#jikook hyung/dongsaeng relationship
Are You Sure?! - Episode 1 Observations
Jimin and Jungkook in the same car together was the gift that kept on giving. Besides how at ease they were with each other, the banter made it all so much better. Because even then, they had a huge smile on their face. I know it's easy for me (and others) to call Jungkook a brat (he can be), but Jimin is no better and sometimes he likes to push Jungkook's buttons to get a reaction out of him.
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Yes, that is definitely how a dongsaeng should talk to his hyung. That dynamic was either all over the place or completely absent. It felt more like they were both on equal footing and sometimes it should shift but I couldn't sense any of that more traditional age based relationship they are supposed to be having.
And all this for to me say that I have this tiny desire to witness a real argument. We know how they deal with conflict within their relationship through the retelling of their rainy day fight, but that was ages ago. They are more mature now, with their relationship in a different stage and that brings other issues to the surface. The short and heavily edited conversation about the lack of quality time was a small window into that. Both were laughing and indeed in wasn't a serious conversation, but it did confirm once again how needy and attached Jungkook is. And that doesn't exist in a vacuum. It can show through more cute/funny "moments" on camera, but we all know there's many ways for that to manifest.
What I'm trying to say is that as much as I emphasize that all I want is to enjoy KM, the truth is that it doesn't only include cute moments. I enjoy when they argue or when one is not in the mood or maybe bored, etc. Or when they disagree. It's a mark of authenticity there in terms of how they agree to come across on screen as individuals, but also it's the complexity of their relationship, regardless of its nature.
Often, the issue was (and still is) with the difficulty of putting Jikook in a box. To clearly define their relationship and dynamic. As opposed to other ships which a lot of the times heavily rely on fictional tropes and it's easily noticeable in ships across k-pop fandoms. The behavior might have variations, but the fans are set with their definition of what that pair is like. The bigger part of its component remains the same due to circumstances, personality, type of content, etc.
Even with the BTS fandom/solo stans and all factions of micro-fandoms, they can't really pinpoint jikook and tend to take the fanservice route (which is a confirmation in itself of what they actually see, but I digress). They're not the bickering duo, the married couple or any other trope-like dynamic. With AYS and having access to Jikook in a format that allows us to take a closer look at less interrupted interactions, it becomes even more difficult to pin them down. Which, if not an indication of an actual romantic relationship (the shipping perspective), at least it clearly shows a life spent together outside cameras that seeps in at every turn. At a complaint, a commentary, a familiar touch.
To be continued...
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haedalkoo · 1 month
First of all thank you so much for taking your time out and translating things for us to understand in a better context.
I am really curious how and when did you started supporting Jikook?? I mean if i talk about us International Army we sometimes don’t understand the context behind what they are saying for eg “Bike conversation” JK said “Romance” but he didn’t say it in a “romantic” way and we wouldn’t have known about it unless you wouldn’t have explained the context behind it. Sometimes we take their conversation in another direction as we don’t understand the context behind it… so i wanna know in AYS or even before have they talked with each other in a romantic or flirty way?? I mean we all sensed something between these two that’s why so many of us Believe in them and support them but i feel you understand them better as you can understand what they are speaking about or in which sense.. am really curious about it please enlighten us😃😃
This ask is soo cute!! Honestly, I started learning korean thanks to bts so by the time I was deep into jikook I was just learning the basics. It feels like a long time ago now lol 2018... ! But I adored their bond and, let's be honest, 2018 jikook were loud as hell. It was impossible not to love them.
But when I got better at korean, I did start realizing stuff that maybe my other jikooker friends missed at first glance. For me it's the way they speak to each other- their tone usually lowers and they sound really soft, or they add some aegyo at the end of their sentences. I'm thinking really hard of this 2019 live, when Jimin's teasing suddenly turns soft and he goes "I made my apology so may I go now?" and JK, in the quietest softest voice, says, "you may." I'm thinking of Jimin's 2021 birthday live. Honestly, there are a million examples. Plus, JK loves talking to Jimin in informal speech (banmal) since forever. Nowadays I think he's more grown and talks to all of them casually, but I noticed he's more careful or more 'polite' with the older hyungs (jin and namjoon mostly, we know he loves calling yoongi by his name pls), while with Jimin he allows himself the liberty of even scolding him. Not that JM seems to mind (in fact, he said it's his hobby... he finds JK so cute doesn't he.)
Oh, but as much as informal and soft they are, they're also too into roleplaying and speaking extra formally to each other. They did this a bunch in AYS, but also in the Vlive I just shared. They're so silly, but I think this is how they like to flirt... does anyone remember that tweet where they were facetiming in the same room? The caption was also in very formal speech!! If that's what they like... LOL (please send the tweet my way!)
Jungkook also calls Jimin pretty a lot. Pretty and cute. Jimin calls Jungkook cute every five minutes, but I think this is well known even for those who don't understand Korean.
I made a post about this already, but JK calls Jimin 'hyung' more than it seems. I'm reminded always of this 2021 content for the JPFC where JK's drawing Jimin and he says Jimin is really cute, but he doesn't forget that he's older than him.
Point is, anon, they flirt a lot. Or they joke around by flirting a lot. Did you see this moment in AYS where JK tells JM that he gave him butterflies? And then Jimin replies in formal speech, 'please let your heart flutter as much as you wish.' That's so quintessentially Jikook it made me giggle.
But I don't think I understand their dynamic any better than other jikookers! Their bond is special to us in many different and unique ways. Whatever it is that they share, it's really special, sweet and loving. They don't have a strict hyung-dongsaeng relationship and I think that's really charming, and it shows through their speech as well :)!
A blog I recommend to know more about this side of Kookmin is dalloga. She's Korean so she definitely can give you a bigger insight of this aspect of their dynamic and more detailed translations!! Her posts are golden.
Thank you for this sweet ask!!
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I actually agree quite a bit with the other anon regarding TH/JK hyung/dongsaeng relationship. You say they don't have that stereotypical relationship, but I think that's more because JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away. I think JK has always been kind sensitive to boundaries, but I think as he's gotten older, he's gotten even more strict about setting boundaries (which includes with fans based on stuff he said during his livestreams).
I think TH's personality naturally does not always respect boundaries, but with JK, I think he can push it further because of him being the hyung, so he does. But as we know, JK doesn't want to be "cute", he wants to be acknowledged as having matured and I think sometimes the way TH treats him disrespects that, him probably feeling more mature than TH probably exacerbates that feeling too (plus being in a group without a strict age hierarchy that never forced him into a maknae role). I don't know about posting, but a lot of the babying or disrespecting boundaries stuff TH does to JK, he would never be allowed to do towards the older members. They give him grace because they obviously love him, but there are limits.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out. I don't think TH feels close to hyung line much beyond them being like older brothers (compare to like JM who gets along with all of them and has JH especially close, or JK who also get along with most of them, but also is very close to jin). Over the years, the maknae line dynamic shifted a ton, with TH ending up kind of the outsider, and with JK specifically pulling away from him (IMO for the reasons I mentioned above). Now JM and JK enlisted together and have a travel show coming out, and I do think he probably feels pretty left out. To me, if he did post those photos for a negative reason, it wasn't about shippers or attention, but feeling left out and maybe a little petty. He probably also feels a little defensive of his relationship with JK, not so much to fans, but even internally. Weirdly, although they hung out more in 2023, I don't know if I can tell they actually bonded or got closer? Like JK leaving the movie premier to go live on his own or them going on trips, but with other people and to do specific activities. I understand why jkkers think they hung out more because JM was busy, because tbh, that's kind of the way it looks. And I mean that outside of any shipping discourse, I think JK's preferred person to hand with in bts is JM most of the time (base don the things he says and how much time we hear about them spending together behind the scenes). Maybe we'll see some strongly renewed bond between TH and JK after military service, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't. And I wouldn't be surprised if TH felt a little insecure about that, like he wanted or tried to reconnect with JK and I'm sure they had fun, but it didn't go any deeper. I'm not saying they don't care about each other, but I do think their personalities kind of inhibit the sort of closeness some of the other members have.
i'm being so real when i say anon you hit it right on the nose. i've been trying to form my own thoughts on this and i really love hearing other opinions on tae in relation to jikook.
JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away.
this perfectly encapsulates how i feel about tae in that he always takes it a step too far and doesn't have the awareness to understand why that is. i think you clarified a point from the first anon about if tae were to post disrespecting boundaries of other members, it wouldn't go over well. it just doesn't sit well that tae gets a hyung card pass to kind of post about jungkook in the way he does. of course its kinda harmless and i don't think jungkook will do anything about it, but to me its clear he doesn't feed into the relationship like tae does.
my mind goes straight to the conversation they had in the first in the soop (where jimin had to go fetch jk for tae), and jungkook spoke about how him and tae drifted apart. but also that tae pushed for jungkook to drop honorfics and jungkook was very strict in that he does not want to. tae is always looking to push the envelope further.
also i think its funny that tae posts like he does about jungkook, but jungkook doesn't even have instagram anymore to actually interact with the posts. i have no clue if tae lets jungkook vet the posts before he posts them. from what we can understand, it is tae crafting the narrative around current t@ekook, not jungkook. and that enables tae's power over jungkook's wishes even further.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out.
i've sensed this for a long time and it goes back to old 2019 lives where tae asks jimin to join him, but jimin says he's with jungkook so he can't. it just always feels like he wants in on jimin and jungkook, separately and together, but often is fresh out of luck. i think the telltale sign that tae and jungkook's relationship did not go any deeper last year was 1. jungkook never talked about him and 2. it was always with a group of friends.
plus from other asks too and what you said, i don't think tae has strong relationships with the hyung line, expect for hobi (but even hobi seems closer to jikook). so his only tie to bts is clinging to this newfound relationship he is trying to build with jungkook by pushing for him to join his friend group, and broadcasting it to the whole world.
thank you for putting so much attention into this ask anon, because the emotional difference between tae and jk really wasn't illuminated for me until now. jungkook i think has progressed past tae's immaturity, making him a better match for someone like jimin anyway.
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Hi Storm!
I'm from Brazil, and here a lot of people are using the culture to justify whatever they find "suspicion" about jikook. Now, even a korean/brazilian influencer is making a series of videos to explain that thats very common and obviously they're just friends because all korean men are like this with their friends.
I'm sending this because I read your posts about the honorifics and I wonder if you also talk about the people that use "is a culture thing" about Jimin and Jungkook relationship.
I'm sorry for my bad English... Thank you, and I love your blog!
Hey love,
I sort of made a post before. I linked this video of 2 Korean men reacting to Jikook where they say it would be hard to imagine them acting like that, and how they (Jikook) have an unusual hyung/dongsaeng relationship.
There is also plenty of Koreans who have pointed out that while the culture is different and lots of skinship is more normalized, that a lot of times, Jikook push that boundary and no, two Korean men wouldn't often engage quite the same way they do. For example
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This thread in its entirety is good
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My favorites from it....
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Also important to remember that a lot of casual skinship, butt grabs/touches, fanservice type moments ect is more normalized and not worth glancing at in a serious way. It's important to make sure you aren't filtering their moments through your own biases and culture lenses to form opinions, but trying to understand their actions through their own culture as well.
Hope this helps some!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK 28 July live
I'm exhausted. Can't seem to catch up with the speed JK's doing these lives. And every single one is louder than the one before it.
So, this is me posting about the live on the 28th, all while I haven't yet for the previous live, and just after he had his latest one.
But I guess here it goes, cause better late than never.
So the 28th live. Well, truthfully it was 3 lives.
1st he ended after close to 3 minutes because of the angle of the camera.
2nd was lagging and he eventually turned off after around 4 minutes.
He did manage to tell us the ice creams he likes concluding he likes savory.
He likes savory and JM likes rabbit spit. Ok then.
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Don't blame me for being like this. It's JK's fault. Well, actually, it's JK and JM's fault, cause man did they come on hard in that next third live that followed.
Peeps, this one was a doozy.
This short live, and even shorter Jikook interaction (started pretty much at the start of the live and ended at around the 15 min. mark) is up there as one of the best Jikook lives. And JM wasn't even in the room for it, lol.
If you would have asked me a couple of months back if this day was in the making pre-enlistment I would have said no. But hell, something has shifted in the past few weeks. Like really SHIFTED. When I compared Jikook's Silver day dinner in NY to Tainni's Parris stroll, I knew what I was talking about.
And now, I take you a Taenni stroll and raise you a frigging JK half naked in bed live just having a flirt fest with his bf.
Subs are out, I suggest you all go watch it. It's short and easy to follow and JK makes sure to read out JM's comments and he's flirty and cheeky and totally informal and forgets what the word honorific even is. The man is in his element.
And JK, he's pushing. Pushing hard for JM to do the live together. Again and again. Just showing us in real life what it means to pursue the person you want to be with, you know the "love of my life", whom he wants to go live with him. And JM, well JM he's being flirty and playful, and when he gets a little too flirty, he catches himself and deletes his comment, lol. But JK he catches on and he continues.
And after sending JK a photo to show him he's not in a state for a live, a photo that JK doesn't get to see just yet, JK is disappointed but accepts it. And then JM dips and tells JK to spend some time with us, cause when they are at it, it's only the two of them, lol.
That's it in an essence, but there is so much to unpack from that, I don't even know where to start.
Maybe not with Jikook. Maybe I'll start with JK, our super masculine manly man calling his new piercings pretty.
Ok then. Now that I got that out of the way how about we talk about JK showing us outright that their relationship, it ain't no usual hyung dongsaeng relationship. No way, no how.
In the more or less 15 minutes that JM stays on the live and the conversation between them JK mentions JM's name 18 times, out of which twice adding the ssi and only 7 times adding the hyung. And not only does he 'forget' the hyung, at some point in the live he calls JM by his name and uses his flirty Jimin-ssi, but he also dares to speak to him saying his name with an authoritive commanding tone. JK spares absolutely nothing to get JM do that live with him.
Also, out of those 7 times JK says JM hyung most are when he's talking about him and not to him?
Do we actually remember who the hyung is there? Cause it feels like those two have already forgotten it, lol.
JK tried it all. He tries asking then flirting, then going assertive.
JK tries the logical path - we are both bored.
He tries batting his eyelashes and he even goes down the emotional manipulation path with a little guilt tripping.
He even goes aego on JM. That lip pucker was not for us. Good cover up (or not so) with the "I'm checking out my face and need to lose weight".
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He literally tries it all, lol.
JM, ma man, you are a much stronger soldier than I would ever be, lol.
Thing is this.
JM knows he has to be strong here, when he has JK at arms length, cause he also knows that the second JK is near him, that's when he will lose his composure.
I kind of think it goes back to JM once admitting to us that he couldn't do a live alone with JK because they would get lost in each other and forget we are there.
Well hell yeah, that's exactly what we're banking on. Let the Jikook live begin.
Maybe, just maybe if the live is pre-planned and on neutral ground. Maybe then he can manage to have some kind of control. But like this? Just out of nowhere? No preparation?
JM is a strong soldier, but when it comes to JK he loses that battle. And he knows it, lol. So that would be a big fat no on an unplanned live with JK for him, lol.
And let's go right back to the flirting that was going on right in front of our faces. Because I mean, how can we not? How can we not keep talking about this? This was friggin' wild.
JM with his "I can handle it", his "I'm scared of you" and "he's going to hit me", and should we mention his "I'm not easy" (will get to that one in a sec)? Yo, and what's up with that pic he sent him mid live and telling us all he just did?
And JK, omg JK, with his satoori and informal and just that tone. That tone he was using with JM. Because all those words, and the dropping of the hyung they are only a part of it. It's the tone. The bloody to die for tone he was using talking to JM.
And his reactions to JM's comments.
JK's reaction to JM's "I can handle it", omg, that giggle and the smile after saying it again...
See I can't help but wonder... was that JK giggling because:
a. he knows jm can handle it as he's quite familiar with his chesties besties; or
b. he knows that JM's lying cause he most definitley cannot handle his chesties besties.
But seriously, can JM handle it? Can he really? Handle his chestie besties??? Perhaps from afar off camera, lol. And that is just another reason why JM thought it better to not have that live.
Food for thought. LOL.
We were literally third wheeling the whole time.
Even DT Parker could see it.
He sees some of it, but unwilling to go the full mile.
And that's also why JM decided he had to put an end to it, dip and let JK have a little time with army (which was another 10 min. of which 5 were him telling his goodbyes), lol.
Oh, a few more points.
What about "I'm not easy", ok, let's talk about that one for a minute.
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Ok, so it's not 100% sure who deleted that one. My money is on JM. He knew EXACTLY what it looked/sounded like, and realised that perhaps this was him taking it once step too far, lol. I doubt it was someone in the company that deleted it, because if you go to the live and press live chat you can actually see that both the comments that were deleted are still there, lol. So, seems to me that this wasn't a company move and more a JM one. Because adding this to the tone, the lack of honorifics, the totally thoroughly flirty conversation between the two of them, this could be a little bit of a deal sealer, and maybe JM thought it to be just a little too much.
Did we talk about the song JK sings right after JM joins the live?
JM, ma man, you are a much stronger soldier than I would ever be, lol.
Thing is this, again, JM knows he has to be strong here, when he has JK at arms length, cause he also knows that the second JK is near him, that's when he will lose his composure.
And a little more I noticed (I don't really think it's so little though):
JM, of course, knows JK's schedule.
I know there are a few translations on this, but the official ones are pretty clear, and they also align with what JK told us in the first live, having to wake up at 1:20 pm. And there is also this:
JM was calling JK - Jung kook. Which is not something he's done that often. And it feels like this might also have to do with JK's change to his Weverse account, changing his name to Jung kook, perhaps wanting to have a more mature/adult image.
Oh, and how is this not exploding on SM?????
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Like wtf? How has this not been all over the place?
The ease in which this was said. He'll grab his toiletries and go over to do the live? Shower at JM's before? Shower at his after? Do the live, shower and sleep over? Whichever of these you go with it's god damn fucking loud.
The man lives what? A few minutes away from JM? And yet he needs to pop over to his place to shower? And again, how naturally this was said, kind of like it's A THING they just do. Like, let's get real here. First of all, yeah, it's a thing they do, and he just told us that live!!! and second, I'm not sure he needs a full bag of toiletries. He probably has most of them already there on his side of the sink, or if there is a his and his sink, then next to HIS sink.
Also, and this is a question I'm still asking myself - did JK say this intentionally? Was this a slip of the tongue or was there intent. Either or is loud, but intent means he wanted us to know this, while slip of the tongue was that he just let himself act naturally with JM, which included that "I'll come shower at yours".
And JM? I didn't hear a no to the "I'll come over and shower at yours". Just a not now to the live. So...
Ok, enough is enough.
We still had another what? 10 min. approx. after JM left.
Did anything really happen in those 10 min.? Nah.
Well, one thing maybe. JK said he'll try to go live during his breaks while recording, cause he's sad he only got to perform in front of 280 army only.
Which he did.
And me writing these lines after watching that live just sitting here and laughing my head off. Because BURN BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that's it.
We might not have gotten an actual Jikook in same room and same frame live, but we sure did get a JIKOOK live. And it was as loud as (minors hands over your ears) FUCK!!!!
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And everything I mentioned there, my friends, is why it's ALWAYS better to watch the live and not rely solely on the translation accounts. Translations accounts are great, but they don't convey the tone.
Oh, and did we see this?
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Cause what the hell?🤣🤣
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And for funsies:
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Now JK has to stop. Just stop. Like take a couple of days off, go be with JM for a little and let me catch my breath goddamnit.🤣🤣
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
This is what always baffled me about the Dongsaeng/Hyung thing. You can tell some of these new shippers are so uneducated with their culture. Dongsaeng is the proper term to describe JK, because he is younger then JM. Just like Hyung is appropriate because Jimin is older then JK. Seeing this used against Jikook is hysterical, when its the appropriate terms. All members, everyone of them have called JK Dongsaeng, Tae included even tho TKK ignore that and Hobi has called Vminkook all three that and so has RM, yet when they do it, it means nothing & no one makes a big deal about it. Only with Jikook. LIke how fake OT7 accounts when translating would write (BROTHER) when translating if JM called JK this, but when Hobi called JM this in his Chicago live, no accounts tacked on brother. Its also kinda hilarious watching JM go from straight up asking for kisses from JK, telling us he liked JK, calling JK his toy, etc, to sticking with Dongsaeng to describe him now. He said sorry, you're not getting nothing else out me. Even during festa JM's little smirk trying to come through. We see you JM. It don't work. Bless him. He's not fooling anyone. JK however, that man said honorifics who? I don't know that when it comes to Jimin. Just like yesterday in his live, he said Jimin Hyung and then right afer said Jimin, no honorifics. He said yeah, I'm not even gonna pretend. It is more rare to hear JK call JM hyung, then it is for him not to call him that. This is why K-jkk always lose it when JK acts this way, because its not appropriate, yet JM lets JK get away with. JK even denied dropping honorifics with Tae. You might hear JK once in a blue moon drop honorifics with his Hyungs, but that is extremely rare. Where with JM, well JM is his boyfriend and its a constant thing cause their relationship is different on every level. And if that wasn't enough tell you, them blurting out JK's mom makes traditional soup for someone else's son's bday and feeds it to her family, well, that tells you Jimin is viewed as part of their household. And Vhope's reactions say it all. JK's momma don't fix them soup for their bdays and the silence after that reveal, yeah they knew that was a big reveal from Jikook. One day antis will wake up and see everything with Jikook is different, even if you don't ship them romantically, you still know its different.
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Hi :) I was reading through your older posts on Jikook dynamics and some random cult member appeared and commented (2 years late) on a post where you talked about In The Soop stuff. So the comment (and all of the ones I've encountered in the wild) say that Jimin called Jungkook his brother and therefore we shouldn't be shipping them. Is there a specific time where Jm called Jk "his BROTHER" like brother brother? Or is it the use of the word dongsaeng and people just don't get the translation, or the word bro? I'm confused because this comment is seen everywhere but I have not heard Jm call Jk brother.
However, he did say that "the other hyungs might think Jungkook is JUST my dongsaeng"... so I dont know why these words are not taken into consideration since they are very loaded and Jimin is saying so much by saying so little.
So I call people sisters all the time don't mean I won't open my legs for them to eat me out. I don't get it either. They probably didn't watch game of thrones 😕
Bts call each bro all the time. And yes, JM uses maknae dongsaeng my little bro to describe JK all the time.
Yet. YET. He's explicitly described his relationship with him as a little more than brothers and a little short of romance. But their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to be great. They just have to be dumb. Dumb in abundance. It rains on them.
Hybe went out of their way to shoot a whole run episode dedicated to explaining how there's a difference between someone being a real brother and an honorary brother yet it flew over their heads.
At this point they know their arguments have no legs to stand on and so they deploy the standard wiki how toxic manual for losers. Number one on the list is gaslighting. spew a bunch of nonsense and if they call you out spew more nonsense and don't make sense.
They bent over backwards called their own bias a liar for openingly stating he and JK drifted apart because JK refused to regard him as a mate. They called Tae a liar, said hybe staged the whole thing and had them lie on camera- why? Because somehow the two members they claim are most likely to be gay are also somehow the most easy to control💀
Make it make sense
Jimin says he was with Jk at 4am on Jk's birthday and they called him a liar then too cause they just couldn't believe their ship captain was frolicking around in bed with another member on the eve of his birthday.
We said years ago any hickey on JK was by Jimin and they couldn't believe that too even when Jk legit outed Jm for this twice
Jikook is not real, the evidence staring them right in the face is fake, let's make up shit to fit our narrative and use our numbers to intimidate and bully anyone who threatens are fantasy including Jikook themselves.
Their ship is real by force
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I'm a non-shipper, and I like to scroll through the Taekook and Jikook tags just to see what everyone's talking about since I like reading different opinions. I wanted to share an opinion I have on what type of bond there is between Taehyung and Jungkook after seeing the translations of Tae's "You Quiz on The Block" interview.
Tae revealed a tiny bit of information about his family members and his dynamic with them. He said that he doesn't see his siblings much (a younger sister and a younger brother I believe?) and that they don't really talk much to the point that when they text each other it's like
—Are you coming? =Yeah —Okay =Yeah
He also said his sister doesn't even call him oppa, which is huge considering that's probably the only way a younger female would address a close older male, like her brother. I think that's a result of them not really having grown up together and Tae living with his grandparents and getting raised by them.
I'm actually really curious about why he's the only one to get raised by his grandparents, I mean he loves his parents and has only said good things about them, like how he looks up to his dad, but I'm still curious on his inner family dynamics but I also know it's none of my business and he'll probably never talk about it.
Anyway, back to his siblings. Tae has always behaved with BTS members like he either was an only child or the youngest in his own family, which we know he isn't. He is the eldest of his siblings, but he enjoys being treated like the maknae in his friend circles like BTS and the Woogas, which would make one think he's used to being the youngest. And in a way, he is. Since he had all of his grandparents’ attention on him being the only one they raised.
He never got to really experience what it's like being someone's older brother due to him not being as close with his siblings as siblings should be. But in BTS he had Jungkook, his only dongsaeng. Jimin was probably the closest member he had to a 'sibling' but he couldn't really be a hyung to Jimin since they're chingus (as in friends born in the same year, per the Korean hierarchy) and Jimin has a tendency of treating Taehyung like a dongsaeng just like he treats Jungkook even though they only have a two months age gap.
So Taehyung, even though he enjoys being pampered by his hyungs, barely got to be a hyung himself, to anyone really. Except with Jungkook.
This is why I feel like Tae is so fond of Jungkook and is so attached to him. He's the closest thing he has to a younger sibling, something that Tae probably wanted to experience with his blood siblings but couldn't due to their living circumstances, and he got to experience it with Jungkook instead, who he grew up with for over a decade.
I'm not writing this to get you to agree with me or change anyone's opinion. I just wanted to offer a different angle of things that probably wouldn't have gotten much focus. An unpopular opinion if you will. I know this is a Taekook blog and that most of your followers are Taekookers who obviously won't agree with me, but since this an opinion about Taekook's dynamic and relationship I wanted to share it with a Taekook blog. I'm obviously not a shipper and I don't think any of the members are dating each other. I mean good for them if they are, but I just don't think so. They pretty much seem like family to me, some of them are closer than others, and all of them have different dynamics with one another, but in their essence they're pretty much familial and so so fond of each other, especially the hyung line's fondness with the maknae line. And Jungkook is Taehyung's only dongsaeng. He's the only close friend he has that is younger than him and they've known each other for a decade, they're basically family. This is why I feel like his fondness for JK stems from the fact that he never got to be a proper hyung for his siblings, and he's not a hyung to any of his close friends (that we know of) so he gives JK the extra hyung love he has in him. Which is lovely in my opinion and I love their bond for how it is. I just wanted to offer a different perspective on things. You're free to disregard this ask if you don't feel like responding. Again, I know you won't change your opinion and it really isn't my intention when I sent this ask. Just consider it as an unpopular opinion post, haha. Have a good day though! 😊
Hi anon!
Well, Tae shared that he was brought up by his grandma because his parents had a hard time getting by financially (feeding everyone). It’s something that happens more I believe. It must’ve been hard, because in general no parent wants to be separated from their kids, but when you know you can’t take care of them properly.. you take measures. The way Tae speaks of his parents and of his grandmother makes me feel he understands and he obviously treasures the time he spent with his grandmother.
I don’t entirely disagree with you. I think Tae did intend to be just a bigger brother to Jk. Earlier interactions show a different kind of interaction than that of later years. I think Tae and Jk clicked instantly, Tae’s big heart made Jk feel safe and they became super close.
But I also think something shifted and I think there’s definite moments that are more than brotherly. Admiration that goes beyond friendship, looks that are flirtatious, jealousy that is too much to be amongst just friends, and attraction.
I don’t think yours is an unpopular opinion 😊, mine probably is if you look at fandom as a whole.
Edit: it’s a bit unclear to me whether Tae actually lived with his grandparents or if they all lived together.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Also.. i was thinking about festa dinner and how Jungkook kept saying he was upset that Jimin didn't show him his song first! Tbh i believe in JiHope supremacy (♥️) since i got to know them in 2013, i always thought Hobi and Jimin had the most genuine brotherly relationship in BTS.
So... If Hobi was upset with Jimin, i would understand. Or if V was upset, since they are bffs, self-proclaimed soulmates... I would understand.
But what i don't understand is why, even though Jimin and V are best-friends, it's always Jungkook who acts like that. Jungkook even hangs out with Jimin's friends.
Okay, it always seemed odd to me. And although i love Jikook, i dont actually believe they are lovers. If they acknowledged they are best friends or even close friends, it wouldn't be so weird. Honestly, if they said we are best friends, then i would instantly lose the little suspicion of them being romantically involved. But they won't say it!
How do i explain this... Like, i hang out with X person the most, we know everything about each other but i say Y is my best-friend and X is a dongsaeng. Doesn't it sound weird?
I make a song with Y about how we are soulmates and know each other too well, but it's X who is upset with me because i didn't show him my song.
It doesn't make sense 🤔
Jungkook acting closer to Jimin than Tae, but Jimin never saying Jungkook is a close friend is weird to me. Maybe it's because of Korea's age gap thingy. Like if you are not born in the same year, you don't call each other friend (chingu, or whatever) but instead hyung or dongsaeng.
Just what the hell is Jikook's relationship?
Maybe they are actually best friends but don't acknowledge it because you know in a friend group when your best friend changes, you can't really admit it, it's hard.
Or maybe they really are like family, brothers like Jimin said (dongsaeng) and that's why they don't need to name their relationship. Like i wouldn't name mine with my sister, lol.
Or, or.. they are really romantically involved.
What is so confusing about their relationship is they give off all these three vibes (bffs, brothers, lovers)
Sigh.. 🤣🤣 I vented, don't know why. Believe me it's just midnight thought. It doesn't really matter what they are. It's just, when i star thinking about it, it doesn't stop 🤣
Either way, i hope all of them treasure their relationship with each other and be happy ♥️
Anon decided to share their intrusive and confusing thoughts about Jikook.
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same anon
about jin yes i do agree that it somehow gets pushed at back how he's such a big support to BTS as a elder member. We call hobi as sunshine but it's also jin who keeps the environment of the grp Pretty much positive with his own positivity and confidence. I remember jimin saying he kinda learned how to be happy in moments from jin. even tho he's elder than the ml he still indulges himself in whatever things they're doing he doesn't let anyone feel that age gap or that hyung dongsaeng.
Now some might think I'm being bias here or anti or whatever but i personally belive that tae and jk are more emotionally dependent on jimin than they're on eachother. I always got those vibes from them that yes they're partners in crime but they're also not someone who will talk more emotional stuff with eachother that often.
Jimin did spend more time with hobi nd yg because their schedules were colliding but he still did hungout with them till last of them enlsiting. I remember yg and jm going out at restaurant some 2-3 days before yg's enlistment and jm had dinner with yg on his birthday or a day before his birthday too so i think they do hungout alot more than we knows and whenever they talk about eachother it's always "i just met or had drink with yg/jm yesterday" or "i had a call with yg/jm" so yeah. Same for hobi they were hanging out till hoba enlisted.
again about jikook i stole my words that just because these two doens't post does not mean they don't hangout together. Jm said his best place for vacation is his sofa (he said it multiple times during face) whereas jungkook is also not much found of going to different places like the only time he was seen at places was with tae nd his friends but on the other hand it's just him going out to eat food be it alone or his 97 liners so both jm and jk atm doesn't fancy places where they can play or anything. They would have hungout at eachother's homes simply and we wouldn't know. Both of them don't share pictures so we can't know anything unless they tell us. Like remember jk's b'day last yr jm was there with hobi at jk's home which we wouldn't have known for sure if it wasn't for jin. That time when vmin were going to his place and jm was adamant on asking tae to turn off the lives so it's hard to tell with these two Cause they simply don't share much. Look at jk the only times he mentions hangouts is with his 97 but hardly ever with BTS members we wouldn't know unless the other members tell they met jk and in jikook's case both of them simply doens't tell much.
It's funny to me when people goes "jikook are not even friends, they're coworkers and this solo era taught us" like babe jikook are the only two members who are together the most since their debut and not even military could keep them apart. these people just never understood jikook's friendship and they'll never ever if not after 10+ yrs.
In general, I agree with you.
Jungkook's undoubtedly more emotionally dependent on Jimin, and, until recently, Jimin was the glue that kept Vminkook together. Now Jungkook and V are much closer, but Jimin and V's friendship is still special. Jimin definitely chose to hang out a lot with Yoongi, even when their schedules weren't so aligned, and they're very close, but I think part of that perceived closeness is due to them talking about hanging out a lot. Jimin was always closer to Hobi than Suga, and he's also very close to RM, but we heard of him and Suga the most. I don't think that's necessarily indicative of anything.
Jikook are always the same. They can be very loud and talk about the other a lot, but, in general, they are very private. Theirs is the number one most overlooked and downplayed relationship in BTS imo. Since Taekook, Vmin and Yoonmin are so popular, even outside of shipping, I think Jikook are underrated. Fans also seem to value Namkook and Yoonkook more than Jikook, because they love the idea of Jungkook having had a "crush" on RM, and because Suga is so soft on JK and they love the baby brother/older brother angle. If Army stopped looking at BTS with so much bias - there are all these clichés fans take as the truth and it's like some Army think BTS live in fics - they'd see Jikook are incredibly close and there's no one in the group they cherish more than each other. Jimin in particular has been so loud about that - "I'd take Jungkook to a desert island", "The best part of waking up is seeing Jungkook", etc. etc.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
I still see more closeness with JIkook then TK. I use TK since they're the ones used to try & dismantle Jikook. TK's live yesterday. Honorifics across the board from both V & JK. Hyung will take the blame & You'll rarely catch JK leaving off Hyung with V. In the brief moment JK mentioned JM, no honorifics & in fact its more rare for him to use them with JM, then not to. I'm not saying JM's JK's BF, but if V is, why would he drop so easily with JM, who he's "not close" too & never with his BF V?
I'm not intentionally trying to play devil's advocate, merely supplying different possibilities to consider, but there are Korean (married) couples who still maintain honorifics amongst each other, but I think 반말 gets used more often these days. My point being, it's not really a good example to prove closeness or lack thereof because there are exceptions.
That said–and this is just my personal observation, and Tkkrs would certainly think otherwise–I haven't seen anything between Tkk that could be considered questionable. I've seen them be consoling, doting, or playful, but I don't see anything charged there. And I'm not one to shy away from pointing it out if I see it, but to be fair, it's not like I'm constantly consuming Tkk content to begin with.
The occasional tension that has been observed between Jikook doesn't happen as often with any of the other members that I've seen. I've maybe seen it in Yoonmin (but one-sided), Vmin (on occasion), and Jihope (but it's more overpowered by the fact they've been roommates for such a long time and just generally vibe together in a traditional hyung-dongsaeng type of relationship, rather than the one we see flipped between Jikook).
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13tattoo · 1 year
Hey, I'm the ex-jkker who found the busan moment sus 😁.
It wasn't that I found jk being serious, I don't think he was serious at all, but to bring that up at all...why? By your timeline, they should've been exes by then. Jkk haven't given ex energy. Maybe it's just me, I'm not saying that I expect them to be vengeful or anything to each other, but they just don't give that energy. I would be more inclined to believe that jkk was never a thing than exes who still act like they secretly like each other sometimes.
The way jm still acts with jk sometimes gives crush and the way jk can't stop smiling when watching jm context is.....well. And it's crazy because I was in jkk spaces, and I remember the photos of jk being with jm on the white day pic (the one everyone knows about) and in jeju. When jm was in Jeju at the end of 2021 with seungwon and saeon, jk was also there. So my thing is, why would jm bring his almost ex with him to a mini vacation with his friends. Again, I say, I would be more inclined to believe jm, and jk was never a thing to begin with. And also .following up with that, if they're having problems, why would jm bring him again with him to a restaurant with his friends and jk also bring one of his closest friends (eunwoo) with him. The same eunwoo who was together with jm at jhope's listening party. Wouldn't that seem weird? Cause I would be like, why the hell my friend being close with my ex?
Sorry 🙂, I went on for too long, i had more to say but i don't want to seems like I'm rambling, but it's just because I want logical people to talk to and not brainless fuckatards of jikookers. Just a damn disgrace. It's crazy how they came to this place that they're in. Maybe the larries of kpop were never tkkers but jkkers all along......that's a drag but it seems like it sometimes. They fell so far. I kind of feel bad for them sometimes 😕
i get what you mean. i don't think "ex energy" has to be a part of their dynamic, though (assuming they had a romantic relationship and then at some point ended it). if we were still getting as much content as we did in 2019 then yes, maybe a fight or a separation would be more obvious to us. but since 2020, and increasingly in 2021, the gaps between content got wider and wider (and after april 2022 it we'd go months without hearing from them at all, much less seeing them with each other). who knows how a potential relationship could have devolved in that time? particularly if their relationship wasn't traditional or firmly established, and there wasn't something concrete to end. and it wouldn't have to end on bad terms.
i don't really think that they way they act with each other now is particularly romantic at all, but we all have different impressions. i.e. when jimin was being affectionate with jungkook back in february during jungkook's lives, that was cute, but i could see jimin just acting like a doting and endeared hyung. "become strong and protect hyung" or whatever he said made me raise a brow but it's also not really out of character for jimin imo, and doesn't imply a sexual or romantic relationship for me. would he have said something like that to another dongsaeng? we have no point of comparison. same with jungkook — his reactions on live are cute and i think jimin is special to him, but i don't get the vibe others seem to... but i also recognize that this is subjective.
i do remember white day 2022 though, and yes that complicates my perception of km during that period lol. but jungkook didn't go to jeju in december 2021 with jimin; if i remember correctly that was just jimin, saeon, and another non-celeb friend. i'm not sure that eunwoo was there specifically with jimin and his friends either (but it doesn't make much of a difference to me in the grand scheme of things)
please don't apologize, i didn't mind! i'm sorry about the current jikooker circles i agree they are insane and an embarrassment </3 nothing good came from people calling themselves "jikook supporters" instead of just shippers lol
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dalloga · 3 years
Hi Euna! So as an international Army I've always seen other international Army saying that the level of platonic physical and sometimes emotional intimacy we see between BTS is common in South Korea and they often times use that reasoning to downplay the idea of a romantic relationship between jikook.
I saw this talking point being used this week with the jikook hickey saga. People commenting that it's no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Saying that using this as some kind of proof for jikook is nonsense. Comparing jikook interactions to things like jimin kissing tae on the hand or tae kissing namjoon on the side of the head.
Now personally I think there's a difference between how jikook interact with each other and how they individually interact with the rest of the guys. I also think that people are leaning heavily on the idea that jikook interactions are normal south Korean skinship activities between male friends to debunk the idea that their interactions are romantic.
But if that's the case, why do so many Korean army's interpret jikook interactions as something more than platonic? Wouldn't they know the difference between friendly skinship and romantic skinship? Is there a difference?
I guess my question is, what can you say about the people who lean on skinship to excuse away everything jikook do with each other? Is it just us using our western eyes to view something not of our culture and misinterpreting? Is south Korean male skinship really as close as we think it is?
Would love to hear your views on this as someone familiar with both cultures intimately. Love your deep dives btw!
Firstly, I truly wonder what gives some international Army the confidence to speak on Korean culture so freely when they're not Korean themselves. Like no, you are not an expert on another culture's social norms just because you're a fan of their celebrities. No matter how invested you are.
I completely understand and respect not wanting to 'ship' Jungkook and Jimin. But when you start undermining their relationship and speaking on things which you have no authority to speak about just to push forth a narrative that makes you comfortable, that's when we have a problem.
Yes, it can be said that in some cases, skinship between male friends are more commonplace and normalized than it is in the west. But as with any aspect of culture, its nuances and boundaries are complex and situational.
A younger dongsaeng* having a drink with his hyung is perfectly normal. No one would bat an eye.
A younger dongsaeng having a drink with his hyung, lifting his hyung in a bridal carry, spinning him around until said hyung got dizzy enough to demand he be let down—which he expressed by biting said dongsaeng on the neck, significantly hard/long enough to form a bruise—emphatically does not fall under normal levels of skinship. No matter how selectively you pick and choose parts of Korean culture to use for your own means, and even if you choose not to read anything romantic into what happened, that doesn't change the fact that it's just plain weird. They're weird for what they did, and Jin and Tae's reactions to them re-telling their story are further proof to that.
I guess in conclusion, I would like to respectfully ask that if you're not Korean, to not drag our culture into a discussion that you're not qualified to participate in. It comes across as silly and ignorant and frankly—is quite annoying.
(*Here's another word that people love to misinterpret/pretend they're experts on. For the record, no, dongsaeng not limited to blood-related ties. It's used to refer to anyone who is younger than you.)
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Jikook confuse the hell out of me sometimes.
If they’re secret, why does it seem like they don’t want to be? (At times)
I mean A LOT, A LOT of what they do are entirely contradicting of what they are. Either they’re being incredibly awkward and overtly aware of cameras then the next they’re giving hickeys and showing the camera while gushing and trying to give eachother a kiss in a teasing manner and telling us waking up to Jungkook is his favourite thing.
It’s giving two completely different vibes, it’s like they give me whiplash. Like I don’t know their intentions but what comes across is incredibly confusing to register. Like he’ll call jk “just a dongsaeng” during festa in a detached way instead of best friend or something suggesting closeness but during the guess who audio he’s suggesting Jungkook is more than what his hyungs think (more than just a dongsaeng). It confuses antis as well I’ve noticed, which is probably why they use the fanservice narrative a lot.
Like what are they trying to get across with their relationship, cause at some points I think I have a clue but then another’s they back track. They’re either revealing too much and suggesting huge closeness to doing the opposite and suggesting the other isn’t as close (mostly verbally).
Do you understand what I mean?
I do anon.
I have spoken many times about this and you can find it in my masterlist.
But to sum it up in a few words:
They are a closeted couple in a conservative society where being gay is not looked on positively. 'Coming out' comes with a very high price to pay, one not only they will pay, but most likely also their bandmates and families.
They are in love and happy and want everyone to know they are. It's not only about wanting to claim the other openly, but also about being able to be yourself, your true self, and be accepted for it.
They also want to be able to act naturally around each other.
This isn't you and me anon. These young men have a camera in their face at times almost 24/7. They want to be able to be themselves even with that camera on.
There is a need to be able to be without that mask on they constantly have to wear. Living your life with that mask, it's not easy, to say the least. And when most of your life is documented one way or another, well when does that leave you time to be yourself, with your significant other, without the walls up?
They want to act openly and freely, they can't.
They want to show who they are, who they love, but there is a price to pay, one that is too high for them to 'come out' at the moment.
They have this defiance about them, and yet a weariness too.
So, they push the boundaries.
I've compared it in the past to having this rubber band and stretching it, every time you stretch it a little more it loosens up, but between stretches it does pull back.
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If they stretch too much at once, it will tear. So they stretch and let go and then stretch some more and so forth.
Hence the sometimes whiplash. We get a super loud moment and then radio silence or even what seems like a pull back.
This is them allowing for the deniability. Moving the boundaries further every time, so that we get used to that 'friendly' behaviour between them, their 'questionable' behaviour becomes a norm, and we move on, while the deniability is still in place. "Nothing new to see here folks, it's only JM & JK and their antics"...
Key word in all of this anon is: Deniability, deniability, deniability.
As for JM not calling JK a friend or best friend, well that's louder than anything else anon. JM can't say "JK's my bae" or "JK's my boyfriend", now can he? But he won't call him friend or best friend either, not labeling their so evidently super close relationship.
Calling him younger just leaves that vagueness on the one hand, without giving whatever they have a label, because anon, the label that actually fits their relationship is one that they cannot say out loud. Not at this point of time.
Anyway, like I mentioned before, I've spoken about this many a times, and I do suggest you go through my masterlist and have a little more of a read.
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yoongissilver · 3 years
okay so I have a theory on why the fandom reacts so differently to jikook compared to other ships
and since I should currently be working on my MA thesis, let's do this academically!
Thesis: People who do not think jikook are dating are confused about their bond and do not understand why they would be close
Let me explain!
(Disclaimer: In the following, if I talk about "ships" I don't mean the actual friendship between the two members mentioned but the pairing people like to write/fantasise about)
Every popular BTS ship has some kind of dynamic that can be summed up in a few words:
Vm1n: The 95s!! Best friends and self-proclaimed (platonic) soulmates
Vkk: The most popular members, always a mischief-managed aura around them, besties (tbh I don't understand why vkk is popular so I'm a bit ??? here)
N4mkook: JK looks up to NJ, JK is NJ's golden child, first love vibes~
Yoonm1n: minimini bickering couple
Yoonj1n: the oldest in the group, fishing buddies, long-term roommates
J1hope: eternal roommates, sweet hyung-dongsaeng relationship
J1nkook: the chaotic duo, bickering brothers vibe
N4mgi: the 'we've known each other for 11 years' pairing, same passion but vastly different personalities
But then for jikook (if people only use ships for fantasies, fanart, fanfiction and do not actually think anyone is actually dating), people come up blank
They're not same aged (which is a big thing in Korea), they don't have besties vibes, they have different interests, different personalities,...
Of course this is only superficial, but I'm talking about first glance here!
But then we keep hearing that jikook spend a lot of time together in their off-time, go on vacation together, are late-night-buddies, go out with friends of one of them together, always take the same car, seem to always be together when another member calls one of them, come to each other's hotel rooms all the time,...
So people who don't actually think any ships are real come up blank when it comes to jikook bc they're like "they don't have any reason to spend so much time together!!"
Jikook don't make sense to them
Those who don't really mind them simply brush over their moments
Those who actively dislike them come up with fanservice conspiracies
A while ago I saw a fanfic author who was asked why they never write jikook as side pairing say jikook "don't do it" for them, as in...they don't see anything in their dynamic that's useful for fanfics
Bc it's not something you can just summarize in a few words? Because their dynamic is not simply a fun fantasy that has some kind of easy-to-write charme for fanfics?
According to all various reasons people can find for certain ships, jikook being close doesn't make sense to a lot of people
For a jikooker who thinks they might actually be in a relationship, it does
But for someone who doesn't think any of the ships are real and just sees them as friendships irl, it doesn't
And I think that might be why the fandom reacts so crassly to jikookers bc most jikookers do entertain the possibility of something actually being there (for good reasons imo) but the general fandom often believes that none of the ships are actually real
Someone who thinks none of the ships are real and they're just for fun doesn't see anything in jikook that might make them popular so they think everyone who likes jikook must be a crazy shipper
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jikook is not real.. never were and never will be real. Jk treats tae exactly the same as jimin. There are no boundaries for him with tae same as jimin. Cry about it. But we all know what the future is going to be like.. jungkook is going to marry a woman one day.
Does that woman have a vagina?
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She better not. Coz its the only way she'll be able to take JK from Jimin. And even then... its never gonna happen coz JK only has eyes for Jimin. No, seriously JK only ever has eyes for Jimin. Have you seen him watch Jimin dance? She better be better than Jimin. In which case, umm.. Best of luck with that. I mean it dont matter which other member is dancing with Jimin JK only watches Jimin.
Anon, she has got to be JK's type to a T. And last I checked Jimin doesn't have boobs or a punani so that automatically disqualifies her.
But let's talk boundaries. Since you know so much, explain why JK put up these boundaries for V but not Jimin?
V asked JK if they could talk casually, like friends. Aka V told JK he didn't have to use honorifics with him.
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But JK refused. He wanted to maintain their hyung-dongsaeng rlship the way its supposed to be.
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But we know that's not true, right?
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Which relationships would have been ruined by you dropping honorifics with V, JK? Huh?
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Sorry anon, I forgot what you were on about. I was too busy watching JK tell us Jimin is special.
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