak English?”
He’s gone this far, he might as well be honest. “She didn’t know Buck.”
“Mm.” She makes a mournful noise of assent.
“I-I’m tryin’ not to do something stupid Jeanie,” he hates how his voice shakes but to her, it sounds more like rage than fear, “and I thought if I could hear your voice I’d -id get some peace. And wait for my ride without bustin’ up the Carleton.”
“Yes, I forbid you to bust up the Carleton without me, Major.” she warns and his pulse leaps at the simple direction, it’s a joke of course but it lodges heavy and wanted in his chest. “Promise me, Johnny, one day we’ll cause a great scandal there, you and I?”
“Miss Tierney,” he bites at his lip, “it’s a kindness for me not to make promises. To girls -to anybody.” She’s got to know that, she’s just being nice. “Especially not to special little ladies with nice long futures ahead of them.”
“It’s Turner, actually, Miss Turner if you’re going to be so formal.” She corrects, not a single part of her name Hollywood hasn’t meddled with. “But you must know, it’s far too late for that John. I miss you like mad.”
“We haven’t even met.” he reasons.
“What, and you don’t miss me?”
He curses under his breath fondly and shrugs. “I adore you.”
There’s a beat of silence in which he thinks he may have blown it by being so gushing but in fact, Jeanie finds herself milking her throat to dislodge the lump of painful glee settling there.
“Then you do whatever you have to, Bucky Egan,” she commands him, imperious but fervent, “you punch and get punched and drink as much as you need and bed as many girls as it takes and go after Buck-“
“-hold up, how’d you kn-“
“-but you come home. It’s much too late to tell me not to get my hopes up. You’re all I dream about anymore. There’s got to be some future for us, there’s got to be, Johnny, I’m not asking you to promise I’m asking you to try. Do what you’re good at.”
The pause is long and heavy and Bucky thinks he hears her sniffling on the other end. Unmoored by the unprecedented honesty he’s receiving and the juxtaposition of being someone’s risky bet for happiness when just this morning he’d come to resign himself to letting go what could only ever be a passing night's comfort- “Hell of a business.” he finds himself repeating.
“But you’re the best at it.” she retorts, “So stay the best.”
Everything certain, everything he thought was a given got blown to hell with Gale’s plane today. “Used to tell him if everybody else went down it’d be just him and me. I believed that.” He mumbles into the phone, turning to tuck his neck into the device like it’s the soft crook of her neck, “Now to be the best- that’s just me, and charred Europe under me and no one else in sight. That’s what you’re asking? ‘Cause that’s how this ends.”
The sun is shining bright and brutal in California, a cheery morning to mock her cocktail hangover and now she thinks it’s to hurt him as well, everything is so far removed an ocean away. Such bleakness is hard to even fathom for her, but the man she’s come to know, to love even, on paper is hoarsely spilling his guts to her over the phone and she’s not sure what one says to such a prediction. Her agent hovers in the doorway, the angry swats of her hand not sufficient to deter him from fretting with the press conference approaching. “So what, this is a suicide note?” she winces as soon as she says it but honesty has always been their currency.
“No.” he replies at long last and her shoulders sag. “I thought- i just wanted to hear your voice once before I go up again, Jeanie.”
“And I’m glad you called.” she swears, “And now I’ll have a voice to go with all the wicked things you do in my dreams.”
“Oh fu- Jeanie that’s unfair.” He balks and she grins at the little victory.
“Alls fair in love and war, Major.” She reminds, “Now tell me, do you want to tell me about him? Buck-“
“No, fuck no!” he hisses, angry at himself, “I wanted to talk to you to forget. I wanted to hear your voice.” He repeats it like an idiot.
“Then tell me,” she soothes, unphased by his outburst, “what would you like to hear in my voice, Major? The latest score? Perhaps the front page of the Times? They brought it in with my toast. Or some dirty line from one of your letters? I’ve got them here under one of Salinger’s books. They’re safe from the fiancé there, he’s a complete ignoramus with a phobia for learning.”
Bucky chuckles at her unabashed derision for her hotel scion intended and grins at the idea of her sleeping so near to his scrawled professions of lo- obsession at the very least.
Love is another unsayable.
“Just -tell me about your day, sweetheart?“ he begs, hoarse with the need to teleport elsewhere for the remaining forty minutes of his wait.
“If you’re sure.” she sounds only mildly skeptical, “It’s been very loungey, rather frilly.”
“Perfect.” he sighs, closing his eyes.
“Well, it’s actually morning here so I haven’t been up to much,” she begins and he feels guilty for just dialing away, damn the timezones, “I’ve not even dressed.”
“What color are you wearing?” he begs before he even realizes it.
Hey sucks his teeth and nods approvingly. “White what?”
“A silk top and- no! Go away Herbert, for the last time!” Some interruption seems to occur on her end as a man’s voice comes through in snatches and Jeanie’s raised one drifts through the hand she’s cupped over the receiver, “Herbert, for the love of God, I am talking to one of the men protecting our country, the reporters can wait!”
Jeanie’s snappy loyalty soothes some raw edge he’s felt since watching *her* leave this morning without more than a kiss. “Reporters, huh?” he sympathizes, fully ready to give her an out.
“You’d think they’d have enough to report, there’s a war on.” she seethes and he has to smile again, “Anway, where were we? Oh, my pajama shorts.”
“Yes Johnny, white.”
“Send me a picture?”
“Awfully demanding for a man who hasn’t even promised me he’ll try to live and see them in person.”
John puffs out a laugh at being snared so easily. “Alright, I’ll try.”
“Promise?” Her voice sounds so small.
“I promise.” He’s dazed by the shift, how did he end up being the one begged by Miss Hollywood herself? Perhaps he’s still drunker than he thought.
“It’s all any of us can do, Johnny,” she says, “but we’ve gotta try. You got your pinky up?”
“For your oath- pinky swear.”
“You're not even here.” he laughs.
“I’ve got mine crooked, come on Major, meet me halfway.”
And so John Egan finds himself sporting a watery, helpless grin as he lifts his finger into thin air and crooks it around her imaginary little digit. Her sigh sounds as if she can feel it a ocean away. Perhaps he’s gone fully looney in the way he thinks he can, too.
He doubts she’ll appreciate his choices in the next few weeks, maybe even doubt his intention to keep his oath, but what matters is he’s going to try. Even if it’s an angry, furious, blind sort of determination, it keeps him firmly out of the London bus lane until Hobbs and his transport arrive and then it’s goodbye Jean Turner, hello again Thorpe Abbots.
Taglist: (I’m sorry for tagging y’all twice in a single day, oops)
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theloveofbush · 7 months
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Jeanie Buss - LA Lakers owner
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mydaddywiki · 3 months
Jerry West
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6’ 3" (1.91 m)
Jerome Alan West (May 28, 1938 – June 12, 2024aged 86;) was an American basketball player and executive. He played professionally for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He excited fans during his playing career with the Los Angeles Lakers, and later enjoyed great success as an executive for the team. West, who was selected to the Basketball Hall of Fame three times in a storied career as a player and executive and whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died on June 12, 2024, at the age of 86.
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A native of Chelyan, West Virginia, West was known as a tenacious player who was rarely satisfied with his performance. West played the small forward position early in his career: he was a standout at East Bank High School and at West Virginia University, where he led the Mountaineers to the 1959 NCAA championship game. He then embarked on a 14-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers and was the co-captain of the 1960 U.S. Olympic gold medal team, a squad that was inducted as a unit into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2010.
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His nicknames included "the Logo", in reference to his silhouette being the basis for the NBA logo; "Mr. Clutch", for his ability to make a big play in a key situation such as his famous buzzer-beating 60-foot shot that tied Game 3 of the 1970 NBA Finals against the New York Knicks; "Mr. Outside", in reference to his perimeter play with the Lakers and "Zeke from Cabin Creek" for the creek near his birthplace of Chelyan, West Virginia.
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West married his college sweetheart Martha Jane Kane in April 1960 in Morgantown; they divorced in 1976. They had three sons. Jerry married his second wife, Kristine "Karen" Bua, in 1978. They had two sons. What brought West to my attention was that he felt snubbed by Lakers owner, Jeanie Buss after she didn’t include him in her top-five most important Lakers of all-time. If it makes any difference Jerry, I think your the most important Lakers of all-time… that I want to fuck.
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newwayastrology · 1 year
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Those of us who were Tyl students have a phrase that we use. It is, "this means that." It refers to how those who are inexperienced tend to analyze a chart. They will see a position, look it up, or even worse, google it, and apply that meaning every time they see what ever it is.
When you look in any book that explains what's expected from transits, the transit conjunction, square, or opposition of Saturn to Venus almost always rains on relationships. And really, the fact of the matter is that if a relationship has been unfulfilling for one or both of the people in it, this transit or arc can for sure be a time when a relationship that needs work either ends or is challenged. But it can also be a time when a relationship gains structure.
Jeanie Buss is the owner and President of the Los Angeles Lakers. She was married recently almost on the exact day transiting Saturn opposed her Venus. At the same time, transiting Jupiter is creeping up on contact with her Moon, ruler of the 7th.
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3acesnews · 24 days
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Jeanie Buss continues to publicly show her 'love' for LeBron James and explains his high salary with the Lakers
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amantidellamaglia · 24 days
James è la risorsa più importante dei Lakers
Si può dire che James sia il più grande giocatore NBA della storia, ed è ancora il miglior giocatore della lega NBA. Quest'estate, ha guidato gli Stati Uniti alla vittoria del campionato di questo torneo di basket con più giocatori, stabilendo un record di 5 campionati consecutivi. Pertanto, la sua canotta nba sconto è anche la più venduta.
Una squadra ha un giocatore del genere seduto nella squadra, il che non è solo l'onore personale del giocatore, ma anche la fortuna della squadra. Pertanto, il capo di James Jeanie Buss ha partecipato allo spettacolo e ha parlato della prestazione olimpica di LeBron James, e ha detto che LeBron James è la risorsa più importante dei Lakers. E ha anche detto che James con la maglia Los Angeles Lakers è molto "poco costoso", dovrebbe ricevere uno stipendio più alto, ma a causa del limite del tetto salariale, può dare a LeBron James solo quella cifra.
James ha firmato un'estensione del contratto di due anni da 101 milioni di dollari quest'estate, e ora James ha 39 anni. Si può dire che James è davvero potente e terribile, e il suo periodo di massimo splendore è anche unico e senza precedenti.
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The Lake Show, or the Leg Show? Los Angeles Lakers owner and president Jeanie Buss, from her 1995 Playboy pictorial.
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camisetasnbaes · 24 days
Darle a James un salario máximo todavía se siente barato
Se puede decir que James es el mejor jugador de la NBA de la historia, y sigue siendo el mejor jugador de la liga NBA. Este verano, llevó a Estados Unidos a ganar el campeonato de este torneo de baloncesto con más jugadores, estableciendo un récord de 5 campeonatos consecutivos. Por lo tanto, su Camisetas de baloncesto nba también es la más vendida.
Un equipo tiene un jugador así sentado en el equipo, lo que no solo es el honor personal del jugador, sino también la suerte del equipo. Por lo tanto, la jefa de James, Jeanie Buss, participó en el programa y habló sobre el desempeño olímpico de LeBron James, y dijo que LeBron James es el mayor activo de los Lakers. Y también dijo que James con la Camiseta Los Angeles Lakers es muy "barato", debería obtener un salario más alto, pero debido al límite del tope salarial, solo puede darle a LeBron James esa cantidad de dinero.
James firmó una extensión de contrato de dos años por $ 101 millones este verano, y ahora James tiene 39 años. Se puede decir que James es realmente poderoso y terrible, y su período pico también es sin precedentes y único.
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nbacolletion · 28 days
Lakers' Jeanie Buss on J.J. Redick hire: 'We wanted to kind of think a different way'
The Lakers are looking to break out of their mold and hope Redick can do that.
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thefauxsport · 2 months
Do they? Most probably don’t care if they’re shown on the Jumbotron for 5 seconds since they’re celebrities
Yup, I’ve heard Jeanie Buss talk about the celebs they would get at Laker games and how certain celebs have told them no to being shown. I also heard NFL people say the same on various articles/podcasts which is why I called those out.
Also, I’m just trying to say that these celebs know there is a a chance they will be shown when they get those tickets. Especially, if they are comp tickets from the team. Do they know how many times they would be seen? Probably not, but they are not clueless about it.
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graphicpolicy · 2 months
SDCC 2024: WOW - Women of Wrestling takes the Stage
SDCC 2024: WOW - Women of Wrestling takes the Stage #SDCC #SDCC2024 #ComicCon
For the very first time, WOW – Women Of Wrestling will present a special panel at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. “WOW – Women Of Wrestling – Bringing WOW Superheroes To Life” on Friday, July 26 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM in Room 6DE at the San Diego Convention Center. Join co-owners Jeanie Buss and David McLane, along with WOW Superheroes Coach Campanelli and Genesis, as they discuss the…
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shanneltarot · 5 months
LeBron James & Savannah James marriage after Lakers Owner flirt court side | Contracts & Trades
LeBron James & Savannah James marriage after Lakers' Owner daughter Jeanie Buss and her friend were seen flirting court side on International Women Day. Contracts & Trades are happening off the court. Did this situation cause issues at home with the James family? Savannah James and LeBron were showing signs of separation during their next sighting. People are wishing them the best but is the fame too much to handle. Is Love Enough? Watch full video on YouTube with direct link here:
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