#jewish burial
todaysjewishholiday · 2 months
25 Tammuz 5784 (30-31 July 2024)
The 25th of Tammuz is the yahrzeit of Aharon Berechiah ben Moshe ben Nechemiah of Modena. An Italian Kabbalist of the Lurianic tradition. He is best known for his liturgical writings, especially a guide to the work of the chevre kadisha or Jewish burial society regarding prayers for the sick and dying written at the request of the Jews of Mantua.
When he was 87 years old, Rabbi Aharon was a arrested by the Catholic Inquisition of Modena on charges of possessing books that had been banned by the Pope. He pointed out the absurdity of allowing Jewish settlement and then attempting to ban Jewish religious texts.
He died three years later, on the 25th of Tammuz 5399, at the age of 90.
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judaismandsuch · 9 months
On Jewish Burial
In Judaism we bury the body without any preservatives, as close to straight in the dirt as possible. No cremation, etc.
So I wanna talk about that, but first thought I'd poll tumblr to see why we do so:
Of course, please reblog to increase sample size
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archtroop · 7 months
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I don’t know where you live but it’s possible you might be able to find a natural burial cemetery! Either an ecologically minded one or a religious one. If I remember right you are Jewish? I think Jewish burial laws are similar to Islamic ones (again if I am remembering right) (please forgive me if not) and I know in my area (I live in the US) there are a couple of Islamic cemeteries that do traditional Islamic no embalming/no casket burials. So you might be able to find something! I wish you luck 💙 (PS I love your blog I’ve learned so much)
Oh yeah I"m already on the case for that. Think Adama even has started a tree-jewish cemetery thing
but, ya know, death is hard to talk about xD
glad you love the blog!
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gillespiejr · 7 months
currently remembering pouring soil from israel into my great-grandparents' graves at their funerals... anti zionism & anti israel-isms cannot be separated from antisemitism. the people who say it can have no conception of how intrinsic the idea of israel as homeland is to the jewish identity. an attack on israel is an attack on the jewish people.
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1. Instructions in Mourning Customs
2. Funeral Procession
3. Burial
Manuscript made ca. 1450 - 1500, currently in Princeton University Library.
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knight-of-skyloft · 1 year
WoK ch. 55:
“Parshman workers,” Sigzil explained. “They’re allowed to care for their own dead; it’s one of the few things they seem passionate about. They grow irate if anyone else handles the bodies. They wrap them in linen and carry them out into the wilderness and leave them on slabs of stone.”
Look if Brandon didn’t want me to hyperfixate on the singers he shouldn’t have given the parshmen Jewish burial customs.
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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Hello, I saw your ask about rocks on tombstones, and you mention that "according to Jewish law no one wants to excavate it, because it's not necessary knowledge", and I wanted to ask you about the Not Necessary Knowledge part. Does it refer only to tombs, or is it part of a bigger philosophy? And if so, could you tell me more about it or what to read up on?
Att. a goyim that could learn to let go unknown knowledge when it's not necessary.
Disturbing someone's grave is against Jewish law, unless it is absolutely necessary to prevent harm to others or if the body was buried temporarily/the cemetery is going to come to harm, and it needs to be relocated.
-A body is exhumed to re-examine their cause of death to lead to the conviction of a murderer, so that the murderer can no longer hurt others.
-A cemetery is found during construction of a new highway, and the bodies must be reburied so that they can be given the proper respect.
-A person was buried temporarily in the diaspora, but ultimately wishes to be buried in Israel, and so as soon as they can, their family exhumes the body and re-buries it in Israel.
-A person was buried in a grave in a non-Jewish cemetery, but it was discovered they were Jewish, and they are re-buried in a Jewish cemetery. )
There is no urgent need to find out who is buried in the historic Jewish cemetery, even if one is curious, and thus the land isn't going to be excavated to check because that would be needlessly disturbing someone's grave. The people buried there have already been laid to rest, and the cemetery is still consecrated as a Jewish cemetery and is given the proper respect, and is currently under no danger of demolition.
Respect of the dead is deeply important in Jewish law, and there are specific laws regarding the handling of a dead body, burial, and behaviour at a gravesite. Jewish gravesites are considered to be eternally consecrated, and indeed many people visit the gravesites of great leaders and family members to pray and ask the souls of the deceased to speak to G-d on their behalf. In Jewish law, it doesn't matter how long someone has been dead or who they are, they must be respected.
*Also it's "goy", not "goyim" if you're referring to yourself, and I'd rather gentiles not refer to themselves as that unless they have been specially permitted to do so by a close Jewish relative or friend (because "goy" is also a white supremacist dogwhistle)
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misericordae · 13 days
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i'm sorry, what. green burials, on hart island, the public burial potter's field for NYC? they're already buried unembalmed straight from the ME morgue in unfinished pine boxes. why do we have to make public burials 'greener' somehow? what more can you do?? shrouds? no boxes? no screws? are the indigent not entitled to the simple dignity of a pine box?
also "no green burial options in the five boroughs" tell that to jewish people, they'll be shocked! a "green" burial can take place in basically any cemetery using a jewish casket (which everyone's funeral supplier has.)
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jellogram · 1 year
Most common write-in responses to the corpse poll include:
Composting (come on, that counts as burial)
Ashes turned into some kind of weaponry or ornament (that's cremation!!)
Eaten by some kind of creature
Eaten by loved ones
Dumped in the ocean
"I don't care just don't embalm me"
Donated to science (that's fair, I forgot you could donate the whole thing and not just organs)
Tree as tombstone (counts as burial, but that's my desired fate so I'll allow it)
Launched into fucking space
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wederyed · 8 months
oh my god my mom is going to drive me fucking insane. her zionist ass is still trying to get into an argument with me about palestine even though she is fully aware im pro palestinian and hate israel. we are in the car and she points out a car and goes “oh my god look at that car with a straight up palestine flag” and i already know shes trying to start shit with me. i just respond “ok” and thats the end of that. not even gonna give her the satisfaction of getting into an argument with me, thats more than she deserves. we already had this discussion when you told me that i am a disgrace to her, my family, my ancestors who died in the holocaust, and everyone who died in the holocaust. you yelled at me for 30 minutes straight spewing bullshit. telling me i know nothing because she researched this for years and i am a stupid kid who cannot understand anything. where you told me until i am able to support myself and move out i have to listen to everything she says and believe what she believes. then has the audacity to tell me she never said any of that. this is the bullshit my friends, myself, and so many jewish children of zionists have to deal with. being called disgraces to our family. some being threatened with being kicked out. it wont fucking work. you can kick me out send me to gaza what fucking ever ill do anything in order to support all of the palestinian people. you may scare me but you cannot scare the palestinian support out of me when i have seen images and videos of the horrors they have gone through in the last 100+ days when you refuse to read a single article or look at any footage because its “””too triggering””” for you. how do you fucking think the palestinians feel LIVING THROUGH this. you selfish excuse of a “human”. you lost all respect i had for you years ago and now you will never get it back. enjoy my tolerance of you while it lasts. the second i move out i doubt youll see me or hear from me again.
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I haven't gone through hassle of being excommunicated from the catholic church yet and honestly considering not asking them to after all. It used to be really important to me but now I'm not even thinking about it that much? Plus I think it would simply be funny.
As a convert people will likely ask if I'm really Jewish. (I heard this happens mostly to poc but can also happen if you don't "look" stereotypically Jewish, which I don't) also idk any Jews irl yet and there is a strange amount of anti-convert sentiment.
But I have enough extended family that I may be asked if I'm Catholic.
If I choose to not be excommunicated.
I can answer "eh, depends on who you ask" to both questions 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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horrible-oracle · 2 years
so satisfying to be done with sending emails! now i just have to wait lol
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spokanefavs · 3 months
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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