jedichick04 replied to your post: Arrow S7 - And we’re back!
I am so excited!!! Woohoo!
HI FRIEND!! We’re back!!
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jedichick04 · 6 years
Fic: The Great Candy Cane Caper
Title: The Great Candy Cane Caper
Author: jedichick04
Gift for:  @sparklesannie You seem to be a truly lovely person. I love your Tumblr, from the Arrow side to the other random posts, and can’t wait to follow you now that the Secret Santa is over! I hope that you enjoy this little Christmas fic, and that it provides the fluff you were looking for. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Rachel
Rating: T
Summary: Oliver shares his favorite Christmas traditions with his family over two very different Christmases.
A/N: Mild spoilers through 6x09. Written for the Olicity Secret Santa 2017.
Original post here; read on AO3 here.
December 24, 2017
"Merry Christmas, Auntie Thea!"
If Oliver’s sister Thea was in any way startled by the way her nephew launched himself at her or his son’s enthusiastic greeting after he opened the door, there was no sign of it on her face. Instead, Oliver could see she was all grins as she wrapped her arms around William. “Merry Christmas!” she replied. She took a step back and breathed deeply. “Your dad’s been busy cooking?”
William nodded. “There’s more than enough food for Christmas Eve dinner tonight, and for Christmas tomorrow. Are you really spending the night tonight? Dad said you were. Oh--I should go help him some more. He was going to teach me how to properly mash potatoes.”
“And you don’t want to miss that,” Thea said. She followed William into the kitchen, where she greeted Oliver with a kiss on the cheek. “Merry Christmas, Ollie. If only the bad guys could see you now.”
“They might be very intimidated by my chocolate souffles,” Oliver retorted, setting down a spoon and wrapping Thea in a hug. “Hi, Speedy. Glad you could make it. Just drop your bag anywhere and I’ll take it to your room after.”
Thea set it down, along with the bag of presents she’d been carrying. “You’re not going to make me help in the kitchen, too, are you? Because I should warn you now, I think you got all the cooking skills in the family.”
“Found it!” Felicity emerged from their bedroom with a wine corkscrew held triumphantly overhead. She greeted Thea with an embrace. “And no, we’re leaving the men to cook while we start in on this incredible bottle of wine I can now open.” She made quick work of the cork, then poured two glasses, leaving a third wine glass empty for now.
They both settled in at the counter, talking about everything and nothing as they sipped at their wine. Oliver went back to cooking, trying not to look up too often at his little sister and his wife interacting. He still felt like the last month was something out of a dream, from his sister waking up from her coma to Barry and Iris’s wedding (and all that entailed) to Felicity asking him to marry her right there in the park to celebrating it with their friends and family. There had been plenty of negatives, too--his arrest and the team breaking up being the two major negatives--but overall, for the first time in a very long time, Oliver had everything that he wanted in his life.
He could really get used to this foreign feeling of contentment.
He was good to his promise to teach William how to mash the perfect potatoes. Oliver had been worried that both Christmas and his sudden elopement would cause William to return to the brooding boy he’d been those first five months after his mother’s death. But William absolutely adored Felicity, and once Felicity had encouraged Oliver to just talk with William about any Christmassy things he used to do with his mom that he wanted to keep doing, Oliver had felt a lot better about the whole situation. And while William had been unsure about doing some Christmas activities without his mom, he had offered up a few things that Oliver had been more than happy to incorporate into their Christmas season.
Oliver had also promised to introduce William to two Christmas traditions that Oliver kept. Those would be happening after dinner. William asked about them again as they were bringing the food to the table, while Felicity and Thea joined them and set their wine glasses down. Thea jumped right in with a story about how both the traditions had started before Oliver even had a chance to open his mouth. He didn’t mind at all; he was grateful for how easily Thea had taken to the role of aunt to his son.
Oliver went to get the last dish of food, and he caught Felicity standing back a little and smiling at nothing. He stepped closer to her and raised an eyebrow in question. She laughed softly. “I was just remembering what happened that time I asked you about your holiday traditions.”
He frowned for a moment, trying to recall what she was talking about--these days, so much of what had happened in those first months and years after the island felt like it had happened to someone else entirely. But as he remembered exactly what had happened, he grinned in response. “I thought you were insane. Adorable, but insane.”
“You mean determined,” she corrected, leaning up for a kiss. Oliver happily gave her one. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled away. “I wanted you to see that you could have happy memories again.”
“I should have realized even then that you were my happy story,” Oliver said softly. Felicity rewarded him with another kiss, which was interrupted only when Thea cleared her throat loudly.
“Save it for after dinner, newlyweds. I’m starving.”
Both Oliver and Felicity smiled and broke apart. Oliver went to get the last dish of food, Felicity poured him a glass of wine, and before long they were all digging into their Christmas Eve dinner.
Five years earlier
Felicity was right.
Nobody was paying any attention to Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Consolidated, or why he was having drinks with his bodyguard and his personal assistant. Nobody was paying attention to much of anything beyond themselves in the restaurant; the Christmas music was cranked up and there were several Christmas dinner parties going on. Nobody noticed the three of them dressed casually and seated in the bar area.
It was a nice restaurant, but not one he typically frequented. The reason he even knew about it was because he'd come here with John and Felicity after the first mission she'd worked out in the field with them. The Dodger case. Felicity had been visibly shaken up after having a bomb collar around her neck and joked about going out for margaritas. At the time, John and Oliver had exchanged a quick look and agreed to a drink, mostly to keep an eye on her and make sure she was really okay. So tonight, when they had wrapped things up in the Foundry and Felicity had cajoled the two of them into drinks to celebrate Oliver's safe return from facing Cyrus Gold, they ended up back at that same spot.
Felicity was two margaritas in when the conversation took a turn Oliver hadn’t expected.
"What are your favorite holiday traditions?" she asked, looking between John and Oliver.
John already had his beer to his mouth, which left Oliver wide open to answer. But even as he took a breath to speak, he found a warm finger pressed against his lips, and the scent of Felicity filling his personal space. He had grown very familiar with that scent in the last few months, working with her as his personal assistant, and warning bells were going off in his brain as he struggled not to focus on how nice her finger felt against his lips--or how very blue her eyes looked behind her glasses right now.
He was enough caught up in his struggle that he almost didn't hear her command. " Don't say mistletoe. We already know all about the beautiful island girls on fantasy island."
Oliver blinked in confusion, not at all helped by John's snort of laughter. He pulled back from her finger, narrowing his eyes as he tried to figure out what she just said. "What?"
She waved her hand, as if physically brushing off her comment. "If it's all about kissing, I don't want to hear about it. That's all. So what are your favorite holiday traditions, that don't include kissing?"
John was still chuckling, which left Oliver no less confused about her fantasy island comment. But he pushed aside that concern for now--writing it off as the tequila talking--and answered how he had originally meant to answer. "Candy canes."
"What do you mean, candy canes?" Felicity asked, squinting her eyes at him in concentration. "That doesn't even make sense."
Oliver shrugged. He wasn't used to opening up, and just a few weeks ago he'd already had to tell John and Felicity about Sara Lance surviving the shipwreck. But it wasn't just anybody asking. The determined blonde who, just a few hours ago had told him he "looked like a hero" when he put on a mask, was staring him down.
"My sister and I, we always would race each other to see who could finish the candy canes first," Oliver explained. He felt himself relaxing a little into the topic as he spoke. Felicity had a way of bringing that out in him, without even trying. “And then we would watch It’s a Wonderful Life until we’d both fall asleep. I think we both finally made it to the end the year she turned twelve.” That was the last Christmas they’d had together, before the island. Oliver didn’t mention that part out loud, knowing it would instantly dampen the mood.
Felicity stared at him for a long moment, long enough that Oliver found himself shifting nervously in his seat. Without comment, she finished the rest of her margarita and waved for their waitress. "We're ready for our checks," she said without asking John or Oliver.  “We have someplace else to be.”
The two men exchanged a glance as they drained the rest of their beers. “Where are we going?” Oliver ventured to ask.
“You’ll see,” she replied with a pleased smile. She refused to say anymore as they paid their bills.
As they were leaving the restaurant, John muttered, “I’m glad I didn’t mention any of my holiday traditions.”
Five stops later and Felicity was clearly losing her tequila buzz. Her determination had only intensified.
“Does nobody in Starling City carry regular candy canes anymore?” she lamented as the three of them got back into the car after a quick trip through the Christmas treat section at the drug store. “How hard can it be? Candy canes seem to be a pretty basic part of the Christmas culture. Is there really a need for trendy flavors like tropical punch and Jelly Belly candy canes?”
“You did almost buy the chocolate mint ones,” John pointed out as he started the car.
Felicity ignored his comment. “There’s nothing else for it,” she said. “We’re going to have to steal them.”
“Felicity--” Oliver had been amused when this had all started--and in a way, deeply flattered that Felicity’s single minded mission since they had left the restaurant was to find a box of peppermint candy canes. But there was a line between ‘fun’ and ‘doing what the bad guys do’, and Felicity was announcing that she was crossing it.
Unfortunately, she ignored Oliver as easily as she’d ignored John’s comment moments before. “John, can you take us to QC?”
“Forget something at the office?” he asked as he made the turn back towards the city center.
“Every year since I was hired at QC, somebody brings in a stack of candy cane boxes and puts them in the break room on the IT floor. So we’re going to help ourselves to a few of those boxes,” she said with a nod, her long ponytail swishing back and forth.
Oliver relaxed a little at the explanation of their destination. “Is it really stealing if we’re taking it from work?”
“Technically, I don’t work for the IT department anymore,” Felicity pointed out. A familiar look came into her eyes, and Oliver could sense another (well-deserved) rant was about to come his way for putting her in as his personal assistant if he didn’t divert it quickly.
“Let’s hope they have the right flavor,” he said. He smiled slightly. “Or we may end up stuck with those green apple ones we just saw.”
“No, if we’re going green, we’re getting the chocolate mint ones,” she said before her eyes widened. “Oh. Did you want green ones?”
“No, I really do prefer the peppermint,” he assured her. “I don’t need everything to be green.” He looked out the window for a moment to see the QC building getting closer. “What’s the plan when we get there?”
He saw Felicity’s confusion written across her face. “Plan?”
“Yes, plan,” he said, turning to face her more. “Your mission. So you get to make the plan.”
“Oliver Queen, are you learning to share?” she asked. She looked very pleased with this turn of events.
He smiled slightly before he said, “Don’t get used to it.”
She laughed and worked on laying out a simple, straightforward plan by the time they reached the Queen Consolidated building.
Oliver waited uneasily outside the IT break room for Felicity. She had insisted that she go in alone. “It will take me two minutes, Oliver,” she told him with a roll of her eyes. “I can handle it.”
So since he had agreed to let her be in charge of “the plan”, here he was, feeling out of place and exposed in the company he technically ran.
He was just about to go in after Felicity--she had been in there for nearly five minutes and he could here her muttering under her breath--when he heard a male voice.
“What are you doing?”
Oliver was on high alert and already moving to the door.
“I’m taking the last box of regular candy canes,” came Felicity’s matter of fact reply. “There are still plenty of other flavors. Though why anybody would want root beer candy canes--”
“These are for the IT department, from the IT managers. And your badge says you’re a personal assistant, not from IT.”
Oliver stepped into the room and tried for his most charming smile. “Is there a problem here? Ms. Smoak, did you find the candy canes I needed?”
The man Felicity had been talking to had turned to face Oliver, and his eyes widened as he recognized him. “Mr. Queen. What brings you down to IT this late at night?”
“I needed a box of regular candy canes. Ms. Smoak--my personal assistant--recalled that there are typically too many boxes of candy canes left in the IT break room, and offered to retrieve them for me. I see that she’s been successful. Thank you,” Oliver said to Felicity, then turned back to the IT employee. “Don’t let us keep you from anything you’re working on.”
“No, Mr. Queen. I was just getting my lunch. I’m the IT staffer on call tonight.” The man seemed embarrassed now that he recognized the CEO of the company was in the same room as him. “Enjoy your candy canes, sir.”
“Thank you,” Oliver said, keeping his smile. He gestured for Felicity to go ahead of him, then said, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Queen. And Ms. Smoak.”
Oliver and Felicity made it all the way inside the elevator, where John was waiting, before Felicity started laughing. Oliver dropped the fake smile and cracked a real one before asking Felicity, “Maybe you should have gone for the green ones after all.”
John just looked at both of them, shook his head, and pressed the button for the parking garage.
“So why are we back here with our stolen candy canes?” John asked as Felicity set down her purse and coat.
“Because now that we have the candy canes...we have a movie to watch,” she said. She looked around the Foundry, then nodded towards the mats. “See if you can make some comfortable seating. I’ll work on the tech setup.”
John obediently started towards them, piling up some mats for the three of them to lean against, then going to find blankets and pillows Oliver had stashed in the Foundry. Oliver hung back with Felicity, who was muttering under her breath as she poked at her tablet.
“This whole thing--looking for candy canes and coming back here--it’s because of what I said at the restaurant?” Oliver asked.
Felicity looked up from her tablet, and for the first time all night looked uncertain. She was biting her lip in a very distracting way. “I don’t celebrate Christmas,” she said. “Hanukkah ended last week. But I thought--well, we deserve a little break. And you deserve a happier Christmas than you had last year.” She frowned. “You did say you do this with your sister. We can pick a different movie. I don’t want to step on your toes--”
He said her name softly, but it did the trick. She stopped babbling and looked at him, waiting for his response.
“Thank you,” Oliver said. She blinked in surprise--had he ever told her that before? This particular occasion warranted it. Wanting to cut the tension of the moment--and the urge he had to just lean in and kiss her--he took the box of candy canes from the table where she had set it. “But I’m not taking it easy on you for the contest.”
“And here I thought you were a gentleman,” she replied. She smiled up at him, and he felt that urge to kiss her again. Luckily, the sound of John stacking another few mats up made Oliver look away, and the moment was gone. He headed over and settled next to John. Felicity joined them a few moments later, barefoot and with her hair down. She sat down on the other side of Oliver, then pressed a few buttons on her tablet and got the movie to start playing.
They went through the box of candy canes fairly quickly, and watched the movie with minimal commentary. Oliver felt the week catching up with him, his eyes growing heavy as he concentrated on the black and white movie. Both John and Felicity were settled in and quiet now as the movie played on.
The next thing Oliver became aware of were tingles from his left arm, and a soft warm weight pressed up against his left side. He blinked his eyes open, catching that George Bailey was staring down at the river, contemplating ending it all to make things better for his family. He heard soft snores from his right--John was fast asleep.
And so was Felicity, tucked up against Oliver and using him for a pillow.
He remained still, just looking at her. Her glasses were slightly askew, where she was pressed up against him; her hair was down, surrounding her face in soft waves. She looked peaceful, almost angelic as she slept on.
She deserved someone good, like the kid Barry Allen. She didn’t need to waste her time on someone broken like him, to spend a whole evening racing around the city trying to find the right kind of candy canes because he’d said it was his Christmas tradition.
She deserved better, and she shouldn’t waste time on him, but Oliver allowed himself these few minutes to memorize how easily she fit against him, how pleased she was on the ride back to the Foundry, how determined she had been to get the candy canes and the movie set up.
It was Christmas. He was allowed a few happy hours.
When he could no longer ignore the pins and needles in his left arm, he gently shifted her away from him, placing her head on his folded up grey sweatshirt. He carefully removed her glasses and set them in the empty box of candy canes, so they wouldn’t get broken. Then he shifted away, putting a little bit of space between them before he settled back down and watched the rest of the movie.
December 24, 2017
“I think he’s finally asleep,” Felicity murmured, her voice reverberating against Oliver’s chest. After dinner, they had all moved into the living room to watch It’s a Wonderful Life --which was only briefly interrupted by the annual candy cane eating contest. Felicity was snuggled up against him now, a warm spot on the cold night. He didn’t feel like shifting much, but all it took was a slight turn of his head and he could see that William’s eyes were indeed shut tightly as George Bailey made a mad dash to the library to see what had become of Mary in the world without George.
“He’s not the only one,” Oliver replied, nodding to where his sister had tucked herself into an armchair and was fast asleep. “I thought they’d never come down from their sugar highs.”
“You make it sound like we have two children in the house,” Felicity said with a sleepy laugh. “But you were participating just as diligently in that candy cane eating contest, mister.”
“A tradition is a tradition,” he said. He lightly brushed his fingers down Felicity’s arm. “That first Christmas I was back, Thea brought a box of candy canes to the hospital. It was an olive branch. For the first time since I returned from the island, I felt like an old part of me was back. But a good old part of me. Not the foolish irresponsible kid I was. But a big brother, sharing a tradition with his little sister.” He smiled softly. “And this year, I’m sharing it with my son and my wife.”
Felicity found his left hand, gently tracing along the cool metal ring that Oliver was still hyper aware of, after a little less than a month wearing it. “Talk about unthinkable. You and me.”
“You changed my life from the moment I walked into your office and you told me you knew who I was,” Oliver countered, taking her hand and wrapping his fingers through it. “It was never an easy road. But we made it here.”
“A quiet family Christmas,” she said with a smile before yawning and snuggling back into his chest. “I love you, Mr. Smoak.”
A wide grin came across Oliver’s face, a deep contentment and peace filling his soul. When he’d returned from Lian Yu, he never would have been able to imagine anything like this. He never thought he would deserve anything like this. But bit by bit, hard learned lesson by hard learned lesson, he’d moved from the broken man who left the island to the man he was today. Brother. Father. And husband to the incomparable Felicity Smoak. “I love you, Mrs. Queen.”
“No, Mrs. Queen was my mother-in-law,” came the sleepy response. Oliver chuckled, keeping her hand wrapped in his until he drifted off to sleep to the strains of Auld Lang Syne, the lights of the Christmas tree twinkling and catching on the unwrapped cellophane from the candy cane boxes still strewn across the living room.
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skcolicity · 7 years
Happy birthday, birthday twin! I hope you have a wonderful, fantastic day, full of accurate speculations and good Olicity gifs. ;) Happy birthday, Sue!
Thank you Rachel!! Hugs and kisses!
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austencello · 4 years
One of the ways I process saying goodbye is through music.  So instead of writing a review for 8x09, I wrote a musical arrangement of Oliver Queen themes as a goodbye.  To all the friends I have made who have loved this show at its many stages, thank you for making this journey even better.
@herskirtsarentthatshort @pulpklatura @mel-loves-all @scu11y22 @smoakmonster @withgraceandlight99 @cogentranting @dmichellewrites @ah-maa-zing @almondblossomme @dust2dust34 @jorahandal @latinasmoak @hotcookinmama @jedichick04 @jbuffyangel @thegeriatricfangirl
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laurabelle2930 · 4 years
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Okay it’s way late @hope-for-olicity because work really does get in the way! Happy Birthday once again! 
As Oliver said the pen red...
@mel-loves-all @memcjo @cainc3 @tdgal1 @green-arrows-of-karamel @vaelisamaza @redpensandgreenarrows @ireland1733 @scu11y22 @independent-fics @runyxwrites @sweetzcupcake @swordandarrow @it-was-a-red-heeler @emmilynestill @emmaamelia95 @magda1102 @coal000 @almondblossomme @diggo26 @rivaroma-blog @befitandchase @andjustforthismoment @anonymiss118 @thelockpickingvictorian @yet-i-remain-quiet @kathrynelizabeth89 @marniforolicity @marytagus @myhauntedblacksoul @myuntetheredsoul @blondiegrl00 @felicity-said-just-in-case @i-m-a-fan-world @malafle @emilyp05 @oliverfel4 @charlinert @missafairy @arrows-4ever @jaspertown @captainolicitysbedroom @nalla-madness @smoakingarrow19 @lalawo1 @wherethereissmoak @thebookjumper @jedichick04 @missyriver 
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swordandarrow · 5 years
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@1-crazy-dreamer @ah-maa-zing @alanna-the-lionheart @alexiablackbriar13 @allimariexf
@almondblossomme @andjustforthismoment @arrow-crack @arrowgirl20 @arrowgirl23
@arrow-through-my-writers-block @athenaagron @aussieforgood @babblingblondegenius
@bazingagubicorn   @bb-olicity @befitandchase @bifelicitys@bindy417 @bisexualfelicity
@bitchwhwifi @blondeeoneexox @bokayjunkie @bookolicitynessa @cainc3 @callistawolf
@candykizzes24 @charlie-leau@cherchersketch  @coal000 @cogentranting @crazycrystal10  
@cruzrogue @dianasmatthews @dmichellewrites @charlinert @doe-eyed-girly-evil
@dust2dust34 @ebett @eloquence-of-felicities @emilybettsource@fandombookmark
@feilcityqueen @felicitisqueen @felicitysmoakdaily @felicitysmoakgifs @felicitysmoakq
@foreverxyoungxwildxfree @frembett @fyeahebr @geneshaven @gothsmoak
@green-arrows-of-karamel @hope-for-olicity @it-was-a-red-heeler @jaspertown  
@jbuffyangel @jedichick04 @jhopq @jules85 @katluna90olicity @klarolicityswan
@laurabelle2930 @lostolicityscenes@lucyyh @lyricalarrow @magda1102
@marytagus @mel-loves-all @memcjo @mindramblingfics@miriam1779 @missafairy
@missyriver @mogirl97 @mortallock @msbeccieboo @nalla-madness @oliverdant
@oliverfel4 @oliverfelicitygifs @oliversfelicity @oliverxfelicity @onceuponanolicity
@oneofakindxx @pintofmintchip @pleasantfanandstudent @quebecolicityfanart
@queensarrow @quiveringbunny @rua1412 @ruwithmeguys @saebrfan @scu11y22
@segsibongsoon @shaniartist @smkkbert @smoak-and-mirrors @smoakfoxxgoddess
@smoaking-greenarrow @smoakmonster @smoakqueenz @songbin @spartandiggle
@spaztronautwriter @stellahellaviola @storyteller0311 @supersillyanddorky06
@talkingtomyquiver @tangled23works @tdgal1 @thebookjumper @tinaday3w
@truevampireslovers @turtlejustice @V4l13 @vaelisamaza @virelove
@walker-oliciter @wherethereissmoak @whoeveryoulovethemost
@wifiandbow @wildirish23 @wrldtravler                                                                                                                                                                                                 ...and to the whole Olicity fandom
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - August 10th, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them.
The Omega Project! multi-chapter complete by @oliversmuse - Oliver Queen was enjoying being the strong Alpha on campus at Harvard when he met and fell in love with Felicity Smoak, a strong Omega who was going to school nearby at MIT. Their time together was amazing until one day she disappeared. There was no note and no trace that she had ever existed. Oliver is now the most powerful Alpha in Star City, and he will move heaven and earth to find out what happened to his Omega. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15330348/chapters/35569281
Even Now by @smoaking-greenarrow - Olicity Hiatus Fic-a-thon - Prompt: Comfort, based on a Dashboard Confessionals song. http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/162929596194/even-now
We're All Zeros and Ones Beneath Our Skin by @alexiablackbriar13 - Oliver Queen is a top-level CIA agent, with a high affinity for weapons and strategy. He’s just been placed on Operation Overwatch, the most difficult mission of his entire life. Felicity Smoak is a Deviant, a woman with powers who can control tech and electricity. She’s also Number 1 on the CIA’s Most Wanted list and seemingly intent on attacking every government-run scientific facility in the country. She’s his next target. His job is to find her, capture her and bring her in. But as the truth of why exactly Felicity is doing what she’s doing comes to light, and Oliver and Felicity slowly begin to trust each other, everything is about to change. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15550638
Be Intehaan (Limitless) by @crazycrystal10 - Olicity Hiatus Fic-a-thon - Prompt: Comfort - AU In a fight, they are lethal. Around each other, they melt. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11492451/chapters/25779219
B is for Better With You by @smoakmonster - Oliver and Felicity are the last people in the world qualified to offer comfort. Or maybe they are exactly qualified to comfort one another. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11497494
The Queen's Mage multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Words have power, and mages, those with the aptitude to draw on that power, are few in number. Thus, their services are highly sought after by anyone who has exhausted all mundane means of solving whatever problem is plaguing them. Felicity is reminded of this fact the hard way when she is hired by Moira Queen, the Lady Starling, to find and return to her son Oliver, who fled his family home five years ago following the death of his father. With a threat hanging over her should she return without Robert Queen's heir, Felicity begins her search. When she finds Oliver, and ends up joining his vigilante crusade while she waits for him to decide whether to return home, the last thing she expects to do is fall in love with him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14617068/chapters/33781269
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
Wine and Bubbles by @felicityollies - Prompt: one more time - Oliver and Felicity treat themselves to a quiet night in, featuring wine and bubble baths. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11034534/chapters/25801581
Most Secrets Come with a Price multi-chapter WIP by @diggo26 - Oliver Queen wants to get his life back in order. He seeks out an old friend, Felicity Smoak, believing she is the one person who can help him. With years passed and both having grown, will spending so much time together forever change their relationship? But not all is as it seems. When secrets, the past, family, and life, all start to unravel before him, can Oliver trust anyone? https://archiveofourown.org/works/11055969/chapters/24650409
The Eternal Love multi-chapter WIP by Mellowyellowdiamonds - Forced into a loveless marriage to Al Sah Him by her ageing and clearly looney adopted father Ra's Al Ghul, Felicity Smoak tries her best to plot her way out of this "terrible" marriage in a bid to regain her freedom. Her husband however has other ideas and is determined to foil her plans every step of the way. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15328269/chapters/35564142
Everything Has Changed multi-chapter WIP by @perfectlittlesoul - Teenage pregnancy but Oliver is not the father...sweet http://archiveofourown.org/works/9118960/chapters/21523406
One More Time by @wetsuiton - Prompt: One more time - Oliver makes Felicity pancakes and it brings back some memories  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11084547/chapters/25827186
Say a Little Prayer by @felicityollies - During their travels, Oliver discovers a lot about Felicity, including a bedtime tradition. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11510928
Trailers and Tea by @imusuallyobsessed - Felicity is home sick with the flu, and Oliver takes time off to care for her. That does not mean watching the trailer announcing the 13th Doctor twenty-nine times. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11521896
The Paths We Take multi-chapter WIP by griever11 - Rival CEOs AU. Felicity Smoak, CEO and founder of her own company, is trying to prove herself in the cutthroat world of the technology industry among the other bigwigs in the game. Oliver Queen, recently back from the dead is trying to prove to the world that he's no longer the same man-child who went down on the Queen's Gambit and is finally worthy of his family's legacy. Both equally formidable names in the corporate world. And both with a long, complicated history with each other that no one but themselves are privy to. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15314133/chapters/35530296
One Surprise Too Many by @laureningall - Oliver launches his second campaign for Mayor since his interim term is coming to an end. The press knows a better story when it sees it, in the form of a sparkly ring on Felicity Smoak's finger. Oliver is frustrated. Felicity thinks it's funny. All Donna wants to do is throw them another engagement party! https://archiveofourown.org/works/11531292
Dinner with the Chef multi-chapter WIP by @bitchwhwifi - They meet at the grocery store and argue about pasta. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11183121
One More Time by @diggo26 - Post 5x23. Oliver and Felicity share a night alone. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11056575/chapters/25912230
I Do by @perfectlittlesoul - After many failed attempts at a wedding, Oliver and Felicity finally decide to elope to one of their favourite places. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11518767
Quiet Lullaby Story Time by @cruzrogue - One of Oliver's favorite roles is being a father. Dad Oliver's mundane tradition in trying to get his kids to bed and to sleep yet another normal night in the Queen household with storytimes and lullabies. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11549724
The Arrow Protocol by @alexiablackbriar13 - Getting Oliver Queen completely and utterly high on oxycodone so the archer can have surgery on his busted knee is not what radiologist Emma Colburn expects to be doing on her night shift, but here she is. Although his flirting with his wife is pretty adorable. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15579570
Slave Unto the Night multi-chapter WIP by @jedichick04 - A collection of drabbles and ficlets from my Tumblr. Mainly Olicity focused. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3880951/chapters/8675395
A Queen: Shadowed Knights multi-chapter complete by @missyriver - She runs silently. Her bare feet slapping on the ground echoing in the shadows. She avoids the lights, hiding amongst the shadow. She stops behind a garbage dumpster to take in her surroundings, trying to slow down her breathing. She needs to think. She needs to figure out where she is. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11203470/chapters/36182550
Whiskey and Romance multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity Smoak gets the opportunity of a lifetime to compete for the hand of Prince Tommy Merlyn. She is taken from her normal mundane Vegas life and is soon swept up into a lifestyle full of nobles, drama, obligations and chaos. All the while trying to stay afloat, someone else begins to win her heart, Tommy’s best friend, Oliver Queen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14441952/chapters/33357156
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
10 Rules of Rebounding multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - Oliver and Felicity start a sex relationship as rebounds for each other. What’s supposed to be just fun, soon gets complicated when it turns out that their work lives collide, Robert Queen fears their sexual relationship could threaten his company and an ex comes back into the play. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15403404/chapters/35749620
Felicity Smoak and the City of Gold multi-chapter complete by @acheaptrickandacheesyoneline - She didn’t plan on ever having an adventure unless it said ‘turn to page 34 to open the door’, but somewhere between being kissed in the library and running from a one-eyed man with a gun, Felicity was pretty sure adventure had found her whether she wanted it or not. It's like The Mummy, only not really. - AMAZING!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/11464392/chapters/25703112
The Reason multi-chapter WIP by flipflops - Oliver is an Alpha and Felicity is an Omega....circumstances lead Oliver to find this out and a very bad time or maybe very good time... https://archiveofourown.org/works/15012431
Above All Else multi-chapter WIP by shesimperfect_butshetries - A different take on episode 6x14: Rene shoots but Oliver jumps in front of Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14101470/chapters/32490537
Oliver the (Divorce) Lawyer multi-chapter WIP @someonesaidcake - Black tie, white shirt, grey suit... when Oliver put them on that chilly December morning, he hadn't planned on meeting her. 'Her' being Felicity Smoak, the sassy dark haired college student and daughter of his (only) client. This should be fun... https://archiveofourown.org/works/14823708/chapters/34304472
Someday by @smoaking-greenarrow - Felicity finds out that she is pregnant after 5x20 bunker sex. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11294574
Re-Airrow: Episode 2x02 by @lostolicityscenes - I loved this whole little scene between Oliver & Felicity (and Diggle). I wish Arrow did more lighter scenes like this. I wrote a little fill-in-the-blanks scene to explain Oliver’s reasoning some more. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/176747703116/re-airrow-episode-2x02-an-i-loved-this-whole
// @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 //
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thebookjumper · 6 years
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Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon - Week 4: Closed Door.
Hello, everyone!  I know - I’m SO far behind.  I’m trying to play catch up over the next week or so.  Thank you for all your support these past few weeks - that’s why this fandom is the absolute best.   We had some awesome submissions for this prompt - so everyone should go check them out!
The fics for this week are:
(In no particular order)
On The Other Side by @geneshaven - Rating: Not Rated - Oliver comes home.
Open and Closed Doors by @hope-for-olicity - Rating: General Audiences - Felicity remembers all the open and closed doors throughout her relationship with Oliver.
Hidden Talents - Chapter 2: When One Door Closes Open A Window For Fresh Air by @laureningall - Rating: Teen and Up - Oliver is well on his way to taking over his family company after closing the door on his former playboy lifestyle. His new role would mean more trips to Palmer Technologies and he hoped, a chance to meet up with Felicity Smoak once again. He would bet that she was just breath of fresh air his life needed.
Kingdom Come - Chapter 2: Love Is An Open Door by @dmichellewrites - Rating: Explicit - Superheroes in a farmhouse combine with intriguing reunions.
Closeted Confessions (Made in a Bathroom) by @thatmasquedgirl - Rating: Mature - Oliver and Felicity come clean. Literally. They both take showers. More Pineapple Investigations, this time involving a towel, two confessions, and an awkward entrance.
Come, Tell Me How You Live - Chapter 4: Closed Door by @smewhereelse - Rating: Teen and Up - Oliver gets locked out, Felicity to the rescue.
Through a Closed Door by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Rating: General Audiences - An alternate way for Felicity to have found out about Oliver's plan to propose.
I'm Glue, Baby - Chapter 3: Save Your Heart by @felicityollies - Rating: Explicit - Oliver has hidden himself away from the world. He’s closed the door on his heart to keep himself from getting hurt. After everything that happened on Lian Yu and in Jurassic World who could blame him. But when his ex-girlfriend, Felicity, comes to ask him to help save the last remaining dinosaurs on the island, including his beloved raptor, Blue, he has some important decisions to make.
Lie(s?) No More by @mindramblingsfics - Rating: Mature - Life is great and then it's turned upside down. Oliver Queen thought he had a kush security job for the CIA, while spending time with the woman he loved, Felicity Smoak. The moment Oliver came across some key information, he was soon wrapped up in things way above his pay grade. To keep Felicity safe, he was forced to come clean about his real career previously keeping her in the dark. Ultimately, he sacrificed their relationship to keep her safe. After a year apart, they cross paths again.
A Queen - Chapter 4: The Queen's Shadow by @missyriver - Rating: Teen and Up - It's been six weeks since the attack; Felicity and Oliver are moving on with their lives. He is watching, waiting and soon he'll make his move from the shadows.
audere est facere, olicity by @effie214 - Rating: Not Rated - He dared, so they do, too. For six years, a man in a hood led a movement to try and save their city. Now it’s their turn to save him.
Don’t forget to let me know if I missed yours somehow - I try my best, but I’m only human.  If I did, let me know and I’ll send it back around!
@missyriver @almondblossomme @spaztronautwriter @wherethereissmoak @felicityollies @cainc3 @wanhani @dust2dust34 @cruzrogue @hope-for-olicity @babblekween @dmichellewrites @callistawolf @the-queenfamily @angelalafan @bokayjunkie @moonbebesworld @scu11y22 @jamyjan @crankyandbitchy @geniewithwifi @smoakingskye @some1foundme @xxlissaxxx @nerdyandturdy @imusuallyobsessed @leonie1988 @miriam1779 @diggo26 @amphoteros @tdgal1 @jedichick04 @walker-oliciter @squidbillybritt @green-arrows-of-karamel @uhhmanderrmitch @smoakmonster @ourwritinginvein @spacemomnephmoreau @gypsyfire1066 @creativelylisa @sharingmyworld @laurabelle2930 @overwatchandarrow @pennedbyv @dinzbinz @jlr1224 @crazycrystal10 @ccdimples88 @perfectlittlesoul @mariposablue9 @quiveringbunny @thearrowandhisgirlwednesday @mammashof @1106angel @onceuponanolicity @fallingmeleth @mel-loves-all @releaseurinhibitions @thatmasquedgirl @babblingblondegenius @bitchwhwifi @olicitysmoaky @lover4eternity @a-w-mouse @rynflo @charlinert @laureningall @madhaj @arrowfan437 @obibaldwin @smewhereelse @memcjo @pleasantfanandstudent @chachurka @truemyth @jemmaacarters @ivorykeys09 @mshellbrat @smoaking-greenarrow @greensmoak00 @bowsmoakandarrow @deathanddignitybedamned  @mje-thomas @lunaqueen-45 @lemmyeatspeaches  @onceuponanolicity @folly1977 @it-was-a-red-heeler @sovvannight @cinfos  @smoakmonster @lageniuswannabe @hollywoodkats @lovelycssefan @flowerandsunshine @wedoitallthetime @allimariexf   @ivorykeys09  @xghost-fox-goddesssx @erika-amber @jennonthewire @swordandarrow @devotedolicityfan @24karatgem @theshipsfirstmate @fellicityqueen @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl @effie214
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olicitysecretsanta · 6 years
Olicity Secret Santa 2017 Masterpost
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Hi, Lovelies!
Holidays are (almost) over and so is our little project this year. I hope you all had fun participating and got the gifts you wished for - here and outside of Tumblr. 
We want to thank everyone for participating with these wonderful gifts. If you have any suggestions for how to improve things, so more people can join in or it’s getting easier for the participants, we are always open for suggestion.
Now, to make sure no gift is overlooked, here is a masterlist of all the gifts that were submitted: 
Easy as cake by @felicitysollie for @sadfangirl05
I could live by the light in your eyes by @iwannabewithyou-unsafe for @smoak-and-mirrors
Interrupted by @sarahreesemd for @cherchersketch
We’ve got tonight by @just-arrowolicity for @effie214
If the fates allow by @effie214 for @crazycrystal10
Cold December Night by @sparklesannie for @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl
Little Cocoon of Forever by @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl for @wetsuiton
A Holiday for Two by @olicitysmoaky for @the-silverforked-sky
A forgotten holiday by @onceuponanolicity for @blackcanarydinah
That’s Christmas to me by @smkkbert for @magda1102
Better with you by @lgtwinkie99 for @bitchwhwifi
My lovely Olicity - A poem by @jaspertown for @lgtwinkie99
On the run by @sadfangirl05 for @feilcityqueen
William’s first Hanukkah by @imusuallyobsessed for @fistis
A Christmas (Tree) to remember by @lovejesusarrowavengersblog for @bri617aroundtheworld
Unbreak my heart by @tdgal1 for @shaniartist
Having fun by @wetsuition by @hope-for-olicity
Mystery Solved by @ginervamariechaseeverdeen for @felicityollies
(x) by @bitchwhwifi for @wherethereissmoak
Holiday Traditions for @wherethereissmoak for @ginervamariechaseeverdeen
Rings by @sweetme86 for @tdgal1
Matched by @spaztronautwriter for @emeraldoliverqueen
Second Date Update by @emeraldoliverqueen for @redpensandgreenarrows
This I swear by @blackcanarydinah for @oliverfel4
A very magical Christmas by @hope-for-olicity for @nerdyandturdy
Love has everything to do with it by @nerdyandturdy for @iwannabewithyou
The little green secret by @green-arrows-of-karamel for @purselover2
First kiss by @purselover2 for @dreamsofolicity
Sparks and flutters by @christinabeggs for @bowsmoakandarrow 
Metamorphosis by @it-was-a-red-heeler for @bandanab310
The Betting Games by @katanaxqueen for @sarahreesemd
Holiday Glitter by @crazycrystal10 for @vaelisamaza
By your side by @jedichick04 for @queeningrid
‘Twas The Night Before Christmas by @misscrazyfangirl321 for @bazingagubicorn
The great candy cane caper by @sparklesannie for @jedichick04
(x) by @bowsmoakandarrow for @laureningall
Don’t go to bed angry by @laureningall for @jaspertown
The sounds of Christmas by @bandanab310 for @lageniuswannabe
Planning by @lageniuswannabe for @gohstfoxgoddess
William’s Dad by @cruzrogue for @queeningrid 
Freeze, Frame, Pause, Rewind, Stop by @bri617aroundtheworld for @olicitysmoaky
Finding my way back to you by @insecureneuroticcontrolfreakk for @alanna-the-lionheart
Up in flames by @lovejesusarrowavengersblog for @missyriver
A tree full of hope by @vaelisamaza for @onceuponanolicity
An unexpected family by @alanna-the-lionheart for @bokayjunkie
Twitterpated by @jennonthewire by @imusuallyobsessed
Fanarts and edits
(x) by @oliverfel4 for @speechgirl22 
(x) by @fistis for @charlinert
(x) by @cherchersketch for @sweetme86
(x) by @shaniartist for @misscrazyfangirl321
(x) by @canadianbeauty2 for @mel-loves-all
(x) by @mel-loves-all for @smoakmonster
(x) by @gohstfoxgoddess for @spaztronautwriter
(x) by @magda1102 for @just-arrowolicity
Every breath, every hour has come to this... by @feilcityqueen for @fallingmeleth
We were strangers on a crazy adventure by @fallingmeleth for @stellahellaviola
Olicity * “I love you” by @dreamsofolicity for @eloquence-of-felicities
I belong to you by @the-silverforked-sky for @canadianbeauty2
(x) by @stellahellaviola for @missyriver
Won’t give up by @smoak-and-mirrors for @smoakedvigilanties
(x) by @bokayjunkie for @katanaxqueen
olicity + vehicles by @turtlejustice for @jennonthewire
Merry Christmukkah from the Smoak-Queen family by @bazingagubicorn for @cruzrogue
True love is by @charlinert to @christinabeggs
The key to success by @redpensandgreenarrows for @green-arrows-of-karamel
We three Queens by @smoakmonster for @smkkbert
(x) by @valery6488 from @it-was-a-red-heeler
*because of some technical difficulties, this video wasn’t available on our blog, but here it is now.
(x) by @speechgirl22 for @valery6488
(x) by @eloquence-of-felicities for @turtlejustice
Leather & Lace by @smoakedvigilanties for @insecureneuroticcontrolfreakk
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The Arrow plot twist we never saw coming...
Well, sort of... I believe most in the Arrow fandom knew S8 would most likely be the last season of Arrow, but a shortened season? When was that ever in the cards!? Hello my lovely Arrow fandom friends and followers! I know that it’s been a minute since I’ve been on here - to live blog or otherwise - but real life (aka work life) decided to ramp up in February, and things became a little hectic. So, there’s been no real time to sit and live blog, or write fanfic. Just browse quickly and reblog a few things. 
In light of Stephen’s rather unexpected news on FB this afternoon (100% broke down watching him get emotional), I just wanted to write a few things down and share just what this show has done for and meant to me...
I came to Arrow late in the game. I binged watched seasons 1 & 2 right before season 3 started, and quickly found myself immersed in the story and in love with the show! I was excited to see what the future seasons would bring!! 
This was right around the time I was figuring out my tumblr page. A college friend of mine knew just how invested I can get in shows/movies/fandom and suggested that I should join tumblr; I would love it. However... for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what the hell tumblr was, I just didn’t get it. Arrow changed that for me. When I became a part of the Arrow fandom something finally clicked. And it only got better from there...
~ I finally had a new ship! While I may have many “minor” ships, there are only a few that really grab a hold of me and I invest my time in. Sarah and Jareth from Labyrinth were my first. They brought me to fandom and fanfiction; however, Olicity renewed my love and desire to be involved in it. Thanks to the amazing Olicity fanfic that was already out there, I had plot bunnies popping out of burrows for the first time in years! And with some gentle urging from @skcolicity - the first person I had the courage to talk to in the fandom - I wrote and posted my first fanfic in ages! 
Olicity felt real and grounded (for the most part, ha!). They were a TV couple that felt relatable. It appeared new and exciting, something that really hadn’t be done on a TV show yet. Or, at least in one that I watched. I was so happy to be ficcing and shipping again!
~ I have friends! In 2014, when S3 started, I was only 2 years into this post-college life called the “Real World”. I was in a new city, family and friends were miles away, and I was adulting all on my own. Pretty much the only friends I had were co-works, and while I have some great work friends, I felt limited in my social life. I had no idea to branch out. But thanks to Arrow, that all changed!
I gained internet friends, and it was so nice to talk (and squee) about something that didn’t involve what I did for a living! @arrow-through-my-writers-block and @hopedreamlovepray were two of my first fanfic author crushes. Their works inspired my own writing, and luckily they both became two of my closest fandom friends. (Ladies, I love you both <3.)
Next was taking the plunge and meeting some fandom friends in real life! This led me to @jedichick04 and @mel-loves-all. These ladies changed my life, and they probably don’t even realize it. Because, taking that plunge to meet them was the best decision I could have made. My list of internet-to-real life friends only grew from there:
@ireland1733, @scu11y22, @laurabelle2930, @emmilynestill, @smoakingbabbles, @lyricalarrow, Kai, Meg, and Brittany. All of you are blessings in my life, and I am so happy to have met you, and gotten to know you. *MUAH* 
~ I went to a con! The idea of SDCC has always seemed like a pipe dream to me. If I ever get to go, that would be awesome, but I’m not going to hold my breath. However, I did get a chance to do the thing were you meet the people from the show(s) that you love, take pictures with them, get autographs, hear stories, and gain so many memories! Attending HVFF (two years in a row!) was such an amazing experience. I’ve written about them here on my blog, and both years were such a blast! I know I never would have gone if it wasn’t for Arrow...
I know this (suddenly longer that I anticipated) post seems like a “goodbye”, but I promise you I’m not going anywhere! Arrow may be ending next year, but not my time in this fandom! I plan to keep writing for Olicity when to muse strikes, and I certainly plan to continue being involved in the Arrow/Olicity fandom here on tumblr. 
I just wanted to express my gratitude for a show that has come to mean more to me than I ever expected. Arrow has had it’s ups and downs throughout the years, but this fandom has always been there and it has been such a joy. Now before I wrap this up, just a couple more things...
@dust2dust34, @anthfan, @so-caffeinated, @millennialfangirl, @supersillyanddorky06, @bytemegeekette, @effie214, @sentence-fragments, @jsevick, @sophie1973, @tinaday3w, @deadlybingo, @yet-i-remain-quiet, @smoakmonster, @realityisoverrated-fic, and @mogirl97 thank you for your fic, your art, and your contributions to the Arrow and Olicity fandoms. But most importantly thank you for your friendship <3. You’ve made this fandom such an awesome place to be. 
The above list and anyone else tagged in this post is by no means a complete list of who I want to give a shoutout to. I know I’m missing/forgetting people and I am so so sorry!!! But please know if you follow me, if we’ve had an interaction of any kind: you are awesome, thank you for being a part of this awesome fandom, and all my love to you guys!!
Arrow fandom: you are my always! Cheers!
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missmudpie · 6 years
Tumblr Tag
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Originally posted by thedoomydogs
@ah-maa-zing - Thanks for the tag!  I’m going to follow your lead and also do five.
3 5 Fandoms:
Arrowverse (even though I’ve stopped watching um, all the shows - but I fully intend to binge LoT this summer!)
The 100
The West Wing
Agents of SHIELD
The Americans
The first character you loved:
I came to Arrow towards the end of the second season, and a large part of what drew me in was all the chatter about Felicity Smoak.  So I’ll go with her.  But if I’d started from the beginning, it probably would have been Diggle, just because of his early Season One facial reactions to all the bullshit excuses Oliver was spewing.
Again, came to this in the second season because I kept seeing Bellarke cross my dash, so I was already predisposed to love Clarke and Bellamy.  So, yeah - we’ll go with those two.  
 Phil Coulson.  His death in Avengers didn’t make such a big impact on me, but I fell for him hard in the pilot.  Also, FitzSimmons.
Henry.  HAHAHA just kidding.  Love isn’t the right word.  I was intrigued by Elizabeth from her first scene and she still captivates me.  Philip is also a really interesting character, but it’s Elizabeth - wife, mother, Soviet spy - who I feel I could watch for ten more seasons and still not fully unpack or understand all of what makes her tick.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Sara Lance.  I thought she was a really interesting addition in Season Two of Arrow, but didn’t think too much about her, especially since she left at the end of Season Two.  I figured she’d pop up for a few eps every season.  Then they shot her full of arrows and threw her off a roof and - oof.  I didn’t realize how much I was going to miss her til she was gone.  I love who she’s become on LoT and watching her become a Captain has been amazing.
Murphy.  That little cockroach has really grown on me.  And Kane.  For the first few episodes of Season One, I would look at him and be like, “Ugh, Desmond would be so ashamed.”  But then the Culling happened.  Watching him grow and change has been amazing.
Ainsley Hayes.  What’s so funny about her is she was only in - a dozen? - episodes, yet she made such an impact on the show.  Also - Alan Alda.  I love Alan Alda in anything and everything.
Skye/Daisy.  Look, let’s just all admit that the pre-CA:TWS episodes were - not great.  And Skye just - she didn’t connect with me.  This sarcastic hacktavist I didn’t really trust - not because I thought she was bad, but because the mistakes she would make were SO STUPID.  And now look at her - Saving the world and leading SHIELD.  This show has really excelled at growing its characters in a way that feels organic and natural.  
Oleg.  I don’t know when it happened, but I’ve grown attached to that man, and I fear he’s not going to make it back to his wife and son come series end.
The character you relate to the most:
The crew of the Waverider.  Only because I would also be like a kid in a candy store if I got to travel through time.
Bellamy.  Because I, too, am a history nerd trying to keep children alive.
None of them?
The character you’d slap:
I haven’t watched a full episode of Arrow since Oliver and Felicity’s reception, but apparently in finale he goes to jail?? Without consulting Felicity??? Leaving her alone to raise the son he lied about and visited while she was paralyzed in the hospital????  Yeah, I’d slap him.  Or, more accurately, I’d like to slap the Arrow writers who can’t write their way out of a paper bag.
People on this show either don’t deserve to be slapped, or would kill me if I slapped them, so, yeah.
Ward 1.0.  Like, OG traitor Ward, not the thing he became in Season 3.
@lerayon sing it with me: Paige is the WOOOOORST (Although not as The Worst this season as she has been?)
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
I’m kinda mad at everyone right now?  Okay, okay, I won’t be such a sourpuss.  Arrow: OTA, obvi.  Flash: Joe West, Iris, Caitlin (HM: Cisco).  LoT: Sara, Martin, Jax (HM: Rip Hunter)
Clarke, Bellamy, Raven
I reject the premise of the question.
So, remember at the end of Season Three, we knew whoever had the cross necklace was going to die, and the cast just kept passing it around like a hot potato?  Those were the most stressful episodes for me.  They are all my faves.
I’m two episodes behind because I was out of town, but it looks like the screws are tightening and it’s all coming down to Elizabeth, Philip and Stan and I am HERE for this.
Character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Curtis.  UGH, Curtis.  Also, has Barry finally stopped fucking with the timeline? 
I remember being intrigued by Jaha early on, but then he went prophet-crazy and I wasn’t really ever able to reconnect with him after all that.  And this will get me in TROUUUBLE - Lexa.  When she was first introduced - a young woman Commander who could work with and square off against Clarke - I thought she was great.  But then Season Three happened, and to be honest a lot of it has to do with the fandom.  I still think Lexa is a really interesting, complex character - but she’s very much an antagonist, and her actions are really problematic.  And I would have fun discussing or debating that.  But some in the fandom only see her as THE Hero, and are pretty ruthless when you disagree.
I tried to think of one, I really did. 
The only one I can think for this is when Ward just kept coming back, even as the evil thing in Season Three.  It just started to feel like the show was reluctant to let go of the actor (who, by all accounts, seems to be a lovely person).
It’s hard to put these characters in “like” and “don’t like” boxes.  EVERYONE does really horrible things at times.  
Character you did not like at first but do now:
Ray Palmer.  I will admit that I was late to the “Ray is a Stalker” train, back when I was trying to talk myself into the idea that he could be good for Felicity while we all waited for Oliver to get his head out of his ass - but yeah.  Ray on Arrow was not good.  Ray on Legends, on the other hand, is a delight, as long as he’s not actively pursuing someone romantically.  
Again, Murphy, Kane.  I came into the show knowing Bellamy was a fanfave, but those first couple of episodes are rough for him.
Okay, I got one -Bruno Gianelli.  Because when he’s working for the Bartlet Campaign, he’s annoying because he’s going against what Our Guys want.  But when he’s with the Vinick Campaign, I really started appreciating him.  I liked him so much better when he was an external antagonist.
Skye, as I said.  May really grew on me, as well.  Again, the character growth on this show is just outstanding.
Martha.  Poor, poor Martha.
Three OTP’s:
Olicity, obviously.  It’s the reason I still keep one eye on the show.  I shipped Sara and Rip Hunter back Season One (and Two), but it looks like that will never happen.  Sara and Nyssa, another one I shipped.  Diggle and Lyla don’t get nearly enough screentime but I love them.  And I was very happy to hear Thea and Roy got their happy ending.  
Bellarke!!  Battle Couple Supreme, the Head and the Heart, their hugs kill me so when they finally kiss I will probably implode.
Josh and Donna, from Day One.  Going out on a limb, I feel like CJ and Toby had a really special connection.  I think they loved each other, but never would have been happy in a relationship with each other.  Jed and Abby Bartlet.  And I would have liked to have seen Sam and Ainsley really make a go at it.
FitzSimmons.  He jumped through a wormhole to another planet to save her!  She went into an AU simulation to rescue him!  Also, May and Coulson - we don’t normally see more “mature” couples on shows today, but their development was pitch-perfect, even if the show did make me wait til the very end.
Elizabeth and Philip’s marriage and relationship is one of the more complex and fascinating ones on TV.  The first season was about them actually committing to each other and their marriage.  Their secret marriage ceremony (in Russian!) is one of the most romantic things I’ve ever seen on a show.  Now, we’re watching their marriage under immense strain and I have no idea what’s going to happen and WHY IS THIS SHOW ENDING???  Other Americans OTPs: Martha x Happiness; Stan x Office Robot.
No pressure, but if you’re looking for something fun: @lerayon @millennialfangirl @eilowyn1 @machawicket @scu11y22 @jedichick04 @almondblossomme
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The Great Candy Cane Caper
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BZl4PP
by jedichick04
Oliver shares his favorite Christmas traditions with his family over two very different Christmases. Mild spoilers for 6x09.
Words: 3793, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Arrow (TV 2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, Thea Queen, William Clayton (Arrow)
Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak
Additional Tags: Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Original Team Arrow, Christmas traditions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BZl4PP
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austencello · 5 years
Last year, I released my arrangement for Oliver Queen Season 2 for cello and piano on SoundCloud. It took me about a year to finally get it up on YouTube!
Also, I have a fantastic collaboration for Oliver’s Season 3 coming soon with @jorahandal
It has taken us months working on it but it is by leaps and bounds the best sounding arrangement I have done. I also think Season 3 has some of the best music of the series including “The Climb” and “Convince Him.” So, while some of you are looking forward to season 8 and some prefer to look back in nostalgia, you can look forward to this project coming soon!
@herskirtsarentthatshort @smoakmonster @ah-maa-zing @mel-loves-all @pulpklatura @academyofshipping @thegeriatricfangirl @scu11y22 @latinasmoak @dust2dust34 @almondblossomme @dmichellewrites @jedichick04
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laurabelle2930 · 5 years
Why Arrow 7x22 actually gave me hope...
So it's been no secret that I've been absent from social media lately. I could say it was real life and, frankly it would be true. I was promoted only to then be demoted about two months later. The guy got the job and I the female was told I wasn't good enough and frankly never would be.
I struggled with that gender equality issue for about a month. I was depressed and, I honestly just felt lost. I've spent two years proving that I was the right person for the job and, it hurt when I learned that my boss would never promote me because I'm a woman. To say I've had a rough time with that would be an understatement.
This past Friday I was in an accident where I broke my foot. Thankfully it was only two very small bones and I'm healing beautifully. It honestly could've been a disaster but, I apparently still had some luck up my sleeve.
I could use all of this but, it was hard for me to rejoice in something that I no longer felt any joy in watching. I felt like Felicity had been sidelined and, don't get me started on Diggle, Oliver and, OTA. It was honestly hard to really get into Arrow so I didn't. I didn't watch past episode two of this season. I kept up with reviews and clips but, I couldn't watch as the show moved even further away from the show I loved. Then and I know for some it's an unpopular opinion but, they revealed who Mia was and, I honestly was interested. Now granted I knew Mia would be the child of Oliver and Felicity. It was quite clear but, and I know that not everyone liked her but, I did. Now I watched Shadowhunters and Kat was amazing as Clary. So that definitely helped but, I she was at least a character I could connect too. She was Oliver under different circumstances. He banter with William was amazing and, while she was awful to her mother I could see that Mia was hurting and, that was an emotion I could relate to.
So when EBR announced she was done I honestly thought so was I but, then the reviews came out and the clips followed and, then it clicked. Olicity was a port in the storm for me. I made lifelong friends and, found out that I might have a few talents I wasn't aware of. I found a place to belong and, last night I saw what brought me in to begin with. They're forever. They're eternal and, their love was made immortal. Most ships don't get an ending where the leads are together forever but we did. Felicity kept her word and, in the end found Oliver again. Last night I was given hope that while my life might not be amazing right now; it still has the potential to turn around. In the end I found hope again and, that's why I'm still grateful for a show that once again became a port in an ongoing storm.
Tagging: @hope-for-olicity @vaelisamaza @missyriver @miriam1779 @mel-loves-all @ireland1733 @redpensandgreenarrows @andjustforthismoment @scu11y22 @jedichick04 @emmaamelia95 @emmilynestill @quiveringbunny @independent-fics @love2luvyyou @almondblossomme @sweetzcupcake @tdgal1 @wherethereissmoak @green-arrows-of-karamel @kathrynelizabeth89 @onceuponarrow @nalla-madness @sabahuniverse @fangirlfromthenorthcountry @supersillyanddorky06 @blondiegrl00 @diggo26 @emmaamelia95 @coal000 @fluffy-cloud94 @it-was-a-red-heeler @lerayon @marniforolicity @pleasantfanandstudent and so many others thank you!!!
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swordandarrow · 5 years
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@1-crazy-dreamer @ah-maa-zing @alanna-the-lionheart @alexiablackbriar13 @allimariexf
@almondblossomme @andjustforthismoment @arrow-crack @arrowgirl20 @arrowgirl23
@arrow-through-my-writers-block @athenaagron @aussieforgood @babblingblondegenius
@bazingagubicorn   @bb-olicity @befitandchase @bifelicitys@bindy417 @bisexualfelicity
@bitchwhwifi @blondeeoneexox @bokayjunkie @bookolicitynessa @cainc3 @callistawolf
@candykizzes24 @charlie-leau@cherchersketch  @coal000 @cogentranting @crazycrystal10  
@cruzrogue @dianasmatthews @dmichellewrites @charlinert @doe-eyed-girly-evil
@dust2dust34 @ebett @eloquence-of-felicities @emilybettsource@fandombookmark
@feilcityqueen @felicitisqueen @felicitysmoakdaily @felicitysmoakgifs @felicitysmoakq
@foreverxyoungxwildxfree @frembett @fyeahebr @geneshaven @gothsmoak
@green-arrows-of-karamel @hope-for-olicity @it-was-a-red-heeler @jaspertown  
@jbuffyangel @jedichick04 @jhopq @jules85 @jules85 @katluna90olicity @klarolicityswan
@laurabelle2930 @lostolicityscenes@lucyyh @lyricalarrow @magda1102
@marytagus @mel-loves-all @memcjo @mindramblingfics@miriam1779 @missafairy
@missyriver @mogirl97 @mortallock @msbeccieboo @nalla-madness @oliverdant
@oliverfel4 @oliverfelicitygifs @oliversfelicity @oliverxfelicity @onceuponanolicity
@oneofakindxx @pintofmintchip @pleasantfanandstudent @quebecolicityfanart
@queensarrow @quiveringbunny @rua1412 @ruwithmeguys @saebrfan @scu11y22
@segsibongsoon @shaniartist @smkkbert @smoak-and-mirrors @smoakfoxxgoddess
@smoaking-greenarrow @smoakmonster @smoakqueenz @so-caffeinated@songbin @spartandiggle
@spaztronautwriter @stellahellaviola @storyteller0311 @supersillyanddorky06
@talkingtomyquiver @tangled23works @tdgal1 @thebookjumper @tinaday3w
@truevampireslovers @turtlejustice @V4l13 @vaelisamaza @virelove
@walker-oliciter @wherethereissmoak @whoeveryoulovethemost
@wifiandbow @wildirish23 @wrldtravler
....and to the Olicity fandom
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hope-for-olicity · 7 years
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Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! Hope you have a lovely day with lots of yummy food, drink, family and friends!
@wherethereissmoak @mel-loves-all @memcjo @tdgal1 @vaelisamaza @pleasantfanandstudent @quiveringbunny @scu11y22 @redpensandgreenarrows @quant-um-fizzx @emmilynestill @muslimsmoak @laurabelle2930 @jedichick04 and many, many more I’m sure I’m forgetting!
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