#jefferson davis x rio morales
cryptids-and-muses · 1 year
We saw how Miles’s parents reacted to Gwen, can you IMAGINE if he brought hobie home to meet them?!
The chaos holy shit.
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bellamer · 1 year
Despite popular belief, I dont think that Miles' parents would hate Hobie right off the bat:
Rio and Jefferson meeting Hobie but it plays out like that episode of Daria where Trent and Jane lived with Daria's family and they didn't know what to do because they've never really lived in a household with two parents that are at least semi involved in their lives
Like imagine by circumstance Hobie gets manipulated into staying at the Morales'-Davis household for a few days after Hobie accidentally says that his parents aren't around after Rio and Jefferson say that his parents are probably worried about him being out at their house late.
Rio insists because Hobie obviously doesn't eat enough and could use a few days of good meals and the bags under his eyes have bags and Jefferson agrees because Hobie needs someone to show him "guidance" and to help him "get his life together", and Miles is just shocked that his parents not only love his boyfriend, they basically made him a part of the family.
Hobie tries to be grateful at first but then he gets overwhelmed when Rio and Jefferson actually scold him for staying out too late because he's never had a curfew and they sit him down and talk to him about going to college and shit.
He gets so overwhelmed because their need to parent this boy is so strong, he makes up some bullshit about his "uncle" taking him into his custody just so he can go back to his universe.
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⚘ 1610!Miles Morales x black!fem!reader
⚘ fluff! use of n word like once, teen romance
⚘ summary: Miles and Y/n make a slideshow to convince his parents to be able to be in his room with the door closed.
⚘ wc: 631
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You and Miles were on his bed, sitting in silence a foot or so apart, which was odd because you two were never normally this awkward. Occasionally one of you would glance at the wide open door, revealing Miles's parents walking by here and there, which is why you two kept your distance.
For context, when you and Miles first started dating, you two weren't allowed in his room and had to stay in a public space like the living room; however, y'all are obnoxiously loud. When you two were playing games, loud. Even just talking, you two laughed loud. Except, when it was a movie night, it was quieter because y'all were so wrapped up in the plot.
To be honest, y'all were fine in the living room, but it was rough always being told to quiet down. The volume of you two in the same room was too much, so Miles suggested to his parents that you two go to his room instead of being confined to only the living room. Under one condition, the door stayed wide open.
And so there y'all were sitting side-by-side in a semi-awkward silence.
You feel the weight on the bed shift closer to you, and an arm makes its way over your shoulder, "Hey."
"Nigga, what?" you say without thinking at his cheesy attempt to make a move on you.
With a pout, he takes his arm off your shoulder and leans back upright, "You ruined the moment."
You giggle at his pouting, feeling a little bad about your reaction, "My bad, stink, it was a natural reflex. Try again," you offer, tossing your locs over your shoulder.
Miles clears his throat before leaning back over, putting an arm over your shoulders again.
"Hey." He says with a smirk and a tilt of his head.
"Hi," you respond, tilting your head the same way, your eyes glancing down at his lips before back up at his eyes.
"You look really pretty right now," He compliments, leaning in.
"Thank you," you whisper with a smile, leaning in as well.
You hear someone clear their throat walking past the doorway of his room, causing both of y'all to quickly move away and back into the awkward silence.
A week or so later--that situation happening again and again--you and Miles were on Facetime brainstorming ideas for the slideshow y'all planned to make to convince Miles's parents (mainly his mom) to let y'all have the door closed.
The both of you knew it was ambitious to shoot for something so big, so that's why you had to create the best slideshow presentation of all time.
"Okay, what do we think about this template?" you ask, turning your camera around to show a classy slideshow template.
"Perfect." he nods, and you add him to the slideshow.
A few days of hard work and planning go by, and it's now the day you two scheduled to present the presentation.
In preparation, the two of you coordinated your most trustworthy-looking outfits and practiced how you would present. Y'all knew you both were being extra, but at the end of the day, it didn't matter because y'all were having fun.
"Greetings, esteemed guests," Miles opens, gesturing to the title slide on tv.
You and Miles alternated presenting slides, explaining how having a door closed is reverse psychology, decreasing the chances of anything happening. Also, the classic, if the door was closed, grades would improve (don't know how, but there was a graph to prove it), along with a few other random and made-up examples.
"Thank you for your time," you close, and the two of you bow.
Following suit, his dad gives a round of applause, "That was actually pretty impressive."
His mom sighs, "We'll think about it."
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Thanks for reading!
Ngl i wanna do a part two but at the same time i dont know if it'd be any good... if youd be interested in part two lmk
part 2
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24-7fandombrain · 1 year
Ok so I just had A Vision
Super minor spoilers for Across the Spiderverse under the cut
Ok so, imagine after Beyond the Spiderverse, Miles's parents find out he's Spiderman and they're chill with it, BUT
The other Spidermen will hop over to Miles's dimension every now and then to hang out. And ALL of them are calling Rio and Jefferson by their first names. (And like, they're happy that Miles has so many friends and what not, but like, seriously, they're about to have an aneurysm)
And then Pavitr walks in one day like, "Hi Mr. Morales! Hi Mrs. Morales!" all happy and smiling. And Rio, absolutely floored, whispers to Miles, "Marry that boy."
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Okay i'm sorry but i canNOT with Atsv bloggers having 'minors dni' in their abouts/rules.How're you gonna call 'adult only space' when your blog is themed after and about a fucking Spiderman movie
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Yandere Morales family how each got to be how they are when reader was a cute wittle baby? Cause Reading all those fics it got me curious. Like each family member having a moment with her. Idk if it was already asked or you did something similar maybe im forgetting, ok im overdoing it- ok i will stop luv your fics!
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Aaron was drowning, drowning in stress, in nappies and the new terrifying resonsisnlty of a human baby and all by himself. You were just sitting there, alone on the couch in your pink onesie wriggling around while Aaron cleaned the house, finally getting round to it after the first 2 months of your life the house had fallen into dissaray so much so even Jeff said it when he came to check up on him.
Jeff: "Jesus christ man, what the hell happened?" He said while observing the pig stie of a house he was living in, standing in the doorway.
Aaron: "I had a baby that's what" He responded collpased on the couch with you sitting acorss from them both in your high chair, playing with your dolls.
Jeff: "The dishes! There is a mountain of dishes! Who is even eating here?!"
Aaron: "UUuugggghhhhhh" He groaned into the couch cushion.
Jeff: "Where's Diana?" He asked about your Mom, he knew at this point she may had just left, again, maybe she'd come back maybe she wouldn't it made no diffrence to your care, to the house, to Aaron.
Now Aaron had never really wanted kids, he liked the idea of being an Uncle when Miles was born, but was okay with it stopping there, when he found out Diana, was pregnant he panicked, so much so he did approach her about abortion, she refused and he understood that, but what he didn't understand was, if she refused to have an abortion, why was she doing all the things you should never do while pregnant, she was smoking more then before, drinking eating an unusual amout of sushi, so much so Rio felt the need to remind her, she really can't be doing these things.
Rio: "Diana! You can't smoke youre Pregnant!" She whacked the cigeratte out her hand, and curshed it under her foot.
Diana: "Excuse me?"
Rio: "You could really hurt the baby! And your drinking, eating pork and what not, your hurting it!"
Diana: "How Dare you try and order me around, who the fuck do you think you are?"
Rio: "I am that baby's auntie, and right now it seems I care more about it, then you!"
And it as after that converatsion that Aaron was forbidden from seeing her, or Jeff for the final few months, and during that time Aaron was having to pour out wines down the drain and throwing away cigs behind her back, and when she caught him she would loose her mind.
Diana: "You are trying TO CONTROL ME"
Aaron:" Diana, You know You can't be drinking while pregnant you could fuck up the baby"
Diana: "I don't give a fuck, I'm not letting this thing control me, or YOU"
Aaron: "Diana, I'm not letting you drink in this damm house"
And after you were born, she refused to hold you, look at you and ceratinly not feed you with her breasts, the hospital said it was post partom depression, and it was. And it was harsh and crule on her, she of course needed rest afterwards, So Aaron inslisted the help of Rio with you, while Aaron took care of the house, but it was once Diana was up and about 'taking care of you' while Aaron was at work Rio came over to visit, clean the air with Rio and see how you were doing, which is when she entered the house she found you, unattended in a sink bath, while you Mom off in her room, asleep, maybe having been drinking.
When she picked you up, and dried you off she saw you had gotten smaller than the last time 'oh god it's gotten worse'
So she set you off on the side and made you a bottle and began to feed you, she heard shuffling round the main room, when Diana came round the corner to see Rio feeding her baby.
Diana: "What are you doing in my house?"
Rio: "Diana, I found her in the sink, alone"
Diana: "Yeah she was getting herself clean"
Rio: "She's 8 weeks old?"
Diana: "How did you get in here?"
Rio: "My key?"
Diana: "You have a key?"
Rio: "Yeah, Aaron gave me one"
Diana: "Oh...Well can you get away from my baby please"
Rio: "She's smaller than she should be"
Diana: "What are you insuinutaing?"
Rio: "Diana, I think youre sick"
Diana: "How dare you"
Rio: "Please, I can help you, you need to be a mother and right now you can't, beacuse you are sick!"
Diana: "Oh fuck you, I'm going to sleep"
And so she did, she slept most days, or was out the house leaving you alone in the house for many hours, only for Aaron to come home to find you alone, screaming in your crib. Rio stared coming over more and more so just to keep you fed and changed, and it was exausting, so much so that eventually she just took you, with Aarons knowledge of course to save herself the trip, and this point Miles was walking, or more waddeling around while you were just rolling everywhere, Miles had his first word, which was 'floor' and you were just babbling.
Aaron didn't know how to thank her enough when he picked you up all he could do was thank her, try and hand her money she would always refuse while Jeff would talk custody with Aaron.
Jeff: "Listen man, she needs help, and she's not getting it"
Aaron: "yeah I know but, I can't just take her baby from her"
Jeff: "Youre not taking her, she can have visits! But right now she's putting her at risk"
Aaron: " It's been only a few weeks, she might get better"
Rio: "Aaron, She's not feeding her" She added, holding you.
Jeff: "we should really stop calling her 'the baby' she needs a name"
Rio: "Dose she not have a name?! Aaron!? Its been almost a month you need a name!"
Aaron: "I know I know! God What the hell am I doing!?" he groaned into his hands.
Aaron: " How about...oh god I don't know!"
Jeff: "You had 9 months to choose a name, and now your choosing?!"
Aaron: " I KNOW!"
Rio, while looking down into your big brown eyes, Aarons eyes, she carried you over and handed your to your father, placing you into his lap, using your tiny hands to grab onto Rio's sleeve with a pink bow in your hair. Rio placed a hand onto Aarons shoulder.
Rio: "Come on Aaron, something pretty"
While Aaron looked down at you, grabbing at his shirt wriggling back and fourth while Miles stumbled across the living room.
Aaron: "...Is...Melissa okay?"
Rio: "eh...It's not great"
Jeff: "She dosen't give me Melissa vibes"
Rio: "How's...Y/n?"
Jeff:" Y/n Davis"
Aaron: "Yeah, Y/n Davis...Y/n Davis" He nodded to himself.
Jeff: "This is the kinda moment you take a picture of, stay right there!" He said as he rushed over to grab the camrea, While Rio grabbed Miles and sat him next to Aaron, Jeff got the camrea and set it onto the table with a 5 second timer.
Rio: "Everyone Smile!" And so you did, and that pictures lives on in the family photo book, that is Rio's favourtie memory or you as a baby.
Now Jeff's favourtie memory was when he thought he had lost you, he had taken you and Miles to the park, you were in a stroller while Miles waddled beside his Dad when he stopped off at the park, Miles was always beside you when you went off to play, he would sit with you as you battled it out with your Bratz dolls, Miles also liked to play Bratz Battle, and you two would mainly stick to each other, you didn;t have a massive intrest in talking to other kids, just the Bratz pack and Miles, that's all you needed at the park, While you and Miles sat together in the small grassy area Miles had drawn the attention of some other kids, who pulled him away to play with them, you were so englufled with your game that you didn't initally didn't notice, Miles waved off to you as he was pulled away to play on the swings, and while he did, he looked over to check on you every few moments, really Jeff had been doing that, but instead he was chatting with another Dad, called Kallum.
Jeff: "So which one's yours?"
Kallum pointed over to a little girl with pig tails.
Kallum: "There, by the climbing frame"
Jeff: "Cute, I'm here with my Son and my Nice"
Kallum: "Nice, Mines called Melissa, you?"
Jeff: "Miles, and funny you should say that, My Nice was almost called Melisa" He looked back round where he thought you were hanging round with your dolls, only not to see you or Miles.
Oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck
He scanned the area for Miles, to thankfully see him on the monkey bars, but with out you.
Jeff: "MILES" He yelled out for him, miles got off the monkey bars and ran towards his Dad.
Jeff:" Miles, where is Y/n?"
Miles pointed over, to where he thought you were, but there was nothing, only one of your many dolls.
Miles: "...oh"
Jeff: "Miles, did you see where Y/n went?"
Miles: "No.."
Jeff: "Oh god, oh god, oh god" He rubbed his face with his hands, rushing over to where Miles thought you were, with your doll's just left there in the dirt, you would never just leave them, you would scream if your Dad Aaron tried to take them from you for dinner time, so why had you left them?
Did someone...take you?
Jeff began to hyper ventilate.
Jeff: "Y/N! Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME! Y/N!"
Jeff called out again and again, and go no response, he took out his phone to call in the cavalry, a friend at he police precent, called Mike.
Calling Mike
Mike: "Hello?"
Jeff: "Mike! Mike listen to me, I need a search team, sniffer dogs, I need everyone, everyone!"
Mike: "Calm down man, what happened?"
Jeff: "I took my nice out to the park and she's gone"
Mike: "How long as she been gone?"
Jeff: "like 5 minutes"
Mike: "Jeff, I can't send a whole team if she's only been gone 5 minutes"
Jeff: "Please Mike, she left her doll's and she would never just leave them and you owe me!!"
Mike: "...okay, fine"
And so, about a half hour later a search team had arrived with some sniffer dogs, they took a sniff of your dolls and began to walk off. Miles timidly turned to his Dad, looking up at him.
Miles: "Is Y/n going to be okay?"
Jeff: "I don't know Miles"
And then he remembred, he had to tell Aaron he had lost you, he knew he would kill him, so instead he called Rio, to break the news.
Calling Rio
Rio: "Hey baby"
Jeff: "Hey, i'm sorry but..I need to tell you something"
Rio: "...Okay?"
Rio: "YOU WHAT?! Hombre estúpido! What are you going tell Aaron?!"
Jeff:" Actually, I was hoping you would"
Rio: "Excuse me?"
Jeff: "he might kill me"
Rio: "oh my GOD, FINE!"
And so, about two hours later, Aaron and Rio had pulled up to the park, Aaron immedatley rushed out the car over to Jeff.
Aaron: "You lost my fucking kid!"
Jeff:" I know! But ive got everyone on it!"
Aaron: "YOU LOST MY FUCKING KID!" he screamed at him, pulling him closer by his shirt, only being seperated by Rio.
Aaron rubbed his hands over his face again and again, looking round the park aimlessly.
Aaron: "Oh my god, Oh my god"
Jeff: "The good news is, she left one her dolls an-"
Aaron: "She left it? Oh my god! She's been taken!"
Jeff: "No no, she might have just gone walk about"
Aaron: "Are you serious?"
Jeff: "Yeah I-"
Aaron: "She could have been taken by traffikers, or a pedophile or or-"
Jeff: "Listen, we can join the search team now"
And so they did, all wondering about with flash lights. trecking around the wooden area of the park calling out for you.
Aaron: "Y/N! Y/N! Its me, Its papa!"
Rio: "Y/n!! come out baby"
Jeff: "Y/n! Come on Y/n come out!"
Miles just followed his Mom, not really understanding what was happening, he started pulling on her jean leg.
Rio: "Not now baby, were busy"
Miles: "Mami, she's there" He said, pointing you. She looked over to se you, standing holding your Bratz doll.
Aaron: "Y/N! Oh my God thank God you are safe!" he said hugging you tightly.
Jeff: "Y/n, what were you thinking!?"
Rio: "Yeah, you could have gotten Uncle Jeff in serious trouble" She said, side eyeing her husband.
Y/n: "Chole wanted to see the berry bushes, So I took her" You said, holding out your doll.
Aaron: "Jesus christ"
Aaron didn't like that memory alot, He didn't like getting the call from Rio telling him you had gone missing, though yes everyrthing was fine in the end the fear of you being gone was mortifying.
But Aarons favourtite memory was simple, having had not been present during the birth was actually driven to the hospital by Jeff, with Rio and Miles in the back, he ran out the car, up the strairs and down the hall, barging in the delievry room he saw Diana, asleep next to you in a see through cot, wrapped up in pink blanket.
While Rio and Jeff rushed in aswell, they all flocked around you. Aaron turned to Rio.
Aaron: "Is it okay for me to touch her?"
Rio: "Yes of course"
Aaron tried despraltey to bring the courage to pick you up, he was visibly shaking as his hands rose to hold you, he then rested his hand on the edge of the cot.
Aaron: "I can't...I can't do it"
Jeff: "come on man, she's your daughter"
Aaron: "I-I" Aaron forced himself to slowly lift you from the cot, and bring you into his chest, holding you there for a few seconds as he began hyper ventilate, Jeff placed a hand on Aarons shoulder.
Jeff: "Its okay"
You opened your large eyes, to look at up him, and let out a small whine.
Aaron: "Oh my god" he sniffled as he began to cry softly, holding so tightly, but keeping note not to crush you.
Rio: "She's got your eyes"
Aaron: "Oh she's so beautiful"
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pixeleart · 1 year
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miles getting hugs
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psychictheater · 1 month
Notes about my No Powers AU:
- Miles is an assistant art teacher, basically a teacher’s aide until he can get his full credentials to become a full time art teacher
- Hobie works at a tattoo studio as a piercer. His band does gigs as a side hustle.
- Miles and Gwen dated briefly junior year of high school but broke up on good terms deciding they were better as friends than a couple
- Gwen is dating Margo
- Gwen does band gigs as a side hustle and that’s how she met Hobie, when they were both competing at the same battle of the bands, she works at a dance studio most of the time
- Margo works in cyber security
- Pavitr works at the same dance studio as Gwen
- Pavitr and Hobie used to date very briefly, as in it only lasted about three months but they broke up on good terms
- Rio and Jeff are alright with Miles dating Hobie but Jeff disapproves of Hobie’s choice in career, always trying to talk to him about ‘shaping up’ and getting a stable and financially secure job. It doesn’t come from a place of malice and Hobie understands that he just wants the best for Miles but it still gets annoying being lectured by a cop, a cop that’s his boyfriend’s father at that
- Gwen is the one that introduced Miles to Hobie
- Miles is the one that introduced Gwen to Margo
- Hobie came to the states when he was 10, with his grandma who had custody of him. His mom abandoned him for her boyfriend, his dad was never in the picture. His grandma shortly got sick and died and he was placed in foster care. He constantly ran away from his foster families, living on the streets until he was about seventeen and moved in with Karl, who was sharing an apartment with Riri, Robbie and Mattea.
- Karl, Riri, Robbie and Mattea all gradually moved into their own apartments with their own partners, and Hobie moved Miles in after everyone left, when Miles was looking to leave home and be more independent and Hobie needed help with rent and wanted to be closer to Miles
- Aaron is still alive, and is actually the art teacher at the school Miles plans to teach at and his mentoring Miles to eventually take over his class when he retires. They keep the fact that they’re related under wraps because other student teachers and aides get mad about the apparent “nepotism” that goes on when hiring new teachers
Any questions?
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dreadheadmadi · 8 months
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A/N: Trying something new, we’ll see how this goes. I’m a college girlie, so updates are slow‼️
Parings: aaron davis x black! reader, the prowler x black cat! reader
Warnings: action, fighting, blood, gore, descriptive language, death, etc. (I will update as I go)
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
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vulnonapix1234 · 1 year
I was really unsure if I should post this, because in the former server i was, some members really dislike the a/b/o concept, so yeah...
I will presay that this is about the platonic found family concept of the a/b/o au.
Anyway. Miles Scent changed a lot after his powers set in.
He used to smell like sunflowers (primary scent) and paint (secondary scent). After he became Spiderman, he started to smell like rain (primary scent) and iron (secondary scent).
The thing about scents is that the primary scent usually doesn't change.
If it does, its because of an extremely traumatizing event or due to sickness.
In Miles case, his uncle and mentor died before his eyes and his body got mutated.
Rio and Jeff nearly pulled him out of school when they realised how much their kids scent changed.
It took him an entirely weekend of nesting and getting cuddled and scented by his parents to convince them that he was alright.
42 on the other hand smells like sunflowers (primary scent) and oil (secondary scent)
It's really weird for everyone involved that Miles and 42 do not smell the same.
( Especially after Mile's commented that he used to smell like sunflowers. Aaron wasn't able to look him in the eyes for some time after that)
Exept for Miles and 42, who find each others scent calming. The difference in smell helps them differentiate in each other.
(It also helps them with scent marking one another. They are family and they want to show it)
Anyway. Rio and Jeff do their best to adopt Miles Friends into their pack.
Their little boy had always been a social butterfly, but his bonds were never been so strong as they were with them.
So they just wanted to let them know that they are supportive.
Especially Hobie, because he doesn't smell like he has any family.
To them, he smelled like the saddest and loneliest child in the City and that is just unacceptable.
He nearly fainted the first time he got scented by them, cause he had never had an parent do that before.
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iloveolivegarden · 1 year
I feel like once Miles introduced Hobie to his parents Hobie would just start randomly showing up to their apartment unannounced and Jeff and Hobie would develop a relationship similar to Kimmy Gibbler and Danny Tanner from full house
(I never post on here but this thought has been stuck in my head and I had to get it out)
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 8 months
they’re so silly
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a-hypnos-v · 7 months
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Get them out of my head..
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call-me-strega · 1 year
Okay so I had an idea for a polycule fic: so Miles individually introduces each of his friends to his parents before they form of polycule. In order, he would introduce Gwen, then Hobie, and then Pavitr. Then after they form the polycule, he reintroduces them as his partners. But he introduced one partner to his mom and a different partner to his dad. His parents tell him to invite his partner over each with a diff person in mind. And before they show up Rio and Jefferson get into an argument about who they’re expecting to walk through that door. Only for Miles to pull up like "so this my girlfriend Gwen and that’s our boyfriend Hobie and that’s our other boyfriend Pavitr." Would any of you be interested in reading this if I wrote it?
( this is also in the “miles has two hands server”)
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Her Firsts
➥ summary: A headcanon of all of Mr and Mrs Morales first with their daughter
➥ pure fluff, slight angst towards the end
➥ one shot
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The Birthing Process :
The room was hushed as Rio, her face flushed with anticipation, lay on the hospital bed, surrounded by medical professionals. Jefferson, her husband, stood by her side, his hand clasped tightly in hers. The air crackled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they waited for their first child to make her grand entrance into the world.
Rio's heart raced with a combination of joy and apprehension. She had dreamt of this moment for so long, imagining what their child would look like, how she would grow, and the adventures they would experience together as a family. As the contractions intensified, Rio held onto Jefferson's hand, finding solace in his unwavering support.
The medical staff worked diligently, guiding Rio through the stages of labor. Her breathing became rhythmic, the pain mingled with determination. In that moment, she felt the indescribable strength of motherhood coursing through her veins.
Hours passed, and finally, with a final push, a cry filled the room. Time seemed to stand still as the cries of their newborn daughter filled the air, echoing the joy that surged through their hearts. The nurses gently placed the tiny bundle of joy in Rio's arms, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Jefferson leaned in, his voice filled with awe. "She's perfect, Rio. Our beautiful daughter," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
Rio's gaze never left their daughter's face as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Our little miracle," she murmured, her voice filled with overwhelming love. She traced a finger along the baby's tiny features, memorizing every detail.
As the minutes turned into hours, the couple marveled at their daughter, feeling a profound sense of wonder and gratitude. They counted her fingers and toes, whispered loving words into her tiny ears, and held her close, promising to protect and nurture her with every fiber of their beings.
Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Rio looked at Jefferson, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "She's the most precious gift, Jefferson. Our lives will never be the same," she said, her voice trembling with both exhaustion and joy.
Jefferson nodded, his voice filled with adoration. "We're going to give her the world, Rio. She will know nothing but love and happiness," he declared, his voice laced with determination.
As they basked in the presence of their newborn daughter, the room filled with a sense of peace and contentment. Their hearts swelled with a love that was both fierce and tender, a love that would guide them through the joys and challenges of parenthood.
In that moment, as Rio and Jefferson gazed at their daughter's peaceful face, they knew that this tiny bundle of life would forever change them. She was a symbol of their love, a reminder of the miracles that can occur when two hearts beat as one.
The First Words :
Time flew by in the Morales household, and (Y/n) continued to grow into a spirited and inquisitive child. Her parents, Rio and Jefferson, marveled at her development, eagerly awaiting the day when she would utter her first words.
As (Y/n) ventured further into the world of language, her parents showered her with love and encouragement. They read her books, sang her nursery rhymes, and engaged in conversations filled with patience and enthusiasm. They knew that every interaction was a stepping stone towards her first words.
One sunny morning, (Y/n) sat at the kitchen table, her eyes bright with anticipation. She watched her parents intently as they prepared breakfast, eager to join in the conversations that filled the room. Her small hands gripped the edge of her high chair, her face animated with anticipation.
With a twinkle in her eye, (Y/n) suddenly pointed at the cereal box on the table and exclaimed, "Cereal!"
Rio froze for a moment, her heart soaring with pride and joy. She exchanged a quick glance with Jefferson, both of them overcome with emotion. Tears welled up in Rio's eyes as she rushed over to (Y/n), engulfing her in a tight embrace. "My clever girl! You said your first word!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with elation.
Jefferson couldn't contain his excitement either. He beamed at his daughter, his voice filled with awe. "Cereal! Well done, (Y/n)! You're growing up so fast," he said, his voice brimming with pride.
From that moment on, (Y/n)'s world opened up in a whole new way. Words became her gateway to understanding and expressing herself. She eagerly absorbed new vocabulary, mimicking the sounds and intonations she heard from her parents and the world around her.
Rio and Jefferson rejoiced in their daughter's linguistic progress, creating a safe and nurturing environment for her to explore her newfound abilities. They engaged in conversations with (Y/n), encouraging her to express her thoughts and feelings. Each day brought new words, and with them, a deeper connection between parent and child.
As (Y/n) grew older, her vocabulary expanded, and her ability to communicate flourished. She discovered the power of words, using them to express her needs, share her joys and sorrows, and form connections with others. Her parents beamed with pride, knowing that they had played a crucial role in nurturing her language development.
With every milestone (Y/n) reached, Rio and Jefferson celebrated her growth. They treasured the beauty and wonder of her first words, knowing that it was just the beginning of a lifetime of communication and discovery. Together, as a family, they embarked on a journey filled with love, laughter, and the magic of language.
The First Steps :
The Morales household was filled with an air of anticipation and excitement as (Y/n) continued to grow and reach new milestones. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of pride and wonder, eagerly awaiting the day when she would take her first steps.
(Y/n) had become more mobile, crawling around the house with a sense of determination. She was always exploring, her tiny hands reaching out to touch everything within her reach. Rio and Jefferson encouraged her, providing a safe environment for her to develop her motor skills.
One sunny afternoon, the living room was filled with toys and laughter as (Y/n) played on the soft rug. Rio and Jefferson sat on the couch, their eyes never straying too far from their daughter's every move. They knew that her first steps were imminent.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, (Y/n) pulled herself up, gripping the edge of the coffee table for support. Her parents held their breath, their hearts pounding with excitement. Slowly but surely, (Y/n) released her grip and took a wobbly step forward.
Rio's eyes widened, a smile spreading across her face. "Look, Jefferson! She's doing it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with elation.
Jefferson's heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter take her first independent steps. "That's my girl! Well done, (Y/n)!" he cheered, his voice brimming with joy.
With newfound confidence, (Y/n) continued to navigate the room, her steps growing steadier with each attempt. She laughed with glee, her eyes shining with triumph. Her parents clapped and cheered, their applause filling the room with pride and love.
As (Y/n) explored her newfound ability, Rio and Jefferson provided a safe and supportive environment. They cleared the path, removing any obstacles that could hinder her progress. Their love and encouragement fueled her determination, motivating her to take more steps and explore the world around her.
Every day brought new adventures for (Y/n) as she toddled around the house, her parents always by her side, ready to lend a hand or catch her if she stumbled. The simple act of walking became a source of joy and celebration for the entire family.
Rio and Jefferson cherished these precious moments, knowing that their daughter's first steps marked the beginning of a lifetime of discovery and independence. They captured the memories with photographs and videos, documenting every milestone, knowing that they would look back on these early moments with nostalgia and pride.
As (Y/n) grew more confident in her walking abilities, her world expanded. She explored the garden, took her first steps on the sand at the beach, and ventured out into the world, always with the unwavering support and love of her parents.
In the Morales household, the first steps of (Y/n) were celebrated as a testament to her determination and the unwavering love of her parents. They knew that this was just the beginning of a lifetime filled with adventures, challenges, and immeasurable joy.
The First Tooth :
In the Morales household, a sense of excitement filled the air as (Y/n) continued to grow and experience new milestones. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of anticipation and concern as she embarked on the teething journey.
(Y/n) had always been a happy and content baby, but recently, she had become increasingly fussy and irritable. Her gums were swollen and tender, a clear indication that her first tooth was on its way. Rio and Jefferson did their best to soothe her discomfort, providing teething toys and cold washcloths to gnaw on.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/n) sat in her high chair, chewing on a teething ring while Rio prepared her pureed vegetables. Suddenly, a glimmer of white caught Rio's attention. She leaned in closer, her heart skipping a beat.
"Jefferson! Look!" Rio exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.
Jefferson rushed over, his eyes widening as he saw a tiny white tooth peeking through (Y/n)'s gumline. A surge of joy and pride washed over him. "Our little girl is getting her first tooth!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with delight.
They both marveled at the tiny tooth, admiring the delicate pearl-like structure. Rio carefully touched the tooth with her finger, eliciting a giggle from (Y/n). "Look at that, sweetheart. You're growing up so fast," she whispered, her voice filled with love.
Over the next few days, (Y/n)'s teething journey continued. She would gnaw on anything within her reach, seeking relief from the discomfort. Rio and Jefferson tirelessly provided comfort and support, rubbing her gums with teething gel and singing soothing lullabies.
One evening, as Rio cradled (Y/n) in her arms, she noticed a second tiny tooth emerging beside the first. Her heart swelled with pride and wonder. "You're getting another tooth, my darling," she murmured, her voice laced with affection.
Jefferson joined them, his face lighting up with joy as he saw the second tooth. "Look at our beautiful girl, Rio. She's growing into such a strong and healthy child," he said, his voice filled with adoration.
As (Y/n) continued to teethe, her parents remained vigilant, providing love, comfort, and gentle care. They celebrated each milestone, each tiny tooth, knowing that it was a sign of their daughter's growth and development.
In the Morales household, the arrival of (Y/n)'s first tooth marked another cherished milestone in her journey. Rio and Jefferson treasured these moments, knowing that they were witnessing the miraculous transformation of their baby into a confident and curious little person.
The First Day Of School :
In the Morales household, the day had finally arrived for (Y/n) to embark on a new adventure - her first day of pre-K. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of pride and a touch of nostalgia as they prepared her for this significant milestone.
(Y/n) stood in front of the mirror, her small hands adjusting the straps of her tiny backpack. Her face lit up with excitement and a hint of nervousness as she prepared to step into the world of education. Rio knelt down beside her, a warm smile on her face.
"Are you ready for your first day of pre-K, sweetheart?" Rio asked, her voice filled with anticipation.
(Y/n) nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm ready, Mama!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement.
Jefferson entered the room, his face beaming with pride. "You're going to have so much fun, (Y/n). We're so proud of you," he said, his voice filled with love.
Together, the family made their way to the pre-K center. As they entered the bustling classroom, (Y/n)'s eyes widened with awe. The room was filled with colorful decorations, toys, and friendly faces. Rio and Jefferson accompanied their daughter to her assigned seat, helping her settle in.
As the bell rang and the other children started to arrive, (Y/n) watched with curiosity. She observed her classmates interacting, their laughter filling the room. It was a new and exciting world for her, filled with endless possibilities.
The teacher, Ms. Anderson, introduced herself to the class, her warm smile putting everyone at ease. She encouraged the children to participate in various activities, fostering an environment of creativity and exploration. (Y/n) eagerly joined in, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
Throughout the day, (Y/n) engaged in various learning experiences, from storytime to drawing and playing with blocks. She made new friends, her laughter and joy blending seamlessly with that of her classmates. Rio and Jefferson watched from a distance, their hearts filled with pride and a touch of bittersweetness.
At the end of the day, (Y/n) walked out of the pre-K center hand in hand with her parents. Her face was flushed with excitement as she recounted her adventures. She chatted animatedly, her words flowing with the eagerness of a young learner.
Rio and Jefferson listened intently, their hearts swelling with love and admiration for their daughter. They knew that this was just the beginning of her educational journey, and they were filled with hope for the bright future that lay ahead.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, (Y/n) continued to thrive in her pre-K class. She soaked up knowledge like a sponge, eagerly exploring new concepts and forming lasting friendships. Rio and Jefferson cherished every moment, knowing that their daughter's early years would shape the person she would become.
In the Morales household, the first day of pre-K marked a significant milestone for (Y/n). Rio and Jefferson embraced this new chapter, supporting their daughter's educational journey with love, encouragement, and unwavering belief in her abilities.
The First Crush :
In the Shelby household, an air of innocence and newfound excitement enveloped the atmosphere as (Y/n) continued to grow and experience the wonders of childhood. Little did she know that she was about to embark on a journey of first love and butterflies in her stomach.
It was a warm summer day, and (Y/n) found herself at the local park with her parents, Rio and Jefferson. As she played on the swings, her eyes caught sight of a boy with tousled brown hair and a mischievous grin. He was a few years older, exuding a confidence that intrigued her.
(Y/n) watched him with wide eyes, her heart starting to beat a little faster. She was captivated by his carefree spirit and the way he effortlessly climbed the jungle gym. Her parents noticed her growing interest and exchanged knowing glances.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) found herself frequently visiting the park in hopes of catching a glimpse of the boy who had stolen her attention. She would shyly smile at him from afar, her cheeks turning rosy as he returned the gesture.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/n) mustered up the courage to approach the boy. She walked over to where he was sitting on a bench, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "Hi, I'm (Y/n)," she said, her voice filled with a mix of shyness and excitement.
The boy turned to her, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Hey, I'm Liam," he replied, his voice warm and welcoming. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n)."
From that day forward, (Y/n) and Liam formed a bond that grew stronger with each passing moment. They spent hours talking and laughing, exploring the park and discovering shared interests. Their friendship blossomed, and the innocent affection they held for each other started to deepen.
Rio and Jefferson observed this newfound connection with a mixture of amusement and nostalgia. They remembered their own first crushes and understood the emotions that (Y/n) was experiencing. They offered gentle guidance and encouraged her to embrace this beautiful phase of life.
As the seasons changed, (Y/n) found herself daydreaming about Liam. Her heart skipped a beat whenever she saw him, and a rush of excitement coursed through her veins whenever he was near. They shared secrets, dreams, and laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.
One evening, as the sun began to set, (Y/n) found herself sitting on a park bench with Liam. They watched the golden hues paint the sky, their fingers gently brushing against each other. In that moment, something shifted in their hearts, and they realized that their friendship had blossomed into something more.
With a shy smile, (Y/n) confessed her feelings to Liam, her voice filled with vulnerability and hope. To her delight, he reciprocated her affection, admitting that he too had been captivated by her presence since the first day they met.
Their young love blossomed beneath the summer sky, capturing the essence of innocence and pure affection. Rio and Jefferson watched from a distance, their hearts swelling with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. They knew that this young love would shape their daughter's understanding of relationships and pave the way for future connections.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/n) and Liam held hands, their hearts beating in unison. They knew that their journey had just begun, and that they would navigate the joys and challenges of young love together.
In the Morales household, the first crush of (Y/n) marked an important chapter in her life. Rio and Jefferson embraced her budding emotions, supporting her as she explored the complexities of affection and relationships.
The First Heart Break :
In the Morales household, a sense of melancholy hung in the air as (Y/n) faced her first taste of heartbreak. The vibrant colors of her world seemed to fade as she learned that her dear friend Liam was moving away.
News of Liam's departure hit (Y/n) like a gust of cold wind on a warm summer day. She felt a lump form in her throat, and her heart sank as she realized that their cherished moments together would soon become distant memories.
On the day of Liam's departure, (Y/n) found herself standing on the sidewalk, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She watched as the moving truck pulled away, taking with it a piece of her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she waved goodbye, her hand trembling with a mixture of sadness and longing.
Rio and Jefferson stood beside their daughter, offering comfort and support. They understood the pain of separation and empathized with (Y/n)'s aching heart. In a tender embrace, they assured her that it was okay to grieve the loss of a dear friend.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) struggled to come to terms with the void left by Liam's absence. The park they used to frequent together now felt empty and lifeless. She missed his infectious laughter, his warm smile, and the way he made her feel like the most special person in the world.
One afternoon, as (Y/n) sat in her room, she found herself going through old photographs and mementos of her time with Liam. Each image evoked bittersweet memories, a reminder of the bond they once shared. Her heart ached as she longed for the companionship they had lost.
Rio noticed her daughter's sorrow and sat beside her, a sympathetic expression on her face. She gently took (Y/n)'s hand in hers and whispered, "Sweetheart, I know it hurts, but remember that every heartbreak teaches us something valuable."
(Y/n) sniffled, her voice quivering as she replied, "But it feels like a piece of me is missing, Mama. I miss Liam so much."
Rio wrapped her arms around her daughter, holding her close. "I know, my love. It's okay to miss him. But remember, your heart is resilient, and in time, it will heal. Cherish the memories you shared and allow yourself to grow from this experience."
As days turned into weeks, (Y/n) found solace in her family's unwavering support. Rio and Jefferson showered her with love, reminding her of her worth and the strength she possessed within. They encouraged her to explore new friendships, guiding her through the healing process.
Slowly but surely, (Y/n) began to find her way again. She discovered new hobbies, joined clubs, and interacted with classmates who had once been mere acquaintances. While the pain of Liam's absence still lingered, it was gradually replaced by newfound joy and possibility.
Months later, as (Y/n) stood in the park where she and Liam had shared countless memories, she couldn't help but reflect on the growth she had experienced. Her heart had mended, though not completely whole. She realized that love, like the flight of a bird, could sometimes take unexpected paths.
In the Morales household, the chapter of (Y/n)'s first heartbreak marked a pivotal moment in her journey of self-discovery. Rio and Jefferson continued to support her, reminding her that heartbreaks were part of life's tapestry, shaping her into a resilient and compassionate individual.
As time passed, (Y/n) learned to carry the memories of her friendship with Liam in her heart. They became a part of her story, reminding her of the depth of her capacity to love and the resilience of the human spirit.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
No offense but nonblacks who make gay jokes about Punkflower are annoying as shit.'Hobie is Miles' bi awakening and he's in TOTAL denial,he can't be g-gay😳!He's just a normal straight teenage boy afterall but little does he know-'Y'all think Uncle Aaron wasn't having situationship with guys nonstop when Miles was growing up?What brand gaydar y'all got,mans screams bisexual in every direction and i bet Rio had girlfriends in college she told Miles about since Jefferson has bi wife energy mentality.Hobie babies Miles because he's in love in her and wants her to feel safe and her age.You all baby Miles because you wanna think of her as the same as white boys.You are not the same
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