#jily AU
meriyart · 11 months
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jily romcom au (bc james singing can’t take my eyes off you is inevitable)
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myartcloudsstuff · 9 months
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Lily as Satine from Moulin Rouge!
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wartsandwarlocks · 1 month
“Honestly I don’t understand why we still have to study that racist cunt. I mean Aristotle has been dead for literal centuries and we don’t even follow his political philosophy so it’s practically worthless and so stupid to make us study so much for midterms shit we don’t even need to know. I mean, did you know he claimed some societies were made to be slaves? Like they were natural born slaves! What a fucking asshole and he is such a bore why do I even need to-“
“Marry me.” James blurted.
“Yeah! Let’s get married!” He said turning to face her.
“Are you high?” Lily laughed nervously.
“High in love!” James said.
“James. Look at me.” She said grabbing his face from both sides and moving it around, checking for abnormalities.
“I can never not.”
“What has gotten into you?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I love you till death do us ‘part.”
“You’re crazy.” Lily laughed leaning into him.
“Come on Evans! Or should I say Potter?”
“I’m crazy for you, you know it, i’ve always been. I love the way that you talk, the way that you walk, the way that you dress, the way that you greet me in the mornings and the kisses goodnight. I love everything about you. I can’t not.”
Lily opened her mouth but couldn’t utter a single word.
“I love your morning breath, your smile, how you sing in the shower, how passionate you are about the things that you love and hate, how beautiful your hair looks in the sun and how gray your eyes get when it rains. You are perfect Evans, and nothing would make me happier and prouder than to call you my wife.”
“How long have you practiced?”
“I haven’t, I swear. If I had I would have asked for your parents permission but sitting here with you talking to me, it made me realize there is nothing else I want in the world, ever.”
“You are insane Potter.”
“I’ll think about it.” Lily smiled standing up and walking away, letting her hand linger on his until she was too far to reach.
“Really?” James asked trying to mask his anxiousness.
Lily sniggered loudly “thought about it enough, yes!” She said tackling him onto the ground “a million times yes!”
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Think I Know Where You Belong (Think I Know It's With Me)
Chapter 11: You Say You're Fine, I Know You Better Than That
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At thirty-three years old, Lily Evans fears she may not quite have lived up to her potential. Single and living alone – if one does not consider her cat a flatmate, that is – her days are blurs of monotony, most of her students getting more action than she has seen in the past decade. (Hyperbole gratuitously applied.) Insert James Potter – former classmate and unrequited crush – who appears to be on a mission – aside from promoting his fourth novel – to point out all of her flaws, while strutting the hallways of their former secondary, the place she has never left and he will forever haunt now that the board has decided to name the school library in his honour. (F*ck her life.)
Read Chapter 11 HERE!
Another long one! I split this in two or else I wouldn't have been able to finish it tonight. I hope that's okay!
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
James “you know how to ball” Potter.
Lily “I know Aristotle” Evans.
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writingontheclouds · 5 days
planning and writing a long Jily College AU with soccer/ice hockey james and nerd lily. if you have any tropes/plot points you want to see in the story, send them my way! :D
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petals2fish · 8 days
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Chapter 5: boy, you might have me believing I don't always have to be alone
Sneak PeeK:
James snorted when he walked into the kitchen with Alice, his eyes entertained by Lily's cup of Ramen. "I think you single-handedly fund the Ramen Noodle company."
Lily stuck her tongue out at James before dipping her fork into her microwaved dinner. Alice put her phone on the counter and turned to face Lily.
"Who do you want to go to the Emmys with you?" she asked. "Frank and I are both working that night."
Lily frowned at the mention of her most recent anxiety attack. "Can I just not go?"
"Of course," Alice said knowingly, "but then you'll have to deal with Peter."
Lily grumbled and ate more of her ramen, intentionally staring at her feet. There was a bit of silence, and then James' voice woke Lily from her stewing.
"I can take you."
Lily looked up optimistically, but Alice quickly shot it down. "James, you already work overtime."
"I'm salaried," James argued. "I don't get overtime."
Alice put her hands on her hips. "Frank and I are the designated nighttime guards. You can't keep doing our job for us."
"I don't mind," James said, sounding irritated. "If she wants me there."
"We're all paid to take care of her," Alice said.
"And we do."
"Frank and I see her substantially less than you."
"Is that a problem?" James asked.
"You know you're overstepping," Alice snapped, and James frowned darkly.
"I want him there," Lily spoke up sharply, cutting through their argument.
Alice looked annoyed, glaring at Lily, while James beamed so widely in her direction that Lily saw stars
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Alive!Jily at Harmione’s wedding. Had this wonderful commission done by https://x.com/47_hard?s=21.
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moonyslatte · 2 years
Remus: *interacts with people*
Remus: *has to take a five hour nap*
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gryffindormischief · 5 months
A/N: shout out to @petalsinwoodvale (the ultimate ride or die) and @annabtg who beta'd a draft of this in record time only for me to not do anything for months :')
I hope you enjoy!
By the time Lily climbs aboard the Knight Bus, the sleeping berths are all claimed and she’s forced to do that awkward public transport (with the accompanying overstuffed backpack) shimmy down the aisle until she reaches an empty seat. Since she was eleven, Lily’s had enough occasions to ride that she’s fairly comfortable with the occasional jerking motions as the bus skitters across England. Luckily, the ride from Cokeworth back to London is fairly brief and once the bus reaches Diagon Alley, her flat is just two blocks away.
It was a bit annoying at first, the whole restriction on long range apparition and more importantly, apparating from even partially muggle communities. But logically, she knew that the growing magical population of age to apparate and the consequential increase in travel led to major interferences with muggle artifacts. One too many shorted out toasters, a few more fried kettles than strictly acceptable, and the muggle and magical ministries had brokered a temporary deal that involved less apparating until a longer-term solution could be dreamed up.
Aside from the inconvenience, overall Lily valued the forced exposure to other witches and wizards. It sounds silly and maybe a little sad, but if it weren’t for the trips she’s taken courtesy of the Knight Bus’s new extended route, she might not have seen another human that wasn’t barking orders at her in one way or another, for the last six months. It’s come to be a comfort to see Alfie’s friendly face as he asks whether she’s got any luggage to stow, his polite nod when she answers in the negative. 
Except for today – tonight really – she’d had a hastily packed, utterly boring, and slightly stolen canvas duffle to stow below the passenger cabin. That plus the invisible baggage of her latest, and maybe last, explosion with Petunia.
---Continue Reading on Ao3 (log in to read)---
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meriyart · 10 months
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jily: anastasia au
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myartcloudsstuff · 8 months
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I’ve come to feed you more Jily content because I can’t get enough Jily x Anna Karerina AU
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
This one may just become a micro-oops...
WC: 361 @jilymicrofics | April No. 9 Flush
He noticed her from afar the first time. It was hard to miss such vibrant red hair. She wore a white shirt that clung tightly to her curved frame and a pair of blue and white striped trousers. He’d taken this shortcut to Peter’s place more times then he could count and could recognise most familiar faces in this area but she was definitely a new one. She was frantically searching her handbag for something outside the butchers store. This beautiful eye candy was definitely worth a mention. James was so busy typing a rapid text about the mystery red to Sirius that he misplaced his footing and nearly ended up face first in the pavement. He looked up from his fall sheepishly, face flushed, to see if she had noticed. She hadn’t. The second time he saw her was electronically. He was lying in bed mindlessly scrolling Facebook as he did every night before sleep, barely paying attention by this point, when a bar photo caught his eye. It was her in a little black dress… he attempted to click into the post to enlarge it, but his damned clumsy thumbs hit the refresh news feed button instead and he was sent skyrocketing back to the top. The post was lost in cyberspace. He cursed himself loudly, Sirius knocked on the wall. It would be a case of third times the charm. He met her face to face this time for the briefest of moments. He was walking back from a lecture with Sirius, Peter and Remus when she came bouncing towards them from the opposite direction, a folder under her arm. This time she wore a green T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans. God forbid - was she waving at him? He turned around and there was no one behind them. It had to be him. He waved back. She raised her eyebrow in confusion and shook her head.  “Hi Remus, history at three yeah?” She asked.  Damn… she’d been waving at Remus not him, Remus nodded as she hurried past them. “Moony, Who was that?” James asked once she was out of ear shot. “Oh that’s Lily.” Lily.
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wearingaberetinparis · 2 months
Think I Know Where You Belong (Think I Know It's With Me)
Chapter 4: She'll Never Know Your Story Like I Do
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At thirty-three years old, Lily Evans fears she may not quite have lived up to her potential. Single and living alone – if one does not consider her cat a flatmate, that is – her days are blurs of monotony, most of her students getting more action than she has seen in the past decade. (Hyperbole gratuitously applied.) Insert James Potter – former classmate and unrequited crush – who appears to be on a mission – aside from promoting his fourth novel – to point out all of her flaws, while strutting the hallways of their former secondary, the place she has never left and he will forever haunt now that the board has decided to name the school library in his honour. (F*ck her life.)
Read Chapter 4 HERE!
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
“Screamin', "But, Daddy, I love him. I'm havin' his baby". No, I'm not, but you should see your faces”
But it’s singer Lily Evans singer about her boyfriend James Potter.
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thelighthousestale · 3 months
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3 Lemons and A Dragon
March 2024 @jilychallenge - Fairy Tales
My prompt was in three parts: 1.) A fair tale - The tale of the 3 lemons 2.) a fine line - "Why should I be satisfied?" from The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack 3.) an magical beast or unbelievable scenario (Dragons threaten to destroy the kingdom, A and B must work together to stop them)
Partner: @harryissuchalittleshit
Once upon a time there lived a Prince named James who had to save his father's Kingdom by getting married. One day an older woman gifts him three lemons that will lead him to his true love.
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