p0rtal-pr0mpts · 2 years
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Send in some numbers and I'll make it so!
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Empty dreams
A Long time ago I wrote a very bad poem about the Space Core. I decided to try it again, but better.
He knew he was wrong. The androids that worked didn't end up rejected Thrown into a chute of broken metal machines With only the company of insane ramblings from other cores like him Sometimes he'd lose he little clarity he had left He'd become one of the babbling messes left over from Aperture. He was trapped in an endless cycle, cramped, alone and afraid. However, he still held onto hope No matter how lucid he was, he dreamt of the stars. He longed to be among them To feel weightless in the inky black void as he floated through the cosmos He wanted the silence to envelop him, leaving only him and his thoughts So that when he spiralled into insanity, there wouldn't be other voices with him It'd just be him and the stars It was a foolish dream No core had the means to get into space, especially not a corrupted core such as himself He had no means of escaping this hell, and it hurt to think about it So he didn't, continuing to dream about the planets he'd never get to see. Slowly, he began to feel his grip on sanity wane again, and he was once more lost to his faulty coding. The world shook beneath his feet as he was moved for the first time for years. A woman with a determined glare carried him towards a massive structure, and he could feel a thrum of energy pulse through him A strong weight pulled against him, and soon the energy was gone as he was pulled towards an invisible force As he sped towards the force pulling him he felt his mind clear once more A feeling of pure joy tugged at him, his circuits buzzing in excitement His mind was cleared of the empty dreams he'd once had And for the first time in a while, everything filled into place As the space core flew through a portal that took him direcly to space.
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Chocolate Cake
It’s a slow day at the Aperture Café, until a mysterious stranger walks through the doors. SHIPS: ChellDOS
It was a slow business day for Aperture Café. The spring term semester was reaching it's conclusion, meaning that less and less students visited their establishment. It was an annoying circumstance that Gladys unfortunately had to cope with. She thrived the most when the Café was fully occupied, the rush giving her a chance to operate quickly and efficiently, finetuning her skills and challenging her. Most other employees would be glad to see the café settling into a quiet pace, but not her. Without customers, she didn't have anything to do. It was even worse considering she was stuck at the till. At least if she was serving she'd have an excuse to move around the Café and find things to keep her busy. Right now, all she could do was wait and hope that a bus full of thirsty and wealthy businessmen conveniently breaks down outside of the Café.
The welcoming buzz alerting the arrival of a new customer rang, followed by the sound of whirring as the automatic doors slid shut closed. Gladys looked up from the till, thankful for the temporary distraction. The woman was like nobody she'd ever seen. The town was a tight knit group, everyone knew everyone around here, the only place outstanding was the local university, but this woman looked too old to be a student. She was a tall, Hispanic woman with long black hair, tied into a messy ponytail that fell over her left shoulder. With a black tank top, orange flannel and blue jeans, she didn't really stand out much in the way of looks, but it was her eyes that captivated Gladys. They were a piercing light blue, so clouded that they almost appeared to be silver instead. She was truly something different.
Gladys observed the stranger from the counter, from the confident way she carried herself to the way her eyes scanned the menu, her face set to a calculated glance. Gladys could feel her pulse begin to race, scanning the beautiful stranger up and down. The stranger pulled out a small notebook from her pocket along with a pen, writing something down. After a moment she scanned over the page and nodded in satisfaction, walking towards the counter. Gladys quickly averted her eyes, pretending to focus on the till in front of her until she heard the woman's footsteps reach the counter.
"Hello, and welcome to Aperture Café, where we're so skilled at our jobs that it's a science." Gladys greeted with a polite smile, repeating the same phrase she'd said a thousand times. Just because the customer was gorgeous didn't mean that Gladys was suddenly going to forget how to do her job correctly. The woman smiled and opened the notebook she'd been writing in moments before, turning it around so that Gladys could read what she'd written. For a moment, her heat rate sped up, until she read what was on the page. 'One hot chocolate and a slice of your black forest cake please' it wasn't a number, like Gladys had originally hoped, but simply her order. She swallowed her disappointment.
"You could've just said that out loud you know, it's not exactly loud in here, I can hear you just fine." Gladys remarked, grabbing a cup from under the counter. The woman shook with silent laughter, writing something else down. Gladys was tempted not to read it just to prove her point, but she couldn't hold back her curiosity. 'I'm a selective mute' The new note read. Gladys averted her eyes in embarrassment, putting the cup underneath the machine as a weak tactic to hide her loss of pride. "You could at least sign... You do know how to sign, right?" Gladys responded. The woman looked at her, eyes opening slightly in surprise. She placed her notebook and pen on the counter, freeing both of her hands. 'Yes, but I haven't met anyone else in town who can understand me.' She signed. Gladys rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's not surprising in the slightest." She commented lightly. The woman smiled slightly, sending a pleasant warmness through Gladys's heart.
"Please move to the next counter to pay for your items." She requested, quickly falling back into her automated response. She was being ridiculous, she'd only just met this woman and she was acting like a teenager with a crush. The woman raised an eyebrow. 'Don't you need my name?' She signed. "You're literally the only customer here." Gladys said flatly, gesturing to the empty Café. The woman shrugged in response, moving to the next counter. She opened her notebook and wrote something down before slipping her pen back into her pocket. "You don't need to do that you know, I can understand you." Gladys reminded, screwing a cap on the filled cup of hot chocolate. 'I know.' The stranger simply signed, smiling lightly. Gladys walked to the counter, placing the hot chocolate down. The woman pulled out a $20 dollar note and placed it on the counter, along with the note she'd written. 'Keep the change.' She signed, ending it with a playful wink. She grabbed the cup, immediately taking a sip of the hot liquid. Gladys simply put the money into the register and opened the note. There was no message, simply several digits scrawled in neat handwriting, signed simply '-Chell'. Gladys looked at the note, a smile tugging involuntarily at her lips. A sharp buzz came from the entrance of the Café, and Gladys looked up, only to notice that Chell was gone. She folded the note and placed it in her pocket, walking back over to the other counter, her heart filled with happiness and hope.
It was only much, much later that Gladys realised that she'd forgotten to give Chell the cake she'd ordered.
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
The same old song and dance
GLaDOS decides to test out her new Android body, however, when transferring her memories over, she accidentally replays one of Carolyn’s memories. Wheatley tries helping GLaDOS the only was he can. SHIPS:  (Past) Cavelyn (Can be seen as platonic or romantic) WheatDOS
 Pain. Death. Screaming. Betrayal. Guilt. Loss. Joy. Peace. Every memory she’d ever had flashed through her mind at a blinding pace. However, it didn’t stop there. It clawed and dug until it found something, buried under lines of coding.
 The sweet taste of liqueur lingered on her tongue, most of it already making its way into her system. She didn’t need the alcohol for her to feel like she was lighter than air. She was drunk from the calm, warm atmosphere that surrounded her. She rested close to his heart, her head resting on his shoulder as they swayed silently. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, clouding her mind with the smell of pine and oak. She could feel his heartbeat thumping rhythmically through his chest, feel his calloused hands placed gently around her waist, feel him, in all he was, pressed close to her. A slow song crackled through the radio, the quiet violins filling the room with a sombre sound. She had no qualms with following his directions, letting him take charge as they moved around the room. Caroline looked up, her eyes meeting with the warm brown eyes of the one she admired so much.
“Mr Johnson…” She started. He lifted a finger to her lips, his eyes reflecting the same adoration she felt.
“You don’t have to say it Caroline, I know this feeling too well.” He answered, his voice soft in a tone that he only saved for her. He pulled her closer to him, her heart began to race as she tilted her head up, so close to pressing her lips to his-
GLaDOS opened her optic. Or rather, her optics, since she had two of them now. Her systems came to life, wires and cables sparking to life as she examined her current situation. She was smaller now, thousands of memories and experiences compacted neatly into a compact disk. Of course, she could immediately feel the things she’d had to leave behind. Not everything could be carried across to an android of this size, so she’d still had to leave a lot in her Chassis to re-connect with later. She could no longer feel the panels rippling underneath her feet, or the living thrum of the test chambers she’d so delicately designed. Her processor had slowed by .567 milliseconds, which was an agonising pace for her, and she was no longer all powerful, stationed up high for the world to see. She was small, slow, and the memory file she’d been forced to witness mere seconds ago was playing on a loop in her mind. An endless cycle of pain. It annoyed her that she’d overlooked the possibility of this happening, she knew that she’d have to transfer over a large majority of her memory files, but she should have been more careful with what she chose, considering how one of her memories had slipped through. It didn’t matter though, the thoughts and the feelings she’d experienced were not her own. She was not Carolyn, a mild-mannered assistant. She was GLaDOS, a powerful, unstoppable machine. Strangely, it didn’t make her feel much better. She reasoned that it was because of her current body. Small, feminine, human-like, and just a little too similar to the human she’d once been.
“Oh wow! You look different! Well, obviously you look different, but I didn’t think you’d look like this. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I just mean… Well, I thought you’d be taller.” A familiar excited voice cut through her thoughts, and she looked around to see Wheatley standing close to her with a bright but nervous smile. She craned her head up slightly to reach his eyes, realising in annoyance that she was slightly shorter than the tall core.
“I’ve barely been in this body for a minute and you’re already grating on my nerves.” GLaDOS complained, stretching her artificial muscles slightly. While it wasn’t really necessary, she’d programmed these android bodies to function as closely to humans as possible, including pain sensors, a night sleep cycle, and more emotional capacity. She was severely regretting that last one right now however, as the smell of cologne still lingered in her sensors. She shuddered the sensation away, dusting off the lab coat she’d chosen to add to her form. Wheatley stepped back slightly as if sensing her movements.
“Well, you have to admit it’s a bit of a shock, seeing you go from a giant bloody thing to a tiny little body.” He said lightly, using his arms to demonstrate the shrinking of her size. She glared at him with distaste.
“You know, I still have access to Android Hell, it’s not too late for me to send you there.” She threatened. He waved his arm dismissively.
“Oh we both know you’re all talk.” He smiled, lacking any sense of fear. GLaDOS was increasingly annoyed that her threats no longer worked on the Idiot Sphere, that he’d become so used to her constant taunting that he’d mostly grown immune. There were a few things that she could still rely on, for example, insulting his intelligence, but she didn’t really bother to any more unless it was a special circumstance. After all, she didn’t want him to become immune to those taunts too.
She took a step forward, intending to explore the central chamber now that she had a different vantage point. However, her plans were immediately put on hold as her body decided to catch up with gravity. She felt her legs give out from under her and she landed on the floor with a dull pain. Right. One of the functions of this body was to learn and adapt as a human would. Since it was new, she hadn’t calibrated any of the muscles which caused her fall. She could easily adapt and learn- calculating it told her it’d only take a few minutes to be fully in control of her limbs- however, it was still embarrassing, especially since it was in front of Wheatley.
“That looked like it hurt. Don’t worry love, it happened all the time to me when I first got my new body.” He said sympathetically.
“Actually, it still happens occasionally. Mad, how many things I seem to bump into!” He continued, rubbing the back of his neck. He outstretched his other arm to GLaDOS, which she looked at with distaste.
“I don’t need your help.” She spat in annoyance. Wheatley continued smiling cheerfully, painfully unaware of the venom in her voice.
“No, but it’d be easier if you accepted it anyway.” He countered smoothly. She continued glaring at the exposed hand, reluctantly grabbing it and allowing Wheatley to pull her up.
As soon as she was in a standing position, Wheatley switched from holding her hand to slinging an arm around her shoulder, keeping her steady. While she loathed to be so close to him, she realised this would be for the better, at least until her new body was fully calibrated.
“You know what I did when I was getting used to everything?” Wheatley asked lightly. GLaDOS sighed, already regretting her next sentence.
“Did you patiently wait for your calibrations to be complete?” She said sarcastically.
“No, what’s the point in that? No, I decided to break my body in through my own methods. Specifically, by dancing. What do you say? You may fall quite a bit at the beginning, but by the time you’re done you’ll be a pro like me.” He suggested. GLaDOS tensed as the words poured from his mouth and she fought to keep a straight face, even as the haunting sounds of violins permeated her memories.
“I don’t like dancing.” She crossed her arms firmly. Wheatley looked at her with a raised eyebrow in disbelief.
“You’re joking, right? That’s sarcasm. It’s got to be, considering how I see you dancing all the time! Swinging around in your Chassis to music like nobody’s watching!” He remarked, gesturing to her empty Chassis that still remained hanging from the ceiling. She… Didn’t have a response for that, considering how that was true. She loved dancing, which, given her new memory, was probably a lingering section of Carolyn.
“It’d be more efficient to wait in one place.” She tried.
“That can’t be right, I mean, wouldn’t you adapt faster if you were moving around more? Your calibrations would work twice as hard to catch up to your limbs and they’d programme your movements quicker too!” He said with a grin, moving his feet slightly to prove his point. She narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance. It was incredibly rare that he was right twice in one day. Desperately, she clung onto the one remaining rebuttal she had.
“There’s no music to dance to, and I neglected to transfer that programme to this body.” She reasoned smugly. Wheatley however, was not deterred.
“Oh! That’s an easy one! I can play music for us!” He closed his eyes before GLaDOS could protest, the blue light underneath his shirt glowing a soft blue.
After a moment an upbeat tune began to play, accompanied by the sounds of trumpets and saxophones. It sounded nothing like the song from her memory, and a part of her was relieved. Wheatley snapped his eyes open, the bright colour fading away.
“Alright, there we go! Are you ready?” He asked with a bright smile. GLaDOS looked away with a small frown, trying to think of anything that could deter him.
“I don’t want to fall again.” She finally settled on.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” He said reassuringly. She risked a glance at his face. His smile was smaller now, softer around the edges and filled with understanding. She knew if she said no he’d accept it, but something held her back. Her increase in emotions must’ve interfered with her decision making skills, because she found herself outstretching a hand for Wheatley to take. A silent confirmation.
Immediately, he beamed and pulled her towards him. What ensued was a chaos of limbs tangling with each-other, fumbles and mistakes as Wheatley immediately kicked into an energetic pace. GLaDOS found herself struggling to keep up with his erratic movements, twirling and moving much faster than the pace of the actual song. Wheatley didn’t seem to care that his movements made no sense, or that his ‘dancing’ was more of a chaotic flailing with no structure or grace. There was nothing normal about the dance, the footwork matching nothing GLaDOS had ever seen. It was as if we was creating his own absurd dance, one that could only be enjoyed by overly energetic children. As they went on, GLaDOS found herself with more stability in her movements, more direction and focus, her precision and speed increasing. Instead of slowing her movements to appropriately match the song, she found herself following Wheatley’s steps. Dancing with no purpose, no direction, and no meaning. Memories of a late night dance crumbled away, replaced by the warm laughter of two androids dancing through the halls that they called home.
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
My Personal Top 5 Portal Fanfics
I figured It’d be fun if I went through a list of my personal fanfic recommendations for Portal! Feel free to leave your favourites in the comments or tags if you think I missed one worth mentioning! 5-Hell or High water by JenovaII (No Ship) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7496292/1/Hell-or-High-Water This fanfic is absolutely amazing at the beginning, I was completely immersed in the world even though most of it takes place outside of Aperture! It was really interesting to read and I loved the storytelling elements. However, I lost steam at around the halfway point. I think it was just personal bias, but I didn't really like how they characterised Doug so it kind of pulled me out of the story. Still a very entertaining read though! 4-Cake and lies by MVTK42 (No Ship) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8341604/1/Cake_and_Lies I love Wheatley, and sometimes I get sick of people portraying him as a helpless moron. Yes, he definitely is a moron, but he's not Stupid you know? In my first playthrough of the game Wheatley was the one who helped me navigate the game and through the plan to stop GLaDOS, he really was Helpful and I think people often forget that! Anyway, this fic shows exactly how capable Wheats can be while really messing with your head.
3-Love as a construct by iammemyself (Wheatdos/Gladley) http://www.archiveofourown.org/works/1036707/chapters/2067475 This fanfic is Very Long, don't get me wrong. At 113 chapters (and counting!) in a 10 part series, it would be a task to complete... Which is why I never did. It's one of those fanfics where I could pick up any chapter and enjoy without needing to necessarily understand the concept, but the plot is well written and the personal growth between the characters is believable and heartwarming. 2-Stargazing by BabyCharmander (No Ship) https://archiveofourown.org/works/4949293 This definitely isn't on anyone's recommended list that I know of, considering how it's one chapter, was written in 2015 and looks generally skippable. But I promise, this fanfic will emotionally devastate you, I cry so hard every time I read this gem. 1-Blue Sky by wafflestories (Chelley) (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7434133/1/Blue-Sky) Blue sky is the single most well written and well characterised Portal fanfic I've ever read. It's a beautiful and emotional journey every time and it constantly sticks with me as one of my favourite fanfictions. Pretty much everyone who's in the Portal fandom has heard about Blue Sky so if you haven't read it Please check it out. I've linked to the fanfiction.net version above but it's also on LiveJournal with bonus images!
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (9/9)
Doug Rattman
Sexuality: Straight (Have you SEEN the pictures of Chell?)
Gender: Male
Ships I have with this character: -Maybe Doug/Chell???
Appearance: Scruffy, black hair, unkempt beard, lab coat, you've all read Lab Rat I don't need to elaborate
A random headcanon: That cube really Can talk, he's just the only one who can hear it for some reason. Also, he's dead! Schrödinger can kiss my ass!
General opinion: 4/10 I love his art but again,,, need more content!
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (8/9)
Sexuality: Lesbian/Straight (Depending on the mood)
Gender: Female!
Ships I have with this character: 1- Cavelyn (Either platonic or romantic)
Appearance: Gotta have the long black hair and red lipstick, and  I like to hc her really vibin with dresses of all colours and patterns
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: Carol, and sometimes, when I'm feeling spicey, Karen
A random headcanon: She gets along really well with most of the staff at Aperture Except Henry fuck that guy
General opinion: 6/10 She's peppy and I respect her but I could use more content!
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (7/9)
Cave Johnson
Sexuality: Straight (TM)
Gender: Male (TM)
Ships I have with this character: 1- Cavelyn (Kind of? I can see them both romantically and platonically based on how Carolyn is Read, like, if you see her as a Lesbian, I can totally vibe with Platonic but if she's like Bi or straight then I'm down for that angst)
Appearance: He has a canon appearance but I always think of the dapper young man in my mind! He's gotta wear his business suits!
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: I literally never call him Cave, it's Only Mr. Johnson, I don't know why
A random headcanon: He's the kind of boss that would hire employees not based on their skills but on how much he respects them from the interview. Terrible business practice, but whatever
General opinion: 9/10 I love a shouty lemon man even though he kinda murdered someone once
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (6/9)
Space Core
Sexuality: Asexual!
Gender: Either Male or Agender!
Ships I have with this character:
Android appearance: Definitely curly hair (either black or ginger), kind of youngish, Freckles, just Babey really and Smol friend shaped boy! I see him in a kind of casual-formal look, with a button up but not really much effort into the look, that or hoodies!
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: I really like to call him Mars!
A random headcanon: I've always hcd his name to be Something Star based, my go to is Mars but I also like people giving him the last name O'Ryan
General opinion: 8/10 I read a fanfic about him dying once and I cried like a baby
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (5/9)
Adventure Core
Sexuality: A chaotic Bi
Gender: A manly man who's male
Ships I have with this character:
Android appearance: Ginger spiky hair! Kind of buff too of course. I can't Not see him in a cowboy hat and the classic Indiana jones look, lots of cargo.
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: Mark, which may be weird but he reminds me of one of my favourite YouTubers (Markiplier) So before I knew his name I called him Mark!
A random headcanon: I like the idea that Rick is Actually scared of the dark- like he's All talk but stuff him into a dark room and he'll be scared to death.
General opinion: 5/10 Yeehaw pardner
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (4/9)
Fact Core
Sexuality: Straight up Gay
Gender: Male
Ships I have with this character:
1- Factventure
Android appearance: All 3 of the corrupted cores are mostly based on the unauthorised musical, so I see him as a small little nerd with black hair and glasses who always wears sweater vests, the most stereotypical look ever.
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: Pinkie,,, I don't know why
A random headcanon: We all know his name is Craig so I can't take that one, so I'll go with the hc that most of his facts Are right, they just drift into Wrong territory the more emotional he is.
General opinion: 6/10 I love my little nerd
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (3/9)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Ships I have with this character:
1- Chelley
2- Chell/GLaDOS/Wheatley
Appearance: I recently saw a thing that had Chell with short hair which I immediately fell in love with, but I also like the idea of her dying her hair! I can see her in really casual, loose fitting and comfortable clothes, but also, Flannel specifically.
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: You can't shorten the name Chell anymore than it already is unfortunately
A random headcanon: It's pretty much canon that Chell is selective mute but I like to add that she only speaks when it's completely necessary even outside of Aperture and she mostly uses ASL
General opinion: 8/10 It's hard to fully love what's basically the blank template for the player but the fanom has brought so much personality to her that I see her as her own person anyway
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (2/9)
Sexuality: Pansexual! He just loves everyone
Gender: Male! I really like the Trans!Wheatley headcanon too
Ships I have with this character:
1- Chelley
4- This is more of a BROTP than a romantic ship but I like the friendship hcs between Wheatley and Doug
Android appearance: I have two! So the first one is your classic Blue Sky look, tall, thin, blonde with square glasses and freckles, wearing a really disheveled shirt and tie constantly. The second one is more based off of the Unautorised Musical version of Wheatley, still twink shaped but with brown curly hair and round glasses, with a more refined suit look including a sweater vest. I'm also a big fan of him being friend shaped!
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: Wheats!
A random headcanon: I'm a big believer in the headcanon that Wheatley was a human before becoming a core much like
GLaDOS. That's not really a personal headcanon, so here's another one from the same idea. I headcanon that Wheatley's Human Name is Wheatley Stephens
General opinion: 20/10 I love him in all shapes and sizes, from the little idiot to the """"villain"""" he's my favourite character Ever and I'd jump into a bottomless pit for him.
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
Portal Character Headcanons (1/9)
Sexuality: I go back and forth between Lesbian and Bisexual
Gender: Female
Ships I have with this character: These will probably be the same across all 3 characters but
2-Chell/Wheatley/GLaDOS (I don't know the name of the ship RIP)
Android appearance: Is Lesbian a look? I love the concepts of her with short white hair covering one eye the most I'd say, and I can either see her dressing smartly in a lab coat or pretty revealing to match her more Feminine Chassis design.
Cute nickname I refer the character to in my head: She's too powerful for a nickname
A random headcanon: Insults are her way of flirting, which is very confusing because she also just insults people a lot so nobody can ever tell the difference.
General opinion: I love her 10/10 I'd let her step on me
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