#jimin youtube live
aricastmblr · 6 months
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Jimin & Jungkook momentos en
BTS Monuments: Beyond The Star
Episodio 3: En busca de la felicidad Pursuit of Happiness
180413 JIMIN
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kanmom51 · 8 months
JK Live 4 October 2023
21:01 or 9:01 pm KST
cr./To all the creators of the media used in this post.
I was waiting for this, and kind of expecting this to happen, lol.
He said he'd be live at 9 pm. And yes, you can say, it's unintentional, a coincidence, but I say NO.
Both JK and JM have shown us over the years their attention to the numbers, the dates.
Starting the live at 9:01 was intentional.
9/1 or 1/9, however you look at it!!
Let's talk about the live, why don't we?
It was definitley an interesting one.
In a gist, JK shut down (well tried to) the whole Mingyu shipping shit. He most definitley shut down TKKs. I actually kinda, maybe (not really), felt sorry for them.
He listened to all the members songs, with certain degrees of favouritism and certain degrees of, well, not...
He drank. Like a lot. I think maybe someone needs to fill him in on the secret that alcohol does have calories. Yes, whiskey might not be as bad as beer on that front, but drinking as much and then not eating cause he's dieting... well, not the healthiest choice. And this is not, god forbid, me mothering or smothering him. His health is important for his performance (he says that himself), not to mention, man is constantly hungry. Eat more, is what I'm saying.
He once again demonstrated his neuro-divergency (that whole clean up session he had in the kitchen, lol).
He showed us, again that's it's all about choices.
He got pensive and serious at a point and said some very important things, which I will, of course, discuss here in my post.
He is super tired, but really struggling to sleep.
He is fighting so hard to drop the cute image, but man, it's just imbedded in him. He is so cute!!!
And he is so genuine.
He is genuine.
Let us begin our journey into JK's almost 1.5 hour live (yep, we are back to those, lol).
He starts out telling us he just got home from the company, and that he hasn't even prepared his glass (of drink) - kind of solidifies my belief that the 9:01 pm starting time was meaningful and intentional, because then he goes and prepares his glass and drink.
He invited us to have drinks with him, so as he's preparing his own drink he tells us to fill up our glasses as well, lol. Throughout the live he has 3 highballs, and by the end of the live admits he's kind of drunk. Which is not that surprising given he is drinking on an empty stomach (as high as his tolerance to alcohol may be).
He explains he came on Weverse on the 4th and not earlier because of his solo album announcement. Golden. Makes a toast with us to celebrate it. And he talks a little about it as well.
He tells us how Golden represented him after debut. We know him as the Golden maknae, he mentions I think GC (which for some reason they translate as golden chest and not golden closet, maybe because whoever is translating isn't aware of golden closet, who knows...), how he wrote a poem called Golden (the one JM went all gushy about, if you recall), And also "this moment is like a golden period for me." - Golden hour perhaps? Kind of fits with his choice of lighting for the live as well. Just saying.
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And there you have it!!!
And after seeing this, go back and take another look at his concept photo...
The album includes 3D and the clean and explicit versions of Seven. 11 songs on it, which means we will get to hear 8 new songs!!!
He also explains how he thought he would release an ep and somehow it became a full album.
He didn't give too much info (well, he couldn't of course), but told us the title track has a performance and he's practicing, like A LOT. He wants to do well and is giving it his best. He also lets us know that the title song is a hard one and will be awesome!! I do hope this one is not a collab though (just my own wishes here). He is confident we will like it, and says we can look forward to it. I know I am.
He's complaining about how his body isn't the same, he's exhausted. Well JK my man, you wanted to be a adult, and us adults, we grow old too, lol...
He says "there is nothing that is making me stressed out, I am just tired." Now, that could be meant about the album being released, or the performance he's preparing for. But it could also be more...
He says he's keeping his voice down and wanted to be calm and have "older bro vibe", lol.
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He wants to go with older bro vibe. Appear to be more mature? Since his full album is coming out?
Ok, so I'm going to say this here. The translation is somewhat off and wacky. I felt this with JM's live on 1st September with some of it, and I feel the same here as well. The whole golden chest thing, the "I'm keeping the weight down" when he's talking about the older bro vibe, and more... It feels like a. whoever is doing this doesn't know JK too much (the golden chest is a big clue), and b. are they just translating literally and not the actual sentence meaning?
JK shares with us how tired he is, how he's still having trouble sleeping, that he practiced real hard today and that his upcoming schedule is hellish. I can only imagine. He's really worried, "will I be good at this?"
Now, let's stop here for a second shall we? Didn't he just minutes before tell us he's not stressed out? So, perhaps that wasn't about the album and promotions at all? Perhaps that was more about the white noise shitshow that was going on in the background? Telling us that isn't bothering him, all while now sharing with us that what he is worried about is if he'll be good enough, do well enough with his performances?
He shows us he got an IV today, needs to replenish himself, yet he hasn't eaten. "I have to take care of my body too". Yes he does. But at the same time he says he has to lose weight. It kind of frustrates me, but then again, this is their reality, as idols. I just wish there would be less pressure on them in that aspect.
He reads a comment telling him to do well, says he will.
And then this:
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Ok, so thing is, please raise your hand if you actually do believe the commenter was asking JK if he loves Taehyun of TXT.
No show of hands I see.
Nah, when this happened I didn't have the comments on and in any case wouldn't have been able to read them, not knowing Korean. But I kind of felt like maybe whoever wrote it wasn't Karmy and misspelled it perhaps? And then I saw this.
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So here's the thing. If this was a misspell, makes sense that JK was maybe blissfully unaware of the intent of the comment.
But if this was indeed spelled out correctly, I kind of have my doubts he didn't read it right, especially given he says it twice before answering. And he's off telling us about TXT Taehyun. Whom he spoke with on the phone that day. He's so well mannered and cute, while being an old soul. Ok, here we go with another Taekook ship, lol. JK spoke to someone - must be something going on there. No wonder the man is so damn tired... Seven days a week seven sets of sheets... (eww... NOOOOOOO). No, but seriously, did we know that Taehyun was a good friend of JK's? No we didn't. Now we do.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there!!!
It's funny how JK runs himself down constantly. Like the man is so intelligent. Perhaps not book smart (which is why he keeps saying he's not smart), but not everything about life is learnt from a book, and his emotional intelligence and artistic intelligence are next level. But he keeps running himself down, and I kind of feel that sometimes fans only hear or see that of him, instead of seeing his art and listen to what actually comes out of his mouth when he starts speaking about the deeper things.
Again, the "I'm Jungkook's girlfriend" comments. Ugh yuck. Like shut the fuck up already. But he just brushes it off. Reads it, asks what they are doing at this hour and snickers.
Comment "I really love you a lot". JK "I think I love you more". This is once again JK cementing just how great his love for army is. He will talk about it more later too.
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Look, man loves army. We can't even start to understand the connection he has with army, given his whole career, starting out at such an early age and going through all the struggles that they went through to get where they are right now, feeling that it's because this sense of loyalty and love that army have for them. So yes, he loves army.
And another idiot in the comments asking JK to take off his shirt. Of course these people are flooding his comments. Funny how his reaction is:
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Yes he giggles, but he's uncomfortable. And asks why they even said that. "It's embarrassing".
Happy that he called them out. As if it will help though.
JK shows us his Vogue magazine, the hip hop concept, which he says he liked the most.
Ok, so this was maybe intentional (I kinda feel it was), maybe not, but cute none the less.
He talks about how the comments are lagging, slow, and says:
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and then he thinks for a second, eyes looking to the side (mind working), and goes:
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Kind of random, don't you think?
Coming up with the 13 seconds lagging.
And happening to end up with 10-13. 🤣🤣
So, he started the live at 9-1 and now we have 10-13!!!
I'd say, either this was intentional (him stopping to think might just hint to that) or the man has 13 etched on his brain. 13 and 10, which is kind of coming up very soon...
Next JK talks about the TikTok he deleted.
Now here's the thing. On Stationhead JK said he saw the trend and wanted to do it. Not a word about doing the opposite of the trend. Going "the other way". JK isn't saying he didn't want us to see the clip he uploaded (which kind of might have been what was understood from what he said in Stationhead, and maybe that's why he's clarifying here). He says he wanted his TikTok to be for dancing and that's why he deleted. He also seems to be happy that army had seen it and spread it around regardless of him deleting. So, he wanted us to see it, but better it not be on his TikTok. And the thing is that he posted it to start with. He knew that army will catch it and spread it. He knew!!! And he wanted us to. I don't know how to articulate this properly to make my point clearly, but the whole thing screams Queer coding to me. I talked about it in a previous post, and I stand by my words.
This wasn't about doing something silly and then regretting and deleting. This was about posting something with a message, and then deleting because it couldn't stay up on his account ("as long as it's not on my tiktok"), but relying on army to catch it and spread it around.
"Let's talk in English", reading out a comment...
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The Nah, though, lol.
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"English is so difficult", he says in English, lol.
Talks about how the comments are slow and the responses in Stationhead were immediate, and then, out of nowhere he's going...
Well, he actually does this during Like crazy as well.
Nope, not JM on the brain what so ever...
"Korean is sexy"...him going with that's right, Korean is the hardest language... He actually talks about how the translations from English to Korean differ from translator to translator and how interesting that is. True about the opposite way as well, seeing the difference in the structures of both languages.
"You want to see me laugh?"
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Funny, the original translations were "smile if you're real". Either way, he's hilarious.
I can't with him. LMAO.
Prepares drink no. 2.
Again, this man doesn't want to be called cute, but he's so damn cute, lol. Like how can you be preparing this alcoholic drink and still be so cute about it? Lol.
No tequila or champagne for JK.
"You want to have a drink with me?"
JK: You already all know it.
Why does it feel like JK is talking about so much more than just knowing his address is up on YT?
"You want me to call out my address? But you really can't visit me." Boundaries set once again. With a smile. But set none the less.
Plays a song he tells us he was recommended by one of the dancers while filming 3D MV. 21 by Gracie Abrams.
Says we'll be like this today "let's rest". How you can call what he does later as rest I have no idea, lol.
He shows us where he shot the TikTok clips, the corridor. Shows and explains a little how he does it.
Does a little clean up sesh in the kitchen. The way he was rearranging the bottles and utensils, while on live, was that intentional? Was it just his neuro divergency, getting distracted perhaps? Idk.
Asked if he ate, asks "what will I eat?" in English and tries to say something else or thinks maybe he didn't say it properly initially, but gives up, lol.
Then someone askes to hear Hobi's song. And JK is happy to go put on Jhope's song, saying he misses him. 😭
Says "Arson", twice, but then plays "More", lol.
Ok, so this is where we start with listening to the members songs, and I do have something to say about this.
JK plays 2 of Hobi's songs, and puts on a show.
If this is JK resting... Lol.
Sure he's tired...
After Hobi, JK plays Tae's Slow dancing.
Then stops the song, sits down saying how tiring have to rest and then says "Let's go with all the major songs for the members".
And guess who's next... one guess allowed... Of course you know the answer to that.
He has Like crazy playing twice in a row and then SMF pt. 2. He really LOVES SMF pt. 2. You can tell it means A LOT to him. Not that LC doesn't, but I feel that emotionally LC is harder for him, while SMF pt. 2 is cathartic (for JM and as such so meaningful to him as well).
He's all playful with LC.
We have this as well...
And at some point wants to do something, walks off camera looking for a prop, I guess, only to come back deciding it's a no go - won't be fun (me sitting here dying to know what he was up to).
The whole bottle empty during LC.
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He moves on to Jin, 1 and a half songs, RM (3 songs) and Suga (2 songs).
Point being, the only member that gets only 1 song played is Tae. Ouch. The only member to have the same song played twice - JM.
So, let's talk a second about the whole Like crazy playing twice. Cause Idk if you get it. He listens to Hobi and then Tae's Slow dancing, then says "we have to listen to all the members", cause he ain't falling into the TKK trap, and he plays JM. Cause, of course it would be JM. But here's the thing. Each one of them was on a specific playlist. When he played a song it continued to the next song in line. Hobi he said Arson, but actually played More (which was interesting within itself), and then it went to On the streets. RM same, went down through his album, Suga the same. But not JM. He played Like crazy, and then following it, him not moving from his chair or changing the songs or going to play it again, it played it again. Same version. In the album Like crazy is followed by SMF pt. 2 (which did follow the second time LC played, and he did listen through that too). So my question is what kind of playlist JK has for JM? Does he just have these songs going on repeat? He gets up to stop it just at the end of SMF pt. 2, and I can't help but wonder what the next song would have been? SMF pt. 2 again maybe?
Of course he still remembers the choreo.
He talks about Jin and Super Tuna, how he's wild and that side of him is why the team is so bright. He really loves him so, and misses him.
"I miss my members".
Prepares drink no. 3.
The whole ceremony around the drink preparations... he's so funny.
He makes a comment about Jin's MV while looking towards where his whole music playing set up is. So, this is YT he's playing from? Which means these would be YT playlists? Which means he watches LC on repeat? I mean, who could blame him really?
Gets up to change the playlist to RM's songs.
While Flowerworks is playing he reads a comment and says:
"Did Mingyu cut his hair?"
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Now, we know they saw each other later that night, getting together with others as well, but JK once again draws the lines here. He's a good friend definitley. Someone he hangs out with, of course. But knowing if he cut his hair... meaning being in constant contact with him or more than that, as there are some that might think... nope.
Ok, time to get serious.
He starts to talk about the members songs, their "colours are so different", and then he's asked after resuming activities in 2025 what he wants all the members to do together? Turns down the music a bit to get serious:
Make an album, quickly come out to see army, first priority of course. From the moment they get back together to find the way to come out as quickly as possible. "We will do Bon voyage...we will do In the soop..."
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Stops, gets up to turn down the volume even more, and this is when you know he's delving even deeper, and getting even more serious. Sits down and continues...
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Ok, I'm really not sure this is about the solo activities. He talks about that further on. I thought this when I first heard this during the live, and although the wording is slightly different I still think this is JK is sending us a message. They love us, they love each other. They will be coming back and they will be giving it their all. But that said, they will also have their own personal lives. Setting the stage, perhaps? For relationship announcements? Marriages on the way? He told us that he wants to make us happy, but to do so we have to understand that he deserves happiness as well. Is this one step further in that direction? yes their focus is on army, but with all of that they will also have their own personal paths.
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He continues about them wanting to "look awesome" in front of us, or want to give us strength,
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He knows what his top priority is, and he hopes we know that we are the reason. For real.
He continues to talk about coming back in 2025, releasing a song, saying it will be approx. 2 years.
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They mustn't forget there are those rooting for BTS. Train, release an album, tour.
They will have to meet army around the world.
This is interesting:
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They will reveal by doing shootings and "let your ears get pleased and let you watch our shows". Stories
"BTS is this kind of team". That is what they will show.
And what members each want to do, they can do that later. Him making clear that their first priority is the comeback as BTS.
Number one priority is about the group, and he makes sure we understand that this is not only him speaking but also true for every single one of them.
Again, army's importance to him. This isn't acting or being false or fake, this is genuinely what he feels. When said in a comment that army are because of BTS he corrects them, sets things straight: BTS are here because of army!!
And then this happens:
"Jeon Jimin?" he reads out a comment.
Now, I understand people think it's disrespectful because of the meaning it has in the West but the fact that in Korea people don't change their names after marriage. Thing is, Karmy nor JK, for that matter, really find it offensive? He doesn't even take it that way. To him it's someone putting their two names together, I'd say just like Jikook or minkook or kookmin. Nothing more nothing less. And he chooses to read it out. He could have just left it, but he decided to read the comment out.
This is when he remembers he has to play Suga's songs too, lol. Playing Haegeum.
"How can all the member have such different tastes in music? Isn't that fascinating?"
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I love it that he feels that way. I love it that he knows how talented he is (especially knowing how he runs himself down intellectually). I love that he knows and appreciates the rest of the members talent as well. They are all different, and yet all outstanding each in their own way.
And not only does he see that in them, he also attributes his own growth as a person to them.
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JK tells us how Yoongi told him off for not doing the Haegeum dance challenge, repeats it a couple of times too, how he was upset about it, lol. So he says he will do it. A little late, no? And he makes sure to make it clear that it won't be soon either. But it will go up on his TikTok.
Toilet break time.
Comes back, finishes up his drink and stops Amygdala to play Seven and 3D before he ends his live.
So, he chooses the explicit version of Seven. Sings along. Admits he's a little drunk and for now will stop drinking. Emphasis on "for now", lol.
Now, while he's playing Seven someone asks for him to play Slow dancing.
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Once is enough, thank you very much!! Lmao. He just keeps shutting them down. It's also the way he says it, the intonation. Sound annoyed, lol.
Says he'll play 3D and say his goodbyes, which he does. Sings along to 3D as well, ad-libbing at the end, kind of wondering if this is something we will be getting in his live performances. It does feel like he chooses to sing certain lyrics while not others, in both Seven and 3D.
Then he says his goodbyes, to look forward to the album, to know that he is always thinking of us, to have a wonderful night and day and thanks us again .
So that's it. JK's live. Missed these lives of his, as exhausting as writing these posts are, lol. This is Jungkook. Cute and funny and serious and sincere.
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seoul-bros · 2 months
Fools for Jimin
Rewatching Jimin on Lee Mujin Service. Jimin’s response when Mujin calls him Oppa is hilarious. His Like Crazy performance is top notch and he gives the interview questions due weight and interesting answers. Lee Mujin trying to do the Like Crazy challenge and then digging for compliments afterwards is also the height of comedy.
Post Date: 01/04/2024
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Shut up, fuck off and just listen to this with your headphones on. Park Jimin sounds fucking amazing.
So fucking amazing all I am hearing (and seeing) is how great his debut is despite people trying to drag him for almost anything.
Well, you know how karma works, right?
Anyway, Alone is my fave FACE track, but SMF Pt. 2 will always make me gasp whenever I hear it and more so when I see Jimin performs it.
So you, fuck off your opps. Jimin has shown what he can do, and the world responded with applause and praises.
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bts-trans · 1 year
230613 Big Hit's Tweet
[#2023BTSFESTA] 🎁613 'Take Two' Live Clip 🎤 #Jimin Focus ver. (https://youtu.be/MaNXkSA7noE) #BTS10thAnniversary #서로의눈맞추며 #Wont_you_hold_my_hand #육일삼_1050🌛
🎁613 'Take Two' Live Clip 🎤 #Jimin Focus ver.
#BTS10thAnniversary #LookingIntoEachOthersEyes #Wont_you_hold_my_hand #SixOneThree_1050🌛
(T/N: *Hashtags are lyrics from 'Take Two'.)
Trans cr; Fiona @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
Came here to let y'all know that not all jikook content are real.
As we can see in this video, we see jimin singing for youth' and then the next clip shows jungkook showing a very fond smile towards him . We also saw yoongi smiling towards hobi.
But. But. But.
Hear me out, when I saw this video I was like "is this OG content, or is it not?" So I went to YouTube to check the OG fancam and there you go, I was indeed correct about the video.
The video showed jimin singing then jk smiling towards him .
That's absolutely not the case.
The original video is from KBS WORLD - FOR YOUTH (BTS) 220617
Take a look at the original video
Now we shall observe Jungkook's fancam. I went to the timeline to get check the moment where jk smiled.
This is the timestamp of where he smiled (it's a bit earlier, it takes time to screenshot)
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Let's look back to the BTS OG video
About roughly cutting 10/15 seconds from the video as it had an intro, we saw Tae and rm doing a surprise choreo. I'm not ignoring the fact that jimin was humming into the mic.
But I think jimin was not the reason why he smiled.
What do you guys think?
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In here we have another combined clip where all members reactions were shown when Tae and Joon did a surprise move and it was quite cute, we see all the members having a fond smile for them and they were all quite flustered 😂
So, this clip once again disapproves the sope and jikook video.
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Again, this post was not made/posted with the intention to disprove jikook relationship but it's just to remind people especially jikookers to once again, watch OG content. It is a reminder to all of them to not fall for anything. Believe in OG content guys, let's not be delusional.
No hate to anyone just wanted to spread some awareness
Peace and love to all 💗
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lokisasylum · 10 months
This vid has some pretty good translations of today's vlive.
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untouchedsoap · 6 months
it's almost 5am and I'm still fucking awake so everyone can excuse me being emo for a second but im thinking about 2025 when bts are back and how happy and settled they're going to be. older, with enlistment no longer haunting the horizon, nothing to do but make music they want to make and enjoy life how they want to live it, hopefully taking us along for the ride as well and I'm just really looking forward to it is all
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lunarslauren · 21 days
My 7th ARMY Anniversary
Today is my 7th ARMY anniversary!
I became an ARMY on May 23, 2017, and have officially been an ARMY for 7 years. I was 16 then and now I'm 23. It feels like time flew, yet it also feels so long ago.
To celebrate I will write about some of my favorite songs and moments:
1. Favorite BTS song?
I love Film out! Lyrically it means so much to me. It's up there with Yet to Come and Life Goes On regarding its meaning and what I personally get from it. Also, BTS' vocals are amazing, and the song is my vibe sonically. I love the simple yet artistic music video as well.
2. Favorite BTS performance?
All of their performances are amazing, so my pick isn't necessarily more amazing than any other they've done, but no one can deny that Mic Drop is amazing, and this live version is my favorite. Nothing beats a live band version.
3. Favorite BTS album?
I have a connection to all of their albums, but Wings is without a doubt my favorite. From top to bottom, its sound and lyrics are full and impactful. I love that it shows the talent of BTS as a group and as solo artists. It starts with a questioning of the self and ends with BTS' connection to each other and ARMY. In between it showcases the personal feelings of each member, and I can relate to each song in different ways. Overall, it's the BTS album and it has no skips!
4. Favorite BTS cover?
Without a doubt, Fix You. As a child, Coldplay was my first introduction to music and spearheaded my love for music. Hearing my favorite artists cover one of their songs so beautifully (as they always do) makes me speechless. 10/10.
5. An unforgettable moment?
My most unforgettable moment was probably when I became an ARMY. (Yes, I went to the Love Yourself: Tour, but in all of the excitement it's a blur in my memories.)
I remember hearing Ma City for the first time in 2015 on Spotify's radio system, but it wasn't until 2017 that I saw the artists behind the song. As a music lover, I was watching the 2017 BBMAs when I saw them getting their first award. I immediately fell in love with how authentic and grateful they were. Joon caught my eye, and soon I was falling down the rabbit hole. It wasn't long before I officially declared myself an ARMY, made an ARMYs Animo, joined ARMY Twitter, got my first bias (Jin), participated in voting for MAMA, streamed, binge-watched all of Run! BTS, their YouTube content, etc., and eventually experienced my first comeback with Love Yourself: Her. Soon after I got my first of many birthday albums and got solidified by getting my ARMY Bomb.
So, my most unforgettable moments are every time I was at my lowest and BTS helped me smile and made me feel like I wasn't walking alone.
Shifting gears a bit, let's focus on the art they've done recently:
6. Favorite Joon song?
In the same vein as Film out, the sound and lyrics of everythingoes are my favorite. I am a person who struggles to let things go, so this song helps me remember the importance of change. Sonically, this song feels like dancing on a cloud as it rains.
7. Favorite Joon album?
Right Place, Wrong Person comes out very soon, so I'm sure it very well could become my favorite since the word on the street is it's in the alternative genre (my favorite). However, my current favorite Joon album is mono. The album came out when I was one month away from turning 18, stumbling through my first semester of college, and failing said semester. It was October when it came out, and with the rainy nights spent waiting to be picked up from night class, I would blast mono. in my earphones and feel as if I wasn't alone with those heavy feelings. mono. will forever be one of the most personal albums for me. 
8. Favorite Jin song?
Jin, my first bias and fellow Sagitarrius. I see myself in his words of living for the joys in life, and I hope he doesn't struggle with the same moderation issues I do. That being said, my favorite song of his is The Astronaut. As I said, Coldplay means a lot to me, just as they do to Jin, so I'm grateful that Jin collaborated with them. The song is the perfect combination of Jin and Coldplay and the lyrics are perfect as well. Sonically it's uplifting and every time I hear it it makes me remember why music was my first love all over again. Jin's vocals are so beautiful. Also, I have always loved space. It just feels like this song is an example of why I love and connect with Jin as an artist and a person.
9. Favorite Yoongi song?
This is hard. D-Day is my favorite because it's a song that is hype in all of the best ways. Snooze is my favorite sonically as well as lyrically, but there's also Moonlight, People and Life Goes On. My true favorite, however, is Interlude : Set me free. It's up there with Film out, everythingoes, etc. as songs I will always have on my playlist. The vibe of the song is unmatched and lyrically it is so impactful and emotional for me. It makes me want to set myself free. Also, the instrumentals... 
10. Favorite Yoongi album?
I probably played D-2 too much when it came out, but nothing can beat the absolute BANGERS that are on D-DAY. Banger, after banger, after bop, after lyrical legendary, after VOCALS, etc. Listening to D-DAY feels like liberation from the self. 
11. Favorite Hobi song?
Arson. While I have always loved Hope World, and more recently Equal Sign, MORE, STOP, and NEURON; Arson was and still is so different and amazing every time I hear it. However, that isn't to say Hobi has any skips (he doesn't). Sonically, Hobi's vocals have always captivated me and lyrically I think he's truly my favorite writer in BTS. Arson has a chill yet dark vibe that I enjoy and the lyrics are twisted poetry. All I need now is the live and remix ver. on Spotify and I'll be happy. 
12. Favorite Hobi album?
Hobi never misses, all of his albums are amazing, but Jack In The Box (HOPE Edition) is my favorite. Firstly, Hobi's vinyl is my favorite BTS album I own, and his Hope Editon CD album is by far my favorite concept he's ever done. The whole storyline the album goes through is so well done and I love how (at the time) surprisingly Hobi the album is. He truly crafted each song with love and care. Also, special shoutout to some live versions of the songs included. (More please). 
13. Favorite Jimin song?
I love Alone so much. It is completely my vibe. Everything from the dark vocals to the mixing is great. I love the sad yet hopeful lyrics as well. It's one of those songs I always have on my playlist.
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14. Favorite Tae song?
The entire Layover EP is such a vibe, but I have always loved Tae's song Winter Bear. It reminds me a bit of some of Coldplay's older songs and Tae's vocals in it are so beautifully understated. The instrumentals in the song are so relaxing as well. 
15. Favorite JK song?
In My You, JK writes and sings such beautiful words, and the instrumentals are so whimsical. However, my true favorite JK song is Shot Glass of Tears. As a person who has a rocky relationship with alcohol and those who overconsume it, listening to this song is like a beautiful sonic therapy. JK's vocals are perhaps my favorite I've ever heard from him, and the instruments of the song are so emotional.
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If you read all of this, thank you. I have enjoyed my journey with BTS and I know I will continue to enjoy their art that inspires and heals me for many years to come.
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dgtn · 1 year
Some of the sexiest most sultry choreography I’ve ever seen….so so good!!!
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aricastmblr · 4 months
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK live 5 June 2023 7:03 am KST
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Cr./ The creators of the media used in this post.
First thing first - we address the elephant in the room. JK cut his hair!
It's only a trim. Keep telling yourself that. Only a trim.
Breath in, breath out...
But I'm telling you, if he shows up soon with another "just a trim" I'm going to literally lose it. 😭😭
Now after we addressed that are we ok to move on? K?
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This my peeps is a close to 2 hour live. I ain't gonna and can't talk about every single thing this man talked about. Not when JK was in such a chatty mood. Nope. No can do. In any case you should be running to watch this, cause the man is friggin adorable, and no matter how many times I say it or describe it, which I definitely will, it's no comparison to seeing him yourself.
JK is happy.
This is the second live we can see that figurative jump in his step.
The man is super chatty, sharing stuff that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't supposed to share (or another theory is that he's done this so his bf doesn't have to talk about that certain thing he promised us he will talk about in his next live...). He's also being an utter brat, and I am loving every single moment of it.
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I'm putting this here now.
Why, you ask?
Because you remember those Feb 2023 lives? You know, the ones where we felt something was off? When I said it looks like he was struggling, he's off quilter for lack of structure and support?
Well my friends, it looks like our JK is back. With his more or less set schedule. With his Jiminie by his side to be his anchor and his catalyst all in one.
Did I tell you yet how much I love this man?
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shhhh, JK wants to set up a movie date with us. Don't tell the company about it though...
The whole conversation is happening but it's literally him just thinking out loud, hilarious.
JK brain power. That man is something so so special. The time and effort it took him to try to figure out what time he will be eating lunch when his dermatologist appointment is at 11 am and he has a workout straight after that. He's hilarious.
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It was 1:30 pm. That's what his final result, btw, lol.
Mingyu and the Super dance challenge
I had a whole thing written in my vanishing post about Mingyu and how JK said he'd called him but that he's not serious. Speculating if this will ever come to pass.
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Well, looks like JK decided to take things into his own hands now, didn't he?
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JK caught him by surprise, so much so that Mingyu did the challenge in his socks. My guess is that JK is telling us all, including the higher ups, that doing this, dance challenges, is going to be on his terms. When he wants. Where he wants. With whoever he wants.
JK being JK
I love how JK tells it how it is.
He reads through the comments, says army is cute and will never change. interacts with comments. Answers questions. But he also isn't afraid to call bull, lol.
For example, loved his reaction to the comment "I'm not going to breath until you read this".
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Being savage without being savage, lol.
The rainy day fight
D'ya think I wouldn't talk about this one? No way, no where, no how.
Do we ignore the fact that JK literally scrolled back when seeing the comment?
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Nope. I don't think so.
JK saw the comment just run by, and he scrolled back cause he wanted to see it properly, and once he read it, well, of course, answer it. Idk what caught his attention there. Was it the account name? I saw talk and an actual clip showing that from the name it was a clear Jikook account. But then again, saw somewhere else mention that might not be true. This is one I'm not 100% sure about, so will leave it open with a question mark.
Anyway, that smile when reading the comment.
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That last one was him reading the comment, not him commenting on if JM is or isn't doing a live.
But in saying that, JK with that smirk,
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knew that JM ain't gonna be telling no rainy day story, so he might as well, lol.
The difference between JK describing it and JM, lol.
JM's short version:
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JK's is a more lengthy one, although at the end of the day, if you pay attention, you realise that JK didn't tell us what they actually fought about, or more so, what was it that he said to JM to have JM tell him he's on his own from there on...
So, let's talk a bit about the fight, why don't we?
First thing first, JK puts a timeline on the fight, it being during their trainee days. That gives us a clearer time stamp, which would be anywhere between mid 2012 to a day before debut, which is 13 June 2013.
Now, you may ask why is it that JM was so off with the dates? And more so, why didn't JK correct him?
To the first question I say that this fight was way more impactful for JK than it was for JM. JK was the one who wrote a song referencing it. JK is the one that brought it up to start with during Festa 2020, and it took JM a few seconds to register and remember it. He was kind of caught off guard and could have just messed up the on the spot math, or he could have forgotten exactly when it took place.
To the second question I say that possibly JK didn't want to correct JM in front of the cameras, that the timing was less important for him to talk about and more so the fight and the making up. Or, he didn't want to correct him to stop the flow of JM's story telling, or just didn't want to correct him in front of the others, or he did the math wrong too, lol.
Now that we have cleared up the timeline, pre-debut days, let's talk about the fact that the other members clearly did not know about this fight, including Hobi.
This was a fight that happened between the two. Something that had a profound impact on JK. So much so he referenced it in a song. So much so he brought it up to apologise for it once again in during the Festa dinner.
But as impactful as it was for JK, I feel like it didn't have the same affect on JM. Not that it wasn't memorable, because it was, we saw it was, but it wasn't life changing for him as it was for JK. Yes, I think it was life changing for JK.
So, what are my thoughts about why this fight was so etched in JK's mind, so carved into his consciousness, so much so he literally wrote a song about it (that is a hill I am willing to die on) and brought it up in Festa 2020, years later, with so much water under the bridge since then?
All while I don't think it meant the same to JM? Yes he remembered it. Yes it was emotional for him. But it wasn't as impactful as it was for JK.
I am willing to go as far as to state that I feel that this fight was teenager JK's eureka moment as to how important JM was to him. And please do not get me wrong, this is not about JK crushing on JM or realising he is attracted to him. Not then. Not yet. This is way back in 2012-13. But this is about JK realizing that he needs JM. That he wants him by his side, he wants him close as a close friend, as someone to look up to, someone to help guide him, someone to care for him, someone to look out for him, someone who can understand him.
Do we remember this?
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Because of Still with you, because JK brought this up 7 years after it happened, because of JK's facial expressions while talking about it, this was a truly meaningful moment for him, in my opinion perhaps the moment where their friendship shifted for JK or more so solidified.
You know what they say? When you think you lost someone is also when you understand just how important they are to you. It takes losing them for you to realise just how important they were to you.
As for JM, well he always had a soft spot for JK. His behaviour through this also shows us that. He didn't scold JK in front of the others, respected him enough to take him aside and try to talk to him. Although he walked out, he answered JK's phone call and straight away went into carer mode. He forgave him pretty much immediately and was almost as emotional as JK was (crying hugging). So yes, it was a fight to remember (he does once JK reminds him of it) but it wasn't as impactful on JM as it was on JK because maybe for him it didn't change the way he felt about JK, while for JK it was, as I mentioned, a moment of clarity, of understanding.
Lee Mujin's Limousine Service April Fool's day - the JM episode.
Well, the episode shows up on JK's YT. Surprise surprise? Not really, lol.
JK's initial statement is that he should watch that...not that he hasn't seen it yet. And why the distinction you may ask? Well, because his behaviour during this was a little puzzling. On the one hand he does things like FF the episode and avoids Lee Mujin calling JM oppa, and you can't think that this was unconsciously done. Or he imitates JM down to the nose touch and it feels like this was not the first time he's seeing this. All while on the other hand his reactions at the start of the episode seem to be of someone watching the episode for the very first time.
Is it possible that JK's oh so accurate imitations stem from him knowing JM oh so well? Down to the nose touch? Of course it is. I mean those two are fully in tune. We've seen so many moments where it's like this is the same person, same brain. So, definitley a possiblity.
Either way, the look on his face and his reactions never lie when it comes to JM.
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JK sings Like crazy with JM.
First time he does this. Watch Like crazy with us and join in on the singing. And it's so beautiful.
Do we talk about it? Why it's taken him so long to do this?
Well, obviously I can't know for sure, but I do think that this one is an emotional one for JK.
This song is about JM's struggles during the pandemic. He told us so. Struggles that JK clearly witnessed. Struggles that JK clearly experienced with him. Struggles that JK probably also tried to help him cope with. Obviously this was not an easy time, and if this song was a type of release for JM, for JK it might be reliving something that is still weighing on him. A reminder of helplessness. Of not being able to help JM through. A reminder of the coping mechanisms. A reminder of not being enough.
But that isn't to say JK doesn't love the song. You can see how it does make him emotional, closing his eyes as he sings "you and I" and in several other moments during the song, including towards the end.
And maybe he wasn't ready to show us that just yet in his previous lives.
He was now.
And again, showing us he does like the song, he hums Like crazy again later on in the live.
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JK is JM's happy place. That is part of his love language. He makes JM laugh, and many times it's by being his bratty cheeky self.
JK makes JM laugh. In JM's own words, he's his happy virus.
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This part is funny and cute and JK just being JK by imitating JM.
And this time it's all about having fun, but JK as a whole mimics JM, not only for fun, but also as a compass, a guide as to how to behave or react. We saw him do it a lot in the younger years. JK wasn't joking when he told JM he's watching him, lol. We certainly do have the receipts for that one.
He has been doing this since forever. So very neuro divergent of him.
@jikookotters said to me after this live that JM should release a book - "My life with a brat".
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Well, it has bestseller written all over it, guaranteed.
All fun aside, I'd say it's a small price to pay. You know, having a bratty bf that brings a smile to your face in the process. Same man that looks at you like this:
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For the whole world to see.
Literally the whole world, having millions of people just sitting there watching him watch JM and melt.
Songs JK listened to and sang for us:
Traffic light - Lee Mujin
Wasurenai TANAKA
Jay Park yesterday (Omg, the lyrics...)
Your love's the sweetest sound Around you, my heart just pounds Your touch, I'll write it down So high, I can't come down Was hopeless, took notice Baby, like a siren, mm, and you gave me faith, oh You're the answer, all my problems solved Life with you is so beautiful, I won't trade it away I was lost but found my purpose now I'm glad you're keepin' me around, I won't trade it away Whether I'm up or down or I wear no crown Love me the same way, the same way you did as yesterday Whether I'm rich or poor, just call me yours Love me the samе way, the same way you did as yestеrday Oh-oh, oh-oh Did as yesterday Your smile is all I need Without you, these lungs can't breathe I'd fall from the sky for you Wanna do better and thrive for you Was hopeless, took notice Baby, like a siren, oh-oh, and you gave me faith You're the answer, all my problems solved Life with you is so beautiful, I won't trade it away I was lost but found my purpose now I'm glad you're keepin' me around, and I won't trade it away Whether I'm up or down or I wear no crown Love me the same way, the same way you did as yesterday Whether I'm rich or poor, just call me yours Love me the same way, the same way you did as yesterday Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh
I know he's a problematic person, but that song, I definitley get why JK likes it.
I have seen many are worried this is a precursor for him having a collab with Jay Park (we did see JK in his studio last year), and that very well may be. We will just have to wait and see about that.
JK also watched "JK vocals I liked", well tried watching and gave up in the middle because The best of me on replay was just too much for him.
And his G-Dragon imitations, lol.
This was in no way him dissing G-Dragon. This was him being a fan of the man, something he has also shared with us in the past.
OK, Is it time to address the other elephant in the room?
JK's unwillingness to sing a BTS song...lol.
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Maybe better not🤣🤣
JK's goodbye to us.
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Questions to ask ourselves after watching the live:
Is someone going to explain to JK why the comments are disappearing?
What is JK working on his English super hard for? He makes a point of telling us multiple times during the live that he's working on it hard... I doubt it's only for his TikTok narration for Take two...there is more coming from JK. Question is what and when? Hopefully soon.
So why did JK want us to know about the book he's going to be reading? JK made a point at the start of the live to grab the book and place it on the table in front of him, later to show us the book and tell us he bought it and will read it. Why did JK want us to know about Michelle Zauner or her book? Collab? This is a bit of a stretch, well ok, a huge stretch, but could it be because Michelle Zauner, an openly bisexual woman, married her bandmate Peter Bradley back in 2014? So many questions...
How many times does JK have to mention JM while talking about the rainy day fight?
What was up with JK's glasses? He clearly told us that he needs them. And he was also about to get up go get them, but then stopped and said he's too lazy. But was that it? Really? Or did he just remember/realise that he forgot his glasses at that very place he came from shortly prior to the live? You know, the same place he came from arriving at Brunnen and placing his jacket (is that a motorcycle riders jacket?) on the sofa. Same Jacket he moved aside so maybe we don't notice it too much.
JK getting the book and moving the jacket:
Will we be seeing JK at one of Yoongi's Seoul concerts? Did Yoongi see the live, hear JK's request for a formal invitation up on stage? Lol. JK did say that if Yoongi asks him up, he'll do it... Oh, and do we buy concert tickets for the streaming with those prices???
What's up with JK's YT algorithm?
Do I bring this up again?
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Yeah, I guess that explains the algorithm with all the cooking and JM going on there...
Kookie, your obsessions are showing...
What was it with the guitar JK left out to tell us that he's not practicing at all although he should be? At first I thought it might have something to do with JM's acoustic performance, Letter with the guitar, you know, being the JM spoiler king and all.
But now that Take two is out, I can't help but consider perhaps this time it wasn't about JM but more about Take two... the opening guitar. Although (yes, this is me flip flopping here) the opening guitar in Take two is an electric guitar... So yeah, no idea.
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Do his neighbours, by this point, have Hybe on speed dial? I mean, I'd love to have JK as a neighbour, I really would? Nah, I lie. I love JK, you know I do, but my god, the noise that man makes, I would be hospitalized by now for sleep deprivation. And the creepy creeps that are out and about looking for him? Nah. Love him, but would rather not be his neighbour, lol.
And last but not least what so ever - why the heck is this man so utterly adorable? This man that on stage is a lean mean killing machine (well, most of the time). How can that be the same person? HOW?
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Once again JK has come to us, in his time and on his terms. And once again he's shown us in few words and many actions just how much he loves and appreciates army, and how much he loves JM. He does what he does, says what he says, within the limitations, showing us all his love and support for JM.
He's so friggin loud even those that are unwilling to see are having difficulty ignoring it.
So, are we taking bets on when we're going to be getting him live next? And will we finally be getting a JK Letter sing along? Now that we have an official Letter (Dear.Army) release on YT that is. Now, wouldn't that be an interesting one?
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seoul-bros · 5 months
And don't forget the live version that's a whole different Vibe
Yet to be announced as Global Ambassador but looking stunning fully kitted out in Dior.
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Post Date: 13/01/2024
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voxyldy · 8 months
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myboyfriendjake · 2 years
BTS "Run BTS" Full Performance
we finally have a performance y’all! 
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ckaviar-aesthetic · 1 year
The Thai singer of the YG Entertainment K-Pop supergroup is slated to be featured on the EP Down to Earth with this track. “Shoong!” takes notes from the hip-hop genre, while also featuring an R&B trap beat. The music video for “Shoong!” sees Taeyang and Lisa performing an intricate
#viral #insta #meme #viral #explorepage #india #likes #bhfyp #dance #indonesia #tiktok #lfl #trending #video #youtube #loveyourself #comment #fyp #sad #likeback #following#fyp #meme #viral #explorepage #likes #tiktok #lfl #trending #fff #reels #video #youtube #aesthetic #comment #fyp #edit #foryou #share #edits #likesforlike #exploremore#trends #insta #fashionblogger #viral #vintage #shopping #photoshoot #explorepage #luxury #likes #new #outfit #instalove #fashionista #interiordesign #shoes #tiktok #trending #streetstyle #designer #fashionstyle
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