yourdaddyfigure · 9 months
What is your favorite animal?
As a pet dogs 🥰
An animal you can’t have as a pet but I really really really love tho are lions 🦁
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tempest-teacup · 3 months
Hey girl! 👋
I hate to say it but… I just don’t ship it! It’s tough for me to find a lot in common between them and I think Eridan just dislikes him in a normal, boring, lukewarm way. I think Gamzee would probably be willing to try dating a lot of different people, but I just don’t see these two hitting it off. I don’t even think they’d be especially close friends, unless circumstances forced it. If they became roommates or co-workers, maybe they’d get a drink together on a Friday night and Eridan would bitch about work and Gamzee would talk him down and they’d do karaoke. But that’s about it!
I would like to add. I would be SO INTO a dark AU where these two both team up in their Villain Eras.
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gunkyengines · 7 months
Licorice: If there was an element in your fave’s canon you could change, what would you change?
I know this is soooooo old but like I just finished Golden Kamuy and SPOILERS
I wish Koito wasn't still a bootlickerrrrrr augh.
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jellyluchi · 7 months
Happy birthday 🎂🎈🎉
Thank you Jen !!! 😊💗💗
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prosciuttoswife · 1 year
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
Hi Jen! I'm so so sorry this is late, the weekend was busy for me!
⁘ In Character Asks ⁘
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🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
"Being associated with a gang doesn't really speak volumes about a great social stand... I was an average person before falling into the hands of Passione, really. My social standing was no higher than the next working class person. But I'm sure it took a hit when I decided to work with La Squadra. It was already pretty difficult to make friends or socialize. But soon I had to be very careful with who I associated with, lest their find out my true occupation. And yes, I would change it... Maybe if we're lucky, someday Prosciutto and I could have legitimate jobs acceptable in society... But I'm not sure if that will be possible any time soon."
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darkanddirtyknb · 10 months
Happy birthday 🎂🎈🎉
I hope things will get better for you
Thank you so much, lovely. I hope you're doing well! 🖤🤍🎈
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hakbot · 10 months
Is your Character used to strange dreams from before the events of the adventure? (40)
(Both OCs please)
Oh my god I just now saw this I'm so sorry!!
Peregrino is not so used to strange dreams. He's really thrown off by them. Not a fan! Especially the dream visitor taking the form of his mother. At first he finds the presence comforting after the ordeals he's been put through. But then it quickly becomes unsettling.
V on the other hand is used to prophetic dreams. Though his usually involves symbols he is more used to like spiders and webs and weapons and Underdark bs. Having a matron speak down at him is also very normal for him.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
For the F/O vintage valentine may I please request a Ghiaccio one?
♡ Vintage Valentine’s F/O Game
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yuichiroswife · 1 year
Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎉
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{ I'm so sorry that this is a few days late, I haven't been on my laptop for a while, but thank you so much! It ended up being a really fun birthday and for once... my parents didn't go at each other's throats like they were trying to kill one another. So I've very please with that! Not to mention that EVERYONE ended up getting along with one another. My dad also decided he was gonna grill for my birthday which is something he hasn't done in years so that was really cool too! }
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salartmander · 1 year
You are the one that did the Ghiaccio black star art?!
I've been looking for that piece for close to a month and didn't know who made it. Thank you so much. I love it
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Yeah, that's was me :3c I'm so happy you like it! 💙
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ungalobrando · 2 years
I saw your man get animated in Stone Ocean. How did you feel when you saw him on screen?
Honestly? I got so excited I spent the rest of the episode happy flapping and completely forgot to pay attention x'D
The next episode was... yeah rather disappointing to put it mildly, BUT his debut? *chef's kiss*
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iceicewifey · 2 years
12.) Does your OC reappear in later parts? If so, what do they do? Give a brief description.
i know this one is from the crusaders version but i can still do my best to answer it ;v;
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12.) Does your OC reappear in later parts? If so, what do they do? Give a brief description.
okay so i don't have a super clear idea yet, but part of me wants shay to have a minor role in stone ocean, which may or may not be because she's floridian hjfbhjgf in my canon compliant au, she has a son that she's incredibly disconnected from. she really didn't want to become a mother after losing everyone she loved for the second time, but he also looks a lot like vanilla, which is really hard on her. the au is more about noel than her, since she had her time in the sun in stardust crusaders. i don't have many real ideas for it yet, so that's all i can really say ;w;"
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answered   ::   2, 4, 9, 7, 12*    ┆    pending   ::   5*, 9* *   =   from the crusaders version
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jellyluchi · 8 months
Hello 👋
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Hiii Jen !!!
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cigarettesandcoffee · 2 years
Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈
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watch-out-for-them · 2 years
Favorite color?
Hmmm... I love blue, like a nice dark Prussian blue! Teal and minty green and nice blush pinks as well (there are so many colors to love!)
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
Happy New Year
Thank you!! Happy New Year to you, too! 🥳
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