#jeanne marine
its-a-rat-trap · 4 months
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Bob Geldof at the DKMS London Gala 2024 at The Natural History Museum on May 23, 2024 in London, England
Pictured with wife Jeanne Marine (1-2), James Corden and Trudie Styler (3), and Laura Pergolizzi (4-5)
(Photos by Dave Benett/Getty Images for DKMS)
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wolfieloveswade · 2 years
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I’m so happy/glad that Bobby finally found love with Jeanne 💕💕
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philoursmars · 7 months
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Deuxième étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s , Brigitte et Sylviane à La Rochelle.
La Rochelle : 
Paroisse Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc
au large de la Rochelle le phare "du Bout du Monde"
avenue de Fétilly
le Musée Maritime
passage souterrain au bout de la rue Delayant
au large
voir 1
La suite bientôt...........
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reitsportportal · 11 months
Morocco Royal Tour 2023: Belgien siegt im Nations Cup - MINISTERE DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE, PRE-SCOLAIRE ET DES SPORTS
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projectthauma · 1 year
the following discord username amendments have been received:
michael’s for V (cyberpunk 2077)
katriel’s for azazel amante (OC)
lune’s for reki kyan (sk8 the infinity)
rose’s for yoriichi (demon slayer)
lia’s for camilla (fe: fates), sirius (fe: new mystery of the emblem), and nina (grishaverse)
marine’s for marina (splatoon) and elfilis (kirby)
lena’s for lucilius (gbf)
mango’s for rutile (promise of wizard) and chuchu (mobile suit gundam: the witch from mercury)
jeanne’s for orochi (onmyoji)
nyaaron’s for kidoumaru (onmyoji)
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epaulesdegeantes · 2 years
Il y a 228 ans naissait Jeanne Villereux Power (1794-1871). Voulant étudier l'l’argonaute argo, elle invente différents types d'aquarium (en verre ou en bois). Pour en savoir plus, il y a la vidéo de la chaîne.
Vous pouvez également lire la bonne BD de Yannick Lelardoux.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
if you devalue dressmaking and other clothing-related trades in your historical narrative, you have to reread The Female Economy by Wendy Gamber and leave flowers on Elizabeth Keckley's grave
I don't make the rules
(this post brought to you by: too many damn websites saying that Jeanne Villepreux-Power started as a Mere Dressmaker and rose to become a Great And Mighty Marine Biologist. when she designed and fitted and may have hand-sewn a princess' wedding dress at the age of 22. like. that sounds like she was already pretty successful, knowledgeable, and talented to me- but I guess because it wasn't in a field that usually-male arbiters of history have decided was valuable, it doesn't count or something?)
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mako-neexu · 5 months
ordeal call chapter 2 traversing down the spiral staircase is so fukcing funny i have this mental image of dantes leading the way down, followed by jalter, salieri, kagekiyo, nitoalter, gorgon, then lobo.
then dantes turns around. stopping the group for a moment, one by one as they listen to their "unofficial" leader heavily pause, his face grave as if there was an enemy before going-
"i know i fucked up my entire body and mutilated myself but can we gush about my radiant star for a moment?"
and then its like...my next mental image of them as they talk about guda is this 😭😂
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literally having a group sharing session sharing each of what they love about guda and ALL OF these bitches mentally are like "wow they all love guda so much. i love them the normal amount though <3"
except for dantes obviously ("i fuckin love my star, my accomplice, my destiny. ") whose brain is fried and marinated because he can say STRAIGHT UP I LOVE YOUS WITH NO SHAME AND WITHOUT IT BEING STRAIGHT UP I LOVE YOU and jalter my god JALTER who is an existence that relied on jeanne d'arc the saint of orleans and said to be far more inhuman got accepted as her own person and guda is the one to show and hold her hands- dance with her, treat her and accept her for who she is hrhgdsjnvlsdnvhgh anyays...
Avenger class my beloved...ughhhhh tears in my eyes...always willing to go so far for those they love.... istfg....
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itscoffeetime-world · 3 months
How did Jeanne and Corazon meet? What were your first impressions of each other?
The first impression was.... something.
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In Jeanne's case, she didn't really like marine's (even now day's, she still dosen't like them or trust them)
So when she first saw Cora/Rosi...she wasn't happy about it, they did interact later bc he had some question's and i can just say, she wasn't friendly either
_____________ 乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ
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Now in Cora's/Rosi's case....he tought she was kind of weird (and scary), staring at him the whole time like he was the one in trouble, like he stealed something but you get the idea..
He was there looking for a very specific devil fruit, searching everywhere and stuff
He and the marines ended up interrigating people and ofc, jeanne was there too...
it was a difficult day
isn't that oh so romantic?/j
If you have more questions about it, my ask are always open ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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its-a-rat-trap · 6 months
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Bob Geldof with wife Jeanne Marine on vacation in Dubrovnik, Croatia with Queen drummer Roger Taylor, wife Sarina Potgieter, and daughter Tigerlily Taylor (August 2021)
(photos via dailymail.co.uk)
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ratsandfashion · 5 months
Okay, so you're in France in the 1760s. Specifically, you're a peasant in the Gevaudan province.
It's described as being "like a wolf, yet not a wolf" and these people, they're shepherds, they see wolves ALL THE TIME, so if they say this thing WASN'T a wolf, I trust them. But the problem is, we don't know WHAT it was. Descriptions vary a LOT, probably owing to the people who saw it being terrified and trying to get away, combined with a typical "game of telephone" deal where the thing got changed each time someone told someone else about it, combined with people just lying and SAYING they'd said it, combined with the fact that if it was an exotic animal (more on that later) people just had no idea what they were looking at. But some fairly consistent traits are that it's BIG, it's got a long tail with a tuft, and it's a reddish color with a black-striped back and white underbelly.
Sounds like a tiger, right? That's a common theory. A lot of nobles kept zoos of exotic animals that peasants would never have seen before and have no reference for, so the fact it's a big furry predator on four legs was probably enough to make it "like a wolf but not a wolf" if it wasn't a bear (and we don't think it was a bear because people also knew what bears looked like) Some good candidates are a tiger for the aforementioned reasons, a lion (tufted tail, some drawings have a mane), and a hyena (wolf-like, has the bite force necessary for decapitation, as many of the corpses had the head removed from their bodies, another unusual feature)
So this thing just fucking runs around the countryside savaging peasants. And they can't do much about it because it's illegal for peasants to have guns. If you ever have to make an argument for the right to bear arms, bring up the Beast of Gevaudan, gurantee no one will see that coming!
Some peasants made do with what they had though. A group of boys managed to save their friend with, iirc, sharpened sticks, though they did not escape unscathed. One had his cheek basically TORN OFF, and as a result the king funded his education for the rest of his life, which was a big deal for a peasant boy who wouldn't ordinarily receive it. And a girl, Marie-Jeanne Valet, successfully fended it off with a homemade spear (she described the beast as a large dog) A statue still stands in her honor today.
Speaking of the King, the news about all this was reaching him. So he started sending out hunters and dragoons (a type of cavalry that would dismount to fight) to get the wolf. But, to no avail! They couldn't seem to kill it. And when they DID finally get a great big wolf, as well as a female wolf with unusually large pups that had traits not normally seen in wolves (ex: double dew claws, which some large dog breeds have, indicating wolfdog hybrids) the killings stopped for awhile. . .and then started again.
This became one of the first international news stories; other countries thought it was HILARIOUS that the King of France and all his men couldn't handle one little WOLF!
Eventually, it was brought down for good by a local hunter named Jean Chastel. Legend sprang up that the beast, which was said to be immune to ordinary bullets, had been felled by a bullet which had been made by melting down a medallion of the Virgin Mary. At the time, the fact it was killed by a holy icon was what was significant, as some people thought it was a werewolf and those were seen as creatures of the Devil at that time (rather than innocent people afflicted by a disease/curse as in modern media) but the fact the medallion was silver may be the source of the modern "silver bullet" myth which isn't from any real werewolf folklore and seems to be an invention of Hollywood.
The royal notary examined the animal after death and recorded in what is known as "The Marin Report" that "This animal which seemed to us to be a wolf; But extraordinary and very different by its figure and its proportions from the wolves that one sees in this country." and details a "monstrous head", unusual body proportions, aberrant morphological characteristics, and unusual fur colors. The report also includes the dental formula (number of molars, number of canines, etc) of the animal, which does seem to indicate a canid of some type. The report is preserved in The French National Archives.
So, this wasn't an unsubstantiated cryptid. It was pretty darn meticulously documented.
Unfortunately, photos didn't exist then, and by the time the corpse was taken to Versailles, it was so rotten and badly decayed that no one wanted anything to do with it, and it was in all likelihood dumped somewhere like garbage. I reckon everyone was just happy to be done with it.
While the beast was dead (or at the least, the attacks ceased) the speculation never has. Some people think it was just a big wolf or wolves, but like I said, I think these people knew what a wolf looked like. Other people think it was a wolfdog hybrid or family of such, which would account for the large size, unusual features, and lack of fear of humans. This, I think, is the most likely option. The escaped exotic animal is the next most likely imo; I remember that there's no records of. . .it was either of any such zoos themselves at the time or of no escapees, but like, if I was a noble and my tiger got out and it was eating people, I don't think I'd say anything.
Then there's more fringe theories. The werewolf thing, of course, but also the idea it was a conspiracy against the king, or some big political plot, often involving Chastel (the hunter who shot it) or his son, or that it was a serial killer dressed in animal skins, or a serial killer that had trained a dog to hunt with him as his method of killing. I...kind that pretty unlikely, just because I've never heard of a serial killer doing anything like that, like using an animal is just not 'intimate' in the way serial killers seem to like to be? But I'm no expert.
My PERSONAL favorite Unlikely Fringe Theory is that it was a mesonychid. See, some descriptions of the Beast claimed it had hooves. And while no modern carnivore has hooves, there is a prehistoric class of carnivores called mesonychids who are often described as "wolves with hooves" and whose appearance---monstrous head, longer tail---do match up pretty well with a lot of accounts.
Now, is it likely that a breeding population of huge prehistoric predators just...survived THAT long into the present and just NEVER got noticed by humans except this ONE time, and no other remains to indicate their survival have ever turned up? Yeah, no. But I really like the idea! That and the werewolf are my FAVORITE options, but in all likelihood it was a wolfdog(s) or escaped exotic.
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luniarii · 2 months
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Houshou Marine NPT List
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﹒ ︵︵ names : Marina , Marine , Mari , Belle , Piper , Saylor , Jeanne , Eris , Venus , Flynn , Marilla , Ember , Briar , Rowan , Ruby , Melania , Daphne , Nessa
﹒ ︵︵ pronouns : ahoy/ahoys , pi/pirate , treasure/treasures , gold/golds , jewel/jewels , sail/sails , ocean/oceans , voyage/voyages , stream/streamer , lu/lust , flirt/flirts , charm/charms , marine/marines , ship/ships , cap/captain
﹒ ︵︵ titles : the lewd pirate , (prn) who wishes to be a pirate , (prn) who’s saving up to buy a ship , the (pirate) cosplayer , (the) captain , the captain of the houshou pirates
requested by : @ubecream
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reitsportportal · 1 year
Morocco Royal Tour 2023 - Rabat: Marine Scauflaire (BEL) gewinnt den PRIX SAR LA PRINCESSE LALLA AMINA
Marine Scauflaire (Foto: Thomas Reiner) Marine Scauflaire (BEL) Siegerin im World Cup Grand Prix dem PRIX SAR LA PRINCESSE LALLA AMINA Dei besten 10 Reiterinnen und Reiter qualifizierten sich im Umlauf für die Siegerrunde, die von Billy Twomey aus Irland eröffnet wurde. Er blieb mit Diego Del Caribe  ohne Abwurf, hatte aber 4 Fehlerpunkte aus dem Umlauf auf seinem Konto. Bei  Tom Tarver-Priebe…
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chicinsilk · 6 months
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Jules-François Crahay for Jeanne Lanvin Spring/Summer 1965 Haute Couture Collection. Suit in navy and pink tartan wool canvas by Perceval-Sekers, blouse in silk muslin printed with navy and pink paisley designs by Ascher, hat by Bernard Devaux.
Jules-François Crahay pour Jeanne Lanvin Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1965. Tailleur en toile-étamine de laine écossaise marine et rose de Perceval-Sekers, blouse en mousseline de soie imprimée de dessins cachemire marine et rose d'Ascher, chapeau de Bernard Devaux.
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
Town of Puddle: Nephilim
Last updated 08/14/2023
When the story of Puddle begins, many angels have human forms which can conceive children in the usual human way. These nephilim (part-angels) can typically pass as human if also part human. However they can also be part vampire, part fae, etc. Angels reincarnate into new human forms upon death; but nephilim do not reincarnate. Luckily they are very difficult to kill. They are sturdier than regular humans, longer lived, and stronger.
Angels and nephilim can both use angelic magic. The toll paid for such magic is their body and mind. When an angel uses too much magic, it corrupts their human form, turning it monstrous. Nephilim can also corrupt in this way but it is much more difficult, they are physically more stable. Nephilim magic tends to be more specialized into one skillset, and is weaker than that of their angelic parents.
Nephilim are unique from angels in that they have free will. No matter how hard Puddle angels try to deny it, everything they do is the will of the divine Entity they serve.
Every nephilim, like angels, has a true name. It is functionally the same as an angel’s true name.
After some incidents involving nephilim, the Order banned their creation. Later in the story after the angels are freed from the Order’s control, many more nephilim are born.
Below are my nephilim characters. If you’re curious about even more, @wyrmzier also has their own you can ask about.
Eden Siddhasadhakah (Eden) - the child of the angels Gabriel and Lehahiah. Eden was created in secret with the Order’s permission, to be used as a tool for their schemes. Eden is very gifted in dream-walking and other mind magic. They had an isolated childhood, kept in captivity by the Order with only their parents for company. Eden’s influence corrupted their parents into monsters. They were freed and escaped into the world, only to find they had no skill navigating it. 
Joan Santos (Jeanne Silence Santos) - the child of the angel Joel and his wife Tace. Joan was named in honor of Joan of Arc, and her powers and destiny have been shaped by that name. She is a skilled fighter and in her youth had dream-walking ability, but as she grew hardened against the world she lost that power, and now instead is plagued by nightmares and visions.
Talia Moon (Anesidora) - the child of the angel Michael and vampire Vivian Moon. Talia is a charismatic and much beloved radio celebrity. Some say her stories have a hypnotic quality. As a half-vampire, Talia inhabits glamoured corpses. Her true form is both extremely frightening and physically unwieldy. She is adept at mind control and shapeshifting. Talia is almost impossible to kill - any vampiric weaknesses are tempered by her innate magic.
Atlas Esadze Larson (Aether) - Atlas is the eldest son of Cecilia and Mordecai. He inherited shapeshifting from Cecilia. His monstrous true form is a hybrid of his parents’ true forms. Atlas has a very unique ability to temporarily use the powers of anyone he eats, depending on how much he consumes them. He also inherited a terrible hunger from his distant ancestor Rapha. Atlas is physically strong and a skilled fighter, but struggles in school and with interpersonal relationships. Atlas has a few things he knows everything about: his favorite topics are monsters, marine biology, fishing, and sailing. 
Fenrir Butcher (Fenris) - the youngest child of the angels Hamiel and Penemue. Fenrir was taught to excel in all things as a child, his parents expected the very best from him. As an adult, he pursues a career in professional hockey. However later in life he finds himself missing some sense of fulfillment and imagination, never having the chance to learn about those things in childhood. 
Sapphira Melua Larson is the youngest child of Sirena and Teutho. Like her father she has red hair and a terrifying monstrous form. Sapphira aspires to be as confident and powerful as her mother, but is hindered by her own naivety and insecurity. 
Jerry (Jericho) - in a subsequent life, the angels Gabriel and Lehahiah have a second child named Jerry. She is Eden’s younger sister, Eden and Aliza help to raise her. Jerry takes after her dad more than Eden does, she is a skilled fighter and has a lot of patience. Jerry has a compassion and shyness that is unusual in her family, so they fuss over her a lot. She becomes a bodyguard in the employ of Sirena, who she looks up to.
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galaxa-13 · 2 months
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It's @aquacuga's birthday, so I drew their character Jeanne.
A changeling who decided looking like a maned wolf was rad, loves the Seattle Mariners and fishing, and is also a padawan. Everyone loves a reformed murderous psychopath.
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