#theyre older. they just have this calmness to them that you can feel the difference between even just a couple years ago and no2
untouchedsoap · 9 months
it's almost 5am and I'm still fucking awake so everyone can excuse me being emo for a second but im thinking about 2025 when bts are back and how happy and settled they're going to be. older, with enlistment no longer haunting the horizon, nothing to do but make music they want to make and enjoy life how they want to live it, hopefully taking us along for the ride as well and I'm just really looking forward to it is all
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eminsunnytoons123 · 1 month
Heres more infos of the characters of "class of 3000: back to the SING!" Part 4:
1st: Bianca
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29-30 years old|Lesbian 🧡💛🤍🩷💖 and intersex 💛💜💛|personalities: peaceful, calm, kind, sassy, sometimes sarcastic, friendly and polite
- she often acts like a older sister towards Cheddar man since they interact a lot
- she is Mila's girlfriend, and she confessed her love to her in the pilot of "co3k: back to the SING" and even cheddar man confessed his love to Sunny in the pilot
- she and cheddar man are both the only characters in the reboot to be intersex
- just like her shop, she aswell smells like burnt pumpkins and honeysuckle
- Bianca is Jan's and Madison's cousin, and she cares for them both a lot, especially Madison
- just like in the original Show, she sometimes mis-spells the names and last names of some in the reboot, especially Sunny's last name
- Bianca often forgets that Sunny is allergic to oranges, for example, in the episode: "Hissy Kitty", she nearly gave Sunny orange juice and she told him: "but wait, you got some orange colors on you, Sunny? How come you're not allergic to that?" And she meant Sunny's sun earrings and some sun patterns on his clothes
2nd: Mr yin and Mr Min
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Theyre both 1726 years old (in their Immortal years) and uncanonly 35 years old|both are asexuals 🖤🩶🤍💜|Mr Yin: Sassy, sneaky, sarcastic and sometimes arrogant|Mr Min: sassy, sometimes clueless and kinda dumb-founded, and sarcastic
- theyre both twin Brothers in this reboot, even tho it wasnt and never would be confirmed if they were Brothers in the original class of 3000
- in their humanized forms, Mr Yin is white-skinned and Mr Min is black-skinned due to their voice actors
- Mr Yin and Mr Min are both medusas in the reboot, and like deuce gorgon from Monster high and more medusas from different cartoons, they have sunglasses to avoid stone-ing people
- these two are often called "idiotic snake minions" by Big D because they do often act like idiots in the reboot when theyre around Big D and since they work for him
- when they get Big D annoyed by them, he then gets them to the mirror and he takes off their sunglasses so they stone themselves
- when Mr Yin and Mr Min stone others, they wont be stoned for so long, only for a few minutes and they go back to normal
3rd: Kaylie and Mackenzie
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First Kaylie,
13 years old|Lesbian 🧡💛🤍🩷💖|personalities: kinda tomboyish, sassy, kinda arrogant, envious, sometimes sarcastic, critical, braggarting and bossy
- she is Mackenzie's girlfriend, and she loves her, A LOT. They still act like besties, but theyre still girlfriends
- she and Mackenzie are something like Sal minella and Johnny fiama from the muppets since Kaylie sometimes tries to make Mackenzie avoid flirting with other boys or girls
- Like Jared, Kaylie and Mackenzie are both the most cool and popular girls in school, and theyre both called as "cool kitties"
- Kaylie and Mackenzie often make fun of Sunny's students (even Sunny), but theyre sometimes Nice to them, for example, Kaylie once called Madison a "sweetie"
- She really dislikes Tamika just like how Mackenzie does, but she can sometimes call her a flirty nickname when she feels in a mood to be Nice to her and Lil' D, Madison, Philly Phil, Eddie, Kim and Kam, even Sunny
- She and Mackenzie are even besties with Tanya, they dont mind her attitude since she doesnt so that attitude a lot around them
Second Mackenzie,
14 years old|Bisexual|Personalities: sassy, flirty, sarcastic, sometimes arrogant, envious, bossy, braggarting, critical, greedy, and mocking
- She is Kaylie's girlfriend, and she loves her a lot just like how Kaylie does
- Mackenzie often finds Kaylie's protection for her adorable and cute
- like Kaylie, them both are often rude to Sunny's students, even Sunny included and others in the reboot cast, but she sometimes calls Sunny's students (Lil' D, Madison, Philly Phil, Tamika, Eddie, Kim and Kam) either "dears" or "sweeties"
- her nationality is french just like cheddar man, theyre both french in the reboot
- she is the only oldest girl teenager between the kids
- she likes doing nails and even painting them, and she even likes doing hairstyles
- she and Kaylie even like gossiping about others and talking about girly stuff
4th: Tanya
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13 years old|Lesbian 🧡💛🤍🩷💖|personalities: rude, arrogant, stubborn, bratty, whiny, bossy, braggarting, kinda narcissistic, and snooty
- Tanya often sees Mila as her mama just like how Sunny's students see Sunny as their dad and Salieri's students see Salieri as their dad, but Tanya will often beneven whiny towards Mila
- everyone in the reboot cast often annoy her and she is very short-tempered, she is kinda like Miss Piggy due to her short-tempered personality, but she gets along with Kaylie and Mackenzie
- whenever Tanya doesnt get what she wants or when she gets mad, she throws a RAGE fit and she immediately whines to Mila
- she is actually in the reboot good at dancing, but she sometimes makes some mistakes and Mila still often gets bad luck
- she is Jared's little sister, and she often finds Jared annoying, but they still get along since they both have similar personalities, and Mila acts like a mama towards them two
- Tanya often likes talking about herself and how much she is talented, and she likes showing off, especially on the stage
Heres finally the part 4 of the characters infos of "class of 3000: back to the SING!", I still gotta make two or three more parts, and I can finally start the pilot and the reboot =^_^=
And this is a treat for @aquamarine-dream-queen @ducktopia90264 @iggyguyy @moshywoosh @classywinnerpeace @moonlightrosebud2000 @ghostytoasty726 @avaford2009 @dayzsac224 @peaceforpeople @fancytigercupcake @nightkit92 @oxxjustfrankieandmikuloverxxo and all my other loved ones in my tumblr family that always love me and support my work but even bring me sincere Joy and happiness, and I'll always love them all and support them and their work but even Bring them Joy And happiness =^/////////^= 🩷💛🧡💜❤️🩵💖💙💞
But this is even for all other class of 3000 fans here on tumblr and outside of tumblr =^.^= 💖
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pokemon-ash-aus · 4 months
Besides Indigo looking to be a bit more anxious and Peach prob being more chill since she got to grow up with the ketchums, are there more differences (personality wise) between the SM trio and the FT trio?
I'd say yes.
Ash is more of a hardass in this, he's got to pick up the slack because Indigo's anxiety leads him to being less of a reliable fella. When Go's Anxoety takes over, getting a proper game plan from him is nill to none.
Thus Ash needing to take up that big brother role. You actually see it in GOK. He rushes over to comfort Indigo over a panic teleport, he's quick to reassure Peach and trying very hard to keep things under control.
And when it slips. He gets angry, he gets so fed up, tries not to take it out on his family. Tries to keep it linear but without a doubt he knows that his family is terrified when he's mad. So he's gotta tap that down too, but this Ash is an angry soul.
In canon, Ash taps down his emotions to appeal to everyone. And while peeps get surprised and startled when he blows up, he's quicn to reign it back in because Ash is a very forgiving character.
SM!Ash is as forgiving as he is vindictive. Because he's forced to grow up faster and, unfortunately, Getting kids way sooner, he's that much more of a ticking emotional timebomb.
His anxiety is pretty bad as well, the few frames that we see it, he's all the more willing to shove it aside to get with the program.
Indigo growing older, he no longer has that fear of nit being special. No longer feels he's going to be forgotten when his siblings step up. He's confortable in his place and in turn, its gonna affect his future. A fashionista at heart but he wont go out of his way to be a model, loves to sing, but the thought of the stage terrifies him. It will take a long time before he even gets into the circuit and it'll take him even longer to get the goal to be the best in the contest ring.
He essentially takes on the little brother roll, trying hard to keep Ash calm, stewing in his own wrongs until he gets the snap back. In turn, Indigo is *very* scared to share his own opinions on the offchance he'll be wrong. He's a yesman to his family and friends and its something they can't seem to teach out of him.
He has opinions, and he'll voice them here and there, but the more heated the discussion, the less likely he's willing to argue. He has no spine, and its why Ash has is all this time. In canon they split it all evenly between them, not so much this time round.
Peach cusses a lot less. She's less rude about things even though she loves teasing her nephews. It's silly, its funny, and she just wants to have a grand ole time and play. She's not used to being in these dangerous situations, she doesnt want to be there. Her stint with Team Plasma was short, but she didnt go through the training.
But it makes her incredibly bullheaded. She has 2 big brothers that can and will fight so much for her. She doesnt need to train as much because Ash and Indigo has it. She's so undertrained, it's upsetting. She got her ass kicked pretty hard when she encountered the Shadow Mews, and it was only their gloating that saved her hide.
She wants everything done now and soon, and the boys have spoiled that into her. They dont want her doing much because the Surgery was traumatizing, that Gem is *wrong* but theres nothing they can do anymore.
On the heiarchy of abilities, Ash is so far ahead its laughable.
He has his brother and sister to look after, he has his two new children. And none of them can protect them the way he can.
If Indigo worries in battle, its game over for him, Peach can barely control her own stuff and his sons are just learning- Red only knows *Tackle* as far as he's aware.
The few times Ash gets to fall apart is when Indigo takes the reigns. And he doesnt do that very often, not for a lack of trying, but for the lack of doing.
In canon, theyre a lot more balanced.
Peach is the hardass that trains and trains and trains and gets pulled back by Ash and Indigo. Both of which just want their sister to have fun and realize life is so much better than she thinks.
Indigo has his anxiety, but with his growth, he can easily grow into it. He finds coping mechanisms and he isnt afraid to show his support. Yes, he does have the crippling fear of bot being enough, of not being special, and in turn it spikes his career and his drive to do so many things.
Ash on the other hand, gets the chance to be a kid. He gets the opportunity to live and let live and regulate his emotions in a healthier aspect. He doesnt need to pretend he's not angry, because he is and people need to know. He doesnt need to pretend that Indigo didn't hurt him, because he did. Ash's drive to be stronger is because he wants to be stronger not because he *needs* to.
In this, if any of them wanted to just let go of being the responsible one, they coukd and the other two would pick it up in any way they can. They can be stupid and not worry about causing irreparable damage.
As lovely as the SM!AU is, it's leaning on a very unstable dynamic that can and will fall if things don't get addressed.
And that's not even going into Delia and Damien's dynamic and the dynamic with their children.
Hope this helps :)
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
snow angel by renee rapp but it’s a young, scared david jacobs curled up in his bed instead of going to the party he was getting ready for because he was hit with a sudden panic attack and extreme social anxiety and he doesn’t know why and he’s just lying there, shaking to his very core, whispering ‘it’s okay, you’re okay, everything’s fine’ over and over again as he shoves down the bile-tasting self-hatred while tears are forming at the corners of his eyes and there’s just. a hole where his heart is normally beating. to him, this is hell. to him, this is a dark nightmare. to him, this is life.
ok so i normally am not a fan of davey who is reduced only to his anxiety but this is an example of doing it RIGHT. davey who leads a normal life, davey who enjoys going out and having fun with his friends and underage drinking. davey who is wild and fun and having the time of his life with his new friends because they’re loud and different and davey finally feels like he can be a normal teenager around them, instead of always having to be Responsible Older Brother or Perfect Eldest Son.
davey being so excited to go out. it’s a party in brooklyn that some of jack’s friends are hosting, and everything is fine until jack sends him a text that says he just left medda’s apartment and is walking to get davey so they can walk to the train station together. and that’s when davey feels it first- the tremor in his hands, the pit in his stomach, the quickening heartbeat deep in his chest- and all davey can think is no, not now, please not now, but the world doesn’t listen to his words, so why should his body?
and it’s only a ten minute walk from his place to medda’s, so jack will be here any minute, and davey was supposed to meet him at the street corner so his parents dont ask any questions about where theyre going or what they’re doing but now he hears the doorbell ring and hears his mom’s footsteps through the apartment and oh god jack is here jack is here jack is going to see him like this and then there’s a knock on his door.
jack walks in to see davey, dressed for a party yet curled in the corner on the floor, tears streaming down his face, having to force himself to take breaths and stifle his sobs and he feels awful because this is supposed to be a good night. this isn’t even his first time going to a party. it won’t be his first time drinking, it won’t be his first time smoking, he smooth talked his way into a club last week with just a smile and a fake ID— he has no reason to be panicking like this, not when parties have become an every-other-friday event for him.
just ,, jack helping him calm down, jack walking him through the rest of his panic attack until he can breathe properly again, jack sitting next to him and holding his hand and letting him figure himself out. walking around davey’s room and finding him a big sweatshirt and some shorts to change into bc jack wants davey to be comfortable right now and that panic attack clearly left him drained— and left him with some crescent moon nail marks on his thighs and scratches on his scalp because of how hard he was trying to ground himself and how often he would pull his hair just to try to pull himself back. letting davey change and sitting on his bed with him, their backs to the wall, hands clasped together, jack’s feet hanging off the bed while davey sits with his knees to his chest.
“you don’t have to say,” davey says. “i didn’t want to ruin anything. you can still go.”
“you didn’t ruin a damn thing,” jack replies. “i just wanted to see ya tonight. doesn’t matter where.”
so they stay there. they watch some random anime on netflix. they share a joint on the fire escape and pretend that esther and mayer aren’t going to have a serious talk with davey over marijuana use the next day. they raid the cupboards and eat snacks and talk until three am, when they finally fall asleep together.
i think the biggest thing about davey’s anxiety is that it has a mind of its own. sure, general anxiety is kind of always there, but davey is strong enough and trusts himself enough to push it down and live how he wants. but when it sneaks up on him, it packs one hell of a punch. it makes him question himself, his friends, his life— it makes him feel like he’s a failure for having fun, like he’s ruining his life for such a small joy, and it’s not something he’s able to control as easily.
emme i adore this. thank u sm
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actualbird · 2 years
I don't know if this has been asked before but what's your hc on how Giann and Marius interact? would they bicker a lot or does giann being 10 years older change things?
hi anon!! i never really wrote a specific hc posts about how i think giann and marius interact, cuz ive written several fics where i Do Make Them Interact in scenes themselves HAHA
so i'll just take the time here to do some shameless self fic recs (with further detailing on what abt the interactions specifically are seen)
standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun) | aka the fic where giann returns and finds out marius is dating the nxx5 in a polycule situation
T rated | nxx5 polycule + giann & marius feels | complete fic | 17k words total
while this fic involves the entire nxx5 interacting with giann, the entire thing does delve deep into how giann sees, acts, and recalibrates his relationship with marius given all the changes that have happened.
the 1st, 4th, and 5th chapter have scenes in particular where giann and marius directly interact but as a brief (VERY brief. this fic is 17k for a reason, so i cant bullet point it all JHVKSJHF) summary on those interactions:
despite the 10 year age difference, i absolutely think theyre close as hell, both in the past and in the present of the fic that i ended up writing out.
i also say a huge Yes to bickering, because thats the casual way the ended being accustomed to communicating but that that can be a drawback sometimes. it's the whole "ack, sincerity and vulnerability with my sibling is WEIRD even if we're close, because UGH we're supposed to be cool and calm all the time"
and on a related vein, yes as well to like, how both of them Do talk to each other, but a lot of the time, not much is being Truly Said. i think marius had to have learned the art of putting up a mask from somewhere, and so both giann and marius (especially when distressed) end up brushing off their own problems so that the other wont worry
how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form | aka the fic where the von hagens are secretly magic dragons and marius is stuck as a serpent noodle
T rated | no ship + nxx found fam + marius & giann & austin feels | incomplete fic | 15k words currently
once again, while this fic is a little more geared towards exploring the team's dynamic with marius and each other, since the whole magic dragon thing is a Von Hagen thing, the fic does tackle marius' relationship with his family. as opposed to the last fic where it's from giann's pov, this one is from marius'. the fic has a few bits of marius and giann directly interacting in the 1st chapter, and the super tiny quick bites from that is
it's in this fic that i doubled down on how giann is very protective over marius. we are told this in canon, so this isnt much of an hc but still, i rlly like this about giann.
aside from the usual things we think abt when we hear the word "protective" (like hover-y, worry, ready to go fuck ppl up if u hurt the person being protected etc etc), i also think in general that giann was like, the closer Adult Figure marius had and the one he trusted a bit more or found it easier to trust
this is veering away from giann & marius and more into austin & marius now, but i rlly hc that theres a disconnect between marius' relationship with his dad. not to say that austin is a bad dad, but that in losing giann (which already happens after austin lost his wife too), marius and austin kinda lost their key bridge of connection as well
aaaaaand lastly
you can run, you can hide, but this email WILL find you! | aka the fic told completely through emails and the fic that im still proudest of in this fandom
T rated | no ship + vyn & giann + giann & marius + vyn & marius | complete fic | 4.3k words total
this fic actually does not have giann and marius directly interacting AT ALL, but in my defense, it doesnt have....anybody directly interacting. bc this fic is told thru emails omfg. buuuut
throughout the fic, i wanted it clear that giann really, really cares about marius and goes to great lengths to ensure that marius (and also vyn, because vyn is his friend) are prepared for everything, even giann himself disappearing
additionally, marius really really is cares to and likes his brother, and was 1) very excited to be able to see him in person and 2) devastated by giann's disappearance, and 3) protective (through his determination to find giann) right back at giann
these arent really Interactions, but i figured it deserved a place on this response anyway as a good conclusion as to how i think marius and giann are with each other: mutual shitheads, close as hell but with trouble being completely sincere, protective of one another, and in general just a couple of ride or die or siblings
this was a very long response that answered your question only indirectly jahdvjhVKJVKJ. still, thank you for the ask! i feel really deeply about giann & marius cuz ive also got siblings im very close with, and just knowing tht other ppl r interested in the von hagen brother dynamic too is a treat in itself already :D
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sushiikando · 1 year
What i find reqlly weird abt attitudes towrds neurodivergence (mainly adhd and autism because thats what i have experience with) is how people act differently depending on the age of the person. Like my cousin for example whos like maybe 6 (no shade towards them i love them dearly) everything they do as a result of their autism is seen as cute or funny or like so quirky but as soon as I do things to help my symptoms or calm me down people view it as childish and just stupid. I feel like I get judged for everything I do that is not seen as the norm just because I am an older person with autism
Its especially apparent when I need extra help with things like simple reminders from my parents if they need me to do something specific throughout the day (i can make reminders and notes myself but they rarely work and often end up forgotten just as easily)
And theyre like no im not gonna remind you because youre an adult and that means you should be able to do it on your own. Like girly.... i literally have a disorder that makes it difficult to sometimes do shit on my own I need help sometimes!! And i know reminders from others really help!! Im not saying like all the time but even just once would be amazing
I just feel like as soon as I turned 18 there was this weird shift in behaviour from my parents and it just really feels like they dont care abt me anymore
Like there was one time when i got home early from work and was really overwhelmed and was crying an stuff and my dad was like did you eat before work did you do this did you do that and trying to find out what i did wrong to get myself in such a state and im like im here crying i do not want solutions i literally just want comfort. Please. My mum was the only one who comforted and hugged me
Like i love them i really do but I wish theyd support me a bit more emtionally an stuff or when it comes to adhd and autism symptoms that i often have little control over.
Extra note this obviously isnt a general post abt how neurodivergency is handled between adults and children its very clearly more abt my own experiences, the general topic is a whole ass can of worms that I will not be opening
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ankhisms · 1 year
have experienced what feels like 800 emotions in rapid succession on a rollercoaster today and it hasnt even really been a bad day honestly or anything im fine you know how it is
my mood swings have just been a lot stronger than they usually are since thats one of the biggest things my meds are for theyre like supposed to be a mood swing stabelizer but anyway
something that im aware is related to my more severe paranoia and obsessive compulsive issues but is less severe and more just adjacent to those is like being scared that im somehow a hypocrite about various random things or that im somehow secretly an awful horrible person who hurts people and does bad things without me even realizing that im doing that. im also aware that this very much stems from the way my abuser treated me and also the behavior of ""friends"" i had when i was younger who just now as im older i realize honestly didnt even like me and kept me around to make fun of me and be cruel to me together as a kind of group bonding thing.
which sucks because when im doing self soothing techniques and trying to calm myself down or even just approaching these thoughts and talking myself thru things it can be hard to counter the fear of "what if my friends or people i know in general actually talk together about how im an awful person and they hate me or talk together about how ive done something wrong without telling me?" with "no thats not fair or true and not based in reality" because it very much WAS reality for me. not in the sense of me having done something "wrong" in the past with those ""friends"" but like them being cruel to me and making fun of me when i wasnt around and the things i did ""wrong"" were just my autistic traits and other symptoms of my various mental things especially during that period of my life where i was completely unmedicated and had just gotten away from my abuser and was still in the awful school environment of being harrassed every single day.
anyway its really like. i know i shouldnt worry about this, rationally i know this. but just because i know something isnt rational it doesnt make my brain stop obsessively thinking about it so its like i could see someone saying "i hate when people go to the moon and jump up and down and sing the abcs" (ridiculous example bc i cant think of anything else) and i could at first go oh yeah i get that and like their post but then my brain will go but what if ive done that without realizing it and they see me liking their post and they go "ugh rey this post is about YOU and people like you and youre such a hypocrite and dont even know it" and the spiral begins. and in the end i guess all of this just goes to show that having people pretend to be friends with you only to hate you and ridicule you and pick apart every little thing you do behind your back really fucks you up.
also thinking about the ex close friend who cut me off out of nowhere with no explanation for seemingly no reason about a year or so ago now and ive continued to have kind of taking off the rose tinted glasses moments where i loved and cherished this friend so much that i excused how shitty they treated me at different times. not at all saying they are or were a bad person or that there was any abuse going on or anything like that but im just realizing that we both come from dysfunctional abusive families and we both have our own physical and mental problems and so throughout our friendship we both mightve not made the best choices or couldve handled things better and im not exempt from that. but also i realized that he would not tell me if i had done something to upset him and it would be like a guessing game for me and would really stress me out and make me feel awful
and its like. now as im older i would want to be able to talk things out and understand what had happened and be able to apologize and work on doing better. and in general thats something i really try my best on like i think in the past i would really get stuck in obsessively overthinking in self analyzing and get into moral obsessive compulsive spirals that just ended up hurting myself more than helping me grow, and anyway i always want to be able to step back and look at myself and my actions and be willing to listen if someone tells me ive done something hurtful or that i need to re-examine my behavior and beliefs, i think im pretty good at listening to people about stuff like that and have gotten much better about not falling into those spirals i just mentioned and examining myself in smaller healthier doses
but at the same time i do really get worried that people just arent telling me that theyre upset with me or that ive done something wrong or hurt them in some way. i really just want to be a good friend to people and i dont want people to be scared of coming to me and talking with me if ive done something to hurt them or to just talk about things with me in general and i dont want people to think im so fragile and mentally fucked up that theyd be scared of upsetting me by telling me id done something hurtful and letting it fester instead. i dont want to hurt people i want to spend my life making people happy and helping people and being a good friend, thats what i want most out of my relationships in life overall. i want to make people feel content and happy and safe.
but idk i just get scared. please be honest with me be upfront with me be blunt with me even i know im traumatized but i wont shatter into a million pieces if you tell me youre upset with me ill appreciate you being honest about it and ill stop whatever it was i was doing or work on it. i know im bad with social cues bc of autism and if i misunderstand something or say something inappropriate/out of my lane due to this please just tell me yknow
i really hate that my brain is like this and that having been abused and mistreated in the past has made me struggle like this because i want to trust that people arent talking badly about me or angry with me secretly i dont want to be so paranoid i dont want people to feel like they cant be honest with me or that im made of glass and that ill shatter if they tell me theyre upset with me, i want to trust that the people in my life like me and dont secretly hate me and im really trying hard but paranoia isnt something i can just magically wave away yknow its something im probably going to be dealing with for most of my life and im always kind of scared that people are going to get tired of my paranoia
despite living in survival mode constantly i still love all the people in my life a lot and i just want everyone to be happy and safe and i always wish there was more i could do to help everyone and i want everyone to be able to thrive and to be living comfortably and have all their needs met and to get all the help they need i love everyone a lot i want everyone to be okay and yeah
have also been majorly overthinking about if i want to do something that im being vague about as i ramble about it which i know is silly and its not even like something bad or negative but i just keep overthinking about the possible what if scenarios of oh what if i do this and they react really badly and cut me off and never want to talk to me again and due to this im also unfortunately like overthinking most things recently and being even MORE scared than usual of coming off as weird or being weird and making people uncomfortable but aint that just the way yknow. ill either do it or ill be a coward
anyway besides that my days been pretty decent its a lovely early autumn day. after typing this all i realized im probably feeling super emotional and weird because i just started my period lmao but thanks if you read this i love u mwah
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marurumai · 6 months
oh yeah i made that hashira opinion sheet thingy eith my oc... uhhh for some reason i feel like the image is too big so im gonna put it under the cut
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idk if you could call them a self insert because while i did base them on my self a bit theres a lot of things we differ on. except the mood swings (bpd is a crazy thing)
as u can see theyre giyuus tsuguko. i couldnt think of a better way to make them meet the kamados and i thought this was s cool one. random but theyre were shoved into giyuus life like an emotional support animal. except the animal part. theyre a person. so theyre just emotional support i think.
muichirou's comment doesnt really mean much. they just happened to go to the same selection along with aoi. there a silly story abt that. maybe one of these days ill draw it idk
theyre 16 so theyre both older than the siblings and tanjirous senior. so yeah they can order him around and he has to listen but. uhm. i dont think they make use of that unless he starts showing suspicious behavior. (like crawling all fours and sniffing the floor. u can sniff dude but dont look that weird pls ur catching attention)
the kid was like a random child with no memories fo their family other than vague feelings. uh wait that lowkey sounds like tokito. ehh
they were like 6-7 at the time they were found. theyre not japanese. uhhh i also wanted to add them being found by tamayo but like im not sure if its a bit too much. they would be taken to the ubuyashiki mansion anyway. and kagaya would just. hand them to tomioka. for some reason he thought it would like help tomioka be better idk its the best he could think. i dont recommend shoving the responsibility of a child to a mentally unwell individual btw
i have theyre backstory in the works and maybe im gonna take away the amnesia part but it stays for now.
little hint on iguros opinion,, theyre kinda in charge of watching over nezuko?? for precaution,, since yk demon being kept alive,,
they would be introduced during the hashira trial as a means to calm down some of the hashira abt nezuko being alive and allat. like "look the demons gonna be monitored. u can be chill dude" kinda thing. considering theyre giyuus tsuguko some ppl werent very chill but wtv
also dont be fooled by that emo ass face theyre like. stupid as hell. not in combat but theyre pretty airheaded. theyre also quite the emotional lad depending on what situations but they keep that face during work to be mature ig.
idk why i added kaburamaru liking them. other than the funny factor because yk iguro really dislikes them but kabu is cool with them
uhm theyre horrid with dealing with their own emotions so yeah awesome
abt prns they go by any so they never correct anyone. hence why everyone uses different sets. they just assumed their guesses on his gender where right.
since they arent a kinoe yet they dont qualify for hashira. and even if they were offered a spot they would deny since is too much responsibility and they worry to be unfit for it
theres prob a lot of typos but idc rn im gonna fix it later
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skinnymeanfaggot · 2 years
oh shit i just saw you reblogged the post with the numbers ill send some of those too. 22 and 23 for javier, 9 and 12 for anim, and 29 and 37 for zora?
22. i think javier likes a lot of things about a lot of people, hes very like Humans are good and he likes how little things can make people happy, he likes people who are happy and optimistic in spite of life. he can totally understand why people Would be jaded but he just does like a lot when people are able to see the good in things. he likes animals, he likes people who like animals. he likes people who are funny but not super mean about it
23. as a therapist and also as, a decent person javier can understand having a lack of empathy but what really gets him is just the callous disrespect and harm to other humans. like in his mind theres no (very few) reasons to hurt others. just like! be nice to people. try to be good to others. make the world a better place.other than morality i think like, its hard for him to actively dislike a person, or like. he tries to repress his dislike for stuff because he believes its not important and tries to see the benefit of the doubt and hes probably just overreacting and blah blah.
but just like people who are super full of themselves and look down upon other people annoy him (anim). people who are purposefully spiteful and rude annoy him (anim). if youre an abuser he will kill you, unless you abused him, in which he will be sad but he cant really hate people who hurt him because he has issues. if you hurt someone else he will be furious but if youre bad to him he will be like hey :( and dislike the treatment but chances are he will make excuses and find a way to like you anyways.
9. yes! growing up anim lived in a like, mid, slightly mid lower? class household? they were fine but there were 6 of them. they would get hand-me-downs not because their family couldnt afford new stuff but just, you have two older brothers. it makes sense.
as an adult they went from, having Literally nothing for a brief time, then poor, and now like, very comfortable. just flat out rich. they get paid WELL by zora and they will flaunt the fuck out of it. a lot of why they work for her is the manipulation/feeling indebted/feeling like theres nothing else they can do, but like. they totally stick around for the pay. they like it. very very easy to forget your morals when you get a LOT of money for the murderings
12. bold to assume theyre ever calm. jk definitely it would be times with javier or kylin, because javier makes them feel genuinely safe and with kylin they love her and have fun with her so its hard to be anxious. unless shes like doing wild teenage shit
29. i never really ever to this day defined what zoras current "job" is besides something something probably a politician something something mob boss/underworld criminal. and she inherited that from her mom and a part of it was "my moms cool i wanna be like her" but like? as a kid? if she never got into that? like if her mom was different? can honestly see her as an artsy type. like creator of or connoisseur of fine arts. maybe a writer or poet. i just picture her as the same type of lesbian woman in pitch black but instead of being evil shes attending art shows or something
37. this is tough... i think like, she would recognize that maybe shes not "honorable" due to the horrors. like she fully believes shes in the right and has done nothing wrong ever. but in any case i think she prioritizes status. again she doesnt Entirely recognize that shes the villain but if she did she would be ok with it.
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remade-c18r0 · 3 years
Yuri Lowell is Autistic
yuri lowell, as you may have noticed, has a problem with tone. he doesnt speak monotone but the way he talks is very flat.
hes got problems with expressing emotion. severely. estelle calls him out on this while knowing him less than a week . well however time passes in vesperia its not long enough
he doesnt really express emotions physically (calm, straightfaced, gap moe) or verbally (blunt, flat tone, embarrassed) very well. those are pretty obvious autism symptoms.
slight vesperia spoilers under cut
another thing in his speech is, in this world with known politeness markers, he forgoes them for people both older and younger than him, for people with more or less power than him, etc etc. hes also antiauthority and has no respect for the elderly cuz hes also a Cool Guy(tm) but the fact he treats a bunch of kids the way he treats adults like he respects and through actions (which speak louder than his words) hes very... nobody is less or more than him... and it is a lack of respect for higher-ups but having that lack and speaking to everyone exactly the same.... autism
[emotionality and depth are different than style, in which cases flynn is special because yuri talks to flynn incredibly differently than he talks to Literally Anyone Else because he and flynns are actually equals in a way nobody else is to him]
theres also several points where yuri is shown to be oblivious to how he comes across and what people are saying like:
when he turns towards estelles door in the castle i genuinely have no idea  what hes doing (because trying to peek is incongruent to his character) so im counting it
grabbing estelles wrist to check her blastia and sounding confused when she tears it away
in first strike (which you literally shouldnt watch) the captain makes a boob joke and yuri is absolutely 100% clueless as to what it means
theres lots of other moments but theyre deeper in the game. hes not... that good with people but hes REALLY good with people. he doesnt understand when he does something kinda weird until hes called on it and he does apologize for it. but when people are having their own emotions even when hes all I'm Cool And Unaffected he genuinely really cares and empathizes with them even if the way he does it is blunt and harsh sometimes hes not fond of beating around the bush because its much clearer to get right to the point
theres also the fact yuri wears clothes for comfort exclusively. the skit where hes outed as wearing whatever he wants for comfort also shows he doesnt care/know about social norms bc hes walking around in post-bath attire. this is the costume
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[its not this one exactly this is the version where he has his hair up]
but he walks around like this and estelle is like what are you doing!! and karols all you cant just walk around like that! and yuris like huh? why not? its comfortable. and then the skit goes on to compare him to resident absolute autistic icon rita mordio who feels exactly the same
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SHAME is the word im looking for
yuri has No shame
because he doesnt understand why he would need to be ashamed for being comfortable
Also this.
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this is more for the adhd side :
he doesnt put very much effort if at all into things he doesnt care about. he doesnt like reading or books, so he doesnt know magic. he HATES studying. he passes on reading to estelle and rita and judith whenever he can because he hates it so much. and its fine. but when it comes to something he cares about
sayyy... helping someone. swordplay. fighting in general. he puts his 110% into it. he goes above and beyond. he is a genius with a sword and can learn artes just by watching, as opposed to other examples in canon of people (like, say, karol) learning artes in multiple mini events you have to do over and over, simulating real night by night training
rita and flynn, two other autistic icons, can also do this
rita ofc with magic artes but still.
and he has a REALLY good long-term memory, which is indicative of both autism and adhd, ESPECIALLY for things he cares about. like plot points, or the exact words flynn said when they were 9 and he almost drowned in a river - including tone of voice (and a really good imitation of flynns voice as he said it) (pointing that out cuz its really funny and also there's literally nobody he couldve told because everyone he could have told before would have seen it happen so he just kept it perfectly in his memory for years)
aside from those hes extremely impulsive even if he thinks something through he'll act on it without warning and usually the story/bv stops him... sometimes it doesnt.
he does also deal with social withdrawal at the beginning of the game despite being surrounded by the lq who does love him dearly (even though - ESPECIALLY bc - he doesn't seem to understand that they do) and he really does only have one actual friend at the start
also his intense focus on one individual thing/task at once which ties into doing his absolute best over the things he likes like swordplay, fighting, helping people, cooking/baking... he gets sidetracked from helping people only because he is helping more people at the moment. hes out to get the aque blastia, finds estelle, helps her find flynn, helps karol with the tree, etc etc
noticing little details others wouldnt, especially as someone with absolutely 0 background in the thing in question - this is hidden by most of the party being special in the way this specifically refers to and minimizes the fact yuri does not have the specialty/knowledge they do about the subject and should not have noticed
this is about noticing estelle is not using her blastia but she can still use artes - rita notices because she has a proficiency in blastia, raven and judith already know. yuri should not know or notice this, but he does.
also having talks about empathy towards humans with rita because neither of them are good with it and in fact ritas Thing is that she starts out without very much of it at all. just because its more comfortable to think of humans in a certain way doesnt mean it isnt dehumanizing, so dont do it. do not treat people like things. they are people.
this is about ritas problem with people and preferring blastia to people
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yuri doesnt want rita to see estelle as just a blastia to analyze like shes basically entirely doing right now bc he DID instantly adopt estelle and not rita (though this will change). he does not say "Good." in japanese, though. ive wondered. it jst makes him sound like an asshole insulting a 15 y/o but its just Honest. bc ritas not honest. yuris at least honest enough to admit that they're alike like that.
"You cannot treat Estelle like a thing. She's honest with her feelings, and you're not. Don't be reckless, and don't hurt her." he really does sound like an protective big brother hah but That's Because He Is One”
my final point is a small one. but i like it a lot. one of yuris button animations you can do off the world map is him picking at his clothing, which.. in my experience. is a really common stim behavior. they didnt have to program that in. but they did.
i know its also like.. oh hes poor his clothes are probably all frayed.... but... he doesnt have to be picking at it for that to be evident. and also that just shows the fabric is probably very soft because its old and worn out. comfort. bam.
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flanneryculp · 2 years
cleo knight for the character bingo ?!
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Every time she appears is such a delight, and I think she has the best debut out of any Snicketverse character! telling dr flammarion off and making it so HES scared of HER?? even though he kidnapped her??? just *chef’s kiss*
Cleo has such great fashion sense, her style is very distinct with her black and white stripes and glasses and beret, it’s just so cool! I’ve been wondering if the pink accents in her outfits could represent her difference from her family? (she wears black, white, and pink, which contrasts with her families’ black and white thinking? something like that, i havent figured it out quite yet.)
I don’t think we can talk about Cleo without mentioning Jake, because wow, what a power couple! aside from being sooo cute, they bring out the best in one another. Cleo’s calm gentleness toward him and Jake’s admiration of her work so well. Both of them tend to be the people who look out for the rest of the associates the most, and their different personalities make the perfect blend. And from the way they stayed together despite Cleo’s parents objecting shows that they can get through hardships in a healthy way. They don’t mind giving each other space and aaaah,,,,,,, theyre SO good for each other!!!! I don’t often ship canon couples, but Jake/Cleo isn’t even a ship to me. It’s just a fact lol
Cleo and Moxie are another dynamic I love. Since Cleo met Moxie, she’s been looking out for her. ofc there was that whole Knife Thing, but the way she helped Moxie drink coffee in book three, kicked Stew in the shins when he tried to steal her notes, and just casually makes sure she’s okay all the time is so sweet. Especially since Moxie doesn’t really like to be doted on, the way Cleo doesn’t make it a big deal is v good. cleo saw moxie lying on the floor of the colophon clinic and said “is anyone gonna be an older sister figure to her?” and didnt wait for an answer.
The only catch with Cleo is just how cool she is! theres so much more I want to see of her!!
Cleo’s complicated relationship with her parents is v interesting. We don’t really get much info about them, but I would say Cleo’s parents liked her, but they didn’t get her. The way bought her everything she wanted but only called her Miss Knight? they were so strict about her not dating Jake that they had to hide their relationship from the entirety of town but then didn’t come back to Stain’d-by-the-Sea after learning she’d been kidnapped?
They liked the ambitious and fashionable chemist trying to save the town, but weren’t interested in her as a person. Cleo says she loved her parents, and maybe that’s true, but I believe she only liked a certain side of them. and thats well within her rights because her parents kind of suck lol.
Zada and Zora got closer, but judging by how they also called her Miss Knight, even when they’ve known her all their lives, and how they didn’t defy Mr. and Mrs. Knight to help Cleo, there was still some distance between them.
Since Mr. Knight was the one who decided to drain the sea in the first place, does Cleo feel responsible as his daughter to fix the town? Zada and Zora mention that Cleo likely inherited her chemistry abilities from her grandmother, who founded Ink Inc. Were they close? Why did her parents hire Dr Flammarion in the first place?
In my opinion, Cleo and Ellington’s relationship wasn’t explored enough considering how big a plot point it was in book two. I get it tho -- for story reasons it wouldn’t make sense for Ellington to have anyone other than Lemony. Personally, I see Cleo as who Ellington could have been if she had a reliable support system. Both of them are some of the most ambitious characters in all of Snicketverse, they’re both independent and distrustful of everyone except those they’re closest to, and they both feel responsible for others’ safety. (Ellington with her father and Cleo with the associates as a whole.) 
The difference is Jake. All the associates, but especially him. Jake is always supporting Cleo and when he rescues her in book two, Cleo isn’t surprised. She knows she has someone who has her back, and meanwhile Ellington knows she’s on her own. So while Cleo works out plans with her friends when things get difficult, Ellington does whatever comes to mind, no matter the cost. 
In book two, her invisible ink was made out to be something revolutionary, but after that it’s not brought up as much as I wish it would be. Lemony and the associates are saving the town from immediate danger, but ultimately she’s their last hope. Even if they defeat Hangfire, Stain’d-by-the-Sea will eventually become a ghost town if she doesn’t finish her formula. That’s a lot of pressure! I wish we got to see Cleo’s progress or the logistics of it. If it worked in book two but Flammarion messed it up, what does she still have to do? What did the Inhumane Society want with the invisible ink, anyway? 
Something that I don’t see talked about very often is how impulsive Cleo gets in fast-paced situations. How she agreed to have Ellington cosplay her and go around town while seemingly asking very few questions of Ellington, the way Jake had to talk her out of jumping onto the train? I think the difference is kind of funny, how she’s usually so logical but anytime she has to come up with anything on the spot shes like “hmm this might work!! no guarantee we’ll survive but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. :)”
shes objectively one of the coolest Snicketverse characters. love her. <3333
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leafcabbage · 3 years
had to take some out for class because the limit is 750 words BUT you get the full thing! wrote about dream thanks to @nitpick7
YEAH dreams sister(s) have actual names!!!! take a wild guess at what they are, theyre short for something in the same realm as dream’s name (unless ive already said)
“They’re sending me to that place for troubled girls, the one in Virginia,” Kari’s tone was casual, like she hadn’t just told him that one of her worst fears had come true. “September. Can’t deal with me anymore.”  
He was glad they were already at a red light; he was pretty sure he’d have rear-ended someone if he’d actually been driving; he suddenly felt frozen, but he made himself turn to look at her. His sister was looking out the window, he couldn’t see her expression. It was one of those moments where every word he’d ever known seemed to get jumbled in his head, one of those what the fuck am I supposed to say moments.  
“They told you that?” he managed to say, trying to sound calm, trying not to sound furious at the idea that their parents would just send her away like that, hoping his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel didn’t give him away and knowing it did.
She shrugged, carefully calm in an entirely different way. “Heard ‘em talking. I kinda knew it was coming,” she looked over at him, meeting his eyes. “We both did.”
“I-” he started, wanting to say that he hadn’t, that they would still figure out some way around it.  
He couldn’t.
The light turning green went unnoticed, and she tilted her head toward it with a meaningful look. He rushed to hit the gas before someone could honk at him. Someone did honk at him. No one in Florida knew what patience was.  
The drive was silent for a few minutes, Kari looking out the window again. To anyone else, she might seem unbothered, like she had accepted the situation. He knew her better. She was clearly upset, he could see it in how tense she was, in the slight downturn of the corners of her mouth, in how blank her stare was.  
“I’ll talk to dad,” he said, breaking the silence. He tried to keep the desperation out of his voice, but just like he could tell what she was feeling, she could read him like... like some kind of children’s book. Maybe the kind that taught colors. “Maybe you can start volunteering or something instead-”
“Dream,” Kari interrupted, abandoning the scenery to look at him again. “That’s not gonna work.”
It wasn’t worth arguing with her. She was right. They had the same father; Dream knew him as well as she did. Better, probably. He was five years older, that was five more years of experience with the man.  
“I’m not a good kid,” Kari’s voice was uncharacteristically quiet. She wasn’t known for being subdued. She’d always been the bright spot in every room. Sometimes bright like a forest fire rather than a star, but never subdued. “Not like you and Mira.”  
Dream wasn’t sure how he felt about being compared to his older sister, not when the one doing the comparing was Kari. Mira wasn’t known for being very loving. Dream liked to think that people knew that he cared about them. He liked to think that Kari knew he cared about her, he wanted her to know that someone in their stupid family did.
“I think you’re a good kid,” Dream knew that wasn’t enough, but he hoped it was something. He hoped she knew he meant it.
“Of course you do,” she smiled for the first time since he’d picked her up from across town. She always walked too far out to want to walk back, and he always picked her up. “You’d think that if I killed someone.”
“If you killed someone it’d probably be because they deserved it,” he smiled back.  
“See!” Kari gestured to him, then shook her head, overdramatic exasperation overflowing in every movement. “Not exactly unbiased. You’d be kicked out of this argument in nerd club, can’t argue both sides.”
“Debate team,” he corrected. They both knew that she knew what it was called.  
“Nerd club,” she nodded. “At least I won’t have to go to your nerd competitions anymore.”
They both laughed, Dream shaking his head. There was a pause after their laughter faded, the reality of the situation coming back to them both, the momentary reprieve from reality having faded too. September was way too close, and Virginia was way too far.  
“I’ll visit,” he promised. “As much as I can.”
“You’ll be in college,” she replied.  
“I’ll visit,” he repeated.  
She smiled slightly, a little sadly. “Thanks.”  
He pulled a U-turn at the next light, maybe a little too sharply based on how Kari grabbed the door to keep from being jerked to the side in her seat.  
“What the fuck?” she demanded incredulously.
“We’re getting ice cream,” He replied, shooting her another smile. “When dad asks why we’re late, it’s my fault.”
“Thanks,” she said, and it seemed like it was for more than just the ice cream.  
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along-thestars · 3 years
todd anderson head cannons because i adore him :,)
also note im relatively new to the fandom (and tumblr in general) so if this is all stuff you've heard before i apologize aksjhakjds but you all seem really cool and im happy to be here! so have these
i don’t think todd would just stop at poetry, but maybe divulge into other areas of art! This results in soft pastel sunrises, watercolor paintings, sketches of the moon, etc. whenever neil sees one in their dorm he gets really proud and asks to hang it on the walls. charlie plays like a bazillion instruments so todd eventually asks them to teach him acoustic guitar!
trans guy todd. just like. idk maybe i'm projecting a bit but trans guy todd>>>
can be shy when it comes to showing affection outright, so he has a tendency to make little gifts for the poets to show how much he cares. this includes little things like chocolate-chip cookies to celebrate, and he likes to write little notes or make bookmarks and draw little illustrations for the poets whenever theyre sad (or just whenever he feels like it). if he finds cool flowers or rocks or whatever that remind him of a certain poet, he’ll randomly present the person with it, but gets super flustered if they keep thanking him for it or get excessively happy (as they tend to), so oftentimes he just leaves the gift in random places he knows the person will find it, like on a pillow or shelf. queue one of the guys walking in their dorm to random shiny rocks all on the windowsill and being like “?!?!?!??!”
canNOT cook at all but is an expert at making fancy teas and coffees. a poet will be sad and todd just shows up out of nowhere with a spectacular honey oat milk latte, perfectly frothed espresso lungo, or matcha green tea. no one knows how he does it but they're not about to complain
music-wise todd totally likes elliott smith + sufjan stevens and is a hUGE cavetown stan!! a lot of the time he chooses music for it’s lyrics/emotional connection and not just how it sounds (though he likes indie/alt/lofi a lot musically because it’s comforting), so his music taste can seem pretty diverse. also some slightly older stuff, like bowie and the smiths (fuck morrissey though). todd and meeks have similar taste in music and end up sharing a lot of artists w each other
to help distract todd from his anxiety in some settings, the poets allow him to doodle on their skin !! he adores making little pictures and drawings that calm him down and remind him of whoever he’s drawing on, and the poets love seeing the doodles afterwards.
i don’t think Welton would allow the students to have too much decorating freedom, so after he graduates Todd makes it a priority to express his dorm/room however he wants! it ends up being different shades of greens, browns, and other earthy colors, with subtle candles, artwork/literature all over the walls, and probably plants. also absolutely has a little record collection + player, stacks of books everywhere, and quite possibly crystals
actually i think a little bit of wiccan!todd would be very satisfying like,,, burning incense and charging his crystals because he finds it calming. he'll be doing his little witchy rituals and neil will just be watching like "i dont really know what's going on but he's very cute and i'll be supportive regardless"
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ok long rant abt attraction incoming bc i am Slightly confused
i know everyone is different but how often do people usually get crushes ? is there some sort of average ? and what abt vague romantic feelings that dont really develop into actual crushes ? do those happen a lot more often ?
like i know that sexual attraction is smthg that happens fairly regularly for allos (???) but what abt romantic attraction ? sometimes i wonder if maybe im a bit grayro but the only reference point i have is my best friend who seems to feel romantic attraction more than i do but idk ??
and then theres that whole thing of "looking for someone" or "dating around" or whatever they call it. how tf do ppl do that. is that based on sexual attraction ? like "oh youre hot maybe ill develop feelings too lets give it a shot", or do ppl actually just,,, meet someone at a bar and think "yup ! im feeling a connection !" and what abt blind dates ???
idk i dont get it. i dont think i could do that, i have to wait till i get a crush / catch feelings first, but then again, actions dont equal attraction right ? like just bc someone doesnt have casual flings doesnt mean theyre demiace, so itd probably work the same for romantic attraction ? not dating like that doesnt mean im aro
but then again, how often does romantic attrcation happen anyways ?
Bestie bestie bestie calm down okay i’ll try and explain this as best as I can
Anyways since i seem to be the local alloro everyone’s coming to with attraction confusion I’ll try my best to explain why my fellow allos seem to act so confusingly sjdjfjfjg
I started developing crushes on people vaguely around 5th grade. They were generally pretty vague and faded within a few weeks/months, then I didn’t experience romantic attraction again until pretty much high school—I’ve had like, two genuine crushes on people, a few vague things on random people or fictional characters, celebrities, etc. I’ve found that as I grow older romantic attraction becomes more intense.
This is nowhere near an accurate statistic, but judging from both my experiences and other alloro friends, I’d say experiencing the average for romantic attraction (at least for those my age, high school ish) would be around 3 to 7 times a year?
Like I’ve had two genuine (gone on for months, could not stop thinking about them) crushes this year, and like four or five vagueuish crushes on just random people or fictional characters etc. My alloro friends generally have the same amount with a few more vagueish or fictional crushes.
So yeah I’d say that seems to be the norm around the alloros I know?
Yeah vageuish feelings are more common than genuine romantic crushes and shit, they happen a lot more often and generally fade after a few weeks/months and aren’t that intense tbh
Idk shit about sexual attraction but yeah it apparently happens pretty regularly for allosexuals
Oh yeah that looking for someone or dating around is often not based on actual romantic feelings and shit. It happens for many reasons, like either amatonormativity convincing people they need partners, sexual attraction, just hoping to hook up, but yeah it’s not really based on romantic attraction since it Very Rarely happens that instantaneously.
Yeah it is based on sexual attraction a lot of the time!
Yeah that does happen sjdjfjf. I don’t know how to explain it it’s like you meet someone and you’re immediately like hi hello i didn’t know you five minutes ago will u marry me tho. Like that “feeling a connection” does happen, though it’s kinda rare and not very frequent. Sometimes you just platonically get along with somebody as well and you’re like “might turn romantic let’s give it a shot!”
Blind dates I don’t know since I don’t really care for them, a lot of people are just like “why not I have nothing better to do” or “hopefully I’ll find someone I like!”
Tbh I couldn’t do that either mate, like it seems weird af to like Actively Look For Dates. Like if I meet someone cool or an instantaneous connection then yeah might ask em out but like looking for dates?? Yeah no thanks my man
Yeah actions =/= attraction! It does work the same for romantic attraction!
Read this, this, and look through my #aromantic questioning tag! And here’s a list of arospec identities!
Try following aro blogs and read aro stories, talk to aros and learn about their experiences, see if you relate!! And remember the entire queer community is here for you and we support you kay?
Tbh my advice is try on the label!! Say “Im aro” and see how it feels!!
Hope I could help you out, lmk if you have any more questions, and have a great day/night :D
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38 for the cliché prompts jahdishd it is my weakness 😌💛
38. Everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait
in my head theyre def together by the time quynh and andy catch up to them but it is HILARIOUS if they werent so we’re doing that for this lil thingo
they’ve been travelling together a few months now, still working out how to move around each other after spending so long as two distinct and separate pairs. nicolo hadn’t had a clue that the recurring dreams he and yusuf shared were of actual people, so far removed from their sphere of the world had the dreams been. mountains that looked more like pillars, animals and landscapes so wildly different they could have easily come from a story. but now andromache and quynh were bringing them east so they could experience this strange new world for themselves.
neither he not yusuf knew quite what to make of the two women who had abruptly dropped into their lives and announced themselves even older then them, with the same gift (or curse, as he’d once considered it) of life. they were closer then he and yusuf were, that was something certain, even if it hadn’t been made apparent by the quiet kisses the pair sometimes stole, it would’ve been by the heavy, heated looks they exchanged sometimes. 
sometimes, he wondered if he looked at yusuf the same way. sometimes he wondered if that eternal love could be them too, but then that blissful illusion would be shattered by the next morning and the new day. yusuf was his best friend and his closest companion- and he wouldn’t dare jeopardise that, not for anything in the world. 
so when quynh squats down next to him as he sharpens yusuf’s scimitar late at night (it had taken a long time for the other man to trust him with his weapon, and nicolo treasures this knowledge along with everything else yusuf had gifted him) and casually asks, “the inn we’re arriving at tomorrow morning is safe for those like us. two beds only, then?” he chokes on air.
quynh just fixes him with a flat stare, one eyebrow twitched upwards. “two. beds. two rooms, nico? you and yusuf have been so shy around us, and me and anh want some... personal space too.”
it takes a moment for nicolo to find the words he needs to respond. “quynh, me and yusuf are just... companions. friends. i would hate to make him uncomfortable.”
the older woman’s eyebrows have inched higher and higher with every word he’s spoken, and she quickly barks out the beginnings of a laugh before muffling herself with her hands, her shoulders shaking with mirth. nico can feel his cheeks warming and he puts down the whetstone to swat at her. she dodges, giggling.
“stop laughing at me! stop that!”
“just companions! oh, nico,” she says with so much exasperated fondness that nicolo feels very young again. “i owe andromache so much money.”
“you made bets on us?” demands nicky, aghast, and she nods, breaking into quiet laughter again. behind him, yusuf grumbles sleepily, and nico would be flaming with embarrassment if he didn’t already know that his friend was a dedicated heavy sleeper. 
“i guess it serves me right for thinking too highly of either of your intelligences.” quynh shakes her head in mock disappointment, and nico feels like he has to defend himself, somewhat.
“i don’t know how he feels, and i’d rather wait until my emotions make more sense to me before springing anything onto him-”
“oh, save the speech, nico. how long have you felt this way about him?”
“...decades, now.”
“and have your feelings lessened? have they changed? do they make any more sense to you then when you had begun to feel them?”
“no. they’ve only grown with every passing day i spend with him.”
“and there you go.” quynh smiles at him, and its a little sad. “you are not supposed to rationalise your emotions nicolo. love-” and he flinches a little at it, because there it is, the word that rises within him like the sun whenever yusuf smiles at him- “is not supposed to make sense. stop trying to make it make sense, nico. and i swear to you, i’ve been on this earth long enough to know when it’s returned.” she embraces him, then, and he drops his head down onto her shoulder, trying to calm the erratic beat of his heart.
“you’re telling him exactly how you feel in the morning,” she whispers in his ear before they break apart. she smirks at him, and privately he marvels at it, how he’s managed to find such a perfect older sister so long after his own biological family had turned to dust. “and i’m booking you that room.”
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fagwolf-archive · 4 years
benrey and gman species headcanons!!!!
so i was thinking about benreys abilities and as i wrote out headcanons i decided u know what. i think benrey and gman are the same species. so here are some thoughts about their species:
- massive eldritch horrorterrory creatures, literally incomprehensible to the human brain. youd probably die if you saw their true forms, your brain would just overload and shut down
- so to exist in the science teams universe, they make themselves appear humanlike juzt so they dont accidentally kill people. also just for practicalities sake - way easier to walk through a door if youre human sized hsjfkhsdjk
- ofc they only LOOK human - theyre still all fucked up and monstery and can shapeshift. gman is older than benrey and has pretty much full control at all times over his form, benrey meanwhile struggles a bit to maintain it and forgets stuff about humans - like that their limbs dont bend that way, or their heads cant turn 180 degrees, or that they only have one row of teeth
- they are a mainly Predator Species and so a lot of their biology fits this!!!:
- bioluminescent eyes act as lure like anglerfish - and also sweet voice! ill go a bit more into sweetvoice in a moment but in hunting context, its used as pretty, hypnotic lure for prey and also to calm prey and induce docility and prevent fighting back (benrey doesnt rlly hunt so he just uses it to calm down gordon when he thinks hes too mad)
- benrey in particular’s “huh? whuh?” thing is cause natural predator instinct to hyperfocus on one thing coupled with Neurodivergency means he finds it really difficult to switch conversation topics or pay attention to multiple things at once.
- i thought a lot about communication as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
- their species has 3 basic forms of communication, or at least those are the 3 ive thought about:
- 1 is nonverbal - thats a LOT of their communication. body language, certain types of blinking or finger movement etc communicates tons. just like a species like a cat or rabbit.
- 2 is how they talk to their young. again, like cats, eldritches have a reserved form of communication (like meowing) for their babies. this is telepathy - they use it to talk directly and comfortingly to their kids and to immediately figure out what they need. this has also evolved into how they talk to humans - like cats meow at humans cause they see them as big babies.
- and eldritches dont actually speak english, they telepathically convert their language to whatever the humans mother tongue is, projecting the language straight into their head. annoying comparison, but like the tardis’ telepathic field in dr who.
- added onto this, this is why benreys english gets worse when hes emotional. e.g: “im a great cool, so now i gonna be bad”. he struggles more to keep up the telepathy when hes upset or ecstatic, so his english sounds more distorted.
- and ALSO benrey forgets as well that humans cant communicate telepathically. hell respond to something someone thought or read their emotions and react accordingly/get them what they need and he’ll be SO confused when theyre like “wtf how did you do that”
- 3 is SWEETVOICE!!! this is a big part of all assets of their language - its a simple ingrained way to communicate simple emotions and greetings etc, like “nice to meet you” “i like you” “i am feeling angry, dont talk to me” etc.
- gman doesnt use it as much because its generally considered a more simplistic and childish way to talk, as its the first way children learn to communicate outside of telepathy to express their basic emotions. benrey uses it a lot because he Likes It!!!!!!!! it easily expresses what hes trying to say.
- this is also why tommy knows how to read sweetvoice - personally i believe hez human and was adopted by gman but gman still taught him how to read sweetvoice. as hes adopted he cant do it himself, but hes the one who understands benreys communication the best cause he was raised by an eldritch
- the skeletons!! eldritches can create entities to assist them, theyre not living creatures they only exist while the species wants them to. benreys are the skeletons - they help him in the final battle and everything.
- benreys also a younger, weaker eldritch than gman is, and uses his skeletons in a slightly different way. the skeleton that asks gordon for his passport isnt ACTUALLY benrey, its an entity benrey has created while hes temporarily dead to project himself out of while his actual form is rebuilding itself in Limbo.
- i believe the whole thing gman was saying about benrey needing to be contained and everything after he was “killed” is just cause hes an abnormally immature/emotional eldritch, and is pretty outcasted and chaotic as far as things go. like usually these creatures are out being Space Diplomats or apex predators or smth meanwhile benrey just likes Being Around Humans And Playing Video Games :] hes looked down upon a bit
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