#hermann and the girlies
cowabinah · 1 year
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screaming-sparrow · 11 months
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newmann memes but the quality is steadily decreasing as you scroll
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some-guys-ghost · 2 years
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Hermann Gottleib vibes
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iilllya · 11 months
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Schiller bezeichnet die von Achilles getöteten Männer als Opfergaben. […] Achilles Hände, in Ermangelung des geliebten Körpers, formulieren Liebe als Grausamkeit. Er war von jeher dazu bestimmt grausam zu sein. Liebe war nie sein natürliches Element. Es ist gut möglich, dass Achilles bei dem Wiedersehen mit Patroklos bereits vergessen hatte, dass seine Hände etwas anderes können als töten.
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I have changed, I think and look down at my bloodstained hands
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The blood is red and it is yours. You don’t want me to touch you anymore
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Overanalysing sad german cops part 5/?: Adam Schürk + You can never outrun yourself
Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 here, here, here and here!
edit by @murderous-spaten / Hermann Hesse, Narziss und Goldmund / Friedrich Schiller, Hektors Abschied / my drawing / Tatort Saarbrücken screencap / Kaveh Akbar, Personal Inventory: Fearless (Temporis Fila)
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koraandnova · 2 months
Yaya!! Hello all y'all people (about half a person, most likely,) since I keep seeing introductions, I decided, you know, how about I finally step up and do one myself on this godforsaken website that I never even look at. Just for fun. You get it. :3c Name(s because I have slight identity issues): My name is Kaya! I have some names some others might know me by, such as Sunny and Lyra. Kaya is generally preferred as a safe name though, and other times I'll go by Aspen or Willow. Pronouns: Pronoun Page! The link is https://en.pronouns.page/@kimikorruption , if you don't want to click. (I hope you don't mind if I have some fun from time to time on my pronoun page!)
Age: I'm not nearly stupid enough to post that on the Internet. I wish I was. Still, no NSFW if you can avoid it. What the Fuck I am: Furry. Little bit of a brony. I haven't been diagnosed, but by God the amount of neurodivergent people who have told me I am likely ADHD and/or autistic should say something about me. Transfem, ace, demiromantic, bi. Atheist, but raised Catholic. Blah, blah, blah. DNI if: pedophilia, necrophilia, weird fetish stuff, furry hate, lgbt+ hate, you get it. The works. Though I'm not sure this section of the bio will achieve anything. ⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ Okay, time for some less essential stuff. I guess it's kinda comparable to flavour for a D&D character?
Favourite Colours: Purple! Gods, I love purple. Lighter pink is kinda nice too, I guess, followed by aquamarine as a third pick. Purple just expresses a silent, beautiful protective power that I really love and hope to embody (pipedream but I'M TRYING AISFHAIOSF), and pink/blue are just pretty in general! Single!?: Yes. Though I've only ever felt attraction and confessed to one person, and rejected others, five times? I think? The only thing that could have happened is what did, so no regrets, I guess. Doesn't stop me from being a bit of a romantic, though.
Books: There are so many good books, so it's really hard to choose, but I'd have to recommend Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor for the fantasy romance girlies and Demian by Hermann Hesse because descent into insanity. Mwah. Obsessed With: Vylet Pony's music, 70s music, D&D character building, trying not to fuck up art and failing miserably, writing (burnout is a bitch though.) alright, that's the end.. hope i didn't bore you. meow. happy trixie tuesday. insert post padding here.
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pongosfanart · 2 years
This is a daily occurrence.
The K-Scientists have a STRONG grip on me rn. I scribbled this out in three silly, silly hours instead of doing homework :)
ID under cut
Song (gibberish): Gunter Gleiben Glauten Globen.
A digital sketch of a white man with glasses and messy hair (newt): opening and closing his hand like he’s mimicking someone.
Song: drumbeat.
Newt: hits beatbox with mischievous expression & it starts playing music.
Song: give it to me baby. Uh huh, uh huh. x3
Newt: slides in from the side of the screen. During “uh huh” he puts his hands above his head and sings along. x3
Song: all the girlies say I’m pretty fly.
Newt: saying the line, eyes closed, smug.
Song: for a white guy.
Newt: looks over his shoulder with a grin.
Song: rocking guitar part.
Newt: headbanging way too fast for the song.
Hermann (a slightly taller man) is covering his ears, unamused.
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historyhermann · 2 years
Webcomics Focus: "I want to be a cute anime girl"
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I want to be a cute anime girl tells the story of a kid who likes dressing up as a girl and learns more about themselves along the way.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress post, and Wayback Machine. This was the twenty-eighth article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on February 16, 2022. Also, this post has been slightly changed from the original.
I want to be a cute anime girl by Azul Crescent, an artist living in Myanmar, is a slice-of-life comedy. It centers around a kid who wants to "be a cute anime girl," her journey of self-discovery, her family, and friends.
As a warning, this review discusses some spoilers for I want to be a cute anime girl.
One day, Charon's big sister, Chelsie, gives a makeover, and she likes it so much that she decides she wants to be a cute anime girl. Her friends and sister, Chloe, are accepting even while finding it unexpected and surprising at first. Before her mom and dad accept her, Charon chooses the name "Cheryl," and her dad accepts her for who she is. The story then goes on from there.
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I liked that Cheryl's dad realizes the signs that Cheryl wants to be a girl more directly that Cheryl's mom. It pushes away the "bad dad / good mom" trope, which is sometimes used in comics with LGBTQ themes. Obviously, the comic is about gender transition and being transgender, as Cheryl puts on makeup and clothing as part of becoming her real self, later using she/her pronouns. Later, Cheryl has a crisis of identity, wondering if people, especially those at her middle school, will accept her as Cheryl. She even has to deal with someone having a crush on her when she and her sister go to the mall.
A central theme of this all-ages comic is self-acceptance. You should accept yourself for who you are, even if that journey to self-discovery has bumps along the way. In this way, the comic is like Acception or even Cursed Princess Club, which have similar themes. This interconnected with the comic's emphasis on family togetherness, since Cheryl has a supportive family.
Not only does I want to be a cute anime girl have short and easy to read issues, but it is a refreshing take on transgender people. This includes the anxiety, such as Cheryl worrying over which bathroom to chose. For those are are comfortable with their gender, it's no big issue to choose between a men's bathroom and a women's bathroom. But if you are struggling with your gender identity, it can cause anxiety, as those bathrooms are divided along the male-female binary.
This anxiety happens alongside moments of self-empowerment, like preparing to introduce themselves as Cheryl to school. There is casual homophobia by one of Cheryl's classmates. Cheryl sets a date to meet a cute guy in her class, tries to become better friends with her classmate, Delilah, and is surprised when her friend Adrian says he has thought he wants to be an anime girl.
I liked how I want to be a cute anime girl shows Cheryl slowly coming out to her classmates, starting with her friend Zack. This isn't something like Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, where an alien announces to everyone that you are trans, and to respect your changed name and sex (after that alien changed your sex by accident).
I want to be a cute anime girl can be sweet, like the moments between Cheryl and Chelsie. They work on makeup together, talk about cosplaying, identity, being yourself, and Chelsie helps Cheryl with her quest for a more girly voice. There are nice moments between Cheryl, Chelsie, and Chloe as well. We learn more about Chelsie and Chloe, including Chelsie's ex-boyfriend, during a discussion about romance.
I want to be a cute anime girl also highlights the fact that trans allies will mess stuff up. An example is when Zack accidentally tells Stella, his lesbian friend, that Cheryl is trans without permission. Later on, Cheryl is a bit annoyed for Zack for doing that, but she also wants to hear what Stella had to say about her. This is not a new discussion. Some have pointed out that you will screw up as an ally, will be hurt, will learn from your mistakes, and may be confused about the difference between sex and gender.
I want to be a cute anime girl is much more authentic since the author, Azul Crescent, is trans, herself, as noted in a Q&A. Authentic representation by those in the community is some of the best representation.
For instance, trans people voicing trans characters in High Guardian Spice, to give an example, felt more real than if someone who wasn't trans had voiced them instead, as happens too often. Cisgender actors playing trans characters in film has been described by some as something that seems to happen "in a way to make fun of the trans character or invalidate their identity."
The comic has received a positive reception, with fan art and cosplays retweeted by Azul Crescent, including fan art from Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick, who makes the soon-to-be-ending webcomic, Rain, which also has a trans girl protagonist (Liriel Rain Flaherty).
Currently, the comic also has a French version, in an effort to reach more people. Crescent is also known for the dormant webcomic "Daily Life of Dia." In 2021, the comic was nominated for a Webtoon award for slice of life webcomics. Others have even done comic dubs, which have been posted on YouTube, and has been shared on trans-friendly subs on Reddit, and likely across Tumblr.
I highly recommend I want to be a cute anime girl for those who are trans, those who are allies, and anyone else who wants to learn more. (If you're interested, there are a variety of other comics centered on trans characters such as Hyperfocus, Serious Trans Vibes, The Prettiest Platypus, and Transincidental, all of which are on Webtoon.)
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I want to be a cute anime girl is available to read on Line Webtoon. It can be supported on Patreon.
You can find Azul Crescent on Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, and YouTube.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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gayweeddaddy69420 · 6 months
I feel like I need to do some fan art for Diaspora so that tumblr girlies will read it. How else do I explain that my favorite character is a big worm with six human legs. and that said character is some guy from the 21st century named Hermann
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
From Anxiety to Jealousy
Pairing: Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: Y/N thought she was going to have less anxiety when Kelly was sent to work at OFI, but it turns out that jealousy gives her just as much stress as the former
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking
Word Count: 677 Words
Note: I was gonna make this a full length imagine but for some reason I couldn't think of how to expand on it so it's shorter than usual. Sorry
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"Hey girlie," Stella chirped as I walked into the Firehouse. "What's with the frown?"
"What do you think?" I return as she followed me down to the locker room.
"Let me guess. Kelly did something stupid," Stella put out.
"Yeah. He stayed out late with Seager," I grumble. "This is the third time this week that he's ditched me for her."
"Maybe you should talk to him about it," Stella suggested.
I scoffed. "Talk to Kelly about me being jealous? Stella, I love you, but that is the worst idea ever. If I say something, Kelly might take it the wrong way, and then things will be worse than before. I'm just gonna wait it out. Maybe this will only last another few days."
But boy was I wrong.
"You look like you could use a shot of something a lot stronger," Herrmann told me as I took a seat at the bar with my empty bottle of beer.
"That sounds like a good idea. One shot of tequila, please," I request. Herrmann grabbed the bottle of booze and poured me a shot, passing the small glass towards me. "Thanks, Herrmann."
"You okay, kid?" Hermann questioned. "You've seemed a bit off lately. What's on your mind?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Fighting fires, saving lives, plan-breaking boyfriends," I list off an down the tequila.
"So this is about Severide," Herrmann guessed and looked around. "Where's he at?"
"Not here," I mutter. "I texted him an hour ago and he said he'd meet me."
"Wait a second. There he is," Herrmann alerted me.
I turned around, happy that my boyfriend had arrived, but as soon as I saw that he had company, my smile fell. Why, of all people, had Kelly chosen to invite Wendy Seager? I hopped off of my bar stool and shrugged my jacket over my shoulders just as Kelly approached me with Seager not too far behind.
"Hey. Where are you going? I just got here," Kelly spoke.
"Fuck you, Kelly Severide," I spit and storm out of the bar.
Back at the apartment, I curled up under the blankets of my bed and just laid there, mulling over what had happened. Was Kelly falling out of love with me? Was that why he was spending every free moment of his day with Seager? My thoughts were cut short when I heard the apartment door open, and seconds later, Kelly appeared at the bedroom door.
"Y/N," Kelly said. "Can we talk? Please?"
"I have nothing to say to you," I mumble and turn to face the other way.
Kelly sighed and moved forward to sit on the edge of the bed. "Stella told me what happened. If you wanted to spend more time with you, you could've asked."
"I did ask, Kelly," I claim. "Earlier I asked you to come to Molly's after your shift. And you brought Seager with you. All I wanted to do was spend time with you because I don't see you at work anymore."
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Kelly apologized and placed a hand on my arm, giving it a small squeeze. "I didn't mean to make you feel like... I love you more than anything in the world."
I let out a breath and turned back to face Kelly. "I love you too, Kel. I just wish you would've put me ahead of Seager. I'm your girlfriend."
"I know," Kelly confirmed. "And that won't ever happen again because I'm coming back to Firehouse 51."
"Wait. Really?" I quiz and sit up. "You're gonna be back?"
Kelly nodded. "Yeah. I'm gonna be back."
I smiled and leaned over to hug Kelly. "You don't know how happy that makes me. I'm still a little upset with you though."
"Would taking you out for dinner make you a little less upset with me?" Kelly asked.
"Maybe," I reply.
"All right then," Kelly exclaimed and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to my lips. "Lets go. Anywhere you want."
"Anywhere I want? This is gonna be good," I say.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @ncostin2001 @evangeline91 @just-arather-veryconfused-being @generalfarmmuffinagle @kaitlyn-marie-a @shywritermoon @jbbarnes212 @multifandom-loser @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @anotherfan07 @giagma @pinkbay-love
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 years
Caught in the middle (1/3)
Info: During Casey and Voight's falling out Voight goes for the one person Casey cares about the most, his 16 year old sister y/n.
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Y/n Casey was the sister of Matthew Casey and had been living with him for most of her life. She was only one when her mother went to prison and Casey, although he had just started his firefighting career, took it upon himself to look after his baby sister. Their sister Christie had barely been in her life due to the falling out of the older siblings, despite Casey trying to get Christie to be in their sisters life.
Upon being raised by her older brother, y/n was relatively close to firehouse 51. Kelly and Darden had been like her older brothers until the death of Darden. Since then, Kelly had tried to keep the relationship y/n and himself had but due to Kelly and Casey blaming each other for the death of their falling friend, Casey wasn't that fond of y/n being around Kelly and y/n didn't want to make Casey any more angry at Kelly then he already was so chose to spend as little time with Kelly as possible.
Having no parental figures in her life, Y/n looked up to Hermann, mouch and Boden as if they were her fathers. If Casey needed someone to watch out or y/n, he would often call upon one of the three to look out for her. In turn, if Hermann and Cindy wanted to go for a night out, y/n would often watch over the kids for them.
Shay and Dawson were like sisters to her. If she needed girly advice they would be the ones she would turn to. Due to living with Casey, it also meant that she got along with Hallie. No matter what the firehouse 51 had her back, and there was always someone who was there for her.
"Y/n." Severide smiled from the squad table as y/n and Casey walked in. Y/n looked at Casey to see him glaring at Kelly before walking to his office. "Hi Kelly." Y/n waved before heading in the same direction of Casey.
Kelly looked around as he moved his chair back before getting up and following y/n away from the others.
"Hey, y/n, wait up." Kelly called out once they were out of side. Y/n sighed and stopped as she looked ahead at her brother as he went through some papers. "Look Kelly I don't think............" "You don't have to ignore me because of what's going on with me and Casey." Kelly stated as he stopped in front of her. "I'm not." She stated abruptly. "Are you sure, cause it sure seems like it." Kelly stated sarcastically, causing y/n to look down. "I just don't want things to be awkward, or to make anyone uncomfortable." "They won't if you don't let it." Y/n stared ahead in silence. "Just, come have lunch at squad table later yeah." He asked, hopeful.
Y/n went to respond only to be interrupted by the sound of the alarm going off.
"Truck 81, Squad 3, ambulance 61, house fire at west avenue." The dispatch called out.
Y/n stood still as the fire crew started rushing past her, ignoring as Kelly squeezed her shoulder before heading over to squad. Seeing a boy wearing a t-shirt which read 'candidate' she froze. She snapped out of it as Casey rushed passed her, turning back to give her a wink of assurance, to which she nodded and gave a weak smile. She watched as the ambulance and fire truck left the fire house, sirens blaring as they rushed down the street.
Casey glanced back at the firehouse as his sister glanced down in the direction they left before sitting back in his chair. A piece of paper at the corner of the trucks window caught his eye, causing him to smile, remembering when 5 year old y/n ran proudly into the fire station after play school, showing off the drawings she made for each firehouse 51 vehicle. Hermann watched as Casey picked up the worn picture with a smile.
"How's y/n Casey?" Hermann asked, causing Casey to glance back at him as he pulled away from his thoughts. "Who's y/n?" Peter asked in confusion. "She's my little sister." Casey stated, placing the picture back at the corner. "The light of firehouse 51." Cruz joked causing everyone to laugh in agreement. "She's doing well Hermann, she hasn't had many nightmares in a while, and the ones she does have aren't as bad as they had been, which is good." Casey explained, speaking of the nightmares that his sister had since Darden's death. "That's great to hear Casey, really great." Hermann smiled with a nod of his head. "Alright guys, let's roll." Casey announced as they reached the house, getting ready to fight another blaze.
Y/n sat at Casey's desk, pen in her mouth as she typed away on her laptop, studying for final exams of the school year. Rubbing her eyes, she threw her arms over her head to stretch them when a picture catches her eye, a picture of her, Casey, Kelly and Darden after the three boys had graduated. Y/n, who was 3 back then, was perched on Darden's waist as they all smiled. Smiling sadly, y/n stood up from her seat and ran a finger over the picture.
Standing in silence for a few minutes, y/n snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of vehicles pulling into the firehouse. Throwing the pen that had been in her mouth onto the desk, she rushed out of her brothers office, towards the direction of the trucks.
Casey barely had time to step down from the truck before his siter jumped onto him. Stumbling back, Casey wraps his arms around his sister to prevent her from falling. He watched as the guys walked by them, smiling softly at the two siblings before heading into the cafeteria area, Mouch messing with y/ns hair gently as he passed. Keeping an arm around Y/n, Casey placed her back on her own two feet before closing the truck door, keeping an arm around his sisters waist. He placed a kiss on y/ns head gently as Kelly walked by, glancing their way.
"I'm ok." He stated after a few minutes holding onto y/n, rubbing her back gently. Y/n sighed and pulled away from her brother slowly, nodding as he tucks a piece of hair behind her ears. He keeps both his hands on her face as he bends slightly to retain eye contact with her. "I'm okay." He stated again, smiling at her causing y/n to smile.
Stepping back from each other, the siblings made their way to Casey's office, Casey's arm draped over y/ns shoulder. Y/n leaned into her brother as he glanced at her school work that lay on his desk, checking on what she was doing.
"What were you working on?" He asked, picking up some sheets that lay on the laptops keyboard. "English project." Y/n stated. "What's it about?" "Shakespeare's work." Y/n stated, giggling slightly as Casey threw the piece of paper down with a look of displeasure. "It's not that bad." "I beg to differ." Casey stated, moving away from y/n as she saved the work that she had on her laptop. "Come on let's get some lunch."
The duo headed into the canteen where the rest of firehouse 51 were grabbing their lunch. Y/n glanced towards the squad table where Kelly sat, and he smiled softly at her as she waved shyly before accepting the plate of lasagna Casey gave her. She sat at the corner of the aisle after grabbing some water, listening to the fire crew as they talked about the fire. She stopped eating when she seen Kelly standing up, walking towards the exit. He turned and nodded at her to follow him causing y/n to look at Casey before following him.
Y/n crosses her arms over her body as she walks out of the firehouse, standing close to were Kelly was. He glanced her way as the two stood in silence.
"Look I know that Casey and I aren't on the best of terms right now, but I would really like it if we kept the relationship that we had." Kelly stated after a few minutes of them just standing quietly, turning to face her. Y/n didn't sat anything for a minute, instead turning to look in the direction of the firehouse. I just dont want it to be awkward. You and Casey aren't exactly talking and I feel like I'd be insulting him if I talked to you." Y/n stated, glancing at Kelly who watched her carefully. "It won't be if you don't let it." Kelly assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I just want my little buddy back." He stated, trying to get her to at least smile, smiling himself when he seen a faint smile appear on her face as she tucked her chin into her chest. "I missed you." He said, bending slightly to look into her eyes, causing her to smile up at him. "I guess I missed you too." Y/n smiled causing Kelly to smile as he stood up straight again.
Kelly moved closer and pulled y/n into a hug. Y/n sighed as she accepted the hug, wrapping her arms around his torso. She shivered with the cold, causing Kelly to pull back from her.
"You cold? Come on, we better head back in so you don't get sick." Kelly stated, moving towards the firehouse. "Actually, I think I'm going to stay out here for a bit." Y/n stated, looking over her shoulder at Kelly. "Here, have my jacket then, and don't stay out for too long." He warned her, taking off his jacket and helping her put it on. "Thanks." She smiled, allowing the cuffs of the jacket to fall over her hands, flapping them gently as she watched Kelly leave.
"Y/n Casey." A voice called out, causing y/n to turn around to see a man with grey hair looking at her as he leaned on a black car. "How do you know my name?" She asked, looking back at the firehouse with weariness. "The names Voight, Detective Voight." The man responded, moving away from his car as he spoke to her. "Can I help you with something?" She asked, stepping back as Voight moved closer to her. "Just a chat is all." Voight responded with a slight smile as he stopped in front of y/n.
Boden walked out of the bathrooms, heading towards the canteen when he seen Y/n standing outside. Moving closer to the exit, his face hardened as he seen Voight talking to the young girl. Shaking his head he made his way into the canteen, walking over to Casey.
"Casey." He stated with a strong voice, causing Casey to look up at the chief in confusion. "Voight's at y/n."
Casey's eyes widened before jumping out of his seat, rushing towards the entrance with Boden close behind. Seeing Voight talking to his sister caused him anger as he walked towards the two, Boden staying at the exit to watch.
"Voight stay the hell away from her." Casey shouted, pointing at Voight as y/n glanced in her brothers direction in confusion. "Just a talk is all." Voight stated, opening his arms outwards. "Leave her alone Voight." Casey stated as he stopped beside y/n, pushing her back gently. Y/n looked back a the firehouse to see the rest of the department watching what was happening. "You know Casey, your sister here, she's quite smart." Voight stated, glancing at y/n who looked between the two men with confusion. "Don't you come near her again you hear me." Casey stated, moving closer to Voight who just smirked before leaving to his car, nodding at the firehouse as he opened his car door before leaving.
Casey wrapped an arm around y/n's shoulders as he watched Voight leave. Y/n watched the car turn the corner before facing her brother who placed his hands on her shoulders before looking her in the eye.
"You okay?" He asked, a look of concern on his face. "Yeah fine, he was just asking me if I had seen anything suspicious lately." Y/n responded, Casey nodding in relief at her answer. "He comes near you again, you let me know alright." Casey stated as he pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
Y/n nods and Casey smiles, pulling her into a hug as he kissed her head. She smiled at him as they separated before Casey wrapped an arm around her shoulder, leading her to his office, ignoring the looks the rest of his co-workers gave them as they passed. The crew looked at Boden who just watched Casey bring his sister into his office before nodding, telling them all to just leave what happened in the firehouse.
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The Heroic Heralds of the Hermann Horde
Part 1
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: swearing, tension, parental issues
 A/N: You should read my fic ‘Tylenol and Tequila’ part three for some relationships to make sense but it can be read without having done so, the story focuses mainly on the Hermann family (or Hermann Horde as I have dubbed them) but there’s some stellaride and upstead in here as well.
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Being one out of five kids was exhausting. There were pros and cons that they all had to deal with. Lee Henry, Luke, and Annabelle got new clothes, Lee Henry because he was the oldest, Luke because hand me downs were too worn when they got to him, and Annabelle because she was the only girl. Kenny, Luke, Max, and Annabelle got away with pretty much everything because they didn’t have to set an example (and the only times they did get in trouble usually had more to with a bad call their dad had than anything else). Kenny was unintentionally favoured by their dad more because he has made it very clear he wants to be a firefighter like his dad. Max was favoured by their mom because of his traumatic birth. Kenny, Luke, and Max were closer because Lee Henry was the firstborn and not only had Cindy and Christopher decided to wait a few years before having more kids but also because he had to be the responsible older brother/third parent most of the time, his parents hadn’t intended for that to happen and they felt guilty about it sometimes, but they needed his help and made sure he got at least an hour of free time (this didn’t include homework or chores) a day. Annabelle felt left out frequently because she was the only girl and while she didn’t fit the girly girl mould, she just didn’t share a lot of interests or societal problems with her brothers. So the Hermann’s were their own unique brand of love and chaos, and they were alright with that. 
Lee Henry had gotten a part-time job for Friday nights and weekends as a lifeguard. People liked to joke that lifesaving ran in the family, but that wasn’t the case. Lee didn’t want to ever rush into a burning building, he never wanted to let worry and fear linger over his family’s heads day after day. Wondering if every unexpected knock on the door or phone call was a death notice or call to the hospital. He didn’t resent his dad for his career, but it had affected a lot of his life choices. The reason he became a lifeguard was because when he was 10, almost 11, his dad fell through the floor of a burning building.
He remembers the phone ringing, wondering if it was Susan from his granna’s quilting club, or Kraken (Karen) from the PTA. His mom answered with a cheerful hello but when she made no other noise and the room suddenly felt thick, he looked up, and he saw his mom’s face. She had gotten so pale he could see her veins, her eyes were wet and had sunken in, her mouth moving like she was screaming so loud it would shatter windows but nothing was coming out, and then she collapsed. Her knees just gave out underneath her. Lee jumped up to try and keep his mom from falling on the floor. He was too weak to catch her so they landed together on the hardwood together with a thump. She still couldn’t say anything, she started shaking, so Lee grabbed the phone. “-Ms. Hermann? Are you still there? Did you hear me? Your husband fell through the floor of a burning building, he’s on transport to the hospital-”
“In ambulance sixty-one?”
“... I’m sorry who am I speaking to?”
“Lee Henry Hermann, son of Christopher and Cindy Hermann. Is my dad being taken to the hospital in ambulance sixty-one?”
“Yes, but I should really-”
“Which hospital?”
“Lakeshore medical centre, I should really speak to-”
“We’re on our way.” He hung up, remembering the words his dad has said to him a thousand times, ‘if you’re in a dangerous situation do everything you can to stay calm, you can make things worse if you panic’. “Hello, yellow taxi? I need a cab to take five people, one adult and four kids, to Lakeshore medical centre. My Dad got hurt and mom can’t speak.” It was a flurry of running and car seats and firefighter turn out gear that wasn’t his dad’s. That wasn’t cool anymore. That he couldn’t stand to look at or smell. So when no one was looking he got up and, calmly, walked to a closet. He walked inside, closed the door, and let it all out. He cried, muffled his screams with his forearms. He ruthlessly scratched his arms, and hit himself. In the head, chest, thighs, feet. He knew right then, from the look on his mother’s face, from the grimness behind uncle Randy’s eyes, from the tearing feeling in his chest, he could never do it. He could never be a firefighter.
When he returned to the group, his long-sleeved shirt was rolled down and he’d stopped at the bathroom before heading to the cafeteria to make sure he looked okay. He was carrying two plastic bags that were filled to the brim with sandwiches and water bottles. He was spotted by uncle Randy first. “Lee Henry! There you are, what’ve you got there?”
“Some food and water, I figured we’d all need something to eat and drink, we might be here a while after all.”
“Yeah... Hey, I heard that you helped get everyone here, and you’ve been really calm and level-headed throughout this whole thing. You’ve done really well, why don’t you sit down and we’ll keep you company til we hear some news about your dad? Severide can pass around the grub, okay?” Severide made his way over to the oldest Hermann child and gave him a proud smile. “I for one, am not even remotely surprised that you’re so calm. Your old man is a firefighter, remaining calm in stressful situations and helping others is in your blood. Should we be expecting another Hermann at 51?” Lee felt his heart sink into his gut, but thankfully Boden called for all the members of 51 to have a talk in one section of the ER before Lee could answer.
Lee took one last walk around the pool, to make sure he hadn’t missed any puddles or items when cleaning the deck while the last of the stragglers got out of the pool and the stands when he heard a loud crack. He whipped his head around and found a teen about his age lying on the floor at the bottom of the stands. He rushed over and methodically went over his injuries, calling out orders to the other lifeguards and people around him. He and Kylie got the guy on their backboard and his neck stabilized. The paramedics arrived quickly. “Lee Henry?”
“Hey Brett, so we have a teenage male, unsure of age or name, with a head laceration, possible neck trauma, and loss of consciousness. He fell off the stands and hasn’t so much as opened his eyes, one of the other lifeguards went through the change rooms to see if there was anyone waiting for him but they couldn’t find anyone. I noticed him come in a couple of hours ago, but he didn’t socialize with or appear to have come with anyone. He just came in and sat down at the top.”
“Alright, well you did a good job, we’ve got it from here.”
The next morning he was met by his dad, smiling from ear to ear. ”There's my boy.” Christopher began patting Lee Henry on the back. ”Brett said you were amazing, guess you'll be joining me at 51 pretty soon, huh? And tonight we are going to celebrate, the entire firehouse is coming over and we're gonna do a pot luck.”
Lee Henry couldn't get a word in edgewise, just sighed as his dad walked away, over the moon. Lee Henry finished getting ready under the concerned eyes of his mother, who had witnessed the tension in his shoulders and fine line his lips went into. ”Are you okay, honey?”
”Yeah, I'm great. I'll see you after work.” He gave his mom a kiss on the cheek, grabbed his duffle and headed for the station.
Lee felt his stomach sink when he recognized the extra cars cluttering the street in from of his house. He rolled his shoulders back at the sound of heavy laughter coming from inside, knowing it was better just to face it head on. He was met with the smell of various kinds of foods, and was met with the sound of rowdy firefighters. ”Hey Herm, the guest of honour had finally arrived. Lee Henry, come over here!”
”Hey guys.” Lee spent the next two hours, after working a 10 hour shift of a labour intensive job, bearing everyone’s comments about the ’next generation of Hermann firefighters’, and constantly being pulled away from the food table! Donna made pallea and his mom made brownies! He just wanted to eat!
He was tired, hungry, and emotionally worn out when uncle Kelly pulled him aside. ”Hey, Lee, I didn't want to say this to your dad before you, but I made a couple calls, and was able to get you a spot at the academy for next fall if you want it. It'll be great-”
”I don't want to be a firefighter.”
”I haven't since I was ten.”
”Lee, you don't have to-”
”I... It's just a personal choice.”
”But your dad... He thinks you want to be a firefighter.”
”He never lets me get a word in, just rambles until he has to leave for shift or Molly's.”
”What do you want to be then?”
”A doctor.”
”Ha, you’re a healer not a smokeater, huh?”
”Don’t laugh, you'll need someone to fix up your self-destructive ass when you fall through a floor in a burning house.” Lee just couldn't take it anymore, his emotions had boiled over, so he’d snapped. And now he needed to leave so that he didn't have to watch his uncle put all the dots together right in front of him.
He was hungry and in need of comfort. Both from food and people. So when Kylie jogged out of his house after him, he was grateful. They caught the el downtown and went to Bartolli’s, a favourite restaurant of the Hermann’s. ”You were pretty loud, when you were talking to Kelly, just so you know.”
He sighed. ”I figured. I texted my mom before we got to the station, told her where we were going, mostly to avoid her worrying, but I fully expect someone to show up.”
”It does seem like something anyone at 51 would do, they are very involved in each other's lives.”
”Hey, you've been dealing with this for a few months, I've been dealing with it my whole life.” Their conversation flowed freely, mixed with milkshakes and deep-dish pizza. 
”Do you know what you want to do when you get out of high school?”
”Definitely something that helps people, but I don't think I want to be a firefighter either. Kelly and Stella worry about me just going to school, I can't imagine how they'd feel if I was running into burning buildings! They'd probably only be okay with it if I was at 51 with them, and while I love them, I don't love them that much. I think something in law.”
”The only issue for us is how to pay for all that.”      
“We could join the military, but that does kinda defeat the purpose of not being firefighters...”
“Lee Henry? Kylie?”
“Detective Upton and Halstead, hi.”
“What are you two doing here? I thought that 51 was celebrating a big save you made.”
“Yeah, but it just ended up being a firefighter thing, you know how it goes, especially because apparently, you guys do the same thing.”
“Yeah, we do...”
“Well,” Halstead gave a smirk and a nod, “you two enjoy your pizza.”
“Thanks,” Kylie piped up, having not spoken much with the detectives, “and you two have fun on your date.” Lee and Kylie turned to go back to their meal, but noticed the frozen body language and panicked expressions of the two adults. They looked at each other, concerned, before Lee decided to bite the bullet. “Uh, guys? Are you okay? Should we call the other Halstead?”
“We’re not dating.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“... Yesssssss.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“Have a nice night kids.” Upstead (what they were to be referred to as according to his mom) turned and bolted out of the restaurant, blushes and pizza in tow. “I really hope that they sort out their feelings, it’s getting a little exhausting and I don’t even spend that much time around them!”
“Amen to that.”
When Lee returned home it was late, and only the porch and living room lights were on. He entered the quiet house alone, having dropped Kylie off at her apartment before returning home himself. He locked the door, turned off the porch light, and went straight to the living room knowing that it was better to face his dead head-on than beat around the bush. “Dad.”
“Lee Henry.”
“We need to talk.”
“Apparently we do.”
“I don’t want to be a firefighter.”
“Well, I heard that pretty loud and clear. It was too loud to miss. You know I just don’t understand-”
“October 10th, 2012.”
“Excuse me?”
“You and uncle Matt fell through the floor of a burning house. Your ADSU went off cause the fall knocked you unconscious. I’ve heard Gabby say that that was one of the scariest days of her life. And I remembered you comforted her when she visited you in the hospital. But you didn’t comfort me-”
“No. Let me speak for once. I was ten years old. And I had to call the cab company, and get everyone in the car, and keep everyone together, and make sure everyone was eating, and check-in with the nurses about your condition, and get school stuff organized for Luke, Max, and Annabelle, and make all the meals for a week, and get Granna and Grandad on an earlier flight back to Chicago, and manage your medication because mom was too stressed to. Your voice was ringing through my head the entire time, ‘if you’re in a dangerous situation do everything you can to stay calm, you can make things worse if you panic’. All that I was told that miserable week was that I was destined to be a firefighter like you. But I was just listening to you, and I realized that being a firefighter was the absolute last thing I want to be when I get older. I had always known in the back of my mind that your job was dangerous, but it didn’t hit me until that day, not even when uncle Andy died. I just... I had my blinders ripped off, and I can’t ignore the terror I feel every time you leave for work. And I see mom and the others feel it too now that there have been more close calls, and I can’t do it. I want you to know that I don’t resent you for it in any way, but I can’t do that to my friends and family. I can’t let the people in my life feel like they’re saying goodbye to me every time I go to work. And I’ve tried to tell you, but I can never get a word in.”
“I tend to do that apparently. Look, I’ll admit there’s a part of me that’s always wanted you kids to follow in my footsteps, but that is a very small part of me. I am actually really happy that you don’t want to be a firefighter because I know that I don’t have the strength to worry about you or any of the others day after day. It takes a special breed of people to do that, and I don’t come from it. If you want to be a doc, that’s great. I know that you’re more than capable and I’m really proud of you for being able to recognize that. I’m also really sorry. That you had to be so brave so young. Need you to know that I love you, that I am so proud of you, and that I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you as much as I should have been.” Lee had never, ever, seen his dad cry. Christopher Hermann was always strong and firm. But here he was crying in front of his eldest son, exposing all of his vulnerable emotions to him. Cindy found them forty minutes later full-on bawling and clinging to each other as though their lives depended on it. Finally making peace with each other.
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sapphicambitions · 5 years
Laynie Rose’s Library
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over20penpals · 7 years
You, me and lovely letters <3
Name: Sarah
Age: 22
Country: Germany
Tumblr: http://funkenriss.tumblr.com/
Hello snail mail friends ♥
Just a little girl from Germany that studies social work and is totally obsessed with foxes, tea, coffee and everything cute & fluffy. (Like that little girl from despicable me and her unicorn :’D)
I love writing and practicing it since I’m 11 years old and I was in different classes about creative writing. God, that’s so much fun! I love writing rp, fanfictions, own stuff and much more. I read Manga since I’m 8 and my first was… uhm… Shaman King… I think xD I love books (reading is so important to me :’D. At the moment I read ‘The Mortal Instruments’ – love malec omg - and ‘Demian’ from Hermann Hesse. My favorite book is ‘Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe’ /D ) and many tv shows (like Hannibal, AHS, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Bates Motel, TWD, HTGAWM, Shadowhunters and so on). Also I’m absolutely into K-Pop (like BTS, BIGBANG, B.A.P., G-Dragon) (but still a newbie and curious about new bands and shows!),  music (like BMTH, Asking Alexandria, Fever Ray, Samsas Traum, NF, Annisokay, In This Moment, Being As An Ocean, Halsey, Hollywood Undead and so on) and fandom related stuff. I’m a tumblr girl and like any fangirl I have too many ships I’m in love with. Shame on me xD
Also I’m vegan and love cooking recipes from all over the world. You have some stuff I should try? Show meee ♥ I think that other cultures and languages (I just started learning Korean… so… do you learn Korean too? We can learn together, this could be fun! :D) are so interesting and I’m open minded to learn many new things! My friends describe me as a Gothic-Hippie-Girly-Geeky-Whatever mix and I think that’s very accurate xD I think a lot about humans, the world, ghosts (What’s about zombies? Omg. Zombies!) and more strange stuff. And yeah… I can’t even play a video game or watch a movie without crying. I’m an emotional-whatever-fluffy-fox xD
I’m always happy to find a person who wants to exchange cute, freaky and awesome letters with me ♥
What I love about letters is the personality. How others write and what they write and with what things they are surprising you. What they tell me. I love long conversations about same hobbies, or just daily stuff. I think it’s interesting what’s up in other people’s lives. What they think, what they dream and what they wanna do. I think there can be so much love in a little piece of paper and that’s… yeah… that’s fantastic. I’m a dreamer… I love people and strong friendships and I have found such good friends through writing … that’s kind of Magic.
I don’t prefer any gender or sexuality as long as we have some things in common and get along with each other! This is the most important thing ♥ I would prefer people between the age of 16 and 28 :) Let’s start this journey together and maybe we become friends with a strong and beautiful connection x3 
So… write me a message (on my Tumblr) ♡ I don’t bite :3
Hugs, Sarah ♥
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mariedemedicis · 7 years
gilmore girls revival thoughts
the revival as a whole
under a cut only because the episode thoughts were (and aesthetic or death, you know?) also these are from 11/29/16 with no edits fyi
this is going to be messy and all over the place because it’s how i’m thinking so i apologize
i said this to jenna but i wonder how much the revival was changed by edward hermann’s death in 2014 and she said a lot and i think agree honestly
i can’t even imagine how emily’s arc would have gone? like she definitely grew the most
this show had so much more casual hard liquor drinking than i expected and and it was kind of weird that way
why couldn’t odette be a lesbian in a fake relationship with logan? like they’re engaged in order to please their families but basically are in an open relationship and have girlfriends. like odette approached logan because they’re good friends and suggested the whole thing. and logan agreed because he wasn’t with rory and then they sort of got to together but things were casual so he didn’t want to spook her and thought she didn’t want something serious so, massive communication issues but then things got resolved! and logan was like sorry odette! i’m out of our arrangement and so she eloped with her girlfriend. and rory and logan were happy together and so the pregnancy was a surprise but not necessarily a bad one and they raise their girlie together! oh and could rory have not been exclusive with paul? or not with anyone? i hate the repetition of a terrible cheating storyline. this is time no. 3. they were all bad. pls, just learn, rory.
okay, sorry more analytically it’s interesting that the ex-boyfriends showed up in a 2:1 ratio (logan showed up in all four, jess in two, dean in one)
fake relationship aside, i think asp did do some character assassination on logan
like i’m so torn about him in the revival - he had some adorable moments with rory and man he gets her so well but also cheating??? a fiance??? working for his father??? ew what is this character regression
and also maybe i was overreading what i wanted to see but it seemed like he was just waiting for a sign from rory to get serious and she was just on a completely different wireless network
lane deserved so much better, where was her storyline? she’s been shafted narratively since she started dating zach
i honestly love every second of paris in the revival
it seemed like lorelai wanted kids and then luke didn’t and i kind of feel like that just got shot down not resolved
do sookie’s kids even exist? honestly so many characters didn’t get enough invested in them
a thing i loved was basically all emily’s storyline and i thought michel and lorelai getting closer and him throwing down for her was really well done in showing how we grow closer to different people as life goes on
the berta thing was bad
april was lovely but could have had more screentime
jess and april didn’t interact on screen and we didn’t get to see all three of luke’s kids together
no gigi which i think was a loss
gigi could have said something in opposition to christopher’s parenting claims and she’s such a great foil for rory
i think my least favorite episode was summer
i wonder what was cut?
and then the baby thing it’s coming full circle in a lot of ways but idk to be truly honest, i don’t think rory is mom-material weirdly i could see logan as a dad
what if the baby was a boy
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
70 Cute Quotes for all Areas of Life
Our latest collection of cute quotes on Everyday Power Blog. Enjoy!
Reading inspirational quotes can boost your motivation and help you lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Cute quotes are a great way to improve your mood and brighten your day.
If you’re looking for the best quotes to cheer up your day or to share with the people you love…look no further. We’ve collected these beautiful quotes just for you.
These cute quotes cover many different aspects of life, including love, happiness, time, beauty, and much more. They are positive, witty, poetic, beautiful and inspiring.
  Cute quotes for all areas of life
  1.) “Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln
  2.) “Cute is when a person’s personality shines through their looks.” – Natalie Portman
  3.) “Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.”— Candace Bushnell
  4.) “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  5.) “Always wear cute pajamas to bed, you’ll never know who u will meet in your dreams.” – Joel Madden
  6.) “As hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute.”- Jenny Lewis
  7.) “Life must be lived as play.” – Plato
  8.) “I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.” – Rita Mae Brown
  9.) “Just give me a comfortable couch, a dog, a good book, and a woman. Then if you can get the dog to go somewhere and read the book, I might have a little fun.”— Groucho Marx
  10.) “I’ve never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.” – Richard C. Armitage
  Cute quotes about love
  11.) “Love is the answer, but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions.”— Woody Allen
  12.) “It wasn’t love at first sight. It took a full five minutes.”— Lucille Ball
  13.) “We were together. I forget the rest.” – Walt Whitman
  14.) “Love thy neighbor — and if he happens to be tall, debonair, and devastating, it will be that much easier.”— Mae West
  15.) “I have a crush on your mind. I fell for your personality. Your looks are just a bonus.”— The Notebook
  16.) “Love is like Pi: natural, irrational, and very important.”— Lisa Hoffman
  17.) “Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.”— Jules Renard
  18.) “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”— Charles Schulz
  19.) “The being in love is better than the falling in love.”— Simply Irresistible
  20.) “True love stories never have endings.” – Richard Bach
  Cute quotes about life
  21.) “Everything looks cute when it’s small.” – Cynthia Rawley
  22.) “I think people should look cute all the time.” – Rachel Zoe
  23.) “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller
  24.) “That’s the secret to life… replace one worry with another…” – Charlie Brown
  25.) “Character develops itself in the stream of life.” – Wolfgang Von Johann Goethe
  26.) “The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.” – Alfred Adler
  27.) “If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?” – Erma Bomback
  28.) “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” – Isaac Asimov
  29.) “The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.” ~ Khalil Gibran
  30.) “Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” ~ Will Smith
  Cute quotes for girls
  31.) “A real girl isn’t perfect and a perfect girl isn’t real.” – Harry Styles
  32.) “I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”— Marilyn Monroe
  33.) “My style is simple, kinda girly, but with a bit of an edge.” – Erin Heatherton
  34.) “Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.”
  35.) “A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none.” – Marilyn Monroe
  36.) “We girls, we’re tough, darling. Soft on the outside but, deep down, we’re tough.” – Kristen Ashley
  37.) “Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.” – Paris Hilton
  38.) “I love dressing up. It’s the best part of being a girl, I think.” – Emma Roberts
  39.) “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” – Coco Chanel
  40.) “Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away.” – Laurence J. Peter
  Cute quotes for him
  41.) “Come live in my heart and pay no rent.” – Samuel Lover
  42.) “I am in love with you and this reality is far better than my dreams.”
  43.) I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you!~ Roy Croft
  44.) “Everyday I fall in love with you more and more. Except yesterday, yesterday you were pretty annoying.”
  45.) “If I know what love is, it is because of you.”~ Hermann Hesse
  46.) “I love you from my head tomatoes.”
  47.) “Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you. So we’re even.”
  48.) “My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.”~ Ibn Abbad
  49.) “You make me smile for no reason whatsoever, You make me laugh at the unfunniest things, But most of all, you make me love you.”- Anonymous
  50.) “Forever isn’t long at all when I’m with you.”~ Winnie the Pooh
  Cute quotes for her
  51.) “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” – Oscar Wilde
  52.) “The power of your smile should never be underestimated. It melts my heart and touches my soul.”
  53.) “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks
  54.) “No one else matters when I look into your eyes.”
  55.) “You’ve a place in my heart no one else could have.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  56.) “I’ve fallen in love many times… but always with you.”
  57.) “I love you the way a drowning man loves air. And it would destroy me to have you just a little.”- Rae Carson
  58.) “I am absolutely, definitely, positively, unquestionably, beyond any doubt, in love with you.”
  59.) “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.” – Elinor Glyn
  60.) “You`re not only my love… you`re my air, and I cannot live without you.”
  Other cute quotes
  61.) “I don’t think you can define love.” ― Harry Styles
  62.) “I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.”― Cat Stevens
  63.) “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”― Robert Byrne
  64.) “Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.” ~ Danny Kaye
  65.) “I like girls who eat Carrots. ~ Louis Tomlinson” ― One Direction
  66.) “Life is the game that must be played.” ~ Edwin Arlington Robinson
  67.) “Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.”― Amelia Burr
  68.) “Maybe I’ll just give up on boys. Okay, maybe not. I mean they’re just so cute!” ― Jillian Dodd
  69.) “Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.”― Hans Christian Andersen
  70.) “Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.”― Carl Sandburg
  Which are your favorite cute quotes?
Reading inspirational quotes is a great way to enhance our mindsets and improve our lives. Hopefully, these cute quotes have uplifted your mood and brightened your day.
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The post 70 Cute Quotes for all Areas of Life appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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historyhermann · 2 years
A curmudgeon librarian and superheroes in the library [PART 2]
Broken into two parts because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post.
It's because they are breaking a rule hilariously called "no loud fighting." When Diana asks about this, the librarian has her only substantive line in the episode: "It's Metropolis, it's the best we can hope for." Diana and Katana apologize for their behavior, but their fighting doesn't stop. Diana even catches Katana's hand in a book, and they continue girly fighting.
Of course, this sound catches the attention of the librarian, again. As the audience, we see the expanse of the library as a whole...
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Until their fighting causes the stacks of the library to collapse, falling like dominoes, with expressions of shock on their faces afterward. The librarian, cast as a curmudgeon, kicks out Diana and Katana for property destruction, a reason more justified than Turtle Princess asking Finn and Jake to leave the library in one of the Adventure Time episodes. The librarian might be portrayed badly in this episode, almost equivalent to "the original librarian stereotype...of the fussy (white) male curmudgeon" except it's a White woman, [2] but what she does is completely justified!
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The fact that Katana and Diana apologize for their action afterward doesn't make up for what they did. It's good they have to deal with the consequences of their actions and being banned from the library, presumably. Their fight then continues outside the library and onto the streets of the city.
Toward the end of the episode, we see the librarian, at night, pushing a cart of books. It makes me think of books being moved around on hover carts in Cleopatra of Space, although there are probably other examples.
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While this episode doesn't counter stereotypes of librarians, [3] it is fun since many other episodes do not focus that much on libraries. As such, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.
© 2020 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[2] The same article talks about librarian stereotypes more, saying, "there are numerous librarian stereotypes, with the most recognizable being the middle-aged, bun-wearing, comfortably shod, shushing librarian. Others include the sexy librarian, the superhero librarian, and the hipster or tattooed librarian. These stereotypes are all characterized predominantly as feminine, white women. Newer librarian stereotypes, particularly those proffered by librarians themselves, tend to be depicted as younger white women. The original librarian stereotype, which was superseded by the introduction of his prudish sister, was that of the fussy (white) male curmudgeon."
[3] As one example, most of the librarians listed on Early Bird Books [dead link] either are wearing glasses and are curmudgeons (Evelyn O'Connell in The Mummy, Margaret Gesner in Monsters University, Barbara Gordon in Batman), are snotty elitists (Belle in Beauty and the Beast), seeming cops (The Library Cop in Seinfeld), drinkers (Tammy 2 in Parks and Rec), are ghosts (Ghost Librarian in Ghostbusters), or buff (Conan the Librarian in UHF) apart from Taystee in Orange is the New Black. Parks and Rec features one character, Marlene Knope (played by Pamela Reed) who hates libraries because of interpersonal issues, declaring "the library is the worst group of people ever assembled in history. They're mean, conniving, rude, and extremely well-read, which makes them dangerous."
Editor's Note: This post was originally published on my History Hermann blog but has been re-edited and fixed before being posted on this blog. Enjoy!
Reprinted from Pop Culture Library Review and Wayback Machine
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