#jeweled comb
gogmstuff · 2 years
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1810s fashion (from top to bottom) -
ca. 1815 Teresa Tambroni Cuty by Pelagio Palagi (location ?). From tumblr.com/historical-fashion-devotee/700744713932881920/z; fixed some flaws & spots w Pshop 1498X2048 @72 1.2Mj.
1818 Sophie de Marbois-Lebrun, Duchess of Plaisance by Robert Lefèvre (National Gallery of Athens - Athens, Greece). From tumblr.com/history-of-fashion 1656X1994 @72 961kj.
1819 Henriette Schröder by Friedrich-Carl Gröger (location ?). From fr.wahooart.com/@@/AQQC66-Friedrich-Carl-Gröger- via pinterest.com/fraurosenmaier/biedermeier-porträts/1810er/ 887X1154 @72 291kj.
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end0r4 · 11 months
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Al Swearengen, Deadwood: Jewel's Boot is Made for Walking s01e11
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whencyclopedia · 2 years
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Gold & Jewelled Comb, Valencia
Gold and jewelled comb, 14th century.
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musicmags · 1 year
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jimilter · 2 years
hello it is me here to throw my hat in the ring for cyanide on my bedsheets my beloved and riptide <3
jewel my dearest! 😍
pls your endless affection for the horny heartbreak hell that is comb astounds me just as much as it endears me <3 i shall write a sequel some day and dedicate it you 🥺 riptide is one of my proudest works despite all its flaws, so this is me rn bec you mentioned it:
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ily <333
tell me abt your fav fic of mine?
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glossahistorica · 2 months
TO RENOVATE TORTOISE-SHELL COMBS.—When plain tortoise-shell combs are defaced, the polish may be renewed by rubbing them with pulverised rotten-stone and oil. The rotten-stone should be sifted through muslin. Then polish with jeweller's rouge, or with sifted magnesia.
The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, May 1855, Collected Vol. 4, p.63. [x]
As a rule, I suggest you look for contemporary advice when attempting to recreate historical sources, and always utilise proper safety equipment and ventilation.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Miguel and Hobie Fighting for Your Love
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Summary: Both men knew they were wildly in love with you. But, as you remain oblivious to their feelings, their conflict strengthens. A war is brewing.
“I won’t let you have her.” Miguel’s eyes gleamed between the velvet sheets of artificial night, the dim glow of the control panel at his back, casting a shroud over his front. Hobie stood before him, gripping his guitar by the neck, resting it over the back of his shoulders. His other hand sat in his pocket, creating the illusion of comfort. Yet, beneath his lax exterior, Miguel could hear his heart pounding. Racing. Hobie drew a breath, looked off to the side.
“I don’t think that’s your decision to make, Big Man.” Eyes half-lidded, he returned to Miguel, dragging his stare. Lethargy. Gave a thin smile. “Though, I suppose that if you knew that – really believed it – you’d know that you don’t stand a chance–”
Miguel’s fists clenched, the sound of his suit squealing beneath his grip causing Hobie’s gaze to flicker. He swallowed, shallow. He knew what Miguel was capable of – had seen how many lives he’d gladly put at risk for you. And he’d do it again if it weren’t for the fact that your friendship to both him and Hobie was what kept them locked in a stalemate; a spectral triangle; Bermuda. An anomaly in itself.
Of course, you had no clue that you’d captured the hearts of the two superheroes. The problem was that they did. Their softened attitude towards you, their care for the most banal of features of your life, their seemingly bottomless investment in your close circle of friends and beyond could have been construed as platonic concern. Friendship of the highest degree.
Once they realised that, individually, they were not alone in the pursuit of your heart, a competition was born. Miguel, ever the organised, careful individual he was, orchestrated your time together, manufactured it, monitored it – poured over it with a fine-toothed comb. Many a night had he spent awake wondering what your accidental brushing of hands had meant, whether the warmth that had flushed your cheeks was the result of his presence or the joke he’d just cracked, your laughter Calliopic. Persephonic.
He savoured every hug you shared, no matter how brief, sewing the patchwork memories into the fabric of his heart, the fragrance soaking into his bones. Your phantom warmth wrapped around him tightly, a second suit, whenever he needed it – needed you. He’d find ways of encouraging physical contact whenever he could, his heart throbbing at the feeling of your face pressed into his chest, your arms around his back as he embraced you.
He wondered what your kisses tasted like. Whether you thought of him when you used that chapstick he bought you, ice cream cake – the aroma of celebration. Because, to him, any moment with you was a celebration.
Miguel would offer to take you home after work. Though, not via ordinary means of travel.
He’d permit you to hop onto his back and slide your arms around his neck, taking you on a spin through the city, bringing you to the highest peaks, the pinnacles of human beauty through neon illuminations making the city sparkle like a sea of jewels. He’d feel his heart stutter as you shifted to get a closer look, your chin almost resting on his shoulder, cheeks just touching as you gasped, took in the scenery. In times like these, he was glad of the mask, of his ability to hide the effect you had on him, how you played his emotions like a string instrument.
“I’ve never seen the city like this before,” you told him, voice gentle at his ear, almost carried away by the wind. Miguel heard you. He strained his every spider sense to do so, no matter the conditions.
“Hobie hasn’t done this with you?” He tried not to let the hope in his tone show. You shrugged. 
“He’s more of a stargazing kind of guy. Though, I’ll let you in on a secret,” your voice tailed off. Miguel leaned in. You whispered. “I think he just doesn’t want to go pivoting off buildings after a long day of already having done so.”
Miguel felt an idea spark in his brain. The start of a new ritual, routine, for just you and him. This would be for him what stargazing was to hobie – he’d bring you closer to the stars than Hobie ever could!
Whenever he’d return you home, whisking you through the midnight air, he’d place you at your door, imply what a good time he’d had. And, as always, you thanked him, eyes crinkling before parting with a hug.
Miguel would wait until you’d enter your apartment and locked the door behind you before leaving, and even then, he’d find himself perched atop a nearby building, waiting for something, anything to happen – for any opportunity wherein he could prove to you he was a hero. In times like these, he wished with a selfish heart that you lived in a more decrepit part of the city.
He realised how much he loved you – adored you – when you fell asleep in his arms after work one evening. He’d been carrying you to your room when you just nodded off. In his grasp, you were tiny, fragile. Weak. The responsibility of protection, the fierce need to watch over you, to possess you entirely, overcame him, overwhelmed every sensibility he’d cultivated throughout his life.
And so, he watched you. Eneamoured himself with your sleeping features, the trust you displayed to have fallen asleep on him. In his mind, this becomes a core memory. One which he turns into a joke between the two of you, his own fragment of sanctity – the beginnings of close friendship – one he’d use to build a statue like Hobie’s. A statue of you. 
Hobie’s eyes narrowed. His nose wrinkled as his lips turned up in a half-sneer.
“You think the odd hug and a second of eye contact constitute as…what? A chance?” He scoffed. “A signifier that she feels for you more than she feels for the common man?” Incredulity danced in hobie’s eyes. Seethed from between his lips. The corner of his lips pulled back, revealed a smirk.
“Get over yourself, Mate. If she were interested, you’d know it by now.”
Of course, Hobie had his own collection of memories regarding you, his own wardrobe of moments sewn together with the thread of mirth to wear and fashion whenever and however he so pleased. He would wear it out to parties, on the town, to the Spidey-Station (as he referred to it with you). Show Miguel that his bare-threaded ribbon was nothing compared to his tapestry.
You and Hobie would wander the city when it was late and dark and quiet, talking about anything and everything that crossed your minds, more often than not leading the two of you to howl with laughter, leaning against each other as tears flooded from your eyes. The story, regardless of how funny it had been, held no weight compared to the joy that sparked in Hobie’s chest whenever you touched, whenever you simply existed with him. Fireworks.
You got him in ways nobody else truly could.
Many times had he come to visit you, only to lay his head in your lap and tell you what was bothering him. Sometimes it was trivial, others it was not. And every time, you’d sit and listen, playing with his hair and the badges on his jacket. And, of course, Hobie did the same for you.
One evening, you’d come banging on Hobie’s door, voice distraught as you called for him. He practically tore the door off its hinges when he heard how distressed you were, and, when he saw you, his heart tore. Your face was tear-streaked and your posture gave the impression of anguish, immortal and unrelenting.
“Hobie,” you cried. “Am–” your sniffing diced your words like meat in a kitchen. “Am I pretty?!”
Hobie blinked, unsure if he’d heard the question. And when he didn’t respond, you wailed.
Hobie knew what this was, for you’d spoken about it at length many times before. Insecurity was a powerful tool, especially when fuelled with sleep-deprivation and alcohol, one which Hobie wished he could destroy. But, while he couldn’t do that yet, he reached for you and took you in his arms. And as you cried into his shoulder, he told you how beautiful you were, how surprised he was that he was able to get a look in with you at all with how many men were chasing after you. And when you tried to say that no such thing had ever happened, he pulled back, gave you a smile, the visage of mischief.
“That’s ‘cause I scared ‘em all away!”
Your veneer cracked, and a laugh sprung from the concrete, the beginnings of life in an apocalypse. What Hobie wanted to say, though, what he nearly said, was everything he felt for you – how no word in the human vernacular could ever even begin to comprehend or compare how ethereal you were to him, how widely his love for you encompassed his very being, everything he said, did and wanted dictated entirely by the thought of you.
He opened his mouth, holding you close again. He could say it all now, while you were drunk – pretend it never happened if the exchange turned sour. But he knew he couldn’t live with your rejection, even if you’d have no memory of it.
He closed his mouth, swallowed the confession that teetered on his tongue like a pill. Consumed his contemplation, obscuring his feelings from you for just a little longer. While he couldn’t say it – not yet – he pulled you closer still, chest-to-chest, one hand at the back of your head and the other wrapped around your waist. A lover’s lock. And he held you. Tightly.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in every universe, (Y/N). I should know.” he murmured. He felt you nestle into him. You’d heard him. He sighed. “I just wished you could see it, too.”
Both men viewed the other as possessing some unattainable advantage, the beginnings of a  fabled proverb blatant in their desire to attain what they thought the other had. What they were both striving for.
For Hobie, the very thing he had prided himself on was his self-believed downfall. Friendship. The two of you had been friends for years, basked in a platonic limelight. Initially, Hobie hadn't needed to worry about how you viewed him, but as he fell deeper and deeper in love with you the longer he knew you, the fact that you’d maintained such a close friendship with him without once giving the indication of romanticism frightened him.
Miguel had only waltzed into your life a few months ago. You didn’t have to see him in a platonic light, didn’t have to bear witness to his deepest faults or his subtlest of quirks. Quite simply, you didn’t know enough about him for his mystique to be shattered.
On the contrary, Miguel saw how close you and Hobie were, how, without saying a word, the two of you knew what the other was thinking. He found your incessant asking of “Do you think Hobie would like this?” when visiting a store to be intimidating. He wondered if you asked the same when you went out with Hobie. If he was the subject of your concern as your best friend often was.
Whereas Hobie knew your every thought and desire, Miguel knew he clutched at straws by comparison, drinking in every detail you afforded him, taking nothing for granted. He’d bring you gifts, stories, regalements from his time out in the field, and his chest would swell whenever you watched him with wide eyes. He hoped, with every fibre of his being, that your astonishment was confined to him and him alone. He prayed that your years of friendship to Hobie was enough to dull any excitement you may feel when he told you similar tales.
This war was simply beginning, no two ways about it. And as they surveyed each other, Hobie and Miguel, weighing up the other’s pull on you, their minds conjoined to speak once and for the last time.
“May the best man win.”
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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fashionsfromhistory · 5 months
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Bodice Ornament & Hair Comb
René Lalique
The Art Nouveau style caused a dramatic shift in jewellery design, reaching a peak around 1900 when it triumphed at the Paris International Exhibition.
Its followers created sinuous, organic pieces whose undercurrents of eroticism and death were a world away from the floral motifs of earlier generations. Art Nouveau jewellers like René Lalique also distanced themselves from conventional precious stones and put greater emphasis on the subtle effects of materials such as glass, horn and enamel.
René Lalique, 'the admitted king of Paris fashions', chose his materials for aesthetic effect and artistic refinement, not for mere preciousness or brilliance. Credited with introducing horn into the jewellery repertoire, he dazzled the public with a collection of ornamental combs made of horn. They were moulded and sculpted in the shape of flowers, waves and butterflies.
Victoria & Albert Museum (M.116A-1966 & M.116A-1966)
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
A Very Monstrous Kinktober: Day 8 (Breeding)
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Kink: Breeding
Pairing: Male!Naga x Fem!Reader
Other Kinks: Slight Degradation
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1173 words
Kinktober Masterlist
Prince Dendra was everything a crown prince should be. Effortlessly refined, with a cool and detached voice which commanded respect in every room he entered. With a face and body carved like marble, the royal jewelry he wore around his neck and forehead evoked not greed but elegance, with jet-black hair always perfectly combed and brushed behind his ears. No action of his seemed unsightly, or unplanned. He’s the people’s and his parent’s favorite, he seems born to rule.
Even now, with his hair loose around his shoulders and his tongue deep in your pussy, there was no mistaking that he was the one in control.
“Your highness!”
Your legs shake and spasm around the Prince's head, another orgasm coerced out of you by his skilled mouth. This is the third of the night, having already been stretched out on the Prince’s fingers not 10 minutes earlier. Like everything else, Prince Dendra was thorough in maintaining your pleasure. And even though he insisted it was because intercourse was most effective when the woman orgasmed, he played your body with an eagerness unlike himself in other affairs.
You rarely heard sweet words from your future husband, usually just polite endearments and technical terms like “My fiancee” or the classic “Jewel of my crown” often used by Naga royalty.
But in the bedroom, Prince Dendra was voracious for them. His pet names ranged from loving to depraved: “My sweet” and “Darling” alongside “Whore” and “Cumslut.”
It may have been discombobulating, but in the heat if the moment those names just stir the fire in your gut. Dendra himself prefers only to he called “His highness” or “my king” in the bedroom; scandalous considering he was still yet to be coronated.
Prince Dendra pats your thigh, quickly pulling at your hips and flipping you on to your stomach. This is his preferred position for breeding, as he loves to dig his fingers and leave bruises in your hips, alongside watching your ass bounce against his cock.
“Fuck.” Prince Dendra swears under his breath, quickly sinking into your cunt. You moan into the pillow, fingers already clenching into the bed sheets, anticipating the hard spank against your ass before it comss. “You were made for this.” Prince Dendra growls, snapping his hips with a ferocity unbecoming of his station. You whine.
He snaps again, pressing hard against your g-spot. “Cunt, wrapped around my cock. Milking me for my royal seed.”
“Your highness…” You plead, wiggling your hips. Your pussy craves his cock, stretched into its shape by several nights of breeding.
“So desperate for it.” Prince Dendra begins thrusting his hips like a beast, raised up on his tail. You can imagine the way his abdomen clenches, balanced in the appendage as he fucks into you. “To think, my fiancee was such a depraved cum slut.” Prince Dendra enunciates the t, yanking your hips back into his cock. “So desperate to be bred, parading yourself around the castle in your new royal colors. You practically beg to be fucked, to be bent over and stuffed full.”
You nod into the pillow, tears dripping down from the side of your eyes. Bolts of electricity shoot up your spine with every thrust, already prepared for how your lower back will ache tomorrow morning.
You feel the defined bone of Prince Dendra’s pelvis hitting your backside, digging into the fat. But then you feel his stomach press against your back, his large hand pressed down on the pillows as he finds a new angle.
“These hips…” Prince Dendra pants right into your ear, his long hair curtaining your neck, “...we’re designed for my hands. For bearing my children. For bearing your king’s children.” His voice is a snarl, like he’s trying to convince himself as much as you. “The gods themselves crafted you for me, sent me a wife to fuck and breed.” Fabric rips as the Prince’s claws dig open the duvet below, goose feathers sticking through the tears. His other hand, still on your hips, grips hard enough to leave bruises, just as the Prince likes.
That hand moves up from your hip and grabs your neck, yanking it back at an awkward angle. A moan strangles in your throat, morphing into a long whine when Prince Dendra begins sucking at your pulse. His serpentine tongue can wrap almost entirely around your neck, strong enough to leave collar like marks on the skin.
He’ll leave several hickeys, just like previous nights, but will always insist you cover them up. They’re for his eyes only, the mark of your husband, the mark of your highness.
“My k-king.” You whimper, feeling his cock jump inside you. “I’m getting c-close.” Prince Dendra pulls away from your neck, just enough to whisper-
“I know. I can feel your cunt tightening up, girl.” That tongue licks across your neck, eventually moving up to your shoulders and down your back. Prince Dendra rests his forehead between your shoulder blades, letting go of your sore nexk and setting his hand down onto the bed. “Arch your back.”
You follow the Prince's order, laying your chest flat on the bed and pressing your hips against him. The Prince pants above you. “That’s a good bitch.” The Prince purrs. “Chase your orgasm, milk my cock.” He derides, as if he is not as horny as you are. His cock throbs inside you, gushing pre cum as his tail flexes. He’s close too, but he always lets you cum first.
You’re too inebriated to argue, feeling your abdomen tighten as you get closer and closer. Your voice devolved into quick, high-pitched squeals.
“Yes, yes.” The Prince whispers. “C’mon, beg for it.”
“P-please!” Your throat aches, your body inching ever nearer to climax. “Give me your cum, my king! Breed me, my king!”
Prince Dendra rewards you with several hard thrusts, right up against your cervix. It’s enough to send you over the edge, pussy fluttering as it does in fact, milk your highness’ cock. Soon after, warm spurts of cum fill your pussy, enough to spill out from the side of the Prince’s erection and onto the silk bed sheets.
The Prince collapses on top of you, making sure to keep his cock sheathed and plugging your pussy. He sees it as sacrilege to waste his royal semen, and always makes sure to keep you full for at least 20 minutes after climax.
He does allow you to get in a more comfortable position, falling to the side and spooning your back, lovingly rubbing your hips and belly.
“I think we may have done it this time, my love.” Prince Dendra whispers in your ear. “I can’t wait to see you, round with my child. I don’t know-” The Prince chuckles, “-I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself from breeding you, even when you're pregnant.”
You just nod, aching body slowly fading into unconsciousness. Hopefully the Prince is right. As pleasurable as it is, you’re not sure you could take 4 more days of this.
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ashhh-14 · 5 months
Husband!Aventurine x Reader
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Synopsis : You're adamant on doing your husband's hair for him no matter the consequences
Warning : suggestive, nothing explicit tho
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"If you keep this up I'll get late for work treasure. I'm sure the IPC won't be too thrilled with that." Said your husband, trying to reason with you as you straddled his lap on your lavish couch in front of the vanity. You told him you didn't need it but he insisted on buying it nonetheless.
You shushed him, paying him no heed as you continued combing through his silken blonde hair, his hands tightening their grip around your hips as your nails accidentally brushed at the nape of his neck.
"Sorry" you mumbled, pressing a chaste kiss beneath his ear as he closed his eyes at that, opting to wrap both his arms around your waist and pull you flush against him as you continued with your work.
He propped his head on your chest when you told him to lift it up, putting the green jewel on his ear indicating you were done.
Lifting his hand up, he yanked you down with the back of your head, crashing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss.
You had to force yourself to not tangle your hands in his hair and mess up your handwork and instead opted for digging your nails into the cushion, the other one placed on his chest.
You heaved a sigh as he pulled away, leaving you breathless as he kissed the corner of your mouth.
"Thank you Treasure"
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Aventurine masterlist
Written by yours truly
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welcomingdisaster · 1 month
Brush his hair. Run it through with the comb again and again, until it gives up all fight and lays limp and shiny in your hands. Braid it tight against his scalp and bind it with copper and with emerald and watch how it shimmers in the light. 
Maedhros sits for the portrait. He’ll want to see it when he’s better, even if he doesn’t care now. He’ll think the hair looks nice. 
Polish the prosthetic. Get the grime out from between the fingers. Put the glove over it. Wrap his other hand in the mitten, so he doesn’t pick at his skin. Later he’ll be happy he looked whole. He wants to look whole. Had wanted to look whole once. 
Apologize to everyone. To the men, to the servants, to the land, to the children. It wasn’t his fault. It was yours. You should have done better, tried harder, watched closer. They can leave the room now. You’ll clean up the blood. No one else has to see this. 
Paint over the bruises, yours and his. When he wakes up, he’ll remember he doesn’t like to hit you. Don’t tell him, if he doesn’t notice. The deeds of the night will only upset him. 
All this you do with pleasure. But here is the hardest thing of all; do not step away from him now. See not the light, take not the words of the messenger. Stand by him, when the jewels call. When he is better he’ll remember you alone were there. Raise again your sword, and bring it down. 
What is another life, for that? 
When he’s better Maedhros is going to tell you he sees how hard everything’s been, and that you’ve done a good job. When he’s better Maedhros will wrap his arms around you, and take the weight, and you won’t be alone anymore. He’ll say he loves you. He’ll say he’s sorry. 
Head above water, Káno.  
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if-loves · 6 months
win it all.
// Yandere Aventurine
sum: Aventurine thinks he knows what love is.
wc: 753
warnings: 2.1 main story quest spoilers, perhaps OOC aven
a/n: likes & reblogs appreciated! asks are more than welcome ❤️
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Aventurine knows his worth. Sixty Tanba, no more, no less.
He has sat in cages for days, months, years, on end, left to the throes of his mind, starvation and thirst his only partners.
He has stood in front of slave masters and the IPC, gambling opponents and planet heads fearlessly betting his life each and every time. After all, what good is a life worth only sixty Tanba?
Aventurine never hesitates. Bets wait for no one, and even a millisecond of hesitation could spell the end for a gambler like him. All or nothing, both feet in the door or none at all. He’s not one to make half-assed decisions.
When he sees you on a planet he can’t seem to remember the name of, he already knows he wants you whole.
Aventurine is more than happy to wager his life to wrestle back the planet for the IPC. He sees the cocky smile on your leader's lips, and he already knows he has won. Overconfidence is the best monster, he had come to realize many, many years ago.
It’s no surprise when he comes out victorious once more, a calm smile on his face as he watches your leader drown in their anger and disbelief. As a personal reward, he takes you for himself; the IPC and Diamond could care less about a single person. To them, you’re worthless. To him?
He dresses you up in the finest gold the universe has to offer, wraps the fluffiest coats around your body. He clips on the prettiest aventurines he can find, decorating you head to toe in gifts. He watches as hair stylists comb and style your hair, watching in satisfaction as you look up to him, manufactured adoration in your eyes.
To him, you are his love, his darling, his dearest. From what little of love he can remember, he swears he feels it again when he looks at you.
Aventurine holds you close, like he’s afraid someone Katicans would steal kill you; like he’s afraid you’ll disappear just like everyone else has from the slightest blow of the wind. You wouldn’t, would you? No, of course not. Aventurine would never allow it.
Sometimes, he wonders if he’s becoming like those who tormented (torments?) him. He wonders if he is no better than the slave master who bought him for only sixty Tanba, but when he sees you sleeping peacefully in his arms, the finest silk pajamas hugging your body, he knows he is better. No master would pamper their slave with priceless jewels and clothings like he has.
You are his lovely sparrow, his most precious prize, and he has merely… given your wings accessories. Yes, that’s right. He’s not caging you, he’s not hiding you away, he’s protecting you. Who knows what would’ve happened to you after the IPC took over? Subjected to grunt work with no hope of ranking up? Aventurine can’t stand to entertain the thought. What matters is that you’re in his arms, safe and loved.
Penacony is perhaps the first time in a long time that he’ll leave you behind. He’s reluctant, but he also knows that bringing you would only spell disaster for all parties involved, and he doesn’t like the idea of seeing even a single hair of yours out of place - keeping you out of this was out of the question.
He tells you this with a heavy heart, a somber expression, he lays himself bare but all you do is stare into him with the same artificially soft smile, just wide enough to satisfy the crowd (and satisfy him). There’s a silence, and no one says anything, not until -
“I wish you safe travels, and another successful gamble.” Your eyes do not change from the start to the end, even though your smile turns sad, even though you lean into him and take his hands in yours, even though you act like you care.
A bout of silence passes, and another, and another, and another -
“Would you bleed for me?” The words leave his lips before he can truly think them through, but he finds that there’s an aching curiosity in his heart for your answer. He thinks he already knows.
“Of course.” There’s no hesitation, no doubt in your voice. He hears your confidence, assuredness, feels your hands on his cheeks, yet he dares not look into your eyes. There’s an uncomfortable feeling in his chest.
A beat of silence passes. The clock ticks.
“I love you.”
Nothing speaks anymore.
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inlovewithregencyera · 6 months
My Fair Lady: Late Baroque Era Set
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(no fancy thumbnail this time, sorry) ♫ < baroque music
Please READ ALL OF THIS before downloading. I will not answer an ask if it was answered here. Read.
This is a late 17th-century/early 18th-century Baroque Set. You will get 25 items for women, girls, and toddlers! Towards the bottom, I will give you tips to start a Baroque Era Save (people to find on gallery and men/boy attire).
I would like to thank @the-melancholy-maiden @linzlu @sychik @batsfromwesteros @vintagesimstress @cringeborg @acanthus-sims @stereo-91 and sims 2 creator maya40 for the stuff I've used to make all of this. I'm sure there are more creators but I cannot recall their names off the top of my head. DM me if you see a piece of your mesh here so I can give proper credit. I would also like to thank @belleophile for testing these items for me.
The stuff in this set can work for the late 1660s-early 1710s.
WHAT YOU GET: You will get 3 hat hairs, 1 for each age I listed above, 2 Fontanges for adults that work with the hat slider mod, 4 adult hairs, an adult baroque hair comb piece, 1 adult baroque sash accessory used for court and portraits, 1 ribbon hair piece to go with a hair, and 13 dresses (2 1670s/1660s mantuas, 1 1680s-1710s Habit used for Hunting or Riding, 1 1690s-1710s court dress used for court occasions, 1 1690s-1710s jeweled portrait dress and 1 1660s-1670s portrait dress with sash, and finally 7 1690s-1710s mantuas used for everyday, formal, and seasonal wear. I've included 1 dress for a child and 1 dress for a toddler as well).
SMALL NOTICE ABOUT THE PIECES: The hairline on the hairs will not behave correctly if you have head shape presets on the sim. I've tried fixing that but no luck. If I manage to fix it, I will update it. The Hat Hairs are found in the HAT category and are not compatible with hairs you MUST download the hair files that I'll be including with them. This being said, if you remove sim clothing while they have the hat hair on, it removes the hair override too. It's strange, but just put the hat back on and it should fix. The comb, and ribbon accessory are also found in the hat category. The Sash is found in the GLASSES category. The 1660s-1670s Mantuas are not compatible with shoes, leggings, or socks. I've removed these options in CAS tools so you shouldn't have to worry about clipping. The Barbara 1670s Dress has a sash meshed onto it, and because of this does not behave well with bigger bodies. The same applies to the Henrietta 1670s Dress, as the pearls don't behave with bigger bodies. Same with the Sarah 1670s Dress jewels. The 1690s-1710s Mantuas will have small gaps if the sim is plus-sized. I have tried to fix these issues, but no luck. The hat hair fontange looks a bit gray without reshade or a lighting mod. @northernsiberiawinds has some good lighting mods. Other than that, it's fine. Below, is how it will look white with a lighting mod.
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Everything has AT LEAST 20 swatches. Some things have more. There are only a few things that don't have this many swatches.
Here are some pics up close of what you are getting.
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Here are some pics/fashion plates from this era.
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Did I forget the 1680s mantua..? Oh no! Luckily, I've included this surprise 1680s dress you'll be getting as well for reading all of that. So 26 items! (here you can see hat hair fontange without lighting mods installed)
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BAROQUE SAVE TIPS: These dresses will work for winter, summer, and traveling wear. Just add a fichu for summer wear or a shawl. For winter wear just add some long gloves and a cape. For men's stuff from this era, @stereo-91 has recolored some acanthus outfits which can be found here. I'll show you how they look below. I also recommend going to his gallery (ROTAMETERS91) as he has AMAZING builds for this era. For a little boy, @acanthus-sims has some stuff that can work.
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cherubshert · 2 days
"Why're you tapping at my window at this time." you murmur, wiping the remnants of sleep from your eyes, Ni-ki huffs as he finally lands his right leg on your carpet, his hair and clothes drenched from the rain.
"Mom kicked me out for the night, and I really doubt your dad would like to wake up to me knocking on his door at 1 in the morning." he chuckles, taking off his leather jacket, placing it messily on your study table. You frown at the sight, going to close the window, to stop more rain from coming in, waving at his friends parked in front of your house.
"What'd you do this time." "she didn't like my grades, and some other stuff, you know, the usual." he lays on your bed, earning a grumble from you, a hearty chuckle erupting from his stomach in response. You grab your hair dryer, before kicking at him to sit up. His hands grabbing your waist to pull you closer to him, your fingers lazily comb through his wet hair, plugging the electronic in. It grumbles softly at it comes to life, held awkwardly as you dried what you could of his hair cause he wouldn't pull away.
The sound from your dryer fills the air, your body drifting in and out of sleep. Finally managing to pull him away, focusing the electronic on his bangs. "I wish your dad wasn't such a dick. I'd get married to you right now." "Even if my dad wasn't a dick , we wouldn't get married cause we're still too young." you say as you put the dryer down on you bedside table.
"Would you marry me?" he questions, your eyes scan his face, fingers dragging through his now damp (ish) hair, a small smile gracing your face. "Yes, in a heartbeat." his cheeks swell with color, a soft red, his smile growing. "I'll get you the biggest diamond, a gold and silver ring, the most expensive." "You're the biggest diamond I'll ever need, the most expensive jewel I'll ever want." he paused before pulling away from your touch, a shy fit of laughter causing him to shake, leaned back, his body held up by his left hand, to look at you.
"T-that was really good." "learned from the best."
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allfearstofallto · 8 months
The Sweetest Spoil of War
Yandere! Demon King Kirishima x Fem! Reader
Word count: 5k
Synopsis: a war ended with an unwilling marriage. The fighting ceases, but at the cost of your hand.
TW: Forced marriage, NSFW implications, size difference, mentions for Dub/Non Con, virgin! Reader, yandere/obsessive themes
AN: another one that has been sitting in the drafts for years!! But I finally finished this first part. Hopefully I'll have the second, more smutty part written up soon!!
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A brush of blush across the cheeks. A swatch of color on the lower lip. Many swipes of a comb through your hair. The tightening of your bodice fixed your posture, and you were adorned with heavy jewels and rings. All the while, a celebration was happening outside.
It wasn’t a celebration you could see, you weren’t allowed to move a muscle, couldn’t even turn your head to look out the window, in fear that you may disrupt the many people who were spending their time making you beautiful. But it was one you could hear. As the maids picked and prodded at every part of your body, cleaning you here, applying makeup there, covering this, uncovering that, you listened to the happiness of the people. Your people. Well, technically not your people any more.
They popped fireworks and sang songs. Their cheers grew louder and louder as the minutes went by, as you got more and more dolled up. Street vendors loudly advertised their wares and you could hear children playing in the streets again. It was probably the first time they’d left their house in months, it was probably the first time it was safe enough to do so, they had every right to celebrate. But at what cost?
If they knew the price that was paid for their safety, the price they paid for freedom from the war, the war that they were losing, would they still cheer? Would they still dance and sing? Would the celebration still continue?
The price was you, of course. The second daughter of the King of the land and the gem of the nation, or so you were called. Good deeds came like second nature to you, they were as easy for you as breathing. The way you donated and volunteered was like nothing the royal family had seen. Your kindness was a tall tale spread around like wildfire and marriage proposals were in abundance for you. You were like a tourist attraction. Rather than coming to visit your country for sights, people would visit to meet you, as if you were some sort of celebrity.
Your nation was small, but what it lacked in land, it made up for in stocks and trade. It was a modest business that made more than enough money. But greed is a drug, one that your father was heavily addicted to. Expanding was a bad option, you always told him so, but your words fell on deaf ears, and as the farmers marched further and further upon land that wasn’t theirs, the true owners of it fought back.
For a year, your father insisted that the war with the rival nation could be won. You always wondered why he thought that. The land that he’d intruded on belonged to none other than the demon king himself, a man feared but rarely ever seen. His endeavors were like horror stories spread across the nation, and your tiny little country didn’t even have an official army. Rather, there were a few patriotic men who were sent off to fight first. There wasn’t much of them left to bury when they returned. Then who left was decided by draft. The first men were a warning for what was to come and everyone knew that. Moral dwindled when people began running away from their own country, rather than fighting for it.
Negotiations started when the supply chain got cut off by the demon king’s army and with a nation as small as yours, no other kingdoms were offering help. The talks were started through letters at first. Your father sat at his desk, lips in a tight grimace as he read the sheet of paper over and over again before writing his response in return. Things went on this way for months, the writing back and forth as war raged on right outside your door. Until the day he showed up.
You didn’t think that the demon king himself would come, but you watched out from your front door as the carriage pulled into the town. It was large and ornate, covered in shiny stones and what appeared to be bone as well. It was a mixture of the high class of the aristocrats and the barbarian ways of life of the demons. The hoofs of the horses clopped down the road and the carriage swayed ever so slightly side to side. The windows were covered so you couldn’t see him, but you knew he was in there.
The driver of the carriage himself was also a demon. A burly blond one with piercing, blood red eyes and horns like a ram. When he snarled at one of your citizens, you could see his teeth. They were sharp like the heads of arrows, like they could bite through the flesh of a mere human at any time. It made your skin run cold as you realized that all demons shared the same few traits, long nails, horns, and sharp teeth. You could only imagine what those natural advantages were doing against the measly weapons the army was given.
You could already feel your palms sweating as the carriage stopped in front of your castle. The entire family had to come out to greet guests, as were the rules, but all you wanted to do was slink back into your room and pray that the war would end naturally. And you weren’t the only one silently wishing to leave. You spared a glance out of your peripheral to the rest of the family and saw that they too stood stiffly, or did everything they could to avoid eye contact with the large carriage that casted an almost laughably ginormous shadow over your family.
The blond boy pulled at the reins of the horses, stopping them in front of the castle, before stepping down from his seat in front of the carriage. Even for a demon, his face was easy to read. He didn’t want to be here, and he most definitely didn’t want to have to be cordial. You could see the hatred for your father in his eyes, the way he wanted to just lunge at him and end things in this very spot, but he didn’t.
“His Highness, King Kirishima Ejiro,” he said almost sarcastically. Then he opened the door to the carriage behind him.
Big didn’t even begin to describe the man. He was humongous. Not only was he tall, but he was also thick with muscles and hands that looked like they could crush your skull with ease. You looked at him and you saw a demon. His hair was long and spiky, and unlike the companion he’d brought along who had curled horns, he stood straight up, only adding to his monstrous height.
The suit he was wearing was still adorned with demon-like paraphilia, bones and bottles filled with what you could only assume were potions. His scarred hands were covered in rings and the sly smile he gave your family showed you enough of his teeth to prove to you that you’d rather die than go near his mouth.
You didn’t know where to look, you could barely even think as he stood before you. His eyes weren’t red like his subordinate, rather, his were a beady, inky black color that scanned across your family. They were taking in every single sorrowful and fearful face, until they landed on you.
You felt your heart stop beating completely when he looked at you. Your breathing became shaky and you felt yourself about to lose consciousness from his gaze alone. Why was he still looking at you? The rest of the family only got a glance, but you, it seemed like he had to forcefully peel his own eyes away from you.
“You have a lovely family,” he said. His voice was deep, yet booming, it felt like your ankles were shaking, just from hearing him speak. If not for the fact that he scared the life out of you, you would’ve scoffed at him. A beautiful family that he was going to ignore when negotiations started. But maybe that was for the better.
He was led inside, following behind your father who was shaking in his boots. He had to duck to get through the door and his footsteps on the tile floor sounded more thunder cracking inside the walls of your home. He looked around with a strange look on his face, one that seemed almost enthusiastic, but that couldn’t be right. He couldn’t be happy while he was in enemy territory, not while he could easily be killed.
And that was the plan at first. Lure him in and have the army raid the palace, he’d be powerless since he expressed through his letters that he’d only be bringing one guard. Your father thought he was stupid or naive, but casting eyes upon him showed you that one guard was enough. Anything else would’ve been overkill.
They were in talks for what felt like a few mere moments and he was coming back down the stairs with a smile on his face. You’d long since hidden in your room to keep from having to entertain the blond demon that was sitting in your living room, but curiosity made you peek your head out when you head the door to the office open. Your father was aggressively shaking the demon king's hand, but you could see the horror in his face. There was sweat pooling on his forehead and he looked like he would throw up at any moment. You later found out why he looked that way.
At the dinner table that very night he announced that the war would be ending and the supply lines would open back up. There was a unanimous cheer from the family as you and your siblings argued over who would get to tell the people of the nation that they were free to roam the streets again. You were so ignorant. The way your father looked at you should’ve told you enough. It should’ve told you that the war wasn’t going to end with a trade or an apology, it was going to end with a wedding.
The fireworks continued to boom and crackle as they filled the night sky, while a little more blush was applied to your cheek. No one else in your family knew, they thought you were getting married to some commoner who you’d fallen in love with. Only you and your father knew the truth, and resent didn’t even begin to describe what you felt for him.
Your dress was too heavy, your hair was uncomfortable, you had to stand a certain way, or makeup would get on your collar and the entire look would be ruined. You looked beautiful, that’s what they said to you, but could they not see the hurt on your face? Or the fear? If they saw, they didn’t care, and you were guided down the stairs.
Past the home that you grew up in, the walls lined with family portraits, and your family themselves waiting for you at the bottom of the steps. Your mother was crying, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. When she found out the truth, she’d be crying for real. They were going to find out eventually, you knew they would, you just wished you could see the aftermath of it.
A carriage was waiting for you, one of your family’s own. Normally in an aristocratic wedding, the carriage from the family of the groom would be sent to pick up the bride, but the story your father spewed gave an explanation. The man you loved was too poor to even afford his own carriage, but love doesn’t know money. You scoffed, but held your tongue. If it were for the sake of your family and your country, you’d go along with it.
You would ride your family’s carriage into the forest, about halfways to the demon king’s palace, then you would switch into one of his. That way, your family wouldn’t catch on, that way, they didn’t have to watch in horror as you were given away to a demon, even though your father knew that they wouldn’t allow something like this, but he did it anyway.
It was an unpleasant ride. People rarely ever traversed through the forest so the carriage shook and jolted. You were getting farther and farther away from the noises of celebration, farther and farther away from your people. If only for one night, you would like to celebrate too, the war was a horror that you were living in as well after all.
You pressed your lips together to keep from crying. You’d already cried enough and you truly didn’t know him or how he’d respond to your tears. You spent hours sitting in that chair getting ready for him, what if he were the type to get angry if just one thing was off? If your make up was smudged or your eyes puffy, would he kill you where he stood? You held it in and pretended to be strong.
The carriage stopped and your door was opened, the second he did. The driver gave you a knowing look as he offered you his hand to help you step down. His fingers were cold, that’s all you could think about as you looked over to see the new carriage that you’d be riding in. The same one that had pulled the demon king into your family’s palace. Your heart sank as you realized that he might be in there. You weren’t ready to meet him up close, not yet.
The blond demon was here again, standing at the side of the carriage. Horses from the demon kingdom always felt much larger. Like they were eight foot tall monsters and not animals. You couldn’t believe you were focusing on the horses, you were trying to look at anything, anything, that would keep you from having to get into that carriage. But he was already opening the door and the carriage from your nation had already turned and pulled away, not even waiting for the transaction to be completed.
That felt like the final straw. Being left behind by one of your own and stuck with a demon. A demon who was obviously sick of waiting for you and who looked like he was just going to force you inside himself.
“The king doesn’t like waiting,” he said, gesturing towards the door. With a meek nod, you walked towards it. Dead leaves crunched beneath your feet and the sound of an owl made the entire ordeal more ominous.
You looked to the demon, then back to the carriage door. He didn’t expect you to go in by yourself, did he? Even in your home nation, the gentleman would offer the lady a hand and help boost her up the step, a boost that was much needed, since demons were naturally taller and the step was too high for you to even reach on your own.
“What is it now?” he grumbled, eyes having already practically rolled into the back of his head.
The step seemed as if it came up to your waist in height, yet he asked you what you needed. “I obviously can’t get up there by myself,” you spat, holding your hand out for his help. You’d never felt the skin of a demon before and honestly, you didn’t want to now, but there was no other choice. The deal had already been made.
He didn’t even pass a glance at your hand, stepping closer to you, he placed his large palms around your waist and hoisted you up with little effort. You tried not to squirm in his hold, afraid that he might drop you. Even for a moment, you were so high up, before you were placed into the carriage, with the door being slammed shut in your face.
The carriage began to move before you were even fully seated and you were thrown back. If this was the way the demon kingdom treated their royalty, you could only imagine what was going to happen to you. But you tried not to dwell on it. Your chest was already tight with fear and sweat was beginning to bead on your forehead.
This was it, you thought to yourself, even as you gazed out the window, all you could think was that this would be the end of you. All alone, all by yourself. You wondered what your siblings were doing, what your mother was doing, if anyone was even thinking about you at all, of if the celebration was just too much for them to care.
The carriage swayed and thumped against the ground for what felt like hours. The pretty dress you were in had grown a bit damp from your sweat and you tried to fan yourself. You were nervous. Hot and nervous and all you could do was listen to the hooves of the horses as they hit the ground and wait for your eventual marriage.
Then everything stopped. Of course the carriage driver demon was rough with this as well and you were thrown off of the seat and onto the plush floor of the vehicle. You barely had a moment to catch your breath and regain your bearings before the door swung open quickly, making the whole carriage shake from the force.
Still on the floor, still a bit sweaty, with fearful eyes, you came face to face with the demon king. His teeth were once again what you noticed, those big, sharp teeth that were held in a mouth that was grinning at you cheerfully. He looked overjoyed to see you, even in your crumpled up, terrified state.
“By the gods,” he whispered quietly while still looking at you all over. It seemed like his eyes couldn't focus on one place. Your face, your hair, the swell of your breast, the small of your waist, from your heel clad feet, to your hair that was put into an ornate updo, he couldn't get enough, “You're even more beautiful the second time around.”
You were shivering. God you were shivering like you were freezing. Your stomach was in your ass and your heart felt like it was going to leap from your chest. All that time, all the time you spent being picked and prodded at in that chair, being made to look good for him, all that time and it just now hit you what was happening to you. It started before you could even think to stop yourself and while he looked you over like you were a gift from heaven itself, you began to cry.
Tears ran down your pretty cheeks, smearing your makeup in their wake and you started to hic and sob. You had no control over it and the way his smile fell when you began to weep, made you cry even harder. You were going to die by this demon's hands. You were going to die because your father, the coward that he was, sold you off.
Kirishima turned to look at his subordinate, his face a mix of emotions. So quickly, you could barely see it, he grabbed the blond male by the collar of his shirt and lifted him, “I thought I told you to make sure she was taken care off,” he growled those words between those closed sharp teeth.
“I did,” the blond male muttered back. His tone, his attitude, even the way he was looking at the demon king was disrespectful. He didn't seem the least bit afraid or even bothered by the fact that he was being scolded. If anything, he looked annoyed.
“Then why is she crying, Kastuki?” He spoke the words slowly before dropping the man back down onto the ground. He landed with a thud, but didn't protest, “I've told you about your driving. Humans are fragile! They can't handle something like that!”
He merely scoffed and rose from the ground, “Then do it yourself next time.”
Kirishima opened his mouth to speak, but stopped before he said anything. Instead, he focused on your trembling form, still sitting on the carriage floor, “Are you alright, darling?”
He tried his hardest to be gentle with his voice, to be quieter so not to scare you. He reached a hand out to you, but you flinched away from it. You didn't know what to say or even what to do. A part of you felt like the second you left this carriage, it would all be real, you'd really be engaged to this demon, you'd really be with him for the rest of your life.
He tilted his head at you, trying to give you a reassuring smile to the best of his ability, “I'm sorry if Katsuki scared you, but I promise nothing will hurt you.” He reached into the carriage and grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you closer to the door with ease, it was like you weighed nothing to him, “but we should really get you inside the castle and into something more comfortable.”
Your body was tense and you tried to think of what to do. A way out of this. How would you be able to run away from a demon, in the whole nation of demons? Would you even be able to go home? Would you getting away make a war start?
You couldn't even think about it to yourself, couldn't even respond before you were picked up by him and held against his firm chest. He was so much bigger than you, so much taller, being in his arms made it feel like you were fifty feet above the ground and all you could do was shiver.
He carried you into the castle. It looked nothing like your own home. It was more worn down, but somehow it was bigger. The tallest tower looked like it was piercing the clouds and the windows were the size of the doors you had back home. You sniffled and sobbed the whole time you were carried up the stairs, and when he finally reached out to open the front door, you finally managed to say something.
“P-please,” you managed to stutter out between your pathetic little hics.
“Oh, so she can speak,” he replied back a little too happily, “and here I was thinking you were mute. That wouldn't have bothered me though, you're still gorgeous.”
More tears ran down your face as you tried to regulate breathing, to get more words out, to hopefully beg for return home before the marriage was consummated, “My father…he…he made a mistake. I didn't want this,”
He kept walking into the castle as you spoke, the sound of his feet hitting the floor echoed off the walls. You were brought to a day room where he sat you down on a rather large couch, so big your feet just barely managed to touch the ground. He kneeled in front of you while you sat and cupped your cheek in one of his large hands, the more he touched you, the harder you seemed to cry, soaking his thick fingers with tears. He knew you were scared of him, but he just couldn't stay away.
“I know you didn't want this,” he cooed, his breath hitting your face, “I wanted this.”
Before you could speak, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was wet and suffocating and all you could do was sit there limply as he engulfed your mouth with his, tasting every inch of your mouth with his tongue.
He tasted of meat and alcohol, typical dishes for demons who were celebrating and his grip on you was firm. His hand had slithered down from your cheek to your shoulder, then to your waist. You couldn't pull away if you wanted to. Your strength and size was nothing compared to him, just one of his hands was almost enough to completely hold your back. You'd hurt yourself more if you fought back.
When he pulled back, you were panting, breathless. Your first kiss and it was so brutish and even worse than that, it was taken by a demon. Your eyes were still wet with tears and lips moist with saliva, but he was looking at you so longingly. The way you makeup was running from the sweat and tears, your hair disheveled from the kiss, the way your chest was rising and falling, he thought you were more enticing now than ever before.
“Such beauty doesn't exist amongst the demons,” he whispered against your lips, threatening to kiss you again, “I could've slaughtered everyone in that tiny, little kingdom, you know, and I was planning on it. Until I saw you.”
He traced up your back to where the buttons for your dress began. You could feel him fiddling with them, trying to get them to pull apart, but his fingers were too big and his nails too sharp. As more time went by with him unable to access your body, he grew frustrated until he just ripped the dress apart in the back. The fabric gave way easily to him. It was probably no harder than ripping paper.
“Your father didn't hesitate when I asked for you,” his hand was warm, almost hot, against your bare back as he kept ripping the fabric away, “a part of me was angry about that. His own daughter, his blood. He gave you away so easily. But I was also ecstatic. Even if you don't want me, I want you. I know how you feel about me, how I as a demon scare you…” the dress was pulled forward, over your shoulders, but he stopped there, “The war may be over on paper, but if you ask for it, I can kill him.”
You gasped, “Why would I want that? Why would anyone want that?” You were shouting and you didn't know why. Maybe it was because of how scared you were. Or how easily he mentioned killing someone. Or how a part of you actually wanted it. A small voice in your head wasn't upset about the idea of him killing your father for putting you in this predicament, and that scared you.
“He gave you away,” he stated plainly, “You have every right to be angry. Angry at him for giving you away,” he pulled the dress down so that it was sitting around your waist. His tongue, that large, hot tongue licked down from your neck to your now exposed breast, making your breath hitch, “and angry at me for taking you.”
“You could still give me back,” You begged quickly, hoping that maybe if he was showing some empathy, some care for what you were feeling, he would let you go.
He shook his head and gave you a knowing look, “I wish I could, but I know how you humans work.” He didn't hesitate to reach his hand up beneath the ripped fabric and tulle that was once the skirt of your dress, “you wouldn't be wed again anyways, not after what I'm gonna do to you.”
Your sobs grew even louder at the words. Despite your abstinence, you knew the implications of those words, you knew what he meant. Despite your lack of experience, you knew why he was spreading your legs and easing his body between them, you knew why he was ripping away at your bloomers, exposing your wet core to the cool air.
“I told myself I'd wait till the night of our wedding, but I fear myself slipping with need for you,” this “need” made itself known when he began to grind his hips against you, the fabric of his pants spreading your lips and rubbing directly against your clit, “They sent you here looking like this, and I'm supposed to contain myself?” he bit his lips with those sharp teeth of his, gripping the fabric of the couch so hard that he was ripping holes in it.
“I won't take you without your permission,” he stated, but he was still grinding his clothed cock against you,like his mouth and his body were two completely different entities. He was speaking one thing, but actively doing the opposite.
You whimpered as you felt him, your eyes just leaking tears. You couldn't speak a word, your labored breathing wouldn't let you. Your chest was heaving as you tried to open your mouth, with only sobs and pleads coming out. Instead you just shook your head, praying that that would be enough of him to stop.
Despite your begging he still pressed his lips to yours once more in another passionate kiss. This time he felt even more roughr than the last. Was this a game for him? You thought to yourself. Did he get off on watching you beg and plead, just to take you anyways.
But he stopped nonetheless and pulled away. It seemed like he was straining to even do that, the way he was looking back at you like he could pounce on you again. He let out a shaking, sigh and clenched his fist together before stepping back and finally giving you space away from his large form and body heat.
“The wedding will be held in three days,” he said with a forced smile. He picked up a blanket from the other couch and tossed it over you, covering your modesty. You held onto that blanket as if it were your life line, hiding your nude body behind it as you shivered and looked at him, “I can guarantee I'll stop now, but I'm not so sure about then.”
And with that, he was gone. He closed the door to the day room, leaving you alone in this large demonic mansion with only the ticking of a clock as your company. You were too afraid to move, too afraid of what was to come next. You didn't know where he wanted you to go or even if he wanted you to move at all.
But you did know what he wanted from you, and the thought sent a shiver down your spine.
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gulnarsultan · 20 days
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This post was inspired by @floatyflowers blog.
🐉Yandere husband Jaehaerys i Targaryen and female cousin reader.🐉
~ You were born on Dragonstone in 32 AC, the first and only child of Prince Maegor Targaryen and Ceryse Hightower. You were the precious jewel of your parents. Your grandmother Visenya Targaryen adored you. The dragon egg left in your cradle hatched and a baby dragon with ruby ​​red and gold scales and dark blue eyes emerged from inside. You named your dragon Starlight.
~ Ever since you were a baby, your grandmother Visenya has taken you flying on her dragon. Vhagar seems to really love you. You have a special bond with your grandmother. She teaches you the history of Valyria and the High Valyrian language.
~ Your father Maegor always carries you on his shoulders, arms and back. He always calls you "baby dragon". You love watching him train. Whenever you are watching, your father Maegor shows off. You and your father have a wonderful father-daughter relationship.
~ You have a wonderful mother-daughter relationship with your mother Ceryse. It is important for the two of you to do activities such as combing your hair and braiding it in different ways, reading you stories, teaching you how to embroider, and walking in the garden together. She never forgets to sing songs to you while she strokes your hair.
~ Your parents and grandmother worry a lot when you are sick. Your health, safety, and happiness are their top priorities.
~ You get along well with your step-uncle Aenys, his wife Alyssa, and their children. You are especially close to Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Playtimes together are organized by your families.
~ You were loved by the common people and the Lords and Ladies of the great houses. You were loved and accepted by everyone because of your beauty, kindness, and intelligence.
~ Prince Jaehaerys has been in love with you since you were both children. He always makes gestures like giving you small gifts, holding your hand, and kissing your cheek.
~ Your father's second marriage was a heavy blow to you. Your grandmother's support especially upset you. To be honest, you distanced yourself from your grandmother for a while.
~ After a while, things got better between you. However, your father still held grudges against you. After a while, your older cousins ​​got married and it ended in disaster. Rebellions started and your uncle got sick and died soon after. Your father came and usurped the throne.
~ You stayed with your father when he was in a coma. You were angry and resentful towards him. But he was still your father. Shortly after your father woke up, your cousin Aegon killed him.
~ Several events happened in a few years. Your father's second wife and the house were destroyed. Your cousin Viserys was killed on your father's orders. You lost your grandmother Visneya and a year later your mother Ceryse. This was a great grief and loss for you. You helped your cousins ​​Jaehaerys and Alysaane escape and escape.
~ Your father married three more women. However, they were also unsuccessful in producing an heir. After this, he turned his full attention to you. He forbade you from leaving the palace or riding your dragon. You could not even leave your room without his permission. One evening he came to your room and apologized for everything. The next morning your father was found dead on his throne. You could not help shedding tears for him.
~ Jaehaerys returned and ascended the throne shortly afterwards. He asked you to stay in the palace and support him. You were not in love with Jaehaerys, to be honest. However, you loved him as a cousin and a friend. And you liked him. A few years later, the issue of Jaehaerys having an heir was discussed. Jaehaerys came to your room one evening and proposed to you.
~ You were surprised by the proposal, to be honest. However, Jaehaerys was a truly persuasive man. You were soon married with a magnificent wedding. You were not allowed to ride your dragon without him. There were servants who watched your every move without you knowing and reported it to the King. You were always surrounded by guards and ladies-in-waiting. Jaehaerys spent all the time he had left after his duties with you. He worshipped you. He silently got rid of his rivals.
~ He would never raise his hand or voice to you. His punishments were emotional. He was a master of manipulation and guilt. He made sure you spent most of your time with him. You had more than one child together. Jaehaerys was obsessed with seeing you with a round belly full of his child.
~ Your children inherited their father's obsession with you. They all wanted your attention, your love, your approval. They all had different shaipe attitudes.
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