#jeon woo chi
anotherfanaccount · 1 year
Choi Chi Yeol losing it almost everything Nam Haeng Son appears before him and just denying his obvious feelings as live is so hilariously done.
It's perfect. He just can't believe he can fall in love. That's it. And to this mother of a student. His ethical uprightness is blocking his heart and he is gonna everything to deny himself the love he feels.
As much funny this entire situation is till now, I need Haeng son to come clean so the dude gets some relief. He's already physically frail to begin with.
Nam Hae Yi subtly shipping them is so cute too. She is gonna be the one bringing them together because these two are pretty useless in that department is what I see so far.
And I want Chi Yeol to officially become a part of the family because you see him. Comfortable, well fed, smiling, taking care of them and just actually living a life than just existing for the sake of it.
Anyway what I meant was this drama is absolutely everything I didn't know I needed. Kinda in with the mystery killer dude story too. And yes, I hate the other mothers but my god what fabulous bunch of actors.
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Some of the gold that I loved in ep 10 apart from the kiss and Hae-e’s confession
• chi-yeol having a heart attack when he sees haeng-seon’s message to go to the karaoke place and thinking it’s a motel. My man still went though. Sooo lovesick!
• having drinks with university friend. I really appreciate this part because of how lonely chi-yeol is. The person he probably wants to call and be with the most is the one person he couldnt be with at that moment.
• forever meme-able chi-yeol being a lightweight and passing out like he just died and went to heaven (which he did in this episode when he got to kiss haeng-seon)
• jae-woo being the best dongsaeng to chi-yeol and the unknowing bridge for the kiss to happen. Also, that part on the door and on the bed was sooo funny. Kyung-ho, the god of comedy. I love how thin and frail he is— best psyiognimy for physical comedy.
• hae-e watching her two psuedo-parents falling in love
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studio-orchid · 1 year
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i just finished this series and IT WAS SO CUTE!! 🥰
the cast was so good and their dynamic is definitely something i want to see again (i’m hoping there will be another season)
also the sub murder plot wasn’t something i was expecting but it was really cool seeing how everything came into place
also don’t mind me i’m about to post about every drama i’ve ever seen
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commiehilfiger · 2 years
Gaus Electronics teaser just dropped
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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'Hanyang University Hospital' Gang Dong-Won, production greed 'The Central zone' Namgoong Min, daily sergeant ..
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hyobros · 7 months
Cheritz's changes in staff over the lifetime of The Ssum
I wanted to write a post about this because it was the nail in the coffin convincing me that The Ssum won't get better. I really want to be optimistic, I was for the first year of the game's release. But with how hard they're fumbling June's route, and having some context by seeing the dramatic changes that happen behind the scenes, I don't have any hope for the game's future in its original concept.
So here's a big fat list of credits, comparison of them, and my own stupid commentary.
A comparison of the beta OPs credits (2018) vs the new OP credits (April 2022)
Project Directed by-
Sujin Ri (this stays constant)
Project Managed by-
Heinrich Dortmann (this stays constant during the time periods I'm comparing- we'll come back to this later)
Character Model by-
Yuseung An (this credit never appears again so uhhhh)
Game Designed by-
Yoonji Shin, Haeyoung Go (this credit also never appears again)
Project Assisted by-
Youngtak Lee, Heetae Lee, Yeonwoo Jung, Kyungha Kim, Kyungho Kim, Jihyun Jang, Hyejin Hong, Daniel Hong, Seungiim(?) Hwang, Dakyoung Lee
April 2022:
Heetae Lee, Junghee Choi
Art illustrated by-
Ilbo Sim, Jinhee Lee, Jihyeon Choi, Hyunju Na, Juhul Kim, Jaehee Hwang, Mirae Kang
April 2022:
Ilbo Sim, Jihyeon Choi, Minji Kim, Mirae Kang, Youngjoo You, Yura Lee
Programmed by-
Mansu Park, Marcos Arroyo, Rachel Tay, Soonyong Hong, Seungjin Lee, Myungjun Choi
April 2022:
Gunsoo Lee, Kukhwa Park, Moonhyuk Jang, Myungjun Choi, Seungjin Lee, Wonbok Lee, Youngkwon Jeon
Scenario Written by-
Jinseo Park, Minjeong Kim, E Hyun Kim, Eunchong Jang
April 2022:
Jinseo Park, Lilly Hwang, Minjung Kim, Saerom Shin, Summer Yoon, Youngran Moon
Language Localized by-
Sunhee Moon, Minkyung Chi, Sungjae Choi, Junhee Kim
April 2022:
Minkyung Chi, Pilhwa Hong, Saenanseul Kim, Sorim Byeon
Sound Resourced by-
April 2022:
Songhee Kim
Customer Service/Communication with Users by-
Sunkyeong Yun, Hyeseon Yang
April 2022:
Donghee Yoon, Joyce Hong, Sanghee An, Subin Kim
Credits from 2019
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These are in the lyric booklet included in the Teo Love Bundle. Strangely enough, I'm already seeing differences between the 2018 credits and 2019. Uh oh?
As of release + a few months
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These screenshots don't feature all the credits, unfortunately. I'm relying on screenshots someone else took because I'm not proactive but hindsight is 20/20.
Changes: Project is no longer managed by Heinrich Dortmann, instead by Juho Woo. Scenario team cut down to 2 people, one of which is a new name (Jooyoung Lim). Art team also cut down to 2 people. Sound is no longer resourced by Songhee Kim, but Jaeryeon Park and ROGIA. All new team of directing assistants as well, it expanded to 4 people but they're all new names. 2 fewer programmers, only one of the listed names was already working.
October 2023 (June's release)
Here's where it somehow gets worse lol.
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Changes: A lot. Directing assisted by 1 person. They were not a part of the team credited in the OP. Down to 3 programmers, only 1 being in the OP. Entirely new art team! It's up to 4 people, but all of them are new, even compared to only a few months prior. Down to 1 scenario writer pobrecita (but we're coming back to that). Since I don't have screenshots of the project assistant credits from launch, can't say anything for that, except that Gui Zhenghao is new compared to the OP but the number of staff there remained the same. Flaming Heart is gone for the BGM! He's been working with Cheritz for forever but is gone now. One person from the communication team left, so they're down to 2. That would explain why emails have been slower since October. Only 1 translator, though Cheritz is now looking to recruit new ones.
Important note:
According to Cheritz's post acknowledging their use of gAI, Sujin Ri was not involved in writing season 1 of the game, but IS the main writer for season 2. I won't make a rant about how much I hate what she's writing cuz this isn't the post for that, but it explains why season 2 is so vastly different.
The fact that only a few people (like, in the lower single digits) remain even from 2019/early 2022, let alone who's still around from 2018, is really frustrating for the game. The game started with one vision, but now it's being turned into something completely different. Even the app's functions are inconsistant between season 1 and 2 (and a little so between Harry and Teo). According to an email I got from Cheritz, season 2 takes place a few years before season 1. Just sit with that knowledge for a bit :P. It's like the current people in charge of The Ssum (*cough Sujiin Ri*) couldn't be bothered to keep the original concept in mind, let alone how the timeline would work.
This post was a long time coming, I was caught up in just how bizarre this all is and finding tons of stuff that I haven't even included in the post. Writing this has taken about 3 hours (including the time I spent on a post ONLY FOR TUMBLR TO NOT WANNA WORK PROPERLY WHEN I TRIED TO POST IT SO IT GOT DELETED) and uhhh yeah. Now I gotta wait a few years to ask former staff if their NDAs are expired yet LOL
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Crash Course in Romance (2023)
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Really enjoyed this show. The writing and story felt familiar, but the actors were good enough that it still seems fresh. Could have done with 50% less obsessed crazy stalker people though.
What Worked
The leads were fun to watch both separately and together. The overall relationships were interesting and the drama does a good job of making something that should be rather dull (math class) seem exciting. Even the most detestable people in the show still had some moments of sympathy as well, which makes them seem like real people, and it also makes the show feel safer rather than super stressful.
What Didn't Work
The weird murder plot, but this was less offensive than most and they didn't allow it to take over the show.
The Performances
Jeon Do-yeon as Nam Haeng-seon. I'm not sure if it's groundbreaking to take a character that is super common in romance (the plucky young woman who just wants to take care of her family, but OMG life is terrible) and just age her up 15 years. Sadly, it kind of feels that way. In any case, this actor is great, she's apparently a big deal in K-film and I'm so glad we got to see her here.
Jung Kyung-ho as Choi Chi-yeol. He's not all that different from the character he played in Hospital Playlist (I enjoyed him in that), but his story is different enough that it still seemed interesting. Jung Kyung-ho did a great job as a lead, and I liked all the different character moments the writers put out there for him. Not all of them stuck (for example, the tragic student death that he seems to have forgotten about after five episodes), but overall it was more hits than misses.
Oh Eui-shik as Nam Jae-woo. Every time I see a character in these dramas who is on the Asperger's spectrum, I start to wonder if the writers are ticking a box or something. But as long as they make sure and put in the work to make the character feel real, then I'm okay with it. Oh Eui-shik did the work, and I was okay with it.
Lee Bong-ryun as Kim Young-joo. I enjoyed seeing her in Hometown Cha x 3 and she did a great job here (though her character is a little more one-note here). I felt her romance arc at the end was actually kind of nice.
Roh Yoon-seo as Nam Hae-yi. Really good job by a young actress who was only in her second drama. Hopefully, she'll have a long career, because she was fun to watch and the character was well done as well.
Jang Young-nam as Jang Seo-jin. The only other role I've seen her in was as kind of a bad person in IOK2NBO. She wasn't a great person here, but I had alot more sympathy for her, partly because the actor did a good job of making her relatable even during all the crazy plot stuff. I'm glad the writers left the character in a pretty good place overall.
Kim Mi-kyung as Haeng-seon's mother. I have already raved about how cool this actor is in other places. She was only in two episodes, and her character didn't even get a real name, but it was still just nice to see her on screen.
The High School Kiddos. I think they all did a good job. The writers didn't try and make them too cutesy or turn it into an afterschool special. They were fun to watch when they were on screen, and they all had good moments in the show.
The Gang of Bad Mothers With Money. I kind of enjoyed their antics, even if it felt like the writers were giving them the job of creating pointless drama at times. They were funny when they needed to be, and detestable when they needed to be, but none of them were too memorable.
The Evil Baddie Assistant Guy. Kind of a spoiler though it's not really a huge secret. I think the actor did a decent job of playing subtle with a character that slowly turns into a mustache twirling villain by the end of the series. I didn't need an interesting villain, in fact I'd rather not bother with him at all, but if you have to have a murder spree in your drama, this guy is an acceptable choice.
Fun little romance / relationship drama with good casting that hit a sweet spot between familiar and fresh. Had some funny moments, and a few genuine feels but you knew going in that you'd end up with a HEA.
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iuteamstarcandy · 6 months
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An 18-year-old girl's shy confession, ‘I… like you, oppa… what do I do?’
IU’S 3rd MINI ALBUM [Real]
IU, who has established herself as a female solo artist representing the music industry with her inborn sensibilities and singing skills, has finally released her third mini-album, [Real] . IU's new album [Real] was co-produced by Cho Young-chul, who has been showcasing trends in the music industry with consecutive hits such as ‘Abracadabra’, ‘Nagging’ and ‘Irreversible’, as well as Choi Gap-won, who has worked with IU for a long time and understands IU's musical sensibilities well. In addition, many top Korean music writers, including Yoon Sang, Kim Hyung-seok, Yoon Jong-shin, Choi Gap-won, Lee Min-soo, Shinsadong Tiger, Kim Eana, Saint binary, Jeon Seung-woo, PJ and Min Woong-sik, participated in the album. All the composers/lyricists who participated in this album willingly participated in the album for IU and her new album is enough to raise fans' expectations just by the lineup of writers.
The songs in this album are filled with high-quality songs, all of which are worthy of being the title track. First of all, composer Kim Hyung-suk's song ‘Not Like This’ is a Shibuya-based electronic medium song that IU tried for the first time and it stands out for its unique structure that flows throughout the song. Kim Hyung-suk, who has always praised IU’s voice tone for its feel, made use of IU's bright and sophisticated singing skills in this song.
The song composed by Yoon Jong-shin, ‘The Night of the First Breakup’ depicts a hectic and embarrassing day of a girl after her breakup and IU expressed the feelings of the song with excellent interpretation skills and emotions. After working on the song, Yoon Jong-shin praised IU as a ‘singer with both musical sensibility and intelligence who is sought after’.
‘In a Room Alone’ with its sensuous arrangements and sophisticated melodies, is a song written by composer Jeon Seung-woo, through which you can sense that IU’s singing tone has become more advanced and her vocals more sophisticated. In particular, IU was directly involved in writing the lyrics for ‘In a Room Alone’, together with lyricist Choi Gap-won, coloring the whole song with the emotions of an 18-year-old girl.
The mournful ballad track ‘What I’m Doing Slowly’ is a collaboration between composer PJ, Min Woong-sik and lyricist Choi Kap-won, who also wrote the lyrics. The song leaves an impression with its lyrical melodies based on acoustic sounds that best match IU and beautiful lyrics about breaking up with someone you were in love with and slowly forgetting the person, so as to love the person just a little more.
Shinsadong Tiger’s ‘Merry Christmas in Advance’ is a confession song, as a gift from IU to her fans and Chundung, a member of MBLAQ, who has built a friendship with IU since her trainee days, participated in the rap and gave her his support. Merry Christmas in Advance’ is a love song that will color everyone's hearts beautifully this winter with IU's bright voice and the cozy music arrangement. IU is regarded as a singer who balances both popularity and musicality at the same time with her passion, constant effort and serious attitude about music, is strengthening her presence as one of Korea’s leading solo artists and her third mini-album, [Real], will be a great gift to the music industry with IU’s presence.
01 이게 아닌데 (Not Like This / This Is Not What I Thought)
Lyrics by Kim Eana
Composed by Kim Hyung-suk
Arranged by Yoo Seong-min
02 느리게 하는 일 (What I’m Doing Slowly)
Lyrics by PJ / Min Woong-sik / Choi Gap-won
Composed by Choi Gap-won / PEEJAY / Min Woong-sik
Arranged by Kim Jin-hoon
03 좋은 날 (Good Day)
Lyrics by Kim Eana
Composed by Lee Min-soo
Arranged by Lee Min-soo
04 첫 이별 그날 밤 (The Night of the First Breakup)
Lyrics by Yoon Jong-shin
Composed by Yoon Jong-shin
Arranged by Jo Jung-chi
05 혼자 있는 방 (In a Room Alone)
Lyrics by Choi Gap-won / Jeon Seung-woo / IU
Composed by Choi Gap-won / Jeon Seung-woo / IU
Arranged by Jeon Seung-woo
06 미리 메리크리스마스 (Merry Christmas in Advance) (Feat. Chundung of MBLAQ)
Lyrics by Choi Gap-won
Composed by Shinsadong Horaengi / Choi Gyu-sung
Arranged by Shinsadong Horaengi / Choi Gyu-sung
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
Source: Melon
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texaxwib · 6 months
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(via Jeon Woo Chi - Where to Watch and Stream Online – Entertainment.ie)
Korean Drama TV Series; Jeon Woo-Chi (2012-2013)
Jeon Woo-chi is also a wizard but the setting is the Joseon historical period. 
It's very entertaining.  The best way to describe it would be:  It's kind of like a cross between The Adventures of Merlin AND The Adventures of Superman.  I say that because the main character, Jeon Woo-chi, is a good wizard like Merlin, who helps the king.  But for his disguise he is an ordinary news reporter who wears eye glasses, just like Clark Kent.  When he needs to, he transforms from this disguise and becomes a wizard who can fly!!  LOL.
Just to keep the action going, they threw in a couple of bad wizards; an old one and a young one.  There was also a princess wizard however, she lost all of her powers when she tried to get rid of the bad wizards.  But it's OK because she's very good at martial arts and can seriously kick butt!!  Bruce Lee would be proud or her. 
It's 24 episodes.  asianwiki.com/Jeon_Woo-Chi_-_Korean_Drama  
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kancamaxwin · 7 months
4 Drama Korea Terbaru! yang wajib kamu tonton nih!
Taxi Driver Season 2
Best Korean drama 2023 berikutnya adalah TAXI DRIVER 2. Drama Korea ini merupakan lanjutan dari season pertama yang tayang pada 2021. Di mana, drama TAXI DRIVER 2 masih akan diperankan oleh Lee Je-Hoon, Kim Eui-Sung, Pyo Ye-Jin, Jang Hyuk-Jin dan seterusnya.
Setelah aksi balas dendam pada season pertama sukses dilancarkan oleh Kim Do-Ki, pada season kedua akan melihat kembali aksi tim dari Rainbow Taxi yang berkumpul lagi, jangan lupa main di Meteorbet88. Selain itu ada karakter baru bernama On Ha-joon. Namun pada season kedua ini artis cantik Esom diketahui tak ikut berperan. Walau begitu kisahnya tetap seru apalagi tokoh Madam Lim akan kembali hadir di TAXI DRIVER 2. Tidak heran kalau drama Korea terbaru 2023 ini berhasil mencetak rating cukup tinggi pada penayangan pertamanya hingga 12.1 persen melansir dari Soompi untuk rating nasional.
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2. Crash Course In Romance
CRASH COURSE IN ROMANCE juga termasuk best Korean drama 2023 yang tak kalah populer rilis pada awal tahun. Awal perilisan CRASH COURSE IN ROMANCE sempat berhasil mencetak rating tinggi. Salah satu yang menarik dari drama Korea terbaru 2023 ini lantaran peran pemainnya yang sangat menawan. Apalagi, CRASH COURSE IN ROMANCE juga menghadirkan kisah menarik tentang romansa pemeran utamanya dengan kepribadian berbeda loh Kancawers, main di Meteorbet88 yuk!
Adapun sinopsis CRASH COURSE IN ROMANCE bercerita mengenai kisah cinta berbalut komedi antara Nam Haeng Sun dan Choi Chi Yeol. Nam Haeng Sun merupakan mantan atlet yang memiliki warung makanan. Ia bertemu dengan Choi Shi Yeol sebagai instruktur cukup terkenal di pendidikan swasta. Keduanya kemudian bertemu di lembaga pendidikan.
Sejalan dengan itu, putrinya juga ingin menjadi murid Choi Shi Yeol. Kisah cinta yang manis namun penuh kejadian tidak terduga. Terlebih keduanya punya karakter bertolak belakang yang membuat drama ini sukses. Diperankan oleh Jeon Do-yeon dan Jung Kyung-ho, CRASH COURSE IN ROMANCE wajib banget kalian tonton.
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3. Island ( 2023 )
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Menghadirkan bintang ternama seperti Kim Nam-Gil, Lee Da-Hee, Cha Eun-Woo, Sung Joon dan lainnya, drama Korea ISLAND sukses menarik perhatian publik. Drama ini akan memasuki season kedua setelah sukses pada season pertamanya yang rilis akhir tahun 2022.
Sementara itu, ISLAND berhasil mencetak rating cukup tinggi sebesar 7.1 menurut IMDb yang mana mengisahkan tentang kehidupan manusia yang terancam karena hadirnya iblis jahat. Sementara itu tiga orang akan berjuang melawan para iblis melibatkan manusia setengah iblis bernama Van, pendeta bernama Johan, dan Won Mi-Ho seorang perempuan diprediksi bisa memusnahkan para iblis. Untuk season kedua, ISLAND akan mengisahkan para pemainnya berjuang melawan iblis. Apalagi, Won Min-Ho diketahui akan tersadar mengenai identitasnya ini Kancawers, yuk main di Meteorbet88 4. Alchemy of Souls Season 2
Melanjutkan kisah sebelumnya, ALCHEMY OF SOULS 2 juga menjadi best Korean drama 2023 yang wajib ditonton. Drama ini juga mendapatkan rating yang sangat tinggi dan sempat trending di media sosial. Kematian Jang Uk (Lee Jae Wook) menjadi kisah yang memilukan. Asal-usul Mu Deok dan segala taktik tokoh lain dengan kepentingan masing-masing juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri.
Ya, drama ini memiliki penokohan yang menarik dan tak terduga. Kalian dijamin betah saat mengikutinya. Beberapa adegan juga akan berhasil bikin kalian baper loh, main di Meteorbet88
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I need to calm down. Ep 13’s last shot sent chills down my spine and I’ve never hated a character more
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totocncjskswjs · 9 months
Um Jung-hwa Kang Dong-won's belly button warning in the fall theater
Um Jung-hwa Kang Dong-won's belly button warning in the fall theater
In the fall of 2023, films armed with unique material and comicality return.
It will be fun to choose from the comic caper "Bright Woman," the exorcism adventure "Dr. Cheon's exorcism research center: the secret of snow scenes," and the romantic comedy "30 Days" at the theater.
First 3rd heyday Uhm Jung-hwa starts the last bright operation for life reversal!
Bright Woman is a multi-entertainer who is active in dramas and entertainments such as "Doctor Cha Jung-sook" and "Dance Singer Wandering Group," and is a comic caper film where you can meet actor Uhm Jung-hwa, who returns to the screen three years after "Okay Madam." In "The Bright Woman," Uhm Jung-hwa will show a comedy act that can laugh comfortably with anyone as "Wisdom," a bright geek who captures the last chance of turning her life around and draws her soul to the operation.
On top of that, Bang Min-ah, who plays the role of mother "Jihye" and operative Namu "Juyoung," Song Sae-byeok, who plays the role of "Wan-gyu," an insider and operational target on SNS, a suit designer during the day, and Park Ho-san, a gentleman "Joruz," a strategy broker for the wisdom team at night. Luxury actors who cannot be left out when acting in South Korea are ready to appear. Scheduled to be released in October
Dr. Cheon's exorcism research center: The Secret of Snow Scene is an exorcism adventure film in which actor Kang Dong-won, who silently built his territory by presenting various characters, plays as a exorcist. Kang Dong-won, a exorcist who has a history of exorcising demons as a Taoist in "Jeon Woo-chi" and demons as a priest in "Black Priests," will exorcise real ghosts this time by playing "Dr. Cheon," a exorcist who does not believe in ghosts. Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Som, Heo Jun-ho, and Kim Jong-soo will join Kang Dong-won's exorcism adventure to showcase the spectacular exorcism action that takes place facing ghosts. Released on September 27.
"30 Days" is a romantic comedy film that will hunt for audience laughter with unpredictable fun and twists caused by actors Kang Ha-neul and Jung So-min forgetting to break up as a couple again following the unusual subject of shared memory loss. Kang Ha-neul and Jung So-min will perform comic luminescent chemistry by playing the pathetic man Jung-yeol and the slick woman Nara, respectively.
On top of that, actors full of presence and charm, such as Cho Min-soo, Kim Sun-young, Yoon Kyung-ho, and Um Ji-yoon, heralded abundant fun. Jungyeol and Nara's comedy "30 Days," which suffered from amnesia in an unexpected accident just before they finally became complete strangers because they could not endure each other's pathetic and crazyness, will be released on October 3.
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enterenews · 1 year
Jeon Do-yeon, Jeong Kyung-ho, 'crisis' with iron ball terrorism during an argument
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As Jeon Do-yeon and Jeong Kyung-ho clashed, an iron ball flew in and broke the window.
In the second episode of tvN's Saturday and Sunday drama 'One Other Scandal' (played by Hee-seung Yang/Eun-ho Yeo/directed Je-won Yoo), which aired on January 15, Haeng-seon Nam (played by Do-yeon Jeon) and Chi-yeol Choi (played by Kyung-ho Jeong) clashed.
Choi Chi-yeol couldn't eat the whole food, and shed tears while eating a lunch box from a side dish store on the southbound line. Choi Chi-yeol's past, which was revealed afterwards, was that he ate meal tickets at a restaurant run by his mother on a southbound trip while preparing for the employment exam. Choi Chi-yeol could only eat one meal a day, and his mother took care of him. Even when his father passed away, Choi Chi-cheol was comforted by his mother, who left for the south.
At that time, Nam Haeng-seon, a national handball player, was helping her mother at the restaurant after the match, and faced her nephew Nam Hae-yi (Noh Yoon-seo), who had been sent home because her sister had only heard letters from home. The mother of the Southbound Ship went in search of her daughter, who had left her granddaughter behind, but she was killed in a car accident. Nam Haeng-sun gave up his handball to take care of his Asperger's syndrome younger brother Nam Jae-woo (played by Oh Rik-sik) and his nephew Nam Hae-i.
Presently, at the request of his nephew Nam Hae-i, who raised him as a daughter, he decided to line up early in the morning to take a lecture by Choi Chi-yeol, a math instructor. I vomited again, so I went back to the side dish shop. Choi Chi-yeol signed up as a member under the name Ji Dong-hee (played by Shin Jae-ha) and bought a lunch box.
Nam Hae-yi managed to line up at the last number 100, and Nam Hae-yi was able to listen to Choi Chi-yeol's lecture. Choi Chi-cheol went to buy lunch boxes and when Nam Haeng-seon complained that his younger brother Nam Jae-woo's cell phone was broken, he felt guilty that it was because of his misunderstanding. Choi Chi-yeol presented Namhaengseon with a mobile phone, saying, "To commemorate becoming a member," and Kim Young-joo (Lee Bongnyeon) encouraged Choi Chi-yeol to like Namhaengseon.
Namhaengseon waited for Choi Chi-cheol to come back with the excuse of returning his cell phone. Nam Hae-i fell in love with Choi Chi-yeol's lecture, and Nam Jae-woo saw an advertisement for Choi Chi-yeol's lecture at the bus stop and recognized him as the person who had a scuffle in the hospital and broke my cell phone, but he couldn't bear to explain it to his sister, Nam Haeng-seon.
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Kim Tae-ri is directly Greene seniors... 'Electric + Inn' Part 1, unadorned anecdote
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armyvetswife · 5 years
My 2 cents worth on Kdramas
So, earlier this year (2018) my 12-year-old granddaughter turned me on to Kdramas.
Started out with 'Boys over Flowers' in January and we're still arguing about which one of the guys Jan-Di should have ended up with....Gu Jun-Pyo or Yoon Ji-Hoo. Since I'm a sucker for the whole Soul Mate thing (been married to my own soul mate for over 30 years) and Ji-Hoo became my favorite right from the start, I actually wasn't too happy with the way things turned out in the end.
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But that's all beside the point and the only thing that matters is that it only took this one series to get me completely and absolutely "hooked" on Kdramas.
Since Kim Hyun Joong became my first favorite as Ji-Hoo, I started looking up other parts he starred in and came across 'Inspiring Generation'. Wow! What a difference! The character of Shin Jung-Tae is just about as opposite of Ji-Hoo as it can possibly get. But I guess that's what makes a truly great actor, and Kim Hyun Joong was simply amazing playing the part....even though it bothered me to see that handsome face getting beat up way too much.
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But then it was also 'Inspiring Generation' where I found what would become my next favorite...Song Jae Rim, in the character of Mo Il-Hwa.
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I can't quite pinpoint what it was that endeared me to that part, but of course I had to once again look for other Kdramas, featuring Song Jae Rim. And that's when I came across 'Moon embracing the Sun' with Song Jae Rim as the King's swordsman, Woon.
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Absolutely loved Jae Rim in that part and still do, even after having watched the entire series about a dozen times by now. I also liked Song Jae Rim in 'Goodbye Mr. Black', even though his wasn't a main character role, but didn't care much for the part of a hitman/killer Mr. Kim he played in 'Two Weeks' since I really don't like my favs playing "bad guys". Of course, watching 'Two Weeks' made me find another new favorite...Lee Joon Gi
Okay, so I just said I don't like my favs playing "bad guys", but the main character, Jang Tae-San, isn't really a bad "bad guy" and if that story doesn't tear up your heart, then you better check if you still have one.
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I actually had to do something I usually NEVER do...about half-way through the series I had to watch the final episode to see how it turns out, just so my old nerves could take watching the rest of the story. Yeah, I know...terrible, isn't it? Don't worry, I got more than an earful about it from my granddaughter, and I promise to never do it again! ;)
But while I thought that it could not possibly get any better than Lee Joon Gi's performance in 'Two Weeks', I quickly found out that I was wrong when I watched 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' next. OH, MY...!!! Not only is Joon Gi with long hair pure eye-candy (to me at least), but he absolutely nailed the part of Prince Wang So. 
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Ladies, how many of you were ready to strangle Wang So's mother with your bare hands. I definitely was! And what's the big deal about that scar? I guess it's because Princes had to be "perfect", but come on...  Scars are just proof that you were stronger than whatever or whoever it was that tried to kill you. And apparently back then the phrase "chicks dig scars" was unheard of. And also apparently I'm not the only one who wasn't happy at all with the way the story ended, considering there are numerous fan videos on YouTube with different, happier endings. I got more than just a little upset with Hae Soo for leaving Wang So. How could she not see that he was trying his best to NOT become some blood-thirsty tyrant??
Anyway, after only about 3 days of some serious editing work, the final episode in my own DVD collection of 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' has a much happier ending now...many thanks to Daria Zyuzina who created the wonderful fan video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj0r9zE5Le8) where Wang So finds Hae Soo in the future. And like so many other fans, I'm also still hoping for a Season 2 with this kind of scenario.
On another note to 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo'... aside from the despicable character of Queen Yoo (Prince Wang So's mother, who treats him like s**t), my other least-favorite character is Prince Wang Yo (Wang So's biological brother, and also a son of Queen Yoo). However, while I hated the character, actor Hong Jong Hyun did an excellent job portraying the mean, spiteful, conniving 3rd Prince. But if you're like me, you would much more enjoy seeing Hong Jong Hyun in the role of Wang Rin in 'The King in Love'
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or, even better, as Seo Chan Hwi, the vice-commander of the Royal Guard in 'Jeon Woo Chi'
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(that is, if you can get into things like wizards and magic and tolerate some occasionally slightly over-done special effects of people flying through the air and such...BUT at least in 'Jeon Woo Chi' ONLY the wizards have that ability, unlike in some of the Chinese dramas where seemingly anybody can have such super-human abilities...if you ever watched 'General and I', you might understand what I'm talking about... I couldn't make it past a trailer that had a fight scene between Chu Beijie and He Xia, but that's just me, I guess).
As far as wizards and magic are concerned, however, I did very much enjoy the ones in 'Mirror of the Witch' aka 'Secret Healer' and my favorite character there ended up being the Taoist Yo Gwang, played by Lee Yi Kyung.
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Don't ask me why, I just found him adorable (maybe because he was so awkward, dealing with the girl  Soon Deuk who clearly has a crush on him). SPOILER ALERT -- 'Mirror of the Witch' has a rather bitter-sweet ending!
I want to get back to Lee Joon Gi for a moment since I just finished the 'Lawless Lawyer' series....which is an excellent nail-biter and I had to seriously restrain myself NOT TO watch the final episode first again. If you've seen it, tell me is it just me or did you think too that Joon Gi looked too skinny in that series? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying at all that he looked "bad" in any way and his performance was awesome as usual...I just felt that he looked like he'd lost a whole bunch of weight and "celebrity life" was taking its toll on him. Kind of worries me, because I would definitely like to see him in many more future performances.
I still have some Lee Joon Gi binge-watching left over for now, since the only other movies and series I made it through so far were 'Iljimae', 'Arang and the Magistrate', 'Gunman in Joseon' and of course 'The King and the Clown' (which was way too sad for my taste). But most likely 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' will always be my absolute favorite and I'll keep hoping for a 2nd season...even though that will probably just remain wishful thinking for myself and many others, but we can always hope, right?
Some of my other favs I’d like to mention would be Kwak Dong Yeon as swordsman Kim Byung-Yeon in 'Moonlight drawn by Clouds' aka 'Love in the Moonlight'
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and he also played an excellent part as young Shin Jung-Tae in 'Inspiring Generation'.
Then there is Seo In Guk for his outstanding performances as Prince Gwang-Hae in 'The King's Face'
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and also as Lee Hyun / David Lee in 'I Remember You' aka 'Hello Monster'.
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An excellent yet unfortunately somewhat overlooked performance of Kim Jae Young as Moo-Yeon in ‘100 Days my Prince’
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And last (for now) but certainly not least is Jung Il Woo whose sad role as Prince Yang-Myung in 'Moon embracing the Sun' cost me plenty of tissues,
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but required even more of them in 'The Return of Iljimae' (even though it has a happier ending for Jung Il Woo’s character)
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I'll probably get "yelled at" for saying this, but I honestly have a hard time deciding whom I liked better...Lee Joon Gi as Iljimae in 'Iljimae: The Phantom Thief', or Jung Il Woo as Iljimae in 'The Return of Iljimae'. (Sorry, Joon Gi, but be assured that you'll still always be my #1 fav).
So, thanks to my granddaughter, back to some more binge-watching...hey, I got to blame someone else for things not getting done around the house, right? ;)
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abandonedcafe · 7 years
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Photos taken by Kim Oimil for High CUT
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