#vicky heartthrob
koifsssh · 10 months
bwah! i live! (i think!) (???) i have some sketches for you! since im back in school i've been messing around with colored pencils and pens and such! i forgot how fun it was... bwahhh
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anira... an oc i've recently come up with! (not welcome home related, but she is in my thoughts...)
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i just think she's very neat... ( Kolly belongs to @thatthirstyweirdo ! mwah! )
and!!! have a Rainy! bwah!
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he's in his mob disguise... i need to explain that later, ehe, it is all very, very silly! speaking of mob disguises, i'd like to think he made a few friends along the way! i've grown quite fond of them actually!
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vicky and jessie... they are so silly... (they are besties! bwahhhh!)
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vicky is a theater kid... she really loves theatrics! a big hopeless romantic as well, she loves love what can i say? bwah! she is a vampire! though im not very sure on... puppet... vampire rules... so i'd like to think she can go outside and not have a need for blood, it's more of a preference if anything! (She does get cravings though... so she carries around a teething ring! but it is a little embarrassing...) jessie is basically an All In One! Barbie, if you will. She's very well rounded! very handy! (she owns a motorcycle! haha!) she's a career woman! wooo!
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they are very silly together... all three of them...
my goodness. do not even get me started on maverick's friends...
(guess what! guess whatttt! i have wifi today... and it is good, too! so guess what!)
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Bruce Wayne Says ‘Never Too Old For Uppies’
Darling billionaire and former Gotham heartthrob turn DILF Bruce Wayne was spotted at his latest Gala wearing the latest season’s top designer suit.
This is of its self wasn’t surprising but the scene that unfolded sure was!
Now it isn’t a surprise for anyone who has been keeping track of the posts and polls about the most attractive men in America that Mr. Winner of 3 years in a row is quite ripped under all those layers he usually wears and when asked why he exercises to such a degree that it could rival the big bat, Mr. Wayne seemed to fumble for a bit before responding with a dazzling smile that he does so that he could carry all of his children.
Another reporter made comment about how all of his children were well past the age of being picked up.
Mr. Wayne proceed to state quite seriously to the reporter,
“They’re never too old for uppies.”
Apparently Mr. Wayne’s two eldest sons had heard their father’s statement as they shared a look before taking a running leap towards their dad with Dick Grayson Wayne bellowing “uppies!” In response.
Mr. Wayne, despite his well known clumsiness, caught both of his sons with a spin before calmly stating to the reporters that he had guests to talk to and then walked away with one boy sitting on each hip.
And let us remind our readers that neither men Mr. Wayne caught weigh less than an estimated 170 lbs!
The rest of the gala had our reporters spotting Mr. Wayne carrying his various children in various ways.
Message was well received, Kids are never too old for uppies, just too heavy!
But nothing less can be expected from the dad of the year.
Though, he may have competition here in Gotham, as eye witnesses have stated that they had seen our own Big Bat taking after our resident rich man.
But who can say? Maybe the two have a closer relationship than we know.
It had been stated that both Bruce Wayne and Batman have a similar physique to each-other with Batman being just slightly larger in size.
Maybe they share a workout routine?
We can only speculate.
What we can be sure of, is that Bruce loves his kids and would be willing to do anything to make them smile.
As always I am Vicky Vale.
*there are two photos shown along with the article. One of Bruce Wayne carting a staggering number of his children. With Cassandra and Damian Wayne on his shoulders, Dick Grayson Wayne and Jason Todd under each arm and Tim Drake Wayne clinging onto his front like a koala. It is noted that Duke Thomas is to the side seemingly recording the entire scene.
The second photo is of Batman with an annoyed Red Hood slung over his shoulder, trying to get loose.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 14
Hey guys, I meant to put this up this morning but I wanted to give the finale of What Do Shovels Dig? Graves a chance to shine before I put out this next part.
I am such a Steve has an abusive father and a neglectful mother fan. It’s like my bread and butter when it comes to Steve’s parents. Only Allison Harrington put her designer clad foot down and said, “No!” There was even a point that I thought about not having this part in the story at all. But I realized that this is where Eddie starts to rescue Steve and Steve’s mother had to be a part of that.
Also, also! I think it would be absolutely hilarious if in the last episode we get to see Steve’s parents and they’re both former 80s darlings and heartthrobs. My vote is on Ally Sheedy and Rob Lowe. Because they LOOK they could be Steve’s parents.
Anyway, enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Robin cornered him in his bedroom. “You cannot leave anything out!”
Steve laughed. “You were right. He was interested.”
She hit him. “That was more than just interest! He said he loved you.”
“Did you miss the part I said I love him first?” Steve said, shaking his head.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook for that!” she squealed. “I want a play by play for what happened.”
So Steve told her everything.
“He said he loved you first?” Robin asked. “I knew he was flirting with you! Didn’t I say?”
Steve laughed. “I already admitted it. What more do you want?”
“I still can’t believe you got a boyfriend before I got a girlfriend,” she whined.
Steve grinned. “I told you I had game.”
Robin’s face twisted in disgust. “That’s gross.”
Steve laid down on his bed on his stomach, and propped himself on his elbows. “I didn’t know it could feel this way. It’s so much different than when I was with Nancy.”
Robin sat down next to him and curled her hand in his hair. “I would imagine that some of it is because it’s a guy, some of it being Eddie and some of it just being new all around.”
Steve nodded. “Am I rushing this?”
Robin thought for a moment. “I’m not going to lie. Probably a little. But when you both survived something you shouldn’t have, it’s a little hard not see why you wouldn’t want to jump in with both feet. Just as long as you know how far deep it goes, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Steve rolled over on his back and flung out his arms. “Just being with him feels me with a warmth I didn’t know I was missing. Which is not to say I don’t love you or the kids or anything like that. What you and I have is special. No doubt about that. But this is special in a different way.”
She laid down next to him and he wrapped her in his arms. “I think you finally found what you were looking for.”
He hummed curiously.
“Remember when I said we should combine because you didn’t know what you were looking for but had all the moves and I had zero moves but knew what I wanted?”
He nodded. “Ahh.”
Robin scoffed. “Now I just need to steal your moves.”
“I don’t think taking Vicki to a Metallica concert is going to cut it,” Steve teased.
Robin lurched up and grabbed his pillow. She began hitting him with it as he fended her off laughing hysterically.
She suddenly stopped. “Maybe not a concert, but I could take her somewhere fun and see if she gets the message.”
Steve smiled. “See? There you go.”
She settled back down into his arms. “I am happy for you, you know.”
“I do know,” he murmured.
They fell asleep like that, still dressed in each other’s arms.
Steve wakes to the phone ringing. He almost decided to to let it ring when through the fog of sleep the memory that Eddie was going to call pierces through and he’s immediately scrambling over Robin to answer the phone.
“Steven, is that anyway to greet your father!” came the sharp voice on the other end.
Steve looked over at his alarm clock and frowned. It was barely after seven in the morning.
“Sorry, Dad,” he said. “The phone woke me up.”
“Lazing about on a week day?” Mr Harrington snapped. “I raised you better than that!”
“Dad...” Steve groaned. “I know the hospital called you. Sleep is something that happens when you’ve been hurt. Plus, it’s just after seven. My work doesn’t open until ten, I get up at eight.”
Robin looked at him nervously chewing on her thumb.
Mr  Harrington harrumphed. “I suppose so. But that’s not why I’m calling.”
Steve sighed. “What’s up? Are you and Mom okay?”
“We’re fine,” Mr Harrington said. “We heard about the earthquake and we’re coming home.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up and Robin squeaked.
“Is there someone with you, Steven?” Mr Harrington asked.
Steve gulped, trying to force down the bile that had risen in his throat. “Just my co-worker. They stayed the night so we could drive into work together.”
“I wish you would get a girl and settle down, Steven,” Mr Harrington complained. “You mother wants grandchildren.”
“I–I...” he stammered, looking over at Robin for support. “I’m seeing someone right now, but I’m still barely a teenager. I’m not in any rush to get married.”
Robin gave him a thumbs up.
Mr Harrington sighed. “I suppose young boys do need to sow their wild oats somewhere. We’ll be home this weekend. Please make sure the house is spotless, won’t you?”
“Sure thing, Dad.” And then he hung up.
“Fuck. I should have known my luck would run out.”
Robin tilted her head to the side. “Not necessarily.”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked, scrambling to get up.
“If you’re anything like the rest of us,” Robin explained waving her hands, “you were given hush money over all the shit that went down.”
Steve frowned. “I mean I guess so. I never really thought about it.”
“The reason I still have to work to make ends meet is because I’m still under eighteen. I don’t get access to it until then.”
Steve’s frown deepened. “I mean when my dad said he cut me off and that I had to go get a job, I never even thought about the money that was mine. Usually I would just cash my check and keep it all in cash. Nothing went into savings because I didn’t trust my dad not to take it.”
“I think you need to call your bank and find out exactly how much money you do have,” she said.
He nodded. “I like the idea of having more money than I thought but how does this help me out of having my parents come home this weekend?”
Robin grinned.
Steve had to admit it was a sound plan. And it turned out that he had quite a lot. As in over three hundred thousand dollars a lot.
Played right and Steve would never have to work a day in his life if he didn’t want to. It was quite the eye-opener.
He sat down with a financial planner and got things setup properly and away from his dad’s hands. And then moved all but the visible belongings out of his room and into storage.
Steve had even timed it so that neighbors though that he was donating stuff to the aid instead of moving. He kept his clothes, but had two unzipped suitcases under his bed in case he needed to pack in a hurry.
All this while working, volunteering, and looking for a place to live. A lot people offered their house, Eddie and Robin included. Which Steve loved. And they would make great temporary places to bunk down if he needed to bail fast. But he wanted his own place too.
So Eddie and Robin would take him house hunting. Yep. A house. Steve had the money and it wasn’t as though he could leave while the kids and Eddie still needed him.
They hadn’t found a place yet by the time his parents came home, but that was to be expected.
As soon as his parents walked through the door Steve knew that having an escape plan in place was a good idea. Because immediately his mother went flying toward him.
“Steven!” she cooed. “What on earth happened to your neck?”
Steve took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened them slowly. “As the doctor would have told you had you bothered to answer or return his call, I was attacked by feral animals and was almost torn to pieces.” He lift the front of his shirt to show the gauze still covering the ginormous gash in his side.
Mrs Harrington gasped and even Mr Harrington looked surprised.
Steve lowered his shirt. “That’s not including the road rash on back from when they dragged me across the ground,” he continued. “Or the many concussions I’ve had over the years. Or any number of injuries that I have suffered and you never bothered to come home for.”
Mrs Harrington turned to her husband and slowly advanced on him. “Why wasn’t I told about any of this?”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up. Okay, he hadn’t been expecting that. He had assumed that she knew, too and didn’t care. But even from behind Steve could tell she was pissed. Her back was rigid, her shoulders were squared and every step she took toward her husband was like a tiger stalking its prey.
And that right there was why Steve put his mother down as a reference and not his dad. His dad was a blowhard. His mother? Was a badass former district attorney and was still respected in the community.
Mr Harrington was digging the hole deeper for himself. “I figured it was just some jumped up doctor looking to milk us for all its worth.”
Mrs Harrington stopped moving toward him and let out a slowly angry breath. She whirled around. “When is your next doctor’s appointment, Steven?”
Steve blinked for a moment. “Next Tuesday? They want to make sure nothing is infected.”
She nodded curtly. She pulled a large manila envelope out of her designer purse and handed it to Mr Harrington. “These are divorce papers, Harold. You will be speaking to my lawyers in the morning.” She turned to Steve. “I’m hungry, darling. Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “I mean, of course. Just let me grab my coat.”
Mr Harrington bristled. “You walk out that door, Steven and you won’t be allowed back in it.”
Steve nodded. “Right. Mom, can you give me five minutes to get some things together?”
Mrs Harrington smiled. “Of course, sweetie.”
Mr Harrington’s jaw dropped and she turned back to him. “If you even so much as touch any of my things, I will have you charged with theft. I have pictures and documentation on where everything is, so don’t even try to snoop.”
He continued to sputter as Steve came down the stairs with both suitcases.
“Do you have everything you need, dear?” Mrs Harrington asked, eyeing the two small suitcases.
Steve laughed. “Yeah. I figured he was going to pull this bullshit this weekend so I moved most of my stuff out already.”
She laughed. Bright and clear as bell. Steve smiled. He hadn’t heard her laugh like that in such a long time. She took one the suitcases and linked her arm with Steve’s free hand and they walked out the door together.
Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20    
Tag List: @anaibis @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @nburkhardt @snapshotmaestro @shrimply-a-menace @theotalksalot @child-of-cthulhu @bookbinderbitch @cr0w-culture @punctualhowell @obliosworld @eddiemunsonswife @sharingisntkaren @dididisrespectyourbridgegoatman @lillemilly
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Starstruck - Pedro Pascal x reader/OC
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Summary: Y//N plays Eleanor Winchester in Supernatural and is on the red carpet for season 13 where she spots her heartthrob: Pedro Pascal. 
SORT OF LINKS TO Terrible at Secrets
Words: 1.3K 
Warnings: anxiety (?)
Notes: request by @princessmermaid1289​ and photos of dress and hair at the bottom. 
Y/N’s POV:
Being part of such a big show like Supernatural is always breathtaking, especially getting to meet all the other big stars and my fans. I never expected to have such an impact or make a family with J2M. Jared and Jensen immediately took me under their wings when I joined in season seven as Sam and Dean’s little sister - Eleanor aka. Nell
Being anxious and an actor is always something interesting but I have such an amazing family backing me and getting rid of any awkward questions aimed my way during conventions. I love conventions and red carpets, being able to meet my own idols of which I have plenty. I find it so much fun talking to them and getting the fans opinions on everything. My fans are my biggest critics and they’re how I improve. 
Tonights a red carpet for our season 13 with Alexander Calvert. He’s very cute and bubbly and I love him like a little brother and the fans seem to love him even more. He’s going to be big, I just know it, especially when the fans scream at him wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me as the cameras flash.
“Heyyy Y/N,” Jensen appears at my other side, elbowing me and leans down enough he can whisper quiet enough the cameras and paparazzi don’t catch it, “Your man crush is over there, go say hi.” 
I follow his gaze to see the one and only Pedro Pascal. He guest starred in an episode but sadly I never got to see or meet him as it wasn’t with me. My character was off with Kelly and Castiel while Pedro was with Jensen and Jared and I will admit it broke my heart a little as I have always had a huge crush on the sweetheart. He looks drop dead in that crisp white suit and black bowtie. His hair is so fluffy and I just wanna run my hands through it from here. 
“Go!” Alex is agreeing and I’m being pushed in Pedro’s direction so lightly jog over, trying not to trip over my dress. It’s a beautiful thing, not my personal choice but I have to admit it looks beautiful and it makes me feel beautiful when I’m quite a rough and tough person having been around J2M for pretty much eight years. It’s black and flows, making me feel like a character from a fairytale, the sleeves off the shoulder and it sparkles in the flash of the cameras. I think it’s made from a mixture of satin and lace with how light it is despite how heavy and full it looks. It seems my stylist was going for a vintage look as my strawberry blonde hair is pinned back in light curls, it reminds me a longer version of Susan Pevensie’s hair from the last movie where Lucy becomes Susan. I feel beautiful. 
“Hi,” I place a trembling hand on Pedro’s shoulder, causing him to turn to see me. His face breaks into that contagious grin as he looks me up and down with no abash. It has me flushing a bright red, especially when he makes room for me, wrapping a large hand around my waist. 
“Hi there mama,” Pedro’s voice is like velvet and has me weak at the knees. He’s pulling me flush against the side and begin to pose for the paparazzi again, a huge grin on his face so I compose myself and do the same, putting my arm around his back. He’s a lot taller than I realise so it’s easy for me to rest my head on his shoulder and I think I’m going to go deaf at the sound that erupts from the fans as Pedro glances down at me with a look that makes me balling his jacket in the hand that’s around his back. He lips are suddenly near my ear as he whispers “Easy darlin,” while his thumb rubs soothingly at my hip. 
We have move on so Jared and Gen can take our stops and I prepare to go back to Alex as Misha has Vicki and Jensen has Danneel but Pedro grasps my hand in his calloused one. I stumble slightly but he steadies me and my mind races because this is going to be big news and everyone is going to realise I have the biggest crush on Pedro Pascal… who is leading me to the next photo spot. 
The cameras continue to blind me and I have to grip Pedro’s hand tighter as I can feel my anxiety bubbling. I usually try to do the red carpets quickly and usually Jensen; Jared and Misha there to ground me. This beautiful man beside seems to understand what’s happening and is sending one last wave at the cameras before he’s leading me towards the Entertainment Weekly interviewer. 
“Hello there mommy and daddy,” She greets us and feel myself flush again as this never happens to me. I can’t remember her name as I was meant to only talk to a tiktoker turning interviewer as I’m not as big as my on screen brothers. 
“Hey there,” Pedro sends her an amusing smile, keeping a tight grip on my waist. 
“Well this is a nice surprise, I’m a little star stuck right now,” The interviewer turns her attention to me, “I have to admit I’m a huge fan of you and your character, Eleanor Winchester for those who don’t know.” She glances back at the camera and I’m subconsciously grabbing Pedro’s free hand, hoping the camera doesn’t pick up on. 
“Oh! Well, thank you.” I’m laughing nervously, “I’m also star stuck!”
“You’re the star here,” Pedro nudges me and I can just hear all the fan edits about to be spamming my social media feeds in the morning but I don’t care because I’m currently pressed against the Pedro Pascal and he’s acting like I’m the big star, not him. Somehow I feel like royalty, even when the interviewer gets on with her planned interview with Pedro and I’ve never felt like this. I just alternate between watching the way Pedro throws his head back in a hearty laugh every time the interview flirts with me and the way the cameras are flashing blindingly. I should be panicked and breathless right now but that hand on my hip is flexing every so often and somehow it keeps me grounded and this is probably the first red carpet I’ve been able to breathe.
“Well, here’s the question I think most will be asking in the morning, is there something here?” The interviewer is asking, her question making my head snapping round so fast I’m surprised I don’t get whiplash, watching Pedro to see what he says as I try to slow my breathing. 
“I wouldn’t mind having a date with miss Y/N here but we’ll have to see.” He’s sending her wink then pulling me even closer to him and I just look at the camera and fake swoon, laughing lightly in shock. 
“I think I’m hallucinating,” I tell her and it causing everyone in earshot to break into laughter as Pedro presses a kiss to my cheek, the light drag of his beard taking the air from my lungs, “Definitely hallucinating.” 
“She says yes,” Jared’s towering frame appears behind us both, patting Pedro on the shoulders, “Of course she wants to go on a date with Pedro.” 
“A date it is it seems.” Pedro’s grin seems to get wider and I’m not really sure what’s happening right now. I might have a date with the Pedro Pascal and my two older brother figures may have set me up it seems, especially from the way Jared and Jensen high five as they walk away and the way Gen sends me a wink. 
Oh my fucking god. I’m going on a date with Pedro Pascal. 
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tatakaeeren · 1 month
I'm on episode 7 of A sign of affection....Vicky its SWEEEEEEET! Is it wierd to want to cry cause getting to know Yuki's world is so beautiful l'm tearing up😭. Plus Itsuomi's just a heartthrob....l'm soooo inlove with him, them, the anime itself ♥️l'm so glad your blog showed me this♥️♥️
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! akjhkahdkahdaskhd I TOLD YOUUUU HE IS PERFECTTTT!! 😍😍😍 he is so sweet, kind, reliable, attentive, polite, aware of her needs, and understanding and HE IS HOT?!?!? it's too much for my poor little heart hahaha. their relationship is so beautiful... goals really, I want that irl :') . Welcome to the itsuomi love train 😁💕
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anna-hawk · 2 years
More than sharing scars
Relationship: Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove x Eddie Munson Fandom: Stranger Things Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6247
Additional tags: Threesome M/M/M – Polyamory – Alternate Universe – Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies – Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence – Billy Hargrove Lives – Eddie Munson Lives – Established Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington –Recreational Drug Use – Fluff and Smut – Explicit Sexual Content – Porn with Feelings -Flirting – Humor – Boys In Love
Summary: Steve and Billy are together. So, why do they keep sending Eddie confusing signals?
You can also read it on AO3
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It’s… weird. No. It’s awkward, really. 
If you had told Eddie just a few months ago that he’d be hanging out with local heartthrobs Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove, Eddie would have called you all kinds of wacko while throwing a D&D handbook in your face. 
But that’s precisely what’s been happening increasingly after finally getting rid of Henry Creel and permanently closing the access to the Upside Down. 
Although Eddie had talked to Billy on several occasions since Eddie used to be Billy’s weed supplier, it had never gone further than business transactions. Steve, however, Eddie is rather sure that Steve didn’t even know that Eddie exists before the whole… disaster, for lack of a better word. He supposes that helping save the world together will change things between people. He just doesn’t know exactly how things have changed between them. 
Eddie had found out that neither Steve nor Billy are as straight as he’d always thought them to be. Dustin had told him that after the Starcourt fight where Billy had been grievously injured, Steve had regularly driven Max, and the others sometimes, to the government facility where Billy had been treated under Doctor Owens’ supervision. After a while, Steve had started driving there on his own. No one had told Eddie about them being a thing, but he’d seen the way Steve and Billy move around each other. They hadn’t flaunted their relationship in front of everyone, but it’s the small things that had actually made it so obvious to Eddie. You don’t look at someone the way Billy is looking at Steve, or smile the way Steve softly smiles at Billy’s quips, if you’re not completely gone on them. They’d become more open in front of the group after Vecna had nearly taken Billy. Which, in Eddie’s opinion, is pretty understandable after another close call for Billy. 
And now, after everything is over, after Steve and Billy’s relationship seems stronger than ever, Eddie doesn’t understand the confusing signals that he’s been getting from both of them. Sure, they’d all gotten to know each other better. They’d fought, side by side, saved each other's lives, and Eddie has to admit that he genuinely likes both of them now. He’d always been physically attracted to Steve, never mind how much he’d disliked him in high school, just as much as he’d been attracted to Billy. Because, well, you only need to look at Billy to know why. But having abstract fantasies about some hot dudes, has never meant that you actually like them. 
One thing’s for sure, though, Eddie still doesn’t get what’s been going on recently. 
Until now, the whole group has hung out together, and Eddie has regularly noticed Billy staring at him while Eddie wasn’t watching, only to get a smirk and a wink when he’d catch Billy’s eye. Or sometimes, Steve comes to stand closer to Eddie when they talk and gives him that soft smile that Eddie has only ever seen him give Billy. There are a few other moments like these that have thrown Eddie for a loop. A couple of weeks ago, Eddie had been chatting with Robin, who’d been raving about her upcoming date with Vicky. Steve had walked by, but stopped to gently remove a strand of hair stuck to Eddie’s cheek before smiling and walking off again. Robin’s eyebrows had nearly vanished into her hairline at Steve’s move, while she’d given Eddie a long and questioning look. Eddie had only been able to make a weird noise and shrug helplessly. Then another time, Eddie had gone outside to light a blunt while he’d leaned back against the balcony of Steve’s house. Billy had joined him a minute later, followed by Steve. Billy had wordlessly taken the lit blunt straight from Eddie’s mouth, and sucked in a deep puff. He’d then turned to Steve, who’d been looking at Eddie, and cupped Steve’s jaw to gently blow the smoke through his parted lips. Billy had returned the cigarette to Eddie’s slack mouth, and given him a wide grin and a croaked, thank you. Eddie had only nodded, feeling his face heating in the cold air at the intimate and arousing image that those two guys had made while sharing the smoke. That night, he’d gone home, confused, but it hadn’t stopped him from jerking off to the memory of Steve and Billy slowly kissing in front of him afterwards, before winking at Eddie and going back inside. 
Tonight, it’s the first time that only the three of them are hanging out together. They’re at Steve’s again, his parents out of town as so often. Steve is sandwiched on the couch between Eddie and Billy, but doesn’t seem to mind at all as they watch Top Gun. Eddie, however, feels awkward and self-conscious as fuck. His heart is racing like mad. Why did he go along with this and accept the invitation? Is he such a glutton for punishment that he wants to suffer through watching the two guys he’s into while they’re being all cozy together, sucking face all evening as he plays the third wheel? Apparently, he is. At least they’re not doing anything more than leaving a hand on the other’s thigh. For now. Or maybe, they’re onto him, and they know that he’s caught some feelings for them, and they want to show him that there’s no way that anything can happen? But no. No, Eddie can’t imagine that. 
“-son? Yo, Munson! You still with us?” 
Eddie jerks back to the present as Billy’s voice finally registers, and he notices that the movie has been paused. 
“Huh? Wha - yeah. What?” Eddie blinks a few times as he turns his head towards Billy and catches Steve staring at him out of his peripherals. 
“Want another beer?” Billy stands and waits for Eddie’s reply with raised eyebrows, blond curls falling into one side of his face. 
Eddie’s mouth works silently for a moment as he simply stares at Billy’s beautiful form, highlighted by the lamp behind him. 
“Uh… no. Nah… 'm good,” Eddie utters with a smile that feels more like a grimace. 
Actually, Eddie would love to have more of that beer, but he doesn’t trust his drunken or even just tipsy brain to not say something stupid if he lets himself drink more. Call it self-preservation. 
Billy shrugs and looks over to Steve, who still has his eyes on Eddie, but now turns his head to meet his boyfriend’s eyes. 
Billy rolls his eyes with a dramatic sigh and heads to the kitchen with a shouted, “You both suck.”
Steve and Eddie snort. 
“You’re far better at it,” Steve calls back with a snicker and a wide grin in Eddie’s direction, who can’t help grinning back. 
“And you love it,” Billy replies, as they hear the fridge closing with a dull thump.
Steve’s expression clearly shows that he can’t argue with that statement, and suddenly, Eddie’s face is on fire as the vivid image of Billy going down on Steve enters his mind. He angles his face forward so that his hair hides him from Steve’s view, and Billy’s since he’s come back with the beer. Steve hits play, and Eddie is glad for the distraction of Tom Cruise flying through the sky to help his face cool down again. They’re mostly quiet as they watch, commenting on a detail here and there, and soon Eddie can bring his hair back behind his ear.
After a few minutes, he notices, out of the corner of his eyes, that Billy has leaned into Steve’s side and is whispering slowly into his ear. Steve smiles and turns his head towards Billy to press a kiss to his lips. Eddie resolutely keeps his eyes on the screen and tries to ignore what’s going on next to him. It’s just a kiss. A small kiss. Nothing he hasn’t seen them do before. That is, until Billy brings a palm to Steve’s jaw to angle his face like he wants it and kisses Steve deeper. Steve’s little hum of pleasure has Eddie closing his eyes as he fights to keep a straight face. What is he supposed to do now? Leave? Because at the rate that the kiss is going, and how Steve wraps an arm around Billy’s waist, Eddie knows that this won’t stop at just a kiss. 
Eddie’s considering slinking off the couch and making a hasty exit, when he feels a hand squeezing his thigh. He’s so startled, that he jumps in his seat before his face finally turns towards the couple and to the hand on his thigh. It’s Billy’s. Billy, who’s now kissing along Steve’s neck and watching Eddie as he does so. Eddie’s eyes widen, and his face feels hot again. He doesn’t move, however. He’s transfixed by Billy’s intense gaze and the curve of Steve’s throat. 
“Pretty, isn’t he?” Billy rasps against Steve’s skin, while he keeps his focus on Eddie. 
Eddie licks his dry lips and nods as his eyes slowly drift to Steve.
What the hell is going on? Is this -? Are they -? Do they want -? 
“My, my, Munson. You really do like watching us, huh?” Billy croons, not unkindly, and strokes a thumb over Eddie’s jeans, where a bulge has started to appear without Eddie’s notice. 
Eddie gasps and stares down at himself and Billy’s fingers dancing over his crotch teasingly. 
“I…” Eddie looks up and his voice catches as he realizes that Steve has turned his head to look at Eddie as well, his eyes at half-mast, but he’s observing Eddie keenly. “Yeah,” he admits, unable to deny anything with the way the two others are looking at him. 
Billy chuckles fondly and lifts a hand to catch a few strands of Eddie’s hair. He wraps his fingers in them and pulls. Eddie, wide-eyed, moves as requested and leans over Steve to receive Billy’s kiss. Eddie exhales sharply as his eyes fall closed and lets Billy take over the kiss, moaning as Billy’s tongue slides over his without hesitation. He has to catch himself on Steve’s thighs as Billy pulls him further over. He feels another hand at the back of his neck, the fingers sliding into his hair. They tug him away from Billy’s mouth and up towards Steve. Eddie barely has the time to catch Steve’s heated gaze before he’s being kissed again, his chest against Steve’s and his hands tightening on Steve’s thighs. 
“Move over.” Eddie hears Billy whisper. A second later, Steve pushes Eddie back against the couch, but doesn’t stop kissing him. 
“Oh fuck!” Eddie whimpers after another moment, as he feels Billy’s fingers opening his jeans and slipping a hand inside. 
Steve grips Eddie’s hair tighter, getting a groan from him, right as Billy pulls Eddie out of his boxers and wraps his fingers around him fully. Eddie trembles against Steve and moans into the kiss. There’s more shifting from Billy as he settles on his knees between Eddie’s thighs, and then Eddie’s crying out and breaking off from Steve as Billy takes him into his mouth.
“Good, right?” Steve asks against Eddie’s ear, giving it a playful nip, after Eddie has lifted his hips to let Billy take off his pants. 
Eddie nods fervently as he and Steve stare down at Billy’s bobbing head, wet, sucking noises coming from him every few seconds. 
“Is he like you were hoping for, Baby?” Steve addresses Billy this time, lovingly combing a few strands of hair off Billy’s forehead. 
Hoping for? Eddie thinks. They’d really been wanting this with him. 
Billy pops off and strokes Eddie’s cock as he makes eye contact with the two others in turn. 
“Yeah,” he replies and licks over the head before smirking at the way Eddie shudders. 
“You actually planned this? Wanted this?” Eddie pants, eyes wide in disbelief. 
“No, not this… You.” Steve tenderly kisses the underside of Eddie’s jaw. “You have to know, Eddie, that Billy and me… we don't do stuff like this. We’ve never wanted to before. But with you?”
“We both wanted you,” Billy adds, voice and expression intense but honest. 
Eddie swallows as he frowns faintly, his lust clouded brain trying to grasp the meaning of what the two others had just told him. 
“You want me… Both of you,” he breathes, blinking slowly at Billy, who still has his hand around Eddie’s cock and is slowly stroking it, while Steve drifts a hand under Eddie’s shirt. 
He receives twin nods and a light chuckle from Steve, before the latter brings a hand to Eddie’s cheek to make him meet Steve’s eyes. 
“Just so we’re clear… We’re a package deal.” 
He suddenly looks apprehensive, like Eddie was going to bolt now that he’d said those words. 
“Best deal I’ve ever made,” he replies stupidly, too smitten and overwhelmed to say anything smooth. At least it gets an amused snort from Billy. 
Steve groans but grins anyway before he pulls Eddie in for a kiss. Eddie melts into it, only to gasp as Billy takes him into his mouth again, while Steve trails his hands under Eddie’s shirt. It’s… incredible. He doesn’t know where to put his focus, and soon he realizes how close to coming he already is. Billy seems to notice because he pulls off once more and sits on his haunches with a satisfied smirk. 
“Tell us, Hon', what do you want? How do you want us?” 
Eddie stares down at Billy, at his shiny lips and pink tongue teasingly licking over his bottom lip. He swallows and looks over at Steve, who has his head tilted as he waits. There are so many possibilities between the three of them. Eddie’s gaze falls to Steve’s pants. 
“I feel kinda… underdressed here. Maybe we could start by evening things out?” 
With a chuckle and a nod, Billy gets to his feet and slowly undresses, starting with his deep red button down. Eddie’s eyes widen in front of the large scar on Billy’s chest. He’d heard about it and that Billy had gotten it from choosing to save Eleven, but Eddie had never seen it until today. He raises his eyes to Billy’s and finds him observing Eddie, his face slightly guarded as he keeps removing the rest of his clothes anyway. Eddie doesn’t think twice before he sits forward to catch Billy’s wrist and pull him onto his lap. Billy straddles him wordlessly and meets Eddie’s lips with his own, groaning into the more emotional kiss as Eddie splays his fingers over the bigger part of the scar on Billy’s chest. Billy grabs the hem of Eddie’s Hellfire shirt and pulls meaningfully. Eddie obliges and quickly takes it off, breathing in hard since Billy places his hands over Eddie’s own scars, the proof that he’d nearly not made it either. They moan into each other’s mouths as their dicks rut against one another after Billy starts undulating his hips. 
“Fuck… both of you are just…” Steve breathes with clear emotion and awe in his voice. 
“C’mere,” Billy rasps and slides his hand behind Steve’s nape. Steve kisses him deeply, grabbing onto Billy’s shoulder, while his other hand grabs Eddie’s thigh. 
Billy pulls away with a smile before he tangles the fingers of his other hand in Eddie’s hair and guides him towards Steve, both of them exchanging a soft look before they kiss under Billy’s hungry gaze. 
While Eddie and Steve kiss, Billy busies himself with getting Steve to take off his jeans. He pats Steve’s thigh, who lifts his hips to shimmy out of the jeans without ever breaking the kiss with Eddie. The latter rests a hand on one of Billy’s hips to help him keep his balance as he takes care of Steve’s clothes, while Eddie’s other arm wraps around Steve’s shoulders to pull him closer. Eddie has to move away once Steve removes his polo shirt, finally getting them all to the same state of undress. 
“Okay, wait. You gotta be shitting me… How is this even fair?” Eddie utters incredulously, catching his first glimpse of Steve in all his naked glory.
“I know, right?” Billy chuckles, although he gives Steve a fond look. “He’s pretty and has a monster dick.”
Steve puts his palms over his face and groans at Billy’s words. 
“Jesus, it’s not… Don’t call it monster dick. It’s just a regular dick,” he mutters from behind his hands. 
“Hate breaking it to you, Stevie, but we …” Eddie waves a hand between Billy and himself. “Have regular dicks. Nice. But regular. You? Damn, I didn’t know how right I was when I called you Big Boy.”
Billy laughs loudly at the last part and leans to the side and into Steve to pry his hands from his face. 
“And let us share with Eddie here, that the way you make me scream every time you fuck me should tell enough.” Billy’s voice is deep and sinful, making Eddie’s dick pulse against his lower stomach at the image. 
Steve lets his hands fall off his red face to stare at his boyfriend, but a tiny smile starts to form on his lips, growing as he shakes his head in amusement. 
“That’s all technique, not the size,” he comments with a note of smugness that makes the two others grin. 
“Maybe, but technique doesn’t have me walking funny afterwards.”
“Alright, fine, whatever. Now, can we please stop talking about my dick?” 
Billy wraps his fingers around said dick and squeezes right under the head, getting a sharp inhale of breath from Steve for it. 
“Better?” Billy purrs. 
Steve answers by drawing Billy towards him by the nape, the exchange more heated after Billy’s teasing. Eddie watches, content to do just that, before he realizes that he’s allowed to touch. And that’s what he does. With his eyes focused on Billy’s face, Eddie moves Billy’s hips closer to his, then licks wetly over his palm, and circles Billy’s cock with his hand. Billy exhales sharply against Steve’s lips, while his hand on Steve falters in its stroking and the other tightens on Eddie’s forearm. Billy sits back fully onto Eddie’s thighs and breathes fast, sending Eddie a wide grin as he fucks into his fist. Steve angles his body towards the others, humming in pleasure every now and then whenever Billy twists his hand just so. Eddie’s eyes travel over Billy’s and Steve’s bodies, only to stay on Steve’s cock, the head wet with pre-come that Billy strokes down the shaft with every other downward movement. 
“Want a taste?” Billy suddenly rumbles into Eddie’s space. 
Eddie licks his lips reflexively, eyes still on Steve’s crotch, and Billy chuckles lightly as he lets go of Steve’s cock. He presses a kiss to Eddie’s lips and moves back until Eddie releases Billy’s length in order for him to stand up. He extends a hand towards Eddie, and pulls him to his feet as well once he’s taken Billy’s hand. Billy briefly kisses Eddie again, before grabbing him by the shoulders and turning him until he’s standing between Steve’s parted legs. 
“Go ahead, Handsome.” Billy stands behind Eddie and gently brushes Eddie’s hair to the side to whisper right into his ear. 
Eddie shivers as his eyes travel over Steve’s form, bearing scars just like Eddie and Billy. Steve, who’s looking at them with want, his cock jerking at Eddie’s closer perusal. Eddie licks his lips and turns his head to look back at Billy.
“Both of you,” he whispers roughly. 
Billy’s nostrils flare as he nods before he sidesteps Eddie and bends down to take one of Steve’s hands in his and get him to stand up too. The three of them are now standing close together, looking at each other with playful grins. Eddie bites his bottom lip and sinks to his knees in front of Billy and Steve, who stare at him with hooded eyes. Eddie swallows as he faces the two erections pointing at him. Taking one into each hand, Eddie quickly glances up before he starts stroking Billy and leans in to wrap his lips around Steve’s cock. They were taking the piss earlier by calling it a monster dick, but Steve definitely is bigger than average and makes Eddie’s jaw strain in a way that Eddie enjoys thoroughly. A hand slides over his hair before fingers gently grab at it. Eddie lifts his eyes to see that it belongs to Steve, who’s biting his lips in between soft pants. Billy is watching them, his eyes on Eddie’s mouth and Steve’s face in turn. Eddie thumbs over Billy’s slit to see his eyes flutter and hear a soft moan leave his mouth. He curses under his breath as Eddie switches from Steve’s cock to Billy’s, taking him deeper and drooling over it to make the strokes of his hand easier. Steve cups one side of Billy’s face and kisses him under Eddie’s attentive eyes. His cock pulses at the sight, and he moans around Billy, who gasps into Steve’s mouth and grabs for Eddie’s hair. Eddie brings a hand between his legs and gives his length a few strokes to take the edge off, while he watches the two others as they go from slow to deeper kisses. He switches to Steve again, groaning at the way he feels on his tongue. Steve mumbles a few words of praise about how good Eddie is making them feel, and Eddie feels his whole body glowing warmly at what he hears. His eyes close again as he keeps taking Steve further into his mouth, before pulling back and sucking on the head. He only vaguely hears Billy muttering something to Steve, before he gently pulls away. Eddie opens his eyes to see what’s going on and finds Billy walking around him and kneeling at his back. Eddie frowns and pulls off Steve to turn around. 
“Come here,” Steve instructs in a low voice, stopping Eddie from turning around as he takes Eddie’s forearm and pulls him towards the couch again. 
Steve sits down on it and beckons Eddie to kneel on the floor between his legs. Billy follows them, and soon enough, Eddie feels Billy’s lips on his shoulders, trailing down his back while Steve lifts Eddie’s face to kiss him. Eddie can only go with the flow as his body breaks into goosebumps from Billy’s touch. Eddie exhales sharply as Billy reaches his ass, lightly sucking and nibbling at it. Billy’s hands squeeze the cheeks and his thumbs drift over the crease between them while his tongue follows, the feeling barely there. Eddie’s face feels incredibly hot at the unspoken question. 
“You’re alright with this?” 
It’s Steve who asks in the end, looking into Eddie’s eyes. 
“Ye – yeah,” Eddie croaks, his hair bouncing as he makes little nods.
He only hears a pleased sound coming from Billy before the latter spreads Eddie’s ass further with his thumbs and licks wetly over Eddie’s hole.  
“Oh fuck, fuck… fff-” Eddie’s moan turns high-pitched from how eagerly Billy is using his tongue on him. 
Steve strokes Eddie’s hair out of his face and watches him with an entertained grin, clearly enjoying what he’s seeing and knowing exactly how good Billy’s ministrations feel. Steve kisses Eddie silent once Billy also starts jerking Eddie off with a slick palm. A loud whimper is the only thing that Eddie can make as he grabs onto Steve’s shoulders. 
”Wait, wait, stop!” Eddie cries out after a while, his voice cracking. His thighs tremble as Billy sucks around the rim and alternates with pressing the tip of his tongue against it. 
“Something wrong?” Billy asks, stopping as demanded and raising his head. 
“Something wrong, he asks… only if the fact that I'm about to come is something bad, then yes, something's wrong,” Eddie snarks, hanging his head until his forehead rests against Steve’s chest. 
Steve chuckles while Billy laughs under his breath.
“It's not like you can't, you know.” Steve says sweetly, while Billy places a soft kiss to Eddie’s tailbone with a hum of agreement. 
“Yeah, no. I know, I know, but… I want you to fuck me first, and…”
“Hey, we don't have to do all of it right now,” Billy insists gently. “We can do more later and-”
“No, we do… ‘Cause…” Eddie sighs and rubs a palm over his face in embarrassment and exasperation. “Fuck, this is gonna sound so stupid and desperate.”
“Edd-” Steve starts, but Eddie powers through. 
“Let's just say that I got trust issues, alright? Some people liked to suddenly fuck out of my life, and I'm… I don't want any regrets if this ends tonight.”
Steve and Billy share a long look over Eddie's shoulder. 
“I'm the same,” Billy confides in a low voice. “I was scared shit at first when Steve and I became… more. I played my cards close to my chest like always. Even more than before… Especially after all the shit that happened. I didn't trust Steve. Trusted no one. But he's a stubborn one and…” He trails off while giving Steve a look so full of devotion that Eddie can't help but smile. 
“Only for the ones worth it,” Steve whispers roughly, drawing Billy closer to kiss him deeply while linking his fingers with Eddie's. 
“It won’t end tonight,” Steve promises with a kiss to a corner of Eddie’s mouth. “But if you really want it…”
“Yeah,” Eddie nods, their honesty replacing his desperation with eagerness.  
“Move up.” Billy kisses the back of Eddie’s neck and motions him to stand and straddle Steve. 
Steve grins and welcomes Eddie into his arms with another kiss while their hips slot together for some needed friction. Billy hums behind them at the sight, but doesn’t step closer for a moment as Eddie realizes that he’s looking for something around the couch. Before long, however, Billy grabs Eddie’s hips to get him to settle in the middle of Steve’s thighs. He trails his lips over Eddie’s shoulders, brushing the hair away like before, then one of his hands slides between Eddie’s cheeks. Eddie gasps into Steve’s mouth at the unexpected slickness on Billy’s fingers that are now rubbing over Eddie’s entrance. 
“Do… Do you keep lube in the couch?” Eddie stutters before he moans when Billy presses the tip of a finger inside. 
“We might have used it last night,” Steve explains lightly, while Billy utters a playful chuckle against Eddie’s shoulder. 
Eddie’s brain supplies several images of what Billy and Steve might have used the lube for last night, and groans as Billy slides the whole finger inside him. He wraps his arms around Steve's shoulders, who sucks on his neck and strokes over Eddie’s sides and thighs. 
“Gimme some,” Steve asks Billy, the request followed by some movement and Steve’s hand vanishing between Eddie’s legs. 
Steve gives Eddie’s length a few slow pumps with a now slick palm, but he soon travels lower for his fingers to join Billy’s. 
“Oh fuck, oh f – ah,” Eddie whimpers, as Steve slowly slips a finger inside him alongside Billy’s. 
They move in counterpoint, one in, one out, spurred on by Eddie’s moans and pleas for more, until they add a second finger one after the other, making it four in total. 
“You good,” Billy inquires, speaking into Eddie’s ear and sucking on the earlobe. 
Eddie can barely answer, only nodding rapidly because he can’t take it anymore and needs more. 
Eddie grunts as all four fingers slip free. Steve moves slightly down the couch, so Billy can get into a better position behind Eddie. Billy tugs at Eddie’s hips again until he’s leaning over Steve and pressing his ass out towards Billy. Eddie’s eyes close and his mouth opens on a long moan as Billy slowly breaches him. He goes slow, giving Eddie the time to adjust and feel all of Billy’s length as he fills him. Billy rests his forehead against Eddie’s nape as he groans before he pulls out just as slowly. 
“So good,” Billy breathes as he pushes inside again, the two words making Eddie squeeze around Billy. 
“Yeah?” Steve asks with a grin as he watches Eddie’s blissful expression. 
“Uh huh… You gonna be all nice and tight around Steve too, right, Honey?” Billy snaps his hips and gets a sharp cry of pleasure and assent from Eddie. 
Billy gradually moves faster, his pelvis slapping against Eddie’s ass continuously, while Steve pets over Eddie’s body and sucks on his neck and chest or kisses him hungrily. After Billy suddenly pulls out completely, Eddie groans and turns his head around to see why he stopped. 
“Show us how good you can ride Steve?” Billy licks his lips enticingly, his hard cock glistening, as is the rest of his body, that is covered in a light sheen of sweat. 
Nodding slowly, Eddie swivels his head back to stare at Steve, who catches him by the nape for a hard kiss, his tongue delving deep into Eddie’s mouth and showing just how much he wants him. Eddie straightens with panting breaths and slides back forward over Steve’s thighs. Eddie reaches for the bottle of lube lying to one side of the couch and squirts a nice amount onto his fingers, that he wraps around Steve’s cock. Steve sighs and thrusts up a few times. Billy returns to Eddie’s back and watches over Eddie’s shoulder, his hands caressing over Eddie’s and Steve’s thighs. Holding his breath for a moment, Eddie lifts his hips and places Steve’s cock-head at his slick entrance. Billy pulls back for a moment, and Eddie realizes that he’s going to watch how Eddie sinks onto Steve. His dick jerks, some pre-come leaking out of it, at how much Eddie loves the thought of Billy watching and enjoying what he sees. 
Half formed curses leave Eddie’s mouth as he lowers himself onto Steve, who holds on to Eddie’s hips and softly speaks to him while he gasps with every few inches that Eddie takes in. Once he’s taken him in fully, Eddie doesn’t move for a second, wanting to feel Steve inside him and smiling as Billy presses his chest to Eddie’s back. 
“Said it would be good, right?” Billy rumbles into Eddie’s neck as his grins. “Go on, squeeze around him for me.”
Eddie does so, and both he and Steve gasp from it, Steve’s dick jerking inside him. Billy chuckles, pleased. Eddie leans back against Billy, his head at Billy’s chest, and slowly moves up. He utters a long groan at the feeling, his walls spasming around Steve reflexively. Steve’s brows knit together as he pushes his head back into the couch pillows with a moan. Eddie takes Steve to the hilt again, just as slowly, and swivels his hips to make Steve’s cock rub all around. 
“That’s it, look at how good you’re making him feel,” Billy croons into Eddie’s ear, his eyes riveted on Steve’s ecstatic face. 
Billy tips Eddie’s head back and to the side to reach his lips with his. Eddie sighs and opens his mouth for Billy’s tongue, and jerks in Billy’s grasp as he takes Eddie’s length in hand. Eddie starts going faster, increasing the pace every few seconds, following the movements of Billy’s hand and loving the feeling of Steve’s fingers gripping his thighs hard. Suddenly, as Eddie moves up, Steve stops Eddie from going down again to instead snap his hips up into Eddie. It’s a good thing that Billy is standing behind Eddie for support because the intensity of Steve’s thrusts is making Eddie lose his balance, all while loud moans and whimpers are pulled out of him. He reaches back to hold on to the sides of Billy’s thighs. Eddie hears Billy groaning from watching the two others, the blond rutting against Eddie’s lower back. 
“Ah… I’m… I’m close,” Steve pants, his dark eyes rapidly going from Eddie to Billy while he continues fucking into Eddie at a fast pace. 
“Inside,” Eddie gasps quickly. 
“Oh fuck, okay, yeah, okay.” Steve stares at Eddie with wide eyes, his throat bobbing as he swallows hard and nods. 
Eddie feels Billy moving behind him and grab on to Eddie’s hips to make him slam down onto Steve. Steve cries out at the same time as Eddie, and sits still as Billy guides Eddie’s hips. Eddie’s knees tremble from moving up and down repeatedly and from Steve’s cock rubbing him in just the right place, while he listens to Billy showering them with praise. Steve comes with a winded gasp, his hips bucking from the strength of his orgasm. Eddie groans and stills his movements as he leans forward to kiss Steve. 
“If you could see yourselves,” Billy says from behind them, voice raspy. Eddie turns his head a fraction to see Billy stroking himself as he watches them. 
Licking his lips, Eddie lifts his hips to let Steve slip free, and sighs as he sticks his ass out towards Billy in invitation. 
“Come on,” he whispers, one side of his mouth lifting in a smile of amusement at the lust filled sound that comes from Steve, and Billy’s wide eyes. “No regrets, remember?”
Billy nods in fervent understanding and, once Steve has sat up a bit straighter, Billy gets Eddie’s hips high enough for Billy to drive home in one smooth and slippery slide. He allows himself a few slow thrusts before he slams inside quickly, stealing Eddie’s breath as their hips slap together. Eddie only notices Steve’s hand reaching his cock once Steve has wrapped it around him. 
“You’ve been so good, Love,” Steve praises in a low voice. “So perfect for us.” 
Eddie whimpers and shuts his eyes tightly, pleasure and emotions mixing and overlapping at those words. 
“Perfect,” Billy repeats, stressing the word and leaning over Eddie to kiss the underside of his jaw. 
Eddie tightens his grips on Steve’s shoulders as he pushes his hips against Billy’s with every thrust back, while fucking into Steve’s hand when he thrusts forward again. Steve moves his head over Eddie’s shoulder and manages to kiss Billy. And that’s how Eddie comes, with all three of them touching the others in some way, the pleasure of one triggering the other. He hears the sharp inhale of breath from Billy as Eddie’s hole flutters around his cock, before Billy breaks the kiss with Steve and emits a shuddering sound of pleasure against Eddie’s shoulder. 
Steve gently strokes a hand along Eddie’s side and through Billy’s hair, watching as they slowly unwind. Billy’s legs are shaking slightly, so he slowly pulls out of Eddie and collapses onto the couch next to Steve. Eddie rests his forehead against the top of Steve’s shoulder that’s next to Billy. He slowly opens his eyes that he had closed as he’d come, to find Billy staring at him and Steve with a relaxed grin. Eddie blushes a moment later as he feels a bit of come slowly trickling down his thigh, only to realize that Steve’s stomach and his own are covered in his release as well. 
“You’re alright?” Steve wonders, his fingers drawing soothing circles over Eddie’s spine. 
“Don’t think I can walk, but otherwise? … Yeah.” The last part comes out softer because yes, he’s definitely alright. 
He sees Billy’s wide grin and rolls his eyes at him good-naturedly, imagining that Steve must be wearing about the same smug expression. 
They eventually get up and Steve ushers the two others upstairs and into the shower, promising to be there in a few minutes. Billy waggles his eyebrows at Eddie with the suggestion of carrying him upstairs if he can’t walk. Eddie flips him off, but from the way Billy grins at him knowingly, his face can’t hide that the idea isn’t entirely unwelcome. 
Inside the bathroom, Eddie discovers that Steve’s shower can hold more than one person. And maybe even more than two. Billy hands Eddie a hair tie and offers that Eddie goes first. He quickly joins Eddie after Eddie has stepped to the far side of the shower while giving Billy a long look. Steve finds them standing close under the spray, not talking, just exchanging a few soft touches and kisses while they clean themselves. Billy is the first one to get out and presses a long kiss to Steve’s mouth before grabbing a towel. Steve joins Eddie, who stares at the come stuck to Steve’s stomach and chest. Eddie wordlessly reaches for the shower gel and proceeds to clean Steve's torso. Steve smile softy and cups Eddie’s face to kiss him. Billy exits the bathroom, saying that he’s getting some water and that he’d meet them in the bedroom. While he and Steve towel themselves down, Eddie realizes that it’s a given to Steve and Billy that Eddie would spend the night with them. And if he's honest, Eddie didn’t even consider leaving either. Steve shows Eddie to the bedroom, where Steve finds a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to borrow to Eddie. Billy returns with some water after Steve and Eddie have made it to the bed and gotten under the sheets. Just like with the shower, Steve’s bed easily holds the three of them. 
It’s not weird or awkward anymore, Eddie thinks, as he lays between the two others, casually talking about the next movie they’d like to rent. He feels like he belongs exactly where he is. 
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My fave Tvd characters ( or ones that I don’t actively want to murder )
Please bear in mind that this is just my opinion and you can like whoever you want. Also this list only includes characters from TVD and one from TO.
1. Katherine Pierce
I absolutely loved Katherine, to the point where I lost interest in the show soon after her death (although this was more due to decline in quality). I liked her in s2 for her power and iconic personality / quotes, as well as her complex, interesting history. As the seasons progressed, I also felt sorry for her, especially when they screwed her over at the end of her life in s5, just to bring her back and ruin her again in s8. I understand that her character had flaws but I am still mad that she went to hell but flipping Klaus Mikaelson didn’t. Another thing that made me enjoy her was the brilliant acting from Nina Dobrev, who shone in the role of a badass yet glamorous villain and brought real personality to the part, despite her lazy and inconsistent storyline. She was a funny and iconic character, who was screwed over by everyone she ever met including her own father, all of her boyfriends and her doppelgänger and suffered to much for a 17 year old girl.
2. Rebekah Mikaelson
Rebekah always intrigued me, even though I found her annoying on my first watch of TVD, mainly due to her constant misguided loyalty to her brother. However, I came to realise that she was a victim of Klaus, just like everyone else, and that he was abusive and controlling towards her. After realising this, I was able to fully appreciate her character and the way she only wanted love and roasted the MF gang on many occasions. I especially enjoyed her sisterly relationships with Freya and Hayley and wished that she had become friends with Katherine, because that pairing would have been legendary.
3. Freya Mikaelson
She was the only reason that I managed to make it through any of TO and it was refreshing to see another powerful main witch aside from Bonnie. As I mentioned above, I loved her relationship with Freya and Hayley and liked her protectiveness. However, her loyalty to her family sometimes annoyed me, as I couldn’t stand her brothers. She deserved better than the Mikaelson men and Hope, who, from what I’ve seen, is the most annoying, whiny, overpowered teenage girl in the TVDU.
4. Matt Donovan
Everybody hates on this guy and I don’t understand why. He was just a normal teen with an absent father and an irresponsible, mostly absent mother, whose sister died when he was young, along with half of his friends. In my opinion, his dedication to staying a human and sticking to his morals was admirable and his relationships with many of the girls were cute and non-toxic. People only hate him because he isn’t some angsty, rebel heartthrob and happened to dislike many of the fan favourites.
5. Vicki Donovan
The writers really looked at this girl in s1 and were like “Let’s make her life as miserable as possible”. She grew up with terrible parents, had a drug problem, dated pre-redemption arc Tyler Lockwood, became a ripper and then died at the hands of a 100 year old monster. The worst part is that people dislike her because they found her issues “annoying” but then praise characters like Stefan, Klaus and Damon who all had serious mental illness as well.
6. Lexi Branson
She was a friendly and supportive person who died too soon and should have stayed on the show longer. Her attitude towards Katherine/Elena could have been interesting and her hatred of Damon was hilarious.
7. Elena Gilbert
Although I could hardly stand her in s4&6 and especially s5, I thought that she was an interesting character in the early seasons with a somewhat nice personality and a sense of nobility that many characters lacked. She doesn’t deserve all of the hate that she gets but I definitely understand why people don’t like her. I also think she should have been more sympathetic of Katherine and Rebekah, but I think that her feelings and opinions were always heavily manipulated by the Salvatore brothers.
8. Kai Parker
He brought some much needed excitement and comic relief to the very dreary s6 and he treated Katherien with the respect that she deserved. However, he suffered from the fact that he was a newcomer in the time when the show’s spirit started to die.
9. Jenna Sommers
This poor woman was left to look after two traumatised teenagers, after her only sister died, and put up with the constant drama of Mystic Falls. She was one of the few innocent people on this entire show and she deserved a happy ending, instead of being killed by a man she had never done anything to.
10. Hayley Marshall
She was interesting and funny, although she was sometimes annoying, and she put Caroline in her place when she was being particularly annoying. Every time she defied Klaus or Elijah I was like GO GET IT GIRL! However she, like Katherine, had a terrible taste in men, seeing as she went after the Mikaelson brothers.
These are all of my fave charcters on TVD. Hope you like at least one of these people.
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themovieblogonline · 27 days
Vicky Kaushal: Top 4 Performances on ZEE5 Global!
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Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal celebrates his birthday today, and what better way to mark the occasion than by revisiting some of his most phenomenal performances? Since his debut in 2015, Kaushal has carved a niche for himself, captivating audiences with his raw talent and ability to breathe life into diverse characters. Let's take a dive into four of his must-watch films, all available for your streaming pleasure on ZEE5 Global! 1. Saluting the Legend: Sam Bahadur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws_QOR4FVuY Step into the shoes of history with "Sam Bahadur," a biopic chronicling the extraordinary life of Sam Manekshaw, a military icon who led India through several wars. Kaushal embodies the charismatic and strategic leader with remarkable conviction. His portrayal captures the essence of Manekshaw's leadership during pivotal moments in Indian history, making this a must-watch for history buffs and fans of biographical dramas. 2. Uri: The Surgical Strike - A Nation on Edge "Uri: The Surgical Strike" throws you headfirst into the heart-pounding world of covert operations. Kaushal takes center stage as Major Vihaan Singh Shergill, an Indian Army officer leading a daring mission against militants. His intense and believable performance fuels the film's action-packed sequences. The movie's patriotic spirit and gripping plot, combined with Kaushal's commitment to his role, deliver a truly compelling cinematic experience. 3. Delving into Darkness: Raman Raghav 2.0 For those who enjoy a good psychological thriller, "Raman Raghav 2.0" is a must-add to your watchlist. This dark and suspenseful film stars Kaushal as Raghavan, a cop grappling with drug addiction while on the hunt for a serial killer. Kaushal showcases his exceptional range by portraying a character teetering on the edge of sanity and morality. His chilling performance makes "Raman Raghav 2.0" one of his most captivating films. 4. Love's Tangled Web: Manmarziyaan Love triangles can be messy, and "Manmarziyaan" perfectly captures that complexity. Kaushal brings infectious energy and vulnerability to the role of Vicky Sandhu, a free-spirited DJ caught in a love triangle. His character's romantic struggles resonate with viewers, making him both relatable and endearing. The sizzling chemistry between Kaushal and his co-stars, Taapsee Pannu and Abhishek Bachchan, adds another layer of depth to this modern love story. These four films are just a glimpse into the remarkable talent that is Vicky Kaushal. So, grab your popcorn, download the ZEE5 Global app (available on various platforms!), and get ready to be entertained! Happy Birthday, Vicky, and here's to many more years of captivating performances! About ZEE5 Global ZEE5 Global is your one-stop shop for top-notch entertainment. Launched by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited, this platform offers a vast library of content across 18 languages, including Hindi, English, and several regional languages. With over 200,000 hours of on-demand content, you'll find everything from original shows and movies to classic TV shows, music, and even health and lifestyle content. Plus, ZEE5 Global offers features like multiple language options, downloadable content, and seamless video playback. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of ZEE5 Global today! Source: ZEE5 Global
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bakerstreetbabble · 10 years
What's the big deal about Irene Adler?
Last night, while waiting for a bus, I decided to read "A Scandal in Bohemia," a story that is most famous for being the only actual appearance in the canon of Irene Adler.  She's mentioned in a few other stories, but as far as being an active character in a Holmes story, this is it.  Which made me wonder, why does she play such a big role in so many Holmes film adaptations and fan fiction?  Very few adaptations make a very big deal about, say, Mrs. Hudson or Lestrade, and they show up far more often than Irene.
I suppose it's partly our desire for the leading man to be a somewhat romantic figure.  Batman's got Vicki Vale, Superman's got Lois Lane...heck, even Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation (who enjoyed playing Holmes on the holdeck) got to canoodle with Tasha Yar for a little while.  Sherlock Holmes, who is usually played as a pretty cold, calculating machine, doesn't immediately lend himself to the role of heartthrob. And yet, Benedict Cumberbatch has become quite a sex symbol in the past few years.  We just have to give him a romantic interest, or at least, the potential for romantic interest.  (Some fans seem to take Watson at his word, that Holmes never saw her in a romantic light, but others think the good doctor doth protest too much.)
It's also fascinating how many adaptations (at least, recent ones) have connected Adler with the other most popular character who rarely appears in the stories: Professor Moriarty.   ***SPOILER ALERT*** In Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, she's working for Moriarty; ditto for Sherlock; and in Elementary, Irene and Moriarty actually turn out to be the same person!  There may be other adaptations that have connected Adler and Moriarty, but those most recent three versions immediately spring to mind.  And that may be another thing that attracts Holmesians to Irene Adler: her role as adversary to Holmes.  After all, she's not only the woman, she's also one of the few people who have actually outsmarted the great Sherlock Holmes.  He admires her for it, and so do we.
Meanwhile, on a little side note, there seems to be a considerable amount of disagreement over how to pronounce the woman's name.  Is it "eye-REEN," which would make sense for an American character; is it "eye-REEN-ee," which seems to have been for some time the most popular pronunciation in Great Britain; or is it the baffling "ee-RAY-neh," which is how all the characters in Granada TV's series featuring Jeremy Brett pronounce it?  However you say it, it seems that she will continue to fascinate Holmes fans for the foreseeable future.
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starfriday · 7 months
More on his journey on the Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai Stories on The Ranveer Show –
30th November 2023: In a new rollercoaster episode of Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai Stories by Mountain Dew on The Ranveer Show, Vicky Kaushal not only spilled the beans on his journey to stardom but also offered a rare glimpse into the makings of the Bollywood heartthrob. From sharing his success mantra, to revisiting iconic roles, and even the learnings from wife and actress Katrina Kaif, the episode promises an unfiltered look at the raw and unapologetic Vicky Kaushal.
In the conversation with Ranveer Allahbadia, Vicky reveals the riveting journey that led him to the pinnacle of success. The episode delved into Kaushal's perspective on fear and the absence of a safety net, showcasing how these elements have fueled his drive for excellence.
Vicky Kaushal opened about his belief that the lack of a safety net in one's journey to success forces individuals to rely solely on their abilities. According to the actor, this not only pushes you to perform better but also encourages self-discovery and growth. Kaushal emphasized the transformative power of Darr / Fear, positioning it as a driving force that motivates him to give his all in every endeavor.
A key moment in the episode was when Kaushal shared a personal mantra inspired by a well-known saying: "The wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill." For him, success is an ongoing climb rather than a destination. The actor expressed his determination to keep setting new goals, continuously pushing his limits in both his career and personal life. Success, for Vicky Kaushal, transcends professional achievements, encompassing roles as a husband, actor, brother, son, and friend.
Kaushal also credited his disciplined approach to work to his experience with wife and superstar Katrina Kaif. Drawing inspiration from Katrina's dedication during action scenes and dance sequences, he highlighted the importance of complete immersion in the creative process. This insight into his work ethic adds a new layer to Vicky Kaushal's journey, showcasing the blend of hard work, discipline, and gratitude that defines his path to success.
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blogynews · 10 months
"From Bollywood Heartthrob to Bathroom Singer: Vicky Kaushal's Astonishing Transformation into Bhajan Kumar Unveiled!"
Popular actor Vicky Kaushal, known for his roles in films like Dhoom 3 and Thugs of Hindostan, has undergone a transformation for his upcoming movie “The Great Indian Family (TGIF)!”. Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, the film features Kaushal in the character of Bhajan Kumar. The makers of the film have also released the first song, titled “Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja”, which has been sung by…
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blogynewz · 10 months
"From Bollywood Heartthrob to Bathroom Singer: Vicky Kaushal's Astonishing Transformation into Bhajan Kumar Unveiled!"
Popular actor Vicky Kaushal, known for his roles in films like Dhoom 3 and Thugs of Hindostan, has undergone a transformation for his upcoming movie “The Great Indian Family (TGIF)!”. Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, the film features Kaushal in the character of Bhajan Kumar. The makers of the film have also released the first song, titled “Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja”, which has been sung by…
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blogynewsz · 10 months
"From Bollywood Heartthrob to Bathroom Singer: Vicky Kaushal's Astonishing Transformation into Bhajan Kumar Unveiled!"
Popular actor Vicky Kaushal, known for his roles in films like Dhoom 3 and Thugs of Hindostan, has undergone a transformation for his upcoming movie “The Great Indian Family (TGIF)!”. Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, the film features Kaushal in the character of Bhajan Kumar. The makers of the film have also released the first song, titled “Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja”, which has been sung by…
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flotsam-gazette · 11 months
Swimming Pool
French Kiss
Purple Noon (Plein Soleil)
Only You
A Bigger Splash
Captain Corelli's Mandoiin
A Room with a View
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
And God Created Woman
Stealing Beauty
Il Postino
A Good Year =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
1. Malena
Set in war time Sicily, a 13 year old boy is infatuated with the beautiful young war widow, Malena, who was the obsession of every man and the envy of every woman in their small Italian village. Because of her, Renato will come to learn all of life’s lessons and find himself in places he never could have imagined. Visually, it’s one long Dolce & Gabbana ad.
2. Swimming Pool
British crime novelist, played by the wonderful Charlotte Rampling, travels to her publisher’s summer house in Southern France to seek solitude in order to work on her next book. But the arrival of Julie, who claims to be the publisher’s daughter, induces complications and a subsequent murder… 
3. French Kiss
Meg Ryan at her best in this semi-screwball romantic with Kevin Kline doing his best French accent. From Paris to vineyards in Provence to the French Riviera, this French Kiss is utterly charming and cheerful. 
4. Purple Noon
Plein Soleil (a.k.a. Purple Noon), the original film adaption of Talented Mr. Ripley, starring French sixties heartthrob, Alain Delon in his first major role. Have you ever watched a film and felt as if every single frame was worthy of a postcard? This is one of those films. From the sun-bleached Italian scenery and style to the bronzed and beautiful actors.
5. Only You
Robert Downey Junior and Marisa Tomei make a magical (and hilarious) combination. The wardrobe in this film is to die for, as is their Italian travel itinerary. From Venice to Positano, it’s impossible not to fall in love with this movie.
6. A Bigger Splash
A modern ode to Sicily, starring the excellent Tilda Swinton, Ralph Fiennes, Dakota Johnson and Matthias Schoenaerts. Sex, murder and Italy– what else do you need in a movie?
7. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
8. A Room with a View
Starring a baby-faced Helene Bonham Carter as well as Maggie Smith, Daniel Day Lewis and Judi Dench, A Room with a View takes you to Florence during the Belle Epoque for an eminently entertaining comedy with an intellectual approach to love.
9. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
A spicy Spanish feast for the eyes, arguably one of Woody Allen’s best works.
10. And God Created Woman
The movie that turned Brigitte Bardot into an international star. Bardot stars as Juliette, an 18-year-old orphan whose unbridled appetite for pleasure shakes up all of St. Tropez. 
11. Stealing Beauty
The coming-of-age 90s movie for American girls that dreamed of falling in love in Europe. Starring Liv Tyler and Jeremy Irons.
12. Il Postino
” beauty of the film is in its quietness”, said Roger Ebert. A most essential Italian film that captures the simplicity of Italy so well. 
13. A Good Year
A guilty pleasure, a slightly over-romanticised version of Provence, but A Good Year hits the spot, starring Russell Crow and Marion Cotillard. Watch with a glass of wine in hand.
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kharisubas40972 · 1 year
Throwback Thursday: Vicky Kaushal shares an old picture with Hrithik Roshan from his childhood : Bollywood News
In a truly awe-inspiring moment, Bollywood heartthrobs Vicky Kaushal and Hrithik Roshan set the stage on fire as they danced together, creating an unforgettable experience for the audience. The electrifying performance took place at the recent Nexa IIFA awards 2023 event, where Vicky showcased his admiration and respect for Hrithik. Now Vicky has shared a heartfelt post on his social media…
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Vicky Kaushal says he's not the perfect husband, but is trying to be the best version of the husband he can be to Katrina Kaif - Times of India
Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif are serving couple goals ever since the duo got married in December 2021. While the couple kept their relationship and wedding a private affair, it’s heartwarming for their fans to see them together now and they get excited every time they drop a new picture together. Meanwhile, Vicky has also turned out to the heartthrob of the nation over the years. The actor…
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