#jessie headway
koifsssh · 10 months
bwah! i live! (i think!) (???) i have some sketches for you! since im back in school i've been messing around with colored pencils and pens and such! i forgot how fun it was... bwahhh
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anira... an oc i've recently come up with! (not welcome home related, but she is in my thoughts...)
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i just think she's very neat... ( Kolly belongs to @thatthirstyweirdo ! mwah! )
and!!! have a Rainy! bwah!
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he's in his mob disguise... i need to explain that later, ehe, it is all very, very silly! speaking of mob disguises, i'd like to think he made a few friends along the way! i've grown quite fond of them actually!
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vicky and jessie... they are so silly... (they are besties! bwahhhh!)
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vicky is a theater kid... she really loves theatrics! a big hopeless romantic as well, she loves love what can i say? bwah! she is a vampire! though im not very sure on... puppet... vampire rules... so i'd like to think she can go outside and not have a need for blood, it's more of a preference if anything! (She does get cravings though... so she carries around a teething ring! but it is a little embarrassing...) jessie is basically an All In One! Barbie, if you will. She's very well rounded! very handy! (she owns a motorcycle! haha!) she's a career woman! wooo!
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they are very silly together... all three of them...
my goodness. do not even get me started on maverick's friends...
(guess what! guess whatttt! i have wifi today... and it is good, too! so guess what!)
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yinza · 3 years
Rating: Teen Characters: Yuffie Kisaragi, Barret Wallace, Zack Fair, Jessie, Cloud Strife, Nanaki, Vincent Valentine, Reno
Summary: Nearly two months after the defeat of Sephiroth, Yuffie rejoins AVALANCHE in their mission to take down Shinra for good. Healing the scars left behind won't be easy, but Yuffie's beginning to think Leviathan may hold the answers.
Got up a Yuffie chapter for a Yuffie birthday! =)
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pinestripes · 3 years
Quiet Day (The Last of Us)
The last few months in Jackson have been paradise compared to the hellish cross-country road trip that came before. But scars still run deep, and shadows can lurk around even the brightest corners. 
Ellie has a bad day. Joel wants to help.
Rating: T for a bit of language
Can also be read here on AO3 and here on FFN.
Author’s Note:
I liiiiive! Feels good to publish something for the first time in...a year, actually, as of yesterday. I've had a busy and stressful year, though I'm sure a lot of you can relate. Anyway, I just love TLOU (as much as someone who has only watched playthroughs of it can), and I especially adore Ellie and Joel's dynamic. Thank you for reading!
Joel is a light sleeper and an early riser. The latter has been a trait of his for most of his life; the former, however, developed by necessity once not being able to jerk awake the instant something went bump in the night became a death sentence. Both of these qualities together means that he rises before the first rays of sunrise stream into his room.
He throws on stained jeans and an old shirt. Scrubbing a hand across his bleary eyes, he lumbers into the bathroom. Once done in there, he heads downstairs and to his front porch, sinking into the rocking chair there with a sigh.
He opens the worn science fiction novel he’s been making his way through for the past week or two, quickly thumbing through the brittle brown pages before finding the one he dog-eared the day before. He wasn’t a big reader, back before everything went to shit, but he had been known to pick up a sci-fi or western, sometimes even a mystery novel, every once in a while.
Joel reads in the soft morning light for half an hour or so before he exchanges the book for the guitar that has been resting by the front door. He lazily strums a few bars of a couple different songs, humming. Ellie will be awake soon, and it’s their morning ritual that when she comes down he helps her practice for a little while before breakfast.
Contrary to his expectations, Ellie doesn’t make her appearance. A familiar anxiety, one he feels less and less often the longer they stay in Tommy and Maria’s compound, clamps down on his chest. He stands and leans the guitar against the wall, the instrument making a discordant twung when he drops it less than gently in his hurry. He stalks into the house and through the barebones living room, eyes on the stairs to the second floor as his footsteps quicken and the clamp squeezes, squeezes, squeezes—
He jerks to a stop when he sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He whips his head around to peer into the kitchen. Ellie is sitting there hunched over at the table, nibbling at a piece of buttered toast.
Suddenly Joel feels a little foolish. His heart is pounding, breathing shallow and quiet. He forces himself to take two slow breaths in and out, feeling the clamp slowly release, lungs expanding and taking in air once more. Finally, he says, voice nearly steady, “There you are, kiddo. Thought maybe you were still asleep.”
Ellie startles, looking up at him with a sharp intake of breath. (He’s surprised she didn’t hear his heavy footsteps into the house from the porch, actually.) Her shoulders relax again when she sees him. “Morning,” she says and returns to her toast.
Shaking off the last of the adrenaline rush and deciding he may as well join her for breakfast, he pads into the kitchen and starts getting out supplies for omelettes, thanking his lucky stars the hydroelectric plant has been providing the town with electricity, and therefore refrigeration, consistently for the last few weeks. “What do you want in your omelette?”
She doesn’t answer.
“What do you want in your omelette today? I got some more green peppers from the garden yesterday, and we’ve got some ham, believe it or not—”
“I’m just going to have the toast today.”
“That all?”
“Yeah, I’m not really hungry.”
“You sure?”
He leaves it alone and goes back to making his own breakfast. Usually Ellie would be chattering up a storm by now, but when he’s nearly finished with his omelette and she still hasn’t said a word he finds himself speaking again. “So, didn’t want to do guitar today?”
He sets the omelette on his plate and brings it to the table, taking a seat to her left. “You alright? You seem kind of out of it this morning.”
She shrugs. He notices she hasn’t made much headway on the piece of toast. “I’m fine. M’just tired. Didn’t sleep much. What did you ask?”
He quirks a doubtful brow. “I asked if you didn’t want to practice the guitar today.”
“I just thought we could...take a break today.”
He nods, and returns to eating, deciding once again not to push the issue. By the time his plate is clean she’s finishing the last few little bites of the toast. They both stand to wash their plates and utensils. Per routine, Ellie washes and Joel dries.
Concerned with the continued silence, he decides to give one last try. “So. It’s Sunday. Got any big plans?”
“No, don’t think so,” she responds.
“Not gonna go see Jessie, or, uh, Dina? Or anyone?”
“Nah.” She scrubs at a pan mechanically. “I think I’m just going to stay in and read a book.”
“Alright, then.”
They finish up, and Ellie heads upstairs to her bedroom. He goes to bring the guitar back in from the porch, then stands in the middle of the living room for a minute, feeling a little lost. Finally he sighs and heads out back to weed the vegetable garden. He can tell it’s going to be a quiet day.
Every once in a while, something—a nightmare maybe, or maybe a bandit attack, he can’t always figure it out for sure—will shake Ellie. She’ll retreat into herself, go quiet and distant. She’ll be spacy and—well, he isn’t sure what else to call it but flat. Which is decidedly not Ellie-like.
He’s learned that if he tries to push too much, if he tries to convince her to get out of the house or to talk to him, she gets cagey and defensive. So, even though he hates to see her light so dim, he gives her space and makes sure others do the same. Sometimes she’ll reach out to him of her own accord, looking to talk or a distraction in the form of a guitar lesson. She’s usually back to herself by the next day.
It’s lunchtime once he’s weeded the garden and patched up a few wobbly posts on the porch railing, a continuation of his ongoing attempts to renovate the house. He heads up the stairs and to Ellie’s door. He raps his knuckles against it twice. At her affirmative response, he opens the door and pokes his head in. “I’m thinking I’m going to head to the mess for lunch. You hungry?”
She’s laying on her bed in a loose fetal position, facing the door with a book lying open in front of her at an angle that suggests she hasn’t actually been reading it. “I’m okay.”
“You sure? You didn’t eat much for breakfast.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“Suit yourself, then.” He almost shuts the door, then remembers something else. “Hey, Tommy mentioned something about a roof needin’ fixin’ yesterday. He might try and drag me into helpin’ him with that after we eat, so it could be a couple hours before I get back. That okay?”
He doesn’t worry; he knows it’ll be a few hours at least before she wants company. “Alright. See you later.”
Tommy does drag Joel into helping fix a roof, and it takes almost three hours, but he finally finds himself at Ellie’s door again.
He knocks on it, twice again. “Hey, uh...just wanted to let you know I was home.”
“Okay,” she responds through the door.
“...I’ll be downstairs.”
When she doesn’t respond, he walks away, intent on continuing his ongoing Sunday project—fixing the floor in the downstairs bedroom. He’s been replacing the busted up hardwood in the downstairs bedroom little by little on Sundays—when everyone gets the day off in town, with the exception of a regular rotation of necessary jobs like patrol duty. It gives him something to do.
When it gets close to 5:30, according to the cracked, flickering display on the oven, Joel squares his shoulders and heads back to his familiar place outside Ellie’s door.
He knocks, asking “Can I come in?”
He opens the door to see that she has shifted onto the floor, leaning against the side of the bed that’s facing the door, a book in her lap. He thinks she might have actually been reading it, which is a good sign.
“About time for supper. Ready to head over to Tommy’s?” Sunday night dinner at Tommy and Maria’s place is a regular part of their routine. Joel and Ellie host dinner on either Wednesdays or Thursdays, depending on the schedule.
She shrugs. “Eh, I’m not really hungry.”
Joel’s already decided that he is going to press the issue this time. She seems a little perkier, so he figures it should go over okay. “All you’ve had today is some toast. And they’re expectin’ us.”
Ellie pulls a face. It’s not as exaggerated as usual, but it’s close. “Do I have to?”
He jerks his head in the direction of the door. “Come on.”
She sighs and pulls herself up off the floor before shoving her hands in her pockets and trudging out the door. He follows behind, the twitch of a smile on his face.
Ellie’s still quieter than usual at dinner, which earns Joel questioning looks from both his brother and sister-in-law. He just answers with a shrug and a meaningful look, which they accept, already having witnessed a few of these days before.
As they finish up their lasagna, Joel goes ahead and suggests watching a movie. He knows Ellie loves the compound’s movie nights just as much as the little ones.
“Can we?” she asks eagerly, a familiar spark flickering in her eyes.
Tommy and Maria look at each other. “Well, sure. Why not?” Maria says.
They clear the table quickly after that and select an action movie that Joel is pretty sure he caught on TV one night ages ago when Sarah was at a sleepover. The pang the thought sends through him is quick and biting, but the way Ellie bounces in her seat on the couch with anticipation helps him put the thought to rest once he recognizes it.
He takes his seat next to her. Ellie starts out resting against the arm of the couch, chin propped in her hand, but by the beginning of the movie’s second big action sequence she’s shifted to lean into his side. He adjusts so they’re both a little more comfortably settled into each other, his arm draping around the back of the couch.
Neither of them move for the rest of the movie, except for when Joel’s arm shifts to settle around her shoulders.
By the time the credits roll, it’s dark out. They walk through the cool fall night back to their house. Joel is glad to see that the movie night has helped Ellie perk up to her normal self. She babbles about the film’s effects and discusses the story’s various plot holes and inconsistencies. For his part, Joel mostly just listens and occasionally responds in agreement.
“I mean, what even was the bad guy’s plan?” she asks. “The bald asshole kept babbling about missiles or something, but I’m pretty sure he never actually said what they were going to do with the missiles. Right?”
“Don’t believe he did,” Joel responds.  
“And why did that one agent think going in without backup was a good idea? I mean, yeah, it was badass, but it was obviously going to fail from the beginning.”
“Don’t rightly know.”
“And for pete’s sake, why did the woman agent not have pants on for half the movie?”
“Because the people who made the movie were gross old men, probably.”
Ellie snorts. “You’re probably right.”  
They lapse into a companionable silence for a few minutes before Ellie suddenly leans over to nudge Joel’s arm with her elbow. “Hey.”
“Hm?” he questions, turning to give her his full attention from where it had been scanning the night sky—as far as he can tell, the single positive effect of the apocalypse is the decrease in pollution, including light pollution, which means the sky is blanketed in stars no matter where you are.
She sticks her hands in her jacket pockets, looking away with flushed cheeks and scuffing the heel of her shoe in the dirt before turning to look him in the face. “Thanks, Joel.”
He doesn’t need to ask what for. “Anytime, baby girl.”
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detectiveconnor · 3 years
@jericholeader / absolutely wheezing 
Tonight was the night. Four weeks of undercover work - his name was Casey Rendell, a recovering addict with a pocket full of ticket stubs (Keno - not that far into recovery), chewing gum and quarters he gathered together for another glass of sparkling water. “Not a beer?” 
“Nah. I’m here on business.” 
The bartender was a part of it, Connor thought, but he hadn’t been able to prove the link yet. Just a hunch, in the overt amount of interest he’d been taking in Connor: he knew a sort of vetting when he saw one. They were checking him out. He had two false bank accounts with fake debt, to boot, a highschool graduation, a birth certificate with a missing father and he was on a blacklist of three different casinos on the west coast. An easy mark, really. He had been an easy mark for the past four weeks, while they felt him out. They weren’t necessarily looking for fresh blood, except that they had recently - almost two months ago - ‘terminated’ the old. Not trafficking, Connor didn’t think - but maybe. His suspicion was a low-level, wannabe gang, with too much of a liking for seeing people ‘off’. 
He’d find out tonight, though. Timmy was bringing one of his buddies, to meet him, which Connor took to mean he was making headway. 
The bartender - Jessie - shot a coaster his way, and set an open beer atop it. Matter of fact. “Man, it’s liquid courage. You’re doing business in a beer, you’re gonna need it. On the house?” 
So they wanted him buzzed, then. This was a good sign. Connor let himself smile, a flash of teeth as he lifted the bottle: “Cheers.” 
“Hey, Casey!” That was him. The moment he lifted the bottle to his lips, Timmy appeared, with a solid-enough slap to Connor’s shoulder that Connor heavily suspected Timmy was trying to size him up (his fingers dug into Connor’s shoulder, possessively, which Connor politely pretended not to notice), “You ready, man?” 
“I just got a beer!” and he wasn’t finished scooping loose pocket change back into his pockets - 
“C’mooooon, you’re gonna wanna meet him, the boss is waiting.” 
“He should come here, I-” 
“Hey,” somehow Timmy’s grip tightened on his shoulder, so that Connor could feel each individual one of his fingernails through the thin material of his loose t-shirt, “Casey. Man. You don’t want to piss him off. I’m doing you a solid, you’re gonna hang me out to dry like this?” A final vetting. They were checking him out, a final time, testing how eager he was, how much he knew what he was walking into, and Connor was playing it dumb. 
“No, Timmy, I just ...” 
“Hey, are you gonna pay for that beer?” Jessie was definitely in on it, then. Testing whether they had a corner to back him into. Connor backed rapidly, now beginning to detangle himself from Timmy’s hand, and done with sweeping quarters into his pockets (he’d go, said his body language, this was a little freaky -) 
“You said it was on the house, I’ve only got cash for -” 
Jessie set the bottle he was holding down with a thump, “Hey, this is like the fifth time in a month, you don’t leave until I get my money.”  “You can’t afford a beer? Dude!” with Timmy’s fingers still digging into his shoulder, shaking him a little as though to emphasise the message. “Your finances are fucked.” 
Here was what should have happened next: Timmy would say, don’t worry about it, the boss’ll pay, he’s eager to meet you. Got a lot of good ideas about you paying off that debt of yours, and then Connor would say, I don’t know, I don’t want to do anything weird, and Timmy and Jessie would exchange a glance between them (definitely a good mark, they would think to themselves), and then Connor would be introduced to the world of whatever-it-was they were doing behind the scenes that had them murdering their occasional outflow, and he could arrest them and go back to living in his apartment rather than the run-down motel on the outskirts of the city that he figured would be believable for a gambling addict, if anyone ever came knocking. He was geared up for it. He had even artfully left some crinkled Keno stubs on the bar, beside the mostly-untouched bottle of beer, and he fumbled through his pockets now for change he purposefully did not have on him, and -- 
“I’ve got it,” said a third voice, smooth. Timmy’s hand immediately released Connor’s shoulder, and Jessie’s ‘angry’ persona flipped off like a lightswitch, and they - the three of them - turned to look at the man who was offering a fiver across the bar, for all of the cost of a $4.75 bottle of beer. 
Shit, Connor thought. 
“Hey, I’ll tell the boss you’re not interested, man.” An undercurrent into his ear, as Timmy made to withdraw - Connor opened his mouth but he did not think of something to say before, “Catch you later, yeah?”, and then his aspirations for the night disappeared in front of his eyes. 
Jessie took the fiver and dropped the quarter’s change into his own tip jar, matter-of-fact. “You’re a real lucky guy, Casey,” and then Jessie, too, turned away to do his bartending work, for the night. 
Shit. Shit. 
Shit. (The man may have been able to see that flash of something on Connor’s face, before he managed to swallow it.) (Somewhere deep in the DPD, Connor suspected Lieutenant Hank Anderson was having trouble catching his breath, for the laughter of it, listening in to Connor’s tapped burner phone.) 
“Lifesaver! Thank you,” Connor said, turning to face his good-samaritan rescuer. He offered a hand out, “Take a seat. Hey. I’m Casey, what’s your name?” 
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 3 years
The Right thing
Summary: Agent Stone considers it his duty to protect those who can’t do it themselves. And responds poorly to those who mock him for it.
Justice. The concept of right and wrong
What qualifies as right and wrong is different for many, some focus on the personal acts that disgust them. Harming the weak and innocent. Others focus on the big picture, flaws of society itself.
Agent Stone was an example of the former. His father was an officer of law and so was his grandfather. As a boy, Stone always wanted to follow in their footsteps, to protect those who couldn’t do it themselves. It was only logical he’d join the Midtown police force.
In his many years on the force Stone had seen all kinds of criminals and scumbags. From petty bank robbers to wannabe anarchists, Stone was aware of how low people could sink.
The thought of how many innocents got hurt by these people with no remorse made his blood boil, though he kept it contained as best he could. He and his team had just apprehended a member of a gang of thugs who fancied themselves as a doomsday cult and were beginning the interrogation.
Stone was joined by two officers, siblings Jessie and Flynn Roberts. The two were good at playing the “Good Cop. Bad Cop” role with Stone being somewhere in the middle. Stone hung back and let the pair work their magic.
Flynn started first.
“Alright creep. Time to spill it. What’re your friends planning?”
The thug was unimpressed by the attempt.
“That’s for me to know and you all to find out. Gonna be one hell of a show.”
“Awfully confident for a jailbird.”
“Jail’s just where you put people who don’t fit with your beliefs.”
Stone felt his nostrils flare at that last part.
Jail’s where we put people like you so everyone else can sleep better.
Pretending to be furious Flynn pulled out his handgun, filled with blanks, and pointed it at the thug.
“If you don’t tell us soon, I swear I’ll-
Jessie jumped in, a common routine that often got the perpetrator to break.
“Look, I don’t think my brother can control himself much longer. Your choices are jail, or bullet. If you tell us the truth, I’ll try and lower your sentence.”
“Your brother needs to calm down a little. Seems a little too trigger happy for the job.”
Stone saw Flynn suppress a groan at how little headway they were getting. Stone understood his frustration, often swapping stories of such events between each other off duty.
The Thug kept his mask of control, ironic considering his position.
“How about you let me talk to that officer over there. I’ve heard of your routine before.”
The siblings shared a look between them before Stone walked towards the table.
“You got something to say?”
“Its obvious you’re all desperate, so I’ll throw you a bone. Or do you prefer donuts?”
Another suppressed groan by Flynn as Stone stared dead on.
“You seem the type who values innocent lives. Noble, yet pathetic.”
Stone’s voice became sharp with anger, tired of the riddles and cryptic taunts.
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that it would be a shame if a few lives were to end while we talk. If only you were a little faster-
The thug was interrupted by a baton across the jaw.
“The blood is on your hands, not mine! You scumbags do nothing but waste the lives you’re given!”
Flynn held him back from another blow, yelling at him to stop.
“Stone, calm down!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down.”
“You’re giving him what he wants, just stop.”
Seeing the point, Stone stopped struggling and looked ashamed.
Jessie stared at him in concern.
“Maybe you should go outside for a bit. Clear your head.”
Still glaring at the Criminal on the other end of the table, Stone conceded and began to take his leave.
Flynn shouted after him.
“We’ll let you know when we’re done here!”
Stone gave a grunt of acknowledgment before he went out the door. As he rested himself against the wall, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
How could I have gotten so wound up? It’s not like he was making threats.
As he took some breaths to calm himself, he heard a familiar voice call out.
“Are you doing alright, Stone?”
Looking up at the voice, Stone saw that it was another officer and his close friend, David Segen. David was holding two cups of coffee and offered one to his friend.
Stone politely declined.
“Trust me, last thing I need is caffeine.”
David gave a shrug and placed the second cup down on the bench in front of him.
“Mind if I ask what happened?”
“That thug we hauled in kept giving us cryptic messages and refused to give anything we could use. Then he boasted about casualties and I just… lost it.”
David stared at his half empty mug, swirling around the drink as he spoke.
“He was trying to get a rise out of you.”
“Well, he succeeded.”
“But, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that you’re quite intimidating when you get mad. I’m sure Jessie and Flynn are making headway.”
That made Stone look up from the ground.
“Don’t worry about your temper. You’re a good man, I’m certain.”
A smile crossed his face.
“Thanks for that.”
As the two lapsed into comfortable silence, Flynn burst through into the room looking stern yet somehow worried at the same time.
“He spilled. Got a hostage situation a few blocks from here. We’ve got to move now.”
Jessie came through next, staring at Stone.
“Get your rifle. Worst comes to worst, we’ll need our sniper.”
Stone gave a stern nod and left to get his equipment. As he strapped the rifle to his back, he took a few deep breaths.
Just another job. Just another scumbag.
Throwing open the door and heading to the vehicle Flynn and Jessie were already in, he mentally gave a prayer.
Lord, please make sure I’m not too late.
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modernlcve · 5 years
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*  —  stats —   jessica palmer !
* — basics !
full name:   jessica louise palmer. nickname(s):   jess,   her mother gets away with jessie. age:   twenty - one. date of birth:   july nineteenth. place of birth:    carina bay,   north carolina. gender:   female. pronouns:   she / her. sexual orientation:   lesbian. level of education:   high school graduate. pursuing a nursing degree.
* — physical !
tattoos:  none. piercings:  ears pierced twice.   industrial piercing on her left ear.   orbital piercing on her right ear.  belly button pierced. notable features:   she has a bob and i’ll die for it. weakness(es):   none notable. scar(s):  one under her chin.
* — domestic !
occupation:   student.   waitress.    residence:  lives at home with her mother. social class:   working class. parents:   details tba til i can talk to michele about it but.   she lives with her free spirit mom who’s currently undergoing treatment for cancer.   her dad has long split the scene,   they don’t keep in touch. siblings:   one older brother,   myles.   they’re close,   they bond over being water signs and pussies. extended family:   i don’t want to say w/o talking 2 michele.   old jessica was tight with her grandpa though.
* — personality !
positive traits:   resilient,   nimble-minded,   loyal. negative traits:   irrational,   hypercritical,   melodramatic. myers-briggs ( x ):   esfp;   the entertainer. temperament:   choleric. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:  cancer,   the crab. hogwarts house:  hufflepuff.
* — favorites !
movie:   a league of their own. tv show:   the x-files. book:  to kill a mockingbird. drink:   orange soda. food:   she makes a mean trail mix. animal:   otters. color:   anything pastel. song:   heartbreaker by pat benetar. artist:   pup. celebrity crush:   tessa thompson.
* — impressions !
first impression:   she’s easy enough to get along with. it’s a little bit bullshitty,   but she’s nice and good-humored enough that she makes a decent first impression,    even if it isn’t a super strong one. self impression:   she thinks she’s a hard worker and a good friend.   she’s working on being more assertive,   and she  thinks she’s making headway there. lover impression:   she likes commitment.   she’s looking for a situation where she can have another Rock in her life,  a person she doesn’t have to worry about leaving.   so yeah bit intense.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   sense of humor,   intelligence,   a big mouth. turn offs:   arrogance,   she’s generally distrusting of people with a notable amount of money. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/no/no. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   clean. early bird or night owl:   early bird. hobbies or special talents:   x
01. where was your character born? what brought them to carina bay? what do they like most about the town?
jessica was born in carina.   in a lot of ways,   she feels stuck here:   most of her close friends from high school got out of town after they graduated,   and she feels left behind.   but between her mother’s diagnosis and her family’s money troubles,   she doesn’t have many other options.   she likes being close to her family and knowing the environment,   but she hates the small town gossip and social structure.   
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
jessica’s family consists of herself,   her mother,   and her brother.   she considers herself close with both of them.   they’re a quirky little trio,   but they make it work.   i feel like growing up jessica and myles probably bickered like.   a normal sibling amount but Personally i see them having grown closer since they’re both passably Adults now dealing with Heavy stuff.   she considers rami her best friend nowadays and generally isn’t picky with who she surrounds herself with,   so long as they can Hang.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
jessica is most scared of just like.   the future in general as a concept.   she likes having certainty about things,   which just is not something you get the luxury of having when you’re in your twenties unfortunately.   she wants to know she can get out of carina,   she wants to know if her mom is gonna be okay,   she wants to know what’s gonna happen when all these balls she has in the air starts to land.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
jessica dated a couple girls in high school but i don’t know if i’d say she’s been full on In Love or had a true broken heart.
05. your character is doing intense spring cleaning. what is easy for them to throw out? what is difficult for them to part with? why?
jessica gets too distracted to really get much of anything done.   she finds an old notebook or something and then spends the next three hours reading every page and living in each moment and then it simply doesn’t get done.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
she’s either at work or studying at home.   she used to do most of her studying at the library,   she’d make a whole little morning of it,   riding her bike the long way there and stopping for coffee on the way.   but she feels guilty,   anymore,   not being at home when she’s able to be.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
coming soon ,
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
jessica is generally always a little Upset.   when it gets really bad she throws herself out there.   she doesn’t like to be alone when she’s upset,   so she tries to get some people together or sniff out wherever The Party is so she can go hang
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
also coming soon i’m just dumb ,
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campaignsoftheworld · 4 years
Secret Deodorant - Women's World 2020 | #AllStrengthNoSweat
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Secret Deodorant is debuting its newest campaign #AllStrengthNoSweat starring a diverse celebrity line-up of women across entertainment, sports, business and fitness. This campaign gives much-needed air-time to the personal stories of modern women who are challenging the status quo in their respective fields. With the release of its “All Strength, No Sweat” campaign, Secret Deodorant, a brand committed to driving actions in support of equal representation, equal compensation and equal opportunity for all women, is once again shining a spotlight on inspirational women who are pursuing their passions without “sweating” the obstacles in their paths. The campaign video, which will air nationally through 2020, features a song written and performed by singer/songwriter and Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez, who stars in the video. Also featured within the campaign are actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash, actress and entrepreneur Shenae Grimes-Beech and fitness mega-influencer Ainsley Rodriguez. The lyrics were inspired by the brand’s original “#AllStrengthNoSweat” platform from February 2019 and served as a rallying cry for women of all kinds, encouraging them to take pride in their power, their attitude and their right to claim what they deserve if life – whether that’s fighting for a seat at the table in the boardroom or acting as a positive example to women in Hollywood. “Secret has a history of supporting women’s progress and telling stories of women’s strength, which is something that I feel equally passionate about,” said Jessie Reyez. “As a woman in the music industry, I’ve experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to make headway in such a male-dominated field. I’m honoured to be a part of this campaign and share Secret’s goal of equalizing opportunity for women everywhere. I hope our stories connect with other women out there and we can continue to inspire, and lift one another.” “We’re so proud to be working with such a diverse group of inspiring women, all of whom were chosen for their unwavering strength and relentless approach to getting what they want from life,” said Sara Saunders, Associate Brand Director, Secret. “We hear from incredible women every day – about their concerns, their ambitions, and about their work to earn their fair share at every stage and place in life. We hope that by spotlighting a few of these stories, we can continue to inspire strength and unity in making a real change together.” About Secret Secret was the first antiperspirant brand designed specifically for women, and for the past 60 years, Secret has been on the forefront of women’s lives, leading with innovation designed to provide superior odor and wetness protection. Through the years, the brand has proudly supported women’s advancement and equality through its campaigns and communications. Its latest campaign, #AllStrengthNoSweat is a continuation of this commitment to women, celebrating those who boldly challenge the status quo, push through barriers and stand up for what they believe in, without “sweating” the obstacles that may come their way. Secret challenges women everywhere to be all strength, no sweat. Read the full article
0 notes
jeramymobley · 4 years
Secret Deodorant “All Strength, No Sweat” celebrates personal strength
Secret Deodorant spot uses custom-made anthem by Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez and features actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash and others
Secret Deodorant debuted its newest campaign starring a diverse celebrity line-up of women across entertainment, sports, business and fitness. This campaign gives much-needed air-time to the personal stories of modern women who are challenging the status quo in their respective fields.
With the release of its “All Strength, No Sweat” campaign, Secret Deodorant, a brand committed to driving actions in support of equal representation, equal compensation and equal opportunity for all women, is once again shining a spotlight on inspirational women who are pursuing their passions without “sweating” the obstacles in their paths.
The campaign video features a song written and performed by singer/songwriter and Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez, who stars in the video. Also featured within the campaign are actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash, actress and entrepreneur Shenae Grimes-Beech and fitness mega-influencer Ainsley Rodriguez.
The lyrics were inspired by the Secret Deodorant’s original “All Strength, No Sweat” platform from February 2019 and serve as a rallying cry for women of all kinds, encouraging them to take pride in their power, their attitude and their right to claim what they deserve in life – whether that is fighting for a seat at the table, in the boardroom, or acting as a positive example to women in Hollywood.
“Secret has a history of supporting women’s progress and telling stories of women’s strength, which is something that I feel equally passionate about,” said Jessie Reyez. “As a woman in the music industry, I have experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to make headway in such a male-dominated field. I am honoured to be a part of this campaign and share Secret’s goal of equalising opportunity for women everywhere. I hope our stories connect with other women out there and we can continue to inspire and lift up one another.”
Secret is releasing a series of shorts featuring the unique perspectives and personal stories of each of the five women appearing in the campaign, including:
Jessie Reyez: This Grammy-nominated Canadian/Colombian singer and songwriter has become a powerful role model for women in music. Reyez gets candid about the challenges she has faced in the music industry, revealing a very personal story from her past. Camila Mendes: A Brazilian-American actress who stars as Veronica Lodge on the CW’s highly popular series Riverdale, Mendes is the face of Secret Deodorant’s new Secret with Essential Oils collection. As fierce as she is feminine, Mendes shares how she is using her voice as a force of change in Hollywood.
Swin Cash: Having made the leap from WNBA player and Olympic gold medalist to bona fide businesswoman, Cash – currently the VP of Basketball Operations and Team Development for the New Orleans Pelicans – speaks out about equal representation for women, in sports and in life.
Shenae Grimes-Beech: A mother, actress, content-creator and self-proclaimed “queen of keeping it real,” Grimes-Beech reveals her own “unfiltered” experiences in motherhood, helping to show other women that they are not alone in navigating the unknown.
Ainsley Rodriguez: This fitness guru from Miami, who’s amassed almost two million followers on Instagram through sharing her workouts, nutrition tips and her followers’ body transformations, believes the most powerful muscle you can train is your mind, and that from there, results follow. Rodriguez shares with Secret her commitment to helping women stay strong mentally and physically through life’s challenges, big and small.
“We are so proud to be working with such a diverse group of inspiring women, all of whom were chosen for their unwavering strength and relentless approach to getting what they want from life,” said Sara Saunders, Associate Brand Director, Secret.
“We hear from incredible women every day – about their concerns, their ambitions, and about their work to earn their fair share at every stage and place in life. Our hope is that by spotlighting a few of these stories, we can continue to inspire strength and unity in making a real change together.”
The article Secret Deodorant “All Strength, No Sweat” celebrates personal strength appeared first on World Branding Forum.
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theaudientvoid · 7 years
“Several long weeks of misery for a life lived doing what I’m passionate about.  I know my last few weeks have been as awful as you could make them, I know what comes next might well be more awful, but I expected cancers or dementia, and those are horrible in their own way.  I mentally took note of every last thing, and I came to peace with the idea.  I’m at peace with the fact that I lived to my passions, and I didn’t let minor things get in my way.  I broke new ground, in Academy science, in making it possible for girls and women to make more headway, and in creating stories and works that would open minds.  What are you passionate about, Sylvester?”
My first thought was of Lillian, of Jessie.  Mary.  Helen in a different way.
Interesting that Sy thinks of Lillian (his ex) before Jessie (his current girlfriend).
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Bitcoin Magazine’s Week in Review: Putting Blockchain Tech on the Map
The Lightning Network continues to make news and Bitcoin Magazine’s latest cover story looks at what the future might hold for the innovative technology. Also new this week, BTC Media’s highly anticipated 2018 “Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem” was also unveiled. It’s full of creative visual treats highlighting the state of the sector and its explosive growth.
Developing interest and commitment to blockchain technology is also continuing to grow around the world. In the Middle East, the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) was announced at the Dubai-hosted Futures Blockchain Summit with a focus on transportation. Saudi Arabia is making headway on adopting blockchain technology for supply chain management in the oil and gas sector. And 5 blockchain projects were highlighted at the International Association for Cryptologic Research conference in Tel Aviv.
Featured stories by Amy Castor, Randolph Malone, Nick Marinoff, Jessie Willms and Aaron van Wirdum
Stay on top of the best stories in the bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Subscribe to our newsletter here.
The Future of Bitcoin: What Lightning Could Look Like
After years of design and work, the first Lightning implementations are now in beta. More nodes are appearing online every day, a growing number of users are opening channels with one another, and some merchants have even started to accept Lightning payments.
Following up on last month’s cover story, The History of Lightning: From Brainstorm to Beta, Aaron Van Wirdum takes a look at some of the most promising projects that will take Bitcoin and Lightning into the future.
Introducing the 2018 Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem
The 2018 edition of BTC Inc’s popular “Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem” has been unveiled. The map provides a visual representation of “the space” in the form of a city skyline with buildings displaying the logos of various entities.
Designed by Josh Dykgraaf, the cityscape is subdivided into 10 islands, each depicting a distinct facet of the industry: Mining, Processors, Media & Advocacy, Currencies, Wallets/Hardware, Exchanges, ICOs/Tokens, Enterprise, Blockchain Venture Capital and Blockchain Applications & Projects.
New Blockchain Initiative for the Automotive Industry Announced in Dubai
Major companies including IBM, Context Labs, Ford and BMW announced their collaboration at this year’s Futures Blockchain Summit in Dubai and have formed the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI). MOBI will explore further blockchain use and study how it can reduce the cost and increase the safety and accessibility to transportation around the world.
Through an open-source business design, MOBI is aiming to boost blockchain adoption among businesses that either develop or deliver autonomous vehicle and mobility services. Thus far, the group has sent invitations to various automakers, public transportation operators, toll road providers, blockchain firms, technology firms, academic institutions, startup entrepreneurs and global regulatory bodies to join the cause.
Nick Spanos: Saudi Arabia Is "Kicking the Tires — and That's Huge"
In line with their Vision 2030 commitment to adopt advanced technology including blockchain, Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company Aramco is working toward adopting blockchain technology for management and accounting.
In an interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Nick Spanos, CEO and co-founder of Zap.org, and founder of Blockchain Technologies Corp and the Bitcoin Centre NYC, talked about the Saudis’ enthusiasm for blockchain technology.
“Saudi Arabia is kicking the tires, and that’s huge. As part of their ambitious Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia as a whole is doing everything it can to modernize and diversify their economy. It means they’re open to doing things differently — and to doing big things with blockchain.”
Blockchain Takes the Stage at Flagship Cryptography Conference in Israel
For the second year in a row, a flagship cryptography conference in Europe has devoted an entire session to blockchain technology.
Hosted by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), the conference was attended by 370 people. Five blockchain papers were presented on the second day of the conference, and one of those even received a “best paper” award.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
Bitcoin Magazine’s Week in Review: Putting Blockchain Tech on the Map published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
0 notes
joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
Bitcoin Magazine’s Week in Review: Putting Blockchain Tech on the Map
The Lightning Network continues to make news and Bitcoin Magazine’s latest cover story looks at what the future might hold for the innovative technology. Also new this week, BTC Media’s highly anticipated 2018 “Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem” was also unveiled. It’s full of creative visual treats highlighting the state of the sector and it’s explosive growth.
Developing interest and commitment to blockchain technology is also continuing to grow around the world. In the Middle East, the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) was announced at the Dubai-hosted Futures Blockchain Summit with a focus on transportation. Saudi Arabia is making headway on adopting blockchain technology for supply chain management in the oil and gas sector. And 5 blockchain projects were highlighted at the International Association for Cryptologic Research conference in Tel Aviv.
Featured stories by Amy Castor, Randolph Malone, Nick Marinoff, Jessie Willms and Aaron van Wirdum
Stay on top of the best stories in the bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Subscribe to our newsletter here.
The Future of Bitcoin: What Lightning Could Look Like
After years of design and work, the first Lightning implementations are now in beta. More nodes are appearing online every day, a growing number of users are opening channels with one another, and some merchants have even started to accept Lightning payments.
Following up on last month’s cover story, The History of Lightning: From Brainstorm to Beta, Aaron Van Wirdum takes a look at some of the most promising projects that will take Bitcoin and Lightning into the future.
Introducing the 2018 Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem
The 2018 edition of BTC Inc’s popular “Map of the Blockchain/Crypto Ecosystem” has been unveiled. The map provides a visual representation of “the space” in the form of a city skyline with buildings displaying the logos of various entities.
Designed by Josh Dykgraaf, the cityscape is subdivided into 10 islands, each depicting a distinct facet of the industry: Mining, Processors, Media & Advocacy, Currencies, Wallets/Hardware, Exchanges, ICOs/Tokens, Enterprise, Blockchain Venture Capital and Blockchain Applications & Projects.
New Blockchain Initiative for the Automotive Industry Announced in Dubai
Major companies including IBM, Context Labs, Ford and BMW announced their collaboration at this year’s Futures Blockchain Summit in Dubai and have formed the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI). MOBI will explore further blockchain use and study how it can reduce the cost and increase the safety and accessibility to transportation around the world.
Through an open-source business design, MOBI is aiming to boost blockchain adoption among businesses that either develop or deliver autonomous vehicle and mobility services. Thus far, the group has sent invitations to various automakers, public transportation operators, toll road providers, blockchain firms, technology firms, academic institutions, startup entrepreneurs and global regulatory bodies to join the cause.
Nick Spanos: Saudi Arabia Is "Kicking the Tires — and That's Huge"
In line with their Vision 2030 commitment to adopt advanced technology including blockchain, Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company Aramco is working toward adopting blockchain technology for management and accounting.
In an interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Nick Spanos, CEO and co-founder of Zap.org, and founder of Blockchain Technologies Corp and the Bitcoin Centre NYC, talked about the Saudis’ enthusiasm for blockchain technology.
“Saudi Arabia is kicking the tires, and that’s huge. As part of their ambitious Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia as a whole is doing everything it can to modernize and diversify their economy. It means they’re open to doing things differently — and to doing big things with blockchain.”
Blockchain Takes the Stage at Flagship Cryptography Conference in Israel
For the second year in a row, a flagship cryptography conference in Europe has devoted an entire session to blockchain technology.
Hosted by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), the conference was attended by 370 people. Five blockchain papers were presented on the second day of the conference, and one of those even received a “best paper” award.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2IbjIan via IFTTT
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joejstrickl · 4 years
Secret Deodorant “All Strength, No Sweat” celebrates personal strength
Secret Deodorant spot uses custom-made anthem by Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez and features actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash and others
Secret Deodorant debuted its newest campaign starring a diverse celebrity line-up of women across entertainment, sports, business and fitness. This campaign gives much-needed air-time to the personal stories of modern women who are challenging the status quo in their respective fields.
With the release of its “All Strength, No Sweat” campaign, Secret Deodorant, a brand committed to driving actions in support of equal representation, equal compensation and equal opportunity for all women, is once again shining a spotlight on inspirational women who are pursuing their passions without “sweating” the obstacles in their paths.
The campaign video features a song written and performed by singer/songwriter and Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez, who stars in the video. Also featured within the campaign are actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash, actress and entrepreneur Shenae Grimes-Beech and fitness mega-influencer Ainsley Rodriguez.
The lyrics were inspired by the Secret Deodorant’s original “All Strength, No Sweat” platform from February 2019 and serve as a rallying cry for women of all kinds, encouraging them to take pride in their power, their attitude and their right to claim what they deserve in life – whether that is fighting for a seat at the table, in the boardroom, or acting as a positive example to women in Hollywood.
“Secret has a history of supporting women’s progress and telling stories of women’s strength, which is something that I feel equally passionate about,” said Jessie Reyez. “As a woman in the music industry, I have experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to make headway in such a male-dominated field. I am honoured to be a part of this campaign and share Secret’s goal of equalising opportunity for women everywhere. I hope our stories connect with other women out there and we can continue to inspire and lift up one another.”
Secret is releasing a series of shorts featuring the unique perspectives and personal stories of each of the five women appearing in the campaign, including:
Jessie Reyez: This Grammy-nominated Canadian/Colombian singer and songwriter has become a powerful role model for women in music. Reyez gets candid about the challenges she has faced in the music industry, revealing a very personal story from her past. Camila Mendes: A Brazilian-American actress who stars as Veronica Lodge on the CW’s highly popular series Riverdale, Mendes is the face of Secret Deodorant’s new Secret with Essential Oils collection. As fierce as she is feminine, Mendes shares how she is using her voice as a force of change in Hollywood.
Swin Cash: Having made the leap from WNBA player and Olympic gold medalist to bona fide businesswoman, Cash – currently the VP of Basketball Operations and Team Development for the New Orleans Pelicans – speaks out about equal representation for women, in sports and in life.
Shenae Grimes-Beech: A mother, actress, content-creator and self-proclaimed “queen of keeping it real,” Grimes-Beech reveals her own “unfiltered” experiences in motherhood, helping to show other women that they are not alone in navigating the unknown.
Ainsley Rodriguez: This fitness guru from Miami, who’s amassed almost two million followers on Instagram through sharing her workouts, nutrition tips and her followers’ body transformations, believes the most powerful muscle you can train is your mind, and that from there, results follow. Rodriguez shares with Secret her commitment to helping women stay strong mentally and physically through life’s challenges, big and small.
“We are so proud to be working with such a diverse group of inspiring women, all of whom were chosen for their unwavering strength and relentless approach to getting what they want from life,” said Sara Saunders, Associate Brand Director, Secret.
“We hear from incredible women every day – about their concerns, their ambitions, and about their work to earn their fair share at every stage and place in life. Our hope is that by spotlighting a few of these stories, we can continue to inspire strength and unity in making a real change together.”
The article Secret Deodorant “All Strength, No Sweat” celebrates personal strength appeared first on World Branding Forum.
0 notes
glenmenlow · 4 years
Secret Deodorant “All Strength, No Sweat” celebrates personal strength
Secret Deodorant spot uses custom-made anthem by Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez and features actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash and others
Secret Deodorant debuted its newest campaign starring a diverse celebrity line-up of women across entertainment, sports, business and fitness. This campaign gives much-needed air-time to the personal stories of modern women who are challenging the status quo in their respective fields.
With the release of its “All Strength, No Sweat” campaign, Secret Deodorant, a brand committed to driving actions in support of equal representation, equal compensation and equal opportunity for all women, is once again shining a spotlight on inspirational women who are pursuing their passions without “sweating” the obstacles in their paths.
The campaign video features a song written and performed by singer/songwriter and Grammy-nominee Jessie Reyez, who stars in the video. Also featured within the campaign are actress Camila Mendes, Olympic Gold Medalist Swin Cash, actress and entrepreneur Shenae Grimes-Beech and fitness mega-influencer Ainsley Rodriguez.
The lyrics were inspired by the Secret Deodorant’s original “All Strength, No Sweat” platform from February 2019 and serve as a rallying cry for women of all kinds, encouraging them to take pride in their power, their attitude and their right to claim what they deserve in life – whether that is fighting for a seat at the table, in the boardroom, or acting as a positive example to women in Hollywood.
“Secret has a history of supporting women’s progress and telling stories of women’s strength, which is something that I feel equally passionate about,” said Jessie Reyez. “As a woman in the music industry, I have experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to make headway in such a male-dominated field. I am honoured to be a part of this campaign and share Secret’s goal of equalising opportunity for women everywhere. I hope our stories connect with other women out there and we can continue to inspire and lift up one another.”
Secret is releasing a series of shorts featuring the unique perspectives and personal stories of each of the five women appearing in the campaign, including:
Jessie Reyez: This Grammy-nominated Canadian/Colombian singer and songwriter has become a powerful role model for women in music. Reyez gets candid about the challenges she has faced in the music industry, revealing a very personal story from her past. Camila Mendes: A Brazilian-American actress who stars as Veronica Lodge on the CW’s highly popular series Riverdale, Mendes is the face of Secret Deodorant’s new Secret with Essential Oils collection. As fierce as she is feminine, Mendes shares how she is using her voice as a force of change in Hollywood.
Swin Cash: Having made the leap from WNBA player and Olympic gold medalist to bona fide businesswoman, Cash – currently the VP of Basketball Operations and Team Development for the New Orleans Pelicans – speaks out about equal representation for women, in sports and in life.
Shenae Grimes-Beech: A mother, actress, content-creator and self-proclaimed “queen of keeping it real,” Grimes-Beech reveals her own “unfiltered” experiences in motherhood, helping to show other women that they are not alone in navigating the unknown.
Ainsley Rodriguez: This fitness guru from Miami, who’s amassed almost two million followers on Instagram through sharing her workouts, nutrition tips and her followers’ body transformations, believes the most powerful muscle you can train is your mind, and that from there, results follow. Rodriguez shares with Secret her commitment to helping women stay strong mentally and physically through life’s challenges, big and small.
“We are so proud to be working with such a diverse group of inspiring women, all of whom were chosen for their unwavering strength and relentless approach to getting what they want from life,” said Sara Saunders, Associate Brand Director, Secret.
“We hear from incredible women every day – about their concerns, their ambitions, and about their work to earn their fair share at every stage and place in life. Our hope is that by spotlighting a few of these stories, we can continue to inspire strength and unity in making a real change together.”
The article Secret Deodorant “All Strength, No Sweat” celebrates personal strength appeared first on World Branding Forum.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2020/01/06/secret-deodorant-all-strength-no-sweat-celebrates-personal-strength/ via IFTTT
0 notes
johnclapperne · 6 years
{#TransparentTuesday} I feel fat.
“I feel fat.”
This is something I hear allll the time from clients (and friends and strangers and pretty much everywhere, frankly). Women tell me they feel “big” or “huge” or “gigantic.”
Note here that “feeling fat” and actually being fat are completely separate and unrelated experiences— most of my clients feel fat despite being in a completely healthy and normal weight range.
It is assumed of course, that feeling fat is HORRIBLE. Nevermind the super gross and fatphobic implications that assuming it’s horrible to feel fat also assumes that it’s horrible to be fat. (Yes, saying you “feel fat” when you’re not fat is fatphobic, and oppressive to people who actually are fat.)
People make the same assumption about feeling ugly or unattractive. As a woman, feeling like you’re not pretty enough is often the same as feeling like you suck and are basically just worthless as a person.
But have you ever stopped to think about why that is, and what it means?
My clients are often surprised when I ask them to question the idea that feeling (or being!) fat or unattractive is such a problem. I ask them what fat feels like, and challenge them to put into words why that’s such a negative thing.
They often struggle to answer, because “feeling huge” is a common umbrella term for feeling a variety of negative things they don’t actually want to identify, talk about, or deal with, such as feeling isolated, lonely, guilty, ashamed, disconnected, sad, or overwhelmed.
Here’s the thing: fat and ugly are not feelings.
They are descriptions, like “tall” or “blue,” and they are completely subjective. They’re not inherently good or bad, they’re kind of just neutral observations that are designed to help us navigate between relative objects and people.
But the meaning we attach to these words… hoo, boy. That’s where nastiness comes in. We use words like “fat” and “ugly” as elaborate stand-ins; symbols of complex experiences of personal failure and shame
If you think back to childhood, fat and ugly were the two most hurtful insults lobbed at girls. Why? Because we knew even at a tender age that it is very, very important for girls to be small and beautiful.
It was unclear exactly why this was so important, but that didn’t matter. Being called “big” or “fat” or “ugly” was excruciating and everyone knew it, so if someone really wanted to hurt you, those were the insults they hurled at you.
The problematic subtext of these insults is that if a girl has failed to be thin and beautiful then she has failed at her most important job in life, which is to be thin, and beautiful, and to be looked at by other people.
If a girl’s most important role in life was to be innovative, create positive change, follow our passions, connect with people, or something else unrelated to how we looked, then these insults wouldn’t hurt us so deeply. I mean, it might not feel awesome to be fat or ugly (just like it doesn’t feel awesome to suck at math or be clumsy) but they wouldn’t cut us to our cores. They would just be somewhat boring facts about us.
Any woman who struggles with feeling fat or unattractive is really struggling with something else entirely, and no amount of trying to convince the woman she’s thin or beautiful will help her with her struggle.
Maybe she feels like a failure because she has internalized this idea that women exist to be looked at, so she feels guilty that she is subjecting the people around her to her ugly hugeness. This is worth exploring though– do the people in your life really expect you to be small and beautiful as if your job is to decorate the world for them? If so, that is majorly fucked up and you need those people out of your life stat.
This is the kind of exploration I help my clients do, getting to the actual heart of their struggles and helping dissolve the blocks to self-love and self-acceptance that reside there.
Often what sits underneath the surface of “feeling fat” or “feeling ugly” is belief that your job is to be living earth decor, or that your worth comes from how pleasant you are to look at. Sometimes it comes from trauma, shame, fear of being looked at or violated, or a deep belief that you would be happy and fulfilled if only you looked different.
Other times, feeling fat is just a big cover-up for feeling sad, or angry. Feeling unattractive is often just a big distraction from feeling insecure about your relationship, or your social skills.
We will never make any headway on body image or self-acceptance if we continue to buy into the lie that a person can “feel” fat or ugly.
I, for one, am tired of the lie.
I want to talk about what’s real. I want to talk about your internalized beliefs, and your feelings, and your trauma. I want to help you discover what thinness and beauty represent to you, and what you think would happen if you accomplished them.
Everyone wants to learn how to “love your body,” but what they really want to know is how to “feel thin” or “feel beautiful.” They want to know how to stop feeling inferior, when the real issues is the paradigm that says being fat or ugly makes a person inferior in the first place.
Body love and acceptance are about something way more important than reframing your flaws, or deciding that you’re beautiful just the way you are.
Only loving your body when you find it beautiful enough is like only loving your children when they’re well behaved– that is not real love.
Real love is about recognizing that your body doesn’t need to be thin or beautiful in order to be worthy of of your love, respect, or care.
Real love is about letting go of the belief that other people have the ability (or the right) to determine if you’re “good enough” just by looking at you, and to let go of the idea that your life would be better if you looked different.
Real love is about basing your self-worth on something other than being looked at.
If you’re ready to learn how to love your body (and I mean really love it, not just “feel thin/pretty enough”) then I created the 12 week online group coaching program Authentic Body Confidence for you.
Enrollment for our fall session (we start August 28th!) is now open– find out all the details and enroll now by checking out the website here!
Hit reply to book a free 20 minute coaching call to pick my brain about the course, and decide if it’s the right fit for you!
Yours in body love, <3 Jessi
The post {#TransparentTuesday} I feel fat. appeared first on Jessi Kneeland.
0 notes
ruthellisneda · 6 years
{#TransparentTuesday} I feel fat.
“I feel fat.”
This is something I hear allll the time from clients (and friends and strangers and pretty much everywhere, frankly). Women tell me they feel “big” or “huge” or “gigantic.”
Note here that “feeling fat” and actually being fat are completely separate and unrelated experiences— most of my clients feel fat despite being in a completely healthy and normal weight range.
It is assumed of course, that feeling fat is HORRIBLE. Nevermind the super gross and fatphobic implications that assuming it’s horrible to feel fat also assumes that it’s horrible to be fat. (Yes, saying you “feel fat” when you’re not fat is fatphobic, and oppressive to people who actually are fat.)
People make the same assumption about feeling ugly or unattractive. As a woman, feeling like you’re not pretty enough is often the same as feeling like you suck and are basically just worthless as a person.
But have you ever stopped to think about why that is, and what it means?
My clients are often surprised when I ask them to question the idea that feeling (or being!) fat or unattractive is such a problem. I ask them what fat feels like, and challenge them to put into words why that’s such a negative thing.
They often struggle to answer, because “feeling huge” is a common umbrella term for feeling a variety of negative things they don’t actually want to identify, talk about, or deal with, such as feeling isolated, lonely, guilty, ashamed, disconnected, sad, or overwhelmed.
Here’s the thing: fat and ugly are not feelings.
They are descriptions, like “tall” or “blue,” and they are completely subjective. They’re not inherently good or bad, they’re kind of just neutral observations that are designed to help us navigate between relative objects and people.
But the meaning we attach to these words… hoo, boy. That’s where nastiness comes in. We use words like “fat” and “ugly” as elaborate stand-ins; symbols of complex experiences of personal failure and shame
If you think back to childhood, fat and ugly were the two most hurtful insults lobbed at girls. Why? Because we knew even at a tender age that it is very, very important for girls to be small and beautiful.
It was unclear exactly why this was so important, but that didn’t matter. Being called “big” or “fat” or “ugly” was excruciating and everyone knew it, so if someone really wanted to hurt you, those were the insults they hurled at you.
The problematic subtext of these insults is that if a girl has failed to be thin and beautiful then she has failed at her most important job in life, which is to be thin, and beautiful, and to be looked at by other people.
If a girl’s most important role in life was to be innovative, create positive change, follow our passions, connect with people, or something else unrelated to how we looked, then these insults wouldn’t hurt us so deeply. I mean, it might not feel awesome to be fat or ugly (just like it doesn’t feel awesome to suck at math or be clumsy) but they wouldn’t cut us to our cores. They would just be somewhat boring facts about us.
Any woman who struggles with feeling fat or unattractive is really struggling with something else entirely, and no amount of trying to convince the woman she’s thin or beautiful will help her with her struggle.
Maybe she feels like a failure because she has internalized this idea that women exist to be looked at, so she feels guilty that she is subjecting the people around her to her ugly hugeness. This is worth exploring though– do the people in your life really expect you to be small and beautiful as if your job is to decorate the world for them? If so, that is majorly fucked up and you need those people out of your life stat.
This is the kind of exploration I help my clients do, getting to the actual heart of their struggles and helping dissolve the blocks to self-love and self-acceptance that reside there.
Often what sits underneath the surface of “feeling fat” or “feeling ugly” is belief that your job is to be living earth decor, or that your worth comes from how pleasant you are to look at. Sometimes it comes from trauma, shame, fear of being looked at or violated, or a deep belief that you would be happy and fulfilled if only you looked different.
Other times, feeling fat is just a big cover-up for feeling sad, or angry. Feeling unattractive is often just a big distraction from feeling insecure about your relationship, or your social skills.
We will never make any headway on body image or self-acceptance if we continue to buy into the lie that a person can “feel” fat or ugly.
I, for one, am tired of the lie.
I want to talk about what’s real. I want to talk about your internalized beliefs, and your feelings, and your trauma. I want to help you discover what thinness and beauty represent to you, and what you think would happen if you accomplished them.
Everyone wants to learn how to “love your body,” but what they really want to know is how to “feel thin” or “feel beautiful.” They want to know how to stop feeling inferior, when the real issues is the paradigm that says being fat or ugly makes a person inferior in the first place.
Body love and acceptance are about something way more important than reframing your flaws, or deciding that you’re beautiful just the way you are.
Only loving your body when you find it beautiful enough is like only loving your children when they’re well behaved– that is not real love.
Real love is about recognizing that your body doesn’t need to be thin or beautiful in order to be worthy of of your love, respect, or care.
Real love is about letting go of the belief that other people have the ability (or the right) to determine if you’re “good enough” just by looking at you, and to let go of the idea that your life would be better if you looked different.
Real love is about basing your self-worth on something other than being looked at.
If you’re ready to learn how to love your body (and I mean really love it, not just “feel thin/pretty enough”) then I created the 12 week online group coaching program Authentic Body Confidence for you.
Enrollment for our fall session (we start August 28th!) is now open– find out all the details and enroll now by checking out the website here!
Hit reply to book a free 20 minute coaching call to pick my brain about the course, and decide if it’s the right fit for you!
Yours in body love, <3 Jessi
The post {#TransparentTuesday} I feel fat. appeared first on Jessi Kneeland.
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neilmillerne · 6 years
{#TransparentTuesday} I feel fat.
“I feel fat.”
This is something I hear allll the time from clients (and friends and strangers and pretty much everywhere, frankly). Women tell me they feel “big” or “huge” or “gigantic.”
Note here that “feeling fat” and actually being fat are completely separate and unrelated experiences— most of my clients feel fat despite being in a completely healthy and normal weight range.
It is assumed of course, that feeling fat is HORRIBLE. Nevermind the super gross and fatphobic implications that assuming it’s horrible to feel fat also assumes that it’s horrible to be fat. (Yes, saying you “feel fat” when you’re not fat is fatphobic, and oppressive to people who actually are fat.)
People make the same assumption about feeling ugly or unattractive. As a woman, feeling like you’re not pretty enough is often the same as feeling like you suck and are basically just worthless as a person.
But have you ever stopped to think about why that is, and what it means?
My clients are often surprised when I ask them to question the idea that feeling (or being!) fat or unattractive is such a problem. I ask them what fat feels like, and challenge them to put into words why that’s such a negative thing.
They often struggle to answer, because “feeling huge” is a common umbrella term for feeling a variety of negative things they don’t actually want to identify, talk about, or deal with, such as feeling isolated, lonely, guilty, ashamed, disconnected, sad, or overwhelmed.
Here’s the thing: fat and ugly are not feelings.
They are descriptions, like “tall” or “blue,” and they are completely subjective. They’re not inherently good or bad, they’re kind of just neutral observations that are designed to help us navigate between relative objects and people.
But the meaning we attach to these words… hoo, boy. That’s where nastiness comes in. We use words like “fat” and “ugly” as elaborate stand-ins; symbols of complex experiences of personal failure and shame
If you think back to childhood, fat and ugly were the two most hurtful insults lobbed at girls. Why? Because we knew even at a tender age that it is very, very important for girls to be small and beautiful.
It was unclear exactly why this was so important, but that didn’t matter. Being called “big” or “fat” or “ugly” was excruciating and everyone knew it, so if someone really wanted to hurt you, those were the insults they hurled at you.
The problematic subtext of these insults is that if a girl has failed to be thin and beautiful then she has failed at her most important job in life, which is to be thin, and beautiful, and to be looked at by other people.
If a girl’s most important role in life was to be innovative, create positive change, follow our passions, connect with people, or something else unrelated to how we looked, then these insults wouldn’t hurt us so deeply. I mean, it might not feel awesome to be fat or ugly (just like it doesn’t feel awesome to suck at math or be clumsy) but they wouldn’t cut us to our cores. They would just be somewhat boring facts about us.
Any woman who struggles with feeling fat or unattractive is really struggling with something else entirely, and no amount of trying to convince the woman she’s thin or beautiful will help her with her struggle.
Maybe she feels like a failure because she has internalized this idea that women exist to be looked at, so she feels guilty that she is subjecting the people around her to her ugly hugeness. This is worth exploring though– do the people in your life really expect you to be small and beautiful as if your job is to decorate the world for them? If so, that is majorly fucked up and you need those people out of your life stat.
This is the kind of exploration I help my clients do, getting to the actual heart of their struggles and helping dissolve the blocks to self-love and self-acceptance that reside there.
Often what sits underneath the surface of “feeling fat” or “feeling ugly” is belief that your job is to be living earth decor, or that your worth comes from how pleasant you are to look at. Sometimes it comes from trauma, shame, fear of being looked at or violated, or a deep belief that you would be happy and fulfilled if only you looked different.
Other times, feeling fat is just a big cover-up for feeling sad, or angry. Feeling unattractive is often just a big distraction from feeling insecure about your relationship, or your social skills.
We will never make any headway on body image or self-acceptance if we continue to buy into the lie that a person can “feel” fat or ugly.
I, for one, am tired of the lie.
I want to talk about what’s real. I want to talk about your internalized beliefs, and your feelings, and your trauma. I want to help you discover what thinness and beauty represent to you, and what you think would happen if you accomplished them.
Everyone wants to learn how to “love your body,” but what they really want to know is how to “feel thin” or “feel beautiful.” They want to know how to stop feeling inferior, when the real issues is the paradigm that says being fat or ugly makes a person inferior in the first place.
Body love and acceptance are about something way more important than reframing your flaws, or deciding that you’re beautiful just the way you are.
Only loving your body when you find it beautiful enough is like only loving your children when they’re well behaved– that is not real love.
Real love is about recognizing that your body doesn’t need to be thin or beautiful in order to be worthy of of your love, respect, or care.
Real love is about letting go of the belief that other people have the ability (or the right) to determine if you’re “good enough” just by looking at you, and to let go of the idea that your life would be better if you looked different.
Real love is about basing your self-worth on something other than being looked at.
If you’re ready to learn how to love your body (and I mean really love it, not just “feel thin/pretty enough”) then I created the 12 week online group coaching program Authentic Body Confidence for you.
Enrollment for our fall session (we start August 28th!) is now open– find out all the details and enroll now by checking out the website here!
Hit reply to book a free 20 minute coaching call to pick my brain about the course, and decide if it’s the right fit for you!
Yours in body love, <3 Jessi
The post {#TransparentTuesday} I feel fat. appeared first on Jessi Kneeland.
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