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@jenovaii He is cute as long his father isn't near him
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creatura-exe · 7 years
jenovaii replied to your post “Not to sound desperate but how the flying motherfucking shit do you...”
Wait until two days before payday, open up limited slots, and promo that mofo like it's burning to the ground
Also tag your specialities/fandoms/specific interests in the first promo post. Repost, don't reblog yourself, if you wanna add new tags.
I'll signal boost you but I'm broke af until a week and a half from now ��
hhh, thanks, don’t worry about commissioning me if you can’t or don’t want to tho
I’ve considered tagging fandoms and stuff but never did because I didn’t want to spam or be annoying, but I just might do that
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there's a post that was on amazing-animatronics' blog that mentioned CEC bots go into random mode at night. I tried looking up anything about that, and although they go through random mode during music videos/audience lulls, i didn't see anything about nighttime random mode. Can you verify that this exists, because it'd be cool/creepy if it did. And i can understand the nighttime random mode if they didn't want the mechanics locking up or being unprepared.
This is not true! Locations that are maintained correctly shut the shows off once the store has been closed for the night and no one is inside. Unless a lazy worker leaves the power on, which would get them in lots of trouble, the bots remain asleep until they’re turned on again, where they enter random mode until a showtape is played.
So sadly, if you were hoping for animatronics glancing at one another late at night, you’re out of luck; their pneumatics/air pressure are shut off for closing time, just like the arcade games and the rest of the power in the store.
- Mod Rat
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littlehungrywarrior · 7 years
Question for queer nonbinary folk
There’s a character in a video game whose gender is described as “both yet neither” or something to that effect. He’s DFAB and prefers male pronouns/titles. 
I headcanon him as being ace and, romantically, only attracted to women. 
Does this make him heteroromantic? Would that be the right word? Or is there another word? On one hand, he prefers to be addressed as male, but on the other, I don’t want to invalidate/ignore his NB-ness. 
I’m going to tag @jenovaii here because I know you know a lot about nonbinary and sexuality stuff but if you don’t want to be @’d then just tell me and I’ll delete this part. 
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coolman229 · 8 years
jenovaii replied to your post: "I don't feel like we're supposed to sympathize...
not to mention he makes no pull to get Steven into school or have any friends besides the Gems and Connie. Steven knows nothing about the world because 1. Greg won’t treat him like a human and 2. Pearl won’t treat him like a Gem. No one has Steven’s interests in mind, ever, at any time.
Greg treats him like a human, but it’s implied that the Gems basically pressured him into letting them take care of Steven by fear mongering about the magic stuff that goes on. They should all be living together with Steven but the show seems really attached to the idea of the Gems being Steven’s sole caretakers with Greg popping in occasionally. He’s treated more like an uncle than a father.
It’s rather baffling that Steven hasn’t been to school. Hell he didn’t know what school was in Mirror Gem. The Gems make no effort to teach him anything. I mean yeah it might be safer to homeschool Steven but they don’t even do that. Pearl could have been his homeschooling teacher with great ease, but they’re so focused on his Gem powers that apparently this never came up.
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
My Personal Top 5 Portal Fanfics
I figured It’d be fun if I went through a list of my personal fanfic recommendations for Portal! Feel free to leave your favourites in the comments or tags if you think I missed one worth mentioning! 5-Hell or High water by JenovaII (No Ship) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7496292/1/Hell-or-High-Water This fanfic is absolutely amazing at the beginning, I was completely immersed in the world even though most of it takes place outside of Aperture! It was really interesting to read and I loved the storytelling elements. However, I lost steam at around the halfway point. I think it was just personal bias, but I didn't really like how they characterised Doug so it kind of pulled me out of the story. Still a very entertaining read though! 4-Cake and lies by MVTK42 (No Ship) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8341604/1/Cake_and_Lies I love Wheatley, and sometimes I get sick of people portraying him as a helpless moron. Yes, he definitely is a moron, but he's not Stupid you know? In my first playthrough of the game Wheatley was the one who helped me navigate the game and through the plan to stop GLaDOS, he really was Helpful and I think people often forget that! Anyway, this fic shows exactly how capable Wheats can be while really messing with your head.
3-Love as a construct by iammemyself (Wheatdos/Gladley) http://www.archiveofourown.org/works/1036707/chapters/2067475 This fanfic is Very Long, don't get me wrong. At 113 chapters (and counting!) in a 10 part series, it would be a task to complete... Which is why I never did. It's one of those fanfics where I could pick up any chapter and enjoy without needing to necessarily understand the concept, but the plot is well written and the personal growth between the characters is believable and heartwarming. 2-Stargazing by BabyCharmander (No Ship) https://archiveofourown.org/works/4949293 This definitely isn't on anyone's recommended list that I know of, considering how it's one chapter, was written in 2015 and looks generally skippable. But I promise, this fanfic will emotionally devastate you, I cry so hard every time I read this gem. 1-Blue Sky by wafflestories (Chelley) (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7434133/1/Blue-Sky) Blue sky is the single most well written and well characterised Portal fanfic I've ever read. It's a beautiful and emotional journey every time and it constantly sticks with me as one of my favourite fanfictions. Pretty much everyone who's in the Portal fandom has heard about Blue Sky so if you haven't read it Please check it out. I've linked to the fanfiction.net version above but it's also on LiveJournal with bonus images!
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numnomsplaytime · 7 years
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x / x / x / x / ricky roll / x / x / x / x
requested by @jenovaii! hope you like it!
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so-sobek · 7 years
@jenovaii unfortunately my salty exterior is due to video games
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fnafitup · 8 years
@jenovaii just sent me this and I.
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@jenovaii A nuestro querido Ennard no le gusta que molesten a su madre, para la desgracia de Purple y la fortuna de Lilac, el hecho de que él piensa que ella no mató a esos niños hace que odié a su padre y adoré a su madre cuando el odio debería ser hacia los dos, pero bueh. Btw last thing in Spanish for today UuUr I guess...
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exclusionist culture is, apparently, tantamount to cringe culture. don't they know cringe culture is on its way out?
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coolman229 · 8 years
oathgrowth replied to your post “jenovaii replied to your post: ...”
In the comics, it's shown that Pearl homeschooled him. But I seriously doubt kids can get access to the comics, PLUS this detail is not reflected in the show whatsoever.
Yeah it makes sense that Pearl would homeschool Steven, especially considering that she’s always shown to be the smart and bookish Gem who has knowledge of thousands of years of being on earth. But like you said that’s not in the show and it’s never shown. Hell Steven had no idea what school was in Mirror Gem and Pearl had never taught him. I like the idea but it’s hard to consider the comics full canon, and it would be lame to have to read the comics to get stuff like that.
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inga-don-studio · 7 years
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FNAFuary #12: Heroes (Save Them)
Watercolor, Staedtler pigment liners, and acrylic paint on 140 lb. watercolor paper.
Jenovaii’s #FNAFuary prompt list link: http://jenovaii.tumblr.com/post/170157990634/fnafuary
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@jenovaii sorry it's just the lineart :'3
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mintyhootax · 8 years
(game thing) Subnautica?
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
It’s on my list of things to play. Though I like survival games, so I feel like I would like it!
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finrays · 8 years
jenovaii replied to your post:Y’know, to be honest, I’m… kinda not enthused...
article comments say they’re fake
I’ve heard some stuff about Nintendo pulling the images, too, which makes me think they’ve got some legitimacy to them.
Either way, we’ll see. I can still hold out for a volcano tiger, I guess. 
I will brush that sucker’s fur in Amie and feed him macaroons :T
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