#jeremy lindsay taylor
oceanusborealis · 8 months
Force of Nature: The Dry 2 - Movie Review
TL;DR – There is a solid film in here; you just need to find it through all the messiness. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid to watch this film. Force of Nature: The Dry 2 Review – Back in 2020, there was a great moment when, thanks to the current circumstances, The Dry, Penguin Bloom, and High Ground were the top films in…
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movienized-com · 6 months
Kane (2023) #BlairMoore #JakeRyan #NathanPhillips #TamminSursok #JeremyLindsayTaylor #ClaytonWatson Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Krimi / Drama / Thriller Regie: Blair Moore Hauptrollen: Jake Ryan, Nathan Phillips, Tammin Sursok, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Clayton Watson, Holly Brisley, Martin Dingle Wall, Peter O’Hanlon, Tommy Archer, Jason McDonald, Chris Bridgewater, Anna Kolenko … Filmbeschreibung: Benny (Clayton Watson) arbeitet für den alten Gangsterboss Abe (Jeremy Lindsay Taylor). Abe hat mehrere…
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supermarcey · 8 months
[Video/Audio Review] Force Of Nature: The Dry 2 (2024) by Super Marcey & Bede Jermyn
Force Of Nature: The Dry 2 (2024) Written and Directed by Robert Connolly based on the novel by Jane Harper Starring: Eric Bana, Anna Torv, Deborra-Lee Furness, Robin McLeavy, Sisi Stringer, Lucy Ansell, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Jacqueline McKenzie, Tony Briggs and Richard Roxburgh. Synopsis: Five women participate in a hiking retreat but only four come out the other side. Federal agents Aaron Falk…
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moviesandmania · 2 years
TRANSFUSION (2023) Reviews of Sam Worthington crime thriller
Transfusion is a 2023 Australian crime thriller about a former Special Forces operative thrust into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him. Written, directed by and also co-starring actor Matt Nable, making his directorial debut. The Altitude Media Group-Deeper Water-Madman Entertainment co-production also stars Sam Worthington (9 Bullets; The Last Son; Fractured;…
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Das, denkt man -wie so oft am Ende eines Coming-of-Age-Films-, hätte er einfacher haben können. Die Dummheiten, die er davor macht, sind allerdings unterhaltsamer als die üblichen: Sequin, obwohl er erst 16 ist, arbeitet sich durch eine Unkomplizierter-Sex-App und lernt bei einer anonymen Sexparty in einem blauen Raum einen adretten jungen Mann kennen, nach dem er im echten Leben zu suchen beginnt. Das sehen die anonymen Herren nicht gerne, und irgendwie wird eine große Sache draus. Es ist alles sehr stilsicher gefilmt, erwartungsgemäß sexy, trotzdem herzig und Conor Leach ist ganz hinreißend.
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have The Wedding Date 2005
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therealmrpositive · 2 years
Olivia Newton-John - Hopelessly Devoted to You (2018)
In today’s review, I look back on the life, legacy, and endearing love of Olivia Newton-John as I attempt a #positive review of her 2018 biographical drama, Hopelessly Devoted to You. #DeltaGoodrem #MorganGriffin #KateJenkinson #GeorgiaFlood #RobynMalcolm #RichardBligh #ToddLasance #RichardBrancatisano #GeorgeXanthis
When the news broke of the devastating passing of Olivia Newton-John in 2022, she left behind over 50 years of stellar hits and memorable acting roles that are still revered to this day. The Australian star had undoubtedly left a lasting legacy that few could ever hope to match up to. In 2018, reflecting on the accomplishments of her life, was the subject of a two-part miniseries to answer why…
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gays-in-space · 5 months
absolutely no one asked, however…
because heartbreak high was a show in the 90’s before it came back in 2022, i was wondering if any actors or characters came back, especially when there’s a couple of adult characters in the newer version who talk about being a student at hartley high when they were younger.
the only person i’ve found so far is Jeremy Lindsay Taylor who plays Kurt Peterson, a student in the original series who happens to be the ex police officer that teaches the anti sexual assault class called Rack Off in series 1, episode 4 of the reboot.
theres probably a web page or blog somewhere that’s already found out about all of this, but idc. if i find any more reoccurring actors i’ll update.
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Abdul, Paula Accardi, Gimena Aniston, Jennifer Apatow, Judd Baddiel, David Baron Cohen, Sacha Bass, Lance Bayer, Vanessa Beckham, Sara Benson, Ashley Bialik, Mayim Bieber, Justin Biel, Jessica Black, Jack Bloom, Orlando Braun, Scott Brie, Alison Brolin, Josh Cain, Dean Carr, Jimmy Chastain, Jessica Chenoweth, Kristen Cohen, Andy Collins, Lily Condor, Lana Cooper, Bradley Cox, Courtney Crystal, Billie Curtis, Jamie Lee David, Cazzie Davis, Viola Debose, Ariana Del Rey, Lana Deschanel, Zooey Deutch, Zoey Dewan, Jenna Diddy Combs, Sean Dobrev, Nina Douglas, Michael Dr. Phil Eric, Andre Fanning, Dakota Ferrell, Will Fisher, Isla Foster, Chelsea Fry, Stephen Gad, Josh Gadot, Gal Gage, Lukas Garner, Jennifer Garner, Julia Garrix, Martin Gellar, Sarah Michelle Gelman, Brett Gilmour, David Gomez, Sarah Goodblum, Jason Groban, Josh Groff, Jonathan Haddish, Tiffany Hamil, Mark Hamm, Jon Handler, Selena Hargitay, Mariska Hewitt, Jennifer Love Hudgens, Vanessa Hyland, Sarah Imbruglia, Natalia Jackson, Paris Jenner, Kris Jenner, Taylor Judge Judy Kailing, Mindy Kardashian ,Amy Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kemsley, Dorit King, Joey Kiyoko, Hayley Kloss, Karlie Kunis, Mila Lautner, Nicole Leggero, Natasha Levine, Adam Levy, Eugene Levy, Shawn Lohan, Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Longoria, Eva Lucas, Matt LuPone, Patti Madonna Mamet, Zosia Marguiles, Julianna McGregor, Ewan Mendel, Howie Messing, Debra Meyers, Seth Mia, Pia Michele, Lea Miguel Milano, Alyssa Mirren, Helen Moore, Mandy Morrone, Camila Munn, Olivia Norris, Chuck O'Donnel, Rosie Oberman, Tracy-Ann Ora, Rita Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Sharon Oyelowo, David Pascal, Amy Paulson, Sarah Peck, Josh Peele, Jordan Peltz, Kim Perry, Katy Phillipps, Busy Plaza, Aubrey Pompeo, Ellen Portman, Natalie Prisloo, Behati Richie, Sofia Riley, Rachel Rock, Chris Rock, Chris Rose, Ruby Rosenthal, Phil Roth, Ellie Rowling, JK Saldaña, Zoe Sandler, Adam Savage, Ben Schnapp, Noah Schreiber, Liev Schumer, Kylie Schwartz, Lorraine Schwarzenegger, Patrick Schwimmer, David Segel, Jason\ Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld, Jessica Shannon, Molly Shields, Brooke Short, Martin Silverman, Brooklyn Snyder, Zach Sommerhalder, Ian Spears, Lynn Jamie Spektor, Regina Stiller, Ben Sting Stone, Sharon Sudeikis, Jason Theroux, Justin Thorne, Bella Timberlake, Justin Tisdale, Ashley Waititi, Taika Walsh, Kate Washington, Kerry Whiterspoon, Reese Wilde, Olivia Williams, Tyler James Wu, Constance Yatra, Sebastian Zimmer, Constance Zinchenko Zoe, Rachel Zuckerman, Jeremy
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I Met You At the End of the World - chapter three: The World Finds Ways to Sting You... and then One Day Decides to Bring You Something to Believe In
Chapter summary: Luke dwells on his newly-discovered feelings for Penelope amid a case about medical experimentation, the two become closer, and a major break is made in the case of the hitmen hunting Garcia.
Chapter word count: 5527
Total word count: 16,622
Songs referenced: "Something to Believe In" by Jeremy Jordan and Kara Lindsay, and "It's Nice to Have a Friend" by Taylor Swift
Can also be read here on Ao3
“I’m in,” Penelope declared, a smile on her face as she dropped a purple fluffy pen to the center of the table where she and Luke were playing poker that evening after work. Something had shifted between the two of them the night before when they’d had dinner, but she didn’t know what. All she knew was that she enjoyed spending time with him, and, ever the optimist, she was extraordinarily glad that this terrible situation had brought such a wonderful friend into her life. In times like these, it’s nice to have a friend. 
Luke, on the other hand, knew exactly what had shifted between them the night before. Or, at least, what had shifted between them from his point of view. However, he had elected not to tell anyone about his newly discovered feelings. Not any of their friends, and certainly not Penelope. It was neither the place nor time for any of that, and, the more he thought about it, Luke felt slightly guilty about his feelings. He was here to protect Penelope, not fall for her. Besides, he’d be leaving soon enough, and he was sure those feelings would fade as soon as he no longer saw her every day. Besides, he didn’t want to make things awkward when she inevitably rejected him and they still had to work together. Penelope was already in the middle of a really terrible situation, and it would be incredibly insensitive of him to try to pursue anything with her. Besides, Morgan would probably be none too pleased with him, considering both her current circumstances and the fact that she was like family to him. Luke had decided that being her friend was all he could ask for, and friends was more than enough for him, and definitely better for her. He knew that in a situation like the one she was currently experiencing, it’s nice to have a friend. So, he decided that he’d make it his personal mission to make her smile at least once a day. Today, that was being done through poker, thanks to a deck of cards he’d brought from home, and her little knick knacks that she’d volunteered as her side of the “pot,” not that Luke would keep them should he win, knowing they were her prized possessions. Besides, he wouldn’t need to. Her smile at playing their game would be enough of a prize for him. God did he sound sappy. He knew it, he just couldn’t find it within himself to care. He was just throwing in whatever he had on him that could be deemed of value, but again, it was all for show. 
“Eh, I think you’re bluffing,” Luke replied. “So, I will see your fuzzy pen, and I will raise you…” he paused for a moment, rifling through his pockets, “my ten-stamps-for-a-free-hot-dog card for the hot dog stand down the road from my place.”
“I don’t understand why we’re betting,” Penelope laughed. “I don’t eat meat!”
“Well A,” Luke said. “I have no use for all your fuzzy pens, so we’re even, and B, poker is no fun unless you have something on the line.”
“Fine,” Penelope conceded. “Give me three cards.
Luke did as she asked, and checked his own hand. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Penelope groaned when she looked at her new cards. “What? Really?”
Luke tried to swallow his laugh. “You have heard the expression ‘a poker face’ before, right?”
Penelope frowned down at her cards, then up at him, then her frown morphed into a smile as she stuck her tongue out at him. “You have heard it’s rude to make fun of people before, right?”
Luke threw his hands up in the air in mock surrender. “I am not making fun!”
“I know, I know, I’m just teasing.”
Luke opened his mouth to make a comment, but she cut him off with the point of a finger.
“But! Before you say ‘I thought it was rude to make fun,’ teasing and making fun are not the same thing.”
Luke laughed again. “Alright, alright, look, whatever you say.”
She smiled back at him, but her smile slowly drifted away, and he noticed.
“Hey, are you okay?”
She only shrugged in response. 
He reached his hand across the table to rest it on hers. “This won’t last forever, Penelope."
“It feels like it will. I’m scared. There are people out there who want to hurt me, I’m scared I’m gonna be stuck in here because there are people that want to hurt me…”
“Hey, that’s why I’m here, okay?” Luke assured her. “To help make sure that those people out there who want to hurt you never get the chance to.”
She nodded, and then her phone rang. Picking it up, she sighed. “It’s Hotch. We have a case.”
She began packing up their things, and he stood up with her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Listen,” he said. “We’re going to take these guys down. In the meantime, you just have to stay strong. Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay.” She leaned in and hugged him. “Thank you.”
He leaned his head down to her shoulder, the way he always did when he hugged someone. “Any time.”
Penelope stood at the front of the Round Table Room, the presentation ready on the screen behind her. She clicked a button on her remote, zooming in on the location of this particular case. “St. Augustine, Florida, two bodies were found early this evening in a remote wooded area just west of the city. Neither have been identified yet.”
Something about the pictures that popped up on the screen caught Tara’s attention. “This woman’s complexion…”
“She was exsanguinated,” Penelope replied, explaining why the woman was so pale. “Which is a really fun word to say, but I didn’t know its really terrible meaning until I started working here.”
Luke had to duck his head down to look at his files to hide his smile. God, she was adorable. 
“Odd that only the female victim had her blood removed,” Rossi said. 
“Well the male victim might have been collateral damage,” JJ suggested. “Or a witness that needed to be silenced.”
“I mean it is the kind of message that rival drug gangs will send to each other,” Luke pointed out, having recovered from his little moment and trying to make sure no one noticed. Trying to keep a secret from profilers could be hard, but he was banking on the facts that he’d been undercover and the team didn’t know him well enough to know his tells to help him keep the secret. He could only hope then that he didn’t slip up around Morgan, the only person who would definitely be able to pick up on it. “The Curiel syndicate recently set up shop in Florida.”
“Except it looks like these two were meant to vanish without anyone the wiser,” Rossi countered. “How is that a message?”
“Well cartels have also been known to use murder as a form of voodoo,” Morgan replied. “In 1989, a University of Texas student was murdered by a satanic gang while on Spring Break.”
“Well my gut says it has nothing to do with drugs,” JJ stated. “More like straight-out vampirism or someone with a blood fetish.”
Hotch was already standing and putting his files in his briefcase. “It’s late, and we need to hit the ground running. Wheels up in 30.” 
After a quick call to his sitter to tell her he needed her to take Roxy for at least the next night, Luke and the others were right behind him on their way to the airstrip.
Once on the jet and at cruising altitude so Penelope could call in, the team continued to discuss the case. 
“The coroner attributes the lacerations on the bodies to animal bites,” Morgan said as he flipped through the file. “Apparently there’s a lot of raccoons in the area.”
JJ sighed. “Maybe so, but the media’s going all-in with Satanic Mutilation.”
Hotch considered this. “It’s happened before. The West Memphis Three case showed how animal activity on a corpse could be mistaken for ritualized torture.”
“After the first bite, the insect infestation expands and distorts the open wound,” Rossi added.
“Okay,” Penelope cut in. “Here’s my finger, here’s the mute button. Are you guys done talking about critter damage?”
Luke smiled at her comment, knowing the animal lover in her was probably none too pleased to be hearing about all the disgusting things an animal could do to a dead body, and finding her reaction endearing.
“You can put your finger down, Baby Girl,” Morgan assured her. “We’re done.”
“Thank you. And JJ’s right, local news and radio outlets are going wild with this as a blood-worshipping cult murder.” She paused for a moment, then continued. “Hey, new information. Both of those bodies have just been identified. Cheyenne Pravato, 23, and George Henning, 71.”
“Any connection?” Hotch asked.
Luke would be surprised if there was no connection, since the age and sex difference meant that they couldn’t both be surrogates, at least not of the same person.
“My level one search says no, my level two through twenty await. Cheyenne was a waitress that is currently unemployed, Henning was a retired steelworker from Pennsylvania, lived in Florida for a few years. They both went missing three days ago.”
“Three days?” Tara repeated in shock. “The coroner estimated the time of death as less than twenty-four hours from the time of discovery.”
“Means the unsub had the vics for two whole days before killing them,” Luke stated. “So he almost definitely has some kind of secondary location where he holds and kills them before dumping their bodies in the woods.”
“Preliminary indicators show no sign of torture or sexual assault,” JJ said. “What is he doing with them?”
Hotch took the reigns then. “Dave, you find out what you can about Cheyenne from friends and family. Morgan, you do the same for Henning. Lewis and Alvez, you go to the M.E., and JJ, I need you to reign in the media. Hysteria’s growing and we need to contain it.”
Once Luke and Tara arrived at the M.E.’s office, they were greeted by a Dr. Gaylen who was quick to get started.
“I’m still waiting on the full tox screen from the male victim,” he informed them. 
“We think they may have been held for up to two days,” Luke said. “Were they fed?”
“Stomach contents were empty, but nutrition and hydration levels were normal. My guess is they were both fed through an IV. I did find one curiosity.” Dr. Gaylen pulled back the sheet over George to reveal his legs.
“It looks like another animal bite,” Tara remarked.
“Not under magnification,” he responded. “It’s actually a surgically precise triangle.”
Tara and Luke exchanged a look and examined the mark closer. A curiosity indeed.
Dr. Gaylen’s phone rang then, and he went to answer it. “Dr. Gaylen… You’re positive of that?” He hung up the phone and returned to the agents. “The tox screen and DNA tests on George Henning just came back. Are you ready for this? Most of the blood in his body isn’t his. It’s Cheyenne’s.”
Luke’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. It was what?
The two returned to the police precinct the team was working out of, and relayed this new discovery to them.
“The blood drained from Cheyenne was put into George Henning?” Morgan repeated, disgusted. 
“I agree that that is strange,” Tara said. “And a triangle was cut out from his calf muscle.”
“Dear Diary,” Rossi said. “Just when I thought I heard it all…”
“And there’s still something in the toxicology screen the M.E. can’t identify,” Hotch said.
“Yeah,” Luke confirmed. “We’re hoping we’re going to find out something more in the next few hours.”
JJ walked into the room then, back from meeting with the media outlets covering the story. “So, it took a little arm-wrestling, but the media finally saw the wisdom in toning down the whole demon worship angle.”
Luke knew she was talking metaphorically about arm-wrestling, but he had no doubt from what he’d seen of her in the field that she could most likely absolutely destroy practically anyone in an actual arm-wrestling contest. He wondered if he should challenge her to one one of these days. 
“Don’t take a victory lap just yet,” Rossi told her, handing her a file. 
She examined the paper he had given her and winced. “You’re kidding.”
“I’m just trying to work out the whole calf muscle business,” Tara said. 
“Triangles are big in Illuminati symbolism,” Rossi pointed out.
Morgan considered that. “This is bending back toward cult behavior.”
“What did you find out about George Henning?” Hotch asked him. 
“According to the neighbors, the guy was a shut-in. No friends or family, a lot of health problems. Hypertension, Parkinson’s.”
Rossi’s brows furrowed. “Cheyenne was the opposite. Vegan into New Age lifestyles. Never met a harmonic convergence she didn’t want to converge on.”
Hm. Luke thought to himself. She sounds a bit like Penelope. “I get it,” he said. “With George, he was a recluse, but how did nobody notice Cheyenne missing for three days?”
“Her friends said she was flighty,” Rossi explained. “It was not unusual for her to take off without notice for a week or two.”
“This unsub did his homework,” Morgan stated. “He knew that both victims could go missing without any alarms going off.”
“Transfusions and sustained IV feeding take skill, planning, and access to materials,” Hotch remarked. “And, crude as it was, the replacing of the old blood with new is dialysis. What if the triangle isn’t a symbol but a tissue sample? Could this be medical experimentation?”
Tara agreed with him immediately. “Yeah, I mean, you’ve got a youthful, healthy host in Cheyenne, and a sick test subject in George.”
“If the new missing girl’s his next victim, the unsub could be getting ready to try again,” JJ said.
Rossi nodded. “And his experiment takes two to tango. If Andrea mirrors Cheyenne…”
Luke picked up Rossi’s train of thought. “Then who mirrors George? He’s not done yet, there’s another victim coming.”
There hadn’t been any other missing persons reports, so they decided to call Penelope and see if they could find anything that might help their medical experimentation angle.
“Sir, yes sir?” Penelope said as she answered.
“Garcia I need you to do a search of doctors and medical professionals in the region, and see what kind of red flags pop up,” Hotch instructed.
“But of course. Carmine, scarlet, cherry, crimson, maroon? What shade of red are we looking for?”
Luke was unequivocally not thinking about all the different shades of red lipstick he’d seen her wear in the time he had known her. Definitely not.
“Ethics violations, improper protocol.”
“This person may have washed out of medical school or gotten in trouble with the licensing board for unorthodox practices,” JJ added. 
“That’s a deep shade,” Penelope said. “I’ll hit you back when I have something.”
About an hour later, Penelope used the tip of one of her fuzzy pens to press Hotch’s speed dial buttons. 
“What’ve you got, Garcia?”
“Nothing on my crimson flag doctor search,” she told him regretfully, “but I did learn about something with a super cool name. The Mad Scientist’s Club.”
“What’s that?” Luke asked from the other side of the line.
Penelope smiled at her new friend’s voice. “They’re a student group from the Florida College of Medicine in Jacksonville. Before they disbanded, they used to get together and talk about experimental ways to cure disease.”
“Do you have the names of the people in this club?” JJ asked her. 
“Eh,” Penelope replied. “Kinda, sorta, not really. They were totally informal. Here’s the part that made me sit up straight: they used to meet at a local cemetery.”
“Let me guess,” JJ said. “The same cemetery where Andrea Gambrell disappeared.”
Penelope nodded enthusiastically, even though JJ couldn’t see her. “Yeah! The very one!” 
“Alright,” Hotch said. “Keep working on the names, and see if you can find out why the club was disbanded.”
“Okay,” Penelope replied, hanging up the call and getting straight to work.
Not long after that call, Tara got one from the M.E., and she put it on speaker so Luke, who was with her, could hear. “Agents Lewis and Alvez,” she said as she answered. 
“Yes, Agents,” Dr. Gaylen said. “I’ve got the full tox screen on George Henning. There were massive amounts of Levodopa in his system.”
Tara seemed thrown by this. “The Parkinson’s drug?”
“Correct,” Dr. Gaylen confirmed.
Tara and Luke exchanged a look. That was strange.
“Okay but his blood was replaced with Cheyenne’s,” Tara stated. “So does that mean the Levodopa was introduced to his system after the transfusion?”
“Yes ma’am. And we got the results from the other DNA samples and the surprises keep coming. Found traces of mesoglea and testudinata keratin.”
Luke’s brows furrowed in confusion. Not being a scientist or a doctor, he had never heard these words before. “Which are?”
“Jellyfish and turtle,” Dr. Gaylen told him. “George Henning had animal DNA in his system.”
Tara and Luke exchanged another look, this time one of pure shock. He had what?
The two had raced back from their coffee run to tell the team what the M.E. had told them, and Hotch called Penelope to update her. “Garcia’s tracking recent aquarium and exotic fish sales in the area,” he told them once he got off the phone with her. 
“Aquarium sales in Florida, that’s like tracking snow shovel sales in Alaska,” Rossi commented.
“But jellyfish have unique habitat and dietary needs, so hopefully that’ll narrow it down a little,” Hotch replied.
A police officer entered the room then. “A body’s just been found. Officer on the scene thinks it might be the work of our guy.”
JJ and Rossi were dispatched to the scene, and when they were back it was time to deliver the profile. 
As was often the case, Hotch started off. “We believe we’re looking for a male between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five. He may have had some medical training, and he’s able to obtain large quantities of controlled pharmaceuticals.”
“This guy is working off the legal and ethical grid,” Luke said. “And he’s doing highly dangerous medical experimentation.”
Tara picked up the thread then. “We believe he’s searching for a cure for degenerative neurological diseases, but we don’t know why.”
“It could be personal,” JJ offered. “Either he or a loved one suffers from a disease and it’s a way to leapfrog conventional research in an attempt to find the cure.”
“Or it might not be personal at all,” Morgan told the officers. “This could be the unsub playing God, assuming the told of savior and rescuer of those in need.”
“Another motive is old-fashioned greed,” Rossi said. “Financial rewards for medical breakthroughs are substantial. 
“Whatever the case,” Hotch continued. “Two divergent methodologies are at work in this unsub.”
Morgan nodded. “On the one hand, he does show signs of logic and reason. The scientific method of trial and error.”
“On the other hand,” Luke said, “this person injected animal DNA into George Henning’s body revealing an irrational, almost fantastical approach to achieving these medical goals.”
“And this dichotomy might be present in his everyday life,” Hotch stated. “He might appear charming and trustworthy, which allows him to abduct his victims with little or no difficulty.”
“But the other half of his Jekyll-and-Hyde personality would clash with authority figures,” JJ remarked. “We believe that he had a conflict with a medical establishment in the past.”
“We have reason to believe that the most recent victim, Andrea Gambrell, is still alive,” Morgan informed the officers. “The younger person is needed alive to provide healthy blood.”
“But a new sick subject to receive that blood will almost certainly be sought out,” Luke added.
Rossi spoke again then. “Post-mortem violence on the most recent victim is a strong indicator that the killer is losing control.”
“This increased volatility is cause for concern,” Hotch said. “If there are two voices in his head, the violent one is taking over.”
Eventually, Penelope was able to find one member of the Mad Scientists club, and Tara was sent to interview her. She was able to give Tara a tentative first name, either Richard or Robert, who in turn had Penelope run a search for that, along with her search of zoo and aquarium staff in the area who might have had access to the animals the unsub was using, as per Hotch’s direction. The following morning, a doctor was killed in a nearby hospital, to which JJ and Rossi were sent out. They came back having found out that she was a neurologist and the unsub was likely getting his extra supply of drugs from her. They needed to find out if she was the doctor of George Henning or Harold McDermott, the recent victim, as well as look into any of her current patients. In all likelihood, one of them would be next. In the meantime, Penelope had Tara’s search results ready for them.
“Well,” Tara said, flipping through the pages in her file. “Garcia went through every medical student in the north Florida area with the name of Richard or Robert, and I gotta tell you guys, it’s a long list.”
“So which one is our magic man?” JJ asked.
“Well, hey,” Luke said, holding his hand out to Tara. “Many hands makes light work, pass me some.” 
As she did, Tara noticed Rossi fidgeting with his pen, a strange look on his face. “What’s up, Rossi?”
“They identified the bird DNA in George Henning as coming from a scarlet macaw.”
JJ nodded. “Mhmm. And?”
“It’s got me thinking about Turritopsis dohrnii.”
Luke looked up from the papers to the older man. “Turri… what?”
“It’s called the immortal jellyfish,” Rossi explained. “Endlessly recycles its own cells through a process called transdifferentiation, a kind of lineage reprogramming.”
“Oh my goodness,” JJ joked, drawing out each word for emphasis. “Dr. Spencer Reid, master of disguise.”
Luke and Tara laughed at that. Luke had yet to meet the famed “Boy Wonder,” as Penelope called him, but the stories he had heard from both her and Morgan were enough to assure him that JJ’s remark had been bang-on. Rossi’s little spiel was exactly something Reid would say.
“No disguise,” Rossi replied. “I called the kid last night.”
The group laughed harder at that. 
“But think about it,” Rossi continued. “Jellyfish, turtles, sea urchin, and now, scarlet macaw. What do they all have in common?”
“A long lifespan,” Tara answered.
“Exactly,” Rossi said. “Longer than a human’s.”
“So it means the unsub may not be focused on a specific disease but rather, longevity?” Luke asked.
Rossi nodded.
“Oh god,” Tara exclaimed. “Guys, I think I know why the Magic Man thought this place was so magical.” She pointed at the map they were using to pinpoint the unsub’s hunting grounds. “We are right around the corner from the legendary Fountain of Youth.”
“Hey, I’ve got Garcia on the phone,” Penelope could hear Tara say to someone from the other side of the line.
“What is it, Garcia?” Hotch asked her.
“Sir, you were right about the scarlet macaw,” she told him. They are very hard to find. When you can find one, they’re real pricey. However, a private zoo outside of St. Augustine reported a macaw stolen. The owner suspected it to be a former employee, but they didn’t have any proof. I checked out this former employee, Bobby Boles, Bobby being short for Robert, Robert being maybe our mad scientist?”
“Did Robert Boles ever go to medical school?” Tara asked her. 
Penelope checked. “Yeah, he totally did. He flunked out in the middle of his first year though. He’s always been sort of a misfit, it seems.”
“How so?” Tara asked.
“He was home-schooled from an early age ‘cause he didn’t fit in with other kids, lots of childhood therapy.”
“What did Boles do after he dropped out of med school?”
“Lots of part-time jobs. He currently works as an orderly…” Penelope felt her stomach sink as she saw where he worked. “At the same hospital as Dr. Braga.”
“Where is he now?” Hotch asked her.
Penelope searched for that information, but to no avail. “I can’t find a physical address, he hasn’t had one for a while. I’ll keep searching.” With that, she hung up her phone and got right back into it.
The rest of the team was told of Penelope’s possible breakthrough of their mystery-man-slash-unsub, after which they also discovered that an elderly woman by the name of Eileen Kebler hadn’t shown up for her appointments with Dr. Braga for the last two days. Rossi, JJ, and Tara went to check out her residence, and the rest of them stayed behind.
“Hotch, we think we have something,” Morgan called out.
The Unit Chief approached him and Luke where they were sitting at a table. “What is it?”
“It’s Garcia’s list of recent saltwater aquarium customers.”
“Is Robert Boles on the list?” Hotch asked them.
“No,” Luke admitted. “But he could be using a fake name. It’s where one of the shipments was delivered that caught our eye.” He pointed out the aforementioned location. “The parking lot of a closed medical facility.”
The three of them were instantly in an SUV on their way to the facility.
“All right, thanks, Garcia,” Luke said as he hung up the phone. To the others, he then said, “Robert Boles got a summer job at a gift shop near the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park. He got fired for breaking in after-hours.”
“Maybe that’s where the obsession with eternal youth started,” Morgan suggested. 
When they arrived at the abandoned medical facility, they found Robert Boles holding a knife over Andrea Gambrell and arguing with another man.
“Robert Boles, drop the weapon,” Hotch ordered.
Luke and Morgan entered the room right behind him. 
“It’s over, man,” Morgan said to him. “You’re not getting out.”
“But the knife down slowly,” Luke said, slowly and clearly.
To his credit, Boles listened to them. He dropped the knife and raised his hands, putting them behind his head. The other man in the room looked horrified.
As Morgan arrested Robert Boles, the other man came up to Luke and Hotch. “My wife needs help,” he pleaded with them. Luke realized the wife in question must be Eileen Kebler, and this was her husband.
“Where is she?” Hotch asked. 
“In the next room,” he answered. “Call an ambulance, please.”
Hotch nodded. “Show me.”
They left, and Luke rushed to Andrea’s side to free her from her restraints. She was alive and breathing, but unconscious. 
As Luke undid the final restraint on Andrea and Morgan hauled their unsub from the room, Robert Boles delivered one final chilling declaration. “I can do my research from prison. No one can stand in the way of the future!”
Luke shuddered. The mentality of a man who thought himself unstoppable… with a complex like he had… was a very dangerous thing indeed. Andrea woke up then, and started to cry, so Luke, not knowing what else to do, pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. “It’s okay,” he whispered to her. “It’s okay.”
He really hoped it would be.
On the jet back, Morgan sat down beside his old friend and passed him a water bottle. “Hey, man. I feel like we’ve barely gotten the chance to catch up since you’ve joined us.”
Luke accepted the bottle graciously. “Yeah, it has, it’s all been kind of crazy.”
“So how have you been adjusting to all this?”
“Oh it’s great,” Luke replied. “I’m loving it, actually. I was unsure at first, you know? But there’s a lot more that’s similar in our jobs than I thought, so I’m feeling a lot more comfortable than I thought.”
“Well you’re doing great,” Morgan assured him. “You fit right in, I’d swear you were actually a part of the team.”
Luke’s face lit up. “Seriously? Thank you?”
Morgan smiled and patted his friend on the back. “Any time. We’ll miss you when you’re gone.”
“Yeah, I’ll miss you guys too.”
Once they landed, of course, Luke made a beeline for Penelope’s office. She was dressed in her pyjamas and ready for another night on her office couch, but she always had time for a conversation with one of her “fine furry friends.” Especially one that was quickly climbing the ranks in her list of favorites.
“Hey, you,” she said as she opened the door.
“Hey,” he said, stepping in and sitting down on the couch to face her. “How’re you doing?”
She shrugged. “I’m trying to stay optimistic, but it gets harder and harder, you know?”
He nodded sympathetically. “I know. Is there anything I can do to help?”
She shook her head. “Not really. Your visits help though, so thank you, seriously. I still can’t believe you can actually visit me this often. Like, you have no one to go home to other than Roxy? How on earth is a guy like you possibly still single? How are girls not falling at your feet?”
Well feel free to fall at my feet any day. “Well, army rangers and fugitive task force don’t tend to lend themselves well to dating.”
Penelope nodded, understanding. “Yeah, neither does this. Thank god I’m single right now, honestly. This kind of thing could wreak havoc on a relationship.”
“You know, I’m kind of surprised you’re single too,” Luke remarked, bumping her shoulder. “You’re pretty great, Penelope Garcia.”
She laughed. “Thank you. But I don’t know, it’s kind of hard to find the kind of person who wants the same things I do. The last person I seriously dated proposed without even ever asking me if marriage was something I wanted, which it wasn’t. He asked me to leave all this behind and move to a farm with him.”
Luke’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “I’m sorry, what? How long were you two together?”
“Four years.”
“And he asked you to move to a farm with him? What part of this,” he gestured to the high-tech room around them, “screams willing to live the rest of my life on a farm?”
“You’ve known me for a few weeks and yet somehow you know me better than he ever did. And you know what else? He is also a technical analyst, but for a different department.”
Luke threw his head back and groaned. “No! That’s even worse!” They were silent for a moment before he said, “Hey, can I ask you something random and completely unrelated?”
“Your last name, ‘Garcia,’ is that from the little-known, blonde-haired, Swedish Garcias?”
“Actually, it’s from the family that took me in after my parents died.”
Luke instantly felt like the world’s biggest asshole. “Oh my god I am so sorry,” he said, absolutely mortified. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear I was just curious, I—”
Penelope laughed. “Relax, I’m just messing with you. Well, kind of. Garcia was my stepdad’s last name, he legally adopted me when my mom married him. My mom and stepdad did die, however, so that part I’m not kidding about.”
“I’m so sorry,” Luke said genuinely. “Can I ask what happened?”
“I was eighteen years old, and I had stayed out past curfew one night. They went out to look for me, I got home after they left. They were hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly. I’ve felt guilt over it ever since. I probably always will.”
Luke took her hand in both of his and squeezed. “Hey, I know you’ve probably been told this a million times, but that was not your fault.”
She met his eyes and squeezed his hand in return. “I know that, logically, but it’s hard to accept that, you know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I’m so sorry Penelope.”
They had a moment, then, of complete silence. Just the two of them staring at each other and holding on tight to the other’s hand. Nothing was happening, yet it still felt deeply intimate. 
The moment was soon broken by Hotch entering her office, and they ripped their hands apart from each other, strangely feeling like they were caught doing something they weren’t supposed to be.
“Garcia,” Hotch said. “I need you to come with me right now.”
“Now, now?” Penelope asked.
He nodded. “Yes, now.”
“Should I change? I’m in my PJs—”
Hotch cut her off and spoke to Luke. “Alvez, get some clothes for her and bring them to us. We don’t have time to waste.” 
“Sir,” Penelope implored. “I’m scared, what’s going on?”
“There’s been a major break in the case of the hitmen hunting you.”
Penelope’s eyes widened in disbelief. “There has?”
Hotch nodded. “And we may have found a way to bring the whole network down.”
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theepsteinlist · 1 year
"epstein" client lists
ring leaders:
epstein and gf
r. kelly
michael jackson
michael vick
donald trump
perps/victims: (i.e. their victims who joined the criminal conspiracy)
kelsey mayfield
megan thee stallion
beyonce knowles
targets:  pretty runaway rich girls who wanna be ~bad girls~ for a weekend and ~seduce an older man~
epstein was known locally to strippers as mr. brown
nazi blood diamond money laundering:
doc martens
james avery
dr pepper/snapple/green mountain/keurig
hobby lobby
american eagle
nazi pedophile blood money (m)/(b)illionaires:
robert a. eckert
sheila a. penrose
john w. rogers jr
miles d. white
richard childress
jen foyle
truett cathy
david green
meg whitman
john mcafee
alice walton
brian kelley
travis kalanick
mark zuckerberg
tony xu
new braunfels: ring leaders:
amy allen
sam allen
lori hines
donna simpson
targets: high school kids who just wanna ~have fun~ and ~have a safe environment to drink in~ because "there were adults present so it's safe"
sergio zamora
bryce parrock
chris allen
travis allen
clayton mott
curtis kostan
travis kostan
calvin hoffman
ashton henderson
hannah jeroswhatever jerosezswki
lisa pickens
rachael lee muschalek
courtney cashion
taylor davis
raelynn haggerty
adam sheldon
devin kelley
zach rhoades
ryan walker
taylor akins
samantha rich
stephanie gawlik
charlie miffleton
chris tysdal
ross johnson
reed edwards
paige beyer
landre nattinger
aubrie iverson
andrew shafer
matt durbin
spencer jergins
clint whitley
tim word
chad laborde
chez council
"victims"? (participants with a wide spectrum of consent that were nonetheless assaulted/exploited)
maggie osborne
esmerelda ??? (zapatos?)
liz perez
autumn reno
angel ??? (bustos?)
destiney sheldon
katie turpin
kiki grossman
lauren laborde
lindsay smith
stephen lupton
landre nattinger
ashton henderson
hannah jerosewzski
ring leaders:
david duke
greg abbott
ken paxton
vance lesseig
walton family
taylor swift
david green
james reno
edwin braun
marisol padilla
chuck kirchhof
tom muschalek
dunno mr. zeitler's name
aforementioned men's wives
oakwood baptist church of new braunfels
community bible church of new braunfels
vance langley
coach schmidt
coach mclean
mrs. lindsay
ms. pradervand
mr. baker
mr. trollinger
mr. ??? (other NBHS short term criminal justice teacher in 2009)
officer broussard
shelby lesseig
rachael lee muschalek
kelsey mayfield
henry desroches
thomas neupert
michael brennan
mark hardiman
dr. hardiman
sam allen
judge and mrs. gray
targets: young teenagers that were ~special~, i.e. identified by the duke talent program
sam coronado
samantha allen
mitchell ridsdale
aaron criddle
ben turrubiates
akash motani
faizal khan
sterling demasters
zach mares
ethan poulter
jordan thiem
edward stockwell
anthony castilleja
charles tandy
jonathan dockall
emily brandon
lauren knipe
heather brown
josh burlison
the trix family
the piranha family
gavon payne
emma roddy
alison kim
sarah perrilloux
amanda and mary pike
sarah stiponavich
stephen phipps
allie alcala
jeremy priest
jackson faires
alex mott
marco martinez
brandon anderson
scott antoine
amber antoine
star hernandez
jessica atwell
rylee young
jamie hand
suzanne stricker
emily langendorff
olivia langley
taylor francis
ana castro
maria chavez
tanner brewer
katie ha
zach parrish
anthony tran
kylie blair
cullen nisson
ranger wallace
taylor mares
kathryne mares
jayme zigler
evan zigler
gracie payne
ellie payne
manuel deleon
the dione triplets
justin and taylor schwarz
araceli ayala
jamie bell
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
rachel jones
andrew bryant
michael trombold
stephanie bryant
ashley bryant
daniel schroeder
kirsten schroeder
alexandria ingram
julianna pappalas
kindell hardin
edward yu
alexis lewis
katherine davis
ana ??? (katherine's girlfriend, texas a&m track team 2013)
ajay patel
james lamon
emily lamon
dionne diaz
mirea ayala
katelyn warner
kirby fisher
kyle fisher
tyler rougeux
kyle rougeux
josh chappell
kyle chappell
jaimee chapell
emily chappell
tyler mcdonald
marissa maddon
john maddon
tessa loge
eden bonneville
jack rhodes
andrew romero
lauren laborde
sarah laborde
stephenea sotcheff
sophia sotcheff
david mis
britton ware
will stapleton
canaan hoffman
caitie hoffman
sarah kreuger
ben jacks
ben triesch
gabe ramos
gene jacobson
aj jerosewszki
daniel phipps
daniel schumacher
eric stiebing
stephen rapp
maisha rumman
shradha thakur
vamsi vishnubhotla
michael carl
lindsay smith
lindsey kubena
samantha partida
steven partida
victoria rich
jennifer koepp
jenniffer flores
anne manzano
elizabeth villarreal
denise ortiz
kevin korpi
brad arnold
ed gonazles
david eckert
felicia curtis
trent wenzel
coach woodall
coach kilford
mrs. bock
mrs. lopez
ms. wetz
ms. caldwell
ms. biggs
mrs. thompson
oldest batey girl
oldest gorski girl
any other teenagers in central texas that have died in car crashes since 1980 or so
bharadwadj tanikella
hayley gray
colby callahan
austin milam
heath burley
los angeles:
ring leader: grayson bauer
targets: young runaway artist girls
harvey weinstein
bill cosby
jack antonoff
dr. luke
beyonce knowles
travis scott
janelle monae
megan thee stallion
erykah badu
mark oliver everett
marina diamandis
breandan urie
victims: (ranging from financial abuse to outright sex trafficking)
ellie goulding
rina sawayama
billie eilish
avril lavigne
amy lee
ky voss
christine and the queens
la roux
chloe chaidez
tove styrke
tove lo
bebe rexha 
ximena sarinana
angel haze
azaelia banks
colbie caillat
charli xcx
kim petras
kacey musgraves
mia rodriguez
melanie martinez
jazmin bean
ivy levan
iggy azaelia
alice glass
cardi b
nicki minaj
charlotte sometimes
lana del rey
sky ferreira
florence and the machine
sarah jaffe
alex winston
jessica hernandez
tegan and sara
caitlin rose
alice merton
hailey williams
emily king
rett madison
king mala
princess nokia
post malone
sir babygirl
caroline polachek
moses sumney
king princess
dorian electra
lil nas x
phoebe bridgers
harry styles
alicia keys
lil mariko
carrie underwood
kelly clarkson
mount moriah
zz ward
miranda lambert
the chicks
frank ocean
chance the rapper
ariana grande
britney spears
christina aguilera
alessia cara
mac demarco
sam fender
jason isbell
mexican institute of sound
la perla
gera mx
royal blood
st. vincent
white reaper
biffy clyro
the chats
corey taylor
cage the elephant
vishal dadlani
shor police
diet cig
flatbush zombies
dj scratch
jose madero
moses sumney
j balvin
chase & status
backroad gee
the neptunes
jon pardi
portugal. the man
aaron beam
the hu
tomi owo
phoebe bridgers
miley cyrus
elton john
yo-yo ma
robert trujillo
chad smith
dave dahan
mickey guyton
dermot kennedy
mon laferte
igor levit
my morning jacket
pg roxette
darius rucker
chris stapleton
goodnight, texas
imelda may
chery glazerr
kamasi washington
rodrigo y gabriela
worked with grayson, benefitted from him, but were not aware anything was going on or did their best to help:
st. lucia
tame impala
the hush sound
straylight run
the naked and famous
blue october
old 97's
frank turner
sea wolf
my chemical romance
avenged sevenfold
blaqk audio
fall out boy
young the giant
san francisco:
ring leaders:
marc benioff
elon musk
travis kalanick
evan spiegel
steve jobs
jeff bezos
mark zuckerberg
steve chen
bill gates
michael dell
ren zhengfei
eoghan mccabe
secondary: grayson bauer using this circle for remote revenge crypto shills from 20mission and burning man preying on runaways as well
targets: queer tech-inclined teenagers
zach snow
dan granquist
jeremy whittington
taran patel
jim spagnola
seth tager
walter harley
jose garcia
connor cook
andrew zigler
chris sullivan
"anna lytical" (billy)
kelsey mayfield
caroline rhoades
henry desroches
mark hardiman
ben angel
ian coldwater
"belgium solanas" (michael troy judd)
meagan clawges
nalini prakash
lovi yu
peeyush aggarwal
matthew allen
samantha allen
janus rose
c boucher
chelsea manning
ben turrubiates
emily johnston
gavon payne
jamie delton
chris koch
amanda le
naomi wu
tux pacific
sev welker
alison kim
cara mazzi
ruby ??? (caroline's old roommate)
nick ??? (caroline's ex-boyfriend)
rachel forbes
daphne gunawan
trisha day
sidney powell
srijita mori
rebecca ??? (srijita's partner)
scott conger
erin nielsen
qinlin chen (catherine chen)
hank yang
kevin ren
aaron wong
matt hwang
chloe cauley
zane witherspoon
ana garcia
jeremy cruz
john lewis
lida wang
waylon clanton
wyatt clanton
tyler mcdonald
jasmine christiansen
new york/london/vegas && norcal/socal rivalries
ring leaders:
bernie madoff
jack antonoff
joanne rowling
evan spiegel
fox news, et al
new york times, et al
washington post, et al
the guardian, et al
noah pentecost
mark zuckerberg
jp morgan/chase bank/etrade
lin manuel-miranda
bari weiss
sarah jeong
juliette sieve
ravi gill
will yang
jesse yang
sahil bhumi
???? (their armenian friend from stanford 2012 class)
antonis kartanapis
marko salkovic
erykah badu
oakstop coworking space
wag dogsitting app
kent from youtube & his sri lankan sugar mama
gabriella from wag
stephenie meyer
"e.l. james"
john green
hank green
susan collins
meg cabot
angela santomero
john kricfalusi
tom cruise
george r. r. martin
david benioff
targets: expressive, artistic teenagers envied by big money bankers and "feminist" writers
tori holland
janus rose
andrew bryant
daniel schroeder
max parks
amanda le
kelsey mayfield
samantha allen
josh burlison
ben turrubiates
henry desroches
nico ??? (from shippo)
sev welker
rachael kauffman
janelle monae
kim petras
scarlett ??? (my friend in the london club scene)
james sampson
james twigg
james sanchez
maria nunez
young asian women, age 18 - 22, going to raves and to vegas (i.e. "asian baby girls")
john lewis
lida wang
katie holmes
stacy london
carrie brownstein
ring leaders:
richard stallman
steven pinker
mark zuckerberg
queer software engineers
priscilla chan
amanda le
samantha allen
josh burlison
jamie delton
jamie hand
katie ha
emily johnston
chris koch
cara mazzi
jasmine christiansen
mark hardiman
chicago && washington dc
ring leaders:
barack obama
rahm emanuel
beyonce knowles
joe biden
targets: pretty, light skinned, liberal teenagers interested in politics
samantha allen
emily brandon
lauren knipe
andrew zigler
andrew bryant
michael trombold
carissa nietzche
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
haley gray
ben turrubiates
jose garcia
ana garcia
victoria benson
cj dehart
austin scarborough
stephen lupton
michael morton
michelle moon
jeff stevens
becky pickert
ashton nicole casey
carter freeman
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oceanusborealis · 2 years
Transfusion - Movie Review
TL;DR – It is a film trying to explore some essential issues. However, it felt like we only got a surface-level analysis.     ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit sceneDisclosure – I paid for the Stan service that viewed this film. Transfusion Review – It is one of modern society’s great tragedies, actually no, not a tragedy, embarrassments, that we send people…
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Glee OC Masterlist ( J-Z)
[ A - H ]
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Name: Jaci Jones
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Sofia Wiley
Love Interest: Artie Abrams
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Name: Jason Del Monico
Story: All Or Nothing
Face claim:  Ross Lynch
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
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Name: Jeanette Jameson
Story: Multi
Face claim: Alyson Reed
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Name: Jeremy St James
Story: Corner Of The Sky
Face claim:  Joshua Bassett
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe, Rory Flanagan, Marley Rose
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Name: Johanna Berry
Story: John Hughes Movie
Face claim: Joey King
Love Interest: Camilo Ayers
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Name: Johanna St James
Story: Multi
Face claim:  Kate Reinders
Love Interest: Chad Channing
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Name: Josh St James
Story: Multi
Face claim:  Zac Efron
Love Interest: Nell Baker
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Name: Josie St James
Story: Untitled
Face claim:  Lily Rose Depp
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Name: Joy Schuester
Story: By Its Very Definition
Face claim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Summary:  Joy Schuester knew what glee was - how could she not?  Her dad never shut up about the good old days, his glory years at McKinley High.  He even named her after something his old coach would say - by its very definition, glee is about opening yourself up to joy.  Big whoop, she’d never really cared.  Really she was just interested in cheer, drama club, and dancing around her room while singing along to Taylor Swift. But then her dad takes over the glee club and Joy has no choice but to join.  She expected the showtunes, the divas, and even her dad’s white guy rapping.  She didn’t, however, expect to fall in love, and she definitely didn’t expect to find herself caught in the middle of a war between her coach and her dad.
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Name: June Harris
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Jesse St. James
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Name: Kendall Pierce
Story: Songs Of The Heart
Face claim:  Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Summary: Maybe it was her age.  Maybe it was the special Pierce… intelligence.  Maybe it was just that she was a better person than most students at McKinley High.  But whatever it was, Kendall Pierce didn’t understand why she couldn’t cheer and sing.  She didn’t understand why Quinn Fabray was so insistent that she not join Glee, or why the New Directions were so suspicious of her “intentions”.  She loved to sing and she loved to cheer, it should have been simple.  But when Quinn Fabray suddenly joins the club, with her sister and Santana in tow, Kendall starts to realize that nothing about high school is as simple as it seems.
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Name: Lilibeth Anderson
Story: Teenage Dream
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
Love Interest: Marley Rose
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Name: Lindsay Wright
Story: Multi
Face claim: Brittany Snow
Love Interest: Amelie Kline
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Name: Logan Hayes
Story: Dream Maker
Face claim:  KJ Apa
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Name: Mac Hudson
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim:  Charles Gillespie
Love Interest: Betty Fabray
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Name: Mandy Abrams
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Liana Liberato
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Name: Marilyn Pillsbury
Story: Life Can Be Beautiful
Face claim:  Madelaine Petsch
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, eventual Quinn Fabray, possibly Quinn Fabray & Sam Evans
Summary: When Marilyn Pillsbury was ten, her mother died.  When she was twelve, her dad was arrested.  When she was thirteen, she moved in with her aunt Emma.  And when she was fourteen, she started at William McKinley High School.  And she was nothing but the weird guidance counsellor’s weird niece.  But then, after a fateful encounter with three Cheerios in the girls’ bathroom, Lyn finds herself being dragged into the spotlight. She becomes a Cheerio, she’s hot and popular and the school loves her, she’s everything she ever wanted to be.  And when Quinn joins the glee club, Marilyn is right beside her with Brittany and Santana; finally she can do what she really loves without fearing the consequence.  She’s on top of the world, life is beautiful.  And then she finds out that Quinn is pregnant, and she has to make a choice.  Will she seize the opportunity to rise to the very top, or will she stay loyal to the girl who brought her up from the lowest of lows?
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Name: Mark Carter
Story: Multi
Face claim: Bart Johnson
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Name: Maureen Morton
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Renee Rapp
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
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Name: May Taylor
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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Name: Melissa Carlson
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Kaitlyn Dever
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Name: Melody Naccarelli
Story: Multi
Face claim: Brenna D’Amico
Love Interest: N/A, sometimes Jeremy St James
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Name: Mia Rose
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Lily Collins
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Name: Millie Kindell
Story: Corner Of The Sky [ & others ]
Face claim: Anna Camp
Love Interest: Jesse St James
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Name: Natalie Astor
Story: Ballad Of A Homeschooled Girl
Face claim: Maia Mitchell
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Name: Nell Baker
Story: Multi
Face claim: Anne Hathaway
Love Interest: Josh St James
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Name: Paige Callahan
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Zendaya
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Name: Robyn Del Monico
Story: All Or Nothing
Face claim: Olivia Holt
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Name: Roman Kline
Story: Somewhere Only We Know [ & others ]
Face claim: Aaron Tveit
Love Interest: Cooper Anderson & Ash Astor
AO3 | FFNet | Wattpad
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Name: Roxie Flores
Story: The Greatest Star
Face claim:  Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Rosalind Flores was used to living in Quinn Fabray’s shadow.  Quinn was the head Cheerio, even though Roxie was the better cheerleader; Quinn got the boys, even though she had a stick up her ass; Quinn had the friends - lackeys, even though she treated them like dirt.  And then Mr. Schuester takes over the Glee Club and Roxie sees a refuge from her life as Quinn’s understudy.  And it’s great.  Sure, Rachel is as obsessed with being number one as Quinn, but Roxie loves to sing and she’s really, genuinely happy.  It’s everything she hoped for; it’s perfect.  And then Quinn Fabray walks into the choir room and Roxie’s sanctuary collapses around her.
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Name: Sadie Berry
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Ciara Bravo
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Name: Savannah Evans
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Valeria Ramírez & Bobby Seurat
Summary: The first thing that the Evans siblings learned when they moved to Lima was that rumours spread much faster than they did back home.  The second thing that they learned was how to lie.  And lie they did.  They were just three siblings; their financial struggles were because of their dad’s job; they absolutely most definitely didn’t have another sister who’d been in the hospital for as long as they’d been in Ohio.  And everyone believed them.  Right up until Rachel Berry sees Sam hugging some blonde girl outside of a motel and drags the entire glee club on a witch hunt that ends with them meeting the Evans siblings in their motel room.  All of the Evans siblings.  Even Savannah, Sam’s twin and best kept secret who, rumour has it, it about to start at McKinley High.
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Name: Sutton Reeves
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Emma Watson
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Name: Tally Boyer
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Haley Lu Richardson
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Name: Tommy Walker
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim: Jeremy Shada
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Name: Trisha Kent
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Cassie Scerbo
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Name: Valeria Ramírez
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Savannah Evans & Bobby Seurat
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Name: Xander Smythe
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim: Joe Keery
Love Interest: Betty Fabray
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Name: Zoe Giardi
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Grace Van Dien
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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mplaylistdiaries · 2 years
January 2019
Summary: I had just started my final spring semester of college and I was barely hanging on going to my internship, classes, prepping for my last shows for the semester, going to my job, cutting out a very toxic friend out of my life, grappling with the unraveling of coming out not of my own accord to my parents, and so many other things that I didn’t even want to even start thinking about. 
At the time I felt so small and scared about everything going on around me because I felt so ill prepared for the future. I had no idea what I should be doing and how I was going to even accomplish any of the things I wanted to do. Heck. I didn’t even know if I was going to even be able to achieve any of it. 
It just all seemed so impossible and everyone else seemed to have some kind of plan for the future on what they were going to do next and excited about us all leaving. It felt like no one noticed how upset or sad I was about how our journey was coming to an end and we were all going to have to live out separate lives. Even though, that wasn’t true at all. It was still how I felt at the time and this playlist reflects all of my feelings at the time. 
Prologue by Into the Woods Company
The Bells of Notre Dame by David Ogden Stiers, Tony Jay, Paul Kandel, and Chorus
Newsies by Jermey Jordan & Newsies Company
Be Prepared by Jeremey Irons, Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, and Jim Cummings
Ignite by Casey Lee Williams & Lamar Hall
I Just Can’t Wait To be King by Jason Weaver, Rowan Atkinson, and Laura Williams
Last Surprise by Lyn
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You by Donny Osmond & Chorus
Life Will Change by Lyn
Smile by Casey Lee Williams & Jeff Williams
Seasons of Warfare by Buttercup
He Lives In You by Lebo M.
Seasons of Love by RENT Company
Simple & Clean by Hikaru Utada
Evermore by Dan Stevens
It’s My Turn by Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams 
Watch What Happens by Kara Lindsay
Go The Distance by Roger Bart
Breathe by Mandy & In the Heights Company
Rivers in the Desert by Lyn
Defying Gravity by Idina Menzel & Kristin Chenoweth
This Time by Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams
Through Heaven’s Eyes by Brian Stokes Mitchell
The Heirtors of Arcadia by Silque
We Are One by Cam Clarke, Charity Sanoy, Ladysmith Black Mambazo
This Is My Idea by Swan Princess Cast
Honor to Us All by Lea Salonga, Beth Fowler, Marni Nixon, and Chorus
This Life is Mine by Casey Lee Williams
Good Little Girl/Bad Little Boy by Adventure Time, Donald Glover, Madeline Martin, Roz Ryan
Bad Reputation by Shawn Mendes
At The Beginning by Richard Marx & Donna Lewis
I Need To Know by Melissa Lyons & Alessandro Juliani
I See The Light by Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi
A Million Dreams by Zif Zaifman, Hugh Jackman, and Michelle Williams
What Am I To You by Adventure Time, Jeremy Shada, Olivia Olson, and Hynden Watch
Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift
You Can’t Stop the Beat by Elijah Kelley, John Travolta, Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes
How Does A Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion
Drift Away by Cristina See
Why by Ayaka
Beneath the Mask by Lyn
Reflection by Lea Salonga
The Path to Isolation by Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams 
Never Enough by Loren Allred
Lost in Thoughts All Alone by AmaLee
I Won’t Say I’m in Love by Susan Egan, Cheryl Freeman, LaChanze, Vaneese Thomas, Lillias White
All Gummed Up Inside by Adventure Time, Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio
Like To Be You by Shawn Mendes ft. Julia Micheals
You Will Be Found by Ben Platt, Kristolyn Lloyd, Will Roland, Laura Dreyfuss, and Dear Evan Hansen Cast
Show Yourself by Idina Menzel & Evan Rachel Wood
Wake up, Get up, Get out by Lyn
Days in the Sun by Beauty and the Beast Cast
All That Matters by Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams
Slow Dance With You by Babeo Baggins
Tightrope by Michelle Williams
The Triumph by Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams
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moviesandmania · 2 years
TRANSFUSION (2022) Sam Worthington crime thriller - trailer
TRANSFUSION (2022) Sam Worthington crime thriller – trailer
Transfusion is a 2022 Australian crime thriller about a former Special Forces operative thrust into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him. Written, directed by and also co-starring actor Matt Nable, making his directorial debut. The Altitude Media Group-Deeper Water-Madman Entertainment co-production also stars Sam Worthington, Phoebe Tonkin, Susie Porter, Jeremy…
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unblogparaloschicos · 7 months
Cine: Sequin In A Blue Room (2019)
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Sequin (Conor Leach) es un muchacho australiano de dieciséis años que suele usar una aplicación para contactar con otros hombres, lo cual ya nos da la pauta de que esta es una película con un gran trasfondo erótico. Siempre ataviado para la ocasión con un mínimo atuendo de chapitas y afirmando tener la mínima edad legal, el joven tiene una vida sexual bastante disipada y es un imán para el grupo de adultos de más de cuarenta, fascinados con su angelical aspecto.
En una ocasión llega a su vista la invitación a formar parte de una orgía en un sitio llamado "Sala azul" y, atraído por la propuesta, va. Alli se topa con Edward (Samuel Barrie), un apuesto muchacho negro de quien acaba seducido, pero también con "B" (Ed Wightman), una de sus eventuales aventuras que termina obsesionándose con el adolescente a niveles preocupantes.
Basándose en algunos recuerdos de su propia experiencia como adolescente gay, el también coguionista Samuel Van Grinsven debuta tras las cámaras con un relato sórdido con más de un mensaje. El padre de Sequin (Jeremy Lindsay Taylor), por caso, al ver el misterioso comportamiento de su hijo, le reconoce que le ha dado más libertad que a cualquier otro, y ésta es, probablemente una de las más grandes lecciones de la película, quizás exceptuando el peligroso raid sexual del joven: el rol parental durante la adolescencia.
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