#jeb tyler my loves
wrangleandtame · 2 months
Clouds Don't Perish (They Dissipate)
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Think you could get off this road?” Kate hollered, “feel like I’m in a paint shaker.”
Tyler glanced at her with that mischievous smile, the one her mom had deemed his “shit-eating grin.”
“Short cut!” he yelled back.
“I can see the map, you idiot, this is twice as long!”
He shrugged, “I got you alone in this truck for the first time in a week. I’m goin’ the long way ‘round.”
“Your plan is to fuck me in some random field, isn’t it?”
He snorted, “sure as hell is now!”
He released his full-throated laugh, revealing all of his perfect teeth, crow's feet splaying out from his sunglasses. She loved that laugh; it should be labeled a contagion. The man could suss out the fun in nearly any situation, and his exuberance nearly always stirred Kate from her occasional tendency towards re-erecting emotional barriers. 
This was one of THOSE moments wherein Kate perceived her own contentment: bouncing around the cab of his truck, Tyler singing (not well) along to Lydia Loveless blasting, windows down, kicking up a trail of rocks and dust behind them. 
Backward cap, button-up green flannel, and the now ever-present perfectly manicured two-day scruff (possibly motivated by Kate mentioning the pleasing sensation of his unshaven face between her thighs) were absolutely doing it for her. He caught her gazing and leered back suggestively, waggling his eyebrows over the top of his sunglasses. She dissolved into laughter. 
She felt her phone vibrate so she lengthened her torso and yanked it free of her side pocket.  The lit screen displayed, “Mom.”
  “I was just thinking about you,” she said by way of a hello.
Tyler’s head whipped back to her in interest, tipping his head low enough for his eyes to be seen over his sunglasses. He raised his eyebrows in question.
Kate mouthed “mom,” and the easy smile returned to his face. He twisted the dial, lowering the volume of the music and raised the windows with a flick of his finger.
“Hi Cathy!” he called.
“And where are you guys at today?” Cathy questioned.
“Close actually. Like, uh, 20 miles north of Tulsa,” Kate peaked at the radar projections again, hoping for something more promising. “We’ll probably stay in that area today, unless things change.”
“Well, if things don’t change and you want to come home, you can invite your crew to save a few dollars and stay at the farm.”
“Did she say hi back?” Tyler nagged, and Kate scowled and waved him off. Her mother’s aloof demeanor brought out a rare obsequious quality in Tyler, and this usually amused Kate. At the moment, she just wanted him to shut up.
“That would be amazing.  I’m sure they’d appreciate it.”
Tyler interrupted, “appreciate what?”
“Mom invited us all to stay at the house tonight.”
“Just made my day Cathy,” he yelled at the phone.
“It’ll be nice,” Cathy continued. “I’ll make a mess of barbecue.”
Kate’s mouth watered at the thought of real food, “that sounds so so good.”
“Call me later and let me know.”
“I will.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
She hung up, stowed her phone in her pocket, and Tyler asked again, “did she say hi back?”
“Yeah, she says hi,” she lied, and then swung her head towards the backseat to tell Addy and Praveen about the barbecue food waiting for them. 
Later, even with hindsight and self-awareness intact, she would be astounded by her certainty that they had been an arm's length away, faces lit with excitement. Addy even pushed her glasses up with her wrist, just as she always had, her glasses ever-slipping and her hands ever-full.
Kate gasped and caught a peripheral of a smiling Jeb at the wheel. She threw herself against her passenger door and screwed her eyes shut, pressing the palms of her hands into her sockets.
“Kate?” Jeb said, concern lacing his voice. No, not Jeb. TYLER said, concern lacing HIS voice. Tyler Owens, she corrected her stupid brain. 
“You okay?”
She didn’t look up, keeping her palms planted firmly against her eyes. A sob escaped her mouth instead of the reasonable explanation she intended. Why did she sound like that?
“Whoa, whoa. Kate? Hang on.” She felt a hand on the top of her head, but she still didn’t move. If she didn’t move, she reasoned, perhaps this nightmare would conclude quickly.
She felt the truck swerve and stop, the rumbling of the engine cut out. What should have been silence overflowed with the sounds of hyperventilating and an approaching freight train. 
She felt sure her death was imminent. Her body shook uncontrollably, and her heartbeat pounded ferociously, attempting to break out from her chest. She had unconsciously pulled her knees up and had formed a tight ball with her body.
“What’s going on? Can you hear me?” Tyler sounded as if he was in a tunnel. Shit. Maybe an underpass.
She thought she might be able to speak, but gasps and sobs colonized the space where words should be.
“Can you try and look at me?”
Kate released the pressure on her eyeballs and attempted to tip her head up to see Tyler but her vision was completely blurred by tears. Was she crying?
Her teeth chattered, and Tyler placed a hand on her cheek, “I think you’re having an anxiety attack.”
“No,” she sobbed, “I don’t, I don’t have them anymore.”
Was that her voice? Kate doubted it. That didn’t sound like her. 
Blurry Tyler’s head nodded, “Let’s say we just try to take some deep breaths anyway.  It can’t hurt.”
She realized that the thunderous freight train was an oncoming tornado. People always describe the sound of a tornado as a train, but she wouldn’t have described it as such before now. 
For her, tornadoes sounded like monsters, growling and roaring. She looked out the windows, frantically searching the bright horizon. Where was it?
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Tyler cooed, “You’re okay.”  
It wasn’t okay. Nothing was fucking okay. 
HER tornado was coming for them, and she couldn’t even see it! She could hear the change of the roar to the cacophony of whooshing and clanging when it’s devoured Praveen and clamoring for Addy. The bellowing while yanking Jeb from atop her. The deafening barrage when it’s aiming to suck Kate out from an underpass. Fucking stop. Stop. STOP!
“Kate?” Tyler tried again. 
“I can’t. Can’t make it stop,” she cried, her thoughts jumbling, her mind jumping time. Past, present, past, present.
She suddenly launched herself forward, peering into the back seat to see if they were still there.  They weren’t, of course, because they were dead. They wouldn’t be eating barbecue today. Not any day. They were dead. She knew this. She’d known this for a long time.
She planted herself back in her seat, and looked into Tyler’s face, clenching with concern. Maybe worse than concern. Shit, he thought she was crazy. He had a point. Sane people don’t see ghosts.  Sane people don’t hear invisible tornadoes. 
She clamped her hands over her ears, trying to dampen the bellowing and keening, “Stop. I just…please stop.”
Tyler carefully pulled her hands from her ears, “Kate, look in my eyes. Can you see me?”
She focused on his vivid seaglass-green eyes. Where did his sunglasses go? She nodded and stammered, “Yes. I. Yes.”
“Okay, good. You’re doing good. Now listen to me. Stop trying to make it stop.”
Stop trying to make it stop. What the fuck was he talking about?
“Just focus on me if you can. Be here with me.” He kept her trembling hands in his, but she pulled them back from his grasp. She quickly checked the backseat again. Empty.
“Keep your eyes on me.” 
She refocused upon his face, nodding. 
“Atta girl, okay, we’re going to breathe together now.”
  His movements seemed exaggerated, his chest and mouth moving slowly, “okay, breathing in two three four, and out two three four, breathing in two three four.” 
She attempted to mimic him but couldn’t figure out the actual mechanics of breathing, and this terrified her even more than riding shotgun with her dead friends. 
“Can’t,” she shook harder, her teeth clacking together. How do you breathe!? How?
“That’s okay, that’s okay. I’m going to breathe and you just listen. You’re doing fine.”
“Not fine,” she stammered. 
“You will be. Y’hear me? This won’t last much longer. It’ll be over soon. You’re gonna be okay.”
She shook her head; nothing was okay.
“C’mon Kate, let’s get some air. It’ll do you good.”
“No!” she grabbed his forearm, frantically looking outside. Didn’t he know how much danger he was in? A new wave of fear rippled through her body.
“You’re safe. I promise,” the sincerity in his voice almost made her believe him. “Let’s look at some clouds. You’re not in any danger. It’s going to be okay Kate. Trust me.” 
He placed his rough warm hand over hers, and she looked at his arm where she clutched him, knuckles white, fingernails plugged into his skin. She felt paralyzed. She couldn’t even rotate her eyes off the soft hairs on his tawny arm. 
“I’ll be with you, and we’ll just look at some clouds. Just you and me. Just Tyler and Kate, okay?”
She had no memory of agreeing, of releasing his arm, or of him exiting the truck and moving to her door. She blinked, and he leaned in the open passenger-side door, expectantly waiting for her. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do or say. Did he ask her a question? 
His face was achingly soft, eyes balmy with affection. He slipped his arm around her back and one under her knees, “this okay?”
She nodded, and he scooped her into his arms, lifting her from the truck cab and using his booted foot to close the creaking metal truck door.
He crossed the road and ambled into a low-growing field of green.  He carried her, but she was the one panting in uneven sporadic bursts, clutching handfuls of his soft flannel shirt.
He murmured softly to her as he walked through the field, “it’s alright. You’re alright Kate. I’m right here. Just going to look at some clouds. Just breathe. You’re alright.”
She tucked her head against his chin, desperately attempting to anchor time to his voice.
“This looks like a good spot. We’re going to sit for a spell and see if we can find some clouds, okay?”
“K,” she mumbled, and she felt him nuzzle her forehead with his scratchy chin.
“Smell that?” He lowered them to the earth with a soft grunt, her body draped across his lap.
“Do you smell the clovers, Kate? They’re blooming. Love these. White ones smell better than the crimson ones.”
She could smell them. The growing ground heat released the morning petrichor from last night’s rain - wet and sweet with a light floral perfume. 
“Smells nice,” she mumbled, and he gave her a praiseful squeeze in response.
“Bumblebees are louder than the damn birds. You hear em?”
He was purposefully engaging her senses, she realized. How did he know what to do?  Why couldn’t she remember? She was the one who had over forty of the damn things. New York rules: if at work, run to the restroom, hide in the stall, and endlessly flush the toilet to cover sounds of crying and panting.  Fucking useless skills in this situation.
He considered the sky for a moment and then smiled down at her face, “look up Kate.”
She tilted her head back, neck cradled in the crook of his arm, and saw the sky bluer than it had a right to be. To the east, she spotted a big bouncy cumulonimbus tower with a bulbous bottom layer. 
“What are you seeing?”
“Mammatus,” she whispered.
He chuckled happily, “yep. What else?”
She watched them move for a moment, a gorgeous slow roll. Her eyes caught another edge of the sky, and she lifted her heavy arm, which felt weirdly unattached. She wiggled her fingers. They did what she told them, so they must be hers. Raising her thumb to the sky, she measured a cloud.
“What time is it?” She croaked, throat dry, her voice slightly foreign to her.
He raised his wrist, “let’s see, it’s uh nine fifteen am.”
“Damn straight, altocumulus. Beautiful, huh?”
“Beautiful,” she agreed. She knew they were beautiful, but she didn’t actually feel the beauty.
He shifted her off of his lap, arm still curved under her neck and tentatively lowered them both to the soft bed of green clovers, “better vantage.” 
She barely noticed, following the white clouds with her eyes like a meditation.
After a few moments, he pointed at the sky, “dragon.”
She followed his finger and spotted the dragon in the clouds, “I see it.”
She pointed next to it, closing one eye to better focus her vision, “banana.”
The dragon’s torso elongated and detached, and its head resembled a dot to a dot from her childhood activity books.
Tyler pointed at the dissipating dragon head, “oatmeal.”
“It’s not cheating. It’s oatmeal. Oh, oh, wait, no, now it’s grits.”
She smiled - the impulse natural, the action dull and stiff.  She only heard birds tweeting, Tyler’s soft breathing, and an occasional bee buzzing by. 
This was when she realized that she wasn’t panting, crying or hallucinating. She felt slowed like moving through water, and a debilitating mix of shame, embarrassment, and guilt settled within her chest.
“We should go,” she frowned and tried to sit up, seized by dizziness.
“Should we?” Tyler sat up and placed his hand on the middle of her back. She pulled away with none of the subtlety she intended. 
“We were supposed to meet up at that QT off seventy-five ages ago Tyler.”  Look at Kate, stringing a full coherent sentence together.
“I called Boone. Remember? Told everyone to meet us at your mom’s.”
When did that happen? Tyler’s face telegraphed that she should easily recall this memory, and she hadn’t even a hazy version floating around in her mind. Nothing.
“Oh,” she said dumbly.  “Sorry.”
“For what?” He asked, cupping her elbow with his hand. 
“Don’t,” she pulled her arm from him.
“Okay,” he scooched himself back a bit with a kindness she interpreted as pity. 
“Sorry,” she snapped, knowing she sounded irrationally angry, but completely unable to control her tone.
“S’okay Kate,” he folded his elbows over his knees and picked a white clover flower, spinning it between his index and thumb. 
She lay flat on her back so she could again stare at the sky and not his sweet ridiculously understanding expression.
“It’s not okay. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“Not your fault.”
“It really is,” she glanced at him.
He cocked his head, “a panic attack isn’t your fault.”
“Maybe not that.”
He tentatively lowered himself alongside her, giving her more space than she now actually wanted. A moment ago she felt too ashamed to have his hands on her, and now she wanted to climb inside him and disappear.  Make up your mind, Kate.
After a bit of silence, he asked, “your friends? Is that what you think is your fault.”
“That was my fault,” she scoffed. “It’s pretty well universally agreed that they died as a consequence of my reckless actions.”
“Who the fuck would agree with that?” His outraged tone astonished her. She found it unnatural to see the fire in his eyes presenting as fury instead of desire. “Someone blame you for what happened? Who?”
Instinctually, she tempered his anger with vague assurances, “it doesn’t matter. It’s stupid. My point was that I don’t need you to tell me that it wasn’t my fault. Can’t change it anyway.” 
He sighed audibly, “I know you’re freakishly good at finding tornadoes, honey, but you don’t got dominion over ‘em. Got some omnipotent power I’m unaware of?”
They quieted, and she tried to not mentally replay her panic attack in a feeble attempt to avoid a self-conscious rut.
“It’s just so beyond fucking humiliating.”
Surprise flashed in his expression, “but, Kate, it’s just me.”
She couldn’t look at his face, so she looked at the sky again, “I don’t want you to see me like that.”
“Beautiful and brave?”
“I’m not sure I’m either of those things at the moment.”
“This is grief and trauma and your body reacting to that.”
“It’s been almost six years!”
“Not a set time for this shit, Kate. So just try to be gentle with yourself, will ya?”
She reached for his hand, grasping at his rough fingertips.
“Hasn’t happened in so long. Just surprised me.
“Do you know what happened?”
“I, um, I saw them. In the truck.”
“Saw who?”
She blinked and tried to say their names.
Tyler filled in the blanks like he majored in it, “oh, Addy and Praveen?”
She nodded.
“Jeb too?” 
Their names sounded wrong in his mouth, but she drew comfort from his familiarity with what mattered to her.  They mattered.
“I figured.”
“You figured?”
She almost laughed, incredulous, “you FIGURED that I hallucinated my very dead friends sitting in the backseat of your truck?”
He smirked, “Something along those lines. My brother, he had panic attacks. PTSD from Afganistan.”
“I didn’t know that; you never talk about him.”
“We don’t see each other much; he lives in Idaho. I was only ten when he came back. Brain injury from an IED. I sat with him a lot during his panic attacks.”
She mentally conjured an image of child-Tyler, “that’s an awful lot for a ten-year-old.”
He winked, “well, I was an exceptional kid.”
“I bet you were,” she smiled genuinely, her face now just a foot from his.
“Once we figured out most of his triggers, that helped loads.”
“I think it was the barbecue.”
“Barbecue.  My mom, when she called, she offered for the team to stay over and said she’d make barbecue, and she said the same thing the day they died,” her speech gradually took on a frenetic pace, “and just like I was on automatic, I started to tell them, Praveen and Addy, you know, and they were there, and then it was happening all over again, and you know the shittiest thing? It’s that really here I am, and they’re not. And did I learn anything, no, I’m just doing it all over again really, just in a truck with you, taking people I care about to their deaths and am I doing the same thing, did I learn a fucking thing? No, no, I just keep doing what I want to do because I’m so goddamned selfish and -“ 
Her chin started to quiver, and she became breathless again when Tyler interrupted, “you’re the least selfish person I know.”
He brushed her hair back from her face, “also the most logical, so listen up: the team was here doin’ our thing before you met us. We’d be here if we’d NEVER met you. But Kate, with you, we just do more good, get more accomplished and generally have more fun. All because YOU are with us.”
Her eyes began leaking again, and she whispered, “want you to be okay.”
“Me? I’m here, next to you, on this gorgeous day. Kate, I’m better than okay.”
  With the shuddering breaths of a child all cried out, “I’m so fucking scared. I just. I don’t want. I don’t want you to die.”
She couldn’t fathom why she would say this out loud, when she barely recognized the truth herself. She felt pathetic and vulnerable, a combination she attempted to avoid at all times.
  “Oh Kate, darlin’ I’m not going anyplace.” He smiled his sweet little smile, soft wet eyes pleading with her, “thought I told you to be gentle to yourself.” 
She leaned her face into his hand, and inched closer to his chest. Tyler wrapped his arms around her pulling her flush against him.  She buried her head in his chest and wept, grateful he didn’t shush her. They let the tears and the little hiccups fade in their own time, his hand tenderly holding her head against him.  Her body relaxed into him, and she didn’t feel out of control. Just absolutely fucking heartbroken and so incredibly exhausted. 
She didn’t remember falling asleep; all she knew was awaking sweaty and confused within Tyler’s embrace.  
“I fell asleep.”
His voice was deep and rumbly, “sure did.”
She rolled onto her back, studying the grey sky, the sun’s blanketed halo in a confusing position.
“Jesus, what time is it?”
“One O’clock.”
“Oh my god.”
“It’s fine Kate.” 
“It’s fine?”
She peered up at his ridiculously handsome face, “where’s the team?”
“Remember, they’re at your moms?  I texted them to meet us there.”
“Are they angry? That we missed an entire day?”
“No one expressed anything other than being thrilled to go to your mom’s house.  Everything fizzled out anyway.”
“Do they know? That I…?”
“Hm? Oh, no. That’s your call to make.”
She kissed his jaw and he peered down at her, “okay?”
She answered him by climbing onto his lap, straddling him. He sat up, clutching her, thumbs rolling around her hipbones.
“Feelin’ better, honey?” 
“I don’t know,” she responded honestly. “I don’t want to think about it right now. Just so tired.”
She brushed her thumbs along the grey hairs at his temples and kissed him slowly, stilling her mind to focus only on his soft salty mouth.
He ended the kiss after a moment and pulled his face back, examining her expression.
“Just catching up,” he whispered.
“What does that mean? You don’t want to -“
“I want you now and always,” he pulled her hips tightly into his hard-on to punctuate his point. “Just checking in first.”
He captured her mouth with his, asserting his desire, and they made love in that clover field, just as Kate had predicted at the beginning of this unexpectedly fraught day.
A comfort-cloaked drive to her mom’s house further eased any remaining anxiety. Tyler played Songs: Ohia, Magnolia Electric Co, (for her, she knew) the windows down and warm air whipping her hair around as they distanced themselves from the morning’s pain.
When they approached the signs for her hometown, she turned down the music, “Tyler?” 
Her voice hitched, and she swallowed down tears that threatened a comeback.
She summoned all her sincerity, “thank you.”
“Anytime, Sapulpa,” he smiled, “You know that, right? Anytime. Anyplace. Whatever you need. Whenever. I’m all yours.”
She ran her hand lovingly down his arm, shoulder to wrist, “ditto.”
When they pulled up to a stop in the driveway, the sun rested low in the sky.  Besides daybreak, this was Kate’s favorite time of day, even as a child. All the work usually done, the day’s heat assuaged, dog-day cicadas quieted, and the sticky air would a call for iced sweet tea in jelly jars and unchallenging conversations on a creaky porch. 
Tyler and Kate walked together through the cool grass. As they approached the picnic table flush with their friends, everyone turned towards them like flowerheads to the sun.
“What kept ya?” Boone yelled as they got closer.
Tyler began to answer, but Kate cut him off neatly, “I had some trauma hallucinations, an enormous panic attack, passed out for hours and then seduced Tyler in a clover field.”
Tyler held up the grocery bag in his hand, “and we brought chips.”
She only let the awkward silence, shocked stares and open mouths sit for half a minute, “so, is there any of my mom’s potato salad left?”
Lily recovered quickly, “yeah, totally, Kate hand me one of those plates, and I’ll get you some.”
Kate passed her a plate, and Lily smiled as she scooped a generous glob, “sorry bout your panic attack. I got them for awhile back in the day. They suck. Hard.”
“They do. Thanks Lily,” Kate nodded grateful for the generous normalization Lily offered.
Dexter, adept at all types of navigating, added, “It's a good thing you got here when you did. I was going back in for another helping. Your mom could tempt angels with this potato salad.”
“Right?” Kate laughed, “where is she, anyway?”
“I think she was getting watermelon,” Dani said and jumped up from the table, “I’ll go help her. I gotta pee anyway.”
She quickly squeezed Kate’s arm affectionately as she passed and raised her eyebrows at Tyler when she sauntered passed.
“So tell me, what did this clover field seduction include?” Boone queried.
“It includes you shutting the fuck up,” Tyler’s voice was playful, but he shot Boone a disapproving look, as he pulled a plate from the stack and began piling on ribs, brisket and chicken drumsticks.
Boone raised his hands in surrender, “that’s fine, that’s fine. I’ve got an imagination.”
Lily rolled her eyes, “don’t be gross, Boone.”
“What?” he laughed, and with every passing moment, their usual ease of comradery returned. 
While she was conscious that evening, Tyler positioned his hand either upon her shoulder or entwined in her fingers, tethering her to the moments in front of her. At night, he settled in her bed, ready to pull her back should she start to slip into the past. 
He was generous, loving, kind, and patient. So, of course, she didn’t believe it could possibly last. She consciously tried not to stew in the terror of its inevitable end (their relationship, not his life, she isn’t thinking about that.) 
Instead, she attempted to soak in the (likely evanescent) Tyler minutiae: memorizing his specific expressions and predictable reactions, the dust and detergent smell of his soft flannels, his thin pink lips, his stiff jeans that invited lascivious thoughts, and that devastatingly infectious, nearly ever-present smile. 
I saw Twisters a couple weeks ago and came home and wrote this and three other stories. Then I went on AO3 and read EVERYTHING, and saw that others had written goddamned BRILLIANT pieces on the same subject. Discouraged about my own writing quality, I wasn’t going to post it. Since then, I’ve read nearly everything else posted in this fandom and realized that maybe creating and sharing imperfection is part of our fanfic social contract. This is writing potluck. As in, consume < create. In that spirit, here was one of my little fics. Hope it brought you a few minutes of the joy so many others bring me in their writings. 
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missnancychavez · 25 days
So I am on my third rewatch of Twisters. So here are some of my own personal headcanons and theories for the movie and some parallels that may add weight to those theories.
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1. The original 5 friend group dynamic: Jeb and Praveen have known each other for years and are each others best friend. Javi and Kate are the dynamic duo (basing it on the fact that they were the only ones to do the handshake together). And Addy is everyone's little sister. Her and Kate were extremely close, but in a different way than her friendship with Javi.
2. Tyler Owens is the nephew of Bill and Jo on Bill's side (As we knew Jo didn't have any sibling). He spent his summers with them as a kid, and then as a teenager, he moved in with them full time. He started chasing with them around then, too. He even pays homage to that as he is driving a newer model of Bill's red dodge ram.
3. Boone and Lily have something going on. The way Boone screams her name as she gets picked up by the wind. And their personalities are perfect together. You can't convince me otherwise.
4. Kate and Tyler kiss in the truck after the chase they go on straight from the airport at the end of the movie. (Refer to point 8)
5. Kate puts in her resignation almost immediately, and Javi cuts ties with Riggs and Scott. The wranglers and Kate join StormPAR. Kate and Tyler spend the off-season working with Javi while the others do their own gigs, but during the storm season, they are all chasing and gathering data.
6. Cathy is so encouraging of her daughter because she's been through loss before. They called her Mrs. Carter, meaning she was married. Kate's dad died when Kate was a little girl. Cathy had to learn how to navigate being a young mom and tending a farm on her own. But she also knows that it could stop her from living her life. So she didn't. She grieved, and she learned to live with the grief and still do what she loves. It's why she is so encouraging of Kate getting back out there.
7. Kate stayed in OK for another couple of weeks after the tornado (neither her nor Tyler appeared injured in the final scene, and the truck looks great, all things considered, so clearly they had time tp heal and fix the truck.) They all were forcibly invited back to the farm by Cathy after Tyler and the wranglers went to drop Kate off post El Reno. Cathy took one look at Tyler and forced him in the house. Kate gave herself a headache from laughing so hard. She was then sent inside alongside him. Cathy made everyone stay for as long as they needed. But she did, however, get some free labour from it. It was an unspoken agreement that Kate's was now home base.
8. By the credit scenes, Kate and Tyler are together. Their first kiss was immediately after the two of them went chasing from the airport. Something about their adrenaline rushing, and it being just the two of them. It was electric. It was immediate. It just happened, and when they pulled back, they both started laughing. It reminded him of the first time they chased together, just the two of them. Kate delayed her flight for another two days. She was back home within the month. Tyler quickly realised he would have to start bribing Boone afterwards on the days he and Kate went out.
9. Kate and Boone will play card games at night to see who gets shotgun the next day, when Boone isn't riding with Lily, of course. Turns out, Kate's damn good at playing poker. On the rare occasion that Kate drives, Boone automatically hops in the back of the truck. He won't tell anyone, but he loves it when she drives. She gets this manic energy about her in the drivers seat and his adrenaline always ends up pumping. Tyler loves it, too, but he has no qualms verbalizing his affections toward her.
10. Tyler has nightmares now. Of watching Kate drive into the tornado. Of finding her body, discarded and broken by his truck. Of her slipping through his fingers during a storm. He wakes up sweating and panicking. And it's only when he sees her that he can calm himself down. The two of them, those first two weeks after El Reno, would spend hours each night, sitting in the barn, going over formulas. Or sitting outside on the tree swing, talking until they were both too exhausted to have any nightmares. When she left to go back to New York, she wasn't particularly surprised when one night she awoke to her phone ringing, Tyler close to having a full blown panic attack as he tried and failed to reassure himself that she was okay without her help. They would always call each other before bed after that, usually falling asleep over facetime.
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artist-issues · 1 month
just convinced my parents to come see Twisters with me (my dad loved the soundtrack) and more Nice Things:
The shot after the tragedy, first shot of Kate since the time skip, and it's a pan from her hand gripping the subway bar. What better way to communicate in a single instant, "it's been five year's but she's still in that moment, hanging on for dear life"
Storm Par's vehicles are all named after the Cast of the Wizard of Oz, but Kate and Javi's vehicle is called "Lion," because she needs courage, hello, but so does Javi. (I think the bad guy's driving Tin Man, who "needs a heart," but I can't confirm.)
When Kate agrees to try her experiment out and Tyler offers to help, she's like, "we're going to drop them right in front, we don't need to go all the way in, that's dangerous" and he's like "that's why we have to go all the way in!" And the whole time he's driving them in and she's panicking he's talking over her panic, describing all the true things about what they're doing: "extra weight on the chassis, augurs ready, etc." because that's what you do when you're trying not to act in fear—you focus on the things that are true instead of on the scary things that might happen. And because he pushes her through that she gets to see something she, the weather-lover, never got to see before—the center of the storm! And come out on the other side okay! That's wonderful! He literally gets her past the moment she'd never been past, in storm chasing.
The part where Kate is trying to get Tyler out from under the debris but she can't and then Javi comes in and uses leverage to get him out—exactly the same thing Jeb did to turn their trailer over before the Tragedynado hit the first time. Except this time, instead of beat-for-beat repeating the tragedy after the leverage-stunt, Kate drives toward the tornado. How great is that??
Javi says "you have a gift, we have to use it to help the people we love" and Tyler says, "figured college would be a better use of my brain [instead of getting stepped on by cows]" but there's this lovely combination of "use what you've got for others, and enjoy that."
Kate lets go of the steering wheel and lets the tornado toss her around only after she gets the barrels to release, and finishes what she started.
Tyler takes her bags out of the airport for her in the last shot. That's all. That's it.
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cloveroctobers · 1 month
RODEO — Javi Rivera.
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A/N: got the chance to see twisters on my birthday and it ofc inspired me to finally write something for Anthony lol. This isn’t going to be anything big since I still want to be on break until late September early October. Am I going to give Javi the love his deserves or am I going to be messy? What type of summer is it? A brat girl summer…whatever that means 😉
WARNINGS: language + stepping out of relationships, mentions of another character from challengers, reader and Kate don’t get along, mentions of minor smut/sexual relations, and ended up different than I originally planned. Enjoy!
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A text on short notice never bothered you.
Granted you had to take a ride from Brooklyn to Manhattan but majority of the time Javi was considerate, letting you know when he was going to be on your new side of town—you were a South Carolina native—and the both of you would make it work. He had this experiment that he worked on with his old friend Kate that actually proved to work this time and with some other guy that had the widest laughter lines you’ve ever seen. A classic cowboy—you deemed him as—that looked awfully familiar when you met him in passing at a dinner you didn’t know you were “imposing” in on.
Kate’s words not Javi or the cowboy’s.
The trio were going back and forth to the city, mostly Kate and the cowboy you learned to be named Tyler but once Javi learned you were in the city too? (Apparently Kate found a home in New York also, working in Mahattan after what went down in Oklahoma five years ago.) He had no problem trying to get to you. You learned that Kate didn’t approve of what you two had going on (Javi let it slip one night as he smacked on some chips and you sipping on some terribly made Kombucha around the outside of the usual meet up spot once he touched down in NY), considering that you were engaged to someone else and that someone was slowly rising in the public eye, Patrick Zweig…you may or may not know him.
Tyler did.
To keep it short, this wouldn’t be the first time that you didn’t give a fuck about what Kate Carter had to say about you. Back in college the both of you tried to get along but it’s just the common case of two people not being able to mesh well. You didn’t appreciate how Kate always felt like she was right, sure the girl was crazy intelligent but she didn’t enjoy your sarcasm or want to listen to your opinions on anything, she found your lack of drive for storm chasing to be confusing on why you bothered to hang out with the group when that was their sole connection, and didn’t understand the relationship you had with her boyfriend, Jeb who was actually your friend first and you were the one who introduced them at a party—it was childish sure but even years later you didn’t need her judgment.
Which is why you and Javi were always discreet. Moments with your college friend in the present never felt like enough but reminded you that you often wondered what it would have been like if you had a different ring on your finger given to you by someone else. Javi always made it his mission to take it right off, slamming it in the drawer beside the bed before interlocking his fingers right with yours as he rocked you into the temporary mattress.
That never lasted long since you loved to be on top. Just ask Tyra’s problematic self! And who was Javi to say no, having you above him like this? like the true goddess that loved to be in control, you never left his mind, even when he struggled to keep his eyes open at the rotation of your hips. His fingertips would leave bruises but you never complained, you liked him leaving marks. Javi felt like this should be wrong, of course he cared about you, maybe even more than that, always did but he had his head turned in a different direction once upon a time. He wasn’t sure if your feelings were genuine or just something to pass the time but he was the first person you told that you didn’t want to marry Patrick after accepting his proposal.
People pleasing was never something that you often did so why were you settling for a man who was fucking around with not only his ex but some strangers on tinder? Javi did his research on your fiancé, some tennis athlete that didn’t have the best stats which was odd since it seemed like he was in his prime in college, Javi would give him credit on that, it was evident that this Patrick guy knew how to play yet something was missing in his gameplay. It was also safe to say that Javi didn’t think Patrick was even your type to be honest…but maybe you had other people in your head too much about where you should be in life.
When it was time to have those deep conversations, like you were nineteen again, present you didn’t want to hear it majority of the time with your fingers in his curls and another hand feeling a part of Javi that was always ready for you. Javi always cursed himself for folding every time you got your hands on him, he wanted to know what was going to become of this relationship but he couldn’t help it.
A piece of your heart was okay for a little while.
There was something about you that he never wanted to let go. You weren’t with the crew when that tornado touched down in Oklahoma that day, you got into an argument with Jeb that day for putting you on the back burner for their project, and as usual Javi checked in on you the best that he could since he was also part of the experiment. You brushed it off like you always did, tired of being the main one to put your frustrations out there; since you were basically the black sheep to the group and clocked into your shitty part time job with Javi promising that he would come check you out once they were done out there. The aftermath of it all also whipped through the friendship that was once there. There was tension no doubt, misdirected anger of course, your unresolved feelings for Jeb, Javi wishing he could have been at two places at once—as if he could have saved his friends from something so destructive with just his two hands. Kate became a ghost, you actually didnt have much to say to her like you thought you would, she was a walking frostbite, with a limp so prominent, disconnected, and leaving a numbing coldness trail behind her everywhere she went the longer she stayed in Oklahoma. It was sad because you knew she had to witness it all and that would forever haunt her.
Unfortunately that bitterness gave you joy. Javi dropped out of college but you kept at it, to distract you from the what if’s along with the great loss and when he thought the military was his best option, you tried to beg him to stay with a kiss that wasn’t the answer to your shared pain. He’s done the dissociating shit before as a way of grieving, he just hoped that you being with him now wasn’t your way of escaping whatever you were still running from.
Storm chasing wasn’t really your thing, don’t think you didnt try but Kinesiology and bull riding was more of your passion. Javi liked to trace and kiss those scars on your body because of that old hobby when you allowed him to hold you afterwards but he had them memorized just like you with his freckles. Yet you still kept coming around which really confused Kate but you got along with everyone else for the most part. The dance parties and stick and poke tattoos with Addy, the 150 questions the hypochondriac Praveen had for you about body horror stories he caught himself reading and watching! And wanting to know what proper care he would have (as if you were suddenly a doctor and not a kinesiology major) to take if that ever happened to him—getting struck by lighting wasn’t enough to get him to stop storm chasing but it was his life and he lived it how he wanted, and then there was Jeb. You used to be able to catch each other’s eyes from across the room and send each other ridiculous facial expressions before carrying on and eventually finding each other later. The shift in your friendship changed once you got left outside of the team. You began to connect with party-man Javi once Jeb started to slip away and build something more with Kate.
It’s always funny how that works out in friend groups isn’t it?
Coming in sync was always something you made your priority. Knowing Javi’s ticks and studying not only his face but his body always made you kick it up a notch, just crossing a boundary that you knew he would try to tap out but you proved to know his body better than he did himself and Javi honestly wanted to hate you for it but couldn’t.
He didn’t think anybody could lock you down—not even your fiancé—and it was something he always thought of when you put your back to him and let him to hold you while you briefly checked your phone.
No new messages from the Fiancé!
Javi peeped.
This Patrick guy didn’t give a fuck about you, just liked having a place to rest his head in instead of his car that you probably paid majority of the rent on. That’s right, Javi always remembered your blabbering once you had too many aperol spritz and what seemed to open you up more on a personal level lately.
“Want something from the café downstairs?” You asked, turning your phone face down to peek back at Javi who was still panting.
Javi slowly blinked, lifting his head in search of the alarm clock to find out what time it is.
[1:40 am]
You were making it your mission to try everything at least once on the menu every time Javi flew in. It was your usual hotel with a delicious café and you just about finished everything on the lunch and dinner menu except for two items that didn’t seem that appetizing to you. This time around you snuck up behind Javi and his laptop while he was downstairs about to dig into one of the dinners he wouldn’t share with you at one of the high rise tables…you were onto the breakfast menu.
He slips his free arm to caress the bone by your ear, “I want you.”
You snort, “I’ll give you another round when you can handle it, preferably in the shower since I’m meeting the girls at 8 for hot yoga. Breakfast can come as early as 6.”
The freckled face man fought the urge to roll his eyes at this. Since when the hell were into hot yoga of all things? The rough around the edges person seemed to be morphed into something else but Javi knew you were still in there somewhere. Don’t get him wrong, Yeah people grow and you’re into what you want to be into but he would have never guessed you hanging out doing yoga or brunch or even having a routine. Maybe axe throwing but he guessed he better be thankful for the yoga since you seemed to be more flexible every time the both of you tried a new position.
Javi tossed in, “is your bitch of a soon to be husband, Patrick joining in on that session?”
You quirk up a brow at this energy but don’t work to defend him, “…never mix business with pleasure.”
Which meant that you never brought multiple parties into your relationship together. He did his thing and you did yours. Patrick was never faithful to you, you knew it and Javi knew it too, you couldn’t be upset about it because you never truly wanted to marry him. There was no wedding date set because frankly the both of you were still young and trying to figure it out. It was selfish since you were still holding out hope that Patrick will actually make something of himself but you both weren’t sure if you even liked each other besides having nightcaps or getting people off your backs when you were seen together. The both of you were lonely, him more than you—if you wanted to make it a competition but it’s what worked and it didn’t need to make sense. It just made Patrick’s family (who were a lot to handle and always kept referring to two of his exes before you in front of you) happy that he had a “stable” person in his life for once and it got your parents off your back—some—but not without their own sly comments.
“Is that what your relationship is?”
You shrug, “yeah.”
“And what about us?”
You turn your face away to reach for the card, “i think you’ll like the BLT French toast or even the prosciutto toast—
He nudges your face back to meet his sunlit honey eyes and there wasn’t an ounce of humor in them. “Listen, I’m serious. We got too much history to keep downplayin’ this. I’m moving back to Miami by the end of the summer and I just want to know how much longer we’re gonna keep doing this. Is this only just sex for you or what?”
Javi’s thumb burns into your skin now and his stare is sharp. You try not to get lost in his eyes and the tightness in your chest isn’t the most pleasant. You’re scared and have been scared before with Jeb but there’s no risk without action. Or whatever it is they say.
“…if you’re in love with me, just say that.”
Javi blinks, “What I know is that you won’t be marrying Patrick Twig—
“That’s not—
“I’m not done.”
Javi ignores the tilt of your head at his command, “You’re better than this and I know you see that when you look in the mirror. Maybe you didn’t fully heal yet and that’s not me tryin’ to disrespect you or nothing but I’m just callin’ it like I see it. I could give you the world besides just this or shit, as least try to but only if that’s what you want because I know what you need and it definitely ain’t a bozo who can’t even take care of what he thinks is his.”
You can always count on Javier Rivera to tell you exactly how it is. He was on your case about your feelings for Jeb just like you were with his with Kate but that all changed once the two started dating. It would have made sense for the both of you to gravitate towards each other then but the need to compensate for what you both missed out on wasnt fulfilling that void with forced love. It was platonic then but what was it now?
“…Do you think I’m yours?”
Javi puffs out a breath at this, “respectfully, imma need you to stop answering me with questions and just be honest with yourself and me. I don’t know how much longer I can keep holding out.”
“But you don’t, not unless I say so anyways.” You wink reaching to caress the back of his shoulder blade but Javi isn’t budging, which makes you sigh, “…okay fine. I hear you, you don’t want to be in a situationship with me anymore.”
Javi nods and awaits for you to say more but the glazed over look in your eyes, tells him that you’re trying to get out of this and he won’t lie, it stings.
“Here’s the thing,” you start with an intake of breath, “you’re right, I’m probably never going to marry Patrick. We’re equally each other’s placeholders, as fucked up as it sounds it’s true. As for this…”
Javier swallows the lump in his throat, just waiting on you to break his heart.
“You’re not the first person to pull this. It’s not my first rodeo…and no that doesn’t mean I’ve been with anyone else outside of you. I wouldn’t do that, not to you. You’re too important.” You admit, “and if we’re gonna do this…I just need you to be patient with me.”
A grin splits onto Javi’s face then, “so that does mean you love me?!”
“…I didn’t say all that.”
He smooches your cheek multiple times that makes your nose crinkle, “you didn’t have to, I can just tell.”
“How?” You ask as he rests his head back on the cloud-like pillow beside yours.
Javi hums, “I’m real in touch with my feminine side you know? Raised by my mom and aunties, got a sister that really wants to meet you—
“Huh? What?”
“Baby steps though,” Javi promises seeing the smidge of panic in your eyes, “I just need more confirmation that you’re going to try this with me. And that you’re not gonna run away since that is kinda what we all do.”
It was your turn to be vulnerable like Javi knew you could be. So you turn to face Javi, face to face and take a moment. “…I can’t say that I’m not scared and not of you but just the idea of actually being loved more than the intimacy and I’m sure you’re more than capable of giving that to me…it’s just that I get in my head a lot.”
Javi nods, “well it’s okay to be scared…Rome wasnt built in a day. We’ve been diligent—
“What if this doesn’t work—
“Nah, we’re not gonna back out when we just started.” Javi slips his hands down to clasp your hands in his, “We keep going, we love, we share—
“Just like your sandwich last night?”
Javi snorts, “we’re all works in progress, don’t hold that against me, baby.” He pecks your hands while you laugh a little, “we do what feels right and I got to ask, does this feel right to you as it does for me?”
You press your forehead against his, “every time I’m with you it does…as much as I try to block you out when we’re away from each other…I can’t. I wont.”
Javi pulls back to kiss your forehead, “bet. Feelings mutual and i just needed to hear you say it so…now that we’re on the same page…go ahead and order me that prosciutto and meet me in the shower.”
He’s kicking the covers back as you sit up on your elbow, “I’m not debating over which asscheek of yours is bigger than the other again.”
Javi sucks his teeth as leans against the doorway of sliding bathroom door in all his naked glory, “you pointed that out, I just wanted to know if the freckles on my left asscheek were also shaped like a palm tree like the ones on my chest.”
Scrunching up your nose, you hold your hand up in the air as if that defense was any better. Javi’s laughter suddenly turns dark as he takes in your appearance and slowly steps back as something stands to your attention.
“So…you joinin’ me or are you just going to continue watching the show?” He points behind himself, slowly stepping back.
Sighing you fold your arms back behind you, “ah…I’ll think about it finster.”
Javi sucks his teeth, stomping right back into the room to yank the tight hotel sheets back from the bed making you hiss at the coolness of the AC. “No way you just compared me to a rugrat.”
He pulls you right into his arms, limbs locking around him easily as you toy with the ends of his curls as he spins you around to lead you right into the bathroom, “did I?” You tease, bumping your nose against his before pulling back, “wait! You didn’t let me order.”
“Guess we’re skipping breakfast now and you might be late to yoga, sorry not sorry.” He mutters before slamming his lips right against yours.
Your thighs alone clench right around his hips as Javi slips his tongue along the shape of your lips while feeling around for the shower latch.
This time around, as sure as you are of the racing of your heart, you’re willing to let Javi lead this round…for now.
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read more twisters anthology fics here.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
things i noted on my 2nd watch of Twisters (2024)
where each song from the soundtrack plays (idk how many times i listened to it but y’all there was hell or high water playing at the diner when Javi was talking to Riggs and i felt like my third eye opened lmaooooo)
Dexter nerding out over everything (noticed this before but like 🥰🤧 this old man has my heart y’all 🥺 do you see how excited he gets mapping out the terrain and remembering which tornado effect is which???? yeah sure he probably never went to university or finished high school but you can see his love for learning and education and i bet he read every book in every library he visits)
white shirt OT3 o7 (Kate begins the white shirt effect and then it switches to Tyler and switches back to Kate then switches to Javi which switches to Tyler at the end. now, you could argue that Javi begins the white shirt effect bc Storm Par includes white shirts in their uniforms but NO! because they’re polos AND Javi wears the blue and black uniform. so truly the real argument would be Scott wore it but he’s separate from the OT3 and is meant to draw Javi away unlike Kate and Tyler and in this essay—)
Boone not answering Tyler calls (like, last time i did see when Tyler was asking Boone for forgiveness when he chased a tornado with Kate instead of Boone but the fact that Tyler only called Lily because Boone wasn’t answering just adds to that lmao)
Tyler being all shy and sweet with Kate (yeah i saw it before last time but like 🥺 he’s such a sweetie with his little crush and little smile and trying to act all cool asking for her opinion about where the twister is like 🤧🤧 adorable)
Lily teasing and being a great wingman (calling out his red face and handing Kate the food. and ok, yeah, sure, it’s a lot more likely that she didn’t see Kate and Tyler have a mini argument where Kate assumes the worst of them, but i like to think she saw how it ended and decided to clear the air her own way)
Benjamin Shopshire III (100% laughed when i read that name, i’m so sorry Ben lmao)
Mrs Carter’s narrative similarities to Aunt Meg (bbq & steak and eggs; team loving protag’s relative; not taking protag’s bs)
dead bf’s name is Jeb not Jeff (pretty sure that’s short for something but i have never heard of a Jeb before)
Tyler complimenting Javi’s radar (solely for OT3 purposes)
“Storm Par” & “Owens” (very much the when a name begins toned derogatory but ends the story affectionate)
they never specify which branch of the military Javi’s from (…….it’s free real estate)
Never Left Me plays when Javi and Kate are driving into Oklahoma (very much seals the “there was a time i’d do anything for you” quote)
but yeah there’s some. imma be letting it all soak in my brain while i rot ✌️
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What's In A Name? Chapter Six
Meg Harding and Kate Carter were inseparable until their friends died five ago, then she ran to New Orleans to save lives as a paramedic. But when Javi calls on his two oldest friends to help him collect data, counting on their matching natural instincts for tornadoes, Meg goes home for the first time in years. That's where she meets Tyler and the rest of the Wranglers, the YouTube storm chasers her dad likes to watch, and finds herself fitting in more with them than with Storm PAR. Meg only plans to stay for the week but will it be easy to leave when the dust settles?
If a certain cowboy has a say in it, nothing about leaving is going to be easy.
A/N: Cathy's not playing fair
AO3 Link
Previous Chapter
“Meggy Harding, you are a sight for sore eyes,” Cathy Carter called coming from the direction of the old barn. “Come here, honey,” Meg hurried down the porch to meet her on the lawn, letting herself be swept up into one of Cathy’s strong hugs. “You’re getting skinny, have you been taking care of yourself?” 
“Been tryin’ to,” Meg let her second mom place kisses all over her face. “But I’ve been busy.” Cathy pinched her cheek, giving her a playful glare.
“Well, I’ll cook up a big dinner. You here for Kate?” 
“Always,” Meg tipped her head back to where Tyler remained on the porch, “And I brought a friend just in case my boot up her ass ain’t enough.” Cathy’s gaze shifted over Meg’s shoulder and the older woman perked up,
“Honey, he’s cute,” She said less than stealthily, wiggling her brows. “He your boyfriend?”
“Cathy, please,” Meg whined, tugging on Cathy’s arm. “Please be the one adult in my life actin’ normal about this man.” 
“Fine, fine, I’m on my best behavior.” She messed Meg’s hair, moving past her towards the porch. “And who might you be, honey?” 
“Tyler Owens, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, especially since you brought Meggy here to see me,” Tyler’s smile was big and bright. He was every parent’s dream, standing there all handsome, every sentence coming out of his mouth starting or ending with “ma’am.” 
Meg abandoned them, wandering off to the barn where she found Kate watching her old science project make a tornado. 
“Never gets any less impressive, Katie my Lady.” Kate glanced over her shoulder with a sad smile.
“Never thought we’d be back in the barn,” Kate’s accent was a little more pronounced, heavy with emotion. “Mom never cleaned it out,” Meg looked around, taking in the plastic covered tables. Without lifting the sheets, Meg knew what was beneath each one. All of Kate’s research, Addy’s drawings, Jeb’s cameras, and my binder filled with diagrams of the human body and notes on everything that could go wrong with it. The plan back then had been to become a doctor, Meg hadn’t thought about that dream in a long time. 
“We left a lot of things unfinished,” 
“Wonder why.” Kate clicked off the simulator, leaning back against the table. “What are you doing here, Meg?” 
“I smacked Javi, Tyler stopped me before I could hit him for real.” Kate chuckled, running a hand down her face. “We didn’t kill them, Kate.” 
“I’m going back to New York,” Meg sighed. If Kate ran again, there was no getting her back, she knew that. “Don’t try and stop me.” 
“We gotta do something, Katie, and runnin’s not an option anymore.” Kate’s response was cut off by Cathy and Tyler strolling into the barn, laughing to themselves. 
“You brought Tyler?” Kate snapped, angry. Meg’s temper spiked back,
“What was I supposed to do, steal his truck?” Kate flinched, “Not everything can be solved by runnin’, Kate, sometimes you’ve gotta chase.” 
“Well, maybe I don’t want to!” Kate shouted, tears streaming down her face, “Not everyone’s okay with the people they love-”
“Kate, go set the table,” Cathy shouted over them both, “Meg, cool off.” Dying. That was the word Kate was going to use and even though Cathy had stopped her, Meg heard it all the same. Kate saw Meg accepting what had happened to their friends as her not caring? It was like a punch to the gut, Meg physically faltering where she stood. Cathy took off after Kate, who rushed out of the barn, sobbing, and Tyler crossed the room to her. 
“I’m fine,” She was not fine. “We just,” Tyler wiped away her tears with his sleeve, concern evident on his face. “This barn brings up a lot of memories.” Tyler took a good look around, “Kate’s havin’ a hard time dealing with that.” 
“Just Kate?” Meg snorted, pulling her hair out of its ponytail. “Going to be honest, darlin’, didn’t think I’d walk in here to find you two arguing.” 
“Yeah, well, we’ve known each other for a decade and I’m pretty sure that was our first,” Meg shook her head. “God fucking dammit, I never shoulda left New Orleans.” 
“Hey, hey, hey, no need for that,” Tyler smoothed her bangs back, kissing her forehead. “Friends fight. Boone and I get into it all the time, you two will be okay.” Meg wrapped her arms around Tyler’s waist, resting her head against his chest. “I promise, darlin’, everything’s going to be okay.” 
“It’s not, Ty, you can be as charmin’ as you like but I’ve got to help Javi finish getting his data and go home. It’s the only helpful thing I can do while I’m here.” 
“About that…” Tyler stroked her back and Meg’s stomach dropped.
“He’s not helping people…is he?” Tyler began to fill her in on all the dirty details of Storm PAR’s involvement with Marshall Riggs and how they took advantage of people in distress to fund their research. All her earlier fight left her body with a great sigh, broken defeat replacing it. “That’s it, I’m going home.” Meg tried to pull away but Tyler held her tight, “Ty.”
“I thought you said running wasn’t an option,” 
“Then call me a fuckin’ hypocrite and take me to the airport.” Meg pushed one more time but Tyler still didn’t budge. “You can’t hug me until I change my mind, Ty, it’s not gonna work.”
“Darlin’,” Tyler kissed her forehead again. “If you still feel that way in the morning, I’ll take you to the airport.” Meg expected to feel relieved but instead, she felt even more dejected.
“How’s it going in here?” Cathy came back through the doors, “You cooled down enough for dinner, Meggy?”
“I’m goin’ home tomorrow,” Tyler finally let her pull away, only for Cathy to take Meg’s face in her hands. A disapproving look on her face.
“Unless you’re talking about visiting your mama, I don’t want to hear it, honey.” She opened her mouth to argue but Cathy steamrolled right over her. “What you’re going to do is eat some dinner and get some sleep, then you’re going to finish putting your boot up my daughter’s ass and finish what all of you started. Do you hear me, young lady?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Cathy turned her gaze to Tyler, pointing at him,
“And you, she tries to run, you stop her.” 
“Already on it, ma’am.” 
“Good, knew I liked you. Now come on, let’s eat.” 
It took less than a minute being back in each other’s presence for the girls to make up, throwing themselves at each other. Hugging and tearfully apologizing to each other, much to Cathy’s amusement and Tyler’s visible relief. Besides her great aunt Meg’s cooking, Cathy’s cooking was Meg’s favorite, and Cathy kept scooping more food onto her plate until she was ready to burst. 
Then the stories started, Cathy was hell-bent on embarrassing both girls and Tyler was all ears, teasing them both. His hand was resting on Meg’s knee, tethering her to him like a lifeline. Things soured quickly the second Cathy brought up their old project, Kate storming off in the most polite way possible. 
“Tyler, why don’t you go read through their old research, it’s in the white binder with the cloud on it.” 
“I don’t want to push my luck with your daughter ma’am.” Meg patted his thigh, giving him the silent approval, “If you’re sure.” 
“Come on, honey, I’ll wash, you dry.” 
Meg turned on some 90s country music on her phone to fill the silence while they washed the dinner plates, Cathy was the one to break the silence.
“He seems like a good man, Meggy.” Cathy handed her a dish to dry.
“He is,” She agreed. “Don’t tell me my dad’s got you bettin’ on my wedding too.” Cathy gave a little shrug, failing to fight a smile. “Busy bodies, I swear.” 
“What? You expect us to see you with a cowboy gentleman, who seems to love storms as much as you do, and not hear wedding bells?” Meg groaned, taking another plate to dry. 
“At least tell me you’re not in on Rabbit’s pool.” The silence was deafening, “Cathy!” 
“Well, there is only one bed in the guest room.” She didn’t know who she wanted to strangle first, Cathy or Rabbit. “And you and Kate shouldn’t be sharing a twin bed, the guest room has a full.” 
“You’re killin’ me. So, when I wasn’t looking you pulled my bag outta Kate’s room and put it with Tyler’s? Is that what you’re tellin’ me?” 
“I’ve got a hundred bucks on it happening before the end of storm season and no one said I had to play fair.” 
“Dirty, no good cheater,” Meg mumbled. They then settled into silence again, finishing the rest of the dishes.
“Has Kate been chasing again? She said she wasn’t.” Meg hummed, drying off the last dish and putting it away in the cabinet.
“Javi asked us to come down and help him collect data.” God, things had seemed so much simpler only a few days ago. “So, yeah, we’ve been out chasin’ again.” 
“I’m proud of you for coming back, Meggy, proud of all of you.” Meg leaned against the counter, staring up at the ceiling. There was a red mark in the center from where Parveen had eaten a Babybel Cheese, rolled the wax into a ball, and tossed it around. The little wax ball had stuck to the ceiling, the wax never fully coming off.
“I don’t know if I’m back yet, Cathy.” She tossed the dish rag over her shoulder with a sigh. “I want to help people and as much as I love chasin’, it ain’t as helpful as my job back in New Orleans. Those people,” She thought of the last patient she had transported before leaving. A ninety-year-old woman with chest pains, she had told Meg her whole life story in the back of the rig. She wasn’t scared of dying, no, June Bishop was perfectly content. Miss June had lived a long life, she had gotten married young and had three sons, all of whom went to serve in the military, she had lost everything in Katrina like so many others, and had lived long enough to see all of her grandchildren, and one great-grandchild born. Meg had held her hand the whole way to the hospital. “Those people I can help in a tangible way. I mean, if Kate,” Tears pricked her dry eyes. “If we could finish what we started, I think that’s the only thing besides a funeral that could get me to come back.” 
Cathy gathered her up in a hug, both of them leaning against the counter. After some time passed, Kate came down from her room, and without a word she joined them in the embrace. A little while later, Meg shot off a text to Lily.
Meg: How’s everything going?
Lily: Boone’s a bit butt hurt but he’ll get over it - you?
Meg: Touch and go
Tyler seemed surprised to find Meg brushing her teeth in the bathroom attached to the spare bedroom when she spotted him in the mirror. 
“Not that I’m complaining but I figured you’d be sharing a bed with Kate,” Tyler leaned against the door jamb of the bathroom and there was something so domestic about the whole situation that caught Meg off guard. She’d had plenty of boyfriends over the years, none lasting more than a month before either she got tired of them or they got tired of her. Sleepovers with men weren’t something she was used to though, even in a relationship she liked to sleep alone, kicking her dates out at the end of the night.
“I did too,” She replied after spitting and rinsing her mouth. “I’ve got to wash my face if you want to get changed.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” He closed the door and when he was done, opened it again, watching her dry her face with a soft, pink towel. “Are you okay with the sleeping arrangements, darlin’, or should I take the couch?” 
“I’m fine if you are, I am going to give Cathy an earful for it in the morning though.” Tyler followed her to the bed, claiming the side closest to the door. 
“Sounds like there’s more to it than a lumpy couch.” 
“Oh, there is,” Meg huffed, relaxing into the pillows, breathing in the scent of air-dried laundry. “My family’s got all sorts of bets running on us and Cathy’s bein’ a cheat.” Tyler shifted onto his side and she could feel his eyes on her while she stared at the ceiling. 
“Bets that involve us sharing a bed?” 
“Yes, sir,” She drawled sarcastically, turning off the lamp on her side of the bed. “It’s embarrassin’.” 
“Well,” Tyler sighed, “I think if I’m being bet on, I should know what for.” Why? Meg closed her eyes. Why was her family like this?
“They bet on how long, Jesus Christ,” She took a deep breath, “They bet on how long it would take me to, and I quote, ride the cowboy.” Tyler, thank God, didn’t say anything but he did chuckle and she could feel his eyes on her. Meg wanted the bed to open up and swallow her whole, her face burning with embarrassment.
“And the other bet?” Meg took another long, deep breath before answering.
“They’re bettin’ on us getting married, Arkansas,” She flipped to face away from him. “Now go to sleep.” Tyler’s hand gripped her waist, flipping her to her other side so they were face to face. “I’m not talking about this, Ty.” 
“You’re cute when you’re annoyed,” He squeezed her hip, giving her a soft smile that made her heart beat like crazy. He was backlit by the lamp on his side of the bed, a soft, yellow light highlighting him in an angelic way. “You scrunch your nose like this,” He imitated her and he looked adorable. Meg giggled, bopping his nose.
“Stop, I’m trying to be mad and you actin’ sweet ain’t helping.” He shrugged,
“Well excuse me for not wanting my girl to be mad.” His girl. Those words weighed on her chest like a cat curling in for a nap, warm and comforting. 
“You are taking this whole thing about my family bettin’ on us having sex and getting married a little too well,” She narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you not sayin’?” He blushed, rubbing circles into her hip with his thumb. “Tyler I-don’t-know-your-middle-name-Owens, tell me.” 
“Michael,” He muttered. Meg tilted his head up with two fingers under his chin. “That’s my middle name.” 
“And mine’s Marie, now spill it.” 
“There may or may not be a similar bet going with the group,” Of course there was. 
“Bet, as in singular?” He nodded, “Which one do they have goin’?” Tyler’s blush deepened.
“Well, darlin’,” Tyler sighed, smiling sweetly. “Boone’s been planning our wedding since you tried to pool the wool over my eyes when we first met.” He cupped her face and she mirrored him, her hand resting on his cheek. “So they’re betting on the other part.” There were two ways Meg could go with this conversation, serious or teasing, and she’d be damned if she did anything serious while wearing Kate’s Hello Kitty sleep pants from high school.
“Well,” Meg stroked Tyler’s stubbled cheek. “Tell Boone I want an October weddin’ and he’s welcome at it whether you’re there or not.” Tyler shook with laughter, tugging her so she was head first in his chest like they had slept the night before.
“Oh, I’m gonna be there, darlin’,” He kissed the top of her head. “Crying while your daddy walks you down the aisle to me.” So much for avoiding serious conversation. Meg expected to feel a sense of fear or at least anxiety thinking about marrying Tyler but instead, she found herself smiling. His cologne was lingering on his sleep shirt and he was oh so warm wrapped around her. She could see him standing at the altar all dressed up in a suit and tie, Boone behind him as best man, and Preacher beside him ready to officiate like he had promised to when she was little.
“Boone share any of these wedding plans with you?” Meg slipped her leg between his, bringing herself just a little bit closer to him. “Tell me everything.” Tyler began stroking her back.
“He wants to do it outside, said he thinks you’d like to be where you can see the sky.” Boone knew her well, that’s exactly how she wanted to get married, not inside of some stuffy church. “Dani’s picking out dresses she and Lily won’t mind wearing as your bridesmaids, they’ve got one for Kate too.” 
“Sounds like they’ve got the whole thing planned out. Lily in charge of the rings?” 
“Yes, ma’am. They even roped Ben into picking out table settings and invitations, he complains but is secretly over the moon.” Tyler’s hand moved to her hair, massaging her neck. Meg groaned, not realizing how much tension had been lingering there until that exact moment.
“That feels good, Ty.” She felt herself getting sleepier, relaxing more into Tyler’s hold with each passing moment. “Keep tellin’ me about our wedding.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” He kissed her hair again. “The biggest argument is what kind of flowers to get. Boone’s a romantic so he wants roses.” That made her giggle,
“Why ain’t I surprised?” 
“Shh, baby,” Tyler teased, kissing her hair again. “You’re supposed to be falling asleep.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do, Arkansas,” Meg sassed half-heartedly. Tyler’s ministrations paused for a moment before he gently pulled her head back by her hair. He was fixing her with one of those listen-to-me looks she’d seen on her mama’s face a thousand times before, his eyes the color of greenage before a big storm. Staring into them, she wondered if her favorite color had ever truly been yellow, or if it had been green all along and she just hadn’t found the right shade until now. 
“Darlin’,” His fingers tightened their grip just a little, giving Meg a jolt of pain that only brought pleasure. “Will you please hush that pretty little mouth of yours and let me talk?” She wanted to sass him again, see what he would do but when she opened her mouth nothing but a yawn came out. He must’ve taken that as a yes, bringing her face back into his chest. He was lucky he was cute enough to get away with manhandling her like that. “Dani’s vote is on sunflowers but Ben and Lily think that lilies would be better.” Meg made an inquisitive noise, wanting to know what Tyler thought. “I’ve got a soft spot for wildflowers, especially daisies. My mama used to keep a vase of them on the counter next to the window.” Meg snaked a hand under the back of his shirt, humming in approval. “I’ll take your freezing hands under my shirt as a yes to the wildflowers.” 
Tyler kept talking about color schemes and Dexter’s thoughts on what to cater for dinner. How Ben had insisted they have live music instead of a DJ and the way Boone wanted to use bandanas as pocket squares, all while Meg drifted off to sleep. 
She woke to her phone ringing, AC/DC’s Highway to Hell breaking the silence of the night. Tyler’s arms were firm around her waist making it hard for her to retrieve the device from the bedside table.
“Hey, Hot Stuff,” She groaned. Tyler didn’t budge from his position curled around her. The man, she was learning, could sleep like the dead. But she would bet he’d be wide awake if she even thought of the word tornado.
“Hey, Honey Buns. How’s the storm hunting?” Nick must’ve been grabbing beignets, she could hear the familiar sounds of Cafe du Monde in the background in the late hours of the night.
“It’s good,” She decided to keep the life and death details to herself for now, not in the right mindset for a lecture. “How’s my baby, you treatin’ her right?” 
“She’s purrin’ like a cougar in a college bar.” Meg chuckled, “Hadn’t heard from ya so I thought I’d check in. Cecilia misses you something awful.” Cecilia was Nick’s wife of seven years, an ER nurse at University Hospital. She and Meg would sometimes get lunch together when their days off aligned but Meg knew who was really missing her. 
“Yeah, I miss you too,” Nick laughed, commenting on her ego. “The storms out here have been crazy.” Just like she predicted, Tyler stirred.
“Storm? Is that Boone?” Meg rolled her eyes, kissing him on the chin.
“It’s just Nick, go back to sleep, Sweetie Pie.” And then he was out like a light, she shook her head at him.
“Meg Marie Harding, you’ve got a man in your bed?” Nick jokingly scolded her like an older brother. “You ain’t supposed to be doin’ that outta wedlock.” 
“Says the man who tried to set me up with that fire fighter who ended up having a wife.” 
“Not my finest moment, I’ll admit,” He chuckled. “Well, Honey Buns, I’ll let you get back to sinnin’.” 
“Meanin’ your order’s ready?” Nick hung up on her without answering and she laughed softly, choosing not to fight against Tyler’s hold, putting the phone under her pillow.
She’d be back in New Orleans soon enough, riding around in the rig with Nick, going wherever dispatch sent them. But for the first time, thinking about her life there didn’t feel right, her heart constricting the point of physical pain.
Meg traced Tyler’s jaw with her fingertips, then his nose, the arch of his brow, and his bottom lip, the pain getting worse with every second. Helping people was her job, one that she loved and felt called to, but the thought of leaving Tyler was breaking her heart.
“Tyler Michael Owens,” She whispered, watching for any signs that he was awake and seeing none. “I think I just might be fallin’ in love with you.” Meg pressed a feathersoft kiss to his lips, it lasted a second, maybe less, but she felt more in that split second than she had with any of the men Nick had set her up with in the past. 
“Again, baby,” Tyler whispered, eyes blinking open. “Please.” He sounded so needy and desperate, matching her own desire for him. Meg didn’t hesitate to brush her lips against his. Tyler tilted his head into the kiss, kissing her soundly, leaving not an ounce of doubt in her mind that she loved him. It had been less than a week but Meg felt like she had known him her entire life. He made her feel safe, comfortable, and seen. The way he held her at night and couldn’t keep his hand off her leg during the day, the way he listened to her like there was no one else around, and most importantly, the way he treated her with kindness and respect. “Nick okay?” Tyler asked once they came up for air, voice raspy.
“He’s fine, just checkin’ on me.” Tyler hummed, giving her a peck on the lips once, twice, three times more. 
“And how are you doing, baby?” 
“Never better,” Meg kissed his chest, snuggling back into what was quickly becoming her favorite sleeping position. 
Taglist: @theforevermorereject @beltzboys2015-blog @writingrose @sinners-98-world @nerdgirljen @candlejuice @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby @football1921 @katiemcrae @emma8895eb @itsdesiree86 Want to be added to this list? Just ask!
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knightsistersblog · 1 month
I have an excerpt from my last chapter that had me giggling:
“Set Fire to the Rain”
They stood at the door, checking over their gear one last time. Their excitement was palpable, though tinged with anxiety—the kind you feel before driving off into the unknown. They checked on weather updates, made sure cameras were working, and ensured the car was stocked with emergency supplies.
Meanwhile, Cathy was in the kitchen, putting together sandwiches for them; this wasn’t her first rodeo—pun not intended; she had done the same for Praveen, Addy, and Jeb countless times before when they could go chasing with Kate. It was ritual at this point, one that brought her a peculiar sense of comfort.
With final prep underway, Tyler entered the kitchen; “Looks good, Cathy.”
“Of course,” she smirked, her hands folding over the last brown bag, “It damn well better. I don’t let anyone go hungry, not in this house.”
Tyler smirked as he grabbed the bag from her, “Good ol’ southern hospitality. God, I love it down here.”
Kate joined them, “Thanks mom.”
“Yes, thanks mom.” That earned him a gentle backhanded pat on the belly; Tyler laughed, then walked back out to the truck.
Cathy found it amusing, really, and kept her eyes on the door—even after Tyler already walked back out of it. “You two aren’t even married and he’s already calling me mom.”
“Oh my god,” Kate’s cheeks blushed, but burying her face wasn’t helping any; she snatched her brown bag, gave her mom a quick kiss, then hurried along after Tyler.
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cipher04 · 1 month
Twisters (2024 Roleplay)
Currently obsessed with the film Twisters (2024). I am searching for someone to play Kate Carter. It is my preference to pair her with Tyler Owens, Jeb, or a male OC.
Note: I am willing to double as any character! I know that Tyler is a very popular character to be paired with an OC. Therefore, we can do two separate stories, or I can just pair Kate with my OC instead to ensure we both get what we want
Tyler/Kate: Following the conclusion of the movie, Kate decides to stay in Oklahoma for good. Not only does she join Tyler's Wranglers, but they take the next step by starting a relationship together. We begin by rewriting the airport scene where they end up sharing a kiss and a confession of feelings.
Jeb/Kate: For the short time he was on screen, I really loved Jeb and Kate together. Maybe we can save Kate a little bit of trauma by rewriting the story where Jeb does not die in the tornado. Maybe he gets seriously injured instead, and they have to pick up the pieces together and move forward.
I love a good ol' sappy romance and I'm hoping to capture that here. Kate is someone with so much trauma and pain. I'd love to write a story where Tyler or Jeb can help her deal with those feelings in a positive way. He shows her that she doesn't have to deal with the world alone, helps her rediscover her passion for stormchasing, and ultimately making a real difference in the world together. Of course, there's still room for plenty of drama as well.
Some information about me:
Willing to write via tumblr or discord
Willing to double (any gender, any pairing, any character)
Reply schedule varies, but I am communicative about extended absence
Prefers writing in third-person
Stories will include nsfw/smut scene ideally, but not required
I am 18+ and all partners must be 18+ as well
Please like this ad if you're interested and I will reach out, or message me. You can also add me on discord: fandomfan0404
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mardybummers · 2 months
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rules & writing list!
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hi everyone! i just wanted to post some rules & general guidelines for my blog. i want you all to enjoy my work. if you are ever confused if a certain request is against my rules, don’t be afraid to ask!
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navigation pinned wattpad
𖦹 my most recent work; n/a
𖦹 currently working on; london girl, tyler owens.
𖦹 my request box is currently; open.
𖦹 i am partial to writing smut, i can and will deny your request if i think i cannot write it properly or if it’s illegal, non-con, unethical, etc.
𖦹 i do not write anything regarding a physically/ mentally abusive relationship.
𖦹 i do not write ship fics ( character x character. )
𖦹 please do not spam my inbox with your request; i’ll get to it as soon as possible!
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i currently write for;
𖦹 she’s got a boyfriend anyway! the 1975
matty healy. george daniel. ross macdonald.
𖦹 i heard the piledriver waltz… arctic monkeys
alex turner. matt helders.
𖦹 i just can’t find my honest face! inhaler
elijah hewson. josh jenkinson. robert keating. ryan mcmahon.
𖦹 it’s murder on the dance floor… saltburn
felix. oliver. farleigh. venetia.
𖦹 ain’t no love in oklahoma! twisters
tyler owens. kate carter. scott. jeb. boone.
𖦹 stay gold, ponyboy… the outsiders
dallas winston. darrel curtis. sodapop curtis. ponyboy curtis.
𖦹 we’re fated to pretend! celebrities
timothée chalamet. jacob elordi. jack schlossberg. harry styles. gene gallagher. john f kennedy jr. aaron taylor johnson. cillian murphy. mike faist. josh o’connor. john f kennedy. bobby kennedy.
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thank you all again, lots of love! 💋
© mardybummers (2024—) all rights reserved.
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wranglens · 1 month
I may or may not be seeing Twisters tonight 👀 Any character you'd like to see more of in the rpc (other than all of them ogoejrhehr)
" other than all of them " really clotheslined me ASDFGHJKL .   why yes in fact .   there are plenty of characters that i haven't seen around or written with yet that i believe might be interesting to various people !!!   you can expand on them and make them your own .   these aren't spoilers and won't ruin the movie for you .  
wrang gang :  
lily :   darling with the smarts to rival the skies and bring down the ceiling .   her and cairo oh my godd family .
dani :   our queerest of reps and our wonderful humanitarian who can totally beat tyler up .
dexter :   our other wonderful humanitarian who i bet can command an entire room to him just to keep everyone safe oh man .
ben :   he's british and a reporter and soso cute i mean it .   tyler vc:   strattin'ham ,   berkshire ,   what the hell ?
team kate :  
jeb :   we got kate/s out here needs her boyfriend .   sweet bright eyed boy ,   we love you so much .
praveen :   he got struck by lightning and survived ,   he's basically more superhuman than everyone .
cathy carter :   president and momma of the kate carter club .   if you wanna write the best momma ever in the world .
obviously this is NOT a   ' please only write one of these '   list .   i just haven't seen them yet and i'd love to expand upon tyler's relationships with them .   or start one ,   if they technically never met before !!!   enjoy twisters and if you gain muse for anyone … welcome to the family .  :)
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moooviesfanatic · 1 month
Twisters (spoiler warnings!!!)
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So i went to see twisters once it came out. It was an amazing movie, i did cry through out the movie, yes, but we're gonna ignore that. So i watched twisters, that movie was AMAZING, i loved the story, the characters, i really fell in love with Anthony Ramos' and Glen Powell's characters, the opening of the movie with daisy edgar-jones was so good, that was the first time i acctually cried, once the tornado hit and the friends got caught in it, later on in the movie, when Daisy's character Kate Carter moved to New York and Javi (Anthony) again, and he got her out to chase again, and then we met Tyler (Glen) oh how we met Tyler, it was definitely a way to meet him, it was an experience, he cam in his truck, and the fans, the fans were every where, selling shirts with his face on it (big refrence to a quote from the movie). Later on we see Kate walk to her hotel room, and running into Tyler and his team when she was making her way up to her room. But the way Tyler kills a tornado is kinda unrealistic, being inside the tornado, and shooting rockets, he does have big screws into the ground but there is still wind able to come wind under his truck which can lift up the car and get it out of the ground, i'm now going to mention Reed Timmer, his truck, The Dominator, has flaps on the bottoms to not have wind get under his car, and he has spikes that goes into the grounnd in a few seconds, and it has armor, armor is needed to keep the car/truck from getting ruined. Which is missing on Tyler's truck, because for an example, a part of a windmill, they come with so much pace, that is can basically cut your car/truck in half. Then a little later in the moviewe see Tyler come to Kate's door and brringing her food, and then taking her to a rodeo, where they get a surprise tornado, where Tyler and Kate are storm chasers, so they would acctually have been checking their radars on their phones, and back in the first twisters movie would normal people only have 5 minutes to react to a tornado warning, and now we are up on 13 minutes. I loved that Tyler and Kate ran in, and to help others, and then getting a mother and daughter out and to the pool, getting in it, and hiding in a cut out of it, i started to cry there again, when Tyler was holding around Kate and the mom around her daughter, The mom that kept repeating the words "I'm here for you" and stuff like that, which was all most the same words that Jeb (Kate's boyfriend) told her back when they were teens. and Tyler who held his arms around Kate to keep her safe and stable. When we get closer to the end of the movie, we see how close Tyler and Kate have gotten, and her going out chasing with Tyler and his whole team, and the end, where i don't remember but it was either Javi or Tyler who is taking photos of Kate, and one of them going something like "send that to me" the movie was so good.
My thoughts of the movie: I really liked the movie, it was a movie i would like to watch once again or more times, i loved the characteres they chose for the movie and the story, i really found the storyline good, and that they got the fact that tornadoes do ruin everything in their way, or the fact it acctually got me into learning about storm chasing, and learning about torandoes, like the EF5 and how much they can ruin everything in their way, like houses, windmills, drag cars into their wind, but the other unrealistic thing is how the windmill breaks, they dont just fall from eachother, they get shredded, like in a paper shredder.
OH YEAH! AND THE SOUNDTRACK WAS AMAZING!!!!' Thats all i wanted to say, i hope you will watch the movie if you havent, even tho you've read this, i hope you find this information good if you have watched the movie, thank you <3
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rp-partnerfinder · 1 month
Currently obsessed with the film Twisters (2024). I am searching for someone to play Kate Carter. It is my preference to pair her with Tyler Owens, Jeb, or a male OC.
Note: I am willing to double as any character! I know that Tyler is a very popular character to be paired with an OC. Therefore, we can do two separate stories, or I can just pair Kate with my OC instead to ensure we both get what we want
Tyler/Kate: Following the conclusion of the movie, Kate decides to stay in Oklahoma for good. Not only does she join Tyler's Wranglers, but they take the next step by starting a relationship together. We begin by rewriting the airport scene where they end up sharing a kiss and a confession of feelings.
Jeb/Kate: For the short time he was on screen, I really loved Jeb and Kate together. Maybe we can save Kate a little bit of trauma by rewriting the story where Jeb does not die in the tornado. Maybe he gets seriously injured instead, and they have to pick up the pieces together and move forward.
I love a good ol' sappy romance and I'm hoping to capture that here. Kate is someone with so much trauma and pain. I'd love to write a story where Tyler or Jeb can help her deal with those feelings in a positive way. He shows her that she doesn't have to deal with the world alone, helps her rediscover her passion for stormchasing, and ultimately making a real difference in the world together. Of course, there's still room for plenty of drama as well.
Some information about me:
Willing to write via tumblr or discord
Willing to double (any gender, any pairing, any character)
Reply schedule varies, but I am communicative about extended absence
Prefers writing in third-person
Stories will include nsfw/smut scene ideally, but not required
I am 18+ and all partners must be 18+ as well
Please like this ad if you're interested and I will reach out!
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rphunter · 1 month
Currently obsessed with the film Twisters (2024). I am searching for someone to play Kate Carter. It is my preference to pair her with Tyler Owens, Jeb, or a male OC.
Note: I am willing to double as any character! I know that Tyler is a very popular character to be paired with an OC. Therefore, we can do two separate stories, or I can just pair Kate with my OC instead to ensure we both get what we want
Tyler/Kate: Following the conclusion of the movie, Kate decides to stay in Oklahoma for good. Not only does she join Tyler's Wranglers, but they take the next step by starting a relationship together. We begin by rewriting the airport scene where they end up sharing a kiss and a confession of feelings.
Jeb/Kate: For the short time he was on screen, I really loved Jeb and Kate together. Maybe we can save Kate a little bit of trauma by rewriting the story where Jeb does not die in the tornado. Maybe he gets seriously injured instead, and they have to pick up the pieces together and move forward.
I love a good ol' sappy romance and I'm hoping to capture that here. Kate is someone with so much trauma and pain. I'd love to write a story where Tyler or Jeb can help her deal with those feelings in a positive way. He shows her that she doesn't have to deal with the world alone, helps her rediscover her passion for stormchasing, and ultimately making a real difference in the world together. Of course, there's still room for plenty of drama as well.
Some information about me:
Willing to write via tumblr or discord
Willing to double (any gender, any pairing, any character)
Reply schedule varies, but I am communicative about extended absence
Prefers writing in third-person
Stories will include nsfw/smut scene ideally, but not required
I am 18+ and all partners must be 18+ as well
Please like this ad if you're interested and I will reach out!
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prpfz · 1 month
I am 18+. Partners must be 18+ as well. 💕 Currently obsessed with the film Twisters (2024). I am searching for someone to play Kate Carter. It is my preference to pair her with Tyler Owens, Jeb, or a male OC.
Note: I am willing to double as any character! I know that Tyler is a very popular character to be paired with an OC. Therefore, we can do two separate stories, or I can just pair Kate with my OC instead to ensure we both get what we want
Tyler/Kate: Following the conclusion of the movie, Kate decides to stay in Oklahoma for good. Not only does she join Tyler's Wranglers, but they take the next step by starting a relationship together. We begin by rewriting the airport scene where they end up sharing a kiss and a confession of feelings.
Jeb/Kate: For the short time he was on screen, I really loved Jeb and Kate together. Maybe we can save Kate a little bit of trauma by rewriting the story where Jeb does not die in the tornado. Maybe he gets seriously injured instead, and they have to pick up the pieces together and move forward.
I love a good ol' sappy romance and I'm hoping to capture that here. Kate is someone with so much trauma and pain. I'd love to write a story where Tyler or Jeb can help her deal with those feelings in a positive way. He shows her that she doesn't have to deal with the world alone, helps her rediscover her passion for stormchasing, and ultimately making a real difference in the world together. Of course, there's still room for plenty of drama as well.
Some information about me:
Willing to write via tumblr or discord
Willing to double (any gender, any pairing, any character)
Reply schedule varies, but I am communicative about extended absence
Prefers writing in third-person
Stories will include nsfw/smut scene ideally, but not required
I am 18+ and all partners must be 18+ as well
Please like this ad if you're interested and I will reach out!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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1,056 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,314 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#hamish linklater - 1,057 posts
#midnight mass - 253 posts
#hamishlinklateredit - 225 posts
#john tyler - 223 posts
#father paul - 191 posts
#tell me your secrets - 190 posts
#jeb magruder - 178 posts
#hamfam - 155 posts
#john tyler my beloathed - 129 posts
#gaslit - 127 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i’m not a fan of hamish with a beard - especially not the longer ones - but gotta admit it helps a lot not to have to wrestle with his jaw😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Hamish Linklater in The Future
222 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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See the full post
330 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
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Midnight Mass behind the scenes
354 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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658 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Night Father Paul Let You Sit on His Lap
Warning: PRIEST SMUT. Children, avert your eyes. And always use protection IRL.
This is my Secret Santa gift to @see-you-in-a-new-light for the Hamish Linklater holiday event created by the lovely @the-weird-dane
I hope you enjoy! Happy New Year :D
Summary: He laughs again, a little more at ease this time. But his mouth snaps shut so fast it’s almost comical when you adjust yourself and ‘accidentally’ grind down on his lap…
When you come back from the bathroom, your chair at Erin’s long dining table has been taken by the mayor’s wife, Dotty, who, by the sound of her uncharacteristically boisterous retelling of some non-dispute at the convenience store with a pesky tourist last summer, is on her third or fourth glass of wine.
At least.
You’re betting that her rapt audience at the end of the table – her husband, Ed and Maggie Flynn and another elderly couple you don’t know that well – are not far behind.
You smile to yourself, even if you are now standing a little awkwardly in the middle of the room.
It’s good to see the parent generation of Crockett Island letting loose for once.
They deserve it.
When Erin, your old high school friend, had spontaneously gone up to the stage at the Crock Pot earlier today, clapped her hands together to get everyone’s attention and invited people over for drinks and a bite to eat later in the evening, the proposal had initially been met with uncertain side-glances.
It’s been that long since the good people of the island actually socialized with one another outside of church gatherings and said (poorly attended) Crock Pot ‘festivities’.
Beverly Keane, the self-righteous bitch, had had the audacity to snicker out loud at the suggestion, as if she personally couldn’t think of anything more ridiculous than spending her free time in the company of an unmarried pregnant woman (the horror!), and a former convict.
Yes, you hadn’t failed to notice how she had made a point of shooting her nose up at poor Riley too, who had been standing to a side, eyes to the ground, hands shoved deep in his pockets.
It was the new, charismatic priest, Father Paul Hill, who had warmly accepted Erin’s offer, effectively shutting Bev up when he’d proclaimed it a great idea, and that he for one would love to cap off the day in good company with his neighbors.
After that, a decent crowd had followed the priest’s lead (doctor Gunning and her date being notable exceptions), and if you hadn’t already found him quite alluring, watching him all but usher the island dwellers after Erin, beaming like a happy, handsome puppy, would have done the trick.
For someone who’s only supposed to be stationed at the island for a few weeks tops while the old Monsignor Pruitt recovers from illness on the mainland, Paul sure seems keen to get on everyone’s good side in church as well as outside.
Perhaps he’s a little lonely, you think. Him being fairly young and living a life in solitude.
Also, you absolutely wouldn’t blame him, if he felt like hiding from Bev for a few hours, knowing that she would never set foot in Erin’s house…
You have a feeling Bev is trying to make herself a permanent fixture at the priest’s small rectory, probably coming and going as she pleases, considering how she had been bossing Monsignor Pruitt around for the past years.
“I bet she’s totally into Paul. Dreams about him at night and draws little hearts around his name in her burn book and shit like that”, Erin had said, hilariously matter of fact the other day, and you had almost spit out your dinner laughing.
You’re inclined to believe her, though.
All in all, it’s been a nice week on the island for you, spending your holiday catching up with Erin and a couple of your other high school friends, Evelyn and Peter, who have also taken time off to come home.
Or: None of your parents actually live here anymore, having all left after that devastating oil spill, but you still like to return every few years to breathe in the ocean air of the place that shaped you growing up.
And now that both Erin and Riley have moved back more or less permanently, you think you may migrate over more frequently.
Of course, it had been Erin’s suggestion that you, Evelyn and Peter stay with her, like a mini reunion of sorts, and you’re so glad you accepted, even if the last-minute travel expenses were a bit steep.
You have a sneaking suspicion Erin may have put the thing together with Riley’s wellbeing in mind too.
His quiet, haunted demeanor is a constant reminder of how much he’s been through since you last saw him several years ago, and your heart breaks for him a little when you think of how spirited – if not downright cocky – he used to be when you were kids.
See the full post
938 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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I posted 368 times in 2022
That's 284 more posts than 2021!
93 posts created (25%)
275 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 293 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#hamish linklater - 231 posts
#john tyler - 67 posts
#tell me your secrets - 63 posts
#my nasty man - 53 posts
#jeb magruder - 45 posts
#hamfam - 41 posts
#midnight mass - 36 posts
#haimgruder - 35 posts
#tmys - 34 posts
#father paul - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i loved this movie bc of him but i've never understood shakespeare language so it takes me longer to understand what they are saying lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I say as I try to prove to myself that I haven't gone feral for JT
130 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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133 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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*I can fix him* Come on John let's figure out our sh*t together! I wanna see what yall got!?
166 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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175 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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351 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Aw, so the increase in post tells you all you need to know about when I fell in love with blorbo from our show
7 notes · View notes