#jia huan lcb
balis77 · 5 months
Hermann: "Good work retrieving that Golden Bough for us Nelly. Welcome to my team here at N Corp. You've already met Aseah."
Aseah: "Ah, that Linton fellow truly did make an excellent dough. I wonder what we shall bake next..."
Hermann: "We also have another of Yi Sang's old compatriots, Gubo."
Gubo: "I heard you were with Yi Sang for a while. Did he ask about me? Does he want to come home? Did he-"
Hermann: "Hong Lu's brother, Jia Huan."
Jia Huan: "Ah, did my brother get you to finally wash those filthy rags of his?"
Hermann: "Sonya, who's technically only hired help."
Sonya: "Ah, I heard you were a Butler. Would you like to discuss workers rights some time?"
Hermann: "Our newest addition before you, Captain Ahab."
Hermann: "And of course, me. I'm sure you've seen the excellent work I did with my ungrateful son. A shame my current Wing doesn't allow insectoid hybrids to be created under their watch."
Nelly: "...please tell me I at least get to wear the cool longcoat at this job."
Hermann: "You do."
Nelly: "Thank god."
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cowabinah · 1 year
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
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For the few who still come here for art rather than analysis posts, here's some stuff I haven't posted yet.
Some is from AU stuff. Others less so.
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egoweapon · 1 year
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whatever these things are
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thecatkennel · 2 months
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some of the more important characters from canto 1! (i'm not doing the other canto 1 characters since idc enough) i mostly wanted to cross off hermann's group due to them being important, but yuri is here too :)
(also i know aseah's in hermann's group but i'll do him later...)
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akimame-log · 3 months
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amystarrstuff · 10 months
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part 6 (part 5)
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outism-had-a-purpose · 10 months
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Ahab at the N Corp company mandated girl's night out
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gaybuttsexonthefloor · 5 months
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i dont know actually. I don't know
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mulberriesandtea · 1 year
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@dearlystars this isn't exact but. I think this is worse.
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scalpel-mom-mori · 1 year
thinking about how jia huan who is the one actually named after a character from 紅樓夢 is also named after a side character that "carries himself like a kicked dog"
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cowabinah · 1 year
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Gubohuan is if Hongsang was toxic send post.
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dionysusdecent · 5 months
So i saw a post on the Limbus Company subreddit that talked about why the sinners extract weaker IDs compared to what they already have, but it made my mind think about the Mirror Worlds again and just how interesting they are. And i dont necessarily mean the IDs specifically, i more mean how those IDs existing effects the rest of those worlds.
Like, how many of these worlds have the LCB? And if yes, then how do certain IDs change that worlds version of the LCB? One of the more interesting to me is of all things, the LCCB world, because the Bus Crew is directly mentioned by Rodion in her uptie story meaning that that world has its own versions of the Sinners, and should at the very least of Faust to create the bus in the first place. But since Rodion, Ishmael and Ryoshu are in the LCCB in that world, who replaced them as Sinners? Do Effie, Saude and Pilot take their places in that world? And does that worlds version of the Sinners have Yi Sang potentially meaning that Effie, Saude and Pilot in that world can use IDs? Does Pilot have a chef ID in that world? Does Effie have a Dieci ID?
I just really love the idea of Mirror Worlds because the possible ramifications that IDs have on those worlds and how interesting those worlds could possible be. Like in Erlking Heathcliff's world, who replaces him on the LCB if they even exist. Is it an entirely different literary character like Victor Frankenstein, or is it someone else from Wuthering Heights like Hindley or Linton? If its Linton, did the company put in some effort to help him with his body potentially making him healthy?
Mirror Worlds are cool yall, and i dont think enough people talk about the crazy ideas that they could produce, especially with the Sinners and any worlds that swap characters.
One Mirror World just has a SInner group of Faust, maybe Yi Sang, Ahab, Grete (Gregor's sister in Metamorphosis), Linton, Sonya, Kromer, Yuzuki (Yoshihide/Ryoshu's daughter), Raymond, Eurylochus, Jia Huan and Dulcinea
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calitsnow · 5 months
Summary of all mentions of members of Hong Lu's family in the game + comparison with the original book
Mention of his “family” in general in the game
Mention of the family elders in the game + comparison with the original work
Mention of his grandmother in the game + comparison with the original work
Mention of his grandfather in the game + comparison with the original work
Mention of his father in the game + comparison with the original work
Mention of his siblings in the game + comparison with the original work
Mention of his brother (Jia Huan) in the game
I wanted to recap all the times Hong Lu talks about his family or a particular member of his family while at the same time comparing them to their version of the original novel by giving some info on the latter (assuming that Hong Lu = Jia Baoyu ). I excluded from this list the uncles and aunts by marriage as well as Baoyu's cousins ​​ for various reasons (too long otherwise, not mentioned...) but I will perhaps do a part 2 to talk about them.
Was also excluded, the entire branch which stems from Jia Yan (the brother of Jia Yuan (the father of Jia Daishan, the husband of Grandmother Jia)), a branch which remains important since it is this one who leads to the actual Head of the Ningguo Mansion (Jia Zhen) when the story takes place. But since, they are distant relatives/cousins ​​of Jia Baoyu, that was taking me too far and so I had to remove them from this list. But I still wanted to mention it since it is an important branch of the family
The Jia family is mainly composed of 4 great families: the Jia Family, the Xue Family, the Wang Family and the Shi family in other words those who were born with the name Jia and those who joined the family by marriage / alliance / by being the brother / sister of one of the grooms… (born Xue or Wang or Shi).
There are also other families like the Xing or Lin family joining the Jia family but whose name appears (very) less often and which are also not considered as one of the great families of the novel.
This list of family members is made in relation to the place they occupy in relation to Jia Baoyu.
I/Mention of his “family” in general in the game
LCB sinner, chatter#3
Abn. logs, Pink shoes: lacking data
Abn. Logs, Sign of Roses: level 1
Abn. Logs, Sign of Roses: level 3
Liu Association South Section 5, story
Liu Association South Section 5, story
K Corp. Class 3 excision staff, post-uptie chat 2
W Corp. L2 Cleanup agent, Idle
Main story, Canto II, episode: 3
Detour Tales, Chapter 5.5, Miracle in district 20, episode: 13
Main story, Canto V, episode: 2
Hong Lu’s promo pre-limbus company release (Hong Lu also mentions the family’s chef’s side dishes but I didn’t include it because it was not about his family specifically)
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II/Mention of the family elders in the game + comparison with the original work
W Corp. L2 Cleanup agent, story
W Corp. L2 Cleanup agent, story
Main story, Canto IV, episode: 27
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To tell the truth, I don't really know what the term "elders" is supposed to encompass in this context in the sense that, I don't know whether or not parents and/or uncles/aunts should be included in addition to the grandparents.
In my opinion the term "elders" refers to all the generations who are above the one who uses this term (in this case Hong Lu / Jia Baoyu) so I would tend to want to count the parents and uncles / aunts but I cannot say this with certainty.
I will therefore base myself on my interpretation so that it will allow me to talk about more characters of the novel but do not hesitate to let me know what this term encompasses!
1st generation:
Grand parents:
Jia Daishan:
Son of Jia Yuan
first Duke of Rong
husband of Grandmother Jia
father of Jia She, Jia Min and Jia Zheng
grandfather of the three first Spring Ladies (Jia Yuanchun, Jia Tanchun and Jia Yingchun), Jia Zhu, Baoyu, Daiyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lian
died before the beginning of the novel, reason why we don’t know much about him
Grandma Jia (the Dowager):
Daughter of the Marquis Shi of Jinling
Wife of Jia Daishan
Grandmother Jia is a generation above the oldest member of the Rongguo Mansion (Jia Jing)
Thus, members of the Jia family all defer to her
For further information, refer to the paragraph dedicated to her below
Great uncle(s):
Dowager’s brother:
We don't know much about the Dowager's brother
He is Grandmother Jia’s brother
He is the father of Shi Ding and Shi Xiangyun's Father
He is Shi Xiangyun’s grandfather
died before the beginning of the novel, reason why we don’t know much about him
2nd generation:
Jia Zheng:
Jia Zheng is the second and youngest son of Jia Daishan and Grandmother Jia.
He has a wife, Lady Wang, and two concubines: Zhao (with whom he had two children) and Zhou
For further information, refer to the paragraph dedicated to him below
Lady Wang:
Daughter of one of the four most prominent families of Jinling (Wang)
Primary wife of Jia Zheng
Mother of Baoyu and Yuanchun
Because of her purported ill-health, she hands over the running of the household to her niece, Wang Xifeng
In the eyes of her servants, she appears as a statue of a lifeless Buddha.
Although generous, she is described as without will or conviction.
Lady Wang seems kind and caring but can be cruel and ruthless when her authority is questioned.
She shows excessive concern about her son Baoyu's romantic relationships and closely monitors his maids.
Lady Wang plays a role in the death of Baoyu's maid, Qingwen, due to her suspicion and cruelty toward maids she perceives as threats to her son's virtue.
Jia She:
Elder son of the Dowager
Big brother of Jia Zheng and Jia Min
Husband of Xing furen
He has 2 concubines: Yingchun’s mother and Jia Cong's mother
Father of Jia Lian, Jia Yingchun and Jia Cong
He inherited the title of Marquis Rong
He is treacherous and greedy, as well as seductive/woomanizer.
He feels jealous towards his younger brother, favored by their mother.
He was later stripped of his title and banished by the government.
Father of Wang Ren and Wang Xifeng:
Lady Wang’s brother
Also brother of Wang Ziteng and Wang Zisheng
Father of Wang Ren and Wang Xifeng:
Wang Ziteng:
Lady Wang’s brother
Also brother of Wang Xifeng’s father and Wang Zisheng
Wang Zisheng:
Lady Wang’s brother
Also brother of Wang Xifeng’s father and Wang Ziteng
Jia Min:
Daughter of Jia Daishan and Grandmother Jia
Sister of Jia She and Jia Zheng
Wife of Lin Ruhai
Mother of Lin Daiyu
Xue Yima also known as Aunt Xue:
Sister of Lady Wang
Sister of Wang Ziteng, Wang Zisheng and Wang Xifeng’s father
Mother to Xue Pan and Xue Baochai
She is generally kind and affable.
However, she struggles to control her rambunctious son.
III/ Mention of his grandmother in the game + comparison with the original work
K Corp. Class 3 excision staff, story
K Corp. Class 3 excision staff, story
K Corp. Class 3 excision staff, story
K Corp. Class 3 excision staff, story
W Corp. L2 Cleanup agent, chatter #1
K Corp. Class 3 excision staff, post-uptie chat 1
Detour Tales, Chapter 5.5, S.E.A, episode: 4
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If Hong Lu is indeed the equivalent of Jia Baoyu in the world of limbus company, Hong Lu's grandmother should be the one known as Grandmother Jia, née Shi:
Grandmother Jia:
Also called Dowager Shi or simply the Dowager
She is the daughter of the Marquis Shi of Jinling
Grandmother Jia is a generation above the oldest member of the Rongguo Mansion (Jia Jing)
Main elder of the great family, she is the oldest and most respected authority of the Jia Clan
Of an enjoyable temperament, she does not intervene in the private lives of her children provided that they do not disturb her, even if they have become debauched or high rollers.
It was she who arranged for Daiyu, her only "outside" (i.e., maternal) grandchild, to come to the Rongguo Mansion
She spoils her grandson Baoyu whom she carries in adoration
Despite this, she does not approve of his love for Daiyu
She is the one who supports the marriage arranged by Sister Pheonix (Wang Xifeng) between Baoyu and Baochai
She will die at the ripe old age of 83
Maybe it's just me, but she seems to be one of the people if not the person who pays the most attention to Jia Baoyu's jade, reminding him to take care of it, asking him if he knows where it is his jade when he is not wearing it, paying attention to the stone...
IV/ Mention of his grandfather in the game + comparison with the original work
Detour Tales, Chapter 5.5, Yield my flesh to claim their bones, episode: 4
Abn. Logs, Pink shoes: lacking data
Hong Lu’s promo pre-limbus company release (yéyé" (爷爷) meaning "grandfather" or “grandpa”. It is an affectionate term used to refer to one's grandfather in Mandarin.)
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So we don’t really know which of his two grandfathers Hong Lu is referring to but knowing that in the novel only his paternal grandfather is mentioned and died before the novel begins, I think the "grandfather" Hong is talking about is Jia Daishan (and that he probably died in the world of Limbus Company too)
Jia Daishan:
Son of Jia Yuan
first Duke of Rong
husband of Grandmother Jia
father of Jia She, Jia Min and Jia Zheng
grandfather of the three first Spring Ladies (Jia Yuanchun, Jia Tanchun and Jia Yingchun), Jia Zhu, Baoyu, Daiyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lian
died before the beginning of the novel, reason why we don't know much about him
V/ Mention of his father in the game + comparison with the original work
LCB sinner, chatter#1
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If Hong Lu is indeed the equivalent of Jia Baoyu in the world of limbus company, Hong Lu's father should be Jia Zheng:
Jia Zheng:
He is the second and youngest son of Jia Daishan and Grandmother Jia.
He has a wife, Lady Wang, and two concubines: Zhao (with whom he had two children) and Zhou
Father of Jia Zhu (deceased), Jia Yuanchun, Jia Baoyu, Jia Tanchun and Jia Huan
Confucianism had a great influence on him: he is a Confucian scholar who tries to be an upright and decent person, he fulfills his duties of filial piety towards the Dowager, and wants to educate his children strictly
Afraid his one surviving heir will turn bad, he imposes strict rules on his son (Jia Baoyu), and uses occasional corporal punishment.
Jia Baoyu is afraid of him
He has the ambition to become a good civil servant
But he lacks experience and is easily deceived by others, which earns him a bad reputation.
VI/ Mention of his siblings in the game + comparison with the original work
Main story, Canto III, episode: 2
Detour Tales, Chapter 5.5, episode: 13
Abn. Logs, Pink shoes: lacking data
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If Hong Lu is indeed supposed to be the Jia Baoyu of the world of Limbus Company, then, if we refer to the novel The Dream of the Red Room, Hong Lu should, like Baoyu, have 4 siblings:
Jia Zhu:
First son of Jia Zheng and Lady Wang
Big brother of Jia Baoyu and Jia Yuanchun and half-brother of Jia Tanchun and Jia Huan since they share the same father.
In the original novel, Jia Zhu is already dead prior to the action of the novel, so we know very little about him.
He had a son (Jia Lan) with Li Wan
Jia Yuanchun:
First female family member of the quartet of "Springs", first daughter of Jia Zheng and Lady Wang
Big sister of Jia Baoyu and Jia Yuanchun and half-sister of Jia Tanchun and Jia Huan since they share the same father.
She is about 10 years older than Baoyu.
She was raised by her grandmother
As an older sister, she taught Baoyu to read and write when he was liitle like his mother would have done.
Originally one of the ladies-in-waiting in the imperial palace, Yuanchun is later promoted to the highest ranking of imperial concubine "Xiande”, having impressed the Emperor with her virtue and intellect.
Despite her prestigious position, Yuanchun feels imprisoned within the four walls of the imperial palace.
She died at the age of forty, following an illness, in total isolation.
Jia Tanchun:
Third female family member of the quartet of "Springs", second daughter of Jia Zheng and his concubine, concubine Zhao
Big sister of Jia Huan and younger half-sister of Jia Zhu, Jia Yuanchun and Jia Baoyu since they share the same father.
The fact that she is the daughter of a concubine is still such a burden that she often claims Lady Wang, Baoyu's mother, as her own
Tanchun is a very clever and capable person, as much as Sister Phoenix for comparison
But, as the proverb says, "he who comes last will have fewer opportunities than the others", and this is what happened to her, because when her family declined she had not done much and she was sent to a distant region following an arranged marriage
Jia Huan:
Third son of Jia Zheng and his concubine, concubine Zhao
Little brother of Jia Tanchun and younger half-brother of Jia Zhu, Jia Yuanchun and Jia Baoyu since they share the same father.
More info just below
VII/ Mention of his brother (Jia Huan) in the game
Main story, Canto I, episode: 30
Main story, Canto V, episode: 18 (there we don’t know if he is talking about Jia Huan or not but there are not many other options and from what we can deduce from Jia Huan’s behaviour (in game and in the book too) it’s not very out off character)
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Jia Huan:
Third male family member of the generation of the Jia household, son of Jia Zheng and his concubine, concubine Zhao
Little brother of Jia Tanchun and half-brother of Jia Zhu, Jia Yuanchun and Jia Baoyu since they share the same father.
He is described as ugly and clumsy
He and his mother are both reviled by the family, and he carries himself like a kicked dog.
He is very cunning but mediocre, he shows his malignant nature by spilling candle wax, intending to blind his half-brother Baoyu
That’s all! If I have forgotten any moments where Hong Lu talks about his family, don't hesitate to tell me and I will add it! Also, I tried to verify and proof-read all the info and everything should be correct but if I made a mistake feel free to point it out to me :)
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schizoidcel · 11 months
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bolded characters will be prioritized! unless a request that dosen't involve the bolded characters/involves only some of the bolded characters have a more interesting like. theme? topic? like yall get me right
italic characters i'll only write platonically for:3
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🖤 𐐪𐐩 : TADC !! . . (ON HOLD)
pomni ♡ ragatha ♡ jax ♡ gangle ♡ zooble ♡ kinger ♡ caine
ayin ♡ benjamin ♡ carmen ♡ elijah ♡ gabriel ♡ michelle ♡ giovanni ♡ lisa ♡ enoch ♡ kali ♡ daniel ♡ garion
angela ♡ malkuth ♡ yesod ♡ hod ♡ netzach ♡ tiphereth a ♡ tiphereth b ♡ gebura ♡ chesed ♡ binah ♡ hokma
🖤 𐐪𐐩 : LIBRARY OF RUINA !! . .
angela ♡ roland ♡ malkuth ♡ yesod ♡ hod ♡ netzach ♡ tiphereth ♡ gebura ♡ chesed ♡ binah ♡ hokma
katriel ♡ olga ♡ yan ♡ liwei ♡ stephan ♡ tamaki ♡ argalia ♡ tanya ♡ elena ♡ lowell ♡ cecil ♡ mei ♡ xiao ♡ martina ♡ chun ♡ myo ♡ moirai ♡ iori ♡ dong-hwan ♡ angelica ♡ mirinae ♡ zena
🤍 𐐪𐐩 : LIMBUS COMPANY !! . .
yi sang ♡ faust ♡ don quixote ♡ ryoshu ♡ meursault ♡ hong lu ♡ heathcliff ♡ ishmael ♡ rodion ♡ dante ♡ sinclair ♡ outis ♡ gregor
vergilius ♡ charon ♡ yuri ♡ aya ♡ jia huan ♡ effie ♡ saude ♡ sonya ♡ kromer ♡ demian ♡ samjo ♡ dongrang ♡ shrenne ♡ ran ♡ dongbaek ♡ alfonso ♡ smee ♡ pilot ♡ ricardo ♡ ahab ♡ queequeg ♡ starbuck ♡ caiman ♡ aeng-du ♡ catherine ♡ nelly ♡ hindley
ׂૢ་༘࿐ i'm so insane for the lcb characters jesus . Ⳋ᧙
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