#jhon bravo runs
hsn1 · 5 months
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Finals on the door steps , i just finalize my finals study plan to be started tomorrow , but , today i have to finish my Biostatistics paper assignment even if have no clue what is inside it ,,, epic study day is waiting
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walker33961 · 1 year
4 NOV 2022 0300
- Price and Ghost got stunned by what the doctor said before entering the OT again.. Lavender was shivering by the words.. Her past trauma and all the bad memories flowing in her.. She went all silent.. She tried to stand up but fell on her knees.. Ghost & Jade held her....
Ghost :
I - I know him, he's strong....
He'll be alright...
Jade :
We worked together in all shoot training..
He was the best in moments when need recovery..
I'm sure God will make him steady again..
- No words we're coming out of Lavender.. Ghost & Jade understood that past trauma runnin' in her..
Price got close to her...
" If you're the reason why the base can take bullets & come back with a smile I'm sure Son will be back - for you "
- Lavender only moved to hold Price's hand.. Her hands we're shivering & cold..
Ghost saw Viena and Alejandro rushing towards them, Pearl & Rodolfo was on their way.. Pearl used to work here so they came fast...
Ghost :
Alejandro :
How's the situation going Simon ? *Spanish*
- Ghost explained everything, Alejandro was boiling in anger seeing what happened by Shepherd's one mistake..
Viena, Rodolfo, Pearl were angry as well.. Then they came to Lavender and saw her trembling figure sitting on the grown, eyes swollen, hair loosen, uniform smudged in blood, blaming herself for not seeing the shooter...
Pearl :
It's not your fault Hermana..
No one expected...
Lavender :
I - I tried.., b-but he...
Pearl :
*brought her to a hug, few tears slipping through her eyes, Viena as well*
I'm going to check over him..
Viena, guys.. Stay here *Spanish*
- Pearl knocked the door, a nurse shout no entry, then she said who she is and the doctor immediately let her in wearing equipments*
After 10 hours of non stop operation, the bullets were taken out but he was paralyzed for 2 months, his hand ....where he got 2 bullets at one time
Pearl & Doc came out of the room, Everyone came near them...
Doc :
Is the patient's Dad or Brother present?
*Ghost & Price came forward*
Doc :
He's arn was heavily injured, we were successful to take out the pieces but sadly he won't be able to move his arm for 2 months..
& we don't know when his sense come back.. He's in coma right now..
*looks at Y/n*
Please take care of her.. The guy won't like if she turns sick..
Price :
Did he say some...
Doc :
" Please don't tell her if I die soon, she's my Heartbeat"
.. But luckily God's blessings he's alive.. Just wait for him to wake up..
Take care...
- The doc went off to his other room...Ghost & Price just stood there.. Lavender came running to them..
Lavender :
What did he say??!
Tell me brother...!!
*Ghost said everything*
*Lavender stopped crying,started running towards the heli*
Lavender :
Bravo 3-7 , prep a bird, we're heading to the base and coming back here ASAP.
Price :
Were are you going..
- Lavender didn't listen, Price told Gaz to go with her..when they landed on the base she told Gaz to wait outside Soap's room as she entered..
Lavender took one of his Shirts and wore it in...after getting off the bloddy clothes.. She washed her face, looked at the mirror to see if she still looked broken.. Tried her best to cover the dark circles...
Then she opened the door, Gaz was wide staring at her, realising why she's doing it .. Then He also took Some of the members outfits for a change and also changed himself to something bloodless.. He knew Soap won't like to see any of them smuged in blood and worried that way..
They flew back to Hospital.. Gave them all their outfits and they came back after change..
Gaz :
Was he shifted to a normal room?
Viena :
Gaz :
- Viena took Gaz and her outside the room.. Everyone was standing.. Got themselves clean from the blood - dirt dresses..
Ghost was looking at Lavender's figure realising that it's not her shirt, so loose and big.. He remembered how Jade wears it like this when he was in a sick state for days...
Laswell :
You can go inside..
- Laswell took her near Soap, He was surrounded by set of machines and wires were attached to his chest through his hospital dress.. Lavender sat near him.. Laswell left her inside.. And waited outside and everyone was looking over them from outside by the clear class viewer...
Rodolfo :
She doesn't deserve this...
Alejandro :
Yes *Spanish*
It all happened because of that simple missile..
Everything turned good but why did it had to end with her tears....
Hermano didn't deserve the pain, Hermana didn't deserve to be in this state..
No one.. I swear no one deserves the troubles...
Viena :
*Alejandro looked at Viena, She got everyone's attention.. *
She thought us a lesson you know?
Alejandro :
Viena :
" Soldiers and fighters do have a heart, Not just for Motherland "
- Everyone stared at her, a tear slipped from her eyes..
Alejandro hugged her...Everyone got her word in their brains to remember it forever .. And also remember the things happening right in front of their eyes..
*inside the room*
- Lavender was staring at his face.. Her tears were streaming from her eyes, rubbing her thumb in his hand lightly..
Took his hand to her lips and kissed his ankles...
Lavender :
Im such a fool not noticing the threats..
It's my fault.. I can't forgive my self...
Please.. Please don't leave me in the dark Jhonny..
I can't live without you... You're my Heartbeat...
- Suddenly.. Soap's Finger turned to a grip in her hands.. Was weak but strong in emotions..Lavender sparked by the movement... She called the doctor immediately...
Lavender :
Doc! Doc!
He's awake....
- The doc came over to check up, it was a miracle that he woke up fast..after checkup doc allowed everyone to go in... Ghost grabbed his hand lightly..
The other gentlemens were standing behind one another... Able to see Soap...
The ladies stood on Lavender's side...
Ghost :
You're awake Brother!
Price :
I knew I can trust you....
- Soap opened his eyes, everyone was worried if he remembered anyone due to coma, as doc mentioned but they found relief when Soap called Lavender by her name...
Soap :
Is.. That... You...
Lavender :
It's me! It's me Love!
You're alright now!
God's blessings...
*Soap was able to identify the ladies...looked at the men's side*
Soap :
Alejandro :
Yes! You're the strong man *Spanish*
Rodolfo :
Holy mother of God ..you're alright now ! *Spanish*
- Everyone got relief washed over them...they left the room and talk outside after chatting short with Soap... Leaving Lavender only...
Soap noticed her in his shirt...
Soap :
You look so beautiful and happy Y/n
Y/n :
No more call sign in field.. Your off for 3 months...
Soap :
No way. How did -...
- Soap tried moving his arm but didn't feel.. Lavender told what happened to him and he turned a lot upset.. That he will be staying in the room and she's gonna be fighting alone..
Y/n :
I also got off until you're well Love..
Dad managed to set up things right after the incident.. Brother will take the lead with Gaz and Laswell.. Los Vaqueros will support..
( Chuckle)
- Jhonny pulled her close by his working arm...bringing her to a sweet kiss.. Promising that he'll never leave her.. She promised the same....
3 days later.. He got discharged and went back to base. Los Vaqueros created another base near the 141.. Reconstructed the main perfectly..
Price already shifted their rooms together for 3 months till Simon gets back from the mission & Soap gets all well and ready to serve again..
Simon will leave for the mission at 5...
Lavender went near the heli to say bye to her brother , Dad and others... Soap was standing, his arm tied with his neck for support..
Lavender :
Take care guys...
And Jade... Don't forget to give your beanpole a Rose too from the garden fields.. Sis
Soap :
Haha.. Bonnie..
Jade :
I'll make sure of it Y/n...!
Take care of your SniperMan..
*Lavender blushing*
Soap :
Ya she will... !
Be safe LT.
Ghost :
Count on it!
- They left for the mission...
Soap :
Lavender :
Oh not again..!
Soap :
Hehe I'm sorry i was just seein' you're reaction...
*y/n hits him on the chest lightly*
You and your tri.......
- Soap pulled her by waist and kissed on the lips softly.. She responded the kiss... After pulling out from the grip... She was blushing furiously...
Soap :
Ah c'mon.. Even thae tomatoes are in shame-
Y/n :
Okay.. Let's get some food or your tummy will be serious and won't act..
- They both got even more closer.. Got to know more about each other..
Even the wallboard in y/n's cabin is filled with Soap's picture and his family moments now..
Later the years... Simon's dream garden date pictures were also there..
Not to forget the photo when Soap photo bombed in one of Simon's picture and he was staring dead.. Lavender dying laughing over it...
Everything got well... The flowers finally bloomed in the dead land of the base corners.. Happiness all around"""
..............................................................THE END.................................................................
[ Writer's message :
Don't know how to thank you guys for reading the whole custom MW ll storyline written by me..with so much patience... I tried my best to make it good.. English isn't my first language but Call of Duty fandom has given place to me very warmly...
Some of the moments were inspired from @sleepyconfusedpotato 's fics and arts... A big thanks to her..also for making a beautiful strong character "Jade"
Thank you everyone... Again!
- Walker #33961 ❄💙💍
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hsn1 · 6 months
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04.06.2024 | Day 2/500 days of productivity
Motivation Dose of the Day : “You cannot be a winner without maturity and consistency.”
Today’s Goals :
Do review for bio statistics midterms material with the tests.
play soccer.
go to the barbershop.
get my Eid clothes from the laundry.
arrange my room.
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Highlight of the Day : I just came back form our Friday family gathering, i sanctify and value that the family gathering , since we have raised up without a father and we only have each other as brothers and sisters along side out mom, but there are things irritate me weekly , the first thing that how some of my brothers deal with this gathering , they nod give it the same importance that i do , they miss it many time , how they do that ?? , we grow up and we need to reserve this bond, we need to stay beside each other all the way, we need to value it more, second thing it is usual thing that one of my sisters get upset in the middle of the gathering and leave because of the kids fight, and something like that happen with one of my brothers and also because of the kids, for your knowledge that i am the youngest one of them and i am already 32 years old , we should not give the kids the power of controlling and effect our gathering even our relationship, Last things that irritate me is bunch of my niece and nephews do not value the (Family) term , even they do not give the elders that respect they deserve , but some of them have bad influence of my brother and sister relationship negativity, at the end i can control what i can but i cant control others.
Thought of the day: None.
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hsn1 · 6 months
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04.05.2024 | Day 1/500 days of productivity
Motivation Dose of the Day : “If all you can do is crawl, then start crawling.”
Today’s Goals :
wrap up bio statistics midterms material.
buying new Room furniture.
buying new mat for the Room.
get my Eid thopes.
drop my Eid clothes to the laundry.
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Highlight of the Day : because of Ramadan , my schedule and bed time just a big mess, yesterday is the promised day, that in work i was working my ass off preparing for the Vice president visit , preparing every thing with presentations, route , location, communication and lack of sleep for sure, At the end .... Visit has been rescheduled !!!! 😤😤😤
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Thought of the day: Today while i was scrolling down , i found this amazing Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGTgO9B4ftk
Me my self , i find that the most inspiring video i had for a while , in fact that kid is exactly the type of kids that got bullied from his beers , but he just wants to run as fast he can from class to another , for sure he got bullied , he receive many jokes on him and humor at him, but he just kept running because he wants to , with the time he got noticed , because he loves what he dose that love energy spread all around the school and the student daily start waiting to get this energy , every one start to cheer for him and he become world wide icon , All of that without saying any word or doing any unusual action, he just kept doing what he loves and not pay any attention to others opinion , or the community rules, with that he send a slap to everyone bullied him, that just amazing !!.
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walker33961 · 1 year
04 NOV 2022 0200
Valeria :
What happened? *Spanish*
Fucking cowboy? *Spanish*
Did you start a war? *Spanish*
Violence chase you everywhere I like it.. *Spanish*
Viena :
Hoy.. Be careful speaking to my husband *Spanish*
Valeria :
Sorry Mrs. Vargas *Spanish*
Alejandro :
I didn't make a deal with you.. They did *Spanish*
Valeria :
That's your mistake *Spanish*
Price :
You knew there was a third missile?
Valeria :
Oh, I didn't count them..
I have people for that.
Alejandro :
She's lying..
Gaz :
Where's Hassan ?
Lavender :
Where's the other missile?
Valeria :
Gaz :
What the fuck's going on?
Valeria :
I said I'd tell you where he was.
I didn't say I would stop him..
Valeria :
You fucking scorpion *Spanish*
I warned you she would do this, eh?
Valeria :
I run a business, guys..
We grow or we die.
.. It's the way of the world.
Price :
You out a target on your back.
Valeria :
No -
I put a target in Chicago...
Now fucking leave Las Almas and go find it..
Fucking Assholes, Get out of here *Spanish*
Price :
For now, She's yours.
.. But we'll be back..
Valeria :
I look forward to it.
Viena :
Fucking come on..
Price :
Lavender, prep for transport and get to Laswell..
.. Hassan and the Missile are in Chicago..
Alejandro :
Tonight, Las Almas can sleep *Spanish*
*Valeria getting into the car*
Valeria :
I'll be free in 24 hours..
Can't say the same about you Vaqueros..
Soap :
You're going down for what you did..
Valeria :
It doesn't matter what I did.. It matters what you can prove.
- Rodolfo closed the door. Vaqueros saying bye to 141.
Alejandro :
Go... You have work to do.
Soap :
Keep fighting the good fight, Hermano.
Alejandro :
To the bitter end My brother..
Rodolfo :
Good Luck amigos..
Alejandro :
Good luck and Congrats sister *Spanish*
Lavender :
Thanks Hermano!
Rodolfo :
Keep care of both *Spanish*
Tell Soap if he needed any Husband tips from me and Alejandro *Spanish*
Lavender :
I'm sure he can be like you guys but will let my brothers know *Spanish*
- Pearl and Viena hugged Lavender..
Viena :
Stay strong and protect your ones Sister .*Spanish*
*Shook hands with her*
Lavender :
It's my born duty Hermana.
Pearl :
*Handed Lavender a box*
Open it when the mission is all done.
*shook hands with her*
Lavender :
Gracias Sister..
*To both ladies*
Take care of my brothers..
- Lavender waved her hands from the plane.. Waiting for Soap and Ghost to come.
Alejandro :
Don't get lost brother. *Spanish*
Ghost :
"A huevo" - *Of course*
Alejandro :
( Laugh)
- 141 , Marines and Laswell got to work to get the missile and kill Hassan. Soap, Price & troop of Marines will cover the building by taking place from Rooftop...Lavender , Ghost will heli up to OP across fring he objective for armed overwatch.
Laswell :
Watcher - 1 to Bravo - 6 Actual.
Permitter is secure.
We have a possible hit on the missile container .
We're moving in now.
Price :
Solid copy.
Price :
All Bravo, Move to set .
We're on.
- They all reached and took their position.. Lavender showed Price , Soap and others a Thumbs up before landing into the OP..
Price and Soap cleared all threats and got into the suspected floor where the missile launcher was on control.. But the missile was launching...
Laswell :
All stations, missile is hot! I say again, the missile is launching!
Price :
No - no - no!!!!
Soap :
Fuckin'n hell!!
Price :
Watcher , where's the target?!
Laswell :
Unknown, we're working on it!
Price :
We're going for Hassan.
... This way Sergeant..
... Gaz, where's Hassan?
Gaz :
End of the Hall!
Hassan's hold up behind those doors!
Price :
Let's clear this out and bag him, then!
- Soap, Gaz and Price shot the threats mercilessly.. Price set up a snake cam under one door.
Gaz :
Hassan's behind those doors!
Price :
I'll snake a camera in there..
.. Soap, get positive ID on Hassan.
We need those controls.
Soap :
I'll get them.
- Suddenly a bomb blasted between three.. Hassan was escaping with the controls.. Price was hurt, Gaz dragged him to the room side for cover. Gaz abe Soap fired the threats till Price gets up...
Soon Price joined in with them but Laswell informed that the missile has less time to divert and it's headed towards DC.
Price :
We'll get 'em..
Gaz :
Check point Sergeant..
- Gaz and Soap took the lift to get in.. They were using it to get down to the last car.. A small missile came up, causing a blast and the lift to fall.. Gaz told it won't hold much , he ordered Soap to jump down.. He directly fell on Hassan.. When Hassan realised it wasn't his member he immediately tried to Grab thr controls but Soap got it.. Hassan was about to shot him but Gaz shot him from the up. So he was saved and covered to disarm .. But still Hassan was behind Soap..
Hassan :
You're dead!
Soap :
Shit -
Price :
Soap ,what's your status?
Soap :
Construction floor.
Controls secured, lost my weapon.
Lavender :
Don't worry I'll cover ya from here as much possible.
I can see you..
Soap :
Appreciated Bonnie..
Price :
Stay outta sight.
Passing comms to Watcher - 1
*Hassan was getting close so he was changing position again and again*
Laswell :
Soap , the mission was launched.
So you'll have to remote detonate it.
Soap :
That, I haven't done...
Laswell :
I will guide you, but it'll take time.
Open the controls when ready..
- After thousands of hiding and running finally he got a spot and opened the controls..
Soap :
Coordinates - 38 -77
Laswell :
That's the Pentagon.
Lavender :
He's going for Shepherd.
Laswell :
No, Shepherd's gone.
Price :
Yeah, well there's 30,000 people who aren't!
Finish it.
Laswell :
Sergeant, first you have to enable diagnostics mode.
Hit CLR and MODE at the same time.
- Before enemies were damn close.. He got up and changed his location.
Soap :
Okay , I'm back again..
Laswell :
Next is the override.
Soap :
Laswell :
Get safe and open the controls.
We have to do this, Now.
Sergeant , the missile is half way to target..
You need to finish the sequence...
Soap :
Okay I'm ready..
Laswell :
You should see 4 columns of data ...
I need to know what's in row 2 column 3.
Soap :
Echo - Sierra - Papa
Laswell :
That did it.
Laswell :
Now hit LEFT and CLR to initiative override.
*Soap turned on Override*
Soap :
Override on.
Laswell :
Get safe... This next part will make some noise..
Soap :
Let's go..
Laswell :
Last step..
Hit LINK when the green light is on the ourth position.
Soap :
It's detonated.
Laswell :
Copy that..
Air force will confirm..
... Thank you sergeant...
Soap :
Pleasure doin' business with you Laswell.
Laswell :
Where's Hassan?
Soap :
Not alone -
He's got AQ guards with him..
I'm gonna kill everyone of 'em... And then I'm going for Hassan.
Out here
Steamin' bloddy fuckin' jesus..
Ghost :
Nicely done Jhonny .
Now for the hard part.
Soap :
That was the fuckin' hard part, LT.
Ghost :
Let's find out.
You need to stay alive..
Take our the guards and kill Hassan.
Soap :
I just need a weapon.
Lavender :
Make one.
Soap :
Like the old times...
Ghost :
Seems like yesterday..
Soap :
It was yesterday.
Could pry open one o'clock these tool boxes..
Ghost :
Careful Jhonny.. That'll make noise..
*Soap got a cutter*
Ghost :
Good for crafting materials.
- Right after Soap hit the guard.. Hassan shot him senseless for a while by his gun..
Hassan was about to shot him and kill but his gun was empty so he hit the back over Soap' head and dragged him to his spot..
Lavender and Ghost saw the scene.. Ghost was worried no matter how strong and cold he was.. Lavender was sobbing silently seeing the love one in pain , getting himself dragged to the room by a criminal..
Hassan :
I told you your nation would see fire..
Think you can stop me?
Soap :
Ghost :
Soap :
Watch the window ...
- Ghost fired the window
Hassan pulled Soap by collar..
Hassan :
We're not attacking...
We're invading..
- Ghost got on position and shot directly over Hassan's head.. Which made even Soap fall on the ground from sudden imbalance..
Soap :
Perfect Shot LT..
Ghost :
You called it sergeant..
- Ghost and Lavender came to a fist bump as always but suddenl shots got heard by the comms...
Gaz :
What just happened..
*Price screamed in the comms*
Price :
Ghost :
- Soap was fired directly shot to his wounds caused by the shadows and Graves.. Even got fired directly to his elbow and leg .. A AQ soldier fired him .. He was about to shoot in his chest but Ghost shot him & he fell...
Price :
All stations.. Heli.. Now!!
- A heli was already rounding for safety... The team got up and went to pick up Soap.. Price and Ghost got down to pick up Soap by shoulder.. Lavender was still processing what happened... She turned cold right away..
Seeing Jhonny all smudged in his own blood.. Bleeding badly.. Eyes closed and he wasn't even breathing....
Price immediately connected the oxy mask with his mouth and he was breathing..
Lavender was seeing dark.. Everything was blank in her view.. All she could see Soap screaming from inside that he didn't wanted to leave her...
Soon they got into the Army hospital.. Doctor rushed to them with his nurses Taking Soap in..
Jade was there to buy some equipment in the counter but the moment her eyes fell on the side..she saw Ghost running with blood in his hands, Lavender was also smudged, Gaz holding a bottle of solution.. Price contacting someone thought his comms in a serious and in scream...
She immediately came out of the line , saw soap on the strecher, bleeding, wearing a oxygen mask and was eyes closed.. She felt numb , started sobbing..Went near Ghost..
Jade :
How d - did this happen?
- Ghost explained the bolt from the blue situation & also shared the reason why Lavender was crying where she also got injured 100 times & didn't cry like that while holding his mates body.....
She got near Lavender's trembling figure, kept a hand on her shoulder... Lavender looked back...
Lavender :
Wh-what did I d-do..
Why... Wh didn't I - I noticed thr...
I'm.. So - s- so useless...
He - he can't leave me like that sis....
- She fell on her knees crying after saying it.... Everyone realised that it's not like soldiers can't love. They were praying for a good news... Ghost had forgotten he wasn't wearing a mask after the moment... His tears were falling from his eyes..
When the doctor came out of the room, Price and Ghost came forward..
Price :
Doctor is he...
Doc :
It's better if we give you the final news..
Situation is a bit critical due to the bullet being burst out in him..
We're trying our best...
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